HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW17-151 - Amendment - #2 - ICF Jones & Stokes, Inc. - Mill Creek SEPA Environmental Impact Statement - 02/26/2019 NT Reco r s Management Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to subrnissiun to the City Clerk's Office, All portions parks to be coogvaBeted. ,If you have yue sons, piease contract the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 Vendor Name: ICE Jones & Stokes, Inc. Vendor Number (JDE): Contract Number (City Clerk): pm-)-tS DU3 Category: Contract Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): Amendment Project Name: Mill Creek Reestablishment 1i1 N/ Q j Contract Execution Date: 2/26/19 Termination Date: Melissa Dahl PW: Engineering Contract Manager: Department: _ g g Contract Amount: $0 Budgeted: ❑✓ f� Grant? Part of NEW Budget: El ❑ Local ❑ State: El Federal: 11 Related to a New Position: Basis for Selection of Contractor? Other Approval Authority: 71 Director ❑ Mayor City Council Other Details: Amend the scope of work,. N T AMENDMENT NO. 2 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: ICF Jones & Stok ,s, Inc. CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Mill Creek Reestablishment ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: March 29. 2017 This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: The Scope of Work amends the existing contract to reallocate funds for preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project to instead provide wetland delineation and mitigation design in the amount of $32,466.82 which is included in the original contract budget. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are modified as follows: .. _......._............._ _._,..,... . ..... .. ------ Original Contract Sum, $348,881.77 including applicable WSST _. ------- .. Net Change by Previous Amendments $0 including applicable WSST Current Contract Amount $348,881.77 including all previous amendments ------ ...... — ... .— —_ .._._,_ — ...�._.___..— ...m. Current Amendment Sum $II Applicable WSST Tax on this Amendment Revv- -ised-_.._ . _,..Sum —..__._...__........ Contra.. ._ c ct $348,881.77 AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 M1i .... ..,.... .....,.... ...............------......, ,.... .. Original Time for Completion 12/31/18 (insert date) ...._. . _....... _.. w__ Revised Time for Completion under 6/30/19 prior Amendments (insert date) Add'I Days Required (f) for this 5,50 calendar days Amendment Revised Time for Completion 12/31/20 (insert date) The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. — . .... ..... _....__� -- _.w — _..—.m......._— _.._...w - CONSULTANT/VENDOR: CITY OF KENT: (signature) m.,_.__ By a, s!¢gntatttre) Print Name: Trina L Fisher Print Name: Timothy ➢. LaPorte P.E ItS Contracts Administrator Its _ Public Works Director (title) (title DATE 2/26/19 � DATE: 2-r')f ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: p (applicable if Mayor's signature required) IVY Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department ICF)ones%Slokei, MITI Crk 0.aesLab M1ma 2/paM11 -- AMENDMENT - 2 OF 2 EXHIBIT A City of Kent Mill Creek Reestablishment Project Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Recommendation Scope of Work - o � o As requested by the City of Kent(CITY), this modification will amend the existing contract with ICF Jones& Stokes, Inc. (ICF) to prepare the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)for the Mill Creek Reestablishment Project(Project). This modification will reallocate funds from the remaining budget for ICF to perform wetland consulting assistance for the Frankford and Matelich and properties; potential mitigation sites for the Project. It is our understanding that upon completion of these tasks,the wetland delineation report would be submitted by the CITY to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers(Corps), and the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), as part of the permitting materials for this Project. This scope of work includes coordination with the CITY regarding the Project's mitigation plan, but does not include agency coordination, the preparation/revision of other permit documents, or preparation of a conceptual or final mitigation plan. These services would be performed under a subsequent amendment to the contract once the mitigation strategy is determined. ICF has included travel expenses for three staff to conduct two days of field work, one day at each site. If field work is scheduled separately, the travel expenses for overnight accommodations would be applied towards the additional m leage required for two round trips. Mileage is based on round trip from Bellingham and Portland office locations. This Scope and attached cost estimate is for the delineation of waters of the state(wetlands and streams) at the Frankford property and preparation of a Wetland Delineation report to support the Project. This Scope of Work does not include the preparation of a conceptual mitigation plan as the nature and amount of mitigation potential cannot be known until the delineation is completed. TASK 1.1 — FIELD PREPARATION ICF will perform a desktop analysis of the Frarkford property, including review of property information provided by the CITY and available from King County. Such analysis will include review of • Existing site conditions, soils, vegetation, and hydrology, • Hazardous material conditions as documented through King County, and • National Wetland inventory results. pmblsmcn rgrreneuwi_mid Mili�onnri Xcconuri-r,dpnans Ci! h —'-'"'-Scope"J,Wok 19 2019 Pnge 1 • - ! ® r 1 TASK 1.2 —WETLAND DELINEATION ICF will perform a routine level wetland delineation of the Frankford Property using the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) and the Washington Department of Ecology Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (DOE 1997). It is assumed that the CITY will provide ICF with the necessary approvals for access to the Frankford Property. Sample plot data will be collected within and immediately adjacent to every identified wetland or other water, and the appropriate field forms will be used to document the delineation results, ICF will stake and/or flag these boundaries for future professional surveying by the CITY, or a CITY contractor, and for field verification if requested by the Crops and/or Ecology. ICF will use handheld GPS devices to collect flag locations to generate GIS figures depicting wetland/water locations to be used in permit applications. Data for the wetland functions and values assessment, stream type, and buffer vegetation classes will also be collected at this time. Wetlands will be rated and their functions qualitatively assessed according to both the Washington State Wetland Rating System (I[ruby 2014) and the City of Kent's Critical Areas Code.Wetland buffers will be determined as per the City of Kent's Critical Areas Code. TASK 1.3 —WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT ICF will prepare a Wetland Delineation report as per the requirements of the City of Kent's Critical Areas Code,which is also required for the purposes of the JARPA submittal for Section 404 permitting, Section 401, and HPA permitting. The report will describe the wetlands delineated on the Frankford property, as well as the nature and location of any waters that could potentially be determined to be jurisdictional by the Corps. A summary of wetland and wetland buffer conditions will be included. TASK 1 DELIVERABLES • Three wetland biologists will perform a one-day site visit to complete the wetland and buffer delineations and to collect data for the rating forms. A sketch map illustrating the delineation flags will be electronically developed to aide in obtaining a professional survey of the delineation. The results of the delineation willl be presented in the Wetland Delineation Report(Task 1.3). Fratdc£ord Property Wetland Delineation Report including: o Summary of site conditions, o Description of wetlands and other waters, vegetation,soil, arid hydrology, o Classification and categorization of wetlands per City of Kent and Ecology rating systems, o Classification and categorization of streams per City of Kent and Washington State water typing, o Qualitative evaluation of wetland functions using best professional judgernent and the Ecology rating system fonn, W ., _..... Mil(Creek Rec,rabbetimenlProjeciWetlandDe(ineahonandMih'gu6on Rccommenduhanr City ofKenl Rebnewy 192019 Scope of N'mk PuKe 2 o Summary of delineation methods used, o Wetland field data fonns and figures illustrating wetland extents and locations, o Ordinary High Water Mark forms and figures illustrating stream extents and locations, o Figures illustrating the Frankford property topography, soils, National Wetland Inventory results, o Mapped location of wetlands within the Frankford property, and o Summary of potential local, state and federal permitting requirements. Task 1 Assumptions • Task 1 will be completed within 4 weeks; work will not be initiated until written authorization has been received from the CITY. • The CITY will electronically provide ICF with a PLS certified AutoCAD Civil 3D base file of the Frankford property boundaries. • The CITY will provide ICF with the necessary approvals for access to the Frankford Property. • The CITY will be responsible for the survey of the wetland boundaries and will electrically provide ICF with a PLS certified AutoCAD Civil 3D base file of the surveyed points. This Scope and attached cost estimate is for the delineation of waters of the state (wetlands and streams) at the Matelich property and preparation of a Wetland Delineation report to support the Project.This Scope of Work does not include the preparation of a conceptual mitigation plan as the nature and amount of mitigation potential cannot be known until the delineation is completed. TASK 2.1 — FIELD PREPARATION ICF will perform a desktop analysis of the Matelich property, including review of property information provided by the CITY and available from King County. Such analysis will include review of. • Existing site conditions,soils, vegetation,and hydrology, • Hazardous material conditions as documented through King County, and • National Wetland Inventory results. TASK 2.2—WETLAND DELINEATION ICF will perform a routine level wetland delineation of the Matelich Property using the f 987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) and the Washington Department of Ecology Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (DOE 1997). _—_.. .w _....A1,11 ,#CreehAl2'rrtla^(ubJtshrnenf Profcof Wetlnrtrl DelPn enhon and Mibyaoon mrn R¢ raendan n ry 7u C( o Knt e fdoryer,ey,J lA"ar^k HeLruary IY,2019 Page 3 . • . . - It is assumed that the CITY will provide lCF with the necessary approvals for access to the Matelich Property. Sample plot data will be collected within and immediately adjacent to every identified wetland or other water,and the appropriate field forms will be used to document the delineation results. ICE will stake and/or flag these boundaries for future professional surveying by the CITY, or a CITY contractor, and for field verification if requested by the Corps and/or Ecology. ICF will use handheld GPS devices to collect flag locations to generate GIS figures depicting wetland/water locations to be used in permit applications. Data for the wetland functions and values assessments,stream type, and buffer vegetation classes will also be collected at this time. Wetlands will be rated and their functions qualitatively assessed according to both the Washington State Wetland Rating System(Hruby 2014) and the City of Kent's Critical Areas Code. Wetland and snearn buffers will be determined as per the City of Kent's Critical Areas Code, TASK 2.3 —WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT ICF will prepare a Wetland Delineation report as per the requirements of the City of Kent's Critical Areas Code,which is also required for the purposes of the JARPA submittal for Section 404 permitting, Section 401, and HPA permitting, The report will describe the wetlands delineated on the Matelich property, as well as the nature and location of any waters that could potentially be dcternuned io be juuisotional by the Corps. A summary of wetland and wetland buffer conditions will be included. TASK 2 DELIVERABLES • Three wetland biologists will perform a one-day site visit to complete the wetland and buffer delineations and to collect data for the rating forms. A sketch map illustrating the delineation flags will be electronically developed to aide in obtaining a professional survey of the delineation. The results of the delineation will be presented in the Wetland Delineation Report (Task'2.$). • Matelich Property Wetland Delineation Report including: o Summary of site conditions, o Description of wetlands and other waters, vegetation, soil, and hydrology, o Classification and categorization of wetlands per City of Kent and Ecology rating systems, c Classification and categorization of streams per City of Kent and Washington State water typing, o Qualitative evaluation of wetland functions using best professional judgement and the Ecology rating system form, o Summary of delineation methods used, o Wetland field data forms and figures illustrating wetland extents and locations, o Ordinary High Water Mark forms and figures illustrating stream extents and locations, §fflf Gevk Ree'RrbllsJurcnt Project l4<Nnnd GelrnueGan and MRlgt¢ iRecurnm .�laCan.r, Ci fj r�ICenl �eh�e,ary�f:', -019 Sr eye of{Yo,k Page I o Figures illustrating the Matelich Property topography, soils, and National Wetland Inventory results, o Mapped location of wetlands within the Matelich property, and o Summary of potential local, state and federal permitting requirements. Task 2 Assumptions • Task 2 will be completed within 5 weeks; work will not be initiated until Mitten authorization has been received from the CITY. • The CITY will electronically provide ICF with a PLS certified AutoCAD Civil 3D base file of the Matelich property boundaries. • The CITY will provide ICF with the necessary approvals for access to the Matelich Property. • The CITY will be responsible for the survey of the wetland boundaries and will electrically provide ICF with a PLS certified AutoCAD Civil 3D base file of the surveyed points. Task 3 provides an opportunity for the CITY to review the mitigation potential of the Frankford and Matelich properties and comprehensively refine the mitigation needs for the Project. TASK 3.1 — Draft Mill Creek Reestablishment Mitigation Approach Memo ICF will provide the CITY with a summary of mitigation recommendations within the context of the Project. The Mitigation Approach recommendations will be comprehensive for all Project actions and include mitigation needs and opportunities at all sites considered. This task includes time to more accurately assess mitigation areas on the Little Property (current area calculations are based on rough estimates from M.Knox) and develop a mitigation figure and table. TASK 3.2— Mill Creek Reestablishment Mitigation Approach Review Meeting ICF will coordinate and facilitate a meeting between the CITY project management team, Public Works design team, and up to 4 ICF staff to review Project impact calculations and the results outlined in the Mitigation Approach memo. Participants will discuss mitigation site selection, and opportunities for refining Project impacts, thereby understanding the potential to lessen Project mitigation needs. TASK 3.3— Final Mill Creek Reestablishment Mitigation Approach Memo Following the Mitigation Approach Review meeting, ICF will prepare a final memo outlining the agreed- upon approach for Project impact calculations and mitigation needs. The Mitigation Approach memo will be tailored for inclusion in the Project Description and related permit documents. TASK 3 DELIVERABLES • Draft and Final Mill Creek Reestablishment Mitigation Approach memo. k6nermnfishment Prujoct W'eflnnd Dehheafion mrd Miaganon Recomrnendafions, CiNofKent St c Febr ,,y 19,2019 lam of Work Page 5 • Mitigation Approach meeting facilitation and preparation of conclusions,included in the Final Mitigation Approach memo. Task 3 Assumptions • Task 3 will begin upon written authorization from CITY and will be completed within 3 weeks, following the date of the Mitigation Approach Review meeting. ICF will complete the above scope of work for an estimated cost of$32,466.82. A detailed breakdown of the anticipated costs is provided in Table 1. Costs will be invoiced on a time-and-materials basis. 1CF may move resources between tasks within the contract amount. Mill Creck ftcerinbliefinienr Projecr Weflund Uelirrcnnwr aired Mirrxation RecornrnendnHuns, C1ty of Kent PeGn�nry 19 2019 Scope of Work Poge 6 l4 F v� M N b � o ai v 5 ' c a 1 E � 0 _ s h rn E c a � A � � a Ili lu v b rw � E o _ o a; .. a 14 ti G ✓A 1 N.. ry � � � N i V C a �O, a CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE GAT MMI°°,Yy , D l,,,,LniB THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS P CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If tfrtl nbrtlhcata holdar is an AODITIDNAL INSURED,the policy(les)must have ADDITIONAL RNSURED provisions or be'erlddorsod.If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such widorsement(s). r, PRODUCER c CONTAGfvT Abri RICO Ser-VICe5 northed5t, InC, NWd#E 9 New York INY street ce (866) 283 /122 FAx ---'- 0 ➢A(e,N a ey. (tS00] 363 DIb �.w,.— " 199 water �trect �� _._�... [lJL".Ma.�, _ _.... 0 New York Nv 1003R-3551 USA ADDRESS AdknRE 55 o 2 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAICp INSURED —.._ .......... p{'F ]ones & Stokes Inc, INsuRERA.---Great Nor Insurance co,Insura Co, 20303 , : - --. mp....._._ Attn: Mi sha Erei man rl INSURERS: Fdla➢ ral I ran onsuce Coany 202[s$ 93410 Lee VicBY t— INsuRERc Co0'Ll ncn Cal Casualty lOmpany 21uIA.1 a'I 220 rfax, VA 2203J. USA INSURER A _ ..� �........�,., ..—.........—..m...,....�...__,..,,.. INSURER E INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:5700712/8782 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERI IP'Y I Hai i hIE PGl.ICVES OF INwURANU&I I$I Iml"]EIELOW HAVE SEEM ISSt1V.'O TD ThIF INSpIRkt7 NAMED A011VI FOR THE POI ICY PEI'8IOD INDIC"ATEU.NOTWH I IS FANDING ANY REOUIRLIOLNI TERM OR CONDITICK OF ANY CONTf"t,SC'T UR ODFIEfia 4>OCU'MEiW"F 4VfhPl RESPECT TO WHICH THIS' CHR fVF IC;'A"YL PAAY BE 1S.SUf=1A OR MAY!'L`P{"IAIN.THE IIW5V167AIV'DF,AP'PGR6,91tLd BY THE ➢'OLdCdE'.5 G4YIFdE0 "EnEIM IS SUE TO A,l.l.1'hGE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND COND ",OF SUCH CO ICIES.LIMITS"GHOWN MAY HAVE 5f ENtI RFOUCED BY PAID DES DES C$LA.IMS. LIm1Lw I' JUMP sbpwn are as rea nested Tid TYPE OF INSURANCE n ,tea POLICY NUMBER MINUD'YTYV M bell', LIMITS X CO M LAENERAL LIABILITY cIL4 1, I - 'EAnHOC U(FRa(reNtCurE CLAIMS OCCUR Pakage Domestic 00 . Mq*Ur"YCOMPi"Erw t 1...._'. $1 OOO,p07 Y cor al c abriry mnb„ ES _ .. .... IMED FSXP(Any one pesml $10,000 _. .,___.".W� ----- PER oNALx ADv mJuar $1 000 000 r ENLAccnEca rL UMn APPLIE PER GENERAL AGLREGA FEFE .. gp plp0,0(16J X POLICY PR0. LOG . r JECi $2 000 fy00 a' oTHEa_ PRoouus COMP/OP Ar o..L AUTOMOBILE uaelurY 735,*r^J55 07l01f2018 0714Il/7f14d <„erMBtnaEGSINGLE v,fP,ml'r Le I .. AUTfuumbi le - All crates 'Egeis yaolt,"�_ 41,000,00U x ANYAUTO BODILY INJURY(Perp ) •• , p .... OWNED SCHEDULED ..",,,"..�_....,..� ..,�__._..__... z ADFOSONLY AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Perawlden) N y HIRED VLnos X NON-0wNED !!*IPV]Pq,ri'tl'N'DAMAGE __ "...,. AUi050NLY U C UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR N . ' EACH OCCURRENCE U E%CE66 LIAB CLAIMS MADE CAet}', III IF NVIClpI ......-'—...,... ..-,..,-._._._ _ a WORKERS C0141PC11 TONAND 7;17543,+7 I7Jl6Xd d),8751b/;/ A/263L9 X PER DVfP �. . EMPLOYERS LIpBILITI' ANY PRorelEro R,PnP.rnsRTExeumvF YIN workers Caripensatinn 6rhTll X'F _. 8 Uf EGOFRaaExNtE f ExcLuoeov IE NIA eL"EACH rc CENT $1 000,00) IMsartlaraury in NWl ....__—,,,,...._ .._.._..._.._ If "'aSCU N'i EIT DI EA E-EAEMFLOIEE $1 000,000, DrppeTTIK)N 0.OPERATIONS of. ET DI EasE-Poucv LIMY 53,000,000 C IftO-MPI,-Pf{mar 00 ,b10 rors oPeRAnorusvp.(YOAnONs,vEHICLEs{A{.ORn,o,raaartor$i Re Emissions inurl:xs nedule,rca neefddfeAf'p1N t7Pf07t dIJlJ Each CDairn y 052GIA911 overall policy relgv, $3 000,0do DESCRIPTION OF " y da bed Amore 5paci,'s required) 1 - Professional LY abi li ty is AT Clulms Made poi icy, There is no Additional Insured status on the Professional Liability {:overage. 2 - The City Of Kent is included as Additional Insureds as its Interest may appear as respects work being done by or on behalf of the Named Insured. ki aq 3 - The indicated coverage is primary but only as respects work being done by ICF ]ones & Stokes, Inc. for the City Of Kent. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD My OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. F400 Of Kent AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE w orks Department Gowe, 98032 u5A a ors a��+.a 909"1CCd IuV JfaG ©1988.2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD C H U B ET Liability Insurance Endorsement Policy Period RILY 1,20i8 TO.IUCY' 1, 2019 Effective Da to JUL Y 1, 2018 Policy Number 3581-24-09✓JTO Insured KT INERN,,k-I D;IA i IN(' WF JONFS &,S FOKE.S, INC. Name of Company ('RFA I NORTHF.'RN INSURAW L COMPANY Date Issued tU14F: 30, 2018 This Endorsement applies to the following forms: GENERAL LIABILITY Under Who Is An Insured,the Following provision is added Who Is An Insured Additional Insured- Persons or organizationsshown in the Schedule are Insureds;but they are lusairerls only if you are Scheduled Person obligated pursuant to a eonuactor agreerum to provide the in with such insurwyee 28 is afforded by Or Organization this policy, However,the person or organization is an insured only; • if and then only to the extent the person or organization is described in the Schedule; W the extent such contract or agreement requires the person or organization to be afforded status as an insured; for activities that did not occur,fn whole or in part,before the execution of the contract or agreement;and with respect to damages,loss,cost or expense for injury applies. or damage to which this insurance No person or organization is an insured under this provision: that.is nulre spe Q!fically identified under any othmr provision of the Who Is An Insured section(regardless of any lianits ion applicable thercao), with respect to any msunapifon of liability(of untalfer person or orgaruzution)by dtenr ha rr contract of agreement."Clads limitation does not apply to die liability for tlamege�R sa,rob or expense for ira,jury ar damage,to which this insurance applies,that the person or organization wOQ'd have bt the sbscnce Of such rorutruet or agreculeat. Liability Insurance Additional Insured Scheduled Perron Or Organizetlon Form 8e-02-2367(Rev.5 D7) �Enrinr:;:omont �-'"'- ....� continued �� Page I POLICY NUMBER: (18) 7352-29-55 COMMERCIAL AUTO CA 20 48 10 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY, DESIGNATED INSURED FOR COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE This endorsement modifies insurance provided under thefollowing: AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM Wth respect to rtrvernge provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by this endo rsr:vovent. This endorsement jeenl'Rties parson(s) or organizations) who are 'Insuf eds"for Covered Autos Liability Coverage uncler the Who Is An Insured provision of the Coverage Form. This endorsement does not alter coverage provided in the Coverage Form. This endorsement changes the policy effective on the inception date of the policy unless another date is indicated below. Named Insured: lCP IIa IN'ta,ia,7:fio,,hi , ilyr,�, Endorsement Effective Date: SCHEDULE Name Of Person(sj Or Organization(s): AN f i:I� C�I,r� �)f; (jRr )\1N f ZAT I r r Ti;; LP QfI I I RFID BY TIV� 'RFD (.trrV11ACT^ _ Ciw rl'I<rnt. InP nsured"for rt an zatoo'ulpyMet�&haw Sr•ha.l�alr d n ¢ t urrrrr�Iorr vrseirr' � ,�F,rPxyvr �rvrlll bet;hir.�Wi°t in Ifse:Dex;lar&ntaons. .. Eac person or o g n shown in the Sr Itedule is an '" Covered Autos tmt,..pyility (.,eyv0rage, buf only to theextenl that person or rar{�anizatlon quatiPVas as an insured" under the Wary Is An InsurexE g7rrwiSua�t r,ern4:;ipru,xl In Rrrrtlgraph A.1. <�f °itYYtlion AI -- Cr�wer�y Autos Li„atyllrty Gov¢rtge in phe Businosd Auto onri Motor Carrier Cnveu'age F nrrs a,�d Rrlrzalrap>h D.2. of echo7n I — Covered Autos (,0ve"i4g s Of the Auto Dealers Coverage Form, CA 20 48 10 13 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc„ 2011 Page 1 of 1