HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT17-020 - Extension - Networks 2000 - HP Annual Maintenance - 02/15/2018 �10T Records Management Document CONTRACT COVER SWEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. ❑ Blue/Motion Sheet Attached El Pink Sheet Attached Vendor Name: Networks 2000 Vendor Number ('DE): 881151 Contract Number (City Clerk): �T 1-1 - )Z.0 ` 0Z, Category: License Aqreement Sub-Category (if applicable): ,,Chcaers�t an iternm,_,,,,,, Project Name: HP Hardware Support Renewal Contract Execution Date: 02/15/18 Termination Date: 02/14/19 Contract Manager: James Endicott Department: IT Contract Amount: 30,174.32 Approval Authority: ❑ Director ® Mayor ❑ City Council Other Details: Usina Prior IT17-020 REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE ✓' KENT Purchase Order Only - Print on Yellow Paper Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes ALL REQUESTS ARE ROUTED DIRECTLY TO THE MAYOR AND RETURNED TO THE ORIGINATING D P ENT DO NOT ROUTE TO CLERK'S OFFICE Approved by tY .star Originator:James Endicott Phone (Originator): x4602 Date Sent: 02/21/2018 Date Reguired: 02/26/2018 Return Signed Document to: L nnette Smith Contract Termination Date: New - ends 02/14/19 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: Networks 2000 (Only required on contracts 02/21/2018 $10,000 and over or on any Grant) DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 12/14/2016 Date Risk Manager Notified: N/A Specifically Authorized in Budget? AYES () NO Account Number: 52001740.64830.1800 Brief Explanation of Document: Networks 2000 HP Support annual renewal Contract term dates: 02/15/18-02/14/19 Cost: $30,174.32 This purchase is funded in Information Technology's 2017-2018 maintenance budget Shaded Areas to Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: Recommendations and Comments: Disposition: Date Returned: . .m u e nueesgarvM! nquem nry nY p mYw o- 'on. i 4Y msa .� INVOICE Expert Services and Solutions DATE INVOICE NO. 2/232018 23635 BILL TO SHIP TO City Of Kent City Of Kent Accounts Payable lames Endicott 220 4th Ave S. 406 West Gowe Street Ste 122 Kent,WA 98032 Kent WA 98032 PO# TERMS 143710 OP Net 31) ITEM DESCRIPTION CITY RATE AMOUNT USE936RV4N/507864-B21 !HP BL460c G6 CTO Blade OEM USE238 EXFI 1641749-B21 /HP D1,360G7 130W CTO Server USB238EXMP/579237-B21 /HP DL360G7 CTO Server MXQ250030H/65408 t-1321 /HP DL360p Gen8 8-SFF CTO Seraer USE109NCXH/579237-1321/HP D1,36067 CTO Server USE109NCXJ 1579237-B21/HP DL360G7 CTO Server 2M232905G1 /670856-S01 1 HP D1,380p Gen8 E5-2620 US Svr/S-Buy USE303'r20D I518857-B21/HP BL465c G7 CTO Blade USE303T20C/518857-B21!HP BL465c 07 CTO Blade USE738693p!412136-B22/HP BLc7000 3 PH 6 Fan NA/JP Full ICE Kit Contact for Service:Nehvorks 2000 Phone: 900-625-5150 Sales Tax 10.00% 2,743,12 nw il 4")VI 131""V �,:.1F Balance Due Total S30,174.32 Balance Due S30,174.32 'A 1.5%Service Charge(18%per Annum)will be added to your Account Balance if not paid within 30 Days ofthe Net Terms. The payment date will determine the taf?wH ;d is subject to change. 910 Grand Ave Suite 208 San Diego,CA 92109 (358)490-1441 (fax)490-1448 ww mcrvvorks2000.com INVOICE NETWORKS%, 0 _ / Ex r INVOICE NO. Expert ScrvleeS and SOlU1m05 , 23635 p r� F` BILL TO SHIP TO .� _ -- I City Of Kent City OFKent '.Accounts Payable James Endicott 220 41h Ave S., 400 West Gowe Street Ste 122 Kent,WA 98032 Kent-WA 98032 Ndr ,� FEB 26 No POk TERMS a�INA T F, - Ai 143710 OP Net 30 ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY RATE AMOUNT DAY ONE. HPE Day One-240 Response On-Site Foundation Care Support with 1 27,431.20 27,431.20T Defective Media Retention 1 Year Post Warranty Coverage Dates:2/15/2D18-2/1412019 Part#H7J35AC Retai!-$32,272.00 SAID- 1045 5500 3606 Physical Product Location:220 4TH AVE S,KENT Washington 98032-5838 Serialk/ProduccA i Prnduct Description USE709N3NH/579237-1921/HP DL360G7 CTO Server USE115NFM4/579237-821 /HP DL360G7 CTO Server USE122N4FZ!579237-B2] /HP DL360G7 CTO Server USE809NAL6/419405-1321/HP DL320R05 CTO Chassis USE716N9K3/399524-1321 /HP D1366G5 4M CTO Chassis USE943N612/494329-B21/HP OEM DL380G6 CTD Server 1JSE943N611 /494329-B21/HP OEM DL39OG6 CTO Server USE943N2NQ/484184-B21 /HP OEM DL36DG6 CTO Server USE004N I GQ/484184-1321 /HP OEM D1360G6 CTO Server USF,813N2ND/399524-B21 /HP DL360G5 4M CTO Chassis USE1I182CC/603718-1121 1 HP B1,460c G7 CTO Blade USE]29CYX9/518857-B21/HP BL465c G7 CTO Blade USE]1182CA 1603718-B21/HIP BIA600 G7 CTO Blade LSE 129CYXA/518857-1321 /HP BL465c G7 CTO Blade USE 11182CB/603718-621/HP BL460c 07 CTO Blade USE010Y9AP!507864-321/HP BL46Dc G6 CTO Blade OEM USE01MK F!507864-B21 /HP BL460c G6 CTO Blade OEM USE026NIZI/399524-1321/HP DL360G5 4M CTO Chassis USE026NIZ3/579237-321 1 F1P DL360G7 CTO Server USE819ND74/399524-321/HP DL36005 4M CTO Chassis USE819ND72/399524-B21/HP DL360G5 4M CTO Chassis USE936N8F4/484184-B21/HP OEM DL36OG6 CTO Server Balance Due Total Balance Due Page 1 a. 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Kent, WA 98032 Kent, WA 98032 Phone: (253)856-4620 Phone: (253)856-4620 Fax: (253)856-4700 Fax: (253)856-4700 Terms Rep Net 30 Dustin �Vilunrla�Ao-t/4+c rllrpkfti Ar+vnu euezRac'u✓7 nnnamnrcrnvmrnnuwureu�mimin�tla�nuin wulr„ruin i vHa� ,�y��wBLaecLrcTdal9 ramSruvwlnmlm�I�mI�YO�mrtrN XiF'XwuM!auwawauUiplwdwX lJmwl4u# l'dwfi„vAHv�rvnhNl3vlu"siw✓mIDmN1fl u+2�mwt�mt""Pamicee � Qty li Description � Unit Price �1 Ext. price 1 HPE Day One-24x7 Response On-Site Foundation Care Support with Defective Media $27,431.20 $27,431,20 Retention 1 Year Post Warranty Coverage Dates: 2/15/2018-2/14/2019 Part#H7J35AC Retail-$32,272.00 SAID- 1045 5500 8606 Physical Product Location: 220 4TH AVE S, KENT Washington 98032-5838 Serial#/Product#/ Product Description USE109N3NH/579237-1321 / HP DL360G7 CTO Server USE115NFM4/579237-1321 /HP DL360G7 CTO Server USE122N4FZ/579237-1321 / HP DL360G7 CTO Server USE809NAL6/419405-1321 / HP DL320R05 CTO Chassis USE716N9K3/399524-1321 / HP DL360G5 4M CTO Chassis USE943N612/494329-B21 / HP OEM DL380G6 CTO Server USE943N611 /494329-B21 / HP OEM D1_380G6 CTO Server USE943N2NQ/484184-B21 /HP OEM DL360G6 CTO Server USE004N1GO 484184-621 / HP OEM DL360G6 CTO Server USE8131\12ND/399524-1321 /HP DL360G5 4M CTO Chassis USE11182CC 1 603718-B21 I HP BL460c 37 CTO Blade USE129CYX9/518857-1321 !HP BL465c G7 CTO Blade USE11182CA/603718-621 /HP BL460c G7 CTO Blade USE129CYXA!518857-B21 / HP BL465c G7 CTO Blade USE11182CB/603718-B21 / HP BL460c G7 CTO Blade USE010Y9AP/507864-B21 / HP BL460c G6 CTO Blade OEM USE010Y9KT/507864-B21 /HP BL460c G6 CTO Blade OEM USE026N1Z1 /399524-821 / HP DL360G5 4M CTO Chassis USE026N1Z3/579237-B21 / HP DL360G7 CTO Server USE819ND74/399524-1321 /HP DL360G5 4M CTO Chassis "This quote is valid for 30 days from date on quote. 910 Grand Ave Ste 208 San Diego, CA 92109 (858)490-1441 fax (858) 490-1448 www netwvor.(Cs200er1m 1 of 2 �— � QtymUoaoApLmn m Unit Phum E/W. P/icm USE819ND72/J99524'B21 / HPD:}VVG54MCTOChassis USE930N8F4/404104'B2l /HIP OEM DL36086CTUServer USEO36RY4N/5V7864'B21 /UPBL400c88CTO Blade OEM USE238EXF1 /641740'B21 /UPDL300G7130YVCTOServer USE238EXK4P/579237'B21 /HIP DL38087CT0Server K1XU260030H /h54V01'D21 /HPDL30OGen00'SFFCTOServer U3EY09NCXH/579237'821 / HIP DL360G7CT0Server US[109NCX]/579237'B21 / HPDL850G7OTOServer 2M232905G1 /670856'501 / UPDL300pGonSE5'2020U88vr/S'Buy V3E3V8T20D/518857'B21 / HIP BL465oG7CTUBlade USE303T20C/510057'B21 / HPDL405cG7OT0Blade U3E7386O3D/412136'D22/UPBLc70V03PH0 Fan NA/JP Full ICE Kit Contact for Service Networks 2V00 Phone: OVV'625'5150 | authorize Networks 200Vto charge my(VisaK1u��or�ardAmorioanExp,�oo)'(Ciro|ovno) ' ' SubTota| $27.431.20 Name oncard Sales Tax $2,743.12 CroditCund# Shipping *0.00 Exp Date Billing Zip Code CvC# Total $38,174.32 Signature "This quote iSvalid fVr30 days from date UDquote. 910Gr8Ud Ave Ste 208 San Diego, CA 92109 /858> 490-1441 fax/858\490~1448 wwOw`nebwOrk�208O���[n 2of2