HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 01/27/1950 Junoar; 27, 1950
A rneetin.7 of i,be Civil Service Commisoien inr:a.e held. in tLe
Kent . City Ra 11,
Chair:*.,- n da7aes .roller r called. the meetin to order at 4:^0 1,.:.:.
C07S'.ni5'ti O'10rs �)7'e+ ent Isere Ifi'�. i'On nOti•e1.1 ands 1Cor^an Lrd-erson.
Disci=sion of the .Cesirabil it,r c.f I o10i.np, 'o1-ice Pat:.r,^l�r.a.n
li lS.a :ination.0 cor_`int�.sd. CI71BfV Of Police Robert -r lee Was
invited. to enter the discussion -ind a decision to defer
this ratter i:ntil the need. to broi.ld. up an elircibilit7 list .
is ^]ore necessary. The matter of whetler a. long list of
1c7 '-e1._-fill or not was disci,^red .
t:ieetinF adjourned.
Pespectfully subritted
_i�]�JPOVed_ -_
C}�Ci12'ma_n C . J. C .
. COU21teI':: i ______ Date________
1`I's . non bovell , 1'emhor
Jim ar,! 27, 1950
A rneetin,,- of the Civil Service Conroi s sign s 1,e1,e, in the
Kent , C ity .Rall.
Cnrairnan James ?felle?er c-..led. the meetin- to order at S:r0 P.:.-.
CO*"'�i5k p?1FTE �?I'e: ent rgere Yi-e. Don Pove.11 and Nor ;i (lerson.
Discii=sion of tI-p f esirabi. it'r rf 1-0ldinr; 'ol ice .F .t�°,,^'..:an
rya-i.natlons con�inized. Hief. of. Police Robert ,g lee was
invited. to enter the discussion and -� decision .to defer
t?.is matter until the need to build. up an elicibil.itr list
is more necessary. The matter of whet'r:er a. long list of
BliRihl pn in '.e1.1ftz1 0—
not was GluC'•'FRed • -
Tdeetin* adjourned.
r'espectfull,v snlritt,ed
Crairman C . s. C .
Don r.ovell , ?`ember
on. erber