HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 07/21/1983 KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES July 21 , 1983 The regular meeting of the Civil Service Commission was called to order • at 8:00 a.m. by Acting Chairman Donald D. Whitener. In attendance were: Commissioner Joseph Street, City Attorney DiJulio, Administrative Assistant Webby, Chief Angelo, Chief Skewes, Assistant Fire Chief LaBore and Acting Assistant Chief Bond. Mr. Street moved, Mr. Whitener seconded, to approve the minutes of the June 16, 1983 meeting. Motion carried. City Attorney DiJulio reported that on July 29, 1983 there will be a hearing in the Court of Appeals on the court ' s motion to consider whether the original appeal in the Nirk matter will be dismissed as being frivolous. Mr DiJulio also reported that there will be a second annual Civil Service conference on Friday, September 16, 1983, conducted by the Local Government Personnel Institute at a Sea-Tac area hotel . He said he has been asked to be speaker again at the conference. Mr. DiJulio invited the Commission to attend the conference. Mr. Webby followed up on Mr. DiJulio ' s report on the conference. He stated that at least one hundred attended last year' s workshop in Yakima and it was a good opportunity for commissioners to meet other commissioners of the area to discuss issues that they all faced. He also stated that he would be happy to make arrangements for the Commission members to attend. Commissioner Street expressed his intent to attend if there is no conflict in the date. Chief Angelo reported that there will be a software demonstration at 9: 30 a.m. this morning in the second floor conference room and invited the secretary • to attend. Acting Chairman Whitener acknowledged receipt of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order of Dismissal prepared and submitted by Assistant City Attorney Heavey regarding the Nirk matter. These findings will be considered by the Commissioners at a special meeting on Thursday, August 4, 1983, at 8:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers . In response to Mr. Whitener ' s inquiry, the secretary stated there has been no response from the unions to the proposed revision of Rule X1 , Section 2, regarding the one year promotional eligibility list with six-month extension. The revision became effective July 16, 1983. The memo of -June 16, 1983fPom Chief Angelo informing of the provisional appointment of Captain Albert O.Bond to Assistant Chief effective June 16, 1983 was read. Mr. Street moved, Mr. Whitener seconded, to approve the appointment and accept the memo into the record. Motion carried. Chief Angelo ' s memo-of July 1 , 1983 informing of the provisional appointment of Lieutenant John Henkel to Captain, effective July 16, 1983, was read. Mr. Street moved, Mr. Whitener seconded, to approve the apointment and accept the memo into the record. Motion carried. Another memo, dated July 11 , 1983, from Chief Angelo was read. It informed of the promotion of Robert C. Pessemier to Firefighter First Class effec- tive August 1 , 1983. The memo also stated that Patrick W.Dale and Robert J. Schneider have passed their probationary examinations effective July 16, 1983. Mr. Street moved that the notification of completed examinations • be approved as submitted. Mr. Whitener seconded. Motion carried. Kent Civil Service Commission MeetingMinutes - Page 2 July 21 , 1983 Revised Rule I on definitions which was adopted on May"20., 1982 was dis- tributed. This definition applies to Rule XIII , Section 2, which was revised on the same date. The special meeting of August 4, 1983 was approved. Notification of the meeting has been sent out. The next regular meeting will be at 8:00 a.m. , Thursday, August 18, 1983, in the Council Chambers. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 a .m. Respectfully submitted, Amy E. Kato Secretary and Chief Examiner Approved: Donald D. Whitener Acting Chairman • •