HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 09/17/1948 August 27, 1948 , A special meeting of the City Council( Police Committee and Civil Service Commission was called by Mayor Dave Mooney. The meeting was called to order 'U Mrs. Bovell at the request of Mayor Mooney. Three members of the Police Committee, Earl Worth, Larry Seeman, Al Thorton and two members of the Civil Service Commission, Mrs. Don Bovell and Norman Anderson were present. Mrs. Bovell requested that complaints be taken up. The first one considered was the matter of the patrol wagon being outside of the eity limits a great deal. Mr. Larry Seeman agreed that this was true and that other cities, namely Renton, have some trouble and that it is a great fallacy for police wagons to go outside the city. Mr. Worth suggested that a complaint be filed with the city clerk in respect to the use of the police wagon outside the city limits, in order that it may be brought up before the city council. Mayor Mooney stated that although calls from the Fisher Auction Market outside city limits should be taken care of by State Patrol, the city police were answering these calls. Mrs. Bovell suggested that although the calls from outside the city limits should be relayed to the State Patrol that we be car€uau in setting down our rules that we should not limit pursuit by the city police outside the Kent city limits. Mr. Alex Thorton stated that cabin -camps being vitally attached to the city should have city police protection, and that discretion be used in restricting operations to city limits. Criminals who operate inside city limits should be pursued beyond city limits. Crimes committed outside city limits should be reported to the State Patrol. Mr. Worth suggested that police reports should always state cause whenever they go outside the city limits. Mrs. Bovell suggested that the Police Chief should take up the situation witIl the patrolmen. The question of patrol shifts was brought up and discussed. It was decided that this should be left to the judgment and discretion of the Chief of Police as the depart- ment function is his responsibilty. The question was raised as to whether police chief could serve summons during his hours of duty. It was brought out that a ruling has been made that each Justice of the Peace have a constable to work with him that the police can serve summons in the city but the constable serve the summons outside the city limits. A general discussion among the members present brought out the fact that the red signal light has been noted at numerous times to be on from 15 to 30 minutes before it was answered. It was brought out and agreed upon by all present that the police should cut down time for stopping for coffee, and that they should notify operator as to their whereabouts at all times. Mr. Larry Seeman stated that only one patrolman should ride the police wagon before midnight, and that other policemen patrol streets on foot. The question was raised as to who should take the responsiblity when the police chief is absent. Mr. Larry Seeman said that someone should be designated. Mr. Worth suggested that a ruling be made by Civil Service Board as to seniority and who should be in charge during absence of the chief of police, or that the chief should designate the patrolman who should be in charge during his absence and the Civil Service Commission look up ruling on this matter and take it up with the chief of police. After this has been clarified to the chief of police it will be held his responsibility that the department be in the hands of the chief or a designated person by him at all times. It was agreed that the chief of police when designatiig someone to act in his absence should do this in writing, with a carbon copy going to the mayor, the police St�Xt6�tX�YWSt?: 2SStUGILREI�i@1gx _ �19B�'CNES�X�i2H�f committee, the Civil Service Commission and one posted as an official notice for all patrolmen. Informal verbal complaints coming to the attention of the members present were , discussed. Patking in restricted areas and over time parking were most numerous. Matter referred to chief. Mr. Worth and Mr. Seeman suggested that another examination be given to maintain a waiting list of eligible patrol and one for chief of police. The question of pensions for the police depattment was brought up by Mrs. Bovell. Mr. Worth stated that this should be in the hands of the City Council. Mayor Mooney suggested that this matter be brought up before the budget is made up and the emergency fund is completed. There being no further business the special meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted I'L � �7m Secretary Approved Chairman C.S.C. Countersigned Date s