HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 07/26/1979 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES ' July 26, 1979 The regular meeting of the Kent Civil Service Commission was called to order by Chairman Norwood Cunningham. In attendance were: Commis- sioners T. Richard Ried and Donald Whitener, Chief Skewes and Deputy Chief Freelove. Also present were: Sgts. Hammer and Rees and Officers C. Miller and Towne. The minutes of the meeting of June 21, 1979 were approved. Secretary reported she had not received any reply from City Attorney Mirk relating to the police labor agreement and Civil Service Rules and Regula- tions, but knew he has been working on it. Secretary was instructed to contact him again on his progress on the opinion. The memo from Chief Skewes to Officer Straight in regards to disciplinary action was read. A motion was made and seconded to accept the letter into the records. Motion carried. A motion was made and seconded to accept Robert E. Boudreau's letter of resignation into the records. Motion carried. The letter from Sgt. Hal A. Rees requesting waiver of service time was read. A motion was made and seconded the letter be made a part of the record and to postpone a decision at this time. Motion carried. A motion was made and seconded to accept Detective Samuel J. Kelch's letter requesting waiver of Sergeant's rank and service time into the records and defer decision at this time. Motion carried. A special meeting will be held Monday evening, July 30th at 7:00 p.m, to establish minimum qualifications for Lieutenant and Captain. The letter from Officer Ronald R. Haysom was read. A motion was made and seconded to regretfully accept the letter. Motion carried. A motion was made and seconded to extend the Law Enforcement Sergeant's Eligibility List for six months, beginning May 6, 1979. Motion carried. Chief Skewes reported the entrance level testing program meeting is scheduled for July 31st, 10:00 a.m. , 3rd Floor, Conference Room in City Hall. Dr. Wollack and other advisory experts will be attending to give instructions and recommendations on the new testing. To be in compliance with minority recruitment, Chief Skewes requested the Commission's approval for granting time off for an officer who is successful in recruiting a minority candidate. Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 2 July 26, 1979 A motion was made and seconded that Chief Skewes have authority to go to the City Council and present his recruitment method. Motion carried. The letter from Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, dated June 25, 1979, was read. The letter is a pre-determination settlement of the Tiffany Gatliff case. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the letter be made a part of the record. The 1980 budget was brought up for discussion with the following increases proposed: Other Operating Supplies (227) to $5000; Other Professional & Consulting Services (313) to $5000; Subsistence (333) to $2000; Advertising (340) to $1125; and Printing & Binding (350) to $200. Chief Skewes requested an additional form to be attached to the employment application for providing ethnic origin. A motion was made and seconded to grant the request. Motion carried. A phone call was received from Steven Lindjord of the King County Police Department who had requested to be placed on the agenda today, stating that he was unable to attend the meeting. In response to Officer Towne's question if determination of the conflict, be- tween the police labor agreement and Civil Service Rules and Regulations will be disclosed at the July 31st meeting or at the next regular meeting, it was decided to bring it up at the regular meeting. The next regular meeting will be held at the Fire Station on August 16, 1979 at 8:00 a.m. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a,m. Respectfully submitted, Amy E. Kato Secretary and Chief Examiner Approved: 1 Norwood Cunnin Chairman