HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-058 - Original - Project Management Consultant Service - Contract - 09/24/2018 Records Management Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. Vendor Name: Robert Half Technology 33248 Vendor Number (JDE): r,n Contract Number (City Clerk): C�WWLQU Category: Contract Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): None Project Name: Project Management Consultant Services 09/24/18 11/30/18 Contract Execution Date: Termination Date: Mike Carrington IT Contract Manager: Department: Contract Amount: $32,045 Budgeted: Grant? Part of NEW Budget: ❑ Local: 11 State: El Federal: Related to a New Position: ❑ Anything preventing public disclosure? u Basis for Selection of Contractor? Other Approval Authority: 11 Director ❑ Mayor City Council Other Details: Robert Half' Technology Septem der 26, 2018 Personal & Confidential LYNNETTE SMITH CITY OF KENT Job Order Number: 044 1 0-00 1 0633329 220 4TH AVE S 4TH FLOOR KENT, WA 98032-5838 Dear Lynnette, Thank you for selecting Robert Half Technology to meel your staffing needs. MARK ROBINSON is sehedul'rll to start with City of Kentl.as a Project Manager Su. Consultant on 09-26-2018. As agreed, we will invoice yoni liran at the rate of$106,00 per hour. If applicable, overtime will be billed at 1.50 ties such rate. Pleagv find the enclosed 6aencoal C;.oudiict s of Assignment and Terms of Payment for your review. Ow"professional will submit either an electronic time record or a tune sheet for veri rvalion and approval at the end of each week. Your approval thereby will indicate you have read and agree to the enclosed General Conditions of Assignment and Tertm of payment. With nnu e 1han 100 lot aeons in North America,Europe and Asia,Robcrt Hall'Technology is a leading provider of technology prol`essnrnats on a consulting base. We arc a division of Robert Half Intemational Inc.,the world's leader in specialized consulting and servives since 1948. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or we can be of additional service. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Robert Half Technology 601 Union Street Suite 4300 Seattle,WA 98101 (800)793-5533 rB Robert Half Intcrnatlonal Inc,20 L6.All rights reserved. An Equal Opportunity rmploper M/F/DN GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ASSIGNMENT Thank you for your confidence in Robert Hafif'reelniofogi=.our professional x assigned to you under the foltowing Gencrat Conditions of Assigmnont and the enclosed'Ceims of miyrnenl, Scope of yupea vision ol'onr pntnicSsnou ai's woik is Your Icspeiuxrbdrty tttui p^viOlessumal is only authoiarrcd rat grey arm war Assignment within dic Scope ordle assiggnlnoilt You shall not permit,our prolession rl to Pei forin services remotely(e.g.,cut promises other than ynur or yctur customer's preingsea),or using crrniputurs or tither electronic devices,software(it"netwoik "quiprneilt owned or lice^used by aua'pu'ofetiroiortal. It is expressly amderstood that ono pielssatyaals are)not autliorized to sign contracts,statements, or binding agreements on your behalf or on behalf of RobertYlnli y"t^rhwrrldrt y, Client's You shall nut permit m•)cyan)"our professional to make any final dtcisioias on}our"be lrrall with regia rd to system Responsibility design,software develo uilellt, or acquisition of hardware or software,nor permit or require our professional to make any management(feci'sions. It is understood that you are responsible ftau implementing marl maintaining usual,customary and appropriate internal accounting procedures and controls,internal conlrals litul ()direr appropriate procedures and controls (including information lechriology,proprle.tmryi iufuriaatirrn,creative designs a)t] trade secant safegu rd�s) for your coutpany and rive.shall not be responsible for any losses,liabilities or chriors arising from dime lack of such controls or procedura�s. Please notify its bnmetbatcly if you require Robert fflar f Technolok,to perform background checles or other placement screenings of our professional. VJe will conductsuch checks or screenings,only if They are described in a signed,written amendment to these General Conditions of Assignment. llnderno circtunslanco will you permit oaar piutliasivaratl to sign,Ondorne,wire,transport or otholwise convey cash, securities. checks,or any negotiable ms6rnmcnts or valuables It is unticrsfCaad that you Nave full raspnnallydvly Io pioviding kale working,conditions 9s requncep ISy law, including,"Idsminig do if safety plans exist lor and Safety 1'4lfated li (tiring is PrOvided to jai etol"essaunal working cin your pleanises. Untler no cu•camstnirees will you hermit our proCcssional to have,Comact Willi minors rrr with adults with reduced mental capncrly. 11 illiy�tissigninenl is for work to be performed under a govcninient contract or strbccnrlrri ,yarn will nonry its anrmc(inatcly('I) of any obligintions in the government contract m subcontracd relating to wn4es, and(2) if we nix legally required tart initiate d'-Verily verification procedure's f'u-our paneloslonml assigned to you. it is un lcrxiood that v» will not anlliornze our professional to operate.inachmery(other than office tmreltinea)or automotive vquiprnent It is agr"ed that you accepi Boll responsibility firs.and il'iat we di)not maintain instrraltee nt cOver any injury,damage,(ac Boss that array result from your rlilme to comply wild) tlnc foregoing. 11 is u,ndeistood that yatt ate responsible l"ot repotting;ally claim In us in writing during or within aunty(1)0.)days after the,ass'igiunent. Under no caxmmnslance will Robcr(11,11f Ted inwhig)i be tespxonxiblo fit]-airy plains related,to the assigiunenrt, ilietud.ing brat idol limited to work pe:rfornneit by out professional,unless you have reportedsuch claim in wriolig to is wilhilr nnmty 190)afnys after(ermmsWon of the nsstgtrrrnnat ....._ _..........—_.....----... ...._........ . ...... ... Confidentiality Our fircifessmnal will igauc to uxecunt any confidentiality agreement you may require_ You are responsible for obtaining mu professionals signature. You agree to hold in confidence llia scrua6 security ❑umbel and other legally protected pervdlnr tl nnonalalion of our professional and to implement and nunntain re asouable security procedm ea and practices to protect such inlinnnalion front unauthorized access,use, arodificolion or disclosure. Limitation VJc nnakc n1O uxgatuss t1i migrtlied w unready nacluduai; but cal hnlitvd tilt any w u•rtrnrry o1 equtalily pia aiinaairuc on incrchamabilay Or fhncss for~lily junpo w with lesPcet err any serve dos; perN>nneit of aily goods piovidcd,including, but Liability not limited to, finnanc it or acoaturnng,services poi fonnod or sotiwau'e cfevcgop"d tau`you Undea no eh'uturlstaide,e s arc we liable for ally special incidental, uxelnplaiy, indirect d ain ages, lost proles or r,onseclncntial damages(including„but not Iimitod to,lost E4lusmcss 9evenue, gfarodwull or anticipated,1vings),(vela if infortuctl i)I tllc possibildy Our liability, 11'.ally,will fin the a,ggueg ale kit all c latrns,causes of acuon or dirma,ges) be guided it)any actual di iuct dam igen up to air .inno nit."quill to the fneh actually pawl liy y u in w,,for fhe services last al e flue subject al the cl and. regaidh}s of the basis oil which you are enlitled tie Clain tlarnagCS froln Us(inChedin'gj,No not 1tinned net, fundeannc ltSl broach, ncg'ligence, nox e Ti'escntalitai,or other'Contract or tort Chaim), I nSo �...... .. ...___..iti compensation ...... _-....... Insurance In addition to workers coo ncnsahnn insurance we also maintain commercial liability insurance. No Contrary V muse Gentaill Conditions of A;ssignur nit contunl the 6)rnpiv e and find ,rgieenwnt on 111c topics they address,and they Agreements supre ede any prior'ai tecin"nfs to iu tdcrstaurdunts o11 these tallies, Uur pr( lcsss orl ils tit) nos hive authority enhcr to vol'bally modify these ticircrnl Conditions of Assignment or to asstane adthunnal ie ponsil:dlitjes other than those set forlh to these(rerrerul Coudilions of Assignnreitt, lob Order: 04410-0010633329 Date: 09-26-2018 601 Union Street, Suite 4300, Seattle, WA 98101 TERMS OF PAYMENT Thank you for your confidence in Roberl Hall Technology Our professional for the assignment of a Project Manager Sr.Consultant is MARK ROBINSON.The assignment will start on 09-26-2018.As agreed or otherwise communicated,we will invoice your fine at the rate of$106.00 per hour, Should you wish to use our professional I-or other assignments,please let us know.The hourly bitting rate may then change to reflect the experience necessary to complete the assignment.Call Rober(Half Technoloyry for any changes in the assignment. We request a minimum thirty(30)days notice prior to ending any assignment. Our professional is assigned to you under the following Terms of Payment: Guarantee Robert 11alfTechnology guarantees your satisfaction with our professional's services by extending to you a 40 hours guarantee period. If,for any reason,you are dissati sfed with the professional assigned to you,Roberl Half Technology will not charge for the first 40 hours worked,provided that Robert Half Technology replaces the individual assigned. Unless you contact us before the end of the first 40 hours guarantee period,you agree that our professional assigned is satisfactory.We make no other warranty, either express or implied. Time Sheet Our professional will submit either an electronic time record or a time sheet for verification and approval at the end of---- each week. Your approval thereby indicates your acknowledgement of the General Conditions of Assignment and these Terms of Payment. Our compensation to our assigned professional is on a weekly basis, and you will be billed weekly for the total hours worked, including time spent completing,revising,and/or resubmitting a lime sheet or electronic time record during business hours, and we ask that you respect those guidelines. Because Roberl Half Technology invoices reflect payroll we have already paid,our invoices are due upon receipt. Applicable sales and service taxes shall be added to these invoices. In the event that you fail to pay the invoice when due,you agree to pay all of our costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys' tees,whether or not legal action is initiated. Additionally,we may, at our option, charge interest on any overdue amounts at a rate of the lesser of 1 1/2°�,per month or the highest rate al lowed by applicable law from the date the aniount first became due. Overtime If applicable, overtime will be billed at L50 times the normal billing rate. Federal law defines overtime as hours in excess of 40 hours per week,state laws vary. If state law requires double time pay, the double time hours will be billed at 2.00 times the normal billing rate, Hiring the After you evaluate the performance and potential of our professional on Ore job,you may wish to employ this person Person Referred directly. Our professionals represent our inventory of skilled employees and at the event you wish them converted to to You your employ or another employer to whom you refer them,you agree to pay a conversion fee. The conversion fee is payable if you hire our professional assigned to you, regardless of the employment classification, on either a fill-time, temporary(including temporary assignments through another agency)or consulting basis within twelve months after the last day of the assignment. You also agree to pay a conversion fee if our professional assigned to you is hired by(i)a subsidiary or other related company or business as a result of your referral of our professional to that company or(ii) one of your customers is a result of our professional providing services to that customer, flte conversion fee will equal 35%of the professional's aggregate annual compensation,including bonuses. 'The conversion tee will be owed and invoiced upon your hiring of our professional, and payment is due upon receipt of this invoice. The same calculation will be used if you convert our professional on a part-time basis using the Full-time equivalent salary. ------------------------ -mm-- -----_ ................_._.................................................. ....._______...._.___.__._.—.- Employment Robert Ha(fTechnology will handle, to the extent applicable,any workers'compensation insurance, federal, state and Taxes and local withholding taxes and unemployment taxes, as well as social security,state disability insurance or other Withholdings jir lyrcrll charges. ..........._.__—�'-�--__ ....._ .......,......_._ .................... General Roberl Half Technology may increase our rates provided under the Terrns of Payment to reflect increases in our own Conditions costs of doing business, including costs associated with higher wages for workers and/or related tax, benefit and other costs. We will provide written or verbal notice of the increase in our rates.Any increase in our rates will be prospective, starting as of the effective date Robert Hall Technology specifies. Om-professional is also assigned to you under the General Conditions of Assignment, a copy of which has been provided. We reserve the right to re-assign our professional. Job Order: 04410-0010633329 Datc: 09-26-2018 601 Union Sweet, Suite 4300, Seattle, WA 98101 o O O o y O O O O O H O m _ F N m C Mn N C N i 0 O o R ap 0 < U O 0 0 -O Q O C m O �' O N d O N � � U co .. L " a Q N l0 ) m 0 co00 Q . W N N H (n O a) O C O Cl) m _ z r (n C N N rn 0 O T N C E y Y m Mtt: U) Q 0 C lC m 4t N L 2 O C A L L L O C N N r E - v a a >, m O O O > KCDco p 0 � C m E ac U c1 0 0 N o j p o L Y N (n c0 Q i A6 L N uo 'Q TrP m O m � a � y a> m O CDc coM d C O O LO — O O m Y V y Q Q o y 3 > m U) N m QNYd U m N m U N co C > m c� OCl) L O 4 o C� m m .. > U m O m a c ) Q a� .N U O U N O p� C C�' o N a � d O .L i L Y o m « , y co Q oL � m v U R WNcNE Tou3 — c E a) m U 0C7NQ fn U o E O aYL Q E � 0 Q 5, L , N M o H o N Robert Half' Page Invoice Date: 10I0212018 Invoice Number: 51891028 Customer Number: 04430-000205000 Pad Tax IDS 94-1648752 Labor Invoice—DUE UPON RECEIPT Personal&Confidential ^,�. (Y( [( Please Remit To: Lynnette Smith Robert Half Technology CITY OF KENT r!-.,^^� P.O. BOX 743295 KENT WA 98032-5838 Los Angeles CA 900743295 Xr uz e Line Emclow@e Name Wk End Dt "Report-To"Supervisor Oty UOM Bill Rate Amount 1 ROBINSON,MARK B 09/28/2018 Smith,Lynnette 6.00 HRS REG $ 10600 $ 636 00 Purchase Order Number. Q,345" _.. .. Subtotal for Week-Ended, 09I28I2018 6.00 HRS $ 636.00 7r3ROVED DAIEE:.-_.(vZ�//? I Invoice Subtotal: $ 636.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE' ...$ ... 636A0. ._.� We proving mere tininty and accurate gnfurrnation to the bu,ori unmmuolty ly shartlnp onr nccomvls roceWabCe dafnrmatlgn In,NaLonal Credit Rmpeaqurp A�mmdaa. Any questions regarding this invoice,please call or email: For qualified technology professionals please call: (800)356-1994 1 inquiries.srm@roberthalf.com (800)7935533 Please detach and return this remittance stub with your payment Thank you for choosing Robert Half Technology! Robert Half Technology Customer Invoice Total P.O. BOX 743295 Number Number Amount Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 04430-000205000 51891028 $ 636,00 0443000020500051891028000636002 0 CD CD CD CD 0 \ \ \ ( eeco _ k \ \ -0< ` 0 2 .. J \L co ),It _ , ! C - x , , a - .— ICl) w r a 70m m _ - 3 \ g \ \ ) * E / / £ e a ® � / ƒ § « o L: 3 . c ] = � 3a / \ \ 0 6 } } } ) / / ) \ & } 2 Q) \ \ \ \ / \ @ \ / \ z U - o % , = 2 ( \ ` J \ » / kf B = << = LAM L) CD $ a) m < N q 7 \ § \ E \ \ 4- $ ] G - c gf [ « ( \ } \} ®2) \ z o E / \ \ Iyz _ - ° eo = 2 & k ® ` � E ° < cc a) � : ©_ � Ef3 � @ ( , = . : _ / § 0 22 } a2 a © .... a / Robert Half` Page Invoice Dale: 10/09l2018 Involce Number 51936622 Customer Number 04430-000205000 Fad Tax ID'. 94^648752 p Irr (`�p�.',y Labor Invoice—DUE UPON RECEIPT sonal Per R Confidential Please Remlt To: Lynnette Smith �IrT 19 � Robert Half Technology CITY OF KENT 18 PO BOX 743295 220 4TH AVE 5 Los Angeles CA,D0074 3pg5 KENT WA 98032-5038 FINANCE E r A AW w. Lme __Employee Name We End of Report To' Supervisor Qly UOM Bill Rate Amount 1 ROBINSON,MARKS 10105/2016 Srrdh,Lynnear, 3550 HRS REG $ 10600 $ 3,889.00 Purchase Order Number: 012345 Subtotal for Week Ended 10/05/2018 36,50 HRS $ 3,869.00 AFWPROVE9'L�'� Invoice Subtotal: f _3,869.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: -. f 3,669.00� i We proNda non Ometya 4 ccuralel t rtion lo_In Guslnem commaNry py aMNny o_ ccoyr is rvce w0_b lnlomv4on WtA rvaLow!ereGll RopoNng 0.9enchs, i Any 9ueaaons regarding Nis Invoice,please call or emml ForquaiFed technology professionals please call: (600)355-1994/inpmnes srm@.oberhaP con (800)1e3-5533 Please dell and retem the remicance sluo wlln your payment Thank you for choosing Robert Half Technology! Robert Half Technology f Customer + Involce Total P O BOX 743295 Number Number Amounl Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 04430-OD0205000 51938822 $ 13 869 0o 0443000020500051938822003869007 O V m M cc 0 c o � c .LJ' o c u7 00 "D O C __________.____.------ y F a CD a) a' V O O — M U °° 0 y is O N a L 1 ' ri a U co C .0.• O X 3 m O LO 00 m In O . M U) coH N ` _ ~ 00 (n CD N N CD c O co N V U) CN � a � z o (N c U r m m = U) ns c D �f o L x .o m m m a a a a a) o Cco a`) m m O O O > [if co a a c N C Y U O m E ° o o ° w w o - g O .� r+ L M O N O C N C m 0 0 d O cc O ro C L Y o � cc a E w N U')cn m O ca 3 CD �_ w o0 .a. mac 00 M d o 0 — o Va > o N� O O C L m C > cx O N = 0U �0 c O o 0 it a1 v7 m Q N Y a N (6 m W 7 O a O o U L U O c U > 0 N (0 o c L Q Fz a • O U a O 0 0 O O 0) O o N O N �= L c Y o .: m Ah y as � a o L a Mo ° a �♦LLI A � 3 co wH o rn s s U c C� fN o E Q (0 N N i O 'O y a 00 j::Ci Q > L t w CDO a H 0 o fA � vcnY Q Robert Half' Page Invoice Dale. 10l16/2016 Invoice Numbe, 51969163 Customer Number: 04430-000'05000 Fed Tax ID 94-1648752 Hv C c1 � ,,,— Labor Invoice—DUE UPON RECEIPT Personal 6 Confidential SCANNED Please Behalf To'. Lynnelle Shrill, Robert Half Tecnnology CITY OF KENT OCT 1-0 2018 PO BOX 743295 220 4TH AVE S - Las Angeles 74-32�95 RENT WA 98032-5838 ..._ �� AhiQ J FINANI(1.113- �1 Line Employee Name .AM End Dt_ "Repert-To' Supervi,o_r Oty UOM Bill Rate_ Ar l 1 ROEINSON,MARK8 1 Oil 2/2018 Smith,Lynnetle 36.00 HAS REG S 106.00 5 3816.00 Purchase Order Number. 012345 Subtotal for Week-Ended 1CM2W18 36.0u FIRS $ 3,516.00 APPROVED �INPy, Invoice Subtotal: (' S 3,816.00 it TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: q 3,H16 00 i Wapovide more tidally and accurate lnr--Mon tot"business community by ehbdnao ccounb mcelvebleinformation wah National CretlH Reporting Agencies, Any questions regarding this invoice,please cart or email For lined nonnolo qua gy professionals please It (No)35e-1994/inquiries srm@roberthalrcom (e00)793-5633 Please detach and return this rem4fence club with your payment Thank you for choosing Robert Half Technology! Robert Half Technology Customer a Invoice Total " P.O. BOX 743295 Number t _ Number Amount Los Angeles CA 90074-3296 04430-0002050H 1 51989183 $ 3,816,00 0443000020500051989183003816003 O O O O p O O O O U N N O O) O m F- c x O N N N c .N N O C VI ` .E O o .. X CO a "O O C CD d O N Q V _ M U m O N U - V Nj 9 N .2 N CDx 7 m O O) Nc0 � M W f/I fn F- CC)(O C) O co !6 .... _................_____._.. .......... ep Nwin c ,�r Z a V (n N � N � m N O A N c E U R m C ) c Q O C H o � ik ❑ ( S __ — .....,...__.. .._ m i. c O O O > m a) a- ...............' [� uO PIW C yV N C Y O m co m fl T o yr. T V/ N O N 'O L N c N 0 0 a) O C L E Y N (nNCD a N E i a M CO `u �o o b m O m o C:) N o Y� -0 3 >, a c CO �,:) N o C c c Y O N O) Ln CD[0 Y V a Q Q Co f9 CLN N ; c Q O O 0 O C O o NO p Q O U N O L N N m Q N Y d s j o O c d o f6 U V O O N > U N G ) c O N •� O U 0 2 c a O O O N o O� d D z CD i L c 0 '� C 0) NE +�+ u1 'a0 L M y U x r N U O O _ @ " c o f >' m 3 ao O a _rn._+ F O � O N w y N Q N O E a m N - ... ..._.�.�........... H O !n C - fn Y J Q obert Half' Page Customer Number 04430-000205000 jj Fail Tax 10. 94-1648752 6�.r wj,LN- r fy Labor invoice—DUE UPON RECEIPT SCANNED Personal S Confidential Please Remit To: II L nnetle Smith 7 5 L q Robert Hal`Technolbgy I� p y OCT 2 0I1 B P0,BOX 743295 �vl 5/1.. y � �r" I CITY OF KENT 220 4TH AVE 5 - Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 KENT WA 98032-5838 FINANCE -A lr Pay Online:hltps'/Nvww.roherthelLtomlpay Line Ernployae Name Wk End Dt Reporl Do"Supervisor CRY UOM Bill Rate Amount 1 '44f/V104(}'S Smeh,Lynnelte fl� t FIR REG $ 10800 $ 3.927.,p0 Purcnase Order Number 012345 Subtalal for Week Ended 1011912018 37.00 HRS $ 3.922.OD AiFspnOI_.mres o it Im Invoice Subtotal: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE; 1 We provlae mare timely antl aCcwara inlormatlon to In G ineu common ly byeMnng r un_ls_ree_el blatnlorm_e_tla_nxltp NallonalLrctlit aeppning Agencrea. .any 4u"hons regarding this Invoice,please call or email For qualified lechnology professionals please call. (B03)355-199A I Inqulnea 3trigrobertnalf qom iBOO)7995533 Please all arc return Ins romirtance stubwttk your payment Thank you for choosing Robert Half Technology! Robert Half Technology aammer InvokeTotal P.O. BOX 743295 Number + Number Amount Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 I, 04430-00D205000 ` 52r38923 S 3,922,00 ^— 0443000020500052038923003922007 N o 0 0 0 Q N N H O N Vj d N a) .� N E O O N W -O Q C O O �' ~ O O a U O X U cli 0 nS Y 7 14 O O OM -�`ON 0000 CO .7 � CO W fn N F 0 C O (h N (n O a) ______.. .. 00 (6 (n C - Z •• R (n C N O a) 0) N O N a E U y m w (n Q ) 'C 7k O v L S .g --_ ...................... i O = C aj N >. O O O > � �pcn � 7 d N N _ M � C 00) E /may Y U 3 U o p qq C O T O 9kW a t a) N y « T N O N y U O O O Q N t N C /ter p O G1 p 1 O o m (n (o a N L o '� O co M co U o Lm (0 03 C 000 �j ayi O N C �_ d > N — N Y L V .W Q Q EA N Q O a7 " O � - C a > U O C O o O a) m QNYd s Yqi r N m N �pd✓ , N U O a L D N t O _° U > N N U m � (6 7 O U K U O U > C a m a) O ry� a7 N `p O O 01 4—' o a) O a1 v Y p m CD (9 a) 3 00 — 9, c Idir 3 N .� 0 E ° V o U a N Q m y N oEa mQ) o - L ° r QED a) m a >1 L N L 0 S N C O. (0 H 0 ° fn C V (n Y J Q 2 Roberti Page Invoice Date: 10l30/2018 Invoice Number: 52090089 Customer Number. 04430-DO0205000 Fed Tax In 94-1648752 Labor Invoice—DUE UPON RECEIPT Personal&Confidential C I V Please Remit To: Lynnette Smith Robert Half Technology CITY OF KENT P.O.BOX 743295 220 4TH AVE S Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 KENT WA 98032-5838 ro4r @ Pay Online:h6ps://www.rnbarthalf..com/pay Line Employee Name Wk End Dt Report-To Supervisor Qty UOM Bill Rate Amount 1 ROBINSON,MARKB 10/26/2018 Jackson,Wesley 28.00 HRS REG $ 106.00 $ 2,968.00 Purchase Order Number 012345 Subtotal for Week-Ended: 10/26/2018 28.00 HRS $ 2,968.00 Alm)PROVED APPROVED Invoice Subtotal: $ 2,968.00 TOTALAMOUNTDUE: $ 2,196800 we providonaoro timely and accurate lnformaban tathe business commuNly by sd.lhtgouracdourta receivable information with Nafladin Cecil naportlup Agandea. ., .I Any questions regarding this invoice,please call or email: For qualified technology professionals please call: (800)356-19941 inquiries.srm@roberthaltcom (800)793-5533 Please detach and return this remittance stub with your payment, Thank you for choosing Robert Half Technology! Robert Half Technology Customer Invoice Total P.O. BOX 743295 Number .I Number Amount Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 04430 000205000 I 52090089 $ 2968,00 0443000020500052090089002968006 U O O O p O O O O <1 rn N N cm O m M H i O m _ F M Mn C fn EOcc _ X 00 -O Q (p C O O o "' n _ (1) O 0 o a L v _� v m. s y N ro U (D a) o x 7 m o o m � � 00 p73 - - w rn m 00 r c p m U) o m ...._........................................________.____________ V' T Cn N00 N N W N O ate+ m c ) = U) ¢ 'c 16 0 C M 0 i = _O iO r E N m.................................__....____..... d m d a Nill E O O O > of (D Un a ' c� N Iti C WT N C E N N Y o o u 0 p y L T N V N N p N '] N N N O L O C -C E Y N U° co a d yE LO N Le/ ro N ° cT 7 Cl) (co UA O -O 3 O A C 00co Gl o L Y V Q IL N N O 0 O N > ' C N = 0U O C 0 0 O Q w N N U ry N L U it CD m Q N Y (L L N N N O CL U O Q > N L L O d E U O 6 a)U N N -O N (4 3 L N wwm d E (D - N U_ C N O O a) O N o f a) Y O N it ca N@ d O L 000 N U R E ,, a) 3 0 - rLo .. c rn .0 07 E N U c 0d fn 7 O N ?Q O E 4 m N N ? y a O O. T t o CD m G ro H O o to 'T U) Y Q Robert Half' Page 1 Invoice Date. 11/06/2018 Invoice Number: 52141840 �' Customer Number: 04430-000205000 J-i "4) Fed Tax ID: 94-1648752 tj Labor Invoice—DUE UPON RECEIPT Personal 8 Confidential ry, CC (1Please Remit To: Lynnette Smith Robert Half Technology V11 v1 00 V CITY OF KENT P.O. BOX 743295 220 4TH AVE S Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 KENT WA 98032-5838 Pay Online:https://wv✓w.robedhalf.com/pay Line Fmolovee Name Wk End Dt "Report-To"Supervisor_ Otv UOM BIII Rate Amount 1 ROBINSON,MARK B 11/02/2018 Jackson,Wesley 37.00 HRS REG $ 10600 $ 3,922,00 Purchase Order Number 012345 Subtotal for Week-Ended: 11/0212018 37.00 HRS $ 392200 APPROVED ROVED By: rr� 0�T0: �s a y,, DAM,11 Invoice Subtotal $ 3,922 00. ["TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:„ ... .._ .._ $_.. 3,922 00 _J ,,,,,, .. , ., ..... __ -.. _... W.btnuidn mare vinaly and accurate.iubianati,an to the hus,ness cmm ixirtry by ah.6 ep our acmun[s r¢cuivnbic inlor nation vvlifi National C ocilC Rupniaug hs n6us Any questions regarding this Invoice,please call or email For qualified technology professionals please call: (800)356-1994!Inquiries srm@mberthalLaom (800)793-5533 Please detach and return this remittance stub with your payment. Thank you for choosing Robert Half Technology! Robert Half Technology Customer Invoice Total P.O. BOX 743295 Number �. Number I Amount Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 04430 000205000 52141840 t $ a s22 00 0443000020500052141840003922007 O O O U) CD O U m O @ M co co Oco c 0 O o - - H c6 � c .N N C N -0aQ C O O _ 0 ~ a o atv a c� y N 00 a) O j 7 m O F co p � = M W fl) UJ F O) C _p cj mco M Cn CD m Y V Cl) - N a) 0rn m O T N C E y m M wUJQ ) 'E f6 (6 c 5 4kL S ,o 1 O c ai p c a) T O O O > � mU)) a d d c O " a) E ro 3C Y V O c) o p _ OL a T y a �M V .O O �' M =O l0 N U) CO G N �t q N l0 U N V E O gym - u yn o SWYa a 3 >, C CO m y C 00 O + _ C C C a) m ] 0 O L N O -p C O j L Q) N •� a O a) = U 0 C O D O D. a) a) U N a) L yam.. 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NOVPlease Remit To:Lynnette Smith O 16 20,18 Robert Half Technology CITY OF KENT PO.BOX 743295 2204TH AVES p'� Los Angeles CA90074-3295 KENT WA9 8032-5 83 8 j""�ANCE1 , A/Yy /.I_ Pay Online:httpsWf vvvroberlhalf.cori f i f Line Employee Name Wk End D[ Reporl_Tor Supervisor _ Qty UOM SIIV Ra{e Amount 1 ROBINSON,MARKS IV09l2018 uackson,Wesley 38.00 HRS RES $ 105.00 $ 3,815,00 Purchase Order Number. 012345 Subtotal for Week-Ended: 11/0912018 36.00 HRS $ 3,816.00 EL APPric4l" jAPP � _ R 4. DATE: It " Invoice Subtotal: §. 3,616A0 TOTAL AAAOUNT UUE E 3,81fi 00., We prvvltle more thvlya ea coot Mrorm4lan to In b me Comm Iry by natlnpo Is recelvaEl nl rmallon wilt N•clonal CrteR Reportlrl9 Agencies. 1 Anyquesfions oagaNirrg Ihis irvaice,please call or amei!: Fnr 4ualinee lechnningy pmfesslnnals alease calf (800)358 199d/inquiries sr:n@rabenhnlr com (800)793-5533 Please demch and return Ihis r.m,(Wnce sub w lh your payment Thank you for choosing Robert Half Technology! Robert Half Technology ' ... - - I DosVorne;r � Invoice I Total r P_O. BOX 743295 Number __ Number I Amount Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 04430-000205D00 �,- 52212615 E ,3.816 00.C 0443000C20500052212615OU3816OD1 0 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 a U00 00 N m N N O co co 0 O a `6 N N y C N N o .. x co "O O U O N ~ OQ CD CO O D- O O V _ C) CN d O U CO O N O N 7 m 0 W N - H W p � T M W !n H O r C p I m C/J CD a) m ... ......_._. Y N a) N E w O T m chi � CO Q H �c # 0 L S O 7 _,......... ...e._._.._.._.___._._._ i O v c a7 N T m a) w v oDE E -a _ co m O O O > Ito na Cd a) N c O y N a) E �0 ,/may. Y 0 0 co U O a C, 0 N N _ N CO O C L E Y m c) co a N E wapc) (0 3 0 T 7 O - (A O C w C 00 C) W O O N r C > Cj O O �M O (6Y (� � Q ¢ N N fH Law O _ 0 C) C O o > p�. O ■wy.Y1ry @ N m Q cNv Y d m +� � U N C O y O CL (0 a)> U ca a 9 p ti N O L a) .N U U N •*"""� al _U I N O � N � O !" OID cm 0ao 43) O a) Lod Y o pZ c m ,� c U) N E y co y U ... Vl Q 0 U CD a) W ♦/_ ._� 00 O «_ F- O 0) 01 �rTiw O O V O , Q p V N N o f Q o m a 0 O � a) aE � a a > o :EO O �= a) C H 0 fA c q- UJY J Q Robert Half' Page Invoice Date: 11l20I2018 Invoice Number: 52243507 Customer Number, 04430-000205000 Fed Tax ID: 94-1648752 Labor Invoice—DUE UPON RECEIPT Personal&Confidential Please Remit To: Lynnette Smith 1 Robert Half Technology CITY OF KENT I ) I /a/�.{'"t' PO. BOX 743295 220 4TH AVE S I +" 1,� Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 KENT WA 98032-5838 Pay Online!hgps://www.roberthalf.com/pay Line Emplovee Name Wk End Dt Report To Supbrysor Otv UOM Bill Rate Amount 1 ROBINSON,MARK B 11/16/2018 JacksogWesley 31.00 HRS REG $ 106.00 $ 3,286.00 Purchase Order Number: 012345 Subtotal for Week-Ended. 11/16/2018 31 00 HRS $ 3,286 00 APPROVED DAI E :. M[J,i l I ' Invoice Subtotal: $ 3,286.00 TOTAL AMOUNT,DUE: .. ,,,,,, $ 3,286.00 We crevice more tiongiv and accurate information to the bus main ess community by sharing our accounts,receivable information with National Credit Reporting Agencies Any questions regarding this invoice,please call or email; For qualified technology professionals please call: (800)356-1994/inquiries-srm@roberthalf.com (800)793-5533 Please detach and return this remittance stub with your payment. Thank you for choosing Robert Half Technology! Robert Half Technology Customer j Invoice Total P.O. BOX 743295 Number Number Amount Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 04430 000205000 52243507 3.28600 0443000020500052243507003286009 a+ p 0 0......0. N O O O O U M M C7 y M 7 0 N N F O m i N C C fA N E O o ap CDF- d O 0 ¢' CD C O 0 N d L i N S d N O m O x 3 m O CD N _0F cc W N In H C I - UJO N Ln V Cn = N � � N � OJ 0 O a N c E a0.. m co .� UJQ a) ro ik 0 N i 2 .O O N N d 'a "6 "a 'a C L r cz T C 0 0 0 > co a a� � C (AIWi\]1 YYM V U CO N ol T N O � 0 fiMp V N Y L_ M C tiMO N a N r- /�M N 3 if alr Z L E d (n cD Q N co C N YY N O Q NMo0 U u� �IAA�I -O Q w C 0 M N o �. d > `n _ o O mY U mQQ � o 0. N ro 4 C L m N c > o � a o 0 /rw a N QNY dcu U y L N L L L O > ` U j 6 p C L a G (D .� U el/�yry O U O O O Q L L � a) itY o m 3 • '° � m ° w cn Cl) N E U + a O o o m ro N al H O m gTiq 3 (p V V N N Q d Q N N 0 N O E O � E L -O � D_ Zi O _ N O. >. t ,� N 's 0 CD a ro O F- O o fn d' U) Y '� Q f Pill Robert Half" Page: 1 Invoice Date: 11/27/2018 Invoice Number: 52288712 ry Customer Number: 04430-000205000 Fed Tax ID: 94-1648752 Labor Invoice—DUE UPON RECEIPT Personal&Confidential Please Remit To: Lynnette Smith I/�1 I I I/,� ht ( Robert Half Technology CITY OF KENT �' U r-IYV� f'1�-fl' P.O.BOX 743295 220 4TH AVE S Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 KENT WA 98032-5838 Pay Onliri 11wwW.roberthalf.com/pay krne Employee Name _ _...Wk End Dt..,, 'Repol1Ta"Superscor .....Oty ILYOM ,Bill Rate Amount _ .. 1 ROBINSON,MARKB 11/23/2018 Jackson,Wesley 22.00 HRS REG $ 106,00 $ 2,332,00 Purchase Order Number. 012345 Subtotal for Week-Ended: 11/23/2018 22.00 HRS $ 2,33200 ° E"XL ��DA r :._I_� III 1�1114 '�` . ... . Invoice Subtotal: $ 2,332 00 TOTAL AMOUNT„DUE: _ $.. 2,33200 11 .. We prp4fde mare❑r enlyand accurate information to Eh4 ha%Ins%s rgmmunity by 51darYny o r accounts receivable doormat on wllh National Credit Ruµurtllnp Apuncles Any questions regarding this invoice,please call or email: For qualified technology professionals please call: (800)356-1994/inqulries.srm@roberthalfcom (800)793-5533 Please detach and return this remittance stub with your payment. Thank you for choosing Robert Half Technology! Robert Half Technology Customer Invoice Total P.O. BOX 743295 I Number Number Amount Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 04430 000205000 52288712 $ 2 332,00 0443000020500052288712002332004 O O O O N O O O O00 co U v 0) rn O M M H c R O � v c .N O C Vl O mo co -O O U O 0 � y � 'O Q M c 0 O rn Cl. O N ' V - M U v a0+ N iC O N a U N V d Y, 4 7 O x 7 m O (O -0 H co c0 - r co W CO cn co c c _O co w (n O a) Y V (n C N � a) a) 0) m O r N C Q E U fyOO m te CON Cl) a N C H # L �� __ .O _. ....e_ _______ L L L O N d N V N E Y O O O > rtcocna- LM N /1y C N Y o o c� o 0 O m Q T C1i Q m U y O O N O � N i0 m U) co CL V (0 O mO M CO U �n O L m a 3 a T c � w o m �= d > vMi ` o i (D y a O m C N Q O 0) - 0 O c 0 O O Q N N UN NL ',, Q� w /�y L N N y O O C o C d O_ T Q O m U a)m -O m C .S U U N •r�� d E aN v Z O T O N o Y O7 Qo CD L F ° Lao Y oit N c N E Q O L M N E U N O _ c >, 0 3 co �, c N .� O ..+ r C Q, a rn 3 E U U c (D m 7 m .t0. O .-. N Q CI N O E a 6 N > N N L a E N b Q i, L f/1 •- O 00 � C OQ m t - H o fA � vfOY LW Robert Half® Page Invoice Date: 12I03I2018 Invoice Number 52318122 I� ,+, {H Customer Number. 04430-000205000 y-(,mot Vry 7 Fed Tax lD. 94-1648752 Labor Invoice—DUE UPON RECEIPT Personal&Confidential Robert(�( n Please Remit To: Lynnette CITY OF KENtT I / y/ P 0.BOX 7 3295 Technology 220 4TH AVE S Los Angeles CA 90074-3295 KENT WA 98032-5838 Pay Online:https11www.roberthalfcomlpay Line Employee Name Wk End Of Report To'Supervisor Qty UOM ,Bill Rate Amount 1 ROSINSON,MARK B 11/30/2018 Jackson,,Wesley 33..00 HRS REG $ 106,00 $ 3,498.00 Purchase Order Number. g`l Subtotal for Week-Ended. 11/30/2018 33.00 FIRS 3,498 00 G,i I�"'V� r f1��:vl'�i�x'i,!° �+r � f1,✓/1. Invoice Subtotal: $ 3.498.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: .... ._ $. 3,498.00... We prov de more t_mely and accurate informat oa to the busmess commun ty by sM1ar nq o acc ounts race vabie Information with National Credit Reports ng Agencies. Any questions regarding this invoice,please call or email: For qualified technology professionals please call: (800)356�1994/inquiries.srm(sroberthalf,corn (800)793-5533 Please detach and return this remittance stub with your payment, Thank you for choosing Robert Half Technology! Robert Half Technology Customer Invoice Total P.O. BOX 743295 Number Number I Amount Los Angeles CA90074-3295 04430-000205000 52318122 1 _$ 349800 '� � 0443000020500052318122003498008