HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK18-317 - Original - Washington Recreation and Conservation Office - Van Doren's Landing Park - 7/12/18 ti✓ KE.T Records Management Document, CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. E] Blue/Motion Sheet Attached E Pink Sheet Attached Vendor Name: WA Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Vendor Number (]DE): Contract Number (City Clerk): ,r Category: Grant Related Agreement (Real Property) Sub-Category (if applicable) Amendment, Project Name RCO #85 044 for Van Doren's Landing Park Contract Execution Date: 2/7/1985 Termination Date: 6/30/1987 Contract Manager: Lynn Osborn/BL Department: Parks Contract Amount: $111,000.00 Approval Authority: ❑ Director ® Mayor ❑ City Council Other Details: Amendment #2 to a..property_development,gr„ant, changing the original scope from development of an active recreation site to passive, due to the ultimate relocation cif fhe park far the Lower Russell Road Levee repairs fzy KinCounty Division Contract: #PPDN/A r 1. WASNINGiON STATE Recreation and Conservation office Amendment to Project Agreement Project Sponsor: Kent Parks, Rec & Comm Sery Project Number: 85-044D Project Title: Van Doren's Landing Park Amendment Number: 2 Amendment Type: Agreement Description Change Amendment Description: The project agreement description is amended to reflect approval that was given on May 8, 2018, by NIPS and RCO of a significant change in use of the project area. The project area is being changed from active recreation to a passive recreation park due to the Lower Russell Levee Setback project. The park is adjacent to the Green River and will be redeveloped to provide flood protection, habitat, and recreation along the river. A backflow channel will be created and the remaining area of the park will be planted to provide riparian buffer. Trails will be developed to provide for wildlife viewing of the created habitat area. Interpretive signage will be installed. Original project agreement description: Develop a Riverfront Park on approximately seven acres of property located on the Valley floor of Kent adjacent to the Green River. The site was recently acquired by the State of Washington and the City of Kent to help fill the void of public owned property on the river. The site is ideally suited for a combined passive/unorganized active park with areas for sunbathing, picnicking, fishing, access to the river for canoe and kayak launch/take-out, children's playground, open lawn area for unorganized games, and a regional pedestrian/bike trail which will be developed on an existing flood control dike top. Agreement Terms In all other respects the Agreement, to which this is an Amendment, and attachments thereto, shall remain in full force and effect. In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this Amendment. State Of Washington Project Sponsor Recreation and Conse va Office AGENCY: BY: BY: fo Kaleen C tingham TITLE: Director TITLE: /tj ( tf er t- a DATE: p DATE: 2S Pre-approved as to form: BY: /S/ Assistant Attorney General LWCF Project Agreement Description Change Amendment General Fund - Federal RCW 79A.25, WAC 286 AMENAGR2,RPT w � m -, a ua � ••••' IIII�II i i iu IIIU' m '® m m Im m— � um ' m mWl mullll lm % V m µ. — .� mu mI muIM o m IIIIII �mm� ml NI NIII ^ U "`M Rm ��IIIIII� lua �m, .m H�ml� m u!.I IIII IIII II Y I PoMN UI ,1 u oll�illl � � IIIIII@Imuvl"�o .• � « µ I PROJECT CONTRACT Project Title Van Doren'sLanding Project No. 85-044D 1 . Nature of Contract. This instrument, in 8 pages, or which this is the first , is intended to set out the terms and conditions , not otherwise ap- pearing 1n statutes or regulations, or a Grant of mongy from the Outdoor Recreation Account of the General Fund of the State of Washington to a state agency or local public body, herein called the Contracting Party, in aid of an outdoor recreation project. The state agency administering the grant is the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, herein called the Interagency Committee. 2. Assent of Contracting Parma. The Contracting Party by the signature of its authorized representative below agrees to be bound by this instrument: City of Kent Contracting Party Approved as to form This Q /STday of By r, f Title _ rat' Ji rL.�a Date A torney for Contracting Party 3. Assent of Interagency Committee. The signature of the Director of the Interagency Committee below witnesses that the Interagency Committee agrees to be bound by this instrument: Approved s to form STATE OF WASHINGTON This day of Interagency Committee for r u 1983 Outdoor Recreation y KEN EIKENB :,tour ney Genuneerr a i f- Director � 4 Date February 7, 1985 Assistant Attorney General i n 4. Project Period . The Contracting Party shall execute and complete the approved project during the period from January 18 1985, until June 30 19 87 . 5. Project Assisted. The outdoor recreation project to be assisted is the one set out 1n the Contracting Party' s application to the Interagency Committee, dated May 30 , 19 84 , as approved for funding by the Interagency Committee at its meeting on November 13 , 1984 , described as follows : Develop an approximate seven acre community park with about 2,000 feet of frontage on the east bank of the Green River. Elements of work to be accomplished under this Project Contract include: Site Preparation Play Equipment (2 locations) ,Utilities Open Lawn Areas landscaping Canoe/Kayak Access to River -Parking-Paved (50 spaces) Fishing Areas 'Paths-Paved Planning and Engineering Picnic Area/Tables (20 units) 6. Compliance with Application: Unless otherwise agreed to by written formal Amendment to this Contract the project shall be carried out according to the plans and proposals submitted by the contracting party in, or in connection with, its application for assistance for this project. 7. (a) Funding of Project. The total cost of the project covered by this Contract is S 222,000 (b) The Interagency Committee agrees to pay $ 0 or N/A percent of the total project cost, whichever amount is less , from monies available in the Outdoor Recreation Account of the State General Fund . (c) In addition, the Interagency Committee has entered into an agree- ment with the National Park Service, United States Department of Interior, to contribute federal Land and Water Conservation Funds in the amount of $ II1 ,000 or 50 percent of the total project cost, whichever is less, and the Interagency Committee agrees to pay to the Contracting Party `�- federal nnney made avl lablA Qr *o 'he ate of Wachi ^.n tee _ _ . . � . fnr ttie prn �=rY covered by this Contract. i 8. Requirements of National Park Service. If the project has been approved by the National Park Service, united states Department of Interior, for assis- tance from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (see paragraph 7 (c) ) the Project Agreement General Provisions as contained in Section 660.4 of the Land and Llater Conservation Grant Manual as now existing or hereafter amended are made part of this contract and the Contracting Party shall abide by the Project Agreement General Provisions. Further, the Contracting Party agrees to provide the Interagency Committee with necessary reports and/or documents as may be required by the IAC to meet the requirements of the Project Contract or Section 660.4 of the Land and Water Conservation Grant Manual , 9• Contingencies. The duty of the Irteraaency Committee to approve disburse- ment of funds pursuant to this Contract is contingent upon strict compliance by the Contracting Party with the terms of this Contract. The duty of the State of Washington to disburse funds is contingent on the funds being available in the Outdoor Recreation Account of the State General Fund. 10. Project Performance. The Contracting Party' s performance shall be com- pleted by the end of the period covered by this Contract, unless otherwise extended by formal written amendment. II . Project Administration. (a) The Contracting Party shall promptly submit such reports as the Director of the Interagency Committee may request. (b) Property and facilities acquired or developed pursuant to .this Contract shall be available for inspection by the Director- upon request. (c) The Contracting Party shall submit a certified final report when the project is completed or prematurely terminated, or project assistance is terminated . The report shall include a description of work accomplished. 12. Project Termination. All obligations of the Interagency Committee under this Contract may be suspended or canceled, at the option of the Interagency Committee, if any of the following has occurred: (a) The Contracting Party has failed to make satisfactory progress to complete the project, or will be unable to complete the project, or any portion of it, unless a written amendment to the Contract is executed. (b) The Contracting Party is failing to make satisfactory proaress to complete any other project assisted with funds from the Outdoor Recreation Account of the State General Fund, or will be unable to complete another such project. 13• Remedies. Because the benefit to be derived from the full compliance with the terms oT this Contract is the preservation, protection, and the net increase in the quantity and quality of public outdoor recreation facilities and resources which are available to the people of the state and of the United Staies, and because such benefit exceeds to an immeasurable and unascertainable extent the amount of money furnished under the terms of this Contract, the Contracting Party agrees that repayment of an amount equal to the amount of assistance extended under this Contract by the State of Washington would be inadequate compensation for any failure to comply with the terms of this agree- ment. The Contracting Party agrees, therefore, that in the event of a breach of this agreement by it, specific performance shall be an appropriate remedy. z I 14. Restriction on Conversion of Facility to Other Uses. The Contracting Party shall not at any time convert any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this contract to uses other than those for which assistance was originally approved without the prior approval of the Interagency Committee, in the manner provided by RCW 43.99. 100 for marine recreation land , whether or not the property was acquired with Initiative 215 funds. 15, Use and Maintenance of Assisted Facility. The Contracting Party shall operate and maintain, or cause to be operated and maintained , the property or facilities which are the subject matter of this contract as follows : (a) The property or facilities shall be maintained so as to appear attractive and inviting to the public. (b) Sanitation and sanitary facilities shall be maintained in accordance with applicable state and local public health standards. (c) The property or facilities shall be kept reasonably safe for public use. (d) Buildings , roads , trails, and other structures and improvements shall be kept in reasonable repair throughout their estimated lifetime, so as to prevent undue deterioration that would discourage public use. (e) The facility shall be kept open for public use at reasonable hours and times of the year , according to the type of area or facility. (f) The property or facility shall be open for the use of all segments of the public without restriction because of the race, creed , color , sex, religion, national origin or residence of the user. 16. Reporting. The Contracting Party shall report on specific matters whenever requested to do so by the Director. 17. No Waiver by Interagency Committee„ The Contracting Party agrees that failure by the Interagency Committee to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this Project Contract or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or acceptance by it of performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any of its rights under this Project Contract. 18. Identifying Markers, The Interagency Committee reserves the right to require Contracting Party to display, during the period covered by this Contract and after protect completion, appropriate signs or markers identifying the roles of the State and Federal agencies participating financially in this project. 19• Disbursement of Assistance. Disbursement of the grant- in-aid shall be made in accordance with WAC 286-24-040, after the Contracting Party has furnished the Director such information as he shall deem necessary to show compliance with applicable statutes and rules and this Contract. 4 V 20. Provisions ApplyjHg only to Acquisition Projects. The following provisions shall be in force if the project covered by this Contract is for the acquisition of outdoor recreation land or facilities , and shall not apply when the project is for development only: (a) In the event Federal Land and Water Conservation Funds are included in this project per Section 7. (c) of this Contract, the Contracting Party agrees to comply with the terms and intent of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, 84 Stat. 1834 (1970) - Public Law 91-646, and the applicable regulations and procedures of the Department of the Interior implementing such act. (b) In the event state funds only are included in this project per Section 7. (b) of this Contract, the Contracting Party agrees to comply with the terms and intent of Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policy of the State of Washington (Chapter 240, Laws of 1971 , Ist Ex. Sess . - R.C.W. 8.26.oio) . (c) In the event that housing and relocation costs, as contemplated by federal law (P. L. 91-646) and state law (Chapter 240, Laws of 1971 , lst Ex. Sess .) , are involved in the execution of this project, the Contracting Party agrees to provide any housing and relocation assistance that may be necessary and will assume the administrative costs, with the understanding that the actual eligible relocation costs will be a par= of the total project cost. (d) Evidence of Land Value. Prior to disbursement of the assistance provided for in this Contract, the, Contracting Party shall supply evidence establishing to the satisfaction of the Director that the land acquisition cost represents a fair and reasonable price for the land in question. (e) Evidence of Title. The Contracting Party shall be responsible for providing satisfactory evidence of title for each parcel prior to disbursement of funds provided by this Contract. Such evidence may include title insurance policies , Torrens certificates , or abstracts , and attorney's opinions establishing that the land is free from any impediment, lien, or claim which would impair the uses contemplated by this Contract. (f) Deed of Right To Use Land For Public Recreation Purposes , The Contracting Party agrees to execute an instrument or instruments which contain (1 ) a legal description of the property acquired under this Project Contract; (2) a conveyance to the State of Washington of the right to use the described real property forever for outdoor recreation purposes , and (3) a restriction on conversion of use of the land in the manner provided in RCW 43 .99. 100, whether or not the real property covered by the deed is marine recreation land. RCW 43 .99. 100 reads as follows: ''Marine recreation land with respect to which money has been expended under RCW 43.99.030 shall not, without the approval of the committee, be converted to uses other than those for which such expenditures were originally approved. The committee shall only approve any such con- version upon conditions which will assure the substitution of other marine recreation land of at least eeual fair market value at the time of conversion and of as nearly as feasible equivalent usefulness and location." 5 I 21 . Provisions Applying Only to Development Projects. The following provisions shall be in force if the project covered by this Contract is for development of outdoor recreation land or facilities , and shall not apply when the project is for acquisition only: (a) Compliance with the Law. The Contracting Party shall comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the development project and to Contracts for work done to carry it out. (b) Installment Payments . Assistance provided by this Contract for development may be remitted to the Contracting Party in installments, after receipt of billings, and upon satisfactory proof of completion of each stage of construction or development. Installment payments shall in no event be made more frequently than monthly. An amount equal to 10 percent of the funding assistance provided the Contracting Party by this Contract for eligible develop- ment costs may be withheld until final inspection and certification of project completion is made by the Interagency Committee. (c) Contracts for Construction. Contracts for construction shall be awarded througha process of competitive bidding if required by state law. Copies of all bids and contracts awarded shall be submitted to the IAC . Where all- bids are substantially in excess of project estimates , the Director may, by notice in writing, suspend the project and refer the matter to the Interagency Committee for determination of appropriate action, which may include termination of assistance for development of the project. (d) Construction Contract Change Orders. Any change orders shall be in Meriting and shall be submitted to the ]AC. (a) Nondiscrimination Clauses . Except where a nondiscrimination clause required by the United States Department of Interior is used , the Contracting Party shall insert the following nondiscrimination clause in each Contract for construction of this project: "During the performance of this Contract , the Contractor agrees as follows: (1 ) "The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex , or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed , color , or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruit- ment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training , ncluding apprentl__' ;ter sh1p. Tkc cntr_�'_or _es st 1 ,1 conspicuous places , available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. 6 (2) "The Contractor will , in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor , state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employmert without regard to race, creed , color , sex or national origin. (3) "The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other Contract or understanding , a notice, to be provided by the agency contracting officer , advising the said labor union or workers ' representative of the Contractor 's commitments under this section , and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment . (4) "The Contractor will include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs in every subcontract exceeding $10,000, so that such provisions will be binding upon each such subcontractor or vendor. The Contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the Interagency Committee may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance; provided , however, that in the event the Contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the Contractor may request the State of Washington to enter into such litigation to protect its interests . " 22. Amendments : This Contract may be amended only in writing signed by both the Contracting Party and the Director of the Interagency Committee. 23. Notices : All notices , demands , requests, consents , approvals, and other communications which may or are required to be given by either party to the other under this agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given for all purposes when delivered or mailed by first class postace or certified mail , postace prepaid , addressed as follo:s : (a) Notice to the State To: Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation 4800 Capitol Boulevard KP-11_ Tumwater, Washington 98504 or at such address as the Interagency Committee shall have furnished to the Contracting Party in writing. (b) Notice to the Contractinq Party To Helen Adams ,. who serves . *he ca,,acity of Administrative Assistant '^r " Contracting Dart„ and who has been designated as the Contracting Party' s liaison officer for the Purposes of this agreement , or to such other officer or address as the Contracting Party shall have furnished to the Director in writing , 7 24 . Additional Provisions, or modifications of Standard Provisions 8