HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 08/18/1983 KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES August 18, 1983: The regular meeting of the Civil See a Commission was called to order is Donald 8:00 a.m. by Chairman T. Richard�_.e n attendance were: Commissioner Donald Whitener, City Attorney DiJulio, Assistant Chief LaBore and Acting Chief Bond. Also present were: Lt. Grubbs; Firefighter Nutter and Fire- fighter Moore. Mr. Whitener moved, Mr. Ried seconded, to approve the minutes of the July 21 , 1983 meeting. Motion carried. Mr. Whitener moved, Mr. Ried seconded, to approve the minutes of the August 4, 1983 special meeting regarding the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order of Dismissal in the matter of the appeal of William Nirk . Motion carried. Secretary reported that a law enforcement officer oral board has been rescheduled for next Thursday, August 25th. Mr. DiJulio reported that the Court of Appeals has denied their own motion to dismiss Nirk ' s appeal as being frivolous . He also stated that he has not received an appeal from them on the most recent decision of the Commission. In response to Chairman ' s question, Mr. DiJulio responded that they have thirty days from August 4 to appeal the Commission ' s decision. Secretary reported receiving a little more information on the LGPI Civil Service conference which is to be held at the Sea-Tac Marriott Hotel on Friday, September 16. Registration fee is $40 per person, due by September 8th. Secretary said she planned to attend, as well as Commissioner Street. Chief Angelo ' s memo, dated August 1 , 1983, informing of the promotion of Thomas W. Smith to First Class , effective August 1 , 1983, was read. It also told of the promotion of Phil R. Palady to second Class , effective August 1 , 1983. Mr. Whitener moved to accept the memo into the record. Mr. Ried seconded. Motion carried. The petition, dated August 13, 1983, in the matter of promotional testing in the Fire Department from Firefighter First Class Troy Nutter, was read. Mr. Nutter requested the Commission to allow him to take the promotional exam for Fire Lieutenant i`f itis given prior to February 1 , 1984, the date of his eligibility for appointment. He acknowledged the fact that he would not be eligible for appointment until February 1 , 1984. When asked by the Chairman, Assistant Chief LaBore commented that there is a Civil Service rule for the position of Lieutenant that requires service of twelve months as a First Class. He stated that if an exam for lieutenant were given tomorrow, there would be 17 or 18 personnel that would be eligible, not including those with less than one year of First Class service. He also stated in the last lieutenant exam, one First Class who did not have the one-year requirement, was denied the opportunity to take the exam. Mr. DiJulio related that, -at the request of the secretary, he reviewed the rules and found nothing that precludes taking a promotional examination but eligibility would not be afforded until after the applicable time has passed. He said that the process would be to allow the examination be taken but the person not be placed on the eligible list until after the qualification period is up. He suggested the Commission may want to con- sider adopting of a rule so that those who are not yet qualified for appoint- ment but would otherwise be qualified during the tenancy of a register would be able to take the exam pending their eligibility. Chairman noted that in the absence of any rule now contrary to the rule, the petition is not really necessary. Mr. DiJulio responded that under the existing rule anyone could take the test, but he wouldn ' t be eligible for promotion. He further stated that the Commission is not in a position to grant the Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 2 August 18, 1983 petition at this stage until there is an exam scheduled, that the petition is asking for an advisory ruling as to what the Commission will do it • the circumstance should arise. He said the Commission could say what they think they will do, but will have to wait until the test is authorized. Or, the Commission could petition a request for a rule governing how the Commission would conduct examinations under similar circumstances. The Chairman acknowledged that the petition be accepted into the record and a decision is not required based on the city attorney' s advice. He re- quested the city attorney, with the help of the Fire Department, adopt a rule to be prepared by the next meeting. Mr. DiJulio said he will prepare a draft rule to affect the change with a time limit of no less than six months away from eligibility. Chief LaBore added that it should be stipu- lated that the person must be a First Class to be considered. Mr. Whitener moved to accept the petition into the record and to:contihue the matter at the next meeting. Mr. Ried seconded. Motion carried. The 1984 budget request as prepared by the secretary was reviewed by the Commission. Secretary will report back after review by the Budget Staff. Copies of Rule XI , Section 2, revision were distributed. Reprinted pages from Page 20 on of the rules were included. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 15, 1983, at 8: 00 a.m. in the Council Chambers . Meeting adjourned at 8: 25 a.m. Respectfully submitted, ` Amy E. Kato Secretary and Chief Examiner Approved: T. Richard Ried Chairman i