HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 03/03/1948 larch 3, 1948 h meeting of the Civil Service Connr.ission of the City of Kent was called to order b y Chairran Jim Kelleher at 8:00 P.L . in the City Hall. Cormissioners present were : ,Tim Kelleher and Gertrude Bov ,11. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was ordered that an exa-,ination for the position of patrolran in the rolfce department for the City of Kent will be held in Kent ,,;,Iashington, ;:arch 24, 1948, and the secretary is instructed to procure and subr..'_t to the next meeting of the comm ssion ;, all materials new ssary for said exarination and to notify all persons having nade a prior application for such position or having signified to the ccmmiss`.on an intention or desire to rake such application. The secretary was further instructed to post and rnblish notices in the manner and form and at the tires as required by law c�nd the rules of the ccmmission. co::s:_unication dated Feb. 24, 1948, from Robert E. Lee advising the commis- sion that Ccptain Lyle I. . Lathrop of the Bureau of identification, kxing County Sheriffs Department would be available to give applicants for the patrolinuals oral e.:ar.:ination and would assist the co;,r•.ission to fingerprint all applicants, provided perr.j.ssion of Harlan S. Callahan, ling County. Sheriff co::ld be secured.On *motion duly n;ade and seconded it is ordered that the - secretary write to Iiarlan S. Callahan requesting his per.::ission that Capt. Lyle L`. Lathrop be allowed to assist the commission in this manner. The application of Ja:ras Franklin i:eely for the position of patrolman in the Kent Police Department •aes read and placed on file. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was ordered that Robert E. Lee, appointee to the position of Chief of Police of the City of Kent be granted an extension of an additional 90 days with which to establish his residence, said additional time to comnence to run at the expiration of the 60 day limitation now in effect. k corrunication dated Feb. 18, 1948, from James 0. 411read, Chief of Police, relative to the return to duty of Patrolman John I:orris, and relative to tiie temporary employment of Officer L. Hughes during said leave of absence was read, approved and placed on file. A letter from Lewis E. Hughes in regard to relief employment in the Police Department of the City of Kent was re-:d. Upon motion duly nade and seconded it was ordered that the secretary write a letter to I.a. Iiughes informing him that the Civ4_1 Service Commission is without authority to rake any change with regard to the position of relief patrolman at this time. Two letters dated Tan.14, 1948, from James 0. >llread recomarending Dan,S.Scribner and R.G. Evans as patrolmen first class to the Civil Service Commission were read. There being no record of previous disposition of this correspondence by the prior Civil Service Commission, it was ordered that these communications _ be investigated and reread for action at the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.h. 1 , 14 Larch 3, 1948 A meeting of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Kent was cd1?ed to order b Y Chairman Jim Kelleher at 8:00 P.L . in the City Hall. Corinissioners present were : Jim Kelleher and Gertrude Bovell. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was ordered that an exer,.ination for the position of patrolran in the police denartrent for the City of Kent will be held in Kent ,'Ianhington, Larch 24, 1948, and the secretary is instructed to procure and subr.:'_t to the next meeting of the con*riss`_on all materials nec-ssary for said examination and to notify all persons having rade a nrior application for such position or navi.ng signified to the cemmassion an intention or desire to ke such application. The secretary .vas further instructed to nost and -uhlish notices in the nanner and form and at the tires as required by law :,Ind the rules of the ecmr ission. coarzinication dated Feb. 24, 1948, from Robert E. Lee advising the commis sicn that Crptain Lyle L. Lathrop of the Bureau of Identification, King County Sheriffs Department would be available to give applicants for the patrolman's oral e:mr.inatior. and would assist the coi,-,fission to fingernrint all applicants, provided- permission of Harlan S. Callahan, ring County. Sheriff cold be secured.0n ?notion duly made and seconded it is ordered that the secretary write to Harlan S. Callahan requesting his per::Assion that Capt. Lyle 1- Lathrop be allowed to assist the connission in this manner. The application of Jaynes Franklin Neely for the position of patroL:an in the Kent Police Department wes read and placed on file. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was ordered that Robert E. Lee, appointee to the position of Chief of Police of the City of Kent be granted an extension of an additional 90 days with which to establish his residence, said additional time to conmence to run at the expiration of the 60 day limitation now in effect. A corrunication dated Feb. 18, 1948, from James 0. hllread, Chief of 'roliee, relative to the return to duty of Patrolman John :.orris, and relative to the teLporary erploynient of Officer L. Hughes during said leave of absence was read, approved and placed on file. A letter fror Lewis E. Hughes in regard to relief orr,Aoyment .in the Police Department of the City of Kent was re :d. Upon notion duly made and seconded it was ordered that the secretary write a letter to hr. Hughes informing him that the Civil Service Commission is without authority to isake any change with regard to the position of relief' patrolman at this time. Two letters dated Jan.14, 1948, from Jaynes 0. .tllread recommending Dan,S.Scribner and R.G. Evans as patrolmen first class to the Civil Service Commission were read. There being no record of previous disposition of this correspondence by the prior Civfl Service Corm,ission, it was ordered that these cormunigations be investigated and reread for action at the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.&_. Lj n