HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 12/20/1979 CITY OF ZMT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
December 20, 1979
The following names represent the Eligibility List for the position
of Law Enforcement Captain:
' Sgt. Dennis E. Byerly
Sgt. Kenneth R. LaBelle
Sgt. Knute W. Hammer
I hereby certify that the list was legally prepared and represents
the relative rating of the names appearing thereon.
Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
i r-
P.O.BOX 310/220 SO.4th AVE.1 KENT,WASH INGTON 98031 /TELEPHONE (206)852-1534
December 20, 1979
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Commissioner Donald Whitener.
PresentW6re: Commissioner T. Richard Ried, Chief Foster, Chief Skewes, and
Detective Miller.
The minutes of the meeting of November 15, 1979 were approved.
At this time the meeting went into executive session for both the Police and Fire
Upon resumption of the meeting, Chief Skewes recommended that Michael W. Upton,
who is No. 5 on the L.E. Eligibility List, be removed from the Eligibility List be-
cause of the evidence presented by the polygraph examination. A motion was made
and seconded to remove Mr. Upton's name from the Eligibility List. ! Motion carried.
A motion was made and seconded to remove Patrick J. Burt and Randall G. Robinson
from the L.E. Eligibility List because of failure to show for the Oral Board. Motion
Secretary reported that the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission
had notified the Police Department just ten days ago that due to an incorrect key to
one of the questions in the Attitudinal portion of the L.E. examination, two applicants
who had previously been placed on the "Fail" list are now on the "Passing" list. A
motion was made and seconded to add the names of Robert Cline and Greg D. Edwards
to the Eligibility List because of the information received on the test: Motion carried.
Chief Skewes reported that he had received,information from the WSCJT Commission
that the Human Rights Commission had issued a complaint against the five participat-
ing agencies based on the previous test. In regard to the question of minority recruit-
ment efforts, Chief Skewes felt his department was in compliance because one of the
four candidates hired from the previous test was from the protected class and one of
the two hired from the last test was from the protected class.
Chief Skewes gave a report on the assessment lab for the Captain's examination
which was held December 18 and 19. A motion was made and seconded to certify
the Eligibility List prepared and submitted by the Secretary and Chief Examiner
for Police Captain as follows:
Sgt. Dennis E. Byerly
Sgt. Kenneth R. LaBelle
Sgt. Knute W. Hammer
Motion carried.
A motion was made and seconded to certify the Eligibility List for Firefighter pre-
pared and submitted by the Secretary and Chief Examiner as follows:
Neil C. Thomas
Jim C. Thompson
' Jeffrey R. Drake
Tim M. Sanderson
Robert C. Pessemier
Terry J. McCartin
Charles M. Duffy Jr.
/ i
Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 2
• December 20, 1979
Kenneth S. Weatheriil
Troy W. Nutter
Thomas W. Smith
James K. Rogers
Richard A. Rathvon
Joseph R. Weiler
Kent J. Huntington
Scott A. Helfrich
Antony V. Sirgedas
Mark L. Olmstead
Les R. Kenworthy
Dave C. King
Arthur E. Arpin
David A. Cooper Jr.
Quinn E. Lanier
Motion carried.
The letter of resignation effective December 23, 1979 from Officer Dean Janavice
was read and accepted into the records.
' The letters from Chief Skewes regarding the employment of Alan J. Paulsen for
the position of Probationary Law Enforcement Officer effective December 10, 1979
and Ernest J. Quitiquit for the position of Probationary Law Enforcement Officer,
also effective December 10, 1979, were accepted as part of the records.
Chief Skewes remarked that the Captain's qualifications were changed to include
prior experience outside the Kent Police Department and the same should be in-
cluded for the lieutenant and sergeant's qualifications.. ."Must have satisfactorily
served the Kent Police Department for a minimum of one year and with a munici-
pal, county-, state or federal agency for a period of 24 months". Detective Miller
objected to the Chief's proposal because it would give a Patrolman C-1 credit for
six months to the 36 months' requirement. A motion was made and seconded to
approve the Chief's recommendation for qualifications for Sergeant to read as
follows: "Must have served satisfactorily for 36 months as a commissioned police
officer with a municipal, county, state or federal law enforcement agency with a
minimum of 12 months with the Kent Police Department." Motioncearried. A
motion was made and seconded to revise Sections 7 and 8 of Rule VH for Lieutenant
and Captain with the same wording as Section 6: "Must have served satisfactorily
as a sergeant or equivalent for 36 months with a municipal, county, :state or fed-
eral law enforcement agency vVjth_a-minim_uin of 12 months with the Kent Police
Department." Motion carried.
Chief Skewes requested applications be accepted for a Sergeant's examination.
A motion was made and seconded to grant Chief's request. Motion carried.
Application forms will not be required, only letters of request to take the exami-
nation and resumes'. Deadline for accepting applications was set for 5:00 p.m. ,
January 18, 1980.
Kent Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 3
December 20, 1979
Commissioner Whitener requested information for the next agenda on how the Kent
Police Department compares with the surrounding area departments as to promotions
among ranks. Chief Skewes consented to obtain the information.
The letter from Fredrick R. Yohann, requesting his name be temporarily removed
from the L.E. Eligibility List, was read and accepted into the records.
The next meeting date is January 24, 1980 at 8:00 a.m, at Fire Station Headquarters.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
'L'7 f ,C
Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
A roved:
Itt to
SDonald Whitener
Acting Chairman