HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 02/28/2001 S CITY OF KENT - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA
The City of Kent Civil Service Commission is scheduled to meet Wednesday, February
28, 2001 at 5:15 p.m. in the West Chambers of Kent City Hall. The following
information will be discussed:
Informational Item: Mr. Jed Aldridge will be assuming the role of Civil Service
Examiner while Chief Examiner Guiguet is recuperating from surgery. She will be gone
from March 27, 2001 until approximately May 16, 2001.
A. Accept Into Record
1. Approval of Minutes from the January 24, 2001 Civil Service Meeting.
iB. Action Item for Discussion:
A. Accept into Record
1. Memo dated January 20, 2001 from Chief Crawford to Officer Mark Williams
informing him of his successful completion of his probationary period effective
January 20, 2001.
2. Memo dated January 20, 2001 from Chief Crawford to Officer Tyson Sagiao
informing him of his successful completion of his probationary period effective
January 20, 2001.
3. Personnel Change Request form from the Fire Department dated January 1, 2001
establishing the Provisional Appointment of Battalion Chief Webb to Provisional
Assistant Chief. No end time was given.
4. Personnel Change Request form from the Fire Department dated January 24, 2001
establishing the appointment of Assistant Chief Hamilton to Acting Fire Chief
effective January 26rh and ending February 11, 2001.
Civil Service Commission Meeting
Feburary 28, 2001
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5. Certification letter dated January 25, 2001 from Chief Civil Service Examiner
Guiguet establishing the Administrative Assistant 1 Eligibility List.
6. Memo dated January 29, 2001 from Captain Dave Everett announcing the
appointment of Holly Taylor to the vacant Admistrative Assistant 1 position
effective February 16, 2001.
7. Memo dated January 30, 2001 from Chief Angelo appointment Lieutenant Tom
Shepard to the position of Temporary Battalion Chief for a period of six months
effective on February 1, 2001
8. Memo dated February 1, 2001 from Chief Crawford to Officer Michael Hudnell
notifying him of his successful completion of his probationary period effective
February 1, 2001.
9. Personnel Change Request form from the Fire Department dated February 2, 2001
establishing the appointment of Firefighter Kent Knight to a Temporary
appointment to Fire Lieutenant effective February 20, 2001 with no ending date
10. Personnel Change Request form from the Fire Department dated February 2, 2001
establishing the appointment of Firefighter Robert Kelly to a Temporary
appointment to Fire Lieutenant effective February 20, 2001 also per Memo dated
February 5, 2001 giving an ending date of February 20, 2001.
11. Certification letter dated February 9, 2001 from Chief Civil Service Examiner
Guiguet establishing the Accounting Services Assistant 3 Eligibility List.
12. Memo dated February 15, 2001 to the Commission from Deputy Chief Miller
notifying them that the Police Department will be sending Sergeants Connelly and
Paganucci to a Command College starting February 261h. Due to this they will be
extending Acting Sergeant Pattersons assignment and also assigning Officer Rodger
Kellams as an Acting Sergeant until approximately the end of May.
13. Memo dated February 16, 2001 from Chief Crawford to Officer Ian Warmington
• notifying him of his successful completion of his probationary period effective
February 16, 2001.
Civil Service Commission Meeting
February 28, 2001
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14. Memo dated February 20, 2001 from Captain Everett announcing the appointment of
Joanne L. Moen to the vacant Accounting Services Assistant 3 position.
S. Action Item for Discussion:
1. Memo dated February 12, 2001 from Employment Manager Aldridge with the
authorization from Brent McFall to fill the vacant Police Record Specialist position.
2. Memo dated February 9, 2001 from Support Services Manager, Dave Santos
requesting permission to begin the selection process for the vacant Police Records
Specialist position.
P:\Employment\Civil Service\AgendasdMinutesCSMeetings\AgendaFebruary2001.doc
Guiguet, Catherine
Guiguet, Catherine
nt: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 3:43 PM
To: Fire All Personnel; _Police All Personnel; Anh Hoang; Becky Fowler; Brent McFall; Brett
Vinson; Callius Zaratkiewicz(E-mail); Catherine Guiguet; Cheryl Viseth; Dee Drake; Debra
Leroy; Jan Banister; Jed Aldridge; Jim White; Joe Bartlemay; Karen Ford; Kathleen Senecaut;
Marvin Bartlemay; Pat Fitzpatrick; Rob Sprague (E-mail); Roger Lubovich; Ron Banister (E-
mail); Rose Jacob; Steve Ohlde; Sue Viseth; Tim Gimenez(E-mail)
Cc: Guiguet, Catherine
Please click on the icon below for the Agenda for the Special Meeting to hold the Regular February Civil Service Meeting:
Thank you,
Catherine M. Guiguet
Civil Service Secretary& Chief Examiner