HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC18-393 - Original - Community Attributes International (CAI) - Economic Analysis for Kent Valley - 09/21/2018 E'TT Records Management Document CONTRACT COVER SWEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. ❑ Blue/Motion Sheet Attached Z Pink Sheet Attached Vendor Name: Community Attributes Inc. Vendor Number (]DE) will. w ra a ee a t o reeat�or� t Contract Number (City Clerk): W( - 3�1� Category: Contract Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): -(e'1bQ9rSrP,,_a.i,3 itern, Project Name: Economic Analysis of the Global Trade & Supply Chain Management Sector in Bent Valley_. Contract Execution Date: 9/17/2018 Termination Date: 12/31/2018 Contract Manager: William Ellis Department: ECD Contract Amount: 31K Approval Authority: ❑ Director ® Mayor ❑ City Council Other Details: ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Kurt Hanson, Director Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 x*•� Address: 220 Fourth WA 8032 en �E T WAS.INOTON Memo To: Dana Ralph, Mayor From: Kurt Hanson, Economic & Community Development Director Date: September 10, 2018 Re: Request for Waiver of Bidding Requirements Pursuant to KCC 3.70.110 for Economic Analysis of the Global Trade & Supply Chain Management Sector in the Kent Valley The City's Economic Development Department is requesting that you waive the requirement to solicit bids or quotations set forth in KCC 3.70.080 to enter into a purchase agreement with Community Attributes Inc. to utilize its special service, including access to its recently completed research for Highline College's Center of Excellence in Global Trade & Supply Chain Management and uniquely developed. The state Center of Excellence in Global Trade & Supply Chain Management based at Highline College earlier this year commissioned a study to evaluate the size, breadth, geographic diversity and economic impacts of its namesake industrial sector, including quantifying the number of jobs, income, and business revenues in its subsectors. This information was collected statewide in summer of 2018, but not originally conceived at calling out Kent specific comparison figures nor did it contemplate the share of exports and imports exiting or entering Washington ports (air and sea) that are handled at some point either the city of Kent or wider Kent Valley. KCC 3.70.110(A) allows the Mayor to waive the bidding requirements for the purchase of goods, materials, equipment, or services that are not part of a public work upon a finding that the bidding requirements would otherwise not be practicable or in the City's best interests under the circumstances. Because Community Attributes Inc., a professional economics consulting business, was commissioned in the summer of 2018 by the Center of Excellence in Global Trade & Supply Chain Management at Highline College, the business has the most recently produced voluminous materials at statewide scale that are of especial interest to the City of Kent at a more localized level in addition to recent interview connections. For economic development and other strategic policy planning purposes, such as long range planning, possessing a thorough understanding of the Kent Industrial Valley's contributions to statewide ecommerce and exports as well as the career paths within the sector that predominate employment in the city of Kent is pivotal. Moreover, the executive director of the Center of Excellence, Sam Kaplan, has agreed that this City commissioned analysis will serve as an informative companion piece to the statewide sector study. Therefore, I believe it is in the City's best interest to directly negotiate a services agreement with Community Attributes Inc and request that you authorize the waiver of the bidding requirements. Mayor Dana Ralph Date `+•+�+' K C T T W 9H1MO CONSULTANT SER"IVICES AGREEMENT between the City of Kent and Community Attributes, Inc. THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and Community Attributes Inc. (CAI) organized under the laws of the State of Washington, located and doing business at 500 Union Street, Ste. 200, Seattle Washington 98101, 206-523-6683 (hereinafter the "Consultant"). I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Consultant shall perform the following services for the City in accordance with the following described plans and/or specifications: An Economic Analysis in accordance with the scope of work attached and incorporated as Exhibit A dated September 7, 2018, and Consultant further represents that the services furnished under this Agreement will be performed in accordance with generally accepted professional practices within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed. II. TIME OF COMPLETION. The parties agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Section I above immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. Consultant shall complete the work described in Section I by December 31, 2018. III. COMPENSATION. A. The City shall pay the Consultant, based on time and materials, an amount not to exceed $25,000, for the services described in this Agreement. This is the maximum amount to be paid under this Agreement for the work described in Section I above, and shall not be exceeded without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed amendment to this agreement. However, the parties do anticipate that some additional and related, but not yet defined, work may be conducted regarding updating streamlined sales tax and on-going fiscal impacts to the cities of the Kent Industrial Valley. Upon written agreement, by letter or otherwise, related work may be done under the terms of this Agreement and shall be described in an addendum to the scope of work described in Section I above. Any payment for such additional work, however, shall not exceed $6,000. B. The Consultant shall submit monthly payment invoices to the City for work performed, and a final bill upon completion of all services described in this Agreement. The City shall provide payment within forty-five (45) days of receipt of an invoice. If the City objects to all or any portion of an invoice, it shall notify the Consultant and reserves the option to only pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. IV. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties intend that an Independent Contractor- Employer Relationship will be created by this Agreement. By their execution of this Agreement, and in accordance with Ch. 51.08 RCW, the parties make the following representations: CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 1 (Over$20,000) A. The Consultant has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. B. The Consultant maintains and pays for its own place of business from which Consultant's services under this Agreement will be performed. C. The Consultant has an established and independent business that is eligible for a business deduction for federal income tax purposes that existed before the City retained Consultant's services, or the Consultant is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as that involved under this Agreement. D. The Consultant is responsible for filing as they become due all necessary tax documents with appropriate federal and state agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and the state Department of Revenue. E. The Consultant has registered its business and established an account with the state Department of Revenue and other state agencies as may be required by Consultant's business, and has obtained a Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number from the State of Washington. F. The Consultant maintains a set of books dedicated to the expenses and earnings of its business. V. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days written notice at its address set forth on the signature block of this Agreement. After termination, the City may take possession of all records and data within the Consultant's possession pertaining to this project, which may be used by the City without restriction. If the City's use of Consultant's records or data is not related to this project, it shall be without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. VI. DISCRIMINATION. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this Agreement or any subcontract, the Consultant, its subcontractors, or any person acting on behalf of the Consultant or subcontractor shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. Consultant shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Declaration, Comply with City Administrative Policy 1.2, and upon completion of the contract work, file the attached Compliance Statement. VII. INDEMNIFICATION. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Consultant's performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the injuries and damages caused by the City's negligence. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Consultant's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Consultant's duty to defend, indemnify, and hold the City harmless, and Consultant's liability accruing from that obligation shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONSULTANT'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 (Over$20,000) INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. In the event Consultant refuses tender of defense in any suit or any claim, if that tender was made pursuant to this indemnification clause, and if that refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or other agreed tribunal) to have been a wrongful refusal on the Consultant's part, then Consultant shall pay all the City's costs for defense, including all reasonable expert witness fees and reasonable attorneys'fees, plus the City's legal costs and fees incurred because there was a wrongful refusal on the Consultant's part. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. VIII. INSURANCE. The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit B attached and incorporated by this reference. IX. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION. The City will provide its best efforts to provide reasonable accuracy of any information supplied by it to Consultant for the purpose of completion of the work under this Agreement. X. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS. Original documents, drawings, designs, reports, or any other records developed or created under this Agreement shall belong to and become the property of the City. All records submitted by the City to the Consultant will be safeguarded by the Consultant. Consultant shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City upon the City's request. The Consultant acknowledges that the City is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington. As such, the Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with the City in satisfying the City's duties and obligations under the Public Records Act. The City's use or reuse of any of the documents, data, and files created by Consultant for this project by anyone other than Consultant on any other project shall be without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. XI. CITY'S RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Even though Consultant is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the work authorized under this Agreement, the work must meet the approval of the City and shall be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure satisfactory completion. XII. WORK PERFORMED AT CONSULTANT'S RISK. Consultant shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All work shall be done at Consultant's own risk, and Consultant shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work. XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. A. Recyclable Materials. Pursuant to Chapter 3.80 of the Kent City Code, the City requires its contractors and consultants to use recycled and recyclable products whenever practicable. A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product. B. Non-Walver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. C. Resolution of Duspgtes and Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, each party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 3 (Over$20,000) in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's right to indemnification under Section VII of this Agreement. D. Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written notice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. E. Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void. If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. F. Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and Consultant. G. Entire Agreement. The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner this Agreement. All of the above documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement. However, should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. H. Corrnpl'iance with Laws. The Consultant agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Consultant's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations. I. Public Records Act. The Consultant acknowledges that the City is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington and documents, notes, emails, and other records prepared or gathered by the Consultant in its performance of this Agreement may be subject to public review and disclosure, even if those records are not produced to or possessed by the City of Kent. As such, the Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with the City in satisfying the City's duties and obligations under the Public Records Act. J. City Business License Required. Prior to commencing the tasks described in Section I, Contractor agrees to provide proof of a current city of Kent business license pursuant to Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code. K. Counter arts and Si natures t Fax or Emad. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. Further, upon executing this Agreement, either party may deliver the signature page to the other by fax or email and that signature shall have the same force and effect as if the Agreement bearing the original signature was received in person. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 4 (Over$20,000) IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective on the last date entered below. All acts consistent with the authority of this Agreement and prior to its effective date are ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement shall be deemed to have applied. CONSULTANT: CITY OF KENT: By* � \ 8y' - C{slgTt're (signature) Print Na t i Print Name: _Dana Ralnh Its ra tC"' J Its DATE:, DATE; —t NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CONSULTANTS p CITY OF KENT: . 'q V ls p"� A Cep bJaem-Pht) / William Ellis, Chief Economic Development Officer $eralpc 5t Community Attributes Inc. City of Kent 500 Union Street, Ste. 200 220 Fourth Avenue South Seattle, WA 98101 Kent, WA 98032 (206) 523-6683(telephone) (253) 856-5707 (telephone) (253) 856-6454 (facsimile) I, APPRO A aTO FORM: ent Department ATTEST: Kent City Clerk [In this held,you may enterthe eleRronk Mul ath whore the contract has been saved[ CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 5 (Over$20,000) DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific Agreement to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this Agreement to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement; The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. During the time of this Agreement I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. 3. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors Indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the Agreement I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. 5. Before acceptance of this Agreement, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. By: _ For: Sri Q Title: �1 Date: Imo^ I EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 1 CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 2 CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the Agreement. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime contractor for the Agreement known as that was entered into on the (date), between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned Agreement. By: _.._ For: Title: Date: EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 3 e community caiattrlbutes inc Exhibit A Kent Valley Global Trade and Supply Chain Management Economic Analysis Scope o/Services September 7, 2018 BACKGROUND AND PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The Kent Valley is home to a cluster of companies, warehousing facilities, and fulfilment centers critical to the state's Global Trade and Supply Chain Management sector. Many of these operations directly support the state's vibrant and fast-growing e-commerce industry. The City of Kent desires a data-rich, rigorous analysis of this sector within the Kent Valley region, including estimated economic contributions and occupations and career pathways. This analysis will be a deeper look into the sector at a regional level, consistent with CAI's statewide analysis on behalf of the Center of Excellence for Global Trade and Supply Chain Management located at Highline College. PROJECT APPROACH We will begin by developing a workable, operational definition of the Kent Valley that will allow for present and future reproducible economic analysis, such as subsequent year-over-year comparisons. We will then leverage publicly available data to the greatest degree possible, including state and federal employment, wage, and revenue data series. We will also, when possible, collaborate with the Puget Sound Regional Council to develop custom jobs estimates for the Kent Valley region. This work will leverage existing definitions developed as part of work produced on behalf of Highline College, such as subsector breakouts and occupational distributions by industry, Economic impact analysis will utilize the Washington State Input-Output Model, with customizations to reflect sub-state economic conditions. Analysis will further asses the economic contributions of e-commerce, including jobs, income, and revenues directly associated with fulfilment centers in the Kent Valley region, as well as a qualitative assessment of the ongoing changes in how these facilities operates, drawing on interviews and relevant literature. CITY OF KENT SCOPE OF SERVICES PAGE 1 SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS SEPTEMRER 7, 2018 Findings will be presented as draft and final technical memos. Findings will be robust, transparent, and easy to disseminate to stakeholders and policymakers in Washington state and beyond. WORK PLAN Task 1. Estimating Sector Jobs in the Kent Valley • Geographic definition. We will develop a workable definition of the Kent Valley that can be operationalized and applied for both present and future analysis, allowing for year-over-year comparisons. • Key industry metrics. Jobs, wages, and business revenues directly associated with the global trade and supply chain management sector in the Kent Valley, using the geographic definition above and sector definition developed as part of CAI's work for Highline College. A data request with the Puget Sound Regional Council will be part of this task. Due to the small geography and data non-disclosure rules, we will produce estimates in aggregate, not by subsector, unless otherwise possible using PSRC and other data sources, such as Hoovers. • Economic and fiscal impacts. Additional (indirect and induced) jobs, income, revenues, and local taxes supported in the region by direct sector activities in the Kent Valley. Task 2. Trade Analysis Estimated share of exports and imports exiting or entering Washington ports (air and sea) that are handled at some point in Kent and the Kent Valley. Analysis to draw on trucking routes, industry employment, and other factors Task 3. Occupational Analysis of Global Trade and Supply Chain Management Sector in the Kent Valley Identification and analysis of key occupations for sector businesses in the Kent Valley, including job counts, average and median wage, and when possible splits by industry subsector. Identification of which of these jobs are supply management-related positions. Task 4. E-Commerce Analysis Analysis of e-commerce activities in the Kent Valley, including warehousing and fulfilment centers. To include estimated jobs, income, and revenues directly associated with these activities, along with supporting qualitative narrative that details the economic contributions and importance of these activities, both in the Kent Valley and the region. Analysis will include a qualitative assessment of how fulfilment centers and warehouses have evolved in recent years due to technological change. CITY OF RENT SCOPE OF SERVICES PAGE 2 SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 Task 5. Career pathways For leading occupations, identification of educational requirements and current pipeline for workers. We will include a summary and analysis of existing data and 5-7 interviews with relevant educational institutions (with guidance from the City of Kent and Highline College) and employers, including AJAC and the Southeide Chamber. Deliverable(s): Interim memo with interview findings and supporting analysis. Schedule: October 2018 Budget: $5,000 Task 6. Draft and Final Technical Memo Findings will be submitted as a technical memo, including a concise presentation of findings and technical addenda. SCHEDULE, DELIVERABLES, AND BUDGET We will be able to complete the above work plan by the end of October 2018 for between $25,000. Final deliverables will include a draft and final technical report. CITY OF [CENT SCOPE OF SERVICES PAGE 8 SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS SEPTEMBER 7, 0018 EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS Insurance The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant„ their agents, representatives,employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office(ISO) form.CA 00 01, or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary,the policy shall he endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2. Commercial General Liabilit insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises,operations, independent contractors,products-completed operations,personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per project Vndorsement ISO form CG 25 03 1 185, There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage.The City shall be named as an insured under the Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers Cmnpensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 4. Professional Liability(Errors & Omissions 2 insurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2, Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 general aggregate and a$1,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. EXHIBIT B (Continued ) 3. professional Liability Wreors,&e Omissions)insurance shall be written with limits no less than$1,000,000 per claim and$1,000,000 policy aggregate limit. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain,the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance„self-insurance,or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Consultant's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party,except after thirty (30)days prior written notice by certified rin il,return receipt requested,has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability)as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. "rho City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII, E. Verification of Coverage Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Consultant before commencement of the work. F. Subcontractors Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Consultant. 404308 Community Attributes Inc Cenincale Of Insurance 9/2512018 10:26:58 PM ch.A� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATEIMMID18YY) 9252018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer riahts to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsementlsl. PRODUCE0. CONTACT NAM¢ .. j insureon lyc na,Eap,. (S00)688 19aa „naV. ..877 826 9067 E MAIL Insureon(BIN Insurance Holdings LLC) np,D,RE-3: ... .. ......... ,,,, 30 IN LaSalle,25th Floor,Chicago, IL 60602 INSURER(S)AFFORDINGCOVERAGE NAICp INSURER A: Philadelphia lode BIT ty Insurance Company_. INSURED INSURER B: The Hartford 30104 ........_. .-_.-.._._ -.—_...._ . _._...... ,.....,_.._. Community Attributes Inc. INSURER G. The Hartford 30104 502 Union Street Suite 200,Seattle,WA,98101 INSURER 0: INSURER E IN_CIIR_FR F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES,LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. NSRY ... ...Wbl good� .... ...., f•OUCY EPF POLICY%P ..,'— LIMITS ......IT. TYPE OF INSURANCE poi iCv NurnnEtx p�ry�I tyyyy men mvn _ ,_ y' COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1000000 llr MWAICLY0alt N1'Tb 1000000 CLAIMS MADE ✓ !OCCUR pRFMICFC Fa noel $ Nr STOP GAP(see belowforlimits) MED ENE Anv one Person) $ 10 000 G ] 46SBAVW9709 2)2612018 212612019 PERSONAL b ADV INJURY $ 1000000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER GENERAL AGGREGATE $2000000 ✓ POLICY JECC II LOC PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG $ 2000000 OTHER. $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE OMIT $ 1000000 ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) ALLOWNED SCHEDULED 46SBAVVv9709 2/26/2018 2/252019 BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS AUTOS C ✓ HIREDAUTOS d NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ -- AUTOS iper 0mBydepi, S ✓ UMBRELLA LIAR ✓ OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 C ............. ..,,.,.,.,.,.,,... EXCESS LIAe CLAIMS-MADE 465BAVW9709 2126/2019 gGGREGATE $ 5000000 nPn ✓ PFTFN7nNa19,D66 WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN ✓ ISTATUTE FR B ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE EL EACH ACCIDENT ',$ 100000 OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED' No NIA 46WECABOE2Y 1218OD17 1202018 -- (Mandatory in NHl EL DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 100000 f yes,describe under """"---' """""""" """"" DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 500,000 A Professional Liability(Errors and Omissions) PHSD1299133 1111/2017 11/1/2018 Occ"IsrcelAggnG.a $2,000,0001$4,000,Goo DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more apace is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULDANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE City Of Kent THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD H LADELPH A One Bala Plaza, Suite 100 INSURANCE COMPANIES Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004 610.617.7900 Fax 610.617.7940 A Member of the Tokio Marine Group PHLY.Com Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS Policy Number: PHSD1299133 Named Insured and Mailing Address: Producer: 111641 Community Attributes Inc. BIN Insurance Holdings, LLC 1411 4th Ave Ste 1401 30 N La Salle St Ste 2500 Seattle, WA 98101-2223 Chicago, IL 60602 (800)655-1714 Policy Period From: 11/01/2017 To: 11/01/2018 at 12:01 A.M.Standard Time at your mailing address shown above. Business Description: Management/ Marketing Consultant/ Computer Consultant IN RETURN FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PREMIUM,AND SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS OF THIS POLICY, WE AGREE WITH YOU TO PROVIDE THE INSURANCE AS STATED IN THIS POLICY. THIS POLICY CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING COVERAGE PARTS FOR WHICH A PREMIUM IS INDICATED. THIS PREMIUM MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT. PREMIUM Commercial Property Coverage Part Commercial General Liability Coverage Part Commercial Crime Coverage Part Commercial Inland Marine Coverage Part Commercial Auto Coverage Part Businessowners Workers Compensation Miscellaneous Professional 8,348.00 Total $ 8,348.00 FORM (S)AND ENDORSEMENT(S) MADE A PART OF THIS POLICY AT THE TIME OF ISSUE Refer To Forms Schedule "Omits applicable Forms and Endorsements if shown in specific Coverage Part/Coverage Form Declarations CPD-PIIC (06/14) Secretary President and CEO Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company Form Schedule — Policy Policy Number: PHSD1299133 Forms and Endorsements applying to this Coverage Part and made a part of this policy at time of issue: Form Edition Description WHY MyPHLY 0000 WHY MyPHLY? CSNotice-1 1014 Making Things Easier BJP-190-1 1298 Commercial Lines Policy Jacket LAH-Notice 0813 Policyholder Notice (Loss Assistance Hotline) PP2015 0615 Privacy Policy Notice CPD-PIIC 0614 Common Policy Declarations Page 1 of 1 PI-PLSP-001 (08/07) HILADLPHIA One Bala Plaza, site 100 INSURANCE COMPANIES Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004 610.617.7900 Fax 610.617.7940 A Memher of the Tokio Marine Group PH LY.COm Cover-Pro" Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company DECLARATIONS Policy Number: PHSD1299133 NOTICE: THIS IS A CLAIMS MADE POLICY. PLEASE READ THIS POLICY CAREFULLY. THE LIMIT OF LIABILITY AVAILABLE TO PAY JUDGMENTS OR SETTLEMENTS SHALL BE REDUCED BY AMOUNTS INCURRED FOR INVESTIGATION AND LEGAL COSTS. FURTHER NOTE THAT AMOUNTS INCURRED FOR SUCH COST SHALL BE APPLIED AGAINST THE DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT Item 1, Named Entity and Address: Community Attributes Inc. 1411 4th Ave Ste 1401 Seattle, WA 98101-2223 Item 2. Policy Period: From: 11/01/2017 To: 11/01/2018 (12:01 A.M. Standard Time) Item 3. Premium: $ 8,348.00 Item 4. Limits of Liability: (A)$ 2,000,000 Each Claim, including Claim Expense (B)$ 4,000,000 Annual Aggregate, including Claim Expense Item 5. Deductible: $ 25,000 Deductible per Claim Item 6. Retroactive Date: 11/01/2011 Item 7. Continuity Date: 11/01/2013 Item 8. Additional Premium for Supplemental Extended Reporting Period: Refer to PI-PLSP-176 Page 1 of 2 PI-PLSP-001 (08/07) Item 9. Named Entity's Profession: Management / Marketing Consultant / Computer Consultant Endorsements: See Schedule By accepting this Policy, the Insured agrees that the statements in the application are personal representations, that they shall be deemed material, and that this Policy is issued in reliance upon the truth of such representations. Authorized Representative Countersignature Countersignature Date Page 2 of 2 Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company Form Schedule — Miscellaneous Professional Liability Policy Number: PHSD1299133 Forms and Endorsements applying to this Coverage Part and made a part of this policy at time of issue: Form Edition Description PI-PLSP-001 0807 Cover Pro Policy Declarations Page PI-BELL-1 1109 Bell Endorsement PI-CME-1 1009 Crisis Management Enhancement Endorsement PI-PLSP-002 0807 Cover Pro PI-PLSP-010 0807 Nuclear Energy Liability Exclusion PI-PLSP-056 0807 Knowledge of Wrongful Act Exclusion PI-PLSP-102 0807 Bankruptcy/Insolvency Exclusion PI-PLSP-126 0911 Marketing Consultant Pro Pak Elite PI-PLSP-131 0807 Sublimit for Limit of Liability Amendments PI-PLSP-145 0911 Computer/Technology Consultant Pro Pak Elite PI-PLSP-176 OB07 Additional Premium For Supplemental ERP PI-ARB-1 0403 Binding Arbitration PI-PLSP-WA-1 1107 Washington Amendatory Endorsement Page 1 of 1 09 This Spectrum Policy consists of the Declarations, Coverage Forms, Common Policy Conditions and any 97 other Forms and Endorsements issued to be a part of the Policy.This insurance is provided by the stock VW insurance company of The Hartford Insurance Group shown below. SBA INSURER: SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED ONE HARTFORD PLAZA, HARTFORD, CT 06155 COMPANY CODE: A T HElf PollcyNumber: 46 SBA VW9709 DX ART FORD SPECTRUM POLICY DECLARATIONS Named Insured and Mailing Address: COMMUNITY ATTRIBUTES INC. (No., Street, Town, Stale,Zip Cade) 500 UNION STREET SUITE 200 SEATTLE WA 98101 Policy Period: From 02/26/18 To 02/26/19 1 YEAR 12:01 a.m., Standard time at your mailing address shown above. Exception: 12 noon in New Hampshire. Name ofAgentlBroker: BIN INSURANCE HOLDINGS LLC/PHS Code: 505500 Previous Policy Number: NEW Named Insured is: CORPORATION Audit Period: NON-AUDITABLE Type of Property Coverage: SPECIAL Insurance Provided: In return for the payment of the premium and subject to all of the terms of this policy,we agree with you to provide insurance as stated in this policy. ..................... _.. TOTAL ANNUAL PREMIUM IS: $2, 646 IN RECOGNITION OF THE MULTIPLE COVERAGES INSURED WITH THE HARTFORD, YOUR POLICY PREMIUM INCLUDES AN ACCOUNT CREDIT. C_J uBN�oi. LCIQ��1tc�ctJ Countersigned by 03/02/18 Authorized Representative Date Form SS 00 02 12 06 Page 001 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Process Date: 0 3/02/18 Policy Expiration Date: 02/2 6/19 SPECTRUM POLICY DECLARATIONS (Continued) POLICY NUMBER: 46 SSA VW9709 Location(s), Building(s), Business of Named Insured and Schedule of Coverages for Premises as designated by Number below. Location: 001 Building: 001 500 UNION STREET SUITE 200 SEATTLE WA 98101 Description of Business: Market Research Firm Deductible: $ 500 PER OCCURRENCE BUILDING AND BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY LIMITS OF INSURANCE BUILDING NO COVERAGE BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLACEMENT COST $ 50,000 PERSONAL PROPERTY OF OTHERS REPLACEMENT COST NO COVERAGE MONEY AND SECURITIES INSIDE THE PREMISES $ 10,000 OUTSIDE THE PREMISES $ 5,000 Form SS 00 02 12 06 Page 002 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Process Date: 0 3/02/18 Policy Expiration Date: 02/2 6/19 SPECTRUM POLICY DECLARATIONS (Continued) POLICYNUMBER: 46 SBA VN9709 Location(s), Building(s), Business of Named Insured and Schedule of Coverages for Premises as designated by Number below. Location: 001 Building: 001 PROPERTY OPTIONAL COVERAGES APPLICABLE LIMITS OF INSURANCE TO THIS LOCATION STRETCH COVERAGES FORM: SS 04 08 THIS FORM INCLUDES MANY ADDITIONAL COVERAGES AND EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGES. A SUMMARY OF THE COVERAGE LIMITS IS ATTACHED. Form SS00021206 Page 003 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Process Date: 03/02/18 Policy Expiration Date: 02/26/19 SPECTRUM POLICY DECLARATIONS (Continued) POLICY NUMBER: 46 SSA Vw9709 PROPERTY OPTIONAL COVERAGES APPLICABLE LIMITS OF INSURANCE TO ALL LOCATIONS BUSINESS INCOME AND EXTRA EXPENSE COVERAGE 12 MONTHS ACTUAL LOSS SUSTAINED COVERAGE INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING COVERAGE EXTENSIONS: ACTION OF CIVIL AUTHORITY: 30 DAYS EXTENDED BUSINESS INCOME: 30 CONSECUTIVE DAYS EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN COVERAGE COVERAGE FOR DIRECT PHYSICAL LOSS DUE TO: MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN, ARTIFICIALLY GENERATED CURRENT AND STEAM EXPLOSION THIS ADDITIONAL COVERAGE INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING EXTENSIONS HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES $ 50,000 EXPEDITING EXPENSES $ 50,000 MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN COVERAGE ONLY APPLIES WHEN BUILDING OR BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY IS SELECTED ON THE POLICY IDENTITY RECOVERY COVERAGE $ 15,000 FORM SS 41 12 Form SS 00 02 12 06 Page 004 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Process Date:0 3/0 2/18 Policy Expiration Date: 02/26/19 SPECTRUM POLICY DECLARATIONS (Continued) POLICY NUMBER: 46 SBA VW9709 BUSINESS LIABILITY LIMITS OF INSURANCE LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSES $1,000,000 MEDICAL EXPENSES -ANY ONE PERSON $ 10, 000 PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY $1, 000, 000 DAMAGES TO PREMISES RENTED TO YOU $1,000,000 ANY ONE PREMISES AGGREGATE LIMITS PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS $2,00D,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2, 000, 000 EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES LIABILITY COVERAGE: FORM SS 09 01 EACH CLAIM LIMIT $ 10, 000 DEDUCTIBLE-EACH CLAIM LIMIT NOT APPLICABLE AGGREGATE LIMIT $ 10, 000 RETROACTIVE DATE: 02262018 This Employment Practices Liability Coverage contains claims made coverage. Except as may be otherwise provided herein, specified coverages of this insurance are limited generally to liability for injuries for which claims are first made against the insured while the insurance is in force. Please read and review the insurance carefully and discuss the coverage with your Hartford Agent or Broker. The Limits of Insurance stated in this Declarations will be reduced,and may be completely exhausted, by the payment of"defense expense" and, in such event, The Company will not be obligated to pay any further"defense expense" or sums which the insured is or may become legally obligated to pay as "damages". BUSINESS LIABILITY OPTIONAL COVERAGES HIRED/NON-OWNED AUTO LIABILITY $1,000,000 FORM: SS 01 70 UMBRELLA LIABILITY - SEE SCHEDULE ATTACHED Form SS 00 02 12 06 Page 005 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Process Date: 03/02/18 Policy Expiration Date: 02/26/19 SPECTRUM POLICY DECLARATIONS (Continued) POLICY NUMBER: 46 SBA VW9709 BUSINESS LIABILITY OPTIONAL COVERAGES LIMITS OF INSURANCE (Continued) EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AND STOP GAP BODILY INJURY BY ACCIDENT EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 BODILY INJURY BY DISEASE EACH EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 BODILY INJURY BY DISEASE POLICY LIMIT $1,000, 000 APPLICABLE TO LOCATIONS IN THE FOLLOWING STATE(S) : WASHINGTON CYBERFLEX COVERAGE FORM SS 40 26 UNMANNED AIRCRAFT LIABILITY FORM: SS 42 06 Form SS OD 02 1206 Page 006 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Process Date: 03/02/18 Policy Expiration Date: 02/26/19 SPECTRUM POLICY DECLARATIONS (Continued) POLICY NUMBER: 46 SBA VW9709 Form Numbers of Forms and Endorsements that apply: SS 00 01 03 14 SS 00 05 10 06 SS 00 07 07 05 SS 00 08 04 05 SS 00 45 12 06 SS 00 60 09 15 SS 00 63 09 15 SS 00 64 09 16 SS 84 01 09 07 SS 01 28 05 17 SS 01 70 09 09 438BFUNS SS 42 06 03 17 SS 04 08 09 07 SS 04 19 04 09 SS 04 22 07 05 SS 04 30 07 05 SS 04 39 07 05 SS 04 41 04 09 SS 04 42 03 17 SS 04 44 07 05 55 04 45 07 05 SS 04 46 09 14 SS 04 47 04 09 SS 04 80 03 00 SS 04 86 03 CO SS 04 96 04 09 SS 40 18 07 05 SS 40 26 06 11 SS 41 02 04 05 SS 41 12 12 17 SS 41 51 10 09 SS 41 63 06 11 IH 10 01 09 86 SS 05 47 09 15 SS 51 11 03 17 SS 09 01 12 14 SS 09 25 12 14 SS 09 67 09 14 SS 09 70 12 14 SS 09 71 12 14 SS 10 04 09 98 SS 50 19 01 15 IH 99 40 04 09 IH 99 41 04 09 SX 80 01 06 97 SS 83 76 01 15 SS 89 93 07 16 Form SS 00 02 12 06 Page 007 Process Date: 0 3/02/18 Policy Expiration Date: 0 2/2 6/19 SPECTRUM POLICY DECLARATIONS (Continued) POLICY NUMBER: 46 SBA VW9709 SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATIONS: A service fee of$ 6.00 is charged for each installment when your premium is paid in installments. The service fee is $ 6.00 per withdrawal when you select an electronic fund transfer payment plan. The service fee will be added to the premium amount shown on your premium billing statement. Form SS 00 4512 06 Process Date: 03/02/18 Policy Expiration Date: 02/26/19 (Policy Provisions: WCOOOOOOC) INFORMATION PAGE WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY POLICY INSURER: The Hartford Insurance Co of the Midwest ONE HARTFORD PLAZA HARTFORD CT 06155 1HE 19f HARTFORD NCCI Company Number: 20605 Company Code: G Suffix LARS RENEWAL POLICY NUMBER: 46 WEC ABOE2Y Previous Policy Number: New 1. Named Insured and Mailing Address: COMMUNITY ATTRIBUTES INC. (No., Street, Town, State, Zip Cade) 1411 4TH AVE STE 770 SEATTLE WA 98101 FEIN Number: 20-2947763 State Identification Number(s): The Named Insured is: Corporation Business of Named Insured: Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling Other workplaces not shown above: 421 Brooklea Drive Fayetteville NY 13066 2. Policy Period: From 12/08/17 To 12/08/18 ANNUAL 12:01 a.m., Standard time at the insured's mailing address. Producer's Name: BIN INSURANCE HOLDINGS LLC/PHS 1101 CENTRAL EXPY S SUITE 250 ALLEN TX 75013 Producer's Code: 46505500 Issuing Office: THE HARTFORD BUSINESS SERVICE CENTER 3600 WISEMAN BLVD SAN ANTONIO TX 78251 (866)467-8730 Total Estimated Annual Premium: $423 Deposit Premium: Policy Minimum Premium: $219 NY Audit Period: ANNUAL Installment Term: Full Pay(100%Down) The policy is not binding unless countersigned by our authorized representative. Countersigned by Gh�- 56" Cae 12114/17 Authorized Representative Date Form WC 00 00 01 A (1) Printed in U.S.A. Pagel (Continued on next page) Process Date: 12/14/17 Policy Expiration Date: 12/08/18 INFORMATION PAGE (Continued) Policy Number: 46 WEC ABOE2Y 3.A.Workers Compensation Insurance: Part one of the policy applies to the Workers Compensation Law of the states listed here: NY B. Employers Liability Insurance: Part Two of the policy applies to work in each state listed in Item 3.A. The limits of our liability under Part Two are: Bodily injury by Accident $500,000 each accident Bodily injury by Disease $500,000 policy limit Bodily injury by Disease $500,000 each employee C. Other States Insurance: Part Three of the policy applies to the states, if any, listed here: ALL STATES EXCEPT NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO,WASHINGTON,WYOMING, U.S.TERRITORIES AND STATES DESIGNATED IN ITEM 3.A. OF THE INFORMATION PAGE. D. This policy includes these endorsements and schedule: SEE ENDORSEMENT-WC 99 03 68 4. The premium for this policy will be determined by our Manuals of Rules, Classifications, Rates and Rating Plans. All information required below is subject to verification and change by audit. Premium Basis Classifications Total Estimated Rates Per Estimated Code Number and Annual $100 of Annual Description Remuneration Remuneration Premium Total Standard Premium $147 Expense Constant $200 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act Disclosure Endorsement $43 Catastrophe(Other Than Certified Acts Of Terrorism) $9 Estimated Annual Premium (before Surcharges) $399 Total Estimated Surcharges $24 *See the attached Schedule(s)of Operations for Location and State Level Premium Information Total Estimated Annual Premium: $423 Deposit Premium: Policy Minimum Premium: $219 NY Interstate/Intrastate Identification Number: Refer to Schedule of Operations NAICS: 541910 Labor Contractors Policy Number: SIC: 6282 Form WC 00 00 01 A (1) Printed in U.S.A. Page 2 Process Date: 12/14/17 Policy Expiration Date: 12/08/18 TRequest for Mayor's. Signature W.EST Complete this form and route to the Office of the City Attorney (Print on cherry-colored paper) Approved by Director QAa Originator: Kurt Hanson/Bill Ellis Phone (Originator):253-856-5707 Datesent:September 177 2018 Date Required:September 18, 2018 Returned Signed Document to: Rhonda Bylln 0 Contract Coversheet Attached Communit Attributes Inc. Has this Document been Specifically Authorized Vendor Name: y in the Budget? Yes ❑No Date of Council Approval:n/a Account Number: Brief Explanation of Document: Request for Waiver of Bidding Requirements to award a consulting services contract. Date Received by City Attorney: Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: 513 P f,Li 9l1 i 1 �� �' m ^ � Date Routed to the City Clerk: Date Returned to Originator: di[ �ii` adccW19756 4 18 Request for Mayor's Signature Wns„,„G. „ Complete this form and route to the Office of the City Attorney (Print on cherry-colored paper) Approved by Director Arw Originator:Kurt Hanson/Bill Ellis Phone (originator):253-856-5707 Datesent:September 17, 2018 Date Required:September 18, 2018 Returned Signed Document to:Rhonda Byl In @ Contract Coversheet Attached Community Attributes Inc. Has this Document been Specifically Authorized FDundl me: y in the Budget? Yes ❑No Approval: n/a Account Number: Brief Explanation of Document: Request for Waiver of Bidding Requirements to award a consulting services contract. Date Received by City Attorney: Comments; Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: 6 8 M rN '7/a1 1 �� m"B C,i ""° 0 %M.. '" OMAVINA I mpy. 4 Date Routed to the City Clerk: � , ` 2 P018 Date Returned to Originator: m" C " Kbrit Office of the Mayor ad«W19756_4_18 INFORMATION PAGE (Continued) Policy Number: 46 WEC ABOE2Y 3.A.Workers Compensation Insurance: Part one of the policy applies to the Workers Compensation Law of the states listed here: NY B. Employers Liability Insurance: Part Two of the policy applies to work in each state listed in Item 3.A. The limits of our liability under Part Two are: Bodily injury by Accident $500,000 each accident Bodily injury by Disease $500,000 policy limit Bodily injury by Disease $500,000 each employee C. Other States Insurance: Part Three of the policy applies to the states, if any , listed here: ALL STATES EXCEPT NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, WASHINGTON, WYOMING, U.S.TERRITORIES AND STATES DESIGNATED IN ITEM 3.A. OF THE INFORMATION PAGE. D. This policy includes these endorsements and schedule: SEE ENDORSEMENT-WC 99 03 68 4. The premium for this policy will be determined by our Manuals of Rules, Classifications, Rates and Rating Plans. All information required below is subject to verification and change by audit. Premium Basis Classifications Total Estimated Rates Per Estimated Code Number and Annual $100 of Annual Description Remuneration Remuneration Premium Total Standard Premium $147 Expense Constant $200 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act Disclosure Endorsement $43 Catastrophe(Other Than Certified Acts Of Terrorism) $9 Estimated Annual Premium (before Surcharges) $399 Total Estimated Surcharges $24 "See the attached Schedule(s)of Operations for Location and State Level Premium Information Total Estimated Annual Premium: $423 Deposit Premium: Policy Minimum Premium: $219 NY Interstate/Intrastate Identification Number: Refer to Schedule of Operations NAICS: 541910 Labor Contractors Policy Number: SIC: 6282 Form WC 00 00 01 A (1) Printed in U.S.A. Page 2 Process Date: 12/14/17 Policy Expiration Date: 12/08/18