HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 10/20/1982 KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES October 20, 1982 The monthly meeting of the Commission was called to order by Commissioner • Joseph Street in the absence of the Chairman. Present were: Commissioner Donald Whitener, Chief Angelo, Chief Skewes , Assistant Chief La Bore and Captain Rees. It was moved by Mr. Whitener, seconded by Mr. Street , to approve the minutes of the September 9, 1982 meeting as presented. Motion carried. Assistant Chief La Bore requested an entrance level Firefighter examination with a tentative date of November 23 at Kentridge High School . He expects to advertise from October 25 through the 29th with a closing date of Novem- ber 5th. It was moved by Mr. Whitener and seconded by Mr. Street to approve the examination as requested by the Fire Department with the dates given. Motion carried. The Fire Department was given approval to purchase the tests for the exam. In view of the absence of the third member of the Commission (Chairman) and the City Attorney, it was decided to postpone any action on the examination fee and waiver for indigents. It was determined that it would not affect the coming Firefighter examination as the fee cannot be charged for this exam. The memo of October 6, 1982 from Chief Angelo withdrawing his request of the pre-employment agreement at this time was read. The memo also noted that withdrawal of the issue at this time will not jeopardize future con- siderations , according to the city attorney. It was moved by Mr. Whitener, seconded by Mr. Street, to accept the memo into the record. Motion carried. Chief Skewes informed the Commission that the Police Department has been • using their agreement and is not involved in this issue, but he said it was his impression that the pre-employment agreement was to be between employer and new employee and did not involve the Commission other than in an advis- ory position. It was noted that the pre-employment issue for the Fire Department was rescinded at the September 9th meeting (page 2 of minutes) . For the record , copies of the revision of Rule XVIII were distributed at this time. It was moved by Mr. Whitener, seconded by Mr. Street , to accept the revision into the record. Motion carried. The letter of October 1 , 1982 with accompanying Bates diploma from Firefighter Kenneth S. Weatherill was read. He requests permission to take the examina- tion for Firefighter First Class as of December 16, 1982. It was moved by Mr. Whitener, seconded by Mr. Street, to accept the letter and the diploma into the record and to consider Firefighter Weatherill ' s request at the November meeting pending the approval of JATC. Motion carried. The copy of the letter of October 12, 1982 from Attorney DiJulio to Attorney Robert W. Kitto re: William N. Nirk vs. Civil Service, #804122, and copy of Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel pertaining to same were received. It was moved by Mr. Whitener and seconded by Mr. Street to accept the letter and notice into the record. Motion carried. The proposed revision of Rule IX, Section 4, dated October 18, 1982 drafted by Attorney DiJulio was distributed to the Commission. The proposed revi- sion reads as follows : • Section 4. "RATING AND PREPARATION OF LISTS": Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 2 October 20, 1982 4. 1 The names of persons successful in all parts of an examination shall be arranged in order of their earned ratings. • 4.2 Veterans shall be accorded a credit as provided by RCW 41 .o4.010 (A copy of RCW 41 .04.010 is appended to thses rules) . An applicant shall provide: (1 ) proof of honorable discharge; or (2) proof of discharge for physical reasons with an honorable record; or (3) proof of release from active military service, with evidence of service other than that of undesirable, bad conduct or dishonorable discharge; at the time of oral examination. 4.3 For firefighter entrance exams , a Kent Volunteer Firefighter with at least two years active duty shall be accorded a credit of ten (10) percent. Written verification, from the Assistant Chief in charge of personnel , for Kent Volunteer Firefighters who apply for the ten (10) percent credit shall be submitted at the time of the oral examination. Eligibility for Volunteer Firefighters will be based upon active and satisfactory performance as a volunteer with the Kent Fire Department for at least two (2) years immedi- ately preceding the test. 4.4 The ten (10) percent credit afforded by subsections 4.2 and 4.3 will be given to candidates for firefighter positions after they have suc- cessfully completed the oral examination and prior to being placed on the list. 4.5 Unless otherwise specified, for purposes of this Section 4, an • "examination" shall mean an examination or series of examinations conducted for the purpose of providing an eligibility list for positions. 4.6 The maximum cumulative credit available to an applicant pursuant to this Section 4, shall be ten (10) percent. Commissioner Whitener expressed reservations of adopting rule changes without the Chairman but Mr. Street pointed out that the Chairman can bring it back for reconsideration at the next meeting if he so desires. Based on the Fire Department 's desire to utilize Section 4. 3 of this revision in regard to credit for volunteers for the coming entrance examination, it was moved by Mr. Whitener, seconded by Mr. Street, to adopt Rule IX, Section 4, as proposed and to notify the unions for their response, if any, within thirty days. Motion carried. The next meeting date is scheduled for November 18, 1982 at 8:00 a.m. at Fire . Station Headquarters. With no further business , it was moved by Mr. Street , seconded by Mr. Whitener, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9: 10 a.m. Respectfully submitted, � 6. yct- Amy E. Kato Secretary and Chief Examiner App oved: i J e h Street A ting Chairman Chapter 41.04 Title 41 RCN': Public Employment, Cisil Service and Pensions 41.04.120 Civil service and retirement rights presened when elec- (I) Any period of war and such "period of war" shall live office assumed. t r, 41.04.130 Extension of provisions of retirement and pension sys- include World War I, World War 11, the Korean con- terns by cities of the first class to nonincluced flict, the Viet Nam era, and the period beginning on the personnel. date of any future declaration of war by the congress 41.04.140 Interchange of personnel between federal and stale and ending on the date prescribed by presidential proc- agcncics—'State agency' defined. lamalion or concurrent resolution of the congress. The 41.04.150 Interchange or personnel between federal and slate agencies—Agreements—Provisions. said "Viet Nam era' shall mean the period beginning 41.04.160 Interchange of personnel between federal and slate August 5, 1964, and ending on such date as shall there- agcncies—Employment status of state employees after be determined by presidential proclamation or con- participaling—Retiremeni—Civil service. 41.04.170 Interchange of personnel between federal and state current resolution of the congress; and in addition to this agencies—Employment status of federal employees subsection, who, upon termination of said service has participating—Retirement—Civil service. (2) Received an honorable discharge; or 41.04.180 Hospitalization and medical aid for county, municipal (3) Received a discharge for physical reasons with an and other political subdivision employces—Govern- mental contributions authorized. honorable record; or 41.04.190 Hospitalization and medical aid for county. municipal (4) Been released from active military service with and other political subdivision employces—Cost evidence of service other than that for which an undesir- deemed additional compensation—Disbursement. able, bad conduct, or dishonorable discharge shall be 41.04.205 Participation of county, municipal and other political subdivision employees in state employees insurance given. [1969 ex.s. c 269 § 1.] and health care plan—Transfer procedure. •Resiseri note: RCW' 28.76.560. 28.77.070, 28.80.060, and 28.81- 41.04.220 Department of general administration to procure health benefit programs—Other governmental entities may .084 were repealed and reenacted as RCW 28B.10.290, 28B.15.380, use services. and 28B.40.361, which arc also cited in the above section. 41.04.230 Payroll deductions authorized. 41.04.233 Payroll deductions for capitation payments to health maintenance organizations. 41.04.010 Veterans' preference in examinations. In 41.04.235 Retirement allowance deductions for health care benefit all competitive examinations, unless otherwise provided plans. herein, to determine the qualifications of applicants for 41.04.240 Direct deposit of salaries into financial institutions public offices, positions or employment, the state, and all authorized. 41.04.250 Deferred compensation plans authorized for public cm- of its political subdivisions and all municipal corpora- ployecs—Types of investments. tlons, shall give a preference status to all veterans as de- 41.04.260 Committee for deferred compensation—Created— fined in RCW 41.04.005, by adding to the passing mark, • Membership—Travel cs—Duties—De- (erred compensation revollvvinging fund. grade or rating only, based upon a possible rating of one 41.04.270 Public retirement systems—Members or beneficiaries hundred points as perfect a percentage in accordance estopped from becoming a member or accruing rights with the following: in any other public retirement system. (I) Ten percent to a veteran who is not receiving any 41.04.280 Public retirement systems—Reports on assets to con- tain report of unfunded liability. veterans retirement payments and said percentage shall 41.04.300 Travel expenses or start officials and employcm be utilized in said veteran's competitive examination and 41,04.310 Payment of retirement benefits pursuant to court decree not in any promotional examination until one of such or order of dissolution or legal separation—Suffi- examinations results in said veteran's first appointment: decal answer to claim of beneficiary against Provided, That said percentage shall not be utilized in department. P g 41.04.320 Payment of retirement benefits pursuant to court decree any promotional examination; or order of dissolution or legal separation—Effcct of (2) Five percent to a veteran who is receiving any death of recipient nonmember spouse or ex-spouse. veterans retirement payments and said percentage shall 41.04.330 Payment of retirement benefits pursuant to court decree P y P g or order of dissolution or legal separation—Appli- be utilized in said veteran's competitive examination cation of act. only and not in any promotional examination until one 41.04.340 State employee attendance incentive program—Re- of such examinations results in said veteran's first ap- muncrauon for unused sick leave. 41.04.350 Mandatory retirement prior to seventy years of age pro- pointment: Provided, That said percentage shall not be hibited—Exceptions—Waiver of mandatory utilized in any promotional examination; retirement. (3) Five percent to a veteran who, after having previ- Payroll deductions authorized for school district ccraficaicd employ- ously received employment with the state or any of its as:RCW 18A.67.095 and 28A.67.096, political subdivisions or municipal corporations, shall be called, or recalled, to active military service for a period 41.04.005 "Veteran" defined for certain purposes. As of one year, or more, during any period of war, for his used in *RCW 28.76.560, 28.77.070, 28.80.060, 28.81- first promotional examination only, upon compliance .084, 28B.10.290, 28B.I5.380, 28B.40.361, 41.04.005, with RCW 73.16.035 as it now exists or may hereafter be amended; 41.04.010, 41.16.220, and 41.20.050 "veteran" includes every person, who at the time he seeks the benefits of (4) There shall be examination preferences other than those which have been specifically provided for 'RCW 28.76.560, 28.77.070, 28.80.060, 28.81.084, above and all preferences above specified in (1), (2) and 28B.10.290, 28B.15.380, 28B.40.361, 41.04.005, 41.04- (3) must be claimed by a veteran within eight years of .010, 41.16.220 and 41.20.050, has served in any branch the date of his release from active service. 11974 ex.s. c of the armed forces of the United States during: 170 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 269 § 2; 1953 ex.s. c 9 § 1; 1949 e rl-itle 41 RCW—p 21 (ig8i EdJ