HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 12/02/2003Operations Committee Minutes December 2, 2003 Committee Members Present: Chair Rico Yingling, Leona Orr, Tim Clark The meeting was called to order by Rico Yingling, Chair at 4:01 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 18, 2003 Tim Clark moved to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2003, Operations Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Leona Orr and passed 3-0. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS DATED NOVEMBER 26, 2003 Leona Orr moved to approve the vouchers dated November 26, 2003. Tim Clark seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 2004 KENT REPORTER CONTRACT Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Dena Laurent presented the 2004 Kent Reporter Contract. Ms. Laurent advised the Operations Committee that the City of Kent began publishing the Kent Connections City Newsletter in the Kent Reporter in 1998. The content and design are completed in-house and forwarded to the Kent Reporter for publication and distribution for one full page of advertising each month. The Kent Reporter is typically distributed to 68,000 Kent area addresses. Council and community feedback on the newsletter has been positive and we recommend continuing the newsletter in 2004. The City has included a total project cost of $52,000 in the 2004 Preliminary Budget. Ted Kogita commented regarding the proposed contract and with the Kent Cable TV – Channel 21 – why the City chooses to spend money on the Kent Reporter. Leona Orr commented that not all Kent residents have cable television and therefore they are given the opportunity to review issues happening within the City of Kent via the Kent Reporter. Rico Yingling commented that the City has a huge job to communicate effectively with the public and the Kent Reporter provides a narrowband of communication. It was further stated that the City annually compares the cost of publishing the Kent Reporter on their own and it is not cost effective to do so. Tim Clark moves to recommend that the 2004 Kent Reporter Contract be placed on the consent calendar for the December 9, 2003, City Council meeting for adoption. The motion was seconded by Leona Orr and passed 3-0. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT – CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN 2004-2009 – ORDINANCE Finance Director May Miller presented the revised Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Capital Improvements Plan 2004-2009 Ordinance. The Ordinance relates to CPA-2003-5 amending the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive plan to include the Capital Improvement Plan for 2004 - 2009 Operations Committee, 12/2/2003 2 Leona Orr moved to recommend that a public hearing be held at the December 9, 2003, City Council meeting regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Capital Improvements Plan 2004-2009 Ordinance and that any further action would follow the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REVISIONS TO KENT CITY CODE 12.13: SCHOOL DISTRICTS’ CAPITAL FACILITIES PLANS – ORDINANCE Planning Manager Charlene Anderson presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Revisions to Kent City Code 12.13: School Districts’ Capital Facilities Plans. The amendment incorporates the 2003/04 – 2008/09 Capital Facilities Plans of the Auburn, Kent, and Federal Way School Districts, including updated School Impact Fees, as recommended by staff. The school districts are required to submit for annual Council review their updated capital facilities plans. Auburn, Federal Way, and Kent submitted their updated Plans and a public hearing was held on September 16, 2003. Auburn School District was added this year due to the potential sale of the City of Kent Impoundment Reservoir Property and its possible development. Leona Orr moved to recommend that the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Revisions to Kent City Code 12.13: School Districts’ Capital Facilities Plans – Ordinance be placed on the consent calendar for the December 9, 2003, City Council meeting for adoption. The motion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. 2004 KENT LODGING ASSOCIATION CONTRACT AND BUDGET Economic Development Manager Nathan Torgelson presented the 2004 Kent Lodging Association Contract and Budget. Mr. Torgelson advised that the contract calls for a budget of $31,670. The Kent Lodging Association collects and uses City lodging tax dollars to maintain a website, answer 1- 800 calls, place advertising in tourism brochures and distribute the existing Kent Lodging Association brochure run by the Kent Chamber of Commerce. Tim Clark moved to recommend that the 2004 Kent Lodging Association Contract and Budget be placed on the consent calendar for the December 9, 2003, City Council meeting for adoption. The motion was seconded by Leona Orr and passed 3-0. 2004 PROPERTY TAX 1% STATUTORY ADJUSTMENT FOR 2004 BUDGET - ORDINANCE Finance Director May Miller presented the 2004 Property Tax 1% Statutory Adjustment for 2004 Budget Ordinance. Ms. Miller advised that state law, Referendum 747, requires a separate ordinance or resolution in order to authorize any increase in property tax. This ordinance authorizes a 1% increase of $217,043 in the property tax levy for the 2003 budget. This adjustment is in addition to increases resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, from any increase in the value of state-assessed property, from the refund fund levy, and from annexed properties. Once the final assessed valuation amounts are confirmed by King County the mill rate can be calculated. The estimated rate is expected to be 2.771, the lowest rate in 18 years. Operations Committee, 12/2/2003 3 The City also has approximately $1,000,000 in unbanked property tax capacity that is available for use, but is not included in the 2004 budget. Ms. Miller stated that most other cities in the area have used their unbanked property tax capacity, however, Kent has been conservative and not relied on it. Leona Orr moved to recommend that the 2004 Property Tax 1% Statutory Adjustment for 2004 Budget Ordinance adopting a 1% increase of $217,043 over the 2003 property tax levy for the 2004 budget, in addition to increase resulting from new construction, improvements, increases in state assessed property, other adjustments, and annexed properties be placed on the consent calendar for the December 9, 2003, City Council meeting for adoption. The motion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. 2003 PROPERTY TAX TOTAL LEVY FOR 2004 BUDGET - ORDINANCE Finance Director May Miller presented the 2003 Property Tax Total Levy for 2004 Budget Ordinance. Ms. Miller advised that this ordinance establishes the actual property tax levy, which is based on a statutorily allowed 1% increase for inflation and also includes the amounts established for new construction, improvements, increases in state assessed property, other adjustments, and any annexations to the City. The estimated levy is $22,302,436 for the General Fun and $1775,000 for the Debt Service Funds, for an estimated total of $24,077,436. The actual amounts to be levied will be presented for Council’s approval upon receipt of the certified assessed valuation numbers from King County. Tim Clark moved to recommend that the 2003 Property Tax Total Levy for 2004 Budget Ordinance establishing the estimated regular property tax levy of $22,302,436 for the General Fund and $1,775,000 for the Debt Service Funds for a total of $24,077,426 be placed on the consent calendar for the December 9, 2003, City Council meeting for adoption. The motion was seconded by Leona Orr and passed 3-0. 2004 FINAL BUDGET ADOPTION - ORDINANCE Finance Director May Miller presented a revised Exhibit A to the 2004 Final Budget Adoption Ordinance. Ms. Miller advised that this ordinance adopts the City’s 2004 budget. The budget to be adopted is summarized in Exhibit A to the ordinance and includes the Preliminary Budget document as amended by Exhibit B to the ordinance, which constitutes technical corrections made to the Preliminary Budget since its original publication. Ms. Miller further advised that Council has held two pubic hearings and four workshops on the 2004 Budget. Debt Service reductions and corrections due to pending approval of LTGO Debt and Budget reallocations will be included in final technical corrections to Exhibit B. Property tax changes will also be included once the City receives the final numbers from King County. Leona Orr moved to recommend that the 2004 Final Budget Adoption Ordinance adopting the final 2004 Operating and Capital Budget which includes Exhibits A and B be placed on the consent calendar for the December 9, 2003, City Council meeting for adoption. The motion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. Operations Committee, 12/2/2003 4 2003 SECOND HALF BUDGET AMENDMENT - ORDINANCE Finance Director May Miller presented the revised 2003 Second Half Budget Amendment Ordinance and Exhibits. Ms. Miller advised that authorization is requested to approve the technical gross budget adjustment totaling $16,070,136 for budget adjustments made between July 1, 2003, and December 31, 2003. The net amount, excluding transfers and internal service changes is $8,483,996. The proposed ordinance is primarily a housekeeping adjustment, consolidating individual budget items into one adjustment ordinance. Ms. Miller stated that $5,422,549 was previously approved by Council. Of the $10,328,439 not yet approved by Council, $7,518,000 is related to bonds to be issued as recommended by the Operations Committee on November 18, 2003. An additional $1,175,000 is to adjust the Special Assessments Budget to accommodate prepayments received and $249,873 is for increased auto parts usage by Fleet Services resulting from their aggressive preventive maintenance program. Budget changes approved by Council in late November or early December 2003 will be included in the final draft. Tim Clark moved to recommend that the 2003 Second Half Budget Adjustment Ordinance approving adjustments made between July 1, 2003, and December 31, 2003, totaling $16,070,136 and approving a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $200,000 to the housing and community development fund be placed on the consent calendar for the December 9, 2003, City Council meeting for adoption. The motion was seconded by Leona Orr and passed 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 5:12 P.M. Renee Cameron Operations Committee Secretary