HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 11/01/1968 41.08.030 Civil service commission created—Appointment— Terms—Removal—Quorum. There is hereby created in every city, town or municipality except those referred to in RCW 41.08.010, having a full paid fire department a civil service commission which shall be composed of three persons. The members of such commission.shall be appointed by the per- son or group of persons who, acting singly or in conjunction, as a. mayor, city manager, council, common council, commission, or otherwise, is or-are vested by law with power and authority to se- lect, appoint, or employ the chief of a fire department in any such city, prior to the enactment of this chapter. The members of such commission shall serve without compensation. No person shall be appointed a member of such commission who is not a citizen of the United States, a resident of such city for at least three years imme- diately preceding such appointment, and an elector of the county wherein he resides. The term of office of such commissioners shall be for six years, except that the first three members of such com- mission shall be appointed for different terms, as follows: One to serve for a period of two years, one to serve for a period of four years, and one to serve for a period of six years. Any member of such commission may be removed from office for incompetency, in- compatibility or dereliction of duty., or malfeasance in office, or other good cause: Provided, however, That no member of the com- mission shall be removed until charges have been preferred, in writ- y ing, due notice and a full hearing had. The members of such com- mission shall devote due time and attention to the performance of i _ the duties hereinafter specified and imposed upon them by this chapter. Two members of such commission shall constitute a quorum and the votes of any two members of such commission con- curring shall be sufficient for the decision of all matters and the transaction of all business to be decided or transacted by the com- mission under or by virtue of the provisions of this chapter. Con- firmation of said appointment or appointments of commissioners by any legislative body shall not be required. At the time of any ap- pointment not more than two commissioners shall be adherents of the same political party. [1935 c 31 §3; RRS §9558-3.] } 52.36.040 Fire Protection Districts 52.36.040 Existing districts may come under this title. Any fire protection district established and existing under the provisions of chapter 60 of the Laws of 1933, extraordinary session, may be made to conform to the provisions of this act by preparing, certifying and delivering its annual assessment roll to the board of county commissioners on and after November 1, 1939, in ample time for it to make tax levies for the purpose of the district, and holding its biennial election of the fire commissioners as herein provided. [1939 c 34 §48; RRS §5654-148.1 Reviser's note: "this act", see note following RCW 5204.020. 52.36.050 Firemen's relief and pensions. See chapters 41.16, - ---- 41.18and41.24.— _ 52.36.060 Civil service for employees. Any fire protection dis- trict organized and existing under chapter 34, Laws of 1939, and subsequent amendments thereof, having a full paid fire department, shall have authority by resolution of its board of fire commissioners to provide for civil service in its fire department in the same manner with the same powers and with the same force and effect as to such district as that provided by chapter 41.08, for cities, towns and municipalities. [1949 c 72 §1 ; Rem. Supp. 1949 §5654- 120a.] 52.36.070 Claims against districts. See chapter 53.52. I i i l f i t ' I 152.36—y 4] S-6/1/58 _ 1 �j jr