HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 03/14/2001 • CITY OF KENT - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MARCH 14/O1 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY'S REGULAR MEETING Members Present: Callius Zaratkiewicz Ron Banister Tim Gimenez Others Present: Chief Angelo, A/C Marzano, Lt. Woods, Lt. Schneider, Sue Viseth, Jed Aldridge, Acting BIC Shepard, Lt. Markley, Assistant City Attorney Brett Vinson, others present. Chair Zaratkiewicz called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. I. COMMISSION BUSINESS: II. HEARING: • III. OLD BUSINESS: A. Accept Into Record 1. Chair Zaratkiewicz moved to approve the minutes from the January 24, 2001 Civil Service Meeting. Seconded and carried. B. Action Item for Discussion: 1. Chair Zaratkiewicz opened for discussion the letter dated March 6, 2001 from Employee Services Director Sue Viseth requesting that Mr. Jed Aldridge, Employment Manager, be appointed as Provisional 5ecretary/Examiner in accordance with Civil Service Rule XII, Section 4 during Chief Examiner Guiguet's medical leave of absence. The period to commence March 27, 2001 for a four to six week period. Assistant C/A Brett Vinson: "Sue was going to speak to this matter. Originally what had happened was that with Catherine's absence we wanted to ensure that there would bean individual who could certify lists, to do all the wonderful things that Catherine does. We looked at the rules and couldn't find anything that really applied. Originally, Sue, I believe, appointed herself, Jed Aldridge to be the Provisional Civil Services • Secretary/Chief Examiner." Commissioner Banister: "Its not up to her to do it." • Civil Service Special Meeting to hold the February Regular Meeting March 14, 2001 Page 2 Assistant C/A Brett Vinson: "Correct. So what has happened was that we sent another memo saying that she is requesting that the Commission appoint Jed Aldridge as the Provisional Secretary Chief Examiner for the Civil Service Commission pursuant to Rule XII, Section 4." Chief Examiner Guiguet: "The reason the initial one happened was the fact that I'm going off for major surgery the 27'h of March and felt that we needed somebody on board. According to that rule, they felt that could be done. It was drawn to their attention that in actual fact it is the Commission that does that. The intent was good." Chair Commissioner: "Do we have any input from anyone on that?" Acting SIC Shepard: "Tom Shepard, representing the Fire Fighters Union. I've talked to both Catherine and Jed. We feel that this is a reasonable solution to an uncommon problem. We support this and wish Catherine a successful surgery and a speedy recovery." • Lieutenant Woods: "The Police Department has no position on this. Jed is certainly a viable candidate to replace Catherine. Whether or not he will be able to measure up and be able to do the same type of job as Catherine remains to be seen, (laughter) we'll keep our fingers crossed." Chair Zaratkiewicz: "Just in case. Because I know that at times, depending upon what is going on with the various unions and collective bargaining agreements and all that, what I would like to do is this. We'll move ahead with this, but if there is a conflict that any of you feel, I would like some method of getting hold of us so we can work something out and get the right representative to handle that problem where there is a conflict of interest. I have heard from some people discussing that Jed is close to the Fire Department, there might be a problem there and various other issues of that nature. So,just in case, I want to be sure that everybody's covered. Does that work?" Assistant C/A Vinson: "Roger Lubovich and I had spoken with Sue regarding that matter and she felt that would be a valid option. That if someone raised an issue that they thought was a conflict, we could address it at that time. She would be more than willing to do what is necessary to resolve that conflict of interest if one does exist." • Chair Zaratkiewicz: "I'm going to make a motion that the Civil Service Commissioners would make a Provisional/Interim appointment for up to six weeks and if more time is Civil Service Special Meeting to hold the February Regular Meeting March 14, 2001 Page 3 needed then we will readdress it at that point. Also, with provisions including, if there is a conflict of some sort with any of the unions or any of the bargaining units dealing, we will also address those to get away from that conflict so that business can be conducted in a fair and equitable manner." Seconded and carried. IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. Accept into Record Chair Zaratkiewicz asked everyone present to review items 1 through 20. 1. Memo dated January 20, 2001 from Chief Crawford to Officer Mark Williams informing him of his successful completion of his probationary period effective January 20, 2001. • 2. Memo dated January 20, 2001 from Chief Crawford to Officer Tyson Sagiao informing him of his successful completion of his probationary period effective January 20, 2001. 3. Personnel Change Request form from the Fire Department dated January 1, 2001 establishing the Provisional Appointment of Battalion Chief Webb to Provisional Assistant Chief. No end time was given. 4. Personnel Change Request form from the Fire Department dated January 24, 2001 establishing the appointment of Assistant Chief Hamilton to Acting Fire Chief effective January 26'h and ending February 11, 2001. 5. Certification letter dated January 25, 2001 from Chief Civil Service Examiner Guiguet establishing the Administrative Assistant 1 Eligibility List. 6. Memo dated January 29, 2001 from Captain Dave Everett announcing the appointment of Holly Taylor to the vacant Administrative Assistant 1 position effective February 16, 2001. 7. Memo dated January 30, 2001 from Chief Angelo appointment Lieutenant Tom • Shepard to the position of Temporary Battalion Chief for a period of six months effective on February 1, 2001 • Civil Service Special Meeting to hold the February Regular Meeting March 14, 2001 Page 4 B. Memo dated February 1, 2001 from Chief Crawford to Officer Michael Hudnell notifying him of his successful completion of his probationary period effective February 1, 2001. 9. Personnel Change Request form from the Fire Department dated February 2, 2001 establishing the appointment of Firefighter Kent Knight to a Temporary appointment to Fire Lieutenant effective February 20, 2001 with no ending date given. 10. Personnel Change Request form from the Fire Department dated February 2, 2001 establishing the appointment of Firefighter Robert Kelly to a Temporary appointment to Fire Lieutenant effective February 20, 2001 also per Memo dated February 5, 2001 giving an ending date of February 20, 2001. 11. Certification letter dated February 9, 2001 from Chief Civil Service Examiner • Guiguet establishing the Accounting Services Assistant 3 Eligibility List. 12. Memo dated February 15, 2001 to the Commission from Deputy Chief Miller notifying them that the Police Department will be sending Sergeants Connelly and Paganucci to a Command College starting February 261h. Due to this they will be extending Acting Sergeant Patterson's assignment and also assigning Officer Rodger Kellams as an Acting Sergeant until approximately the end of May. 13. Letter dated February 15, 2001 to Ms. Holly Taylor confirming her appointment as Administrative Assistant I effective February 16, 2001. 14. Memo dated February 16, 2001 from Chief Crawford to Officer Ian Warmington notifying him of his successful completion of his probationary period effective February 16, 2001. 15. Memo dated February 20, 2001 from Captain Everett announcing the appointment of ° Joanne L. Moen to the vacant Accounting Services Assistant 3 position. 16. Letter dated February 21, 2001 from Chief Angelo to Firefighter Geoff Simpson granting him a leave of absence without pay of up to 6 months. The leave of absence • will commence on March 4, 2001 and conclude on September 4, 2001. Letter dated January 28, 2001 from Geoff Simpson requesting the leave of'obsence is attached. • Civil Service Special Meeting to hold the February Regular Meeting March 14, 2001 Page 5 17. Memo dated February 25, 2001 from Chief Angelo informing the Commission that Lieutenant Kyle Ohashi has successfully completed his probationary.status effective March 1, 2001 and has been promoted to permanent status. 18. Nine memos dated February 28, 2001 from Chief Angelo informing the Commission that Battalion Chief Paul Wright, Battalion Chief Kevin Garling, Lieutenant Jim Merritt, Lieutenant Jon Napier, Lieutenant Eric Tomlinson, Lieutenant Larry Rabel, Lieutenant Brian Dodge, Lieutenant Lynn Heesen and Lieutenant Kraig Peiguss have successfully completed their probationary status effective March 1, 2001 and been promoted to permanent status. 19. Certification letter dated March 2, 2001 from Chief Civil Service Examiner Guiguet establishing the Lateral Police Officer Eligibility List. 20.Certification letter dated March 2, 2001 from Chief Civil Service Examiner Guiguet • establishing the Entry Level Police Officer Eligibility List. There being no discussion, items 1 through 20 were accepted into record. Seconded and carried. B. Action Item for Discussion: 1. Chair Zaratkiewicz opened for discussion the Police Record Specialist Vacancy: a. Memo dated February 12, 2001 from Employment Manager Aldridge with the authorization from Brent McFall to fill the vacant Police Record Specialist position. b. Memo dated February 9, 2001 from Support Services Manager, Dave Santos requesting permission to begin the selection process for the vacant Police Records Specialist position. Chief Examiner Guiguet: "The current Record Specialist List has expired. There is a vacancy due to Holly Taylor being appointed as the Support Services Administrative Assistant 1 in Detectives Unit." • . Civil Service Special Meeting to hold the February Regular Meeting March 14, 2001 Page 6 There being no further discussion Commissioner Banister motioned that permission be granted to begin the selection process for the vacant Police Record Specialist position. Seconded and carried. Chief Examiner Guiguet: "My understanding from Mr. Santos is that they will be following the some process that has been done previously." Lt. Woods: "Yes. We will be calling on the services of Jed Aldridge, since you'll be gone Catherine, to guide us through that process." Chair Zaratkiewicz asked if there was any additional business to be discussed. Chair Zaratkiewicz made a motion to adjourn. Seconded and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. • The next regular Civil Service Meeting will be held at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 2001. Respectfully submitted, CCALI Catherine M. Guiguet Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner Approved: /C:hct�ir�4Calliusl-zatratkiewicz \\NY\USR\ES\PUBLIC\Employment\Civil Service\Agendas&MinutesCSMeetings\MinutesSpecialFeburary200l.doc Guiguet, Catherine m: Guiguet, Catherine nt: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 2:53 PM To: Fire All Personnel;_Police All Personnel;Anh Hoang; Becky Fowler; Brent McFall; Brett Vinson; Callius Zaratkiewicz(E-mail); Catherine Guiguet Cheryl Viseth; Dea Drake; Debra Leroy; Jan Banister; Jed Aldridge; Jim White; Joe Bartlemay; Karen Ford; Kathleen Senecaut; Marvin Bartlemay; Pat Fitzpatrick; Rob Sprague (E-mail); Roger Lubovich; Ron Banister (E- mail); Rose Jacob; Steve Ohlde; Sue Viseth; Tim Gimenez (E-mail) Subject: Civil Service Special Meeting to hold the Regular February Meeting Minutes Please click on the icon below for your copy of the February Civil Service Minutes: MinutesSpecial eburary2001.doc Thank you, Catherine M. Guiguet Civil Service Secretary& Chief Examiner • • 1