HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 04/26/1948 April 26, 1948 ,
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Kelleher. Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Bovell were
. present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The first order of business was to review and consolidate the notice on the special
meetings and consultations of the Civil Service Commission during the past month.
Presented below is this consolidation to serve as the complete proceedings for all
meetings held during April.
Mrs. Emory Barden was certified to the mayor for the position of full time patrol-
man, and Mr. Coombes was certified as relief patrolman, as they were in the order
of preference according to final earned rating in the examination. Mr. .Barden
after due consideration asked the Civil Service Board to keep his name on the
elgibility list and by giving good cause be released at this time for accepting
the appoitment offered.
Mr. Coombes was then certified as the next full time patrolman and Mr. Neeley was
contacted and certified as relief patrolman. Mr. Neeley gave good cause for not
accepting the part time position and asked to be kept on the elgibility list.
A MOTION WAS MADE and earried that the request of Mr. Barden and Mr. Neeley be
kept on the elgibility list in respect to their ranking in order of their grades
made by the examination.
Johnny Morris was then certified to the mayor as relief patrolman. Pending
investigation of his right to receive the veterans preference in Civil Service
examinations. As he served in the Merchant Marine and many questions have arisen
as to their elgibility for this preference. The commission wished additional
time to give their decision in this matter.
Mayor Mooney held a meeting with the Police Committee and notified the commission
that Mr. C. N. Coombes was being rejected as patrolman because of the many
complaints received by the mayor and the Civil Service Commission in the performance
of his duties during his provisional appointment. Decision...undtsgrable.
The Civil Service Commission held a special meeting and after reading correspondende
from Mr. Donald Sampson, Municipal Research Consultant of the University of
Washington, decided unanimously to allow John Morris ten points veterans preference.
John Morris was then certified to the mayor as next in rank as full time patrolman.
Mr. Gordon Van Brunt was certified to the mayor and notified to report to Chief
Lee as relief partolman, being next in rank for the position.
Complaints received by the Civil Service Commission in reference to Mr. Coombes
were read and filed as no action was necessary.
A letter was written to Mr. Robert E. Lee as a matter for his information re. .
the employment staiALs of Ralph G. Evans, patrolman.
All persons taking the Civil Service examinations March 24, 1948 have been notified
of their grades and order of their names on the elgibility list.
As there was no further business the commission adjourned, until the next regular
Approved Respectfully submitted
Chairman C.S.C.
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Countersigned Date
April 26, 1948
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Kelleher. Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Bovell were
. present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The first order of business was to review and consolidate the notice on the special
meetings and consultations of the Civil Service Commission during the past month.
Presented below is this consolidation to serve as the complete proceedings for all
meetings held during April.
Mrs. Emory Barden was certified to the mayor for the position of full time patrol-
man, and Mr. Coombes was certified as relief patrolman, as they were in the order
of preference according to final earned rating in the examination. Mr: .Barden
after due consideration asked the Civil Service Board to keep his name on the
elgibility list and by giving good cause be released at this time for accepting
the appoitment offered.
Mr. Coombes was then certified as the next full time patrolman and Mr. Neeley was
contacted and certified as relief patrolman. Mr. Neeley gave good cause for not
accepting the part time position and asked to be kept on the elgibility list.
A MOTION WAS MADE and carried that the request of Mr. Barden and Mr. Neeley be
kept on the elgibility list in respect to their ranking in order of their grades
made by the examination.
Johnny Morris was then certified to the mayor as relief patrolman. Pending
investigation of his right to receive the veterans preference in Civil Service
examinations. As he served in the Merchant Marine and many questions have arisen
as to their elgibility for this preference. The commission wished additional
. time to give their decision in this matter.
Mayor Mooney held a meeting with the Police Committee and notified the commission
that Mr. C. N. Coombes was being rejected as patrolman because of the many
complaints received by the mayor and the Civil Service Commission in the performance
of his duties during his provisional appointment. Decision...undts4rable.
The Civil Service Commission held a special meeting and after reading correspondende
from Mr. Donald Sampson, Municipal Research Consultant of the University of
Washington, decided unanimously to allow John Morris ten points veterans preference.
John Morris was then certified to the mayor as next in rank as full time patrolman.
Mr. Gordon Van Brunt was certified to the mayor and notified to report to Chief
Lee as relief parrolman, being next in rank for the position.
Complaints received by the Civil Service Commission in reference to Mr. Coombes
were read and filed as no action was necessary.
A letter was written to Mr. Robert E. Lee as a matter for his information re. .
the employment stal6is of Ralph G. Evans, patrolman.
All persons taking the Civil Service examinations March 24, 1948 have been notified
of their grades and order of their names on the elgibility list.
As theretwas no further business the commission adjourned, until the next regular
. meeting.
Approved Respectfully submitted
Chairman C.S.C.
Countersigned Date