HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT06-315 - Extension - Tri-Tec Communications, Inc. - Tiburon Police System Maintenance Renewal - 09/09/2017 . / am Y%l�%W, R e c o r s em :. 11-S r /OY M /F WN3HiNGT ...... Document / o/7, CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Tri-Tee Communications, Inc. Vendor Number: 42845 JD Edwards lumber Contract Number:-Using Prior #IT06-315-01 This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Tiburon Police System Annual Maintenance Renewal Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment E Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Crate: 09/09/17 Termination [gate: 09/08/18 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): 30 Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Curt Ryser Department: Information Technology Contract Amount: $121,877.80 Approval Authority: F-1 Department Director F] Mayor N City Council Detail: i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): As of: 08/27/14 REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Purchase Order Only - Print on Yellow Paper Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes ALL REQUESTS ARE ROUTED DIRECTLY TO THE MAYOR AND RETURNED TO THE ORIGINATING DI; EK DO NOT ROUTE TO CLERKS OFFICE Approved by Dir Originator: Curt Ryser Phone (0 i9inator): x4642 Date Sent: 08/31/2017 -Date Required: 09/06/2017 Return Signed Document to: Lynnette Smith Contract Termination Date: 09/07/17 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: 08/31/2017 Tri-Tec Communications (OMy required on contracts $10,000 and over or on any Grant) DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 12/15/2016 Date Risk Manager Notified: N/A Specifically Authorized in Budget? (F)YES 0 NO I Account Number: 5200173,0.64830.,180�0 Brief Explanation of Document: Annual renewal maintenance for Tri-Tec (Tiburon, Inc.) - Police System 09/08/17-019/09/18 Amount = $121,877.80 Approved in the 2017-2018 maintenance contract budget Shaded Areas to Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: Recomrnenct,ptions irld Comments: Dispo Psiti["n:"'I /77 d' Date RetUtne , 7 $ o 00 a o q @ u 7 Lf) k ci r-� 2 It § ¥ 0 co f 0 CN — 2 ■ % g cu 0) k n \ / _ c J E E 2 2 q B o @ § O ¢ Er0 xm / k / @ @ n W C) cok2 K Cl) (n \ G « 7 « ® © q S ODQ [ (m co2 k d % Q � ® ' e £ �cc CD � k2r- .92 cc cncE R R R > w a _ � Los @ �o � � c @ � o _ L. 2 \ ca / Q o o CL r-L� § w 3 ^ G k CN 0 \ \ o @ r - _2 / E m 3 q % CL k \ L m � � � jk - 0 � k Cp c % m2 O £ $ e o @ � L) � = 2 a. % J § § o c a o 48 = u 7 2 0 � Ec k c ? k dk £ % § £ £ £ $ \ \> k :3 m F- @ / 2 ) MAW m CD '( § � � D � oo 2 � R Y ƒ f o K Uj a o � (D � ® Ink 2 E § R @ c �34; 225 :!:: � 0 = c 0— 04 4 o E a 2 % @ c o © E � [ � ■ � ■ o k � / COk � WY - � « Customer No. 10039 ))) TRITECH Invoice Dato.e: P 231201 85 Date: 6/23/2017 Sales Order No: M124517 SOFTWARE' SYSTEMS Terms: NET30 Tiburon, Inc., a TriTech Software Systems Company Remit To: To: Kent, City of Tiburon,Inc. Attn:Julie Cleary 9477 Waples St. Suite 100 220 4th Ave SouthLi .. San Diego, CA 92121 KENT, WA 98032-5895 (858)799-7000 Ext. 0000 M124517-9/9/17 to 918/18 JUN 2 6 2017 M1y24517kCEla7WA.. Contract No. M124517 Purchase No. Software Support&Maintenance:$110,798.00 Sales Tax 10%: $11,079.80 Y�1 x 9 PLEASE NOTE NEW"REMIT TO"ADDRESS ABOVE TAX: $11,079.80 Qyl� L U1l TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE: $121,877.80 This Invoice Payable in U.S. Dollars EXHIBIT 1 To Master Support Agreement COVERED APPLICATIONS This Exhibit is attached to, incorporated into and forms part of the Master Support Agreement, dated September 9, 2005 between the City and Tiburon (herein referred to as the"Agreement"). Capitalized terms used herein shall have the definitions set forth in the Agreement, unless otherwise defined herein. In the event of conflict between the terms and conditions set forth herein and those set forth in the Agreement, the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement shall prevail. Tiburon will provide the Basic Support described in Section 2.1, "Basic Support",. of the-.Agreement for the software applications and custom interfaces identified in the table below. The annual fee for such support shall be as set forth in the table below. Such support will commence upon the expiration of any applicable Warranty Period as set forth in the table below. Additionally, Client agrees to test all Tiburon provided corrections, whether reported by Client as Technical Service Requests (TSRs) or not, and either approve the correction or report issues being experienced with the correction within twenty (20) calendar days of receipt of such corrections Upon Client's approval or failure to communicate issues with any particular correction within the specified time frame, the TSR will be closed if a TSR was opened, or Tiburon may suspend support services if the correction was a Tiburon initiated matter. CLIENT#M1245-17 Covered Application Maintenance Period Annual Fee Start Date Stop Date LawRECORDS 24X7 Coverage 919/17� 9/8118 $19156 WebQuery 24X7 Coverage 919/17 9/8/18 incl Alpha System 24X7 Coverage 9/9117 9/8/18 Incl Location System 24X7 Coverage 9/9117 918/18 incl Incident System 207 Coverage 9/9/17 918118 incl Vehicle System 207 Coverage 919/17 9/8/18 incl Property and Evidence 24X7 Coverage 9/9117 9/8/18 incl Arrest and Booking 24X7 Coverage 9/9/17 9/8/18 incl Restraining Orders 24X7 Coverage 9/9/17 918/18 incl Special Flags 207 Coverage 9/9/17 _918118 incl LawRECORDS Case Management 24X7 Coverage 919/17 9/8118 $1,026 LawRECORDS Crime Analysis 24X7 Coverage 9/9117 9/8/18 $2,052 LawRECORDS Incident Report Writing 207 Coverage 9/9117 9/8/18 $1,197 LawRECORDS Traffic Management 207 Coverage 9/9117 9/8/18 $855 LawRECORDS NIBRS 24X7 Coverage 9/9/17 9/8118 $1,881 JailRECORDS 24X7 Coverage 9/9117 9/8118 $13,320 WebQuery 24X7 Coverage 919/17 9/8/18 incl Alpha System 24X7 Coverage 919/17 9/8/18 incl Facility Management 24X7 Coverage 919/17 918/18 incl Booking 24X7 Coverage 919/17 918118 incl Release Processing 24X7 Coverage 919/17 9/8118 incl JailRECORDS Classification 24X7 Coverage 9/9117 9/8/18 $1,540 JailRECORDS Incident/Disciplinary Incident/Disciplinary Reporting 207 Coverage 919117 9/8/18 $1,540 JailRECORDS Inmate Programs 24X7 Coverage 9l9/17 9/8/18 $2,565 Inmate Property Management 24X7 Coverage 1 9/9/17 9/8118 $1,197 FAS ARS 24X7 Coverage 919/17 9/8118 incl LawRECORDS, JailRECORDS,ARS Workstations site license 9/9117 9/8/18 $29.076 TIPS Video Capture 2 licenses 24X7 Coverage 9/9/17 9/8/18 $4,275 Master Support Agreement Page 1 of 2 Exhibit 1—Covered Applications Kent WA 2018-2019 Covered Application Maintenance Period Annual Fee Start Date Stop Date TIPS View Station 9 licenses 24X7 Coverage 9/9/17 9/8/18 $2,566 ldentix/DBI Interface 24X7 Covera a 919/17 9/8/18 $3,592 O tika Acorde Interface 24X7 Coverage 9/9117 9/8/18 $5,699 PRC MIS-derived Table Interface 24X7 Coverage 9/9117 918/18 $3,210 Get Case Interface 24X7 Coverage 919117 9/8/18 incl .fail Initialize Interface 24X7 Coverage 9/9/17 9/8/18 incl GCT 24X7 Coverage 919/17 9/8/18 incl Microfocus License 9/9/17 9/8/18 $2,970 Barcode 24X7 Coverage 9/9/17 9/8/18 $7,611 Co Lo is Interface 919/17 9/8118 $443 Citation and Collision Data Upload 9/9/17 -918118 $5,027 Total Annual $110,798 Maintenance Fees The Production instance located at the IT Data Center,220 411,Ave. S., Kent,Washington 98032: "TIBNAPPIV" VMWARE, Inc. "TIBNWBPIV" VMWARE, Inc. "TIPSAPPI V" VMWARE, Inc. Hardware: "TIBNDBP174H" HP DL360G7, S/N USE109NCXJ The Train instance located at the IT Data Center 220 411 Ave. S., Kent,Washington 98032: "TIBNAPTIV" VMWARE, Inc. "TIBNWBT1V" VMWARE, Inc. There is a single license for TIPS which is installed on"TIPSAPP1V" Master Support Agreement Page 2 of 2 Exhibit 1 —Covered Applications Kent WA 2018-2019 T1 BUR O-Ma , A TriTech Sotlware Systems company June 9,2017 Julie Cleary City ol'Kent 220 4`h Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Dear Ms. Cleary. The agreement for on-going software support between the City of Kent and Tiburon. Inc. expires on September 8, 2017. To be sure that the renewal process is completed prior to this expiration date, I have enclosed the new exhibit that will replace the current exhibit and become part of the agreement. If you require any changes to the covered software or service options on the enclosed exhibit; please contact me at your earliest convenience. I can be reached at 858-799- 7333. Also enclosed is the invoice for annual support. Sincerely, Rico Billones Billing & AR Specialist 9477 Waples Street, Suite 100,San Diego,CA 92121 t. 858-799-7333 f: 858-799-7015