HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 12/01/2003 (3)PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES December 1, 2003 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tim Clark , Rico Yingling, Julie Peterson The meeting was called to order by Committee Chair Tim Clark at 5:02 P.M. Approval of Minutes of November 3, 2003 Committee Member Julie Peterson moved to approve the minutes of November 3, 2003. The motion was seconded by Committee member Rico Yingling and passed 3-0. Vehicle and Equipment Surplus Public Works Director Don Wickstrom said the listed equipment/vehicles comply with current replacement policy guidelines and have been replaced. The items will be sold at auction or sold to smaller cities. Alice Conrad, Fleet Superintendent was present at the meeting to answer any questions. Rico Yingling moved to recommend the Council authorize the staff to appropriately dispose of the equipment as described and listed in the memorandum dated November 12, 2003. The motion was seconded by Julie Peterson and passed 3-0. Utility Service Outside City Limits Ordinance Public Works Director Don Wickstrom said Public Works is proposing to amend the City Code and bring it up to date. This section of the code was last updated in 1990. Since then many things have changed concerning both the annexation laws and the City’s future corporate boundary limits. Wickstrom noted that with the recent court decision and subsequent legislative action the annexation laws have changed. Further, with the 1990 Growth Management Act and the incorporation of new cities such as Seatac the City’s utilities service area now extends beyond our future corporate boundaries The proposed changes address both these issues. Wickstrom showed a map denoting the areas effected by the changes. Wickstrom also noted that for those service areas lying within other jurisdiction’s or their respective PAAs the department was proposing to retain the right to require traffic and drainage mitigation in conjunction with providing utility service. Brett Vinson Assistant City Attorney was present to answer questions. Committee member Rico Yingling asked if it was legal to have someone requesting services sign a No Protest Agreement. Brett Vinson stated that RCW 35.67.310 allows the City to provide utility service to properties located outside the City limits upon terms and conditions established by ordinance. Both statutory and case law authority allow us to do this. Committee Chair Tim Clark asked Wickstrom what caused the changes to be needed. Wickstrom said when this was originally set up it was assumed that all properties serviced by city utilities would eventually be part of the city. This is not so today. Our service area now includes other jurisdictions such as Seatac or their designated Potential Annexation Areas such as Auburn’s. 2 Julie Peterson asked about the copy of the Ordinance that was included with the packet. The text that had been deleted was lined out but the text that was added was not noted. She requested an amended copy. Brett Vinson said he would provide all Council Members an amended copy so they could review the document and have the item placed on the Other Business section of the agenda for the December 9th City Council Meeting. Wickstrom denoted that the section 7.11.010. is basically the original ordinance and section 7.11.020. is all new. Julie Peterson moved to have the Utility Service Outside City Limits Ordinance placed on the Other Business agenda at the December 9th City Council meeting with the provision we see the amended draft ordinance. The motion was seconded by Rico Yingling and passed 3-0. Council Member Rico Yingling said it would be his last Public Works Committee meeting and he wanted to thank Chair Tim Clark for all of his hard work on the committee and leadership. He also wanted to thank Don Wickstrom and his staff for the great work they do in the City of Kent. Rico said the citizens of Kent have a lot to be proud of in what you have accomplished. Rico said he was pleased to have been on the Public Works Committee for his entire 6 years on the City Council. The meeting adjourned at 5:24 P.M. Janet Perschek Administrative Assistant