HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 08/21/1980 KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES August 21, 1980 The regular meeting of the Kent Civil Service Commission was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Chairman T. Richard Ried. In attendance were Commissioners Donald Whitener and Terry Yahn, Chief Skewes, Assistant Chief Berg, Firefighter/ Mechanic Woodin and Firefighter Rideout. Also present: Personnel Director Mike Webby. The minutes of the July 18, 1980 meeting were approved as submitted. Having not received any response from the Police Guild on the proposal to change Rule VII, Section 3, Item 2, to read: "Must have served twelve (12) months as Police Officer C-1.11, a motion was made and seconded to approve the change. Motion carried. Secretary reported that the Law Enforcement Officer entrance physical agility examination was held on August 16 in the morning with 84 out of 175 eligible applicants taking the exam and 78 out of 81 taking the written exam in the after- noon at Kentridge High School. The Oral Board is scheduled for September 10, 11 and 12th. A motion was made and seconded to confirm the telephone po1L of the Commis sioners taken by the Secretary on August 15 and 18th to approve the Personnel Director sending the packets to the Fire Chief applicants. Motion carried. • Chief Skewes reported that the City has hired Salik and Associates to study job classifications. He said there are job descriptions which are being recommended that do not necessarily go along with Civil Service requirements, as for the posi- tion of Captain. Chief Skewes has been informed by Captain Grant that he is going on disability leave and probably not returning. It would be six months before he would go on permanent disability and the Captain's Eligibility List would have expired by then. Chief Skewes recommended going along with the consultant hired by the City and prepare to lay the ground work for the Captain's position. After the job description is prepared and recommendations presented by the consultant, he will ask for authorization for a Captain's examination and look at qualifications. The consultant is also looking into LEOFF requirements. A motion was made and seconded to propose to reinstate Rule X, Section 10, which was previously deleted from the Rules and Regulations. Motion carried. Section 10 is one of the examination procedures and should remain in the rules. The Firefighter Union and Police Guild will be notified of the proposed change, which is to read: "Each applicant taking the examination, whether he failed or passed, shall be notified in writing of the results of the examination as soon as possible after the results are known to the Commission." A motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed 1981 budget as presented by the Secretary. Motion carried. The letter from IPMA concerning their written exams was read. As we are not using their tests, a motion was made and -seconded to accept the letter into the records. Motion carried. Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - PaW 2 August 21, 1980 The memo dated July 30, 1980 from Deputy Chief Freelove regarding the promo- tions to First Class Firefighters of Jan E. Fell, Michael P. Scott and John M. Klopfenstein was read. A motion was made and seconded to accept the letter as a matter of record. Motion carried. The letter from Robert E. Dodson informing of his resignation effective August 4, 1980 was read. A motion was made and seconded to accept the letter as a matter of record. Motion carried. The letter from Donald E. Mirk to James E. Kennedy, attorney for Aubrey A. Smith, was read. A motion was made and seconded to accept the letter as a matter of record. Motion carried. A motion was made and seconded to confirm the telephone poll of the Commissioners regarding the action taken on the letter from Mr. Kennedy. Motion carried. The letter from Ernest R. Rideout requesting permission to take the Firefighter First Class exam as he has completed 1830 hours of instruction in the Fire Serv- ice Training at L.H. Bates Vocational School was read. A motion was made and seconded to approve his request on the recommendation of Assistant Chief Berg. Motion carried. The letter from Randy G. Anderson requesting permission to take his Firefighter- First Class exam as he has completed 1764 hours of instruction in the Fire Serv- ice Training at L.H. Bates Vocational School was read. A motion was made and seconded to approve the request, also approved by Assistant Chief Berg. Motion carried. The memo from Assistant Chief Berg regarding the dismissal of Antony Sirgedas and the copy of the letter to Antony Sirgedas from Assistant Chief Berg informing Mr. Sirgedas of his dismissal as of August 14, 1980 were read. A motion was made and seconded to accept the letter and memo as a matter of record. Motion carried. The letter from the International Association of Firefighters informing the Com- mission that they are opposed to anyone of the current fire department admini- stration taking part in the screening process for the position of Fire Chief was read. A motion was made and seconded to accept the letter into the records. Motion carried. Mike Webby reported on the progress of the Fire Chief position. He showed a sample of the packet which includes brochure, application form, economic report on the City of Kent, questionnaire and a letter of instruction. The information received from the packet will be used for initial screening to obtain management level number of candidates to go further through the selection process. To date sixteen people have shown interest in the position, including candidates from the department and across the nation. The August 31 deadline will be extended to • allow more time to fill out the questionnaires and resumes and there will be advertisements in newspapers in major cities on the coast. Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 3 August 21, 1980 The next meeting date is scheduled for September 18, 1980 at 8:06 a.m. at Fire Station Headquarters. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Z"�---., & 1-6-z7- Amy E. Kato Secretary and Chief Examiner Approved: T. Richard Ried Chairman •