HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 01/07/1952 4 ; ,a .{ n �+i : �i•. feq v.M1t• T � s 4.ry�• :tf s �
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'cafly of ACIA, i9a5h,10#01tt
police ferartment
7e11uery 7 ,1952
TO: Civil °ervice CoT issic'n
City of rent "'Shin ton
SliEV'—O : annual Personnel Report
Regulation III Section 4
In Compliance -pith the above regulations I
respectfully submit my report for the yeas 1951
I am pleased to report that we are still
makin progress in our department.
Each officer, *.with the exception of ryself,
j attended about 90 hours of In uervice Training. Thie
trainins -was a three heur session once each -.,qeek. Sc-
hocl -.eas held at Renton_-ashington under tire direction
of the Tan _-nforcement graining Fromm m, ?university of
;Sshinoto'7 the office"" Pttended these sessions on th-
eir o:,n tine. 'his tr3iin pron—m ,A11 be continued
a.o;-in this year.
On behalf of myself and t'..s entire Department
I r.ont to thank all of the members of the Commission for
your understanding of our problems and for the fine supp-
ort and cooperation th=:t you have :-iven us.
our reco:rmendationc to the council have been
adocted and ore included in this years budet . It did not
include the sal^ry adjustment tlist you proposed tut did
include the others for :�hich iao -.re re.teful.
',-here is only one r:,�tter th?t I feel needs your
atteltion. I_h:t is the n:otter of the certifieeticn of Claude
i_ober. :e 1'QZ been on Vie depertiaent for eleven months. now.
He sews to be fittin into tbo de ,:^rtment very -well and I
feel that he should h ve e perm2,,ent appointment.
]/n-.-~r'ectfull su *,itted ,
X�!�G ert , v,1,iei
_=ent 7olice Departrent
� �OD'� ®IC `IIIC�Q➢�'� W'Ue009�O'®U9
�olic¢ �¢parFm¢nh
Ianua- 7 ,1952
TO : Civil Service Commission
City of Kent "ashing_ton
SLn ACT : annual Personnel Report
Regulation III Section 4
In Com-eliance v;ith the above regulations I
respectfully submit my report for the year 1951
-- - - I am pleased- to report that ve are still
makinr, progress in our deportment .
i'ach officer , vaith the exception of myself ,
attended about 90 hours of In Service graining . TY'as
training vies a three hour session once each week. Sc-
hool -.vas held at Renton -ashington under tyre direction
Of the La*: Enforcement "raining Program, '�ni versi. ty Of
"ashington. The officers attended these sessions o : th-
_� eir orn time . ^his• trainin,] pror.ram , i11 be continued
again this year.
On behalf of myself and the entire Department
I want to thank all of the members of the Commission for
your understanding of our problems and for the fine supp-
ort and cooperation that you have riven us .
Your recommendations to the council have been
adopted and are included in this ,years budget . It did not
include the salary adjustment that you proposed but did
include the others for v;hich v:e are grateful.
.here is only one matter that I feel needs your
attention. That is the matter of the certification of Claude
I_oger . He ha-- been on the department for eleven months now.
He seems to be fitting into the department very well and I
feel that - he shou-ld ha-:e -a
� -ectfull witted ,
c,berLee , Chief
Kent Police Department