HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW15-357 - Amendment - Amendment #1 - Washington State Dept. of Ecology - Contract - 7/10/15 Records 'n Ma" g Er Document ■Y� �M '�y WASHtl rvYGP'LJM .., ,,, Doc�.lr�'w..r, t CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. Vendor Name: Washington State Dept. of Ecology Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: PW15-357 - This is a,sslgned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Waste 2 Resources Coordinated Prevention Grant Program CPG Description: C] Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order 0 Amendment ❑ Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 7/10Z2.015 Termination Date: 6/30/2017 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Gina Hun erford Department: Public Works Contract Amount: $123,522.67 Approval Authority: F� Director ❑ Mayor ❑ City Council Meeting Gate Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc,): Amendment to contract, changes where funds can be allocated. No change in dates or grand total. .,"`t ydifzFaq "r AR r, r w fF/ 41y, P 1i8'9 . STATE OF WA:SHINGTO DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Northwest Regional Office e.3190 t 60,tda Ave S * Bedder uc, WA 98008-54,52 4 p,"-649-7000 711 for Washington Relay.der-vice Persons with a speech disability call call 877-8.:3:3-6 341 August 7, 2017 Gina Hungerford City of Kent PW Works Engineering 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent WA 98082 Regarding: Amendment toW2RCPG-1517-KentPW-00075 Dear Gina — Enclosed is an original hard copy of the Amendment to your Grant Agreement W2RCPG-1517- KentPW-00075, complete with its Ecology signature, for your records. A scanned copy of the signed Amendment can be found inside of EAGE uploaded in the Amendment Signed Documents and Dates page located at the base of the Application Menu- Forms page. I'm very glad we were able to do this at the last minute, so you could take full advantage of your CPG monies— and it looks like your final payment request went active today, so we can proceed with grant closeout and dust our hands off for a job well done! t:f Vicki Colgan, CSBA, LEEDOW Regional Planning, Grants and Materials Management WA Dept. of Ecology, NW W2R Program 5190 1.60th Ave. SE Bellevue WA 98008-5452 425/649-7224 vcol461@ecy.wa.gov Enclosure t U9%iallrlr A�'MIEN DEPARTMENT OF State of WasNngton AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT NO.W2RCPG-1517-KeutPW-00075 BETWEEN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON(DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND City of Kent PURPOSE: To amend the above-referenced agreement(AGREEMENT)between the state of Washington Department of Ecology(ECOLOGY)and City of Kent(RECIPIENT) for the 2015-17 CPG Dent:IMP(PROJECT). The Recipient will add a Waste Reduction and Recycling Task.2 to its Scope of Work to use funds remaining due to lower than expected turnouts at the recycling events(current Task 1),to pay for Waste Reduction and Recycling (WRR)education and outreach and its administration, aimed at increasing recycling at the City"s multi-family complexes performed by its contractor for site visits and talking with residents in the many languages that they offer. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that the AGREEMENT is amended as follows: Project Short Description: Original: The RECIPIENT(City of Kent)will host up to six (6)Residential Recycling Collection Events for City residents with its S123,522,67 CPG monies. The RECIPIENT expects to divert 300 tons of recycled material,which includes an estimated 25 tons of organics and 60 tons of moderate risk waste,from 4000 residential participants as a result of making over 188,000 resident contacts during the 2015-17 grant cycle. Amended: The RECIPIENT (City of Kent)will host up to six(6)Residential Recycling Collection Events for City residents for Task I with S 104,376.21 of its S 123,52167 CPG monies, expecting to divert 300 tons of recycled material,which includes an estimated 25 tons of organics and 60 tons of moderate risk waste, from 4000 residential participants as a result of making over 188,000 resident contacts during the 2015-17 grant cycle. Task 2 targets its multi-family business sector with the remaining$19,146,46 of its CPG monies, expecting to make 30 multiplex contacts and gain participation of 10 or more. CHANGES TO THE BUDGET Funding Distribution E{G160221 Funding Title: State Building Construction Account Funding Type: Grant Funding Effective Date: 07/10/2015 Funding Expiration Date: 06/30/2017 Version 10/3012015 f � � State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 2 of 6 City of Kent 2015-17 CPG Kent IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-KentPW-00075 Amendment No.1 Funding Source: Title: State Building Construction Account(SBCA) Type: State Funding Source%: 100% Description: Approved Indirect Costs Rate: Approved Rate Negotiated Between ECOLOGY and RECIPIENT: 25% Recipient Match%: 25% InKind Interlocal Allowed: Yes InKind Other Allowed: No Is this Funding Distribution used to match a federal grant? No State Building Construction Account Task Total WRR Multi-family Outreach $ 19,146.46 WRR:Residential Collection Events $ 104,376.21 Total: $ 123,522.67 CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK Task Number: 1 Task Cost: $104,376.21 Task Title: WRR: Residential Collection Events Task Description: The RECIPIENT will host up to six(6)Residential Recycling Collection Events for City residents during this grant cycle. The events will provide residents with the opportunity to divert hard-to-recycle items from the waste stream by recycling them in a convenient City location,as well as serve as an opportunity to distribute educational materials on how to reduce waste and recycle using City-sponsored or private sector WR&R programs. The RECIPIENT may charge user fees for some items or may drop user fees to increase the volume of materials collected.The RECIPIENT will credit this grant for any revenue received from the collection of fees or commodity sales on items the grant is directly supporting.In addition,the Coordinated Prevention Grant Program does not pay for costs covered by an existing product stewardship program(such as E-cycle Washington,LightRecycle Washington,or Call2Recycle). Contact your Ecology grant project manager or consult the following website if you are unsure about a cost's grant-eligibility: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/swfa/ProductStewardshipFAQ.html. The costs of membership in civic,business,and technical/professional organizations are allowed to the extent they are covered in the overhead rate. If the RECIPIENT does not charge overhead to this task,it may directly bill for membership(s)pre-approved by ECOLOGY. Version 10/30/2015 State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 3 of 6 City of Kent 2015-17 CPG Kent IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-KentPW-00075 Amendment No. 1 Task Goal Statement: Decreasing the amount of organics,moderate risk waste(MRW),and other hard-to-recycle items from being landfilled by holding collection events in a convenient location for City residents,is the goal of the program,thereby also keeping environmentally damaging materials from finding their way to stormdrains,streams,and other isolated sites in this City. Human health risks from these materials will be lowered as well. Task Expected Outcome: The RECIPIENT expects to divert 300 tons of recycled material,which includes an estimated 25 tons of organics and 60 tons of moderate risk waste, from 4000 residential participants as a result of making 188,000 resident contacts.The RECIPIENT will provide the following information to the Department of Ecology for project evaluation: 1)The number of events held. 2)The number of event participants attending-the site greeter will count cars as they arrive. 3)The volume of each material collected in pounds/tons as reported from event vendors and from material delivered to recycling centers. 4)The numbers of promotional/educational contacts made. Recipient Task Coordinator: Gina Hungerford Deliverables Number Description Due Date 1.1 Q 1:No work this quarter. 1.2 Q2: Arrange date and site for event.Arrange event vendors.Hold Recycling Collection Event.Recycle materials collected at event. Prepare project progress report and payment request for grant reimbursement. 1.3 Q3: Arrange date and site for event. Arrange event vendors. Hold Recycling Collection Event.Recycle materials collected at event. Prepare project progress report and payment request for grant reimbursement. 1.4 Q4: Arrange date and site for event.Arrange event vendors.Hold Recycling Collection Event.Recycle materials collected at event. Prepare project progress report and payment request for grant reimbursement. 1.5 Q5:No work this quarter. 1.6 Q6: Arrange date and site for event. Arrange event vendors. Hold Recycling Collection Event. Recycle materials collected at event. Prepare project progress report and payment request for grant reimbursement. 1.7 Q7:Arrange date and site for event. Arrange event vendors.Hold Recycling Collection Event. Recycle materials collected at event. Prepare project progress report and payment request for grant reimbursement. Version 10/30/2015 1 v 1 State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 4 of 6 City of Kent 2015-17 CPG Kent IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-KentPW-00075 Amendment No.1 1.8 Q8: Arrange date and site for event.Arrange event vendors. Hold Recycling Collection Event.Recycle materials collected at event. Prepare project progress report and payment request for grant reimbursement and closeout. CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK Task Number: 2 Task Cost: $19,146.46 Task Title: WRR Multi-family Outreach Task Description: Currently 41%of the Recipient's population lives in the 315 multi-family housing complexes in Kent. This sector has only achieved a recycling rote of 12%. The City,in conjunction with a consultant,has developed a Green Apartments and Condominiums effort that includes a Challenge Letter from the Mayor,door-to-door outreach and/or Tabling events in the language(s)most commonly spoken and follow-up where specially-designed recycling bags are distributed,all to increase understanding of and compliance with the County's recycling objectives. Task Goal Statement: By amending its Collection Event Agreement to include multi-family and multi-lingual work,the Recipient's goal is to improve the percentage recycled in its multi-family housing sector,and thereby that of its City as a whole. Task Expected Outcome: During the first half of 2017,the Recipient and its consultant expect to help 10-15 multi-family complexes adopt or add to their recycling programs by making contact with a minimum of 30 multi-family complexes. The number of contacts made to discrete complexes and the types of events will be reported,as well as staff and consultant time used to in this effort. Recipient Task Coordinator: Gina Hungerford Deliverables Number Description Due Date 2.1 Contact 30 or more multi-family 06/30/2017 com lex owners/staff over the Quarters 7 and 8. 2.2 Work especially with complexes ready to adopt new or expanded 06/30/2017 recycling ro ams during Quarters 7 and 8. Version 10/30/2015 M l State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 5 of 6 City of Kent 2015-17 CPG Kent IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-KentPW-00075 Amendment No. 1 Funding Distribution Summary Recipient/Ecology Share Funding Distribution Name Recipient Match % Recipient Share Ecology Share Total State Building Construction 25 % $ 30,880.67 $ 92,642.00 $ 123,522.67 Account Total $ 30,880.67 $ 92,642.00 $ Version 10/30/2015 ;1 , , , , State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 6 of 6 City of'Kent 2015-17 CPG Kent IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-I 517-KentPW-00075 Amendment No. I AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement including any Amendments remain in full force and effect, except as expressly provided by this Amendment. The signatories to this Amendment represent that they have the authority to execute this Amendment and bind their respective organizations to this Amendment. This amendment will be effective 06/13/2017. IN WITNESS WHEREOF.- the parties hereto,having read this Amendment in its entirety,including all attachments, do agree in each and every particular and have thus set their hands hereunto. Washington State City of Kent Department of Ecology By: By: Laurie Davies Date Regina 1-furiglerford Date Waste 2 Resources Conservation Coordinator Program Manager Template Approved to Form by Attomey Gencral's Office Version 10/30/2015