HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 08/26/1976 Kent Civil Service Commission Minutes August 26, 1976 The regular meeting of the Civil Service Commission was held on August 26. Present were Hal Cline, Ken Yahn, Norwood Cunningham, Chief Skewes, Deputy Chief Freelove and Capt. Fronsdahl. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. A letter was read from Ralph B. Harris requesting a waiver of age for the Law Enforcement exam since he is 34 years old. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to deny his request. Motion carried. A letter was read from Leo Mancilla requesting a waiver for the Law Enforcement exam, from the requirement that an applicant be a citizen of the Unites States. A motion was made and seconded that, due to the R.C.W. stating that an applicant must be a citizen, his request be denied. Motion carried. A letter was read from Dorcus A. Jonesrequesting permission to apply for the Law Enforcement exam even tho the deadline for applications has passed, due to the fact that she had filed an application form with the personnel department in March 1976, and had been assured by someone in that department that the application was good for any position. Q) motion was made to accept her application since the clerk in the personnel department at that time is no longer there and there is no way of knowing who made the error. Motion carried. A letter was read from Megan D. Leigh, protesting the notice she received from Mrs. Mauritsen rejecting her application for Law Enforcement Officer on the basis that she marked on her application that she had only com- pleted 11 years of school and had not graduated. She states that it was an error and she has completed high school and has college credits. A motion was made and seconded to empower Mrs. Mauritsen to call Mrs. Leigh and tell her that if she will prove to Mrs. Mauritsen's satisfac- tion that she has a high school diploma or the equivalent, she will be allowed to take the exam. Motion carried. The tentative dates for the Law Enforcement Officer written entrance exam have been set as Sept 14 and 15th in the cafeteria at Kent Meridian Senior High School. Mrs. Mauritsen and Chief Skewes were directed by the commission to collect material and compile the written examination, to be approved by the commission at a special meeting. The commission budget for 1977 was discussed. Some adjustments were made to the preliminary estimates made by Mrs. Mauritsen. A motion was` made and seconded to direct Mrs. Mauritsen to find out the cost of subscribing to the Washington State Law Enforcement Journal and the International Firefighter and add it to the budget. Motion carried. Armot on was�madeand seconded to have Mrs. Mauritsen add the costs of the required LEFF medical exams to the commission budget since they are part of the entrance examination procedure. Motion carried. 0 August 26, 1976 minutes continued A motion was made and seconded to add $350 under machinery and equipment as there is a need for additional file cabinets. Motion carried. There are some typographical errors in the retyping of the Rules and Regulations. Mrs. Mauritsen was directed to see that they are corrected and new pages distributed. The next meeting will be Sept. 30, 1976, in the conference room in the police department. Meeting adjourned. Secr sry and Chief Examiner Approved