HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 03/15/1984 • CITY OF
March 15, 1984
The following names represent the Eligibility List for the position of
Fire Battalion Chief:
Jed E. Aldridge
Gary O. Tilley
Larry A . Webb
Dale E. Robertson
Mike C. Evans
Steven R. Svenvold
John R. Evans
Sam E. Grubbs
I hereby certify that the list was legally prepared and represents the
relative rating of the names appearing thereon.
Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
T. Richard Ried
^�Crhairman /�
Donald Whitener Jo h A. Street
22040n AVE. SO, !KENT,WASHINGTON 98032 5895/ TELFPHON° (20531 812 3300
March 15, 1984
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman T. Richard Ried. Com-
missioners Donald Whitener and Joseph Street, Chief Angelo, Chief Skewes and
Assistant City Attorney Heavey were also present. Also in attendance from the
Police Department was Captain Byerly and from the Fire Department: Assistant
Chief LaBore, Battalion Chiefs Bond and Orndorff, Lieutenant Robertson, Fire-
fighters Hertlein, Jennings, Nutter and Pessemier. M. Somerville was also
Mr. Whitener moved, Mr. Street seconded, to approve the minutes of the
February 26, 1984 meeting. Motion carried.
Ms. Heavey referred to the memorandum from Mr. DiJuho in regard to the -
amendments to Rule VII, Section 6, and Rule VIII, section) 9. Mr. Street
moved to adopt the proposed amendments relating to qualifications for ranks
of Police chief and Fire Chief, respectively. Mr. Whitener) seconded. Motion
Chief Angelo reported that the graduation exercise of the state academy, which
includes three of Kent's recruits, will be held on Friday evening, March 23rd,
at Kenmore. If anyone of the Commission is interested in attending, he asked
that they contact him.
The letter of February 21, 1984 from the secretary to Mr. Brennan, attorney
for James Cleary, was read followed by a response dated march 7, 1984 from
iW. Brennan. He requested setting a hearing date after April 19, 1984. Mr.
Street moved, Mr. Whitener seconded, to accept the letters into the record.
Motion carried. The date of Tuesday, April 24, 1984, at 3:00 p.m. was set
for the hearing. Secretary will inform Mr. Brennan of the date.
Mr. Street moved, Mr. Whitener seconded, to approve the eligibility list for the
position of Fire Battalion Chief as follows:
Jed E. Aldridge
Gary O. Tilley
Larry A. Webb
Dale E. Robertson
Mike C. Evans
Steven R. Svenvold
John R. Evans
Sam E. Grubbs
Motion carried.
Prior to taking action on the Fire Lieutenant eligibility list, the Commission
heard from Firefighter Nutter who expressed his concern on the lieutenant
examination, particularly in areas which were not tested for organizational
ability or individual maturity of the candidates. He stated that the ques-
tionnaires which were sent to the applicants should be reviewed prior to
accepting the results of the examination. Chief Angelo spoke that he does
not claim to have any type of perfected process, but he said he did not
know of anything that was done improperly. He further stated that with
the number of candidates (20) and time constraints, the exam was not so
different except for specifics of events from tests in the �ast. He stated
that if the Commission has any problems, the department is ready to give
another test, but he has no reason not to approve the eligibility list. In
response to Commissioner Street, secretary stated that there were no written
comments received , only a few verbal. Chief Angelo said I that the comments
from the evaluators and responses to questionnaires are available for the
• Commission's review. In response to the Chairman, Assistant Chief Lahore
stated that it was possibly the tactics portion of the test which he received
more comments and it was the most difficult part of the exam. He explained
Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 2
March 15, 1984
• that the questionnaires were sent out to try to develop better tests in the
future and also that the entire test was designed around job descriptions to
cover all aspects of the position. When asked by the Chairman, Chief Angelo
responded that there are two positions open. Firefighter Hertlein gave his
opinion that the organizational and maturity levels were evaluated in the overall
portions of the testing procedure. He said he hoped the Commission doesn't
take one person's statement as a matter of fact. When a person responds to
a scene-ata real emergency, he said that the facts come much faster than the
information during the tactics exam. Firefighter Jennings said he agreed with
Hertlein and suggested the Commission look at the comments of all twenty persons.
He said he shared some concerns about whether or not instructions were adequate
to instruct all applicants as to what was to be evaluated in the tactical portion.
Chief Angelo suggested two things: the Commission ask the secretary or others
who might have been aware of happenings at the test and also review the
questionnaires filled out by the evaluators. Mr. Street moved that a special
meeting be held within the next ten days to review the questionnaires and
make a decision whether to approve the list or order a new test. Mr. Whitener
seconded. Motion carried. Chief Skewes suggested the Commission look at
the exam materials before the test is given. Thursday, March 22, 1984, 7 :00 p.m.
was set for the special meeting, location to be announced.
Letters from Chief Skewes to Steven C. McVicar, dated January 26, 1984, and
to James P. Koutsky and Dina M. Paganucci, both dated February 28, 1984,
notifying them of their employment as probationary law enforcement officers
was read. Mr. McVicar's starting date was January 30, 1984 and Koutsky and
Paganucci both started on February 28, 1984. Mr. Street moved, Mr. Whitener
• seconded, to accept the letters into the record. Motion carried.
Mr. Street moved, Mr. Whitener seconded, to accept the ml mo from Chief
Skewes to the Commission regarding police applicant, KentlCurry, and also
the memo to Chief Skewes from Mr. Curry. Motion carried.
The memo from Firefighter Robert C. Pessemier, received March 8, 1984, was
next on the agenda. Pessemier, given the floor, requested the Commission's
consideration of credit of a 4-year college degree towards First Class Firefighter
to Lieutenant. He noted that credit is allowed for Bates Vocational School
classes whether the 2=year program is completed or not. Chief Angelo clarified
that the reduction of time does not mean an early promotion, but eligibility to
be a journeyman earlier based on skill, knowledge and experience that could
be documented and related back to journeyman firefighter. He said it is not
to serve as a speed-up process for either promotional test or appointment.
Pessemier said there are some classes such as physics, chemistry and other
science programs that could be related to firefighting and tasked that it be
looked at on a case to case basis. Jennings supported Pessemier's statement.
Chief Angelo stated that the JATC is organized so they can consider those
classes and he firmly believes that those things to be valuable and why he
considers them at the time of promotion. Firefighter Nutter commented that
JATC should apply the same rule those same courses taken on a college level
which are fire 'related and credit those in a like manner to Bates. Battalion
Chief Orndorff spoke on his views that there should be coordination of
the JATC program and Civil Service Commission and not to, make a decision
today, but to look at it and set a plan to evaluate these programs. Chairman
remarked that he would like to see a proposal from the JATC on their recom-
mendations and also from the firefighters, with a copy to the Chief and obtain
his recommendations. Mr. Street said he. thought it is mandatory with both
departments who have concerns with Commission rules and regulations, they
Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 3
March 15, 1984
should come with written suggestions so that they can be considered.
The letter of March 13, 1984 from Firefighter Micheal R. Smith, informing
of his resignation from the Fire Department effective April 9, 1984, was read.
Mr. Whitener moved, Mr. Street seconded, to accept the letter into the record.
Motion carried. Chief Angelo clarified for the Commission that Mr. Smith may
be considered for reinstatement within two years with his approval and if there
is a vacancy. (Rule XVI, Section 4. )
The memo dated March 13, 1984 to Officer Johnnie Fletcher from Chief Skewes
was read. Mr. Whitener moved, Mr. Street seconded, to accept the memo
into the record. Motion carried. Ms. Heavey clarified for Mr. Street that
there is a question whether you can demand the same physical agility of interns
if you do not demand the same physical agility for those on the job.
Chief Skewes reported that he just signed a letter assigning Kathy Kullberg
as a police officer.
Chairman again announced the special meeting is scheduled for Thursday,
March 22 at 7:00 p.m. The next regular meeting was set for Friday, April 27,
1984, 8:00 a.m. , in the Council Chambers.
Mr. Street moved, Mr. Whitener seconded, to adjourn the meeting. Motion
carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
• Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
T. Richard Ried
• CITY OF ���
March 15, 1984
The following namesrepresent the Eligibility List for the position of
Fire Lieutenant:
Kenneth S. Weatherill
Robert C. Pessemier (8-1-84)
John M. Klopfenstein
Daniel L. Hertlein
Terry J. McCartin
Michael H. DeHart
Kevin R. Nee
Jeffrey R. Drake (5-1-84)
Troy W. Nutter
Ernest R. Rideout
Gene A. Grenstad
• Bill L. Johnson
Thomas P. Shepard
Randy G. Anderson
Jan E. Fell
John T. King
Kent J. Huntington
Michael R. Ernst
Robert J. Jennings
Thomas W. Smith (8-1-84)
I hereby certify that the list was legally prepared and represents the
relative rating of the names appearing thereon..
Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
T. R char Te
� ��G�/�
onald Whitener jeph A . Street
2204ro AVE, SO., / KENTMASHINGTON 98032-5835/ TELEPHONt (20(3) 817 3130
This special meeting of the Kent Civil Service Commission will come to order
this 27th day of March, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of this special meeting
is to announce our decision relative to the concerns of Firefighters Nutter and
• Jennings as expressed to the Commission at their regular meeting on March 15,
Having taken into consideration the facts and exhibits presented to the Com-
mission during a recent special meeting, the Commission wishes to make the
following statements which have been taken into consideration during their
Rule IV. Section 1. "Complaints:" All complaints to the Commission by
citizens or any members of the classified service shall be brought before the
Commission in writing at a regular or special session. Complaints made to
individual members of the Commission will not be considered.
Rule VIII. Section 5. "Lieutenant"
1. Must have served satisfactorily as a Firefighter 1st Class with
the Kent Fire Department for a period of twelve (12) months.
2. Must have a passing grade on an examination prepared and
supervised by the Civil Service Commission.
Rule IX. Section 1. "Approval" All examinations shall be approved by the
Commission before the examination is held.
Rule II. Section 2. "Powers and Duties" the Civil Service Commission shall :
5. Review results of all examinations held and accept or reject eligible
lists, as submitted by the secretary and chief examiner.
• We will consider the above as they apply to the case in point.
Even though the complaints were not in writing, the Commission decided to
consider them in the interest of fairness to all concerned.
Regarding the next item: All applicants met the basic qualifications and re-
ceived a passing grade.
Next, the examination was authorized, and through its secretary and chief
examiner, the Commission approved that examination.
Relative to the Powers and Duties of the Commission, the Commission did review
the results of the examination, the resultant list, and also the written comments
of applicants.
The Commission has broad powers in the examination of applicants, as well as
broad discretion as to examination content and subject matter.
Although a Civil Service examinee has the right to insist the Commission follow
its own rules and regulations, those rules were followed concerning this exam.
Certain applicants challenged the tactical portion of the examination. No evi-
dence was presented as to the other portions of the exam.
Page 2
Considering the above pertienent rules and regulations, the independent
evaluations of the exam, and the Commission's own review, it is the decision
• of this Commission that the Lieutenant examination is valid.
It is therefore the further decision of this Commission that the Fire Department
Lieutenant Eligibility List as submitted to the Commision by the secretary and
chief examiner on March 25, 1984.is certified.
We take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the sincere efforts
of department personnel and administration to improve the testing process.
DATED this 27th day of March, 1984.
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