HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 03/31/1948 6 \ Parch 31, 1948 A meeting of the Civ l Service Commission of the City of Kent was called to order by Chairran Tir: Kelleher at 7;39 P._ . at the City Ball. Ccrr; ss oners present were Tin Kelleher, Gertrude Bovell , Arran _.nderson. The realing of the previous riiutes ,were approved. The Secretary reported to the COLY ss. on the results of the Patrolzan's e arinntion held an Parch 24, 1948, at the City Hall, and the cor;: issioners inspected and reviewed the examination papers. Upon motion duly Trade and seconded the co=niss'nuers a,prcved the report of the secretary and the exarination nnd confirmed the results as submitted by the secretary. -'non mot on duly made and seconded the secretary was '_nstructed to inform each applicant of his Zrade u^nn approved fors. letter from- ;ayor i onney asking the Corm ' ss'oners to certify two ran for Positions on the Kent Police Department, respectively, for patrol a.. and relief ran was recetved and read.Knon rot on dul. • ade : nd m co^ +ed the cormis- s oners resolved to certify to the 15yor the cure of Laory H. Larden for the nasition of P troL an, he having made the hiChest mark on the examination and their being an ._nproved doctor's report dated Irrch 24, 1948, on file for said applicant. Upon notion duly made and seconded it was ordered tiiat the secretary instruct all other apoliornts having- obtained 70 or more on the examination .nd the present ,members of the Pent Police L:epartment to file with the Cora i.ssioners a doctor's certificate upon fors provided by the ConlAssioners. Upon motion duly ride end seconded it was resolved the,t the Commissioners certify to the Tayor for the position of Relief loan th name of C2lpl�w- ?i he beiC the nerson having attained the second hiChest grade in the examination, provided that he, before certifi_c"tion, files with the Commission a satisfacto y physical report. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was ordered that all other anplicants wAo -assed the ex_arination be placed upon the el.iFibtlity list according to grade. countersicnec •y _r ri• ii 5rV^c Vic .-m, , i;•; 10 6 Larch 31, 1948 10 A neetinG of the Civ l Service Commission of the City of Kent was cQled to order by Chairman Or P:elleher at 7;39 P.' . at the City Nall. Cc:r: ss oners present were Jim Kelleher, Gertrude Revell , Harlon Anderson. The reabiny of the previous ri utes were approved. The Secretary reported to the con as on the results of the Patrolrau's e arinnti.on field on Parch 2?, 1948, at the City Hallo and the cor.rissioners inspected and reviewed the exarination papers. upon :ot'on duly rade and seconded the commissioners a-preved the report of the secretary and the exarination and confirmed the results as subritted by the secretary-. 'bon rot on duly rode and seconded the secretary was instructed to inform each applicant of his grade upon avproved forts. letter from: ' ayor ion ney as'.ci py the Corm ; ss'eners to certify two ran for positions cn the Kent Police Denartrent, resnectively for pctrol- an and relief ran was received and read.7nc.n mot on dio: adz : nd s co- lod the cormis- sioners resolved to cerVfy to the layor the n: re of Emory H. Larden for the position of Patrol an, he having rade the hiChest rark on the exe.ri.nstion and their being an approved doctor's report dated Larch 24, 1948, on file for said applicant. Upon ration duly rade cad seconded it was ordered that the secretary instruct all other applicants havinC obtained 70 or core on the examination and the present .;embers of the Kent Police Department to file with the Comni.ssioners a doctor's certificate upon forms provided by the Coninissioners. Upon motion duly rade and seconded it was resolved that the Commissioners certify to the Payor for the position of Relief tan th narce of CLJAA�C :'1 he be� the person havinE attained the second MEMO Grade in the exarination, provided that he, before certificrtion, files with the Commission a satisfactory physical report. Upon notion duly made and seconded it was ordered that all otter applicants who -assed the exarination be placed upon the elitibility list according to Grade. u ?I vivo L'01171t�T'v l�?':�ar