HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 05/20/1982 CITY OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
May 20, 1982 (extended to May 20, 1983 on 6-24-82)
The following names represent the Eligibility List for the position of
Lieutenant of the Kent Police Department:
David A. Everett
Kenneth R. LaBelle
Charles E. Miller
Lynn R. Britton
James D. Towne Jr.
Brian R. Jones
R.M. Boone
Michael P. Sweeney
Robert Cline
Robert M. Holt
Samuel J. Kelch
Gerald N. Lutz
Jerald D. Beal
James M. Miller
Johnnie F. Fletcher
Knute W. Hammer
Steven B. Koransky
I hereby certify that the list has been legally prepared and represents the
relative rating of the names appearing thereon.
Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
T, Richard Hied
d e Str t onald Whitener
220 SO.4th AVE. /KENT, WASHINGTON 98031 /TELEPHONE(206)872-8250
May 20, 1982
The following names represent the Eligibility List for the position of Law
Enforcement Officer: Jack T. Laney
Jan R. Myers
Mitchell K. Barker
Steven W. Joyner
Dale J. Bradbury
David R. Erickson
Ronald L. Darling
Kenneth M. Board*
Stephen D. Greer*
Roger L. Thompson*
Robert E. Nix*
David E. Dykes*
Mark T. Glasgow
Leslie H.N. Wong*
Michael E. Johnston*
Steven W. Phillips*
Newlin J. White*
Ronald W. Anderson
Michael K. Dillon*
Matthew G. Onderbeke*
Michael C. Powell*
Jerry A. Whitton*
Donald E. Pace
David E. Williams*
Kent M. Curry*
Martin A. Kapsh*
Donald E. Kirst*
Raymond L. Cearley*
Ronald K. Belnap*
Thomas V. Smith*
Harry Tomak*
William J. Coffey*
Michael A. Strozyk*
Dan R. Whisler*
Michael J. Gerjets*
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220 SO.4th AVE./KENT, WASHINGTON 98031 /TELEPHONE (206)872.8250
Law Enforcement Officer Eligibility List - Page 2
May 20, 1982 Scott D. Strathy*
Lee F. Stallman
Brian K. Drake*
John G. Cheesman
Edward D. Eacrett*
Daniel R. Fowler
James E. OLson*
John L. Pew*
Kevin L. Milosevich
Mead D. Overby*
Mitchell L. Peterson*
Charles A. Townsend
David G. Emerson*
Daniel A. Russie
Richard J. Weza*
Mark A. Thacker*
Charles L. Cunningham*
William C. McIntyre*
Allen J. Chinn
Shawn S. LaRocque*
Rodney D. Wiggins*
Randy C. Phillips
Allen J. Brusseau*
Ronald K. Cox*
John Pacquette Jr.*
Michael D. Brock*
•, Charles O. Brooks
Jay R. Peers
David S. Rekow
George A. Moore*
Gordon W. Olin*
Ronald L. Pumphrey Jr.*
Randall O. Ralph
Aubrey A. Smith*
David Liening*
Craig C. Southey*
Richard R. Nault*
Dennis W. Fretts*
Susan M. Rullie
Jeffrey J. Inabnit*
Darryl E. Jones
Jack D. Parker*
William C. Barry*
Randall C. Vaughn*
Victor G. Best
Bradley R. Thornton*
John W. Dow
Keith M. Hansen*
Kevin W. Magraw
Jimmy D. Lyons*
James H. Markham*
Peter J. Lindberg*
*from 2-4-82 list Dwight E. Hanners*
Law Enforcement Officer Eligibility List - Page 3
May 20, 1982
I hereby certify that the list was legally prepared and represents the relative
rating of the names appearing thereon.
Amy E. Kato
Secretand Chief Examiner
T. Richard Ried
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JJ reet
Donald Whitener
May 20, 1982
The regular meeting was called to order at 8:05 a.m. by T. Richard Ried, Chairman. Present
were: Commissioner Donald Whitener and newly.-- appointed Commissioner, Joseph A. Street;
Administrative Assistant Michael Webby; Chief Angelo, Assistant Chief LaBore and Firefighter/
Mechanic Woodin from the Fire Department; Chief Skewes, Captain Rees and Sgt. LaBelle from
the Police Department. Also in attendance were Firefighter applicant, Robert J. Schneider,
and for a brief appearance, Paal:A. Peter, Police Officer applicant.
The minutes of the April 15, 1982 meeting were approved as presented.
The Certificate of Appointment signed by Mayor Hogan was presented to Commissioner Street
by Chairman Ried.
Mr. Webby reported that the assessment center was held on April 28, 29 and 30 for the two
positions of lieutenant in the police department. He said there were 17 of 19 applicants who
participated and the names and scores in descending order have been given to the Secretary.
Chairman thanked Mr. Webby for the work he had performed on the assessment center.
Assistant Chief LaBore requested the Firefighter Eligibility List of December 17 , 1981 be
extended another six months. It was moved and seconded to extend the Firefighter Eligibility
List for six months. Motion carried.
Captain Rees reported that an oral board will be given on May 28, 1982 from the May 1st
examination and the polygraph and psychological examinations, hopefully, will be done by
June 1st.
At this time Chairman Ried read the decision of the Commission on the appeal of Robert J.
Schneider, whose name was removed from the Firefighter Eligibility List of December 17,
1981: The name of Robert J. Schneider is reinstated on the Firefighter Eligibility List as
Number One.
On Rule XIII, Section 2, Chief Skewes explained to Mr. Street that the revision of this sec-
tion as proposed was designed at a meeting with the Acting City Attorney, himself and the
Secretary. He further stated it will comply with state law and supply us with a very definite
procedure to follow if the situation should arise; this with the Acting City Attorney's approval.
It was moved and seconded to approve the iT.evision of Rule Xiii, Section 2:; as proposed
to read: 'RULE XIII, Section 2: REJECTION OF PROBATIONER": During the probationary
period, the Chief of the department at his discretion may reject a probationary employee for
the good of the service or whenever the position to which the person was appointed should
become no longer available due to the action of Section 4 of this rule." It was moved and sec-
onded to approve the revision of Rule XIII, Section 2, as proposed. Motion carried. It was
pointed out that our attorney also recommended changing the definition of the word, "REJECTION"
to: "means the termination or reduction in pay or grade of a probationary employee." It was
moved and seconded to change the definition of the term "Rejection" to: "means the termination
or reduction in pay or grade of a probationary employee." Motion carried.
The paragraph concerning information regarding the pre-employment agreement which is to
be included on the General Information Letter to applicants was read as follows: "Priarto
appointment, applicants requiring attendance at the basic law enforcement academy or fire
training academy will be required to sign an employee obligation agreement, copy of which
can be obtained at the Kent Police Department or Kent Fire Department."It was moved and
seconded to approve the pre-employment agreement paragraph which is to be added to the
General Information Letter to applicants. Motion carried. The pre-employment agreement
for the Police Department was approved at the last meeting. Chief Angelo stated that the
figures were not quite ready for the Fire Department's pre-employment agreement but hoped
to have it for the next meeting.
Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 2
May 20, 1982
The letter of May 6, 1982 to the Commission from Dr. Edmund M. Lowinger, M.D. of the
Kent Medical Center in regard to Paul A. Peter, police applicant, was read. Dr. Lowinger,
in his letter, reversed his original decision to reject Mr. Peter based on applicant's consul-
Aation with cardiologist, Dr. Lorch,and orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Briggs, who both gave their
opinions that Mr. Peter could do police work. It was moved and seconded to accept Dr. Lowin-
ger's letter into the record. Motion carried. Mr. Peter's letter of May 12, 1982 requesting
reinstatement of his name on the Law Enforcement Eligibility List was read. It was moved
and seconded to accept the letter into the record. Motion carried. Secretary noted that Dr.
Smith's psychologocial evaluation was requested by Chief Skewes on May 5th to Dr. Smith's
secretary but it has not been received. It was moved and seconded that Mr. Peter's request
be held in abeyance until the psychological' evaluation is received from Dr: Smith. Motion
carried. Chairman thanked Mr. Peter for appearing at the meeting and instructed Secretary
to contact Dr. Smith's office again. It was noted in Mr. Peter's letter that he asked that his
"name be given consideration over those new applicants who had taken a subsequent examina-
tion". It was moved and seconded that in the event his name has been added to the eligibility
list, his request to be placed ahead of the other applicants from a succeeding examination be
denied, that his name be placed in accordance with the representative ranking of the list.
Motion carried.
The letter of February 16, 1982 from Sgt. Kenneth R. LaBelle which had been postponed at
several prior meetings was before the Commission. Sgt. LaBelle explained to Commissioner
Street to familiarize him with had had occurred on this matter up to this date and stated that
his objection is that 'supervioory experience' was not included in the requirement for the
lieutenant's qualifications. Mr. Street requested a copy of the current qualifications which
were not available, so this item was tabled while Sgt. LaBelle went to get'the new qualifica-
tions. The meeting continued with the next item on the agenda.
The letters from Chief Skewes to James E. Goods, Robert R. Bradley and Robert K. Kaufman
informing them of their certification as probationary law enforcement officers were read. Mr.
Good's effective date of employment is: April 1 , 1982; Mr. Bradley's: April 5 , 1982; and Mr.
Kaufman's: April 15 , 1982. It was moved and seconded to accept the letters into the record.
Motion carried.
The memorandum of April 17, 1982 from Firefighter Gary R. Read requesting a leave of absence
of four months to help during his uncle's illness was read. It was moved and seconded to accept
the letter into the record. Motion carried. Chief Angelo's response of April 17, 1982 to Fire-
fighter Read's memo granting the request for leave of absence and pointing out some of the cir-
cumstances he should be aware, was read. It was moved and seconded to accept Chief Angelo's
memo into the record. Motion carried. Chairman complimented Chief Angelo on his letter.
Assistant Chief LaBore read a letter of resignation dated May 15, 1982 from Gary R. Read.
It was moved and seconded to accept the letter into the record. Motion carried. At this time
the meeting went into executive session as requested by Assistant Chief LaBore.
When the meeting reconvened, with the receipt of the lieutenant's qualification which was adopted,
Sgt . LaBelle pointed to his suggestion of a minimum of 6 years police experience with minimum
of 24 months with the Kent Police Department and also a minimum of 24 months supervisory
experience. That which was adopted was 5 years police experience with a minimum of 12 months
with the Kent Police Department. When asked, Captain Rees responded that the 5 year require-
ment would identify and the result of the test is indicative of that and he recommended leaving
the qualifications as they are. It was moved and seconded that the rules on"the lieutenant's
qualifications as they stand today be continued. Motion carried. Chairman complimented Sgt.
LaBelle for the research put into his letter and thanked him for his patience for the Commission
taking this length of time. Sgt. LaBelle expressed his appreciation for the time the Commission
Kent Civil Service Commission - Page 3
May 20, 1982
put in. Commissioner Whitener spoke of his desire to look into and compare our qualifications
with other police departments concerning supervisory experience prior to becoming a lieutenant
or captain. It was suggested that Mr. Webby contact the Local Government Personnel Institute
and obtain the requested information within the next six months. Mr. Webby agreed.
The letter of May 19, 1982 from George Fiori, Jr of Harpold & Fiori, representing Sgt. Knute
W. Hammer, alleging failure to comply with the rules and regulations during the latest lieuten-
ant's examination was read. It was moved and seconded to accept the letter into the record.
Motion carried. The statement. from the Secretary, dated May 19, 1982 , was read. It was
moved and seconded to accept the memo into the record. Motion carried. It was moved and
seconded to have the Secretary respond to Mr. Fiori stating we donot.consider an assessment
center a written examination with an explanation of an assessment center. Motion carrried.
It was moved and seconded to certify the Law Enforcement Lieutenant Eligibility List as follows:
David A. Everett
Kenneth R. LaBelle
Charles E. Miller
Lynn R . Britton
James D. Towne Jr.
Brian R. Jones
R. M. Boone
Michael P. Sweeney
Robert Cline
Robert M. Holt
Samuel J. Kelch
Gerald N. Lutz
Jerald D. Beal
James M. Miller
Johnnie F. Fletcher
Knute W. Hammer
Motion carried.
Steven B. Koransky
It was moved and seconded to certify the Law Enforcement Officer Eligibility List as follows:
Jack T. Laney Jerry A. Whitton*
Jan R. Myers Donald E. Pace
Mitchell K. Barker David E. Williams*
Steven W. Joyner Kent M. Curry*
Dale J. Bradbury Martin A. Kapsh*
David R . Erickson Donald E. Kirst*
Ronald L. Darling Raymond L. Cearley*
Kenneth M. Board* Ronald K. Belnap*
Stephen D. Greer* Thomas V. Smith*
Roger L. Thompson* Harry Tomak*
Robert E. Nix* William J. Coffey*
David E. Dykes* Michael A. Strozyk*
MarkT. Glasgow Dan R. Whisler*
Leslie H.N. Wong* Michael J. Gerjets*
Michael E. Johnston* Scott D. Strathy*
Steven W. Phillips* Lee F. Stallman
Newlin J. White* Brian K. Drake*
Ronald W. Anderson John G. Cheesman
Michael K. Dillon* Edward D. Eacrett*
Matthew G. Onderbeke* Daniel R. Fowler
Michael C. Powell* James E. Olson*
Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 4
May 20, 1982
Law Enforcement Officer Eligibility List (cont'd.)
John L Pew* George W. Olin*
Kevin L. Milosevich Ronald L. Pumphrey Jr.*
Mead D. Overby* Randall O. Ralph
Mitchell L. Peterson* Aubrey A. Smith*
Charles A. Townsend David Liening*
David G. Emerson* Craig C. Southey*
Daniel A. Russie Richard R. Nault*
Richard J. Weza* Dennis W. Fretts*
Mark-A. Thacker* Susan M. Rullie
Charles L. Cunningham* Jeffrey J. Inabnit*
William C. McIntyre* Darryl E. Jones
Allen J. Chinn Jack D. Parker*
Shawn S. LaRocque* William C. Barry*
Rodney D. Wiggins* Randall C. Vaughn*
Randy C. Phillips Victor G. Best
Allen J. Brusseau* Bradley R. Thornton*
Ronald K. Cox* John W. Dow.:.
John Pacquette Jr.* Keith M. Hansen*
Michael D. Brock* r%evin W. Magraw
Charles O. Brooks Jimmy D. Lyons*
Jay R. Peers James H. Markham*
David S. Rekow Peter J. Lindbergk
George A. Moore* Dwight E. Hanners*
SMotion carried.
It was moved and seconded to renew the I.P.M.A. 1982-1983 membership dues. Motion
It was moved and seconded to amend Rule XVHI, Section,P;:to read as follows: "PROCEDURE":
After adoption, these rules and regulations may be amended at any regular meeting by approval
of at least two (2) members of the Commission. The amendment shall be in effect thirty (30)
days after day of adoption. Motion carried.
Chairman complimented the Secretary for the-work she had done transcribing from the tape
for the hearing of Robert J. Schneider.
The next meeting date is June 24, 1982 at 8:00 a.m. at Fire Station Headquarters.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
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