HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 02/19/1981 KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES February 19, 1981 The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman T. Richard Ried. In attendance • were: Commissioners Donald Whitener and Terry Yahn, Chief Skewes, Interim Chief Freelove and Firefighter/Mechanic Woodin. Also present: Administrative Assistant Mike Webby. The minutes of the meeting of January 13, 1981 were approved as presented. Mr. Webby reported that contacts: were made with the top six Fire Chief candidates and that Candidate Sample has declined because he has taken a new position and the seventh candidate, A. Conners, will be contacted. He stated letters were sent to the candidates informing them they will be notified in mid-March for an assessment center and that all the candidates seem interested. Interim Chief Freelove reported that February 25th and 26th are the dates scheduled for conducting an assessment lab for promotion for establishing a Captain's Eligibility List to fill the position vacated by Captain Bridge, whose retirement is effective this date. The letter dated January 12, 1981 from Donald B. Lash, Firefighter applicant, re- questing his name be removed from the Firefighter Eligibility List was read. It was moved, seconded and carried that the letter be accepted as a matter of record. The memo of January 27, 1981 from Interim Chief Freelove concerning the temporary appointment of Mike Evans to Lieutenant, effective January 31, 1981, was read. A • motion was made and seconded to accept the letter as a matter of record. Motion carried. The memo also of January 27, 1981 from Interim Chief Freelove to Robert Dunakey regarding his reassignment to Firefighter 1st Class at his request, effective Janu- ary 19, 1981, was read. A motion was made and seconded to accept the letter as a matter of record. Motion carried. The memo of February 2, 1981 from Assistant Chief Berg was read. It listed the following promotions to Second Class Firefighter, effective February 1, 1981: Michael H. DeHart John T. King Jeffery D. Kurle William L. Pessemier Thomas P. Shepard and the following successfully passing their probationary period, effective February 1, 1981: Jeffrey R. Drake Charles M. Duffy Kent J. Huntington Terry J. McCartin Troy W. Nutter • Robert C. Pessemier Thomas W. Smith Kenneth S. Weatherill It was moved and seconded that the memorandum be made a part of the record. Motion carried. Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 2 February 19, 1981 The Letter of February 4, 1981 from Officer M. P. Sweeney was read. He informed the Commission that his leave of absence will commence on March 11, 1981 and re- quested that a promotional examination announcement be sent to his permanent address. He will return as a commissioned officer on or about June 10, 1981. It was moved and seconded to accept the letter as a matter of record and to approve the request that noti- fication for a promotional examination be sent to his permanent address. Motion carried. The letter of February 3, 1981 from Jesus Marroquin submitting his resignation effec- tive March 15, 1981 was read. It was moved and seconded that his letter be made a part of the record. Motion carried. The memorandum dated February 10, 1981 from Chief Skewes requesting a promotional examination for the position of Police Captain was read. Chief Skewes remarked that he would like an assessment center basically the same as the previous examination. A motion was made and seconded to approve Chief Skewes' request and establish an examination for sometime in April. Motion carried. The memo of February 10, 1981 from Chief Skewes requesting an entry level exami- nation within the next thirty days was read. He pointed out that there are presently two vacancies but because of the low scores of the candidates remaining on the current Eligibility List which expires in March, he would recommend a new examination using the state regional testing concept. It was moved and seconded to accept the Chief,s • recommendations and schedule an entry-level examination within the next thirty days. Motion carried. Chief &ewes also asked the Commission if they want those candidates who have taken the same written examination (Wollak) to have their scores transferred without retaking the examination. The advantages of saving time in retesting and saving the testing fee were discussed. It was moved and seconded to accept the state regional testing scores achieved during the calendar year. Motion carried. Chief Skewes noted that to avoid confusion on descriptions for Patrolman A, B, and C as they exist in Civil Service Rule VII, wording should be.changed to conform with the police labor agreement. A motion was made and seconded for Chief Skewes to work with the Secretary to change the wording of Rule VII to conform with the labor agreement previously determined by the Commission. Motion carried. Interim Chief Freelove noted that the Auburn Civil Service Commission charges its applicants a fee to take the examination and he thought due to the budget crunch, the Commission may want to take a Look at it too to cover costs of purchasing tests. Chief Skewes pointed out that most cities do not charge because of a possible controversy with the Human Rights Commission and the difficutly in determining those who cannot pay and yet be allowed to take the test. Commissioner Whitener expressed his desire to obtain an opinion from City Attorney Mirk if it is legal to charge applicants. The Secretary was instructed to obtain the information from Attorney Mirk. Interim Chief Freelove reported that the following recruits will start the academy be- ginning March 16th: James E. Cleary, Samuel J. Lovold, Gary R. Read and Bruce A. Verhei, I Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 3 February 19, 1981 Interim Chief Freelove pointed out that now that the Fire Department!utilizes psycho- logical examination for their applicants, changes should be made to include that pro- cedure in the Rules and Regulations. He was instructed to work with:the Secretary on the revisions. As far as the Fire Department is concerned, Interim Chief Freelove stated that they cannot check into an applicant's criminal record beyond the last six months. It was noted that Fire Department personnel are called into service in many cases into resi- dences and places of business. Secretary was instructed to obtain an interpretation from Attorney Mirk if it is legal to investigate Firefighter applicants for arrest record beyond six months. It was moved and seconded to accept the new information letter for applicants. Motion carried. Chairman Ried announced that at the next meeting a new chairman will be elected. The next meeting date is March 26, 1981 at 8:00 a.m. at Fire Station Headquarters. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, • Amy E. Kato Secretary and Chief Examiner Approved- T. Richard Ried Chairman