HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW18-312 - Original - Scarsella Bros., Inc. - Downey & Naden Clearing and Grading - 08/01/2018 T Records Management Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725„ El Blue/Motion Sheet Attached Pink Sheet Attached Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros., Inc. Vendor Number (]DE): Contract Number (City Clerk): Category: Contract Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): Project Name: Downey and Naden Clearinq and Grading Contract Execution Date: Date of the Mayor's signature Termination Date: 35 working days Contract Manager: Thomas- Ley'rer &,Matt Knox Department: PW: Engineering Contract Amount: $857,754.81 Approval Authority: 0 Director E] Mayor Z City Council Other Details: The project consists of clearing and grubo m,inq the forer Downey Homestead site in the portion of land' between F,r,a"g I er Road S. an I d SR former 5-16 1 Th I e Naden site wilt-Exi'cleared- and griubbed"pr)bi- to the apolication"of fill material"from "the Downey site: i CITY OF SCENT KING COUNTY, WASH I NGTON KENT SPEC I AL PROV I S I ONS FOR Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project Number: 1 -3007. 1 BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL BID OPENING July 10, 2018 July 10, 2018 12:45 IMP.M. 1 -.00 P.M. PE'LI'VER TO CITY OF KENT, CITY HALL 220 4th Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 TIMOTHY J. LAPORTE, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 1- 40 00 "IS7 4 ENT WASHINGTON a PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy ]. LaPorte, P.E. Public Works Director 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 \ai a,0' KEy,.tT Fax: 253-856-6500 w,atiINQTon PHONE: 253-856-5500 CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project Number: 18-3007.1 ADDENDUM No. 1 July 2, 2018 FROM: The Office of the City Engineer, Kent Washington TO: All Plan Holders of the Project Specifications and Plans This addendum forms a part of the Contract documents and modifies the Project Proposal and Specifications and Contract Drawings in accordance with the following: Al•••I•••• CII1ANGIIES AIIItE REFLECTED IN IRED I - BIDDER'S DOCUMENTS The following changes are included in the attached replacement pages 7 - 14 of the Bidder's Document. Page 9 is included due to the added or deleted bid items noted below may have shifted bid items to the next page. Bidders must use the replacement pages. SCHEDULE A - EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT t p 8-42-5 (5-0 femporary.6c $ K-SP t-N- F k'• erice Pe-r 1:H 1055 1..04.4(1) L Manoir Changes $1.5,000.00 1.10 WSDO f CAI..0 Peer CAA,•.0 **Connnnon price to aH bidders 0 ea za r c ar x Mayor Dana Ralph,� :„ �w�,»au,u , .urvurv , w, ,,a, x » ,�,W �Yx ,. wu; . x »e�m,:., ,u .u ;�„w 1 SCHEDULE A - EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1120 8-01.5 1- 320 Street Cleaning $41GJ440 Q0,1- $+GiC.440740 KSP HOURS Per FA HIP, F-GRGiii AGGG1J44T to, 4 biddf�vn 1125 8-01.5 2.00 400 Stabilized Construction $ KSP SQ YDS Entrance Per SY ................................. 1135 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution <huuri43 $4.0 ,900-4, WSDOT FORCE Control $15,0q]0.00- $15( 000,m ACCOUNT Per FA "Common price to all bidders SCHEDULE B (ALTERNATE) - EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ?G 4L 7 d4b leinp(nwary 2t Fen-ee 1::F 2055 1-04.4(1) 1 Minor Changes $5 094440 WSDOT CALC 1 5,000"00 Per CALC "Common price to all bidders 2120 8-01.5 L320 Street Cleaning $-I o7000.fjo, $14A)007" KSP HOURS Per F-A HUR F(DR-GE NT- " 2125 8-01.5 =;±,()O 400 Stabilized Construction $ $ KSP SQ YDS Entrance Per SY 2135 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution $1(4,fx34mx) W.)....G. O.G-00 - I WSDOT FORCE Control $15,000,00- $is,000m ACCOUNT Per FA "Common Drice to all bidders 2 SCHEDULE C (ALTERNATE) - NADEN SITE IMPROVEMENTS ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 3055 g. 1 Minor Changes $10,0oo.00" $10,000.00 1- CALC Per CALC 04.4(1) WSDOT "Common price to all bidders 3060 I.®07�5 1 Nur#de,,n II- eallidi find Srum"ety $ $ KSP 1..19114P SIU11M i Per, 111..9.5 3095 8-01.5 ✓:4 4�5 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ $ * KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC 3100 8-01.5 2,7(10 Filter Fabric Fence $ $ * KSP 1,700 Per LF LN FT 3120 8-01.5 3: 240 Street Cleaning $-I-0,70G.GG KSP HOitUiIR.'S Per FA IIi F CA:,,<=4°:. �aQrsf�,dlVVRd:1: i ,C,�r�r�atrr�-harlrit: Naa ,.�9( kirdtlrlk'r�� 3135 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution $ -1,k}p0 $-U..f.J.jwfj-;' q WSDOT FORCE Control $15,000.00-- $1„5,000m ACCOUNT Per FA "Common price to all bidders 3200 8-01.5 1 1.0 Inlet Protection $ $ KSP EACH Per EA 3210 7-04.5 4G 60 Storm Sewer Pipe, $ $ KSP LN FT 12 Inch Diameter D.I. Per LF Page 2S - Proposal Signature Page REVISE the first paragraph as follows: The undersigned bidder hereby proposes and agrees to start construction work on the Contract, if awarded to him/her, on or before ten (10) calendar days from the date of 3 the Notice to Proceed, and agrees to complete the Contract fey Oaf r-1.0N fta't within thh-ty-fivia (35) wuaa:f'm:'iing days. II- CONTRACT Page 33 - Contract RNf VISINii the last sentence of the first paragraph of item 1 as follows: Unless otherwise directed by the City, work shall start within ten (10) days after the City issues its Notice to Proceed and be completed ; f,4-6 w'utV"0n tlhiirt:y-five (35) wrrau°Ikingii days. III - KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS Page 1-16 - Section 1-07.4(2) - Health Hazards ttIINNVT.SN-' this section as follows: SECTION I-07.4(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING AR '*APH BEFORE THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1.-07, 4(2) NNeallf':Ih Hazards Page 1-18 - Section 1-07.4(4) - Measurement IC:all!) the following section: SECT1"O N ;f..07 4 TS SUPPLEMENTED BY oakD 'ZNG 'f HE FO LOIWrNrS NEW SECTION: 1,-07. (4) Measu.uirevineuvt "NI1 w'illl be p:roaudfor lby WIMP SUM for the kh,' lth and Safety 1511an for the IM owney Site, " N adenH(, l' iv,iLgSg n d) ..)31N 1,.mC' wUll The Paid for by Wrnp:u suer n for the J.-WalPth, and Safety Plan for the N«aden Silf:e. Page 1-18 - Section 1-07.5 - Payment J11l:.NUM1311r.R this section as follows: SECTION 4... -;S' P-07,4(5) IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.54(5) Payment 4 REIyXSIIll'iii�� the second paragraph as follows: The lump sum unit contract price for "Health and Safety Plan" shall be full payment for all Work associated with the preparation and implementation of the Health and Safety Plan roir the Draw naay site including the initial and follow up assessment(s) for initial site cleanup, worker training and personal protective equipment, and providing required notifications. ddlIIDIIt"f the following to the end of this section: 7"l'ne: lawm mlp suamun unit retimnrul:rancd. Raucm^ for "" (dnl tnm V(ldangf.ld_.wll9 .R tf dE� lRa, shall be IfiAl Ipayurnme nt foir all Work arns;soclaleail emrliith the Preparation raltion and IImr pilleiment:aation of the Healllth a ndill Safety IPlian �f or �the Madeiin Erell.ar lr°cillmm�'lliing the llumiiiUasl a aid �fuwllow l s� w " a '.d(s) for ii nlfial ?.site 6l:ea":&IP Ul:), FJFAi�:UU"'l&Q;"r tirn�: iin iIng a in Rd 1:90:°III"0':wainaml aCl n a�a,.u.mM'i..�ss,nnne'Jmml: pirotective eqlruipuneent, and Rrovii du`Ing required unasl.'lflilc;aabo ns, Page 1-25 - Section 1-08.5 - Time for Completion l:hta,V..EPI: the second paragraph of this section: If lrlo-,, -gar-n„ w t ; er'r I':>aa v nvara af,id is...anrtiegaxiteel thai°..t=# farc,j�� ,t� v il� r�e ,.wa -:fAed--raj-dlkA t 4Dkdl, ff, a]4 l"baaaLu c,l: riarwurcr. untra+a-vte been AarrlLH ...l, 204&j the ilay of -he-W tke tam Pr-eo.en4ar=l...wnM be--Auqunat--I-, 201B, AV�&-w arda�frar..Ct�lar��� fso��e;�'cl �N"�ra+l.p�-t� a:a�rrwtn�atccl by..Cdat(,tb-er-- -5; 24�.& Page 2-1 - Section 2-01.1 - Description RIRSI"aaI.SIt:C the first two paragraphs as follows: Clearing and grubbing shall clear and grub the site including trees u.undelr 10 inches a:'rrnrrd rrg d xr. Tree removal ay.ve.r. 4 10 inches and oveir in diameter will be paid for under "Salvage Trees" for the first 200 salvageable trees and the "Remove and Chip Trees" for all trees over 200. Also included is the creation of Arborist Wood Chip Mulch from the chipping of wooded material as a result of the clearing and grubbing and tree removal. "Salvage Trees" means work done to carefully remove veget.at4aR trees that can be utilized in the construction of Engineered Logjam (EU) structures or other habitat structures. Page 2-1 - Section 2-01.3(1) - Clearing REVISE the second paragraph as follows: The Contractor shall not disturb or damage existing plant material ou,atsWe of the clean~ling and graadlung Ili rnii e,�ew wirh as j�ea �arac�) 'I'N Ca�C ae fmalFaerr�.rs�' thee f rK,,iemeer fwjor 1!:e ceeittnruualraef d.4 f7elgs r f.fvfE'iaMs r4'-tttterr raa-imy_(,,,er4fict lreCweaarn_th 6+9 ror iiad field ea a uqurr7sr �r of a+y-te r75 ,Pa' fit' geed 9tr-p r�nervntoon r r c b Ir @na utr7dnwr^e# cr aftered iae--allow con'strtae I-'+cair-tica err{#.{p raa: The Contractor shall carefully remove existing trees designated for salvage and reuse during clearing and grubbing activities. AI{-err;t of f>ee)teetwq t'fwnr demla:gci #1wse-piarrts sand-rsiivacged shaR be da'+crr.&ta t�M taa V hex btr9 if c mo " ","la nd drag itraai (,9°uk bingo fry t4ae f nowt' rnyy f a&r inrrd hlrprfa=:^rn Sfte � lsa,ar+iraey;rrrrd f"- rutrlu6-on�„acer-1rEra:� l�-rafaaa�iifte. 5 REVISE the second sentence of the third paragraph as follows: Prior to clearing operations, the Contractor shall flag all trees equal to or over 30 feet high, or four-inch diameter or greater (measured 3 4 feet above ground line) within the area to be cleared. RVl":"dNl°iaE the fourth paragraph as follows: The Contractor shall only reuse slash materials and branches as Arborist Wood Chip Mulch tF 4.18'PI r1rC"ePTa--t�`CrJ�-Q..'S -rW0.J {.`CP@41.'Y:@id"Y IB'1 h/i;4 5i3edes, N'YfDNIkht15wf'.4"dsir (*04'11G'tta.tA Ih`Vk±r.14e"„d eregf4fat+ef-w. Contractor sha Ui clear aind/oir iremnove Ibllac*berry and IkinoU:mmre^ewd firommmo arboriist: weed um°auulm.lh irinatemlial prior to cll°miillmlAmllrng. Page 2-3 - Section 2-01.3(6) - Salvage Trees l'tlliVISlz'', the first and second paragraphs as follows: klack6ng Lags (lar thedryttrr:e.q}umwmoy..CM7�m.gf..t.l..lfabitap:...4burmjawr.t.) na,ay ae_aaaaaue: wa:C...flcarvm "Salvage Trees" shall rnmeet 4-tat fneet the following requirements: May be either coniferous or deciduous trees that do not have the rootwads attached. dtrac346oii--Leggi Salvage trees shall be of sound quality and free of insects, rot and decay. Bark shall not be removed from the log such that no more than 10% of the tree, by surface area, is missing bark. Raa-k+"q L:egs Salvage trees shall be 15 to 30 feet in length and 4 1.0 to 16 inches in diameter. Trees not meeting these requirements will be Removed and Chipped as described below in 2-01.3(7). Page 2-3 - Section 2-01.3(7) - Remove and Chip Trees ltlRi?t ISIE the second paragraph as follows: Trees not identified by the engineer to be salvaged shall be cut and removed. Woody Material shall be comprised of trees, limbs, roots, brush and tops generated during land clearing. Woody material to be chipped shall not contain blackberry canes or +Rvaswea pkff -rrtrat<-f. 4 kiruotweed (as identified in the King County Noxious Weed Est--- ta°tttJ"s , t^w+'6t1 yyj5jff ,j e(�pttl�r y.!Ct4)1! w2rvi(.�'; yYE En 1�IV, tNff iE'1V$�riV1;,1V m'YrY iax c11lv,l rYlcBi-kt"jC t WFb�ws-,- ....._. ....... ....._... ...... _..-. ea {nttm{tliat �Rpx). All woody material will be chipped-up and transported to the approved on-site stockpile location to be used as Arborist Wood Chip Mulch conforming to Kent Special Provisions 9-14.4(3). Page 2-4 - Section 2-01.4 - Measurement REVISE' the second sentence of the second paragraph as follows: Trees smaller tlhairn 4 10" DBH shall be considered incidental to the clearing and grubbing bid item. 6 A11111t the following to the end of this section: arvppi be imeasuured per ear;.pn, ) m1tfV.yf .rardrt 9mut1.. _m- ` wIJH Ibe reassured per each. "ftcf;..Wvth... ttw 6fan°" nuiGu be it ueasuured per e,unctn, rigfmimomng nld f," � "' of the Do nney Site %NHIl be irneasnured Illy Wrnp su.urn, , i.)n „pf„r�sreaw xuflt�.mGuu9 .� wt as of the Naden Siite wUll Ibe rneasLured by luuirnp:ro su rn. Page 2-4 — Section 2-01.5 — Payment IR,Eti'1,Slfii the first sentence for "Salvage Trees" as follows: The unit contract price for the above item shall be full pay for all labor, equipment, supplies, materials, and tools necessary to salvage up to 200 trees 4 10-16 inches in diameter as described above including cutting, pruning, chipping of woody material, excavation, stump removal, stockpile, collection and hauling. R.III "Remove and Chip Trees" as follows: The unit contract price for the above item shall be full pay for all labor, equipment, supplies, materials, and tools necessary to clear and grub trees over 4" 10" in diameter as described above including cutting, pruning, chipping of woody material into Arborist Wood Chip Mulch, excavation, stump removal, stockpile, collection and hauling. Tree removal of 4"Land under 10" DBH shall be paid for under the Clearing and Grubbing bid item. lltl VIISIE "Salvage Evergreen Trees with Rootwads from Naden" as follows: The unit contract price for the above item shall be full pay for all labor, equipment, supplies, materials, and tools necessary to salvage evergreen trees with rootwads from Naden as described above, excavation, stockpile, collection and hauling. Tree rernovai of trees f'u°oivnn the Naden site, except for trees shown on ppians as "Salvage "nrees w/Rootwads and l4aW to Downey Salter" shallll Ibe paiid for under the II site C11ear'irng and Grubbirog bid item regardless of diameter, lZE 1SE the last sentence for "Clearing and Grubbing" as follows: Payment for clearing and grubbing at the Downey Site will be included in the "Clearing and Grubbing" lump sum bid item. Payment for clearing and grubbing at the Naden Site will be included in the "Naden Site Clearing and Grubbing" lump sum bid item. All woody material shall be chipped-up and transported to the approved on-site stockpile location to be used as Arborist Wood Chip Mulch conforming to Kent Special Provisions 9-14.4(3). Material not suitable for Arborist Wood Chip Mulch shall be disposed of by the contractor off-site considered incidental to "Clearing and Grubbing" and "Nader Site Clearing and Grubbing" bid items. Removal of trees over 4'- 10" in diameter will be paid for under the bid items "Salvage Trees" or"Remove and Chip Trees" described above. 7 REVISllu the last sentence for "Removal of Debris and Garbage" as follows: Note that some hazardous materials may be encountered including hyp:poderiranlic uneedlles, eunnp:pty dir uag co ntapuneirs, wind other drug paraphernalia - clean-up of these items are incidental to the bid item, "Removal of Debris and Garbage." ADIID the following to this section: .g.lhe Ilumlp suuan p:ar'iu e f'fbu.. ..dam d� tl p4 1" bb ;'.t �� C01115tift97F:es compllete c:ornIpeinsation for add dallbou, materdalls, 1oolls„ and eciu fill runrneinit, reagau'ir d to cllear, and girub tune ii,"aretias of the IDowiney Spteshown on Ohm IDowiney plans, inclluadiinrl Ihauuflinrcg airnd diisp:msM of cleared annd ginrulllabed uyaat:euvaaps to a Contractor provided agippir°oveal off slite f'acid'uty. Elbe Wnnpa suuam price priice fou t&Igari ncf &�d m pudgi m;itx �eounua4:udaat:es a.m unnllallet,e coinnp:nermatioun for alp labor, rinaterliads„ tooll^, and ecdUupnineunt requai'ir,ed to clear and giruulhp areas of the Naudoirn !Site shovvin on the l4adeirn pdauns, iunr Iluu:diungg duaaudiunrg and Wsposall of cpeared and gruulblbe d nnateriMs to an Contractor ppra viidepd approved off•.. site. faacHlidy, Page 2-5 - Section 2-02.4 - Measurement ADD the following to this section: d1g anlpdpdd. edugfmn ..m unau.gfe agd9 n plppa,"" idp be ru easuureau;d peir squuaire yard. Page 2-7 - Section 2-03.4 - Measurement AI131D the following to the end of this section: EIX5;.a .aattfdpgj� 11 ylli aLj..p)tadd._gnO.,Do»pq pj"° wiIII be measuuired per IPsaunk cuull is yard, tfip�a Alld � t4jI ud£.. do umt aadaNu fade u g,tdwi," vAIIll be r neaasuuu°ed per baron cu.ubiic: yaird o gr pnrud.(a an �. .dd.�fgttd)bd p. ). 9.aun ��_. 4np'idkuat 9fA °" YOH be u°raeaasu red peer Ibaunllx cubic yaad: . Page 8-2 - Section 8-01.3(1)F - Applicable Regulations and Criteria REVISE item 3 as follows: 3. City of Kent 2.00,� 2017 Surface Water Design Manual Page 8-7 - Section 8-01.4 - Measurement ADID the following section: 8 't7C°f ZO S-d.'t,4 IS SUPPL ENEN7"E't9 BY ADDING 'l'"HE FOI..t.aP''fgRyt,'NG"' 8-0 .4 Mea;asu.ureirinerwi: l wiillM Ibe rneasuurred 11.)eir acre,, I f'._fu um _ _ gg" dill term inaea su reu:�l purer IlimneW�all foot oflwiigll°u vilsIlll:n'dllity f'illt,eir f'abrlc fence iinstt'aallled,. "I S Lleaad"" waw'lllll be merasu.ured by the hour. " fchir�« m l« � . illll Ife nnrasurrd by lump surn.i ! . . . . . p,R req,1 9 . :.p .". � f la .apt rfflf_4 dill be ua•aauaa shred per rage unare yard. wauull Itmra innnemas ured by the hour, Page 8-7 — Section 8-01.5 — Payment REVISE: "Stabilized Construction Entrance" as follows: The unit bid price for the "Stabilized Construction. Entrance" shall be paid in full per square yard, and also includes all labor, tools, materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to construct the stabilized construction entrance ratt4 d sig nwatod .prx 4k,)sa arnd irlp-rap, as shown on the plans and as described in the specifications. RE.'U'']p'SIE "Street Cleaning" as follows: The unit bid price for the "Street Cleaning" shall be paid In full t f.:u -F-eu e #reeeu nt by the houir and also includes all labor, tools, materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to maintain a clean road way for public access and no run off of potential pollutants into natural water bodies or the stormwater system Page 8-8 — Section 8-12 — Chain Link Fence and Wire Fence DELE"I"Ile this section in its entirety. Page 9-12 — Section 9-14.4(3) — Bark or Wood Chip Mulch Rlll"s:VISE the title to this section as follows: E ar4a._rrr- rll grist Wood Chip Mulch IV — PLAN REIN ACE Naden Avenue Site Developments plan sheets 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The clearing and grubbing area and the fill volume for the Naden Site have been reduced. 9 Clhian e to Downey Farmstead Restoration Plan Sheet 6 of 6: The cut quantities at the Downey Farmstead Restoration Site have been reduced to 20,000 bank cubic yards. The excavation area (footprint) remains as shown on Downey Plan Sheet 6, but the excavation depth is reduced to limit excavation from the Downey Site to 20,000 bank cubic yards. The bottom of excavation shall be at a uniform elevation to reach a total of 20,000 bank cubic yards excavation. END OF ADDENDUM No. 1 Chad Bieren, P.E. Date Deputy Director/City Engineer Attachments: Proposal Pages: 7-14 Naden Plan Sheets: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 10 / SCHEDULE A - EARTHWORK ' D0VVN[Y ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT / 1 649 8- 76) � K-S P UA FT Fence ��UF 1055 1'04.4(1) �� Mimor (Channge@ $�15,o"J»0 $15,000.E00 WSDOT CALC PerCAkC **Cmnonmmm pricet UU bidders 1060 1-07.5 1 Health and Safety Plan �k KSP LUMP SUM PerLS 1065 1-10.5 200 Traffic Control Labor $ � dt KSP HOURS PerUR 1070 1 1U.S lOO Construction Signs Class A $ $ VVSD0T SOFT Per SF 1875 1'10.5 100 Traffic Control Supervisor $ $ »� KSP HOURS Per UR 1080 1-10.5 l Temporary Traffic Control $ $ KSP LUMP SUM Devices PorLS 1095 8-01.5 14.7 Seeding/ Fertilizing, and $ $ KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC 1100 8-01.5 2/600 Filter Fabric Fence $ $ d� KSP LN FT PerLF The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Downey & madeo clearing auraainu/Leyrcr 7 July z, zozo Project Number: zusoo/.1 SCHEDULE A - EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1115 8-01.5 60 ESC Lead $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR 1120 8-01.5 1320 Street Cleaning $Jn,u(ioof) $10,04Y{ 'DU KSP 110IL lu-3 Per IFA IIIHlR A (.rya: N �Coinrrycgrr-pact, 10 a19 lraitater•,; 1125 8-01.5 244.) 400, Stabilized Construction $ $ * KSP SQ YDS Entrance Per SY 1130 1-07.15(1) 1 SPCC Plan $ $ * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 1135 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution fir.<>;{ x> > $-:)-(),G(3fj,fx.: WSDOT FORCE Control $15 000'Go— "$15,000.00 ACCOUNT Per FA **Common price to all bidders * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Sub Total $ 10% WA State Sales Tax $ _ Schedule A Total $ Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 8 Iuly 2, 2018 Project Number; 18-3007.1 SCHEDULE B ALTERNATE -EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. OUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2000 1-09.7 1 Mobilization $ $ WSDOT LUMP SUM Per LS I 2005 2-01.5 1 Clearing and Grubbing $ $ * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 2007 2-01.5 200 Salvage Trees $ $ * KSP EACH Per EA 2009 2-01.5 250 Remove and Chip Trees $ $ * KSP EACH Per EA 2011 2-03.5 19,000 Excavation, Including Haul $ $ KSP BANK CU and Compaction Per BCY YDS 2012 2-03.5 1,000 Excavation and Haul of $ $ * KSP BANK CU Unsuitable Material Per BCY YDS 2013 2-03.5 1 Aeration $40,000.00<. $40,000.00 WSDOT FORCE Per FA ACCOUNT **Common once to all bidders 2015 2-01.5 300 Removal of Debris and $ $ �C KSP CU YDS Garbage Per CY 2018 2-02.5 25 Remove and Relocate Cement $ $ �c KSP EACH Concrete Jersey Barrier Per EA * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 9 July 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 SCHEDULE B (ALTERNATE) -EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2025 2-07.5 500 Water $ $ �c WSDOT M GAL Per M GAL i zr04 8-4-2 f-60 �., rwu� u�kart' d tfr... h ror Izink Is �x . KSP I::::N-+�T Fe-rlee Per-L-4 2055 1-04.4(1) 1 Minor Changes $"'4G 00 $1. 00)(4) WSDOT CALC $1.5,000.00— $t 5 00o.0o Per CALC "Common Drice to all bidders 2060 1-07.5 1 Health and Safety Plan $ $ * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 2065 1-10.5 200 Traffic Control Labor $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR 2070 1-10.5 100 Construction Signs Class A $ $ * WSDOT SQ FT Per SF 2075 1-10.5 100 Traffic Control Supervisor $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR 2080 1-10.5 1 Temporary Traffic Control $ $ * KSP LUMP SUM Devices Per LS 2095 8-01.5 14.7 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ $ * KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Downey & Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 10 July 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 SCHEDULE B (ALTERNATE) -EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2100 8-01.5 2,600 Filter Fabric Fence $ $ �c KSP LN FT Per LF i 2115 8-01.5 60 ESC Lead $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR 2120 8-01.5 1 :320 Street Cleaning $10;000A)Q KSP 1-10W.URS Per FA Ufllf rORG'F At.':G 1i4"F ,�asrw�ri��re'rprG .t'p.k`omjF f«V�drr<a 2125 8-01.5 2 W 400 Stabilized Construction $ $ * KSP SQ YDS Entrance Per SY 2130 1-07.15(1) 1 SPCC Plan $ $ * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 2135 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution $ ose e $3..g1 .yOtU,;.(.}.iy WSDOT FORCE Control $151 000.00, $1.5,000,00 ACCOUNT Per FA "Common price to all bidders * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Sub Total $ 10% WA State Sales Tax $ Schedule B Total $_ Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 11 ]uly 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 SCHEDULE C (ALTERNATE) -NADEN SITE IMPROVEMENTS ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 3000 1-09.7 1 Mobilization $ $ WSDOT LUMP SUM Per LS 3005 2-01.5 1 Naden Site Clearing and $ $ KSP LUMP SUM Grubbing Per LS 3008 2-01.5 12 Salvage Evergreen Trees with $ $ KSP EACH Rootwads from Naden Per EA 3015 2-01.5 100 Removal of Debris and $ $ �k KSP CU YDS Garbage Per CY 3020 2-02.5 10 Remove Cement Concrete $ $ KSP SQ YD Sidewalk Per SY 3025 2-07.5 500 Water $ $ * WSDOT M GAL Per M GAL 3055 7.wq. .51 1 Minor Changes $10,000,00** $10,000.00 1-04.4(1) CALC Per CALC WSDOT "Common price to all bidders 3060 1.-07.5 1 Naden F-Illeaft1h and Safety $ $ KSP 11..tlll P SU 114 Pian Per LS 3065 1-10.5 100 Traffic Control Labor $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Downey & Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 12 3uly 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 SCHEDULE C (ALTERNATE) -NADEN SITE IMPROVEMENTS ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 3070 1-10.5 100 Construction Signs Class A $ $ * WSDOT SQ FT Per SF 3075 1-10.5 50 Traffic Control Supervisor $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR 3080 1-10.5 1 Temporary Traffic Control $ $ * KSP LUMP SUM Devices Per LS 3095 8-01.5 i 41, 4 S Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ $ �c KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC 3100 8-01.5 2,7(.)0 Filter Fabric Fence $ $ * KSP 1,7004 Per LF LN FT 3115 8-01.5 60 ESC Lead $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR 3120 8-01.5 1. 240 Street Cleaning $to-, ola 00 KSP FV(YURFtt Per+�A HR. t OUN 'u'&G.-rftin n {auja� to al hidden 3125 8-01.5 260 Stabilized Construction $ $ * KSP SQ YDS Entrance Per SY 3130 1-07.15(1) 1 SPCC Plan $ $ * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Downey & Nader Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 13 July 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007,1 SCHEDULE C (ALTERNATE) -NADEN SITE IMPROVEMENTS ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 3135 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution $19;9N9 $-iJoi3 o&)oo WSDOT FORCE Control $15,000.00-- .$151000 00 ACCOUNT Per FA "Common Drice to all bidders 3200 8-01.5 110 Inlet Protection $ $ KSP EACH Per EA 3205 8-01.5 1 Sediment Pond $ $ KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 3210 7-04.5 40 Storm Sewer Pipe, $ $ KSP LN FT 12 Inch Diameter D.I. Per LF 3215 7-08.5 5 Foundation Material, $ $ KSP TONS Class I and II Per TON 3220 7-08.5 20 Crushed Surfacing Top Course $ $ KSP TONS 5/8 Inch Minus Per TON 3230 8-14.5 10 Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ $ KSP SQ YDS Per SY Sub Total $ 10% WA State Sales Tax Schedule C Total $ Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 14 July 2, 2018 Project Number 18-3007.1 a ! ww Mw y i a F 8 _ x � s d I � C -„ .1 II p Y II t I w 1 , .� _ 14, h � i f e , r 1 1 �.,san r€J` ELY➢ryry w4 8.,a`a I� � w,� . y Ew ���t f3 =°� O Wa 0dY 2 w ,� YAWS fi➢ d,,, F € its: r i.J, ' a e g E "�* w q o� jPopa 3H� tim y yhq A Ud h03.'" gad z a w o rvr p � l N 9 4r 3 r s _ N ➢ 9.t... � R 25 JY E t I �' U �rG „� � ��• � r 6? lW. v'i "5,X .h fgv,e wF 304 w f„ SJ ruw YIkWf d ..._.� f �Y s F➢' 0 m h - arc °' ,�/+/ '_ ' �A ZO : ➢rr II.IB o e c W 6 4 0 ( k 6Pt 311M�� 1 Qd g^ yV%'3u �u �X _... ----------_ .._ mot. MM11M.—, ,ti..t,, ' f B p fl P P w � m �v /iv I�r l ow I W t� 7 � / !� �� a f + +✓ f/ jN � " I iv +K3 Ai F ..t iz � � � l i a +�,,,�✓ /�+ ,✓; ����� � � I � �� � / I w� o: 2 zo I rz in ,y s i I 'r ^,,"�,/, �/ �r� ✓ nr'r/,/a �. � �� �o II -.... s 1 e� � s o evy xn ., g�` +dr ✓ � '�� °I PI ��$ I I 4 1�, 6 y III I II �� \ r. '� y, f'u. /� � • �' I . � + I 1 �i y4 f M urum'w eff I X ..._....... r......_ ......... nra ewrtf rvne nl nut rnrxLme'+x' + ni..nmry aiM a "�".'n y tl � .l Pf i>I"ilW e p'� !S :� �� � z� q ❑ � ~z'= N � _ � 1 <� x ❑ In m YY � ci ;I- .� Ali �o 0 1 x �< 1 A tl' K ZU m� 1 aN QS l d � 1 0 1 le I 1 � tl �� � 1 ✓ � a A , LJ Y t � 1 m s o .. I� zo t i M II I I � 1 , � t J 4 t x� `✓, '��, 1 y �, �q 4 ? v sn�>uIf , � 77 ..... rr n7wiur l N v I 7 VJd,� o o a a o c a f iq' 0 Z -o W wz o � m w maw rrrtiN�noue - h z o wi tl a n%u kli 1 , t. I. -..., rt U�➢ o d' C c w w w, Z " . x x � w r xw d I w rJa 0 n z I x ti o o o o o o a a n ... , ....• ru o y u s� .u, I o. > es I error xr ix r a L tl_YS rxu ngfsq'dns w I yl z , l 'q9� r , '-_,Y ... ma wvs c6 r5s , + 3 G N YS q, .d)y (4-011 I L VLS '. d o } � d w ll 99• �• W Yi 4W 'fi^.9 irS�lwe � axr wavry � i J ....... .. .......-_ " u vxam eraesri w,wuex ttm'f� '+ ie. I t NDEX Section 1 B3iddler's Package Section 2 Payment and Performance Bond and Contract Section 3 Table of Contents Section 4 Kent Special Provisions Section 5 Kent Standard Plans Section 5 "Il"VSD►OT Standard Plans Section 7 Traffic Control Plans Section S Maul Route Section 9 Geotechnical Information Section 10 King, County Clearing and Grading Permit Section 11 Prevailing Wage Rates CITY OF 'SCENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project Number: 18 CI07A BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL BID OPENING July 10, 2018 July 10, 2015 12:45 P.M. 1:00 P.M. DELIVER TO CITY OF KENT, CITY HALL 220 4th Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 TIMOTHY J. LAPORTE, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 'WA "}y y 51094 Gf rarrAL W A 5 H I N G T 0 N BIDDER'S NAME Scarsella Bros, Inc. CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR. Downey and Naden Clearing andGrading Project Number: 18-3007A BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL BID OPENING July 10, 2018 July 10, 2018 12:45 P.M. 1:00 P.M. DELIVER TO CITY OF KENT, CITY HALL 220 4th Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 TIMOTHY J. LAPORTE, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 4^* \sIS7 SCENT W A 5 H I N G T D N ORDER OF CONTENTS Invitation to Bid Contractor Compliance Statement Declaration — City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Administrative Policy 1 .2 — Minority and Women Contractors City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Statement Proposal City of Kent Subcontractor List (over $100K) Subcontractor List (over $1 million) Contractor's Qualification Statement Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes Proposal Signature Page Bid Bond Form Combined Declaration Form Non-Collusion, Minimum Wage Change Order Bidder's Checklist Payment and Performance Bond Contract Table of Contents Kent Special Provisions Kent Standard Plans WSDOT Standard Plans Traffic Control Plans Haul Route Geotechnica I Information King County Clearing and Grading Permit Prevailing Wage Rates INVITATION TO BID Notice is hereby given that the City of Kent, Washington, will receive sealed bids at the City Clerk's office through July 10, 2018 up to 12:45 p.m. as shown on the clock on the east wall of the City Clerk's Office on the first floor of City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington. All bids must be properly marked and sealed in accordance with this "Invitation to Bid." Bids must be delivered and received at the City Clerk's office by the above-stated time, regardless of delivery method, including U.S. Mail. All bids will be opened and read publicly aloud at 1:00 p.m. for the City of Kent project named as follows: Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project Number: 18-3007.1 The project consists of clearinq and grubbing the former Downey Homestead site in the portion of land between Frager Road South and State Route (SR) 516, The Downey site has historically been used as a tree farm. Woody material will be salvaged or chipped and then stockpiled for future use. Following clearing and grubbing, the Downey site will be excavated with 60,000 cubic yards of material hauled from the Downey site to the Naden site (at Meeker Street and SR 516). The Naden site will be cleared and grubbed prior to the application of fill material from the Downey Site. The Engineer's estimated range for this project is approximately $1 ,000,000 to $1 ,500,000. Bid documents may be obtained by contacting City of Kent Engineering Department, Nancy Yoshitake at 253-856-5508. For technical questions, please call Thomas Leyrer at 253-856- 5562. Bids must be clearly marked "Bid" with the name of the project on the outside of the envelope, addressed to the City Clerk, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032-5895. Only sealed bids will be accepted. No facsimiles or electronic submittals will be considered. Each bid shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and other contract documents now on file in the office of the City Engineer, City of Kent, Washington. Specifications for this project will be available on Tuesday June 26, 2018. Paper copies of the plans and Kent Special Provisions may be purchased at a non-refundable cost of $50 for each set. Plans and specifications can also be downloaded at no charge at gntWA.gov/doing- business/bids-proctirement. Copies of the WSDOT Standard Specifications are available for perusal only. A cashier's check, cash or surety bond in the amount of 5% of the bid must be included with the bid. The City of Kent reserves the right to reject any and all bids on any or all schedules or alternates or to waive any informalities in the bidding and shall determine which bid or bidders is the most responsive, satisfactory and responsible bidder and shall be the solejudge thereof. No plea of mistake in the bid shall be available to the bidder for the recovery of his/her deposit or as a defense to any action based upon the neglect or refusal to execute a contract. Bidders must submit with their initial bid a signed statement as to whether they have previously performed work subject to the President's Executive Order No. 11246. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the day of bid opening. Dated this 14t' day of June, 2018. BY: Kimberley A. oto, Cit4CIek Published in Daily Journal of Commerce on June 21, June 26 and July 3, 2018. r CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (President's Executive Order #11246) 7/10/2018 Date This statement relates to a proposed contract with the City of Kent named Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project Number: 18-3007.1 I am the undersigned bidder or prospective contractor. I represent that - 1. I X have, have not, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the President's Executive Order #11246 (regarding equal employment opportunity) or a preceding similar Executive Order. Scarsella Bros., Inc. NAME OF BIDDE S NATURE/TITLE Vice President P.O Box Seattle, WA ADDRESS (Note to Bidders: The information required in this Compliance Statement is informational only) Downey&Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 1 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such, all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this contract shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific contract to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this contract to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlined, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the contract; The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. During the time of this contract, I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. 3. During the time of this contract, the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the contract I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. 5. Before acceptance of this contract, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agr '0 fulf'die flyr ements referenced above„ By: ......... ............ .,.lG' , For: Title Vice President Date: 7/10/2018 Downey & Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 2 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 M CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding contracts with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the contract. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines, Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 3 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007,1 II CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the contract. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of Scarsella Bros., Inc. m _.. mm ........................_ Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime contract for the contract known as Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Project Number: 18-3007.1 that was entered into on the (Date) , between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Adminis native Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Cipport Ky Poli y t -w"a of the before-mentioned contract. By .... — — r For: orr /. ✓C�J° — / trt'_. Title: Vice President Date: 7/10/2018 Downey & Nader Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 4 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 „ q PROPOSAL To the City Clerk City Hall Kent, Washington 98032 The undersigned hereby certifies that Scarsella Bros., Inc. has examined the job site and construction details of the work as outlined on the plans and described in the specifications for the project named Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Project Number: 18-3007.1 for the City of Kent, Washington, and has read and thoroughly understands the plans and specifications and contract governing the work embraced in this improvement and the method by which payment will be made for that work and hereby proposes to undertake and complete the work embraced in this improvement in accordance with the bid and contract, and at the following schedule of rates and prices: NOTE TO BIDDERS: 1) All bid items are described in the Kent Special Provisions (KSP) or the Standard Specifications (WSDOT). Reference the Section No. listed in this proposal, where the bid item is described. 2) Proposal items are numbered in sequence but are non-continuous. 3) Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid must be shown. 4) Should bid items with identically worded bid item descriptions, marked with asterisk (*), appear in more than one schedule of the proposal, the bidder must bid the same unit price on corresponding items for each schedule. If the Contractor enters different unit prices on these items, the City will unilaterally revise the bid amounts to the lowest unit price on each corresponding item and recalculate the Contractor's total bid amount. The corrected total bid amount will be used by the City for award purposes and fix the amount of the contract bond. 5) The City will either award Alternate 1 (Schedule A only) or Alternate 2 (Schedule B plus Schedule Q. EXAMPLE SCHEDULEI - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. OUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1006 2-03.5 100 Roadway Excavation, $14.00 $1,400.00 WSDOT CU YDS Including Haul Per CY Any bids not filled out properly may be considered non-responsive. Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 5 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 d SCHEDULE A — EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1000 1-09.7 1 Mobilization $ '75,04�0'` o $ `/J,ocx;).C3 � WSDOT LUMP SUM Per LS 1005 2-01.5 1 Clearing and Grubbing $4141, o,00 $q6/,ODr�,00 * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 1007 2-01.5 200 Salvage Trees $ /00v00 $ ,20,600, 00 * KSP EACH Per EA 1009 2-01.5 250 Remove and Chip Trees $ 100.00 $ a5 000.00 KSP EACH Per EA 1010 2-03.5 19,000 Excavation, Including Haul $ 3y, 30 $ 65/,-7oo,00 KSP BANK CU and Disposal Per BCY YDS 1012 2-03.5 1,000 Excavation and Haul of $,23. 30 $ a3 300• 00 �k KSP BANK CU Unsuitable Material Per BCY YDS 1015 2-01.5 300 Removal of Debris and $ /00,00 $30, 0c)a, o ) �C KSP CU YDS Garbage Per CY 1018 2-02.5 25 Remove and Relocate Cement $ /a5,00 $ 3� / 00 * KSP EACH Concrete Jersey Barrier Per EA 1025 2-07.5 500 Water $ 0. O/ $5, 00 �C WSDOT M GAL Per M GAL * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Downey & Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 6 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 a SCHEDULE A - EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT t6}"� Nv h;' ") {ifaxC? gpti.ivwi rrr,ua;�a_t," hlrr.gEx-(".I��I w1 i.,iweQF =f> :. KSP 1.N-Fir W-arrnco 11t t 4 7 1 Mlinor C11hanges #np,tamal.rnl $;2-p'00()'.00 WSDO'T CAILC Per CALL ^'-Covmna n rui lc,e to ail bi ddeirs 1060 1-07.5 1 Health and Safety Plan $/ 75,01 00 * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 1065 1-10.5 200 Traffic Control Labor $59, 75 $/1,, 950,od * KSP HOURS Per HR 1070 1-10.5 100 Construction Signs Class A $do,00 $a, 000, 00 * WSDOT SQ FT Per SF 1075 1-10.5 100 Traffic Control Supervisor $ 67 -75 $ 6,'?75,OO * KSP HOURS Per HR 1080 1-10.5 1 Temporary Traffic Control $500, 00 $500, 00 * KSP LUMP SUM Devices Per LS 1095 8-01.5 14.7 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ 1, 570,00 $d3, 07%, (Yo * KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC 1100 8-01.5 2,600 Filter Fabric Fence $5.00 $ 3 ox 00 * KSP LN FT PerLF * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Downey &Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 7 July 2, 2018 Project Number; 18-3007.1 l N ( SCHEDULE A - EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1115 8-01.3 60 ESC Lead $ 75,00 $4!500,00 * KSP HOURS PerHR o .0/ o ,x0 1120 8 01.5 1 320 Street Cleaning i,Fttrch4 40,OfKa 04,a KSP 1-1IOURS Per FA mR i} 4 E:; AC,r04J'"J uaW pnu4aYl,eoK^.' 1125 8-01.5 200 400 Stabilized Construction $ /9,00 $ � d oo, 00 �c KSP SQ YDS Entrance Per SY 1130 1-07.15(1) 1 SPCC Plan $ 500,00 $ 500, 00 * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 1135 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution ` ;; w),+ ,,a $tc)' SG o-ai( WSDOT FORCE Control "arS'1111100 01" $;15,000.00 ACCOUNT Per FA "Common price to all bidders * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Sub Total $ , 3 , W70 10% WA State Sales Tax $ 9q JJ A Schedule A Total $f 0L/ Za5 qd Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 8 July 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007,1 r SCHEDULE B (ALTERNATE) EARTHWORK - DOWNE_Y _ ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM _.�.,...�.....H.._.., ,.,.� UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2000 1-09.7 1 Mobilization $ 00$ '�R"500.00 WSDOT LUMP SUM Per LS 2005 2-01.5 1 Clearing and Grubbing $4 �000,00$ gzl00j 00 * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 2007 2-01.5 200 Salvage Trees $%00,00 $ a0,Doo, 005 * KSP EACH Per EA 2009 2-01.5 250 Remove and Chip Trees $ /00.00 $a5,000, 00 * KSP EACH Per EA 2011 2-03.5 19,000 Excavation, Including Haul $ /7, 60 $33,'1. L160, 00 KSP BANK CU and Compaction Per BCY YDS 2012 2-03.5 1,000 Excavation and Haul of $a3,30 $a3,3oo' ao �c KSP BANK CU Unsuitable Material Per BCY YDS 2013 2-03.5 1 Aeration $40,000.00.> $40,000.00 WSDOT FORCE Per FA ACCOUNT **"Common price to all bidders 2015 2-01.5 300 Removal of Debris and $/00, 00 $30, 600 00 * KSP CU YDS Garbage Per CY 2018 2-02.5 25 Remove and Relocate Cement $/a5,00 $ 3j /d5, 00 * KSP EACH Concrete Jersey Barrier Per EA * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid items) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid Item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Downey & Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 9 July 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 e SCHEDULE B (ALTERNATE) —EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2025 2-07.5 500 Water $ 0. 0/ �c WSDOT M GAL Per M GAL +dl+fw, S @ �."� 1w(std &a,:nwl.�tarrao'y..4a bliabb'w( bMwrinl-,mo1Nr �� (. 2055 1-04.4(1) 1 Minor Changes +td,I,+° $51000A)() WSDOT CALC su.,,Puaw .urrd-'• $I 51000,00 Per CALC **Common price to all bidders 2060 1-07.5 1 Health and Safety Plan $ J �50,00 $/ 750. (90 * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 2065 1-10.5 200 Traffic Control Labor $5�175 $f/ 1156).00 * KSP HOURS Per HR 2070 1-10.5 100 Construction Signs Class A $ r20,00 $ OOD, 00 * WSDOT SQ FT Per SF 2075 1-10.5 100 Traffic Control Supervisor $67 75 $ 61-75, 00 * KSP HOURS Per HR 2080 1-10.5 1 Temporary Traffic Control $500� 00 $500. 00 * KSP LUMP SUM Devices Per LS 2095 8-01.5 14.7 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ /, 67/000 $ ?3 0W. 00 * KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. * In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Downey & Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 10 July 2, 2018 Project Number 18-3007,1 SCHEDULE B (ALTERNATE) -EARTHWORK - DOWNEY ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2100 8-01.5 2,600 Filter Fabric Fence $6,00 $ /3 GIc, 00 i * KSP LN FT Per LF 2115 8 01.5 60 ESC Lead $>5, 00 $ 1{,500, 00 * KSP HOURS Per FIR (0, 0/ 3'do 2120 8-01.5 1 320 Street Cleaning $m,m)o 0a KSP HL"bJR.. Per FA 1.411 4= 4&E Af-q 6u041 +.°'X,woln"Pon f'ori-'e^ ki all-tmld rs 2125 8-01.5 )00 400 Stabilized Construction $ /8.00 $ 00 * KSP SQ YDS Entrance Per SY 2130 1-07.15(1) 1 SPCC Plan $ 500,6u $ JOO. DD * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 2135 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution $w' 'Oo ry, WSDOT FORCE Control S1'5,01o0,01o" $1J5a000,00 ACCOUNT Per FA "Common price to all bidders The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. * In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Sub Total $. 6 (1`'! s97, dQ 10/o WA State Sales Tax $ 6 4 Schedule B Total Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 11 July 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 4 SCHEDULE C (ALTERNATE) -NADEN SITE IMPROVEMENTS ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 3000 1-09.7 1 Mobilization $/01000, x $/Ofo0o, 00 WSDOT LUMP SUM Per LS 3005 2-01.5 1 Naden Site Clearing and $a0(kZ200 $-�O'oa)� 00 KSP LUMP SUM Grubbing Per LS 3008 2-01.5 12 Salvage Evergreen Trees with $ 500,X $ 61003, 00 KSP EACH Rootwads from Naden Per EA 3015 2-01.5 100 Removal of Debris and $ /00, GO $%C),00a 00 * KSP CU YDS Garbage Per CY 3C20 2-02.5 10 Remove Cement Concrete $-10•00 $I'oo, 00 KSP SO YD Sidewalk Per SY 3025 2-07.5 500 Water $ 0,0/ $ 5,00 * WSDOT M GAL Per M GAL 3055 2.-...0 / r.. 1 Minor es Chan g $10,000.00** $10,000.00 1 0d.4(fly CALC Per CALC WSDOT "Common price to all bidders 3060 1-07.5 I Naden Heallth and Safety $ 1,750,00 $ /J 750, 00 KSP (LUMP SUM Pi Per LS 3065 1-10.5 100 Traffic Control Labor $ 59 70 $ 5� ?15, 00 * KSP HOURS Per HR * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Downey& Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 12 July 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 v SCHEDULE C (ALTERNATE) -NADEN SITE IMPROVEMENTS ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. qUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 3070 1-10.5 100 Construction Signs Class A $ * WSDOT SQ FT Per SF 3075 1-10.5 50 Traffic Control Supervisor $ 67 75 $ ✓� 3�7, 50 * KSP HOURS Per HR 3080 1-10.5 1 Temporary Traffic Control $5(x-).00 $5(v, 00 * KSP LUMP SUM Devices Per LS 3095 8-01.5 d-.A A4 5 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ 1,570,00 $ 00 * KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC 3100 8-01.5 .27-70Q Filter Fabric Fence $J,LX> $ 500,00 * KSP 11,700 Per LF LN FT 3115 8-01.5 60 ESC Lead $75,00 $ "I'500, 00 * KSP HOURS Per HR 0. 0/ z40 3120 8-01.5 1, 240 Street Cleaning $)0: nG°u,r"' $I.G'11)00f 010 KSP PFg'ftNRS Per AA IIHIR f GAK_E, AG:Q.434.RJ F 'A:'e01r""oon iA il11 Uar � N...0[1 ld1 ?l5 3125 8-01.5 260 Stabilized Construction $ /?,0J s11, 690, 00 �c KSP SQ YDS Entrance Per SY 3130 1-07.15(1) 1 SPCC Plan $500'a) $ 5,00.00 * KSP LUMP SUM Per LS * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid items) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price, Downey &Naden Clearing Si Grading/Leyrer 13 July 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 SCHEDULE C (ALTERNATE) -NADEN SITE IMPROVEMENTS ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 3135 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution $34'0A9 $-t-l},(;f1k":h oo WSDOT FORCE Control $15,000.00-- $151000.00 ACCOUNT Per FA "Common price to all bidders 3200 8-01.5 110 Inlet Protection $ $ i, 25o,Oo KSP EACH Per EA 3205 8-01.5 1 Sediment Pond $A),aX 00 $/0,09,9, 09 KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 3210 7-04.5 4$ (s>C;� Storm Sewer Pipe, $/00.(0 $ 6/of- co KSP LN FT 12 Inch Diameter D.I. Per LF 3215 7-08.5 5 Foundation Material, $75,60 $3�75,00 KSP TONS Class I and II Per TON 3220 7-08.5 20 Crushed Surfacing Top Course $75,00 $ l SOO. CX) KSP TONS 5/8 Inch Minus Per TON 3230 8-14.5 10 Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ /OO.C70 $ r LbO, 00 KSP SQ YDS Per SY Sub Total 10% WA State Sales Tax Schedule C Total $/ Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 14 July 2, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 BID SUMMARY Alternate 1: Schedule A 02 t Z5, �,2, Earthwork- Downey ALTERNATE TOTAL BID AMOUNT Alternate 2: Schedule B 1 > '�CA / Earthwork- Downey Schedule C Naden Site Improvements ALTERNATE 2 TOTAL BID AMOUNTJ� 5-11, '3I Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 15 ]une 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 V p CITY OF KENT SUBCONTRACTOR LIST (Contracts over $100,000) List each subcontractor, from any tier of subcontractors, that shall perform subcontract work amounting to more than 10% of the total bid contract price. List each bid item to be performed by each designated subcontractor in numerical sequence. If no subcontractors will be performing 10% or more of the work, indicate this by writing "None" and signing this form at the bottom of the page. Failure to submit a fully completed and signed subcontractor list after the time set for bid opening may disqualify your bid. Project Name: nnwnav And Naden Clearinn and Grading Project Number: is-3007,1 Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers ------------ Subcontractor Name Item Numbers _ Subcontractor Name -------------------- Item Numbers ✓`A Subcontractor Namef' Item Numbers Subcontractor Name .... __................ _....... Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers ............. _..._._.......... .............. — / ............ ................ ..... CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE Downey &Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 16 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 SUBCONTRACTOR LIST (Contracts over 1 million dollars) Name of Bidder: Scarsella Bros., Inc. Project Name: Downev and Naden Clearing and Grading Project Number: 18-3007.1 Pursuant to RCW 39.30.060, Bidder shall list the names of the subcontractors with whom the Bidder, if awarded the contract, will subcontract for performance of the work of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; plumbing; and electrical, or to name itself for the work. Failure of the Bidder to submit, as part of the Bid, the names of such subcontractors or to name itself to perform such work or the naming of two or more subcontractors to perform the same work shall render the Bidder's Bid non-responsive and, therefore, void. - - ------------ - Name: -- Heating, Ventilation, an Air Conditioning Subcontractor "} ... Plumbing Subcontractor Name: Electrical Subcontractor Name: _.... ........_..... ,r r' 7/10/2018 gnature of Bidder Date Downey &Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 17 lane 26, 2018 Project Number 18-3007.1 CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT (RCW 39.04.350) THE CITY WILL REVIEW THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSES TO THIS FORM TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PERFORM THE CONTRACT WORK. THIS FORM INCLUDES CRITERIA ESTABLISHED BY STATE LAW THAT MUST BE MET TO BE CONSIDERED A RESPONSIBLE BIDDER AND QUALIFIED TO BE AWARDED THIS PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT AS WELL AS SUPPLEMENTAL CRITERIA ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY THAT ARE APPLICABLE TO THIS PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT. THE BIDDER SHOULD READ AND RESPOND TO THIS FORM CAREFULLY. Indicia of contractor's responsibility inherently involve subjective determinations as to the contractor's ability to perform and complete the contract work responsibly and to the owner city's satisfaction. The city has an obligation and a duty to its citizens and its taxpayers to administer its budgets and complete its projects in a businesslike manner. Accordingly, it has a duty to exercise the type of inquiry and discretion a business would conduct when selecting a contractor who will be responsible to perform the contract work. The city's supplemental criteria are based, in large part, on the qualification statement form used by the American Institute of Architects. The city provides these criteria so as to provide the most objective framework possible within which the city will make its decision regarding the bidder's ability to be responsible to perform the contract work. These criteria, taken together, will form the basis for the city's decision that a bidder is or is not responsible to perform the contract work. Any bidder may make a formal written request to the city to modify the criteria set forth in this qualification statement, but that request may only be made within 48 hours of the date and time that the bidder first obtains the bid documents or three (3) business days prior to the scheduled bid opening date, whichever occurs first. If the city receives a modification request, it will consider any information submitted in the request and will respond before the bid submittal deadline. If the city's evaluation results in changed criteria, the city will issue an addendum establishing the new or modified criteria. If the city determines that, based on the criteria established in this statement, a bidder is not responsible to perform the contract work, the city will provide written notice of its determination that will include the city's reason for its decision. The bidder has 24 hours from the time the city delivers written notice to the bidder that the bidder is not responsible to perform the contract work to appeal the city's determination. No appeals will be received after the expiration of this 24 hour appeal period. The city may deliver this notice by hand delivery, email, facsimile, or regular mail. In the event the city uses regular mail, the delivery will be deemed complete three days after being placed in the U.S. Mail. The bidder's right to appeal is limited to the single remedy of providing the city with additional information to be considered before the city issues a final determination. Bidder acknowledges and understands that, as provided by RCW 39.04.350, no other appeal is allowed and no other remedy of any kind or nature is available to the bidding contractor if the City determines that the bidder is not responsible to perform the contract work. Downey & Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 18 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 If the bidder fails to request a modification within the time allowed, or fails to appeal a determination that the bidder is not responsible within the time allowed, the city will make its determination of bidder responsibility based on the information submitted. COMPLETE AND SIGN THIS FORM AS PART OF YOUR BID. FAILURE TO PROPERLY COMPLETE THIS FORM MAY ALSO RESULT IN A DETERMINATION THAT YOUR BID IS NON-RESPONSIVE AND THEREFORE VOID. THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. The undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. SUBMITTED BY: Bob Scarsella NAME: Scarsella Bros., Inc. ADDRESS: P.O. Box 68697 Seattle, WA 98168 PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 8404 S 196th St ADDRESS: Kent, WA 98031 _.......................__-................................................._ PHONE: 253-872-7173 FAX: 253-395-1209 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS — Per state law a bidder must meet the following responsibility criteria 1. Required Responsibility Criteria 1.1 Provide a copy of your Department of Labor and Industries certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW. See Attached. 1.2 Provide your current state unified business identifier number. 578-035-242 1.3 Provide proof of applicable industrial insurance coverage for your employees working in Washington as required in Title 51 RCW, together with an employment security department number as required in Title 50 RCW, and a state excise tax registration number as required in Title 82 RCW. Providing a copy of a state of Washington "Master License Service Registration and Licenses" form is typically sufficient evidence of the requirements of this subsection, Contractor License Attached. Employment Security No. 219514-001 1.4 Provide a statement, signed by a person with authority to act and speak for your company, that your company, including any subsidiary companies or affiliated companies under majority ownership or under Downey & Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 19 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 control by the owners of the bidder's company, are not and have not been in the past three (3) years, disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065 (3). See Attached. i 1.5 Provide a signed statement, signed under penalty of perjury by a person with authority to act and speak for your company, that within the three- year period immediately preceding the bid solicitation date, your company is not a "willful" violator as defined in RCW 49.48.082, of any provisions of chapters 49.46, 49.48, or 49.52 RCW, as determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Department of Labor and Industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction. See Attached. SUPPLEMENTAL CRITERIA — Established by the City to determine bidder responsibility 2. ORGANIZATION 2.1 How many years has your organization been in business as a Contractor? 72 years 2.2 How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 59 years 2.2.1 Under what other or former names has your organization operated? Scarsella Bros. 2.3 If your organization is a corporation, answer the following: 2.3.1 Date of incorporation: 6/10/58 2.3.2 State of incorporation: Washington 2.3.3 President's name: Not used 2.3.4 Vice-president's name(s): A. Don Scarsella, Bob Scarsella, Gino Scarsella, 2.3.5 Secretary's name: A. Don Scarsella Rick Scarsella 2.3.6 Treasurer's name: Not used 2.4 If your organization is a partnership, answer the following: 2.4.1 Date of organization: N/A 2.4.2 Type of partnership (if applicable): 2.4.3 Name(s) of general partner(s): 2.5 If your organization is individually owned, answer the following: N/A 2.5.1 Date of organization: 2.5.2 Name of owner: 2.6 If the form of your organization is other than those listed above, describe it and name the principals: N/A 3. LICENSING 3.1 List jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate license numbers, if applicable. Downey &Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 20 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 WA State: SCARSB1183B8 City of Kent: BLC.8809640 3.2 List jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership or trade name is filed. N/A 4. EXPERIENCE 4.1 List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces. Clearing/Grubbing, Sewer, Water, Street Cleaning, Trucking 4.2 Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach details.) 4.2.1 Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? No 4.2.2 Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? No 4.2.3 Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration with regard to construction contracts within the last five years? No 4.3 Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete a construction contract? (If the answer is yes, please attach details.) No 4.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. 4.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and under contract: $483,000,000 4.5 On a separate sheet, list the major projects your organization has completed in the past five years, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, date of completion and percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces. See Attached 4.5.1 State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five years: $132,000,000 4.6 On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key individuals of your organization. See Attached 4.7 On a separate sheet, list your major equipment. See Attached S. REFERENCES 5.1 Trade References: NC Machinery, Mack Truck 5.2 Bank References: Banner Bank, Eric Scroggins 425-739-1069 5.3 Surety: 11431 Willows Rd NE, Ste 140, Redmond, WA 98052 5.3.1 Name of bonding company: Liberty Mutual Insurance Company 5.3.2 Name and address of agent: Propel Insurance, Jim Binder, 206-948-3819 Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 21 3une 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 925 Fourth Ave, Ste 3200 Seattle, WA 981 04-1 1 59 6. FINANCING 6.1 Financial Statement. Will be submitted upon award of contract. After bid opening, the City may require the following financial information from any of the three apparent low bidders. If so required, the selected bidder(s) must respond with this financial information within 24 hours of the City's request for that information. The City's request for this information shall not be construed as an award or as an intent to award the contract. A bidder's failure or refusal to provide this information may result in rejection of that bidder's bid. 6.1.1 Attach a financial statement, preferably audited, including your organization's latest balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses); Net Fixed Assets; Other Assets; Current Liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes); Other Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings). 6.1.2 Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement, and date thereof: 6.1.3 Is the attached financial statement for the identical organization named on page one? 6.1.4 If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g., parent- subsidiary). 6.2 Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for construction? 7. SIGNATURE 7.1 Dated at this 10 day of July �01 Name of Organization: Scarsella r s.„ By: Bob Scarsella Title: Vice President Downey &Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 22 June 26, 2018 Project Number. 18-3007.1 7.2 Bob Scarsella being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. Subscribed and sworn before me this 10 day of July 2018. �% 0wbr1i ytla Notary Public: (� zes: My Commission Expl P apt AIMp�ij•'`Nr° zom W4 As Downey& Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 23 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Department of Labor and Industries PO Box 44450 SCARSLLLA BROS INC Olympia, WA 98504-4450 Reg:CCSCARS111 183BS 1J131: 578-035-2.42 1Za1;WcwQd ws provided by Law as: Construclioll conlraclor WCM) -GENE'UL N6 SCARSELLA BROS INC F.Mcdvc [)aw% 1/28/1982 P 0 BOX 68697 Fxph kkt ion Dater 517/20 1 SEATTLE WA 981680697 (rF V1III � tll �4 J^^ €.� II '�, sliuv Tord Unified Business ID#: 578035242 �r. Corporation Business ID#: 001 Location: 0001 P, SCARSELLA BROS- INC Expires: Jun 30, 2019 SCARSELLA BROS., INC. � 8404 5 196TH ST E t KENT, WA 98031-1884 r UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE - ACTIVE INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE -ACTIVE r TAX REGISTRATION 9578-035-242 -ACTIVE �Y i�'i CITY ENDORSEMENTS: ," SUMNER GENERAL BUSINESS - ACTIVE PORT ORCHARD GENERAL BUSINESS - ACTIVE OLYMPIA GENERAL BUSINESS#26435 - ACTIVE , BELLINGHAM GENERAL BUSINESS - ACTIVE '� FIFE GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT- ACTIVE o:11 LACEY GENERAL BUSINESS #6172 -ACTIVE LICENSING RESTRICTIONS: t Not licensed to hire minors without a Minor Work Permit. I r 1' „1 A� �pp ly rv� ul� �rfi �ry rl i 'I Q; This€lac orrursl lists fhe. rer;istratrcrns r nrlorsenteoefs, tnd hccaecs autlw�9rerl for the business J]] ti' tl"� Wanted a6aove.lay accelrtint Ibis drrcurn€^nt,the lice.nsre rerEirie-the infarination on the €pttEirutiun / ,u/ M1„_ ` ��1�^�'"'�,,.+ lY Py,I ur,rmt g7lste true mdaturrrte to-the 6csTothrs ar her knowlcd�c nndib rtbus+n€s wJl he C11J r�r} Ir� cmd.,ted ut cumpheu c wrtlr oll zp�bc tbl VW rshmbron Ette cmmly and crY/te(?u!atrons Di ,I uey vtnuot r It f ry a r1r 9 vu 5 v ,,. avmii' bra n4 wrP r ;1 v I/r u+ r ✓ H `° r . 1 Heavy-Highway Construction er f An Equal Qayr"v Opportunity x •a o Employer ai 7 July 10, 2018 1. STATUATORY REQUIREMENTS 1.4 STATEMENT To Whom It May Concern: This statement is to certify that Scarsella Bros., Inc. has not been disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.05(3) in the past three(3) years. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call. Sincerely Bob Scarsella Vice President P.O.Box 68697 Seattle,Washington 98168-0697 Tel: (253) 872-7173 • Fax: (253) 3954209 AK Lic. #34714 AZ Lic. #ROC249216 • CA Lic. #779354 • iD Lic. #10394-Unlimited-l-2 MT Lic.#146627 • ND Lic.#44607 • OR Lic.#96884 • UT Lic.#7646917-5551 • WA Lic.#SCARSB1183B8 Citv of Kent Business License NET SCARSELLA BROS INC PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA 98168-0697 Please tear at perforation BUSINESS LICENSE Per RCW 82 e sales ax and use l mustust be c e coded LICENSE MUST BE PAID ANNUALLY BY No. 1715 for all qualfed JANUARY 1st TO AVOID PENALTY sales within the city of ,. T Issuance of License Does Not Imply Licensee's Kent. van s n c To X Compliance with State and Local Laws THIS LICENSE MUST BE POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE.NOT TRANSFERABLE OR ASSIGNABLE 2018 NAME AND ADDRESS OF BUSINESS ---��� BLC-8809640 SCARSELLA BROS INC MAYOR 8404 S 196 ST Tax Registration The City of Kent KENT,WA98031 Endorsement At 220 4 1 HAVE SO KONT.WASI[IN GC ON 9RO32 COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS COCW'I"$;A.CT ,P6.N4dyd.7NT COMPLETION Idt4TE START DA.7" Sinnema Quaale Upper Revetment Reconstruction $6,565,495.00 01/17 06/22/15 Contract No. 97415 King County, 201 S. Jackson, Ste. 600, Seattle, WA 98I04-3855 Chase Barton, 206-477-4854, chase.barton@kingcounty.gov Type of Work: Bank Revetment/Site Work(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 70% BNSF WSDOTARRA Task 3 Eavan I Slope Enhancement $854,652.00 12/16 08/15/16 Contract No. 9986 Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co., 2454 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 2D, Seattle, WA 99134 Ryan Chan, 206-625-6423, ryan.Chan@bnsf.com Type of Work: Embankment(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 90% Runway 16C-34C Reconstruction Project $51,844,012.12 12/16 03/16/I5 Contract No. 318131 Port of Seattle, 2529 So. 194" St., SeaTac, WA 98188 Todd Rehm, 206-787-5747, rehm.t@portofseattle.org Type of Work: Runway Reconstruction(Bid as Scarsella Bros. Inc_—Acme, A Joint Venture), (Prime) Estimated Cost of Scarsella Bros. Inc. Work 40% West Snoqualmie Valley Rd NE (NE 80"St. to Ames Lake- $3,824,901.00 12/16 3/15/16 Carnation Rd NE) Contract No, 99415 King County,401 Fifth Ave. 3"Floor, Seattle, WA 98104 Jeff McCarthy, 206-423-1086,jeffmccarthy@kingcounty.gov Type of Work: Road Construction, (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 50% S. Spokane St. @ I-5 Seismic Backbone $1,136071.00 I1/16 09/01/I6 Contract No. 2015-080 City of Seattle, P.O.Box 94687, Seattle, WA 98124-4687 Shaunie Cochran, 206-255-6713, Shaunie.cochran@seattle.gov Type of Work: Utilities, (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 80% So. 228"St Grade Separation @ UPRR $143,280.00 10/16 09/12/16 Pier Bridge Shaft Construction Contract No. 07-3022 Owner: City of Kent, 220 4th Ave S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 Jason Barry, 253-856-5546,jbarry@kentwa.gov Type of Work: Site Work, (Subcontractor to SB Structures, LLC) SR5IS I/C Restoration at Des Moines Memorial Dr. $982,701.00 10/16 06/20/16 Contract No. 318406 Port of Seattle, P.O. Box 68727, SeaTac, WA 98168 Todd Rhem, 206-787-5747, rehrr,.t(a7portseattle.org Type of Work: Interchange Restoration(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% 1-90 Mullan to Montana State Line, WB & EB Lanes $6,279,043.00 10116 04113115 Contract No. 7875 Idaho Transportation Department, 600 W.Prairie Ave., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815-8764 John Perfect, 208-772-I224,john.perfect@itd.idaho.gov Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% Constriction Logistics Expansion $2,291,647.00 10/I6 02/19/16 Contract No. 318315 Port of Seattle, P.O. Box 68727, SeaTac, WA 98168 Alisa 0'14aver-Ayala, 206-787-4447, O'Haver.A@portseattle.org Type of Work: Site Work(Prune), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 90% C(.)MP1'..E'rE11 CONSTRUCTION PiRQ)a:CTS, CONTRACT AMOUNT COMPLETION DATE S'rAIR,r .DAT! Me[ten St. to Blakeslee Junction Stage 2 $49,091,281.00 10/16 08/05/I3 Contract No_ 8473 WSDOT, 1411 Rush Rd., Chehalis, WA 98532-8721 Colin Newell, P.E., 360-740-8603, newellc@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work: Highway/Bridge (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% I-90 Golf Course Rd-Improve Park& Ride Lot $118,474.00 09/16 09/06/16 Contract No. 8956 WSDOT, 2809 Rudkin Rd, Union Gap, WA 98903 Scott Golbek, PE 509-577-1880, golbeks@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work: Site Work, (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 80% Vicinity MP 88 Slide Slope Stabilization $648,391.50 09/16 08/15/16 Contract No. 8936 WSDOT, 821 Airport Ct SE, Tumwater, WA 98501 Dewayne Matlock, PE 360-570-6750 matlocd@wsdotwa_gov Type of Work: Emergency Slope Stabilization, (Prime), Estimated Cast of Prime Work 90% South Big Lake Road Realignment $5,449,339.00 09/16 10/10/13 Contract No. 14032 Matanuska-Susitna Borough, 350 E. Dahlia Ave., Palmer, Alaska 99645 Michael Campfield, 907-745-9811, mcampfield@matsugov.us Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% So. 352aa St. Extension (Pacific Hwy. S_to Enchanted P"T S.) $2,740,627.00 08/16 02/01/16 Contract No. 15015 City of Federal Way, 33325 e Ave. S., Federal Way, WA 98003 Naveen Chandra, 0:253-835-2729, C: 253-797-6820,naveen.Chandra@cityoffederalway.com Type of Work: Highway Construction(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% Nine Canyon Road(Beck Rd. to Mills Rd.) $1,851,295.00 07/16 02/22/16 Contract No.1922 Benton County, P.O. Box 1001, Prosser, WA 99350-0954 Bryan Thorp, 509-786-5611, bryan.thorpe@ce.benton.wa.us Type of Work: Site Work(Prime),Estimated Cost of Prime Work 70% Puyallup River Bridge—Bridge Replacement $1,114,003.00 07116 02/02/15 Contract No. 8685 WSDOT, P.O. Box 47354, Olympia, WA 9 8 5 0 4-73 54 Dan Selby, (Selby Bridge-Contractor) 360-696-2675,DBSefby@msn.com Type of Work: Bridge Replacement(Subcontractor to Selby Bridge) HS1P: Parks Hwy. Grade Separation 2014 Design Build- $1,132,006.00 06/16 03/07/16 Montana Crossing Contract No.]02938 Alaska DOT, 4111 Aviation Ave.,Anchorage, AK 99519-6900 Kyle Johnson, (Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. - Contractor)360-693-1478, kyle.johnson@kiewit.com Type of Work: Site Work(Subcontractor to Kiewit infrastructure West Co.) ST2 Traci, improvement Project- Easement 3 $6,289,839.00 06/16 0&29/15 Contract No. 8 i 61 Burlington Northern& Santa Fe Railway Co., 2454 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 21), Seattle, WA 98134 Chuck Moore, 206-625-6211, Chuck.Moore@bnsf.com Type of Work: 'Track Embankment, Bridges & Retaining Walls (Prune), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 52% COMPLETED Ct:MfVS'IRUCTI[ONPROJECTS CON'rRACTAPvIOUNt C'.CfiMPL,ETIONIDATE STARTDAT, SR99/W Fork Hylebos Creek-Fish Passage $1,340,282.00 06/16 06/01/15 Contract No. 8698 WSDOT, 6431 Corson Ave. So., Seattle, WA 98108-3445 Mike Askarian, 206-768-5862, askarim@wsdot.wa_gov Type of Work: Creek Realignment(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% Bogard Road Extension East $19,436,952.00 06/16 06/18/14 Contract No. 14121 Matanuska-Susima Borough, 350 East Dahlia Ave., Palmer,AK 99645 Pierre Stragier, P.E., 907-861-7727, pierre.stragier@matsugov.us Type of Work: Highway (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% Tumwater Auto Dealership Project $186,700.00 05116 05/02/16 Contract No. 16-04 BJR Holdings, LLC, 2225 Carriage Dr. SW,Olympia,WA 98502 Lorenz Schock, (Schock& Co. -Contractor) 360-918-6204, Lorenz@schockandco.com Type of Work: Site Work(Subcontractor to Schock& Co.) Retreat Meadows—356" St- Sewer $136,605.00 05/16 03/21/16 Contract No. 2016.01 Landmark Homes, Inc., P.O. Box 26116, Federal Way, WA 98093 David Litowitz, 253-927-61 16, djlito@comcast.net Type of Work: Sewer(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 100% Spencer Creek Business Park Site Pre-Load $1,039,900.00 05116 02/01/16 Contract No.2015-47 Port of Kalama, 110 W. Marine Dr., Kalama, WA 98625-9500 Eric Yakovich, 360-673-2337, eyakovich@portofkalama.com Type of Work: Site Work, (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 100% I-405, NE 6" St. to I-5 Widening& Express Toll Lanes $16,977,701.00 04/16 07/16/12 Contract No. 3800 WSDOT, P.O. Box 47354, Olympia, WA 98504-7354 Billy Gaynor, (Fiatrion-Prime Contractor) 760-916-9100, bgaynor@flatironcorp.com Type of Work: Highway(Subcontractor to Flatiron) BNSF WSDOT ARRA Task 17 Slope Stabilization $3,716,271.00 03/16 8/17/15 Contract No. 8259 Burlington Nor-them& Santa Fe Railway Co., 2454 Occidental Ave, S., Suite 2D,Seattle, WA 98134 Ryan Blumer,206-625-6146,james.blumer@bnsfcom Type of Work: Slope Stabilization (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% Grading& Drainage FFO-US20 PME: UPRR-Eddyville (Ph. 3) Corvallis-Newport Hwy. $41,567,139.00 0346 05/05/14 Contract No. 14670 Oregon DOT, 3700 SW Philomath Blvd., Corvallis, OR 97333 Steve Schultz, P.M., 541-757-4104, steven.schultz@odot.state.or.us Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40°o Snohomish River Bridge to US 2 Vic-Widening&Safety $77,188,081.00 03/16 06/27/11 Contract No. 8 12 8 WSDOT, 9029 El Capitan Way, Everett, WA 98208-3637 Tim Nau., 425-225-8726, naut@wsdot,wa.gov Type of Wcrk: Highway & Bridge Work(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 400,'o COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CONTRACT AMOUNT COMPLETION DATE START DAT] Shore Rd. to Kitchen-Dick Rd Widening $28,037,718.00 02/16 01/07/13 Contract No. 8376 WSDOT, 1707 South C Street, Port Angeles, WA 98363-7456 Jerry Moore, P.E.,360-565-0620, mooreje@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 35% OHOP Vicinity Slide—Emergency Slope Stabilization $552,252.00 01/16 08/25/15 Contract No. 8792 WSDOT, 821 Airport Ct. SE, Tumwater, WA 98501 Steve Fuchs, PE, 360-570-6752, fuchss@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work_ Emergency Slope Stabilization (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 90% Denali Highway MP 120 River Encroachment $416,743.00 12/15 11/20/15 Contract No. 750 Alaska Department of Transportation& Public Facilities,2301 Peger Rd., Fairbanks, AK 99709-5316 Scott Woster, 907-451-5461, scott.woster@alaska.gov Type of Work: Embankment Stabilization(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 90% SR6, Rock Creek Bridges-Replace Bridges 6/102 & 61103 $11,745,40T00 12/15 04/23/14 Contract No. 8572 WSDOT, 1411 Rush Rd., Chehalis, WA 98532-8721 Colin Newell, P.E., 360-740-8603,newellc@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work: Highway/Bridge (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% Task 4—Kelso to Martins Bluff $9,625,968.00 12/15 01/05/15 Contract No. 7I64 Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co.,2454 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 2D, Seattle, WA 98134 William Dombrow, 206-625-6386, William.Dombrow@bnsf.com Type of Work: Site Work(Prime),Estimated Cost of Prime Work 100% Bayside Revisions Phase III $2,446,033.00 11115 8/10/15 Contract No. 8278 Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co., 2454 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 2D, Seattle, WA 98134 Taylor Smith, 206-625-6386 taylor.smith@bnsfcom Type of Work: Site Work (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 80% 2013 Federal Way Downtown Sewer Trunk Upgrade-Ph. 1 $1,689,889.00 11/15 02/10/14 Contract No. 131170 Lakehaven Utility District, P.O. Box 4249,Federal Way, WA 98063 Tim Osborne, District PM, 253-945-1582, tosbome@lakehaven.org Type of Work: Sewer Main Installation(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 75% SR 532 Davis Slough Bridge Replacement Widening for Flood Prevention $11,848,671.00 08115 08/04/14 Contract No. 8623 WSDOT, 1109 E. Hickox Rd., Mount Vernon, WA 98274-7775 Shane Spahr, P.E., 360-757-5856, spahrs@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work: Site Work/Bridge Replacement(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% Judy WTP to Sedro-Woolley Transmission Line, Ph. 1 $899,613.00 08/15 05/26/15 Contract No. 15359001 Skagit County PUD No.1, P.O. Box 1436, Mount Vernon, WA 98273-1436 Mike Benton, 360-848-4439, Benton@skagitpud.org Type of Work: Water Transmission Pipeline (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% CtDNIPLE;T'EDD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CONTRACT AMOUNT COMPLETION DATE START DA't Spokane Int'l Airport, Taxiway Reconfiguration Ph 11 (2015) $2,020,414.00 07/15 04/07/15 Contract No. 1211 Spokane International Airport, P_0_ Box 19186, Spokane, WA 992 19-9 1 86 Robert Seghetti (Prime Contact) 509-242-1234 Type of Work: Site Work(Subcontractor to Acme Concrete Paving, Inc.) William R. Fairchild int'I Airport GA Development-Access Rd Impr. $985,483.00 07/15 06/09/14 Contract No. 35300 Port of Port Angeles, P.O. Box 1350, Part Angeles, WA 98362 David Williams(Consultant: WH Pacific, Inc.), 425-951-4876, dwilliams@whpacific_com Type of Work: Taxiway Site Work(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 50% South of Laurel-RR Overpass $9,877,043.00 07/15 09/30/13 Contract No.3813 Montana DOT, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620-1001 Suzy Price,406-444-6215, suptice@mt.gov Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% Reddington Levee Setback $7,773,980.00 06/15 06/10/13 Contract No. 81713 King County, 401 Fifth Ave., CNK-ES-0340, Seattle, WA 98104 Erik Peters, 206-477-4797, erik.peters@kingcounty.gov Type of Work: Levee Improvements(Prime), Percent Complete 98%, Estimated Cost of Prime Work 80% US 95, Garwood to Sagle, Athol Interchange $28,470,384.00 06115 09/12/11 Contract No. 7589 Idaho Transportation Department, District I, 600 W Prairie Ave., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Marvin Fenn, 208-772-1253, marvin.fean@itd.idaho.gov Type of Work: Highway (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prune Work 50% Pothole&Fix Water Leak Adj.to Fed-Ex Bldg. $41,114.18 05/15 04/22/15 Contract No. 15002 Port of Seattle, P.O. Box 68727, SeaTac, WA 98169 Anna Lear, 253-627-8155, alear@generalmechanical.com Type of Work: Water Leak Repair(Subcontractor to General Mechanical) Delta Yard Revisions-Phase 1113, Everett, WA $1,094,861.00 05115 11/17/14 Contract No. 6852 Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co., 2454 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 2D, Seattle, WA 98134 Taylor Smith, 206-625-6386, Taylor.Smith@hnsf com Type of Work: Site Work(Prime), Percent Complete 95%, Estimated Cost of Prime Work 100% Sonoma Villcro Drainage Improvements $600,935.00 04115 05/27/14 Contract No. 3 80200 I Sonoma Villero Homeowners Association, '11211 Slater Ave_NE, Ste. 150, Kirkland, WA 93033 Michael Allen, 206-321-9184, coachmallen@gmail.com Type of Work: Drainage Improvements(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 100% Dike 3 Seepage & Seismic Mitigation Project $493,520.30 03/15 12/08/14 Contract No. 54694 Cascade Water Alliance, 520 — 1 12`h Ave. NE, Suite 400, Bellevue, WA 98004 Jon Shimada, 425-283-0367,jshimada@cascadewater.org Type of Work: Dike Seepage& Seismic Mitigation (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 90% C,0 tiC1'LETECa CONS 1'RLfCT10N PROJECTS CONTRACT AMOUNT COMPLETION DATE START[DAT Penstock Replacement Project $3,601,011A0 03/15 10,130/14 Contract No. 3013 Legrow Water Company, P.O. Box 1601, Pasco, WA 99301 Gary Weatherly(Consultant-JUB Engineers), 599-783-2144,gweatherly@jub.com Type of Work: Install 20,000' of 72"& 54" &7,000' 44"Wetded Steel Transmission Pipe(Prime),Estimated Cost of Prime Work 75% Kentview Sanitary Sewer Interceptor $898,328.00 12/14 08/25/14 Contract No. 10-3003 City of Kent, 220 Fourth Ave. So., Kent, WA 98032 Phil McConnell, 253-856-5542, pmeconnell@kentwa.gov Type of Work: Sanitary Sewer Pipe Installation(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 70% So. 251" St. Slide Repair $195,594.00 11114 10/27/14 Contract No. 319611 City of Des Moines, 21630 11" Ave S., Ste. A, Des Moines, WA 98198 Tommy Owen, 206-870-6870, towen@desmoineswa.gov Type of Work: Slide Repair(Prune), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% Upper Carlson Floodplain Restoration $1,932,782.00 11114 06/16/14 Contract No. 89214 King County, 201 S. Jackson St., Ste. 600, Seattle, WA 98104 Dan Eastman, P.E., 206-477 4684,dan.eastman@kingcounty.gov Type of Work: Floodplain Restoration (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 10% Re-Regulation Reservoir: Embankment Cont. & Mass Exc. $8,423,767.00 11/14 06/02/14 Contract No. 209407 Roza Irrigation District,P.O.Box 810, Sunnyside,WA 98944 Wayne Sonnichsen, 509-837-5141, wsonnichsen@roza.org Type of Work: Mass Excavation(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 100% I-5, Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Rd-NB HOV Stage 1 $15,774,492.00 10/14 08/03/10 Contract No. 7946 WSDOT, 7912 Martin Way, Suite E, Lacey, WA 98516-5703 Neal Uhlmeyer, P.E., 360-412-3421,uhlmeyn@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work: Highway (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 55°/a Parks Highway Connection Machen Rd_Ext. $3,045,043.00 10/14 04/28/14 Contract No. 14118 Matanuska-Susitna Borough, 350 E. Dahlia Ave., Palmer, Alaska 99645 Michael Campfield, 907-745-9811, mcampfield@matsugov.us Type of Work: Highway (Prune), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 50% Coal Creek Culvert Replacement $3,395,568.00 9/14 04/08/13 Contract No. 13016 City of Bellevue Utilities, P.O. Box 90012, Bellevue, WA 98009-9012 Bruce Jensen, P.E.425-452-7240, bjensen@believuewa.gov Type of Work: Culvert Replacement(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% US 95, Garwood to Sagle, Chilco Stg & US-95 Garwood $44,628,550.00 09/14 08/01/1 I to Sagie Silverwood Stg. Contract No. 7584 Idaho Transportation Department, District 1, 600 W Prairie Ave-, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Marvin Fenn, 208-772-1253, marvin.fenn@itd.idaho.gov Type of Work: Highway (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CONTRACT AMOUNT COMPLETION DATE START DATI Deer Park/US 101 Intersection Improvement $5,110,321.00 08/14 08/05/13 Contract No. 1202 Clallam County, 223 E. Fourth St_, Ste. 6, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Joe Donisi, PE, 360-417-2404,jdonisi@co.clallum.wa.us Type of Work_ Highway (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% Index Galena Road MP 5.8 $195,280.70 8814 08/04/14 Contract No. 914 Snohomish County, M/S 4507, 1000 Rockefeller Ave., Everett, WA 982014046 Charles Mathison, 425-388-3488, Ext. 6673, charles.mathisan@snoco.org Type of Work: Site Work(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 80% Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge Replacement $4,685,579.00 08/14 07/29/13 Contract No.4299 City of Port Angeles, P.O- Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 9 83 62-02 1 7 Jim Mahlum, P.E., 360-417-4701,jmahlum@cityofpa.us Type of Work: Highway/Bridge (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% Trunk Road Reconstruction, Phase 1I $14,233,81Z00 08/14 04/23/12 Contract No. 51132 Alaska Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 196900, Anchorage, Alaska, 99519-6900 John Waisanen, P.E., 907-244-4511,john.waisanen@alaska.gov Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60°/a Kent/Aubum Conveyance System Improvements $4,522,861.00 08/14 03/18/13 Contract No.42009 King County, 201 S. Jackson St., Rm. 508, MS: KSC-NR-0508, Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Sue Hildreth, Capital Project Manager III,206-477-5537, susan.hildreth@kingcounty.gov Type of Work: Pipeline (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 75% Sand to Lind Double Track Project $2,434,107.00 06/14 09/16/13 Contract No.4950 Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co., 2454 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 21), Seattle, WA 98134 Don Omsberg, 206-625-6264, donald.omsberg@bnsfcom Type of Work: Site Work(Prime), Percent Complete 840/a, Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% Cunningham to MP 1013 Double Track Project $2,403,201.00 06/14 09/16/13 Contract No. 4951 Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co.,2454 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 2D, Seattle, WA 98134 Don Omsberg, 206-625-6264, donald.omsberg@bnsfcom Type of Work: Site Work(Prime), Percent Complete 96%, Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% West of Richey—West $9,805,086.00 05/14 08/12/13 Contract No. 13513 Montana DOT, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620-1001 Suzy Price, 406-444-6215, sup,ice@mt.gov Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 75% Middle Nemah River Bridge, Replace Bridge $1,198,541.00 04/14 06/03/13 Contract No. 8344 WSDOT, 2400 Talley Way, Kelso, WA 98626 Contact: Denys Talc, 360-442-1341, takdeny@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work: Site Work, (Subcontractor to SB Structures, LLC) C'°oMPLETED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ( ONTF"CT o-A,tMOUNT COMPLETION DATE START D A`C Jack and Bore $48,700.00 06/14 06/02/14 Contract No. 13597 Town of Lind, P.O. Box F, Lind, WA 99341 Joseph Pessutti, 509-998-6650,jpessutti@hughes.net Type of Work: Install 16' Steel Casing& 8" DI Pipe (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 65% SR105 Heather Rd& US 101 0.5 Miles N or Raymond-Culy Rehab $315,75&00 03/14 09/30/13 Contract No. 8515 WSDOT,2400 Talley Way,Kelso, WA 98626 Lori Figone, P.E., 360-442-1370, figonel@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 70Yo Smith Creek& North River Replace Bridges $16,017,104.00 02/14 10/17/12 Contract No. 8345 WSDOT,2400 Talley Way, Kelso, WA 98626 Paul Harrison, P.E., 360-442-1370, harrisp@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work: Highway (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% SE ofDupuyer—SE $6,771,275.65 11/13 04/08/13 Contract No. 12812 Montana Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620-1001 Mike Klette, P.E.,406-278-7078, mklette@mt.gov Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 65% BP/OPL Coal Creek Culvert Replacement $67,454.00 11/13 09/16/13 Contract No. 1761 Owner: BP/Olympic Pipe Line Company Prime: Snelson Co., 601 W. State St., Sedro Woolley, WA 98284, Contact:Dave Walker,360-661-3535, dwakker@snelsonco.com Type of Work: Traffic Control, (Subcontractor to Snelson Companies) Custom Plywood Site-Ph. II Interim Remedial Action $1,800,981.00 11113 07/15/13 Contract No. 1300198 Washington State Dept. of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600 Prime Contractor: Orion Marine Group, 1112 E. Alexander Ave., Tacoma, WA 98421 Stuart Moore,253-552-1140, smoore@orionmarmegroup_com Type of Work: Excavate/Load/Furnish/Place Material(Subcontractor to Orion Marine Group) Alder Canyon Slide Emergency Slope Stabilization $527,946.00 10113 07/08/13 Contract No. 8474 WSDOT, 6610 16" St. E., Ste. A, Fife, WA 99424 Jon Deffenbacher, 253-365-6700, deffenj@wsdot.wa.gov Tye of Work: Emergency Slope Stabilization (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% Totem Lake Twin 42" Culvert Replacement $2,262,117.00 10/13 05/i /I Contract No. 213 City of Kirkland, 123 Fifth Ave., Kirkland, WA 98033 Noel Hupprich, P.E. 425-587-3829, Nhupprich@kirklandwa.gov Tye of Work: Culvert Replacement(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% NE Novelty Hill Rd., Phase 1 $18,384,893.00 10/13 03/28/11 Contract No. 52510 King County, 401 Fifth Ave. P Floor, Chinook Bldg., Seattle, WA 98104 Jeff McCarthy, 206-423-1086,jeff.mccatthy@kingcounty.gov Tye of Work: Highway (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 50% COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CONTRACT AMOUNT COMPLETION DATE START DA7 LIS-30, S Main St to Jet SH-34, Soda Springs $732,027.00 07113 05/13/13 Contract No_ 7715 Idaho Transportation Dept.,3311 W_State St, Boise, 1D 83703 Tom Cole 208-239-3377, tom.cole@itd.idaho.gov Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 30% M Street SE Grade Separation $11,827,023.00 07/13 02/21/12 Contract No. 1101 City of Auburn, 25 West Main St., Auburn, WA 9 8 00 1-499 8 Ryan Vondrak, P.E., 253-931-3086,rvondrak@aubumwa.com Type of Work: Grade Separation/Bridge Underpass (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 50% Cashmere Mill Site Remediation $1,047,655.00 06/13 03/18/13 Contract No. 208020 Port of Chelan County, 238 Old Station Rd., Ste. A, Wenatchee, WA 9880I Laura Jaecks, 509-661-3118, Laura@ccpd.com Type of Work: Site Remediation (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 80% Well I Transmission Main $1,512,092.00 05/13 10/10/12 Contract No. 1204 City of Auburn,25 West Main St., Auburn, WA 9 8 00 1-499 8 Robert E. Lee III, 253-804-5011, rlee@auburnwa.gov Type of Work: Water Transmission Main (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 70% McAllister Transmission Main $3,150,176.86 05113 10/01,112 Contract No. 37 City of Olympia, P.O. Box 1967, Olympia, WA 93 5 07-1 967 Tim Richardson, P.E., 360-753-8749, trichard@ci.olympia.wa.us Type of Work: Welded Steel Water Transmission Main(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% Grading&Drainage FFO-US20 PME: UPRR-Eddyville Corvallis-Newport Hwy. $7,545,029.00 04/13 06/29/12 Contract No. 14473 Oregon DOT, 3700 SW Philomath Blvd., Corvallis, OR 97333 Steve Schultz, 541-757-4104, steven.schuitz@odot.state.or.us Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 45% Wahkiakum County Run-Off Rd& Intersection Safety $45,507.80 03/13 01/07/13 Contract No. 42011 Wahiakum County, P.O. Box 97, Cathlamet, WA 98612 Carl Stewart, (Frank Gurney, Inc.-Prime Contractor) 509-535-3069, fgzmey@cnmcasr_not Type of Work: Site Work(Subcontractor to Frank Gurney, Inc.) Ferrml to Wister, CA on Railroad's Yuma Subdivision $27,391,918.50 02/13 04/04/11 Contract No. 4763'7 Union Pacific Railroad Company, 631 S. 70, St., Phoenix, AZ 85034 Danny King, 971-404-6022, dking@up.com Type of Work: Grading/Subballast for 22 Miles of New Main Track(Prime),Estimated Cost of Prime Work 75% SR 410, White River Bridge-Bridge Scour $217,237.00 01113 07/06/11 Contract No. 9087 WSDOT, 11203 Bridgeport Way SW, Lakewood, WA 98499 Jon Deffenbacher, PE, 253-589-6100, deffenj@wsdotwa.gov Type of Work: Bridge Scour(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 70% ,OMPL TED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CONTRACT A( IOUNT CONIPL,G'CIo DATE: aTART I7A'I Region 2 (PME)Rock Production $3,537,470.00 12/12 10/17/12 Contract No. 30512 3700 SW Philomath Rd., Corvahs, OR 97333 Gene Wilbom, PE, 541-757-4156, gene.wilbom@odotstate.or.us Type of Work: Rock Production (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 70% Siding Extension at Senter, Idaho, Nampa Subdivision $833,605.00 12/12 09/17/12 Contract No. 53265 UPRR, 280 S. 400 W., Suite 250, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Erin E. Cully, 502-320-8547, eecully@up.com Type of Work: Siding Extension(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 90% Thunder Hills Creek Mitigation Fish Barrier Retrofit $3,309,650.00 11/12 07/02/12 Contract No. 8260 WSDOT, 600 109"Ave. NE, Suite 405, Bellevue, WA 98004-5101 Gil McNabb,P-E.425-456-8643, mcnabbg@wsdot.wagov Type of Work_ Fish Barrier Retrofit(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 80% Runway 10-28 Crown Conversion &Longitudinal Gradient Adj. $8,881,126.00 11/12 07/02/12 Contract No. 1028 Port of Skagit, I5400 Airport Dr., Burlington, WA 98233 Matt Cavanaugh, P.E., (Consultant-Precision Approach Engineering) 425-417-5010, mcavanaugh@preappine.com Type of Work: Airport Site Work(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 35% Frontage Rd. Jet. SH-53 to ChiIco $3,478,842.00 11112 06/15/12 Contract No_ 7601 Idaho Transportation Dept., District 1, 600 W Prairie Ave., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Marvin Fenn, P.E., 209-772-1253, marvin.fenn@itd.idaho.gov Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 50% SR 522, US 2 Interchange Flyover Ramp $16,243,358.00 06115 07/06/10 Contract No. 7938 WSDOT, 9029 El Capitan Way, Everett, WA 9 820 8-3 63 7 Amir Ahmadi, P.E.,425-225-8700, ahmadia@wsdot.wagov Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 70% Grapeview Loop Road $3,590,214.00 10/12 04/30/12 Contract No. 1379 Mason County Dept. of Public Works, 100 W. Public Works Dr., Shelton, WA 98584 Melissa McFadden, P.E., 360-427-9670, Ext. 452, melissam@co.mason.wa.us Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 50% Port of Tacoma Rd to King Co Line Floodplain Mitigation Site $505,583.00 09/I2 08/13/12 Contract No. 8325 WSDOT, 6610 16" St. E., Ste. 3, Fife, WA 98424-1568 MaryLou Nebergall, P.E., 253-365-6750, nebergm@wsdot.wa.gov Type of Work: Highway (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% Parks Road Reconstruction—Schedule 1 $440,358.00 09/12 06/25/12 Contract No. 2012,02 Lakes Highway District, 11341 N. Ramsey Rd., Hayden, ID 83835 Eric Shanley, P_E., 208-772-7527, eric@lakeshighwaydistrict.com Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 100% COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT$ CONTRACT AMOUNT COMPLETION DATE START DAT Siding Extension at Wapi, Idaho $737,740.15 09/12 05/14%12 Contract No. 50720 UPRR, 280 S. 400 W., Suite 250, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Erin E. Cully, 502-320-8547, eecuEy@up.com Type of Work_ Siding Extension (Prime), Estimated Cast of Prime Work 90% Hawks Prairie Park&Ride Facility Construction $2,912,912.00 09/12 04/09/12 Contract No. 1203 Intercity Transit, P.O. Box 659, Olympia, WA 9 85 0 7-0 65 9 Robert Holcomb, P.E. (Consultant-KPFF Engineers) 360-292-7230, bob.holcomb@kpff.com Type of Work: Site Work(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 50% Site Preparation& Water System Extension $1,794,053.01 08/12 04/16/12 Contract No. 120I City of Palmer,231 W. Evergreen Ave., Palmer, AK 99645 Tom Cohenour, Public Works Director 907-745-327I, tcohenour@palmerak.org Type of Work: Site Prep. & Water Sys. Ext. (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 90% Construct Roadbed for Switching Lead in the Pocatello Subdivision $995,997.20 08/12 10/01/11 Contract No. 49143 Union Pacific Railroad Company, 5424 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Portland, OR 97202 Ken Bobert, 503-702-6973, kabobert@up.com Type of Work: Site Work(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 95% Portneuf River Bridges $22,286,580.00 08/12 05/04/09 Contract No. 7217 Idaho Transportation Department, P.O. Box 4700, Pocatello, ID 83205-4700 Joe Pihlaja, P.E., 208-239-3337,joe.pNaja@itd.idaho.gov Type of Work: Highway/Bridge (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% Southcenter Parkway Extension $16,906,318.00 07/i2 07/01/10 Contract No.2508 City of Tukwila,6200 Southeenter Pkwy., Tubrwila, WA 98188 Bob Giberson, Public Works Director, 206-433-0179, publicworks@tukwilawa.gov Type of Work: Road Construction(Prime) Estimated Cost of Prime Work 50% Sultan Basin Road Phase III $1,578,329.00 06/12 08/01/11 Contract No. 6824 City of Sultan, 319 Main St., 4200, Sultan, WA 98294 Sam Richard(Consultant-WH Pacific)425-951-4860, srichard@whpacific.com Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% Sylvester Road Bridge 41052A $196,320.00 06/12 07/13/11 Contract No. C00617C I 1 King County,201 S. Jackson St., Room 700, Seattle, WA 98104 Jeff McCarthy, 206-423-1086,jeff.mccarthy(@kingcounty.gov Type of Work: Site Work(Subcontractor to SB Structures LLC) Chilco West Waterline Extension Project $284,051.00 06/12 04/23/12 Contract No. 41070 North Kootenai Water District, 1841 W. Hayden Ave_, Hayden, ID 83835 Mike Galante,208-772-3619, mikeg@nkwsd.com Type of Work: Waterline Extension (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 90% c ()IC]'LG"1'Ii1)C;C}YSTR,[JCTlt}Y PI C)IE[:'7"5' CONTRACT AMOUNT COMPL L,1I ON DATE STAR"r DAT Four Comers Commons Excavation 2012 $1,280,903.00 06/12 04/16/12 Contract No. 2012.01 CIRI Land Development Co.,2525"C" St., Anchorage,AK 99503 William Prosser, Project Manager 907-240-8015,wprosser@mtaonline.net Type of Work: Earthwork improvements (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 95% Topaz Bridge N/S $6,012,637.00 06/12 05/04/09 Contract No. 7223 Idaho Transportation Department, P.O. Box 4700, Pocatello, ID 83205-4700 Joe Pihlaja, P.E.,208-239-3337,joe.pihlaja@itd.idaho.gov Type of Work: Earthwork, Drainage& Wall Construction(Subcontractor to Idaho Construction Co., Inc.) Peola Road Reconstruction MP 1.57 to MP 7.84 $3,957,244.00 05/12 05/31/11 Contract No. 3654 Garfield County, P.O. Box 160, Pomeroy, WA 99347 Kevin Poole (Consultant, Riedesel Engineer), 208-743-3818, kpoole@riedeseleng.com Type of Work: Highway(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 60% Vancouver Bypass Seg. 10b, Sewer Line Relocation $491,147.00 04/12 05/23/I 1 Contract No. 1401 Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co., 2454 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 2D, Seattle, WA 98134 Mike Powrie 206-625-6144,michaeLpowrie@bnsf.com Type of Work: Utility Work(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 90% Ritchie Bros., Inc. New Check-In and Auction Building $4,662,311.00 04112 05/16/11 Contract No. 2159 Mountain Construction (Prime Contractor), 7457 So. Madison St., Tacoma, WA 98409 Jeff Stroud 253-284-0402,jeff@mountainconst.com Type of Work: Site Work(Subcontractor to Mountain Construction) Apple Tree Crossover-Vancouver Bypass $522,645.00 04/12 02/13/12 Contract No. 2328 Burlington Northern& Santa Fe Railway Co.,2454 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 2D, Seattle, WA 98134 Mike Powrie 206-625-6144, michael.powrie@bnsf.com Type of Work: Site Work(Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 70% So. Kingston Rd.NE-Carpenter Creek Bridge @ MP 3-70 $605,923,00 02/12 06/20/11 Contract No. 1573 Kitsap County, 614 Division St., MS26, Port Orchard, WA 98366-4699 Jonathon Brand, P.E. 360-3J7-7121,jbrand@co.kitsap-wa.us Type of Work: Roadway Improvements (Subcontractor to SB Structures, LLC) 185`s Ave. N.E. Extension Project $1,567,933.22 02/12 03/07/11 Contract No. 101197 City of Redmond, MS: 1NPW, P.O Box 97010, Redmond, WA 98073-9710 Steven Gibbs, P.E., 425-556-2729 Type of Work: Highway(Prime)Estimated Cost of Prime Work 50% Emergency-Levee Restoration, PL 84-99 $1,100,625.00 02/12 01/05/12 Contract No. 120020 US Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, 4735 E. Marginal Way So., Seattle, WA 98 1 3 4-23 8 8 Gene Sulton, 206-761-3649, gene.tsulton@usacearmy.mil Type of Work: Levee Restoration (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 100% 'COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION PROJEC1,5 LO TRA,C'I' Afi'✓✓ AUNT !COMPL.E C1"N DATE START DA7 am -Whilco East Waterline Extension Project $169,859.80 02/12 12/19/11 Contract No. 41052 North Kootenai Water District, 1841 W. Hayden Ave., Hayden, ID 83835 Mike Galante,208-772-3619 Type of Work: Waterline Extension (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 90% Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation $21,617,648.00 02/12 08/24/09 Contract No. 68036 Port of Tacoma, P.O. Box 1837, Tacoma, WA 98401-1837 Trevor Thomsley, 253-383-5841, tthomsley@portoftacoma.com Type of Work: Highway/Bridge (Prime), Estimated Cost of Prime Work 40% Heavy-Highway Construction An Equal Opportunity r Employer 'e"Z 7 • July 10, 2018 4. EXPERIENCE 4.6 CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE OF KEY INDIVIDUALS A. Scarsella Bros., Inc. has worked with the City of Kent on several projects, B. The following is a list of Scarsella Bros., Inc. supervisory force, along with their current position/experience and current commitments that may be valuable for the work on the Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading project. 1. Don Scarsella, Secretary 45 Years' experience, current project commitments 5-7 projects. 2. Robert Scarsella, Vice President 40 Years' experience, current project commitments 5-7 projects. 3. Richard Scarsella, Vice President 35 Years' experience, current project commitments 5-7 projects. 4. Jim Lasher, Superintendent 35 Years' experience on various City, County and Metro projects. Current Commitment: Available for this project. P.O. Box 68697 Seattle,Washington 98168-0697 • Tel: (253) 872-7173 • Fax: (253) 395-1209 AK Lic. #34714 AZ Lic. #ROC249216 • CA Lic. #779354 • ID Lic. #10394-Unlimited-1-2 MT Lic#146627 • ND Lic#44607 • OR Lic.^M84 • UT Lic.#7646917-5551 • WA Lic.#SCARSBI183B8 Heavy-Highway Construction An Equal Opparturiity _ �5 :•u. Employer 7, Major Equipment List Qty Description 10 Cat CS563 Track Dozers 2 Cat 825C Compactor 2 Cat or JD 650D, G TCLT Rubber Tire/Track Loaders 2 Cat or JD 550G, LGP 12 Cat D-61), G, G LGP, H. H LGP, R or 7 Cat IT-28, 930G JD650 1 JD 644E 2 Cat D-714, R 3 Trojan 1500, 1700 14 Cat D-8II, K, N, R 4 Cat 950G 4 Cat D-911, N, R 1 Cat 966F 7 Cat D-ION, R 3 Cat 980C, F, F, II, G Rubber Tire Dozers Rubber Tire LoaderBackhoes 3 Cat 824B, C 12 Case 580C, E, Super E, Super K, L, SF Scrapers o Track Excavators 2 Cat 623E, F 5 Cat 631 D 1 Komatsu PC 78 14 Cat 631 E 2 Komatsu PC 128US-2 4 Cat 637D, E 3 Komatsu PC160LC 5 Komatsu PC 200LC-6, 7 Water Wagons 4 Komatsu PC 228LC-3, USLC-3, US-2 5 Komatsu PC30OLC-6, 7 2 Cat 631 B, C 3 Cat 320CL 6 Komatsu PC40OLC-5, 6, 7 Motor Graders 2 Cat 245, B, B Mass Excavator 3 Komatsu PC60OLC-7 1 Cat 120G 2 Komatsu PC750LC-6 2 Cat 130G 1 Komatsu PCI000LC-IA 7 Cat 140G, H 1 Komatsu PC I OOLC-6 7 Cat 14G, H 3 Cat 16G Offroad Truck Tractors Roller/Compactors 6 Mack CL713 2 Mack CL713 Tri-Driv P.O.Box 68697 • Seattle,Washington 98168-(1697 Tel: (253) 872-7173 • Fax: (253) 395.1209 AK Lic. #34714 • AZ Lic. #ROC249216 • CA Lic. #779354 • ID Lic. #10394-Unlimited-l-2 MT Lic.#146627 • ND Lic.#44607 • OR Lic.#96884 • UT Lic.#7646917-5551 • WA Lic.#SCARSB1183B8 BIDDER RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes This certification is required by state law (RCW 39.04.350(2)) to be submitted to the City before the contract can be awarded. The bidder hereby certifies that, within the three-year period immediately preceding the bid solicitation date (July 10, 2018), the bidder is not a "willful" violator, as defined in RCW 49.48.082, of any provision of chapters 49.46, 49.48, or 49.52 RCW, as determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Department of Labor and Industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Scarsella Bros., Inc. Bidder's ness me 4 f' Si .ature of ,huthorized Official* Bob Scarsella Printed Name Vice President Title July, 10, 2018 Seattle Washington ..............._........................................._._........a _.._.___ Date City State * If a corporation, proposal must be executed in the corporate name by the president or vice-president (or any other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign). If a cc-partnership, proposal must be executed by a partner. Downey & Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 24 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE The undersigned bidder hereby proposes and agrees to start construction work on the Contract, if awarded to him/her, on or before ten (10) calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed, and agrees to complete the Contract by October 15, 2018. The undersigned bidder hereby agrees to submit all insurance documents, performance bonds and signed contracts within ten (10) calendar days after City awards the Contract. The City anticipates issuance of the Notice to Proceed on the day of the preconstruction meeting. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the day of bid opening. The required bid security consisting of a bid bond, cashier's check or cash in an amount equal to 5% of the total amount is hereto attached. Notice of acceptance of this bid or request for additional information shall be addressed to the undersigned at the address stated below. Receipt of Addendum No.'s 1 to the plans and/or specifications is hereby acknowledged. Failure to acknowledge receipt of the addenda may be considered an irregularity in this proposal. By signing this Proposal Signature Page, the undersigned bidder agrees to accept all contract forms and documents included within the bid packet and to be bound by all terms, requirements and representations listed in the bid documents whether set forth by the City or by the Bidder. DATE: July 10, 2018 Scarsella NAME pFE Sig tore of Au horized Repres ntative Bob Scarsella - Vice President (Print Name and Title) P.O. Box 68697 ------------------------------------------- Address Seattle, WA 98168 Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 25 ]une 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 BID BOND FORD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Scarsella Bros.lnc. as Principal, and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF KENT, as Obligee, in the penal sum of Five Percent 5% of Bid Amount Dollars, for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bond themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Project Number: IS- 3007.1 According to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal thereof, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the invitation to bid, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and liquidated damaged, the amount of this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 10th DAY OF JQy 18. Scar elY 11-1 In .� . l PRVCIPAL Li e�y Muptu Insurance puny SURE" Cynthia L. Jay, Atto a -in-Fact 20 Received return of deposit in the sum of Downey &Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 26 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 THIS,POWER OF ATTORNEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS PRINTED ON I2ED BACKGROUND. This Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein,and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. Certificate No, 8038952 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company West American Insurance Company POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWN ALL PFRSONS BY THESE PRESENTS That The Ohio Casually Insurance Company is a corporation only organized under the lams of the Stale of New Hampshire, that Liberty Mutual Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized (must the laws of the State of Massachusetts, and West American Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana(,herein collectively called[he 'Companies'), pursuant to and by auCnor ly herein set forth,does hereby name,constitute and appoint. _. _ _m _ �`._.,.P .� nA M Hardin�Bronl E_Heireseln.Kylta J, Eiawrt,Cyn„I1,AIrx_LLL... F9®atNnr L.Allen;Jpmss 0..®mUnr,TMara{�drtrra K Bctsh�;..Peter J.Cpmfrlrt IGade Es ultra E71�t A Zimmerman Kellner Chnslo me,Krn on Jipme l.__ . ....� -- 9y ..y _ Martl�aeg; M¢rny S' Norrellm Jon J Oda Anntrh�a�s PcM. Rdett(e;Koran�e Svvansori,Julie R.TrLuht. Eric - _......._._..._ m .... _ ..._ ...._, ....... ------- all of the city of,Tacoma _ stale of 'IMA __each aldsidu6tlly If there be more than one earned Its true and lawful artorney-Iri-tam to make execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver for and on its behalf as surety and as Its act and deed any and all undertakings,honds,recognizances and other surety obligations;In pursuance of these pre.sanls-and shall be as adding upon the Companies as if they have bean duly signed by the president and Irillislad by tire secretary of the Companies In their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Power of Attorney has open subscribed by an aaulhonced of finer or official(A life C„onnicia uiffsand the corporate seats of the Companies have been affixed therstoth's lath _ day of„-Mefkonhm ,,,,,, , 2o1e._. al fr ,,r The Ohio Casualty Insurance Companyun un ])I vY: Liberty Mutual Insurance Company 1t � / WestAmorBac�rn Insurance Company c A W C7 , , ,.:,.. .. / s, / N "w m �,.., ""k.. ; „+'n ""w,� ........,�s SY: _ Y,,eni, " .f../ ,.. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ss Dawd M Camy AssisLlyd Secretary G +%cc 46 COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY G '�, On[us lath (Jay of March 2018 before me personally appeared Daud M.Carey,who acknowledged himself to be the Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance o)v U N Company, The Ohio Casualty Company.and West American Insurance Company, and that no as such, being authorized so to do, execute the foregoing instmment farina purposes A 'p 2 therein contended by spring on behalf of rho corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer,. Q+ r' L L '.; _� IN WITNESS NlH EREOF. have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notarial seal at trip of Prussia,Pennsylvania,on the day and year first above written. O r:CL 0 ` ::OMfNON WFAn FN:(r .>M1ErNNSYCVANIA ID jmcvf� 'I y d Pala f ruhli O O d N Tap�crspd w d: C rA a t d o 11 r L g 0 i_ P,urn 6 Q M3 3 l6 +Tp , r,atirr rr uvmia (�r�rNcon- O e I pa This Power of Attorney is made and executed puowunnl to end by authority of the following By-laws and Authonzatious or The Olin Casualty Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual w CD Insurance Company,and Nlesl American Insurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect Treading as follows'. .0 b OD M w of ' M N ARTICLEIiOFFICERS-Section12.Power ofAltorney,Anyoffcer orother official of the Corporation authorized for purpose In writing by Chairmen or to President and subject O e rr2 to such Im nation as the Chairman or the President may prescribe,shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Corporation to make,execute,seal, >,y O,S acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings,bonds,rocognlzances and other surety obligations. Such atlorneys-in-fact,subject to the Timllcui setforth in lhelrrespectiive =p 3 E r powers of attorney,shall have full power to bind the Corporation by(heir signature and execution of any such instruments and to prison thereto the seal of the Corporation. When so — a)O ry executed,such instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the President and attested to by the Secrstarb Any power or authority granted to any representative or attorney-In-fact under >a 'I the provisions of this article,may be.revoked at any time by the Board,the Cnainnan,the President or by the officer or officers granting such power oraLIhm y. .tee� N i oll � ARTICLE All-Execution of Contracts-SECTION S,Surely Bonds and Undertakings.Any officer of the Company authorized for that purpose inwriting oy the chairman or the president, E 03 v and subject(o such limitations as the ad irrnsn or the president ma}prescribe,shall appoint such aternrys-in-fact as may be necessary to act in behalf of[he Company to make,execute, M 0 U seal acknowledge grid deliver as surety are and all undertakings bonds n, reuognfzaces and other surety obligations. Such anorneys in-fact subject to(he limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall have full power to bind the Company bythar signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Company sVhen so O o executed such instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the president and attested by the secretary, O Certificate of Designation The President of the Company,actin ursuaht to the Bylaws crude Company,authorizes David M,Care Assistant Secretary to appoint such attorne s-In .- 99p YY Y PP Y fact as may be necessary to act on behalf of[ha Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings,bonds,recogn(zances and other surety obligations. Authorization-By unanimous consent aline Company's Bomb of Eireelors,the Company consorts that facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature crony assistant secretary of the Company,wherever apposing upon a n affi l pppy of any power of attorney issued by the Company In connection wlpr s uur y bands,inch be valid and binding upon the Company with [hesamo force and effect as though mantlnlhyarkixed. I, Renee C. Llewellyn, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary, The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, and Wast American Insurance Company do hereby ceollfy that the original power of attorney of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney eyes ded by said Companies, is in full force and effect and has not been,evoked r * ,,rr .gyp, IN or TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have he set y nond and affixed the sea Is of said Companies Inis,�f.�,m, ,day of .... f so v R� _.. - eneeG bMwr si$9anlSecretary 360 of 400 LMS 1287.3 022017 . �...:... .... .. .... ......., ,,,,,,, ... ..,.. ...., CITY OF KENT COMBINED DECLARATION FORM: NON-COLLUSION, MINIMUM WAGE NON-COLLUSION DECLARATION I, by signing the proposal, hereby declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the following statements are true and correct: 1. That the undersigned person(s), firm, association or corporation has (have) not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with the project for which this proposal is submitted. 2. That by signing the signature page of this proposal, I am deemed to have signed and to have agreed to the provisions of this declaration. AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM I, the undersigned, having duly sworn, deposed, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this project, I will pay each classification of laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wage as specified in the principal contract; that I have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project Number: 18-3007.1 NAME OF PROJECT Scarsella Bros, Inc. NAM BIDDER- I SIGNATURE4 VEOFBIDDER Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 27 ]one 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 This chance order form is for example purposes only. By submitting a bid, the bidder actregs to bg bound' by the terms of this chance order form for any change orders. CHANT GE ORDER NO. [Enter # 1, 2, 3, etc.] NAME OF CONTRACTOR: [Insert Company Name] ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:[Insert Name of Original ontract_S Emject. b if ap_plicablel ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: [Insert Date;,, }rP,girrral,wwCwgntractwwas_5a red This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: [Insert detailed description of additional materials, services, etc., that are needed which necessitate this change order - Be as detailed as possible. You may also refer to an attached exhibit, but clearly identify the exhibit by title and date] 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $ (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $ (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $ (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $ __ ......... ._ _„— ... Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $ Order Revised Contract Sum $ Downey & Naden Clearing &Grading/Leyrer 28 lure 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Original Time for Completion (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) ..-___-_ -- ..._... - Days Required (f) for this Change working days Order __. .... Revised Time for Completion (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent Special Provisions and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. ............... CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: By: __..__......._............._...................._.....__ By: (signature) (signature) Print Name: Bob Scarsella Print Name: Timothv 1. LaPorte, P.E. Its Vice President Its Public Works Director 7/10/2018(titie) � (title) DATE: DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Department Downey& Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 29 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 � | . w�� PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND �2S2OT7V7 - TO CITY OF KENlr | l<E hll T | / KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE3ENTS� � That we, the Under signed, Scarsella Bros Inc as Principal, and Liberty &Y Massachusetts | a Corporation organized and existing uncle rLhe laws uf the State of usa | x~~~�`~o`~" Surety Corporation, and qualified under the laws Ofthe State 8fWashington to become Surety upon bonds of Contractors with NAunicipa| Corporations, as Su/etY, are ,jointly arid severally held and firmly 0uundto the CITY OF KENTin the penal aurnof $ __. together with 8nYediuytnoents, up or down, in the total contract price because of changes in the contract work, for tile payment 0fwhich yuno nn denoand we bind Ourselves and our successors, heirs' odnniniat/ut0rS or personal representadv8s, os the cuau nouy he. This obligation ir entered into in pursuance of the statutes 8f the State of Washington, and the Codes arid Ordinancesof the CITY OFKENT� Nevertheless, the conditions 0f the ubove obligation are such thut� WHEREAS, Under and Pursuant tou Uo8tion, duly nnade, seconded and passed by the City COUnCil of the City of Kent, King County, Washington, the Mayor of the City of Kent has let or is about to let tothe above bounden Principal, u certain contract, the said contract providing for construction of Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Project Number: 18~3007.1 (which contract is referred tn harnin and ioroadu a part, hereof asthough oiiGChed hereto), and VVHEKE/\S. the Principal has accepted' Or iS about t0accept, the contract, and undertake to p2rfurnn the work therein provided for in the manner and within thednna sot forth: NOW, I HERILFORE, for non FHVVA projects onlyr if the Principal shall faithfully pCr[UrxA all the provisions of said contructinthe rn8Dne/ and within tile drneherein set forth, or wil.hin such extensions of tirrie as rnay be granted under the said oontract, and shall pay all |ahororx, mechanics, subcontractors and noeteha| nl8A' and all person,, who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the oarrying on of said work and shall indernnifv and hold the C|TYOF KENT harmless frorn any clarnage or expense by reason of failure of perforrnance as specified in said contract or frorn defects appearing or dpveloping in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract, then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it. shall be arid ronnnin in full force arid effect. |N VV|TNK �VHERE(JF 11 1e above buunden pmr!ims 11 aveox8Ci|t8Ud1i� insLn An-enl' uoUer t sepa/ sam|s Thm narneand corp� -oa| /if /aqu III nd by |aw! o| e8ch corpnraia Va/L imr,'I n u8'ixed and du|y sign d by I 1�s unde/si�Jned | o�rssan�ahxe� P aulhuwy0fit� �overn�n� b8dV m��coyuxo,�,'� oonnnuma,u'm/�/�ry,e, 3| /on* z� �n|u ,r��oc� wumuor �n �oo/ � TWO WITNESSES Scarsella Bros. Inc PRINCIPAL , , BY ( - J TITLE; Hob—Scaraella,,Diee President DATE: 1_�19 ��8 DATE -1/19�t8 Shelly Williams .. .. .. .. . CORPORATE SEAL: Jodie .Hnrris. PRINT NAME DATE 7/19Ils Liberty Mutual Insurance Company SURETY .� CORPORATE SEAL: BY ( ,,t-a'r .w •--� "' DATE July 1�9)2018 :. TITLE; Cynthia L. Jay Attorney-in-Fact ADDRESS'. 1001 Fourth Avenue, Suite 3700 Seattle WA 98154 CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within Bond; that Bob Srar,sella_ Who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal Scarsel l a Bros , Tn of the said Corporation; that I know his signature thereto is genuine, and that said Bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. Q _ SECRfl iAk%1 A:) ASSISTANT SECRETARY Downcy ii Naderr Dearing d omcjinrp Leyrei _ -lone -6 2018 h jma Number 18-3;OW 1 THIS ROWER OF ATTORNEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS PRINTED ON RED BACKGROUND. This Cower of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein,and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. Certificate No 8116760 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company The Ohlo Casualty Insurance Company West American Insurance Company POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PFESENTS.That The Ohio Casually Insurance Company is a rorporatfo,duly organized under the laws of the State of New Hampshire, that Liberty Mutual Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Massachusetts, and West American Insurance Company is a corporation duly j organized under the laws ofthe State of Indiana therein colla;tively called the"Compares%pursuant to and by auausidly horeou sartfoItli does hereby native,constitute and appoint, Hea J fher I AhcB r A alnravS nor K.Bush;Peter 1 a . n i� ..Bri7 E_MeClxmto her Ki or Jmier M ary S.Nar©ell�Job J Oja.hnphes MRiche; plpsayr,_Ky+lp J,NpwAi�.Oy,�tiv_ig�........ Karen C.SwaNsorld Eric A.Zimmerman all of the city of Tacoma state ksl wW'A each induviduaply if there be more East and namdvd cos had and lawla attorney in fact to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver,for and on Its behalf as surely mnd'as lip ICI and druid any shut all and rpsklngs,htmda,PncestpuzenCve chat colter purely obligations.In pursuance of these presents-and shall be as binding upon the Companies as of I discokutun duty signed by III()pa'es rbano and aBimate d by the secretary of the,Companies in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,dins Power aef Allomey has hays subscribed by dd eauthunred officer or official of the Companies and the corporate seals of the Companies have been affixed thereto this 4th day op Jnne 2018 ° r „I r The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company to a Yy l Liberty Mutual Insurance Company c W ,rhm ' f6! estedc in Insurance Company � u {r �.. n B]l. Air STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA as David M.G¢arey:Acweslsant Secretary +%R COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY C m �p On this 4th day of June 2018 before Ire personally appeared David M..Carey,who acknowledged himself to be the Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance v L) ca Company,The Ohio Casually Company, and West American Insurance Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, execute-he foregoing instrument for the purposes TU) O_ therein contained by signing an behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer 0 UJ 6 r "m_� IN(WITNESS WHEREOF.I have hereunto subscribed no name and affixed my notarial seal at earn of Prussia.Pennsylvania,on the day and year flisl above.written. p 3 r J N *, CO M M(aNyy(Ay tit O F PPN NSY LVA In IA ry p //'' a0 ry .. _ vp,/�� Q M v t „ r r9Q o N Y w d T PI , N yr, ll By: .... ... O 01i ,.4P r Twl mar r� r t 1 nnp T hose Paslalla Notary Public y C + Vie Coin c ip hhr in 2,, °Yr 7YDY 6'+4Jsr"a Mor fv�r sVLdi atOr,IM1OL r,g 0 m a so C rd This Power of Attorney is made and executed purse mf t and by authority of the following I' laws and Authouzatiens of the Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual (n C Insurance Company,and West American Insurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect reading as follows. «o do N do Q) ARTICLE IV—OFFICERS -Section 12.Fewer ofAtlorney Any off!car a other official of the Corporation authorized for lha[pu runs e In wri rna llny by the Chalrn or the President,and subject w O C .O+ to such hardener as the Chairman or the President stay prescribe,shall appoint such attorneysan-fact,as may be,necessary to act in behalfof the Corporation to make,execute,seal. y O E acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings,bonds recognizancos and other surety obligations. Such atlomeysln-fact subject to the limitations set forth in their respecfive 'O E w powers of attorney, shall have full power to bind the Corporation by their signature and execution of any such Instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Corperallon. When so m w M executed,such Instal netts shall be as binding as if signed by the President and attested to by the Secretary,Any power or authority granted teary representative or atlontey-in-facl under .0> T the provisions of this article may be revoked an anytime by the Board,the Chairman,the President or by the officer orofficers grading such power or authority, V _ O Nam , do> ARTICLE XIII—Execution of Contracts—SECTION 5.Surety Bonds and Undsrtakin,gs.Any officer of the Company authorized for purpose In writing by the chairman or the president, E mtlods and subject to such liha as the chairman or hie president may prescribe,shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make,execute, M 15 2 U seal,acknovale ige and deliver as surety any end all undertakings.bonds, tecognizances and other surely obligations, Such aherneysun-tact subject to the limitations set forth in their co resprgG4 wo hit wersof attrJvney,shall have fnd pveverlo B1dsN Mho Company by their signature nnrJ dxroisnlinn deny such instruments and oo allsich literacy trip sear of ri Connpeny- Whon slo 00 c asserted such fnstrlmnnhs¢hear he s s Holding bad agale d byolie president and!inte,strod by fro aeeraff ry, O T Carh'picale of designation -Trio President ref Ihtt Cumparry cri pursuant bo tart Bylaws of the Vomapurly,durtio seers Dead M6 Carey,Assisalam Frdlinlaary to appoint such attorneys n- �r- fauat as may he nmtesstay hr nub cur behalf of the Com)aany to make exideute,seal ackrrumrk+dgn mid dour as surely Orly areal all inatednkjngsr bonds,reeaylrepe<ancrs and other surety obl,gl.. Aulhonzation—By unanimous coarsldnt or flop Companies Boast(d©ifferent oin Corrilally nfmsenla nod facsimile an mochaynically reproduced signature up amp assi lseeefiary at ore Cumpaamy vel onever appareaeg uprQn a coridied oropy of any Power of adorbary eveded by thin Company in bodussc1lran with ewxeoy faonios,shrill be,vifid treir ftntdfdg ulrun the Company will) the¢erne force nntl soli as IhuuiAfI rmmbaltyv ruloonrp, I, Rivers C Llewefllyrt, sae underargrted, Assistant :,ocmtary„ the Chip Csodlslly unsurrrnrsa Company, Liberty M lual Ilructrai Cornparay, died.WoM Amoarlaan liniments Company do herbi cddlty late Has ongto l power of anaroey tt whole door fora omg is a holl,[red and correct oyny of the Power of Mftl executed by sr,n1 Coronaries, is in[till fares and III auu9 has nod bred nrvnkwt. ,yr IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set on,hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this day of r Cd..... _. ✓fJ ,r G,"y 1,. tat7 h �. "FF rx r`,,�I, ✓ r- e err r 9)1 BY t -- ReneeC.Llnws +slufnut8ecrelar r a°o r 183 of 500 LMa Kays 022017 CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into between the CITY OF KEN-[, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Scarsella Bros „ Inc. organized under the laws of the State of Washinutoa located and doing business at 84n4. S, 196th 4rreet Kent WA 98031. ("Contractor"). ,.._. ,_r. ...........,.... WITNESS: In consideration of the: terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and in the project documents, plans, and specifications all of which are a part of this Agreement, the parties agree as follows; 1 , The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, rrraterials, and equipment for: Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Project Number: 18- 3007.1in accordance with and as described in the Contract and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under the Contract and every part thereof. The Contract shall include all project specifications, provisions, and plans; the City's general and special conditions; the 2018 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public, Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations, if applicable ("Standard Specifications"); the City's bid documents; and the Contractor's response to the City's bid. The Contractor is responsible to obtain copies of the 2018 WSDOT Standard Specifications including the latest amendments issued by WSDOT as of the date of bid opening. Unless otherwise directed by the City, work shall start within ten (10) days after the City issues its Notice to Proceed and be completed by October 15, 2018. The Contractor shall provide and bear all expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that: may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing all the work provided for in the Contract, except where the specifications allocate that responsibility to the City, 2, The City hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ, the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same according to the Contract and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the sarne according to the Contract and the schedule of unit or iternized prices provided by Contractor in its response to the City's bid, at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in the Contract. 3, The Contractor for itself, and for its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all covenants herein contained upon the part of the Contractor. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this contr act, except as expressly provided herein. Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns harrnless from any and all claims, injuries, darnages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or In connection with the performance of this contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily irJury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THA-r THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONTRACTOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUI.-JRIA IN lJR1 4J`K"I_, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this contract. 6, Contractor agrees, upon the City's written demand, to make all books and records available to the City for inspection, review, photocopying, and audit in the event of a contract related dispute, claim, rnoclification, or other contract related action at reasonable throes (not to exceed three (3) business days) and at places designated by the City. 7, The Contractor shall procure and maintain, clUring the term of construction and throughaut the specified term of maintenance, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated by this reference. 8 Contractor is responsible for locating any underground utilities affected by the work and is deemed to be an excavator for purposes of RCW Ch. '19,122, as amended, Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with RCW Ch. 19,122, including utilization of the "one call" locator service before commencing any excavation activities. CITY OF KENT 13y: ' , ( jam, CPU DANA RALPH, MAYOR DATE ATTE' KIMBERLEY A. MO'TO, CITY CLER APPR F,O AS TO FORM, EJEPARTMENT 4 COi RACTOR BY: PRINT AME: Bob Scarsella .................. TITLE: Vice President DATE. 7 119�18 pnwncy N Naden Gearing & Gra dinq!Leyrrr Pr(eIU Numr,,r. 18-30UZ'I EXHIBIT A I NSURAN'CE REQU I REMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1 . Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 or its equivalent, with minimum limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each 1 year policy period. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. Products and Completed Operations coverage shall be provided for a period of 3 years following Substantial Completion of the work. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. The City shall be named as an Additional Insured under the Contactor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. All endorsements adding Additional Insureds shall be issued on form CG 20 10 11 85 or a form deemed equivalent, providing the Additional Insureds with all policies and endorsements set forth in this section. 2. Aut9mpbiile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 3. _Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits; 1 . Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with minimum limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each 1 year policy period. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. Products and Completed Operations coverage shall be provided for a period of 3 years following Substantial Completion of the work. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 36 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 EXH 1 B II T A, (Continued) 2. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1 ,000,000 per accident. C. Other insurance Provisi¢ans The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following Provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability: 1 . The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Contractor's Insurance for ®user Losses The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protective fences. E. Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the City waive all rights against each other any of their Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extend covered by Builders Risk insurance or other property insurance obtained pursuant to the Insurance Requirements Section of this Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. Downey & Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 37 June 26, 2018 Project Number 18-3007.1 EXH I B I T A (Continued) F. Acceptability of #n carers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VI I. G. Verification of Overage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work. N-H.. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 38 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Client#: 111013 SCARBROSI ACORD,,, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(M2018YYY, 7/za/zo16 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer any rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER NAME: Sharnel Di Vona Propel Insurance PRO NE � 0 _ 'ANbEsi 938 866 577-1326 Tacoma Commercial Insurance E-MAIL """" .,. AopREss. Sharne.Drvona@prppelinsurance.com 1201 Pacific Ave, Suite 1000 --,_ _..._. .... ..........-- ...................._... Tacoma,WA 98402 INSUPER(SI AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC4 INSURER A Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company 23035 .. I -......... .... .. .... ....... ....__._. . . ... _ _NSURED INSURER B Nav. igators Specialty_ Insurance Company 36056 Scarsella Bros. Inc. - _—- -- ----------- PO Box 68697 INSURER c Axis Surplus Insurance Company 26620 INSURER D n Travelers Property Casualty CoofAmeca 25674 Seattle,WA 98168-0697 INSURER E:Allied World Assurance Company(US)Inc 19489 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAF THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BETS ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDFD BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, FXCI USIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INS _..._ .... . ..<. LIFE N66E UDR "' POLICY Err POLICY EXV LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE N$f! yyVQ POLICVNUMBE tMM/pplYVYY) ,(MMID6IYYYY) LIMITS .............. .......... —.—... . . A )( COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY TB2Z91454734108 5/01/2018 05101/201S EACH OCCURRENCE S1.000.00_0 CI AIMS MAUE OCCUR X T Q I 6 (dl NdFD . I�rd��rd eaper«t $1r000;000 X BI/PD Ded:$15,000 MED ExP(Anyone per.crr s5.000 PERSONALS ADV INJURY a1.000,000 GEN L ACGREGAIE LIMIT APPLIES PER. GENERALAGGREF'ArE s2,000,000 ��I PDO- POLICY I " 19. V,,,,,,_,I LOC PRODUCTS COMOOP ARC �s2,000,000 AO TH SIP. > A AUTOMOBILELIAB ILITY AS2Z91454734038 5/01/2018 05101/201r (-OMBINEDSINGLEUDIN rn ur.rlcentl ''s1,000,000 X ANYAUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) S OWNED — SCHEDULED yODILYINJURY(IcreGefNFIF S AUTOS ONLY AUTOS FIRED -' NON OWNEU pi"ttlf j:42rtll GMAMASr X,AUTOS ONLY X ADIOSONLY '' _..., ...__ Il rr.uca•7dret) X A0001 10113 S B UMBRELLA LIAR X OCCUR SE18EXC7496231C 35/01/2018 05/01/2015 EACH OFCUI.RLNCE $3.000.000 X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS MADE ACCREGAFE s3000.000 AND EMPLOYERSKER� NI"rl NBIGIN Art/7'. _ 1 rl I) X AND LIABILITY A ILIT FEk O rH 'LIABILITY WA Stop Gap only: [•°��,'.:� , A ANY PROPRIETORWARTNERYXITCUTIVEYIN TB2Z91454734108 )5/01/2018 05101/201EI EL EACHACCIDENI 11.000.000 OFFICB2IMEMDER EXCLUDED' N1A (Mandatory In NH) EIFDISEASE EA EMPLOYEE $1000,000 . .... .. . DE.,GRIP noN OF OPERA nDNs beww E I JISI nsL POury uMl r $1,000,000 C Excess Liability EL6793928012018 )5/01/2018 05/01/2015 $2,000,000(XS of$3mm) D Install Floater OT6605C528273TIL18 )5/01/2018 05/011201EII $1,000,000/$1,000 ded E Contr Pollution 03083387 )5/01/2017 05/0112015� $3,000,000/$25 OOOded DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,maybe attached it more space is required) RE: 18-3007.1 -Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project. Additional Insured Status applies per attached forni Waiver of Subrogation applies per attached forni CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Kent SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE ❑SLIVERED IN 400 West Gowe ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Kent,WA 98032 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved, ACORD 25(2016/03) 1 Oft The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACERB #S3286847/M3252700 KTROO This page has been left blank inieniionnlly, I POLICYNUMBER: TB2-Z91-454734-108 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 10 0413 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILffYCOVERAGE PART A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to 1. All work, including materials, parts or include as an additional insured the person(s) or equipment furnished in connection with such organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with work, on the project (other than service, respect to liability for "bodily injury', "property maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or damage" or "personal and advertising injury' on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the caused,in whole or in part, by. location of the covered operations has been 1. Your acts or omissions;or completed;or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the behalf. injury or damage arises has been put to its in the performance of intended use by any person or organization p your ongoing operations for other than another contractor or subcontractor the additional insured(s) at the location(s) designated above. engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project However. C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these 1. The insurance afforded to such additional additional insureds, the following is added to insured only applies to the extent permitted by Section III—Limits Of Insurance: law.and It coverage provided to the additional insured is 2. It coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we required by a contract or agreement, the will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the insurance afforded to such additional insured will amount of insurance: not be broader than that which you are required 1. Required by the contractor agreement;or by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. 2. Available under the applicable Limits of B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these Insurance shown in the Declarations; additional insureds, the following additional whichever is less. exclusions apply: This endorsement shall not increase the This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury' or applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the "property damage"occurring after: Declarations. SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Persons) Location(s) Of Covered Operations Or Organization(s): Any person or organization whom you become All locations as required by a written contact or obligated to include as an additional insured as a result agreement or permit entered into prior to a loss of any written contract or agreement you have entered occurring. into,provided no other specific additional insured i endorsements apply to such additional insured under this policy prior to a loss occurring. Information required to complete this Schedule,if not shown above,will be shown in the Declarations. CG 20 10 0413 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc.,2012 Page 1 of 1 POLICYNUMBER: T82-Z91-45473 4-1 08 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 37 04 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. I ADDITIONAL INSURED- OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided underthe following: i COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these include as an additional insured the person(s) or additional insureds, the following is added to organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only Section III—Limits Of Insurance: with respect to liability for "bodily injury' or l is "property damage" caused, in whole or in part, by r coverage provided to the additional insured required by a contract or agreement, the most we "your work" at the location designated and r W11pay on described in the Schedule of this endorsement am ount of insurance: behalf of the additional insured is the performed for that additional insured and included am in the"products-completed operations hazard". 1. Required by the contractor agreement;or However: 2. Available under the applicable Limits of 1. The insurance afforded to such additional Insurance shown in the Declarations; insured only applies to the edent permitted by whichever is less. law;and This endorsement shall not increase the applicable 2. If coverage provided to the additional insured is Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organization(s): Location And Description Of Completed Operations Any person or organization whom you become All locations as required by written contract or obligated to include as an additional insured as a result agreement or permit entered into prior to a loss ofary written contract or agreement or permit you haw occurring. entered into prior to a loss occurring, provided no other specific additional insured endorsements apply to such additional insured under this policy. Information required to complete this Schedule,if not shown above,will be shown in the Declarations. CG 20 37 04 13 C Insurance Services Office,Inc.,2012 Page 1 of 1 Policy Number TB2-Z91-454734-108 Issued by Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Co. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ENHANCEMENT FOR CONTRACTORS I ' This endorsement modifies insurance provided underthe following: ( COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART Index of modified items: Rem 1. Reasonable Force Rem 2. Nan-Owned Watercraft Extension Rem 3. Damage To Premises Rented To You—Expanded Coverage Rem 4. Bodily Injury To Co-Employees Rem 5. Health Care Professionals As Insureds f Rem 6. Knowledge Of Occurrence Or Offense l Rem 7. Notice Of Occurrence Or Offense Rem 8. Unintentional Failure To Disclose V Rem 9. Bodily Injury Redefined Rem 10. Supplementary Payments—Increased Limits Rem 11. Property In Your Care,Custody Or Control Rem 12. Mobile Equipment Redefined Rem 13. Newly Formed Or Acquired Entities Rem 14. Waiver Of Right Of Recovery By Written Contract Or Agreement Rem 15. Contractual Liability—Railroads Rem 1. Reasonable Force Exclusion a.of Section I—Coverage A—Bodily InjuryAnd Property Damage Liability is replaced bythe following: a. Expected Or Intended Injury "Bodily injury' or "property damage" expected or intended from the standpoint of the insured. This exclusion does not apply to "bodily injury' or "property damage" resulting from the use of reasonable force to protect persons or property. Rem 2. Non-Owned Watercraft Extension Paragraph (2) of Exclusion g. of Section I-Coverage A—Bodily Injury And Properly Damage Liability is replaced by the following: (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: (a) Less than 55 feet long;and (b) Not bei rig used to carry persons or property for a charge; Rem 3. Damage To Premises Rented To You—Expanded Coverage A. The final paragraph of 2. Exclusions of Section I—Coverage A— Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability is replaced by the following: LC 0443 01 17 02016 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 1 of 6 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Exclusions c. through n, do not apply to damage by fire, lightning or explosion or subsequent damages resulting from such fire, lightning or explosion including water damage to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner. A separate limit of insurance applies to this coverage as describedinSectionIII—Limits Of Insurance. B. Paragraph 6.of Section III—Limits Of Insurance is replaced by the following: 6. Subject to Paragraph 5. above, the Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the most we will pay under Coverage A for damages because of"property damage" to any one premises, while rented to you, or j in the case of damage byfire, lightning, explosion or subsequent damages resulting from such fire, lightning or evlosion including water damage to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with i permission of the owner. i The Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the greater of. a. $300.000;or b. The Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit shown on the Declarations. C. Paragraph 9.a.of the definition of"insured contract'in Section V—Definitions is replaced by the following: a. A contract for a lease of premises. However, that portion of the contract for a lease of premises that indemnifies ary person or organization for damage by fire, lightning, explosion or subsequent damages resulting from such fire, lightning or explosion including water damage to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner is not an"insured contract"; D. The paragraph immediately following Paragraph (6) of Exclusion j. of Section I — Coverage A— Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability is replaced by the following: Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this exclusion do not apply to "property damage" (other than damage by fire, lightning or explosion or subsequent damages resulting from such fire, lightning or explosion including water damage) to premises, including the contents of such premises, rented to you for a period of seven or fewer consecutive days. A separate limit of insurance applies to Damage To Premises Rented To You as described in Section III—Limits of Insurance. Item 4. Bodily Injury To Co-Employees A. Paragraph 2.of Section II—Who Is An Insured is amended to include: Each of the following is also an insured: Your "employees" (other than either your "executive officers" (if you are an organization other than a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company) or your managers (if you are a limited liability company)) or"volunteer workers" are insureds while in the course of their employment or while performing duties related to the conduct of your business with respect to"bodily injury': (1) To you; (2) To your partners or members(if you are a partnership orjoint venture); (3) To your members(if you are a limited liability company);or (4) To a co-"employee" or "volunteer worker" while that co-"employee" or "volunteer worker' is either in the course of his or her employment by you or while performing duties related to the conduct of your business (including participation in arty recreational activities sponsored by you). Paragraph 2.a.(1)(a) of Section II —Who Is An Insured does not apply to "bodily injury' for which insurance is provided bythis paragraph. LC 04 43 01 17 02016 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 2 of 6 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. B. The insurance provided by this Item 4.for "bodily injury' to a co-"employee" or"volunteer worker' will not apply if the injured co-"employee's" or "volunteer workers" sole remedy for such injury is provided under a workers' compensationlaworany similarlaw. C. Other Insurance The insurance provided by this Item 4. is excess over any other valid and collectible insurance available to the insured, whether primary,excess,contingent or on arry other basis. Item S. Health Care Professionals As Insureds A. Paragraph 2.a.(1)(d)of Section II—Who Is An Insured is replaced by the following: (d) Arising out of his or her providing or failure to provide professional health care services. However, any "employee" or"volunteer worker' of the Named Insured who is acting as a Good Samaritan in response to a public or medical emergency or who is a "designated health care provider' is an insured with respect to "bodily injury'and"personal and advertisirig injury'thaL (i) Arises out of the providing of orfailure to provide professional health care services;and (ii) Occurs in the course of and within the scope of such "employee's" or"volunteer workers" employment bythe Named Insured. B. With respect to "employees" and "volunteer workers" providing professional health care services, the following exclusions are added to Paragraph 2. Exclusions of Section I — Coverage A — Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability and Paragraph 2. Exclusions of Section I — Coverage B — Personal And Advertising Injury Liability. This insurance does notapplyto: (1) Liability assumed u-rderan"insured contract"orarry other contract oragreement (2) Liability arising out of the providing of professional health care services in violation of law; (3) Liability arising out of the providing of any professional health care services while in any degree under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics; I (4) Liability arising out of any dishonest,fauduler4,maliciousorknowinglywrongfulactorfailuretoact;or (5) Punitive or exemplary damages,fines or pena lies, C. The following definition is added to Section V—Definitions: "Designated health care provider" means any "employee" or"volunteer worker' of the Named Insured whose duties include providing professional health care services, including but rat limited to doctors, nurses, emergency medical technicians or designated first aid personnel. D. Other Insurance The insurance provided by this Item 5. is excess over arry other valid and collectible insurance available to the insured, whether primary,excess,contingent or on any other basis. Item 6. Knowledge Of Occurrence Or Offense Knowledge of an "occurrence" or offense by your agent, servant or"employee" will not in itself constitute knowledge by you unless your "executive officer' or "employee" designated by you to notify us of an "occurrence" or offense has knowledge of the "occurrence"or offense. LC 04 43 01 17 m 2016 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 3 of 6 Includes copyrighted material of Irsurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Item 7. Notice Of Occurrence Or Offense For purposes of Paragraph 2.a. of Section IV — Commercial General Liability Conditions, you refers to your "executive officer"or "employee"that you have designated to give us notice. Item 8. Unintentional Failure To Disclose Unintentional failure of the Named Insured to disclose all hazards existing at the inception of this policy shall not be a basis for denial of any coverage afforded by this policy. However, you must report such an error or omission to us as soon as practicable after its discovery. This provision does not affect our right to collect additional premium or exercise our right of cancellation or non-renewal. Item 9. Bodily Injury Redefined j The definition of"bodily injury'in Section V—Definitions is replaced by the following: "Bodily injury'means: a. Bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including death resulting from any of these at arry time; j and b. Mental anguish, shock or humiliation arising out of injury as defined in Paragraph a. above. Mental anguish means anytype of mental or emotional illness or distress. ftem 10. Supplementary Payments—Increased Limits Paragraphs 1.b. and 1.d. of Section I — Supplementary Payments — Coverages A And B are replaced by the following: b. Up to $3,000 for the cost of bail bonds required because of accidents or traffic law violations arising out of the use of any vehicle to which Bodily Injury Liability Coverage applies. We do not have to furnish these bonds. d. All reasonable expenses incurred by the insured at our request to assist in the investigation or defense of the claim or"suit", including actual loss of earnings up to$500 a day because of time off from work. Item 11. Property In Your Care, Custody Or Control A. Paragraphs (3) and (4) of Exclusion j. of Section I—Coverage A—Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability are deleted. B. Additional Exclusion Coverage provided bythis endorsement does not appyto"property damage"to propertywhile in transit. C. Limits of Insurance Subject to Paragraphs 2., 3., and 5. of Section III — Limits Of Insurance, the most we will pay for insurance provided by Paragraph A.above is: $10,000 Each Occurrence Limit $75,000 Aggregate Limit The Each Occurrence Limit for this coverage applies to all damages as a result of any one "occurrence" regardless of the number of persons or organizations who sustain damage because of that"occurrence". LC 04 43 01 17 0 2016 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 4 of 6 Includes copydghed matedal of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. The Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of all damages under this Item 11. D. Other Insurance This insurance does not apply to any portion of a loss for which the insured has available any other valid and collectible insurance, whether primary, excess, contingent, or on any other basis, unless such other insurance was specifically purchased by the insured to apply in excess of this policy. 1 Item 12. Mobile Equipment Redefined i The definition of"mobile equipment'in Section V—Definitions is amended to include self-propelled vehicles with permanency attached equipment less than 1000 pounds gross vehicle weight that are primarily designed for. (1) Snow removal; (2) Road maintenance,but riot construction or resurfacing;or (3) Streetcleaning. Item 13, Newly Formed Or Acquired Entities A. Paragraph 3.of Section II—Who Is An Insured is replaced by the fallowing: 3. Arry organization you newly acquire or form, other than a partnership or joint venture, and over which you maintain majority ownership or majority interest, will qualify as a Named Insured if there is no other similar insurance available to that organization. However. a. Coverage under this provision is afforded only until: (1) The 180th day after you acquire or form the organization; (2) Separate coverage is purchased for the organization;or (3) The end of the policy period whichever is earlier, b. Section I—Coverage A—Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability does not apply to "bodily injury' or "property damage"that occurred before you acquired or formed the organization;and c. Section I — Coverage B — Personal And Advertising Injury Liability does not apply to "personal and advertising injury'arising out of an offense committed before you acquired or formed the organization. B. The insurance afforded to any organization as a Named Insured under this tem 13, does not apply if a Broad Farm Named Insured endorsement attached to this policy applies to that organization. Rem 14. Waiver Of Right Of Recovery By Written Contract Or Agreement The following is added to Paragraph 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us of Section N — Commercial General Liability Conditions: We waive any right of recovery because of payments we make under this policy for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or "your work" included in the "products-completed operations hazard" that we may have against any person or organization with whom you have agreed in a written contract or agreement to waive your rights of recovery but only if the "bodily injury' or"properly damage" occurs, or offense giving rise to "personal and advertising injury' is committed subsequent to the execution of the written contract or agreement. LC 04 43 01 17 m 2016 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 5 of 6 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Item15. Contractual Liability—Railroads Paragraph 9. of Section V—Definitions is replaced by the following: 9. "Insured contract"means: I a. A contract for a lease of premises. However, that portion of the contract for a lease of premises that indemnifies any person or organization for damage by fire, lightning, explosion or subsequent damages resulting from such fire, lightning or explosion including water damage to premises while rented to you or 4 temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner is not an "insured contract"; b. A sidetrack agreement; C. Anyeasementor license agreement d. An obligation, as required by ordinance, to indemnify a municipality, except in connection with work for a municipality, e. An elevator maintenance agreement; I I f. That part of any other contract or agreement pertaining to your business (including an indemnification of a municipality in connection with work performed for a municipality) under which you assume the tort liability of another party to pay for"bodily injury' or"property damage" to a third person or organization. Tort liability means a liability that would be imposed bylawin the absence of any contractor agreement. Paragraph f.does not include that part of any contractor agreement: (1) That indemnifies an architect,engineer or surveyor for injury or damage arising out of. (a) Preparing, approving or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys,field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications;or i (b) Giving directions or instructions, or failing to give them, if that is the primary cause of the injury or damage; (2) Under which the insured, if an architect, engineer or surveyor, assumes liability for an injury or damage i arising out of the insured's rendering or failing to render professional services, including those listed in j Paragraph(1)above and supervisory, inspection,architectural or engineering activities. I i i LC 04 43 01 17 m 2016 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 6 of 6 includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Policy Number TB2-791-454734-108 Issued by Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Co. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. OTHER INSURANCE AMENDMENT—SCHEDULED ADDITIONAL INSURED This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITYCOVERAGE PART PROD UCTSICOMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART LIQUOR LIABILIIYCOVERAGE PART if you are obligated under a written agreement to provide liability insurance on a primary, excess, contingent, or any other basis for any person or organization shown in the Schedule of this endorsement that qualifies as an additional insured on this policy, this policy will apply solely on the basis required by such written agreement and Paragraph 4. Other Insurance of Section N - Conditions will not apply. If the applicable written agreement does not specify on what basis the liability insurance will apply, the provisions of Paragraph 4. Other Insurance of Section N- Conditions will govem. However, this insurance is excess over any other insurance available to the additional insured for which it is also covered as an additional insured by attachment of an endorsement to another policy providing coverage for the same"occurrence",claim or"suit". Schedule !, Person or Organization: As regU red by written contractor agreement entered into prior to loss. I LC 24 20 02 13 V 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance.All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 Includes copyrighted material of khsurarce Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. This palge has been left blank Intentionally, POLICY NUMBER: AS2-Z91-454734-038 CONIVERCIALAUTO CA 20 4810 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. I DESIGNATED INSURED FOR 1 COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE This endorsement modes insurance provided under the following: AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by the endorsement. This endorsement identifies person(s) or organization(s) who are -insureds" for Covered Autos Liability Coverage under the Who Is An Insured provision of the Coverage Form. This endorsement does not alter coverage provided in the Coverage Form. J SCHEDULE Name Of Person(s)Or Orgamzation(s): Refer to Designated Insured Schedule i it Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. Each person or organization shown in the Schedule is an "insured" for Covered Autos Liability Coverage, but only to the extent that person or organization qualifies as an "insured" under the Who Is An Insured provision contained in Paragraph A.1. of Section II - Covered Autos Liability Coverage in the Business Auto and Motor Carrier Coverage Forms and Paragraph D.2. of Section I - Covered Autos Coverages of the Auto Dealers Coverage Form. CA20 48 10 13 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2011 Page 1 of 1 Policy Number AS2-Z91-454734-038 I DESIGNATED INSURED SCHEDULE Applicable to: CA 20 48 02 99, CA 20 48 10 13, MM 99 50 10 13 Name of Person(s) or Organizalian(s) Any person or organization whom you agreed in writing as an additional insured, but only for the coverage and minimum limits of insurance required by the written agreement, and in no event to exceed either the scope of coverage or the limits of insurance provided in this policy. I 1 I i I ACS 20 05 10 13 8 ®2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 Policy Number AS2-Z91-4 54 734-03a Issued by: Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Co. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. I DESIGNATED INSURED -NONCONTRIBUTING This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM GARAGE COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIERS COVERAGE FORM TRUCKERS COVERAGE FORM 1 With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by this endorsement. This endorsement identifies person(s) or organization(s) who are "insureds` under the Who Is An Insured Provision of the Coverage Form. This endorsement does not alter coverage provided in the Coverage form. I Schedule Name of Person(s)or Organizations(s): Any person or organization whom you agreed in writing as an additional insured, but only for the coverage and minimum limits of insurance required by the written agreement, and in no event to exceed either the scope of coverage or the j limits of insurance provided in this policy. Regarding Designated Contract or Project: I I Each person or organization shown in the Schedule of this endorsement is an "insured" for Liability Coverage, but only to the extent that person or organization qualifies as an "insured" under the Who Is An Insured Provision contained in Section 11 of the Coverage Form. The following is added to the Other Insurance Condition: If you have agreed in a written agreement that this policy will be primary and without right of contribution from any insurance in force for an Additional Insured for liability arising out of your operations, and the agreement was executed prior to the "bodily injury" or 'property damage", then this insurance will be primary and we will not seek contribution from such insurance. AC 84 23 0811 O 2010, Liberty Mutual Group of Companies, All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. This page has been left blank intentionally. Policy Number AS2-Z91-454734-038 Issued by Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Co. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY.. AUTO ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM I. Newly Acquired or Formed Organizations ll. Employees as Insureds III. Lessor-Additional Insured and Loss Payee IV. Supplementary Payments - Increased Limits V. Fellow Employee Coverage VI. Personal Property of Others VII. Additional Transportation Expense and Cost to Recover Stolen Auto Vill. Airbag Coverage IX. Tapes, Records and Discs Coverage X. Physical Damage Deductible- Single Deductible XI. Physical Damage Deductible-Glass XII. Physical Damage Deductible-Vehicle Tracking System XIII. Duties in Event of Accident, Claim, Suit or Loss XIV. Unintentional Failure to Disclose Hazards XV. Worldwide Liability Coverage- Hired and Nonowned Autos XVI. Hired Auto Physical Damage XVI I. Auto Medical Payments Coverage Increased Limits XVIII. Drive Other Car Coverage- Broadened Coverage for Designated Individuals XIX. Rental Reimbursement Coverage XX. Notice of Cancellation or Nonrenewal XXI. Loan/Lease Payoff Coverage XXII. Limited Mexico Coverage XXIII. Waiver of Subrogation I. NEWLY ACQUIRED OR FORMED ORGANIZATIONS Throughout this policy, the words "you" and "your" also refer to any organization you newly acquire or form, other than a partnership or joint venture, and over which you maintain ownership of more than 50 percent interest, provided: A. There is no similar insurance available to that organization; B. Unless you notify us to add coverage to your policy, the coverage under this provision is afforded only until: 1. The 90th day after you acquire or form the organization; or 2. The end of the policy period, whichever is earlier; and C. The coverage does not apply to an "accident" which occurred before you acquired or formed the organization. AC 84 07 11 17 ©2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 1 of 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. II. EMPLOYEES AS INSUREDS Paragraph A.I. Who Is An Insured of SECTION II - COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE is amended to add the following: Your "employee' is an "insured" while using with your permission a covered "auto' you do not own, hire or borrow in your business or your personal affairs. III. LESSOR-ADDITIONAL INSURED AND LOSS PAYEE A. Any"leased auto'will be considered an"auto'you own and not an"auto'you hire or borrow.The coverages provided under this section apply to any 'leased auto' until the expiration date of this policy or until the lessor or his or her agent takes possession of the"leased auto'whichever occurs first. B. For any 'leased auto' that is a covered "auto" under SECTION 11 - COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE, Paragraph A.I.Who Is An Insured provision is changed to include as an "insured"the lessor of the "leased auto'. However, the lessor is an "insured" only for "bodily injury" or 'property damage" resulting from the acts or omissions by: 1. You. 2. Any of your"employees"or agents; or 3. Any person, except the lessor or any"employee" or agent of the lessor, operating a 'leased auto' with the permission of any of the above. C. Loss Payee Clause 1. We will pay, as interests may appear, you and the lessor of the"leased auto'for"loss"to the covered "leased auto". 2. The insurance covers the interest of the lessor of the 'leased auto' unless the 'loss" results from fraudulent acts or omissions on your part. 3. If we make any payment to the lessor of a 'leased auto", we will obtain his or her rights against any other party. D. Cancellation 1. If we cancel the policy, we will mail notice to the lessor in accordance with the Cancellation Common Policy Condition. 2. If you cancel the policy, we will mail notice to the lessor. 3. Cancellation ends this agreement. E. The lessor is not liable for payment of your premiums. F. For purposes of this endorsement, the following definitions apply: "Leased auto"means an"auto'which you lease for a period of six months or longer for use in your business, including any"temporary substitute' of such "leased auto'. 'Temporary substitute' means an "auto' that is furnished as a substitute for a covered "auto' when the covered "auto' is out of service because of its breakdown, repair, servicing, 'loss" or destruction. AC 84 07 11 17 ©2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 2 of 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission, IV. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS -INCREASED LIMITS Subparagraphs A.2.a.(2) and A.2.a.(4) of SECTION II - COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE are deleted and replaced by the following: (2) Up to $3,000 for cost of bail bonds (including bonds for related traffic law violations) required because of an "accident" we cover. We do not have to furnish these bonds. (4) All reasonable expenses Incurred by the "insured" at our request, including actual loss of earnings up to $500 a day because of time off from work. V. FELLOW EMPLOYEE COVERAGE A. Exclusion B.5. of SECTION II -COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE does not apply. B. For the purpose of Fellow Employee Coverage only, Paragraph B.5. of SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS is changed as follows: This Fellow Employee Coverage is excess over any other collectible insurance. VI. PERSONAL PROPERTY OF OTHERS Exclusion 6. in SECTION II - COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE for a covered "auto" is amended to add the following: This exclusion does not apply to "property damage" or"covered pollution cost or expense" involving "personal property" of your "employees" or others while such property is carried by the covered "auto". The Limit of Insurance for this coverage is $5,000 per"accident". Payment under this coverage does not increase the Limit oflnsurance. For the purpose of this section of this endorsement, "personal property" is defined as any property that is not used in the individual's trade or business or held for the production or collection of income. VII. ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE AND COST TO RECOVER STOLEN AUTO A. Paragraph AA.a. of SECTION III -PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended as follows: The amount we will pay is increased to $50 per day and to a maximum limit of$1,000. B. Paragraph A.4.a. of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to add the following: If your business is shown in the Declarations as something other than an auto dealership, we will also pay up to $1,000 for reasonable and necessary costs incurred by you to return a stolen covered "auto"from the place where it is recovered to its usual garaging location. VIII. AIRBAG COVERAGE Exclusion B.3.a. in SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to add the following: This exclusion does not apply to the accidental discharge of an airbag. IX. TAPES, RECORDS AND DISCS COVERAGE Exclusion B.4.a. of SECTION III -PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is deleted and replaced by the following: a. Tapes, records, discs or other similar audio, visual or data electronic devices designed for use with audio, visual or data electronic equipment except when the tapes, records, discs or other similar audio, visual or data electronic devices: AC 84 07 11 17 ©2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 3 of 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. (1) Are your property or that of a family member; and (2) Are in a covered "auto" at the time of"loss". The most we will pay for"loss"is$200. No Physical Damage Coverage deductible applies to this coverage. X. PHYSICAL DAMAGE DEDUCTIBLE-SINGLE DEDUCTIBLE Paragraph D. in SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is deleted and replaced by the following: D. Deductible For each covered "auto", our obligation to pay for, repair, return or replace damaged or stolen property will be reduced by the applicable deductible shown in the Declarations. Any Comprehensive Coverage deductible shown in the Declarations does not apply to "loss" caused by fire or lightning. When two or more covered "autos"sustain "loss" in the same collision, the total of all the "loss" for all the involved covered "autos" will be reduced by a single deductible, which will be the largest of all the deductibles applying to all such covered "autos". XI. PHYSICAL DAMAGE DEDUCTIBLE—GLASS Paragraph D. in SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to add the following: No deductible applies to"loss"to glass if you elect to patch or repair it rather than replace it. XII. PHYSICAL DAMAGE DEDUCTIBLE-VEHICLE TRACKING SYSTEM Paragraph D. in SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to add: Any Comprehensive Coverage Deductible shown in the Declarations will be reduced by 50% for any "loss" caused by theft if the vehicle is equipped with a vehicle tracking device such as a radio tracking device or a global positioning device and that device was the method of recovery of the vehicle. XIII. DUTIES IN EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT OR LOSS Subparagraphs A.2.a. and A.2.b. of SECTION IV-BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS are changed to: a. In the event of"accident", claim, "suit"or"loss", your insurance manager or any other person you designate must notify us as soon as reasonably possible of such "accident", claim, "suit" or"loss". Such notice must include: (1) How, when and where the "accident" or"loss" occurred; (2) The "insured's" name and address; and (3) To the extent possible, the names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses. Knowledge of an "accident", claim, "suit" or "loss" by your agent, servant or "employee" shall not be considered knowledge by you unless you, your insurance manager or any other person you designate has received notice of the "accident", claim, "suit"or"loss"from your agent, servant or "employee". b. Additionally, you and any other involved "insured" must: (1) Assume no obligation, make no payment or incur no expense without our consent, except at the "insured's" own cost. AC 84 07 11 17 ©2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 4 of 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission, (2) Immediately send us copies of any request, demand, order, notice, summons or legal paper received concerning the claim or"suit'. (3) Cooperate with us in the investigation or settlement of the claim or defense against the "suit'. (4) Authorize us to obtain medical records or other pertinent information. (5) Submit to examination, at our expense, by physicians of our choice, as often as we reasonably require. XIV. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS Paragraph B.2. in SECTION IV-BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS is amended to add the following: Any unintentional failure to disclose all exposures or hazards existing as of the effective date of the Business Auto Coverage Form or at any time during the policy period will not invalidate or adversely affect the coverage for such exposure or hazard. However, you must report the undisclosed exposure or hazard to us as soon as reasonably possible after its discovery. XV. WORLDWIDE LIABILITY COVERAGE -HIRED AND NONOWNED AUTOS Condition B.7. in SECTION IV-BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS is amended to add the following: For "accidents" resulting from the use or operation of covered "autos" you do not own, the coverage territory means all parts of the world subject to the following provisions: a. If claim is made or"suit'is brought against an "insured"outside of the United States of America, its territories and possessions, Puerto Rico and Canada, we shall have the right, but not the duty to investigate, negotiate, and settle or defend such claim or"suit'. If we do not exercise that right, the "insured" shall have the duty to investigate, negotiate, and settle or defend the claim or "suit' and we will reimburse the "insured" for the expenses reasonably incurred in connection with the investigation, settlement or defense. Reimbursement will be paid in the currency of the United States of America at the rate of exchange prevailing on the date of reimbursement. The "insured" shall provide us with such information we shall reasonably request regarding such claim or "suit"and its investigation, negotiation, and settlement or defense. The "insured" shall not agree to any settlement of the claim or "suit' without our consent. We shall not unreasonably withhold consent. b. We are not licensed to write insurance outside of the United States of America, its territories or possessions, Puerto Rico and Canada. We will not furnish certificates of insurance or other evidence of insurance you may need for the purpose of complying with the laws of other countries relating to auto insurance, Failure to comply with the auto insurance laws of other countries may result in fines or penalties. This insurance does not apply to such fines or penalties. XVI. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE If no deductibles are shown in the Declarations for Physical Damage Coverage for Hired or Borrowed Autos, the following will apply: A. We will pay for "loss" under Comprehensive and Collision coverages to a covered "auto" of the private passenger type hired without an operator for use in your business: AC 84 07 11 17 ©2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 5 of 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission, 1. The most we will pay for coverage afforded by this endorsement is the lesser of: a. The actual cost to repair or replace such covered "auto"with other property of like kind and quality; or b. The actual cash value of such covered "auto" at the time of the "loss". 2. An adjustment for depreciation and physical condition will be made in determining actual cash value in the event of a total "loss". 3. If a repair or replacement results in better than like kind or quality, we will not pay for the amount of the betterment. B. For each covered "auto", our obligation to pay for, repair, return or replace the covered "auto" will be reduced by any deductible shown in the Declarations that applies to private passenger "autos" that you own. If no applicable deductible is shown in the Declarations, the deductible will be$250. If the Declarations show other deductibles for Physical Damage Coverages for Hired or Borrowed Autos, this Section XVI of this endorsement does not apply. C. Paragraph A.4.b. of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is replaced by the following: b. Loss of Use Expenses For Hired Auto Physical Damage provided by this endorsement, we will pay expenses for which an "insured" becomes legally responsible to pay for loss of use of a private passenger vehicle rented or hired without a driver, under a written rental contract or agreement.We will pay for loss of use expenses caused by: (1) Other than collision only if the Declarations indicate that Comprehensive Coverage is provided for any covered "auto"; (2) Specified Causes of Loss only if the Declarations indicate that Specified Causes of Loss Coverage is provided for any covered "auto", or (3) Collision only if the Declarations indicate that Collision Coverage is provided for any covered"auto". However, the most we will pay under this coverage is $30 per day, subject to a maximum of$900. XVIL AUTO MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVERAGE - INCREASED LIMITS For any covered "loss", the Limit of Insurance for Auto Medical Payments will be double the limit shown in the Declarations if the "insured"was wearing a seat belt at the time of the "accident". This is the maximum amount we will pay for all covered medical expenses, regardless of the number of covered "autos", "insureds", premiums paid, claims made, or vehicles involved in the "accident". If no limit of insurance for Auto Medical Payments is shown on the Declarations, this paragraph Section XVII of this endorsement does not apply. XVIII. DRIVE OTHER CAR COVERAGE - BROADENED COVERAGE FOR DESIGNATED INDIVIDUALS A. This endorsement amends only those coverages indicated with an "X' in the Drive Other Car section of the Schedule to this endorsement. B. SECTION II -COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE is amended as follows: 1. Any"auto"you don't own, hire or borrow is a covered "auto"for Liability Coverage while being used by any individual named in the Drive Other Car section of the Schedule to this endorsement or by his or her spouse while a resident of the same household except: AC 84 07 11 17 ©2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 6 of 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. a. Any"auto"owned by that individual or by any member of his or her household; or b. Any "auto" used by that individual or his or her spouse while working in a business of selling, servicing, repairing or parking "autos". 2. The following is added to Who Is An Insured: Any individual named in the Drive Other Car section of the Schedule to this endorsement and his or her spouse, while a resident of the same household, are "insureds" while using any covered "auto" described in Paragraph B.1. of this endorsement. C. Auto Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist, and Underinsured Motorist Coverages are amended as follows The following is added to Who Is An Insured: Any individual named in the Drive Other Car section of the Schedule to this endorsement and his or her "family members"are"insured"while"occupying"or while a pedestrian when struck by any"auto"you don't own except: Any "auto" owned by that individual or by any"family member". D. SECTION III -PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is changed as follows: Any private passenger type "auto" you don't own, hire or borrow is a covered "auto" while in the care, custody or control of any individual named in the Drive Other Car section of the Schedule to this endorsement or his or her spouse while a resident of the same household except: 1. Any"auto"owned by that individual or by any member of his or her household, or 2. Any"auto" used by that individual or his or her spouse while working in a business of selling, servicing, repairing or parking "autos". E. For purposes of this endorsement, SECTION V - DEFINITIONS is amended to add the following: "Family member" means a person related to the individual named in the Drive Other Car section of the Schedule to this endorsement by blood, marriage or adoption who is a resident of the individual's household, including a ward or foster child. XIX. RENTAL REIMBURSEMENT COVERAGE A. For any owned covered "auto"for which Collision and Comprehensive Coverages are provided, we will pay for rental reimbursement expenses incurred by you for the rental of an"auto" because of a covered physical damage "loss" to an owned covered "auto". Such payment applies in addition to the otherwise applicable amount of physical damage coverage you have on a covered "auto". No deductibles apply to this coverage. B. We will pay only for those expenses incurred during the policy period beginning 24 hours after the "loss" and ending with the earlier of the return or repair of the covered "auto", or the exhaustion of the coverage limit. C. Our payment is limited to the lesser of the following amounts: 1. Necessary and actual expenses incurred; or 2. $30 per day with a maximum of$900 in any one period. AC 84 07 11 17 ©2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 7 of 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. D. This coverage does not apply: 1. While there are spare or reserve "autos' available to you for your operations; or 2. If coverage is provided by another endorsement attached to this policy. E. If a covered "loss" results from the total theft of a covered "auto" of the private passenger type, we will pay under this coverage only that amount of your rental reimbursement expenses which is not already provided for under Paragraph A.4. Coverage Extensions of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE of the Business Auto Coverage Form or Section VII of this endorsement. XX.NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OR NONRENEWAL A. Paragraph A.2. of the COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS is changed to: 2. We may cancel or non-renew this policy by mailing written notice of cancellation or non-renewal to the Named Insured, and to any name(s) and address(es) shown in the Cancellation and Non-renewal Schedule: a. For reasons of non-payment, the greater of: (1) 10 days, or (2) The number of days specified in any other Cancellation Condition attached to this policy; or b. For reasons other than non-payment, the greater of: (1) 60 days; (2) The number of days shown in the Cancellation and Non-renewal Schedule; or (3) The number of days specified in any other Cancellation Condition attached to this policy, prior to the effective date of the cancellation or non-renewal. B. All other terms of Paragraph A. of the COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS, and any amendments thereto, remain in full force and effect. XXI. LOAN/LEASE PAYOFF COVERAGE The following is added to Paragraph C. Limits Of Insurance of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE: In the event of a total 'loss' to a covered "auto" of the private passenger type shown in the schedule or declarations for which Collision and Comprehensive Coverage apply, we will pay any unpaid amount due on the lease or loan for that covered "auto", less: 1. The amount paid under the PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE SECTION of the policy; and 2. Any: a. Overdue lease/loan payments at the time of the "loss"; b. Financial penalties imposed under a lease for excessive use, abnormal wear and tear or high mileage, c. Security deposits not returned by the lessor; d. Costs for extended warranties, Credit Life Insurance, Health, Accident or Disability Insurance purchased with the loan or lease, and AC 84 07 11 17 ©2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 8 of 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission, e. Carry-over balances from previous loans or leases. This coverage is limited to a maximum of$1,500 for each covered "auto", XXILLIMITED MEXICO COVERAGE WARNING AUTO ACCIDENTS IN MEXICO ARE SUBJECT TO THE LAWS OF MEXICO ONLY- NOT THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO CONSIDERS ANY AUTO ACCIDENT A CRIMINAL OFFENSE AS WELL AS A CIVIL MATTER. IN SOME CASES THE COVERAGE PROVIDED UNDER THIS ENDORSEMENT MAY NOT BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MEXICAN AUTHORITIES AND WE MAY NOT BE ALLOWED TO IMPLEMENT THIS COVERAGE AT ALL IN MEXICO. YOU SHOULD CONSIDER PURCHASING AUTO COVERAGE FROM A LICENSED MEXICAN INSURANCE COMPANY BEFORE DRIVING INTO MEXICO. THIS ENDORSEMENT DOES NOT APPLY TO ACCIDENTS OR LOSSES WHICH OCCUR BEYOND 25 MILES FROM THE BOUNDARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, A. Coverage 1. Paragraph B.7. of SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS is amended by the addition of the following: The coverage territory is extended to include Mexico but only if all of the following criteria are met: a. The "accidents" or"loss" occurs within 25 miles of the United States border; and b. While on strip into Mexico for 10 days or less. 2. For coverage provided by this section of the endorsement, Paragraph B.5. Other Insurance in SECTION IV-BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS is replaced by the following: The insurance provided by this endorsement will be excess over any other collectible insurance. B. Physical Damage Coverage is amended by the addition of the following: If a 'loss" to a covered "auto" occurs in Mexico, we will pay for such 'loss" in the United States. If the covered "auto" must be repaired in Mexico in order to be driven, we will not pay more than the actual cash value of such "loss" at the nearest United States point where the repairs can be made. C. Additional Exclusions The following additional exclusions are added: This insurance does not apply: 1. If the covered "auto" is not principally garaged and principally used in the United States. 2. To any"insured"who is not a resident of the United States. XXIII.WAIVER OF SUBROGATION Paragraph A.5. in SECTION IV-BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS does not apply to any person or organization where the Named Insured has agreed, by written contract executed prior to the date of "accident', to waive rights of recovery against such person or organization. AC 84 07 11 17 ©2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 9 of 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.,with its permission. Schedule Premium Liability Included Physical Damage Included Total Premium Included XVIII. Drive Other Car LIAB MP UM UIM COMP COLL Name of Individual Not Applicable XX. Notice of Cancellation or Nonrenewal Name and Address Number of Days 30 AC 84 07 11 17 ©2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 10 of 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.,with its permission. KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ..................................... 1-1 1 -01 Definitions and Terms.................................................. .... 1 -1 1 -02 Bid Procedures and Conditions.......................................... 1 -2 1 -03 Award and Execution of Contract....................................... 1 -5 1 -04 Scope of the Work .......................................................... 1 -5 1 -05 Control of Work .............................................................. 1-8 1 -06 Control of Material ....... .................................................. 1-13 1 -07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public................. 1 -16 1-08 Prosecution and Progress ................................................. 1 -22 1-09 Measurement and Payment .............................................. 1 -26 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control ................................................ 1-28 DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK.......................................................... 2-1 2-01 Clearing, Grubbing and Roadside Cleanup .......................... 2-1 2-02 Removal of Structures and Obstructions 2-5 2-03 Excavation ...........----...... ...................................... ... 2-6 2-07 Watering ....................................................................... 2-8 DIVISION 7 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS AND CONDUITS............... 7-1 7-04 Storm Sewers ................................................................ 7-1 7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements ..-.1-1-1-1 .... ..... .— 7-2 DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION ....................,..... 8-1 8-01 Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control ........................ 8-1 8-12 Chain Link Fence and Wire Fence ....... 8-8 8-14 Cement Concrete Sidewalks ............................................. 8-9 DIVISION 9 MATERIALS............................................................ 9-1 9-14 Erosion Control and Roadside Planting ............................... 9-1 KENT STANDARD PLANS ........................--.................................... A-1 WSDOT STANDARD PLANS.............----....... ..............,........... — A-2 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS .............................................................. A-3 HAULROUTE................................................................................ — A-4 GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION .............................---- .............. A-5 KING COUNTY CLEARING AND GRADING PERMIT........................... A-6 PREVAILING WAGE RATES.............................................................. A-7 Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 KENT SPEC 1 A►L PIROV 1 S 1 DNS The Kent Special Provisions ("Kent Special Provisions" or "KSP") modify and supersede any conflicting provisions of the 2018 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations ("WSDOT Standard Specifications"). Otherwise all provisions of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall apply. All references in the WSDOT Standard Specifications to the State of Washington, its various departments or directors, or to the contracting agency, shall be revised to include the City and/or City Engineer, except for references to State statutes or regulations. Finally, all of these documents are a part of this contract. 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS SECTION 1-01. 1 /S SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.1 General When these Kent Special Provisions make reference to a "Section," for example, "in accordance with Section 1 -01 ," the reference is to the WSDOT Standard Specifications as modified by these Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 1-01.2(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.2(2) Items of Work and Units of Measurement D.I. Ductile Iron EA Each Eq. Adj, Equitable Adjustment FA Force Account FIR Hour M GAL Thousand gallons NIC Not In Contract SF Square Feet BCY Bank Cubic Yards SECTION 1-01.3, "CONTRACT"DEFINITION, IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.3 Definitions Contract The written agreement between the Contracting Agency and the Contractor. It describes, among other things: Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 1 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 1 . What work will be done, and by when; 2. Who provides labor and materials; and 3. How Contractors will be paid. The Contract includes the Contract (agreement) Form, Bidder's completed Proposal Form, Kent Special Provisions, Contract Provisions, Contract Plans, WSDOT Standard Specifications (also including amendments to the Standard Specifications issued by WSDOT as of the later date of bid advertisement or any subsequent addenda), Kent Standard Plans, Addenda, various certifications and affidavits, supplemental agreements, change orders, and subsurface boring logs (if any). Also incorporated in the Contract by reference are: 1 . Standard Plans (M21 -01) for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association, current edition; 2, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, current edition, and; 3. American Water Works Association Standards, current edition; 4. The current edition of the "National Electrical Code." Responsibility for obtaining these publications rests with the Contractor. SECTION 1-01.3, "DEFINITIONS" IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING DEFINITION: Incidental Work The terms "incidental to the project," "incidental to the involved bid item(s)," etc., as used in the Contract shall mean that the Contractor is required to complete the specified work and the cost of such work shall be included in the unit contract prices of other bid items as specified in Section 1 -04.1 (Intent of the Contract). No additional payment will be made. 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS SECTION 1-02. 1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.1 Qualification of Bidders Bidders shall be qualified by ability, experience, financing, equipment, and organization to do the work called for in the Contract. The City reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary to ascertain the ability of the Bidder to perform the work satisfactorily. This action includes the City's review of the qualification information in the bid documents. The City will use this qualification data in its decision to determine whether the lowest responsive bidder is also responsible and able to perform the contract work. If the City determines that the Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 2 June 26, 2018 Project Number. 18-3007.1 lowest bidder is not the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, the City reserves its unqualified right to reject that bid and award the contract to the next lowest bidder that the City, in its sole judgment, determines is also responsible and able to perform the contract work (the "lowest responsive and responsible bidder"). SECTION 1-02.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications Upon awarding the Contract, the City shall supply to the Contractor, for its own use, up to ten (10) copies of the plans and specifications. If the Contractor requests more than ten (10) copies, the City may require the Contractor to purchase the additional sets. SECTION 1-02.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.5 Proposal Forms Prospective bidders may obtain Bid Documents including a "Bid Proposal" for the advertised project from the City upon furnishing a non-refundable payment as specified in the "Invitation to Bid" or by downloading at no charge at K[zntWA_gcrv/doirrct bdisirress/bids_._ fLrL&.ur<_�rn nt; however, a prospective bidder remains responsible to obtain Bid Documents, even if unable to download all or any part of the documents, whether or not inability to access is caused by the bidder's or the City's technology. Bid Documents may be requested by mail, or picked up at the Public Works Engineering Department, 400 West Gowe Street, Second Floor, Kent, Washington 98032. SECTION 1-02.6 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to obtain and incorporate all issued addenda into the bid. In the space provided on the Proposal Signature Page, the Bidder shall confirm that all Addenda have been received. All blanks in the proposal forms must be appropriately filled in. SECTION 1-02.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH: Proposals must contain original signature pages. FACSIMILES OR OTHER FORMS OF ELECTRONIC DELIVERY ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AND ARE CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE SUBMITTALS. SECTION 1-02.7 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.7 Bid Deposit Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 3 June 26, 2018 Project Numbers 18-3007.1 A deposit of at least 5 percent of the total Bid shall accompany each Bid. This deposit may be cash, cashier's check, or a proposal bond (Surety bond). Any proposal bond shall be on the City's bond form and shall be signed by the Bidder and the Surety. A proposal bond shall not be conditioned in any way to modify the minimum 5-percent required. The Surety shall: (1) be registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and (2) appear on the current Authorized Insurance List in the State of Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. The failure to furnish a Bid deposit of a minimum of 5 percent with the Bid shall make the Bid nonresponsive and shall cause the Bid to be rejected by the Contracting Agency. SECTION 1-02.9 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal All bids must be sealed and delivered in accordance with the "Invitation to Bid." Bids must be received at the City Clerk's office by the stated time, regardless of delivery method, including U.S. Mail. SECTION 1-02. 10 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.10 Withdrawing, Revising, or Supplementing Proposal After submitting a Bid Proposal to the Contracting Agency, the Bidder may withdraw or revise it if: 1 . The Bidder submits a written request signed by an authorized person, and 2. The Contracting Agency receives the request before the time for opening Bids. The original Bid Proposal may be revised and resubmitted as the official Bids Proposal if the Contracting Agency receives it before the time for opening Bids. SECTION 1-02. 11 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.11 Combination and Multiple Proposals No person, firm or corporation shall be allowed to make, file, or be interested in more than one bid for the same work unless alternate bids are specifically called for; however, a person, firm, or corporation that has submitted a subproposal to a bidder, or that has quoted prices of materials to a bidder is not disqualified from submitting a subproposal or quoting prices to other bidders or from making a prime proposal. SECTION 1-02. 13 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 1(a) AND REPLACING ITEM 1(a) WITH THE FOLLOWING: Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 4 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals a. The bidder is not prequalified when so required. SECTION 1-02. 14 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 3 AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders 3, The bidder is not qualified for the work or to the full extent of the bid. 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT SECTION 1-03.1 IS REVISED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IN THAT SECTION: 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids The City also reserves the right to include or omit any or all schedules or alternates of the Proposal and will award the Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder based on the total bid amount, including schedules or alternates selected by the City. SECTION 1-03.2 IS REVISED BY REPLACING "45 CALENDAR DAYS" WITH 7160 CALENDAR DAYS"RELATING TO CONTRACT AWARD OR BID REJECTION. 1-03.2 Award of Contract SECTION 1-03.3 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING; 1-03.3 Execution of Contract No claim for delay shall be granted to the Contractor due to its failure to submit the required documents to the City in accordance with the schedule provided in these Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 1-03.7 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-03.7 Judicial Review Any decision made by the City regarding the award and execution of the contract or bid rejection shall be conclusive subject to the scope of judicial review permitted under Washington State Law. Such review, if any, shall be timely filed in the King County Superior Court, located in Kent, Washington. 1-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK 1-04.1 Intent of the Contract SECTION 1-04. 1(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 5 June 26, 2018 Project Number 18-3007.1 1-04.1 (2) Bid Items Not Included in the Proposal The Contractor shall include all costs of doing the work within the bid item prices. If the contract plans, contract provisions, addenda, or any other part of the contract require work that has no bid item price in the proposal form, the entire cost of labor and materials required to perform that work shall be incidental and included with the bid item prices in the contract. SECTION 1-04.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE WORDS, "KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS, KENT STANDARD PLANS"FOLLOWING THE WORDS, "CONTRACT PROVISIONS" IN THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH. SECTION 1-04.2 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7 IN THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING B ITEMS: 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, Specifications, and Addenda 1 . Approved Change Orders 2. The Contract Agreement 1 Kent Special Provisions 4, Contract Plans 5. Amendments to WSDOT Standard Specifications 6, WSDOT Standard Specifications 7. Kent Standard Plans 8. WSDOT Standard Plans SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD PARAGRAPH (INCLUDING SUBPARAGRAPHS A AND B). 1-04.4 Changes SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIFTH PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: For Item 2, increases or decreases in quantity for any bid item shall be paid at the appropriate bid item contract price, including any bid item increase or decrease by more than 25 percent from the original planned quantity. SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE EIGHTH PARAGRAPH (NEXT TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH) AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: Within 14 calendar days of delivery of the change order the Contractor shall endorse and return the change order, request an extension of time for endorsement or respond in accordance with Section 1-04.5. The Contracting Agency may unilaterally process the change order if the Contractor fails to comply with these requirements Changes normally noted on field stakes or variations from estimated quantities, will not Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 6 hine 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 require a written change order. These changes shall be made at the unit prices that apply. The Contractor shall respond immediately to changes shown on field stakes without waiting for further notice. SECTION 1-04.6 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.6 Variation in Estimated Quantities Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of Work performed and accepted in conformance with the Contract. SECTION 1-04.9 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.9 Use of Private Properties Staging and storage locations needed for the Project must be properly permitted for that use. Limits of construction are indicated or defined on the plans. The Contractor shall confine all construction activities within these limits. If a staging and storage area is shown on the plans, the City will obtain all permits and approvals necessary for the Contractor's use. Whether the City does or does not provide a staging area, if the Contractor selects its own staging and storage area(s), it is the Contractor's sole responsibility to obtain all necessary permits/approvals to use the private property, specifically including, without limitation, all permits or approvals subject to State Environmental Policy Act, Shoreline Management Act, and critical areas regulations. Before using any other property as a staging or storage area (or for any other use), the Contractor shall thoroughly investigate the property for the presence of critical areas, buffers of critical areas, or other regulatory restrictions as defined in Kent City Code, county, state or federal requlations, and the Contractor shall provide the City written documentation that the property is not subject to other requlatory requirements or that the Contractor has obtained all necessary riqhts of entry, permits and approvals needed to use the property as the Contractor intends. Upon vacating the private property, the Contractor shall provide the City written verification that it has obtained all releases and/or performed all mitigation work as required by the conditions of the permit/approval and/or agreement with the property owner. The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation or an extension of the time of completion of the Contractor for any work associated with the permitting, mitigation or use of private property. SECTION 1-04. 11 ITEM 2 1S DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.11 Final Cleanup Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 7 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007,1 2, Remove from the project all unapproved and/or unneeded material left from grading, surfacing, paving, or temporary erosion control measures. 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK SECTION 1-05.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE LAST FOUR PARAGRAPHS. 1-05.4 Conformity With and Deviations From Plans and Stakes SECTION 1-05.4 IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER PARAGRAPH 7: To the extent a conflict exists between the requirements of WSDOT Section 1-05.4 and Kent Special Provision Section 1 -05.5, the requirements of KSP Section 1-05.5 will prevail. DIVISION 1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADD/NG THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-05.5 City Provided Construction Staking 1-05.5(1) General As used in this Section 1 -05.5, the words, "stake," "mark," "marker," or "monument" will be deemed to include any kind of survey marking, whether or not set by the City. The City will supply construction stakes and marks establishing lines, slopes and grades as set forth in Sections 1 -05.5(2) through 1 -05.5(6) of the Kent Special Provisions. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for detailed dimensions, elevations, and excavation slopes measured from these City furnished stakes and marks. The Contractor shall provide a work site clear of equipment, stockpiles and obstructions which has been prepared and maintained to permit construction staking to proceed in a safe and orderly manner. A City survey crew can stake a finite amount of work in a single day (see Section 1 -05.5(6) of the Kent Special Provisions). The Contractor shall provide staking requests for a reasonable amount of work to the Engineer at least 3 working days in advance to allow the survey crew adequate time for setting stakes. If the work site is obstructed so that survey work cannot be done, a new request for work shall be submitted by the Contractor so that the survey can be rescheduled once the site is properly prepared. Up to an additional 3 working days may be required depending on work load for the city survey crew to complete the rescheduled work. Note: A surveyor working day is a consecutive eight hour period between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except holidays as listed in Section 1 -08.5. It is illegal under Revised Code of Washington 58.09.130 and Washington State Administrative Code 332-120 to willfully destroy survey markers. Stakes, marks, and other reference points set by City forces, and existing City, State or Federal monumentation, shall be Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Loyrer 1 - 8 June 26, 2018 Project Number. 18-3007.1 carefully preserved by the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately if it becomes apparent that a survey marker will be disturbed due to construction. The Contractor will allow ample time for City Survey Department personnel to acquire adequate information so that the monument may be replaced in its original position after construction. If the City is not notified, and a stake, marker or monument is disturbed or destroyed the Contractor will be charged at a rate of $270/hr for a city survey crew to replace the stake, marker or monument that was not to be disturbed or damaged by the Contractor's operations. This charge will be deducted from monies due or to become due to the Contractor. Any claim by the Contractor for extra compensation by reason of alterations or reconstruction work allegedly due to error in the Surveyor's line and grade will not be allowed unless the original control points set by the Surveyor still exist, or unless the Contractor can provide other satisfactory substantiating evidence to prove the error was caused by incorrect city-furnished survey data. Three consecutive points set on line or grade shall be the minimum points used to determine any variation from a straight line or grade. Any such variation shall, upon discovery, be reported to the Engineer. In the absence of such report, the Contractor shall be liable for any error in alignment or grade. 1-05.5(2) Roadway and Utility Surveys The Engineer will furnish to the Contractor, one time only, all principal lines, grades and measurements the Engineer deems necessary for completion of the work. These shall generally consist of one initial set of: 1 . Cut or fill stakes for establishing grade and embankments, 1-05.5(4) Control Stakes Stakes that constitute reference points for all construction work will be conspicuously marked with an appropriate color of flagging tape. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to inform its employees and subcontractors of the importance and necessity to preserve the stakes. The Contractor shall determine appropriate construction stake offset distances to prevent damage to stakes by its construction equipment. Should it become necessary, for any reason, to replace these control stakes, the Contractor will be charged at the rate of $270/hr for a city survey crew to replace the stakes. The Contractor may not charge the City for any standby or "down" time as a result of any replacement of control stakes. If the removal of a control stake or monument is required by the construction operations of the Contractor or its subcontractors, and advance notice of at least three (3) full working days is given to the City, the City will reference, remove, and later replace the stakes or monument at no cost to the Contractor. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrcr 1 - 9 June 26, 2018 Project Number 18-3007.1 1-05.5(5) Staking Services Y ork requests must be made at least 3 working dads in advance of the required staking. The City will furnish the following stakes and reference marks: 1 . Clearing Limits - One set of clearing limit stakes will be set at approximately 25-foot stations where needed. 2. Rough Grading - One set of rough grade stakes will be set along the construction centerline of streets at 50-foot stations as required. (If superelevations require intermediate stakes along vertical curves, the City will provide staking at closer intervals.) One set of primary cut and fill stakes will be set for site work. One set of secondary final grade cut and fill stakes will be set where deemed applicable as determined by the Engineer. 3. Staking for Embankments - Catch points and one line stake will be set in those cases where the vertical difference in elevation from the construction centerline to the toe or top of a cut or fill slope exceeds 3 feet. In all other areas, stakes shall be set at an appropriate offset to the street centerline to allow for the preservation of said offsets through the rough grading phase. In both cases the stakes shall be clearly marked with appropriate information necessary to complete the rough grading phase. 4. The City will require one full day of Survey work AFTER the clearing and grubbing of the Downey site has been completed, in order to establish a basis for determining the volume of material removed from the Downey site. 5. The City will require an additional full day of Survey work AFTER the clearing and grubbing of the Naden site has been completed, in order to establish a basis for determining the fill volume at the Naden site. The Contractor, at its own expense, shall stake all other items not listed above to construct the project per the Plans and Specifications. Staking for all other items not listed above shall be the sole responsibility and expense of the Contractor. The City may, at its sole discretion, provide additional staking at the request of the Contractor at the rate of $270/hour. 1-05.5(6) Survey Requests It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to properly schedule survey crews and coordinate staking requests with construction activities. A survey crew may be reasonably expected to stake any one of the following items, in the quantity shown, in a single day: Roadway grading +/-1500 lineal feet of centerline Slope staking +/-800-1200 lineal feet (top and toe) Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 10 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Actual quantities may vary based on the complexity of the project, line of sight considerations, traffic interference, properly prepared work site, and other items that could affect production. 1-05.8 City's Right to Correct Defective and Unauthorized Work If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified by the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the work required by the contract, the Engineer may provide the Contractor written notice establishing a date after which the City will correct and remedy that work by any means that the Engineer may deem necessary, including the use of City forces or other contractors. If the Engineer determines that the Contractor's failure to promptly correct any defective or any unauthorized work creates a situation that could be potentially unsafe or might cause serious risk of loss or damage to the public, the Engineer may have the defective and unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work removed and replaced, or have the work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using City or other forces. Direct and indirect costs incurred by the City attributable to correcting and remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the Contractor failed or refused to perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment may be deducted by the Engineer from monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Direct and indirect costs shall include, without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required, compensation and engineering and inspection services required, and costs for repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor's unauthorized work. No increase in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the City's rights provided by this section nor shall the exercise of this right diminish the City's right to pursue any other remedy available under law with respect to the Contractor's failure to perform the work as required. SECTION 1-05.9 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SUBSECTION: 1-05.9 Equipment 1-05.9(1) Operational Testing It is the intent of the City to have at the Physical Completion Date a complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of machinery or other mechanical equipment, street lighting, electrical distribution of signal systems, building or other similar work, it may be desirable for the Engineer to have the Downey & Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer l - 11 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final inspection but prior to the Physical Completion Date. Whenever items of work are listed in the contract provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical Completion Date. In the event the contract does not specify testing time periods, the default testing time period shall be twenty-one (21) calendar days. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any items of workmanship, materials, or equipment that prove faulty or that are not in first class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the Engineer, so that the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for which they were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing and corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to successfully complete operational testing shall be included in the various contract bid item prices unless specifically set forth otherwise in the contract. Operational and test periods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect a manufacturer's guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of the Contract. SECTION 1-05. 10 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.10 Guarantees In addition to any other warranty or guarantee provided for at law or in the parties' contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Agency any guarantee or warranty furnished as a customary trade practice in connection with the purchase of any equipment, materials, or items incorporated into the project. Upon receipt of written notice of any required corrective work, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently, and without disrupting city facilities, the work necessary to correct the items listed in the notice. Approximately sixty (60) calendar days prior to the one year anniversary of final acceptance, the Contractor shall be available to tour the project, with the Engineer, in support of the Engineer's effort to establish a list of corrective work then known and discovered. SECTION 1-05.13 IS REVISED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor, and Equipment of Contractor Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 12 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Within ten (10) days of contract award, the Contractor shall designate the Contractor's project manager and superintendent for the contract work. SECTION 1-05. 13 IS REVISED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE THIRD PARAGRAPH (AS PRINTED IN THE 2018 WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS): If at any time during the contract work, the Contractor elects to replace the contract manager or superintendent, the Contractor shall only do so after obtaining the Engineer's prior written approval. THE LAST PARAGRAPH OF 1-05. 13 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: Whenever the City evaluates the Contractor's qualifications or prequalifications pursuant to Section 1-02.1 or RCW 47.28.070, the City may take these or other Contractor performance reports into account. SECTION 1-05. 14 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.14 Cooperation With Other Contractors The Contractor shall coordinate its operations and cooperate with the Contractors working on the Madison Plaza development on the North side of Meeker Street between Madison Avenue and N 7th Avenue. SECTION 1-05 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-05.16 Water and Power The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, and shall bear the costs for power and water necessary for the performance of the work, unless the Contract includes power or water as bid items, or unless otherwise provided for in other bid items. 1-05.17 Oral Agreements No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before or after execution of the contract, shall affect or modify the terms or obligations contained in any of the documents comprising the contract. Such oral agreement or conversation shall be considered unofficial information and in no way binding upon the City, unless subsequently recorded and/or put in writing and signed by an authorized agent of the City. 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL 1-06.2 Acceptance of Materials SECTION 1-06.2(2) IS DELETED /N ITS ENTIRETY. Downcy & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 13 June 26, 2018 Project Number 18-3007.1 1-06.2(2) Statistical Evaluation of Materials for Acceptance SECTION 1-06 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-06.7 Submittals 1-06.7(1) Submittal Procedures All information submitted by the Contractor shall be clear, sharp, high contrast copies. Contractor shall accompany each submittal with a letter of transmittal containing the following information: 1 . Contractor's name and the name of Subcontractor or supplier who prepared the submittal. 2. The project name and identifying number. 3. Each new submittal shall be sequentially numbered (1 , 2, 3, etc.). Each resubmittal shall include the original number with a sequential alpha letter added (1 A, 1B, 1C, etc.). 4. Description of the submittal and reference to the Contract requirement or technical specification section and paragraph number being addressed. 5. Bid item(s) where product will be used. 1-06.7(2) Schedule of Submittals The Contractor shall create and submit three (3) copies of a schedule of submittals showing the date by which each submittal required for product review or product information will be made. The schedule can be modified, deducted, or added to by the City. The schedule shall be available at the preconstruction conference (see 1 -08.0 of the Kent Special Provisions). The schedule of submittals must be accepted prior to the City making the first progress payment. The schedule shall identify the items that will be included in each submittal by listing the item or group of items and the Specification Section and paragraph number and bid item under which they are specified. The schedule shall indicate whether the submittal is required for product review of proposed equivalents, shop drawings, product data or samples or required for product information only. The Contractor shall allow a minimum of 21 days for the Engineer's review of each submittal or resubmittal. All submittals shall be in accordance with the approved schedule of submittals. Submittals shall be made early enough to allow adequate time for manufacturing, delivery, labor issues, additional review due to inadequate or incomplete submittals, and any other reasonably foreseeable delay. 1-06.7(3) Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples The Contractor shall submit the following for the Engineer's review: Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 14 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 1 . Shop Drawings: Submit an electronic copy or three paper copies. Submittals will be marked, stamped and returned to the Contractor. The Contractor shall make and distribute any required copies for its superintendent, subcontractors and suppliers. 2. Product Data: Submit an electronic copy or three paper copies. Submittals will be marked, stamped and returned to the Contractor. The Contractor shall make and distribute any required copies for its superintendent, subcontractors and suppliers. 3. Samples: Submit three labeled samples or three sets of samples of manufacturer's full range of colors and finishes unless otherwise directed. One approved sample will be returned to the Contractor. Content of submittals: 1 . Each submittal shall include all of the items required for a complete assembly or system. 2. Submittals shall contain all of the physical, technical and performance data required to demonstrate conclusively that the items comply with the requirements of the Contract. 3. Each submittal shall verify that the physical characteristics of items submitted, including size, configurations, clearances, mounting points, utility connection points and service access points, are suitable for the space provided and are compatible with other interrelated items. 4. The Contractor shall label each Product Data submittal, Shop Drawing or Sample with the bid item number and, if a lump sum bid item, provide a reference to the applicable KSP paragraph. The Contractor shall highlight or mark every page of every copy of all Product Data submittals to show the specific items being submitted and all options included or choices offered. The City encourages a creative approach to complete a timely, economical, and quality project. Submittals that contain deviations from the requirements of the Contract shall be accompanied by a separate letter explaining the deviations. The Contractor's letter shall: 1 . Cite the specific Contract requirement including the Specification Section bid item number and paragraph number for which approval of a deviation is sought. 2. Describe the proposed alternate material, item or construction, explain its advantages, and explain how the proposed alternate meets or exceeds the Contract requirements. 3. State the reduction in Contract Price, if any, which is offered to the City. The Engineer retains the exclusive right, at his or her sole discretion, to accept or reject any proposed deviation with or without cause. The Engineer will stamp and mark each submittal prior to returning it to the Contractor. The stamps will indicate one of the following: Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 15 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 1 . "APPROVED AS SUBMITTED" — Accepted subject to its compatibility with the work not covered in this submission. This response does not constitute approval or deletion of specified or required items not shown in the partial submission. 2. "APPROVED AS NOTED" — Accepted subject to minor corrections that shall be made by the Contractor and subject to its compatibility with the work not covered in this submission. This response does not constitute approval or deletion of specified or required items not shown in the partial submission. No resubmission is required. 3. "AMEND AND RESUBMIT" — Rejected because of major inconsistencies, errors or insufficient information that shall be resolved or corrected by the Contractor prior to subsequent re- submittal. An amended resubmission is required. Re-submittals that contain changes that were not requested by the Engineer on the previous submittal shall note all changes and be accompanied by a letter explaining the changes. 1-06.7(4) Proposed Equivalents The Engineer retains the exclusive right, at his or her sole discretion, to accept or reject any proposed equivalent with or without cause. 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.2 State Taxes SECTION 1-07.2(1) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.2(1) State Sales Tax: WAC 458-20-171—Use Tax Without waiving the Contractor's obligation to understand and apply these tax rules correctly, the City has indicated those parts of the project that are subject to use tax under Section 1 -07.2(1) in the proposal bid items. SECTION 1-07.2(2) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax: WAC 458-20-170—Retail Sales Tax Without waiving the Contractor's obligation to understand and apply these tax rules correctly, the City has indicated those parts of the project that are subject to retail sales tax under Section 1 -07.2(2) in the proposal bid items. SECTION 1-07.4(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH BEFORE THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 16 June 26, 201 n Project Number: 18-3007.1 This project site is known to be occupied by transients and therefore may contain biological hazards and associated physical hazards. These may include, but not be limited to violent and dangerous individuals, hypodermic needles, garbage, broken glass, human and animal excrement, drug paraphernalia, and other hazards. The Contractor shall take precautions and perform any necessary Work required to provide and maintain a safe and healthful jobsite for all workers and the public for the duration of the project in accordance with all applicable laws and contract requirements. The Contractor shall ensure that the public, including persons who may be non-English speaking or those who may not be able to recognize potential safety and health hazards within the project area, are not harmed by the Contractors activities. Nothing required by this Specification shall operate as a waiver of the Contractor's responsibility for taking all steps necessary to ensure the safety of the public under Section 1-07.23 or responsibility for liability and damages under Section 1 -07.14 or for any other responsibility under the Contract or as may be required by law. Health and Safety Plan The Contractor shall prepare a written Health and Safety Plan. The plan shall be prepared under the supervision of a certified industrial hygienist and shall incorporate all required County, State, and Federal health and safety provisions. The plan shall include requirements of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), all amendments, and all other applicable health regulations. Preparation of the Health and Safety Plan shall include an initial site assessment by the industrial hygienist. The plan shall break initial cleanup of the project into identifiable construction areas. The plan shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to the pre-construction conference (see KSP 1 -08.0). At least one copy of the plan shall be posted at the work site while cleanup work is in progress. The industrial hygienist shall perform one or more follow-up site assessments as needed to approve the site following completion of the initial site cleanup. Public Notification The Engineer will notify the Kent Police department of the project and be asked to remove the transient population at the site prior to the start of the project. The Engineer will furnish and install the "No Trespassing" signs prior to site cleanup or any potentially hazardous work (such as clearing or operating equipment). Site Cleanup of Biological and Physical Hazards If aggressive or violent individuals are encountered, the Contractor shall contact the Engineer. Downey & Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 17 June 26, 2018 Project Number 18-3007.1 Site cleanup of individual areas identified in the Health and Safety Plan shall be performed no more than 30 days in advance of performing other Work in each area. The refuse generated by the site cleanup shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the project. Personal property shall be handled as required by applicable laws. SECTION 1-07.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADD/NG THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.5 Payment Payment will be made for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: The lump sum unit contract price for "Health and Safety flan" shall be full payment for all Work associated with the preparation and implementation of the Health and Safety Plan including the initial and follow up assessment(s) for initial site cleanup, worker training and personal protective equipment, and providing required notifications. SECTION 1-07.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH BEFORE THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses The City has obtained or will obtain the following permits: King County Clearing and Grading permit (Downey Site) NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permits Downey Site SEPA Naden Site SEPA Naden Site Grading permit SECTION 1-07.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS AFTER THE LAST PARAGRAPH: A copy of each permit and/or license obtained by the Contractor shall be furnished to the City. Approved permits shall be furnished to the City upon completion of the project and prior to final acceptance. The Contractor shall promptly notify the City in writing of any variance in the contract work arising from the issuance of any permit. 1-07.9 Wages SECTION 1-07.9(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE SIXTH PARAGRAPH: 1-07.9(1) General Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 18 June 26, 2018 Project Number, 18-3007.1 To the extent allowed by law, the wage rates that will be in effect during the entire contract work period are those in effect on the day of bid opening, unless the City does not award the Contract within six months of the bid opening. 1-07.13 Contractor's Responsibility for Work SECTION 1-07. 13(4) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE SECOND SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND DELETING THE LAST PARAGRAPH. 1-07.13(4) Repair of Damage SECTION 1-07. 14 IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE BEGINNING OF THAT SECTION: 1-07.14 Responsibility for Damage To the extent a conflict exists between the terms of this Section 1 -07.14 and Section 5 of the Contract, the terms of the Contract will control. Any reference to the State, Governor, Commission, Secretary, or all officers and employees of the State also will include the City, its officers and employees. 1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution Prevention SECTION 1-07. 15(1) IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE LAST PARAGRAPH: 1-07.15(1) Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan When the proposal form includes multiple bid schedules and the "SPCC Plan" bid item is present in only one bid schedule, the lump sum payment item for the "SPCC Plan" in that one schedule will apply to all bid schedules for all costs associated with creating and updating the accepted SPCC Plan, and all costs associated with the setup of prevention measures and for implementing the current SPCC Plan as required by this Specifications. SECTION 1-07. 17 IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE TO THE END OF THE SECOND PARAGRAPH: 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities If a utility is known to have or suspected of having underground facilities within the area of the proposed excavation and that utility is not a subscriber to the utilities underground location center, the Contractor shall give individual notice to that utility within the same time frame prescribed in RCW 19.122,030 for subscriber utilities. SECTION 1-07. 17 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 19 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 1-07.17(3) Utility Markings Once underground utilities are marked by the utility owner or its agent, and/or once new underground facilities have been installed by the Contractor, the Contractor/excavator is responsible to determine the precise location of underground facilities that may conflict with other underground construction. The Contractor shall maintain the marks or a record of the location of buried facilities for the duration of time needed to avoid future damage until installation of all planned improvements at that location is complete. 1-07.17(4) Payment All costs to comply with subsection 1 -07.17(3) and for the protection and repair of all identified or suspected underground utilities specified in RCW 19.122 are incidental to the contract and are the responsibility of the Contractor/excavator. The Contractor shall include all related costs in the unit bid prices of the contract. No additional time or monetary compensation shall be made for delays caused by utility re- marking or repair of damaged utilities due to the Contractor's failure to maintain marks or to locate utilities in accordance with this section. 1-07.17(5) Notification of Excavation Within ten business days but not less than two business days prior to the commencement of excavation, the Contractor shall provide written notice (or other form of notice acceptable to the Engineer) to all owners of underground facilities, whether public or private, that excavation will occur, and when excavation will occur. 1-07.17(6) Site Inspection Contractor warrants and represents that it has personally, or through its employees, agents and/or subcontractors, examined all property affected by this project and that it is knowledgeable of specific locations for water, gas, telephone, electric power and combined sewerage utilities within those areas. The following list of contacts is provided only as a convenience to the Contractor. It may not be accurate and may not constitute a complete list of all affected utilities. CenturyLink Comcast Jason Tesdal Bill Walker 206-345-3488 253-288-7538 206-683-4242 (cell) 206-255-6975 (cell) Puget Sound Energy Gas Puget Sound Energy Power Glenn Helton Dennis Booth 253-395-6926 425-417-9188 (cell) 425-559-4647 (cell) Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 20 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Verizon Scott Christenson 425-636-6046 425-471-1079 (cell) SECTION 1-07. 18 IS REVISED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH BEFORE THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance To the extent a conflict exists between the terms of this Section 1 -07.18 and the insurance requirements in Section 7 of the Contract, the terms of the Contract will control. Any reference to the State, Governor, Commission, Secretary, or all officers and employees of the State also will include the City, its officers and employees. SECTION 1-07.23 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-07.23(4) High Water Events 1 . The Contractor shall monitor actual and forecasted water levels in the Green River daily. River levels can be monitored through the National Weather Service's web site: G1ttl�r_✓/w4_t,rw�wwt�rcti1tl:11ec. �ac� v0aElC�tiz/r�vclr:ogr�4�P�.�;a�r?wf�,--hc�wt�c���4 �3a�d�rn!.1., 2. When ground water levels are predicted to reach the work area, the Contractor must remove their personnel, materials, equipment, and temporary facilities from within the floodway within 24 hours. 3. In the event large storms are forecasted take precautions to secure and protect the Work and the site against damage during passage of the flood. 4. Damage to portable equipment and materials shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. 5. In the event of a flood emergency requiring action by the jurisdictional flood control agencies prior to completion of the work, the Engineer will have the right to suspend the work until the emergency is resolved. 6. Also see Section 1-08.6 of the Kent Special Provisions regarding high flows. SECTION 1-07.24 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.24 Rights of Way Street right of way lines, limits of easements and limits of construction are indicated or defined on the plans. The Contractor's construction activities shall be confined within these limits, unless arrangements for use of private property are made. Downey & Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 21 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007,1 It is anticipated that the City will have obtained all right of way, easements or right of entry agreements prior to the start of construction. Locations where these rights have not been obtained will be brought to the Contractor's attention prior to start of construction. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portion of the work in areas where right of way, easements or rights of entry have not been acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right of way or easement is available or that the right of entry has been received. SR 516 and SR 167 are WSDOT limited access facilities. No direct access to the work areas is allowed from either of those routes. SECTION 1-07.26 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.26 Personal Liability of Public Officers Neither the City, the Engineer, nor any other official, officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable for any acts or failure to act in connection with the contract, it being understood that, in these matters, they are acting solely as agents of the City. 1-AR PROSECUTION ANQ PAA(.DFCC SECTION 1-08 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION; 1-08.0 Preconstruction and Preconstruction Conference The Engineer will furnish the Contractor with up to ten (10) copies of the plans and specifications. Additional documents may be purchased from the City at the price specified by the City or in the Invitation to Bid. Prior to undertaking each part of the work, the Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract and check and verify all pertinent figures shown and all applicable field measurements. The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the Engineer any conflict, error or discrepancy that the Contractor discovers. After the Contract has been executed, but prior to the Contractor beginning the work, a preconstruction conference will be held with the Contractor, the Engineer and any other interested parties that the City determines to invite. The purpose of the preconstruction conference will be: 1 . To review the initial progress schedule. 2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated or affected by the work. 3. To establish and review procedures for progress payment, notifications, approvals, submittals, etc. 4. To verify normal working hours for the work. 5. To review safety standards and traffic control. Downey & Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 22 June 26, 2018 Project Number. 18-3007.1 6. To discuss any other related items that may be pertinent to the work. The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval, at or prior to the preconstruction conference the following: 1 . A price breakdown of all lump sum items. 2. A preliminary construction schedule. 3. A list of material sources for approval, if applicable. 4. Schedule of submittals. (See 1-06.6(2)) 5. Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) for approval. 6. Health and Safety Plan (see KSP 1 -07.4(2)). 7. Request to sublet, for approval by the Engineer, of all subcontractors. SECTION 1-08.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed, Prosecution and Hours of Work Notice to Proceed will be given after the contract has been executed and the contract bond and evidence of required insurance have been approved by and filed with the City. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, the Contractor shall not commence the work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by the Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities on the Project Site within ten working days of the Notice to Proceed Date. The Work thereafter shall be prosecuted diligently, vigorously, and without unauthorized interruption until physical completion of the work. Voluntary shutdown or slowing of operations by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to complete the work within the time(s) specified in the Contract. Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the normal straight time working hours for the Contractor shall be any consecutive 8 hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless otherwise specified in the Kent Special Provisions, with a 5-day work week, plus allowing a maximum one-hour lunch break in each working day. The normal straight time 8-hour working period for the contract shall be established at the preconstruction conference or prior to the Contractor commencing work. If a Contractor desires to perform work on holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, or before 7:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. on any day, the Contractor shall apply in writing to the Engineer for permission to work those times. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance (72 hours in advance for weekend work) so that the Inspector's time may be scheduled. Permission to work longer than an 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. is not required. For any work outside of normal straight time working hours that requires city surveyors, all reasonable efforts shall be made by the Contractor to Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 23 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 allow time for surveying to be completed during normal straight time hours. If city surveyors are required to work other than normal straight time hours at the convenience of the Contractor, all such work shall be reimbursed by the Contractor. Permission to work between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during weekdays and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on weekends or holidays may also be subject to noise control requirements. Approval to continue work during these hours may be revoked at any time the Contractor exceeds the City's noise control regulations or the city receives complaints from the public or adjoining property owners regarding noise from the Contractor's operations. The Contractor shall have no claim for damages or delays should this permission be revoked for these reasons. The Engineer may grant permission to work Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or other than the agreed upon normal straight time working hours, but may be subject to other conditions established by the City or Engineer. These conditions may include, but are not limited to the following: hours worked by City employees; impacts to the construction schedule; or accommodations to adjoining properties affected by the contract work. 1-08.4(A) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of City Employees Following is a non-exclusive list of work that may require Contractor reimbursement for overtime of City employees. The City will bill the Contractor at the OVERTIME RATE in order for locate crews to complete other work. If the locate request is for nights, weekend, holidays or at other times when locate crews are not normally working, all locate work and expenses, including travel, minimum call out times, and/or Holiday premiums will be borne by the Contractor. 1 . Locate work required to re-establish marks for City-owned underground facilities that were not maintained or recorded by the Contractor in accordance with RCW 19.122.030. 2. Work required by city survey crew(s) as the result of reestablishing survey stakes or markings that were not maintained or recorded by the Contractor or other work deemed to be for the convenience of the Contractor and not required of the City by the contract. 3, Work required by City personnel or independent testing laboratories to re-test project materials, utility pressure or vacuum tests, camera surveys or water purity tests as the result of initial test failure on the part of the Contractor. 1-08.4(B) General The City allocates its resources to a contract based on the total time allowed in the contract. The City will accept a progress schedule indicating an early physical completion date but cannot guarantee the City resources will be available to meet the accelerated schedule. No additional compensation will be allowed if the Contractor is not able to Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 24 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 meet its accelerated schedule due to the unavailability of City resources or for other reasons beyond the City's control. Unless previously approved by the Engineer, the original and all supplemental progress schedules shall not conflict with any time and order-of-work requirements in the contract. I If the Engineer deems that the original or any necessary supplemental progress schedule does not provide adequate information, the City may withhold progress payments until a schedule containing needed information has been submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. The Engineer's acceptance of any schedule shall not transfer any of the Contractor's responsibilities to the City. The Contractor alone shall remain responsible for adjusting forces, equipment, and work schedules to ensure completion of the work within the times specified in the contract. SECTION 1-08.5 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.5 Time for Completion Contract time shall begin on the day of the Notice to Proceed. The Contract Provisions may specify another starting date for Contract time, in which case, time will begin on the starting date specified. If this project can be awarded, it is anticipated that the project will be awarded on July 17, 2018. If all Contract documents have been properly executed by August 1 , 2018, the Contractor shall anticipate that the day of the Notice to Proceed will be August 1 , 2018. All work for this project shall be completed by October 15, 2018, SECTION 1-08.6 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIFTH, SIXTH, AND SEVENTH PARAGRAPHS AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.6 Suspension of Work If the performance of all or any part of the Work is suspended for an unreasonable period of time by an act of the Contracting Agency in the administration of the Contract, or by failure to act within the time specified in the Contract (or if no time is specified, within a reasonable time), the Engineer will make an adjustment for any increase in the cost or time for the performance of the Contract (excluding profit) necessarily caused by the suspension. However, no adjustment will be made for any suspension if (1) the performance would have been suspended by any other cause, including the fault or negligence of the Contractor, or (2) an equitable adjustment is provided for or excluded under any other provision of the Contract. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 25 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 If the Contactor believes that the performance of the Work is suspended for an unreasonable period of time and such suspension is the responsibility of the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall immediately submit a written notice of protest to the Engineer as provided in Section 1 -04.5. No adjustment shall be allowed for any costs incurred more than 10 calendar days before the date the Engineer receives the Contractor's written notice to protest. In any event, no protest will be allowed later than the date of the Contractor's signature on the Final Pay Estimate. The Contractor shall keep full and complete records of the costs and additional time of such suspension, and shall permit the Engineer to have access to those records and any other records as may be deemed necessary by the Engineer to assist in evaluating the protest. Work on the Downey site may be suspended whenever the Green River flow exceeds 5000 cfs and is predicted to rise or as directed by the Engineer. High river levels will likely cause groundwater levels to rise and inundate the lower portions of the excavation area. Water levels in the Green River will be determined based on the USGS Gauge Station 12113344 Green River at S. 2001" Street Bridge, Kent, WA. Water level information can be accessed at the following link: 11Ttp://wrrYr: c:ata�a gs.¢ c>v/fasalnwi5/Quv. sil.e no 1211_334�4 The Engineer will determine if an equitable adjustment in cost or time is due as provided in this Section. The equitable adjustment for increase in costs, if due, shall be subject to the limitations provided in Section 1 -09.4, provided that no profit of any kind will be allowed on any increase in cost necessarily caused by the suspension. SECTION 1-08.7 MAINTENANCE DURING SUSPENSION IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FOURTH AND SIXTH PARAGRAPHS. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1-09.9 Payments SECTION 1-09.9 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION; 1-09.9(2) City's Right to Withhold Certain Amounts In addition to the amount that the City may otherwise retain under the Contract, the City may withhold a sufficient amount of any payments otherwise due to the Contractor, including nullifying the whole or part of any previous payment, because of subsequently discovered evidence or subsequent inspections that, in the City's judgment, may be necessary to cover the following: 1 , The cost of defective work not remedied. 2. Fees incurred for material inspection, and overtime engineering and inspection for which the Contractor is obligated under this Contract. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 26 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 3. Fees and charges of public authorities or municipalities. 4. Liquidated damages. 5. Engineering and inspection fees beyond Completion Date. 6. Cost of City personnel to re-establish locate marks for City-owned facilities that were not maintained by the Contractor in accordance with RCW 19.122.030 (3). 7. Additional inspection, testing and lab fees for re-doing failed, water, other utility tests. 1-09.11 Disputes and Claims SECTION 1-09. 11(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.11 (3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction This contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any claims or causes of action arising from this contract shall be exclusively in the Superior Court of King County, located in Kent, Washington. For convenience of the parties to this contract, it is mutually agreed that any claims or causes of action which the Contractor has against the City arising from this contract shall be brought within 180 days from the date of Final Acceptance of the contract by the City. The parties understand and agree that the Contractor's failure to bring suit within the time period provided shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action. It is further mutually agreed by the parties that when any claims or causes of action that a Contractor asserts against the City arising from this contract are filed with the City or initiated in court, the Contractor shall permit the City to have timely access to any records deemed necessary by the City to assist in evaluating the claims or actions. SECTION 1-09. 13 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.13 Final Decision and Appeal All disputes arising under this contract shall proceed pursuant to Section 1 -04.5 and 1-09.11 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and any Kent Special Provisions provided for in the contract for claims and resolution of disputes. The provisions of these sections and the Kent Special Provisions must be complied with as a condition precedent to the Contractor's right to seek an appeal of the City's decision. The City's decision under Section 1 -09.11 will be final and conclusive. Thereafter, the exclusive means of Contractor's right to appeal shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the Superior Court of King County, located in Kent, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. Downey & Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 27 June 26, 2018 Project Number, 18-3007.1 1-10 TFMPORARV TRAFFIC CONTROL 1-10.2 Traffic Control Management SECTION 1-10.2(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.2(1) General The TCS shall be certified as a work site traffic control supervisor by one of the following: Evergreen Safety Council 401 Pontius Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 1 -800-521-0778 or206-382-4090 The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust 27055 Ohio Avenue Kingston, WA 98346 360-297-3035 The American Traffic Safety Services Association 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100 Fredericksburg, VA 22406-1022 Training Dept. Toll Free (877) 642-4637 or (540) 368-1701 1-10.3 Traffic Control Labor, Procedures, and Devices 1-10.3(3) Traffic Control Devices SECTION 1-10.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-10.3(3)L Temporary Traffic Control Devices When the bid proposal includes an item for "Temporary Traffic Control Devices," the work required for this item shall be furnishing barricades, flashers, cones, traffic safety drums, and other temporary traffic control devices, unless the contract provides for furnishing a specific temporary traffic control device under another item. The item "Temporary Traffic Control Devices" includes: 1 . Initial delivery to the project site (or temporary storage) in good repair and in clean usable condition, 2. Repair or replacement when they are damaged and they are still needed on the project, and 3. Removal from the project site when they are no longer on the project. 1-10.3(3)M Traffic Control Plans Traffic Control Plans are shown in Appendix A-3. Any traffic control plan modifications require approval by the Engineer. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 28 June 26, 2018 Project Number 18-3007.1 SECTION 1-10.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1 -04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price for "Traffic Control Labor" per hour shall be full pay for all costs for the labor provided for performing those construction operations described in Section 1 -10.2(1)B, and Section 1-10.3(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, and as authorized by the Engineer. The hours eligible for "Traffic Control Labor" shall be limited to the hours the worker is actually performing the work as documented by traffic control forms provided by the Contractor's TCM, and verified by the City Inspector's records, and the Contractor's Certified Payroll Records submitted to the City Inspector on a weekly basis. The unit contract price for "Traffic Control Supervisor" per hour shall be full pay for each hour a person performs the Traffic Control Supervisor duties described in Section 1 -10.2(1)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Payment for traffic control labor performed by the Traffic Control Supervisor will be paid under the item for "Traffic Control Labor." The lump sum contract price for "Temporary Traffic Control Devices" shall be full pay for providing the work described in Section 1 -10.3(3)L of the Kent Special Provisions. Progress payment for the lump sum item "Temporary Traffic Control Devices" will be made as follows: 1 . When the initial temporary traffic control devices are set up, 50 percent of the amount bid for the item will be paid. 2. Payment for the remaining 50 percent of the amount bid for the item will be paid on a prorated basis in accordance with the total job progress as determined by progress payments. When the proposal does not include a bid item for a specific bid item listed in the WSDOT Standard Specifications and/or the Kent Special Provisions, all costs for the work described for those traffic control bid items shall be included by the Contractor in the unit contract prices for the various other bid items contained within the proposal. The Contractor shall estimate these costs based on the Contractor's contemplated work procedures. When traffic control bid items are included in the bid proposal, payment is limited to the following work areas: 1 . The entire construction area under contract and for a distance to include the initial warning signs for the beginning of the project and the END OF CONSTRUCTION sign. Any warning signs for side streets on the approved TCP are also included. If the project Downey & Naden clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 29 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 consists of two or more sections, the limits will apply to each section individually. 2. A detour provided in the plans or approved by the City's Traffic Control Supervisor for by-passing all or any portion of the construction, irrespective of whether or not the termini of the detour are within the limits of the Contract. No payment will be made to the Contractor for traffic control items required in connection with the movement of equipment or the hauling of materials outside of the limits of 1 and 2 above, or for temporary road closures subject to the provisions of Section 1-07.23(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 1 - 30 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 2-01 CLEARING. GRUBBING. AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP SECTION 2-01. 1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE END OF THIS SECTION: 2-01.1 Description Clearing and grubbing shall clear and grub the site including trees 4 inches and under. Tree removal over 4 inches in diameter will be paid for under "Salvage Trees" for the first 200 salvageable trees and the "Remove and Chip Trees" for all trees over 200. Also included is the creation of Arborist Wood Chip Mulch from the chipping of wooded material as a result of the clearing and grubbing and tree removal. "Salvage Trees" means work done to carefully remove vegetation that can be utilized in the construction of Engineered Logjam (ELJ) structures or other habitat structures. Construction limits and grading limits will be staked by City prior to commencement of construction activities. The Contractor shall not disturb or damage existing vegetation outside of the construction limits or those areas staked by the City and shall contact the Engineer if there is any conflict between the Plans and field conditions. Areas within the construction limits, but outside the grading limits shall be selectively cleared to remove invasive species. All costs of protecting from damage areas outside the construction limits shall be incidental to the bid item "Clearing and Grubbing". SECTION 2-01.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE END OF THIS SECTION: 2-01.3(1) Clearing 8. Reuse all felled trees (except Salvage Trees), branches and slash debris ("Slash Material"), except non-native and invasive species, in the production of Arborist Wood Chip Mulch (KSP 9-14.4(3)). The Contractor shall not disturb or damage existing plant material designated for preservation (see plans). The Contractor shall contact the Engineer prior to continuing clearing activities if there is any conflict between the Plans and field conditions, or if any trees designated for preservation need to be removed or altered to allow construction to continue. The Contractor shall carefully remove existing trees designated for salvage and reuse during clearing and grubbing activities. All costs of protecting from damage those plants designated to be preserved and salvaged shall be incidental to the bid items "Clearing and Grubbing" for the Downey Site and "Naden Site Clearing and Grubbing" for the Naden Site. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 2 - 1 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 The Contractor shall remove all plants within the area to be cleared that are. not designated fnr salvage or Arhorist Wood Chip Mulrh. Prior to clearing operations, the Contractor shall flag all trees equal to or over 30 feet high, or four inch diameter or greater (measured 3 feet above ground line) within the area to be cleared. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer after flagging is completed and arrange a meeting prior to the removal of any existing trees on the project. At this meeting the Contractor and Engineer will inspect the flagged trees. The Engineer will determine if the flagged tree is to be salvaged. The Contractor shall only reuse slash materials and branches as Arborist Wood Chip Mulch from areas that do not contain invasive species, noxious weeds, or other unwanted vegetation. Salvaged trees shall meet the specifications for "Salvage Trees," or Logs With Rootwad as described in Section, 2-01 .3(5) and 2-01 .3(6). Other suitable material shall be used as Arborist Wood Chip Mulch as specified by 9-14.4(4). The Contractor shall stockpile separately all salvaged trees in the designated stockpile location (see plans). The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with an inventory and description of salvaged trees including length, diameter and rootwad presence, and an approximation of the volume in cubic yards of Arborist Wood Chip Mulch. Trees not designated to be salvaged will be chipped and stockpiled in the Engineer approved stockpile site at the Downey Site. SECTION 2-01.3(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-01.3(3) Removal of Debris and Garbage "Removal of Debris and Garbage" includes the removal of existing debris and waste from within the clearing and grubbing area. Debris and waste includes but is not limited to: trash, construction debris (concrete and asphalt pieces, gravel and rock), transient detritus (mattresses, tents, etc.) and illegally dumped material. SECTION 2-01.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 2-01.3(5) Logs with Rootwads Logs with Rootwads shall be from coniferous trees such as Western red cedar or Douglas-fir. Logs with Rootwads derived from Western hemlock or Sitka spruce trees may also be provided subject to approval by the Engineer. Logs with Rootwads shall consist of a trunk section and a flattened root structure containing multiple branches. Logs with Rootwads with a sparse root structure will not be accepted as a Log with Rootwad, but will be acceptable as a Log without Rootwad if the rootwad is removed. Log materials containing intact rootwads as specified on the Downey & Naden Gearing & Grading/Leyrer 2 - 2 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Plans shall be clean of excessive soil and shall not contain insects, rot, or decay. Bark shall not be removed from the log such that no more than 10%, by surface area, of the bark is missing. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Engineer to have imported log materials and the source(s) of imported log materials inspected and approved prior to delivery of the logs to the project site. Log materials salvaged from onsite clearing that are placed in a habitat structure or used as racking material may be of other tree species as approved by the Engineer. Log materials for all habitat structures shall be 18 inches in diameter where the diameter of the trunk section refers to the minimum diameter measured within 4 feet from the base of the root structure. Logs with Rootwads shall have a minimum dimension from tip-to-tip of the multiple branch root structure of 6 feet. Logs with Rootwads shall be measured from the tip of the root structure to the end of the log and shall be a minimum of 25 feet in length. Log length shall be cut as long as possible where minimum log diameter exceeds 12". 2-01.3(6) Salvage Trees Racking Logs (for the future Downey Phase I I Habitat Project) may be sourced from "Salvage Trees" that meet the following requirements: May be either coniferous or deciduous trees that do not have the rootwads attached. Racking Logs shall be of sound quality and free of insects, rot and decay. Bark shall not be removed from the log such that no more than 10% of the tree, by surface area, is missing bark. Racking Logs shall be 15 to 30 feet in length and 4 to 16 inches in diameter. Trees not meeting these requirements will be Removed and Chipped as described below in 2-01 .3(7). Only Logs With Rootwads, described above in 2-01 .3(5), from the Naden site will be considered "Salvage Evergreen Trees with Rootwads from Naden" — other woody material on that site will be disposed of during Clearing and Grubbing. Transport of Salvage Trees from the Naden Site to the Downey site shall be included as incidental. Up to 200 trees identified by the engineer to be salvaged shall be cut, pruned of all branches, and transported to the on-site stockpile location as directed by the engineer. Pruned branches shall be chipped and turned into arborist mulch conforming to section 9-14.4(3). All stumps and material not suitable for chipping into Arborist Wood Chip Mulch will be removed and disposed of by the Contractor off-site. 2-01.3(7) Remove and Chip Trees This work consists of cutting and removal of those trees and stumps not meeting the requirements for Salvage Trees as described above. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 2 - 3 June 25, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Trees not identified by the engineer to be salvaged shall be cut and removed. Woody Material shall be comprised of trees, limbs, roots, brush and tops generated during land clearing. Woody material to be chipped shall not contain blackberry canes or invasive plant material (as identified in the King County Noxious Weed List - 17tt1 s:!/ ww.ki °rcaco�.en ..yv Services/e_nvironrnent/gnimals and- plailts�/noxlouce �larww/li5v ,asi�,x). All woody material will be chipped-up and transported to the approved on-site stockpile location to be used as Arborist Wood Chip Mulch conforming to Kent Special Provisions 9-14.4(3). All stumps and material not suitable for chipping into Arborist Wood Chip Mulch will be removed and disposed of by the Contractor off-site. SECTION 2-01.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-01.4 Measurement "Removal of Debris and Garbage" shall be measured by the volume of debris loaded into the bed of the truck. All tree diameters specified in this section shall be considered diameter breast height (DBH) which is the diameter of the tree measured at 4 feet above the ground. Trees 4" DBH shall be considered incidental to the clearing and grubbing bid item. Height of trees shall be measured from top of rootwad. SECTION 2-01.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-01.5 Payment "Salvage Trees" per each. The unit contract price for the above item shall be full pay for all labor, equipment, supplies, materials, and tools necessary to salvage up to 200 trees 4-16 inches in diameter as described above including cutting, pruning, chipping of woody material, excavation, stump removal, stockpile, collection and hauling. Trees not able to be salvaged will be removed under "Remove and Chip Trees". "Remove and Chip Trees" per each. The unit contract price for the above item shall be full pay for all labor, equipment, supplies, materials, and tools necessary to clear and grub trees over 4" in diameter as described above including cutting, pruning, chipping of woody material into Arborist Wood Chip Mulch, excavation, stump removal, stockpile, collection and hauling. Tree removal of 4" and under DBH shall be paid for under the Clearing and Grubbing bid item. "'Salvage Evergreen Trees with Rootwads frorn Naden" per each. The unit contract price for the above item shall be full pay for all labor, equipment, supplies, materials, and tools necessary to salvage evergreen trees with rootwads from Naden as described above, excavation, stockpile, collection and hauling. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 2 - 4 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007,1 Payment for clearing and grubbing at the Downey Site will be included in the "Clearing and Grubbing" lump sum bid item. Payment for clearing and grubbing at the Naden Site will be included in the "Naden Site Clearing and Grubbing" lump sum bid item. All woody material shall be chipped-up and transported to the approved on-site stockpile location to be used as Arborist Wood Chip Mulch conforming to Kent Special Provisions 9- 14.4(3). Material not suitable for Arborist Wood Chip Mulch shall be disposed of by the contractor off-site considered incidental to "Cioaring and Grubbing" and "Nader Site Clearing and Grubbing" bid items. Removal of trees over 4" in diameter will be paid for under the bid items "Salvage Trees" or "Remove and Chip Trees" described above. The unit price per cubic yard for "Removal of Debris and Garbage" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment required to remove the existing debris and garbage from the site. Bid item will include all costs to pick-up and dispose of debris and garbage in an approved off-site facility. Note that some hazardous materials may be encountered including drug paraphernalia — clean-up of these items are incidental to the bid item, "Removal of Debris and Garbage." 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS SECTION 2-02.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.4 Measurement Remove and Relocate Cement Concrete Jersey Barrier is measured per each barrier to be removed and relocated on-site as directed by engineer. SECTION 2-02.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1 -04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal The unit contract price per each for "Remove and Relocate Cement Concrete Jersey Barrier" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment required to temporarily remove existing jersey barrier sections out of the way of project footprint, and to relocate them on site as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price per square yard for "Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk" constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to saw cut and remove, haul, and dispose of the cement concrete sidewalk as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyror 2 - 5 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 SECTION 2-03. 1 AND 2-03.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-03 EXCAVATION 2-03.1 Description Excavation, Including Haul and Disposal includes excavation and grading of the Downey site as shown and the plans and haul and disposal of this material to an approved contractor provided off-site location. Excavation, Including Haul and Compaction includes excavation and grading of the Downey site shown on the plans and haul of the suitable excavated material to the Naden Site and compaction of the hauled material at the Naden site. Excavation and Haul of Unsuitable Material includes excavation, removal and disposal off site at a contractor provided location of any overburden of peat, muck, or other unsuitable material as determined by the engineer. For hauling material roundtrip between the Downey and Naden sites, the Contractor shall follow the Downey to Naden Haul Route shown in Appendix A-4. Any haul route modifications require approval by the Engineer. 2-03.2 Materials Hauled materials for "Excavation, Including Haul and Compaction" will consist exclusively of approved materials removed from the Downey Clearing and Grading Site and hauled directly to the Naden Site. SECTION 2-03.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-03.3 Construction Requirements Excavation, Including Haul and Compaction includes compaction of the material on the Naden Site. Material shall be compacted in horizontal layers of uniform thickness. These layers shall run full width from the top to the bottom of the embankment. Slopes shall be compacted to the required density as part of embankment compaction. During grading operations, the Contractor shall shape the surfaces of embankments and excavations to uniform cross-sections and eliminate all ruts and low places that could hold water. Compaction shall be in accordance with the lines, grades, depths and typical cross-sections shown on the plans and specified in the geotechnical recommendations in the Appendix A-5. No grading shall begin until the site has been cleared and grubbed and surveyed to measure excavation quantities. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer one week before grading is to occur. No grading shall occur without the approval of the Engineer. At the time of the pre- Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 2 - 6 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.E construction conference, the Contractor shall submit a staging and sequencing plan for construction of the project. SECTION 2-03.3(7)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-03.3(7)C Contractor-Provided Disposal Site The City has not provided a waste site. The Contractor shall arrange for disposal and provide any necessary disposal sites in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7)C of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. The Contractor is responsible for determining which permits are required for the selected disposal sites. Within the City, wetlands are identified by using the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual dated January 1987. SECTION 2-03.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-03.4 Measurement Excavation will be measured by the bank cubic yard (BCY). All excavation material will be measured in the position it occupied before the excavation was performed. Once clearing and grubbing has been completed, City survey staff will complete a topographic survey of the Downey site area to be excavated. This survey will be compared with a similar survey to be performed after excavation is completed. The quantity difference between the pre-excavation and post-excavation survey will determine the pay quantity for the pay item. Pre and post excavation surfaces/CAD files will be made available to the Contractor at the Contractor's request. Variations from quantities due to shrink/swell or differences in compaction densities shall not constitute additional measurement or payment; this quantity variation, if any, shall be removed from the site and disposed of properly at no cost to the City. Quantities for unsuitable material will be determined by the Engineer in the field. SECTION 2-03.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-03.5 Payment "Excavation Including (Haul and Disposal" per BCY "Excavation and Haul of Unsuitable Material" per BCY The unit contract price per bank cubic yard of material shall be full compensation for all costs incurred for excavating, loading, placing, haul or otherwise disposing of the material off-site. "Excavation. Including Haul and Compaction" per BCY The unit contract price per bank cubic yard of material shall be full compensation for all costs incurred for excavation and loading at the Downey site and placing and hauling the material to the Naden site. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 2 - 7 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 This bid item shall also include placement, compaction and smoothing of material on the Naden site as shown on the plans and specified in the geotechnical appendix A-5 or as directed by the Engineer. 2-07 WATERING SECTION 2-07.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-07.1 Description The City's Environmental Engineering Department will pay the City's Water Department for the water used. The pay item for "Water" shall be considered full compensation for all equipment, tools, labor, materials, and efforts necessary to load, haul, and distribute the water for purposes of Dust Control. All water shall be drawn from a City of Kent owned hydrant. The exact hydrant to be used will be determined by the City at the pre- construction meeting. Water shall be utilized to control dust on the construction site, or to aid in compaction of fill material. SECTION 2-07.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-07.3 Construction Requirements The Contractor shall use the minimum amount of water required to control dust per the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Authority's requirements or at the direction of the Engineer. SECTION 2-07.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-07.4 Measurement The Contractor shall obtain a hydrant meter and permit from the City Maintenance Shop located at 5821 South 240th Street 253-856-5600 to measure the quantities of water used. Hydrant wrenches are also available at the City Maintenance Shops at the Contractors option. No additional deposit is required for the hydrant wrench. The City shall provide all water that comes from the City water system. Prior to issuance of the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) and permit, the Contractor shall make a hydrant meter deposit to the City Customer Service Division located on the first floor of the Centennial Center at 400 West Gowe Street 253-856-5200. The said deposit is refundable provided the Contractor returns the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) to the City Maintenance Shops undamaged. A Contractor provided gate valve shall be installed on the hose side of the hydrant meter with which to control water flow. The hydrant meter permit duration is two (2) months. At the end of the permit duration, the Contractor shall deliver the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) to the City Maintenance Shops for reading. If the Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 2 - 8 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Contractor requires another hydrant meter and permit at the time a meter is returned to the City Maintenance Shops, Contractor shall request a meter and one will be provided. An additional meter deposit will not be required. The Contractors initial hydrant meter deposit shall be transferred to the new meter issued. Downey & Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 2 - 9 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 I SANDITARP SEWERS, WATER MATINS AND COND ITS 7-04 STORM SEWERS THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 7-04.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-04.2 Materials The following pipe types and materials are accepted for drains, culverts, and storm sewers for this project. The Contractor has the option of choosing the material except for those pipes specified on the plans to be a specific material. Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) Class IV ........ 9-05.7(2) PVC Pipe.................................................... 9-05.12(1) Ductile Iron Pipe Class 50 (Unlined) ............... 9-05.13 7-04.3 Construction Requirements 7-04.3(1) Cleaning and Testing SECTION 7-04.3(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-04.3(1)A General All storm drain pipe including the downstream system shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove any solids or construction debris that may have entered the pipe system during construction. The Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that materials flushed from the storm drain is trapped, removed, and does not enter the downstream drainage system. SECTION 7-04.3(7) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 7-04.3(1)G Television Inspection All new City storm drain extensions, 24-inch diameter and smaller shall be TV camera inspected by the City Utility Department and accepted prior to placing final crushed rock surfacing and pavement. All construction except final casting adjustments must be completed and approved by the Inspector prior to the TV inspection. The manholes and catch basins must be set to grade, channeled, and grade rings set in place prior to TV inspection. Castings must be removed for paving, and fully grouted in place after paving. SECTION 7-04.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADD/NG THE FOLLOWING: 7-04.5 Payment Downey & Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 7 - 1 June 26, 2018 Project Number 18-3007.1 The unit contract price per lineal foot for "Storm Sewer Pile 12 Inch Diameter D.L" shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to furnish and install the ductile iron pipe at the location shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The bid item price includes but is not limited to: trench excavation, unsuitable material excavation, hauling, dewatering, backfill and compaction (when native material is to be used), surface restoration, planter strip restoration, protection in place of existing curb and gutter and asphalt pavement, and cleanup. The bid price shall also include fittings, tees, couplings, gaskets, connection to new or existing storm pipes, catch basins, or ditches, testing, coordination for TV inspection, and additional costs for overtime work when working on weekends. 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 7-08.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.2 Materials All pipe shall be of the type and material specified in the bid proposal, shown on the plans or specified herein. All materials used for construction of sanitary sewer and storm drainage systems and appurtenances shall be new and undamaged. All materials used shall be subject to inspection by the City prior to use. The Contractor shall provide the City with shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and certificates of materials as requested. The materials referred to herein, shall conform to the applicable provisions of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, the Kent Special Provisions and the manufacturer's recommended installation procedures. See the following Sections of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and the Kent Special Provisions: Hot Mix Asphalt ............................... 5-04.2 Cement Concrete Pavement .............. 5-05.2 Culverts ......................................... 7-02.2 Storm Sewers ................................. 7-04.2 Manholes, Inlets and Catch Basins...... 7-05.2 Sanitary Sewer................................ 7-17.2 Side Sewers .................................... 7-18.2 Crushed Surfacing ........................... 9-03.9(3) Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding.. 9-03.12(3) Gravel Borrow . ..... ........ ................... 9-03.14(1) Foundation Material Class I and 11 ...... 9-03.17 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill .... 9-03.19 SECTION 7-08.3(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(1)A Trenches Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 7 - 2 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 If well points are used for dewatering pipe trenches, they shall be adequately spaced to provide the necessary dewatering and shall be sandpacked and/or other means used to prevent pumping of fine sands or silts from the sub-surface. A continual check by the Contractor shall be maintained to insure that the sub-surface soil is not being removed by the dewatering operation. Once commenced, the dewatering operation shall be continuous until construction and backfilling in the dewatered area is complete. Pump shutdown shall be accomplished in an approved gradual manner. The Contractor shall provide enough facilities and personnel to maintain continuous operation once commenced. Such continuous operation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. In the event of damage to the trench foundation as determined by the Engineer, or to the ditch walls, or other operations resulting from the failure of the Contractor to maintain the dewatering operation, the complete cost of all repairs shall be borne by the Contractor. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to dispose of all waters resulting from its dewatering operation. This responsibility also includes choice of method, obtaining regulatory agency approvals, complying with state water quality standards and other agency requirements. Each individual project and dewatering operation shall be evaluated individually to determine exact requirements; however, in general the following conditions will apply. 1 . Disposal into the existing storm drain facilities (pipes, channels, ditches, etc.) may be acceptable if the Contractor obtains the necessary permits and approvals. 2. Discharge to existing storm drain facilities shall not result in a violation of state water quality standards for surface water, Chapter 173-203 WAC. 3. The Contractor shall monitor discharge and receiving water(s) as required to verify that water quality standards are being met. 4. If necessary to meet standards and approval requirements, the Contractor shall treat the water prior to discharge. A settling pond may be an acceptable method of treatment. Any damage, as determined by the Engineer to properties or improvements resulting from an inadequate disposal (water) operation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, including repairs, replacements and/or restoration. Where required or where directed by the Engineer, stabilization of the trench bottom shall be in accordance with Section 7-08.3(1)A of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Excavation of the unsuitable material shall be considered as trench excavation. The unsuitable material shall be disposed of by the Contractor. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 7 - 3 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Backfill unsuitable material excavations with Foundation Material Class I or I I meeting the requirements of Section 9-03.1 7 of the Kent Special Provisions with the class called for in the bid proposal, on the plans or by the Engineer in the field. Trench excavation shall include the required pavement removal for construction of the trench. See Section 2-02.3(3) of the Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 7-08.3(1)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(1)C Bedding the Pipe Bedding shall be placed in accordance with Standard Plan B-55.20-00. Bedding material shall be Crushed Surfacing Top Course, 5/8 Inch Minus in accordance with Section 9-03.9(3) of the WSDOT Specifications. Bedding material shall be tamped in layers under, around and above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe. The Contractor shall use compaction equipment approved by the Engineer to obtain adequate compaction of the bedding material. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, adequate compaction shall be construed to mean to at least 95 percent of the maximum density measured in accordance with ASTM D-1557, The pipe shall be protected from damage when compacting. At least two feet of cover is required over the pipe prior to using heavy compaction equipment. SECTION 7-08.3(2)B IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(2)B Pipe Laying - General At locations of pipe crossing between new or existing pipes the minimum vertical clearance shall be one and one-half foot unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. If this clearance cannot be obtained, the Contractor shall install a 2-inch thick 1 -2 PSF styrofoam cushion between the pipes. The cushion shall be installed longitudinally with the lower pipe. The cushion width shall be equal to the lower pipe diameter and the length shall be one foot greater than the upper pipe diameter. It should be noted that field adjustment of specified slopes for storm and sanitary side sewers are permissible, if approved by the Design Engineer, to obtain the minimum clearances. External or internal grouting or repair by use of collars on the new sanitary or storm sewer line will not be an acceptable means of repair, should repair be necessary. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Lcyrer 7 - 4 June 26, 2018 Project Numbcn 18-3007,1 All pipe, adaptors, tees, and other fittings shall be used for the purpose intended by the manufacturer and shall be installed according to manufacturer's recommendations. SECTION 7-08.3(2)G IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(2)G Jointing of Dissimilar Pipe Connections of Ductile or Cast Iron Pipe to Concrete Pipe or PVC Pipe will be done by the use of Cast Transition or reducing couplings (Romac 501 or equivalent). SECTION 7-08.3(2)H IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(2)H Sewer Line Connections Where indicated on the plans or where directed by the Engineer, connections shall be made to the existing storm drain/sewer systems by the Contractor in accordance with applicable portions of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and Kent Special Provisions in a workmanlike manner satisfactory to the Engineer. SECTION 7-08.3(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 7-08.3(2)J Pipe Laying - PVC For PVC pipe, the Contractor shall maintain a cover over the pipe to prevent temperature deformation caused by the sun and shall remove such cover only for a sufficient time to allow the pipe to be installed. When making field cuts of PVC pipe, a new reference line shall be marked on the spigot end a distance of 4-5/8 inches from said end. Said end will provide a visual means of determining whether full insertion of the spigot into the bell has been made during installation, SECTION 7-08.3(4) IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(4) Plugging Existing Pipe Existing pipes being plugged shall be plugged with concrete at both ends and shall otherwise be in accordance with Section 7-08.3(4) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. SECTION 7-08.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 7-08.3(5) Street Restoration Unless otherwise shown on the plans, street restoration shall be in accordance with the following requirements: Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 7 - 5 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 Where cuts have been made in either asphalt concrete pavement, or in oil mats, the Contractor shall reconstruct the trench areas with a 3 inch thick asphalt concrete patch placed on a 2 inch thickness of crushed surfacing top course over a 4 inch thickness of crushed surfacing base course or as directed by the Engineer in the field. However, where cuts have been made in an asphalt concrete pavement section to be overlayed, the Contractor shall reconstruct the trench with a 2 inch thick asphalt concrete patch with a 2 inch asphalt overlay for a total of 4 inches of asphalt concrete pavement over 2 inches of crushed surfacing top course over 4 inches crushed surfacing base course. In all cases, the asphalt and crushed surfacing thickness for the patch shall meet or exceed the existing pavement section. Upon approval of the Engineer, Controlled Density Fill may be used to back fill the narrow trenches where it is difficult to compact crushed surfacing. In these cases the asphalt concrete layer shall increase to a minimum of 2 inches greater than the existing section. Where cuts have been made in cement concrete pavement, the Contractor shall reconstruct the trench area with a 6 inch thick cement concrete patch placed on a 6 inch thickness of crushed surfacing top course. In all cases, the cement concrete and crushed surfacing thickness for the patch shall meet or exceed the existing pavement section. Where there is an existing asphalt overlay over cement concrete pavement, the cement concrete shall be patched to original grade as above and then overlaid with an asphalt concrete patch to existing grade. All gravel shoulders shall be restored to their original condition and shape. The Contractor shall spread a 2 inch thick layer of crushed surfacing on the shoulder. The shoulder shall be finished with a grader after backfilling and compacting and before spreading the crushed surfacing. Permanent surface treatments and pavements shall not be placed until an as-built survey and testing of the new underground utilities have been completed. Verification that utility construction conforms to the line and grade requirements of Section 7-08.3(2)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall be made by the Engineer prior to authorizing paving to begin. Also, each new utility must pass all appropriate tests specified herein for the type of utility prior to paving. SECTION 7-08.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.4 Measurement Gravel backfill for foundation and Crushed Surfacing Top Course 5/8 Inch Minus shall be measured by the ton, including haul. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 7 - 6 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 SECTION 7-08.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.5 Payment The unit contract price per ton for "gushed Surfacing Top Course 5/8 Inch Minus" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, material, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and place bedding material as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, loading, hauling, mixing, placing, shaping, and compacting. The unit contract price per ton for "Foundation Material Class II and 11" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, material, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and place foundation material as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, loading, hauling, mixing, placing, shaping, and compacting. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 7 - 7 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 DIVISION 8 - MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCT1DN 8-01 ER ION_CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SECTION 8-01. 1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.1 Description This work consists of temporary erosion and sedimentation control procedures (TESCP) as shown on the construction plans, specified in these Kent Special Provisions, and ordered by the Engineer as work proceeds. The TESCP are intended to minimize erosion and sedimentation as well as protect waters of the state and the city's municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) as required by law. SECTION 8-01.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections of the Kent Special Provisions and the WSDOT Standard Specifications: Seed ....................................B-01 .3(2)B and 9-14.2 Fertilizer ...............................8-01 .3(2)B and 9-14.3 Mulch and Amendments ..........8-01 .3(2)D and 9-14.4 Tackifier ............................. ..8-01 .3(2)E and 9-14.4(7) 8-01.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-01.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(1) General Preventing and controlling pollution, erosion, runoff, and related damage requires the Contractor to install temporary stormwater best management practices (BMPs) as per the plans and as directed by the City. As site conditions dictate, additional BMPs may be required. The Contractor shall anticipate the need for additional best management practices and propose necessary changes to the City. Should the Contractor fail to install the required temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures or to perform maintenance in a timely manner, or fail to take immediate action to install additional approved measures, all fines, cost of cleanup, costs for delays and down time shall be borne by the Contractor. All cost for this work shall be paid for under the unit contract bid prices. The upgrading of the TESCP facilities shall not constitute a basis for additional working days for this project. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 8 - 1 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 SECTION 8-01.3(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(1)A Submittals Prior to the start of any construction activities, the Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's review and approval, the following, as necessitated by the work: 1 . Dewatering Plan 2. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan 3. Name and contact info for Contractor's CESCL SECTION 8-01.3(1)E IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(1)E Detention/Retention Pond Construction Fill site in a manner that runoff from the fill area is always tributary to the sedimentation pond. Pond construction shall conform to the Kent Surface Water Design Manual. SECTION 8-01.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 8-01.3(1)F Applicable Regulations and Criteria All construction activities are subject to applicable federal, state, and local permits. The Contractor shall comply with requirements of applicable state and local regulatory requirements, including, but not limited to the following: 1 . WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington 2. RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of pollutants in waters prohibited 3. City of Kent 2002 Surface Water Design Manual 4. Construction Stormwater General Permit — WA Department of Ecology 8-01.3(1)G Water Quality Monitoring Sampling of site stormwater discharges is only required if the project is covered under the WA Department of Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit or if there is a suspected discharge that exceeds state water quality standards. If the project is covered under the Construction Stormwater General Permit, then the Contractor shall conduct sampling as per the conditions listed in the permit. Any results that are outside the appropriate range of compliance will require immediate implementation of adaptive management as outlined in applicable permits, stormwater pollution prevention plan, and as directed by the Engineer. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 8 - 2 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.E All sampling records shall be submitted to the Engineer by the last day of the monitoring period. All necessary adaptive management requirements shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to implement and maintain. All costs for this work shall be included in the various unit contract bid prices. 8-01.3(2) Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching SECTION 8-01.3(2)B IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)6 Seeding and Fertilizing Topsoil and all other unpaved and unsodded areas within easements and right-of-way disturbed as part of this project shall be seeded. Hydroseeding shall be the method of seed application. Hydroseed shall consist of a slurry composed of water, seed, fertilizer, tackifier, and mulch and shall be evenly broadcast over areas to be seeded. All work shall conform in all respects to Section 8-01 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, except as modified herein. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer not less than 48 hours in advance of any hydroseeding operation and shall not begin the work until areas prepared or designated for hydroseeding have been approved. Following the Engineer's approval, hydroseeding of the approved slopes shall begin immediately. Hydroseeding shall not be done during windy weather or when the ground is frozen, excessively wet, or otherwise untillable. Hydroseed mixture to be applied by an approved hydro seeder which utilizes water as the carrying agent, and maintains continuous agitation through paddle blades. It shall have an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and mix into a homogeneous slurry the specified amount of seed and water or other material. Distribution and discharge lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic discharge spray nozzles that will provide a uniform distribution of the slurry. The seed and fertilizer cannot be placed in the tank more than 30 minutes prior to application. The seed and fertilizer shall have a tracer added to visibly aid uniform application. This tracer shall not be harmful to plant and animal life. If wood cellulose fiber is used as a tracer, the application rate shall not exceed 25 pounds per acre. Areas where hydroseeding is not practical, must be seeded by approved hand methods as approved by the Engineer. When seeding by hand, Contractor shall incorporate seed into the top 1/4 inch of soil. The hydroseed slurry shall consist of the following materials mixed thoroughly together and applied in the quantities indicated. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 8 - 3 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 1 , Grass Seed: Mixture shall be fresh, clean, new crop seed. Seed to be mixed mechanically on the site or may be mixed by the dealer. If seed is mixed on site, each variety shall be delivered in the original containers bearing the dealer's guaranteed analysis. If seed is mixed by the dealer, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer the Dealer's guaranteed statement of the composition of the mixture and the percentage of purity and germination of each variety. Grass seed shall be purchased from a recognized distributor and shall be composed of the varieties mixed in the proportions indicated in the WSDOT Standard Specifications and Kent Special Provisions. Seed shall meet the minimum percentages of purity and germination specified in Section 9-14.2 of the Kent Special Provisions. Seed shall be applied at the rate of 120 pounds per acre. The Contractor shall protect seed from hydration, contamination, and heating during delivery, storage, and handling. Seed shall be stored in a cool dry location away from contaminants. Mix A shall be used as the standard hydroseed mix unless otherwise specified herein or on approved project plans. Mix B shall be used exclusively for seeded areas adjacent to grass lawns, within seeded medians, and within seeded traffic islands. In addition, Mix B shall be used for all seeded areas not specifically showing Mix A on the plans, or where otherwise directed by the Engineer. 2. Water: The Contractor shall begin maintenance immediately after seeding for a minimum of ten (10) weeks or longer as needed. Water seeded areas before hydroseed slurry has completely dried out. Water slowly and thoroughly with fine spray nozzle. Water the hydroseeded areas at least twice daily (in the early morning and late afternoon) until the grass is well established as determined by the Engineer. Repeat watering operation as required by climatic conditions to keep areas moist for a minimum period of 2 weeks from the day of first watering and as necessary for healthy growth. 3. Mulch: As needed to meet requirements of Sections 8-01 .3(2)D and 9-14.4. 4, Fertilizer: All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation applied at the rate of 400 pounds per acre. All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer meeting the requirements of Section 9-14.3 of the Kent Special Provisions. 5. Hand Seeding: Seeding shall be applied at the rate of 6 pounds per 1,000 square feet. The seed shall be applied by an approved hand Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 8 - 4 June 26, 2018 Project Number! 18-3007.1 held spreader. The seed shall be evenly distributed over the disturbed area. Apply seed mix after fertilizing and rake the seed into the surface soil to a depth of 1/4-inch. 6. If the slurry is used for temporary erosion control it shall be applied at the following rates: EROSION CONTROL: Seed 170 Ibs/acre of "Mix A" unless otherwise directed by Engineer. Fertilizer 400lbs/acre Wood Fiber 2,000 Ibs/ acre Tackifier 80lbs/acre SECTION 8-01.3(2)D IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)D Mulching Wood cellulose fiber mulch conforming to Section 9-14.4 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall be used where mulch is called for on this project. The application rate shall be 2,000 pounds to the acre in accordance with Section 8-01 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Mulch shall be incorporated into the slurry of seed and fertilizer. Mulch of the type specified in Section 9-14.4(2) shall be included in the hydroseeding process. Wood cellulose fiber used as a mulch shall be suitable for application with hydroseeders as specified in Section 8-01 .3(2)B. The application of seed, fertilizer, and mulch shall be required in a single operation for all seed applications, unless otherwise directed. Mulch materials, shall be furnished, hauled, and evenly applied at the rates indicated, and shall be spread on seeded areas immediately after seeding unless otherwise specified. Distribution of straw mulch material shall be by means of an approved type mulch spreader, which utilizes forced air to blow mulch material on seeded areas. In spreading straw mulch, the spreader shall not cut or break the straw into short stalks. Straw mulch shall be applied at a rate to achieve a loose, overall thickness of three (3) inches. Areas not accessible by mulching equipment shall be mulched by approved hand methods and shall achieve similar results. Mulch sprayed on signs or sign structures shall be removed the same day. SECTION 8-01.3(2)E /S SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)E Soil Binders and Tacking Agents Unless specified otherwise, wood cellulose fiber mulch per Section 9-14.4(2) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall have tackifier incorporated into the mulch fiber during manufacture. If additional tackifier is required, the tackifier shall be Type A as specified in Section Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 8 - 5 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007,1 9-14.4(7) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. When specified, soil binders and tacking agents shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. SECTION 8-01.3(2)F IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST THREE PARAGRAPHS AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-01 .3(2)F Dates for Application of Final Seed, Fertilizer, and Mulch Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the final application of seeding, fertilizing, and mulching of slopes shall be performed during the following periods: September 15`h to October 151h of the project year. SECTION 8-01.3(2)G IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)G Protection and Care of Seeded Areas Protect adjacent property, public walks, curbs and pavement from damage. Do not place soil directly on paved surfaces. Locate all underground utilities prior to the commencement of work. Keep streets and area drains open and free flowing. Protect all seeding against wind, storm, and trespassing. Replace any plants that become damaged or injured. In seeded areas, treat and reseed damaged spots larger than one square foot. SECTION 8-01.3(2)H IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)H Inspection Inspection of seeded areas shall be made upon completion of seeding operations, at the end of the maintenance period, and at any time during the maintenance period. The Contractor shall reseed, re-mulch or re-fertilize as required to establish a uniform, thick stand of grass. A uniform stand of grass shall be defined as any grass area with no spots greater than one square foot. Areas failing to show a uniform thick, healthy stand of grass after the maintenance period shall be reseeded consistent with the Kent Special Provisions at the Contractor's expense. Reseeded areas will be subject to inspection for acceptance. 8-01.3(9) Sediment Control Barriers SECTION 8-01.3(9)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(9)D Inlet Protection Cleaning and maintenance of inlet protection shall not flush sediment, or sediment-laden water into the downstream system. Downcy & Naden Clearing & Grading/Lcyrer 8 - 6 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 SECTION 8-01.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 8-01.3(17) Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Handling and storage of fuel, oil and chemicals shall not take place within 50 feet of waterways. Storage shall be in dike tanks and barrels with drip pans provided under the dispensing area. Shut-off and lock valves shall be provided on hoses. Fuel, oil, and chemicals shall be dispensed only during daylight hours unless approved by the Engineer. Fencing shall be provided around storage area. Locks shall be provided on all valves, pumps, and tanks. Materials used to clean up fuel, oil, and chemical spills shall be disposed of as directed by the Engineer. Water used for washing vehicles and equipment shall not be allowed to enter storm drains or other State waters. No processed waste water(s) of any kind shall be discharged onto the ground, to surface waters, or to stormwater conveyance systems. SECTION 8-01.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.5 Payment The unit contract price per acre for "Seeding. Fertilizing and Mulching" shall be full pay for all labor, materials tools and equipment necessary to complete the above said hydroseeding, seeding, fertilizing and mulching at the locations shown on the plans, including the following areas: 1 . All planter areas or areas disturbed by the Contractor's operations behind the sidewalk, even where it is only a narrow strip. 2. All biofiltration swales. 3. Sedimentation pond site. 4. Other areas as directed by the Engineer. Water, fertilizer and mulch shall be provided by the Contractor as necessary to maintain and establish the seeded areas and is considered incidental to "Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching." The cost of baffling or blocking over spray as required to prevent over spray onto the sidewalk, curbing and non-planter areas is incidental to the unit price. The unit bid price per lineal foot for "Filter Fabric Fence" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, tools, materials, supplies and equipment necessary to construct and install the fence as shown on the plans, including high visibility fabric, posts and gravel to anchor fabric. This bid item also includes: maintenance throughout the project; and removal and disposal of the fence and accumulated sediment as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price per each for "Inlet Protection" shall be full pay for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to construct, maintain, and remove when no longer required, this Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 8 - 7 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 temporary erosion control measure. No other further compensation will be made. The unit contract price per hour for "ESC Lead" shall be full pay for all duties outlined in Section 8-01 .3(1)B (Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead) in per hour increments. The unit contract price per lump sum for "Sediment Pond" shall constitute complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and supplies and equipment necessary to construct the sediment pond as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but is not limited to, excavation of bottom surface area and grading to required elevation, off site haul of unsuitable material, compaction, cultivation, and construction of berms, outlet structure, and quarry spalls for inflow and emergency overflow spillway. Ductile iron 12" storm pipe, Crushed Surfacing Top Course, 5/8 Inch Minus, filter fabric fence, sidewalk removal and replacement, and Seeding Fertilizing and Mulching will be paid for under the appropriate bid items. The unit bid price for the "Stabilized Construction Entrance" shall be paid in full per square yard, and also includes all labor, tools, materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to construct the stabilized construction entrance at the designated location, as shown on the plans and as described in the specifications. The unit bid price for the "Street Cleaning" shall be paid in full per Force Account and also includes all labor, tools, materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to maintain a clean road way for public access and no run off of potential pollutants into natural water bodies or the stormwater system. 8-12 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE SECTION 8-12. 1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.1 Description This work shall consist of installing, adjusting, maintaining and removing 6' high temporary chain link fencing used to secure materials and equipment as directed by the Engineer. SECTION 8-12.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.4 Measurement Temporary fencing shall be measured by the linear foot of temporary fence, along the ground line exclusive of openings. Gates shall be included in the fence measurement. SECTION 8-12.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.5 Payment Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 8 - a June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 "Temporary 6' High Chain Link Felice", per linear foot shall be full payment for all costs to perform the specified work. 8-14 CEMENT CGINCRETE SID7EWALKS SECTION 8-14.3(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.3(3) Placing and Finishing Concrete The concrete shall be placed in the forms and struck off with an approved straightedge. As soon as the surface can be worked, it shall be troweled smooth with a steel trowel. After trowling and before installing the contraction joints or perimeter edging, the walking surfaces of the sidewalk and ramps shall be brushed in a traverse direction with a stiff bristled broom. The curb face and top on the monolithic cement concrete curb and sidewalk and the cement concrete sidewalk with raised edge shall be smooth. Expansion and contraction joints shall be constructed as shown in the Standard plans. When the sidewalk abuts a cement concrete curb or curb and gutter, the expansion joints in the sidewalk shall have the same spacing as the curb. The expansionjoint shall be filled to full cross-section of the sidewalk with 3/8-inch premolded joint filler. SECTION 8-14.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following bid items when included in the Proposal: The unit bid per square yard for "Cement Concrete Sidewalk," constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to install cement concrete sidewalk as shown on the drawings and in accordance with the Kent Special Provisions. The unit price shall include but not be limited to: restoration of areas adjacent to sidewalks and ramps that are disturbed from sidewalk forms; and all other materials, labor, tools and equipment to fulfill the requirements or as directed by the Engineer. Crushed Surfacing Top Course as required shall be paid for under separate bid item. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 8 - 9 Jurc 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 DIVISION 9 - MATERIALS 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING 9-14.1 Topsoil SECTION 9-14. 1(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.1 (1) Topsoil Type A Topsoil Type A (Compost Amended Planting Soil) shall consist of 50 — 67% sand and/or sandy loam and 33 — 50% composted organic material by volume. Total organic matter shall be at least 5% by dry weight for areas where turf will be installed, and at least 10% by dry weight for all other landscape areas. Organic matter shall be determined by Loss-on-Ignition test. Acceptable tests include the most current version of ASTM D2974 "Test Methods for Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils," and TMECC 05.07A "Loss-On-Ignition Organic Matter Method." Compost-Amended Planting soil shall not contain any viable seeds or roots capable of sprouting any State-listed noxious weed, or invasive root-propagating plants including but not limited to horsetail, ivy, clematis, knotweed, Scot's broom, reed canary grass, Himalayan blackberry, etc. Soil found to contain these prohibited viable plant materials shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. A. The soil shall meet the following requirements. 1 . The mixed soil shall meet the following gradation: Screen Percent Size * Passinq ...............— .........._ 2 inch 100 1 inch 99-100wp p ww 5/81, 90 — 100 1/4" 75-100 *Maximum particle length of 6 inches B. Shall have a pH range between 5.5 and 8.5. The pH shall be determined by soil test. C. Organic material shall consist of composted yard debris or organic waste material composted for a minimum of 3 months. Compost shall consist of 100% recycled content and meet all requirements for compost in section 9-14.4(8) of the Standard Specifications. D. Submit a certified laboratory analysis from an accredited soils testing laboratory indicating the Material source and compliance with all planting soil and compost specifications to the Engineer or project Ecologist for approval no less than seven (7) days before delivery to Downey & Nader Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 9 - 10 June 26, 2018 Project Number. 13-3007.1 the Project Site. The analysis shall be with a sample size of no less than 2 pounds. E. Site specific soil testing (after placement of material) may be required for projects requiring more than 50 cubic yards of compost- amended planting soil A Contractor provided accredited laboratory approved by the Engineer will make recommendations for amendments required for optimum growth at no cost to the owner. The Contractor will be allowed five (5) Working Days to complete the testing from the time of written notice given by the Engineer. F. A sample of the compost amended planting soil shall be provided to the Engineer or project Ecologist in a 1 -gallon re-closable bag at least seven (7) days prior to application. SECTION 9-14. 1(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-14.1 (1)C Sandy Loam Sandy loam shall consist of soil having a maximum clay content of ten percent by weight. In addition, soil particles shall meet the following requirements for grading: Passing 1 inch sieve (square opening) ......... 100% Passing 1 mm sieve .................................. 80% minimum Passing 0.15 mm sieve .............................. 15% maximum SECTION 9-14.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.2 Seed Hydroseed: Seed shall be "Blue Tag" or certified quality. The Contractor shall deliver in unopened containers with mixture seed content and inert material content plainly marked on the outside of the container. Grasses used shall meet the following specifications: WSDOT Erosion Control Mix: 40% Creeping Red Fescue 40% Perennial Rye-Grass 101/a Highland Colonial Bentgrass • 10% White Clover The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the manufacturer's Certificate of Conformance for seed. A complete analysis of the seed shall be submitted to the City for approval including percent of pure seed, germination, other crop seed, inert and weed and the germination test date. The City reserves the right to reject any or all plant material at any time until final inspection or acceptance. The Contractor shall remove Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 9 - 11 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 rejected plants immediately from site. The Contractor shall produce upon request sales receipt for all nursery stock and certificates of inspection. SECTION 9-14.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.3 Fertilizer Fertilizer for upland seeded areas: Lilly Miller or approved equal to provide the following nutrients: All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation: Total available Nitrogen ........... 16% of weight (of which 50% is derived from ureaform) Total available Phosphorous ..... 16% of weight Total available Potassium ....,... . 16% of weight Above percentages are proportioned by weight. The Contractor shall deliver fertilizer to the site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trade mark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information. 9-14.4 Mulch and Amendments SECTION 9-14.4(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: 9-14.4(3) Bark or Wood Chip Mulch Arborist Wood Chip Mulch created as part of the Clearing and Grubbing, Salvage Tress, or Remove and Chip Trees bid items shall be coarse ground wood chips (approximately 112" to 8" along the longest dimension) derived from the mechanical grinding or shredding of the above-ground portions of trees. It may contain wood, wood fiber, bark, branches, and leaves; but may not contain visible amounts of soil. It shall be free of weeds and weed seeds Including but not limited to plants on the King County Noxious Weed list available at: www.kingcounty.gov/weeds, and shall be free of invasive plant portions capable of resprouting, including but not limited to horsetail, ivy, clematis, knotweed, etc. It may not contain more than 112% by weight of manufactured inert material (plastic, concrete, ceramics, metal, etc.). It shall not contain resin, tannin, or other compounds in quantities that would be detrimental to plant life. Sawdust shall not be used as mulch. Mulch produced from finished wood products or construction debris will not be allowed. Arborist Wood Chip Mulch is expected to be primarily composed of chipped-up removed trees [See KSP 2-01 .3(7)]. Arborist Wood Chip Mulch, when tested, shall meet the following loose volume gradation: Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Leyrer 9 - 12 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 ........................ .... _.._.----..______ Percent Passing _ Sieve Size Minimum Maximum 2" 95 0 100 ..................................................... 1 " 70 0 100 5/8" 0 ___, ......................... ..50 1/4" 0 0......................._......, 40 i No particles may be longer than eight inches, Submittals. At the Engineer's request, prior to delivery the Contractor shall provide the following: a. The source of the product and species of trees included in it; b. A sieve analysis verifying the product meets the above size gradation requirement; C. A 1 gallon sample of the product, for the Engineer's approval. SECTION 9-14.4(8) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING; 9-14.4(8) Compost Compost shall not contain any sawdust, straw, green or under- composed organic matter, under-sterilized manure or toxic or otherwise harmful materials. SECTION 9-14.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-14.4(12) Wood Cellulose Fiber Wood cellulose mulch shall be specially processed 100 percent virgin wood fiber containing no growth or germination-inhibiting ingredients. It shall be manufactured in such a manner that after addition and agitation in slurry tanks with water, the fibers in the material will become uniformly suspended to form a homogenous slurry. When hydraulically sprayed on the ground, the material shall allow the absorption and percolation of moisture. Wood cellulose fiber shall be Weyerhaeuser Silva-Fiber Plus w/Tackifier or approved equal. Organic matter content shall be at least 93 percent on an oven-dry basis as determined by ASTM D 586. The moisture content shall be no more than 15 percent as determined by oven dried weight. Each package of the cellulose fiber shall be marked by the manufacturer to show the dried weight content. Downey & Naden Clearing & Grading/Loyrer 9 - 13 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007,1 KENT STANDARD PLANS The following Kent Standard Plans supplement all other plans, which have been prepared for this project and are considered to be a part of the project plans. WATER 3-22M Typical Water Main Trench STORM 5-35M Temporary Stockpiling STREET 6-35M Expansion and Contraction/Control Joints Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Leyrer A - 1 June 26, 2018 Project Number, 18-3007.1 UNPAVED AREAS --PAVED AREAS PAVEMENT RESTORATION PER STANDARD PLANS 6-64 THRU 6-68 -EXISTING PAVEMENT SURFACE RESTORATION AS -SAWCUT(TYP,) SURFACE SPECIFIED ON APPROVED PLANS T' GRAVEL BORROW PER WSDOT 9-03.14 OR SUITABLE EXCAVATED SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-64 MATERIAL COMPACT TO 90% THRU 6-68 FOR TRENCH 36�: MIN. 48" MIN. MINIMUM OF MAXIMUM DENSITY RESTORATION UNDER IN UNPAVED AREAS PAVEMENTS 10 OR 12" OR GREATER GREATER LE PIPE SIZE PIPE SIZE T, IT'l "f MIN. TT L T: PIPE ZONE MATERIAL SHALL BE 5/8'CSTC 7 T PER WEDDLE 9-03.15. PIPE 4" MIN. ti *-7--SEE NOTE 2 T A, SEE NOTE I NOTE: UNPAVED AREAS PAVED AREAS 1. MAXIMUM WIDTH OF TRENCH AT TOP OF PIPE: 30" FOR PIPE UP TO AND INCLUDING 12"NOMINAL DIAMETER. O.D. PLUS 16"FOR PIPE LARGER THAN 12" NOMINAL DIAMETER. 2. WHEN POOR QUALITY FOUNDATION MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED BELOW THE BEDDING MATERIAL,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OVER-EXCAVATE AND IMPORT BACKFILL MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STANDARD SPEC 9-03.9(2) OR KENT SPECIAL PROVISION 9-03.17 WHEN DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.THE USE OF GEOTEXTILE SEPARATION FABRIC MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED TO STABILIZE THE BASE. 3. BENCH AS NEEDED FOR SHORING OR TRENCH BOX(7YP.)WHEN DEPTH OF TRENCH IS 4 FT.AND GREATER. INOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOI A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT zm ........... E:'N* T TYPICAL WATER MAIN TRENCH 1p. > 38296 Ynx ----COK AR IPT DRAWN � SCALE......... rvONE STANDARD PuN -1 ' AL CHECKED 3-22M ,.APPROVFD��v vvvv I _ 15' MAX. BROOMED FINISH PERPENDICULAR EXPANSION T 5' 5' TO PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL(TYP.) JOINT(TYP,) -,_ .. ._._.—..........._ ... SEE DETAIL"A"- —4"SHINE ^ 2"SHINE . FINISH k � FINTSH SIDEWALK � .._� WIDTH VARIES �'" EXPANSION ''' _ JOINT(TYP.) ' w SEE DETAIL"A" PLANTE(WHEN Q'D)STRI CONTRACTION/CONTROL (WHEN REQ'D) 7C71h.4'i'(1-I,R) SEE DETAIL"p" V ".\ CURB AND GUTTER--W-' A SS EXPANSION JOINT FOR NEW SEWER CONSTRUCTION; (TYP,)SEE DETAIL"A"'C STAMP FACE OF CURB WHERE SIDE \ SEWER CROSSES PERPENDICULAR TO \' CURB. 3" HIGH LETTERS 1/4" DEPTH: 15' MAX. rt4" 2"�_ SHINE FINISH SHINE FINISH 4 4 � �...... 3/8"x FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT 2" CONTRACTION/CONTROL MATERIAL, 15' O,C. SEE NOTE 1 JOINT, 5'D.C. SEE NOTE 2 DETAIL"A" DETAIL"B" EXPANSION JOINT CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINT FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL, —PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL DIRECTION- 30 LB ROOFING FELT,6 MIL PLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL SHIN—+ 15% DRIVEWAY INISH SIDEWALK } +- 4'"CONCRETE PER WSDOT 4"STD. SPECIFICATION 8-14 2"CRUSHED SURFACING 4 MIN. ; TOP COURSE xF 3/8"x FULL DEPTH CURB GUTTER AND SIDEWALK CROSS SECTION 6" CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON AND EXPANSION JOINT GUTTER FOR RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS. MATERIAL, SEE 8" REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE APRON AND NOTE 1 NOTES: GUTTER FOR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS. 1. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL TO BE 3/8"x FULL DEPTH AND SHALL BE PLACED AT DRIVEWAY CROSS SECTION 15' O.C. SPACING. ELASTOMETRIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH WSDOT STD, SPECIFICATION SECTION 9-041 (4). 8. ACCESS COVERS,JUNCTION BOXES,CABLE VAULTS 2. CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINT SHALL BE 1/4" WIDE BY 25%SLAB DEPTH; 1" DEEP AND OTHER APPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK FOR 4" SLAB, 1,5" DEEP FOR 6" SLAB, 2" DEEP FOR 8"SLAB, AT 5' SPACING. LIMITS MUST INCLUDE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GRADE OF THE SURROUNDING 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CURB&GUTTER AND SIDEWALK AT SIDEWALK. SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALL NOT BE P.0 &P.T.AT ALL CURB RETURNS AND ALL ANGLE POINTS. PLACED WITHIN THE SLOPES OF ADA RAMPS OR DRIVEWAY WINGS. 4. FORM AND SUB-GRADE INSPECTION REQUIRED BEFORE POURING CONCRETE, NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT t� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 5. EXPANSION JOINTS IN SIDEWALKS AND FRE! ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CURBS SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH EACH 5 O WA THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. OTHER AND NOT OFFSET. � � Y o7 CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1.5%. �•T EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINTS 7. WHERE SIDEWALK CROSSES HYDRANT �" � 8296 �' LATERAL; CENTER 3'WIDE PANEL Qr%" +� I$T-h,S 0,�, N�a ty _ .VPyCO DART STANDARD PUN ACCROSS LATERAL, USE EXPANSION 'Ni4 TS -- JOINT,SEE KENT STANDARD DETAIL 3-1, AL �'+ CHECKED...... _,Pq„_,_., Da _Enc NEER__ 6-35 M APPROVED FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON STOCKPILING MATERIAL SEE CITY OF KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS SECTION 2.3.E X BURY SHEETING ING SOIL / "``�•. v W MINIMUM S4"X4"TRENCH SANDBAGS,OR EQUIVALENTMAY BE USED TO MAX SPACING SHALLIGHT BE TO'----LASTIC // �ET�W IV ' S PA.- pvc 7YC j----1`, CLEAR PLASTIC SHEETING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6 MIL. BURY SHEETING INTO EXISTING SOIL MINIMUM 4"x4"TRENCH NOTES: 1. PLASTIC SHEETING SHALL MEET ASTM D 4397 REQUIREMENTS., 2. MAXIMUM PERMITTED SLOPE SHALL BE 2H:1V. 3. SEAMS BETWEEN SHEETS MUST OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 12"AND BE WEIGHTED OR TAPED. 4.TEMPORARY STOCKPILES SHALL NOT BLOCK THE SIGHT DISTANCES OF ANY INTERSECTION OR DRIVEWAY. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE r'�F ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT F'Yr 0 WAAq .Y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY 6E OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT \•,.a+�K *T TEMPORARY STOCKPILING 38296 W NGTGN ` ,,DESIGNED cor --- .....- _...... r1 - SCAtE .2.JF STANDARD PI-AN YyCs DRnWN CO'x _ r _....... YDNAL� crtr�RrD — onrE Eo TEDRUARY. zoie 5_35M nvaeav uc�U" WSDOT STANDARD PLANS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND HYDRAULICS B-55.20-01 Pipe Zone Bedding and Backfill Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Leyrer A - 2 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 o _ a m z N c o J WW m w U o ` 0 m 6 m y5 �✓. "wYH F�' 4 O p Q w o :' 0 w a a N m _ h rc o ri > m o W Q Q n m m Q `olip _ n o c 0 0 0 _a w m w° S,M1Ak4 (f c c ..... c v Z al �z$www w O z r a a'� sow< ° y............. w r a c 1 rl' yJ (r 7i W 3 N g f 'n a e o°ti I R' 7 w ow Q � n w x Z r rc p p a aw aa < om azm o U LL a 7 a n N W w° a rc 0 a 0 c5 u ..3dI.. .. .,......rl 3NGZd I F �Z O O ...... _.... .. __ rv. 3tSG%drk1al »CI'0 (10 r W .,.... a «! a e ela .0 w 16 z UQ ..: LL w Z O �- I r 2 z w %Iv � 1..Y a 111a11 w Ix o3a az moo mw �w �w mz 113001l Nd3d 'A WM J TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Leyrer A - 3 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 0�—^- �3f o i j y e �y, o .,.__ � q r O O O O u 0 m 00 O,,..O F ,.✓ C O � 0 0 rU„eK a' We sx IQ w r ^ a LLI G� j N m u m Y 4 " Y W � Q C C) m � � r M F N LL UD.l LL qaz y yowa 7 0 V O G A Z � xa qw0 C y F o""\X O O s mu W Q s LU ❑ N 3 N 0 0 €N.. 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'r AI VI C S= T "XCG XFtG FMV1 0AEN ploe a 3' Iar 253E NS5W4 a v' m:.n wrcnmox ^"^emo 4'`yl DVIAM HCAVI PVT 4A Vr OMPI. P e.Yu:ssoaz DVOIVfOAOCAVI"' 4PVVT 04NP(WB" I. i ti •4 S 240TH ST JAMES MALENG N REGIONAL HOGAN PARK AT JUSTICE RUSSELL ROAD Z - CENTER w W UPLANDS > PLAYFIELD O G a SMITH RIVERFRONT PARK - flHARRISON DSHS RIVERBEND ° W MEEKER ST GOLF COMPLEX - 51 RIVERWOOD � GOWE , 44,,�G�'. APARTMENTSDOWNEY O I.SAFEWAY PROJECT KMART 0 ZZ ' SITE ! rl I NADEN to PROJECT WILLIS ST _ r SITE � 62NV ER 4 SIGNATURE POINT '� rr /,!'✓,✓'`� ��,✓ APARTMENTS LA w r'r,/,�r""�^. " FITNESS > . `'5RA 6 F- BRIDGE tl I J --HAULING TO AND FROM THE WEST (MEEKER ST.) ' d' IS PROHIBITED DUE TO 25 q N TON LOAD RESTRICTION 4" FOR BRIDGE IMMEDIATELY 11 ] LL f WEST OF THE DOWNEY PROJECT SITE AND 1 U) INTERFERENCE WITH % w TRAFFIC AT THE Q INTERSECTION OF FRAGER ROAD AND MEEKER ! _ STREET. LO HAUL ROUTE PP 1 NOTES: 1.. ANY ALTERNATE HAUL ROUTES REQUIRE �! APPROVAL BY THE CITY. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE AWARE OF LOAD f RESTRICTIONS ALONG WEST VALLEY HWY .... SOUTH OF FRAGER ROAD. I, DOWNEYDEN HAUL ROUTE KENT CITY OF KENT SCALE EXH19T ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE airlpyp, I610.i HR #1 G:ADesignA0-3017 Moden Site Improvements\Sheet FllesV17-3017 HAUL ROUTE,dNg 9/13/2017 6'.O836 AM GFOTECHN I CAL INFORMATION Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Leyrer A - 5 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 GEOENGINEERS 1101 South Fawcett Avenue, Suite 200 Tacoma, Washington 98402 253.383.4940 June 19, 2018 City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Attention: Thomas Leyrer, PE Subject: Borrow and Fill Recommendations Downey Farmstead Restoration Phase 1 and Naden Avenue Site Improvements Phase 1 Kent, Washington File No. 0410-200-00 INTRODUCTION This report presents our review of soil conditions at the proposed Downey Farmstead Restoration Phase 1 Site and recommendations for fill placement at the Naden Avenue Site Improvements Phase 1 in Kent, Washington. The project sites are located on Frager Road just north of Highway SR 516 and at 212 Naden Avenue, respectively. Our understanding of the project is based on our discussions with the City of Kent and information provided to us by the City. Information provided includes preliminary site plans for each site and two geotechnical reports prepared by URS for the Downey Farmstead Restoration Site (Downey Site) dated June 8, 2010, and March 19, 2014.We understand that the Downey Site will be excavated to approximately 20 feet below the existing ground surface. The soils excavated from the Downey Site are proposed to be used as fill at the Naden Avenue Site Improvements project site (Naden Site). We understand that construction is anticipated for mid to late summer(July and August). The intent is to sell the Naden Site for development as a hotel or other similar use. The fill that will be placed is intended to level the site and to provide drainage contouring.About 2 to 4 feet of fill will be placed at the site. The City understands that the fill placed will likely be similar to the alluvium that likely is underlaying the Naden Site. Additional structural fill is expected to be placed for the development (i.e., gravel fill for parking lot and building subgrades) and some form of ground improvement will likely be required to support a multi-story structure to meet International Building Code (IBC) seismic standards. City of Kent June 19,2018 Page 2 SITE CONDITIONS Review of Subsurface Conditions Previous investigations performed by URS at the Downey Site include five test pit excavations and seven electric cone penetrometer test (CPTs). Laboratory testing performed by URS include seven grain- size distribution tests,which do not appear to report moisture content determinations.Soils encountered at the Downey Site were characterized as alluvium in the URS reports. This is consistent with our understanding of the geological setting and our experience within the region. From the review of the existing data by URS and the proposed plans for the Downey Site, soils within the excavation area will be alluvial and will likely consist of approximately 4 feet to 9 feet of sandy silt (silt) overlying approximately 3 feet to 6 feet of silty sand to sandy silt(upper silty sand), overlying approximately 7 to 12 feet of silty sand (lower silty sand). The silt is reported to be have moisture contents ranging from 29 percent to 32 percent. The lower silty sand is reported to have fines content that range between 4 percent and 43 percent. Moisture contents within the lower silty sand were reported to be between 7 percent and 25 percent. At the west end of the Downey Site a discontinuous soil layer characterized as sandy silt to clayey silt was encountered by URS between 6 feet and 20 feet below the ground surface(bgs). In the text they note that this could be fine-grained organic material and that in other studies this unit was observed to contain peat lenses. Groundwater Groundwater levels at the site were determined from pore pressures recorded during Cl and from historical borings referenced in the URS reports. Groundwater at the site was generally about 20 feet bgs. Perched groundwater was also encountered approximately 7 feet bgs at the western end of the Downey Site atop of the sandy silt to clayey silt soils. In general, we anticipate that perched groundwater zones are isolated and discontinuous, and seasonal perched groundwater conditions may develop at other locations on the site.We anticipate that groundwater levels will be lowest during the late summer and early fall months. Groundwater levels should be expected to fluctuate based on season, rainfall events, and water levels within the Green River. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Fill Materials from the Proposed Borrow Area We recommend that only soil that meets the criteria for Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)Standard Specification 9-03.14(3) Common Borrow be used to fill the Naden Site. It is our opinion that most, if not all, of the soil from the proposed borrow area in the Downey Site will meet these criteria. At the west end of the Downey Site a discontinuous layer characterized as sandy silt to clayey silt was reported. In our experience clayey soils are uncommon in Green River alluvium, but organic silts with peat lenses can produce similar results in a CPT and are much more common. In either case, this type of soil will not likely meet the WSDOT criteria for Common Barrow. Although this layer was not encountered within GEOENGINEERS rizN, 0nio)-0000 City of Kent June 19,2018 Page 3 the area of the proposed excavation there Is a potential that similar materials could be encountered. We recommend these materials not be used as fill. FIII Placement and compaction We recommend that fill placed at the Nader Site be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density (MDD) as determined by ASTM International (ASTM) Test Method D 1557 (modified Proctor). This level of compaction is not intended to create a working surface or subgrade for future development or for creating a working surface for support of heavy construction equipment during this project. Additional compaction or coarser-grained import materials might be required as part of this project to establish and maintain on-site haul roads. A Proctor maximum density test establishes the MDD of the soil that can be achieved by compaction through mechanical means, the optimum moisture content for the compaction to occur, and the range of moisture contents where a specific level of compaction car be achieved (the optimum moisture range). Compaction should not be attempted until the soils are within the optimum moisture range for achieving the specified level of compaction. We anticipate that significant portions of the soil will need to be dried to meet this requirement, as described below. We recommend compaction be achieved through mechanical means. We expect equipment designed for soil compaction,such as large vibratory rollers, will be most effective, However, depending on the moisture condition of the soil, the soil type, lift thickness, and the specific techniques used, it might be possible to achieve the recommended level of compaction by wheel rolling with haul trucks or tracking and back- plading with bulldozers. Moisture Conditioning for Compaction The soils present at the Downey Site contain a significant amount of fines. The soil will be highly sensitive to changes in moisture content and will be very difficult or impossible to work or compact when wet or outside the optimum moisture range. Based on our review of the subsurface explorations and laboratory testing performed by URS, excavated soils from the Downey Site will likely be above optimum moisture range for compaction. In our experience the optimum moisture content for silty sands or sandy silts derived from Green River alluvium is typically on the order of 14 to 20 percent and can be compacted provided the moisture content is within 2 to 3 percentage points of optimum. The moisture contents of silty soils measured in test pits at the Downey Site were reported to be, on average, above 20 percent. In our opinion, aerating or air drying the soil during warm dry days will be the most economical method for reducing the moisture content of the soil. Agricultural equipment such as a disc harrow might be required and will likely be more effective than traditional earthmoving and grading equipment. A disk harrow is similar to the "Heavy-duty Tandem Discs" described in WSDOT Standard Specification 2-03.2(15)aeration. The success of this technique Is highly dependent on the weather. In our experience, spreading soil in thin (1-foot) lifts and plowing or turning it over daily with a harrow can reduce the moisture content by 1 to 2 percentage points every day, provided this is done during warm dry days (i.e., days in the high 70's with low relative humidity and no measurable precipitation). GEOENGINEERS !/ i m,m„ ad i o-200-00 City of Kent June 19,2018 Page 4 Sources of moisture at both the borrow and fill sites must be diverted so that they do not spread and saturate other areas. This can include surface water runoff, perched groundwater encountered at the borrow site, or other highly saturated soils. Soils that have been dried or placed and compacted must be protected from absorbing additional moisture. Stock piles must be covered with plastic sheeting in anticipation of precipitation. Soils that have been placed and compacted should be sloped and rolled smooth to encourage precipitation to flow off rather than soak into the soil. Recommended Approach The following presents our recommended approach for soil excavation, haul, and placement. The intent of these recommendations is to reduce the risk to the Citythat large quantities of wet, saturated, or otherwise unusable soils are transported to the Naden Site. This approach is intended as a general guide.The actual procedure must be developed by the contractor and engineer in response to observed site conditions and the weather during construction. First, test pits will be excavated in the borrow area at locations selected by the engineer.This could require clearing of some vegetation for site access. These test pits will be used to collect samples for Proctor maximum density determinations and moisture content determinations of the borrow soils.These tests will provide the basis for evaluating fill soils during the project. After erosion control silt fencing is in place, both sites will be stripped of organics and surface soils as indicated in the contract drawings. The subgrades at the fill site shall be evaluated for soft or saturated areas that could inhibit fill placement or compaction. Wet areas will be drained and/or aerated, and the site will be recompacted to create a firm fill subgrade. Permanent stormwater management at the fill site, including the sediment pond and stormwater outlet structures,should be constructed as soon as practical. Soils at the borrow site shall be evaluated based on in-place moisture content relative to the optimum moisture range as determined by the Proctor maximum density determinations. We anticipate that the in- place moisture content can be quickly determined in the field using a nuclear moisture density gauge.Soils that are within the optimum range may be excavated and hauled to the fill site for immediate placement and compaction. Sails above the optimum moisture range shall not be transported to the fill site without approval by the engineer. Soil above the optimum moisture range will only be permitted to be transported to the fill site if the engineer agrees thatthere is a practical plan in place for aeratingthe soil at the fill site.This will include limiting the amount of soil hauled to the site based on the area available for aeration and confirming that the weather is predicted to be appropriate for aeration. Deleterious soils and/or soils that are determined to have moisture contents higher than can be paratactically lowered by aeration will be separated and stockpiled at the barrow site. It is anticipated that a significant quantity of the soil will require aeration to lower the moisture content. Ideally, this aeration would occur both at the borrow and fill sites. However, space is limited at the borrow site and, in our opinion, this space will likely be needed for managing, stockpiling, and segregating highly saturated soils from soils to be transported to the fill site. GEoENGINEERS File Na.n410 P00 00 City of Ken[ June 19,2018 Page 5 Any aeration that can occur at the borrow site is desirable and should be considered. For example, it might be practical to aerate soil from the higher elevations in place prior to excavation. The entire borrow area could first be tilled and allowed to dry then the upper layer of drier soil could be transported to the fill site. No fill shall be transported to the fill site if significant precipitation is predicted within 48 hours. This time will be used for managing the soils currently at the fill site and protecting stockpiles. This could include grading and compacting sail that has been placed so that surface water will flow off and covering stockpiles with plastic sheeting. Fill should be placed and compacted in large uniform lifts. Intermediate fill lifts should generallyfollow the proposed final contours. Specifically, each lift should be sloped to a center swale with the swale draining north to the sediment pond. This will allow the site to drain as intended even if construction must be suspended or canceled due to weather. LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for the City of Kentforthe Downey Farmstead Restoration Phase 1 and Nader Avenue Site Improvement Phase 1 projects. They may distribute copies of this report to their authorized agents and regulatory agencies as may be required for the project. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in the field of geotechnical engineering in this area at the time this report was prepared. The conclusions, recommendations, and opinions presented in this report are based or our professional knowledge, judgment and experience. No warranty or other conditions, express or implied, should be understood. Please refer to Appendix A titled "Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use" for additional information pertaining to use of this report. GEOENGINEERS I I NO 04 2zaU-01a City of Kent June 19,2018 Page 6 We appreciate the opportunity to provide services to you for this project. Please contact us if you have any questions or wish Lu disouss out conclusions and recommendations further. Sincerely, GeoErgineers, Inc. ,.. y t _ p 'ENJJ" Basel Kltmitto, PIT Geotechnical Engineer _ / Q Lyle J.Stone, PE s:60 At Associate Geotechnical Engineer BTK:US:tt Disclaimer,Any electronicform,facsimile or hard copy of the original document(emall,text,table,and/or figure),If provided,and any attachments are only a copy of the original document.The odglnal document Is stored by GeoFngineers,Inc.and will serve as the official document of retard. Attachment: Appendix A- Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use GMENGINEERS / Flee No.oaioaoaco APPENDix A Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use City of Kent June 19,2018 Page A-1 APPENDIX A REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USEJ- This appendix provides information to help you manage your risks with respect to the use of this report. Report Use and Reliance This report has been prepared for City of Kent. GeoEngineers structures its services to meet the specific needs of its clients. No party otherthan City of Kent may rely on the product of our services unless we agree to such reliance in advance and in writing. Within the limitations of the agreed scope of services for the Project, and its schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with our Agreement with the Client dated December 1, 2016 and generally accepted geotechnical practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. We do not authorize, and will not be responsible for, the use of this report for any purposes or Projects other than those identified in this report. If changes to the Project or property occur after the date of this report, GeoEngineers cannot be responsible for any consequences of such changes in relation to this report unless we have been given the opportunity to review our interpretations and recommendations in the context of such changes. Based on that review, we can provide written modifications or confirmation, as appropriate. Information Provided by Others GeoEngineers has relied upon certain data or information provided or compiled by others in the performance of our services. Although we use sources that we reasonably believe to be trustworthy, GeoEngineers cannot warrant or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information provided or compiled by others. Conditions Can Change This report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. The findings and conclusions of this report may be affected by the passage of time, by events such as construction on or adjacent to the site, new information or technology that becomes available subsequent to the report date, or by natural events such as floods, earthquakes,slope instability or groundwater fluctuations. If more than a few months have passed since issuance of our report or work product, or if any of the described events may have occurred, please contact GeoEngineers before applying this report for its intended purpose so that we may evaluate whether changed conditions affect the continued reliability or applicability of our conclusions and recommendations. Professional Judgment It is important to recognize that the geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering, geology and environmental science) rely on professional judgment and opinion to a greater extent than other engineering and natural science disciplines,where more precise and/or readily observable data may exist. To help clients better understand how this difference pertains to its services, GeoEngineers includes these explanatory"limitations" provisions in its reports. Please confer with GeoEngineers if you need to know how these "Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use" apply to your Project or site. i Developed based on material provided by ASFE,Professional Firms Practicing in the consciences;www.asfe.org. y GE0ENGINEER5 / HIc No 041 0 200 00 URS Technical Memorandum URS Corporation Century Square 1501 4"' Avenue, Suite 1400 Seattle, Washington 98101 Tel: 206.438,2700 Fax: 206.438.2699 To: Mark Ewbank, HEC CC: HEC From: Pam Craig, Martin McCabe Date: June 8, 2010 RE: Geotechnical Design Memorandum, Downey Farmstead Project This memo presents the results of the geotechnical investigation and analyses performed for the Downey Farmstead project located just north of Highway SR 516 near its western-most crossing of the Green River in Kent, WA (see Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map). The objective of the geotechnical services was to investigate subsurface soil and ground water conditions and present recommendations for design and construction of a new channel for Fish habitat and flood storage. The memo is also to address geoteclurical considerations for the re-alignment of Frager Road. FIELD INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions were investigated by advancing 5 electric cone penetrometer probes (UCPT-1 through UCPT-5) to a depth of 50 feet each and excavating 5 test pits (UTP-1-10 through UTP-5-10) to depths ranging from 10 to 17 feet. The locations of the probes and test pits are presented on Figure 2 Site Plan. Logs of the probes are presented in Appendix A of this memo. This appendix also presents information on the cone penetrometer probing process and the manner in which soils are identified and classified, i.e. by unique combinations of tip resistance and side friction measured by the cone. It should be noted that URS has found from comparisons with drilled borings and from lab testing that the cone probe system tends to classify soils slightly finer than their actual character. For example, a sandy silt as classified by the cone probe system is in reality more likely to be a silty sand. Logs of the test pits as well as plots of laboratory sieve analysis tests performed on selected soil samples are presented in Appendix B. GEOLOGIC SETTING Information on the geology of the site was obtained from Waldron (1962), which indicates the surficial geologic materials are alluvium"Qa" consisting of recent deposits of silt and sand with minor amounts of clay and peat. The site is within a large area identified as having a "high" (Category 1) liquefaction susceptibility according to Palmer et at (1994). -------- _ Page I of]0 '�Samect 161(11,of Ken(ll -,IIr heed C 1d—lJ-a 9W oi,ealecF6-A-IOd- ESTIMATED SUBSURFACE PROFILE Information from the URS probes and test pits was combined with information obtained by a review of logs of previous borings drilled at or near the site by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT - see key boring at Station 177 shown on Figure 2) to estimate the soil profile for evaluation of the proposed project. Profile A in an east-west orientation along the alignment of the new channel is presented on Figure 3, and Profile B in a north-south orientation near the east end of the site is shown on Figure 4. While only one of the WSDOT boring locations are shown on Figure 2, several more borings are in the general vicinity. The site is relatively flat with ground surface elevations in the range from approximately 39 to 42 feet. In general the soil profile consists of a relatively thin surficial layer of silt overlying medium dense silty sand to sand to a depth of roughly 25 feet, then medium dense to dense sand to a depth of at least 40 feet. Fill was encountered at the surface in one test pit (UTP-5-10), and has been observed at the surface in several locations around the site. A more detailed description of the soil layers from the surface downward is presented below: Stratum 1 - FILL , Variable including Sandy GRAVEL (GP-GM) This layer consisted of a silty sandy gravel with occasional cobbles where encountered in UTP- 5-10 near the east end of the site. The gravel and cobble were rounded and gave the appearance of a native soil deposit, but its shallow depth and localized presence suggests that it is a fill material. Other till materials appear to have been placed in the vicinity of the demolished structures at the west end of the site, although it was not identified in test pit TP-I-10. Stratum 2 - Brown SILT to Sandy SILT (ME) This layer was encountered in all cone probes and test pits except TP-5-10 at the ground surface. Its thickness ranged from about 2 to 10 feet, and its character is typically medium stiff. It likely represents an overbank deposit. Laboratory tests indicate water contents of 29 to 32 percent, which is probably over the optimum level for this material. Stratum 2A - Sandy SILT to Clayey SILT (ML/CL), with Organics This soil was encountered only in CPT-1-10 near the west end of the site (roughly 500 feet from Mullen Slough), and may represent a localized pocket or discontinuous layer of fine grained organic material. Equivalent blow count information suggests that this layer is soft to medium stiff in consistency. Similar fine grained materials containing thin peat lenses were encountered in 1981 by the Washington State Department of Transportation when drilling for the Mullen Slough bridge. Stratum 3 - Gray Silty SAND (SM/ML) This layer was encountered in all cone probes and test pits, and was immediately below the surficial till and silt described above. The layer extended to a depth of roughly 20 to 35 feet below the ground surface. Its character was typically medium dense to occasionally dense, and sometimes graded to a sandy silt that would still be considered medium dense. Based on the results of laboratory sieve analysis tests, the tines content of this layer ranged widely from 4 to Page 2 of 10 UM bolo,-In 161 Cila of k-I Do-1— funk IN1 "f3aol'111"8111 do, 43 percent, with an average of about 20 percent. Moisture content values ranged from 7 to 25 percent. Stratum 4 - SAND to Silty SAND (SP/SM) This layer is apparently very similar to Stratum 3 except that it contains less fines (silt and clay) and is somewhat more dense in character. It was encountered below Stratum 3 in all cone probes and extended to at least 50 feet, which was the maximum depth explored. When the relatively high cone tip resistance values are converted to equivalent sample N-values (Standard Penetration Test blow counts) , equivalent blow count values of at least 30 blow per foot are typically obtained. Silt or silty clay interbeds only a few feet thick are occasionally encountered in this layer, except at CPT-3-10 where an interbed was found in the depth interval from 40 to 47 feet below the -round surface. Groundwater Information on the depth to groundwater at this site was obtained from direct observation during excavation of the test pits, from pore pressure response during advancement of the cone penetrometer probe, and from review of previous borings and studies by others. Water was encountered only in test pit TP-I-10 , where slight to moderate inflow was observed at a depth of approximately 7 feet. As the other test pits were excavated up to 17 feet depth without encountering groundwater, the shallow water in TP-1-10 was judged to be a temporary perched condition resulting from surface water infiltration being impeded by an underlying lower permeability layer. A fine grained layer of clayey material was encountered not far away in cone probe CPT-1-10, and erratic pore pressure measurements in the depth range from 10 to 20 feet support the premise that perched water could be present. Other occurrences of shallow perched water have been referenced in previous reports by Geomatrix. All URS cone probes indicated that the static water table was at approximately 20 feet depth, which is the depth where the average pore pressure began increasing linearly above 0 pounds per square inch (psi). A limited Phase II investigation by Geomatrix also reported encountering ground water at 19 to 22 feet below the ground surface in borings drilled to depths up to 24 feet. Logs of borings drilled by the WSDOT for SR 516 in 1976 indicated the presence of water bearing sand and heaving sand conditions below depths of approximately 15 to 18 feet below the ground surface when it was at about Elevation 30 feet (datum uncertain). Slightly higher groundwater levels could be encountered in the vicinity of Mullen Slough. Water levels are expected to fluctuate seasonally. ESTIMATED SOIL PARAMETERS The following table of estimated soil parameters was developed based on information from the cone probes, the test pits, previous borings by others, lab tests performed by URS, the experience of URS with soils in this part of King County, and published correlations between soil types and engineering behavior of soils: . . . . Page3 of'1 p....... . . .......................... ...... .......... US-naceo,I(lCiq ntKon CD -y PnrmstrndC hniralT-k I M o 1,-1-h 1,8 10,1- Table l: General Gentechnical Design Parnmeitgrc ......... ......... ...... ........ Stratum...,.. '.. 2A Stratum 3 Stratum 1 Clayey Silty Stratum 4 Granular Stratum 2 Silt Sand Sand Soil Parameter Description: Svmbol Unit Fill Silt iML) (ML/CL) isM) (SP/SM) Median SPT N-Blow Count N Blows/ft 7 5 18 25 Total Unit Weight y pcf 130 110 105 115 120 Average Thickness it 2 to 6 8 5 to 25 > 15 Friction Angle dcg. 36 30 0 34 37 Cohesion c psf 0 20 500 50 0 Static Elastic Modulus E ksf 2000 500 200 2000 4000 Poisson's Ratio v n/a 0.30 0.35 0.45 0.25 0.25 Soil-Concrete Friction Coeff. µc n/a 0.45 0.35 0.30 0.32 0.45 Soil-Steel Friction Coeff. µs rr'a 0.36 026 0.26 0.32 0.36 California Bearing Ratio CBR n/a 20 8 5 12 j '.. Active Earth Pressure Coeff(static) Ku n/a 026 0.33 0.42 0.28 4 At-Rest Earth Pressure 0.41 0.50 O.SB 0.44 0.41 Coeff.(static) Ko n/a Passive Earth Pressure 3.85 3.0 2.4 3.54 3.85 Coeff(static) Kp n/a Active Earth Pressure Coeff. 1 0.50 0.62 0.74 0.53 n/a (seismic) lice n/a Passive Earth Pressure Coefffseismic) kpc n/a 3.12 2.33 80 2.83 n/a Permeabilityy k cmis Ix10s Ix10­ lxlo_a Ix10-` APprox Water Table Depth: 18-20 fir General Soil Properties Note: o Values listed above generally represent average to slightly less than average values,except as noted here. '..... to Natural variability of soil conditions and parameters are expected to occur throughout the site. o The values of Ko and Soil-Concrete Friction Coefficient are considered"UlWnate" values (no safety factor included). SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS The geotechnical-related parameters to be used for seismic design were evaluated in accordance with I BC 2006 provisions as described in Section 1613 of the IBC 2006 Code, and ASCE/SEI 7- 05 provisions in Section 11.4 which is the standard referenced in the 2006 IBC. The spectral response accelerations for the "Maximum Considered Earthquake", which has a 2 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years (i.e. return period of 2500 years), were obtained from Figures 1613.5(1) and 1613.5(2) from the IBC 2006 Code for the location of this site. The recommended values for this site are as follows. Ss= 129 % g= 1.29g (short period, or 0.2 second spectral response) Sr = 44 % g= 0.44g (1.0 second spectral response) The "Site Class"for a site is selected based on the estimated average soil properties in the top 100 feet of the soil profile (Section 1613, IBC 2006). The average soil profile at this site was Page 4 of 10 3rauaa 163 QI y 01 KJIII I PnIetl,d( l niicl Falk 3 N Ioil ("OICLI08101- interpreted to consist of about 25 feet of medium dense to occasionally loose silty sand to sandy silt over medium dense or better granular soil. Not considering the potential for liquefaction, this profile would be interpreted as Site Class D ("stiff soil profile", with penetration resistance N- values of 15 to 50 blows per foot). If a stricture is planned having a fundamental period of vibration of less than 0.50 seconds, the Site Class D would be considered appropriate. For structures of higher periods, a Site Class F ("Soils vulnerable to potential failure or collapse under seismic loading such as liquefiable soils—`) would be appropriate due to the potential for liquefaction as described below. The potential for liquefaction and associated liquefaction induced settlement were evaluated using the computer software LiquefyPro, a commercially available software package based on procedures adopted in the industry standard empirical analytical method described in Youd et al (2001). In accordance with IBC 2006 provisions as described in Section 1613 of the IBC 2006 Code, and ASCE/SEI 7-05 provisions in Section 11.4, a design level earthquake of Magnitude 7.0 and a PGA of 0.34g were used to evaluate the potential for liquefaction and its effects. The analyses indicated that the Stratum 3 and Stratum 4 medium dense silty sand to relatively clean sand will likely liquefy from the water table at depth of roughly 18 to 20 feet clown to about 35 feet below the ground surface. In other words, a 10 to 15 foot thick zone below the ground water level is expected to liquefy during significant seismic shaking. Liquefaction induced settlement was estimated to be 4 to 5 inches total, and about 4 inches differential settlement over a distance of about 30 feet. An estimate of the magnitude of liquefaction-induced lateral spread was made using the method of Youd et al (2002) for the case of a "free face" represented by the slope of the new channel. The analyses indicated that estimated liquefaction induced lateral spread displacement could be approximately 5 to 6 inches at the center of Frager Road if its new location is about 70 feet from the toe of a 2H:1 V channel slope. The magnitude of lateral displacement at the north edge of SR 516 was estimated at approximately 5 inches by this same method. These estimates are considered very approximate, and actual magnitudes could differ from the estimate by 25 percent or more. The lateral spread could be accompanied by cracks in the ground surface. Sand is expected to be expelled at the ground surface in "spouts" or "boils" at various,unpredictable locations within areas experiencing liquefaction. This may cause uplift and distortion of slabs and pavements. Footings and slabs will settle with the ground surface. However, for small structures like a culvert or bridge at Mullen Slough, further footing settlement due to bearing capacity failure is not expected. SLOPE STABILITY Conceptual drawings of the proposed channel to be located south of the existing Green River show gentle slopes having inclinations presumed to be 3 Horizontal to l Vertical (311:1V) or flatter . URS examined the stability of the future slopes for the potential situation where the slopes were inclined as steeply as 2H:1 V. The stability of the slopes was analyzed using the industry standard SLOPE/W software, which uses limit equilibrium methods. Shear strength parameters of the soils were as shown in Table 1 above. The groundwater was assumed to be at Page 5 of'10 UM ,Sdmm Ill( I,uJ K-1 U,v 111 1ILrIK,11 Te k Gm¢ah 68-I0f1- various levels ranging from a more typical Elevation 20 to the Ordinary High Water level at approximately Elevation 36. Results of the analyses are presented graphically in Appendix C. For the static case, safety factors were approximately 1.7 for the case of typical water levels at Elevation 20, and even for the case where water rises to the approximate ordinary high level at about Elevation 36. An analysis was also made of the stability of the slope during a period of water table drawdown from ordinary high back down to Elevation 20 over a period of about 5 to 6 days. The safety factor for this partially drained situation was approximately 1.3 . The factor of safety for the seismic case was examined with typical water levels at Elevation 20 using the psuedostatic methods for the case where no strength loss occurs, and also for reduction of shear strength to the residual level as a result of seismic liquefaction. The factors of safety for these seismic cases were at least 1.1 , thereby suggesting that very little if any slope deformation would occur. In reality, given the likely variable nature of the soils at this site, some areas of more substantial strength loss and localized shallow sloughing near the water level should be expected. Such areas would be characterized by soils that have fewer fines and that may be somewhat looser than elsewhere. The slope stability analysis results described above indicate that cut slope inclinations of 2H:1 V should be generally possible throughout the restoration area. Slightly steeper inclinations may be possible, say to 1.5H:1 V , where slope heights may be less than about 4 to 6 feet. Flatter slopes may be needed at the west end of the project near Mullen Slough if soft clayey silt and peat layers are encountered to any significant extent. If slopes in the vicinity of a new culvert or bridge are steepened to limit the length of this structure, it is expected that poor quality Stratum 2A soils in the upper 10 feet or more may need to be removed and replaced with better quality soils that are excavated from the new channel. In addition, the replaced soils would need to be reinforced with layers of geogrid and/or geotextile to maintain adequate stability. An alternative solution would be to use gabions or Hilfiker retaining methods (rock-filled wire baskets) for the steeper slopes. BRIDGE OR CULVERT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS If a new bridge or culvert is needed for the re-aligned Frager Road where it crosses Mullen Slough, one of the soils of interest to the design process may be the Stratum 2A Clayey Silt which likely contains some organic matter or peat. This material was encountered in URS cone probe CPT-1-10 and in the 1981 WSDOT borings for the Mullen Slough bridge. The WSDOT boring logs referred to "clayey silt with lenses of peat" to a depth of approximately 10 to 15 feet. This material should not be used for foundation support, and backfill placed on this material may experience long term consolidation settlements. Foundations for a bridge or culvert should be supported on the Stratum 3 or Stratum 4 silty sand to sand layers with proper subgrade preparation, or on select compacted fill. An allowable soil bearing pressure of 3000 pounds per square foot may be used for these materials. However, the subgrades should be surface compacted with vibratory equipment to density possible loose zones in the upper 3 to 4 feet. Unsatisfactory clayey or peaty material encountered at the subgrade level should be removed and replaced to a depth of at least 2 feet. Additional over-excavation and replacement with well graded granular fill may be necessary depending on conditions encountered. The magnitude of settlement will depend on the size of the footings to be used. Page 6 o f 10 Scooaa 16d-1,of KaeAf) yPormpeadAC t hnieol"I oak I Maio Oeotech 68-IQ0a If a new culvert/bridge location is desired for the re-located Frager Road, URS recommends that additional subsurface exploration via test pits or borings be undertaken to better identify foundation conditions and preparation measures that may be needed. PAVEMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS When Frager Road is re-aligned, the subgradc for the new pavement is expected to consist of either a variable Stratum 1 fill soil, the native Stratum 2 silt or possibly the native Stratum 3 silty sand. Further west near Mullen Slough the pavement subgradc could possibly consist of the Stratum 2A clayey silt. Subgrade preparation should include proof-rolling with static equipment to identify zones of wet, soft or otherwise unsuitable material. Values of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) are recommended in Table 1 above. Over-excavated material should be replaced with suitable on-site or off-site granular fill that is compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as measured using ASTM D-1557. The native soils that may serve as a subgrade for the new roadway are considered to have high to moderately high frost susceptibility. EFFECTS ON SR 516 The presence of the proposed side channel and flood storage area is expected to have minimal effects on the nearby SR 516 highway. REFERENCES Palmer, S.P., Schasse H.W. and Norman, D.K. (1994), Liquefaction susceptibility of the Des Moines quadrangle, Washington. Washington Department of Natural Resources. Waldron, H.H. (1962), Geologic Map of the Des Moines Quadrangle, Washington, U.S. Geologic Survey. Youd, T.L. et al (2001), Liquefaction resistance of soils: summary report from the 1996 NCEER and 1998 NCEER/NSF workshops on evaluation of liquefaction resistance of sands.", ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engng, V.127, N.10. Youd, T.L., Hansen, C.M. & Bartlett (2002), "Revised multilinear regression equations for prediction of lateral spread displacement.", ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engng, V.128, N.12. Page 7 of 10 UM \Srouu 163 Ci[,uI—flD yFa 11sLr, GG Ittlm@vI1'akDM oGcet¢h 1811)doo � �� ��n..... ......,....... . ...... Landing ��r W �XX . � J i I si ST Kent : az 19 — I 1. BM r'd a a WashiWashing � ngton f , r�ti• I''b KENT r. .." arm�i.ci°uriu•o,' I l� �4 2� ,,,/ f ?�. y \. A „A .t ✓�r )� ° �,fr:; � � � _� wqtpla a � 11 ..,. X "� I -� a ✓ 1F r , a,- � , ���� ■i � p r , p C If d +, IP "m J if i� dd yIX y`qt r �m v '}' - „ " R� stsl9 R9ntrel Padrl Sln a it .r" y i r � r �' y jon I �X ri Wi t �� i " �{a 9N1�•� . r�I ,a) 1 I�X q Vl aRbfw! G zdNG n,Yyl�bl4n�lryrr •� d.� 741 �� 1 )) 446 r X fork, fiuM hX G ed o � orrnr�b ry m"� ,f < 3 �� yf'� y„" � h v 'r- I I�1� � y A q.{ Iy P ryM \��.^..ry 0" 4, .?Ik I(,., ( 7,-ii„; rl, :.�� }I" .. Sm,� 9 . .ud it wi w �! J �ad2/tIM - Purfc' �Ipyt � Site � , u,� tra 1 dnp"1r4, l�I 41 d ill e' Vi / \1 " � f (!r»n NrPldnur 00,z II 4. i Si Map created with TOPOI" © 1997 Wildflower Productions, www topo.com, based on USGS topographic map 0 0.5 1 Approximate Scale in Miles Figure 1 Job No, 33762260 Site Vicinity Map Downey Farmstead UM Kent, Washington o Vj• cab O y LL N N a N C C 4 y'r R 4 it •E ji� v D U d C O/ tl ! o a) w f w M tl P 4 I A ! O � O vl N III J N ��t Fv�U�il4r �„ 'fit LL Itp4 Vd � tl r'i y ° ) co m p o m o j/r f E H r L Q 4 fm V I W CDLU v Ifni r i co Q m O y1 EE = a N = 11 ZO m o '.. IL N c O �w Fi. CD R N � � ow U , . . Nr 0 It ad �. 0 p o m oo� U) J. Z (n .• ..Q Q C c c O o 7r'r Q T\ . IL .� .' co moca � e ,^ mm0aa . �. . OL ° oam � O L c 0 h m o � o 4` c m W *III >11 w J . .. o O O O O O O O V m N � M Cl (;aaj) UOIJUA91�] o z a 0 V m C o N CON O v 1 a, y C_ E N 3 � Yg o F � V• N " _ co w- w Za oco -o . mt (n J Z (n � Q \\ NQ C � . . .. , U) fV) o T o - T ' C.7 IC6 U) O O N N G} r . m o 0 0 ) am °mam , mU . � N a � � ep h. M f� .. N � F•• P'1 • � U1 20 a tf 0 T t N 0 0 0 0 0 0 V N M M (;aaj) uogene13 d z a 0 APPENDIX A LOGS OF URS CONE PENETROMETER PROBES 2010 UCPT -1 -10 to UCPT-5-10 Page 8 of'IO USaeu—A163,Cly of KcnID.,nc,k4rtneleu<110.ofcoM1 nice)Teek]AMemo Geol,d 6-8-10 doe The basic product of a CPT sounding Cone Resistance, Sleeve Friction ( q<(tsf) Resistance, fs (tso y - - Speed of push 2 cm/second(-4 f minute) 1-meter connccting rod " f9Clrn^:al Mcatrurr_-,.c:nt / V. Friction Ratio= 100 ! DownhuShtar wavc q� vcladty, .----,_..� Sleeve Friction K ConeW Ruiriancc,4 .. Staasfazd.Mzaartrcw�rtts -� _� � ��__ , . (Electric and Mechanical(Dutch)cones) The Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) Downey Farmstead UM Kent, Washington 1000 J . 10 12 Drained t_ 9 11 8 100� . 7 `m 6� Undrained titi�1 5 m ea `a C 4 U 10 3 1 � 2 1 I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Friction Ratio (%), Rf Zone qc/N Soil Behaviour Type 1 2 Sensitive Fine Grained Material 2 1 Organic Material 3 1 Clay 4 1.5 Silty Clay to Clay 5 2 Clayey Silt to Silty Clay 6 2.5 Sandy Silt to Clayey Silt 7 3 Silty Sand to Sandy Silt 8 4 Sand to Silty Sand 9 5 Sand 10 6 Gravelly Sand to Sand 11 1 Very Stiff Fine Grained (*) 12 2 Sand to Clayey Sand (*) (`) Overconsolidated or Cemented 1 Bar= 1.044 TSF SOURCE: Robertson et al., 1986 Simplified Soil Classification Chart for Standard Electronic Friction Cone Downey Farmstead UM Kent, Washington Operator: Brown CPTDatelTime: 2l17I20109:23:37AM Sounding: CPT-01 Location: City of Kent-Downey Farms Cone Used'. ❑SG1079 Jab Number. 33762260.00001 `al N Tip Resistance Friction Ratio Pare Pressure Soil Behavior Type' SPT N" Interpreted Soil Qc TSF Fs/QC(%) Pw PSI Zone'.UBC-1963 60%Hammer Unit 0 300 0 6 -10 50 0 12 0 50 0 Medium etlffHne sand SILT y - Silty SAND to dafest,SILT (SMIML) SM M 5 r,.. 1 Soft to medium stiff sandy SILT t t to clayey SILT 1 I (MLICL) 15 ) I za I"TrT� Mediwn d'ns'to 1 q UU�j 717 dense poorly P 4 r�y � graded SAND with sill and occasional ML Interbeds(SPfSM) Y r a G11 Depth 25tfrr� I r. Of (r ys 30 _ V r II rP,r I 35 f 40 I aiQ�(yl��Y�1 , t 4s 50 Maximum Depth-50.52 feet Depth Increment=0.197 feet '$1 sensitive fine grained N 4 silty clay to clay E 7 silty sand to sandy silt 810 gravelly sand to sand 2 organic material 5 clayey silt to silty clay �,(6 sand to silty sand 11 very stiff fine grained(`) IM 3 clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt IN 9 sand 12 sand to clayey sand(") 'Soil behavior type and SPT based on data fmm UBC-1983 In Situ Engineering Job No. 33762260 CPT-01 Downey Farmstead UM Kent, Washington Operator: Brown CPTDatelTime: 2117/201 0 1 0.24:45AM Sounding: CPT-02 Location: City of Kent-Downey Farms Cone Used: DS61079 Job Number: 33762260.00001 m Tip Resistance Friction Ratio Pore Pressure Soil Behavior Type' SPT N' Interpreted Soil Oc T3F Fslac(96) Pw-'GI Zone:UDC-1063 60%Hammer Unit 0 300 0 6 -10 50 0 12 0 50 6 Medum sift, stiff One sandy SILT(ML) t Illlltlt 10 i 6 i i i SOIy SAND to sandy SILT Med (se silty SAND SAND(SM) 15 0 , e 20 - - I jI Depth 25 I— --30 i Il ,�edlrF i a urOd✓� i (ifr�ifFf �v , yh� 35 ... (f�✓ �rnlllll Medium dares to Yr° dense poorly gradad SAND with t y✓r 1crit and occasional _ ML parted, i - fjf 1 (SPISM) 40 d 45 oI�A 1tiNJ J , +/f is 0 r�kj N o 50 _A Maximum Depth=50 52 feet Depth Increment=0.164 feet 1 sensitive fine grained IM 4 silty clay to clay Ill 7 silty sand to sandy silt 010 gravelly sand to sand 02 organic material 5 clayey silt to silty clay ySS B sand to silty sand E 11 very stiff fine grained(`) 3 clay 6 sandy elltte clayey silt bA 9 sand 0 12 sand to clayey sand(") 'Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 In Slle Engineerirg Job No. 33762260 CPT-02 Downey Farmstead UM Kent, Washington Operator: Brown CPT DatelTime: 2117/201011'.11:54 AM Sounding: CPT-03 Location: City of Kent-Downey Farms Cone Used: DSG1079 Job Number: 33762260.00001 ! of m Tip Resistance Friction Ratio Pore Pressure Soil Behavior Type' SPT N' Interpreted Soil Oc TSF FslQL(%) Pw PSI Zone:UBC-1983 60%Hammer Unit 0 300 0 6 -10 50 0 12 0 50 0 di i Medwm etlR linee sandy etll(ML) i Silty SAND to I sandy SILT i (SM/MIL) s��Znn dense ilty SAND(SM) 10 f r . is r 1 t 1 d �fT rB","re ��i )A' 29 fir�i tr{4 1 4/4' 1 r liorr,/GP ij Depth 25 (ft) Isry4G;✓�trf Modern d.n,.to dense �. - js% rp III 'r I oorly saved edPSAND 30 o"fry✓ / oaceelonal MIT dorbeds(SP/SM) 35 �r 40 .... . J A, yt.✓r _ rff � sail to medium r tr stiff fine sandy SILT(MIL) 45 Metlmm tlense ri l Scary 9arer 50 _.. �,. _. ; (r �✓,��� 5 '.�.. SAND l nhh altand occes IT ) Maximum Depth=50.39 feet Depth Increment=0.197 feel interfere(SP/SM C'1 sensitive fine grained 04 silty clay to clay 07 silty sand to sandy silt M 10 gravelly sand to sand 3�2 organic material 111115 clayey silt to silty clay 'aia 8 sand to silly sand 11 very stiff fine grained(') 03 clay 06 sandy silt to clayey silt 1129 sand 12 sand to clayey sand(') "Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 In Situ Engineering Job No.33762260 CPT-03 Downey Farmstead UM Kent, Washington Operator: Brown CPT DatelTime'. 2117J2010 1218 29 PM 45 Sounding: CPT-04 Location: City of Kent-Downey Farms Cone Used: DSG1079 Job Number: 33762260.00001 ou m Tip Resistance Friction Ratio Pore Pressure Soil Behavior Type' SPT IInterpreted Soil OIL TSF FslQc(%) Pw PDI Zonc:UDC-1903 60%1 lammer Unit 0 300 0 6 -10 50 0 12 0 50 0 J ( Medwm ( , ' sandy SILTLT(Mil Silty SAND to sandy SILT ' (SMIML) 5 r r o u dm dense silty SANG(SM) r 15 ryi per b0 yd t . � . __ a j 1 y is 20 - � . � � � o �16t !( r Y Ay, �r Depth 25 t11 Ou"I"30 e, i r �n 35 )t y r Censa goody graded SAND with f �% i s It ooasslonal r (SP/Sr) I � r SP/SM) 40 Is tei� t�lf r 45 AN' F p1 ? 50 Maximum Depth=51.67 feet Depth Increment=0,197 feet 1 sensitive fine grained 04 silly clay to clay IM 7 silty sand to sandy silt MW'',10 gravelly sand to sand 02 organic material to 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 sand to silty sand 11 very stiff fine grained(`) 13 clay in 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 sand 12 sand to clayey sand(') 'Soil behavior type and 5PT based on data from UBC-1983 In Situ Engineering Job No,33762260 CPT-04 Downey Farmstead UM Kent, Washington Operator: Brown CPT Date/Time: 211 7/201 0 1:20,24 PM Sounding'. CPT-05 Location: City of Kent-Downey Farms o� Cone Used: DSG1079 Job Number: 33762260,00001 m Tip Resistance Friction Ratio Pore Pressure Soil Behavior Type' SPT N" Interpreted Soil Oc TSF Faroe(% Pw PSI Zone:UBC-1983 60%Hammer Unit 0 300 0 6 -10 50 0 12 0 50 0 . ) SnH to medium f f infifIL fine sandy SILT(NIL) 's t ..A to ..... clayey SILT (SMIML) , Loo�e to r —� y� yr — - r dense medium i>°% �� �� , ', Anse poo silty sand Molum dense to grad I e poorly with ��..,. �i. f 1/ ✓O ri�rfi MIL centers tonal 20 �r OI y aa� y"QOt Depth 25 � � , / r Oft) �/I r 4%ir� tr'o�u(� 6pn of d trN . ao I , t 40 45 ✓ ttj I 50 1 "fOL b lf�"(Nr Maximum Depth=50,56 feet Depth Increment=0.197 feet 1 sensitive fine grained 404 silty clay to clay 110 7 silty sand to sandy silt Mi 10 gravelly sand to sand 2NI 2 organic material 5 clayey silt to silty clay 'p 8 sand to silty sand 11 very stiff fine grained(') 3 clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt YON 9 sand 12 send to clayey sand(`) 'Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 In Situ Engineering Jab No.33762260 CPT-05 Downey Farmstead Im Kent, Washington APPENDIX B LOGS OF URS TEST PITS 2010 GRAPHICAL RESULTS OF LABORATORY SIEVE ANALYSIS TESTS Page 9 glJ0 um %9caoccanA163VCily ofKeolAUewncy Femixlc�dlCmlcchnical"l avk 3Wcmo Ceo[sh G3-10 dA Project: City Of Kent-Downey Farmstead Log of Test Pit TP-1 Project Location: Kent, WA Project Number: 33762260 Sheet 1 of 1 Date(s) 2-17-2010 Logged Abhijit Bathe Checked Marty McCabe Drilled By By Drilling Drill Bit Total Depth 10 feet Method Sizelfype of Borehole Drill Rig Truck Rig Drilling Deenv Construction,Insitu Surface 40 feet Type Conlractor Encimeerino Elevation Borehole Backfill Sampling Excavation Hammer Backfll Method(s) Data ,.._— ... Location SAMPLES m c a p o t o = MATERIAL DESCRIPTION uo m REMARKSAND ar a°i m Q 3 'o Q so v ,v OTHER TESTS 112 C) IQ E o o m rn �v 'o 0 z 00 K (D D iL° :5U 40 Q ML Brown sandy fine SILT,moist,medium stiff.No sloughing observed. F 0 U _...... _...._ _.. ...._. ._.._. _..- ..__.....__... Dark gray,silty SAND to clayey SILT,trace fine gravel,moist, ML � :� ML medium dense e. Medium sloughing observed.. 4,... ./... C u --35 e w _ B Becoming wet.Heavy sloughing observed. S-2 � - 42.8 0 w L_ m .....30 10. ......End of test pit at 10 ft ... r L 0 1a— — o _ Y a 0 w_ S w -2S r< LL 0 0 F — z w Y qp F U 0,_20 20 G ot Um Figure B-1 Project: City Of Kent- Downey Farmstead Log of Test Pit TP-2 Project Location: Kent,WA Project Number: 33762260 Sheet 1 of 1 Dates) 2_17-2010 Logged AbhIl Bathe Checked Marty McCabe Drilled By y Drilling ❑rill Bit Total Depth 17 feet Method S¢effype of Borehole Drill Rig Drilling Deenv Construction,Insitu Surface Type Truck Rig Contractor Engineering Elevation 40 feet Borehole Backfill Sampling Excavation Hammer Backfill Method(s) Data ____......... .... ......... Location SAMPLES v C o p N V z MATERIAL DESCRIPTION CO F� REMARKS AND 'W w m N" -6 OTHER TESTS ) VO , ..40 0 ML Brown SILT,trace fine sand,moist,medium stiff.No sloughing observed35 U N m a S-1 94,0 _y ,,...st, .. .,......e_... ._. _,. ...................... SPA oGray,silbserve fine SAND moist,medium dense. No sloughing 'SM a ®.... d U S-2 E ....30 10-_ .. m w 0 12-- 9 Y O w a 14- w S-3 F < . 25 Sand becoming fine to medium. LL 0 z End of test pitat 17 ft. Y S4 49 0 18- U 20 20,,.. W Umf� Figure I Project: City Of Kent- Downey Farmstead Log of Test Pit TP-3 Project Location: Kent,WA Project Number: 33762260 Sheet 1 of 1 Date(s) 2.17-2010 Logged Abhil Bathe Checked Marty McCabe Drilled By By Drilling Drill Bit Total Depth 15 feet Method Sizerrype of Borehole ... .. . — -. _ �, ._... _._ ...... _ __„ ........ ......_.., Drill Rig Truck Rig Drilling Deenv Construction,Insitu Surface 41 feet Type Contractor Enaineerinn Elevation Borehole Backfill Sampling Excavation Hammer Backfill Methods) Data Location .._.. ..__.._ __......_._ SAMPLES m o _ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 v REMARKSAND m m y w o a �^u N�' OTHER TESTS UJ IT ❑? T E o V U °' V _ C N N : O O H z C➢ G-' C7 Lz U D ML Brown sandy fine SILT,moist,medium stiff. No sloughing observed -40 2- ..........__,., ,....... .. ...... _ ........._ _ ......... m Spr Gray to dark gray,brown,silty fine SAND,moist,medium dense, o SM No sloughing observed.. cs - w -35 6- � S-1 SAND becoming fine to medium..Slight sloughing observed from 0 9 to 15 feet. o - z o 110- 5-2 4,4 u -30 w 0 12- - 0 Y O - 0 w 14 Q W H — ...... .......... �,.,�.,, . . ,.,,,, .w,.,..,�,. � End of test pit at 15 It w ._2S 16-- - z 0 0 zz Y 0 16 U C� 20 W ■ 9 1112S 1 Figure B-3 Project: City Of Kent-Downey Farmstead Log of Test Pit TP-4 Project Location: Kent,WA Project Number: 33762260 Sheet 1 of 1 Dates) 2-17-2010 Logged Ahhijit Bathe Checked Marty McCabe Drilled By BV Dolling ❑rill Bit Total Depth 17 feet Method Size/Type of Borehole Drill Rig Truck Rig Drilling Deenv Construction, situ Surface 41 feet Type Contractor Engineering Elevation ..:.. . ...... ... ............................... ...—. --...........-- m .........—. .. ._._._ _...._,. Borehole Backfill Sampling Excavation Hammer Backfill 1Neghodjs) Data Location SAMPLES m c o o v.m r MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 REMARKSAND m OTHER TESTS tL w a O e m U) c v O o F� z to (D ii' U of � 0 ML Brown sandy fine SILT,moist,medium stiff No sloughing observed. 40 - 2... r 0 w h m N 35 6'-' w 'a c9 - — e - S-1 .: MIT M/ sloughing obseD toed dclayey SILT moist medium dense No _. 94,0 O 0 z —. ........_—. m 10 SM Dark gray,silty fine to medium SAND,moist,medium dense. No S-2 sloughing observed LL 30 w 12... 0 Y K jm S-3 15,3 w 14- - 0 r m u ...25 16 - ._. 0 _ ..i .. ......_...... ........ _.._.__... .._......_... z End of test pit at 17 ft Y y0 18.. . .... F U 20.... O TIM Figure I Project: City Of Kent- Downey Farmstead Log of Test Pit TP-5 Project Location: Kent, WA Project Number; 33762260 Sheet 1 of 1 Date(s) 2-17-2010 'Boy' dBy Abhil Bathe Checked Marty McCabe Drilled By Drilling Drill Bit Total Depth 15 feet Method Sze/Type of Borehole Drill Rig Truck Rig Di Iling Deenv Construction,Insitu Surface n qp feet Type Contractor Enaineenn Elevation Borehole Backfill Sampling Excavation Hammer Backfill Me9hod(s) Data Location SAMPLES m ar � 'm MATERIAL DESCRIPTION on REMARKS AND aai a 3 'o U v u w OTHER TESTS ww ❑� F z �U p... GM Medium to coarse d.Me 1 illI Sk LIg and COBBLES,S,trace silty ' W tine to medium sand.MecYlwvp s8nugfaing ofrsarveeN.(Fill) c ....40 2... a_ 0 w •�" m Y m Y, w m 5- ^• - m tr U , N B SM Brownish gray,silty fine SAND,moist medium dense,No m sloughing cMaserved. - S-1 - 38,1 z 0 m w r w z o _30. 12 SAND becoming fine to medium.. 3 o � 3_2 o 14 J - w .._....... .....�... it End of test pit at 15 R. LL w 16- o - -°25 w Y 0 1fp- U tW O 1I mr �Im t9 Figure B-5 U,S,SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U,S,SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1-5 1 314 I/23/8 3 4 6 810 1416 30 50 60 100 140 200 100 95 ... ..... ........ ... , \',. �\ 85 ..... �...__. � ......... i. 70 ...w ... .....,__ .. . ...._, ._,_,......._, ._—___ 65 .... ..._..... ......... ...._, _ ...... ....._., ._-.._._.. w 60 ..... z45 ..._....,,.�.. .. ..,.,_ �_ w 40— _... { h a o M 30.... ..... _ w 20 d I 10 �i— _. ..........._.. ..... m u 0 100 10 1 0.1 0,01 0.001 m a GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY m coarse J ,fine coarse medium fine ..... ...... .... _ ................ ... ...._..... ..... .. ._ __ ..... ............. Specimen Identification Classification LL PL PI Cc Cu w _ _--____________ .._ ......... • TP-1 6.0 ft. SM -Silty SAND m TP-2 5.0 ft. MIL SILT ... ...... ..... TP-2 17 0 ft SP Poorly graded SAND 1.18 2.42 _............ . _ .... ......, * TP-3 10.0 ft. SP Poorly __-.w.. ......... graded SAND 0.98 2.58 — ----------- ID ------------ Specimen Identification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay • TP-1 6.0 ft. 19.05 0.244 14.9 34.4 42.8 .__._—__ --_ _.... m TP-2 5.0 ft. 0.85 0.0 6.0 94.0 .._ . .. .... . ....... _ ui ♦ TP-2 17.0 ft. 2 0.207 0.145 0.086 0.0 95.0 4.9 _ .... - --- --- -- * TP-3 10.0 ft. 0.425 0.22 0.135 0.085 0.0 87.7 4.4 LL GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Project: City Of Kent- Downey Farmstead Project Location: Kent, WA 4 Project Number: 33762260 TMRS Figure B-6 U.S.SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES US SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 314 1/23/8 3 4 6 810 1416 ,, 30 &(7 60 100140200 100 95 ............. _ ...., ._. ..... _ c. .,.. ..... ..._.... ., _...., 90. ....... ..... ...... ...... ....... .. . . 85 .._.... 80 ....... _..._. _ ... _. :._._ ...% ... ,. ..... ..... 75 70 w80 ......_._. . ....e ., ;.. .... ........... ....... .... ..,:.. .. _. ..._... . ...... _ ... .._........_,. 0 45� .:. _ _ _...... _.._..._ �i . .. ...... .......... 40 .._ ....,.. �.....�.. _ _.... ... . .... ___ -..-._._._,., .._...._ __,,,,,.._I �+ w a 35 _. - _ i ._.,L__. _ 25 __ ,., � .. ._ ......._._...... m J PO ...., '.. .,_ .: .., ;...... _......... ., � ....,_ .......... ... S_,._.... ......._..... _-. _.., _. ._........... a w 15 m y 'a U 5 0 100 10 1 0,.1 0.01 0.001 a GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY m coarse ,fine coarse .medium fine .. .... ... ... ................... .... .... Specimen Identification Classification ILL PL PI Cc Cu • TP-4 8 0 ft. ML -SILT — __ ....._ __ .. .................................... ....... ......... m TP-4 13.0 ft. SM Silty SAND 9 A TP-5 9.0 ft. SM -Silty SAND .........................................._......... __ c� W, t Specimen Identification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay I--4 TP 8.0 ft. 0.425 0.0 5.9 94.0 .... .... ....... z m —TO-4 13.0 ft. 0.85 0.153 0.095 0.0 84.6 15.3 g ♦ TP-5 9.0 ft. 0.425 0.104 0.0 61.7 38.1 z w O U GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Project: City Of Kent- Downey Farmstead Project Location: Kent, WA Project Number: 33762260 I Figure B-7 Project: City Of Kent - Downey Farmstead Key to Log of Test Pit Project Location: Kent,WA Project NUml 33762260 SAMPLES � a m 0 J MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS AND w 6 o Q E o 'oo a U OTHER TESTS 0 rn p I-'ry'IIzrr IIm11 � rc� �ryry l�� Q Z_.11 [.l E J l...s_1 s...l I,.......J [$..1 I....'...1 N 10 12 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS Il Elevatipn, Elevation in feet referenced to mean sea level MSL W�ell Cp �11 i rt.SChematia: Graphic depiction of subsurface —datum ( ) ma er encoun ere picaalsymbols are shown below or s—Te ��� 101 Fines Content: Fines content of soil sample passing a#200 Depth: Depth in feet below the ground surface. sieve measured in laboratory,expressed as a percentage, 0 Sample TYpa:. Type of soil sample collected at depth interval D rill Wai �ht: The degree of compaction of a soil measured in shown:sampler symbols are explained below. a 7aSora ory,expiesed as pounds per cubic-foot 4 Sample Number': Sample identification number. M ls� rp Cpntent. Water Content of Soil Sample preasured in la 051Mrry,expressed as percentage of dry weight of specimen, 6 Bl w t in. Number of blows rerYuoter la advance driven camp es'ti inches beyond first 6-niaGn interval,or distance noted, 12 Remarks and Other Tests: Commentls and observations regarding using a 300-lb or 140-lb hammer with a 30-inch drop. dvilling or sampling made by driller or field personnai, Other lipid and 6,1 Recover y °!°. Sample Recovery,expressed as a percentage laboratory test results, using the following abbreviations: Trace 0 -5% Clayey,silty,sandy,etc 12-30 7..I Gra It'l.c Lo : Graphic depiction of subsurface material Slightly(clayey, silty,etc) 5 12/ Very(clayey, silty,etc) 30 50% encounters typical symbols are explained below. w USCS' Graphic depiction of subsurface material encountered, Oescnptionsand stratum lines are interpretive field descriptions may have been m muddrad to r©flea lab lest results bascr�piians oil these to s apply Daly al hire v, typical symbols are explained below, w specific barong locations and a4 the tome the borings were vanced they are not J 91 Material Description: Description of material encountered;may warranted to be reposSenlaxAs aX suINS1.0 aee conditions at o4her Yocallro ®r Ximss, include color,moisture..grain size,and density/consistency. w __ __..._,_ ..... .,.. _................................. — Symbols TYPICAL SAMPLER Letter W Major Divisions Graoh r Typical Descriptions GRAPHIC SYMBOLS Clean �M► Well Graded Gravels,Gravel-Sand Mixtures Little or no `o c v Gravels 00 !0 GW Fines 3 inch O,.D,.Sampler ... .................._ — ......... 0 m o ti a (little or "i r` Poorly Graded Gravels,Gravel-Sand Mixtures,Little or no <, m z ro tines) �'.� Fines Relatively Undisturbed - m � .—�° oo tj wo Gravels I GM Silty Gravels,Gravel-Sand-Silt Mixtures Sample rq w �o U with Fines 0 a d m (appreciable Disturbed Sample ° E c Z v amount of fines) GC Clayey Gravels,Gravel-Sand-Clay Mixtures Y ® Standard Penetration Te. ao >. w Clean Sand S1/1f Well-Graded Sands,Graven Sands Little or no Fines S/3 ...... .... 0 —. (I ittle or LL O ° t mo no fines) SP Poorly Graded Sands Gravelly Sands Little or no Fines w U 0 m o Fines ',' ..... ....... ._.. .._ �� No Recovery r S .R rn o U m aSoand o fines) ,✓',:.,with SM S SC Ity Sands,Sand Clay Mixtures U o .. (appreciable ,..�.� e Grab Sample Clayeyunt Sands,Sand-Clay Mixtures m Inorganic Silts and very Fine Sands, Rock Flour, Silty or TYPICAL WELL a m ML a C m Y Clayey Fine Sands or Clayey Silts with Slight Plasticity GRAPHIC SYMBOLS ♦=a (n m > } y _.____ y . .... m N Silts ,�" Inorganic Clays of Low to Medium Plasticity Gravelly Clays m - quid❑inn / CL One pipe in bentontte ° ,,! Sandy Clays Silty Clays Lean Clays ._ _ m and Less than 50/ �' - pellets w C ncrm i Clays _ OIL Organic Silts and Organic Silty Clays of Low Plasticity One pipe in filter m 0 MH Inorganic Silts,Micaceous or Diatomaceous Fine Sand or m pack LL o o Silty Sods x ii o m Silts Liquid Limit q One slotted pipe in w 5 and Greater than it % CIF Inorganic Clays of High Plasticity,Fat Clays ) filter pack m _.__..._....Clays CH Organic Clays of Medium to High Plasticity Organic Silts u �° y ' Benlonite Seal Highly Organic Soils =PTPatHumus,Swamp Soils with High Organic Contents Mo Note. Dual Symbols are used to indicate borderline soil classifications a vimFigure I APPENDIX C RESULTS OF SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSES Page 10 of 10 MIS acaoca n 163,C'uY of KtjMD vMam,,,,, t otcchnicuI I,k_'41 oiJM,.h1,S 10Joo 7z; \ » L bl) \ � � / CW ^ - - - 7 / a % % 2 ƒ \ , � � � z \ / C� 7 \ ) \ 2 0 \ » \ a- ° °® \ / { \ 0- } / j ; \ \ \ t \ cy� © ƒ C) c R < ( \ / o o 0 / R \ \ / � » D � 7 / ^ _0 > } w¥ / �§ \ , r m r , ° ° Co � { uopng 2 G m } ( ( ( z z z I.w y U h ((J Gr y O VJ O O O LO � � N N M fl C) co n a- o a o OL 0 0 O m O U O a � U o C w CD o) EN V O f 1i o ca O y 1 O O J >. O cu � o � Q Ic ❑ It Ic w ¢ uoilen91D � U) U) cn z E E E o m ca m z z z CD \ / Q / \ - cƒ § g & » A R % a / § / j / R a / \ \ — orr y o = 3 t { / / § 6 \ a) ? 0 \ � % . . s n & ESf ` ^ « \ \ \ / / 5 = . \ 0 \ = R o m \ \ \ - : r > , % — / > u � @ _ : ( } / 2! / ® /\ _ __ } � \ / / \ 2� _ � \ ®> e Y < U uRmAG g co g z = / E E E ) \ = e = m z zzzz = Y ti V O yy ti tifj Cl) W rye, LO P O C J ! SC CD (n U CO M � I IJI M O O d cC L U) I r CD- C:) O O Ir V � U O � � 1II o o V / / Ii (0 LILO. Q O O O O �fJ O O N O M E E E (Z (z m z z z z 0 ti ° \ \ \ c » \ - � , s > 2 / / e = o = r 7 \ % a / t k � \ / C 7 , . . . . z 5 ) � \ \ c3 \ CD / / _ C) e, _ � c > _ j / f 2 o q j � / j � ` { \ / \ % / 2 0 = -i 2 >1 JJ5 = § \ s & \ e e ° ° ` 9 % \ ƒ Iq §� & \ \ uRl�%] J \ ( ( ) ! z z z URS Technical Memorandum URS Corporation Century Square 1501 41" Avenue, Suite 1400 Seattle, Washington 98101 Tel: 206.438.2700 Fax: 206.438.2699 To: Mark Ewbank, HEC CC: Kris Lepine, HEC From: Suren Balendra, Martin McCabe Date: March 19, 2014 RE: Geotechnical Design Memorandum - Addendum I; Downey Farmstead Project URS Job No. 33763963 INTRODUCTION This memo presents the results of additional geotechnical investigation and analyses performed for the Downey Farmstead project located just north of Highway SR 516 near its western-most crossing of the Green River in Kent, WA. The objective of the continued geotechnical services was to investigate subsurface soil and ground water conditions and present recommendations for final design and construction of a new channel for fish habitat and flood storage, including logjam structure foundations. The memo is also to address geotechnical considerations for the newly aligned Frager Road South and possible impacts on the existing SR 516 roadway. The services are being performed in accordance with the October 1, 2012 Scope of Work by Herrera Environmental Consultants. Unless noted otherwise, the following recommendations shall supersede the memorandum of previous recommendations (URS, 2010) provided for preliminary design. However, all other previous recommendations and findings in the original 2010 URS memo remain applicable and valid. FIELD INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions at the newly aligned Frager Road South and the existing SR 516 roadway were investigated by advancing an electric cone penetrometer probe (CPT-6) to a depth of 50 feet below the ground surface (bgs). Subsurface conditions at the proposed logjam locations were investigated by advancing an electric cone penetrometer probe (CPT-7) to a depth of 64 feet. The numbering of the new CPT probes is continuous with the previous CPT probe sequence by URS. The locations of the probes are presented on Figure I A Site Plan. Logs of the probes are presented in Appendix A 1 of this memo. ESTIMATED SUBSURFACE PROFILE Subsurface profiles from the original geotechnical memorandum were re-examined and extended as needed based on the results of the two new URS cone probes, as well as on information found Page. 1 of 10 UM J. u)I S KKefl GI AD ,a,Fa p_k i i I J, yuA Ud b yr AL,Mu,nFi d1lo, 11 ,r,( hA h I,,[ '' I9I-Idoc in a geotechnical data report prepared for FEMA accreditation of the nearby Right Bank Levee (GEI Consultants, 2011). The new CPT probe advanced at the location of the newly aligned Ftagct Road South revealed subsurface conditions at the new location that are generally consistent with those encountered in the URS 2010 exploratory probes. All of the native soil layers, identified in the 2010 URS memo as Strata 2, 3 and 4, were also identified in the new CPT-6. The new CPT probe advanced at the location of the proposed logjam locations revealed subsurface conditions at the new location that are generally consistent with those encountered in the 2010 explorations. However, this new probe (CPT-7) was pushed deeper than the others, revealing a medium dense silty SAND to sandy SILT layer, and soft CLAY was encountered below the Stratum 4 Sand. This loose to medium dense silty sand to sandy silt is similar to the soil stratum identified above the Stratum 3. Soft clay will be referred to as "Stratum 5". A more detailed description of the newly identified soil Layer is presented below: Stratum 5 - Soft CLAY (CL) This soil was encountered only in UCPT-7-13 and may represent a localized pocket or discontinuous layer of fine grained material. Equivalent blow count information suggests that this layer is soft to medium stiff in consistency. The subsurface conditions at the logjam locations have been estimated primarily using UCPT-7 that was advanced in 2013. It is assumed that the ground surface at the proposed logjam location will be around Elevation 15 after preliminary excavation work. For purposes of analysis of pile vertical (upward and downward) capacity and lateral load-vs-deformation performance, the soil profile was considered to be as follows: • Elevation 15 to Elevation -5 Medium dense to dense sand • Elevation -5 to Elevation -20 : Loose to medium dense silty sand to sandy silt • Elevation -20 to Elevation -50: Soft clay Updated Profile A in an east-west orientation along the alignment of the new channel is presented on Figure 2A, and updated Profile B in a north-south orientation near the east end of the site is shown on Figure 3A. A newly added Profile C in a north east-south west orientation near the east end of the site is shown on Figure 4A. The profiles show equivalent Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-values at selected depths where conversions from the measured cone penetration resistance values were made. Groundwater New URS cone probes indicated that the static water table was at approximately 15 feet depth, which is the depth where the average pore pressure began increasing linearly above 0 pounds per square inch (psi). Water levels are expected to fluctuate seasonally. SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS The geotechnical-related parameters to be used for seismic design in accordance with the 2009 International Building Code (IBC) provisions are evaluated as described in Section 1613.5 of the IBC. The spectral response accelerations for the "Maximum Considered Earthquake", which has Page 2 of'10 UM l P2,a1,f KenC CuloJ�D .,F rnixmun Y 1L I I❑ i I DR I I v�FA I -Nl I, M nl hl ¢Memo Clen h Add-1 01-14-II.d— a 2 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years (i.e. return period of 2500 years), are obtained from the United States Geologic Society (USGS) Earthquake Ground Motion Parameters Version 5.1.0 software corresponding to the site with a latitude of 47.38 degrees and a longitude of-122.26 degrees. The recommended values for Site Class Bare: Ss — 129%g = 1.29 g (short period or 0.2 second spectral response) S I = 44'/0 g =0.44 g (1.0 second spectral response) The Site Class is selected using the definitions in Table 1613.5.2 considering the average properties of soils in the upper 100 feet of the soil profile at the site. The average soil profile at this site was interpreted to consist of about 25 feet of medium dense to occasionally loose silty sand to sandy silt over medium dense or better granular soil. Not considering the potential for liquefaction, this profile would be interpreted as Site Class D ("stiff soil profile", with penetration resistance N-values of 15 to 50 blows per foot). If a structure is planned having a fimdamental period of vibration of less than 0.50 seconds, the Site Class D would be considered appropriate. For structures of higher periods, a Site Class F ("Soils vulnerable to potential failure or collapse under seismic loading such as liquefiable soils ") would be appropriate due to the potential for liquefaction as described below. A Horizontal Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) value of 0.34g was developed based on guidance in the 2009 [BC. in the absence of a site specific ground motion study, the PGA is taken as the damped design spectral acceleration value SDS divided by 2.5, as directed in Section 1803.5.12 of the 2009 IBC. As described in the original memo (URS 2010), the analyses indicated that the Stratum 3 and Stratum 4 medium dense silty sand to relatively clean sand will likely liquefy from the water table at depth of roughly 18 to 20 feet down to about 35 feet below the ground surface. In other words, a 10 to 15 foot thick zone below the ground water level is expected to liquefy during significant seismic shaking. The analyses further indicated that the Stratum 4 medium dense to dense silty sand to relatively clean sand will likely have potential for localized zones of liquefaction below 35 feet from the ground surface during significant seismic shaking. This behavior was model with an excess pore pressure (reduced strength of 20.6 deg) of 0.5 for Post- Shaking analysis. Liquefaction induced settlement was estimated to be 4 to 5 inches total, and about 4 inches differential settlement over a distance of about 30 feet. An estimate of the magnitude of liquefaction-induced lateral spread was made using the method of Youd ct al (2002), both for the case of a "free face" represented by the slope of the new channel and for the case of"sloping ground" between the channel and the two nearby roadways. The 2002 Youd et at guidance has recommended using both methods where the physical situation does not closely fit either a free face or sloping ground definition. The analyses were performed for the 1000-year return period event. and considered the short section of channel that was closest to both Hager Road and SR 516. The analyses indicated that the estimated liquefaction induced lateral spread displacement could be approximately 3 to 4 inches at the center of Frager Road for its new location about 125 feet from the toe of a 51L1 V channel slope. Even though the north edge of SR 516 is nearly 150 feet further from the toe of the channel, the magnitude of lateral displacement at the higher north edge of SR 516 was estimated at approximately 4 inches. It should be noted that the channel is at least 50 feet further from either Page 3 of 10 Ims F D-I,C,1,o11D_ v F--I-d F I D— n DoIn bl M-iolFin l bl u Mona Gu tvb ddd-1 0 14 14doo roadway at most other locations, and smaller magnitudes of lateral spread would therefore be expected. These estimates are considered very approximate, and actual magnitudes could differ from the estimate by 25 percent or more. The lateral spread could be accompanied by cracks in the ground surface. Sand is expected to be expelled at the ground surface in "spouts" or "boils" at various, unpredictable locations within areas experiencing liquefaction. This may cause uplift and distortion of slabs and pavements. Footings and slabs will settle with the ground Surface. However, for small structures like a culvert or bridge at Mullen Slough, further footing settlement due to bearing capacity failure is not expected. SLOPE STABILITY Draft drawings of the proposed channel to be located south of the existing Green River showed gentle slopes having inclinations of 5 Horizontal to 1 Vertical (511:IV) or flatter. URS examined the stability of the future slopes for the potential situation where the slopes were generally inclined at 5H:1V. The stability of the slopes was analyzed using the industry standard SLOPE/W software, which uses limit equilibrium methods. Shear strength parameters of the soils were as shown in Table I of the original memo (URS 2010. The assumed ground water levels for the stability models are summarized below: • Static Condition (Long Term): various from a more typical Elevation 26.2 to the Ordinary High Water level at approximately Elevation 36. • Seismic Condition: Elevation 26.2. • Rapid Drawdown Condition: channel side of the embankment — 14 feet of drop from the Ordinary High Water level in five to six days, other side of the embankment—Elevation 36. The minimum factors of safety (FS) for static conditions required by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, 2000) are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Minimum Factors of Safety Ixe�d for Levees under Static Conditions Minimum Design Condition Factor-otSaf, ,.. Rapid Drawdown 1.0 to 12 " Long Term(Steady Seepagc) 1.4 ety ,m,,,�,,,,.,.,,�.m,�..w. -- _— ,.� ,w,�,,,,w,,,,,,,w,w„ ,,w,,,,,, ,�, mrv, * Sudden drawdown analysis. F.S.—1.0 applies to pouf Icvels pnor to drawdown conditions where these water levels are unlikely to persist for tong periods preceding drawdown. F.S.= t 2 applies to pool Icvcl likely to persist tor long periods prior to drawdowu. The required minimum Pseudo-static and post shaking seismic FS is generally 1.1 (WSDOT, 2012). The results of the stability analyses are summarized in Table 2. Results of the analyses are presented graphically in Appendix C. For the static case, safety factors were approximately 3.0 for the case of typical water levels at Elevation 26.2, and 2.6 for the case where water rises to the approximate ordinary high level at about Elevation 36. An analysis was also made of the stability of the slope during a period of water table drawdown from ordinary high back down to Elevation 22 over a period of about 5 to 6 days. The safety factor for this partially drained Page 4 g1'10 _ IMS I "."'v 66.n1,Clly nd D. k"n,(e,dI IU eiEnA Derive II %T 1,A%Tmlbl nlMemoC-Ll h %dd-1G3-19-1 1dac situation was approximately 2.0. As recommended in (WSDOT, 20t2), the factor of safety for the seismic case was examined with typical water levels at Elevation 26.2 using the pseudo-static methods for the case where no strength loss occurs, and also for reduction of shear strength (to the residual level for liquefied soil and degraded strength for localized zones of liquefaction) as a result of seismic shaking. The factors of safety for these seismic cases were at least 1.1(WSDOT, 2012). From our WSDOT project experiences and personal communication with Tony Allen, if the estimated post-shaking factor of safety is greater than 1.3, very little slope deformation would occur. In reality, given the likely variable nature of the soils at this site, some areas of more substantial strength loss and localized shallow sloughing near the water level should be expected. Such areas would be characterized by soils that have fewer fines and that may be somewhat looser than elsewhere. Table 2: Summary of Factor of Safety(ITS) Analyzed Cases FS Appendix B I Figure No. Long Term Static 3.02 to 2.58 B1-1 & B1-2 ......... l .._...... ......... ..... ......_.. ........ . --_. ........ ......... Rapid Dr awdown 1.98 B I-3 Pseudo-Static 1.21 Bl-4 Post-Shaking 1.47 Bl-5 The slope stability analysis results described above indicate that cut slope inclinations of 5H:1 V should be generally possible throughout the restoration area. Slightly steeper inclinations, say to 3H:1V where height of the steeper portion of slope may be less than about 3 to 5 feet, are not expected to result in significant changes to margins of safety. Flatter slopes may be needed at the west end of the project near Mullen Slough if soft clayey silt and peat layers are encountered to any significant extent. If slopes in the vicinity of a new culvert or bridge are steepened to limit the length of this structure, it is expected that poor quality Stratum 2A soils in the upper 10 feet or more may need to be removed and replaced with better quality soils that are excavated from the new channel. In addition, the replaced soils would need to be reinforced with layers of geogrid and/or geotextile to maintain adequate stability. An alternative solution would be to use gabions or Hilfiker retaining methods (rock-filled wire baskets) for the steeper slopes. LOGJAM STRUCTURE FOUNDATION Either driven steel H-piles or timber piles may be selected for the proposed logjams. Downward and Uplift Loads For the piles with embedment less than or equal to 35 feet, both steel H-pile and timber pile will derive their ultimate downward load capacity from side friction and end bearing from the medium dense to dense sand and the loose to medium dense silty sand to sandy silt. For the piles with embedment greater than 35 feet, both steel H-pile and timber pile will derive their ultimate downward load capacity predominantly from side friction from friction in the medium dense to dense sand, the loose to medium dense silty sand to sandy silt, and soft clay. Page 5 of 10 1:Prol,1 K K,vt CiIV,OP y Td nnembd HTIA IJ xlgri,D,I hl bluo...Fit AI vMiT,Gv aIt PJ Jenl,0119-14,da The analyses assumed that the ground surface at pile location will be Elevation 15. The analyses were performed for a 12-inch steel H-pile (12HP74) and a timber pile having a top diameter of 18-inches and a tip diameter of 10 inches (i.e. average diameter about 14-inches). The recommended ultimate load versus pile tip embedment depth below the ground surface is presented in Figures 5A and 6A for a single 12-inch steel H-pile and timber pile having a top diameter of 18-inches and a tip diameter of 10 inches (i.e. average diameter about 14-inches), respectively. The ultimate loads for a pile larger (or smaller) than the example pile given here can be estimated by increasing (or reducing) the end-bearing and side friction values in Figures 5A and 6A by the ratio of the pile tip areas and the pile surface areas, respectively, of the given example pile here to those of the proposed substitute pile. The increase (or decrease) in ultimate uplift load can be similarly adjusted using the ratio of surface areas of the piles. The downward loads may be increased by one-third for transient components from wind or seismic sources. Minimum factors of safety of 1.75 and 2.25, respectively, should be applied to downward and upward friction. A factor of safety of at least 2.5 should be used for end-bearing for Allowable Strength Design (ASD) methods. Pile Lateral Loads The soil parameters used for the LPILE analysis are listed in Table 3. ... -- -------— ..................m —----..... --- TABLE 3 - Soil Parameters For LPILE Analysis .... ..mom Total Soil Unit Friction Modulus Strain Layer Depth V4t Angle Cohesion Parameter Parameter No. Description of Soil Layer (ft) (pef) (degrees) (psf) k(pei) e5o I M.Dense to Dense Sand 0 120 34 0 90 N/A Loose to M. Dense Silty 2 Sand to Sandy Silt 20 115 32 0 40 N/A -- -- .. . ..... 3 Soft CLAY 35 105 0 300 30 0.02 Note: The soil layers listed above are those assumed to be present at the edge of the Grcen River, approximate ground surface Elevation 115 feet. The layer numbering system is for this analysis only, and is not intended to parallel the soil strrtum numbering system provided in the Junc 18, 2010 Geotechnical Memorandum for this Project. Pile Installation Timber piles and Steel H-piles should be driven using an air, steam, or diesel hammer with a rated energy of at least 15,000 foot pounds and 24,000 foot pounds, respectively. A drivability analysis of timber piles having a top diameter of 18-inches and a tip diameter of 10 inches (i.e. average diameter about 14-inches) using impact hammers (Vulcan 06 with rated energy of 19,500 foot pounds) was conducted by URS using the commercially available industry standard wave equation analysis computer program GRLWEAP. The analysis indicated that with the pile driving resistance values in the upper 20 feet reaching 60 blows per foot (with 80% hammer efficiency) to 75 blows per foot (with 67% hammer efficiency) in the depths occupied Page h of l0 UM I M1 Kcril IIy.W Do,nq Mavr­L­c IF I 1 11n­gmDdi crabki %IM IOFiiinIDl vVA9c Le(;M ch Adder1 03-19-14 by the most dense soil, driving may be relatively hard for short periods. The analysis also indicated that the induced maximum compressive stress is 1.4 ksi (with 80% hammer efficiency) to 1.3 ksi (with 67% hammer efficiency). Final driving criteria should be established using a wave equation analysis when details of the pile size and driving equipment are available. It should be noted that driving piles through the upper 20 feet of medium dense to dense sand is expected to be difficult, and could result in pile damage. Use of a hardened and pointed tip, or placing steel bands at the head and tip of the pile, can reduce the potential driving problems, as could predrilling through at least a portion of the medium dense to dense sand. The diameter of the pre-drill auger should be less than the outside diameter of the pile. Any pile tip affixed to the pile should have a diameter of not more than the diameter of the pile itself in order to avoid a reduction in potential skin friction along the pile. A formal analysis of the expected driving performance of the steel H-piles has not been performed, but driving may be relatively hard for short periods in the upper 20 feet at the most dense locations. No driving problems are expected. The magnitude of vibrations induced by pile driving operations is a function of the energy source, the travel distance from the source, and the dynamic characteristics of the transmitting media. Empirical methods have been developed for estimating both the magnitude of vibrations and the potential effects of vibration levels on surrounding structures. The magnitude of "peak particle velocity" calculated at various distances has been related empirically to damage potential for a variety of relevant structures. While the damage threshold for individual structures varies depending on the type of structure and quality of construction, general values are commonly used. For most residential and other lighter buildings, a threshold of 2 inches/second is commonly used. For more sturdy commercial buildings, a higher threshold of 4 inches/second can be used We are not aware of any commonly used guidance regarding the levels of vibration that can be tolerated by refinery equipment and structures. Using the data published by Wiss and numerous others, the following general estimates of vibration amplitude versus distance from the pile being driven can be developed: TABLS 4 Estimated Ground Vibration Amplitude Caused by Pile Driving Distance Estimated Peak Particle Velocity (inches/sec) From Pile Medium Hammer ----- Large Hammer (feet) 5 6 12 10 2 7 30 0.3 1.8 too 0 os 0.3 A "medium" hammer is one that delivers roughly 30,000 to 35,000 foot-pounds of energy to the pile. A `large" hammer is one that delivers roughly 60,000 to 70,000 foot-pounds of energy. These values should be construed as best estimates. The actual magnitude of vibration levels and vibration-induced ground movements may differ from the estimates given. Page 7 nf'10 URS 1 Pm,M h h nl,Cily oI D ..f FnnelcxU hi,d D sign Da bl NlunoAH, l AI .',bLcmu G,,I, h AddwI D}I9-SI d,, Pile driving tests are recommended prior to the start of production pile installation in order to evaluate the appropriate pile driving criteria and the potential for pile damage due to hard driving. The drive test piles should be monitored using Pile Dynamic Analyzer (PDA) instrumentation, which will assess the anticipated ultimate load of the pile in addition to the compressive and tensile stresses that develop during driving. EFFECTS ON SR 516 The SR 516 roadway embankment is not supporting or potentially impacting structures where it is closest to the proposed new channels. According to WSDOT (2012), all embankments not supporting or potentially impacting structures shall have a minimum safety factor of 1.25 for static and should be evaluated for instability due to design seismic events and associated geologic hazards. However, instability due to design seismic events is usually not mitigated due to the high cost of applying such a design policy uniformly to all slopes statewide. According to the stability analysis of the proposed side charnel in the above section, the stability analysis results indicate that the presence of the proposed side charnel and flood storage area is expected to have minimal effects on the nearby SR 516 highway. It should be noted that in the Seismic Section above, starting on page 2, empirical methods have predicted lateral spread deformations of roughly 5 inches at the north edge of the SR 516 roadway for the relatively short segment where the new channel is closest to the highway. Therefore minor deformation and damage to the paving cannot be discounted following a large seismic event. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES Lateral earth pressures for use in the design of shoring walls for retained soils may be estimated using the soil parameters in the Table 1 of the original memo (URS, 2010) The active case applies to walls that are permitted to rotate or translate inward (i.e. away from the retained soil) by approximately 0.002H, where H is the height of the wall. This case would be appropriate for a retaining wall. The at-rest case applies to unyielding walls, such as a rigidly connected basement wall. These values apply to the case of drained soil conditions where water pressures are not permitted to develop, and should be accompanied by adequate drainage measrues. Alternatively, hydrostatic pressures should be considered in the design where appropriate. The passive value should be used with a safety factor of at least L5. Use of heavy equipment to compact backtill behind subsurface walls may increase lateral earth pressures beyond those estimated from data presented above. Lightweight compaction equipment is recommended within a distance of 6 feet from the wall. The lateral earth pressures on subsurface walls will increase where loads applied to the soil from nearby structures, traffic or other sources (i.e. surcharge loads) are close enough to the new wall to exert an influence. The vertical surcharge pressure applied to the ground surface will result in increased lateral earth pressures on nearby vertical walls that extend below the applied load level. The magnitude of lateral earth pressure may be estimated as the product of the vertical applied pressure and the active earth pressure coefficient of the applicable soil(s). Page 8 gf'10 ]1P,,u I ti'Kum,Cal,uI D ,Rrm.taId F I ll I Ln'D,I I,trabl NI cni,,lYlna[M1I o Nletno(leotEcli Addei1 01 11) H doc EARTHWORK AND CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Before starting earthwork, site preparation should begin with stripping any surficial grass, roots, and topsoil from within the limits of earthwork. URS expects surface stripping may typically be necessary to depths of about 1/2 foot. The Stratum 2 medium stiff SILT to sandy SILT is considered a Type B soil from the standpoint of OSHA/WISHA regulations for excavations, trenching and shoring. This means that temporary cuts greater than 4 feet deep should be no steeper than 1H:1V. The Stratum 1 till, Stratum 3 medium dense silty SAND/sandy SILT and Stratum 4 medium dense to dense silty SAND to SAND can be considered a Type C soil, and may be sloped at 1.5H: I V. Excavations at logjam locations are expected to extend down to approximately Elevation 15, and will likely intersect the groundwater in the lower 3 to 5 feet of the excavation. Based on information encountered at CPT-7, soil in the groundwater inflow zone will be moderately permeable Stratum 3 Silty Sand. Dcwatering can likely be achieved by way of pumping for excavated or drilled sumps at a minimum of two locations within the excavation. Where open- cut excavations are attempted, sloughing of the lower slope may be experienced within the seepage outflow zone. If temporary sheet pile shoring is employed, groundwater infiltration into the excavation is still expected, but likely can be controlled with the dewatering sumps. for areas where coarser and more permeable soil is encountered in the excavation, dewatering by wellpoints may be required if a dry excavation is necessary. As pile driving equipment will mostly be operating from outside the excavation on the higher portion of riverbank, standing water in the excavation may be tolerable. Crone probe CPT-7 was located adjacent to the middle of the three proposed logjams, and was as much as 300 feet from the western-most logjam. Soil conditions at the site are somewhat variable, and plans for excavation, dewatering and pile driving at each logjam location should consider the possible consequences of soil conditions that are different from those shown by CPT-7. LIMITATIONS The recommendations and descriptions presented in this memo are based on soil conditions disclosed by the CPTs pushed during current and previous investigations at or near the site. The existing subsurface information referred to herein does not constitute a direct or implied warranty that the soil conditions between CPT locations can be directly interpolated or extrapolated, or that subsurface conditions and soil variations different from those disclosed by the CPTs and test pits will not be revealed. If, during construction, subsurface conditions different from those described herein are observed, URS should be notified so that such conditions can be reviewed and the recommendations given herein revised as necessary. Similarly, changes to the structure including modified locations and load magnitudes should be brought to the attention of URS so that the potential effect of these changes can be assessed. Page 9gf]0 UM 'I P jec. K.Kent,Clh ofll- 1F.--leitdl iin ID-iynVlelly IleNT, oPTnitl lemo Georsh Added Ol-1'114do, REFERENCES GEl Consultants Inc (2011), FEMA Accreditation Report, Green River Right Bank Levee, SR 516 to S. 231" Way; Appendix A—Geotechnical Data Report, Submitted to City of Kent Public Works Department. URS (2010), Geotechnical Design Memorandum, Downey Farmstead Project, June 8, 2010 USAGE, US Army Corps of Engineers, Design and Construction ofLevees, EM 1 1 10-2-1913, April 2000 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), 2012. Geotechnical Design Manual, M46-03.07, April 2012. Youd, T.L., Hansen, C.M. & Bartlett (2002), "Revised multilinear regression equations for prediction of lateral spread displacement.", ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical & Geocnvironmental Engng, V.128, N.12. ATTACHMENTS Figure IA - Geotechnical Site Plan Figure 2A - Cross Section A-A' Figure 3A - Cross Section 13-13' Figure 4A - Cross Section C-C' Figure 5A - Ultimate Axial Loads for 12-inch Steel H-Pile Figure 6A - Ultimate Axial Loads for 18-inch Timber Pile Appendix A I —Logs of URS Cone Penetrometer Probes 2013 Appendix B1 - Results of Slope Stability Analyses Page 10 of'10 Ims J:P(ojafl�K Ken,(11y a I,I) F ,,I❑._i6 Nkm,'[ mIVI Auc%M,m Uwlcch Ad&n1 Ul19-14d,, A tl5 V Ji o° \ I �. 1• V � i �, 7 v 1 P \ t +1� d l p r 1 ° A ` i M � Ali M x J r e q J m 0 n N O O u LL I9 J C O M N HC9777777LLI co O' O 3 N o a °F,'..' y �' ❑ . L o 0 _o LL o rOj � cu f .T �N � � •-, � � M P. p _ O ry ❑ " L « m none - , .❑ 0 _Soo J ,❑ J�" ❑ �a U N .. Y) z (n � M CO con . ` O L �'m woo � W ymo— a Nz c5 O N v •.v' A «- G6 � tpi ' M. f3Y U' d v Z (n M l m O O O O O O O m m (IGGJ) UOilen017 o z 0 Q CD U m o M i N m .�. m LLLL N O N N LL F T .. . .. Cl) p Y COS m , • CL co FL , LL FL N IL .. . , 0 W U m . o CU U O `o C m _ c d O N N'O U OF aN O o c mLD � O N � co 2 Y © p ° m ofm m cucma a1 C N c � N 00 0 �Irp M O O O O O O L V co N M M (laaj) uaJene13 o z a 0 v V m c m o U a— m E !E L- C) � N /^ m mtONmvaE � Nam' y�I� t No c d O w 0 (Dm Q U Oi U U U U N = N N C O Z L9 N i s m U U O C 6t' W O Z W CU CO . '} U) v x co m .N 0 ° O L @. .. 15 u p LU ilia � Ln n — — —w.. _ .... . o O O O O O p V co N N i M r (199A) uoilena13 0 z U 0 m , s it 0 w Y cn N V � LL T a r 3 O L ❑ O J of a 0 J O N T W > (CCd N CL O (yaal) eoepng punoig mola9 93da0 E VI C m ,c -- --- - w o � U N m v E Q O u >S N U 0 9 W (1) °� m i i r'rri i 3 N!n O x r'�r irr'r M o 00 U N `o s 1 0 0 .R N I----------------- O O p ❑ M - � (Iaaj)aaepng punojE)mola8 ylda4 Z o � C � nMD �� M N — Y _ N d o y LL o 1 o > co 'a U M r .... ........ �... ...... N ,0 � y wwF11 11 a J O _ (;aa4)aoepng punoig molaH q;dap m C O Y E MIAC E o ( ooy 0�uG9MIMIM Lr- .., to ao` m 2 o 5E ` O 1R N O N N „N O N � N IOO INO (IJ C_ N O Q W q � K G � r N U `j O E E E E N � C � W CO(n D lL O O A Q O E , � 1 O Q C O O O e N N N 3 4 4 N ..... ._.. ...... ... N m (q V) M O _ c PIP- fl 0 0 0 m Y O (laal)ooepng punoig mola8 91da4 o o Z q APPENDIX At LOGS OF URS CONE PENETROMETER PROBES 2013 UCPT -6 -13 to UCPT-7-13 Operator: Gerdes CPT DatelTinI 1/1512D13 3:09:47 PM Sounding: CPT-06 Location: City of Kent-Downey Farms Cone Used: DPG1015 Job Number: M Tip Resistance Friction Ratio Pore Pressure Soil Behavior Type' SP I'N' Interpreted Sail OcTSF Fsilc(r6) PwPSI Zone:U6G 1983 60%Nammnt I 0 250 0 5 -5 40 0 12 0 40 Medium stiff to stiff finesandy (M - j SILT(MIL) 1 f I I I Silly SAND to I. I sandy SILT SM/ML I 10 I T Medium dense 1 silly SAND llI / l f i l r MedmT reuse IS / - f dense poorly _. / �� _� r (Seder SAND 30 t f e I�Jp DepthON � I it n 40 I � 1 80 70 Maximum Depth-50,03 feet Depth Increment=0,164 feet 1A 1 sensitive fine grained In'I.4 silty clay to clay JM 7 silly sand to sandy silt a 10 gravelly sand to sand 11612 organic material N 5 clayey silt to silty clay 0 8 sand to silty sand 11 very stiff fine grained(") 3 clay ■I 6 sandy silt to clayey silt OR 9 sand 12 sand to clayey sand(') InSilu Engineering 'Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 Job No.33763963 CPT-06 Downey Farmstead tmKent, Washington Operator Gerdes CPT DatelTime: 1/15/20131 33:52 PM Sounding: CPT-07 Location: City of Kent-Downey Farms Cone Used DPG1015 Job Number'. Tip Resistance Further Ratio Pore Pressure Soil Behavior Type' SPT N' Interpreted Soil Qc TSF Fs/Qc('tad Pw PSI Zen._UBC-1983 60%Hammer Unit 0 250 0 5 -5 40 0 12 D 40 W. Sffl,it loTffAL) stiff SILT(ML) ) J uW MWU S ilty SAND to 1 I, I sandy SILT ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, i.... , ...... ,. .... - I .L.. L.....10 i � � I � (SPNML) d..._ —)� Idin Sums Ito LIff SILT WIT) Jr ' 1 Medium dense q /l(t)I4✓p s11tySAND 5� SKI I I itad ,( it Medior sc to p f densee poorly (Sp) SANG (Sp) / S 30 Depth (ft) 1 sand,SILTm j M MILT (S 1 rib d s.ln d40 pgradedSANDlsilty SAND(SPfSM) S Son CLAY(CL) 50 �— � I ! l II I II 60 i- 4 I 70 _. _... ..-.. - I .' ..I .. _..1 Maximum Depth=63.81 feet Depth Increment=0,197 feet C'1 sensitive fine grained M 4 silty clay to clay IW17 silty sand to sandy silt E10 gravelly sand to sand ijj 2 organic material UUUIU 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 sand to silty sand 11 very stiff fine grained(`) 3 clay ®6 sandy silt to clayey silt P/A9 sand 12 sand to clayey sand(') I,Sins Enginearing 'Soil behavior type and SPT based en data from UBG7983 Job No, 33763963 CPT-07 Downey Farmstead Kent, Washington APPENDIX BI RESULTS OF SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSES � O un V] 1 w v � Q V ch I � = . C q .NOC C N f rJ I :C � C O m N U O i o LO 0- CD •; C) o 0 0- o CL _U) C\j 0 . -- U 0) Q Lo � U0 L � I � C: U) O Un U) Un LL -muNMI E E E E wIn N (6 @ @ p G UOgUA@ / \ \ \ \ a £ / \ \ .0 ) ® / 7 ° 7 Cn . . CL c / / LC) &? \ - / G - CI \ CL o \ � \{ C\l � . / Z C) 40 \- \r J CD- CD . 3 0 \ 2g = f \ D � 0 -9 D \ \ { - : ; » mRg � \ / m . \ \ \ % \ £\ ( . Z \ ) © k. � . _ : mesa / \ / / , ~ zzzz 4 mmGg L % / \ z } 7 o - w ) ( 6 \ co _ § >_ 0 — , In CD e \t9 j : OL _ z / ƒ\ \ / \ _ L c— C ! o ® ' 2 _ _ , � 0 \\ \ . 3 \ 3t & 5 { / a \ \ � ) / § moo ( / \ = 2 o §� \ 0\ .. �� % » E \ \\ 2 \ a0 , \\� \ u) } \ � \< � � } � / /\ E \ : : : : zzzz ::: It > , r \ ugGag » f2f 229i 9r \ / \ [ £ , } \ \ \ « J \ 7 = z » ) \ \ T { J § r 6g / % _ � « — / \ \� 4 ) = \\ )» r — » \\ f ^ \ \ \L : » � { ) _ £ 0 _ : } I,W } \ / } . � o pU) , — K \ /\ E 45 . Q ( \ G » zzzz y _ ef ± . 3 mI eq « 7 & \ § 3 § = 2 a & 9 / % \ } \ \ 0- ` \ \\ \ \ \ @90J } ` ) 0) 2 g Q— CA CA/ , ) RtJ@c 0 LO § v 2 � 4oa a e » ; « / _ \/ t . E e %5 — t » S _ \ 7/ m — CL \ \{ } { J \ 5 \ } -0 \ m 5 ± § E - , § § E = uoa § 2 \ 3 / j «/ < LO / 2U)0 ) Cl) ƒ� \ 3t / e ± a § \ / U) -Ck 7 Z U)>co 0 \ ƒ\\ 7 4i . E E E E E 2 222 ) 2 IN .: + 1 a a um»mg KING COUNTY CLEARING AND GRADING PERMIT 1 Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Leyrer A - 6 June 26, 2018 Project Number: 18-3007.1 D,p�i o oiew o F I'a if n i bg MW E.W men rot Rut", Wx SJVO04 rr AM 210 Kling County Sowqad CLEARING AND GRADING Pumol lype,SoHypo: (oodc,(bading Pumirl Nfarben CJRDE1 INH ti I n1v DDVJNIjY PARMSTVAD RCATC)RAI 10H DOItcJSSUcd Dc-vo ippont CREATE QFF1JQNTWL RHART.6 AND REFUGE EMbationfMc: 514(20f9 IIABI'I hjl C,)A USE IN VVINIT ER Ayd)SPRING Purnat Solo'S: Permit boasoll NY jE\rHaHLT- Hrld.MONTJ IS THAT' IN)WIWI 'I fit',GRI-o",N PtVIIR (PREA Ad 0209) 151 ufl'art ls 232204902V 2322049US,23 22 00 02 9,232200049 Silo Address VeA V21urplon $0.00 Applicant Maire: O7l FY OT KFd4I (Nma Name: CA,Of East ANAkwit AdrAny 400 VV CK)VT S T SM 200 kHkt WA Owner ACICA-CS, 1A(, 980320895 PIUSU Unn, in to Sure PRMU Pirldrer whet malting noWirm isga0mg IN gplionwL For Permit mWormomen or miquoru for f wylify under penalty of rcliely ii,del are I=, of we ,State oi Waslifilpoon fiat ans information futmalied by the ovnx�r of owner's agent in allypoll of this applicallon is true and sollucl f lurtast: MnUy that Litt applicably. Jsdpg C1)LddY robtlilmo(onS f6r far Work afthou mod by this pelmiL il'i,srrud,will No nal and that vindusion Woof wil be cmurn;It code enRuccrinnA samon h%a neful f1w striLbod (OTicidons of approval and understand that ARM: to comply wah or Conditions so forth Kim saWl ,As�,Sdac an immediate 'W"k SUTPagc mad suh time as compluarvot vitli Is s"Wared conditions is wroned Fall= to comply or wpmed WoMs of permit conditions may nondt on en5nnnsal MUM, call PMM54 as radearozed Under K&AL Me 23, amdlot Pesaro SILSI)c1adorr or rcvooadoro Toe goadool', Of this tleiaiit shall not be QMsprtwd as satisfying Use, PoCnaremonds at ofaI, applicable Federal, Stan or Local gnivir-dowil punks or rqu]VAB The qaWln and imauget-i of hellaks Method urnicr Ohs purmh &H he CMAXW K Mcmckwc with Q conditions contained fiwein and shall gencra(ly comply wali all provision; of K O(,' 16.28 end Ober applicable,County Coder, Dwnar/AppNeard SkiInaarre TV Due Prited 5144OMB Page 1 of 2 LQ Permit: GRIM 3-0018 KingCourrty Uepartmeni of Permitting and Environmental Review 35030 SE DouGtu%tit,Sto 210 S,,,p,mlq VIA 98065 9266 206-296-66U0 Y[YKdg711 INSPECTION REPORT CARD Record Card must be on the job site EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO AND DURING CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS: I, Precons(ructionConference By: 2. Erosion Control (installed and functioning) By: 3. Limits of Clearing per Approved Plans By: 4. Construction Entrance installed per Plans By: 5. Site Stabilization and Soil Amendments Installed By: 6, Critcal Area Mitigation Installation By: 7. Final- Site Re-vegetated and all Facilities Functioning per Plan By: 8, Critcal Area Monitoring - Final By: 9. Other By 10,Other By: Notes: ALL PERM ITS: a) Responsibility for the buildings compliance with the provisions of the applicable King County Codes and for maintenance of the building rests exclusively with the permit applicants and their agents and the property owners. b) King County inspection of the building and real property are spot checks designed to foster and encourage compliance with the applicable codes. Neither the approvals above nor the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy guarantees or assures compliance with all applicable codes. �_-_..__._......... _ _..._.... _.......... aaf-W-0026 pnnted', 512412 0 1 6 page 2 of 2 DeparnmenI of Permitting and Env6 onwewal Review 35030 SA Douglas St.,.Ste.210 Snoqualmie,WA 98065-9266 206-296-6600 17Y Relay: 71 1 King Count .. ....... —....- ......._... _� -- _......_� __w J Permit Conditions Applicant: CITY OF KENT Application Number: GRDE13-0018 400 W GOWE ST STE 200 Application Date: 02/22/2013 KENT, WA 98032-5895 The Permit Conditions attached to this cover sheet apply to the permit referenced herein. These conditions must he complied with by the applicant and verified by DPER staffor this permit may become null and void. Site Address/Location: WA Parcel Number: 2322049049 Permit Type: SiteDcvCA/Grade/Grading/NA Title: DOWNEY FARMSTEAD RESTORATION Description: CREATE OFF-CHANNEL REARING AND REFUGE HABITAT FOR USE IN WINTER AND SPRING MONTHS BY JUVENILE SALMONIDS THAT INHABIT THE GREEN RIVER (PREA 12-0269) Valuation: $0.00 Reviewed By: General Conditions: Toe Barto,(206)477-0374,.ioc 4A irGs(e7lkirlp?uou:Hy+.gov Geucra➢Conditions: Soevc i3otnheim,(206)477-0372,Steve.} ouheaoofcrl inip c;oianuv.gov Planting: Joe Rai to, (206)477-0374,Joc.Batto(c�),kinacounty.,Iov Shoreline: StcveBotthcim,(2061477-OS1l `�tl.c2r..,LDuI¢Iuan;Ei?kiu •ntnuy°.Zry Site: Steve Botthcim,(206)477-0372, Steve.F#iltinr n:,ir�{ein em,[fy.gnv � Site Devehquinent: Stevc 13ottheiim (206)477..0ti7 Stc+rc.f)'t,Ctlinnuilciu ..uw t}.poe Site Development: Joe Biite,(2()(a l;ov AM Ai 10) 1 Permit N umber:GR'DE13-00t8 Permit Conditions Clearing and Ga'atliatP� General Conditions 1) G-01 At least 48 horns prior to the start of any work, call the Site Development Inspector to arrange a pre-construction conference meeting. Please be advised this permit shall not be effective until Notice to Proceed has been issued pursuant to this meeting. If required,Notice of Construction Activity signs shall be in place prior to the pre-construction ineeting. 2) G-03 Permit shall provide the name of a responsible person or agent who can be contacted 24 hours a day. 3) G-11 If the contractor chooses to dispose of excess excavated material on sites where Tess than 100 cubic yards and 3-feet of fill will be placed,the contractor shall provide documentation that these sites have been inspected by a consultant capable of identifying critical areas as defined by King County Code, ]'be report shall include date of inspection,name of consultant and company, an assessor's map of the parcel,the name, address and phone number of the property owner, and the location of the fill placed on the property. No fill shall be placed in critical areas or their buffers on these sites. 4) G-12 Haul uuek warning signs shall be installed prior to any hauling from the site. Signs shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control(MUTC). 5) G-15 Perlvin.ee umsl call 1-800-424-5555 not less than 48 hours before beginning excavation where any underground utilities may be located. Failure to do so could mean bearing substantial repair costs (up to three times the cost of repairs to the service). 6) G-16 A National Pollution Discharge Elimination (NPDES)Permit may be required from the Washington State Department of Ecology for clearing andgrading activities associated with this permit. Contact WDOE at(425)649-7000 for information. 7) G-19 This property is within or near designated agricultural lands, forest lands or mineral resource lands on which a variety ofcermmerciat activities may occur that�u c not compatible with residential development for certain periods of limited duration. This notice is required by KCC 20.20 (ordinance 12273) an RCW 36.70A.060. 8) G-23 All site preparation wort:shall he completed in accordance with the soils report submitted with this application. 9) G-35 Permittee shall provide a traffic control plan in conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control (MUTC). AAP-ALL-0022 vI I P....r d 0,r 52412019 1',,ai-- .(6 Permit°dumber:GRDE13 0018 10) C-38 Permittee shall min ply with the eondi0ona of the State of Washington Flydraulie Proi act Approval 111 t1-01 At least 48 hours prior to the,.ttat t of any work, call the Site Development Inspector to arrange a pre-construction conference meeting. M Se be advised this permit shall not he effective until Notice'to Proceed has been issued pursuant to this meeting. tfrequired,Notice of Construction Activity slots shall be in place prior to the pre-construction meeting. 12) G-04 Work shall be limited to that shown on the approved plans stamped and dated x 16/18 by foe Barto ofltihrg County DPER. A espy of the approved plans, conditions and permiC must he on thejoh site whenever work is in progress. 13) G-05 The followingr emrditiorts regnu�e additional approvals before either woilc can beght ar the prcjeet can receive final inspection approval: 1. The relocation clearing for the overhead utility on parcel 4 23220490455 requires property owner authorization using either the legal document front the City of Kent or Ming County'.s Applicant Status Form. 2 Prior to Frag,er Road Might of way vacation, the new right of vvay must be dedicated and functional. The project inspector,Joe Barto, will he your point of contact to work through the road dedication process. Critical Qrefts 1) PLANTA Project re torationr planting must be installed per the approved plans (sheel.s P 1-P4)during first dormant period following project construction. Contact DPER staff for installation inspection. 2) PLANT-3 Maintenance and inonitoritlg of the restoration plantings is required for a period of three yearn Annual monitoring reports shalt be provided to King County by December 31. -Phe project shall meet the following performance standards: 'L80% of planted specimens will be surviving al the end of three years. *Tree and shrub cover will be greater than 10% after one year,greater than 20°o after two years,and greater than 35%after three years.Non-invasive native vohrnte.er species can be included in the overall percent cover. 'Non-native invasive places will not make up more than 10% cover in any growing season. 3) Species Replacement Replace Shore Pine in upland plantings with Douglas Fir or other upland native conifer q)ecies, ! Al i,0022 vie t. I� ;QNWH r ;�r Perm it Nune6ev:GRDEB-0018 Shoreline 4) Exemption All conditions of GRDE13-001 6 Shoreline Exemption Letter shall be considered conditions of this grading permit. * The project shall comply with King County's Flood Hazard Code provisions. Any Flood l fazard Conditions resulting from review associated with the clearing and grading permit shall be considered conditions of this shoreline exemption. * The pi ojeel shall he constructed and operate in conformance with the King County Surface Design Manual and KCC Title 9. * Project shall employ Best Management Practices for temporary erosion and sediment control to minimize turbidity and siltation as shown and described on the plans,and found in the King County Surface Water Design Manual. *This project has been reviewed under the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) by the City of Kent as lead agency. A Determination or'Nensignificanec(,DNS)was issued on December 13, 2013. * Extreme cure shall be taken to ensure that no petroleum products, hydraulic fluid, or any other toxic or deleterious materials are allowed to enter or leach into surface waters. The pci mittee shall report all spills immediately to the Washington.Department of Ecology(425-649-7000). * All equipment that is used for in-water work shall be cleaned to remove external oil, grease, d it and mud prior to placing the equipment in the water. Accumulation of soils or debris shall be removed from the vehicle prior to working below the ordinary high water line. Wash sites shall be placed so that wash water does not flow into the Rivers without adequate treatrrreut. * Best Management Practices for piling removal shall be employed to control turbidity and sediments from re-entering the water colunm during pile removal,debris capture, and for debris disposal including but not limited to the following: • Pilings, sediment, construction residue and debris shall be disposed of at a facility that complies with federal and state regulations. • A floating suit'ace hoom shall be installed as necessary to capture floating surface debris produced daring piling installation. Contained debris shall he collected and placed in containment basins or as otherwise approved. * All project-related debris or deleterious material shall be removed from the.shoreline environment and recycled of disposed of at an upland landfill. * Construction materials shall not he staged or stockpiled below the ordinary high water lute. * A Hydraulic Project Approval(HPA) is required from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. All conditions of the HPA shall also be.considered conditions of this shoreline exemption. *Approval fmm the US Army Corps of Engineers may be required for the work below the Ordinary High Water Mark. Any conditions of Corps approval are considered to be conditions of this shoreline exemption. This shoreline exemption is valid for one year fi'om the date of the last agency approval to construct the project. * This project shall be constructed in a manner consistent with the King County Shoreline Master Program and regulations, and shall result in no net loss of shoreline ecological functions and processes. * if at any tirne local, state or federal approvals are suspended or revoked, all authorization pursuant to this shoreline exemption shall be immediately terminated. AAP-ALL-0022 v I NW,d On.V242019 P`wugc ti uFb Penn it Number;GRDF13-0018 Site I) Clearing-Limits Clearing filuds must:not exceed those approved, reference the attached plan. 2) Clearing-Limits Flagged The clearing limits shall be flagged and verified prior to elearing the site, 3) Erosion Controls-Temporary Erosion and Sediment Controls There shall be temporary erosion and sediment controls in place during construction. 4) Erosion Controll- Final Stabillization Final stabilization of the site must be completed prior to occupancy being granted. 5) Flood -FE;MA An approved Flood Certificate is required prior starting any grading activity. Preliminary clearing and grubbing may proceed in advance ofthe approved flood certification. 6) Traffic Control Plan An approved Traffic Control Plan must be obtained from KCDOT prior to any road closures, 7) Special Requirements -Pre Construction Conference A pte-construction conference is required. isit:e:l)evw to ata, Lent Site DeveloInnent 1) Daily CSC Inspections Permitter shall inspect theTE/SCP facilities at the end of each working day to assure himself that they are in good condition. If TE/SCP facilities require repair or maintenance, it shall be,performed prior to the end of the working day. All disturbed areas shall be promptly and thoroughly stabilized against erosion during periods of wet weather when work is not being performed at the site. 2) Dust Dust, dirt,and fly ash or airborne solids from any source shall not be emitted in quantities as to adversely affect adjacentproperty. (KCC 21A,22,070) 3) Dust Control During hauling operations,perrnitfee shall provide effective dust control measures consisting of water, asphalt treated base, chemical dust palliatives, Or equivalent measures to control dust Item this operation (KCC 2 1 A.22.070.C). 4) C,SC Specialist The permutes shall provide daily inspection by an erosion control wpeciahst of the adequacy and maintenance needs of all erosion control measures. In addition, any area needing erosion control shall be immediately addressed. Daily inspection reports shall be submitted to King County DDES AAP-AU V-0022 vI I PTiwui Q,r 5/„4/LOl© ' f( Ilea rnit Nuanber:GRDFi13-0018 bi-weekly. 5) Inactive Sites and CSC The ESC facilities on inactive sites shall be inspected and maintained a minimtun of once a month or within the 48 hours following a storm event. 6) Hours of Operation Pernuttee shall comply with the Hours of Operation as set forth in K.C.C. 12.86: For heavy equipment used on construction sites, including crawlers,tractors,bulldozers, rotary drills and augers, loaders, power shovels, cranes,derricks,±graders, off highway trucks, ditchers,trenchers, compactors, compressors and other similar equipment,operating hours are between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.weekdays and between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.weekends; For impact types of construction equipment, including pavement breakers,pile drivers,jackhammers, sandblasting tools or other types of equipment or devised that create impulse noise or impact noise, operating hours are between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 pxa. on weekends; and For all other construction activities,operating hours are between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.on weekdays and between 9:00 a.m, and 8:00 p.m. on weekends. This condition does not apply to sound created by mineral extraction or materials processing operations,which are governed by K.C.C, chapter 2,1A 22. Piul NIP"),I i i rri, ;,INAHs a<icuotU PREV'A, I L M NG 'IJV'A,GE RAVES Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading/Leyrer A - 7 June 26, 2018 Project Number. 18-3007,1 Page 1 of 18 State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects, worker's wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements are provided on the Benefit Code Key. .......... ... ....._..._..... ....-----------------_---------------- ...... ................. .. . . Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 07/10/2018 Count Trade Job Classification Wa a Holiday Overtime Note King Asbestos Abatement Wct„kcrs Journey Level $46.57 5D 1H King Boilermdkei s Journey Level $66.54 5N 1C King Brick Masan Journey Level $55.82 5A 1M King Brick Mason Pointer-Caulker-Cleaner $55.82 5A 1M King Building Service Emp�oVees Janitor $23.73 5S 2F King Building Service Employees Traveling Waxer/Shampooer $24.18 SS 2F King Batrlc3ipg Sr isn e l:in1 toy cs, Window Cleaner (Non- $27.23 5S 2F Scaffold) King Bnrl(fing 5exvice ErrN)1cN-.os Window Cleaner (Scaffold) $28.13 5S 2F - — — King Cabinet Makers (in Shop) Journey Level $22.74 1 King. Catg2e-nLrs Acoustical Worker $57.18 5D 4C King Carpentry Bridge, Dock And Wharf $57.18 5D 4C Carpenters King. Car eMLLS Carpenter $57.18 5D 4C King Ct�entera Carpenters on Stationary Tools $57.31 5D 4C King Carpenters Creosoted Material $57.28 5D 4C King Caraientet_s Floor Finisher $57.18 5D 4C King C_arpcntPE-5 Floor Layer $57.18 5D 4C King Ca 2enifru Scaffold Erector $57.18 5D 4C King Cement Masons Journey Level $57.21 7A 1M King Divers a Tenders Bell/Vehicle or Submersible $110.54 5D 4C Operator (Not Under Pressure) King Divers Ft Tenders Dive Supervisor/Master $72.97 5D 4C King Divers U Tenders Diver $110.54 5D 4C 8V King Divers E Tenders Diver On Standby $67.97 5D 4C King Divers Ft Tenders Diver Tender $61.65 5D 4C King Divers Et Tenders Manifold Operator $61.65 5D 4C ....... — — — King Divers Et Tenders Manifold Operator Mixed Gas $66.65 5D 4C King Divers l* Tenders Remote Operated Vehicle $61.65 5D 4C Operator/Technician — King Divers Et Tenders 1 $57.431 5A 4C httns://fortress.wa.cinv/Ini/waaelnokun/nrvWanelnnkun_asnx F/?C,0111R Page 2 of 18 Remote Operated Vehicle Tender King L)rq e'VJarkers Assistant Engineer $56.44 5D 3F King 21Ld- _Wro kc,rs Assistant Mate (Deckhand) $56.00 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Boatmen $56.44 5D 3F King DrL.&2 Workers Engineer Welder $57.51 5D 3F King DT-cd,r2r:. Workers Leverman, Hydraulic $58.67 5D 3F King Dr'edg Wor'ke s Mates $56.44 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Oiler $56.00 5D 3F King Drywalt A Journey Level $56.78 5D 1H King Drvwait Tat)ea°s Journey Level $57.43 5P 1 E King Electrical Fixture Maintenance Journey Level $28.99 5L 1E Workers g _ Cable Splicer $76.96 7C 4E Kin Electricians - Inside, _ _ King Electricians - Inside Cable Splicer (tunnel) $82.24 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Certified Welder $74.38 7C 4E King, Electricians Inside Certified Welder (tunnel) $79.80 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Construction Stock Person $39.69 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Journey Level $71.80 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Journey Level (tunnel) $76.96 7C 4E King Electricians - Motor Shop Craftsman $15.37 1 King Electricians -7Motor Sho Journey Level $14.69 1 King Electricians -mmPowerline Cable Splicer $79.43 5A 4D Construction King Electricians - Powerline Certified Line Welder $69.75 5A 4D Construction 11 King Electricians - Powerline Groundperson $46.28 5A 4D Construction King Electricians - Powerline Heavy Line Equipment $69.75 5A 4D� Construction Operator King Electricians - Powerline Journey Level Lineperson $69.75 5A 4D Construction King Electricians - Powerline Line Equipment Operator $59.01 5A 4D Construction .. King Electricians Powerline Meter Installer $46.28 5A 4D 8W Construction King Electricians - Powerline Pole Sprayer $69.75 5A 4D Construction King Electricians - Powerline Powderperson $52.20 5A 4D Construction King Electronic Technicians Journey Level $31.00 1 King Elevator Constructors Mechanic $91.24 7D 4A King Elevator Constructors Mechanic In Charge $98.51 7D 4A King Fabricated Precast Concrete All Classifications - In-Factory $17.72 5B 1R Products Work Only King Fence Erectors Fence Erector $15.18 1 King FtaQaers Journey Level $39.48 7A 31 King Glaziers Journey Level $61.811 7L 1Y httr)s://fortress.wa.00v/lni/waaelookUD/DrvWaaelookUD.asox 6/26/2018 Page 3 of 18 King Heat_Et._Fros rst Insulators Arid Journeyman $67.93 5J 4H b�estos l�nrke - - ......... King teatinjEc d,�uncnrt Mechanics Journey Level $78.17 7F 1E - King Had._Carriers._& Mason -fenders Journey Level $48.02 7A 31 _ ..� - King industrial Power Vacuum Journey Level $11,50 1 Cleaner King Inland Boatmen Boat Operator $61.41 5B 1K -....--..-_... _ - King Inland Boatmen Cook $56.48 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen IDeckhand $57.48 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Deckhand Engineer $58.81 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Launch Operator - _ $58.89 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Mate $57.31 5B 1K King sn c onPClt^anLlr realitrg 'Cleaner Operator, Foamer $31.49 1 Of Sewer it Water SjssteiLirLq_y 'Operator Remote Control King nrsaecti rrAe lo-:E7 raj I,Sgs lini Grout Truck Operator $11.50 m 1 Of Sewer f Water Svstems By _._.._.. _.._...........m......... ............._..........--------- Renate Controt King i n5ji.ectitm/CleanLn�l5f,cling Head Operator $24,91 1 Of Sewer &Water Svstems By Rernote Control King IL!�pf ri, n/Qc- iing Sealing Technician $19.33 1 Of Sewer ti. Watatrc stems rAy Remote Control King Inspection/Clcanincr/Scaling. Tv Truck Operator $20.45 1 Of Sewer a watcrl S ;rms f9� Remote Control King - Insulation Arn,iur�rs Journey Level $57.18 5D 4C King Ironworkers Journeyman $67.88 7N 10 King Laborers Air, Gas Or Electric Vibrating $46.57 7A 31 Screed King Laborers Airtrac Drill Operator $48.02 7A 31 King Laborers Ballast Regular Machine $46.57 7A 31 King ,Laborers Batch Weighman $39.48 7A 31 King Laborers Brick Pavers $46.57 7A 31 --------- -- - - King Laborers Brush Cutter $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Brush Hog Feeder $46.571 7A 31 King Laborers Burner $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Caisson Worker $48.02 7A 31 King Laborers Carpenter Tender $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Caulker $46.57 - 7A 31 King Laborers Cement Dumper-paving $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Cement Finisher Tender $46.57 7A~ 31 King Laborers Change House Or Dry Shack $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Chipping Gun (under 30 Lbs.) $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Chipping Gun(30 Lbs. And $47.44 7A 31 Over) King, Laborers Choker Setter $46.57 7A 31 httos://fortress.wa.aov/Ini/waaelookiin/r)rvWaaelnnkiin-a.rny R Page 4 of 18 King Laborers Chuck Tender $46.571 7A, 31 King Laborers Clary Power Spreader $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Clean-up Laborer $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Concrete Dumper/chute $47.44 7A 31 Operator King Laborers Concrete Form Stripper $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Concrete Placement Crew $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Concrete Saw Operator/core $47.44 7A 31 Driller King Laborers Crusher Feeder $39.48 7A 31 King Laborers Curing Laborer $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Demolition: Wrecking Et $46.57 7A 31 Moving (inct. Charred Material) King Laborers Ditch Digger $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Diver $48.02 7A 31 King Laborers Drill Operator $47.44 7A 31 (hydrau tic,diamond) King Laborers Dry Stack Walls $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Dump Person $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Epoxy Technician [$46. 7A 31 King Laborers Erosion Control Worker 7A 31 King Laborers Faller Et Bucker Chain Saw 7A 31 King Laborers Fine Graders 7A 31 King Laborers Firewatch 7A 31 King Laborers Form Setter 7A 31 -- - King Laborers Gabian Basket Builders $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers General Laborer $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Grade Checker Et Transit $48.02 7A 31 Person King Laborers Grinders $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Grout Machine Tender $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Groutmen (pressure)including $47.44 7A 31 Post Tension Beams - King Laborers Guardrail Erector $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker $48.02 7A 31 (level A) - King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker $47.44 7A 31 (level B) King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker $46.57 7A 31 (level C) King Laborers High Scaler $48.02_ 7A 31 King Laborers Jackhammer $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Laserbeam Operator $47.44 7A 31 King Labowrewrs Maintenance Person $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Manhole Builder-mudman $47.44 7A 31 -------------- - King Laborers Material Yard Person 1 $46.57 7A 31 httDs://fortress.wa.aov/lni/waaelookui)/DrvWaaelookuo.asDx 6/26/2018 Page 5 of 18 King LRboreis Motorman-dinky Locomotive $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Nozzleman (concrete Pump, $47.44 7A 31 Green Cutter When Using Combination Of High Pressure Air @ Water On Concrete & Rock, Sandblast, Gunite, Shotcrete, Water Bla King Laborers Pavement Breaker $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Pilot Car $39.48 7A 31 - -.-------- - King Laborers Pipe Layer Lead $48.02 7A 31 King Laborers Pipe Layer/tailor $47.44' 7A 31 King Laborers Pipe Pot Tender $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Pipe Reliner $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Pipe Wrapper $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Pot Tender $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Powderman $48.02 7A 31 King Laborers Powderman's Helper $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Power Jacks $47.44 7A 31 g �_....._ Railroad Spike Puller - Power $4744 7A Kin . 31 Labnrers _ King Laborers Raker - Asphalt $48.02 7A 31 King Laborers Re-timberman $48.02 7A 31 King Laborers Remote Equipment Operator $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Rigger/signal Person $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Rip Rap Person $46.57 7A 31 ==- = - King Laborers Rivet Buster $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Rodder $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Scaffold Erector $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Scale Person $46.57 7A 31 King laborers Sloper (over 20") $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Sloper Sprayer $46.57 7A 31 Laborers Spreader concrete -King p (concrete) $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Stake Hopper $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers StockPiler $46.57 7A- 31 King Laborers Tamper 8 Similar Electric, Air $47.44 7A 31 8 Gas Operated Tools King Laborers Tamper (multiple Et Self- $47.44 �7A 31 propelled) King Laborers Timber Person - Sewer $47.44 7A 31 (lagger, Sharer Ft Cribber) King Laborers Toolroom Person (at Jobsite) $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Topper $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Track Laborer $46.571 7A 31 King Laborers Track Liner (power) $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers Traffic Control Laborer $42,22 7A 31 8R King Laborers Traffic Control Supervisor $42.22 7A 31 SR King laborers Truck Spotter $46.57 7A 31 King Laborers Tugger Operator $47.44 7A 31 httos://fortress.wa.00v/lni/wacielnokiin/nrvWanelnnkrrn_asny F/?F/7f71R Page 6 of 18 King IUflxx.ers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $92.60 7A 31 8S l Worker 0-30 psi King Labores Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $97.63 7A 31 8S Worker 30.01-44.00 psi King LahOrers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $101.31 7A 31 Worker 44.01-54.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $107.01 7A 31 3� Worker 54.01-60.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $109.13 7A 31 i4 Worker 60.01-64.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $114.23 7A 31 S Worker 64.01-68.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $116.13 7A 31 Worker 68.01-70.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $118.13 7A 31 Worker 70.01-72.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $120.13 7A 31 BQ Worker 72.01-74.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Guage and Lock $48.12 7A 31 S .-.-............ Tender - King Laborers Tunnel Work-Miner $48.12 7A 31 King Laborers Vibrator $47.44 7A 31 King Laborers VinylSeamer $46.57� 7A 31 King Laborers Watchman $35.88 7A 31 King Laborers Welder $47.44 7A 31 King. Laborers Well Point Laborer $47,44 7A 31 King Laborers Window Washer/cleaner $35.88 7A 31 King Laborers - Underground Sewer General Laborer Et Topman $46.57 7A 31 Et Water King t ataoot o'Sm IJndr grc5und Sqv er° Pipe Layer $47.44 7A 31 lr Water King Landscape Construcligr Irrigation Or Lawn Sprinkler $13.56 1 Installers King Landscape Construction Landscape Equipment $28.17 1 Operators Or Truck Drivers King Landscape_Construction Landscaping or Planting $17.87 1 . .... ................... Laborers King Lathers Journey Level $56.78 5D 1H King Marble Setters Journey Level $55.82 5A 1M King, Metal Fabrication (9n % _i Fitter $15.86 1 King Metal Fabrieataon Brr Sh(j[) Laborer $11.50 1 King Metal Fabrication (In Shope Machine Operator $13.04 _ 1 King M pe Painter $11.50 1 King Metal Fabrication (In Shop) Welder $15.48 1 King MBllwii ht Journey Level $58.68 5D 4C King, Modu ar._Buildings Cabinet Assembly $11.56 1 King lAodutar BuRdings Electrician $11.56 1 King, Modular Buildings Equipment Maintenance $11.56 1 King Madlllr-ar Buildi,rL�, Plumber $11.56 1 httDs://fortress.wa.aov/Ini/waaeIookUD/DrvWaaeIookur).asnx 6/26/2018 Page 70f 18 King Pile Driver Crew Tender $52.37 5D 4C King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $71.35 5D 4C Compressed Air Worker 0-30.00 PSI King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $76.35 5D 4C Compressed Air Worker 30.01 King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $80.35 5D 4C Compressed Air Worker 44.01 King Pile Drive," Hyperbaric Worker - $85.35 5D 4C Compressed Air Worker 54.01 60.00 PSI Compressed Air Worker 60.01 King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $92.85 5D 4-C- Compressed Air Worker 64.01 King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $94.85 5D 4C Compressed Air Worker 68.01 King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $96.85 5D 4C Compressed Air Worker 70.01 72.00 PSI King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $98.85 5D 4C Compressed Air Worker 72.01 74,00 PSI King Pile Driver Journey Level $57.431 5D 4C King Plasterers Journey Level $54.8,9 Z_Q 1R King flavqvound Ft Park EaLnument Journey Level $11.50 1 Installers King Plumbers & Pipefitters Journey Level $81.69� LZ IG King )p Asphalt Plant Operators $60.49� 7A 3C 8P King �LIL�Lr� Barrier Machine (zipper) $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Rower ExIgippIgn t_gjq��ra tor s Batch Plant Operator, $59.96 7A 3C 8P Concrete King Power Equipment Operators Bobcat $56.901 7A 3C 8P King Power Equjp_ment Operatars Brokk - Remote Demolition $56.90 7A 3C 8P Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Burnp Cutter $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Chipper $59.96 7A ____2C=_�Fip httOS://tO[tr2s5.VV3.00V/1Oi/\w8AelUAkun/orvVVaoelnokunaqox 6/}6/7018 Page 8 of 18 King Power�si uer,Lgperators ICompressor $56.90 7A 3C 8P King PoaLtE F cfu rra enk Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $60.49 7A 3C 8P Willi Buunr ALLdchmeiit Ovei 42 M King 4¢,5wr> Frltii}3nttrrat,_O,fmtLaat tws Concrete Finish Machine -laser $56.90 7A 3C 8P Screed King Powe c Eclu, pment 0 craters Concrete Pump - Mounted Or $59.49 7A 3C 8P Trailer High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure. King Powp C;gLLinent Of errRaYrg Concrete Pump: Truck Mount F$62.33 7A 3C 8P With Boom Attachment Up To 42m King I?cwanc E+gjnpmxiFt_Opg ators Conveyors 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes Friction: 200 tons and 7A 3C 8P over King Power E uipment O erators Cranes: 20 Tons Through 44 . 7A 3C 8P Tons With Attachments King Po g. Cquiprnen Qj?q ators Cranes: 100 Tons Through 199 $61.10 7A 3C 8P Tons, Or 150' Of Boom (Including Jib With Attachments) King Power ECIADRIOnt C7t,?erators Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or $61.72 7A 3C 8P 250' of boom including jib with attachments King Pouv:r I'clujk3iS ent Operators Cranes: 300 tons and over or $62.33 7A 3C 8P 300' of boom including jib with attachments King Power Egrnprnent Operators Cranes: 45 Tons Through 99 $60.49 7A 3C 813 Tons, Under 150' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) King P v ce E aiyan'wenC 012er atq s Cranes: A-frame - 10 Tons And $56.90 7A 3C 8P Under King Powr;r Equrtarnc>nt Oiaeia[ors Cranes: Friction cranes $61.72 7A 3C 8P mm.._ — — — through 199 tons King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: Through 19 Tons With $59.49 7A 3C 8P Attachments A-frame Over 10 Tons King Power E yuj[yI etnt Equrtnn0)erators Crusher $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power ent ck Winches $59.96_C7ger ators Deck Engineer/de 7A 3C 813 (power) King Power Equigrraer t Oper'�tor's Derricks, On Building Work $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power RIL02E nt O)eratars Dozers D 9 Ft Under $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Ptawcr Eql lonwent 0laerators Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck $59.49 7A 3C 8P Or Crane Mount King Power Equipment.Operators Drilling Machine $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Oper atgrs Elevator And Man-lift: $56.90 7A 3C 8P Permanent And Shaft Type King Hower E(Luip nest f7g)eratgrs Finishing Machine, Bidwell $59.96 7A 3C 8P And Gamaco rt Similar Equipment King Power, E Oi) rent Operators 1 $59.49 7A 3C 8P httDS://fortress.wa.00v/Ini/waaelookUD/DrvWaaelookui).asox 6/26/2018 Page 9 of 18 Forklift: 3000 Lbs And Over With Attachments King Power EqUiDMellt Operators Forklifts: Under 3000 Lbs. L$56.90 7A 3C 8P .... .................. With Attachments King Powc�r EQUIPHICrit Oporators Grade Engineer: Using Blue $59.96 7A 3C 8P Prints, Cut Sheets, Etc King ftVf� Gradechecker/stakemari $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Pow Pow er Egt ipmerrt-CDpnr ators Guardrail Punch $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Hard Tait End Dump $60.49 7A 3C 8P Articulating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. Et Over King rn'n _0)erators Hard Tait End Dump -P 2­1. ....1 $59.96 7A 3C 8P Articulating Off-road Equipment Under 45 Yards King L'¢LNy r -s-Luipaignt Qp c Horizontal/directional Drill $59.49 7A 3C 8P Locator King mfqui i ent Oxnators Horizontal/directional Drill $59.96 7A 3C 8P Operator King Powc-r..LSjuipi7irt.,,nt.0p.critors Hydratifts/boom Trucks Over $59.49 7A 3C 8P 10 Tons King Lo LALe I�c I i 111 r-'I I t 0 Hydratifts/boom Trucks, 10 $56.90 7A 3C 8P Tons And Under King Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. EL $61.10 7A 3C 8P Over King Power E(Ui Drnent_gL)qraLq rs Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. $60.49 7A 3C 8P _ But Not Including 8 Yards King Power EquiDrnenc Operators Loaders, Overhead Under 6 $59.96 7A 3C 8P Yards King Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Plant Feed $59.961 7A 3C 8P King Lowet FcIUI[Lin,i q pj i a Lors Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $59.49 7A Kc I UP King PowerUltrilaverAC)p�rators Locomotives, All $59.96 7A 3C 8P King 22Aer Material Transfer Device $59.96 7A 3C F P King Power Eauirment Operators Mechanics, All (leadmen - $61.10 7A 3C I 8P $0.50 Per Hour Over Mechanic) King Power Equipment Operators Motor Patrol Graders $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power ECIUMment Operators Mucking Machine, Mote, $60.49 7A 3C 8P ............ Tunnel Drill, Boring, Road Header And/or Shield King EowgLrcjqjpjrnont0,)PraL s Oil Distributors, Blower $56.90 7A 3C 8P Distribution Et Mulch Seeding Operator King Power Equr1 me nt Opt aloe Outside Hoists (elevators And $59.49 7A 3C 8P Mantifts), Air Tuggers,strato King Per......_._ co)...w...c_,i',"_Et] .p ment Qperators Overhead Bridge Type Crane: $59.96 7A 3C 8P ............ I — — — 20 Tons Through 44 Tons King Power Eauivarxtent Operators Overhead, Bridge Type: 100 $61.10 7A 3C 8P Tons And Over King Overhead, Bridge Type; 45 $60.49� LA 3C IP Tons Through 99 Tons King Power EgUIPPIENIt 9 s Pavement Breaker $56.901 LA I LC 8P httos://fortress.wa.ciov/1 ni/wanelooku o/nrvWanPIonktj r).aqnx 6/261201 R Page 10 of 18 King Power Equ[pin(mt Operators Pile Driver (other Than Crane $59.96 7A IC 1P I Mount) I King PqVff f(Lri p r Lit (( rr,f C.iLL)Ls Plant Oiler - Asphalt Crusher $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power" L 7A 3C 8P �jcy�iqrncnt O-,)cLLt nis Posthole Digger, Mechanical $56.90, j_ King Power Equipment Operators Power Plant $56.90 7A 3C 8P King RMALOr DgUiprnf.11t DPOrRtOrS Pumps - Water $56.90 7A X 8P King Quad 9, Hd 41, D10 And Over $60.49� LA X SP King Power Equipment Operators Quick Tower - No Cab, Under $56.90 7A 3C 8P 100 Feet In Height Based To Boom King Ec—)wel ECJL±�qitrnLOpOL2, Lors Remote Control Operator On $60.49 7A 3C 8P Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Rigger And BeRman $56.90 7A 3C SP King Rgwer_Egui OP--rq,t9—rs Rigger/Signal Person, BeRman $59.49 7A 3C 8P Pmo,q— � — — — (Certified) King Po—wey-Qcqvmn—ent Operators Rotlagan $60.49 7A 2C 2 King Op ra o rs $56.90 7A 3C 8P Roller, Other Than Plant Mix King Power Equipment Operators Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi-lift $59.49 7A 3C 8P Materials King qrs Roto-mitt, Roto-grinder $59.96 7A 3C SP King Low( 8P Lr FrigipLi1c)(IL 0 ralort Saws - Concrete 7A 3C jje $59.49 King Power Equipment Operators Scraper, Self Propelled Under $59.96 7A 3C 8P 45 Yards King lPower Lqulp_rjLqqt Qq!Lrators Scrapers - Concrete Et Carry $59.49 7A 3C 8P All King ;Eow�Lr.ju j)LT�ent erators Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 $60.49 7A 3C 8P 1 Yards And Over King Power Equipment Operators Service Engineers - Equipment -$59.49 7A Kc UP -.nt aL �P W f� I�I L,I _oCs Shotcrete/gunite Equipment $56.90 7A 3C 8P King ul)aie King lPower Equipment Operators Shovel , Excavator, Backhoe, $59.49 7A 3C 8P Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons. I King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: $60.49 7A 3C 8P Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, $59.96 7A 3C 8P Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons King Rowff EqujggjgnL0j),Lratcrs Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $61.10 7A 3C 8P Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons King PowerECuA t,O)uato s Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $61.72 7A 3C 8P Over 90 Metric Tons King Pcrwcrr EquipmentO je La toL Slipform Pavers $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operator's Spreader, Topsider 8: $60.49 7A Kc 8P Screedman King Rove, --(Lui nQnt.9.L(�Lqt0 '5 Subgrader Trimmer $59.96 7A 3C 8P I Ln— L -- King Power Equipme nt,0, a q�ratorr Tower Bucket Elevators $59.49 7A 3C 8P P King Lqtgr Tower Crane Up To 175' In $61.10 7A 3C 8P Height Base To Boom httr)s://fortress.wa.aov/1ni/wacelookUD/DrvWaaelookUD.asDx 6/26/2018 Page 11 of 18 King Pc?w,rs E,rq.�, mx?as�i?, Oj2 rnrG�ors Tower Crane: over 175' $61.72 7A 3C 8P through 250' in height, base to boom King PowerESImpment_Olss,r ators. Tower Cranes: over 250' in $62.33 7A 3C 8P height from base to boom King P?gwL,, Equilrcrr ra -O� r Corr; Transporters, All Track Or $60.49 7A 3C 8P Truck Type King Power Equipment Operators Trenching Machines $59.491 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/driver - 100 $59.96 7A 3C 8P Tons And Over King Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/driver $59.49 7A 3C 8P Under 100 Tons .�.. ..... _._ King Eros e,ei _Eqt Ljpme,nll,Ogaci atgrws Truck Mount Portable $59.96 7A 3C 8P Conveyor King Pia ,r Egwi rrj� t Oyxratt�,r_rr Welder $60.49 7A 3C 8P -— —_.... King LILw c.r [gUi meat Qg rutois Wheel Tractors, Farman Type $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power LguiLjnrent OfIcrators Yo Yo Pay Dozer $59.96 7A 3C 8P ..King.._._._. .._.,.. ..®. King Eawer Equipment Operators- Asphalt Plant Operators $60.49 7A 3C 8P Uncle 'Ioounc➢ S wer t WtaCer King Power._Eauiument Operators.- Assistant Engineer $56.90 7A 3C 8P Underground SOWer Et Water- King Power act Lmtyint Comas rtatc?rs: Barrier Machine (zipper) $59.96 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer a !Hater King Power Equiprn-riEt Operators_ Batch Plant Operator, $59.96 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Concrete King Prawer_ qu„oprrrc nt-O,peral`c rs._. Bobcat $56.90 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer fi Water King Powr o Lqurranrt nt ILr� Brokk - Remote Demolition $56.90 7A 3C 8P UnderprOUnd Sewer a Water Equipment King Power Brooms $56.90 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Pi Water King Power Equipment Oo ratorsa- Bump Cutter $59.96 7A 3C 8P Undljj Lind Sewer d Water King Power Equip Cableways $60.49 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer EC Water King Power`Equipment Operators- Chipper $59.96 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer B Water King Power E renl O�`ators- Compressor $56.90 7A 3C 8P Undergound Sewer EtWs�ater — — — King power Geltarl2r senL Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $60.49 7A 3C 8P 7Jo7sJer ro rncf Sewe{_Cc Water With Boom Attachment Over 42 M King PowE.r_ErL` arr ea7t Operators-, Concrete Finish Machine -laser $56.90 7A 3C 8P Underr,[ooind Sewer U Water Screed King Ptrwc r-Fcturlarrterrt,wOp r tcrrsa Concrete Pump - Mounted Or $59.49 7A 3C 8P l)nderpf'OLJnd Sewer Et Water Trailer High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure. King Power.Egttij.7iiiea Operators_ Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $59.96 7A 3C ' 8P Lh de_rground Sewer It Water With Boom Attachment Up To 42 m King Conveyors $59.49 7A 3C 8P httos://fortress.wa.aov/lni/waaelookiin/nrvWanpinnkiin asnx e/7F/?nl q Page 12 of 18 L'(LV2L1QUJPr'ViA Opei'aLors- Undef-0,R)LU id sewed ft Water King Power Equipment OpeidLu[s Cranes Friction: 200 Loris and $62.33 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Water over ........... King Power EQUiQuient Operatoi.5- Cranes: 20 Tons Through 44 $59.96 7A 3C SP jluderqi ound Sewer &Water Tons With Attachments King Power.r.cLuipawt Operators-, Cranes: 10O Tons Through 199 $61.10 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer a Water Tons, Or 150' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) King Power Equipment OperaLol s- Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or $61.72 7A 3C 8P .Underpround Sewer &j..Water 250' of boom including jib with attachments King Power Equ r merit O aer°aCors Cranes: 300 tons and over or $62.33 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water 300' of boom including jib . .. .......... with attachments King Power Egurpurent Operators- Cranes: 45 Tons Through 99 $60.49 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer ft Water Tons, Under 150' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) King Power EQUipnrent Opeiators- Cranes: A-frame - 10 Tons And $56.90 7A 3C 11 Underground Sewer Et Water Under ................ King $61.72 7A 3C 8P _p Cranes: Friction cranes Unders!1'01_Hld Sewer ft Witei through 199 tons King Powe r 59.49_rF . rs- Cranes: Through 19 Tons With 7A IC 11 p_ Underground Sewer Ei Water Attachments A-frame Over 10 Tons King Power Equ jpment Opei�c - Crusher $59.96 7A IC 11 LLCLcfer,pround Sewer* Fi Water King e ow Pr Equipment Operators- Deck Engineer/deck Winches $59.96 7A 3C 8P .................. I — — Underground Sewer a- Water (power) I ........... King fowvEEquip 0 - Derricks, On Building Work $60.49 7A 3C 8P mentperators Underground Sewer Water- $F64 0 , 9 King Power Dozers D-9 Et Under $59.49 7A C IP L Underground' Sewer Watei I King Power f qwipment ators- Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck $59.49 ZA 3C 8P Undcr0pgre gEound Sewer ri Water Or Crane Mount King Power RlttiprnerL O.LerLiLo�r�- Drilling Machine $61.10 7A LC 8P King Power Equipment Ooerators- Elevator And Man-lift: $56.90 7A 3C 11 Llndt�rfjro i�L Sewer i5t Water Permanent And Shaft Type qL qgw 'a a/, King Power Equipment Operators- Finishing Machine, Bidwell $59.96 7A 3C 8P ­ ­ .............. ............... Underr,li ound Sewer Ft Witei And Gamaco Et Similar Equipment King Power Equipment Operators- Forklift: 3000 Lbs And Over $59.49 7A 3C 8P ------------------------------------...Operators_-........... WhI Llorground Sewer ft Water With Attachments King Power Egg jp2ItnLOp Ntqr,- Forklifts: Under 3000 Lbs, $56.90 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water With Attachments King Power Ecltip -nt, _�atqAi -, Grade Engineer: Using Blue $59.96 7A 3C SP Undernround A _me qpL_ Sewer Et Water Prints, Cut Sheet,, Etc King E(_)Wer I(LET—Iffut( man $56.90 7A 3C 8P Under-gr'e�rand Sewer Et ih+aten• httDS://fortress.wa.aov/lni/wacelookUD/orvWaaelookUD.asDx 6/26/2018 Page 13Of18 � � King P0WCP"_J­"Ujpjncnt.0p ators Hard Tail End Dump $60.49 7A 3C 8P kJndorF,I:0LJrd Sewer Et Water, Articulating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. Et Over Unde L lad Sewer & Water Articulating Off-road QL Equipment Under 45 Yards Underp,mund Sewer & Water Locator Sewer �t_Watqr Operator �InLeLgumgiq_sewer Et Water Tons And Under King a - Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. Et $61.10 7A 3C 8P qUt]LL�jtwcr a Water Over King Rowe, Equ�.)menLQpeLatoris Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. $60.49 7A 3C 8P King ent Operators- Loaders, Overhead Under 6 $59.96 7A 3C i 8P Underground Sewei ft Water Yards King �2��.f_jqtpnjtn�Operators- Loaders, Plant Feed $59.96 7A 3C _rE King ano�.rISILli P. L.2P�I'_r'ILQL5_- Loaders: Elevating Type Belt __�59.49 LA 3C 8P Underpround Sewer ft Water King EowpLE ip nt Op - Material Transfer Device __�59.96 7A 3C 8P _round Sewer ft Watc King Power EQUiDluellit Operators- Mechanics, All (leadmen - $61.10 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water $0.50 Per Hour Over -King Powcr Motor Patrol Graders $60.49 7A 3C 8P Underp,round Sewer Et Water King a0wqLS ors- Mucking Machine, Mote, $60.49 7A 3C 8P pe it Undcrfiround Sewer Et Water Tunnel Drill, Boring, Road Header And/or Shield King !owtLLy�jpment Operators- Oil Distributors, Blower $56.90 7A 3C 8P Undergrou Distribution Et Mulch Seeding Operator King Power EcLADment Ooerators- Outside Hoists (elevators And __�59'.49" 7A 3C 8P King ator5- Overhead, Bridge Type Crane; $59.96 7A 3C 8P LJndtLoLrgund Sewer Et Water 20 Tons Through 44 Tons King LovLeLF�qui n . Overhead, Bridge Type: 100 $61.10 7A 3C 8P Undei Rround Sewer ft Water Tons And Over King Pow& E ujpjDeq,OpeLators- Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 $60.49 7A 3C 8P Underp,round Sewer Et Water Tons Through 99 Tons httDS://fO|tFeSS.VV8.OUV/l0i/vv8UL-lUokun/on/VVaoeIonk||n.annx 6/76/70lR Page 14 of 18 LoweL.11k1jl."1m mLg(ltLa�ti�L ti-- Pile Driver (other Than Crane & Water IMount) King Power Equipinent OpeiaWrs- Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $59.49 7A 3C 8P Undc�igroqnd_Sewe rt It Water King Power, Equipment operators- Posthote Digger, Mechanical $56.90 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer R Water King Power_E tripinient ) raters, Power Plant $56.90 7A 3C 8P ............ol.c — King Water King Power Eqnijiji Qt 011 lj��Ei k Pump,- - Water $56.90 7A 3C 8P Under oouirel q_ _ � er & Water King Power L(juipinciA Operators. Quad 9, Hd 41, D10 And Over $60.49 7A 3C 8P qfjdcLP.round Sewei E Water King Power EGUIpment Operators- Quick Tower - No Cab, Under $56.90 7A 3C 8P UnC41 Pu OUnd Sewer Et Water' 100 Feet In Height Based To �Boom King Power Equipment Operators- Remote Control Operator On $60.49 7A 3C 8P F)rrEk Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment King Power Equipment Operators: Rigger And Bettman $56.90 7A 3C 8P .............. Equipment,-Operators:......... �jtj(-LP�6�L oun l..Sewer It Waler King Po�qrf, 3C ors- Rigger/Signal Person, Bellman $59.49 7A SP I Underground Sewer Ei Water (Certified) King Power Ecuipment.-Operators- Rollagon $60.49 7A 3C 8P Underg,[OUnd Sewer It, Water King Power Ec Equipment nt QperalorL Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $56.90 7A 3C 8P Underg,mund Sewer Ft Water King Power Equininent Operators- Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi-lift $59.49 7A 3C 8P gnLle�ound Sewer 8: Ware Ware*r Materials King Power Equipment Operators- Roto-mill, Roto-grinder $59.96 7A 3C 8P . —......................................................................... Underground Sewer a Water King Saws - Concrete $59.49 7A 3C 8P UnderMq!)d Sewei It Water King Power Ecltritaqent Opmator- Scraper, Self Propelled Under $59.96 7A 3C SP Under round Sewer a Water 45 Yards King Power EquApn-tenLOjItL, )rs• Scrapers - Concrete a: Carry $59.49 7A 3C 8P L) jit( _ I I — qL(�u L_jd..Sewer & Water All King Pp Ae rTSgtpL) , QpqLatqLs- Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 $60.49 7A 3C 8P Under?i ound Se we Ft W4tqj- Yards And Over King Power EoUiDment.Operators- Service Engineers - Equipment $59.49 7A 3C 8P —.—................................... UndemrMnd Sewer a Water King Power Equipment Operators- Shotcrete/gunite Equipment $56.90 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer ft Water King Shovel , Excavator, Backhoe, $59.49 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer E Water Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons. A King jPower E( in Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: L 3C 8P 0 49 ....................... Ft..War te Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 .................. Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators_ Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, i $59.96 7A 3C 8P UnderwUlAnd Sewer a Water r Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons King $61.10 7A 3C 8P qij. Sewer & Water, httDs://fortress.wa.aov/1ni/waaelookuD/r)rvWaaelookui).asDx 6/26/2018 Page 15 of 18 Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment_ Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: -W.72 7A 3C 8P Under-Q round--Sewer" -ft.....W...a'-t,e-i- Over 90 Metric Tons King Power.,Eg�I j pi no, I m pjjts<r.t q Stilpform Pavers $60.49 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer ft Water King Power Equipment QLierLitors- Spreader, Topsider Et $60.49 7A X 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Screedman King PowerEquipi- -�Latq�rs-_ Subgrader Trimmer -$59.96 7A 3C 8P nent QLL LJrggLgEg�IL��lSewer R Water- King komL! EgLv mentOperators- Tower Bucket Elevators $59.49 7A 3C 8P !)rLderground Sewer U Water- King PQm.LEIuipn'Lm LC-)LVLd:-Ltn— Tower Crane Up To 175' In $61.10 7A 3C 8P Urreie Darrel Sewer ft Water ' �Height Base To Boom King 2(1��Q -'<Ijjjj) wort OJ�ef att r Tower $61.72 7A X 8P through 0, Crane: over 175' hr h 250' in height, base to boom King Opeiatoirs- 'Tower Cranes: over 250' in $62.33 7A 3C- 8P derp,Lqund Sewer & Water height from base to boom King Pc)wcr_E(.LuAITiqnt,Oporitorq- Transporters, All Track Or $60.49 7A 3C 8P Under_gLourij S,wer It Water Truck Type King EQw Elaj_i Trenching Machines $59.49 7A 3C 8P qqgg2rgr.n1!2d Sewer ft Water King Truck Crane Oiler/driver - 100 $59.96 7A X 8P kJndrrrourrd Sewer Et Water Tons And Over King Power, Equipment0perators- Truck Crane Oiler/driver $59.49 7A X 8P Uni cleiiLground Sewer 6-.-Watei Under 100 Tons King Powr,LL( crap tors- Truck Mount Portable $59.96 7A 3C 8P 11ndej t,, oLind Sewer& Water Conveyor L __L — King $60.49 7A X 8P ,n-L�Operators-, Welder Underground Sewer a Water King EmtL Eq2ipirnent Operators- Wheel Tractors, Farmal.1 Type $56.90 7A F3C 8P Undergy Xind Sower a Water King !=.F.sw.j.L�Lnerit Operators- Yo Yo Pay Dozer $59.96 7A 3C 8P q-lj—flcj 1S;—We-lft Water King Power-Line Clearance Tree Journey Level In Charge $50.02 5A 4A Trimmers King Power Line Clearance_jLqe Spray Person $47.43 5A 4A Trimmers ................... King Power.Line Clearance Tree Tree Equipment Operator $50.02 5A 4A Trimmers King Power Line Clearance Tree Tree Trimmer -$44.64 5A 4A —Trimmers King Power, Line Clearance ice Tree Tree Trimmer Groundperson $33.67 5A 4A Trimmers King �Reffiveration EkjAir Journey Level $77.86 6Z 1G Conditioning Mechanics King Residential Brick Mason Journey Level $55.82 5A 1M ................... King Eesidentiat Carp ters Journey Level $28.20 1 King Residential Cement Masons Journey Level httDS://fortress.wa.ciov/lni/wacielookun/nrvWacjpinnki in.acn)< Page 16 of 18 King Resrodtq H I I,-Q!Ynll Journey Level $42.86 5D 4C iApplic,ators L King Journey Level $57.43 5P 1E King Residential Electricians Journey Level $30.44 1 King Residential Glaziers Journey Level $41.05 7L 1 H King Residential Insulation Journey Level $26.28 1 King Residential Laborers Journey Level $23.03 King Residential Marble Setters Journey Level $24.09 1 King Residential Painiers Journey Level $24.46 1 King Residential Plumbprs Ft Journey Level $34.69 1 -E-29ECE-- --- --- King ReL1(LeaLaLR-tYip"er,a ,I"onE,i-Air Journey Level $77.86 6Z 1G Conditiowing'Mechanics King Residential Sheet Metal Journey Level (Field or Shop) $44.56 7F 1R Workers King Residential Solt Floor Lavers Journey Level $47.61 5A 3-1 King Residential SpOnkler Fitters Journey Level $46.58 5C 2R Elf e-plotecuoill King Residential Stone Masons Journey Level $55.821 5A 1M King Residential Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $51.36 5A 1M King Residential Terrazzo/Tile Journey Level $21.46 1 Finishers King Residential Tile Setters Journey Level $20.00 1 King Roofers Journey Level $51.02 5A 3H ..................... King Roofers Using Irritable Bituminous $54.02 5A 3H Materials King Sheet Metal Workers Journey Level (Field or Shop) $78.17 7F VIE King Lhi2L)iaking Et $hip Refanir Boilermaker $43.31 7M IH King Shi building ft Ship Repair Carpenter $41.06 7T IB King Shipbuildinga Ship Repair Electrician $42.07 7T 4B King Shipbuilding 6. Ship Repair Heat EL Frost Insulator $67.93 5,1 4H King E-eofir Laborer $41.99 7T 4B King SMpInUildinQ ft Ship Repair Machinist $42.00 7T 4B King Si PbTqQ1-1r1P1-L1 1)-ai r Operator $41.95 7T 4B King Lhjp L>gjI,djn, 'I Siji epaii Painter $42.00 7T 4B LR_ King Shjp�iLj1ldljnP,_q j r� Rq ii aL Pipefitter $41.96 7T 4B p_ _p- King Shipbuilding Et Shrp Repair Rigger $42.05 7T 4B King jihimb dinp Et Silm.uit ) Repair Sheet Metal. $41.98 7T 4B King Sbipliu2i ld!I ngmF 5!i lrmRepafr Shipfitter $42.051 zi 4B King %jgjjgL(djjr_g t�SLjjp Rc1a Ljr Trucker $41.91 7T 4B King SL,l�-LP Id-i qak5t, L�ea ; Warehouse $41.94 7T 4B King Sb p utt tjaq f 5htyRBair Welder/Burner $42.05 7T 4B King Sign Makers Et Installers Sign Installer $22.92 1 King Sign Makers El nsviL(eLs Sign Maker -$21 36 1 (EjtLLric_aI, httDs://fortress.wa.00v/1ni/waaelookUD/DrvWaaelookuD.asox 6/26/2018 Page 17 of 18 King M,jk ,r s Lj LisLrjUi T�.(LcEj- Sign Installer I L_ $27.28 King ilgn-ML,lr e rs-4.1 E,st a�kq ss,f NLo n Sign Maker $33.25 1 Lt !s-AU— —------ King Soft Floor IuLn Journey Level $47.61 5A 3.1 King Solar Conti cls For Windows Journey Level $12.44 1 King Sprinkler ire Fitters (F Journey Level $75.64 5C 1X - -------------- -------------------- — PE21te—UnrIJ .......... King $tapp RiRping, Mecha-inic-s-1-11-on Journey Level $13.23 1 Structuratj King Stone Masons Journey Level $55.82 5A im King Street And Parking.Lot Journey Level $19.09 1 King LA!-Ym-Ls lAssistant Construction Site $59.49 7A 3C SID Surveyor King Survmrs Chainman $58.93 7A 3C 8P King �nlv-ey-cns Construction Site Surveyor $60.49 7A 3C 8P King T(Apcomi nunication Journey Level $22.76 1 Technicians King le erLlh ... Cable Splicer $40.52 5A 2B . .................. Outside King Telephone Line Constriction-:- Hole Digger/Ground Person $22.78 5A 2B Outside King jctephone...L�Lip Construction_- Installer (Repairer) $38.87 5A 2B Outside King Special Aparatus Installer 1 -$40.52 5A 2B Outside - $— King Telcohone Line Construction.- Special Apparatus Installer 11 39.73 5A 2B Outside �� King IL,.Iep jigne Telephone Equipment $40.52 5A—� 2B Outside Operator (Heavy) King 'I:L2[0j'jhon0, Une Coi usU uct-ion Telephone Equipment $37.74 5A 2B Outside Operator (Light) King Tclephone.L.ine Construction - Telephone Lineperson $37.74 5A 2B Outside King 'F±A(j-Lmne Line Cxxnstructjon - Television Groundperson $21.60 5A 2B Outside- King Coliztruction - Television $28.68 5A 2B Outside........... Lineperson/Installer King 1[tte�)hone Line�ConstrLx.ion - Television System Technician $34.10 5A 2B Outside King jele Ira n 0 Television Technician $30.69 5A 2B _ Outside King Telephony Line, C-on-s-tru-c-d-on--. Tree Trimmer $37.74 5A 2B Outside --------------- King Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $51.361 5A 1M King Tile_Setters s Journey Level $51.36 5A 1M King Tile, Mai ble it Ten azza Finisher $42.19 5A 1B Finishers King Traffic Control Stripers Journey Level $45.43 7A 1K httn,;://fortr(-,;q.v,ja.ciov/lni/wacip.Innkiin/nrvWanpinnkiin -I-ny rw?rw?ni R Page 18 of 18 King 1Truck Driver's Asphalt Mix Over 16 Yards (W. $52.70 5D 3A 8L WA-Joint Council 28) 1 King Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix To 16 Yards (W. $51.86 5D 3A 8L WA-Joint Council 28) King Truck Drivers Dump Truck 8t Trailer $52.70 5D 3A 8L King Truck Drivers Dump Truck (W. WA-Joint $51.86 5D 3A 8L Council 28) King 'Truck Drivers Other Trucks (W. WA-Joint $52.70 5D 3A 8L Council 28) King Truck Drivers Transit Mixer $43.23 King WoU Drillers ft IrrigatL(LtLPumL:_� Irrigation Pump Installer $17.71 1 Installers King Well Drillers& Irrigation Punij? Oiler $12.97 1 .1 aslal!.e.Ls King Well Driltors ft Irripa-ion Purnp. Well Driller $18.00 Installers httDS://fortress.wa.aov/1ni/waaeIookUD/DrvWaaelookUD.asox 6/26/2018 Benefit Code Key— Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018 Overtime, Codes Overtime calculations are based on the hourly rate actually paid to the worker.On public works projects,the hourly rate must be not less than the prevailing rate of wage minus the hourly rate of the cost of fringe benefits actually provided for the worker. 1. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40)HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES TIIE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half tines the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. C. The first two (2) hours after eight(8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the fast ten(10)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. D. The first two (2)hours before or after a five-tight(8)hour workweek day or a four-ten(10)hour workweek day and the first eight(8)hours worked the next day after either workweek shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage.All additional hours worked and all worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. E. The fast two (2)hours after eight(8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the In eight(8)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. F, The first two (2) hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime how s worked, except Labor Day, shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. G. The first ten(10)hours worked on Saturdays and the first ten(10)hours worked on a fifth calendar weekday in a Ran- ten hour schedule, shall be paid at one and one-half tunes the hourly rate of wage.Al I hours worked in excess of ten (10)hours per day Monday through Saturday and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. H. All hours worked on Saturdays(except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions or equipment breakdown) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve(12)hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. I. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall also be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 7, The first two (2)hours after eight(8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10)hours on Saturday shall be paid atone and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over ten(10)hours Monday through Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. K. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage,All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. M. All hours worked on Saturdays(except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions)shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. N, All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days)shall be paid at one and one-half threes the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 1 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018 Overtime Codes Continued l. O. The first tern(10)hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays,holidays and after twelve(12)hours,Monday through Friday and afterten(10)hours on Saturday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. P. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if circumstances warrant) and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Q. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and up to ten (10) hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours per day Monday through Saturday and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Christmas day)shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Christmas-day shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. R. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. S. The first two(2)hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight(8)hours on Saturday shal I be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays and all other overtime hours worked, except Labor Day, shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. U, All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Labor Day) shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. V. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. W. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays (except make-up days due to conditions beyond the control of the employer)) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. X. The first four(4)hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday and the first twelve(12)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over twelve (12)hours Monday through Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. When holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the day before Saturday, Friday, and the day after Sunday, Monday, shall be considered the holiday and all work performed shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Y. Alt hours worked outside the hours of 5:00 am and 5:00 pm (or such other hours as may be agreed upon by any employer and the employee) and all hours worked in excess of eight(8)hours per day (10 hours per day for a 4 x 10 workweek) and on Saturdays and holidays (except labor day) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. (except for employees who are absent from work without prior approval on a scheduled workday during the workweek shall be paid at the straight-time rate until they have worked 8 hours in a day(10 in a 4 x 10 workweek)or 40 hours during that workweek.) All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and Labor Day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Z. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid the straight time rate of pay in addition to holiday pay. 2 Benefit Code Key— Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018 Overtime Codes Continued 2. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY(40)IIOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. C. All hours worked on Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. Jr, The first eight(8)hours worked on holidays shall be paid at the straight hourly rate of wage in addition to the holiday pay. All hours worked in excess of eight(8)hours on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. G. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on paid holidays shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage including holiday pay. H. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. O. All horns worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. R. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays and all hours worked over sixty(60)in one week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. U. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over 12 hours in a day or on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of age, W. The first two (2)hours after eight(8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight(8)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other horns worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. On a four-day, ten- hour weekly schedule,either Monday thou Thursday or Tuesday tluu Friday schedule,all homy worked after tell shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. The first eight(8) hours worked on the fifth day shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked on the fifth, sixth, and seventh days and on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 3. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY(40)HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE.-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A, Work performed in excess of eight(8)hours of straight time per day, or ten(10)hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at time and one-half the straight time rate. Hours worked over twelve hours (12) in a single shift and all work performed alter 6:00 pm Saturday to 6:00 am Monday and holidays shall be paid at double the straight time rate of pay.Any shift starting between the hours of 6:00 pm and midnight shall receive an additional one dollar ($1.00)per hour for all hours worked that shift. The employer shall have the sole discretion to assign overtime work to employees.Primary consideration for overtime work shall be given to employees regularly assigned to the work to be performed on overtime situations. After an employee has worked eight(8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shalt be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight(8)hom s or more. C. Work perfomred in excess of eight(8)hours of straight time per day,or ten(10)hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 5:00 am Monday and Holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage.After an employee has worked eight(S)hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight(8)hours or more. 3 Benefit Code Key— Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018 Overtime Codes Continued 3. E. All hours worked Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Each week, once 40 hours of straight time work is achieved,then any hours worked over 10 hours per day Monday through Saturday shall be paid at double the hourly wage rate. F. All hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked on paid holidays shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage including holiday pay. H. All work performed on Sundays between March 16th and October 14th and all Holidays shall be compensated for at two (2) times the regular rate of pay. Work performed on Sundays between October 15th and March 15th shall be compensated at one and one half(1-1/2)times the regular rate of pay. I. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. In the event the job is down due to weather conditions during a five day work week(Monday through Friday,) or a four day-ten hour work week (Tuesday through Friday,) then Saturday may be worked as a voluntary make-up day at the straight time rate. However, Saturday shall not be utilized as a make-up day when a holiday falls on Friday. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12)hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 11 All hours worked between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am, Monday through Friday, and all hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at a one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 4. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY(40)HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. All hours worked in excess of eight(8)hours per day or forty (40)hours per week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. B. All hours worked over twelve (12)hours per day and all hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. C. On Monday through Friday, the first four (4) hours of overtime after eight (8) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half(1-1/2)times the straight time rate of pay, unless a four(4) day ten (10)hour workweek has been established. On a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek scheduled Monday through Thursday, or Tuesday through Friday,the first two (2)hours of overtime after ten (10) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half(1-1/2)times the straight time rate of pay. On Saturday, the first twelve(12) hours of work shall be paid at one and one half(1-1/2)times the straight time rate of pay, except that if thejob is down on Monday through Friday due to weather conditions or other conditions outside the control of the employer,the first ten(10)hours on Saturday may be worked at the straight time rate of pay.All hours worked over twelve(12)hours in a day and all hours worked on Sunday and Holidays shall be paid at two(2)times the straight time rate of pay. 4 Benefit Code Key— Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018 Overtime Codes Continued 4, D. All hours worked in excess of eight(8)hours per day or forty(40)hours per week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked on Saturday,Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of pay. Rates include all members of the assigned crew. EXCEPTION: On all multipole structures and steel transmission lines, switching stations, regulating, capacitor stations, generating plants,industrial plants, associated installations and substations, except those substations whose primary function is to feed a distribution system,will be paid overtime under the following rates: The first two (2) hours after eight(8) regular hours Monday through Friday of overtime on a regular workday, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage, All hours in excess of ten(10)hours will be at two(2)times the hourly rate of wage. The first eight(8)hours worked on Saturday will be paid at one and one-half(1-1/2) times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of eight(8)hours on Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays will be at the double the hourly rate of wage. All overtime eligible hours performed on the above described work that is energized, shall be paid at the double the hourly rate of wage. E. The first two (2)hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. On a four-day, ten-hour weekly schedule, either Monday thru Thursday or Tuesday thru Friday schedule, all hours worked after ten shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage.The Monday or Friday not utilized in the normal four- day,ten hour work week, and Saturday shall be paid at one and one half(P,!)times the regular shift rate for the first eight(8) hours. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. F. All hours worked between the hours of 6:00 pm and 6:00 am, Monday through Saturday,shall be paid at a premium rate of 20% over the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked on Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. G. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. H. The first two(2) hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight(8)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours worked, except Labor Day, and all hours on Sunday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. I oliday Codes 5, A. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day(7). B, Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the day before Christmas, and Christmas Day(8). C, Holidays: New Year's Day,Presidents'Day,Memorial Day, Independence Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day,the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8). 5 Benefit Code Key— Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018 Holiday' Codes Continued 5. D. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day(8). H. Holidays:New Year's Day,Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day,the Day after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas(6). 1. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6) J, Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day,And Christmas Day(7). K. Holidays: Now Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day,The Day Before Christmas,And Christmas Day(9). L. Holidays:New Year's Day,Martin Luther King Jr.Day,Memorial Day,Independence Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day,Friday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8). N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day,The Friday After Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(9). P. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,Friday And Saturday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas, And Christmas Day (9). If A Holiday Falls On Sunday, The Following Monday Shall Be Considered As A Holiday. Q. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day(6). R. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving Day,One-Half Day Before Christmas Day,And Christmas Day. (7 1/2). S. Paid Holidays:New Year's Day,Presidents' Day,Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day(7). T. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,The Friday After Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day,And The Day Before Or After Christmas(9). Z. Holidays: New Ycar's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8). 6, A. Paid Holidays:New Year's Day,Presidents'Day,Memorial Day, Independence Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day(8). E. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Day Before Or After New Year's Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and a Half- Day On Christmas Eve Day. (9 1/2). Q Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,Veterans' Day,Thanksgiving Day,the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day,and Christmas Eve Day(11). 6 Benefit Code Key— Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018 11iolida _Codes Continued 6. H. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day,New Year's Eve Day, Memorial Day,Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day,Friday After Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day,The Day After Christmas,And A Floating Holiday(10). 1. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,Friday After Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day(7). T. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,The Friday After Thanksgiving Day,The Last Working Day Before Christmas Day,And Christmas Day(9). Z. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day M. If a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be considered as the holiday. If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be considered as the holiday. 7. A. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8).Any Holiday Which Falls On A Sunday Shall Be Observed As A Holiday On The Following Monday. If any of the listed holidays Palls on a Saturday,the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. B. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. C. Holidays: New Year's Day,Martin Luther King Jr.Day, Memorial Day,hndependence Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall he observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Anyholiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. D. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day,Independence Day,Labor Day, Veteran's Day,Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Unpaid Holidays: President's Day. Any paid holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any paid holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. E, Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as aholiday on the preceding Friday. F, Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the last working day before Christmas day and Christmas day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. G. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. H. Holidays: New Year's Day,Martin Luther King Jr.Day,Independence Day,Memorial Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day(9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday.Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. 7 Benefit Code Key— Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018 Holiday Codes Continued 7. 1. Holidays: New Year's Day, President's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day,The Day Before Christmas Day And Christmas Day(9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. I. Holidays: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day(6). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. K. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. L. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Last Work Day before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Fri day. M. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, The Day after or before New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, And the Day after or before Christmas Day (10). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday.Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as aholiday on the preceding Friday. N. Holidays: Now Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. When Christmas falls on a Saturday,the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday. P. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Q. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day(8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday.If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday,the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. R. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, the day after or before New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day; and the day after orbefore Christmas Day(10).If any ofthc listed holidays fall on Saturday,the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. S. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day,the Day after Christmas,and A Floating Holiday(9). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. 13 Benefit Code Key— Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018 ll Codes Continued T, Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, the Day after or before New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day, and The Day after or before Christmas Day. (10). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. Note Codes 3. D. Workers working with supplied air on hazmat projects receive an additional$1.00 per hour. L. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $0.75, Level B: $0.50, And Level C: $0.25. M. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows: Levels A & B: $1.00, Levels C & D: $0.50. N. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $1.00,Level B: $0.75,Level C: $0.50, And Level D: $0.25. P. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Class A Suit: $2.00, Class B Suit: $1.50, Class C Suit: $1.00,And Class D Suit$0.50. Q. The highest pressure registered on the gauge for an accumulated time of more than fifteen (15) minutes during the shift shall be used in determining the scale paid. R. Effective August 31,2012—A Traffic Control Supervisor shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized.A Traffic Control Laborer performs the setup,maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular,bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations.Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana,or Idaho.These classifications are only effective on or after August 31,2012. S. Effective August 31,2012—A Traffic Control Supervisor shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. This classification is only effective on or after August 31, 2012, T, Effective August 31,2012—A Traffic Control Laborer performs the setup,maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon,Montana, or Idaho. This classification is only effective on or after August 31,2012. 9 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018 Note Codes Continued 8. U. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows—Class A Suit: $2.00,Class B Suit: $1.50, And Class C Suit: $1.00.Workers performing underground work receive an additional $0.40 per hour for any and all work performed underground, including operating, servicing and repairing of equipment. The premium for underground work shall be paid for the entire shift worked.Workers who work suspended by a rope or cable receive an additional$0.50 per hour.The premium for work suspended shall be paid for the entire shift worked.Workers who do "pioneer"work (break open a cut, build road, etc.)more than one hundred fifty (150)feet above grade elevation receive an additional $0.50 per hour. V. In addition to the hourly wage and fringe benefits, the following depth and enclosure premiums shall be paid. The premiums are to be calculated for the maximum depth and distance into au enclosure that a diver reaches in a day. The premiums are to be paid one time for the day and arc not used in calculating overtime pay. Depth premiums apply to depths of fifty feet or more.Over 50'to 100'-$2.00 per foot for each foot over 50 feet.Over 101'to 150'-$3.00 per foot for each foot over 101 feet.Over 151'to 220'-$4.00 per foot for each foot over 220 feet. Over 221'-$5.00 per foot for each foot over 221 feet. Enclosure premiums apply when divers enter enclosures (such as pipes or tunnels) where there is no vertical ascent and is measured by the distance travelled from the entrance.25' to 300' -$1.00 per foot from entrance. 300' to 600' - $1.50 per foot beginning at 300'. Over 600' - $2.00 per foot beginning at 600'. W. Meter Installers work on single phase 120/240V self-contained residential meters.The Lineman/Groundmen rates would apply to meters not fitting this description. 10 o " w � wW a� mx �h wa• : w ww � u ww w w m w ,,. u,. ,�.w " w . mi � Ap : I m ur ur ri � c is d Nh �abi w',u ro �umw rum w w a uw IWs u- II.mII� w++" KEN* TT Agenda Item:_BIDS - 10B TO: City Council DATE: July 17, 2018 SUBJECT: Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project Bid - Award MOTION: Award the Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project Alternate 2 to Scarsella Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $857,754.81 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. SUMMARY: This project consists of clearing and grubbing the former Downey Homestead site in the portion of land between Frager Road South and State Route (SR) 516. The Downey site has historically been used as a tree farm. Woody material will be salvaged or chipped and then stockpiled for future use. Following clearing and grubbing, the Downey site will be excavated with approximately 20,000 cubic yards of material hauled from the Downey site to the Naden site (at Meeker Street and SR 516). The Naden site will be cleared and grubbed prior to the application of fill material from the Downey Site. The bid opening for the Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project was held on July 10, 2018 with six (6) bids received, all were responsive. The lowest responsible and responsive bid for alternate 2 was submitted by Scarsella Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $857,754.81. The advertisement included two bid alternatives Alternative 1 that included hauling the material from the Downey Homestead site to a contractor- determined fill site; Alternative 2 directs the contractor to dispose of the materials from Downey to the Naden site. The lowest bid was received from Alternative 2 and moving material to the Naden site will make it easier to drain the site after it is developed. Bid Tab Altgrnate 2 Summary - Dpwney PIU2 Naden 01. Scarsella Brothers, Inc. $857,754.81 02. Olson Brothers Excavating, Inc. $946,620.40 03. JR Hayes & Sons, Inc. $1,099,048.50 04. Ceccanti, Inc. $1,364,555.50 05. Northwest Cascade, Inc. $1,382,700.00 06. Rino Construction $2,171,186.33 Engineer's Estimate $1,491,160.00 EXHIBITS: Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Bid Tab RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director YEA: N/A NAY: N/A BUDGET IMPACTS: Grants for the Downey Farmstead project from King County Cooperative Watershed Management (approved by Council on January 16, 2018) provide approximately $900,000 for this project. The bid amount of $143,208.89 for Alternate 2, Schedule C - Naden Site Improvements will be paid by City funds.