HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 01/24/2001 (3) CITY OF KENT - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 2001 MEETING MINUTES Members Present: Callius Zaratkiewicz Ron Banister Tim Gimenez Others Present: A/C Marzono, Lt. Ohlde, Officer Harvey, Sue Viseth, Dave Santos, Jed Aldridge, Acting BIC Shepard, Lt. Markley, others present. Chair Zaratkiewicz called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. I. COMMISSION BUSINESS: II. HEARING: III. OLD BUSINESS: A. Accept Into Record 1. Chair Zaratkiewicz moved to approve the minutes from the November 22, 2000 Civil Service Meeting. Seconded and carried 2. Chair Zaratkiewicz moved to approve the minutes from the December 13, 2000 Civil Service Meeting. Seconded and carried B. Action Item for Discussion: 1. Chair Zoratkiewicz opened for discussion the request for review of packet from Entry Level Police Officer Candidate Juli Rappe. a. E-mail dated December 21, 2000 from Deputy Chief Miller to the Commission stating that after review of Ms. Rappe's test packet the decision to remove her from the Eligibility List still stands. b. Letter dated December 22, 2001 from Chief Examiner Guiguet to Ms. Rappe notifying her that her removal from the Entry Level Police Officers Eligibility List still stands. Their being no discussion, Commissioner Banister moved to accept items a. and b. into W' record. Seconded and carried. • Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2001 Page 2 IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. Accept into Record Chair Zoratkiewicz asked everyone present to review items 1 through 3. 1. Memo dated January 18, 2001 from Chief Angelo informing the Commission that Assistant Fire Chief Dominic Marzano has completed his probationary period and is promoted effective January 27, 2001. 2. Memo dated January 23, 2001 from Chief Angelo informing the Commission that as a result of a disciplinary action, John Willits has been demoted to the rank of Fire Lieutenant effective January 23, 2001. 3. Memo dated January 24, 2001 from Chief Angelo to the Commission notifying them • that he has appointed Larry Webb to the assignment of Provisional Assistant Chief in charge of Fire Prevention effective January 24, 2001. Commissioner Banister moved to approve and accept items 1 through 3 into record. Seconded and carried. B. Action Item for Discussion: 1. Memo dated January 24, 2001 from Assistant Fire Chief Marzano requesting permission to begin the selection process for Assistant Fire Chief. Chief Marzano: "With the opening now we would like to move forward with the process of selecting a new Assistant Chief. As it says in the memo, we would like to proceed under the concept that it will be both an internal and external test. Historically with the Department, for the test that I was hired with, only one internal applicant applied. For the one before that, none. Even though we don't want to exclude anyone, externally, who is qualified to apply. We would like to expedite the process. The idea is to not wait for approval to move forward until a survey, internally is completed. We would like to do it simultaneously. Survey internally; see if anybody internally wants to apply. If we have a large enough applicant pool internally, then we don't have to worry about it, we can do it internally. But we are going on the premise that it will have to be an internal/external test. As it says in the letter, we are looking at Waldron & Associates." iCivil Service Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2001 Page 3 CIA Lubovich: "Is there any question as to the type of test that is going to be utilized? My understanding is that you are going to use an Assessment Center?" A/C Marzano: "Yes, same type of Assessment Center." CIA Lubovich: "I just think that needs to be clear for the record." Chief Examiner Guiguet: "What I wi►I do for the internal candidates is post it to see if anyone is interested. Do you want it open for any particular length of time?" A/C Marzano: "Again, the idea is to expedite the process. Actually I would defer to you, having run the test to know the proper length of time." Chief Examiner Guiguet: "For internal posting we normally have it open for a month. Do you want it open for a month?" A/C Marzano: "I don't think that a month would be necessary." Lt. Shepard: "A month does seem to be a long time in this situation. (Maybe we could mail out a notice to all the eligible people and take care of it in ten days to two weeks." A/C Marzano: "I would say that two weeks would work rather than the ten days. This is not a big vacation time, so a lot of people are not gone so we should test everyone quickly and easily." Chief Examiner Guiguet: "I'm going to p►ay devils advocate again. What is a qualified applicant pool?" Sue Viseth, Director of Employee Services: "A qualified pool, historically, as Chief Marzano said, they didn't have anyone the first time and then only one applicant the second time. Certainly management has to use some discretion there. That's where the Chief will have to determine what is sufficient. Certainly you'd like to see a large number of applicants. It would be wonderful if we had twelve or thirteen applicants in- house who were qualified for this position for him to consider because it is a high level, executive position in the Fire Department. It goes case by case. We are not able to commit to a number." • Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2001 Page 4 Chief Examiner Guiguet: "He did mention nine in the letter." Sue Viseth, Employee Services Director: "Yes, when he an I talked he said nine to twelve. But we are concerned that we will not see that level of response. If we do, Chief will take a serious look at those candidates." Chief Examiner Guiguet: "If we do not have enough internal applicants then when we go outside they would do the same as last time where they would then have to reapply to compete, or would we use their initial letter of interest?" Sue Viseth, Employee Services Director: "What did we do last time Catherine? Did we use the initial letter of interest because they would be able to compete? Then Waldron and Associates who are the executive search firm that we would be contracting with would then evaluate the internal applicants along with the external applicants." Chief Examiner Guiguet: "They had to resubmit." Sue Viseth, Employee Services Director: "I think, typically, executive search firms have information that they want to make sure that they gather as part of the process." Chief Examiner Guiguet: "Yes, candidates had to submit answers to a questionnaire." Sue Viseth, Employee Services Director: "I would think that we would use the same process. I think that it is also important to point out, because I don't think that everyone in the audience has a copy of the memo." Chief Examiner Guiguet: "I'd like to apologize for that. The letter came down this afternoon and I did not have the opportunity to get it to everybody. I can certainly do that for you after the meeting if you would like. Both Police and Fire did not have it in their packet." Sue Viseth, Employee Services Director: "I do think that it is important so that we have everything on the record, that after the testing is complete the Chief intends to use the same instruments that were used on the last promotional exam. The • psychological and management profile instruments that were used previously as well." • Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2001 Page 5 Commissioner Banister: "I'll make a motion that permission be granted to begin the selection process for Assistant Fire Chief internal and external as presented." Seconded and carried. Chair Zaratkiewicz asked if there was any additional business to be discussed. Chair Zaratkiewicz made a motion to adjourn. Seconded and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. The next regular Civil Service Meeting will be held at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 2001. Respectfully submitted, C �k, Catherine M. Guiguet Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner Approved: air Calli nratkiewicz • P:\Employment\Civil Service\Agendas&MinutesCSMeetings\MinutesJanuary20ol.doc Guiguet, Catherine m: Guiguet, Catherine ent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 4:08 PM To: Fire All Personnel; _Police All Personnel; Anh Hoang; Becky Fowler; Brent McFall; Brett Vinson; Callius Zaratkiewicz(E-mail); Catherine Guiguet; Cheryl Viseth; Dea Drake; Debra Leroy; Jan Banister; Jed Aldridge; Jim White; Joe Bartlemay; Karen Ford; Kathleen Senecaut; Marvin Bartlemay; Pat Fitzpatrick; Rob Sprague (E-mail); Roger Lubovich; Ron Banister(E- mail); Rose Jacob; Steve Ohlde; Sue Viseth; Tim Gimenez(E-mail) Subject: CIVIL SERVICE MINUTES - JANUARY Please click on the icon below for your copy of the January 2001 Civil Service Minutes. MinutesJanwr y2001.doc Thank you Catherine M. Guiguet Civil Service Secretary&Chief Examiner t