HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD13-153 - Original - Valley Special Weapons & Tactics Team (VSWAT) - Respond to Serious Criminal Activity - 06/24/2013 n�ri, Wg TTR, ecords ,. �� . Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team VSWAT Vendor Number: WE -, JD Edwards Number J Nuumb2er T Contract Number: & - )5-,S This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Respond to serious criminal activity in local jurisdictions Description: M Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 6/24/2013 Termination Date: A)OTICL Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: K Kimoto Department: Law/Police Department Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): COPY OF ILA CM 6/18/2013 S:Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 CAG-12-129 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES OF VALLEY SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICS TEAM TO (NON- PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION) THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is effective upon the date executed by all parties. In consideration of the mutual covenants below,the parties agree as follows: 1. PARTIES. The parties to this Agreement are _____(non-participating jurisdiction), a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the municipalities of Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, and Tukwila, each of which is a municipal corporation, and the Pont of Seattle, a port district, operating under the laws of the State of Washington. 2. AUTHORITY. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to Chapters 10.93 (Washington mutual aid peace officers powers act) and 39.34 (hiterlocal Cooperation Act) of the Revised Code of Washington. 3. PURPOSE. The_..... Clio-garticipating�iurisdictionl—does not participate in the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team ("VSWAT"), but desires to have the VSWAT available to respond to serious criminal occurrences in its jurisdiction, if necessary. Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle, have previously executed an interlocal agreement to organize and operate the VSWAT and might agree to allow the VSWAT to assist the non-plrtieinati:ng Jurisdiction l under certain , circumstances. This Agreement is intended to reflect the applicable terms and conditions between the parties if the VSWAT's services are provided to the (non- aarnei aa4l jtixrisdiatican, -4. DURATION AND 'TERMINATION. The term of this Agreement shall be effective thorough December 31, 2012. This Agreement shall automatically extend for consecutive one (1) year terms, unless earlier terminated pursuant to the terns of this Agreement. Any party to this Agreement may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice of its intent to terminate to all other parties. A notice of termination shall become effective thirty (30) days after service of the notice on the contract representatives, set forth below, for all other parties. In the event that a party does not generally and consistently comply with the commitments outlined in this Agreement, the issue will be presented to the VSWAT Operations Board for final resolution. Remedies may include establishing a timeline for compliance, a temporary reduction in involvement for a prescribed period of time, or termination of the Agreement. 5. REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE. The Chief of Police for non- particihating jurisdacticrnl_or any commissioned officer who is expressly authorized herein may request the assistance and services of the VSWAT. Such request shall be directed to the Lead VSWAT Commander. The VSWAT may or may not agree to provide its services, at the sole discretion of the Lead VSWAT Commander. The Lead VSWAT Commander may refer to the VSWAT ILA for non participating agency Page 1 of 7 Callout Criteria of the Valley SWAT Team Policy Manual and any other relevant considerations when deciding whether to provide the services of the VSWAT. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to obligate Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, or the Port of Seattle, to make their members of the VSWAT available to the (ra�'a_rr gi_tic atin jurisdictions . (nmire 8, rank or position or ...... _ (name & rank is authorized to request VSWAT assistance on behalf of, (non-particinatina jurisdiction). 6. CHAIN OF COMMAND. If the request for assistance and services is granted, the _ "pon-,artigipatinrz jurisdiction) representative shall notify the Lead VSWAT Commander of the identity of a command level officer from the ...._.. non- ap tticipatiugg„utisd:iction3�wvho shall act as the Incident Commnander for the non- par—ticipatilgrar%sdictioxr (hereinafter "Incident Conunander"). The Incident Commander for _ __(naon-laartiaiysatixt iurisdn Ilan ishall assume overall command and responsibility for the incident. The Incident Commander shall establish a command post outside the inner perimeter away from the suspect's line of sight and fire. The Incident Commander shall consult with the VSWAT Tactical Commander and evaluate the tactical options presented by the VSWAT Tactical Commander. Once the Incident Commander has authorized a tactical plan to accomplish the mission, the VSWAT Tactical Commander assumes command with respect to the implementation of the plan. If the Incident Commander and VSWAT Tactical Commander cannot agree on a tactical plan, the VSWAT shall leave the scene. non- gtici ap t_ipgjfsriselictioaa shall then handle the situation with its own resources. 7. VSWAT OPERATIONS. If the VSWAT's services are provided to the anon-lazu°ticipatin jurisdiction) the team will generally operate in accordance with the Valley SWAT Team Policy Manual, with any modifications deemed appropriate by the VSWAT Tactical Commander for the circumstances. 8. COMPENSATION. non- articipatin jurisdiction) agrees to reimburse the other parties to this Agreement for all reasonable and necessary costs incurred in connection with the provision of services by the VSWAT as a result of the VSWAT call-out to the _ non-participating jurisdiction) including, but not limited to, the cost of repairing or replacing any property, and all incidental expenses incurred by the VSWAT team members in providing services pursuant to the request for services by {non-I)articipatin azrisclictigii). 9. ACCEPTANCE OF LIABILITY BY non- participartirrf_� jurisdiction). (non-participating Jurisdiction) agrees that any liability or claim arising out of the actions or inactions of the members of the VSWAT acting within the course and scope of their duties when the VSWAT provides services at the request of_ (non-particip&r'king jin�is(1icPion) shall be the responsibility of non- Rarlicipatin g pur•isdj.ction . This provision is intended to expressly allocate liability by written agreement as authorized by RCW 10.93.040 and is controlling over the default liability VSWAT ILA for non participating agency Page 2 of 7 allocation set forth in RCW 10.93.040. This provision is not intended to require indemnification or payment of any judgment against any individual or party for intentional wrongful conduct outside the scope of employment of any member of the VSWAT or of any judgment for punitive damages against a VSWAT member or party to this Agreement. Payment of punitive damages, if any, shall be the sole responsibility of the individual against whom said judgment is rendered and/or his or her employer if that employer elects to make said payment. In furtherance of the above provision, _,(noarpztrtiai aathn iurischt;tion _ agrees to hold harmless, indemnify, and defend, with counsel reasonably acceptable to the other parties and any named officers, the other parties to this Agreement and their officers, officials and employees from any loss, claim or liability arising from or out of any alleged or actual negligent tortious actions or inactions of the VSWAT, its members and supervisors, that might occur or allegedly occur while (rroar-parcicipsrkitrg igrisdictiosr receives the assistance of VSWAT within its jurisdiction. hi the event that a claim or lawsuit is brought against a party or its employee(s) for actions arising out of their conduct in the operation of the VSWAT, such party shall promptly notify the other parties that said claim or lawsuit has been filed or commenced. The parties to this Agreement and their respective legal counsel shall, to the extent reasonably possible and consistent with the best interests of their respective clients, cooperate with the defense of any lawsuit arising out of the operations of the VSWAT; provided this cooperation does not require the parties to share any out of pocket litigation costs. Said costs will be the responsibility of naar-grrGcipatzrrjtnisdiction.l. Upon request by another party, each party shall disclose to the other parties the terms of their respective liability insurance policies to allow for coordination of coverage. The consent of any liability insurance carrier or self-insured pool or organization is not required to make this Agreement effective between the parties, and the failure of any insurance carrier or self-insured pooling organization to agree to follow the terms of this Agreement on liability allocation shall not relieve any party from its obligations under this agreement. 10. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION ACT PROVISIONS. No special budget or funds are anticipated, nor shall any be created. It is not intended that a separate legal entity be established to conduct this cooperative undertaking, nor is there any acquisition, holding, or disposal of real or personal property other than as specifically provided within the terms of this Agreement. Upon execution hereof, this Agreement shall be filed with the city clerks of the respective participating municipalities, and such other governmental agencies as may be required by law. 11. AUTHORIZATION TO ENFORCE LAWS. While this agreement is entered pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW entitled, "Interlocal Cooperation Act," this agreement shall, pursuant to RCW 10.93.070(1), also constitute the prior written consent of the sheriff or chief of police of each participating agency for the purposes of authorizing officers of VSWAT to enforce the laws of this state within their respective jurisdictions, and to that end, the sheriff or VSWAT ILA for non participating agency Page 3 of 7 police chief of each participating agency consents to the full exercise of peace officer powers within his or her jurisdiction by any properly certificated or exempt officer engaged in VSWAT related activities. 12. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. For the purpose of this Agreement, time is of the essence. Should any dispute arise concerning the enforcement, breach or interpretation of this Agreement, the parties shall first meet in a good faith attempt to resolve the dispute. In the event the dispute is not resolved, it shall be resolved by binding arbitration pursuant to RCW 7.04A, as amended, and the Mandatory Rules of Arbitration (MAR); and venue shall be placed in King County, Washington and the laws of the State of Washington shall apply. 13. AUTHORIZATIONS. By signing below, the signor certifies that he or she has the authority to sign this Agreement on behalf of the party, and the party agrees to the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be executed pursuant to an appropriate resolution or ordinance of the governing body of each jurisdiction, where necessary. 14. CONTRACT REPRESENTATIVES. Each party shall have a contract representative. Each party may change its representative upon providing written notice to the other party. The parties' representatives are as follows: Port of Seattle: Chief Colleen Wilson, or her successor City of Auburn: Chief Bob Lee, or his successor City of Federal Way: Chief Brian Wilson, or his successor City of Kent: Chief Ken Thomas, or his successor City of Renton: Chief Kevin Milosevich, or his successor City of Tukwila: Chief Mike Villa, or his successor Chief or his/her successor (non-narticioatine iurisdiction) 15. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The parties agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of its terms and conditions. Any oral or written representations or understandings not incorporated in this Agreement are specifically excluded. 16. SEVERABILITV. If any part, paragraph, section or provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of any remaining section, part, or provision of this Agreement. 17. SIGNED COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed by counterparts and be valid as if each authorized representative had signed the original document. 18. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall be deemed effective upon the last date of execution by the last authorized representative. VSWAT ILA for non participating agency Page 4 of 7 PORT OF SEATTLE Date: Chief Colleen Wilson Date: Tay Yoshitani, Executive Director Attest: Approved as to Legal Form: By: Paul Bintinger, Port Counsel CITY OF AUBURN Date: Bob Lee, Chief of Police Date: Peter B. Lewis,Mayor Attest: Approved as to Legal Form: By:__ __ Steven L. Gross, Assistant City Attorney CITY OF FEDERAL WAY -..,—,< Date: �� _ Brian WJ, , nn�Chief of Police Date: Sldp Priest, ayor 4 �A 3 raved, �.s 4 Form: ' ``% ! atricia Richardson, City Attorney VSWAT ILA for non participating agency Page 5 of 7 OFt1l' Date:Kenl hotrt , . ol Date: a rette f`.o ke, Mayor Aprey o-Fo. Y.. ref ' G'fCrlC..._ Pra itzpa rick, Tel. y ACtorn y, CITY F RENTON / O l _ I�� n.1.......... Date: C,` /r7/ / 2 Chit vi.r Mtlosevz Date: D�ni�+,.C,'a�w,'P✓I ay�rz, a . A) rrvctl as to Fo ry:I3onme Waltq�t, City Clerk Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney k CITY OF TUKWILA Date: % --- Mike Villa, Chief fofPolice w C l Date: I` Q agkerton, {rtest: rtovedtl as to Form: BY ;r.t {, pwr� c i fGlynl� 4 w- v-'J n.., City Attorney VSWAT ILA for non participating agency Page 6 of 7 CITY OF Dater: ., Chief of Police Date: Mayor/City Manager Attest: Approved as to Legal Form: ...-. _.. .. ................ _ —... w.._ ... By: Counsel for VSWAT ILA for non participating agency Page 7 of 7 REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes Reviewed by Director _... Originators Name Kim Komoto Dept/Div. Law/Police Extension 5788 Date Sent: June 19, 2013 Date R 11 equired June 21, 2013 ......_— �. __.._... _ ... .._ .. ...... Return to: Kim Komoto CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: Notice VENDOR: Valley Special Weaporos DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: June .. 2013 & Tactics Team (VSWAT) - — ATTACH THE COUNCIL MOTION SHEET FOR THE MAYOR if applicable Brief Explanation of Document: ...... The Interlocal Agreement (ILA) is between Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team and the municipalities of Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle. Through this ILA, Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team is made available to respond to serious criminal occurrences in the local jurisdictions. All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department (This area to be completed by the Law Department) [Received: Approval of Law Dept.: Law Dept. Comments: _ C30EIVED Date Forwarded to Mayor: ��� city of Kent dice cif. e Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: RECEIVED Recommendations and Comments: f SUN 2 5 2013 Disposition: 6� /3 /L�jn� 3 /�Lj CITY OFKENT CITY CLERK Date Returned G ' T