HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW17-413 - Original - R. W. Scott Construction, Co. - 132nd Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements - 07/20/2017 / // R c o d s M a. KEN TLiment WASHINGP®W. // • / s Doc CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: R. W. Scott Construction Co. Vendor Number: .ID Edwards dumber Contract Number: - 1' This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: 132"d Ave. SE Pedestrian Improvements Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order D Amendment ® Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: Date of the Mayor's si nature Termination Gate: 60workingdays Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Drew Holcomb Department: Engineering Contract Amount: 933,662.50 Approval Authority: (CIRCLE ONE) Department Director Mayor City Council Detail: (i.e.. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): The project consists of the construction of approximately 3,800 lineal feet of sidewalk 6Iong th-e%w st side a f.f�. .' -Ave. S. Also inclut�e is the instailation cif t�irnr� drain pipe m wall, sidewalk ramps and a Rapid Flashing Beason pedestrian signal.. As of: 08/27/14 » ) & a : ~� ©<» ■ � _ � , $±° � ■ ° � » * � �a ADMINISTRATION Timothy J. LaPorte, P,E. 0 Public Works Director 400 West Lowe Kent, WA 98032 T Fax: 253-856-6500 PHONE: 253-856-5500 CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 132 ind Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 251st St - SE 26 Sth St) Project Number,: 16-3008 ADDENDUM No. I June 21, 2017 FROM: The Office of the City Engineer, Kent Washington TO: All Plan Holders of the Project Specifications and Plans This addendum forms a part of the Contract documents and modifies the Project Proposal and Specifications and Contract Drawings in accordance with the following: ALI... CHANGES ARE REFLECTED IN RED I — BIDDER'S DOCUMENTS The following changes are included in the attached replacement pages 6 — 17 of the Bidder's Document. Bidders mUst use the replacement pages, SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. O. qUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1020 2-02.5 80-100 Remove Cement Concrete $ $ KSP SQ YDS Sidewalk Per SY 1080 4-04.5 &GG-580 Crushed Surfacing Top $ $ > KSP TONS Course, 5/8 Inch Minus Per TON 0 (�6.00 Min' 40� MAYOR S UZ ETTE COO K F City of Kent Public Works Department 1086 4-04,5 Permeable Ballast $ $ WSDOT 1,200 Per CY CU YDS 1095 5-04.5 2750-300 HMA Class 1/2", PG 64-22 $ $ KSP TONS Per TON 1106 5-03.5 -2e0-18 0 HMA Class 1/2", PG 7'0-22 $ $ KSP TONS Pervious Asphalt Per TON 1132 8-14.5 +9,&-400 Pervious Cement Concrete $ $ KSP SQ YIDS Sidewalk Per SY 1210 8-04.5 1 Cement Concrete Extruded $ $ KSP 1,020 Curb Type 6 Per LF LN FT 1255 8-12.5 2043-280 Remove Wood Fence $ $ KSP LN FT Per LF 1275 8-12.5 -200-270 Install New Wood Fence $ $ KSP LN FT Per LF 1285 8-18.5 4-3 Mailbox Support, Type 1 $ $ WSDOT EACH' Per EA 1302 8-24.5 660-850 Gravity Block Retaining Wall $ $ KSP SQ FT WALL 4 Foot and Less in Height Per SFWF FACE SCHEDULE IV - STORM SEWER ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 4015 7-04.5 740 4 5 0 Storm Sewer Pipe, $ $ KSP LN FT 12 Inch Diameter Per LF 4080 7-05.5 Er-7 Catch Basin, Type 1 $ KSP EACH Per EA .......... . .. .......... K-SP -E-AG44 -Per-F-A 4110 7-05,5 -3-2 Solid Locking Catch Basin $ $ KSP EACH Frame and Cover Per EA 4120 7-05.5 -7-3 Vaned Catch Basin $ $ KSP EACH Frame and Grate Per EA SCHEDULE V - TRAFFIC CONTROL ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NOC . !RUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT , 5130 8-22.5 260 Plastic Yellovv Edge Line $ $ KSP LN FT Per LF 5145 8-09,5 .6 Raised Pavement Marker $ $ WSDOT 11UNDRED Type I Pei-, HND 5150 8-09.5 .15 Raised Pavement Marker $ $ WSD10T 11UNDRED Type 2 Per HND 5155 8--10.5 4 Traffic Pylon $ $ 1(sp EACH Per EA SCHEDULE VI - ELECTRICAL ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL — NO. NO. !gUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 60-1-G G-20-.45P 4(-&P 6G20 8-20-.5- 4,700G "d+t4e,n-a4 4zeftr-4-4n-W-ire X&P 4--N-f T II - KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS Page 7-5 - Section 7-05.5 - Payment REVISE the payment description for "Catch Basin, Type I" as follows: The unit contract price per each for the above items constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to install the specified structure to, final finished grade as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This work includes but shall not be limited to: excavating; clewatering; installing; connecting new or existing pipes, backfilling; compacting; surface restoration; referencing for future locates prior to final overlay; and storm drain pollution prevention buttons. The underdrain pipe connection to the catch basin called out on Sheet 6 shall be incidental to this bid item. �DELETE the payment description for the following: Page 8-13 - Section 8-10 ADD the following new sectio,ns., 8-10 GUIDE POSTS SECTION 8--10.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING 7'11E FOLLOWING: Thls work shall consist Of fUrrlisNing and Installing traffic p&ns, SECTION 8-10.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING774E FOLLOWING. Th(' pylons shall be constructed of UV-staWlized therrno=plastic polyurethane (TPU), Pylons shall comply with Section 9-17.3 and conform to the din'lension in the Plans. Reflective sheeting shall be one of the folgowing preapproved products; 3M Fligh Intensity Sheeting Reflexite PC 1 000 Dura-brite SECTION 8-10.3 ILSSUPPLEMENTED B'Y ADDING THE FOLLOWING: The pylon system shall be a surface rnountect assembly that r.,ises a separate base with a detach e pylon held in place by means of a locking clevice as shown in the Rans, Installation of the pylon devices shall be with a lbituminous adhesive meeting the reqUirernents of 9-02,1 (8) rather than the epoxy adhesive speclfied in Section 9-26. The bituminous adhesive, shah not be heated above, the rnaximum safe heating ternperatUre recommended by the manufacturer and shall riot be applied at temperature greater- t1,-ion 4-25 degrees F nor less than 375 clegi-ees F. SECTION 8-1 01.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLO WING. Traffic pylon will be measured by the Unit for each pylon fUrnished and installed,, SECTFON 3-10.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: "Traffic Pylon", per each, Page 8-21 - Section 8- 0.5 — PaVment DELETE the payment descriptions for the following: eeffi-'#C-Fy5a-ti E,),n, fe-F t t.h e lacation testi-ng --and----af ty -a-n-d--equipFr en-t....... aa 5 4el--Ea_ ....._-"-'his-4)i -rrl-l-es- - f th.e._-4 i ne a.i.. o r um b r-e 9 a m._.i n_. ,.i-- --M 4-r /-e�ts—r e--r; =f-it)in e; 4 t (2k 41 r..-t -.f r- .8 [ea d--i1q_w. per--liF),e 4—f e fe-ram_-4n - ....- rho- r��-t -r for--all rr o t r i ,l 4 .__.._. .w e.*--- -U-p 1+e --a n d e-g- e r ._._r e qu i.���rri t.e_..t f sta,I I mth. .._ . a Fe el u i - _-s-h a wf-r-etq-thI rim.. r .. p r-rid"e d- . ... h fa ff-i ki Rs h Page 8-22 -W Section 8-22.1 REVISE the following description: Two carats of SOLID YELLOW stripe, just wide enough to completely cover the concrete curbing. Page 8-23 - Section 8-22:, (2) '.,. the following new sections:. SECTS a —2 w3 2 S SUPPLEMENTFD BY ADDINGE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH TO THE END OF THIS 'a -22.3(2) Preparation f Roadway Surfaces The preparation of roadway surfaces r°eiated to the installation of RPMs shall rneet the repuirerients of Section -09,3(:l.). SECTION B-2.21.3(3) I.S SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING. -22. (3) Marking Application The Contractor is responsiNe for prov6ng traffic control and traffic control devices as necessary to direct vehloular traffic away from freshly painted traffic stripes until such tirne as the n-narldng paint has cornpletely dried, Failure to ensure reasonable protection for the undried painr stripes will result in the Erig neer's decision to adjust the method of payrnent for damaged paint stripes. The Engineer's decision regarding the means of payment adjustment for vehicle damaged paint stripes is flnaY in this matter. Type ? markers may be warmed prior to setting by heating to a ma irnurrn temperature of 120 F for a nia irnurn of 10 rninutes. The second coat of yellow paint appfried to concrete curbs shall halve glass beads applied at the rate of 12 pounds per 100 linear feet of curbing. 6 Page 8-23 - Section 8-22.5 - Payment ADD the following payment description: "Plastic Yellow Edge Line," per linear foot, III — PLANS REPLACE the existing plan sheets 2 thru 7 and 16 thru 22 with the attached plan sheets. Below is a summary of the changes including, but not limited to: Sheet 2: REVISED bid items to reflect changes shown in the amended bid documents Sheet 3: ADDED Detail G MODIFIED Detail C to narrow sidewalk width adjacent to wall RELOCATED cement concrete extruded curb, typical trench, asphalt driveway, and sidewalk transition details to Sheet 21 Sheet 4: REVISED sidewalk alignment REVISED sidewalk material to pervious concrete ADDED wall and driveway grading REMOVED storm drainage including pipe and catch basins Sheet 5: REVISED sidewalk alignment REVISED sidewalk material to pervious concrete REMOVED storm drainage including pipe and catch basins Sheet 6: ADDED two traffic pylons Sheet 7: ADDED solid locking lid callout to catch basin Sheet 16: ADDED cut and fill limits Sheet 17: ADDED cut and fill limits Sheet 18: ADDED two traffic pylons Sheet 19: REVISED wall symbol to gravity block wall symbol Sheet 20: ADDED lane markings to plan view REVISED Detail 1/4 to further distinguish between median and ramp poles Sheet 21: RELOCATED cement concrete extruded curb, typical trench,, asphalt driveway, and sidewalk transition details from Sheet 3 ADDED traffic pylon detail Sheet 22: ADDED new right of way acquired from parcel's 2122059049 END OF ADDENDUM No. 1 Chad Bieren, P.E. Date Deputy Director/City Engineer Attachments: Proposal Pages: 6-17 Kent Standard Plans. 6-73M Plans Sheets: 2 thru 7; 16 thru 22 7 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT L TOTA NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1000 1-09.7 1 Mobilization $ WSDOT LUMP SUM Per LS 1005 2-01.5 1 Clearing and Grubbing $ $ WSDOT LUMP SUM Per LS 1010 2-02.5 20 Remove Existing Asphalt $ $ KSP SQ YDS Concrete Pavement Per SY 1020 2-02.5 &D-100 Remove Cement Concrete $ $ KSP SQ YDS Sidewalk Per SY 1025 2-02.5 100 Remove Cement Concrete $ $ KSP LN FT Curb and Gutter Per LF 1040 8-09.5 1 Removal of Raised Pavement $ $ KSP LUMP SUM Markers and Painted and/or Per LS Thermoplastic Traffic Markings 1050 2-02.5 1,300 Saw Cut Existing Asphalt $ $ KSP LN FT Concrete Pavement Per LF 1055 2-02.5 75 Saw Cut Existing Cement $ KSP LN FT Concrete Pavement Per LF 1060 2-03.5 1,300 Roadway Excavation Incl. $ WSDOT CU YDS Haul Per CY 132n' Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 6 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1075 4-03.5 550 Gravel Borrow, Including $ $ KSP TONS Haul and Compaction Per TON ($2.50 Min' 1080 4-04,5 600-580 Crushed Surfacing Top $ $ KSP TONS Course, 5/8 Inch Minus Per TON ($6.00 Min' 1086 4-04.5 4—,1-00 Permeable Ballast $ $ WSDOT 1,2100 Per CY CU YDS 1095 5-04,5 Z.5&.500 HMA Class 1/2", PG 64-22 $ $ KSP TONS Per TON 1105 5-04.,5 80 HMA for Preleveling Cl. 3/8", $ $ WSDOT TONS PG 64-22 Per TON 1106 5-03.5 -200-180 HMA Class 112", PG 70-22 $ $ KSP TONS Pervious Asphalt Per TON 1110 5-04.5 800 Planing Bituminous Pavement $ $ KSP SQ YDS Per SY 1125 5-04.5 15 Cold Plant Mix foir Temporary $ $ KSP TONS Pavement Patch Per TON 1132 8-14.5 -1-9-G-400 Pervious Cement Concrete $ $ KSP SQ YIDS Sidewalk Per SY The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. 132" Pedestrian Improvements/HolcorTib 7 June 21, 2017 Project Nurnber: 16-3008 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1145 8-14.5 50 Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ $ KSP SQ YDS Per SY 1147 8-14.5 50 Cement Concrete Brick $ KSP SQ YES Stamped Traffic Island Per SY 1155 8-14.5 150 Detectable Warning Surface - $ $ KSP SQ FT Asphalt Per SF 1170 8-14.5 1 Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ $ KSP EACH Ramp Type Parallel A Per EA 1175 8-14.5 1 Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ $ KSP EACH Ramp Type Parallel B Per EA 1180 8-14.5 2 Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ $ KSP EACH Ramp Type Special Per EA 1205 8-04.5 100 Cement Concrete Curb and $ $ KSP LN FT Gutter Per LF 1210 8-04.5 +,-+" Cement Concrete Extruded $ $ KSP 1,020 Curb Type 6 Per LF LN FT 1211 8-04,5 50 Pedestrian Curb $ KSP LN FT Per LF 1212 8-14.5 300 18" Wide, 4" Thick, $ $ KSP LN FT Concrete Mow Strip Per LF 132"' Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION' APPROX ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. !gUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1215 8-04.5 150 Precast Concrete Sloped $ $ KSP LN FT Mountable Curb Per LF 1220 7-05.5 1 Adjust Existing Catch Basin $ $ KSP EACH Frame and Grate to Finished Per EA Grade 1225 7-05.5 1 Adjust Existing Manhole Cover $ $ KSP EACH to Finished Grade Per EA 1240 8-20.5 1 Adjust Existing Junction Box $ $ KSP EACH to Finished Grade Per EA 1255 8-115 2OG-2,80 Remove Wood Fence $ $ KSP LN FT Per LF 1260 8-12.5 280 Remove Chain Link Fence $ KSP LN FT Per LF 1267 8-12.5 1 Remove Existing 30' Double $ $ KSP EACH Chain Link Gate, Complete Per EA 1269 2-02.5 4 Remove Existing Guard Post $ $ KSP EACH Per EA 1275 8-12.5 275 Install New Wood Fence $ $ KSP LN FT Per LF 1277 8-12.5 280 Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link $ $ KSP LN FT Fence, Type 2, In Place Per LF (6' High) 132,d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 9 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. �2UANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1279 8-12.5 1 Black Vinyl Coated Double $ $ KSP EACH 14' Chain Link Gate, In Place Per EA (6' High) 1285 8-18.5 4-3 Mailbox Support, Type 1 $ WSDOT EACH Per EA 1300 8-24,5 1 Relocate Rock Retaining Wall $ $ KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 1302 8-24.5 650-850 Gravity Block Retaining Wall $ $ KSP SCE FT WALL 4 Foot and Less in Height Per SEWS FAC E 1315 8-28.5 10 Pothole Utilities $ $ KSP EACH Per EA 1320 8-30.5 2 Project Sign $ $ KSP EACH Per EA 1326 8-33.5 18 Remove Existing Landscape $ $ KSP EACH Tree (14" to 20") Per EA 1328 8-33.5 1 Remove Existing Landscape $ $ KSP EACH Tree (greater than 20") Per EA Schedule I Total $ 132'd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 10 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE IV - STORM SEWER ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. !gUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 4010 7-04.5 30 Storm Sewer Pipe, $ $ KSP LN FT 8 Inch Diameter Per LF 4015 7-04.5 9LGG 450 Storm Sewer Pipe, $ KSP LN FT 12 Inch Diameter Per LF 4080 7-05.5 57 Catch Basin, Type 1 $ $ KSP EACH Per EA 4081 7-05.5 1 Catch Basin, Type 1L $ $ KSP EACH Per EA 4085 7-05.5 1 Catch Basin, Type 2 $ $ KSP EACH 48 Inch Diameter Per EA C-an'ic4setc—l-fvl-et A$ K&P E-A�G44 flei-E-A 4110 7-05.5 32 Solid Locking Catch Basin $ KSP EACH Frame and Cover Per EA 4112 7-05.5 1 Sidewalk Manhole Cover $ $ KSP EACH Per EA 4120 7-05.5 -73 Vaned Catch Basin $ KSP EACH Frame and Grate Per EA 4127 7-05.5 4 Beehive Cover for Catch Basin $ KSP EACH Per EA 132n' Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE IV — STORM SEWER ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 4135 2-02.5 100 Remove Existing Storm Sewer $ $ KSP LN FT Pipe or Culvert Per LF 4150 2-09.5 900 Shoring or Extra Excavation $ $ WSDOT SQ FT Class B Per SF 4155 7-08.5 120 Foundation Material, $ $ KSP TONS Class I and II Per TON 4165 8-15.5 15 Quarry Spalls $ $ WSDOT TONS Per TON ($6 00 Min) 4170 7-08.5 200 Pipe Zone Bedding $ $ KSP TONS Per TON 4180 4-03.5 220 Gravel Borrow, Including Haul $ $ * KSP TONS and Compaction Per TON ($2 50 Min) 4207 2-13.5 600 Construct Drainage Swale $ $ KSP LN FT Per LF * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Schedule IV Total $ 132"° Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 12 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 • SCHEDULE V - TRAFFIC CONTROL ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 5005 1-10.5 1,000 Traffic Control Labor $ $ KSP HOURS Per HR 5010 1-10.5 800 Construction Signs Class A $ $ WSDOT SQ FT Per SF 5015 1-10.5 250 Traffic Control Supervisor $ $ KSP HOURS Per HR 5020 1-10.5 1 Temporary Traffic Control $ $ KSP LUMP SUM Devices Per LS 5030 1-10.5 200 Portable Changeable Message $ $ KSP DAYS Sign (PCMS) Per DAY 5035 1-10.5 200 Sequential Arrow Sign (SAS) $ $ KSP DAYS Per DAY 5060 2-02.5 1 Remove Existing Type III $ $ KSP EACH Barricade Per EA 5100 8-22.5 900 White Edge Line Paint Stripe $ $ KSP LN FT Per LF 5115 8-22.5 75 Plastic Stop Line $ $ WSDOT LN FT Per LF 5120 8-22.5 200 Plastic Crosswalk Line $ $ WSDOT SQ FT Per SF 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 13 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE V - TRAFFIC CONTROL ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. 2UANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 5135 8-21.5 2 Permanent Signing Including $ $ KSP EACH Post Per EA 51301 8-22.5 260 Plastic Yellow Edge Line $ $ 1(sp LN FT Per LE 5145 8-09.5 .6 Raised Pavement Marker, $ $ WSDO'T HUNDRED ' Pe I Per HND 5150 8-09.5 .15 Raised Pavement Marker $ $ WSDOT HUNDRED Type 2 Per HND 5155 8-10.5 4 Tr ic Pylon $ $ KSP EACH Per EA Schedule V Total $ 132 nd Pedestrian lmprovements/H6comb 14 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE 'VI - ELECTRICAL ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL. NO. NO. UANT T"Y" PENCE AMOUNT 4-0 8-20-75 6&9 J$ ffsp 4--N-F-Tl -L- 6015 8-20.5 4 6" Diameter Traffic Loop $ $. KSP EACH Per EA .-2. ` -.5 wI 1i fT --E 6025 -20,5 2 Roadside Rectangular Rapid $ $ KSP EACH 'Flashing Beacon Per EA 6030 8 20.5 1 Median Rectangular Rapid $ $ KSP EACH Flashing Beacon Per EA 6055 5-20.5 2 Pedestrian Pushbutton with KSP EACH Curb Base, Type PPB Per EA Schedule VI Total 132" Pedestrwan fmprovements/Hoo comb 15 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE VII - TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 7000 8-01.5 0.6 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ $ KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC 7005 8-01.5 125 Filter Fabric Fence $ $ KSP LN FT Per LF 7010 8-01.5 1,000 Wattle $ $ WSDOT LN FT Per LF 7015 8-01.5 15 Inlet Protection $ $ KSP EACH Per EA 7020 8-01.5 1,000 Straw Mulch $ $ KSP SQ YDS Per SY 7025 8-01.5 500 Clear Plastic Covering $ $ KSP SQ YDS Per SY 7030 8-01.5 125 ESC Lead $ $ KSP HOURS Per HR 7055 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution $10,000.00** $10,000.00 WSDOT FORCE Control Per FA ACCOUNT "Common price to all bidders Schedule VII Total $ 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 16 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE VIII - ROADSIDE RESTORATION ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 8005 8-02.5 75 Topsoil Type A $ $ KSP CU YDS Per CY 8010 8-02.5 50 Sod Installation $ $ WSDOT SQ YDS Per SY 8015 8-02.5 50 Bark or Wood Chip Mulch $ $ KSP CU YDS Per CY 8020 8-02.5 50 Fine Compost $ $ KSP CU YDS Per CY Schedule VIII Total $ 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 17 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 42' 12' 30' 000000aa000000000000a000000000000000o0000a0000a0a0000 cocoa 00000 00000 cacao VARIES (300'MAX.) 5' TWO WAY LEFT TURN LANE 2.5' a0000 cocoa o000 a0000 00000000000000000000 o0 �000oocooa0oo 000000ooa0000 21' TYPE lY RPM 4"GAP TYPE 2YY RPM TRAFFIC DIRECTION TWO WAY LEFT TURN LINES TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION 21' TYPE 2W OR Y RPM a 00000o0o00c0oo��t4" �GAP TYPEIWORYRPM 21' TYPE lY RPM � — TYPE2YYRPM 8888888 8 88888888888---NOGAP TRAFFIC DIRECTION DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE WIDE LINE TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION 42' 42' 12' 30' 12' 30' 3. i !— 000 3'no 00 go00o a 00 TYPE 1W RPM TYPE 2W RPM TYPE 1W RPM TYPE 2W RPM TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION LANE LINE SKIP CENTER LINE TYPE 2Y RPM 6' 21 (0 ;00001000008 TYPE lY RPM —. 9 3T..r� 8 8 � 88 Be 88 08 88 08 000000 TYPEIWRPM 00000000 00000 000000000000 °00 0000000000 °o TYPE 2WRPM 18"-RPM'S EQUALLY SPACED TRAFFIC DIRECTION BARRIER LINE DOTTED WIDE LINE �• 12' 15' 3' 42 8 �B 8 B8 T� i i -- ' TYPE 1W RPM 0000 00000000 0o000aa0000 TYPE 2WRPM TYPE 2W RPM TYPE 1W RPM DROP LANE LINE TRAFFIC DIRECTION �TRAY NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT EDGE LINE S 0 IYA AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT NOTES: � r goy THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 1. RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS Z CITY OF KENT (RPM's)SHALL BE INSTALLED PER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS d 38296 4 TYPICAL RPM LANE 8-09,9-02.1(8),9-26.2 AND 9-21 oc, 1 STERN 1a`v KENT MARKINGS SSIONAL EIyG W�awwoiow DESIGNED DWH SCALE NONE STANDARD PUN DRAWN 0 CHECKED DATE = 6-73M auaaLR APPROVED E>£ �.$ c �- rR' "L" sga`_'kubo s bA Y^" F="r€ - Y3ti>. RA_ m 4 4 F4' il k=- KU �'a 4Spn s a € S gwu E 8 D € F �g s �t € F �,fqe=N Ste _ k >^�p�3 £ o- Z sa £ eF,c �° �" e " s""-°jo_a" - QF:F � -� pR " �n 7'L F� $k _ a ^*�_ p K $ ^ s'b "i� a xH R� ° O$pp. 3A ?'G9q_€ p s�'b D rn '- _4 ' Y"ASg'cRil'fi2 _ - $ ^ :� fps _ N� E_"> s�$ ^ pp > � 4 Z j ° F €g "L XN34=■ .. E g;na... _ a t� £g �,^• g ;. �ai pq_ ;�_ ^oSS ,.t kaa- �„° a'4R£ t da ��£+'` o�&'e=-fr4�:�'�¢ �@� K'N6 F'� d �� ` z< 4 w: €£"q � Fp„_ - F�:�F � i4 IA cV� L�Rr<Bm��. rk� �Y'�_^•" nA cfio5 € of x >^ B� a e€ - dFF ¢ S€= Fi`cfk f'va€ � $ Yoga iyq� K€ Cp [ F� $ Al >ggFn bR3 �sai8p� f .��bR -; �t ;jig > 3 °� R ; °p, . b $ E' 14 f°off p_ c" �6 cg Q c> _LsLgs { I ;Y a a;c z rI- 1 g T,� " zlSit,rate§;siffi�B xxJ r. O n 1"pp y y, yr p` xC 7si � I •I E ss x.. X Y Y Y Y. , p'S ySIi�zzE Yi8 yY% Y�*$ C',E 2.�yI �gzazj Ce C e e.<�C f G C Siq ___ rn�73 I. 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O :I z a! z�I a: Ui 3 aE �< w u s J G. f: z; Y: "u 132ND AVE ia3a 41.4 i' i = 3 0.per, a y $ •�R �dLO •A35A >w- , Lu V) �pg \ QI Li d d o L i�` M0138 33S 09+917 V1S 3141-1 HO1VYi £Z 133HS 33S 09+ZS V1S 3NIl HO1VW --- - r -3 i I � • I• 0 • 3 � I z I SS•L-a. 3_ I 6 3d OK9Z 3s Ln W r1 � � •''� "� I• I �a I eW I �� 3- _-J i y i •- �• i og a p S I•� I 'z I � I ao a+ z O I 99�:.•ccu. x I E,o '- li g l NQ I W e =° � W I •, � � I I U� c N z y — "R 1kb i I I 3 j I I N� � • I 3a 8R e i tiurt iS ONZSZ 3S �,-Q s ;7 i I �e,_•. �� e W I � r I r.`bcr g� m g I o 3A08V 33S 09+94 V1S 3NIl H%VW a TAB I N DEX Tab 1 Bidder's Package Tab 2 Payment and Performance Bond and Contract Tab 3 Table of Contents Tab 4 Kent Special Provisions Tab 5 Kent Standard Plans Tab S WSDOT Standard Plans Tab 7 Traffic Control Plans Tab 8 Specifications for Pervious Concrete Pavement Tab 9 Prevailing Wage Rates CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR 132nd Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 251-st St to SE 268th St) Project m Number: 16-3008 BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL BID OPENING m4 A.M . :00 u A DELIVER TO CITY F , CITY HALL 220 4th Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 TIMOTHY Y J. LAPO TE, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS, DIRECTOR T K T ENT nvr WA 5 H I N G T 0 N 41837 1 T ` flNAL "'� J�BIDDER'S NAME /(t CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR 132"d Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 2515t St to SE 268t" St) Project Number: 16-3008 BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL BID OPENING June 27, 2017 June 27, 2017 10:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. DELIVER TO CITY OF KENT, CITY HALL 220 4th Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 TIMOTHY J. LAPORTE, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Ns:r KENT WASHINGTON ORDER OF CONTENTS Invitation to Bid Contractor Compliance Statement Declaration — City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Administrative Policy 1 .2 — Minority and Women Contractors City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Statement Proposal City of Kent Subcontractor List (over $100K) Subcontractor List (over $1 million) Contractor's Qualification Statement Proposal Signature Page Bid Bond Form Combined Declaration Form Non-Collusion, Minimum Wage Change Order Bidder's Checklist Payment and Performance Bond Contract Table of Contents Kent Special Provisions Kent Standard Plans WSDOT Standard Plans Traffic Control Plans Specifications for Pervious Concrete Pavement Prevailing Wage Rates INVITATION TO BID Notice is hereby given that the City of Kent, Washington, will receive sealed bids at the City Clerk's office through June 27, 2017 up to 10:45 a.m. as shown on the clock on the east wall of the City Clerk's Office on the first floor of City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington. All bids must be properly marked and sealed in accordance with this "Invitation to Bid." Bids must be delivered and received at the City Clerk's office by the above-stated time, regardless of delivery method, including U.S. Mail. All bids will be opened and read publicly aloud at 11:00 a.m. for the City of Kent project named as follows: 132"d Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 251st St to SE 268th St) Project Number: 16-3008 The project consists of construction of approximately 3,800 lineal feet of 5 foot wide pervious cement concrete and pervious asphalt sidewalk along the west side of 132"d Ave. S. Also included, 30 lineal feet of 8 inch storm drain pipe, 700 lineal feet of 12 inch storm drain pipe, 5 CB Type I, 650 square feet of wall face of Gravity Block Wall,.4 cement concrete sidewalk ramps, Rapid Flashing Beacon pedestrian signal system, and other work, all in accordance with the Contract Plans, Kent Special Provisions, and WSDOT Standard Specifications. The Engineer's estimated range for this project is approximately $870,000 - $900,000. Bid documents may be obtained by contacting City of Kent Engineering Department, Nancy Yoshitake at 253-856-5508. For technical questions, please call Drew Holcomb at 253-856-5561. Bids must be clearly marked "Bid" with the name of the project on the outside of the envelope, addressed to the City Clerk, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032-5895. Only sealed bids will be accepted. No facsimiles or electronic submittals will be considered. Each bid shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and other contract documents now on file in the office of the City Engineer, City of Kent, Washington. Paper copies of the plans and Kent Special Provisions may be purchased at a non-refundable cost of $50 for each set. Plans and specifications can also be downloaded at no charge at KentWA.4ov/doina- business/bids-arocurement. Copies of the WSDOT Standard Specifications are available for perusal only. A cashier's check, cash or surety bond in the amount of 5% of the bid must be included with the bid. The City of Kent reserves the right to reject any and all bids on any or all schedules or alternates or to waive any informalities in the bidding and shall determine which bid or bidders is the most responsive, satisfactory and responsible bidder and shall be the sole judge thereof. No plea of mistake in the bid shall be available to the bidder for the recovery of his/her deposit or as a defense to any action based upon the neglect or refusal to execute a contract. Bidders must submit with their initial bid a signed statement as to whether they have previously performed work subject to the President's Executive Order No. 11246. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixt (60).days after the day of bid opening. Dated this 8L°, day of]urge, 2017. BY: Ile Kimberley A.& moto, City Clerk Published in Dally_gurnal of Commerce on u� 1.3 and ZO, 2017 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (President's Executive Order #11246) Date i ?o/17 This statement relates to a proposed contract with the City of Kent named 132nd Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 250 St to SE 268"' St) Project Number: 16-3008 I am the undersigned bidder or prospective contractor. I represent that - 1. I ' have, have not, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the President's Executive Order #11246 (regarding equal employment opportunity) or a preceding similar Executive Order. 10 NAME OF BIDDER BY: r�7 SIGNATURE/TITLE ADDRESS (Note to Bidders: The information required in this Compliance Statement is informational only) 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such, all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this contract shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific contract to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this contract to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlined, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the contract; The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. During the time of this contract I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. 3. During the time of this contract the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the contract I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. 5. Before acceptance of this contract, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the f' a requirements referenced above. By: For: Title: /�j^c Date: fO�o2 1, 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 2 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding contracts with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the contract. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 3 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the contract. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before- mentioned company was the prime contract for the contract known as 132nd Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 251st St to SE 2681" St)/Project Number: 16- 3008 that was entered into on the (Date) , between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned contract. By: For: Title: Date: 132n°Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 4 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 PROPOSAL To the City Clerk City Hall Kent, Washington 98032 The undersigned hereby certifies that has examined the job site and construction details of the work as outlined on the plans and described in the specifications for the project named 132nd Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 251st St to SE 268th St)/Project Number: 16- 3008 for the City of Kent, Washington, and has read and thoroughly understands the plans and specifications and contract governing the work embraced in this improvement and the method by which payment will be made for that work and hereby proposes to undertake and complete the work embraced in this improvement in accordance with the bid and contract, and at the following schedule of rates and prices: NOTE TO BIDDERS: 1) All bid items are described in the Kent Special Provisions (KSP) or the Standard Specifications (WSDOT). Reference the Section No. listed in this proposal, where the bid item is described. 2) Proposal items are numbered in sequence but are non-continuous. 3) Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid must be shown. 4) Should bid items with identically worded bid item descriptions, marked with asterisk (*), appear in more than one schedule of the proposal, the bidder must bid the same unit price on corresponding items for each schedule. If the Contractor enters different unit prices on these items, the City will unilaterally revise the bid amounts to the lowest unit price on each corresponding item and recalculate the Contractor's total bid amount. The corrected total bid amount will be used by the City for award purposes and fix the amount of the contract bond. EXAMPLE SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1006 2-03.5 100 Roadway Excavation, $14.00 $1,400.00 WSDOT CU YDS Including Haul Per CY Any bids not filled out properly may be considered non-responsive. 132n0 Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 5 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM: SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL O. NO. qUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1000 1-09.7 1 Mobilization ;;5,v v' ��e96 00 WSDOT LUMP .SUM Per LS 1005 -01.5 1 Clearing and Grubbing i . G doe,e$ A4�)eev. be) WSDOT LUMP SUM Per L 1010 2-02.5 20 Remove Existing Asphalt $ 0,e 6 1.460,. 6,6 KSP SQ YDS Concrete Pavement Per SY 1020 2--02.5 91,.w,100 Remove Cement Concrete a. ®p . 7,060 &e) KSP SQ YIDS Sidewalk Per SY 1025 2-02.5 100 Remove Cement Concrete $ /0, oV $ fea'eo, cep KSP LN FF Curb and Gutter Per LF 1040 8-09.5 1 RemovaP of Raised Pavement �4CD,,00$ , ,o "e r &D KSP LUMP SUM Markers and Painted and/or Per LS Thermoplastic Traffic: Markings 1050 2-02.5 1,300 Saw Cut Existing Asphalt $ (A Aq 5—,?VD, 00 KSP LN FT Concrete Pavement Per LF 1055 2--02.5 75 Saw Cut Existing Cement s le.e o s , "s-e, eo KSP LN FT Concrete Pavement Per LF 1060 2-03.5 1,300 Roadway Excavation Incl„ ,ee s WSDOT CU YDS Haul Per CY 132'° Pedestrian Improvements/Hole mb 6 June 21, 2017 Project Nurnber; 15-3008 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1075 4-03.5 550 Gravel Borrow, Including $ A'. 091 $ /� 40 KSP TONS Haul and Compaction Per TON ($2.50 Min) 1080 4-04.5 SGG.-580 Crushed Surfacing Top $ $'V' .0e) $ KSP TONS Course, 5/8 Inch Minus Per TON ($6.00 Min) 1086 4-04.5 Permeable Ballast $ W,de $ $'"27 'A"d WSDOT 1,200 Per CY CU YDS 1095 5-04,5 250-300 HMA Class 1/2", PG 64-22 $ 497 e 6 $ KSP TONS Per TON 1105 5-04.5 80 HMA for Preleveling Cl. 3/8", $ O?Ao' et $ eee' ev WSDOT TONS PG 64-22 Per TON 1106 5-03.5 -209-180 HMA Class 1/2", PG 70-22 $ 'Zu—,e6 $ .'jre-v eig KSP TONS Pervious Asphalt Per TON 1110 5-04.5 800 Planing Bituminous Pavement $ 15-049 $ eelv' 6'0 KSP SQ YDS Pet- SY 1125 5-04.5 15 Cold Plant Mix for Temporary $ /7r,-* $ pt��'Ae?S_, 40 KSP TONS Pavement Patch Per TON 1132 8-14.5 190-400 Pervious Cement Concrete $ kr, 0 $ —74,0, 0 KSP SQ YDS Sidewalk Per SY The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. in accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. 132 Pedestrian Irnprovemcnts/Holcomb 7 June 21, 2017 Project Nunibm 16-3008 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO, QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1145 8-14.5 50 Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ , 00 $ W10 0, e 62 KSP SQ YDS Per SY 1147 8-14.5 50 Cement Concrete Brick $ 15?,Cie $ KSP SQ YDS Stamped Traffic Island Per SY 1155 8-14.5 150 Detectable Warning Surface - $ 5-,*v $ 7" 7 S KSP SQ FT Asphalt Per SF 1170 8-14.5 1 Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ lAe4l' W $ /Ace, e v KSP EACH Ramp Type Parallel A Per EA 1175 8-14.5 1 Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ 1401,01 Av $ I iq e 19 KSP EACH Ramp Type Parallel B Per EA 1180 8-14.5 2 Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ Alo, 'er $ 524'oro- eeq KSP EACH Ramp Type Special Per EA 1205 8-04.5 100 Cement Concrete Curb and $ $ 47, 0 KSP LN FT Gutter Per LF 1210 8-04.5 !-,-IGO Cement Concrete Extruded $/5;-/, S—e $/55 71-V, 00 KSP 1,020 Curb Type 6 Per LF LN FT 1211 8-04.5 50 Pedestrian Curb $ $ o?.04-0, 40 KSP LN FT Per LF 1212 8-14.5 300 18" Wide, 4" Thick, $ e15-, e v $ -r—ea. eo KSP LN FT Concrete Mow Strip Per LF 132"d Pedostron Irnprovernents/Holcomb 8 June 21, 2017 Project Number; 16-3008 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. 2UANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1215 8-0,4.5 150 Precast Concrete Sloped $ 5';�,,etv $ 7 keO, 84V KSP LN FT Mountable Curb Per LF 1220 7-05.5 1 Adjust Existing Catch Basin $ �OV, *6 $ 570C, 4V 0 KSP EACH Frame and Grate to Finished Per EA Grade 1225 7-05.5 1 Adjust Existing Manhole Cover $ i le"'e0,00 $ 6eA 4 0 KSP EACH to Finished Grade Per EA 1240 8-20.5 1 Adjust Existing Junction Box $ 73-&-, e Z) $ 7J—V 05 KSP EACH to Finished Grade Per EA 1255 8-12.5 -2GO-280 Remove Wood Fence $ "10, 4 0 $ KSP LN FT Per LF 1260 8-12.5 280 Remove Chain Link Fence $ '0/' er $ /10 P-'O' 4,0 KSP LN FT Per LF 1267 8-12.5 1 Remove Existing 30' Double $ On*, '00 $ Zev' 6 0 KSP EACH Chain Link Gate, Complete Per EA 1269 2-02.5 4 Remove Existing Guard Post $ '&—r'eo $ o4r"o co KSP EACH Per EA 1275 8-12.5 2OG-275 Install New Wood Fence $J&Z1,? $ lllyer' &0 KSP LN FT Per LF 1277 8-12.5 280 Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link $ $ 60 KSP LN FT Fence, Type 2, In Place Per LF (6' High) 132"" Pedestrian I rn prove rnents/Hdcomb 9 June 21, 2017 project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1279 8-12.5 1 Black Vinyl Coated Double do $ 1---"e 0 KSP EACH 14' Chain, Link Gate, In Place Per EA (6' High) 1285 8-18.5 4-3 Mailbox Support, Type 1 $ ee$ lWee, eea WSDOT EACH Per EA 1300 8-24.5 1 Relocate Rock Retaining Wall $/'q oer,ea$/0 ave, ems' KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 1302 8-24.5 (5",-51 G-8 SC Gravity Block Retaining Wall $ -;�"e tq $ %ne.' C69 KSP SQ FT WALL 4 Foot and Less in Height Per SFWF FACE 1315 8-28.5 10 Pothole Utilities $ 0- op $ 6,000"Oo KSP EACH Per EA 1320 8-30,5 2 Project Sign $/- 'o 0., '00 $ 'Vegg, 0-0 KSP EACH Per EA 1326 8-33.5 18 Remove Existing Landscape $ /,040, An$ /9 KSP EACH Tree (14" to 20") Per EA eve, e)a� 1328 8-33.5 1 Remove Existing Landscape $ $ ev KSP EACH Tree (greater than 2b") Per EA Schedule I Total $ 132"" Pedestrian ImProvernents/Holcomb 10 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE IV — STORM SEWER ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ev $ 0 4010 7-0�4.5 30 Storm Sewer Pipe, $ /-157 :�ere� KSP LN FT 8 Inch Diameter Per LF 4015 7-04.5 -709450 Storm Sewer Pipe, $ '74,.o o $ 36 re 49, '0 0 KSP LN FT 12 Inch Diameter Per LF 4080 7-05.5 57 Catch Basin, Type 1 $ $ /tv KSP EACH Per EA 4081 7-05.5 1 Catch Basin, Type 1L $ 17T 7"Oo $ KSP EACH Per EA 4085 7-05.5 1 Catch Basin, Type 2 $ "O(Ve 4. eve $ a ,4 0 KSP EACH 48 Inch Diameter Per EA -7-05-.5 -7 Gen-crete-4-Met $ 0 $ KSIP EACH Pet-EA 4110 7-05.5 32 Solid Locking Catch Basin $ $ 449 KSP EACH Frame and Cover Per EA 4112 7-05.5 1 Sidewalk Manhole Cover $ ;7'0'P"0'0 $ KSP EACH Per EA 11120 7-05.5 °7 3 Vaned Catch Basin $ �e' .0v $ /,gee, 4,:p KSP EACH Frame and Grate Per EA 4127 7-05.5 4 Beehive Cover for Catch Basin $,I,�PV49, 0e $ 1&0040, 40 KSP EACH Per EA 132""' Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb II June 21, 2017 Project Number; 16-3008 SCHEDULE IV - STORM SEWER ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 4135 2-02.5 100 Remove Existing Storm Sewer $ 1670D $ KSP LN FT Pipe or Culvert Per LF �S 4150 2-09.5 900 Shoring or Extra Excavation $ O, no $ 9�SO .6e) WSDOT SQ FT Class B Per SF 4155 7-08.5 120 Foundation Material, $ 5"P-. ®e $ 01orQov, 00 KSP TONS Class I and II Per TON 4165 8-15.5 15 Quarry Spalls $ /X�BO $ /0? 00 WSDOT TONS Per TON ($6.00 Min) s� 4170 7-08.5 200 Pipe Zone Bedding $ � La o $Aviv, DO KSP TONS Per TON 4180 4-03.5 220 Gravel Borrow, Including Haul $ fs.AP * KSP TONS and Compaction Per TON ($2.50 Min) 4207 2-13.5 600 Construct Drainage Swale $ A7_40 $ /57000•,00 KSP LN FT Per LF * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Schedule IV Total $ 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 12 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE V - TRAFFIC CONTROL ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 5005 1-10.5 1,000 Traffic Control Labor $ rfl,A0 $ 5�%000. GO KSP HOURS Per HR 5010 1-10.5 800 Construction Signs Class A $ .?o. Oa $ /6©O0, 4O WSDOT SQ FT Per SF 5015 1-10.5 250 Traffic Control Supervisor $ 4 S $ jAr—a O8 KSP HOURS Per HR 5020 1-10.5 1 Temporary Traffic Control 04 KSP LUMP SUM Devices Per LS 5030 1-10.5 200 Portable Changeable Message $BD. 00 $/GO00, pO KSP DAYS Sign (PCMS) Per DAY 5035 1-10.5 200 Sequential Arrow Sign (SAS) $ 5.D D $Rave 00 KSP DAYS Per DAY 5060 2-02.5 1 Remove Existing Type III $ Oka ®0 $ �Ov. 00 KSP EACH Barricade Per EA 5100 8-22.5 900 White Edge Line Paint Stripe $ / /O $ 00e, Od KSP LN FT Per LF 5115 8-22.5 75 Plastic Stop Line $ /6,eep $ /•400, Oa WSDOT LN FT Per LF 5120 8-22.5 200 Plastic Crosswalk Line $ 7 f' $ WSDOT SQ FT Per SF 132"4 Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 13 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE V - TRAFFIC CONTROL ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 5135 8-21.5 2 Permanent Signing Including $ der, ao $ 46) KSP EACH Post Per EA 5130 8-22.5 260 Plastic Yellow Edge Line $ $ 149 510, ege KSP LN FT Per LF 5145 8-09.5 .6 Raised Pavement Marker $ r ru $ WSDOT HUNDRED Type I Per HNNE 5150 81-09.5 .15 Raised Pavement Marker $ 95-r-),CZ) $ 7. WSDOT HUNDRED Type 2 Per HND 5155 8-10.5 4 Traffic Pylon $ ,&0,4 a $ in KSP EACH Per EA Schedule V Total 132 Pedestrian Irnprovernents/1-Joicomb 14 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE VI -" ELECTRICAL ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. qUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT .. -.5 - . " eater -- 'i Pei'L+ 601.5 8-28.5 4 6' Diameter Traffic Loop $ �4,e 6 $ Xre e, 'Vo KSP EACH Per EA —4 - 6025 8-28.5 2 Roadside Rectangular Rapid $ S'-oa0,40 $ . ,649a KSP EACH Flashing Beacon Per EA 6030 8-20.5 I" Median Rectangular Rapid 00,ty$ -66 , KSP EACH Flashing Beacon Per EA 6055 8-20.5 2 Pedestrian Pushbutton with $ 0—ov, 44 $ KSP EACH Curb Base, Type PPB Per EA Schedule VI Total 132 Pectest:rian Improvements/Holcomb 1.S June 21, 20,1.7 Project Number: 16-3008 SCHEDULE VII - TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL ITEM SECTION APPROX., ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. qUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 7000 8-01,5 0,6 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $96va "00 $,elge 49, a 0 KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC 7005 8-01.5 125 Filter Fabric Fence $ /'0"o to $ /'497�' 'Ve KSP LN FT Per LF 7010 8-01.5 1,000 Wattle $ '4, a $ 6V'*'0"00 WSDOT LN FT Per LF 7015 8-01,5 15 Inlet Protection $ $ KSP EACH Per EA 7020 8-01.5 1,000 Straw Mulch $ $ KSP SQ YDS Per SY 7025 8-01.5 500 Clear Plastic Covering $ S-'-ao $ KSP SQ YDS Per SY 7030 8-01.5 125 ESC Lead $ 7r-6 a $ KSP HOURS Per HR 7055 8-01.5 1 Erosion/Water Pollution $10'000'00** $10,000.00 WSDOT FORCE Control Per FA ACCOUNT "Common price to all bidders Schedule VII Total $ 132rO Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 16 Rine 21, 2017 Project NUMIlCr: 16-3008 SCHEDULE VIII - ROADSIDE RESTORATION ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 8005 8-02.5 75 Topsoil Type A $ �-5-,O® $ �7`r �D KSP CU YDS Per CY 8010 8-02.5 50 Sod Installation $ o?57.d a $ /wCe OO WSDOT SQ YDS Per SY 8015 8-02.5 50 Bark or Wood Chip Mulch $ /-De $ ,�7�8• 'egg KSP CU YDS Per CY 8020 8-02.5 50 Fine Compost $ 7s;"P4 $ KSP CU YDS Per CY Schedule VIII Total $ 132n'Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 17 June 21, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 BDID SUMMARY Schedule I / 2 t Schedule IV Schedule V Schedule VI Schedule VII ✓ ,f 7 6 Schedule VIII 77 TOTAL BID AMOUNT 132" Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 18 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 If the bidder fails to request a modification within the time allowed, or fails to appeal a determination that the bidder is not responsible within the time allowed, the city will make its determination of bidder responsibility based on the information submitted. COMPLETE AND SIGN THIS FORM AS PART OF YOUR BID. FAILURE TO PROPERLY COMPLETE THIS FORM MAY ALSO RESULT IN A DETERMINATION THAT YOUR BID IS NON-RESPONSIVE AND THEREFORE VOID. THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. The undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. SUBMITTED BY: /cas. W el T NAME: 1,1—e-14r J—kz /% ADDRESS: AOD,J- ld,-s'T !�� A/ �s.e,e�. ZY"A y',P/ .01 PRINCIPAL OFFICE: AV/70 ADDRESS: &-p-'" 6lle-r7` X/ PHONE: FAX: 1. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 1.1 Provide a copy of your Department of Labor and Industries certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW. 1.2 Provide your current state unified business identifier number. 1.3 Provide proof of applicable industrial insurance coverage for your employees working in Washington as required in Title 51 RCW, together with an employment security department number as required in Title 50 RCW, and a state excise tax registration number as required in Title 82 RCW. Providing a copy of a state of Washington "Master License Service Registration and Licenses" form is typically sufficient evidence of the requirements of this subsection. 1.4 Provide a statement, signed by a person with authority to act and speak for your company, that your company, including any subsidiary companies or affiliated companies under majority ownership or under control by the owners of the bidder's company, are not and have not been in the past three (3) years, disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065 (3). 132"" Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 22 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 2. ORGANIZATION 2.1 How many years has your organization been in business as a Contractor? W 1401� 2.2 How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 2.2.1 Under what other or former names has your organization operated? N/A 2.3 If your organization is a corporation, answer the following: 2.3.1 Date of incorporation: /,4,7,8 2.3.2 State of incorporation: w,* ,rT�e 2.3.3 President's name: 70--.o� 2.3.4 Vice-president's name(s): oo0en^ 2.3.5 Secretary's name: 2.3.6 Treasurer's name: 2.4 If your organization is a partnership, answer the following: 2.4.1 Date of organization: 2.4.2 Type of partnership (if applicable): 2.4.3 Name(s) of general partner(s): 2.5 If your organization is individually owned, answer the following: 2.5.1 Date of organization: �/� 2.5.2 Name of owner: 2.6 If the form of your organization is other than those listed above, describe it and name the principals: 4/ 3. LICENSING 3.1 List jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate license numbers, if applicable. 3.2 List jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership or trade name is filed. 4. EXPERIENCE 4.1 List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces.(5-o-4411'„9J cf�c�.+�j X-Ar-p ,r s�r,�ist> br/�ii✓/jj/ ;, 4.2 Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach details.) 4.2.1 Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? /�p 132i'Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 23 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 4.2.2 Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? 0"70 4.2.3 Has your organization filed any law-suits or requested arbitration with regard to construction contracts within the last five years? n O 4.3 Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete a construction contract? (If the answer is yes, please attach details.) /? p 4.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, p rcent complete and scheduled completion date. ,S"�g /170 ,"2Z 4.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and under contract: Xk4C 4.5 On a separate sheet, list the major projects your organization has completed in the past five years, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, date of completion and percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces. 5Ze Ai a� 4.5.1 State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five years: -(-- j 4.6 On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present "/ commitments of the key individuals of your organization. .S f}i7�►"C-e 4.7 On a separate sheet, list your major equipment. S. REFERENCES 5.1 Trade References: .525,f A4s4i� 5.2 Bank References: !A� � 5.3 Surety: 5.3.1 Name of bonding company:�%4W 5.3.2 Name and address of agent/..-Ve/ /,zp� ,per, c o�-e 6. FINANCING 6.1 Financial Statement. After bid opening, the City may require the following financial information from any of the three apparent low bidders. If so required, the selected bidder(s) must respond with this financial information within 24 hours of the City's request for that information. The City's request for this information shall not be construed as an award or as an intent to award the contract. A bidder's failure or refusal to provide this information may result in rejection of that bidder's bid. 132""Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 24 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 6.1.1 Attach, a financial statement, preferably audited, including your organization's latest balance sheet and: income statement showing the following items: Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses); Net Fixed Assets; Other Assets; Current Liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes,); Other Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings). 6.1.2 Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement, and date thereof: 6.1.3 Is the attached financial statement for the identical organization named on page one? 6.1.4 If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g., parent- Subsidiary). 6.2 Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for construction? 7. SIGNATURE 7.1 Dated at this day of 2017. Name of Organization; By: Title: 7.2 --J�-7P , being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to LLIAN be misleading. Subscribed and s7beforle me this t> day ofJ4M-4 2017. < IL Fousoy 15,2021 otary Public: 54 0 My Commission Exp' 1. ...... ires: M/5 ............ W 1.32"" Pedestrian I in prove ri ents/H ol comb 25 JUne 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 0 Co 1 N CQ (� M U) G 0 m +r 9 . . U') 000 � 000 r- Uico °i L () 69 EA 69 CO Ffl fA 69 OD M VIt V� OD rl I� V N I-r m M lh d) 0 co rn cn 0 M co M lA a N N N CA m cc > ? O ` .� m O m a a E f U m` Qm` w` LU U U ✓ , a � 7) CA Li- -iZ �^ W 0 0 0 O O O O L U U U O D U U U .l a o Q o 13 � m 0 E v $ a ° o O U f- a N it O O O � d c a m s m 1" E E c ° � m 0oov Ea r . vj o c Y a EY a ° E - E (,IE c > 'u m E > v •m mar '� CL Co aai oiA � ° g > v a� v a) cn ;. a� w E co '+ U aa) u7 Za�i � Q m �_ ` y c > 7 � o m N 0 N M M N N m m 0 to U) In U7 In Lo U) O G d O O a + O O O CDLn O t-I U c C 1 tD -i Ln r� �p 00 n 0) Q�4-0 O 0) N Ln N% N ,--1 N 0Ln 000 O O a °N° 00 N 000 M � n N V a •--I N CO Ln n M N Ln *pr 4df. -bor + + 4A- •p O ,N 41 tD � fo E ri O V c �' (A LU -v ko aa- 0-in -I-I-I -O w o N d� w � c � � 00 cN >.� cd- L- 00 OLn cu Ln Ln O "ate Ln mod- L, m > MY0 mod' J � u- c d Y N a, 00 M L, U %D +� 00 Ln 'D d' ,_, m Of ^ U) N � fn W d' LnN T00 200 1 a. d t t u (ON >1 � IDYM � ID UM � ko OM >,M C 2: Q � " "0N '� N � N � Ln v � Ln N co V ~ N .� VY 'O t1 1 U O O fo 1 lowc � O > O U Z J LU Li o V a o m O O p O O O r7 .0 V U V V U U c N I 00 C 'i J p E i N L 'O N •Op O � � M CD � r_ 'r L-a. � N N � 'd •0 f C:> V) f6 i N N i fV 70 Z cwn. a o� -L > m v a� 'v c a�i � C:) o f aim � � E in E �' aci `'r' o `� L oo o -Fao o ¢ 3: (v c � +, 4 � urn (D , woo Q � rn -o oc E cf°n N a Ln Cl d � ~ rNiM U E O tD Co kD LM Ln U 00 00 Ln fy) Tr _ o .� °.�° m u`Di o 0 0 `° c u c '_' 00 o o M ,� d- I�r co � Cl Ir a cn49 O 0) N 0l N tD d' M M M CD N 01 L O tD .--1 0� 0: Oi I� di ,-i tD I� M tD IT O O (, Q ,�i � 01 GO 0 M N N N N i 4A � �4 V�- �} } N LI) Ln Lf f O Ln N p Lr1 Lr1 ,-1 ,-� ,--4 ,-t G ,--1 rl rl 7-1 ,-1 V--1 Q ,..� = ` Co O O O O O a a1 O O O O N N N N f' N N N O N N N 0 00 0 : o o c No .N-1 T o a `°o ° a (1) tD N O tD L O M 0) C M O N L O M fp L fn cn,-I 4-1 N O tD o0 p 0 Q� Ul Y r-1 p Ln O f� N O N O O n f0 p tD 00 In I- +� O � tD N Ln N Ln E ,--� C N v m [1' .cLn � 00 � O mg CN � tD td' sT 0Ln 0 [ , UT XM ,� i O � O i i � � fy i f= i � e O � 'O i � O i _ ,0 p M cU %b tD O � 0o Q Ln N N N ,� a 00 ' to LL 11 01 p L- N ] Ln mm m00 � 00 LO ry Ln Ln 2v fOLn � 01 N00 M V' �-+ 13- 0) a) GO N 00 = N i CO � N N d' N d' = 00 J 00 f= N m 00 E 00 � to U i CD O M p M r- tD Lf 1 O lf1 .� L�f 1 L M E M N M -C a D- Lf1 In WO � LncYLnmC) N aJID � N UN � Ul Ln � Ln LLD N NN p %,.o N N d' r-� M - ' � N N N M � Y d- 0 m O p c �. m ' > > � c u fro rn a� Y cu LL � -� a� v o rya 0 0 0 : m m d 4- V m p H z -0 4- ° z cn w w ,� p ° o U U V V V U U CU fa ,c N m � Q O U .c O (3) N > o '� m � � � fro to c ~ cN Npc1a ELu Ln U) fpLnvp a -v c N (!] p L C N +� Ln A+ O d LLJ C '"' Lu z a � U N � •� p M N 0 ra W fo (!� Q1 O p fll r-� N > J Cn > O O/ p O.an d Y i (n -�Q/ +� CO_ O N O Q] O r1 0 � LL O � y,� N 'J Q O j LL �_ N •C j W L m ¢ cl L d" O 12 E Y o tD ( LU N !Z Q (p E � � Q +' co: � L CE oZS Z. '"I M N O ui ,-� U in ate-+ Ln ~ n [� N a - Z CD LLn U NO � V] J ,Ni d O to U Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln �q ,--� ,-� ,--� ,--� ,--� •r-1 ,--� '�' �--� 'd' d' fop N CD ,_i 0) f M M dam' ^ C N M N M _ I� M .--I V ,-1 0000 N N N ,--� m 0) 00 O O N O d: O O O LOn Ln 00 M N O cV 0� O ^ MO M ,--I O ,M1 M Cl M M m N O M CO r-1 rl p14-' O O kD N OO n � N N f d' OV ¢ � M o vMi c fn N m Ln Ln ^ 00 N � N Q1 � Ln a O fn M M d' M M N M .•-1 +--1 r-1 rl ,-4 .--1 .-4 ,--1 r-1 r1 rl ,--I r-1 rl rl .--I rl rl 7-1 O O O O O O O Cl O O O O ro Q. N N N N N N N N N N N N PV N pE � ,-•+ N N 00 r1 ,--1 rl 1� .--I U ,--1 ,--I CD O O ,--I CD O O CDr-I O C � O a E Ln o m M Ln cn cn Ln O O E lD M CO- : m O M C lD L M C m tD L M C Lf 1 L M O +--1 00 O W " O O Ln O N raN a Ln O I� �, O O N �C rn c T O N C O ++ Ln O �+ � > O M C O d" � L11 � + � � T r-I Ln = Ln Ln L i lj — Ol i fp i �j i O e lj i C > i y0 �Ld' ULn OM � Ol 'a' N Ln OM d' OM � l0 O00 V- 3: m 0 ,--1 = UO CM i- I c1h W L � O Ln 30 LIB NLnnM UO Q1Q �D 00 O N �- m lD .�Qt r-i N Q_ Q1 cn 00 0- M D_ ao � kD � 00 � N O N t tM � 11 lD in OM a) L.n �o OMiID � M 1-1 OM � M ~ M MM +� M a'' N WO ON OLn nN WO ULn WOaLn0� Ln &-' Ln Ln Ln CO Ln ajN N Y N v N n N N N N W N N p N U O r-► V) N °� (n c L E f0 !! O C E i- (0 .� E O N S] t0 U O O rp aJ N Cl C C E 3 = E E O ¢ ¢ E can' v cn E cn ¢ cn '•I- E o ¢ V a O (!� p Z a o � u-. v- C m U u- O w W cn O O O O o0 a o Y p V Q U VU U U U V U U U V U U ,}, c c o +Q ca o a) a3i t z c >. c E nci aci rM s � -a .w a � � � � raa� � � oa) � EE U > inoa� L ' w (n � ) E L � 00 °) S a � uci > a � >o � aj°' aci rho °�° � � a o o = � ti cn ca E � � — Lt, �, E = Ln E o- > w c a z E � +, aV (V o c = o a� a� W �, c o a� 2 a o O -- E T o � a E oa. J � a d c o 0D_ cn clai C u � � ¢ ocn > E o a E '5 _ N E y� o E '� c a� rod � tn L M i--i O (O N 'i d' r-i In L (n ►--r ++ �C O N �' O ¢ W O L CC n 1y (71 O tD O N O J L W i U -� (n Ln z NO H 00 +' M M m M N N ,--1 ,--1 .-1 O O Ql fU0 , I ''1 r1 O C Q Ln rM-I ko to N N N V ` N N ,M-1 u lk ,�-1 ^ o kDD ( N co N M 0`0 N RSV Scott Construction Supervisory/ Management Experience Rodney Scott Field Supervisor 25 Years Mark Hall Field Supervisor 30 Years Mike Skagen Project Manager 35 Years Tyler Scott Field Supervisor 10 Years TT CONSTRUCTION CO-, y General Contractors— 223-01-RWSC0C*229MU 4005 WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY NORTH,SUITE A,AUBURN,WASHINGTON 98001 PHONE:(253)351-0001 FAX:(253)351-0055 Employee list NICHOLAS R BANDOCK FALLAN N PERALTA 1402 LACE TAPPS PARKWAY SE 2021 FELL ST PMB 210 ENUMCLAW WA 98022 AUBURN WA 98092-8157 ERIK J PETERSON JERRY BISHOP 24225 SE 216TH ST 17823 SE 224TH ST MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 KENT WA 98042 EVETTE M SAENZ LEON E BRELAND 32232 4TH AVE 828 SW 135TH BLACK DIAMOND WA 98010 SEATTLE WA 98146 TYLER J'SCOTT SAVANNA C CAPPA 20204 SE 284TH ST 12751 SE 278TH CT KENT WA.98042 KENT WA 98030 DEREK T•SCOTT CASEY J GRAFF 27342 198TH PL SE 102 EAST 720 STREET KENT WA- 98042 TACOMA WA 98022 RODNEY A SCOTT MARK HALL 27328 198TH PL SE 12743 SE 278TH CT KENT WA. 98042 KENT WA 98031-8867 JEFFREY•A TAYLOR ALFRED C HELBERG 23117 113TE ST E PO BOX 5314 BUCKLEY-WA 98321 SPANAWAY WA 98387 NICHOLAS M VUKICH JOHN MCDOWALL 15502 SE 352ND ST 3706 E SPOKANE STREET AUBURN WA 98092 T3aCOMA WA 98404 SCOT L WINSCHELL ELIZABETH A MORGAN 24640 SE 235TH PL 2325 KIBLER AVE MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 ENUMCLAW WA 98022 KAREN WOLTERS PO' BOX 312 SUMNER WA 98390 October 31, 2016 R W SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO VEHICLE LIST UPDATED AT 6/5/2017 VEH I 1 ; __ 1 LICENSEISERIAL #iYEARiF jDESCRIPTION i NUMBERjNUMBER 1 1 8 Toyota Sequoia RDUB 5TDBY68A58SO17306 GMC Jeff Scott4/10/17 iGTV2UEHXEZ174506 3 �17_LT GMC PK Sierra 1500 1 GTV2MEC2HZ1 55862 4 14 j Chevy(Mike Skagen)Silverado �Y C70774D 1GCVREHIEZ125773 _5 _00 GMC Light Duty Sierra B29706H 1 GTEC 1 4VBYE900569 6 12 DODG Ram 2500 _ C31671J 3C6UD5HL8CG315296 _ 7 _06 Freightliner M2106 w/Crane(Mechanic Truck) B89602D 1 FVACXDC56HW45282 8 16 _ GMC Sierra(Tyler) C48617J 1 GTV2NEC8GZ252486 �9 07 Toyota Tundra SR5(Mark Hall) C49669B 5TFCV54177XO04921 10__ 14 Chevy(Evette) _ C43816E 11GCRCPEH6EZ374847 _11 h 17 Ford F-550 _ 1 FDUF5G70HFD35362 12 17 Ford F-550 1 FDUF5G70HFD35363 13 81 CHEROKEE 30 YD DEMOlfRASH TRAILER 0373RG 1 C91 EFF23Bi095100 14 98 Ford LT850 Dump Truck A76736M 1 FDZX86EBWVA30990 16 93 FORD-F450 Flatbed Dump B91852P 2FDLF47G3PCA27259 17 97 GMC Sonoma S10 P/U(Shop) B21122X 1GTCS1442V8507842 18 97 Chevrolet Dump-5 yard _ C01287A 1 GBJ7H1 J3VJ100556 19 95 FORD F800 WATER TRUCK(Totaled) B03364D 1 FDPF80C4SVA07489 20 72 D MACK 3000 GAL WATER TRUCK 87172T R795S2005 22 96 PETERBILTTRUCK W/SIDE DUMP A36447N 1XPADBOX9WN479580 22 W/LOW BOY 26 83 SINNER FLATBED TILT TRAILER 5942UJ 1 S9S2CE10DS018134 29 99 FORD F450 gas powered B66829X 1 FDXF46S4XED68820 31 93 GMC LUBE TRUCK All3927X 1GDJ7H1J3PJ500790 33 95 Ford F450 Super Flatbed w/Liftgate B2650OW 1 FDLF47F2SEA54480 35 93 TRAIL KING 50T TRIAXLE LOWBOY TRL 6266LO 1TKJO5036PM022740 36 07 Pioneer TruckweId 4 Axle Millennium Trailer 6170TX iBN1P214575004548 37 06 STURDYWELD DUMP TRAILER 8883YT 5RETE04856SO66030 38 6 PJ Equipment Trailer 14,000 18098AA 4P5CH2O2762088924 40 05 1 ITrailMax TRD 54-T Equipment Trailer 8533RY 1 G9KS373X5A065207 41 01 Kenworth T300(Roll Deck) A56099X 2NKMHD7X71 M868293 42** 80 EVERGREEN TRAILER(10 X 32) 9438KH 280107GR 43 99 KENWORTH T-800 DUMP A65784E 1NKDXBOXOXR827765 44 00 .KENWORTHT-800DUMP A74061G 1NKDXBEX6YR859792 45 06 KENWORTH T-800 DUMP C97963A 1NKDXBOX46R119419 51A 97 FORD F450 Fuel Truck B55477U 3FELF47F9VMA60951 52B 73 FORD FLATBED-ATTENUATOR TRUCK_F600 A86703K F61 DVQ60282 65 02 GMC Light Duty 2WD Regular Cab B13922R 1 GTEC14V12Z900607 67 15 1 JGMC Sierra 1500 3GTU2VECOFG277070 68 04 Ford F450 Service Truck C01226A 1 FDXF46P44EC20013 70 02 lCommercial Trailer(Job Shack TIr./No Ins.) 1 UYVS248X2U796202 _71 05 jTrailMax T-12-UT Equipment Trailer 999OXN 1 G9KS26285A065371 73 01 F450 Super Duty Service Truck B35150Y 1 FDXF46F51 EA26013 75 06 BealVTruckweld custom built 4-axle-Trailer 1235SQ 1 BNi P49476XO04360 76 08 Circle R 4 Axle Side Dump Trailer 4853UF 1T9SS45498T627287 77 90 Mack RD688 Tractor A97297D 1 M2P27005LM008583 78 92 Blazer Industries Inc. Job Site Trailer OS 1 032-AT923267 81 _73_ Mack RS700L Dump Truck A47029R RS795LST16250 82 1989 Great Dane 41'Refer Job Trailer 5260XZI 1 GRAA8323KS010404 ** Vehicle#42-Insurance coverage is under the personal property R W SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO EQUIPMENT LIST EQ# 1 YR IDESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER 109 1998 JD 310SE Loader/Backhoe (Hoepac/Breaker) T031OSE851205 115 1996 Komatsu PC200-6(totalled)(NO INSURANCE) J20011 124 2015 Komatsu Hydraulic Excavator, PC 228USLC-10 569176 126 1995 Komatsu Exc. PC200-6E 92470 127 1991 JD 400GLT Crawler/Dozer T0400GC772596 128 1999 JD 650H Crawler/Dozer T0650HX876233 Variable Message Board Lic#6689PF Vin#1A9H12107YM157379 136 2001 Serial#586451 138 JD425 Disk (NO INSURANCE) P00425XO13422 153 2001 Laymore Sweeper 81-11C 21NO0175 Serial#28352-005 154 2012 1 Laymore Sweeper 81-11C 8HC33856 156 2003 TC91S Hydraulic Compactor (NO INSURANCE) 2002133-3 158 EW/2800 Generator (NO INSURANCE) 158A Yamaha Generator (NO INSURANCE) Wacker Reversible Plate DPU5045H Compactor (NO• 159 INSURANCE) 743846408 165 1973 Trailmobile 45'Van Semi Trailer (NO INSURANCE) J34627 166 1998 6000 Gal Model D MH Supervault Fuel Tank MDH4600052 Trench Box (112 bought from Ritchie Bros,1/2 from Rhine) (NO 167 INSURANCE) 416DW&W9601195 2000 Gallon Fuel Tank and Pump on Skids (NO 168 1978 INSURANCE) 169 1978 HM Fuel Tank on Wheels- Lic#JD1476 (NO INSURANCE) WA7652693 178 1993 Ingersoll Rand SD100D Smooth Roller 9112 180 Manlift Grove AM251XT 48606 182 1985 IMitsubishi Forklift (NO INSURANCE) F2050294 185 2000 Airshore Alluminum Trench Box 48 185A 2000 Airshore Alluminum Trench Box 2x8 186 1998 Rammer Hammer S-56 103156R Homeiite 3"Diapham Pump Model 111DOP3-1 (NO 187 1981 INSURANCE) 01588966 188 1983 Jet 10 Ton Floor Jack (NO INSURANCE) JSJ-10 189 1977 Headshaker Compactor(HED LS-1100) (NO INSURANCE) LS-184 190 Trench Box Model 1445 Stone Mizer (NO INSURANCE) 0791445 192 1989 3"Wacker Trash Pump Model PT3A (NO INSURANCE) 506803577 195 19911 Rammer Hammer Mod S-26 SN 628 197 1997 Polaris 4x4 Quad LIC#093144A 4XACH50A7VA032089 198 1997 Spectre Utility Trailer LIC#1270XY (NO INSURANCE) 4W8UF141 BV1000697 Wacker Reversible Plate Compactor Model#DPU6055 (NO 199 2001 INSURANCE) 0007959 200 2001 Wacker Reversible Plate Compactor Model#DPU5045A 1291628 Octagon Manhole(Trench) Box Model#OB88 (NO 201 2002 INSURANCE) NESO402-1788 202 2001 Hitachi ZX135US-E Hydraulic Excavator 1SKPO61984 204 1999 Case Loader/Backhoe 590 Super L (Hoepac/Breaker) JJG0211487 206 2000 Komatsu PC210-6E 31627 208 1997 Komatsu D65PX12 Crawler Dozer 62008 209 2000 JD 624H Loader(Includes QC350GPBOE 3.5 Bucket) DW624HX577280 209A 2004 JD Fork Attachment QC500CUF9672M 210 1 Cat Forklift-Shop (NO INSURANCE) IBEB3074 211 2003 Komatsu PC3001-C-71-Hydraulic Excavator JAB5525 213 2004 JD 310SG Backhoe/Loader T031OSG93003 1 215 2003 Komatsu PC138US-2 Hydraulic Excavator 13616 EQUIPLST.XLS UPDATED 312=0178:10 AM rN ni•utstou�c2t(331Y04n sInsidUM 6 1,8998#Ie1JaS 600Z bZ£ 680L96W6bO261-16b6#WA ang6Z9#a;gld PJ808 o6essen alge!JeA 9bb600b 00'R sasoH ';u!od lasr40/M J831e8JB pgZtEu 118 £Z£ 909Z93`d9OLO (30NvHnSNI ZZ£ ON) pueJB 010 now Japan Noel uo!ssrwsueJl SOEIV086 (3ON�inSNl 6ZE ON) AUewllb/jeloS/asd!1o3/PJeoB MoJjr!e!;uanbaS E08'aZbO (30Nb4 ml OZE ON) puewlly/1e!os/osd!lo3/pJeoS MOJMV lel;uenbeg E08b'68 L (30Nb4inSNl 6 6£ ON) puewBtfPelOS/asd!1o3/PJeOS MomV le4uenbaS E08`d616 (aowanSNl 81 g ON) PuewllyNeloS/osd!Io3/PJeo8 Mo.Uy leguenbaS L9b0EEnZEt/bSb'OAdb 3oimnSNION LI.E HAI,609#a3eld HIM986d JassaJdwoO J!1d pue8-llosJa6u1 96Zn3nbE66Z£ 30Nb21nSNION 96E F�./1Z �Ida tMgB[�JossaJr.+cue��Pue.�ryOs;�6O� 6S£9ZZ8 (3owwI NI ON) Joloedwo0 a;eld J8438M gb£ SKt,zZs (30NvansNI ON) Jo;aedwoO a;eld J843eM b6E t,00z8Z9 (30NvHnSNl ON) Jopedwo0 a;eld J843eM £LE 6Z69LO9 (30Nb'ZInSNI ON) Jawwea 009S8 jeN:DeM 6666 Z6£ b8b8L066 (30Nb'2inSNl ON) pJeogMOJJy 6666 06E 6 WM,H (30wdnSNl ON) 8086#Japan Jaueel0 ;oH 6666 80E L6�Seog6 (30Nb2inSNl ON) P1e0gN►oJJy 9666 LOS SmI9096 (3ONb?jnSNlON) PJeogMOJJV 9666 90£ N-1-9099#all (33NnnSNl ON) S8d1 SQ33N/PJeogmoJJb 9666 g0£ M-LO99#O!l (30NVUnSNl ON) SBdt S033N/PJeogmOJJy GM We E00-88ti66 (30Nb'I_fnSNI nz ON) oat-OJd 88666'xogleels bxbZxq'xo8 gouaJl (30Nv,8nSNI ON) Jase-I adrd 00 J.Jacd!d eolal EEZ LZ888b' Jo;eneox3 ollneJPAH 03L-31-00EOd ns;ewou 900Z ZEZ 190ZObZZO-Sl6bg�gM9Z=01 Jalloa wnJQ elgnoa„Lb 3bZZ-8O Jell!dJa;eO 90OZ 6EZ LZ9Zb80b'b VLZ LZS Jaujwea-Ja4eaJB;oedwl pallly 900Z OEZ Zbg£ZOn9XZ80Sd606# dn6161#afield 900Z 6ZZ Jal!eJ10Z600005#au!goen I Jal1eJl 660018 J81184/M Ja;;nO OH8t?oogZV Jadd!Z;;eydsy tiEL66Z6Xd Jo;eAM)a!UIW E-ME),IS oolagoJl SOOZ 8ZZ (30NbRinSNI ON) VN azaaJ3 000E dO LZZ 9ZZ#db3 x08 gouaJl o;alert egZZ aJoysJlu-x08 gouaJl wnly 8Xtr 9ZZ 6b99 (30Nb'8nSNI ON) SZd(3 Janlaaad a�f3-apeJO L666 gZZ LL89 (30Nb21nSN1 ON) Jase-1 dHOgzt laPOn epeJ61e1Q L666 bZZ LBb9 0N4i11 l '9666 EZZ ON) Jase-1 a;owad ssalaJyWM epeJ6lel0 9966-1 1££OO69ZEZ (30Nv,dnSNION) Jo;eJaua MI. ZZZ O paJannod se0 Jalyoyl M�1 Z6 (30Nt/21nSNION 17666 6ZZ podAii bJR-09-6UM 808 la-Jasel 6u!;e;oa uo0 dot 6906 (30N` 8nSNiON) 8966-11 POnJas a sl-so!sAsd eJloadS Z666 OZZ Z9"6 PUB 68ti86 (30Nv-6nSNI ON) oa;oJd'Vx8x8 Pus,8xj�'xo8 aloquen 66Z E69Z-66 (3011vu Nl 86Z ON) 3>1bM00Z9 lapon 'aJogspaadS 'OZx8 'xo8 gouaJl Z9LZ-0 (3ONv8nSNl LLZ ON) bmOOZb IaPon 'aJogspaadS ',OZx,t,'xo8 gouaJl OOE09 Jallod hjo;eJq!A nb8 Z:M uJweH VOOZ 96Z dIaavm-IVW3S NOI1dI83S30 NA #a3 1SI-I1NMUdimoa 00 N011of1N1SNO0110oS M 2j R W SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO EQUIPMENT LIST EQ# YRRKWi. RIPTION SERIAL NUMBER 364 201er Plate Compactor Model#WP1550AW WP1550267 'dump trailer Model#D7142 201426 365 2014se#2459-YF 14P5D7142XE1201426 366 Multiquip Generator Whisperwatt#DCA-25SSIU 7102383 367 2005ar Golf Cart AG9524438207 368 1977RL612LST Wa#er Truck RL612LST34940 369 h Box XLD-616 103776 370 l Skiff Model#BS-7 GME 19409 371 su WA40-3E Front End Loader 14676 372 er City Hydraullc Breaker 248DB2334 'Value for Ins pu oses EOUIPLST.XlS ' uPDArmt r2nifim-uau A ,V, R.W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION COO General Contractors — 223-01-RWSCOC*229MU 4005 WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY NORTH,SUITE A,AUBURN,WASHINGTON 98001 PHONE:(253)351-0001 FAX:(253)351-0055 INFORMATION FOR CREDIT APPLICATIONS Incorporated: July, 1978 Business Started: 1972 Owners/Officers: Jeff Scott, President Debra Scott, Treasurer R. W. Scott, Vice President Jeff Scott, Secretary Diane Killingsworth, Office Manager-- diane@rwscottconstruction.com Road and Underground Utility Construction Company: Contractor#RWSCOC*229MU Federal ID#91-1038390 D&B #06 167 4743 Resale#C600 298 242 ICC #CC25984(WUTC) Labor & Industries #579,092-00 Fiscal Year End: September 30 Employment Security#447718-00-5 Annual Dollar Volume Sales: $7,000,000 Purchase Orders Required Bank Information: Key Bank Auburn Branch: 1 East Main Street, Suite 190, Auburn, WA 98002 Account#479681113680 Branch Contact: Janice Rindfleisch Phone: (253) 833-8622 Fax: (253) 833-8625 References: H.D. Fowler Icon Materials PO Box 160 PO Box 88050 Bellevue, WA 98009 Tukwila, WA 98138-2050 (425) 746-8400 Phone (206) 575-3200 Phone (425) 641-8885 Fax (206) 575-0319 Fax Account #192980 Account#60473 Miles Sand and Gravel Western Peterbilt, Inc. 400 Valley Ave NE 3707 Airport Way S Puyallup, WA 98372 Seattle, WA 98124 (253) 833-3700 Phone (206) 624-1564 Phone (253) 833-3746 Fax (206) 587-3754 Account #049900 Account #261041 PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE The undersigned bidder hereby proposes and agrees to start construction work on the Contract, if awarded to him/her, on or before ten (10) calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed, and agrees to complete the Contract within sixty (60) working days after issuance of the City's Notice to Proceed. The undersigned bidder hereby agrees to submit all insurance documents, performance bonds and signed contracts within ten (10) calendar days after City awards the Contract. The City anticipates issuance of the Notice to Proceed on the day of the preconstruction meeting. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the day of bid opening. The required bid security consisting of a bid bond, cashier's check or cash in an amount equal to 5% of the total amount is hereto attached. Notice of acceptance of this bid or request for additional information shall be addressed to the undersigned at the address stated below. Receipt of Addendum No.'s �, to the plans and/or specifications is hereby acknowledged. Failure to acknowledge receipt of the addenda may be considered an irregularity in this proposal. By signing this Proposal Signature Page, the undersigned bidder agrees to accept all contract forms and documents included within the bid packet and to be bound by all terms, requirements and representations listed in the bid documents whether set forth by the City or by the Bidder. DATE: NAME OF BIDDER Signature of Authorized Representative (Print Name and Title) eloo r wee e �y Address -, XV0* 100, 132"'Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 26 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 BID BOND FORM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, _ R.W. Scott Construction Co. as Principal, and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland ____nd , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF KENT, as Obligee, in the penal sum of Five Percent(5%)of Bid Amount Dollars, for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bond themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for 132 nd Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 2515� St. to SE 2.68"' St)/Project Number: 16-3008 According to the, terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal thereof, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful' performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to, the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the invitation to bid, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and liquidated damaged, the amount of this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 27th DAY OF June 2017. RW Scott Construction Co PRINCIPAL Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland SURETY AliceonA. Keltner,Attorney-in-Fact - 20—. Received return of deposit in the sum of 132"Redestrian Improveme.nts/Hol comb 27 tune 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation of the State of New York,the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY,a corporation of the State of Maryland,and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND a corporation of the State of Maryland (herein collectively called the "Companies"), by MICHAEL BOND,Vice President,in pursuance of authority granted by Article V,Section 8,of the By-Laws of said Companies,which are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, do hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint Aliceon A. KELTNER, Cynthia L. JAY, Eric A. ZIMMERMAN and James B. BINDER, all of Seattle, Washington, EACH its true and lawful agent and Attorney-in-Fact,to make,execute,seal and deliver,for,and on its behalf as surety,and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings,and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Companies,as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at its office in New York,New York.,the regularly elected officers of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at its office in Owings Mills,Maryland.,and the regularly elected officers of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at its office in Owings Mills, Maryland.,in their own proper persons. The said Vice President does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article V,Section 8,of the By-Laws of said Companies,and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Vice-President has hereunto subscribed his/her names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,this 9th day of March,A.D.2017. ATTEST: ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND CAL Owe v no At BY Secretary Vice President Eric D.Barnes Michael Bond State of Maryland County of Baltimore On this 9th day of March,A.D.2017,before the subscriber,a Notary Public of the State of Maryland,duly commissioned and qualified,MICHAEL BOND,Vice President,and ERIC D.BARNES,Secretary,of the Companies,to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument,and acknowledged the execution of same,and being by me duly sworn,deposeth and saith,that helshe is the said officer of the Company aforesaid,and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies,and that the said Corporate Seals and the signature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. jtlfl!... �� i' ItCit�,�'':C• CD. r�• i'. ,, .10 +r� Maria D.Adamski,Notary Public My Commission Expires:July 8,2019 POA-F 180-2849C EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF THE COMPANIES "Article V, Section 8,Attomeys-in-Fact. The Chief Executive Officer,the President,or any Executive Vice President or Vice President may, by written instrument under the attested corporate seal, appoint attorneys-in-fact with authority to execute bonds, policies, mcognizances, stipulations„ undertakings, or other like instruments on behalf of the Company, and may authorize any officer or any such attorney-in-fact to affix the corporate seal thereto„and may with or without cause modify of revoke any such appointment or authority at any tirne." CERTIFICATE 1, the undersigned, Vice President of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate: and I do further certify that Article V, Section 4,of the By-Laws of the Companies is still in force. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 15th day of December 1998. RESOLVED: "'That the signature of the President or a Vice President and the attesting signature of a Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any Power of Attorney...Any such Power or any certificate thereof bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding;on the Company." This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the fallowing resolution of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY Y COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994,. and the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the 1 Oth day of May, 1990. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice-President, Secretary„ or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company,shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. 1N TESTIMONY'WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, this ay of k, .vj z.°__ 21I7. ns BCAL "tiMervaw"M"'~ Gerald F.Haley,Vice President TO REPORT A CLAIM WITH REGARD TO A SURETY BOND,PLEASE SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION TO: Zurich American Insurance Co. Attn: Surety Claims 12.99 Zurich.Way Schaumburg,IL 60196-1056 CITY OF KENT COMBINED DECLARATION FORM: NON-COLLUSION, MINIMUM WAGE NON-COLLUSION DECLARATION I, by signing the proposal, hereby declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the following statements are true and correct: 1. That the undersigned person(s), firm, association or corporation has (have) not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with the project for which this proposal is submitted. 2. That by signing the signature page of this proposal, I am deemed to have signed and to have agreed to the provisions of this declaration. AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM I, the undersigned, having duly sworn, deposed, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this project, I will pay each classification of laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wage as specified in the principal contract; that I have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. 132nd Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 2515t St - SE 2681h St) Project Number: 16-3008 NAME OF PROJECT NAME OF BIDDER'S F SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF BIDDER 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 28 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 This change order form is for example Purposes only. By submitting a bid, the bidder agrees to be bound by the terms of this change order form for any change orders. CHANGE ORDER NO. [Enter # 1, 2, 3, etc.] NAME OF CONTRACTOR: flnsert Company Namel ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:fInsert Name of Original Contract & Project #, if applicable) ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: jInsert Date Original Contract was Signedl This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: i. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: [Insert detailed description of additional materials, services, etc., that are needed which necessitate this change order - Be as detailed as possible. You may also refer to an attached exhibit, but clearly identify the exhibit by title and date] 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $ (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $ (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $ (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $ Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $ Order Revised Contract Sum $ 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 29 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Original Time for Completion (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (f) for this Change working days Order Revised Time for Completion (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent Special Provisions and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Alsoi pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: By: By: (signature) (signature) Print Name: Print Name: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E. Its Its Public Works Director (title) (title) DATE: DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Department 132n'Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 30 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 BIDDER'S CHECKLIST The following checklist is a guideline to help the Contractor make sure all forms are complete. The bidder's attention is especially called to the following forms. Failure to execute these forms as required may result in rejection of any bid. Bidder's Package should include the following: / Bid Document Cover Sheet filled out with Bidder's Name ....................I3 Orderof Contents.................................................................................Lam/ Invitation to Bid...................................................................................:��Z ContractorCompliance Statement........................................................ Date............................................................................................ Have/have not participated acknowledgment.............................� Signatureand address................................................................ Declaration - City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy ........ Dateand signature .....................................:............................... Administrative Policy........................................................................... Proposal...............................................................................................First line of proposal - filled in .................................................. Unitprices are correct ................................................................ / Bid the same unit price for asterisk (*) bid items.......................C�j Minimum bid prices are correct...................................................p� Subcontractor List (contracts over $100K) .......................................... Subcontractors listed properly....................:.......................... ..... Signature....................................................................................C� Subcontractor List (contracts over $1 million).....................................q/ Subcontractorslisted properly.................................................... Dateand signature ..................................................................... Contractor's Qualification Statement ...................................................per/ Completeand notarized ..............................................................Cam/ ProposalSignature Page...................................................................... All Addenda acknowledged .........................................................CY/ Date, signature and address .......................................................CY / BidBond Form .....................................................................................Cq'Signature, sealed and dated ....................................................... Power of Attorney....................................................................... (Amount of bid bond shall equal 50/b of the total bid amount) Combined Declaration Form................................................................. / Signature. ..............................................................................GJ� ChangeOrder Form............................................................................. Bidder's Checklist ................................................................................ The following forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded: A) CONTRACT This agreement is to be executed by the successful bidder. B) PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND To be executed by the successful bidder and its surety company. The following form is to be executed after the Contract is completed: A) CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT To be executed by the successful bidder AFTER COMPLETION of this contract. 132id Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 31 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND KENT TO CITY OF KENT Bond No. 09258959 W.O.1"OT0. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, R.W. Scott Construction Co. as Principal, and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of wwftw as a Surety Corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become Surety upon bonds of Contractors with Municipal Corporations, as Surety, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the CITY OF KENT in the penal sum of $ 933,662.50 , together with any adjustments, up or down, in the total contract price because of changes in the contract work, for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of Washington, and the Codes and Ordinances of the CITY OF KENT. Nevertheless, the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to a motion, duly made, seconded and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, King County, Washington, the Mayor of the City of Kent has let or is about to let to the above bounden Principal, a certain contract, the said contract providing for construction of 132nd Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 251s` St to SE 26e St)/Project Number: 16-3008 (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and WHEREAS, the Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, for non-FHWA projects only, if the Principal shall faithfully perform all the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time herein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work and shall indemnify and hold the CITY OF KENT harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract, then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrument under their separate seals. The name and corporate seal (if required by law) of each corporate party is hereto affixed and duly signed by its undersigned representatives pursuant to authority of its governing body. 132e0 Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 32 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 TWO WITNESSES, R.W, Scott Construction Co. PRINCIPAL (enter principal's n above) t r TITLE- DATE: GATE: CORPORATE SEAL: PR I NiT NA DATE: 7 // Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland SURETY CORPORATE SEAL: BY: Aliceon A. Kenner DATE: r10/2017 TITLE: Attorney-in-Fact ADDRESS: 800 Fifth Avenue Suite 3800 Seattle.WA 98104 CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within Bernd; that Who signed the said Fond on behalf of the Principal of the said Corporation; that I know his signature thereto is genuine, a d that said Brand was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of sa' orporation by authority of its governing body, SECRETARY OR ASSISTANT SECRETARY 132"Pedestrian Improvements/Hoicomb 33 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation of the State of New York,the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY,a corporation of the State of Maryland,and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND a corporation of the State of Maryland (herein collectively called the "Companies"), by MICHAEL BOND,Vice President, in pursuance of authority granted by Article V, Section 8,of the By-Laws of said Companies, which are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, do hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint Aliceon A. KELTNER, Cynthia L. JAY, Eric A. ZIMMERMAN and James B. BINDER, all of Seattle, Washington, EACH its true and lawful agent and Attorney-in-Fact,to make,execute,seal and deliver,for,and on its behalf as surety,and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings,and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Companies,as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at its office in New York,New York.,the regularly elected officers of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at its office in Owings Mills,Maryland.,and the regularly elected officers of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at its office in Owings Mills, Maryland.,in their own proper persons. The said Vice President does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article V,Section 8,of the By-Laws of said Companies,and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice-President has hereunto subscribed his/her names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,this 9th day of March,A.D.2017. ATTEST: ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND SHAL t0 's u', 1Iss 9OB % z By Secretary Vice President Eric D.Barnes Michael Bond State of Maryland County of Baltimore On this 9th day of March,A.D.2017,before the subscriber,a Notary Public of the State of Maryland,duly commissioned and qualified,MICHAEL BOND,Vice President,and ERIC D.BARNES,Secretary, of the Companies,to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument,and acknowledged the execution of same,and being by me duly sworn,deposeth and saith,that he/she is the said officer of the Company aforesaid,and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies,and that the said Corporate Seals and the signature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. Maria D.Adamski,Notary Public My Commission Expires:July 8,2019 POA-F 180-2849C EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF THE COMPANIES "Article V,Section 8,Attorneys-in-Fact. 'The Chief Executive Officer,the President,or any Executive Vice President or Vice President may, by written instrument under the attested corporate seal, appoint attomeys-in-fact with authority to execute bonds, policies, recognizances, stipulations, undertakings, or other like instruments on behalf of the Company, and may authorize any officer or any such attorney-in-fact to affix the corporate seal thereto;and may with or without cause modify of revoke any such appointment or authority at any time." CERTIFICATE 1, the undersigned, Vice President of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate;and I do further certify that Article V, Section 8,of the By-Laws of the Companies is still in force. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 15th day of December 1998. RESOLVED; "That the signature of the President or a Vice President and the attesting signature of a Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any Power of Attorney...Any such Power or any certificate thereof bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company." This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994, and the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duty called and held on the I Oth day of May, 1990. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice-President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company,shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, this 101:�Nday of ',J_v�A,4 20 Arf z�� iool SEAL JM jf. wry Y7 4"a 7 Gerald F.Haley,Vice President TO REPORT A CLAIM WITH REGARD TO A SURETY BOND,PLEASE SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION TO: Zurich American Insurance Co. Attn: Surety Claims 129,9 Zurich Way Schaumburg,IL 60196,-1056 CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and 5t.tl t i0 organized under the laws of the State of , located and doing business at H40-5' Jesf Mlle y 9"/!l 7L Racbr,N,r !;# ("Contractor"). •� r el WITNESS: In consideration of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and in the project documents, plans, and specifications all of which are a part of this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for: 132nd Ave SE Pedestrian Improvements (SE 251 st St to SE 268t" St)/Project Number: 16-3008 in accordance with and as described in the Contract and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under the Contract and every part thereof. The Contract shall include all project specifications, provisions, and plans; the City's general and special conditions; the 2016 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations, if applicable ("Standard Specifications"); the City's bid documents; and the Contractor's response to the City's bid. The Contractor is responsible to obtain copies of the 2016 WSDOT Standard Specifications including the latest amendments issued by WSDOT as of the date of bid opening. Unless otherwise directed by the City, work shall start within ten (10) days after the City issues its Notice to Proceed and be completed within sixty (60) working days. The Contractor shall provide and bear all expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing all the work provided for in the Contract, except where the specifications allocate that responsibility to the City. 2. The City hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ, the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same according to the Contract and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the Contract and the schedule of unit or itemized prices provided by Contractor in its response to the City's bid, at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in the Contract. 3. The Contractor for itself, and for its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all covenants herein contained upon the part of the Contractor. 4. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this contract, except as expressly provided herein. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 34 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 5. Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court of competentjurisdiction determine that this contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONTRACTOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this contract. 6. Contractor agrees, upon the City's written demand, to make all books and records available to the City for inspection, review, photocopying, and audit in the event of a contract related dispute, claim, modification, or other contract related action at reasonable times (not to exceed three (3) business days) and at places designated by the City. 7. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, during the term of construction and throughout the specified term of maintenance, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated by this reference. 8. Contractor is responsible for locating any underground utilities affected by the work and is deemed to be an excavator for purposes of RCW Ch. 19.122, as amended. Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with RCW Ch. 19.122, including utilization of the "one call" locator service before commencing any excavation activities. 132"d Pedestrian I mprovements/Holcomb 35 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 CITY OF KENT O'er BY: SU T E� KE, MAYOR SAT t ATTEST: KIM ERLE A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ojwi�r k�t, KENT LAW DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR BY: PRINT NAME:_ 4 . TITLE: - o GATE '" 132"" Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 36 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 EXHIBIT A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1 . Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 or its equivalent, with minimum limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each 1 year policy period. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. Products and Completed Operations coverage shall be provided for a period of 3 years following Substantial Completion of the work. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. The City shall be named as an Additional Insured under the Contactor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. All endorsements adding Additional Insureds shall be issued on form CG 20 10 11 85 or a form deemed equivalent, providing the Additional Insureds with all policies and endorsements set forth in this section. 2. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1 . Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with minimum limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each 1 year policy period. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. Products and Completed Operations coverage shall be provided for a period of 3 years following Substantial Completion of the work. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 37 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 EXH I B I T A (Continued) 2. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability: 1 . The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Contractor's Insurance for Other Losses The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protective fences. E. Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the City waive all rights against each other any of their Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extend covered by Builders Risk insurance or other property insurance obtained pursuant to the Insurance Requirements Section of this Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 38 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 EXH I B I T A (Continued) F. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:V11. G. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work. H. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 39 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Client#: 108729 SCOTRW 'ACORD,. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDD,YYYY) 7/07/2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO.RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed.If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER I NAMEACT Tabitha Tomlinson _ Propel Insurance I1A/C No Ext:800 499-0933 FAX 866 577-1326 Tacoma Commercial Insurance 1 E-MAIL _ (A1C,No): ;.ADDRESS: Tabitha.Tomlinson@propelinsurance.com 1201 Pacific Ave, Suite 1000 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC q Tacoma,WA 98402 — -- -INSURER A:Charter Oak Fire Insurance Comp 125615 INSURED INSURER B Travelers Property Casualty Coo 125674 Cott Construction Co. INSURER C Travelers Indemnity Company of 25666 4005 West Valley Hwy N. L... Suite A INSURER D ................ - ............... INSURER E: Auburn,WA 98001 --- - — INSURER F: I COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR _-- ---- _-- -- ADDLSUBRI - ----- --POLICYEFF I POLICYEXP -) --_- ---- ----- - LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE 'INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER - (MMlDDIYYYY)I(MMlDDIYYYY) LIMITS A X1 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY X X DTC06B38913000F17 03/31/2017103/31/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000000 r. .. ...... ..... DAMAGE TO RENTED CLAIMS-bV1DE L._XI OCCUR PREMISES Eaoccurrenco s300,000 X PD Ded: $2,500 MED EXP(Any one person) s5,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER II j GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2,000,000 _-_ POLICY I XI JECT I LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG s2,000,000--—_ OTHER: i I $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT C X X DT81066389130TIA17 3/31/2017 03/31/2018�Eaacu mi) _ .. �S1,000'000 X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED - ...____...... __.._.......... i. AUTOS !AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ NON-OWNED j PROPERTY DAMAGE X HIRED AUTOS X AUTOS - Peraccidenl S --- - $ B X4 UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR CUP1J7127651726 3/3112011 03/31/20181 EACH OCCURRENCE - $5 000 000 I— EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE] AGGREGATE $5 00O 0O0 r X —_-- — — — -- DED X(.RETENTION$$101000 $ A I WORKERS COMPENSATION WA Stop Ga X PER OTH AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY 1 N N 1 A p p ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNEPJEXECUTIVE Y 1 N I DTC06B38913000F17 3/31/2017'03/31/201$E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1 000 000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? -- }—s— (Mandatory In NH) j E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1 OOO 000 II yns,describo under i DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS beluw _ E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT" $1,000,000 A Leased/Rented EQ QT6605C527307COF 03/31/2017103/31/2018 $100,000 Limit $1,000 Deductible DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,maybe attached if more space is required) RE: 132nd Ave. SE Pedestrian Improvements(SE 251 st St.-SE 268th St.)Project Number: 16-3008 The City of Kent is additional insured per the attached endorsement. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Kent SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Public Works Department ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 400 West Gowe Kent,WA 98032 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014101) 1 of 1 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD #S2772640IM2631905 TET00 Y RAVELERS J One Tower Square, Hartford, Connecticut 06183 TRAVELERS CORP. TEL: 1-800-328-2189 STREET & ROAD CONTRACTORS COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS ISSUE DATE : 04/05/17 POLICY NUMBER: DT-CO-GB389130-COF-17 INSURING COMPANY: THE CHARTER OAK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 . NAMED INSURED AND MAILING ADDRESS: R.W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO. SCOTT SALES, LLC 4005 WEST VALLEY HWY N. SUITE A AUBURN, WA 98001 2. POLICY PERIOD: From 03/31 /17 to 03/31/18 12:01 A.M. Standard Time at your mailing address. 3. LOCATIONS Premises Bldg. Loc. No. No. Occupancy Address SEE IL TO 03 4. COVERAGE PARTS FORMING PART OF THIS POLICY AND INSURING COMPANIES: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COV PART DECLARATIONS CG TO 01 11 03 COF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIABILITY COV PART DECLARATIONS CG TO 09 09 93 COF 5. NUMBERS OF FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS o- FORMING A PART OF THIS POLICY: SEE IL T8 01 10 93 6. SUPPLEMENTAL POLICIES: Each of the following is a separate policy containing its complete provisions: Policy Policy No. Insuring Company o o DIRECT BILL M 7 . PREMIUM SUMMARY: Provisional Premium $ Due at Inception $ P Due at Each $ NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT OR BROKER: COUNTERSIGNED BY: PROPEL INSURANCE-TAC (F1691 ) P 0 BOX 2940 TACOMA, WA 98402 Authorized Representative DATE: IL TO 02 11 89(REV. 09-07) PAGE 1 OF 1 OFFICE : SEATTLE 011360 TRAVELERS IPOLICYNUIABER DT-CO-6B38913O-COF--17 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03-31 -17 ISSUE DATE: 04-05-17 LISTING OE FORMS, ENDORSEMENTS AND SCHEDULE NUMBERS THIS LISTING SHOWS THE NUMBER OF FORMS, SCHEDULES AND ENDORSEMENTS BY LINE OF BUSINESS. IL TO 02 11 89 COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS IL T8 01 10 93 FORMS, ENDORSEMENTS AND SCHEDULE NUMBERS IL TO 05 06 10 COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS-WASHINGTON IL TO 03 04 96 LOCATION SCHEDULE GENERAL LIABILITY CONTRACTORS CG TO 01 11 03 COML GENERAL LIABILITY COV PART DEC CG F3 07 11 OS DEDUCTIBLE LIAR INSURANCE - WASHINGTON CG TO 07 09 87 DECLARATIONS PREMIUM SCHEDULE CG TO 08 11 03 KEY TO DECLARATIONS PREMIUM SCHEDULE CG TO 34 11 03 TABLE OF CONTENTS CG 00 01 10 01 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COV FORM CG T8 00 GENERAL PURPOSE ENDORSEMENT CG T8 01 GENERAL PURPOSE ENDORSEMENT CG D2 70 01 10 ADD'L INS ENDS, ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS CG D3 61 03 05 ADD'L INSURED-OWNERS,LESSEES,CONTRACTORS CG D3 73 il 05 ADD'L INSURED,OWNERS,LESS,EES,CONTRACTORS CG D4 20 07 08 AMEND OTHER INS CDND MEAN OTHER INS/INSR CG D4 71 01 15 AMEND COVERAGE B - PERS & AOV INJURY CG 20 10 10 01 ADDL INSD-OWNER/LESSEE/CONTRACTOR B CG 20 37 07 0,4 ADD, INSURED-OWNRS,LESSEES,CONT COMPL OPS GN 01 13 li 00 EMPLOYERS OVERHEAD LIABILITY CG D2 03 12 97 AMEND--NON CUMULATION OF EACH OCC CG D2 11 01 04 DESIGNATED PROJECT(S) GEN AGGR LIMIT CG D2 46 08 05 BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED (CONTRACTORS) CG D3 16 11 li CONTRACTORS XTEND ENDORSEMENT CG D3 70 08 13 OTHER INS-DESIGNATED ADDITIONAL INSURED CG 02 93 11 03 EXCL-CONSTRUCT MANAGE ERRORS & OMISSIONS CG D3 22 01 04 EXCLUSION-SUITS BY ONE NAMED INSURED CG D3 26 10 11 EXCLUSION - UNSOLICITED COMMUNICATION CG D3 56 05 14 MOBILE EQUIP REDEFINED-EXCL OF VEHICLES CG D3 91 08 13 EXCL-PROD SUBJ TO WRAP-UP-LTD EXCEPTIONS CG D4 21 07 08 AMEND CONTRAC LIAB EXCL-EXC TO NAMED INS CG D5 46 10 11 EXCL - ARCHITECT/ENG/SURVEY PROF SERV CG DG 1B 10 11 EXCL-VIOLATION OF CONSUMER FIN PROT LAWS CG D7 46 01 15 EXCL-ACCESS OR DISCL OF CONF/PERS INFO CG DO 76 06 93 EXCLUSION-LEAD CG Di 42 01 99 EXCLUSION'-DISCRIMINATION CG D1 73 11 03 AMEND-POLL EXCL-INCL LTD COV POLL COSTS CG D2 04 OG 01 EXCL-EXTERIOR INSULATION & FINISH SYSTEM CG D2 40 09 15 EXCLUSION -SILICA OR SILICA-RELATED DUST CG F2 45 07 02 EXCLUSION - WAR - WASHINGTON CG T4 76 02 90 EXCLUSION-ASBESTOS CG T4 81 11 88 EXC-HAZARD-CONNECTED DESIGNATED EXPOSURE IL T8 01 10 93 PAGE : 1 OF 2 011361 TRAVELERS POLICY NUMBER: DT-CO-68389130-COF-17 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03-31 -17 ISSUE DATE: 04-05-17 GENERAL LIABILITY - CONTRACTORS (CONTINUED) CG F2 66 11 03 WA CHANGES EMPLOY RELATED PRACTICES EXCL CG F4 66 01 08 WASHINGTON CHANGES-WHO IS AN INSURED CG F2 41 05 02 WASHINGTON - FUNGI OR BACTERIA EXCLUSION CG TO 09 09 93 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIAB COV PART DEC CG TO 43 01 16 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIAB TABLE OF CONTENTS CG T1 01 01 16 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIABILITY COV FORM INTERLINE ENDORSEMENTS IL T3 68 01 15 FEDERAL TERRORISM RISK INS ACT DISCLOSE IL T4 05 03 11 DESIGNATED ENTITY - CANC PROVIDED BY US IL T4 12 03 15 AMNDT COMMON POLICY COND-PROHIBITED COVG IL T4 14 01 15 CAP ON LOSSES CERTIFIED ACT OF TERRORISM IL 01 23 11 13 WASHINGTON CHANGES - DEFENSE COSTS IL 01 98 09 08 NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY EXCLUSION IL T8 01 10 93 PAGE : 2 OF 2 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY NUMBER: ISSUE DATE: -THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY DESIGNATED PROJECT(S) GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Designated Project Designated Project(s): General Aggregate(s): EACH "PROJECT" FOR WHICH YOU HAVE AGREED, GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT WHICH IS IN EFFECT SHOWN ON THE DECLARATIONS DURING THIS POLICY PERIOD, TO PROVIDE A SEPARATE GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT, PROVIDED THAT THE CONTRACT IS SIGNED AND EXECUTED BY YOU BEFORE THE "BODILY INJURY" OR "PROPERTY DAMAGE" OCCURS. A. For all sums which the insured becomes legally 3. Any payments made under COVERAGE A. obligated to pay as damages caused by "occur- for damages or under COVERAGE C. for rences" under COVERAGE A. (SECTION 1), and medical expenses shall reduce the Desig- for all medical expenses caused by accidents un- nated Project General Aggregate Limit for der COVERAGE C (SECTION 1), which can be that designated "project". Such payments attributed only to operations at a single desig- shall not reduce the General Aggregate Limit nated "project"shown in the Schedule above: shown in the Declarations nor shall they re- 1. A separate Designated Project General Ag- duce 'any other Designated Project General gregate Limit applies to each designated "pro- Aggregate Limit for any other designated ject", and that limit is equal to the amount of "project"shown in the Schedule above. the General Aggregate Limit shown in the 4. The limits shown in the Declarations for Each Declarations, unless separate Designated Occurrence, Damage To Premises Rented Project General Aggregate(s) are sched- To You and Medical Expense continue to uled above. apply. However, instead of being subject to 2. The Designated Project General Aggregate the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of all Declarations, such limits will be subject to the damages under COVERAGE A., except applicable Designated Project General Ag- damages because of "bodily injury" or "prop- gregate Limit. erty damage" included in the "products- B. For all sums which the insured becomes legally completed operations hazard", and for medi- obligated to pay as damages caused by "occur- cal expenses under COVERAGE C, regard- rences" under COVERAGE A. (SECTION 1), and less of the number of: for all medical expenses caused by accidents un- a. Insureds; der COVERAGE C. (SECTION 1). which cannot be attributed only to operations at a single desig- nated "project"shown in the Schedule above: c. Persons or organizations making claims or bringing "suits". CG D2 11 01 04 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2004 Page 1 of 2 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 1. Any payments made under COVERAGE A. vided, any payments for damages because of for damages or under COVERAGE C. for "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in .medical expenses shall reduce the amount the "products-completed operations hazard" will available under the General Aggregate Limit reduce the Products-Completed Operations Ag- or the Products-Completed Operations Ag- gregate Limit, and not reduce the General Aggre- gregate Limit, whichever is applicable; and gate Limit nor the Designated Project General 2. Such payments shall not reduce any Desig- Aggregate Limit. nated Project General Aggregate Limit. E. For the purposes of this endorsement the Defini- C. Part 2.of SECTION III—LIMITS OF INSURANCE tions Section is amended by the addition of the is deleted and replaced by the following: following definition: 2. The General Aggregate Limit is the most we "Project" means an area away from premises will pay for the sum of: owned by or rented to you at which you are per- a. Damages under Coverage B; and forming operations pursuant to a contract or agreement. For the purposes of determining the b. Damages from "occurrences" under applicable aggregate limit of insurance, each COVERAGE A (SECTION 1) and for all "project" .that includes premises involving the medical expenses caused by accidents same or connecting lots, or premises whose con- under COVERAGE C (SECTION 1)which nection is interrupted only by a street, roadway, cannot be attributed only to operations at waterway or right-of-way of a railroad shall be a single designated"project"shown in the considered a single"project". SCHEDULE above. F. The provisions of SECTION III — LIMITS OF D. When coverage for liability arising out of the INSURANCE not otherwise modified by this en- "products-completed operations hazard" is pro- dorsement shall continue to apply as stipulated. Page 2 of 2 Copyright,The Travelers Indemnity Company,2004 CG D211 01 04 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED (CONTRACTORS) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under tie following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART 1. WHO IS AN INSURED — (Section 11) is amended c) The insurance provided to the additional in- to include any person or organization that you sured does not apply to "bodily injury" or agree in a "written contract requiring insurance" "property damage" caused by "your work" to include as an additional insured on this Cover- and included in the "products-completed op- age Part, but; erations hazard" unless the "written contract a) Only with respect to liability for"bodily injury", requiring insurance" specifically requires you "property damage"or"personal injury"; and to provide such coverage for that additional insured, and then the insurance provided to b) If, and only to the extent that, the injury or the additional insured applies only to such damage is caused by acts or omissions of "bodily injury" or "property damage" that oc- you or your subcontractor in the performance curs before the end of the period of time for of "your work" to which the "written contract which the "written contract requiring insur- requiring insurance" applies. The person or ance" requires you to provide such coverage organization does not qualify as an additional or the end of the policy period, whichever is insured with respect to the independent acts earlier. or omissions of such person or organization. 3. The insurance provided to the additional insured 2. The insurance provided to the additional insured by this endorsement is excess over any valid and by this endorsement is limited as follows: collectible "other insurance", whether primary, a) In the event that the Limits of Insurance of excess,; contingent or on any other basis, that is this Coverage Part shown in the Declarations available to the additional insured for a loss we exceed the limits of liability required by the cover under this endorsement. However, if the "written contract requiring insurance", the in- "written contract requiring insurance" specifically surance provided to the additional insured requires that this insurance apply on a primary shall be limited to the limits of liability re- basis or a primary and non-contributory basis, quired by that "written contract requiring in- this insurance is primary to "other insurance" surance". This endorsement shall not in- available to the additional insured which covers crease the limits of insurance described in that person or organization as a named insured Section III—Limits Of Insurance. for such loss, and we will not share with that b) The insurance provided to the additional in- "other insurance". But the insurance provided to sured does not apply to "bodily injury", "prop- the additional insured by this endorsement still is erty damage" or "personal injury" arising out excess over any valid and collectible other in- of the rendering of, or failure to render, any surance", whether primary, excess, contingent or professional architectural, engineering or sur- on any other basis, that is available to the addi- veying services,including: tional insured when that person or organization is an additional insured under such "other insur- i. The preparing, approving, or failing to ance". prepare or approve, maps, shop draw- 4. As a condition of coverage provided to the ings, opinions, reports, surveys, field or- additional insured by this endorsement: ders or change orders, or the preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or ap- a) The additional insured must give us written prove, drawings and specifications; and notice as soon as practicable of an "occur- ii. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or rence" or an offense which may result in a engineering activities. claim_ To the extent possible, such notice should include: CG D2 46 08 05 ©2005 The St. Paul Travelers Companies, Inc. Page 1 of 2 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY L How, when and where the 'occurrence" any provider of"other insurance"which would or offense took place; cover the additional insured for a loss we ii. The names and addresses of any injured cover under this endorsement. However, this persons and witnesses; and condition does not affect whether the insur- ance provided to the additional insured by iii. The nature and location of any injury or this endorsement is primary to 'other insur- damage arising out of the"occurrence"or ance" available to the additional insured offense. which covers that person or organization as a b) If a claim is made or"suit' is brought against named insured as described in paragraph 3. the additional insured, the additional insured above. must: 5. The following definition is added to SECTION V. i. Immediately record the specifics of the —DEFINITIONS: claim or"suit'and the date received; and "Written contract requiring insurance" means ii. Notify us as soon as practicable. that part of any written contract or agreement The additional insured must see to it that we under which you are required to include a receive written notice of the claim or"suit'as person or organization as an additional in- sured on this Coverage Part, provided that soon as practicable. the."bodily injury" and "property damage" oc- c) The additional insured must immediately curs and the "personal injury" is caused by an send us copies of all legal papers received in offense committed: connection with the claim or "suit', cooperate a. After the signing and execution of the with us in the investigation or settlement of contract or agreement by you; the claim or defense against the "suit', and otherwise comply with all policy conditions. b. While that part of the contract or d) The additional insured must tender the de- agreement is in effect;and fense and indemnity of any claim or "suit' to c. Before the end of the policy period. Page 2 of 2 0 2005 The St. Paul Travelers Companies, Inc. CG D2 46 08 05 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. CONTRACTORS XTEND ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE —This endorsement broadens coverage. However, coverage for any injury, damage or medical expenses described in any of the provisions of this endorsement may be excluded or limited by another endorsement to this Coverage Part, and these coverage broadening provisions do not apply to the extent that coverage is excluded or limited by such an endorsement. The following listing is a general cover- age description only. Limitations and exclusions may apply to these coverages. Read all the provisions of this en- dorsement and the rest of your policy carefully to determine rights, duties, and what is and is not covered. A. Aircraft Chartered With Pilot H. Blanket Additional Insured — Lessors Of Leased B. Damage To Premises Rented To You Equipment C. Increased Supplementary Payments 1. Blanket Additional Insured — States Or Political D. Incidental Medical Malpractice Subdivisions— Permits E. Who Is An Insured — Newly Acquired Or Formed J. Knowledge And Notice Of Occurrence Or Offense Organizations K. Unintentional Omission F. Who Is An Insured — Broadened Named Insured L. Blanket Waiver Of Subrogation — Unnamed Subsidiaries M. Amended Bodily Injury Definition G. Blanket Additional Insured — Owners, Managers N. Contractual Liability—Railroads Or Lessors Of Premises PROVISIONS INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LI- A. AIRCRAFT CHARTERED WITH PILOT ABILITY: The following is added to Exclusion g., Aircraft, Exclusions c. and g. through n. do not apply Auto Or Watercraft, in Paragraph 2. of SECTION to premises damage'. Exclusion f.(1)(a) 1 — COVERAGES — COVERAGE A BODILY IN- does not apply to "premises damage" caused JURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY: by: This exclusion does not apply to an aircraft that a. Fire; is: b. Explosion; (a) Chartered with a pilot to any insured; c. Lightning; (b) Not owned by any insured: and d. Smoke resulting from such fire, explosion, (c) Not being used to carry any person or prop- or lightning; or erty for a charge. e. Water; B. DAMAGE TO PREMISES RENTED TO YOU unless Exclusion f. of Section I — Coverage A 1. The first paragraph of the exceptions in Ex- — Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability clusion j., Damage To Property, in Para- is replaced by another endorsement to this graph 2. of SECTION I — COVERAGES — Coverage Part that has Exclusion — All Pollu- COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND tion Injury Or Damage or Total Pollution Ex- PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY is deleted. clusion in its title. 2. The following replaces the last paragraph of A separate limit of insurance applies to Paragraph 2., Exclusions, of SECTION I — "premises damage" as described in Para- COVERAGES — COVERAGE A. BODILY graph 6. of SECTION III — LIMITS OF IN- SURANCE. CG D3 16 11 11 ©2011 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. Page 1 of 6 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 3. The following replaces Paragraph 6. of SEC- C. INCREASED SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS TION III—LIMITS OF INSURANCE: 1. The following replaces Paragraph 1.b. of Subject to 5. above, the Damage To Prem- SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVER- ises Rented To You Limit is the most we will AGES A AND B of SECTION I — COVER- pay under Coverage A for damages because AGE: of "premises damage" to any one premises. b. Up to $2,500 for the cost of bail bonds The Damage To Premises Rented To You required because of accidents or traffic Limit will apply to all "property damage" law violations arising out of the use of any proximately caused by the same "occur- vehicle to which the Bodily Injury Liability rence", whether such damage results from: Coverage applies. We do not have to fur- fire; explosion; lightning; smoke resulting from nish these bonds. such fire, explosion, or lightning; or water; or any combination of any of these causes. 2. The following replaces Paragraph 1.d. of SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVER- The Damage To Premises Rented To You AGES A AND B of SECTION I — COVER- Limit will be: AGES: a. The amount shown for the Damage To d. All reasonable expenses incurred by the Premises Rented To You Limit on the insured at our request to assist us in the Declarations of this Coverage Part; or investigation or defense of the claim or b. $300,000 if no amount is shown for the "suit", including actual loss of earnings up Damage To Premises Rented To You to $500 a day because of time off from Limit on the Declarations of this Coverage work. Part. D. INCIDENTAL MEDICAL MALPRACTICE 4. The following replaces Paragraph a. of the 1. The following is added to the definition of"oc- definition of "insured contract" in the DEFINI- currence" in the DEFINITIONS Section: TIONS Section: "Occurrence" also means an act or omission a. A contract for a lease of premises. How- committed in providing or failing to provide ever, that portion of the contract for a "incidental medical services", first aid or lease of premises that indemnifies any "Good Samaritan services"to a person. person or organization for "premises damage" is not an "insured contract": 2. The following is added to Paragraph 2.a.(1) of SECTION 11—WHO IS AN INSURED: 5. The following is added to the DEFINITIONS Paragraph (1)(d) above does not apply to Section: "bodily injury" arising out of providing or fail- "Premises damage" means "property dam- ing to provide: age" to: (i) "Incidental medical services" by any of a. Any premises while rented to you or tem- your "employees" who is a nurse practi- porarily occupied by you with permission tioner, registered nurse, licensed practical of the owner; or nurse, nurse assistant, emergency medi- b. The contents of any premises while such cal technician or paramedic; or premises is rented to you, if you rent such (ii) First aid or "Good Samaritan services" by premises for a period of seven or fewer consecutive days. any of your "employees" or "volunteer workers", other than an employed or vol- 6. The following replaces Paragraph 4.b.(1)(b) unteer doctor. Any such "employees" or of SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GENERAL "volunteer workers" providing or failing to LIABILITY CONDITIONS: provide first aid or "Good Samaritan ser- (b) That is insurance for "premises damage"; vices" during their work hours for you will or be deemed to be acting within the scope 7. Paragraph 4.b.(1)(c) of SECTION IV — of their employment by you or performing COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CON- duties related to the conduct of your busi- DITIONS is deleted. ness. Page 2 of 6 ©2011 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. CG D3 16 11 11 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 3. The following is added to Paragraph 5. of 4. Any,organization you newly acquire or form, SECTION III— LIMITS OF INSURANCE: other than a partnership, joint venture or lim- For the purposes of determining the applica- ited liability company, of which you are the ble Each Occurrence Limit, all related acts or sole owner or in which you maintain the ma- omissions committed in providing or failing to jority ownership interest, will qualify as a provide "incidental medical services", first aid Named Insured if there is no other insurance or "Good Samaritan services" to any one per- which provides similar coverage to that Or- son will be deemed to be one 'occurrence". ganization. However: 4. The following exclusion is added to Para- a. Coverage under this provision is afforded graph 2., Exclusions, of SECTION I — COV- only: ERAGES — COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY (1) Until the 180th day after you acquire or AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY: form the organization or the end of the Sale Of Pharmaceuticals policy period, whichever is earlier, if you "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising do not report such organization in writing out of the willful violation of a penal statute or to us within 180 days after you acquire or ordinance relating to the sale of pharmaceuti- form it; or cals committed by, or with the knowledge or (2) Until the end of the policy period, when consent of, the insured. that date is later than 180 days after you 5. The following is added to the DEFINITIONS acquire or form such organization, if you Section: report such organization in writing to us "Incidental medical services"means: within 180 days after you acquire or form a. Medical, surgical, dental, laboratory, x-ray it, and we agree in writing that it will con- or nursing service or treatment, advice or tinue to be a Named Insured until the end instruction, or the related furnishing of of the policy period; food or beverages; or b. Coverage A does not apply to "bodily injury" b. The furnishing or dispensing of drugs or or "property damage" that occurred before medical, dental, or surgical supplies or you acquired or formed the organization; and appliances. c. Coverage B does not apply to "personal in- "Good Samaritan services" means any emer- jury" or "advertising injury" arising out of an gency medical services for which no compen- offense committed before you acquired or sation is demanded or received. formed the organization. 6. The following is added to Paragraph 4.b., Ex- F. WHO IS AN INSURED — BROADENED NAMED cess Insurance, of SECTION IV — COM- INSURED—UNNAMED SUBSIDIARIES MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDI- TIONS: The following is added to SECTION II — WHO IS AN INSURED: The insurance is excess over any valid and collectible other insurance available to the in- Any of your subsidiaries, other than a partnership, sured, whether primary, excess, contingent or joint venture or limited liability company, that is on any other basis, that is available to any of not shown as a Named Insured in the Declara- your "employees" or "volunteer workers" for tions is a Named Insured if you maintain an own- "bodily injury" that arises out of providing or ership interest of more than 50% in such subsidi- failing to provide "incidental medical ser- ary on the first day of the policy period. vices", first aid or "Good Samaritan services" No such.subsidiary is an insured for"bodily injury" to any person to the extent not subject to or "property damage" that occurred, or "personal Paragraph 2.a.(1) of Section 11 — Who Is An injury" or "advertising injury" caused by an of- Insured. fense committed after the date, if any, during the E. WHO IS AN INSURED — NEWLY ACQUIRED policy period, that you no longer maintain an OR FORMED ORGANIZATIONS ownership interest of more than 50% in such sub- The following replaces Paragraph 4. of SECTION sidiary. 11—WHO IS AN INSURED: CG D3 16 11 11 ©2011 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. Page 3 of 6 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY G. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED — OWNERS, H. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED — LESSORS MANAGERS OR LESSORS OF PREMISES OF LEASED EQUIPMENT The following is added to SECTION II — WHO IS The following is added to SECTION II — WHO IS AN INSURED: AN INSURED: Any person or organization that is a premises Any person or organization that is an equipment owner, manager or lessor and that you have lessor and that you have agreed in a written con- agreed in a written contract or agreement to in- tract or.agreement to include as an insured on clude as an additional insured on this Coverage this Coverage Part is an insured, but only with re- Part is an insured, but only with respect to liability sect to.liabilit for "bodily injury", "property for "bodily injury", "property damage", "personal p y " dam- injury"or"advertising injury" that: age", "personal injury"or"advertising injury"that: a. Is "bodily injury" or "property damage" that a. Is "bodily injury" or "property damage" that occurs, or is "personal injury" or "advertising occurs, or is "personal injury" or "advertising injury" caused by an offense that is commit- injury" caused by an offense that is commit- ted, subsequent to the execution of that con- ted,.subsequent to the execution of that con- tract or agreement; and tract or agreement; and b. Arises out of the ownership, maintenance or b. Is caused, in whole or in part, by your acts or use of that part of any premises leased to omissions in the maintenance, operation or use of equipment leased to you by such you' equipment lessor. The insurance provided to such premises owner, The insurance provided to such equipment lessor manager or lessor is subject to the following pro- is subject to the following provisions: visions: a. The limits of insurance provided to such a. The limits of insurance provided to suchequipment lessor will be the minimum limits premises owner, manager or lessor will be which you agreed to provide in the written the minimum limits which you agreed to pro- contract or agreement, or the limits shown on vide in the written contract or agreement, or the Declarations, whichever are less. the limits shown on the Declarations, which- ever are less. b. The insurance provided to such equipment lessor does not apply to any "bodily injury" or b. The insurance provided to such premises "property damage" that occurs, or "personal owner, manager or lessor does not apply to: injury" or "advertising injury" caused by an of- (1) Any "bodily injury" or "property damage" fense that is committed, after the equipment that occurs, or"personal injury" or"adver- lease expires. tising injury" caused by an offense that is c. The insurance provided to such equipment committed, after you cease to be a tenant lessor is excess over any valid and collectible in that premises; or other insurance available to such equipment (2) Structural alterations, new construction or lessor, whether primary, excess, contingent demolition operations performed by or on or on any other basis, unless you have behalf of such premises owner, lessor or agreed in the written contract or agreement manager. that this insurance must be primary to, or c. The insurance provided to such premises non-contributory with, such other insurance, owner, manager or lessor is excess over any in which case this insurance will be primary valid and collectible other insurance available to, and non-contributory with, such other in- to such premises owner, manager or lessor, surance. whether primary, excess, contingent or on I. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED — STATES any other basis, unless you have agreed in OR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS—PERMITS the written contract or agreement that this in- surance must be primary to, or non- The following is added to SECTION II — WHO IS contributory with, such other insurance, in AN INSURED: which case this insurance will be primary to, Any state or political subdivision that has issued a and non-contributory with, such other insur- permit in connection with operations performed by ance. you or on your behalf and that you are required Page 4 of 6 ©2011 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. CG D3 16 11 11 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY by any ordinance, law or building code to include (ii) A manager of any limited liability as an additional insured on this Coverage Part is company; or an insured, but only with respect to liability for iii An executive officer or director of "bodily injury", "property damage", "personal in- any other organization; jury' or advertising injury arising out of such op- erations' that is your partner, joint venture member or manager; or The insurance provided to such state or political (b) Any "employee" authorized by such subdivision does not apply to: partnership, joint venture, limited li- a. Any "bodily injury," "property damage," "per- ability company or other organization sonal injury" or "advertising injury" arising out to give notice of an "occurrence" or of operations performed for that state or po- offense. litical subdivision; or (3) Notice to us of such "occurrence" or of an b. Any "bodily injury" or "property damage" in- offense will be deemed to be given as cluded in the "products-completed operations soon as practicable if it is given in good hazard". faith as soon as practicable to your work- J. KNOWLEDGE AND NOTICE OF OCCUR- ers' compensation insurer. This applies RENCE OR OFFENSE only if you subsequently give notice to us The following is added to Paragraph 2., Duties In of the "occurrence" or offense as soon as The Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or practicable after any of the persons de- Suit, of SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GEN- scribed in Paragraphs e. (1) or (2) above ERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: discovers that the "occurrence" or offense may result in sums to which the insurance e. The following provisions apply to Paragraph provided under this Coverage Part may a. above, but only for the purposes of the in- apply. surance provided under this Coverage Part to you or any insured listed in Paragraph 1. or 2. However, if this Coverage Part includes an en- of Section II—Who Is An Insured: dorsement that provides limited coverage for "bodily injury" or "property damage" or pollution (1) Notice to us of such "occurrence" or of- costs arising out of a discharge, release or es- fense must be given as soon as practica- cape of"pollutants" which contains a requirement ble only after the "occurrence" or offense that the discharge, release or escape of "pollut- is known by you (if you are an individual), ants" must be reported to us within a specific any of your partners or members who is number of days after its abrupt commencement, an individual (if you are a partnership or this Paragraph e. does not affect that require- ment. is an individual (if you are a limited liability company), any of your "executive offi- cers" or directors (if you are an organiza- The following is added to Paragraph 6., Repre- tion other than a partnership,joint venture sentations, of SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL or limited liability company) or any "em- GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: ployee" authorized by you to give notice The unintentional omission of, or unintentional of an "occurrence"or offense. error in,. any information provided by you which (2) If you are a partnership, joint venture or we relied upon in issuing this policy will not preju- limited liability company, and none of your dice your rights under this insurance. However, partners, joint venture members or man- this provision does not affect our right to collect agers are individuals, notice to us of such additional premium or to exercise our rights of "occurrence" or offense must be given as cancellation or nonrenewal in accordance with soon as practicable only after the "occur- applicable insurance laws or regulations. rence"or offense is known by: L. BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION (a) Any individual who is: The following is added to Paragraph 8., Transfer (i) A partner or member of any part- Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us, nership or joint venture; of SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GENERAL LI- ABILITY CONDITIONS: CG D3 16 11 11 ccD 2011 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. Page 5 of 6 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY If the insured has agreed in a contract or agree- 3. "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, mental ment to waive that insured's right of recovery anguish, mental injury, shock, fright, disability, against any person or organization, we waive our humiliation, sickness or disease sustained by right of recovery against such person or organiza- a person, including death resulting from any tion, but only for payments we make because of: of these at any time. a. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" that oc- N. CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY—RAILROADS curs; or 1. The following replaces Paragraph c. of the b. "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" definition of "insured contract" in the DEFINI- caused by an offense that is committed; TIONS Section: subsequent to the execution of that contract or c. Any easement or license agreement; agreement. 2. Paragraph f.(1) of the definition of "insured M. AMENDED BODILY INJURY DEFINITION contract" in the DEFINITIONS Section is de- leted. The following replaces the definition of "bodily injury" in the DEFINITIONS Section: Page 6 of 6 ©2011 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. CG D3 16 11 11 TRAVELERS TRAVELERSJ One Tower Square, Hartford,Connecticut 06183 TRAVELERS CORP. TEL: 1-800-328-2189 COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS ISSUE DATE: 04/05/17 POLICY NUMBER: DT-810-6B389130-TIA-17 INSURING COMPANY: THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY OF AMERICA 1. NAMED INSURED AND MAILING ADDRESS: R.W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO. SCOTT SALES, LLC 4005 WEST VALLEY HWY N. SUITE A AUBURN, WA 98001 2. POLICY PERIOD: From 03/31/17 to 03/31/18 12:01 A.M. Standard Time at your mailing address. 3. LOCATIONS Premises Bldg. Loc. No. No. Occupancy Address 4. COVERAGE PARTS FORMING PART OF THIS POLICY AND INSURING COMPANIES: COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE COV PART DECLARATIONS CA TO 01 02 15 TIA 5. NUMBERS OF FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS FORMING A PART OF THIS POLICY: SEE IL T8 01 10 93 6. SUPPLEMENTAL POLICIES: Each of the following is a separate policy containing its complete provisions: Policy Policy No. Insuring Company SEE CALCULATION OF PREMIUM DIRECT BILL COMPOSITE RATES ENDORSEMENT 7. PREMIUM SUMMARY: Provisional Premium $ Due at Inception $$ Due at Each NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT OR BROKER: COUNTERSIGNED BY: PROPEL INSURANCE-TAC (F1691) P 0 BOX 2940 TACOMA, WA 98402 Authorized Representative DATE: IL TO 02 11 89(REV. 09-07) PAGE 1 OF 1 OFFICE: SEATTLE TRAVELERSJ POLICY NUMBER: DT-810-6B389130-TIA-17 EFFECTIVE DATE, 03-31-17 ISSUE DATE: 04-05-17 LISTING OF FORMS, ENDORSEMENTS AND SCHEDULE NUMBERS THIS LISTING SHOWS THE NUMBER OF FORMS, SCHEDULES AND ENDORSEMENTS BY LINE OF BUSINESS IL TO 02 11 89 COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS IL T8 01 10 93 FORMS, ENDORSEMENTS AND SCHEDULE NUMBERS IL TO 05 06 10 COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS-WASHINGTON IL T3 02 07 86 CALCULATION OF PREMIUM-COMPOSITE RATE(S) IL T8 25 GENERAL PURPOSE ENDORSEMENT C014MERCIA.L AUTOMOBILE CA TO 01 02 15 BA- COVERAGE PART DECS (ITEMS 1 & 2) CA TO 03 02 15 BA COVERAGE PART DECS (ITEMS 4 & 5) CA T3 95 02 15 DEDUCTIBLE COVERAGE CA TO 30 02 16 BA/AD/MC COV PART SUPPL SCH - ITEM TWO CA TO 31 02 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS-BUSINESS AUTO COV FORM CA 00 01 10' 13 BUSINESS AUTO? COVERAGE FORM MCS 90 END FOR MC POL OF INS FOR PUBLIC LIAR. CA T'4 59 02 15 AMENDMENT OF EMPLOYEE DEFINITION CA 01 35 10 13 WASHINGTON CHANGES CA 20 01 10 13 LESSOR - ADDL INSURED AND LOSS PAYEE CA 21 34 10 13 WA UNDERINSURED MOTORISTS COVERAGE CA 99 03 10 13 AUTO MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVERAGE CA 99 48 10 13 POLL LIAB-BUS AUTO/MOTOR CARRIER COV FRM CA. T3 53 02 15 BUSINESS AUTO EXTENSION ENDORSEMENT 18230 UNIFORM MOTOR CARRIER END-18230- FORM F CA T8 00 POLLUTION LIABILITY INTERLINE ENDORSEMENTS IL T4 12 03 15 AMNDT COMMON POLICY COND-PRORIBITED COVE IL 01 23 11 1.3 'WASHINGTON CHANGES - DEFENSE COSTS IL 01 98 09 08 NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY EXCLUSION IL TO 10 12 86 LENDER'S CERTIFICATE OF INS FORM A IC T8 01 10 93 PAGE: 1 OF 1 COMMERCIAL AUTO THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BUSINESS AUTO EXTENSION ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE —This endorsement broadens coverage. However, coverage for any injury, damage or medical expenses described in any of the provisions of this endorsement may be excluded or limited by another endorsement to the Coverage Part, and these coverage broadening provisions do not apply to the extent that coverage is excluded or limited by such an endorsement. The following listing is a general cover- age description only. Limitations and exclusions may apply to these coverages. Read all the provisions of this en- dorsement and the rest of your policy carefully to determine rights, duties, and what is and is not covered. A. BROAD FORM NAMED INSURED H. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE — LOSS OF B. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED USE— INCREASED LIMIT C. EMPLOYEE HIRED AUTO 1. PHYSICAL DAMAGE — TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES—INCREASED LIMIT D. EMPLOYEES AS INSURED J. PERSONAL PROPERTY E. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — INCREASED K. AIRBAGS LIMITS L. NOTICE AND KNOWLEDGE OF ACCIDENT OR F. HIRED AUTO — LIMITED WORLDWIDE COV- LOSS ERAGE— INDEMNITY BASIS M. BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION G. WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE— GLASS N. UNINTENTIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PROVISIONS A. BROAD FORM NAMED INSURED this insurance applies and only to the extent that The following is added to Paragraph A.1., Who Is person or organization qualifies as an "insured" An Insured, of SECTION 11 — COVERED AUTOS under the Who Is An Insured provision contained LIABILITY COVERAGE: in Section II. Any organization you newly acquire or form dur- C. EMPLOYEE HIRED AUTO ing the policy period over which you maintain 1. The' following is added to Paragraph A.1., 50% or more ownership interest and that is not Who Is An Insured, of SECTION II — COV- separately insured for Business Auto Coverage. ERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE: Coverage under this provision is afforded only un- An "employee" of yours is an "insured" while til the 160th day after you acquire or form the or- operating an "auto" hired or rented under a ganization or the end of the policy period, which- contract or agreement in an "employee's" ever is earlier. name, with your permission, while performing duties related to the conduct of your busi- B. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED ness. The following is added to Paragraph c. in A.1., 2. The following replaces Paragraph b. in B.5., Who Is An Insured, of SECTION II — COVERED Other Insurance, of SECTION IV — BUSI- AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE: NESS AUTO CONDITIONS: Any person or organization who is required under b. For Hired Auto Physical Damage Cover- a written contract or agreement between you and age, the following are deemed to be cov- that person or organization, that is signed and ered "autos" you own: executed by you before the "bodily injury" or (1) Any covered "auto" you lease, hire, "property damage" occurs and that is in effect rent or borrow; and during the policy period, to be named as an addi- (2) Any covered "auto" hired or rented by tional insured is an "insured" for Covered Autos your "employee" under a contract in Liability Coverage, but only for damages to which an "employee's" name, with your CA T3 53 02 15 O 2015 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. Page 1 of 4 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. COMMERCIAL AUTO permission, while performing duties (a) With respect to any claim made or "suit" related to the conduct of your busi- brought outside the United States of ness. America, the territories and possessions However, any "auto"that is leased, hired, of the United States of America, Puerto rented or borrowed with a driver is not a Rico and Canada: covered "auto". (i) You must arrange to defend the "in- D. EMPLOYEES AS INSURED sured" against, and investigate or set- The following is added to Paragraph A.1., Who Is tie any such claim or "suit" and keep An Insured, of SECTION II —COVERED AUTOS us advised of all proceedings and ac- tions. LIABILITY COVERAGE: Any "employee" of yours is an "insured" while us- (ii) Neither you nor any other involved "insured" will make any settlement ing a covered "auto" you don't own, hire or borrow without our consent. in your business or your personal affairs. (iii)We may, at our discretion, participate E. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — INCREASED in defending the "insured" against, or LIMITS in the settlement of, any claim or 1. The following replaces Paragraph A.2.a.(2), "suit". of SECTION II— COVERED AUTOS LIABIL- (iv)We will reimburse the "insured" for ITY COVERAGE: sums that the "insured" legally must (2) Up to $3,000 for cost of bail bonds (in- pay as damages because of "bodily cluding bonds for related traffic law viola- injury" or "property damage" to which tions) required because of an "accident" this insurance applies, that the "in- we cover. We do not have to furnish sured" pays with our consent, but these bonds. only up to the limit described in Para- 2. The following replaces Paragraph A.2.a.(4), graph C., Limits Of Insurance, of of SECTION II— COVERED AUTOS LIABIL- SECTION 11 — COVERED AUTOS ITY COVERAGE: LIABILITY COVERAGE. (4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the (v) We will reimburse the "insured" for "insured" at our request, including actual the reasonable expenses incurred loss of earnings up to $500 a day be- with our consent for your investiga- cause of time off from work. tion of such claims and your defense of the "insured" against any such F. HIRED AUTO — LIMITED WORLDWIDE COV- "suit", but only up to and included ERAGE—INDEMNITY BASIS within the limit described in Para- The following replaces Subparagraph (5) in Para- graph C., Limits Of Insurance, of graph B.7., Policy Period, Coverage Territory, SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS of SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDI- LIABILITY COVERAGE, and not in TIONS: addition to such limit. Our duty to (5) Anywhere in the world, except any country or make such payments ends when we jurisdiction while any trade sanction, em- have used up the applicable limit of bargo, or similar regulation imposed by the insurance in payments for damages, United States of America applies to and pro- settlements or defense expenses. hibits the transaction of business with or (b) This insurance is excess over any valid within such country or jurisdiction, for Cov- and collectible other insurance available ered Autos Liability Coverage for any covered to the "insured" whether primary, excess, "auto" that you lease, hire, rent or borrow contingent or on any other basis. without a driver for a period of 30 days or less (c) This insurance is not a substitute for re- and that is not an "auto" you lease, hire, rent quired or compulsory insurance in any or borrow from any of your "employees", country outside the United States, its ter- partners (if you are a partnership), members ritories and possessions, Puerto Rico and (if you are a limited liability company) or Canada. members of their households. Page 2 of 4 ©2015 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. CA T3 53 02 15 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. COMMERCIAL AUTO You agree to maintain all required or (2) In or on your covered "auto". compulsory insurance in any such coun- This coverage applies only in the event of a total try up to the minimum limits required by theft of your covered "auto". local law. Your failure to comply with No deductibles apply to this Personal Property compulsory insurance requirements will not invalidate the coverage afforded by coverage. this policy, but we will only be liable to the K. AIRBAGS same extent we would have been liable The following is added to Paragraph B.3., Exclu- had you complied with the compulsory in- sions, of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE surance requirements. COVERAGE: (d) It is understood that we are not an admit- Exclusion 3.a. does not apply to "loss" to one or ted or authorized insurer outside the more airbags in a covered "auto" you own that in- United States of America, its territories flate due to a cause other than a cause of "loss" and possessions, Puerto Rico and Can- set forth in Paragraphs A.1.b. and A.1.c., but ada. We assume no responsibility for the only: furnishing of certificates of insurance, or a. If that "auto" is a covered "auto" for Compre- for compliance in any way with the laws hensive Coverage underthis policy; of other countries relating to insurance. b. The airbags are not covered under any war- G. WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE— GLASS ranty; and The following is added to Paragraph D., Deducti- c. The airbags were not intentionally inflated. ble, of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE We will .pay up to a maximum of $1,000 for any COVERAGE: one"loss". No deductible for a covered "auto" will apply to L. NOTICE AND KNOWLEDGE OF ACCIDENT OR glass damage if the glass is repaired rather than LOSS replaced. The following is added to Paragraph A.2.a., of H. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE — LOSS OF SECTION IV— BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS: USE— INCREASED LIMIT Your duty to give us or our authorized representa- The following replaces the last sentence of Para- tive prompt notice of the "accident" or "loss" ap- graph A.4.b., Loss Of Use Expenses, of SEC- plies only when the "accident" or "loss" is known TION III— PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE: to: However, the most we will pay for any expenses (a) You (if you are an individual); for loss of use is $65 per day, to a maximum of (b) A partner(if you are a partnership); $750 for any one "accident". (c) A member (if you are a limited liability com- I. PHYSICAL DAMAGE — TRANSPORTATION pany); EXPENSES—INCREASED LIMIT (d) An executive officer, director or insurance The following replaces the first sentence in Para- manager (if you are a corporation or other or- graph A.4.a., Transportation Expenses, of ganization); or SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVER- (e) Any."employee" authorized by you to give no- AGE: tice of the"accident"or"loss". We will pay up to $50 per day to a maximum of M. BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION $1,500 for temporary transportation expense in- The following replaces Paragraph A.5., Transfer curred by you because of the total theft of a cov- Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us, ered "auto" of the private passenger type. of SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDI- J. PERSONAL PROPERTY TIONS: . The following is added to Paragraph A.4., Cover- 5. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against age Extensions, of SECTION 111 — PHYSICAL Others To Us DAMAGE COVERAGE: We waive any right of recovery we may have Personal Property against any person or organization to the ex- We will a u to $400 for "loss" to wearing a tent. required of you by a written contract pay p g p- signed and executed prior to any "accident" parel and other personal property which is: or"loss", provided that the "accident" or"loss" (1) Owned by an "insured"; and arises out of operations contemplated by CA T3 53 02 15 O 2015 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. Page 3 of 4 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. COMMERCIAL AUTO such contract. The waiver applies only to the The unintentional omission of, or unintentional person or organization designated in such error in, any information given by you shall not contract. prejudice your rights under this insurance. How- N. UNINTENTIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS ever this provision does not affect our right to col- The following is added to Paragraph B.2., Con- lect additional premium or exercise our right of cealment, Misrepresentation, Or Fraud, of cancellation or non-renewal. SECTION IV— BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS: Page 4 of 4 ©2015 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. CA T3 53 02 15 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. , , T RAVELERS J One Tower Square, Hartford, Connecticut 06183 POLICY DECLARATIONS POLICY NO.: CUP-1J712765-17-26 COMMERCIAL EXCESS LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 04/06/2017 (UMBRELLA) INSURANCE POLICY INSURING COMPANY: TRAVELERS PROPERTY CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA 1. NAMED INSURED AND MAILING ADDRESS: THIS POLICY DOES NOT R.W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO. COVER LIABILITY SCOTT SALES, LLC ARISING OUT OF 4005 WEST VALLEY HWY N. ASBESTOS MATERIAL SUITE A SEE ENDORSEMENT AUBURN WA 98001 UM 01 96 07 96 2. THE NAMED INSURED IS A: Q CORPORATION Q SOLE PROPRIETOR Q PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE OTHER 3. POLICY PERIOD: From 03/31/2017 to 03/31/201812:01 A.M. Standard Time at your mailing address. -4. PREMIUM: * $ MX Flat Charge ❑ Adjustable (See premium schedule) * DIRECT BILL S. LIMITS OF INSURANCE: COVERAGES LIMITS OF LIABILITY AGGREGATE LIMITS OF LIABILITY 51000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate 5,000,000 General Aggregate COVERAGE A-Bodily Injury and 5,000,000 any one occurrence subject to the Products/ Property Damage Completed Operations and the General Liability Aggregate Limits COVERAGE B - Personal and 5,000,000 any one person or organization subject to Advertising Injury the General Aggregate Limit of Liability Liability RETAINED LIMIT 10,000 any one occurrence or offense 6. SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE: POLICY LIMITS(000 omitted) COVERAGE COMPANY SEE ENDORSEMENT CG DO 23 04 96 7. On the effective date shown in Item 3. the Commercial Excess Liability (Umbrella) Insurance Policy numbered above includes this Declarations Page and the Policy Jacket (Form UM 00 76 which contains the Nuclear Energy Liability Exclusion) and any endorsements listed hereafter: SEE END. IL TS 01 01 01 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT OR BROKER: COUNTERSIGNED BY: PROPEL INSURANCE-TAC F1691 PO BOX 2940 Authorized epresentative TACOMA WA 98401-2940 DATE: CG TO 14 04 96 Page 1 of 1 ..OFFICE: SEATTLE WA POLICY NUMBER: CUP-1J712765-17-26 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/31/2017 ISSUE [SATE: 04/06/2017 LISTING OF FORMS, ENDORSEMENTS AND SCHEDULE NUMBERS THIS LISTING SHOWS THE NUMBER OF FORMS, SCHEDULES AND ENDORSEMENTS BY LINE OF BUSINESS CG TO 14 04 96 POLICY DECLARATIONS COMMERCIAL EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA IL T9 01 01 01 FORMS ENDORSEMENTS AND SCHEDULE NUMBERS UMBRELLA / EXCESS CC DO 23 04 96 SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE UM 00 01 11 03 COMMERCIAL EXCESS LIABILITY' UMBRELLA INSURANCE UM 02 34 07 15 AMENDMENT OF POLLUTION EXCLUSION UM 03 92 11 03 EMPLOYERS LIABILITY - FOLLOWING FORM UM 04 04 11 03 AMEND OF COV ADVER INJURY PROP DAMAGE UM 04 75 07 08 AMENDMENT OF DEFENSE OF CLAIMS OR SUITS UM 04 76 07 08 AMENDMENT OF WHO IS AN INSURED - QUALIFYING UNDER SCHEDULED UNDERLYING INSURANCE UM 04 77 07 08 AMENDMENT OF DUTIES IN THE ZTENT OF OCCURRENCE OR OFFENSE CLAIM UM 04 79 07 08 OTHER INSURANCE CONDITION AND MEANING OF OTHER INSURANCE UM 04 81 07 08 AMENDMENT - MEANING OF Y07J AND YOUR AND MEANING OF EMPLOYEE UM 04 88 07 08 WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS UM 05 11 01 15 AMEND OF COV B - PERSONAL INJURY .AND ADVERTISING INJURY LIABILITY UM 06 03 11 10 CRISIS MANAGEMENT SERVICES EXPENSES UM 06 88 03 15 AMEND-FIN INT IN FOREIGN INS ORG - UM UM 01 52 01, 16 EXCESS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIABILITY COVERAGE UM 00 30 03 12 AMENDMENT OF DAMAGE TO PROPERTY EXCLUSION - CONTRACTORS UM 00 76 01 86 NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY EXCLUSION ENDORSEMENTBROAD FORM UM 01 16 11, 03 EXCLUSION - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ERRORS OMISSIONS UM 01 66 08 91 EXCLUSION - LEAD INCLUDING PRODUCTS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD UM 01 96 07 96 EXCLUSION - ASBESTOS UM 02 07 07 96 EXCLUSION - .ALL HAZARDS IN CONNECTION WITH A DESIGNATED EXPOSURE UM O2 55 11 03 AMENDMENT AIRCRAFT/WATERCRAFT' UM 03 24 02 01 EXCLUSION EXTERIOR INSULATION AM FINISH SYSTEM UM 03 60 09 15 EXCLUSION - SILICA OR SILICA-RELATED DUST UM 03 72 05 02 WASHINGTON - FUNGI OR BACTERIA EXCLUSION UM 03 76 07 02 EXCLUSION - WAR WA UM 04 09 01 04 EXCLUSION - SUITS BY ONE NAMED INSURED AGAINST ANOTHER NAMED INSURED UM 04 15 10 11 EXCLUSION - UNSOLICITED COMMUNICATIONS IL T8' 01 01 01 PAGE: I. OF 2 POLICY NUMBER: CUP-IJ712765-17-26 EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/31/2017 ISSUE DATE: 04/06/2017 UMBRELLA / EXCESS (CONTINUED) UM 04 56 08 13 EXCL - PROJECTS SUBJ TO WRAP-UP INS PROGRAM ➢WITH LTD COVERAGE EXCEPT UM 05 30 03 09 EXCLUSION - DISCRIMINATION UM 05 65 12 09 EXCLUSION - ARCHITECTURAL UM 06 09 10 11 EXCLUSION - VIOLATION OF CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION LAWS UM 06 50 01 15 EXCLUSION - ACCESS OR DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL OR PERSONAL INFORMATION UM 00 98 12 13 WASHINGTON MANDATORY ENDORSEMENT INTERLINE ENDORSEMENTS IL T3 68 01 15 FEDERAL TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT DISCLOSURE IL T4 14 01 15 CAP ON LOSSES FROM CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRORISM IL T8 01 01 01 PAGE: 2 OF 2 UMBRELLA POLICY NUMBER: CUP-1J712765-17-26 ISSUE DATE: 04/06/2017 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL EXCESS LIABILITY(UMBRELLA)INSURANCE Item 6 of the Declarations to include: POLICY LIMITS(000 OMITTED) COVERAGE COMPANY 810-68389130-17 1,000 CSL AUTO LIABILITY TIA CO-6B389130-17 1,000 EACH OCCURRENCE GENERAL LIABILITY COP 1,000 PERS/ADV INJURY 2,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE 2,000 PROD/COMP OPS AGO . CO-6B389130-17 1,000 EACH EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS COP 2,000 AGGREGATE LIABILITY The policies shown above are issued in one or more of the Travelers Companies. The above company(s) translates as follows: TIA THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY OF AMERICA COP THE CHARTER OAK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY "(If you have any employee exposure in the State of New York, the Employers Liability Limits are applicable only to bodily injury to your "non-subject employees" as defined under Rule VIII - Limits of Liability, A.2., of the WC/EL Manual of the State of New York)" PRODUCER:PROPEL INSURANCE-TAC OFFICE: SEATTLE WA 199 CG DO 23 04 96 Page 1 of i UMBRELLA COMMERCIAL EXCESS LIABILITY (UMBRELLA) INSURANCE Various provisions in this policy restrict coverage. Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights,duties and what is and is not covered. Throughout this insurance the words"you"and "your"refer to the Named Insured shown in the Declarations.The words"we", "us"and "our" refer to the Company providing this insurance. The word "insured" means any person or organization qualifying as such under SECTION 11 —WHO IS AN IN- SURED. Other words and phrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning. Refer to SECTION V— DEFINI- TIONS. SECTION I—COVERAGES This insurance applies to "personal injury" or COVERAGE A. BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY "advertising injury" caused by an "offense" DAMAGE LIABILITY; and COVERAGE B. PER- committed during the policy period, anywhere SONAL INJURY AND ADVERTISING INJURY in the world. LIABILITY. b. Damages because of "bodily injury" include 1. INSURING AGREEMENT. damages claimed by any person or organiza- tion for care, loss of services or death result- s. We will pay on behalf of the insured the "ulti- mate net loss" in excess of the "applicable underlying limit" which the insured becomes c. "Property damage" that is loss of use of tan- legally obligated to pay as damages because gible property that is not physically injured of "bodily injury", "property damage", "per- shall be deemed to occur at the time of the sonal injury" or "advertising injury" to which "occurrence"that caused it. this insurance applies. d. The amount we will pay for damages is lim- This insurance applies to "bodily injury" or ited as described in SECTION III — LIMITS "property damage"only if: OF INSURANCE. (1) The "bodily injury" or "property damage" The following provisions apply only with respect is caused by an "occurrence" that takes to Parts 1.a.(i), (11)and(ill)above: place anywhere in the world; 1. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" which (ii) The "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs during the policy period and was not, occurs during the policy period; prior to the policy period, known to have oc- curred by any insured listed under Paragraph (ill) Prior to the policy period, no insured 1. of Section II—Who Is An Insured or any listed under Paragraph 1. of SECTION II employee authorized by you to give or re- - WHO IS AN INSURED and no em- ceive notice of an "occurrence" or claim, in- ployee authorized by you to give or re- cludes any continuation, change or resump- ceive notice of an "occurrence" or claim, tion of that "bodily injury" or "property knew that the "bodily injury" or "property damage"after the end of the policy period. damage" had occurred, in whole or in part. If such a listed insured or authorized 2. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" will be employee knew, prior to the policy period, deemed to have been known to have oc- curred at the earliest time when any insured age" occurred, then any continuation, listed under Paragraph 1. of SECTION II — change or resumption of such "bodily in- thoWHO IS AN INSURED or any employee au- jury"or"property damage" during or after 11occurr by you to give or receive notice of an the policy period will be deemed to have "occurrence"or claim: been known prior to the policy period. (a) Reports all, or any part, of the "bodily in- jury" or "property damage" to us or any other insurer; UM 00 011103 Copyright,The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2003 Page 1 of 13 UMBRELLA (b) Receives a written or verbal demand or (b) deposited in court: claim for damages because of"bodily in- the part of the judgment that is within the jury"or"property damage"; or "applicable limit of insurance". (c) Becomes aware by any other means that (6) Prejudgment interest awarded against the "bodily injury" or "property damage" has insured on that part of the judgment we occurred or has begun to occur. pay. If we make an offer to pay the "ap- 2. DEFENSE OF CLAIMS OR SUITS. plicable limit of insurance", we will not a. We will have no duty to defend any claim or pay any prejudgment interest based on "suit" that any other insurer has a duty to de- that period of time after the offer. fend. If we elect to join in the defense of such These payments will not reduce the limits of claims or "suits", we will pay all expenses we insurance. incur. In any jurisdiction outside the United States of b. We will have the right and duty to defend any America (including its territories and posses- "suit" for damages which are payable under sions), Puerto Rico or Canada where we may be Coverages A or B (including damages wholly prevented by law or some other factor beyond our or partly within the "retained limit") but which control from carrying out the agreements under 1. are not payable by a policy of "underlying in- INSURING AGREEMENT or 2. DEFENSE OF surance", or any other available insurance, CLAIMS OR SUITS above: because: a. You must arrange to investigate, defend or (1) Such damages are not covered; or settle any claim or"suit". (2) The "underlying insurance" has been ex- b. You will not make any settlement without our hausted by the payment of claims. consent. c. We may investigate and settle any claim or c. We will pay expenses incurred with our con- "suit" in b.above at our discretion. sent. d. Our right and duty in b. above end when we 3. EXCLUSIONS. have used up the "applicable limit of insur- This insurance does not apply to: ance" in the payment of judgments or settle- a. Expected or Intended Injury ments. e. We will pay,with respect to any claim or"suit" "Bodily injury" or"property damage"expected we defend in b.above: or intended from the standpoint of the in- sured. This exclusion does not apply to bod- (1) All expenses we incur. ily injury"resulting from the use of reasonable (2) The cost of appeal bonds and bonds to force to protect persons or property. release attachments, but only for bond b. "Advertising Injury""Offenses" amounts within the "applicable limit of in- surance". We do not have to furnish (1) Breach of Contract these bonds. "Advertising injury"arising out of a breach (3) All reasonable expenses incurred by the of contract, except an implied contract to insured at our request to assist us in the use another's advertising idea in the investigation or defense of the claim or course of advertising your goods, prod- "suit", including actual loss of earnings up ucts or services. to $250 a day because of time off from (2) Quality Or Performance Of Goods — work. Failure To Conform To Statements (4) All costs taxed against the insured in the "Advertising injury" arising out of the fail- "suit". ure of goods, products or services to con- (5) All interest on the full amount of any form with any statement of quality or per- judgment that accrues after entry of the formance made in the course of judgment and before we have: advertising your goods, products or ser- vices. (a) paid, or offered to pay; or Page 2 of 13 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company,2003 UM 00 01 11 03 UMBRELLA (3) Wrong Description Of Prices ployment compensation law or any similar "Advertising injury" arising out of the law• wrong description of the price of goods, f. Pollution products or services stated in the course "Bodily injury", "property damage", "personal of advertising your products, goods or injury"or"advertising injury"arising out of the services. actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dis- c. Employment-Related Practices persal, seepage, migration, release or escape "Bodily injury"or"personal injury"to: of "pollutants", or any loss, cost, expense or damages resulting therefrom, but this exclu- sion does not apply to "bodily injury", "prop- (a) Refusal to employ that person; erty damage","personal injury"or"advertising (b) Termination of that person's employ- injury" to which any policy of "underlying in- ment; or surance" listed in the SCHEDULE OF UN- (c) Employment-related practices, poli- DERLYING INSURANCE of the DECLARA- cies, acts or omissions, such as co- TIONS of this insurance, or any renewal or ercion, demotion, evaluation, reas- replacement thereof, applies or would apply signment, discipline, defamation, but for the exhaustion of its limits of liability. harassment, humiliation or discrimi- Coverage provided will follow the same provi- nation directed at that person; or sions, terms, definitions, exclusions, limita- tions and conditions of the policy(ies) of un- 2. The spouse, child, parent, brother or sis- derlying insurance" listed in the SCHEDULE ter of that person as a consequence of OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE of the DEC- "bodily injury" or "personal injury" to that LARATIONS of this insurance. person at whom any of the employment- g. Watercraft Or Aircraft related practices described in paragraphs (a), (b)or(c)above is directed. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising This exclusion applies whether the insured out of the ownership, maintenance, operation, may be held liable as an employer or in any use, including loading or unloading, or en- other capacity; and, to any obligation to share trustment to others of any watercraft or any damages with or repay someone else who aircraft. must pay damages because of the injury. This exclusion does not apply to: d. Contractual Liability (1) A watercraft while ashore on premises "Bodily injury", "property damage", "personal you own or rent; injury" or "advertising injury" for which the in- (2) Liability assumed under any contract or sured assumed liability under a contract or agreement for the ownership, mainte- agreement. This exclusion does not apply to nance or use of a watercraft; "bodily injury", "property damage", "personal (3) A watercraft over 50 feet in length which injury"or"advertising injury"to which any pol- is chartered with crew by or on behalf of icy of "underlying insurance" listed in the any insured; SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE of the DECLARATIONS of this insurance, or (4) A watercraft less than 50 feet long which any renewal or replacement thereof, applies you own; or or would apply but for the exhaustion of its (5) A watercraft less than 50 feet long which limits of liability. Coverage provided will follow you do not own and is not being used to the same provisions, terms, definitions, ex- carry persons or property for a charge. clusions, limitations and conditions of the pol- This exclusion applies even if the claims icy(ies) of "underlying insurance" listed in the against any insured allege negligence or SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, of the DECLARATIONS of this insurance. employment, training or monitoring of others e. Workers Compensation And Similar Laws by that insured, if the "occurrence" which Any obligation of the insured under a workers caused the "bodily injury" or "property dam- compensation, disability benefits or unem- age" involved the ownership, maintenance, UM 00 01 11 03 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company,2003 Page 3 of 13 UMBRELLA use or entrustment to others of any watercraft "underlying insurance" listed in the or any aircraft that is owned or operated by or SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSUR- rented or loaned to any insured. ANCE of the DECLARATIONS of this in- h. "Personal Injury" Or "Advertising Injury" surance. "Offenses" (6) Insureds In Media And Internet Type (1) Knowing Violation Of Rights Of An. Businesses other "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" committed by an insured whose business caused by or at the direction of the in- is: sured with the knowledge that the act (1) Advertising, broadcasting, publishing would violate the rights of another and or telecasting; would inflict "personal injury" or "advertis- (2) Designing or determining content of ing injury". websites for others;or (2) Material Published With Knowledge Of (3) An Internet search, access, content Falsity or service provider. "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" However, this exclusion does not apply to arising out of oral, written or electronic Paragraphs a., b. and c. of the"personal publication of material, if done by or at the injury" definition in SECTION V — DEFI- direction of the insured with knowledge of NITIONS . its falsity. (3) Material Published Prior To Policy Pe- For the purposes of this exclusion, the riod placing of frames, borders or links, or ad- vertising, for you or others anywhere on "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" the Internet, is not by itself, considered arising out of oral, written or electronic the business of advertising, broadcasting, publication of material whose first publica- publishing or telecasting. tion took place before the beginning of (7) Electronic Chatrooms Or Bulletin the policy period. All "personal injury" or Boards "advertising injury" arising out of publica- tion of the same or similar material sub- sequent to the beginning of the policy pe- arising out of an electronic chatroom or riod is also excluded. bulletin board the insured hosts, owns, or over which the insured exercises control. (4) Criminal Acts (8) Unauthorized Use Of Another's Name "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" Or Product arising out of a criminal act committed by or at the direction of the insured. "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" (5) Contractual Liability arising out of the unauthorized use of an- other s name or product in your e-mail "Personal injury" or"advertising injury" for address, domain name or metatag, or any which the insured has assumed liability in other similar tactics to mislead another's a contract or agreement. This exclusion potential customers. does not apply to "personal injury" or "ad- I. Damage To Property vertising injury" to which any policy of "underlying insurance" listed in the "Property damage"to: SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSUR- (1) Property you own, rent or occupy, includ- ANCE of the DECLARATIONS of this in- ing any costs or expenses incurred by surance, or any renewal or replacement you, or any other person, organization or thereof, applies or would apply but for the entity, for repair, replacement, enhance- exhaustion of its limits of liability. Cover- ment, restoration or maintenance of such age provided will follow the same provi- property for any reason, including preven- sions, terms, definitions, exclusions, limi- tion of injury to a person or damage to tations and conditions of the policy(ies)of another's property; Page 4 of 13 Copyright,The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2003 UM 00 01 1103 UMBRELLA (2) Premises you sell, give away or abandon, (1) A defect, deficiency, inadequacy or dan- if the "property damage" arises out of any gerous condition in "your product" or part of those premises; "your work'; or (3) Property loaned to you; (2) A delay or failure by you or anyone acting (4) Personal property in the care, custody or on your behalf to perform a contract or control of the insured; agreement in accordance with its terms. (5) That particular part of real property on This exclusion does not apply to the loss of which you or any contractors or subcon- use of other property arising out of sudden tractors working directly or indirectly on and accidental physical injury to "your prod- your behalf are performing operations, if uct" or "your work" after it has been put to its the"property damage"arises out of those intended use. operations; or m. Recall Of Products, Work Or Impaired (6) That particular part of any property that Property must be restored, repaired or replaced Damages claimed for any loss, cost or ex- because "your work" was incorrectly per- pense incurred by you or others for the loss of formed on it. use, withdrawal, recall, inspection, repair, re- Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this exclusion placement, adjustment, removal or disposal do not apply to "property damage" (other than of: damage by fire) to premises, including the (1) "Your product"; contents of such premises, rented to you for a (2) "Your work`; or period of 7 or fewer consecutive days. (3) "Impaired property"; Paragraph(2)of this exclusion does not apply if the premises are "your work" and were if such product,work, or property is withdrawn never occupied, rented or held for rental by or recalled from the market or from use by you. any person or organization because of a known or suspected defect, deficiency, in- Paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this exclu- adequacy or dangerous condition in it. sion do not apply to liability assumed under a Motor- sidetrack agreement. n. Uninsured Motorists, Underinsured Motor- ists, "Auto" No-Fault, Medical Expenses Paragraph(6)of this exclusion does not apply Benefits and Income Loss Benefits to "property damage" included in the "prod- ucts-completed operations hazard". Any liability imposed on the insured, or the in- Dama a 7o Your Product sured's insurer, under any of the following j g laws: "Property damage" to "your product" arising (1) Uninsured Motorists; out of it or any part of it. (2) Underinsured Motorists; k. Damage To Your Work " e" to our work" arising (3) "Auto" No-Fault Laws or other first party "Property Y damage" "your Y 9 out personal injury laws; or of it or any part of it and included in the "products-completed operations hazard". (4) Medical Expense Benefits and Income Loss Benefits Laws of any applicable This exclusion does not apply if the damaged state or jurisdiction. work or the work out of which the damage arises was performed on your behalf by a o. Liquor Legal Liability subcontractor. "Bodily injury"or"property damage" for which I. Damage To Impaired Property Or Property any insured may be held liable by reason of: Not Physically Injured (1) Causing or contributing to the intoxication "Property damage" to "impaired property" or of any person; property that has not been physically injured, (2) The furnishing of alcoholic beverages to a arising out of: person under the legal drinking age or under the influence of alcohol; or UM 00 01 11 03 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company,2003 Page 5 of 13 UMBRELLA (3) Any statute, ordinance or regulation relat- borrow while it is being used in your busi- ing to the sale, gift, distribution or use of ness. alcoholic beverages. None of the following is an insured under (1) This exclusion applies only if you are in the or(2)above: business of manufacturing, distributing, sell- (a) Any person employed by or engaged ing, serving or furnishing alcoholic beverages. in the duties of an auto sales agency, This exclusion does not apply to "bodily in- repair shop, service station, storage jury"or"property damage"to which any policy garage or public parking place that of "underlying insurance" listed in the you do not operate; SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE (b) The owner or lessee of any "auto" of the DECLARATIONS of this insurance, or hired by or for you or loaned to you, any renewal or replacement thereof, applies and any agent or employee of such or would apply but for the exhaustion of its owner or lessee. limits of liability.Coverage provided will follow the same provisions, terms, definitions, ex- clusions, limitations and conditions of the pol- (1) Your executive officers, employees, direc- icy(ies) of "underlying insurance" listed in the tors or stockholders while acting within SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE the scope of their duties; and of the DECLARATIONS of this insurance. (2) Any person or organization while acting SECTION II—WHO IS AN INSURED. as real estate manager for you. 1. If you are designated in the Declarations as: c. Any organization you newly acquire or form, a. An individual, you and your spouse are insur- other than a partnership or joint venture, and eds, but only with respect to the conduct of a over which you maintain ownership or major- business of which you are the sole owner. ity interest, will be deemed to be a Named In- b. A partnership or joint venture, you are an in- sured. However, coverage does not apply to: sured. Your members, your partners, and (1) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" that their spouses are also insureds, but only with occurred before you acquired or formed respect to the conduct of your business. the organization; and c. A limited liability company, you are an in- (2) "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" sured. Your members are also insureds, but arising out of an "offense" committed be- only with respect to the conduct of your busi- fore you acquired or formed the organiza- ness. Your managers are insureds, but only tion. with respect to their duties as your managers. d. Any person or organization having proper d. An organization other than a partnership,joint temporary custody of your property if you die, venture or limited liability company, you are but only: an insured. (1) With respect to liability arising out of the e. A trust, you are an insured. Your trustees are maintenance or use of that property; and also insureds, but only with respect to their (2) Until your legal representative has been duties as trustees. appointed. 2. Each of the following is also an insured: e. Your legal representative if you die, but only a. As respects the "auto hazard": with respect to duties as such. That represen- (1) Anyone using an "auto" you own, hire or tative will have all your rights and duties un- borrow including any person or organiza- der this insurance. tion legally responsible for such use pro- f. Any other person or organization insured un- vided it is with your permission; and der any policy of the "underlying insurance" (2) Any of your executive officers, directors, listed in the SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE of the DECLARATIONS of this partners, employees or stockholders, op- insurance for whom you have agreed in a erating an "auto" you do not own, hire or written contract executed prior to loss to pro- vide insurance.This insurance is subject to all Page 6 of 13 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2003 UM 00 01 1103 UMBRELLA the limitations upon coverage under such pol- Non cumulation of Personal and Advertising In- icy of "underlying insurance", and, the limits jury Limit— If"personal injury" and/or"advertising of insurance afforded to such person or or- injury" is sustained by any one person or organi- ganization will be: zation during the policy period and during the pol- (i) The difference between the "underlying icy period of one or more prior and/or future poli- insurance" limits and the minimum limits cies that include a COMMERCIAL EXCESS of insurance which you agreed to provide; LIABILITY (UMBRELLA) INSURANCE policy for or the insured issued by us or any affiliated insur- ance company, the amount we will pay is limited. (ii) The limits of insurance of this policy This policy's Personal and Advertising Injury Limit whichever is less. will be reduced by the amount of each payment If the minimum limits of insurance you agreed made by us and any affiliated insurance company to provide such person or organization in a under the other policies because of such "per- written contract are wholly within the"underly- sonal injury"and/or"advertising injury". ing insurance", this policy shall not apply. 5. Subject to 2. or 3. above, whichever applies, the No person or organization is an insured with re- Each Occurrence Limit is the most we will pay for spect to the conduct of any current or past part- the sum of damages under Coverage A because nership or joint venture that is not shown as a of all "bodily injury" and"property damage" arising Named Insured in the Declarations. out of any one"occurrence". No person is an insured as respects "bodily in- Non cumulation of Each Occurrence Limit—If one jury" to a fellow employee unless insurance for "occurrence" causes "bodily injury" and/or "prop- uch liability is afforded by the "underlying insur- erty damage" during the policy period and during s ce". the policy period of one or more prior and/or fu- ture policies that include a COMMERCIAL EX- SECTION III—LIMITS OF INSURANCE. CESS LIABILITY (UMBRELLA) INSURANCE 1. The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations policy for the insured issued by us or any affiliated and the rules below fix the most we will pay re- insurance company, the amount we will pay is gardless of the number of: limited. This policy's Each Occurrence Limit will a. Insureds; be reduced by the amount of each payment made by us and any affiliated insurance company under b. Claims made or"suits"brought; or the other policies because of such "occurrence". c. Persons or organizations making claims or To determine the limit of our liability, all "bodily injury" bringing "suits". and "property damage" arising out of continuous or 2. The Products-Completed Operations Aggregate repeated exposure to the same general conditions Limit is the most we will pay under Coverage A shall be considered one"occurrence". for damages because of injury and damage in- The limits of this insurance apply separately to each cluded in the "products-completed operations consecutive annual period and to any remaining hazard". period of less than 12 months. The policy period 3. The General Aggregate Limit is the most we will begins with the effective date shown in the Declara- pay for damages under Coverage A and Cover- tions. If the policy period is extended after issuance age B, except: for an additional period of less than 12 months, the a. Damages because of injury and damage in- additional period will be deemed part of the last cluded in the "products-completed operations preceding period. hazard`; and SECTION IV—CONDITIONS. b. Damages because of injury and damage in- 1. APPEALS. cluded in the "auto hazard". a. If the insured or the insured's "underlying in- 4: Subject to 3.above, the Personal and Advertising surer elects not to appeal a judgment which Injury Limit is the most we will pay under Cover- exceeds the "applicable underlying limit", we age B for the sum of all damages because of all may do so. "personal injury" and all "advertising injury" sus- b. If we do, we will pay all costs of the appeal. tained by any one person or organization. We will also pay all costs on appeals related UM 00 01 1103 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2003 Page 7 of 13 UMBRELLA to the defense of the insured as provided in this insurance except with our consent. The terms SECTION 1, 2. DEFENSE OF CLAIMS OR of this insurance can be amended or waived only SUITS. These sums are in addition to the by endorsement issued by us and made a part of "applicable limit of insurance". In no event this insurance. shall our liability for "ultimate net loss"exceed $, DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF OCCURRENCE OR the "applicable limit of insurance". OFFENSE, CLAIM OR SUIT. 2. BANKRUPTCY. a. You must see to it that we are notified a. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insured or the promptly of an "occurrence" or an "offense" insured's estate will not relieve us of our obli- which may result in a claim under this insur- gations under this insurance. ance. Notice should include: b. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the "underlying (1) How, when and where the "occurrence" insurer" will not relieve us of our obligations or"offense"took place; and under this insurance. (2) The names and addresses of any injured However, this insurance will not replace the "un- persons and witnesses. derlying insurance" in event of bankruptcy or in- b. If a claim is made or "suit" is brought against solvency of the "underlying insurer". This insur- any insured which may result in a claim ance will apply as if the "underlying insurance" against this insurance, you must see to it that were in full effect. we receive prompt written notice of the claim 3: CANCELLATION. or"suit". a. You may cancel this insurance by mailing or c. The insured must: delivering to us advance written notice of (1) Cooperate with the"underlying insurers"; cancellation. b. We may cancel this insurance by mailing or (2) Comply with the terms of the "underlying insurance"; and delivering to you written notice of cancellation at least: (3) Pursue all rights of contribution or indem- ( � y 1 10 days before the effective date of can- nity against any person or organization who may be liable to the insured because cellation if we cancel for nonpayment of of "bodily injury", "property damage", premium; or "personal injury" or "advertising injury" (2) 30 days before the effective date of can- with respect to which insurance is pro- cellation if we cancel for any other rea- vided under this or any policy of"underly- son. ing insurance". c. We will mail or deliver our notice to your last d. When we believe that a claim may exceed the mailing address known to us. "underlying insurance", we may join with the d. Notice of cancellation will state the effective insured and the "underlying insurer" in the in- date of cancellation. The policy period will vestigation, settlement and defense of all end on that date. claims and "suits" in connection with such "occurrence" or "offense". In such event, the e. If this insurance is cancelled,we will send you insured must cooperate with us. any premium refund due. If we cancel, the re- 6. EXAMINATION OF YOUR BOOKS AND RE- fund will be pro rata. If you cancel, the refund will be pro rata less 10% of the pro rata un- earned premium. The cancellation will be ef- We may examine and audit your books and re- fective even if we have not made or offered a cords as they relate to this insurance: refund. a. At any time during the policy period; f. If notice is mailed, proof of mailing will be suf- b. Up to three years afterward; or ficient proof of notice. c. Within one year after final settlement of all 4. CHANGES. claims under this insurance. This contract contains all the agreements be- 7, INSPECTIONS AND SURVEYS. tween you and us concerning the insurance af- forded. No change can be made in the terms of We have the right but are not obligated to: Page 8 of 13 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2003 UM 00 01 11 03 UMBRELLA a. Make inspections and surveys at any time; b. Limits of insurance; b. Give you reports on the conditions we find; c. Termination of any coverage; or and d. Exhaustion of aggregate limits. c. Recommend changes. 10. OTHER INSURANCE. Any inspections, surveys, reports or recommen- This insurance is excess over any other valid and dations relate only to insurability and the premi- collectible insurance whether such other insur- ums to be charged. We do not make safety in- ance is stated to be primary, contributing, excess, spections. We do not undertake to perform the contingent or otherwise. This provision does not duty of any person or organization to provide for apply to a policy bought specifically to apply in the health or safety of workers or the public. We excess of this insurance. do not warrant that conditions are safe or health- 11. OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS. ful; or comply with laws, regulations, codes or standards. If we make a payment under this insurance, the 8. LEGAL ACTION AGAINST US. insured will assist us and the "underlying insurer" in recovering what we paid by using the insured's No person or organization has a right under this rights of recovery. Reimbursement will be made insurance: in the following order: a. To join us as a party or otherwise bring us a. First, to any interest (including the insured) into a "suit" asking for damages from an in- who has paid any amount in excess of the sured; or limits of this insurance; b. To sue us on this insurance unless all of its b. Next to us; and terms have been fully complied with. c. Then to any interest (including the insured A person or organization may sue us to recover and the "underlying insurer")as are entitled to on an agreed settlement or on a final judgment claim the remainder, if any. against an insured. We will not be liable for dam- A different order may apply if agreed upon by all ages that are not payable under the terms of this insurance; or are in excess of the"applicable limit interests. Expenses incurred in the process of re- in insurance". covery will be divided among all interests accord- ing to the ratio of their respective recoveries. An agreed settlement means a settlement and re- 12. PREMIUM. lease of liability signed by us, the insured and the claimant or the claimant's legal representative. a. You are responsible for the payment of all 9. MAINTENANCE OF UNDERLYING INSUR- premiums and will be the payee for any return ANCE. premiums. The insurance afforded by each policy in the b. If the premium is a flat charge, it is not subject schedule of"underlying insurance"in the Declara- to adjustment except as provided in d.below. tons will be maintained for the full term of this in- c. If the premium is other than a flat charge, it is surance. This provision does not apply to the re- an advance premium only. The earned pre- duction of the aggregate limit or limits due to mium will be computed at the end of each payment of judgments or settlements for "bodily year in which this insurance is in force at the injury", "personal injury", "property damage" or rate shown in the Declarations, subject to the "advertising injury". As these policies expire, you Minimum Annual Premium. will renew them at limits at least equal to the ex- d. Additional premium may become payable piring limits of insurance. when coverage is provided for additional in- If you fail to comply with the above, this insurance sureds and named insureds under the provi- is not invalidated. However,in the event of a loss, sions of SECTION II—2.c.and f. we will pay only to the extent that we would have 13. PREMIUM AUDIT. paid had you so complied. a. You must keep records of the information we You must give us a written notice of any change need for premium computation, and send us in the "underlying insurance" as respects: copies at such times as we may request. a. Coverage; UM 00 01 11 03 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2003 Page 9 of 13 UMBRELLA b. At the close of each audit period we will com- b. The amount of the "applicable underlying pute the earned premium for that period and limit" is paid by or on behalf of the insured. send notice to the first Named Insured. We will pay all claims within thirty days provided c. The due date for audit and retrospective pre- all terms of this insurance are met. miums is the date as shown as the due date The insured will reimburse us for any payment we on the bill. make for damages which are within the "retained d. If the sum of the advance and audit premiums limit". paid for the policy period is greater than the 18, TITLES OF PARAGRAPHS. earned premium, we will return the excess to you subject to the minimum premiums. The titles of paragraphs of this policy and any en- you REPRESENTATION. dorsements attached to this policy are inserted solely for convenience of reference and are not to By accepting this insurance, you agree: be deemed in any way to limit or affect the provi- a. The statements in the Declarations and any sions to which they relate. subsequent notice relating to "underlying in- 19. CURRENCY surance"are accurate and complete; Loss payments and expense reimbursements will b. Those statements are based upon represen- be in the same currency as the currency of the tations you made to us; and Limits of Insurance stated in the Declarations. At c. We have issued this insurance in reliance our sole option, we may agree to pay loss or re- upon your representations. imburse expense under this policy in another cur- rency. Any necessary currency conversion shall 15. SEPARATION OF INSUREDS. be calculated based on the rate of exchange pub- Except with respect to the Limits of Insurance, lished in the next Wall Street Journal subsequent and any rights or duties specifically assigned to to the date of judgment, settlement or agreement. you in this insurance, this insurance applies: SECTION V—DEFINITIONS. a. As if each Named Insured were the only 1. "Advertising injury" means injury arising out of Named Insured; and one or more of the following "offenses": b. Separately to each insured against whom a. Oral or written publication of material that claim is made or"suit" is brought. slanders or libels a person or organization or 16. TRANSFER OF YOUR RIGHTS AND DUTIES disparages a person's or organization's UNDER THIS INSURANCE. goods, products or services provided that Your rights and duties under this insurance may claim is made or"suit" is brought by a person not be transferred without our written consent ex- or organization that claims to have been cept in the case of death of an individual named slandered or libeled, or whose goods, prod- insured. ucts or services have allegedly been dispar- aged; If you die, your rights and duties will be trans-ferred to your legal representative but only while b. Oral or written publication of material that ap- acting within the scope of duties as your legal propriates a persons likeness, unreasonably representative. Until your legal representative is places a person in a false light or gives un- appointed, anyone having proper temporary cus- reasonable publicity to a person's private life; tody of your property will have your rights and du- or ties but only with respect to that property. c. Infringement of copyright,title or slogan, pro- 17. WHEN LOSS IS PAYABLE. vided that claim is made or "suit" is brought by a person or organization claiming owner- If we are liable under this insurance, we will pay ship of such copyright, title or slogan. for"ultimate net loss"after: Such "offenses"must be committed in the course a. (1) The insured's liability is established by of advertising your goods or products. court decision; or 2. "Applicable limit of insurance" means the maxi- (2) There is a written agreement between the mum amount we will pay as damages in accor- claimant, the insured, any "underlying in- surer"and us; and Page 10 of 13 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2003 UM 00 01 1103 UMBRELLA dance with SECTION III — LIMITS OF INSUR- 8. "Occurrence" means an accident, including ANCE. continuous or repeated exposure to substantially 3. "Applicable underlying limit" means: the same general harmful conditions. a. If the policies of "underlying insurance" apply 9. "Offense" means any of the offenses listed in the to the "occurrence" or "offense", the greater definition of "personal injury" or "advertising in- of: jury, (1) The amount of insurance stated in the 10. "Personal injury" means injury, other than "bodily policies of "underlying insurance" in the injury", arising out of one or more of the following Declarations or any other available insur- offenses: ance less the amount by which any ag- a. False arrest, detention or imprisonment; gregate limit so stated has been reduced b. Malicious prosecution; solely due to payment of claims;or c. The wrongful eviction from, wrongful entry (2) The "retained limit" shown in the Declara- into, or invasion of the right of private occu- tions; or pancy of a room, dwelling or premises that a b. If the policies of"underlying insurance"do not person occupies by or on behalf of its owner, apply to the "occurrence" or "offense", the landlord or lessor, provided that the wrongful amount stated in the Declarations as the "re- eviction,wrongful entry or invasion of the right tained limit". of private occupancy is performed by or on The limits of insurance in any policy of"underlying behalf of the owner, landlord or lessor of that insurance"will apply even if: room, dwelling or premises; (I) The "underlying insurer" claims the insured d. Oral, written or electronic publication of mate- failed to comply with any condition of the pol- rial that slanders or libels a person or organi- zation or disparages a person's or organiza- icy; or tion's goods, products or services, provided (ii) The "underlying insurer" becomes bankrupt or that claim is made or "suit" is brought by a insolvent. person or organization that claims to have 4. "Auto" means a land motor vehicle, trailer or been slandered or libeled, or whose goods, semi-trailer. products or services have allegedly been dis- 5. "Auto hazard" means all "bodily injury" and "prop- paraged;or erty damage" for which liability insurance is af- e. Oral, written or electronic publication of mate- forded under the terms, other than limits of insur- rial that appropriates a person's likeness, un- ance, of the auto policy of"underlying insurance". reasonably places a person in a false light or 6. "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, shock, fright, gives unreasonable publicity to a person's mental injury, disability, mental anguish, humilia- private life. tion, sickness or disease sustained by a person, Such "offenses" must arise out of the conduct of including death resulting from any of these at any your business, excluding advertising, publishing, time. broadcasting or telecasting done by or for you. 7. "Impaired property" means tangible property, 11. "Pollutants" means one or more solid, liquid, other than "your product" or "your work", that gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant includ- cannot be used or is less useful because: ing smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, a. It incorporates "your product" or "your work" chemicals and waste. Waste includes material to that is known or thought to be defective, defi- be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed. cient, inadequate or dangerous; or 12. a. "Products-completed operations hazard" b. You have failed to fulfill the terms of a con- includes all "bodily injury" and "property Jam- age" occurring away from premises you own tract or agreement; or rent and arising out of "your product" or if such property can be restored to use by the re- "your work"except: pair, replacement, adjustment or removal of"your (1) Products that are still in your physical product"or"your work'; or your fulfilling the terms of the contract or agreement. possession; or UM 00 01 1103 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company,2003 Page 11 of 13 UMBRELLA (2) Work that has not yet been completed or (3) Programming records for electronic data abandoned. processing or electronically controlled equip- b. "Your work" will be deemed completed at the ment. earliest of the following times: 14. "Retained limit" is the sum stated in the Declara- (1) When all of the work called for in your tions as such. If the policies of "underlying insur- contract has been completed. ance" do not apply to the "occurrence" or "of- fense",the insured shall retain this amount as self (2) When all of the work to be done at the job insurance with respect to: site has been completed if your contract calls for work at more than one job site. a. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" caused by each "occurrence"; or (3) When that part of the work done at a job site has been put to its intended use by b. "Personal injury" or "advertising injury" sus- any person or organization other than an- to u any one person or organization and other contractor or subcontractor working caused b by an"offense". on the same project. 15. "Suit" means a civil proceeding in which damages Work that may need service, maintenance, because of "bodily injury", "property damage", correction, repair or replacement, but which is "personal injury" or "advertising injury" to which otherwise complete, will be treated as com- this insurance applies are alleged."Suit" includes: pleted. a. An arbitration proceeding alleging such dam- c. "Products-completed operations hazard"does ages to which the insured must submit or not include "bodily injury" or "property dam- does submit with our consent; or age" arising out of: b. Any other alternative dispute resolution pro- (1) The transportation of property, unless the ceeding in which such damages are claimed injury or damage arises out of a condition and to which the insured submits with our in or on a vehicle not owned or operated consent. by you, and that condition was created by 16. "Ultimate net loss" means the sum actually paid the loading or unloading of that vehicle by or payable due to a claim for which the insured is any insured; or liable either by a settlement to which we agreed (2) The existence of tools, uninstalled or a final judgment. Such sum will include proper equipment or abandoned or unused ma- adjustments for recoveries and salvage. terials. 17. "Underlying insurance" means the policies listed 13. "Property damage" means: in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance and in- cludes: a. Physical injury to tangible property, including all resulting loss of use of that property. All a. Any renewal or replacement of such policies; such loss of use shall be deemed to occur at and the time of the physical injury that caused it; b. Any other insurance available to the insured. or 18. "Underlying insurer" means any insurer which b. Loss of use of tangible property that is not provides a policy listed in the Schedule of Under- physically injured. All such loss of use shall lying Insurance or any other insurance available _ be deemed to occur at the time of the"occur- to the insured. rence"that caused it. 19. "Your product": "Property damage" does not include "electronic a. Means: media and records". (1) Any goods or products, other than real As used in this definition, "electronic media and property, manufactured, sold, handled, records" means: distributed or disposed of by: (1) Electronic data processing, recording or stor- (a) You; age media such as films, tapes, discs, drums or cells; (b) Others trading under your name; or (2) Data stored on such media; or Page 12 of 13 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2003 UM 00 01 1103 UMBRELLA (c) A person or organization whose busi- 20. "Your work": ness or assets you have acquired; a. Means: and (1) Work or operations performed by you or (2) Containers (other than vehicles), materi- on your behalf; and als, parts or equipment furnished in con- nection with such goods or products. {2) Materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations. b. Includes: b. Includes: (1) Warranties or representations made at any time with respect to the fitness, qual- (1) Warranties or representations made at ity,durability, performance or use of"your any time with respect to the fitness, qual- product'; and ity,durability, performance or use of"your (2) The providing of or failure to provide work"; and warnings or instructions. (2) The providing of or failure to provide c. Does not include vending machines or other warnings or instructions. property rented to or located for the use of others but not sold. UM 00 01 11 03 Copyright, The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2003 Page 13 of 13 KENT SPEC I AL PROV I S 1 ONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQU I REMENTS ..................................... 1-1 1-01 Definitions and Terms...................................................... 1-1 1-02 Bid Procedures and Conditions.......................................... 1-2 1-03 Award and Execution of Contract....................................... 1-5 1 -04 Scope of the Work .......................................................... 1-5 1-05 Control of Work .............................................................. 1-8 1-06 Control of Material .......................................................... 1-15 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public................. 1-18 1-08 Prosecution and Progress ................................................. 1-21 1-09 Measurement and Payment .............................................. 1-25 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control ................................................ 1-29 DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK.......................................................... 2-1 2-01 Clearing, Grubbing, and Roadside Cleanup ......................... 2-1 2-02 Removal of Structures and Obstructions............................. 2-1 2-03 Roadway Excavation and Embankment .............................. 2-4 2-06 Subgrade Preparation...................................................... 2-4 2-07 Watering ....................................................................... 2-5 2-13 Drainage Swale .............................................................. 2-6 DIVISION 4 BASES.................................................................... 4-1 4-03 Gravel Borrow ................................................................ 4-1 4-04 Ballast and Crushed Surfacing .......................................... 4-2 DIVISION 5 SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS .............. 5-1 5-02 Bituminous Surface Treatment.......................................... 5-1 5-03 Permeable Hot Mix Asphalt............................................... 5-1 5-04 Hot Mix Asphalt .............................................................. 5-5 DIVISION 7 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS AND CONDUITS............... 7-1 7-01 Drains ........................................................................... 7-1 7-04 Storm Sewers ................................................................ 7-1 7-05 Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins, and Drywells...................... 7-2 7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements .............................. 7-6 DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION ......................... 8-1 8-01 Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control........................ 8-1 8-02 Roadside Restoration....................................................... 8-9 8-04 Curbs, Gutters, and Spillways........................................... 8-11 8-09 Raised Pavement Markers ................................................ 8-12 8-12 Chain Link Fence and Wire Fence ...................................... 8-13 8-14 Cement Concrete Sidewalks ............................................. 8-15 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 KENT SPEC 1 AL PROV I S I ONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 8-20 Illumination, Traffic Signal Systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Electrical............................... 8-18 8-21 Permanent Signing.......................................................... 8-22 8-22 Pavement Marking .......................................................... 8-22 8-24 Gravity Block Wall........................................................... 8-24 8-28 Pothole Utilities .............................................................. 8-25 8-30 Project Signs.................................................................. 8-26 8-33 Tree Removal for Construction Improvements..................... 8-27 DIVISION 9 MATERIALS............................................................ 9-1 9-03 Aggregates .................................................................... 9-1 9-13 Riprap, Quarry Spalls, Slope Protection, and Rock For Erosion and Scour Protection and Rock Walls ...................... 9-3 9-14 Erosion Control and Roadside Planting ............................... 9-3 9-16 Fence and Guardrail ........................................................ 9-6 9-28 Signing Materials and Fabrication ...................................... 9-6 9-29 Illumination, Signal, Electrical........................................... 9-8 KENT STANDARD PLANS ................................................................. A-1 WSDOT STANDARD PLANS.............................................................. A-2 TRAFF I C CONTROL PLANS .............................................................. A-3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT................ A-4 PREVA I L I NG WAGE RATES.............................................................. A-5 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS The Kent Special Provisions ("Kent Special Provisions" or "KSP") modify and supersede any conflicting provisions of the 2016 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations ("WSDOT Standard Specifications"). Otherwise all provisions of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall apply. All references in the WSDOT Standard Specifications to the State of Washington, its various departments or directors, or to the contracting agency, shall be revised to include the City and/or City Engineer, except for references to State statutes or regulations. Finally, all of these documents are a part of this contract. DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REOU I REMENTS 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS SECTION 1-01.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.1 General When these Kent Special Provisions make reference to a "Section," for example, "in accordance with Section 1-01 ," the reference is to the WSDOT Standard Specifications as modified by these Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 1-01.2(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.2(2) Items of Work and Units of Measurement EA Each Eq. Adj. Equitable Adjustment FA Force Account HR Hour M GAL Thousand gallons N I C Not In Contract SF Square Feet SECTION 1-01.3, "CONTRACT"DEFINITION, IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.3 Definitions Contract The written agreement between the Contracting Agency and the Contractor. It describes, among other things: 1 . What work will be done, and by when; 2. Who provides labor and materials; and 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 1 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 3. How Contractors will be paid. The Contract includes the Contract (agreement) Form, Bidder's completed Proposal Form, Kent Special Provisions, Contract Provisions, Contract Plans, WSDOT Standard Specifications (also including amendments to the Standard Specifications issued by WSDOT as of the later date of bid advertisement or any subsequent addenda), Kent Standard Plans, Addenda, various certifications and affidavits, supplemental agreements, change orders, and subsurface boring logs (if any), Also incorporated in the Contract by reference are: 1 . Standard Plans (M21-01) for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association, current edition; 2. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, current edition, and; 3. American Water Works Association Standards, current edition; 4. The current edition of the "National Electrical Code." Responsibility for obtaining these publications rests with the Contractor. SECTION 1-01.3, "DEFINITIONS" IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING DEFINITION: Incidental Work The terms "incidental to the project," "incidental to the involved bid item(s)," etc., as used in the Contract shall mean that the Contractor is required to complete the specified work and the cost of such work shall be included in the unit contract prices of other bid items as specified in Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract). No additional payment will be made. 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS SECTION 1-02.1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.1 Qualification of Bidders Bidders shall be qualified by ability, experience, financing, equipment, and organization to do the work called for in the Contract. The City reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary to ascertain the ability of the Bidder to perform the work satisfactorily. This action includes the City's review of the qualification information in the bid documents. The City will use this qualification data in its decision to determine whether the lowest responsive bidder is also responsible and able to perform the contract work. If the City determines that the lowest bidder is not the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, the City reserves its unqualified right to reject that bid and award the 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 2 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 contract to the next lowest bidder that the City, in its solejudgment, determines is also responsible and able to perform the contract work (the "lowest responsive and responsible bidder"). SECTION 1-02.2 1S DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications Upon awarding the Contract, the City shall supply to the Contractor, for its own use, up to ten (10) copies of the plans and specifications. If the Contractor requests more than ten (10) copies, the City may require the Contractor to purchase the additional sets. SECTION 1-02.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.5 Proposal Forms Prospective bidders may obtain Bid Documents including a "Bid Proposal" for the advertised project from the City upon furnishing a non-refundable payment as specified in the "Invitation to Bid" or by downloading at no charge at KentWA.gov/doing-business/bids- procurement; however, a prospective bidder remains responsible to obtain Bid Documents, even if unable to download all or any part of the documents, whether or not inability to access is caused by the bidder's or the City's technology. Bid Documents may be requested by mail, or picked up at the Public Works Engineering Department, 400 West Gowe Street, Second Floor, Kent, Washington 98032. SECTION 1-02.6 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to obtain and incorporate all issued addenda into the bid. In the space provided on the Proposal Signature Page, the Bidder shall confirm that all Addenda have been received. All blanks in the proposal forms must be appropriately filled in. SECTION 1-02.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH: Proposals must contain original signature pages. FACSIMILES OR OTHER FORMS OF ELECTRONIC DELIVERY ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AND ARE CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE SUBMITTALS. SECTION 1-02.7 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.7 Bid Deposit A deposit of at least 5 percent of the total Bid shall accompany each Bid. This deposit may be cash, cashier's check, or a proposal bond (Surety bond). Any proposal bond shall be on the City's bond form and 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 3 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 shall be signed by the Bidder and the Surety. A proposal bond shall not be conditioned in any way to modify the minimum 5-percent required. The Surety shall: (1) be registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and (2) appear on the current Authorized Insurance List in the State of Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. The failure to furnish a Bid deposit of a minimum of 5 percent with the Bid shall make the Bid nonresponsive and shall cause the Bid to be rejected by the Contracting Agency. SECTION 1-02.9 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal All bids must be sealed and delivered in accordance with the "Invitation to Bid." Bids must be received at the City Clerk's office by the stated time, regardless of delivery method, including U.S. Mail. SECTION 1-02.10 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.10 Withdrawing, Revising, or Supplementing Proposal After submitting a Bid Proposal to the Contracting Agency, the Bidder may withdraw or revise it if: 1 . The Bidder submits a written request signed by an authorized person, and 2. The Contracting Agency receives the request before the time for opening Bids. The original Bid Proposal may be revised and resubmitted as the official Bids Proposal if the Contracting Agency receives it before the time for opening Bids. SECTION 1-02.11 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.11 Combination and Multiple Proposals No person, firm or corporation shall be allowed to make, file, or be interested in more than one bid for the same work unless alternate bids are specifically called for; however, a person, firm, or corporation that has submitted a subproposal to a bidder, or that has quoted prices of materials to a bidder is not disqualified from submitting a subproposal or quoting prices to other bidders or from making a prime proposal. SECTION 1-02.13 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 1(a) AND REPLACING ITEM 1(a) WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals a. The bidder is not prequalified when so required. 132rtd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 4 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 1-02.14 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 3 AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders 3. The bidder is not qualified for the work or to the full extent of the bid. 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT SECTION 1-03.1 IS REVISED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IN THAT SECTION. 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids The City also reserves the right to include or omit any or all schedules or alternates of the Proposal and will award the Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder based on the total bid amount, including schedules or alternates selected by the City. SECTION 1-03.2 IS REVISED BY REPLACING "45 CALENDAR DAYS" WITH 1160 CALENDAR DAYS"RELATING TO CONTRACT AWARD OR BID REJECTION. 1-03.2 Award of Contract SECTION 1-03.3 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-03.3 Execution of Contract No claim for delay shall be granted to the Contractor due to its failure to submit the required documents to the City in accordance with the schedule provided in these Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 1-03.7 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-03.7 Judicial Review Any decision made by the City regarding the award and execution of the contract or bid rejection shall be conclusive subject to the scope of judicial review permitted under Washington State Law. Such review, if any, shall be timely filed in the King County Superior Court, located in Kent, Washington. 1-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK SECTION 1-04.1(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.1(2) Bid Items Not Included in the Proposal The Contractor shall include all costs of doing the work within the bid item prices. If the contract plans, contract provisions, addenda, or any 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 5 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 other part of the contract require work that has no bid item price in the proposal form, the entire cost of labor and materials required to perform that work shall be incidental and included with the bid item prices in the contract. SECTION 1-04.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE WORDS, "KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS, KENT STANDARD PLANS"FOLLOWING THE WORDS, "CONTRACT PROVISIONS" IN THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH. SECTION 1-04.2 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7 IN THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING 8 ITEMS: 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, Specifications, and Addenda 1 . Approved Change Orders 2. The Contract Agreement 3. Kent Special Provisions 4. Contract Plans 5. Amendments to WSDOT Standard Specifications 6. WSDOT Standard Specifications 7. Kent Standard Plans 8. WSDOT Standard Plans SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD PARAGRAPH (INCLUDING SUBPARAGRAPHS A AND B). SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIFTH PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.4 Changes For Item 2, increases or decreases in quantity for any bid item shall be paid at the appropriate bid item contract price, including any bid item increase or decrease by more than 25 percent from the original planned quantity. SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE EIGHTH PARAGRAPH (NEXT TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH) AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: Within 14 calendar days of delivery of the change order the Contractor shall endorse and return the change order, request an extension of time for endorsement or respond in accordance with Section 1-04.5. The Contracting Agency may unilaterally process the change order if the Contractor fails to comply with these requirements. Changes normally noted on field stakes or variations from estimated quantities, will not require a written change order. These changes shall be made at the unit prices that apply. The Contractor shall respond immediately to changes shown on field stakes without waiting for further notice. 132"d Pedestrian improvements/Holcomb 1 - 6 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 1-04.6 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.6 Variation in Estimated Quantities Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of Work performed and accepted in conformance with the Contract. SECTION 1-04.9 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.9 Use of Private Properties Staging and storage locations needed for the Project must be properly permitted for that use. Limits of construction are indicated or defined on the plans. The Contractor shall confine all construction activities within these limits. If a staging and storage area is shown on the plans, the City will obtain all permits and approvals necessary for the Contractor's use. Whether the City does or does not provide a staging area, if the Contractor selects its own staging and storage area(s), it is the Contractor's sole responsibility to obtain all necessary permits/approvals to use the private property, specifically including, without limitation, all permits or approvals subject to State Environmental Policy Act, Shoreline Management Act, and critical areas regulations. Before using any other property as a staging or storage area (or for any other use), the Contractor shall thoroughly investigate the property for the presence of critical areas, buffers of critical areas, or other regulatory restrictions as defined in Kent City Code, county, state or federal regulations, and the Contractor shall provide the City written documentation that the property is not subject to other regulatory requirements or that the Contractor has obtained all necessary rights of entry, permits and approvals needed to use the property as the Contractor intends. Upon vacating the private property, the Contractor shall provide the City written verification that it has obtained all releases and/or performed all mitigation work as required by the conditions of the permit/approval and/or agreement with the property owner. The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation or an extension of the time of completion of the Contractor for any work associated with the permitting, mitigation or use of private property. SECTION 1-04.11 ITEM 2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.11 Final Cleanup 2. Remove from the project all unapproved and/or unneeded material left from grading, surfacing, paving, or temporary erosion control measures. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 7 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK SECTION 1-05.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE LAST FOUR PARAGRAPHS SECTION 1-05.4 IS REVISED BY ADDING A PARAGRAPH AFTER PARAGRAPH 7 1-05.4 Conformity With and Deviations From Plans and Stakes To the extent a conflict exists between the requirements of WSDOT Section 1-05.4 and Kent Special Provision Section 1-05.5, the requirements of KSP Section 1-05.5 will prevail. DIVISION 1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-05.5 City Provided Construction Staking 1-05.5(1) General As used in this Section 1 -05.5, the words, "stake," "mark," "marker," or "monument" will be deemed to include any kind of survey marking, whether or not set by the City. The City will supply construction stakes and marks establishing lines, slopes and grades as set forth in Sections 1-05.5(2) through 1-05.5(6) of the Kent Special Provisions. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for detailed dimensions, elevations, and excavation slopes measured from these City furnished stakes and marks. The Contractor shall provide a work site clear of equipment, stockpiles and obstructions which has been prepared and maintained to permit construction staking to proceed in a safe and orderly manner. A City survey crew can stake a finite amount of work in a single day (see Section 1-05.5(6) of the Kent Special Provisions). The Contractor shall provide staking requests for a reasonable amount of work to the Engineer at least 3 working days in advance to allow the survey crew adequate time for setting stakes. If the work site is obstructed so that survey work cannot be done, a new request for work shall be submitted by the Contractor so that the survey can be rescheduled once the site is properly prepared. Up to an additional 3 working days may be required depending on work load for the city survey crew to complete the rescheduled work. Note: A surveyor working day is a consecutive eight hour period between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except holidays as listed in Section 1-08.5. It is illegal under Revised Code of Washington 58.09.130 and Washington State Administrative Code 332-120 to willfully destroy survey markers. Stakes, marks, and other reference points set by City forces, and existing City, State or Federal monumentation, shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately if it becomes apparent that a survey marker will be disturbed due to construction. The Contractor will allow ample time for City Survey Department personnel to acquire adequate information so that the monument may be replaced in its original position after 132°"Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 8 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 construction. If the City is not notified, and a stake, marker or monument is disturbed or destroyed the Contractor will be charged at a rate of $270/hr for a city survey crew to replace the stake, marker or monument that was not to be disturbed or damaged by the Contractor's operations. This charge will be deducted from monies due or to become due to the Contractor. Any claim by the Contractor for extra compensation by reason of alterations or reconstruction work allegedly due to error in the Surveyor's line and grade will not be allowed unless the original control points set by the Surveyor still exist, or unless the Contractor can provide other satisfactory substantiating evidence to prove the error was caused by incorrect city-furnished survey data. Three consecutive points set on line or grade shall be the minimum points used to determine any variation from a straight line or grade. Any such variation shall, upon discovery, be reported to the Engineer. In the absence of such report, the Contractor shall be liable for any error in alignment or grade. 1-05.5(2) Roadway and Utility Surveys The Engineer shall furnish to the Contractor, one time only, all principal lines, grades and measurements the Engineer deems necessary for completion of the work. These shall generally consist of one initial set of: 1 . Cut or fill stakes for establishing grade and embankments, 2. Curb or gutter grade stakes, 3. Centerline finish grade stakes for pavement sections wider than 25 feet as set forth in Section 1-05.5(5), subsection 2, and 4. Offset points to establish line and grade for underground utilities such as water, sewers, storm drains, illumination and signalization. No intermediate stakes shall be provided between curb grade and centerline stakes. On alley construction projects with minor grade changes, the Engineer shall provide offset hubs on one side of the alley to establish the alignment and grade. Alleys with major grade changes shall have embankments staked to establish grade before offset hubs are set. 1-05.5(3) Bridge, Structure and Retaining Wall Surveys For all structural work such as bridges and retaining walls, the Contractor shall retain as a part of Contractor organization an experienced team of surveyors under direct supervision of a licensed surveyor. The Contractor shall ensure that required field measurements and locations match the plan dimensions. The Contractor shall provide all surveys required to complete the structure, except the following primary survey control which will be provided by the City. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 9 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 1. Sufficient horizontal control points to allow the Contractor to establish centerline, abutments and pier centerline positioning and stationing. 2. Up to 6 bench marks in close proximity to the work area. 3. Permanent monuments as shown on the drawings or as given by the City. The Contractor shall establish all secondary survey controls, both horizontal and vertical, as necessary to assure proper placement of all project elements based on the primary control points provided by the City. Survey work shall be within the following tolerances: 1 . Stationing +.01 foot 2. Alignment +0.1 foot (between successive points) 3. Superstructure Elevations +0.1 foot (from plan elevations) 4. Substructure Elevations +0.5 foot (from plan elevations) During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall make available to the City all filed books including survey information, footing elevations, cross sections and quantities. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the close coordination of field locations and measurements within appropriate dimensions of structural members being fabricated. 1-05.5(4) Control Stakes Stakes that constitute reference points for all construction work will be conspicuously marked with an appropriate color of flagging tape. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to inform its employees and subcontractors of the importance and necessity to preserve the stakes. The Contractor shall determine appropriate construction stake offset distances to prevent damage to stakes by its construction equipment. Should it become necessary, for any reason, to replace these control stakes, the Contractor will be charged at the rate of $270/hour for a city survey crew to replace the stakes. The Contractor may not charge the City for any standby or "down" time as a result of any replacement of control stakes. If the removal of a control stake or monument is required by the construction operations of the Contractor or its subcontractors, and advance notice of at least three (3) full working days is given to the City, the City will reference, remove, and later replace the stakes or monument at no cost to the Contractor. 1-05.5(5) Staking Services Work requests must be ,made at least 3 working days in advance of the required staking. The City will furnish the following stakes and reference marks: 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 10 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 1 . Clearing Limits - One set of clearing limit stakes will be set at approximately 25-foot stations where needed. 2. Rough Grading - One set of rough grade stakes will be set along the construction centerline of streets at 50-foot stations as required. (If superelevations require intermediate stakes along vertical curves, the City will provide staking at closer intervals.) One set of primary cut and fill stakes will be set for site work. One set of secondary final grade cut and fill stakes will be set where deemed applicable as determined by the Engineer. 3. Storm Sewers - Two cut or fill stakes for each inlet, catch basin or manhole will be set at appropriate offsets to the center of the structure. After installation and backfill, inverts will be checked for correctness. 4. Sanitary Sewers - Two cut or fill stakes for each manhole or cleanout location will be set at appropriate offsets to the center of the structure. After installation and backfill, inverts will be checked for correctness. 5. Water Main - One set of line stakes will be furnished for water mains at 50-foot stations. Additionally, two reference stakes for each valve, hydrant, tee and angle point location will be set concurrently with these line stakes. 6. Staking for Embankments - Catch points and one line stake will be set in those cases where the vertical difference in elevation from the construction centerline to the toe or top of a cut or fill slope exceeds 3 feet. In all other areas, stakes shall be set at an appropriate offset to the street centerline to allow for the preservation of said offsets through the rough grading phase. In both cases the stakes shall be clearly marked with appropriate information necessary to complete the rough grading phase. 7. Curb and Gutters - One set of curb and gutter stakes shall be set at an appropriate offset at 25-foot intervals, beginning and end points of curves and curb returns, wheelchair ramps, driveways, and sufficient mid-curve points to establish proper alignment. 8. Base and Top Course - One set of final construction centerline grade hubs will be set for each course, at not less than 50-foot stations. No intermediate stakes shall be provided unless superelevations require them. In those circumstances, one grade hub left and right of construction centerline at the transition stations will be set at an appropriate offset to centerline not less than 25-foot stations. 9. Adjacent or Adjoining Wetlands - One set of stakes delineating adjacent wetland perimeters will be set at 25 to 50-foot stations as required. 10, Illumination and Traffic Signals System - One set of stakes for luminaires and traffic signal pole foundations will be set as required. One set of stakes for vaults,Junction boxes, and conduits will be set, only if curb and gutter is not in place at the time of the survey request. If curb and gutter is in place, staking for vaults, .junction boxes, and conduits will be provided at an additional expense to the Contractor. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 11 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 When deemed appropriate by the Engineer, cut sheets will be supplied for curb, storm, sanitary sewer and water lines. Cuts or fills may be marked on the surveyed points but should not be relied on as accurate until a completed cut sheet is supplied. The Contractor, at its own expense, shall stake all other items not listed above to construct the project per the Plans and Specifications. Staking for channelization, traffic loops, and all other items not listed above shall be the sole responsibility and expense of the Contractor. The City may, at its sole discretion, provide additional staking at the request of the Contractor at the rate of $270/hour. 1-05.5(6) Survey Requests It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to properly schedule survey crews and coordinate staking requests with construction activities. A survey crew may be reasonably expected to stake any one of the following items, in the quantity shown, in a single day: Roadway grading +/-1500 lineal feet of centerline Storm or sanitary sewer Approximately 8-10 structures Water main +/-1500 lineal feet of pipe Curb and gutter +/-1300 lineal feet (one side only) Base and top course +/-1000 lineal feet of centerline Slope staking +/-800-1200 lineal feet (top and toe) Illumination/signalization Approximately 15-20 structures Actual quantities may vary based on the complexity of the project, line of sight considerations, traffic interference, properly prepared work site, and other items that could affect production. The Contractor shall be aware that length does not always translate directly into stationing. For example, a survey request for storm sewer pipe from Station 3+00 to 8+00 is 500 lineal feet in length. There may be 1000 lineal feet, or more, of storm sewer pipe, if the pipe is placed on both sides of the roadway and interconnected. 1-05.8 City's Right to Correct Defective and Unauthorized Work If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified by the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the work required by the contract, the Engineer may provide the Contractor written notice establishing a date after which the City will correct and remedy that work by any means that the Engineer may deem necessary, including the use of City forces or other contractors. If the Engineer determines that the Contractor's failure to promptly correct any defective or any unauthorized work creates a situation that could be potentially unsafe or might cause serious risk of loss or damage to the public, the Engineer may have the defective and unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 12 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 removed and replaced, or have the work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using City or other forces. Direct and indirect costs incurred by the City attributable to correcting and remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the Contractor failed or refused to perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment may be deducted by the Engineer from monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Direct and indirect costs shall include, without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required, compensation and engineering and inspection services required, and costs for repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor's unauthorized work. No increase in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the City's rights provided by this section nor shall the exercise of this right diminish the City's right to pursue any other remedy available under law with respect to the Contractor's failure to perform the work as required. SECTION 1-05.9 IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING NEW SUBSECTION: 1-05.9 Equipment 1-05.9(1) Operational Testing It is the intent of the City to have at the Physical Completion Date a complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of machinery or other mechanical equipment, street lighting, electrical distribution of signal systems, building or other similar work, it may be desirable for the Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final inspection but prior to the Physical Completion Date. Whenever items of work are listed in the contract provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical Completion Date. In the event the contract does not specify testing time periods, the default testing time period shall be twenty-one (21) calendar days. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any items of workmanship, materials, or equipment that prove faulty or that are not in first class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the Engineer, so that the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for which they were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing and corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 132n"Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 13 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to successfully complete operational testing shall be included in the various contract bid item prices unless specifically set forth otherwise in the contract. Operational and test periods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect a manufacturer's guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of the Contract. SECTION 1-05.10 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.1 O Guarantees In addition to any other warranty or guarantee provided for at law or in the parties' contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Agency any guarantee or warranty furnished as a customary trade practice in connection with the purchase of any equipment, materials, or items incorporated into the project. Upon receipt of written notice of any required corrective work, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently, and without disrupting city facilities, the work necessary to correct the items listed in the notice. Approximately sixty (60) calendar days prior to the one year anniversary of final acceptance, the Contractor shall be available to tour the project, with the Engineer, in support of the Engineer's effort to establish a list of corrective work then known and discovered. SECTION 1-05.13 IS REVISED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor, and Equipment of Contractor Within ten (10) days of contract award, the Contractor shall designate the Contractor's project manager and superintendent for the contract work. SECTION 1-05.13 IS REVISED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE THIRD PARAGRAPH (AS PRINTED IN THE 2016 WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS): If at any time during the contract work, the Contractor elects to replace the contract manager or superintendent, the Contractor shall only do so after obtaining the Engineer's prior written approval. THE LAST PARAGRAPH OF 1-05.13 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: Whenever the City evaluates the Contractor's qualifications or prequalifications pursuant to Section 1-02.1 or RCW 47.28.070, the City may take these or other Contractor performance reports into account. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 14 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 1-05. 14 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.14 Cooperation With Other Contractors Details of known projects are as follows: N/A SECTION 1-05 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-06.16 Water and Power The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, and shall bear the costs for power and water necessary for the performance of the work, unless the Contract includes power or water as bid items, or unless otherwise provided for in other bid items. 1-05.17 Oral Agreements No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before or after execution of the contract, shall affect or modify the terms or obligations contained in any of the documents comprising the contract. Such oral agreement or conversation shall be considered unofficial information and in no way binding upon the City, unless subsequently recorded and/or put in writing and signed by an authorized agent of the City. 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL SECTION 1-06.2(2) IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. 1-06.2(2) Statistical Evaluation of Materials for Acceptance SECTION 1-06 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-06.7 Submittals 1-06.7(1) Submittal Procedures All information submitted by the Contractor shall be clear, sharp, high contrast copies. Contractor shall accompany each submittal with a letter of transmittal containing the following information: 1 . Contractor's name and the name of Subcontractor or supplier who prepared the submittal. 2. The project name and identifying number. 3. Each new submittal shall be sequentially numbered (1 , 2, 3, etc.). Each resubmittal shall include the original number with a sequential alpha letter added (1 A, 1B, 1C, etc.). 4. Description of the submittal and reference to the Contract requirement or technical specification section and paragraph number being addressed. 5. Bid item(s) where product will be used. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 15 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 1-06.7(2) Schedule of Submittals The Contractor shall create and submit three (3) copies of a schedule of submittals showing the date by which each submittal required for product review or product information will be made. The schedule can be modified, deducted, or added to by the City. The schedule shall be available at the preconstruction conference (see 1-08.0 of the Kent Special Provisions). The schedule of submittals must be accepted prior to the City making the first progress payment. The schedule shall identify the items that will be included in each submittal by listing the item or group of items and the Specification Section and paragraph number and bid item under which they are specified. The schedule shall indicate whether the submittal is required for product review of proposed equivalents, shop drawings, product data or samples or required for product information only. The Contractor shall allow a minimum of 21 days for the Engineer's review of each submittal or resubmittal. All submittals shall be in accordance with the approved schedule of submittals. Submittals shall be made early enough to allow adequate time for manufacturing, delivery, labor issues, additional review due to inadequate or incomplete submittals, and any other reasonably foreseeable delay. 1-06.7(3) Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples The Contractor shall submit the following for the Engineer's review: 1 . Shop Drawings: Submit an electronic copy or three paper copies. Submittals will be marked, stamped and returned to the Contractor. The Contractor shall make and distribute any required copies for its superintendent, subcontractors and suppliers. 2. Product Data: Submit an electronic copy or three paper copies. Submittals will be marked, stamped and returned to the Contractor. The Contractor shall make and distribute any required copies for its superintendent, subcontractors and suppliers. 3. Samples: Submit three labeled samples or three sets of samples of manufacturer's full range of colors and finishes unless otherwise directed. One approved sample will be returned to the Contractor. Content of submittals: 1 . Each submittal shall include all of the items required for a complete assembly or system. 2. Submittals shall contain all of the physical, technical and performance data required to demonstrate conclusively that the items comply with the requirements of the Contract. 3. Each submittal shall verify that the physical characteristics of items submitted, including size, configurations, clearances, mounting points, utility connection points and service access points, are suitable for the space provided and are compatible with other interrelated items. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 16 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 4. The Contractor shall label each Product Data submittal, Shop Drawing or Sample with the bid item number and, if a lump sum bid item, provide a reference to the applicable KSP paragraph. The Contractor shall highlight or mark every page of every copy of all Product Data submittals to show the specific items being submitted and all options included or choices offered. The City encourages a creative approach to complete a timely, economical, and quality project. Submittals that contain deviations from the requirements of the Contract shall be accompanied by a separate letter explaining the deviations. The Contractor's letter shall: 1 . Cite the specific Contract requirement including the Specification Section bid item number and paragraph number for which approval of a deviation is sought. 2. Describe the proposed alternate material, item or construction, explain its advantages, and explain how the proposed alternate meets or exceeds the Contract requirements. 3. State the reduction in Contract Price, if any, which is offered to the City. The Engineer retains the exclusive right, at his or her sole discretion, to accept or reject any proposed deviation with or without cause. The Engineer will stamp and mark each submittal prior to returning it to the Contractor. The stamps will indicate one of the following: 1 . "APPROVED AS SUBMITTED" — Accepted subject to its compatibility with the work not covered in this submission. This response does not constitute approval or deletion of specified or required items not shown in the partial submission. 2. "APPROVED AS NOTED" — Accepted subject to minor corrections that shall be made by the Contractor and subject to its compatibility with the work not covered in this submission. This response does not constitute approval or deletion of specified or required items not shown in the partial submission. No resubmission is required. 3. "AMEND AND RESUBMIT" — Rejected because of major inconsistencies, errors or insufficient information that shall be resolved or corrected by the Contractor prior to subsequent re- submittal. An amended resubmission is required. Re-submittals that contain changes that were not requested by the Engineer on the previous submittal shall note all changes and be accompanied by a letter explaining the changes. 1-06.7(4) Proposed Equivalents The Engineer retains the exclusive right, at his or her sole discretion, to accept or reject any proposed equivalent with or without cause. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 17 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 1-07 ' LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.2 State Taxes SECTION 1-07.2(1) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.2(1) State Sales Tax: WAC 458-20-171—Use Tax Without waiving the Contractor's obligation to understand and apply these tax rules correctly, the City has indicated those parts of the project that are subject to use tax under Section 1-07.2(1) in the proposal bid items. SECTION 1-07.2(2) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax: WAC 458-20-170—Retail Sales Tax Without waiving the Contractor's obligation to understand and apply these tax rules correctly, the City has indicated those parts of the project that are subject to retail sales tax under Section 1-07.2(2) in the proposal bid items. SECTION 1-07.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH BEFORE THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses The City has obtained the following permits: None SECTION 1-07.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS AFTER THE LAST PARAGRAPH: A copy of each permit and/or license obtained by the Contractor shall be furnished to the City. Approved permits shall be furnished to the City upon completion of the project and prior to final acceptance. The Contractor shall promptly notify the City in writing of any variance in the contract work arising from the issuance of any permit. 1-07.9 Wages SECTION 1-07.9(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE SIXTH PARAGRAPH: 1-07.9(1) General To the extent allowed by law, the wage rates that will be in effect during the entire contract work period are those in effect on the day of bid opening, unless the City does not award the Contract within six months of the bid opening. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 18 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 1-07.13 Contractor's Responsibility for Work SECTION 1-07.13(4) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE SECOND SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND DELETING THE LAST PARAGRAPH. 1-07.13(4) Repair of Damage SECTION 1-07.14 IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE TO THE BEGINNING OF THAT SECTION: 1-07.14 Responsibility for Damage To the extent a conflict exists between the terms of this Section 1-07.14 and Section 5 of the Contract, the terms of the Contract will control. Any reference to the State, Governor, Commission, Secretary, or all officers and employees of the State also will include the City, its officers and employees. 1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution Prevention SECTION 1-07.15(1) IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE LAST PARAGRAPH: 1-07.15(1) Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan When the proposal form includes multiple bid schedules and the "SPCC Plan" bid item is present in only one bid schedule, the lump sum payment item for the "SPCC Plan" in that one schedule will apply to all bid schedules for all costs associated with creating and updating the accepted SPCC Plan, and all costs associated with the setup of prevention measures and for implementing the current SPCC Plan as required by this Specifications. SECTION 1-07.17 IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE TO THE END OF THE SECOND PARAGRAPH: 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities If a utility is known to have or suspected of having underground facilities within the area of the proposed excavation and that utility is not a subscriber to the utilities underground location center, the Contractor shall give individual notice to that utility within the same time frame prescribed in RCW 19.122.030 for subscriber utilities. SECTION 1-07.17 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-07.17(3) Utility Markings Once underground utilities are marked by the utility owner or its agent, and/or once new underground facilities have been installed by the 132rd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 19 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Contractor, the Contractor/excavator is responsible to determine the precise location of underground facilities that may conflict with other underground construction. The Contractor shall maintain the marks or a record of the location of buried facilities for the duration of time needed to avoid future damage until installation of all planned improvements at that location is complete. 1-07.17(4) Payment All costs to comply with subsection 1-07.17(3) and for the protection and repair of all identified or suspected underground utilities specified in RCW 19.122 are incidental to the contract and are the responsibility of the Contractor/excavator. The Contractor shall include all related costs in the unit bid prices of the contract. No additional time or monetary compensation shall be made for delays caused by utility re- marking or repair of damaged utilities due to the Contractor's failure to maintain marks or to locate utilities in accordance with this section. 1-07.17(5) Notification of Excavation Within ten business days but not less than two business days prior to the commencement of excavation, the Contractor shall provide written notice (or other form of notice acceptable to the Engineer) to all owners of underground facilities, whether public or private, that excavation will occur, and when excavation will occur. 1-07.17(6) Site 1 nspection Contractor warrants and represents that it has personally, or through its employees, agents and/or subcontractors, examined all property affected by this project and that it is knowledgeable of specific locations for water, gas, telephone, electric power and combined sewerage utilities within those areas. The following list of contacts is provided only as a convenience to the Contractor. It may not be accurate and may not constitute a complete list of all affected utilities. CenturyLink Comcast Alex Harb Bill Walker 206-345-4476 253-288-7538 253-831-0395 (cell) 206-255-6975 (cell) Puget Sound Energy Gas Puget Sound Energy Power Glenn Helton Nick Lanier 253-395-6926 253-234-6437 425-559-4647 (cell) 253-266-4957 (cell) Verizon Water District 111 Scott Christenson Brent Lewis 425-636-6046 253-631-8072 425-471-1079 (cell) 253-495-8994 (cell) 132n° Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 20 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Skip Shear 253-630-9900 ext. 124 SECTION 1-07.IS IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH BEFORE THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance To the extent a conflict exists between the terms of this Section 1- 07.18 and the insurance requirements in Section 7 of the Contract, the terms of the Contract will control. Any reference to the State, Governor, Commission, Secretary, or all officers and employees of the State also will include the City, its officers and employees. SECTION 1-07.23(1) IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH: 1-07.230) Construction Under Traffic The Contractor shall notify adjacent property owners and/or tenants regarding construction near their property a minimum of ten (10) working days in advance of construction, and coordinate construction scheduled with property owners and/or tenants to minimize disruptions to their operations. The Contractor shall provide pedestrian access at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, access to King County Metro Bus Stops, businesses, Public facilities, and residences. SECTION 1-07.24 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.24 Rights of Way Street right of way lines, limits of easements and limits of construction are indicated or defined on the plans. The Contractor's construction activities shall be confined within these limits, unless arrangements for use of private property are made. It is anticipated that the City will have obtained all right of way, easements or right of entry agreements prior to the start of construction. Locations where these rights have not been obtained will be brought to the Contractor's attention prior to start of construction. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portion of the work in areas where right of way, easements or rights of entry have not been acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right of way or easement is available or that the right of entry has been received. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 21 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 1-07.26 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.26 Personal Liability of Public Officers Neither the City, the Engineer, nor any other official, officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable for any acts or failure to act in connection with the contract, it being understood that, in these matters, they are acting solely as agents of the City. 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS SECTION 1-08 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-08.0 Preconstruction and Preconstruction Conference The Engineer will furnish the Contractor with up to ten (10) copies of the plans and specifications. Additional documents may be purchased from the City at the price specified by the City or in the Invitation to Bid. Prior to undertaking each part of the work, the Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract and check and verify all pertinent figures shown and all applicable field measurements. The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the Engineer any conflict, error or discrepancy that the Contractor discovers. After the Contract has been executed, but prior to the Contractor beginning the work, a preconstruction conference will be held with the Contractor, the Engineer and any other interested parties that the City determines to invite. The purpose of the preconstruction conference will be: 1 . To review the initial progress schedule. 2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated or affected by the work. 3. To establish and review procedures for progress payment, notifications, approvals, submittals, etc. 4. To verify normal working hours for the work. 5. To review safety standards and traffic control. 6. To discuss any other related items that may be pertinent to the work. The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval, at or prior to the preconstruction conference the following: 1 . A price breakdown of all lump sum items. 2. A preliminary construction schedule. 3. A list of material sources for approval, if applicable. 4. Schedule of submittals. (See 1-06.6(2)) 5. Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) for approval. 6. Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for approval. 132n° Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 22 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 7. Request to sublet, for approval by the Engineer, of all subcontractors. SECTION 9-08.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed, Prosecution and Hours of Work Notice to Proceed will be given after the contract has been executed and the contract bond and evidence of required insurance have been approved by and filed with the City. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, the Contractor shall not commence the work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by the Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities on the Project Site within ten working days of the Notice to Proceed Date, The Work thereafter shall be prosecuted diligently, vigorously, and without unauthorized interruption until physical completion of the work. Voluntary shutdown or slowing of operations by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to complete the work within the time(s) specified in the Contract. Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the normal straight time working hours for the Contractor shall be any consecutive 8 hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless otherwise specified in the Kent Special Provisions, with a 5-day work week, plus allowing a maximum one-hour lunch break in each working day. The normal straight time 8-hour working period for the contract shall be established at the preconstruction conference or prior to the Contractor commencing work. If a Contractor desires to perform work on holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, or before 7:00 a.m. or after 3:00 p.m. on any day, the Contractor shall apply in writing to the Engineer for permission to work those times. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance (72 hours in advance for weekend work) so that the Inspector's time may be scheduled. Permission to work longer than an 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. is not required. For any work outside of normal straight time working hours that requires city surveyors, all reasonable efforts shall be made by the Contractor to allow time for surveying to be completed during normal straight time hours. If city surveyors are required to work other than normal straight time hours at the convenience of the Contractor, all such work shall be reimbursed by the Contractor. Permission to work between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during weekdays and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on weekends or holidays may also be subject to noise control requirements. Approval to continue work during these hours may be revoked at any time the Contractor exceeds the City's noise control regulations or the city receives complaints from the public or adjoining property owners regarding noise from the Contractor's operations. The 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 23 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Contractor shall have no claim for damages or delays should this permission be revoked for these reasons. The Engineer may grant permission to work Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or other than the agreed upon normal straight time working hours, but may be subject to other conditions established by the City or Engineer. These conditions may include, but are not limited to the following: hours worked by City employees; impacts to the construction schedule; or accommodations to adjoining properties affected by the contract work. 1-08.4(A) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of City Employees Following is a non-exclusive list of work that may require Contractor reimbursement for overtime of City employees. The City will bill the Contractor at the OVERTIME RATE in order for locate crews to complete other work. If the locate request is for nights, weekend, holidays or at other times when locate crews are not normally working, all locate work and expenses, including travel, minimum call out times, and/or Holiday premiums will be borne by the Contractor. 1 . Locate work required to re-establish marks for City-owned underground facilities that were not maintained or recorded by the Contractor in accordance with RCW 19.122.030. 2. Work required by city survey crew(s) as the result of reestablishing survey stakes or markings that were not maintained or recorded by the Contractor or other work deemed to be for the convenience of the Contractor and not required of the City by the contract. 3. Work required by City personnel or independent testing laboratories to re-test project materials, utility pressure or vacuum tests, camera surveys or water purity tests as the result of initial test failure on the part of the Contractor. 1-08.4(B) General The City allocates its resources to a contract based on the total time allowed in the contract. The City will accept a progress schedule indicating an early physical completion date but cannot guarantee the City resources will be available to meet the accelerated schedule. No additional compensation will be allowed if the Contractor is not able to meet its accelerated schedule due to the unavailability of City resources or for other reasons beyond the City's control. Unless previously approved by the Engineer, the original and all supplemental progress schedules shall not conflict with any time and order-of-work requirements in the contract. If the Engineer deems that the original or any necessary supplemental progress schedule does not provide adequate information, the City may withhold progress payments until a schedule containing needed information has been submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 24 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 The Engineer's acceptance of any schedule shall not transfer any of the Contractor's responsibilities to the City. The Contractor alone shall remain responsible for adjusting forces, equipment, and work schedules to ensure completion of the work within the times specified in the contract. SECTION 1-08.5 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.5 Time for Completion Contract time shall begin on the day of the Notice to Proceed. The Contract Provisions may specify another starting date for Contract time, in which case, time will begin on the starting date specified. SECTION 1-08.6 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIFTH, SIXTH, AND SEVENTH PARAGRAPHS AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.6 Suspension of Work If the performance of all or any part of the Work is suspended for an unreasonable period of time by an act of the Contracting Agency in the administration of the Contract, or by failure to act within the time specified in the Contract (or if no time is specified, within a reasonable time), the Engineer will make an adjustment for any increase in the cost or time for the performance of the Contract (excluding profit) necessarily caused by the suspension. However, no adjustment will be made for any suspension if (1) the performance would have been suspended by any other cause, including the fault or negligence of the Contractor, or (2) an equitable adjustment is provided for or excluded under any other provision of the Contract. If the Contactor believes that the performance of the Work is suspended for an unreasonable period of time and such suspension is the responsibility of the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall immediately submit a written notice of protest to the Engineer as provided in Section 1-04.5. No adjustment shall be allowed for any costs incurred more than 10 calendar days before the date the Engineer receives the Contractor's written notice to protest. In any event, no protest will be allowed later than the date of the Contractor's signature on the Final Pay Estimate. The Contractor shall keep full and complete records of the costs and additional time of such suspension, and shall permit the Engineer to have access to those records and any other records as may be deemed necessary by the Engineer to assist in evaluating the protest. The Engineer will determine if an equitable adjustment in cost or time is due as provided in this Section. The equitable adjustment for increase in costs, if due, shall be subject to the limitations provide in Section 1-09.4, provided that no profit of any kind will be allowed on any increase in cost necessarily caused by the suspension. 132n°Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 25 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 1-08.7 MAINTENANCE DURING SUSPENSION IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FOURTH AND SIXTH PARAGRAPHS. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SECTION 1-09.9 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-09.9(2) City's Right to Withhold Certain Amounts In addition to the amount that the City may otherwise retain under the Contract, the City may withhold a sufficient amount of any payments otherwise due to the Contractor, including nullifying the whole or part of any previous payment, because of subsequently discovered evidence or subsequent inspections that, in the City's judgment, may be necessary to cover the following: 1 . The cost of defective work not remedied. 2. Fees incurred for material inspection, and overtime engineering and inspection for which the Contractor is obligated under this Contract. 3. Fees and charges of public authorities or municipalities. 4. Liquidated damages. 5. Engineering and inspection fees beyond Completion Date. 6. Cost of City personnel to re-establish locate marks for City-owned facilities that were not maintained by the Contractor in accordance with RCW 19.122.030 (3). 7. Additional inspection, testing and lab fees for re-doing failed, water, other utility tests. SECTION 1-09.11(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.11 (3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction This contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any claims or causes of action arising from this contract shall be exclusively in the Superior Court of King County, located in Kent, Washington. For convenience of the parties to this contract, it is mutually agreed that any claims or causes of action which the Contractor has against the City arising from this contract shall be brought within 180 days from the date of Final Acceptance of the contract by the City. The parties understand and agree that the Contractor's failure to bring suit within the time period provided shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action. It is further mutually agreed by the parties that when any claims or causes of action that a Contractor asserts against the City arising from this contract are filed with the City or initiated in court, the Contractor 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 26 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 shall permit the City to have timely access to any records deemed necessary by the City to assist in evaluating the claims or actions. SECTION 1-09.13 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.13 Final Decision and Appeal All disputes arising under this contract shall proceed pursuant to Section 1-04.5 and 1-09.11 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and any Kent Special Provisions provided for in the contract for claims and resolution of disputes. The provisions of these sections and the Kent Special Provisions must be complied with as a condition precedent to the Contractor's right to seek an appeal of the City's decision. The City's decision under Section 1-09.11 will be final and conclusive. Thereafter, the exclusive means of Contractor's right to appeal shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the Superior Court of King County, located in Kent, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. 1-1 O TEMPORARY TRAFF I C CONTROL SECTION 1-10.2(" IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.2(1) General The TCS shall be certified as a work site traffic control supervisor by one of the following: Evergreen Safety Council 401 Pontius Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 1-800-521-0778 or206-382-4090 The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust 27055 Ohio Avenue Kingston, WA 98346 360-297-3035 The American Traffic Safety Services Association 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100 Fredericksburg, VA 22406-1022 Training Dept. Toll Free (877) 642-4637 or (540) 368-1701 1-10.3(3) Traffic Control Devices SECTION 1-10.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-10.3(3)L Temporary Traffic Control Devices When the bid proposal includes an item for "Temporary Traffic Control Devices," the work required for this item shall be furnishing barricades, 132n°Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 27 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 flashers, cones, traffic safety drums, and other temporary traffic control devices, unless the contract provides for furnishing a specific temporary traffic control device under another item. The item "Temporary Traffic Control Devices" includes: 1 . Initial delivery to the project site (or temporary storage) in good repair and in clean usable condition, 2. Repair or replacement when they are damaged and they are still needed on the project, and 3. Removal from the project site when they are no longer on the project. SECTION 1-10.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 , for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price for "Traffic Control Labor" per hour shall be full pay for all costs for the labor provided for performing those construction operations described in Section 1-10.2(1)B, and Section 1-10.30) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, and as authorized by the Engineer. The hours eligible for "Traffic Control Labor" shall be limited to the hours the worker is actually performing the work as documented by traffic control forms provided by the Contractor's TCM, and verified by the City Inspector's records, and the Contractor's Certified Payroll Records submitted to the City Inspector on a weekly basis. The unit contract price for "Traffic Control Supervisor" per hour shall be full pay for each hour a person performs the Traffic Control Supervisor duties described in Section 1-10.2(1)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Payment for traffic control labor performed by the Traffic Control Supervisor will be paid under the item for "Traffic Control Labor." The lump sum contract price for "Temporary Traffic Control Devices" shall be full.pay for providing the work described in Section 1-10.3(3)L of the Kent Special Provisions. Progress payment for the lump sum item "Temporary Traffic Control Devices" will be made as follows: 1 . When the initial temporary traffic control devices are set up, 50 percent of the amount bid for the item will be paid. 2. Payment for the remaining 50 percent of the amount bid for the item will be paid on a prorated basis in accordance with the total job progress as determined by progress payments. The unit contract price for "Portable Changeable Message Sign (PCMS)" per day shall be full pay for all costs for furnishing, transporting, initial installation within the project limits, maintaining and removing the PCMS, and associated work described in Section 1-10.3(3)C of the 132n°Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 28 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. Relocation of the PCMS within the project limits will be paid under the item "Traffic Control Labor." The unit contract price for "Sequential Arrow Sign (SASY per day shall be full pay for all costs for providing, maintaining and removing the SAS, and associated work and maintenance described in Section 1-10.3(3)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. The operator of this device will be paid under the item "Traffic Control Labor." When the proposal does not include a bid item for a specific bid item listed in the WSDOT Standard Specifications and/or the Kent Special Provisions, all costs for the work described for those traffic control bid items shall be included by the Contractor in the unit contract prices for the various other bid items contained within the proposal. The Contractor shall estimate these costs based on the Contractor's contemplated work procedures. When traffic control bid items are included in the bid proposal, payment is limited to the following work areas: 1 . The entire construction area under contract and for a distance to include the initial warning signs for the beginning of the project and the END OF CONSTRUCTION sign. Any warning signs for side streets on the approved TCP are also included. If the project consists of two or more sections, the limits will apply to each section individually. 2. A detour provided in the plans or approved by the City's Traffic Control Supervisor for by-passing all or any portion of the construction, irrespective of whether or not the termini of the detour are within the limits of the Contract. No payment will be made to the Contractor for traffic control items required in connection with the movement of equipment or the hauling of materials outside of the limits of 1 and 2 above, or for temporary road closures subject to the provisions of Section 1-07.23(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 132"1 Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 1 - 29 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 DIVISION 2 - EARTHWORK 2-01 CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP SECTION 2-01 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-01.0 Description The Contractor shall clear, grub, clean up, remove and dispose of all material and miscellaneous items within the work area which are necessary, but for which no specific bid item is provided. Clearing and grubbing on this project shall be performed within the following limits: within the right of way as shown on the plans as necessary for project construction — only remove trees shown on the plans or identified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any trees that require removal that are not already shown on the plans. The Contractor shall not remove any trees without prior approval by the Engineer. The Contractor shall trim trees to allow for 8-foot clearance above the sidewalk or to clear fences. 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS SECTION 2-02.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.1 Description This work also includes the repair of adjacent improvements that were not designated for removal, but that were damaged by the Contractor's operations. SECTION 2-02.3 IS REVISED BY REPLACING THE LAST THREE PARAGRAPHS WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.3 Construction Requirements All improvements that are not designated for removal, but that are damaged by the Contractor's operations shall be replaced, restored, or repaired at the Contractor's sole expense. The Engineer's determination regarding what replacement, restoration, or repair must be made by the Contractor to repair damage caused by the Contractor's removal operations is final. SECTION 2-02.3(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters In removing pavement, sidewalks, and curbs the Contractor shall: 1 . Haul broken-up pieces of concrete and asphalt pavement into the roadway embankment, or to some off-project site, unless 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 2 - 1 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 otherwise directed by the Engineer, or permitted by the Kent Special Provisions. 2. Make a vertical saw cut between any existing pavement, sidewalk, or curb that is to remain and the portion to be removed. When asphalt pavements are being widened, the vertical saw cut shall be made at least 1 -foot from the edge of the existing pavement, and at least 2-feet from the closest edge of any cement concrete curb that will remain or be replaced, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 3. Replace at no expense to the City any existing pavement designated to remain that is damaged during the removal of other pavement, sidewalks, or curbs. 4. When cement concrete sidewalk, cement concrete pavement, or cement concrete curb is being removed, and the removal would result in a remaining strip of cement concrete less than 5 feet long, or where in the opinion of the Engineer the remaining portion of the sidewalk, pavement or curb would be damaged by the cutting required for the removal, then the entire sidewalk, pavement or curb shall be removed to the next expansion joint. SECTION 2-02.5 1S SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 , for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per square yard for "Remove Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment required to remove existing asphalt from roads for a depth of 6 inches. Included in this price is the cost of hauling and disposal of the asphalt pavement. Should the Contractor encounter pavement to be removed which is thicker than 6 inches it shall be paid according to the following formula: actual depth in inches (square yards) x 6 inches = quantity For example, if the Contractor encounters pavement to be removed which is 8 inches thick and 100 square yards then the quantity would be: 8 100' x 6 = 133 S.Y. No other compensation shall be allowed. The unit contract price per square yard for "Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk" constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to saw cut and remove, haul, and dispose of the cement concrete sidewalk as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 2 - 2 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 The unit contract price per each for "Remove Existing Guard Post" constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to remove, haul, and dispose of the guard post as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The unit contract price per lineal foot for "Remove Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter" constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to saw cut and remove, haul, and dispose of the cement concrete curb and gutter as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The unit contract price per lineal foot for "Remove Existing Storm Sewer Pipe or Culvert" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to remove the existing storm pipe or culvert as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The unit bid price shall also include but not be limited to excavation, concrete plugging any remaining pipes, removal, disposal, backfilling with gravel borrow, and compaction. The unit price contract price per lineal foot for "Saw Cut Existina Cement Concrete Pavement" constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor and equipment required to saw cut existing pavement to a depth of 6 inches in accordance with the plans and specifications. Should the Contractor encounter pavement to be removed which is thicker than 6 inches, it shall be paid according to the following formula: actual delth in inches (length) x 6 inches = quantity For example, if the Contractor encounters pavement to be saw cut which is 8 inches thick and 100 linear feet then the quantity would be: 8 length x 6 = 133 LF. No other compensation shall be allowed. A vertical saw cut shall be required between any existing pavement, sidewalk, or curb that is to remain and the portion to be removed. The costs of other types of pavement cutting, such as "wheel cutting", shall be considered incidental to other bid items and no payment will be allowed under this item unless the pavement is actually saw cut. The unit price contract price per lineal foot for "Saw Cut Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement" constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor and equipment required to saw cut existing pavement to a depth of 6 inches in accordance with the plans and specifications. Should the Contractor encounter pavement to be removed which is thicker than 6 inches, it shall be paid according to the following formula: 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 2 - 3 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 actual depth in inches (length) x 6 inches = quantity For example, if the Contractor encounters pavement to be saw cut which is 8 inches thick and 100 linear feet then the quantity would be: 8 length x 6 = 133 LF. No other compensation shall be allowed. A vertical saw cut shall be required between any existing pavement, sidewalk, or curb that is to remain and the portion to be removed. The costs of other types of pavement cutting, such as "wheel cutting", shall be considered incidental to other bid items and no payment will be allowed under this item unless the pavement is actually saw cut. The unit contract price per each for "Remove Existing Type I I I Barricade" constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to remove, haul, and dispose of the barricade as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT SECTION 2-03.3(7)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-03.3(7)C Contractor-Provided Disposal Site The City has not provided a waste site. The Contractor shall arrange for disposal and provide any necessary disposal sites in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7)C of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. The Contractor is responsible for determining which permits are required for the selected disposal sites. Within the City, wetlands are identified by using the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual dated January 1987. SECTION 2-03.3(14)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-03.3(14)D Compaction and Moisture Control Tests Maximum density will be determined by the Modified Proctor Method ASTM D-1557. All compaction tests if required will be performed by the City. 2-06 SUBGRADE PREPARATION SECTION 2-06.3(1) ITEM 6 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 132r°Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 2 - 4 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 2-06.3(1) Subgrade for Surfacing 6. The prepared subgrade shall be compacted in the top 0.50 foot to 95 percent of maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557 for a cut section. If the underlying subgrade is too soft to permit compaction of the upper 0.5 foot layer, the Contractor shall loosen (or excavate and remove), and compact the subgrade until the top layer can meet compaction requirements. Fill sections shall be prepared in accordance with the Standard Specification Section 2-03.3(14)C, Method B except ASTM D-1557 shall determine the maximum density. SECTION 2-06.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-06.5 Measurement and Payment The cost for work required for compaction of the subgrade shall be included by the Contractor in the unit contract price of other bid items. 2-07 WATERING SECTION 2-07.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-07.4 Measurement The Contractor shall obtain a hydrant meter and permit from the City Maintenance Shop located at 5821 South 240th Street 253-856-5600 to measure the quantities of water used. Hydrant wrenches are also available at the City Maintenance Shops at the Contractors option. No additional deposit is required for the hydrant wrench. The City shall provide all water that comes from the City water system. Prior to issuance of the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) and permit, the Contractor shall make a hydrant meter deposit to the City Customer Service Division located on the first floor of the Centennial Center at 400 West Gowe Street 253-856-5200. The said deposit is refundable provided the Contractor returns the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) to the City Maintenance Shops undamaged. The Contractor shall provide his own gate valve on the hose side of the hydrant meter with which to control water flow. The hydrant meter permit duration is two (2) months. At the end of the permit duration, the Contractor shall deliver the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) to the City Maintenance Shops for reading. If the Contractor requires another hydrant meter and permit at the time a meter is returned to the City Maintenance Shops, he shall request a meter and one shall be provided. An additional meter deposit will not be required. The Contractors initial hydrant meter deposit shall be transferred to the new meter issued. 132"tl Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 2 - 5 June 8, 2017 Project Number; 16-3008 DIVISION 2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOW NEW SECTION: 2-13 ------- DRAINAGE SWALE 2-13.1 Description The excavation and or fill placement required for the construction of the drainage swales as shown on the project plans or as directed by the Engineer, shall be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also place compost and till it into the native soil. 2-13.2 Materials Seed ................................................ 9-14.2 Compost........................................... 9-14.4(8) 2-13.3 Construction Requirements Compost must be tilled into the underlying native soil to a depth of 6 inches in accordance with Section 8-02.3(15)A of the Kent Special Provisions. The swale shall be seeded in accordance with Section 8- 02.3(15)13 of the Kent Special Provisions with Mix C wetland grass in accordance with Section 9-14.2 of the Kent Special Provisions. 2-13.5 Payment The unit contract price per linear foot for "Construct Drainage Swale" shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, supplies and equipment required to construct the swale including tilling of the compost and anchor plates and posts. The compost and seeding are included under the appropriate bid items. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 2 - 6 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 DIVISION 4 -BASES DIVISION 4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 4-03 GRAVEL BORROW 4-03.1 Description This work shall consist of constructing one or more layers of gravel borrow upon a prepared subgrade in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, depths, and typical cross-section shown in the plans or as established by the Engineer. 4-03.2 Materials Materials shall meet the minimum requirements of the following section in the Kent Special Provisions: Gravel Borrow .......................... 9-03.14(1) 4-03.3 Construction Requirements Gravel borrow shall be uniformly spread upon the prepared subgrade to the depth, width, and cross-sections shown in the plans. Construction methods used shall meet the appropriate requirements of Section 4-04.3, 4-03.4 Measurement Gravel borrow will be measured in the same manner prescribed for the measurement of crushed surfacing materials as set forth in Section 4-04.4. 4-03.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 , for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per ton for "Gravel Borrow, Including Haul and Compaction" constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to haul, place, finish grade, and compact the gravel borrow as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This item shall be used for roadway subbase, trench backfill, storm sewer, and other excavation backfill and compaction unless otherwise noted. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 4 - 1 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 4-04 BALLAST AND CRUSHED SURFACING 4-04.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 4-04.3(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 4-04.3(2) Subgrade The Contractor is responsible for any delays or costs incurred as a result of placing ballast or surface materials before approval is received from the Engineer. SECTION 4-04.3(5) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 4-04.3(5) Shaping and Compaction Surfacing shall be compacted in depths not to exceed 6 inches except top course shall not exceed 2 inches unless otherwise directed. Density shall be at least 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D-1557 using a nuclear gauge. Compaction of each layer must be approved by the Engineer before the next succeeding layer of surfacing or pavement is placed thereon. SECTION 4-04.3(7) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 4-04.3(7) Miscellaneous Requirements The Contractor is solely responsible for any delays or additional costs incurred as a result of placing ballast or succeeding courses of surfacing materials before approval to proceed is received from the Engineer. SECTION 4-04.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 4-04.5 Payment "Crushed Surfacing Top Course, 5/8 Inch Minus" The unit contract price per ton for the above items constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to haul, place, finish grade, and compact the material as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. These items shall also be used for roadway or driveway remedial work or patching as requested by the Engineer. Quantities used for pipe zone bedding shall be measured and paid separately under the appropriate bid item. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 4 - 2 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 DIVISION 5 --SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS NOTE: If the contract also includes underground utility construction, permanent surface treatments and pavements shall not be placed until an as-built survey and testing of the new underground utilities have been completed. Verification that utility construction conforms to the line and grade requirements of Section 7-08.3(2)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall be made by the Engineer prior to authorizing paving to begin. Also, each new utility must pass all appropriate tests specified herein for the type of utility prior to paving. 5-02 BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT SECTION 5-02.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-02.5 Payment Anti-stripping additive shall be included in the price of asphalt (grade) per ton. The quantity of asphalt material shall not be reduced by the quantity of anti-stripping additive. DIVISION 5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 5-03 PERMEABLE HOT MIX ASPHALT 5-03.1 Description This work shall consist of providing and placing one or more layers of plant-mixed permeable hot-mixed asphalt (PHMA) concrete pavement on a porous base in accordance with these Specifications and the lines, grades, thicknesses and typical cross sections for the pathway as indicated on the drawings or as established by the Engineer. Pervious Hot Mix Asphalt (PHMA) shall be composed of asphalt binder and aggregate with or without the addition of mineral filler and blending sand as may be required, shall be mixed in the proportions specified to provide a homogeneous, stable, and workable mixture. 5-03.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Asphalt Binder ................................... 9-02.1 (4) Anti-Stripping Additive........................ 9-02.4 Aggregates ....................................... 9-03.8 5-03.2(1) Porous Base Course If a separation of material particles occurs during any stage of stockpiling, spreading, or compacting, the segregated material shall be removed and disposed of, and the Contractor shall correct or change handling procedures to prevent further separation. 132n° Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 5 - 1 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Each lift of aggregate shall be compacted to not less than 95 percent MDD and measured using a nuclear method. Upon completion of grading, compaction, and contractor confirmation of conformance to design tolerances, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and schedule an inspection for approval. The Contractor shall not pave over the prepared aggregate prior to inspection and approval by the Engineer. 5-03.2(2) Asphalt Mix Permeable asphalt mix design shall include proportions of materials as well as unit weights. Permable asphalt cement shall conform to Section 5-04.2 of the Standard Specification, shall include an elastomeric polymer, and shall be PG 70-22 meeting the requirements of AASHTO M 320 in the production of PHMA. Asphalt percentage shall be 4.0 to 4.5 percent by weight of dry aggregate. Elastomeric polymer shall be a styrene- butadiene-styrene, or approved equal, applied at a rate of 3% by total weight of the cement. Polymer and cement shall be thoroughly blended at the asphalt refinery prior to loading and transportation. The polymer modified asphalt cement shall be heat and storage stable. Drain down of the asphalt cement shall be no greater than 0.3% in accordance with ASTM D 6390. The asphalt mix shall be tested for resistance to stripping by water in accordance with ASTM D 3625. If estimated coating area is not above 95%, anti-stripping agent shall be added to the asphalt. 5-03.3 Construction Requirements The Contractor shall furnish a statement attesting to qualifications and experience whereby the Contractor shall have a minimum of 2 successfully completed permeable asphalt projects in the last two years. The Contractor shall provide project names and addresses of the past projects. The Engineer will test aggregate and asphalt materials proposed for use in the work and for quality control during excavation and placement operations. Permeable asphalt concrete shall be constructed in conformance with Section 5-04.3 of the Standard Specifications, except as modified herein. Asphalt concrete pavement 3 inches or less shall be placed in one layer. The Contractor shall pave the entire pathway area as shown. Following the completion of the pathway paving, the contractor shall install asphalt ramps and driveway crossings. 5-03.3(1) HMA Mixing Plant Plants used for the preparation of HMA shall conform to the requirements of Section 5-04.3(1). 132n0 Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 5 - 2 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 5-03.3(7) Mix Design Aggregate shall conform to Section 9-03.8 of the Standard Specifications and shall have the following gradations: US Standard Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 3/4 1 nch 100 1/2 1 nch 85 - 100 3/8 1 nch 55 - 75 No. 4 10 — 25 No. 8 5 - 10 No. 200 0 - 3 Coarse Aggregates: Fractured Faces > 90 percent 2 fractured faces Flat and Elongated < 10 percent 5:1 ratio Fine Aggregates: Fine Aggregate Angularity FAA >45 Mix Criteria: Air Voids (Va) >— 18 percent VCAM,x <VCADRC with high Va Gyratory Compaction 50 number of rations 5-O3.3(8)A Acceptance Sampling and Testing — HMA Mixture The Contractor shall place and compact one test section, to be a minimum of 225 square feet at the required project thickness. The test section shall include the full pathway section, including base course, and any other components shown on the plans. The test section shall be placed on one of the sites of the specified permeable asphalt pavement path locations. The test section shall be tested for density, thickness, core unit weight and permeability. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of the test section and the coring associated with it. Satisfactory performance of the test section will be determined by: 1 . Two cores shall be taken from the test section. No single core exceeding 1/2 inch less than the specified thickness; nor shall the average compacted thickness be more than 1-1/2 inch more than the specified thickness. 2. Permeability shall be no less than 3 inches per hour. If the two requirements listed above are not met, the test section shall be removed at the Contractor's expense, disposed of in a legal manner, and replaced until satisfactory performance is achieved. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 5 - 3 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 If the three requirements listed above are met, the test section shall be maintained in place until final acceptance of all project permeable paving and remain as part of the project. 5-03.3(9) Spreading and Finishing Plant mix temperature of asphalt shall be a minimum of 260 degrees Fahrenheit. Laying temperature of the mix shall be between 240 and 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and ambient air temperatures shall not be below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The Contractor shall commence compaction when the placed asphalt mix temperature is in between 240 and 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Pneumatic tire rollers shall not be used on PHMA. The roller shall be a steel Tandem Drum, Static-type 5-10 ton size, and passed no more than 2 times over the laid asphalt. Over compaction may result in unsatisfactory permeability. Any sections over compacted shall be removed and reconstructed at Contractor's expense. Rollers shall not be stopped or parked on the freshly placed mat. Additional passes with a lighter roller, not to exceed five tons will be allowed to remove roller marks from the surface if directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide a finished surface that is uniform in texture, smooth, and free of hollows, depressions, roller marks, and surface cracks. Vertical joints between old and new pavements or between successive day's work shall be made to ensure a thorough and continuous bond between the old and new mixtures. Whenever the spreading process is interrupted long enough for the mixture to attain its initial stability, the paver shall be removed from the mat and a joint constructed. Transport of the asphalt mixture shall be in a vehicle of sufficient size and shape to easily accommodate the load. Limit the time of haul to avoid segregation or drain down of the asphalt. Each load shall be covered with a suitable tarpaulin while in transit to prevent spillage and to prevent unnecessary heat loss. Where the asphalt concrete is to be placed against curbing and gutter, or against a cold pavement joint or any metal surface, a tack coat shall be applied in advance of the placing. Asphalt concrete mixture shall not be placed if the rolling cannot be completed before dark. 5-03.4 Measurement Pervious hot mix asphalt will be measured by the ton placed. 5-03.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for Permeable HMA, Class 1/2", PG 70-22. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 5 - 4 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 The unit contract price per ton for "HMA Class 1/2 PG 70-22 Pervious Asphalt" shall be full compensation for all costs incurred to carry out the requirements of Section 5-03 except those costs included in other items which are included in the Proposal. 5-04 HOT M 1 X ASPHALT SECTION 5-04.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-04.2 Materials Recycled materials such as Recycled Asphalt Pavement (R.A.P.) for the pavement sections shall not be allowed. SECTION 5-04.3(7)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-04.3(7)A Mix Design The City at its option may approve a current WSDOT approved mix design, Class 1/2" in place of performing a mix design, provided, however, that such mix design shall include a minimum asphalt content of 5% by total mix weight and anti-stripping compound. Anti-stripping compound shall be added to the asphalt material in accordance with Section 9-02.4. If the City is not satisfied with the mix submitted, a full mix design will be performed. The City is not required to justify to the Contractor its decision to perform a mix design. The City reserves the right to adjust the asphalt cement content based on mix design or approval of alternate mix designs submitted by the Contractor. SECTION 5-04.3(8)A IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5-04.3(8)A Acceptance Sampling and Testing Acceptance Sampling and Testing shall be as follows: 1 . Asphalt Cement and Gradation: Extraction tests shall be taken every 500± tons as determined by the Engineer or each day whichever is less. 2. The Engineer is not precluded from taking more tests above if deemed necessary. 3. The Contractor is responsible to meet the required compacting asphalt cement content and gradation requirements. Averaging of test results will not be considered. Any deviation from the specification will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Engineer and may require a credit to the City. The Engineer, however, is not obligated to accept out of specification work and has the authority to require the removal and repaving of material that does not meet the contract specifications at the Contractor's expense. 132ntl Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 5 - 5 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 5-04.3(9) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-04.3(9) Spreading and Finishing Asphalt concrete Class 1/2" shall be compacted in lifts not to exceed 3 inches except that the final lift shall not exceed 2 inches unless approved by the Engineer. The minimum compacted depth of Class B asphalt concrete shall be 1-1/2 inch. Reference Section 8-20.3(14)C of the Kent Special Provisions for the placement of traffic signal detection loops. SECTION 5-04.3(10) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-04.3(10) Compaction Density shall be at least 92 percent of maximum theoretical density (rice density). Compaction tests shall be performed by an approved geotechnical or testing firm under the direction of a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Washington. SECTION 5-04.3(10)B IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5-04.3(10)B Control For Asphalt Concrete, where paving is in the traffic lanes, including lanes for ramps, truck climbing, weaving, speed changes, and left turn channelization, and the specified compacted course thickness is greater than 0.10 foot, the acceptable level of compaction shall be a minimum 92 percent of the maximum density as determined by WSDOT Test Method 705. The level of compaction attained will be determined as the average of not less than 5 nuclear density gauge tests taken on the day the mix is placed (after completion of the finish rolling) at randomly selected locations. The quantity represented by each lot will be no greater than a single day's production or approximately 400 tons, whichever is less. Control lots not meeting the minimum density standard shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory material. At the option of the Engineer, non-complying material may be accepted at a reduced price. Cores used to check density will be approved only when designated by the Engineer. At the start of paving, if requested by the Contractor, a compaction test section shall be constructed as directed by the Engineer to determine the compactibility of the mix design. Compactibility shall be based on the ability of the mix to attain the specified minimum density (92 percent of the maximum density determined by WSDOT Test Method 705). 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 5 - 6 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 HMA Class 3/8 inch PIS 64-22 preleveling mix shall be compacted to 92 percent of the maximum density. In addition to the randomly selected locations for tests of the control lot, the Engineer reserves the right to test any area which appears defective and to require the further compaction of areas that fall below acceptable density reading. These additional tests shall not impact the compaction evaluation of the entire control lot. SECTION 5-04.3(12) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-04.3(12) Joints The HMA overlay and widening shall be feathered to produce a smooth riding connection to the existing pavement where planing is not specified. HMA utilized in the construction of the feathered connections shall be modified by eliminating the coarse aggregate from the mix at the Contractor's plant or the commercial source or by raking the joint on the roadway, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The full depth end of each lane of planing shall be squared off to form a uniform transverse joint. The Contractor shall construct and maintain a temporary HMA wedge in accordance with Section 5-04.3(12)A across the entire width of the transverse edge when traffic is allowed on the planed surface prior to paving. The wedge shall be constructed before opening the lane to traffic. SECTION 5-04.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 5-04.3(21) Temporary Pavement Temporary pavement including trench patches shall be installed where specified by the Engineer. SECTION 5-04.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-04.4 Measurement Fabric reinforcement and fabric crack stabilizer will be measured by the square yard for the surface area, which is satisfactorily covered, sealed and accepted. SECTION 5-04.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5-04.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 5 - 7 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 The unit contract price per ton for "HMA Class 1/2", PG 64-22" shall be full pay for all costs of material, labor, tools and equipment necessary for furnishing, installing and finishing the asphalt for driveways, permanent utility patches, sidewalk ramps, and other areas at the locations shown on the plans, as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer. The cost for anti-stripping additive and asphalt for tack coat shall be included in this bid item. The unit contract price per square yard for "Planing Bituminous Pavement" constitutes complete compensation for all materials, tools, equipment and labor necessary or incidental to plane, clean, sweep, haul, stockpile or dispose of the asphalt concrete pavement as specified on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. No additional cost compensation shall be made for cold mix material to provide a temporary transition from planed areas to existing pavement. Payment shall be made upon actual square yards planed, regardless of the full planing capacity of the equipment used. The unit contract price per ton for "Cold Plant Mix for Temporary Pavement Patch" shall be full pay for all costs of material, labor, tools and equipment necessary for furnishing, installing, maintaining, removing and disposing of Cold Plant Mix as required to provide temporary roadway patching of pavement at the locations as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer. SECTIONS 5-04.5(7), 5-04.5(1)A AND 5-04.5(1)B ARE DELETED IN THEIR ENTIRETY. 5-04.5(1) Quality Assurance Price Adjustments 5-04.5(1)A Price Adjustments for Quality of HMA Mixture 5-04.5(1)B Price Adjustments for Quality of HMA Compaction 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 5 - 8 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 DIVISION 7 - DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. STORM SEWERS. SAN I TARY SEWERS, WATER MA I NS AND CONDU I TS 7-01 DRA 1 NS SECTION 7-01.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-01.2 Materials Materials for this project shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Geotextile Fabric.................................................... 2-12.2 Gravel Backfill for Drains......................................... 9-03.12(4) Perforated Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Underdrain Pipe.... 9-05.2(6) SECTION 7-01.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-01.4 Measurement The linear foot measurement will include the length of the cleanouts. 7-04 STORM SEWERS THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 7-04.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-04.2 Materials The following pipe types and materials are accepted for drains, culverts, and storm sewers for this project. The Contractor has the option of choosing the material except for those pipes specified on the plans to be a specific material. Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) Class IV ........ 9-05.7(2) PVC Pipe.................................................... 9-05.12(1) Ductile Iron Pipe Class 50 (Unlined) ............... 9-05.13 7-04.3 Construction Requirements 7-04.3(1) Cleaning and Testing SECTION 7-04.3(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-04.30)A General All storm drain pipe including the downstream system shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove any solids or construction debris that may have entered the pipe system during construction. The Contractor shall be responsible to insure that materials flushed from the storm drain is trapped, removed, and does not enter the downstream drainage system. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 7 - 1 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 7-04.3(9) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 7-04.3(1)G Television Inspection All new City storm drain extensions, 24-inch diameter and smaller shall be TV camera inspected by the City Utility Department and accepted prior to placing final crushed rock surfacing and pavement. All construction except final casting adjustments must be completed and approved by the Inspector prior to the TV inspection. The manholes and catch basins must be set to grade, channeled, and grade rings set in place prior to TV inspection. Castings must be removed for paving, and fully grouted in place after paving. SECTION 7-04.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-04.5 Payment "Storm Sewer Pipe, 8 Inch Diameter" "Storm Sewer Pipe, 12 Inch Diameter" The unit contract price per lineal foot for the above items shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to furnish and install the pipe at the locations shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The bid item price includes but is not limited to: trench excavation; unsuitable material excavation, hauling, dewatering; backfill and compaction (when native material is to be used), surface restoration, and cleanup. The bid price shall also include fittings, tees, couplings, gaskets, connection to new or existing storm pipes, catch basins, or ditches, testing, coordination for TV inspection, and additional costs for overtime work when working on weekends. 7-05 MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH BASINS, AND DRYWELLS SECTION 7-05.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-05.3 Construction Requirements All manholes and catch basins shall be precast concrete units and shall conform to Kent Standard Plans 5-1 M and 5-2M unless specified otherwise. All manhole penetrations, lifting holes, barrel joints (interior or exterior), risers, frames, and any other location determined by the Engineer, shall be sealed to prevent infiltration. The Contractor shall submit proposed sealing product literature to the Engineer for acceptance, prior to use. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 7 - 2 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Catch basin grates and solid covers shall be ductile iron and of the locking type unless indicated otherwise on the plans and shall be in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plan B-30.70-03 or Kent Standard Plans 5-4M, 5-5M, 5-9 or 5-13 as applicable. Miscellaneous catch basin details shall be in accordance with Kent Standard Plan 5-3. Care must be taken to insure that pressures exerted on the soils beneath the manholes and the adjacent mains are approximately uniform. Unequal soil pressures may result in excessive settlement at manholes. A spread foundation or other measures may be required to reduce the unit load imposed by the manhole. PVC pipe adaptors shall be KOR-IN-SEAL type flex joints or sand collars or other materials as approved by the Engineer to permit slight differential movement. All pipe materials other than the above shall be mudded directly into the manholes and catch basins using a smooth forty five (45) degree bevel from the pipe to the structure meeting ASTM D-303-H-78 SDR35. The allowable protrusion is two (2) inches inside the structure unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. Block lettering is required on the top surfaces of storm drain castings, and shall read as follows: "OUTFALL TO STREAM, DUMP NO POLLUTANTS" SECTION 7-05.3(l) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-06.3(1) Adjusting Manholes and Catch Basins to Grade All construction in performing adjustments of existing or new utilities shall conform to the WSDOT Standard Specifications, Standard Plans, Kent Standard Plans and the Kent Special Provisions. Locating all new and existing utilities to be adjusted following the paving shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall mark or reference all affected utilities including traffic loops prior to paving. Should it be determined by City personnel upon inspection or by notification from other utility companies that the Contractor has failed to adjust existing utilities, the Contractor shall be responsible for completing the adjustments, at no additional cost to the utility company or the City, even if the Contractor has vacated the project site. If the Contractor neglects to reference utilities prior to paving, and for example causes conflicts with or damage to traffic loops, the Contractor shall be responsible to relocate or replace the traffic loops at no additional cost to the City. No less than 4 inches or greater than 16 inches shall be provided between the top of the cone and the underside of the manhole frame for adjustment to street grade or ground surface. Final elevation and 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 7 - 3 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 slope of the frame and cover shall conform to the final street surface. All joints in the brick or ring adjustment shall be filled with grout, and the castings shall be sealed in grout placed on the ring or brick. A 3/8 inch mortar lining shall be installed inside and out of the adjustment section to form a smooth watertight finish. NOTE: The use or presence of wood, asphalt, expansion joint material or other non-approved product for catch basin or manhole adjustment shall be cause for immediate rejection. On asphalt concrete paving and/or asphalt resurfacing projects, manholes, catch basins and similar structures shall not be adjusted until the pavement is completed, at which time the center of each structure shall be relocated from references previously established by the Contractor. The pavement shall be cut in a restricted area and base material removed to permit removal of the cover. The asphalt concrete pavement shall be cut and removed to a neat circle, the diameter of which shall be equal to the outside diameter of the frame plus two feet. The frame shall be placed on concrete blocks and fully mortared to the desired grade. The base materials and crushed rock shall be removed and Cement Concrete Class 3000 shall be placed so that the entire volume of the excavation and up to within, but not to exceed 1 -1/2 inches of the finished pavement surface. Note: casting adjustments shall be made with cementatious materials only. Wood, plastic, iron, aluminum, bituminous or similar materials are prohibited. On the following day, the concrete, the edges of the asphalt concrete pavement, and the outer edge of the casting shall be painted with hot asphalt cement. Asphalt concrete shall then be placed and compacted with hand tampers and a patching roller. The completed patch shall match the existing paved surface for texture, density, and uniformity of grade. The joint between the patch and the existing pavement shall then be painted with hot asphalt cement or asphalt emulsion and shall be immediately covered with dry paving sand before the asphalt cement solidifies. SECTION 7-05.3(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-05.3(3) Connections to Existing Manholes It shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility to protect the existing sewer system from any damage and/or debris resulting from the construction. Should any damage and/or debris occur, the Contractor shall, at no cost to the City, repair and/or clean said system to the satisfaction of the Engineer. NOTE: Cleaning shall include those existing lines downstream of the project in which debris has been deposited. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 7 - 4 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 7-05.3(5) Storm Drain Marking The pavement adjacent to all new catch basins shall be marked with, the following standard pollution prevention button:. Dumpt The Contractor is responsible for installation of the buttons. Markers and adhesive for publicly owned catch basins will be provided by the City. 7-05,3(7) Relocate Existing Catch Basin The existing catch basin assemblies indicated to be relocated shall be carefully removed to avoid damage. The Contractor will then install the catch basin at the location indicated on the plans so that the assembly will function as shown on the plans. SECTION 7-05.5 A5 SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-05.5 Payment ",Catch Basin Type 1 " „Catch Basin Type i L" „Catch Basin. Type 2 48 Inch Diameter„ "Concrete Inlet" The unit contract price per each for the above items constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to install the specified structure to final finished grade as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This work includes but shall not be limited to: excavating; dewatering; installing; connecting new or existing pipes, backfilling; compacting; surface restoration; referencing for future locates prior to final overlay; and storm drain pollution prevention buttons. "A,d_Iust Existing Manhole Cover to Finished Grade" "Ad'ust Existing Catch Basin Frame and Grate to Finished Grade„ The unit contract price per each for the above items constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools,. supplies, and equipment necessary to adjust and or rotate the specified structure to final finished grade as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This work includes but shall not be limited to: excavating; dewatering; installing; connecting new or existing pipes, 132Ild Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 7 - 5 June 8, 2017 Project NUrnber: 16-3008 backfilling; compacting; surface restoration; referencing for future locates prior to final overlay; and installing City provided storm drain curb markers. Adjusting the grade by adding new or removing risers, grade rings, or sections as required will be included in this bid item. Any adjustments made prior to the final finished elevation shall be considered incidental. "Solid Locking Catch Basin Frame and Cover" "Sidewalk Manhole Cover" "Vaned Catch Basin Frame and Grate" "Beehive Cover for Catch Basin" The unit contract price per each for the above items constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to furnish and install the new frame and cover or grate as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This price shall also include adjusting the new frame and cover or grate to match final grades. Any adjustments made prior to the final finished elevation shall be considered incidental. 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 7-O8.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.2 Materials All pipe shall be of the type and material specified in the bid proposal, shown on the plans or specified herein. All materials used for construction of sanitary sewer and storm drainage systems and appurtenances shall be new and undamaged. All materials used shall be subject to inspection by the City prior to use. The Contractor shall provide the City with shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and certificates of materials as requested. The materials referred to herein, shall conform to the applicable provisions of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, the Kent Special Provisions and the manufacturer's recommended installation procedures. See the following Sections of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and the Kent Special Provisions: Hot Mix Asphalt ............................... 5-04.2 Cement Concrete Pavement .............. 5-05.2 Culverts ......................................... 7-02.2 Storm Sewers ................................. 7-04.2 Manholes, Inlets and Catch Basins...... 7-05.2 Sanitary Sewer................................ 7-17.2 Side Sewers.................................... 7-18.2 Crushed Surfacing ........................... 9-03.9(3) Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding.. 9-03.12(3) Gravel Borrow ................................. 9-03.14(1) Foundation Material Class I and It ...... 9-03.17 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill .... 9-03.19 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 7 - 6 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 7-08.3(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(1)A Trenches If well points are used for dewatering pipe trenches, they shall be adequately spaced to provide the necessary dewatering and shall be sandpacked and/or other means used to prevent pumping of fine sands or silts from the sub-surface. A continual check by the Contractor shall be maintained to insure that the sub-surface soil is not being removed by the dewatering operation. Once commenced, the dewatering operation shall be continuous until construction and backfilling in the dewatered area is complete. Pump shutdown shall be accomplished in an approved gradual manner. The Contractor shall provide enough facilities and personnel to maintain continuous operation once commenced. Such continuous operation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. In the event of damage to the trench foundation as determined by the Engineer, or to the ditch walls, or other operations resulting from the failure of the Contractor to maintain the dewatering operation, the complete cost of all repairs shall be borne by the Contractor. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to dispose of all waters resulting from its dewatering operation. This responsibility also includes choice of method, obtaining regulatory agency approvals, complying with state water quality standards and other agency requirements. Each individual project and dewatering operation shall be evaluated individually to determine exact requirements; however, in general the following conditions will apply. 1 . Disposal into the existing storm drain facilities (pipes, channels, ditches, etc.) may be acceptable if the Contractor obtains the necessary permits and approvals. 2. Discharge to existing storm drain facilities shall not result in a violation of state water quality standards for surface water, Chapter 173-203 WAC. 3. The Contractor shall monitor discharge and receiving water(s) as required to verify that water quality standards are being met. 4. If necessary to meet standards and approval requirements, the Contractor shall treat the water prior to discharge. A settling pond may be an acceptable method of treatment. Any damage, as determined by the Engineer to properties or improvements resulting from an inadequate disposal (water) operation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, including repairs, replacements and/or restoration. 132n° Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 7 - 7 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Where required or where directed by the Engineer, stabilization of the trench bottom shall be in accordance with Section 7-08.3(1)A of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Excavation of the unsuitable material shall be considered as trench excavation. The unsuitable material shall be disposed of by the Contractor. Backfill unsuitable material excavations with Foundation Material Class I or I I meeting the requirements of Section 9-03.17 of the Kent Special Provisions with the class called for in the bid proposal, on the plans or by the Engineer in the field. Trench excavation shall include the required pavement removal for construction of the trench. See Section 2-02.3(3) of the Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 7-08.3(7)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(1)C Bedding the Pipe Bedding shall be placed in accordance with Standard Plan B-55.20-00. Bedding material shall be in accordance with Section 9-03.12(3) of the Kent Special Provisions. Bedding material shall be tamped in layers under, around and above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe. The Contractor shall use compaction equipment approved by the Engineer to obtain adequate compaction of the bedding material. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, adequate compaction shall be construed to mean to at least 95 percent of the maximum density measured in accordance with ASTM D-1557. The pipe shall be protected from damage when compacting. At least two feet of cover is required over the pipe prior to using heavy compaction equipment. SECTION 7-08.3(2)8 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(2)B Pipe Laying - General At locations of pipe crossing between new or existing pipes the minimum vertical clearance shall be one and one-half foot unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. If this clearance cannot be obtained, the Contractor shall install a 2-inch thick 1-2 PSF styrofoam cushion between the pipes. The cushion shall be installed longitudinally with the lower pipe. The cushion width shall be equal to the lower pipe diameter and the length shall be one foot greater than the upper pipe diameter. It should be noted that field adjustment of specified slopes for storm and sanitary side sewers are permissible, if approved by the Design Engineer, to obtain the minimum clearances. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 7 - 8 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 External or internal grouting or repair by use of collars on the new sanitary or storm sewer line will not be an acceptable means of repair, should repair be necessary. All pipe, adaptors, tees, and other fittings shall be used for the purpose intended by the manufacturer and shall be installed according to manufacturer's recommendations. SECTION 7-08.3(2)G IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(2)G Jointing of Dissimilar Pipe Connections of Ductile or Cast Iron Pipe to Concrete Pipe or PVC Pipe will be done by the use of Cast Transition or reducing couplings (Romac 501 or equivalent). SECTION 7-08.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 7-08.3(6) Street Restoration Unless otherwise shown on the plans, street restoration shall be in accordance with the following requirements: Where cuts have been made in either asphalt concrete pavement, or in oil mats, the Contractor shall reconstruct the trench areas with a 3 inch thick asphalt concrete patch placed on a 6 inch thickness of crushed surfacing top course or as directed by the Engineer in the field. However, where cuts have been made in an asphalt concrete pavement section to be overlayed, the Contractor shall reconstruct the trench with a 2 inch thick asphalt concrete patch with a 2 inch asphalt overlay for a total of 4 inches of asphalt concrete pavement over 6 inches of crushed surfacing top course. In all cases, the asphalt and crushed surfacing thickness for the patch shall meet or exceed the existing pavement section. Upon approval of the Engineer, Controlled Density Fill may be used to back fill the narrow trenches where it is difficult to compact crushed surfacing. In these cases the asphalt concrete layer shall increase to a minimum of 2 inches greater than the existing section. Where cuts have been made in cement concrete pavement, the Contractor shall reconstruct the trench area with a 6 inch thick cement concrete patch placed on a 6 inch thickness of crushed surfacing top course. In all cases, the cement concrete and crushed surfacing thickness for the patch shall meet or exceed the existing pavement section. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 7 - 9 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Where there is an existing asphalt overlay over cement concrete pavement, the cement concrete shall be patched to original grade as above and then overlaid with an asphalt concrete patch to existing grade. All gravel shoulders shall be restored to their original condition and shape. The Contractor shall spread a 2 inch thick layer of crushed surfacing on the shoulder. The shoulder shall be finished with a grader after backfilling and compacting and before spreading the crushed surfacing. Permanent surface treatments and pavements shall not be placed until an as-built survey and testing of the new underground utilities have been completed. Verification that utility construction conforms to the line and grade requirements of Section 7-08.3(2)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall be made by the Engineer prior to authorizing paving to begin. Also, each new utility must pass all appropriate tests specified herein for the type of utility prior to paving. SECTION 7-08.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.4 Measurement Gravel backfill for foundation and gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding shall be measured by the ton, including haul. SECTION 7-08.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.5 Payment The unit contract price per ton for "Pipe Zone Bedding" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, material, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and place bedding material as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, loading, hauling, mixing, placing, shaping, and compacting. The unit contract price per ton for "Foundation Material. Class I and I I" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, material, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and place foundation material as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, loading, hauling, mixing, placing, shaping, and compacting. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 7 - 10 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 DIVISION 8 - MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 8-01 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SECTION 8-01.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.1 Description This work consists of temporary erosion and sedimentation control procedures (TESCP) as shown on the construction plans, specified in these Kent Special Provisions, and ordered by the Engineer as work proceeds. The TESCP are intended to minimize erosion and sedimentation as well as protect waters of the state and the city's municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) as required by law. SECTION 8-01.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections of the Kent Special Provisions and the WSDOT Standard Specifications: Seed ....................................8-01 .3(2)B and 9-14.2 Fertilizer ...............................8-01 .3(2)B and 9-14.3 Mulch and Amendments ..........8-01 .3(2)D and 9-14.4 Tackifier ...............................8-01 .3(2)E and 9-14.4(7) 8-01.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-01.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(1) General Preventing and controlling pollution, erosion, runoff, and related damage requires the Contractor to install temporary stormwater best management practices (BMPs) as per the plans and as directed by the City. As site conditions dictate, additional BMPs may be required. The Contractor shall anticipate the need for additional best management practices and propose necessary changes to the City. Should the Contractor fail to install the required temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures or to perform maintenance in a timely manner, or fail to take immediate action to install additional approved measures, all fines, cost of cleanup, costs for delays and down time shall be borne by the Contractor. All cost for this work shall be paid for under the unit contract bid prices. The upgrading of the TESCP facilities shall not constitute a basis for additional working days for this project. 132n°Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 1 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer a minimum of two working days notice prior to clearing adjacent to any wetland, creek or other sensitive area. During the construction period, no disturbance beyond the flagged clearing limits shall be permitted. The flagging shall be maintained by the Contractor for the duration of construction. The TESC facilities shall be in accordance with and conform to the Kent Surface Water Design Manual, the WSDOT Standards Specifications, and the Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit (if applicable), except as modified by the Kent Design and Construction Standards or these Kent Special Provisions. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify the City at once of any TESC deficiencies or changes in conditions such as rutting and or erosion that may occur during construction. The Contractor may recommend possible solutions to the Engineer in order to resolve any problems that are occurring. The requirements of this section shall apply to all areas of the site subject to construction activity as described in the WSDOT Standard Specifications, the Kent Special Provisions and contract plans, including Contractor construction support facilities, Contractor personnel parking areas, equipment and material storage/laydown areas, and other areas utilized by the Contractor for completion of the work. Nothing in this section shall relieve the Contractor from complying with other contract requirements. SECTION 8-01.3(1)A 1S SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(1)A Submittals Prior to the start of any construction activities, the Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's review and approval, the following, as necessitated by the work: 1 . Dewatering Plan 2. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan 3. Stream Bypass Plan for in-water work 4. Name and contact info for Contractor's CESCL SECTION 8-01.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 8-01.3(1)F Applicable Regulations and Criteria All construction activities are subject to applicable federal, state, and local permits. The Contractor shall comply with requirements of applicable state and local regulatory requirements, including, but not limited to the following: 1. WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington 2. RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of pollutants in waters prohibited 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 2 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 3. City of Kent 2002 Surface Water Design Manual 4. Construction Stormwater General Permit — WA Department of Ecology 8-01.3(1)G Water Quality Monitoring Sampling of site stormwater discharges is only required if the project is covered under the WA Department of Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit or if there is a suspected discharge that exceeds state water quality standards. If the project is covered under the Construction Stormwater General Permit, then the Contractor shall conduct sampling as per the conditions listed in the permit. Any results that are outside the appropriate range of compliance will require immediate implementation of adaptive management as outlined in applicable permits, stormwater pollution prevention plan, and as directed by the Engineer. All sampling records shall be submitted to the Engineer by the last day of the monitoring period. All necessary adaptive management requirements shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to implement and maintain. All costs for this work shall be included in the various unit contract bid prices. 8-01.3(2) Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching SECTION B-01.3(2)B IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)B Seeding and Fertilizing Topsoil and all other unpaved and unsodded areas within easements and right-of-way disturbed as part of this project shall be seeded. Hydroseeding shall be the method of seed application. Hydroseed shall consist of a slurry composed of water, seed, fertilizer, tackifier, and mulch and shall be evenly broadcast over areas to be seeded. All work shall conform in all respects to Section 8-01 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, except as modified herein. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer not less than 48 hours in advance of any hydroseeding operation and shall not begin the work until areas prepared or designated for hydroseeding have been approved. Following the Engineer's approval, hydroseeding of the approved slopes shall begin immediately. Hydroseeding shall not be done during windy weather or when the ground is frozen, excessively wet, or otherwise untillable. 132""Pedestrian I mprovements/Holcomb 8 - 3 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Hydroseed mixture to be applied by an approved hydro seeder which utilizes water as the carrying agent, and maintains continuous agitation through paddle blades. It shall have an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and mix into a homogeneous slurry the specified amount of seed and water or other material. Distribution and discharge lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic discharge spray nozzles that will provide a uniform distribution of the slurry. The seed and fertilizer cannot be placed in the tank more than 30 minutes prior to application. The seed and fertilizer shall have a tracer added to visibly aid uniform application. This tracer shall not be harmful to plant and animal life. If wood cellulose fiber is used as a tracer, the application rate shall not exceed 25 pounds per acre. Areas where hydroseeding is not practical, must be seeded by approved hand methods as approved by the engineer. When seeding by hand, Contractor shall incorporate seed into the top 1/4 inch of soil. The hydroseed slurry shall consist of the following materials mixed thoroughly together and applied in the quantities indicated. 1. Grass Seed: Mixture shall be fresh, clean, new crop seed. Seed to be mixed mechanically on the site or may be mixed by the dealer. If seed is mixed on site, each variety shall be delivered in the original containers bearing the dealer's guaranteed analysis. If seed is mixed by the dealer, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer the Dealer's guaranteed statement of the composition of the mixture and the percentage of purity and germination of each variety. Grass seed shall be purchased from a recognized distributor and shall be composed of the varieties mixed in the proportions indicated in the WSDOT Standard Specifications and Kent Special Provisions. Seed shall meet the minimum percentages of purity and germination specified in Section 9-14.2 of the Kent Special Provisions. Seed shall be applied at the rate of 120 pounds per acre. The Contractor shall protect seed from hydration, contamination, and heating during delivery, storage, and handling. Seed shall be stored in a cool dry location away from contaminants. Mix A shall be used as the standard hydroseed mix unless otherwise specified herein or on approved project plans. Mix B shall be used exclusively for seeded areas adjacent to grass lawns, within seeded medians, and within seeded traffic islands. In addition, Mix B shall be used for all seeded areas not specifically showing Mix A on the plans, or where otherwise directed by the Engineer. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 4 June 8. 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 2. Water: The Contractor shall begin maintenance immediately after seeding for a minimum of ten (10) weeks or longer as needed. Water seeded areas before hydroseed slurry has completely dried out. Water slowly and thoroughly with fine spray nozzle. Water the hydroseeded areas at least twice daily (in the early morning and late afternoon) until the grass is well established as determined by the Engineer. Repeat watering operation as required by climatic conditions to keep areas moist for a minimum period of 2 weeks from the day of first watering and as necessary for healthy growth. 3. Mulch: As needed to meet requirements of Sections 8-01 .3(2)D and 9-14.4. 4. Fertilizer: All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation applied at the rate of 400 pounds per acre. All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer meeting the requirements of Section 9-14.3 of the Kent Special Provisions. Fertilizer shall not be applied on any creek sideslopes in order to avoid contamination of these creeks. 5. Hand Seeding: Seeding shall be applied at the rate of 6 pounds per 1 ,000 square feet. The seed shall be applied by an approved hand held spreader. The seed shall be evenly distributed over the disturbed area. Apply seed mix after fertilizing and rake the seed into the surface soil to a depth of 1/4-inch. 6. If the slurry is used for temporary erosion control it shall be applied at the following rates: EROSION CONTROL: Seed 170 Ibs/acre of "Mix A" unless otherwise directed by Engineer. Fertilizer 400lbs/acre Wood Fiber 2,000 Ibs/ acre Tackifier 80lbs/acre SECTION 8-01.3(2)D IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)D Mulching Wood cellulose fiber mulch conforming to Section 9-14.4 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall be used where mulch is called for on this project. The application rate shall be 2,000 pounds to the acre in accordance with Section 8-01 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Mulch shall be incorporated into the slurry of seed and fertilizer. Mulch of the type specified in Section 9-14.4(2) shall be included in the hydroseeding process. Wood cellulose fiber used as a mulch shall be suitable for application with hydroseeders as specified in Section 8-01 .3(2)B. The application of seed, fertilizer, and mulch shall be required in a single operation for all seed applications, unless otherwise 132n°Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 5 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 directed. Mulch materials, shall be furnished, hauled, and evenly applied at the rates indicated, and shall be spread on seeded areas immediately after seeding unless otherwise specified. Distribution of straw mulch material shall be by means of an approved type mulch spreader, which utilizes forced air to blow mulch material on seeded areas. In spreading straw mulch, the spreader shall not cut or break the straw into short stalks. Straw mulch shall be applied at a rate to achieve a loose, overall thickness of three (3) inches. Areas not accessible by mulching equipment shall be mulched by approved hand methods and shall achieve similar results. Mulch sprayed on signs or sign structures shall be removed the same day. SECTION 8-01.3(2)E IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)E Soil Binders and Tacking Agents Unless specified otherwise, wood cellulose fiber mulch per Section 9-14.4(2) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall have tackifier incorporated into the mulch fiber during manufacture. If additional tackifier is required, the tackifier shall be Type A as specified in Section 9-14.4(7) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. When specified, soil binders and tacking agents shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. SECTION 8-01.3(2)F IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST THREE PARAGRAPHS AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)F Dates for Application of Final Seed, Fertilizer, and Mulch Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the final application of seeding, fertilizing, and mulching of slopes shall be performed during the following periods: West of the summit of the Cascade Range - March 1 to May 15 and August 15 to October 1 . Where contract timing is appropriate, seeding, fertilizing, and mulching shall be accomplished during the spring period listed above. Written permission to seed after October 1 will only be given when physical completion of the project is imminent and the environmental conditions are conducive to satisfactory growth. SECTION 8-01.3(2)G IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)G Protection and Care of Seeded Areas Protect adjacent property, public walks, curbs and pavement from damage. Do not place soil directly on paved surfaces. Locate all underground utilities prior to the commencement of work. Keep streets and area drains open and free flowing. Protect all seeding against wind, storm, and trespassing. Replace any plants that become damaged or 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 6 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 injured. In seeded areas, treat and reseed damaged spots larger than one square foot. SECTION 8-01.3(2)H IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)H I nspection Inspection of seeded areas shall be made upon completion of seeding operations, at the end of the maintenance period, and at any time during the maintenance period. The Contractor shall reseed, re-mulch or re-fertilize as required to establish a uniform, thick stand of grass. A uniform stand of grass shall be defined as any grass area with no spots greater than one square foot. Areas failing to show a uniform thick, healthy stand of grass after the maintenance period shall be reseeded consistent with the Kent Special Provisions at the Contractor's expense. Reseeded areas will be subject to inspection for acceptance. 8-01.3(9) Sediment Control Barriers SECTION 8-01.3(9)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(9)D Inlet Protection Cleaning and maintenance of inlet protection shall not flush sediment, or sediment-laden water into the downstream system. SECTION 8-01.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 8-01.3(17) Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Handling and storage of fuel, oil and chemicals shall not take place within 50 feet of waterways. Storage shall be in dike tanks and barrels with drip pans provided under the dispensing area. Shut-off and lock valves shall be provided on hoses. Fuel, oil, and chemicals shall be dispensed only during daylight hours unless approved by the engineer. Fencing shall be provided around storage area. Locks shall be provided on all valves, pumps, and tanks. Materials used to clean up fuel, oil, and chemical spills shall be disposed of as directed by the engineer. Water used for washing vehicles and equipment shall not be allowed to enter storm drains or other State waters. No processed waste water(s) of any kind shall be discharged onto the ground, to surface waters, or to stormwater conveyance systems. 132n°Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 7 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION B-01.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.5 Payment The unit contract price per acre for "Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching" shall be full pay for all labor, materials tools and equipment necessary to complete the above said hydroseeding, seeding, fertilizing and mulching at the locations shown on the plans, including the following areas: 1. All planter areas or areas disturbed by the Contractor's operations behind the sidewalk, even where it is only a narrow strip. 2. All biofiltration swales. 3. Detention pond site. 4. Other areas as directed by the Engineer. Water, fertilizer and mulch shall be provided by the Contractor as necessary to maintain and establish the seeded areas and is considered incidental to this bid item. Topsoil Type B is considered incidental to this bid item unless a specific bid item is listed in the proposal. The cost of baffling or blocking over spray as required to prevent over spray onto the sidewalk, curbing and non-planter areas is incidental to the unit price. The unit bid price per lineal foot for "Filter Fabric Fence" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, tools, materials, supplies and equipment necessary to construct and install the fence as shown on the plans, including fabric, posts and gravel to anchor fabric. This bid item also includes: maintenance throughout the project; and removal and disposal of the fence and accumulated sediment as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price per each for "Inlet Protection" shall be full pay for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to construct, maintain, and remove when no longer required, this temporary erosion control measure. No other further compensation will be made. The unit bid price per square yard for "Straw Mulch" constitutes complete compensation for all materials, tools, labor and equipment required for applying straw mulch on exposed soils for erosion control as directed by the Engineer. Straw shall be in an air-dried condition, and free of noxious weeds and other materials detrimental to plant life. The unit price per square yard for "Clear Plastic Covering" (6 mil polyethylene sheets) shall constitute complete compensation for furnishing, staking, maintaining and protecting, the material in place (including sand bags and stakes) on all exposed soils per the WSDOT Standard Specification and as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price per hour for "ESC Lead" shall be full pay for all duties outlined in Section 8-01 .3(1)B (Erosion,and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead) in per hour increments. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 8 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION SECTION 8-02.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.1 Description Drawings and Specifications: Definitions: The word "provide" means "furnish and install" (for landscaping only). Dimensions and Measurements: Dimensions govern when shown. Scale is approximate. Contractor shall check all dimensions in the field and verify them with respect to adjacent or incorporated work. Any discrepancies in the drawings shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Engineer before work proceeds further. Number of Specified Items Required: Wherever in these Kent Special Provisions an article, device or piece of equipment is referred to in the singular number, such reference shall include as many such items as are shown on drawings or required to complete the installation. SECTION 8-02. 1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 8-02.10) Submittals The Contractor shall submit within 20 days after Notice to Proceed date a list of all plant material indicating source of supply, order invoice, size and quantity for such species or variety. All plant materials shall meet requirements of State and Federal laws with respect to inspection for plant diseases and infestations. Inspection certificates required by law shall accompany each shipment of plant material and submitted to the Engineer. SECTION 8-02.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Topsoil Type A, Type 6, and Type C............. 9-14.1 (1), (2), (3) Seed....................................................... 9-14.2 Fertilizer.................................................. 9-14.3 Mulch and Amendments............................. 9-14.4 Wood Cellulose Fiber ................................. 9-14.4(2) Special Planting Mixture............................. 9-14.4(9) Erosion Control Devices ............................. 9-14.5 Plant Materials.......................................... 9-14.6 Water for Plants........................................ 9-25.2 132n0 Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 9 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Botanical identification and nomenclature of plant materials shall be based on descriptions by Bailey in "Hortus Third" or superseding editions and amendments. 8-02.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-02.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(1) Responsibility During Construction The Contractor shall at all times keep the planted areas free from accumulations of waste materials or rubbish. Upon completion of the planting work, the Contractor shall immediately remove all refuse and debris resulting from the planting activities. The project will not receive either preliminary or final approval if the cleanup does not meet with the approval of the Engineer. SECTION 8-02.3(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(3) Weed and Pest Control During the maintenance period, all weeds are to be removed by hand. SECTION 8-02.3(9) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(9) Pruning, Staking, Guying, and Wrapping Pruning shall be limited to the minimum amount necessary to remove injured twigs and branches. Only cut injured limbs to the nearest lateral bud. Do not apply tree wound paint or petroleum product to tree cuts. SECTION 8-02.3(11) IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-02.3(11) Bark or Wood Chip Mulch Revise all references in this section from bark or wood chip mulch to "compost or xylem wood chips". SECTION 8-02.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 8-02.3(17) Plant and Site Protection During Entire Construction Period The Contractor shall: 1 . Protect existing trees to remain and new plants against injury and damage, including but not limited to: cutting, breaking, or skinning of roots, trunk or branches, or smothering by stockpiling construction material, or compaction by equipment. 2. Keep all heavy equipment (e.g., backhoe) outside of the drip lines of all existing trees, so as not to damage the root systems. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 10 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 3. Notify Engineer immediately if a conflict arises between construction activity and the protection of trees and shrubs; alter methods as necessary and as approved by the Engineer. SECTION B-02.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.5 Payment The unit contract price per cubic yard for "Topsoil Type A" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to supply and spread the topsoil in the areas shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer. This item includes but is not limited to the labor required for raking and compacting the topsoil, cleanup and complete preparation ready for seeding. The unit contract price per cubic yard for "Bark or Wood Chip Mulch" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment necessary to supply and spread the bark or wood chip in the areas directed by the Engineer. This item includes but is not limited to raking and compacting the bark or wood chip, and cleanup. The unit price per cubic yard for "Fine Compost" shall be full compensation for all labor, tools, supplies, equipment and materials necessary for furnishing and mixing (ripping) the compost into the existing soil at least twice in opposite directions. 8-04 CURBS, GUTTERS, AND SPILLWAYS SECTION 8-04.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-04.3(1) Cement Concrete Curbs, Gutters and Spillways The City will provide control staking in accordance with Section 1-05.5(6) of the Kent Special Provisions. If the curb and gutter flow line is found to deviate from the flow line shown on the plans by more than 0.03 foot, the Contractor shall remove the faulty section of curb and gutter and replace it with a new section meeting specifications. The removal and replacement shall be at no cost to the City. SECTION B-04.3(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-04.3(1)A Extruded Cement Concrete Curb Extruded curb shall include a 6-inch wide break in the extruded curb every 20 feet to allow water runoff to drain into existing drainage swales. The end of the extruded curb shall be sloped at a 45 degree slope. Extruded curb shall be painted white. 132nd Pedestrian I mprovements/Holcomb 8 - 11 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 8-04.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-04.5 Payment Add the following to Section 8-04.5 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications: "Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter" "Pedestrian Curb" "Precast Concrete Sloped Mountable Curb" The unit contract price per linear foot for the above items shall be considered complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment required to install the curbs in accordance with the plans, specifications and as directed by the Engineer. These bid items include but are not limited to: supplying and painting the yellow Precast Concrete Sloped Mountable Curb in the traffic island, supplying and installing the reinforcing steel, drainage gap, and paint curb in accordance with the plans, specifications and as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price per linear foot for "Cement Concrete Extruded Curb Type 6"shall be considered complete compensation for all materials, labor, reinforcing steel, drainage gap every 20' as shown in the extruded curb detail on the plans, white paint, tools and equipment required to install the curbs in accordance with the plans, specifications and as directed by the Engineer. 8-09 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS SECTION 8-09. 1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-09.1 Description This work shall consist of furnishing, and installing new pavement markers of the type specified in the plans upon the roadway surface in accordance with applicable Kent Standard Plans and/or WSDOT Standard Plans at locations shown in the Contract or as directed by the Engineer. Removal of existing pavement markers shall be included in the unit bid price for this item unless otherwise specified. Unless otherwise noted, pavement markings shall be installed in strict conformance to Kent Standard Plans 6-73 and/or 6-74. SECTION 8-09.3(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-09.3(1) Preliminary Spotting The Engineer will provide control points at the locations and intervals determined necessary by the City to assist in preliminary spotting of the lines before the placement of raised pavement markers begins. The Contractor shall be responsible for preliminary spotting of the lines to be marked. Approval by the Engineer is required before the placement of raised pavement markers begins. Preliminary spotting to guide the 132n1 Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 12 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 placement of raised pavement markers is required for all longitudinal lines. Preliminary spotting for each lane of raised pavement markers shall be provided at transition points required by Kent Standard Plan 6-73, RPM Substitution Patterns. SECTION 8-09.3(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-09.3(2) Surface Preparation In removing raised pavement markers and plastic traffic buttons, the Contractor shall: 1 . Haul broken-up pieces of raised pavement markers, plastic traffic buttons and all waste material to an off-project site, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, or permitted by the Kent Special Provisions. 2. Remove all sand, or other waste materials deposited on the pavement, or within the City's stormwater management system, as a result of the removal process selected by the Contractor. 3. Install temporary lane markings at their sole expense, unless the street is going to be remarked, or overlaid immediately after the completed removal of raised pavement markers and/or plastic traffic buttons. 4. Take suitable care so as not to damage the underlying pavement surface more than necessary, clean all underlying pavement, including the complete removal of all remaining adhesive, and fill any surface voids caused by the removal work. SECTION 8-09.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-09.4 Measurement When shown as lump sum in the plans or in the Proposal as removal of raised pavement markers and plastic traffic markings, no specific unit of measurement will apply, but measurement will be for the sum total of all items for a complete removal of the subject items. SECTION 8-09.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-09.5 Payment The lump sum contract price for "Removal of Raised Pavement Markers and Painted and/or Thermoplastic Traffic Markings" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to remove and dispose of the raised pavement markers and painted and/or thermoplastic traffic markings as described in the specifications or as directed by the Engineer. 8-12 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE SECTION 8-12.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 13 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 8-12.1 Description This work shall consist of installing, adjusting, removing, relocating, replacing or restoring existing property fences of all types specified in accordance with the plans, these specifications, and in reasonably close conformity with the line staked by the Engineer. SECTION 8-12.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.2 Materials Douglas fir, Western red cedar, hemlock, or larch shall be used in the construction of wood fence posts and braces. The material shall be of good quality, pressure treated and approved by the Engineer before use. Wood fencing materials shall have sufficient sapwood in the outer periphery to obtain the specified penetration of preservative. Western red cedar will not require preservative treatment. Fencing materials shall be cut to the correct length before pressure treatment. DIVISION 8-12.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOW NEW SECTIONS: 8-12.3(1) Chain Link Fence and Gates Existing fences and gates shall be restored to their former condition or to that condition acceptable to the Engineer. New material for residential properties shall meet the requirement shown in the plans or as directed by the Engineer New materials for the City of Kent Parks Department site shall consists of 6-foot high black vinyl coated chain link fence with top and bottom rails or as directed by the Engineer. The 14' wide gate shall conform to Standard Plan 5-23 and shall be black vinyl coated. SECTION 8-12.3(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.3(2) Wire Fence and Gates Existing wire fence and gates shall be restored to their former condition or to that condition acceptable to the Engineer. New materials shall be in general conformance to the requirements of Section 8-12 of the WSDQT Standard Specifications. DIVISION 8-12.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOW NEW SECTION: 8-12.3(3) Wood Fence and Gates Existing wood fence and gates shall be restored to their former condition or to that condition acceptable to the Engineer. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 14 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 8-12.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.4 Measurement Remove and relocate fence shall be measured by the linear foot of relocated fence, along the ground line, exclusive of openings. Gates shall be included in the fence measurement. Temporary fencing shall be measured by the linear foot of temporary fence, along the ground line exclusive of openings. Gates shall be included in the fence measurement. Remove and restore fence shall be measured along that portion of the fence which must be removed in order to perform necessary work. Measurement for payment will be between the closest posts which remain undisturbed by the work. Restoration of fence beyond the stated limits is incidental to and included in the measured length defined above. If the Contractor removed additional fence for its convenience, restoration of the additional length of fence shall be at its sole expense. SECTION 8-12.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.5 Payment "Remove Existing 30' Double Chain Link Gate, Complete" per each "Remove Wood Fence," per linear foot. "Remove Chain Link Fence," per linear foot. "Install New Wood Fence," per linear foot. "Black Vinyl Coated Double 14' Chain Link Gate, In Place (6' High)," per each "Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence, Type 2 In Place (6' Highs" per Linear foot The unit contract price per each or linear foot for the above items shall be considered complete compensation for all materials, labor, supplies, tools and equipment required to furnish and install the fences and gates in accordance with the plans, specifications and as directed by the Engineer. 8-14 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SECTION 8-14.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.1 Description The work consists of the construction of cement concrete mow strip with medium brush finish of the kind and designed specified at the locations shown on the plans and where designated by the Engineer in accordance with these Specifications and in conformity to the lines and grades as staked. 132ntl Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 15 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 8-14.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.2 Materials Materials for the "Cement Concrete Brick Stamped Traffic Island" shall meet the requirements of the following sections: All cement pigments for coloring the concrete shall be liquid mineral oxide pigments conforming to the requirements of ASTM C979, Standard Specification for Pigments for Integrally-Colored Concrete. Provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all concrete pigment materials used for this Contract. Furnish ONLY one (1) of the following full-depth pigment systems for integrally-colored concrete: 1 .' L. M. SCOFIELD systems liquid CHROMIX-ML. The full-depth color is to be the equivalent of Davis Colors Tile Red #1117. 2. DAVIS COLORS Hydrotint Aqueous Dispersion. The full-depth color is to be Tile Red #1117. 3. SOLOMON COLORS - SGS ColorFlo Liquid Pigments. The full- depth color is to be the equivalent of Davis Colors Tile Red #1117. The embossed surface pattern shall be imprinted using Brickform London Cobble Textured Mat #EF-540-5/0. Concrete Curing Materials shall be in strict conformance with the written requirements of the manufacturer of the concrete pigment. Furnish one (1) of the following combinations of form release agent and surface sealant for use on the surface of the integrally-colored concrete: 1. L.M. SCOFIELD SYSTEMS Lithotex release agent equivalent to Brickform Antique Release Agent #100 Dark Gray, and WR Meadows Sealtight CS-309-25 clear sealer. 2. DAVIS COLORS compatible release agent equivalent to Brickform Antique Release Agent #100 Dark Gray, and WR Meadows Sealtight CS-309-25 clear sealer. 3. SOLOMON COLORS — BRICKFORM Antique Release Agent #100 Dark Gray, and WR Meadows Sealtight CS-309-25 clear sealer. SECTION 8-14.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.3 Construction Requirements for Pervious Concrete Sidewalk This work shall consist of constructing a pervious cement concrete sidewalk on a permeable ballast base. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 16 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 The work shall conform to all requirements of ACI 522.1-08, "Specifications for Pervious concrete Pavement", published by the American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, except as modified by these contract documents. See copy of specifications in Appendix A-4. SECTION 8-14.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.3(6) Stamped Colored Concrete Cover all adjacent existing concrete and structures with 8-mil HDPE plastic to prevent the discoloration of previously-installed concrete. All joints for stamped colored concrete shall be provided by installing preformed joint material while the concrete is still in a plastic state. All such joints in stamped concrete shall be exactly aligned and coincident with the false joints in the stamped pattern. The Contractor shall perform curing of colored concrete in strict Accordance with the written curing instructions of the manufacturer of the concrete pigment. During the curing period for colored concrete, all pedestrians and vehicular traffic shall be positively excluded from access to the concrete. SECTION 8-14.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.4 Measurement Cement concrete mow strip will be measured by the linear foot of finished surface. SECTION 8-14.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following bid items when included in the Proposal: The unit bid per square foot for "Detectable Warning Surface — Asphalt" constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to install the detectable warning surface per the manufactures recommendation and in full compliance with ADA requirements. Detectable warning surfaces included as part of concrete ramps is not included in this bid item. "Cement Concrete Sidewalk," per square yard "Cement Concrete Brick Stamped Traffic Island," per square yard "Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Parallel A," per each 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 17 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 "Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Parallel B," per each "Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Special," per each The unit bid per square yard or per each for the above items constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to install cement concrete sidewalks, cement concrete brick stamped traffic islands and wheelchair ramps as shown on the drawings and in accordance with the Kent Special Provisions. The unit price shall include but not be limited to: restoration of areas adjacent to sidewalks, and ramps that are disturbed from sidewalk forms; Detectable Warning Surfaces; and all other materials, labor, tools and equipment to fulfill the requirements or as directed by the Engineer. Crushed Surfacing Top Course and Asphalt Concrete Pavement Patch, Excavation and Gravel Borrow as required shall be paid for under separate bid items. Unit price shall also include all work necessary to discontinue sidewalk panels at locations of existing power poles. Contractor shall note that some power poles will need to remain in- place until completion of the electrical conversion. This bid item shall include all costs associated with discontinuing sidewalk at pole locations, remobilization after pole removal, and completion of sidewalk system. The unit contract price square yard for "Pervious Cement Concrete Sidewalk" shall be full pay for all costs of labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for furnishing, installing and finishing the porous cement concrete sidewalk at the location shown on the plans, as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer. The unit bid price per linear foot for "18" Wide, 4" Thick, Concrete Mow Strip" constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to install the concrete mow strip with medium brush finish as shown on the drawings and in accordance with the Kent Special Provisions or as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price square yard for "Cement Concrete Brick Stamped Traffic Island" shall be full pay for all costs of labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for furnishing, installing and finishing the cement concrete stamped traffic island at the location shown on the plans, as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer 8-20 ILLUMINATION, TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS, INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, AND ELECTRICAL SECTION 8-20.1 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.1 Description THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IS REVISED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Unless otherwise noted in the plans, the locations of traffic signal poles, controller cabinets, and street light standards are exact. The locations of junction boxes, conduits and similar appurtenances shown in the 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 18 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 plans are approximate; and the proposed locations will be staked or similarly marked by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. SECTION 8-20.2(9) IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO PARAGRAPH 3, FOLLOWING ITEM 2: 8-20.2(1) Equipment List and Drawings 3. Photometric curve data provided in electronic format I ES format files provided on a 3 1/2 inch diskette or CD-ROM disk. 4. Photometric calculations showing that the proposed luminaire meets the minimum street lighting requirements of the City. 5. Catalog Cuts and/or ordering information clearly showing selected luminaire options. 8-20.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-20.3(S) IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS; 8-20.3(5) Conduit THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IS REPLACED IN ITS ENTIRETY WITH THE FOLLOWING: The size of conduit used shall be that size shown in the plans. Conduits smaller than 2-inch electrical trade size shall not be used. No conduit run shall exceed 225 degree total bends in any run without prior approval of the Engineer. THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH IS ADDED AFTER THE SECOND PARAGRAPH.- The Contractor shall install 1/4 inch diameter nylon pull rope in all conduit runs. A tracer wire terminating within junction boxes shall be installed in all conduits intended for future use. The tracer wire shall be uninsulated #8 AWG stranded copper. THE FOLLOWING CHANGES APPLY TO THE NUMBERED ITEMS FOLLOWING THE WORDS"Galvanized steel conduit shall be installed at the following locations:" Item 1. Change to read "All State highway roadbed crossings" Item 3. Contents are deleted, leaving it BLANK THE THIRD PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 8-20.3(8) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-20.3(8) Wiring All splices in underground illumination circuits and induction loops circuits shall be installed within junction boxes. The only splice allowed in induction loop circuits shall be the splice connecting the induction loop lead in conductors to the shielded home run cable. Splices for illumination circuits, including two way, three way, four way and aerial 132ntl Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 19 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 splices, and splices for induction loop circuits shall be spliced with copper crimped solder-less connectors installed with an approved tool designed for the purpose to securely join the wires both mechanically and electrically. Splices shall then be wrapped with moisture sealing tape meeting the requirements of Sections 9-29.12(1) and 9-29.12(2) of the Kent Special Provisions to seal each splice individually, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer. In no case shall epoxy splice kits be permitted. SECTION 8-20.3(10) IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(10) Service, Transformer, and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Cabinets THE LAST PARAGRAPH OF THIS SECTION IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. SECTION 8-20.3(14)C IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(14)C Induction Loop Vehicle Detectors THE LAST SENTENCE IN ITEM 2 IS REVISED TO READ: Each additional loop installed in the lane shall be on 12 foot centers. ITEM 4 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 4. All content after the first sentence is DELETED. ITEM 9 AND ITEM 10 CONTENTS ARE DELETED, LEAVING THEM BLANK SECTION 8-20.3(14)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE END OF THIS SECTION: Loop sealant shall be CrafcoTm Loop Detector Sealant 271, or approved equal. Installation shall conform to the manufacturer's recommendations. SECTION 8-20.3(14)D IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(14)D Test for Induction Loops and Lead-In Cable SPECIFIED TESTS ARE REVISED AS FOLLOWS: Test B — A megger test at 500 volts DC shall be made between the cable shield and grounding, prior to connection to grounding. The resistance shall equal or exceed 200 megohms. Test C — A megger test shall be made between the loop circuit and grounding. The resistance shall equal or exceed 200 megohms. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 20 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 8-20.3(14)E IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(14)E Signal Standards ITEM 8 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8. All tenons shall be field installed using Astro-BracTm AB-3008 Clamp Kits, or pre-approved equal. SECTION 8-20.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-20.5 Payment The unit contract price per each for "Adjust Existing Junction Box to Finished Grade" constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to adjust the specified structure to final finished grade as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This work includes but shall not be limited to: referencing for future locates, excavating, backfilling, compacting, surfacing and restoration. Adjusting the grade by adding or removing risers, rings, or sections as required will be included in this bid item. Any adjustments made prior to the final finished elevation shall be considered incidental. "Roadside Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon" "Median Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon" The unit contract price per each for the above items shall constitute complete compensation for all supplies, labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary to supply and install the rectangular flashing beacon as shown on the plans. This bid item shall include but not be limited to: supplying and installing the rectangular flashing beacon, wiring, connection to the solar panel, labor and industry inspection, and all other items required for a fully functional system. The unit contract price per each for "Pedestrian Pushbutton with Curb Base, Type PPB" shall constitute complete compensation for all labor, tools, materials, supplies and foundation necessary to install the pedestrian pushbutton with curb base as shown on the plans. This bid item shall include but not limited to: installing the concrete curb base, supplying and installing the pedestrian pushbutton, wiring, connection to the solar panel, labor and industry inspection, and all other items required for a fully functional system. The unit contract price per each for "6' Diameter Traffic Loop" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to provide and install a traffic loop to the size and location shown on the drawings and in accordance with the Kent Special Provisions and WSDOT Standard Specifications. The unit bid shall include but not be limited to: saw cutting the pavement; the first 30 lineal feet of lead-in wire, sealing; connect new wiring to existing home run cable; testing and any additional labor, grinding to open and re-welding to close lids on junction boxes, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary for the satisfactory completion of 132ntl Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 21 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 said item. Bid item shall also include any concrete curb and gutter cutting, sealing, and restoration needed for loop and wire installation. Note: The Contractor shall vacuum up all slurry produced during saw cutting for traffic loops and dispose of offsite in accordance with applicable regulations. The unit contract price per lineal foot for "Additional Lead-In Wire" shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to furnish and install the additional lead-in wire at the location shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The unit bid shall include but not be limited to: saw cutting the pavement; wiring; sealant; connect new wiring to existing home run wire; testing and any additional labor, grinding to open and re-welding to close lids on junction boxes, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary for the satisfactory completion of said item. Bid item shall also include any concrete curb and gutter cutting, sealing, and restoration needed for loop and wire installation. NOTE: This bid item will be paid based on the lineal footage of saw cutting, regardless of the lineal footage or number of lead-in wire. Measurement begins after the first 30' of individual loop home run cable and saw cut or after two or more loop wire/cuts are combined together to form a lead in. The unit contract price per lineal foot for "2 Inch Diameter Schedule 80 Conduit" constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools, supplies and equipment required to install the spare conduit as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The bid item price shall include but is not limited to: trenching, excavation, hauling, supplying and installing the conduit and fittings, backfill, compaction, pull rope, and connection to the junction boxes. 8-21 PERMANENT S I GN I NG SECTION 8-21.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-21.5 Payment The unit contract price per square foot for "Permanent Signing Including Post" shall constitute complete compensation for all labor, materials, supplies, tools and equipment necessary to supply and install the traffic sign as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This bid item shall include but is not limited to: providing and installing the sign, and cleanup. 8-22 PAVEMENT MARKING SECTION 8-22.1 1S REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-22.1 Description 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 22 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 THE FOLLOWING NEW PAVEMENT MARKING IS ADDED: Yellow Painted Curb A SOLID YELLOW stripe,just wide enough to completely cover the concrete curbing, SECTION 8.22.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-22.2 Materials Material for pavement and curb markings shall be white or yellow paint as noted in the Proposal and Bid Item Descriptions. All paint, including the paint for the concrete curbs, shall be described in the Qualified Products List as "Temporary Pavement Marking Paint — Low VOC Solvent Based." Paint and sprayed material shall be applied with a top dressing of glass beads. All Paint shall comply with the specifications for no heat, instant dry pavement markings. Glass beads shall be AC-110 Highway Street Spheres, or pre-approved equal. Material for pavement markings shall be paint, plastic or Raised Pavement Markings (RPMs) as noted in the bid item. Paint and plastic shall be selected from materials listed in the Qualified Products list (QPL). Material for RPMs shall meet the requirements for Section 8- 09.2. SECTION 8-22.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-22.4 Measurement Painted yellow curb, white edge line paint stripe, double yellow center paint stripe, and two way left turn stripe shall be measured by the completed linear foot. The measurement for all painted stripes will be based upon a marking system capable of simultaneous application of two 4-inch lines with one 4-inch space between the two lines. No deduction will be made for the unmarked area when the pavement marking includes a skip stripe; and no additional measurement will be allowed when more than one line can be installed on a single pass of the marking system. Measurement of raised pavement markers will be units of one hundred for each type of marker furnished and set in place. SECTION 8-22.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-22.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each of the following bid items that are included in the Proposal: 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 23 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 "White Edge Line Paint Stripe." per linear foot. SECTION 8-24 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-24 GRAVITY BLOCK WALL 8-24.1 Description Where shown on the plans or where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall construct the gravity block wall in accordance with the engineered details shown on the plans obtained from the supplier and as specified herein. Exact limits shall be determined in the field during construction. SECTION 8-24.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-24.3 Construction Requirements Block walls shall be started by excavating the existing ground as staked by the Engineer and providing a bury depth for the bottom block not less than one inch, for each block row, below the subgrade. Gravity block walls shall be started and constructed in accordance with the approved plans. Block walls less than 4 foot in height will not be required to be engineered. All excavation for the block wall shall be completed before beginning placement of sections. Initial block placement shall be such that each unit is level side to side and back to front. A six-inch tolerance will be permitted for the exterior slope plane and grade in the finished surface of the structure. Before beginning any excavation for the wall, the slopes of the adjacent embankments shall be dressed true to the lines and grade required by the plans. Each horizontal row of blocks shall be seated and bedded by tamping and compacting the backfill material behind the row to provide a stable condition for the entire wall. Each block shall rest firmly on previously placed courses and shall be keyed into previous block course by utilizing the manufacturer's recommended process. Blocks shall be individually placed. Placement by mechanical methods will not be permitted. No payment shall be made for improperly placed blocks. Underdrain pipe and gravel backfill for drains shall be placed in accordance with the plans. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 24 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 The Contractor shall follow the manufacturer's construction standards, the construction requirements as stated in this section, and the Construction Guide notes on the construction plans. SECTION 8-24.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-24.5 Payment The contract price per square foot for wall face for "Gravity Block Retaining Wall 4 Foot and Less in Height" constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, engineered designed plans, shop drawings, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to install the gravity block walls in accordance with these plans and specifications and the manufacturers plans and specifications. The cost for design, excavation, supplying, placing and compacting the gravel backfill for walls, underdrain pipe, connection to existing storm drain structure or drainage ditch, concrete or grout to seal pipe penetrations, supplying and constructing the leveling pad, and filter fabric, shall be included in this bid item. The Contractor shall provide the City with Shop drawings for the Gravity Block Retaining Walls prior to constructing any block retaining walls. The Contractor shall provide the City with stamped engineering plans for any walls greater than 4 feet in height. The contract price per lump sum for "Relocate Rock Retaining Wall" constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to remove existing rock wall as required and to reinstall the rock wall in accordance with Kent Standard Detail 6-63,the plans and specifications. The cost for excavation, backfill with quarry spalls, fabric, and under drain pipes, shall be included in this bid item. DIVISION 8 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 8-28 POTHOLE UTILITIES 8-28.1 Description This work shall consist of potholing utilities at the locations shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer, a minimum of 24 hours before the pothole work is performed, to coordinate the work with Survey. Each pothole shall include standby time to allow Surveyors to accurately measure the location and depths of existing utilities. 8-28.2 Materials Backfill and surfacing material shall match conditions of pothole location. Pothole work located in asphalt concrete pavement, shall be backfilled with gravel borrow and crushed rock, then patched with 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 25 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 asphalt cold mix. Pothole work located in cement concrete shall be backfilled with gravel borrow, then patched with cement concrete. Pothole work not on paved surfaces shall be backfilled with native material. 8-28.3 Construction Requirements The pothole shall be of sufficient size and depth to expose existing utilities to determine potential conflicts and verify compatibility with designs. Excavation; hauling, dewatering; backfill, compaction, surface restoration, and cleanup are included with this work. 8-28.4 Measurement Pothole utilities shall be measured per pothole work performed. 8-28.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The contract price per each for "Pothole Utilities" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to pothole utilities at the locations shown on the plans and described in the specifications. 8-30 PROJECT S1GNM 8-30.1 Description This work shall consist of furnishing (based on the project sign proof in the Appendix), installing and maintaining project sign(s) and where shown in the plans or where directed by the Engineer. All project sign(s) become property of the City and the Contractor shall return project sign(s) to the City Maintenance Shop at 5821 S. 240`h Street, telephone 253-856-5600 at the end of the project. 8-30.2 Materials Sign shall be 4 feet high by 8 feet wide laminated vinyl face and securely mounted on Dibond aluminum panel or approved equal. Sign posts shall be 4 inch x 4 inch Fir. 8-30.3 Construction Requirements 8-30.3(1) Erection of Posts All posts shall be set reasonably vertical and deep enough to sustain sign and expected wind loads as determined by the Engineer. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 26 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 8-30.3(2) Design A Three horizontal 2 inch x 4 inch Fir braces shall be attached to the back of the sign board, one each on the top, the bottom, and in the middle. Attachment of posts and bracing shall meet with the approval of the Engineer. 8-30.3 Installation Fasten two (2) horizontal 4 inch x 2 inch Fir boards evenly spaced at the back of the sign board. Posts shall be of break-away design with no more than 12.25 square inches of drilled shear area at a point 2 inches above the ground, or as directed by the Engineer. Attachment of posts and bracing shall meet with the approval of the Engineer. 8-30.4 Measurement Project sign(s) will be measured per each sign installed. Failure of the Contractor to adequately maintain the project sign(s)—as determined by the Engineer—shall be deemed noncompliance with this Specification. 8-30.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per each for "Project Sian" constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all sign(s), labor and materials, installing and maintaining project sign(s) for the life of the project and removal and delivery of sign(s) to the City Shops. Failure to adequately maintain and return project sign(s) to the City Maintenance Shop shall be deemed reasonable grounds for the Engineer to adjust the payment made under this bid item. Said adjustment shall be determined solely by the Engineer and is not negotiable except at the Engineer's discretion. 8-33 TREE REMOVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 8-33 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-33.1 Description This work shall consist of cutting and removal of those trees and stumps shown on the plan sheets, and trees greater than 14" diameter that may be encountered during construction. The trees shall be cut and removed to an approved site, by the Contractor. All stumps will be grubbed and disposed of by the Contractor off-site. 132ntl Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 27 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 8-33.4 Measurement "Remove Existing Landscape Tree" shall be measured peer each. Landscape trees (14" to 20") are defined as trees 14" to 20" DBH (diameter breast height, defined as 4' -0" above ground), and landscape trees (greater than 20") are trees greater than 20" DBH. Other tress requiring removal shall be considered incidental to the clearing and grubbing bid item. 8-33.5 Payment The Contractor shall coordinate with PSE, Comcast and Qwest as required to temporarily disconnect utilities prior to falling trees adjacent to communication and power lines. The Contractor shall include the above referenced cost in the unit contract price for the following bid items as required: "Remove Existing Landscape Tree (14" to 20")" "Remove Existing Landscape Tree (greater than 201" The unit contract price for the above items per each shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for the cutting, excavation, stump removal, hauling from site, backfill and compaction; regarding existing ditch as required by the Engineer, and cleanup as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. Clearing and Grubbing shall be paid for under bid item 1005. Gravel Borrow shall be paid for under bid item 1075. 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 8 - 28 June 8, 2017 Project Number; 16-3008 DIVISION 9 - MATERIALS 9-03 AGGREGATES SECTION 9-03.92(3) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE GRAVEL SPECIFICATION AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-03.12(3) Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding Pipe bedding shall be 5/8 inch minus crushed rock. Pea gravel is not allowed. All material shall conform with the following gradation: Sieve Size Passing 3/4 1 nch 100% 5/8 1 nch 95 - 100% 1/4 Inch 45 - 65% US No. 40 6 - 18% US No. 200 7.5 max. Fracture 75 min. Sand Equivalent 40 min. L.A. wear 500 rev. 35 percent max., degradation 25 percent min. Free from wood waste, bark and other deleterious material. SECTION 9-03.14(l) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-03.14(1) Gravel Borrow Gravel Borrow material shall consist of pit-run granular material conforming to the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passing 3 Inch* 100 3/4 1 nch 65 - 100 U.S. No. 4 25 - 70 U.S. No. 10 10 - 50 U.S. No. 40 0- 30 U.S. No. 200 0 - 5 Sand equivalent 50 min. The maximum passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve is limited to five percent (5%) based on the minus #4 inch fraction. Sieve analysis shall be used to verify that this requirement is met. Recycled materials such as broken concrete or asphalt, shall not be allowed unless specifically authorized in advance by the Engineer. Where additional materials are required to formulate the street sub- base to the cross section denoted in the plans, said additional material shall be Gravel Borrow. 132n0 Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 9 - 1 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 * The maximum size of stone for geosynthetic reinforced walls or slopes shall be 100 percent passing 1 1/4 inch square sieve and 90 to 100 percent passing 1 inch square sieve. All other sieve values continue to apply. SECTION 9-03.17 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-03.17 Foundation Material Class I and Class I I Foundation Material Class I and Class I I shall be used to replace unsuitable material removed from unstable pipe trench bottoms. Foundation Material Class I and Class I I shall conform to the fallowing gradations: Percent Passing Sieve Size Class I Class I I 6" square 100 --- 4" square --- 100 2" square 0 65-85 1" square --- 40-70 1/4" square --- 20 max All percentages are by weight. In addition, all rock shall be sound, angular ledge rock or recycled cement concrete pavement meeting the following specifications. Suppliers of recycled cement concrete products shall have a quality assurance program reviewed and approved by the City. Each rock or piece of recycled cement concrete pavement shall have at least two fractured faces. Adsorption 3% max (Corps of Engineers CRD-C-107) Accelerated Expansion (15) days 15% max Soundness 5% max loss Density (solid volume) 155 pcf min Specific Gravity 2.48 min SECTION 9-03.21(1)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-03.21(1)D Recycled Steel Furnace Slag Steel Furnace Slag shall not be used for any purposes. 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 9 - 2 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 9-13 RIPRAP, QUARRY SPALLS, SLOPE PROTECTION, AND ROCK FOR EROSION AND SCOUR PROTECTION AND ROCK WALLS SECTION 9-13 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION. 9-13.8 Rock for Ditches Rocks for ditches shall meet the following requirements for grading: Sieve Size Percent Passing 12" 95 to 100 6" 40 to 60 3" 10 to 20 3/4" 0 to 5 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING SECTION 9-14.1(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING. 9-14.1 (1) Topsoil Type A Topsoil Type A shall be free of weeds and consist of the Special Planting Mixture per Section 9-14.4(9) of these Kent Special Provisions with commercial fertilizers added as specified herein and having a pH range of 5.0 to 6.0. SECTION 9-14.1(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 9-14.1 (1)A Rotted Manure Rotted manure shall consist of well-rotted, unleached cattle manure not containing more than one third part shavings, sawdust, or refuse and shall be free of noxious weed or grass seed. 9-14.1 (1)B Peat Peat shall consist of fibrous sedge, wood or reed type peat, containing less than twenty percent ash by dry weight. It shall have a moisture content of less than fifty percent by weight and shall have been thoroughly aerated during the drying process. 9-14.1 (1)C Sandy Loam Sandy loam shall consist of soil having a maximum clay content of ten percent by weight. In addition, soil particles shall meet the following requirements for grading: Passing 1 inch sieve (square opening) ......... 100% Passing 1 mm sieve .................................. 80% minimum Passing 0.15 mm sieve .......I...................... 15% maximum 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 9 - 3 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 9-14.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING. 9-14.2 Seed Hydroseed: Seed shall be "Blue Tag" or certified quality. The Contractor shall deliver in unopened containers with mixture seed content and inert material content plainly marked on the outside of the container. Grasses used shall meet the following specifications: Mix A (Roadside and Erosion Control Grass): Weight Seed Mix "A" Min. % Min. % Max. % Proportion Ingredient Pure Seed Germination Weed Seed 40% Perennial R e rass 98% 90% 0.5% 40% Creeping Red Fescue 98% 85% 0.5% 10% Colonial Bent grass 98% 90% 0.5% 10% White Dutch Clover 98% 90% 0.5% (Pre-inoculated) Mix B (Landscaped Area Grass): Weight Seed Mix "B" Min. % Min. % Max. % Proportion Ingredient Pure Seed Germination Weed Seed 15% Creeping Red Fescue 95% 90% 0.5% 10% Chewin s Fescue 95% 90% 0.5% 40% Perennial R e rass 95% 90% 0.5% 20% Alta Tall Fescue 1 95% 1 90% 0.5% 15% Annual R e rass 1 95% 1 90% 0.5% The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the manufacturer's Certificate of Conformance for seed. A complete analysis of the seed shall be submitted to the City for approval including percent of pure seed, germination, other crop seed, inert and weed and the germination test date. The City reserves the right to reject any or all plant material at any time until final inspection or acceptance. The Contractor shall remove rejected plants immediately from site. The Contractor shall produce upon request sales receipt for all nursery stock and certificates of inspection. SECTION 9-14.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING. 9-14.3 Fertilizer Fertilizer for trees: Fertilizer shall consist of slow-release commercial fertilizer (6-10-8). Fertilizer for upland seeded areas: Lilly Miller or approved equal to provide the following nutrients: All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation: 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 9 - 4 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Total available Nitrogen ........... 16% of weight (of which 50% is derived from ureaform) Total available Phosphorous ..... 16% of weight Total available Potassium ......... 16% of weight Fertilizer for wetland seeded areas: All areas which are seeded in wetlands or in detention ponds shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation: Total available nitrogen ........... 21% (Analyzed as N) Available phosphorous............. 0% (Analyzed as P205) Available potassium ................ 10% (Analyzed as K20) Above percentages are proportioned by weight. The Contractor shall deliver fertilizer to the site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trade mark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information. 9-14.4 Mulch and Amendments SECTION 9-14.4(8) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.4(8) Compost Compost shall not contain any sawdust, straw, green or under- composed organic matter, under-sterilized manure or toxic or otherwise harmful materials. SECTION 9-14.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 9-14.4(9) Special Planting Mixture Special planting mixture shall consist of three-way mix consisting of one part rotted manure, one part sandy loam, and one part peat by volume with commercial fertilizers added as specified herein and having a pH range of5.0to6.0. Rotted manure shall consist of well-rotted, unleached cattle manure not containing more than one third part shavings, sawdust, or refuse and shall be free of noxious weed or grass seed. Peat shall consist of fibrous sedge, wood or reed type peat, containing less than twenty percent ash by dry weight. It shall have a moisture content of less than fifty percent by weight and shall have been thoroughly aerated during the drying process. 132ntl Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 9 - 5 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Sandy loam shall consist of soil having a maximum clay content of ten percent by weight. In addition, soil particles shall meet the following requirements for grading: Passing 1 inch sieve (square opening) 100% Passing 1 mm sieve ......................... 80% minimum Passing 0.15 mm sieve..................... 15% maximum The sandy loam shall be free from subsoil, noxious weed seed and other foreign substances and shall have a pH factor of between 5.0 and 6.0. Maximum Electrical Conductivity shall be 2.0 milliohms. 9-14.4(12) Wood Cellulose Fiber Wood cellulose mulch shall be specially processed 100 percent virgin wood fiber containing no growth or germination-inhibiting ingredients, It shall be manufactured in such a manner that after addition and agitation in slurry tanks with water, the fibers in the material will become uniformly suspended to form a homogenous slurry. When hydraulically sprayed on the ground, the material shall allow the absorption and percolation of moisture. Wood cellulose fiber shall be Weyerhaeuser Silva-Fiber Plus w/Tackifier or approved equal. Organic matter content shall be at least 93 percent on an oven-dry basis as determined by ASTM D 586. The moisture content shall be no more than 15 percent as determined by oven dried weight. Each package of the cellulose fiber shall be marked by the manufacturer to show the dried weight content. 9-16 FENCE AND GUARDRAIL SECTION 9-16.1(1)B IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-16.10)B Chain Link Fence Fabric Chain link fabric shall consist of 9 gage wire (0.148-inch diameter) for all fences unless specified otherwise. The fabric wire shall be: Galvanized steel wire conforming to ASTM A 392. Galvanizing shall be Class I performed by the hot dip process. The wire shall be woven into approximately 2-inch diamond mesh. The width and top and bottom finish of the fabric shall be as shown in the plans. 9-28 SIGNING MATERIALS AND FABRICATION SECTION 9-28.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 132nd Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 9 - 6 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 9-28.1 General All signs shall be reflectorized except for City Project Signs. ALL PERMANENT SIGNS, EXCEPT "NO PARKING ANYTIME" SIGNS SHALL HAVE VIP SIGNS AND CLASS A TEMPORARY DIAMOND GRADE RETRO- REFLECTORIZED SHEETING, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE IN THE PLANS. "NO PARKING ANYTIME" signs shall have engineer grade retro- reflectorized sheeting. SECTION 9-28.14(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-28.14(2) Steel Structures and Posts Truss chords, struts, and diagonals, end posts, and end post struts and diagonals for sign bridge structures and cantilever sign structures shall conform to either ASTM A 36 or ASTM A 53 Grade B Type E or S. The nominal pipe diameter and the pipe wall thickness shall be as specified in the plans or Standard Plans. All other structural steel for sign bridge structures and cantilever sign structures shall conform to ASTM A 36. Truss member connection hardware shall conform to Section 9-06.5(3). Pipe members for bridge mounted sign brackets shall conform to ASTM A 53 Grade B Type E or S, and shall be Schedule 40 unless otherwise specified. All other structural steel for bridge mounted sign brackets shall conform to ASTM A 36. U bolts, and associated nuts and washers, shall be stainless steel conforming to Section 9-28.11 , and shall be fabricated hot. Anchor rods, nuts and washers for sign bridge structure foundations shall conform to Section 9-06.5(4). Anchor rods for cantilever sign structure foundations shall conform to ASTM F 1554 Grade 104, including the appropriate supplemental requirements for grade and manufacturer's identification, and charpy impact testing (15 foot- pounds minimum at 40F). Nuts and washers for cantilever sign structure foundations shall conform to AASHTO M 291 Grade DH and AASHTO M 293, respectively. Anchor rods for sign bridge structures and cantilever sign structures shall be galvanized after fabrication a minimum of 1'-0" at the exposed end in accordance with AASHTO M 232. Anchor rod templates shall conform to ASTM A 36, but need not be galvanized. Steel sign structures and posts shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 111, unless noted otherwise in the plans. All bolts, nuts, and washers shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 232. Unless otherwise specified in the plans or Kent Special Provisions, metal surfaces shall not be painted. Minor fabricating and modifications necessary for galvanizing will be allowed if not detrimental to the end product as determined by the Engineer. If such modifications are contemplated, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval six copies of the proposed modifications, prior to fabrication. 132n°Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 9 - 7 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 9-29 1 LLUM I NAT 1 ON S I GNAL ELECTR I CAL SECTION 9-29.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH TO THE BEGINNING OF THIS SECTION: 9-29.1 Conduit, 1 nnerduct, and Outerduct Unless otherwise specified on the Street Lighting or Traffic Signal Plans, all conduits for street lighting, traffic signals and traffic signal interconnect cables for projects within the city limits of Kent shall be Schedule 80 PVC conduit, minimum size 2 inches. 9-29.2 Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes SECTION 9-29.2(l) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE TO THE END OF THIS SECTION: 9-29.2(1) Standard Duty and Heavy-Duty Junction Boxes Box frame and lid shall be hot dip galvanized only. 9-29.3 Fiber Optic Cable, Electrical Conductors, and Cable SECTION 9-29.3(2)1 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.3(2)1 Twisted-Pair Communication Cable Replace "AWG 22" with "#AWG 19". THE LAST SENTENCE IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN REVISED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: This cable shall be filled with a gel compound to resist water penetration and migration unless otherwise specified by the plans. SECTION 9-29.*19 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.19 Pedestrian Push Buttons Where noted in the contract, pedestrian push buttons of substantially tamper-proof construction shall be furnished and installed. They shall be ADA compliant and the actuator shall operate a mechanical switch. The pedestrian push button assembly shall be constructed as shown in the plans. The assembly shall be constructed so that it will be impossible to receive an electrical shock under any weather conditions. 132n°Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 9 - 8 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 SECTION 9-29.20 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.20 Pedestrian Signals Pedestrian signals shall be (filled in) Hand/Man with Countdown Display, containing LED type optics only. Pre-approved is Gelcore part number PS7-CFF1-01 A-18. Audible pedestrian signals shall be US TrafficT"' Model APS-10, or approved equal, when audible pedestrian signals are specified on the Traffic Signal Plans. SECTION 9-29.21 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.21 Flashing Beacon Delete the words "12 inch yellow displays shall be dimmed 50% after dark." 132id Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb 9 - 9 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 KENT STANDARD PLANS The following Kent Standard Plans supplement all other plans, which have been prepared for this project and are considered to be a part of the project plans. STORM 5-1 M Catch Basin Type I 5-2M Catch Basin Type 11 5-3 Misc. Details for Drainage Structures 5-4M 18" x 24" Catch Basin Frame 5-5M 18" x 24" Vaned Grate 5-9 Solid Catch Basin Cover 5-13 Beehive Grate 5-23 Driveway and Walk Gate for Ponds Only 5-31 Filter Fabric Fence STREET 6-34M Curb and Sidewalk Joint Example 6-35M Expansion and Contraction/Control Joints 6-58 Minor Fills Around Tree 6-59 Cuts or Fills Around Trees 6-60 Walls in Cut Section Public ROW 6-62 Walls Under Sidewalk Public ROW 6-63 Height Measurement for Perimeter Wall Location 6-70 Mailbox Installation Type 1 and 2 (2 sheets) 6-74M Typical Lane Markings 6-75M Plastic Crosswalk Markings 6-76M Plastic Arrows, Stop Bars & Only Legend 6-82aM Sign Post Installation Type A 6-98M Induction Loop Details 6-99M Induction Loop Installation Notes 6-100M Induction Loop Placement 132no Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb A - 1 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 NOTES: �( 1. CATCH BASIN TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I44 "TO 9° AASHTO M 199, (ASTM C 478,&ASTM C 890)UNLESS 40> DEPENDING OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS OR NOTED IN THE WSDOT ON FRAME STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. AND GRATE REQUIRED 2. AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATE TO REBAR,WELDED WIRE FABRIC HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES FRAME AND GRATE PER FOOT MAY BE USED. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL SEE STANDARD PLANS 5-4 THRU 5-8 AND 5-12 COMPLY TO AASHTO M 221(ASTM A 497).WIRE FABRIC SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN THE KNOCKOUTS. 3. PRECAST BASES SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH CUTOUTS OR KNOCKOUTS. THE KNOCKOUT DIAMETER SHALL NOT '��' EXCEED 20". KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS Z� OF 2"MINIMUM. PROVIDE A 1.5"MINIMUM GAP BETWEEN THE KNOCKOUT WALL AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE. Sy 5" 4. ALL JOINTS IN THE BRICKS,GRADE RINGS,RISERS AND CASTINGS SHALL BE SEATED IN MORTAR.PICK HOLES, 6"OR 12" CRACKS AND ANY OTHER JOINTS SHALL BE FINISH GROUTED TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT STRUCTURE. 5. THE MAXIMUM DEPTH FROM THE FINISHED GRADE TO THE ONE#3 BAR HOOP FOR 6"HEIGHT 6"WEIGHS 200 LBS. LOWEST PIPE INVERT SHALL BE 5 FEET.DEPTHS GREATER TWO#3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12"HEIGHT 12"WEIGHS 580 LBS. THAN 5 FEET REQUIRE UPSIZING TO A TYPE II STRUCTURE. RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION 6. NON-CEMENTIOUS MATERIALS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN SETTING OF FRAMES TO FINAL FINISH GRADE. STATION AND OFFSET POINT WHEN DESIGN AND LAYOUT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF KENT,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS Z6a �2H MORTAR(TYP.) �ti�'l�el 3" 5'-0" INSTALL MAX. 44" MANHOLE #3 BAR ADAPTER, EACH CORNER — "SAND �— COLLAR" 21" WHEN PIPE MIN. TYPE I.E. #3 BAR REQUIRES 18° EACH SIDE (TYP•) MORTAR(TYP.) 77 #3 BAR EACH WAY 4" 30" PRECAST BASE SECTION TYPICAL SECTION (WEIGHS 2170 LBS.) PIPE ALLOWANCES NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT MAX.INSIDE FRE�' AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE PIPE MATERIAL DIAMETER �,� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT S OF WASI�j REINFORCED OR THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. PLAIN CONCRETE 12„ �� 0 CENGI ENGINE OF ERING DEPART MENT z ALL METAL PIPE 15° KENT CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 d 38296 WA-MOTOM SOLID WALL PVC ��� ISTER� � DESIGNED COK sTalloaRO PLAN (WSDOT STD.SPEC. 15" �`�SIpNAL E��l DRAWN COK SCAt E NONE STANDARD CHECKED DATE 10.2015 5-1 M APPROVED ENMNEM NOTES: CATCH BASIN FRAME AND GRATE. (SEE STANDARD 1. CATCH BASINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN PLANS 5-5,5-6,5-8,5-10,AND 5-11) ACCORDANCE W/AASHTO M 199,(ASTM C 478, AND ASTM C 890)UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN A _ x ON PLANS OR NOTED IN THE WSDOT STD.SPECS. < a - HANDHOLD RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT 2. HANDHOLDS IN RISER OR ADJUSTMENT SECTION N SECTION OR CIRCULAR SHALL HAVE 3"MIN.CLEARANCE.STEPS IN ia ADJUSTMENT SECTION u FLAT SLAB TOP CATCH BASIN SHALL HAVE 6"MIN.CLEARANCE. ¢ GASKET NO STEPS ARE REQ'D WHEN'B'IS 4'OR LESS. ,z BETWEEN 48",54",60", z RISERS(TYP. 72°,84"OR 96" 7L MORTAR(TYP.) 3. THE BOTTOM OF THE PRECAST CATCH BASIN MAY BE SLOPED TO FACILITATE CLEANING. INSTALL 0 MANHOLE 4. KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF iL; STEPS OR ADAPTER, 2°MINIMUM TO 2.5°MAXIMUM. PROVIDE A 1.5" a LADDER "SAND COLLAR" MINIMUM GAP BETWEEN THE KNOCKOUT WALL (SEE STANDARD WHEN PIPE TYPE AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE.AFTER THE PIPE q PLAN 4-5) REQUIRES IS INSTALLED,FILL THE GAP WITH JOINT N MORTAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT m STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-04.3. 5. ALL BASE REINFORCING STEEL SHALL HAVE A REINFORCING STEEL(TYP.)- x MIN.YIELD STRENGTH OF 60,000 PSI&BE N CRUSHED SURFACING PLACED IN THE UPPER HALF OF THE BASE WITH ` Y TOP COURSE PIPE 1"MIN.CLEARANCE. n ,( ZONE BEDDING ...,_ ..: .:n.l 12 6. PICK HOLES,CRACKS AND ANY OTHER JOINTS 6 T I�— SHALL BE FINISHED GROUTED TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT STRUCTURE. Q CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE(WSDOT STD.SPEC.9-05.20) (2)(WSDOT STD.SPEC.9-05.12(1)) CATCH BASIN DIMENSIONS 33)(WSDOT STD.SPEC.9-05.12(2)) BASE REINFORCING PIPE ALLOWANCES CATCH WALL BASE MAXIMUM MINIMUM STEEL in2/ft.IN PIPE MATERIAL WITH MAXIMUM INSIDE DIAMETER BASIN KNOCKOUT DISTANCE EACH DIRECTION CATCH DIA. THICKNESS THICKNESS SIZE BETWEEN SEPARATE INTEGRAL BASIN ALL SOLID PROFILE KNOCKOUTS DIAMETER CONCRETE METAL CPSSP WALL WALL BASE BASE Q PVC Q PVC Q 48" 4" 6" 36" 8" 0.23 0.15 48" 24" 30" 24" 27" 30" 54" 4.5" 8" 42" B" 0.19 0.19 54" 30" 36" 30" 27" 36" 60" 5" 8° 48" B" 0.25 0.25 60" 36" 42" 36" 36" 42° 72" 6" B" 60.. 12" 0.35 0.24 72" 42" 54" 42" 36" 48" 84" 8" 12'. 72" 12" 0.39 0.29 84" 54" 60" 54" 36" 48° 96" 8° 12" 84" 12" 0.39 0.29 96" 60" 72" 60" 36" 48° NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE A ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT ��OF WA �j� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ;Q r ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT KENT CATCH BASIN TYPE II 38296 WAiH-GTGN �0 IST DESIGNED COK DRAWN COK SCALE NONE STANDARD PLAN `StONAL E CHECKED DATE 10.2015 APPROVED 5-2 M FNGINEM 60OZ JagwaldaS HMaM O3AONddV C `—S 31V0 03H03H0 3NON 3WOS Be NM"Q �C�\� �VNO/SS NVId adlYaNtl1S MDiDXIX rMa a3Na1S3a � 0 -1St �J/O(� 'S3lAIS XIW ION 0a'NISV9 s3anl3nals 1N3� £6titz o- HJ1V0 V NI 03Sf139 AVW Sd3iS 3SYNIda0 SOJ S-11d13a *3sim +a NISV9 HOlF/J 30 31A1S 3N0 AlNO'£ » 1N3YUHVd3G 'JNIM33NIGN3 % 9NRd 30M(INV 1190atl1 .Lk ►aX 30 XZID a ��ti �y ,� 'd31S'dOJ S-b NVId(MUNV1S 93S 'Z 'ISWIN'i NOdf103NIV190 39 AVW),do:)WIND d0 AID 3Hl �� �ySVM a� �� 'OUG8 ilOd'd9l3WVIa IV 91I3 NO ldDl SI NOUVJIl9fld'd03 03A021ddV ONV 21 AMN3 j, 9HI A9 a3N9IS'1VNIE)DW 3Hl'DWIldfla 0IN02diAll NV d3S�S 17 Z 13l 21tS 9NIN3dO S 1f191N3Wf100a 9NRd33NIM9 lV931 V ION SI NV,d SIHI:310N .OZ X ntiZ 39 IIVHS 9NIN3d0 9V1S 'T :S31ON WS d01 „K�n8ti Sd31S(INV SS3:)OV'dO4 NOUV1NTIdOlVOIdAl Ce �rII I 'd kI„Z I-- X0Z J X � 'N]W,Z 'd3A0:)'NIW„ 'dAl HIM T I HI KM W01109 �i 'dl0 l,Z SISA30„9 @ S21V9 b# \ / � 'WVIO nbZ 110'.bZ X„0Z XVW .,Z/T Z 'NIW „T 9VlS d01„ZL 00 NOU AS 1N3W1Sf1Cav bVifiam Il t1 I1 4J V 1 1 d NV9 dAl,Z „OZ £#3N0 K f , 'dU 2110DZ 213A00'NIW ..I �ly ub£ HIM 30V3 W01109 WVIO,ltiZ SIMN30„9 @ SIM S# � ao',ltiz X„oz NOI103S 10W1SniaV 2 nE)NV103b 'XVW„Z/l:Z 'SNOU.03S IN3WISnraV wi a3Sfl 'NIW„T 9V,S d01„96 39 AVW 100d Sad S3H0NI 3,dvnbS zT'0 d0 V321V Wf1WINIW V L 9NIAVH HS3W 3dIM"dV932d 013AIIVN213I1V 319V1d300V NV SV l-- I „Z.T �— WA Sd00H'dV9£#OAL A 210d d00H dV9£#9NO dAl,lZ „0 'dU `s � �hl�� oz 'WVIO.bz 0£ 213A00 'NIW,.T I y� 210'.bZ x„Oz HIM 90Vd W01109 `�� ,� Sb31N30„L @ SdV9 9# MNION3 03AOUddV w StOZ'01 31Va 03NO3HO 31V0S N00 Nmvwa Nbld 02N0NV1S N N� H00 03N91S30 3V4V8J NISYS H31VO "640"I"•,,M 96 „vz x„g L z c� 1N3VUVVd3O ONIUMNION3 sMRx 3o �sio 0 yy '1S3nb3'd NOdn 03NIV190 39 AVW Ad00 tl'1N3I d0 kLM 3H1 ltl 33H1 A9 03NDISn'IO �VNIJ a0 9Hl'31VJIldn D a1 IINO0313 NV 1f191N3Wf1000 9NId33NI9N3 IV931 V ION SI NVId SIHI:310N 'NOI103S AVM(IV0d H1IM N3A3 O315fi[aV 99 IIVHS 3WnJ d0 d01 'Z '(9NIOVOI OZ-H OCT)8tbV W1SV 'dad)'AINO NOT 1SV0 39 IIVHS 3WVMd 3H1210d a3sn iVIN31VW 'i :S310N V-V NOUO3S „SZ abl£LT 9/S T „bl£ „9t „Z/T v 'NIW Wi„8/S T l dAl 8/L MMA d01 .b/ 'dAl .8/£ „T£ (ULL S30VId Z) 310H 9Z-ONn TT-„8/S tl tl 1 � �i 3/8" 7- 5" M 3" 17 3/4" Lo 15/8 --+ I~- TOP VIEW END VIEW 23 3/4" a 1 3/8" u 1 1/4" 00 DIRECTION OF FLOW �/8 R N 1 5/8 HEX SOCKET 15/16" co 2 3/4 2 3/4" /8, ` 5/16 R.R. I PARTING LINE FRONT VIEW VANE DETAIL (V NOTES: 1 1/4" 3/4" 1. PROVIDE FRAME SHOWN IN STANDARD PLAN 5-4. 5/8"-11 UNC-2A 2. PROVIDE 2-5/8"DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. SECURING BOLT 3. GRATE SHALL BE STAMPED"DUMP NO POLLUTANTS", T 2 "OUTFALL TO STREAM". 4. ALL LETTERING SHOWN SHALL BE 1/2"AND SHALL BE RECESSED 1/2" I UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED IN THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 5. DUCTILE IRON ASTM A-536 GRADE 80-55-06 H-20 RATED. SLOT DETAIL 6. GRATE SHALL BE LOCKING. SLOT FORMED AND RECESSED FOR 5/8"-11 NC x 2" S.S. SOCKET HEAD(ALLEN HEAD)CAP SCREW. 7. BI-DIRECTIONAL VANED GRATES ARE REQUIRED WHEN LOCATED IN A LOW-SPOT. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE of R �' ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT 2 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT � z KENT 18" x 24" 38296 w� w.." •���" VANED GRATE �o" � *ISTEg� ��' DESIGNED COK INONE STANDARD PLAN �S`SIONAL �'�Cyt DRAWN COK SCALE CHECKED DATE 04.2015 ,I APPROVED EWNEER 5-5M 60OZ iaqu,aldaS a3AOHddV 6—S 31V0 a3NO3H0 as —Nmysa NVId OWONVIS 3NON 3T90S HMO 03 i1— �)O IVNO&s ��� vO�� 83AOO .LN3�1 NISVS Holds 4IlOS a 031Va oz-H 90-sso8 J.N3VUHVd30 ON12133NION3 Z y 2d9�9£S V W1SV NO2iI mono�213I100 XNHX 30 AZI3 O o z O 0£19 9tV W1SV NOM 1SVJ 3WV213 '9 y '153nb321 NOdn 03NIV190 39 AVW Ad00 V'1N3)1 30 AID 3H1 6 IHSVM %�aY 't3WVW NISV9 H91VJ 1V 31I3 NO 1dDl SI NOI1VJIl9fld 2103 03AO'dddV ONV ld33NI9N3 tt,T d'3s�� NMOa-Mg a0d V-S NVId 02dVONV1S 3H1A9 03N9IS'IVNI9Ib0 3H1'31VJIldf10 OINOM313 NV r7 33S)783A00 HUM HSflld)INns 1(191N3Wf1000 9NRd33NI9N3 IV931 V lON SI NVId SIHl:31ON 'SiNl109 51108 3dAl N91IV 1931S 0-0 NOLL03S SIT T „8/1 SS91NIV1S 11313WVIa„S/S-Z 301AU8d 'S 'b-S NVId 021VaNV1S NI NMOHS 3WV21d HIIM a3Sf1 39 O1 'b H9IH„8/1 '52131131 a3S1V21„Z NI„NIVIM,30LDI 3H1 NI 1.SV9 '£ C2_ N '2133NI9N3 3H1 A9 03AO'dddV dI a3Sf1 39 AVW NO3id9H NMOHS NDIS30 ONOWVIO 3Hl NVH1213HIO SN9IS30 03SM 'Z 'S-S NVId UVONV1S NO'dOd 030IAO'dd 91V2d9 3Hl 40 30V1d NI a314SINdnA 99 IIVHS NISV9 H01V9 MIS'VIO„9T/£-T o?/T b0A b3A091V13W 011OS 3Hl'SNVId 03AONddV 3Hl NO 03d3I93dS NIHM 'T O'-109 „9i/TT S910N 1109 9Nrdn:)3S V-V NOLUAS 1331S SS31NIV1S VZ-ONn Ti-u8/S „8/S 77 „b/£b N lrl °D NVId „9T/ST all NMOa N9Ol 210d 3WVd1 „SIL T 13N90S X3H dVl'9 S1109'VIa„8/S 3aIAO'dd „8A Z 13SNI„Z/i „S/T Z „9T/TT 9-9 NOI1.93S 9 310H O„V/£ - - - - L - -J L - - - -� V NlVd O / I 3lOH VIa„Z/T Z, ADIH1 A8/T X„ti/£T X„b/£ I I I SOVd 9NI19A91 8 I I� 9 0 „b/££Z �a� Doa A �_ � A RM 0 0 B B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1„ 7= 6d aa�o� PLAN PLAN 20"x 24" 24 3/4" r-10"x12"-1 f 9" 6 1/4" 5/8" 1„ 1 1/2" 23 3/4" 18"x 22" 5/8„ 5„ 32" 1/2" SECTION A-A SECTION B-B LOCKING BEEHIVE GRATE 23"x6"MANHOLE RING&LOCKING BEEHIVE GRATE NOTES: NOTES: 1. MATERIAL: DUCTILE IRON ASTM A536,CL 1. MATERIAL: CAST IRON ASTM A48,CL 30. 80-55-06. 2. SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-10 FOR FRAME. 2. SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-14 FOR FRAME. 3. PROVIDE 2-5/8"DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL 3. PROVIDE 2-5/8"DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. COVER. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT S()SE AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE Z ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT of WASy11 �q, THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. � c� W o y 2 CITY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT N KENT BEEHIVE GRATE O Q �G 1493R p WA"M,"OTO" �oFF4NALE ��, DESIGNED BH scALE NONE STANDARD PLAN CHECKED DAB 13 APPROVED Q1fiNEII! September 2009 TIE WIRES(TYP) SPACED AT 14"MAX. 14'OR 20' TOP HINGE (1800SWING} FABRIC BAND STRETCHER BAR 6' ike /\\ TRUSS RODS \ . CHAIN LINK FENCE // \ /% 3' ��\ BOTTOM HINGE 12"ROUND �\\ \\/��\ ' (1800 SWING) CONCRETE EMBEDMENT 12"ROUND CONCRETE EMBEDMENT 6' TOP HINGE FABRIC BAND (90°SWING) STRETCHER BAR 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE NOTES; IS il 1. ALL MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION SHALL BE PER SECTION 8-12 AND 9-16 OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS RODS BOTTOM HINGE 3' 2. DETAILS ARE ILLUSTRATIVE AND SHALL NOT LIMIT HARDWARE TIE WIRES(TYP.) / (900 SWING) DESIGN OR POST SELECTION OF ANY PARTICULAR FENCE TYPE. \' /� SPACED AT 14" 3. COATING FOR FRAME,POSTS, FITTINGS AND FABRIC SHALL BE / MAX VINYL OR POWDER COATED FROM THE FACTORY. 12"ROUND SEE 1998 KCSWDM 5.3.1 FOR COLOR. CONCRETE EMBEDMENT 4. SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-22 FOR FENCE DETAIL. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT �SEpzT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S 1 Z ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT �� pF WAS& THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 61 O CITY OF KENT v� ENGINEERING DEPAWMENT �0 2�asa KENT DRIVEWAY AND WALK GATE Rio �� FOR PONDS ONLY PD,� �FG1ST� �c. F` 4NAL �N DESIGNED DWH SCALE NONE STANDARD PLAN DRAWN BB CHECKED DATE J C_23 APPROVED EftGeER September 2009 WIRE FABRIC NEWLY GRADED OR DISTURBED SIDE SLOPE 2' 2, FILTER FABRIC z FLOW MATERIAL M —LARGE ROCK 2"OR / GREATER IN DIAMETER NATIVE BACKFILL MATERIAL OR bo 3/4"-1,5"WASHED GRAVEL / 8„ N SECTION A-A FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL 2"x2"x14 GAUGE WELDED WIRE FABRIC OR MIRAFI 10OX OR EQUIVALENT A WIRE RINGS EQUAL(IF 180#EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC (TYPICAL) IS USED MAY ELIMINATE WIRE FABRIC) r JOINTS IN FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE SPLICED AT POSTS. USE STAPLES,WIRE RINGS, OR EQUIVALENT TO ATTACH FABRIC TO POSTS. \\ iW\\\iii\ STEEL OR A u 2 X 4 WOOD POSTS. b O.C. INSTALLATION NOTES: ELEVATION 1. FILTER FABRIC FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFUL PURPOSE AFTER THE UPSLOPE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED.THE NEWLY DISTURBED AREAS RESULTING FROM FILTER FABRIC REMOVAL SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY SEEDED AND MULCHED OR STABILIZED AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2, FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY �OSE.P ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL.ANY �� of WAS& THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. ti�� p `o O CITY OF KE NT co Z +;)j ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN 1T REACHES r '--3 1/3 FENCE HEIGHT. ^ KENT FILTER FABRIC FENCE 'V ( 21493 Q � wA6NINOTON 4, INSTALL THE SILT FENCE FIRST. PO,c FGISTR� <cDESIGN� AFTER THE SILT FENCE HAS BEEN FS�j NG�� DRAWN—EO as SCALE NONE STANDARD PLAN INSTALLED,CONSTRUCT BERM AND ONAL E CHECKED DATE TRENCH, eNcw�N 5-31 APPROVED September 2009 c Q >mN a CWNddv 31v0 er 03N33HO �rA 'IVxOj 'S321n10ndis Nvld aavaM/1s 3NON 31v7s sds NM"O 1p S� JO S30IS Hn03 NO 313nNOO NI NO3 03NDIS30 (�� 3 isl `rp 03O039W9 39 kVW SdV9 9NIO1103NI311 3ldWdX3 •�•�•��•-M eers£ 's311nlOnals ONn011V SINIOC 1NIOf�ldM3aIS UNd 821f1� 'i'N3� NOISNVdX3 013IU VNd31lV SV 'S z c� 1N3VUtlVd30 ONIa33NION3 ,s SINIOC ZNax .90 �ZIO 0 �" NOISNVdX3 3HI0131VIOW831NI J53nb311 NOdn 03NIVI90 38 AtlW AdOO tl'1N3�d0 AlIO 3HI �� I� p`�y 'SIVA1I31NI 1003 3AI31V)I1VM30IS NI Sym 3 S 30VW 9911VHS ONV HSINL3 3J311ONOO lb'31I3 NO idD SI NOLLVOIl9nd)J03 03A021ddV 0NV 2133NI9N3 3,3� O1NI 031001313 IIVHS H1d30 3H1 A9 03NDIS'1VNIOrdO 3H1'91VOIldnO OINONJ.0313 NV 9V1S%SZ X KIM•V/T d0 9NUSISNOJ 1n91N3Wn000 9NI1133NI9N3 IV931 V lON SI NVId SIHI:310N SINIOC IOUNOO/NOLLOVd.LNOO 'b 'dRllS 9NLLNVId A9 031VIMIS 'S9NIM AVM3AI110 NO SdWVd VOV 30 110 921nO 011N]3V[OV SI NIVM30IS 113HI3HM 921nO 3H1 NI SINIOI S3dOIS 9Hl NIHJ.IM 030V1d 39 ION IIVHS S30NVN3121nddV 3H1 HXVW Ol SV OS O31VOOl 99 IIVHS)IIVM30IS NI SINIOI NOISNVdX3 '£ HOns 'AIVM30IS 9NIONn02111nS 3H130 30V10 3H19NIHOIVW 3OVd2ins 1NV1SISTd-dIS V 30nlONI 1SnW 03Sn 39 AVW H1d90 lln3 Ol do ONV)OIHl•Z/T Ol do dIbJS 0301OWRd S1IWIl N1VM3OIS 3H1 NIHIIM S3JNVN3landdV 113H10 V'9NIW110d-dnS A9 03JVld 3dV S>IIVM30IS 210/0NV S921nO N3HM ONV S1lnVA 319b"J'S3XO9 NOII3Nn['S113AO3 SS33OV 'L 'SJ.31NI 39VNIVdC]30 S30IS 1V ONV S1VAd31NI 1003 ST d0 WnWINIW V 1V S)IlVM30IS ONV sodnO NI 03O'dld 39 IIVHS 1VI2131VW 1NIOC ')IlVM3OIS 1N3OVCOV O3OIOWMId 30 H1d30 iln3 X A/E 30 9NIISISNOJ 1NIOC NOISNVdX3 NV 'Z 3Hl ONV 3903 03NINOIH1 d0 gdnO 3H1 N33M139 03OVld 39 IIVHS H1d30 lln3 IVR131VW 1NI01)IV32l9 '(V660 W1SV)££W OIHSVV ON09 d0 9NLLSISNOO 1NIO1 NOISNVdX3 NV Nouon21JSNOO d0 S1N3W321Inb3d 3H101 WbOANOJ IIVHS 1VI1131VW 1NIOC'SV321V unOd 31VHVd3S NO'10019NI903 SnIOVa.,b/T 03AVd NI S321n1On1LLS do SIIVM 9NOIV ONV S9NI1SV7 AJ.IIIln ONV HIM 03W1103 39 IIVHS NOLLOn2llSN0O dnOd IVN931NI 'S1SOd'S310d 'S1NMAH adiA ONn021V 03O'dld 39 TlVHS 1VR131VW 1NIOI NO)I1VM30IS 1N30VIOV ONV adn0 N33M139 3OVd1131NI '9 0301OW311d 30 H1d3O llnd X X/£40 9NIISISNOO iNIOC NOISNVdX9 NV 'T :S310N V-V NOLL33S lVnb3(13AO'dddV 1JO OLLSVId IIW 9'1133 9NI30021 9l 0£ V)IIVM3(]IS)1OIHl..b :IM3IVW HV3N9 ONO9 HUM llnd 1NIOI10411N0O/NOLLOV111NOO ----- 1NIO1 NOISNVdX3 1NIODIV3W ON09 •--�- d --- — d :ON3931 ('dAD INIOC 10111NOO/NOMVNINOO ('NIW•T)HUM 9VIS%SZ X 30IM„V/T S1N3 W3,dinb3'd 31V219 90 IVNOIIIOOV W1 S NOUMS NVId 011VONVIS AD 33S 9O ('dAl)1NIOI NOISNVdX3.9/£ ('dAl)1NI0[ //I NOLL7 "1N0O ('NIW„T)H1d30 9V1S%SZ X 30IM,.V/T I ' kVM3AIa0'dO I dWV21 921nO I ('dAl)3OMnS 9NIN'dVM 319V-01ilO VOV HAIM llnd 9O lvnb3 03AONddV 110 011SVId IIW 9'1133 9NId001191 0£ :1VR131VW XVV3119 ON09 HJd30 lln3 15' MAX. BROOMED FINISH PERPENDICULAR EXPANSION 5' S' 5, TO PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL(TYP.) JOINT(TYP.) SEE DETAIL"A" 4"SHINE 2"SHINE FINISH \ FINISH SIDEWALK \\ \\\\ \ EXPANSION WIDTH VARIES \ \ \ JOINT(TYP.) SEE DETAIL"A" PLANTER STRIP CONTRACTION/CONTROL \\\ (WHEN REQ'D) JOINT(TYP.)SEE DETAIL"B' \\\ CURB AND GUTTER \ SS EXPANSION JOINT FOR NEW SEWER CONSTRUCTION; (TYP.)SEE DETAIL"A" STAMP FACE OF CURB WHERE SIDE \ SEWER CROSSES PERPENDICULAR TO � CURB. 3" HIGH LETTERS 1/4" DEPTH. 15' MAX. r• -4" i I� SHINE FINISH SHINE FINISH 4" 4" 2" 3/8"x FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT i 2" ONTRACTION/CONTROL MATERIAL, 15'O.C.SEE NOTE 1 JOINT,5'O.C.SEE NOTE 2 DETAIL"A" DETAIL"B" EXPANSION JOINT CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINT FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: -PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL DIRECTION- 30 LB ROOFING FELT,6 MIL PLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL SHINE FINISH 1.5% DRIVEWAY SIDEWALK 4"CONCRETE PER WSDOT 4 STD. SPECIFICATION 8-14 - -�C 2"CRUSHED SURFACING 4"MIN TOP COURSE 3/8"x FULL DEPTH CURB,GUTTER AND SIDEWALK CROSS SECTION 6"CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON AND EXPANSION JOINT GUTTER FOR RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS. MATERIAL,SEE 8"REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE APRON AND NOTE 1 NOTES: GUTTER FOR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS. 1. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL TO BE 3/8"x FULL DEPTH AND SHALL BE PLACED AT DRIVEWAY CROSS SECTION 15'O.C.SPACING.ELASTOMETRIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH WSDOT STD.SPECIFICATION SECTION 9-04.1(4). 8. ACCESS COVERS,JUNCTION BOXES,CABLE VAULTS 2. CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINT SHALL BE 1/4"WIDE BY 25%SLAB DEPTH; 1"DEEP AND OTHER APPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK FOR 4"SLAB, 1.5"DEEP FOR 6"SLAB,2" DEEP FOR 8"SLAB, AT 5'SPACING. LIMITS MUST INCLUDE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GRADE OF THE SURROUNDING 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CURB&GUTTER AND SIDEWALK AT SIDEWALK. SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALL NOT BE P.C.&P.T.AT ALL CURB RETURNS AND ALL ANGLE POINTS. PLACED WITHIN THE SLOPES OF ADA RAMPS OR DRIVEWAY WINGS. 4. FORM AND SUB-GRADE INSPECTION REQUIRED BEFORE POURING CONCRETE, NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 5. EXPANSION JOINTS IN SIDEWALKS AND �,�F RED ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CURBS SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH EACH S OF WASh'I�r THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. OTHER AND NOT OFFSET. y`S G'�, CITY OF KENT a' x ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE � Z SHALL BE 1.5%. w�eMiro.ow e EXPANSION AND KENT CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINTS 7. WHERE SIDEWALK CROSSES HYDRANT �� 38296 w� LATERAL; CENTER 3'WIDE PANEL O� I STEg�' DESIGNED COK L� 1� DRAWN SPS SCALE NONE STANDARD PUN ACCROSS LATERAL,USE EXPANSION 'SS'IpNAL F' CHECKED J9 DarE 6-35M JOINT,SEE KENT STANDARD DETAIL 3-1. ENGINEER APPROVED DRIP LINE I"-STRAW LAYER FINISHED GRADE NATIVE SOIL FILL fn Q ORIGINAL GRADE ORIGINAL GRADE NOTES: 1. EXTEND STRAW OUT TO DRIPLINE OF TREE. 2. COMPACT SOIL BY HAND EQUIPMENT ONLY. I(0)SE NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT WAS y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT y� 0 THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. - y CITY OF KENT 't:j ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OP p�21493 0AF 'sTeR `� KE.NT MINOR FILLS AROUND TREES 'TONALN DESIGNED FDS STANDARD PLANDRAWN JM SCALE NONE CHECKED DW DATE 6-11-99 ��C p v aMEER J APPROVED September 2009 VENTS(3"0 MIN.) WITH CAPS EX.TREE MIN.3'OR THREE TIMES THE LOOSE STONE MATURE TRUNK DIAMETER NEW SOIL LINE DRY WELL 3"0 VENT WITH CAP DRY WELL STONE FILL SOIL DRAIN TILE (3"0 MIN.) coo 52 oe a0000 OLD SOIL LINE SLOPE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM TREE RAISING THE GRADE @ 1%MINIMUM DRAIN TILE TO DRIP LINE DRIP LINE SECTION PLAN EX.TREE INSTALL ENGINEERED OLD SOIL LINE DRIP LINE WALL FOR CUTS GREATER DRIP LINE FILL THAN FOUR FEET AND SLOPES GREATER THAN 2:1 HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL(TYP). LOWERING THE GRADE 2' � 2' ROCKERY OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL EX.TREE L FILL STONE 1 �6 / CUT :i NOTES: NEW SOIL LINE 1. ALL DRAIN TILE SHALL BE LOWERING AND RAISING PERFORATED PVC AND WRAPPED IN THE GRADE PERMEABLE DRAIN FABRIC OR CLOTH ()SEP SOCKS DESIGNED FOR PERFORATED S 7 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT PIPE. of WAS y� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 61 �� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 1S KEPT ON FILE AT 2. MINIMUM BATTER ON DRY WELLS C yP z THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. WALLS SHALL BE 1:6 HORIZONTAL H y CITY OF KENT TO VERTICAL. ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT 3. ALL FILL SOIL SHALL BE COMPACTED �Po� RF�ISTR�� �4� s BY HAND EQUIPMENT ONLY. KENT CUTS OR FILLS AROUND TREES S�ONAL �N� 4. FINAL INSTALLATION SHALL BE DESIGN m Fos SCASTANDARD PLAN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY A DRAWN dM � NDNE LICENSED ARBORIST. CHECKED Dui DATE a-��MR 6-59 APPROVED September 2009 600E jagwaldaS O3AOW& 09-9 "° 31V0 03H03H3 NVId ONVONtl15 3NON 3W3S es NMd210 HMO 03NOIS30 1V 1V(J�(`n �/�,O PN� N01103S ln0 NI S-nYM 1N33I � o�a£ sil M� o�y� 1N311JMVd30 ONRI33NION3 ,LNHX 3o &SLID E- cn '153fIb3M NOdn O3NIV190 39 AVW Ad03 V IND 30 KU:)3H1 o ay O 0��i 1V 31Id NO ld3)f SI NOI1tl3I19f1d doA 03/10MddV 0NV M33NI9N3 3H1AS 03N9IS'IVNI9R10 3Hl'31tl311df10 OINOW319 NV 6? ysvM 1f191N3Wf130a 9NR139NI9N31V931 V10N SI NVId SIHl:31ON '031133NI9N3 39 Ol 03MIf1b3M TdV 1H9I3H NI„0-,9113AO S3IM3X30M'1331i1S V 011N33VIOV N3HM 03MOIIV 3MV 1H9I3H NI.0-,£E)NI0333X3 KHEGH IIVM S 'SlOI IdO M31NI N33M139 MO LS-9 NVld aMV0NVIS M3d S311M3dOMd M3H10 O11N33VC0V 1H9I3H'XVW„0-,9 Ol u0-,£'AVM-30-1H9IM onand 011N39tl[0V 1H913H'XVW„0-,9 O b£-9 NVId OMVONVIS M3d 1NIOI NOISNVdX3 3OU10Md '66 'Ti?-9 NVId 'O1S 33S'd31V3119 MO'Nl 0£SI 1H9I3H Ad3N001i N3HM a3,dinb3M lIVMONVH MO '35Mf103 39VNIVMO IV'dniVN (SNVId O1IVONVIS 100SM 33S)b 110£'ON 3dAl'33N33)INII NIVH3 '£ MO W31SAS W'dO1S AlI3 Ol NIVMO 013did O 'OS-9 NVId OMV0NVIS NO NMOHS SV 3NOZ 'S1N3W311I(1b3'd 33NV1SIO W319 3H130ISA0 391Sf1W lltlM 9NINIV1311110 Ad3>130M d0 39V3 'Z 1H9IS 0NV NIVMM31133W Ol AMVSS333N Stl OL T'9 NOI133S'SOMVONVIS '%S'T 39 IIVHS 30VM9 SSOM3 MM30IS N9IS30 '9 3Hl NI S9NI3Vd)30M ONV SIIVM 9NINIVAd IVMfIJ. nas 335 T :S310N (££-6100SM)39VNIVMO 0Nf101i9 9NUSIX3 0Nnodo113ONn doA 31I1X31039 OlNI A113N3011 A3X �,� ��i� ✓/ �% / NIW„9 3dId O31VMOd113d OB dIM1S SNIVMO M03 M31NVld n z �y/ llIdX3V91311VM9 )IltlM30I5 m (9'£T-6100SM) o z ��� SIIVdS AMMtl(lb„b- Z m d0 SS3NX3IH1'NIW„ZT /. m � 9 53IMVA ,*W z NT'Z I I I (S310N 33S) 3ON3d NNII NIVH3 3NIl AVM-d0-1H9IM 60OZ jagwaldaS aWdddV Z9-9 �°�'"° 3M 03H03HO N+nd OavaNvls N N Fv- Be NMV8(l h a03NDIS30 mom onand „oao,,,h0rw c �Y u IyO"'J �1VM341S 2134Nf1 SlldM 1N33I „�, ,�-AaISr,94 Od � EftIZ �' 0- 1N3KLHVd30 ONI833NION3 rCQ a aLuax 3o 2sio E y '1S3nb3a NOdn 03NIVIBO 39 AVW Ado:)V'1N3X 30 KU:)3H1 p o e� a~ O IV 31I3 NO 1d3H SI N011VOII9nd 2103 03AO'dddV ONV d33NI9N3 Q� ��ti 3HI A9 03NDIS'1VNIDFdO 3Hl'91VOIldnO OINOId10313 NV �? I�ySVM in91N3Wn000 9Nrd33NI9N3 IV931 V lON SI NVId SIHI:31ON �d2S(0)S '3San0O 39VNI"a IVan1VN a0 W31SAS WIdO1S AID Ol NIV21O 013dId O 'S1N3W321Inb321 3ONVISIO 1H9IS ONV NI"Id31133W 01 AbVSS303N SVO S101 a0I'd31NI N93M139 e0-,t+a0 E9-9 NVId OWONV1S 213d S311213d021d 213H10 01 1N30VEOV 1H913H'XVW„0-,9 Ol 00-,£'AVM-d0-1H912i OII9nd 011N30V[OV IRDSH'XVW.0-,8 '9 'iVnNVW N9IS30 lOOSM 3HI 90 L d31dVHO 33S 0-,9 033OX3 S1H0IP AdDIDO'd 3d3HM "d31VR9 b0 HdW Ob d0 SIIWII 033dS RUM SOVO'd NO 03b[nbu 39 AVW Sa3IbbV9 OIddVdi 'S '03103NI9N3 39 01 aRinb3ld 321V 1H9I9H NI o0-,9 a3AO SMIGNOO'd 1332i1S V 011N3OVfOV N3HM 03MOIIV 3W 1H9I314 NI„O-,£9NI0330X3 SIH013H IIVM I, '00'OT'OE-1 ndH1 00-01'OZ-I IOGSM by Ttr-9 NVId 'US 33S'a31V3219110'NI OE SI 1HOI3H Aa3)10021 N3HM 03Wnb3a IIV2i0NVH 21O(SNVId 021V(INVIS lOOSM 33S)b bO E'ON 3dA1'30N33 XNII N1VH0 '£ 'NOUV9I1S3ANI IVOINHO31099 NO 03SV9 0321Inbmd 39 AVW 3dOlS a311V1d 'Z O'iT'9 N01103S'SONVONVIS 3141 NI S9NI0V3 X0O210NV SIIVM ONINIV13b i"n1Jn2LLS 39S 'T :S310N (E£-6100SM) ONnOZd9 0I2d9V3 ISSN ONIISIX9 O1NI ((L)Z'SO-610OSM) Ab3 X0021 A3X ONn02191VNI9Id A 'NIW„9 3dId 031Va03213d O8 r rn � z n 00 I \\ WOZT'£0-6100SM)SNIV2101iO3 III3X0V9 imvd9 m rn (9'£T-6100SM)SI1VdS m A o z kiNVnb„V-„Z SS3NX0IH1'NIW„ZT r � rn 9 NIW NZT _ \ S ((T)£'ZO-9100SM) (0000 SSV10 313210N00)dV0 p 3 ((E)6'EO-6100SM) z 3S2in00 d019NI0V3bnS 03HSndo„9 3NII IIV2dONVH M02d 110 30N3d NNII NIVHO „9 S1N3W321Inb3a 30NVISIO 1H9IS ONV NIVn31133W Ol AWSS303N SV* 'NIW„O-,9 S3I21VA O S3118VA S'MIN.OR STRUCTURE SETBACK WHICHEVER IS GREATER R I FINISHED GRADE MUST BE UNDER I MAY BE UP TO 6'MAX. 3'IN HEIGHT IN HEIGHT ICI-ICI I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I II-ICI-ICI 3'MIN. I 3'MIN. I II II I II II 1-0 MIN. BETWEEN I � SEGMENTS — cn I I I-III-I I-I I El I I Lu ICI—ICI— - -_—ICI—ICI � I II-III-III-_II1=1II-III-III-I 10 -1 I I-I 11-I I I-I I I-1 I-I I FINISHED I I El I I-1 11-I I I-I 1-1 11-I 1 GRADE w I I l 1-1 l 1-1 l —_ El�1—I�I—III-1 11—I 11=1 I I—I I I—I I El I El I I-111_I I I I II 1111111111111111-III-1 = _ - - 111=1 I I=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 I1= I =1 I I—III— I I 1=1 11=1 I I-1 11=1 I I-1 I I-1( — NOTES: 1. THE HEIGHT OF THE WALL WITHIN A STRUCTURE SETBACK IS LIMITED TO 3'-0"IN TOTAL HEIGHT MEASURED FROM FINISHED GRADE AT THE BASE OF THE WALL TO THE TOP OF THE WALL. 2. WALL HEIGHTS EXCEEDING T-0"IN HEIGHT ARE ALLOWED WHEN ADJACENT TO A STREET.ROCKERIES OVER 6'-0"IN HEIGHT ARE REQUIRED TO BE ENGINEERED. 3. WHERE THE SEPARATION BETWEEN SINGLE FAMILY HOMES WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT IS LESS THAN 16',A WALL HEIGHT OF 4'-0"IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE STRUCTURE SETBACKS. OS EP17 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT of WAS y� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �61 �� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT cc) yP o THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. - CITY OF KENT tT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 21493 RFGIsT�� � KENT HEIGHT MEASUREMENT FOR FAL EN w.�Nl"OTOM PERIMETER WALL LOCATION DESIGNED DWH SCALE NONE STANDARD PLAN DRAWN Rg CHECKED DATE C C z APPROVED DIO UM V v J September 2009 EDGE OF VARIES TURNOUT 6"TO 12" @ FACE OF CURB VARIES 6"TO 12" z WOOD OR STEEL POST E f 0.17'MAX.STEEL z (STEEL POST SHOWN) v 00 TUBE vv 'ice. CURB ANTI-TWIST PLATE,SEE WSDOT STANDARD ANTI-TWIST PLATE, PLANS H-70.10-00(TYP) SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLANS TYPE 1(STEEL POST OPTION) TYPE 1 INSTALLED BEHIND CURB EDGE OF TURNOUT VARIES 6"TO 12" BACK OF SIDEWALK VARIES 6"TO 12" z � g 4"x 4"MAX. z WOOD OR STEEL POST v v WOOD POST (STEEL POST SHOWN) vv SIDEWALK fn ANTI-TWIST PLATE, SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLANS TYPE 1(WOOD POST OPTION) TYPE 1 INSTALLED BEHIND SIDEWALK S OSE NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT -of WAS/y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT O y i 0 THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: y CITY OF KENT (� ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1. ALL LOCATIONS TO BE APPROVED .o, RF 21493 �Q �� MAILBOX INSTALLATION BY THE POSTMASTER. cz� G1STeR KENT TYPE 1 AND 2 2. SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLANS F INAL EN W......... SHEET 1 OF 2 H-70.10-00 AND H-70.20-00 FOR DESIGNED DWH SCALE NONE STANDARD PUN DRAWN BB DETAILS. IDATE - 6_70 APPROVED otaMR September 2009 �—SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN H-70.20-00 FOR z'd TUBE CONNECTION TWO 5/16"X 4 1/2"BOLTS 2"O.D., 14 GAGE TUBE DIRECTION "r v WITH TWO FLAT WASHERS OF TRAFFIC AND ONE LOCKNUT POST MOUNTING SOCKET N ANGLE LEG FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW TYPE 2 (MULTIPLE BOX INSTALLATION) NOTES: 1. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-40 FOR SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTS. 2. SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN H-70.20-00 FOR DETAILS. 2'-7" 5'-0" 0 0 0 0 MIN.CLEAR WIDTH 0 0 0 0 vt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MOUNT ON PEDESTAL 1' 4" — PROVIDED WITH ANCHOR BOLT PATTERN PER N.D.C.B.U. UNIT N.D.C.B.U.PEDESTAL TEMPLATE 6" PLANTING STRIP EXPANSION JOINT WIDTH 0' EXPANSION JOINT TO VARIABLE ° e EXPANSION JOINT o ° - 4 e 4' d e e e - 2 VERTICAL CURB 4 e e 2 FRONT VIEW V-6" TYPE N.D.C.B.U.INSTALLATION SIDE VIEW (NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY AND COLLECTION BOX UNIT) NOTES: S()sEP17 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT OF WASy,� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 1. THE POSTMASTER OR DESIGNATED 61 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT SERVING POST OFFICE WILL DESIGNATE z THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. THE LOCATION AND MANNER OF CITY OF KENT GROUPING OF MAIL BOXES. 1-1t:'� ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2O INSTALLATION OF N.D.C.B.U. � 21493 �Q �� • MAILBOX INSTALLATION GISTE ND WILL(INCLUDING BEE DONE O YSTRUCTION OF BASE)U.S U.S. SERVICE. o�F�ONAL �NG\�� KE"NT TYSHEETPE 1 2 OF 2 2 DESIGNED DWH STANDARD PLAN 3. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-34 FOR CURB DRAWN as SCALE NONE AND SIDEWALK JOINTS. CHECKED DATE - 6_70 APPROVED ENMUR September 2009 30' TRAFFIC DIRECTION Cl O D o 0 O 0 0 0 4"GAP VARIES (300'MAX.) 5' �_ 2,5' TWO WAY LEFT TURN LANE 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 TRAFFIC DIRECTION TWO WAY LEFT TURN LINES TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION zo' 8"WHITE LINE a 0 TYPE 2W RPM TYPE 2YY RPM o 4"GAP 4"GAP I — 20' _ 4"YELLOW LINE �� Ir� TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE WIDE LINE TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION 11' 30' 30' o 0 0 0 a TYPE 2W RPM 4"WHITE LINE TYPE 2Y RPM 4"YELLOW LINE TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION LANE LINE SKIP CENTER LINE 6' 8' O o 0 TYPE 2W RPM 4"WHITE LINE 4"GAP 8"WHITE LINE EDGE LINE DOTTED WIDE LINE TRAFFIC DIRECTION 3' 9' 21'(TYP) 1W YELLOW BARRIER LINE 1" F 1" BO T "WHITE LINE 18"-TYPE 2Y RPM'S EQUALLY SPACED2W RPM TRAFFIC DIRECTION DROP LANE LINE FRE)- BARRIER LINE NOTES: �a CITY OF KENT 1. RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS(RPM's) co Z ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED PER WSDOT • STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 8-09, KENT TYPICAL LANE MARKINGS 9-02.1(8),9-26.2 AND 9-21 10 38296 �94, 1STE�� ��W DESIGNED FS 4ss10NAL E��1 DRAWN SPS SCALE NONE STANDARD PLAN CHECKED DATE 02-2003 6-74M APPROVED MY aau+� } a o W 24"WHITE EQUALLY z CROSSWALK BAR SPACED Lu z �' z g Lu (TYP) g Q.4j c- I 24" WI z I I I I f o f I I I B. oI _ I oce Lu � I 4(TYP) � I I I 1' I I LrJ 0 — _ 0 — — o En \— 12"-24"WHITE STOP LINE. TIRE TRACKS(TYP.) WIDTH AS SPECIFIED IN THE CONTRACT TYPICAL 4 LANE ROADWAY CONFIGURATION IS SHOWN *GENERAL NOTES: 1. FOR ROADWAYS WITH MORE OR LESS LANES,THE SAME CONFIGURATION APPLIES, CENTER CROSSWALK BARS ON THE LANE LINES,AND IN THE CENTER OF THE TRAVELED PORTION OF THE LANE TO MINIMIZE TIRE WEAR ON THE CROSSWALK BARS. 2. THE CENTERLINE OF THE CROSSWALK SHALL GO FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE CURB RAMP ON ONE SIDE OF THE STREET TO THE CENTERLINE OF THE CURB RAMP ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 3. ALL MARKINGS SHALL BE WHITE PLASTIC MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED IN THE CONTRACT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-34. 4. GLASS BEADS(PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECS.SECTION 9-34)SHALL BE ADDED TO ALL PLASTIC CROSSWALKS AND STOP BARS. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT �-VF REY AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF WAsflj �j THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. �0 CITY OF KENT Uj ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT KENT PLASTIC CROSSWALK MARKINGS 38296 IS"p DESIGNED DWH STANDARD PLAN �SSIONAL � CED DRAWN-BB DATE I B NONE APPROVED ENGaEER 6-75M 03AOUddV W9L-9 '91" ° SIOZ Dl CO 31tl0 03NO3H0 �q 'jyl,IplS NVId (RdWINAS 3NON 31V05 �8B NMY8a -, S HMO 03N91S30 �� ,151 w'O GN3031 AINO )? SMYS d0lS MO30MIMOVM 96Z8C gyp, `SM088V 311S0'ld 1N3�1 Z _ 1N3141HVd3a JN1a33NIJN3 (� Qr- '1S3nb3'd NOdn a3NIV190 39 AVW Ad00 V'1N3)1 30 AlIO 3Hl �f �j� A a�0 d lb 31I3 NO 1d3H SI NOI1V0Iland WJ a3AU8ddV aNV d33NI9N3 lIVl3a 21V9 d015 3H1A9 a3N9IS'IVNI9R103H1'3Mlldn(i OINO-d.0313 NV 1f191N3wn:)oa 9NIa33NIEM IV931 V lON SI NVId SIHl:310N '1Vrd31VW OI1SVId IIV 01 a30aV 39 lIVHS(b£-6 NOI103S'SO3dS UVONVIS lOaSM'd3d)SOV39 SSVI9 'Z 10VblN00 3H1 NI 'b£-6 (IMAIO3dS SV„tbZ-„ZT 3I9VIdVA H19N3I NOUVOIdIO3dS a2IVONVIS lOaSM H1IM 33NVa21000V NI(INV 1OVM1N00 3H1 NI a3I3I03dS SV IVI 91VW OII.SVId 31IHM 39lIVHS S9NI>i21VW IIV 'T :S310N ld31 ISE 3dA1 ld31 ISZ 3dA1 ST 3dAL „9-.0 „9-10 1,9-.0 IS£3dA130 ' ISZ 3&L1 0 Jr :- 39VWI'dOnIW SI '> 39VWI'dOIMIW SI (1HE)Dd)dS£3dA1 _ (1HE)N)'dSZ 3d U x Yl f b s O ,3 7 O 02 00 R .9-,0 ` oo- *: rs a8-,T O i p 00-OZ'08-W NVId GdVaNV1S lOaSM 'd3d 39 IIVHS 1fl0AVl b31131 'T uu 310N a3noaddv WoZ8-9 1IM""M Slo�0 Mv0 03x03HO 3TYJS X03 NMvaa NVId 02N0NVi 3NON S x00 03NJI530o V 3dAl 96Z8£ �p NOU"VISNI 1SOd NOIS 1N O 1N3MlHVd3G ONIa33NION3 JLNH I 30 )LZID asnb3a NOdn 03NIVd190 39 AVW AdOO V'1ND d0 XU:)3H1 1V 31Id NO 1d3X SI Nouvoll9fld'dOd 03A021ddtl(INV d33NI9N3 J 3H1 A9 03NMS'IVNI9R10 3H1'31V:)IldnO OINOM313 NV 1f191N3Wf1700 9NR133NI9N3 IV931 V ION SI NVId SIHl:310N 'S30IS,dnoi'H19N31 llfld S21 AD„T NO SMOH 03H7Nf1d-3dd 2d313WVI0„91/L W1Id 1n:)O'd1O313 WE-Si302J09 ONV SI09WAS'SON3931 3AVH IIVHS 1SOd 3svnbS'NIW ISd 000'09 H19N3M1S O13IA £90 30VM9 ONOWVIO WE-SN9IS 100HJS OZT-W OIHSVV 03ZINVAIV9 03ddI0 lOH 39 ONV OS 3OW9 OIIVWSI'dd kUSN31NI H9IH WE-A2101'd1f19321 ONV 9NINI M TTOT W1SV'1331S 133HS NORV0 031102d 39 IIVHS 1SOd 'b :IVN31VW 9NI133HS '01 '1NMvAInb3 „SZT'O- 'd3AO ONV„9£ kdoivin93b ONV 9NIN21VM 03A02dddV a0'dOH:)NV dVdS3131„Z/T Z xnZ/T Z'39nvE) '„080'0-2HONn ONV„0£A2101V1n9321 0NV 9NIRVM L'9 30V219 OOSV W1SV 133W 01lVIZd31VW 03ZINVAIVD 'SS3NN:)IH1 HNVl9 N9IS Wf1NIWMV '6 03ddIO lOH ONIZ 39 IIVHS HSINIA 'd01 WO'dd Z MIS HOV9 3NO S31OH d3J3WVIO„9T/L HOV3 b 3AVH IIVHS 'Sa3NMO Ala3d02dd 3H1.A9 03NIV1NIVW 210HONV'1N3)1 30 kU:)3H1 A9 03AO21ddV 3I A1NO '03Sf1 3'dV S1SOd N9IS 31VAIdd ONV SN9IS 3WVN 133KS 31VAINd '8 39 AVW 9 3dA1 NOI1VllV1SNI 31Vld 3SV91SOd N9IS'dO„7Z 01030f103a 39 AVW H19N31'.OE 39 IIVHS H19N31'dOHONV 'E 'SlIV130 N9IS 3WVN 133US a0d Wb8-9 ONV WE8-9 NVId OMINV1S 33S 'L NOI1tlAVJX3 012dORdd 310H 2i313WVI0„8 NV ROD'SNOUYIIV1SNI XIVM30IS-NI 2103 'Z Z9011 S1f1NWVf'WOLOU 39 Ol S1109 2d M:) '9 '1N31VAIfdb3(I3AOIfddV 'd313WVI0 u8/E 908E1139 01 SAADd 3AIdO 'S 2dO'3dA13d[d 1331S 1SOd IMS313139 IIVHS S1SOd 1V13W 'T :S310N 'NIW 'dOHONV 3H1 „9 \ \ 9NR131N3 W021d 313d:)NOJ 9NILN3A3'dd 3IIHM'dOHDNV o ' 310d IVN9IS'dO 0aVGNV1S 0Nnodv 3:)tlld NI 03,dnOd o 1H91113R.LS NO 9NI1Nnow 9911VHS 3SV9 313b:)N0Z 0 0 E 31ON 33S'3f12i1 0 £ ONV 9Wflld*dOH3NV 13S o -. IVId3iVW 031DVdW00 NO ° IIOS 3AI1VN 039,dn.LsI0Nn ° NO NOI1V0Nf10313S—^= ° 0 S213HSVM SS ° KUM S1109 0 \\ SS'IT X 119T/S I ° 3 a 30VM9 03HSINI3 ° x = o ' 9 31ON 331 0 '1109 213Na00 uE ° O O 03 -3ad ° S310H llV*39V'39tl9 bT ° '„Z X„Z 3,dvnbS 1SOd N9IS ° ivnb3 03AG dddV 210 13NOV891I-0NVO OEO'O SS I rib OT ONV 6 MON 33S 9 310N 33S'S1109 EME00 H1IM ISAO ONV„9E SN9IS HJV11V S 310N 33S'S13AId MUM Z HUM nGNf1 0NV„0£SN9IS HJV11V STOP BAR WEARING COURSE(TYPICAL _ .....___.. FOR SECTIONS A, B&C) CENTER OF LANE / A LOOPS RIES A #14 TWISTED PAIR WIRE TYPE NUMBER A IMSA 51-3, 3 TWISTS PER FOOT tiI 5 TO CONTROLLER Bn TO ADDITIONAL LOOPS B C4.1 0.25" MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT WHERE APPLICABLE 2C(S)LEAD-IN SECTION A-A B'�" CABLE IMSA 50-2 IB *AF *AS LOOP SPLICE LOOP SERIES u (TYPICAL) NUMBER B A A a 0 cn c *BF a u . CONDUIT STUBOUT, < o� SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-99 0 0.50" MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT o JUNCTION BOX SECTION B-B w S=START F=FINISH *=LOOP NUMBER STOP BAR LOOP WINDING DETAIL m 0,50" MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT TO ADDITIONAL LOOPS SECTION C-C WHERE APPLICABLE JUNCTION BOX (ASSUMING TWO LANES OF LOOPS) C *F CENTER OF LANE SCOTCH 06147 ELECTRICAL B C *S MOISTURE SEALANT TAPE Al 2C(S) LEAD-IN ,p B CABLE IMSA 50-2 i -TO A CONTROLLER A S=START SIDE VIEW END VIEW #14 TWISTED PAIR WIRE TYPE F=FINISH *=LOOP NUMBER NOTE: CUT IMSA 51-3,3 TWISTS PER FOOT SOLDERLESS,CRIMPED, DRAIN WIRE NON-INSULATED BUTT SPLICE SINGLE LOOP WINDING DETAIL LOOP SPLICE DETAIL NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE NOTES Y ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT 1. SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-99 FOR , 'WAS�I THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CONDUIT STUBOUT DETAIL AND CITY OF KENT INDUCTION LOOP INSTALLATION r � ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NOTES, TJ T INDUCTION LOOP 2. SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-100 FOR WA.Hi T.. DETAILS INDUCTION LOOP PLACEMENT DETAIL. 29s IST �'y"' DESId1NED COK scALE NONE STANDARD PLAN IONAL � CHECKED JB DATE — y� ENGINEER 6 M APPROVED OF F_ L�u Q d. O wO l wNw�� a In z �wa ce � �lwf1J z wxIn :5oOUf � z0 ¢ W ¢ F- _ on a m0ZU) � � H Z UZ > Liu VV))zIn LL O w U ~�t' Z H z m Q y � 0. 3 Z -4 Z 0z V)= � OU F- � O u.jLu itJ3^ w =O � N p � '4 ¢ �0°0 z0 -i CD iaU U`n00 - xF0 � m }r 0 OD O z W �JM ULL _ CL Q= }mJ (nw� 0. In Q Vl �Q W }} O a 1- J am ¢ X J W J N }i O M V) O O ¢Z Q W ¢ m ¢ = O 0. m 0. U(n O Z O O O f x W D O z CL w O F- Z Q OJ } ..f O o o �: vo J G0 =m000fz 6 = 6 0C �= ,E w0 Zr � D O U t) L� 0.z0 n9 " O F- " L).. P66 0 W OM owo5zo F- 0Z � w-+ w u)� OJ W z � u�OO � = O � Of LL J w ZQ W z ¢ �000 J Uj FO� ~ m = 3F- V) ¢ � oc GIw- in z �oz �� z� Wce � �� LL o x co x Q {. F 0.Z F O z p x N LL w rn Ll! O N ll_ _ t W ll� 0.' a } U H Q N V) i0 U� uI� OY o-Jr p0. U UJQ J0X J � a \ �D Q zw ¢ W LuLLu o � 0 ao a �U � ¢ w � O �wui Lu �l.L J -rQO W J \\ \ F U w LLLul(nLni 3t¢nDUii ..o ¢ m (na ` O Q w C6 of W O Lnv d v r L9 W 0� z inz w w ce ¢ Y O Z O m U 3:)vAdnS3AVd d0 dOl 0 =Ln wInLu ¢ W LL- j QLl- oL) wadA WfWINIW �0-.Z 0 O u O o v a Ui Lp L=iVI O p O D 0CD 0 0 zUZ O w d J ooLu Ho - J u9 LD 0 ~ � � � u— z LL � x z u w z z Y � Lu Cl ~ L„ =Q W '[[ w (ten � = o o � � ¢ vQ � 0. �_h N m w2LLi u L¢n o Z m � �a 3a J ocF- 0 U f- gz in w 0 0 Q ~ � Z Lu O CLui F U� J r, Z O =C=9 0. F F 3 N� w X � O O O X 2 z O z U Z O Q z O w w w m Z Ln � Lu � W J �¢ aC9 Z O OW p � � m d U J w(~n � w O � N 0 i= � U Lu3 O a LL In Q(n Dp �j 1tO_'u a g °Cz mcei}i ? c �N z = o w z `� N w J ¢ p NLL, J i i F- J O WLLI w J Z Luu 0 0aU z V) V) L)z 00 O U � In w = 0. OV) A0J O� W ¢u Qp to O C7 Z D �� OLu OIxI-- � g NO (nJ p0 Q V OU 0 g O Z w w ¢ 3 z z V) ¢ p z N -r Z Orr J } Y F_ 0 LL 7) d J 0. a O p J O a ¢ D J D N um acne. coZ J � Q oz ¢ o O H fV M 4 Ln t.D n Z z ca U Y o NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE FRS' Y ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT .S�pF WAS�Jj�f THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT v z KENT INDUCTION LOOP 38296 w� WASHINGTON INSTALLATION NOTES O� FIST DESIGNED COK DRAWN SPS SCALE NONE STANDARD PLAN sSIONAL ECG CHECKED JB DATE - 6—9 9 M APPROVED LOOP PLACEMENT POSTED STOP BAR LEFT TURN LANE THROUGH LANE THROUGH LANE SPEED LIMIT LOOP ADVANCE LOOP MID LOOP ADVANCE LOOP (SINGLE) (SINGLE) (SINGLE) 25 MPH 4 FT. 104 FT. (NONE) 144 FT. 30 MPH 4 FT. 104 FT. (NONE) 164 FT. 35 MPH 4 FT. 104 FT. 209 FT. 274 FT. 40 MPH 4 FT. 104 FT. 239 FT. 309 FT. 45 MPH 4 FT. 104 FT. 274 FT. 354 FT. 50 MPH 4 FT. 104 FT. 304 FT. 394 FT. SD6 SD5 NOTES: 223 213 Ni N2 O O O O 1. THE DISTANCES SHOWN IN THIS TABLE ARE MEASURED FROM THE NEAR EDGE OF THE STOP 222 212 BAR TO THE CENTER OF THE INDUCTION LOOP. O O 5PC 512 2. LOOP DISTANCES MAY BE ADJUSTED f2 FEET TO O AVOID METAL CASTINGS. B 221 211 511 A 21 51 3. THE DISTANCE BETWEEN"A"LOOPS AND"B' Q Q LOOPS SHALL BE 16 FEET CENTER-TO-CENTER. W20 SR WR 00421 0422 Q SD8 413 W10 00411 0412 O SD7 312 712 3PC O 311 Q 0 Y Y 7110 7PC SD3 O 812 Q 81100 A B Q E1 SD4 O 822 Q 821 ER o NoR Q E2 B-/A-/ O O A O O B 111 611 621 0 1PC O O 612 622 O O O O S2 Sl 613 623 SD1 SD2 LOOP IDENTIFICATION SCHEMATIC(TYPICAL) NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S�pF APPROVEDENGINEER AND IS KEPT ON FILE AT WA f THE CITY OF ENT.ACOPY MAY BE OBTAINED REQUEST. �� CITY OF KENT c N ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT U - z KENT INDUCTION LOOP PLACEMENT W��MIYOTOM d� 38296 w �:;4 ISTER���� DESI NED 9.0 SCALE NONE STANDARD PLAN SSIOMAL $rj CHECKED LB I DATE - 6-100M erartm� APPROVED WSDOT STANDARD PLANS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND HYDRAULICS B-5.40-01 Catch Basin Type 1 L B-30.70-03 Circular Frame (Ring) and Cover CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS F-10.12-03 Cement Concrete Curbs F-10.42.00 Extruded Curb F-10.62-02 Precast Sloped Mountable Curb (2 sheets) F-40.12-03 Parallel Curb Ramp F-45.10-02 Detectable Warning Surface I LLUM I NATON. SIGNALS, AND ITS J-20.26-01 Accessible Pedestrian PushButton (PPB) Details (2 sheets) J-21.10-04 Type PS, Type 1, RM & FB Signal Standard Foundation Details (2 sheets) J-21.16-01 Flashing Beacon Type 1 Signal Standard Details 132"'Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb A - 2 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 21 m m Q o> W �. O p 8 o °oZc c E o W m c ; N n R U3g I W amLm. w c ^��' W J n CI= aJ � a �a � H 3 v m a ��. o"'d.� Z y a _ c � ntmn mEoc m ° m m aSy nw mN a � a o d - y r �..: .y ` Z o r 8 c C cc � 3m W� WE $ ��a5 o in h di p ;o v m e o V�sb.'�s OEF' = Q' m cc a m $ a m�� mW N �jL w c o o m E R E Y 'p c ~ Z N 3 a o m � 2 + m 1 mL m W m m W a s a L mcmm wEY W. O u m m 2 m... � .0 L..T C ° W y y N _"1 M mWEE� m m IN m u E w m nW.EN c$ aca p• Nm '� c z O mN L- t4-N m Ole 1m/1 l0 W W m >�m a # EOE E CN mW % m cc W L.•�., p W O m.R O W m N W C L ° N nZ% 3�'.:3 umEac �in m� '�v w mO mvQ O o W Cc '«� W m E G n s U 8PEHc�,c .5c- _N Ea c do p 0 / m N N W m J K m m m�p m L m W m N 0 - m a W m C L L L L W t m L K r Q N 7i C Y r m Q 3 m F u N a H ¢ C� w fA z fV ,+i v 6 ti a � Z W y a Z a \ / K O W o = J K � 6 a m R W U i z G ro N m N ry W / -» C, z O 5 o w a s D / \ / \ z a \5 � � t O� d o ao C.Lu wz a 00 d a KO w 3a 0 U N Q OV`1 # N m U W y o 0 w ao W m N J 2 iy .< RU R¢U < 62 VV ul /4-7/Ou W m Z `C �Z O tu w Lu F- f/ K \ z o N (l/ ` c7 o z Z \ z a \\ La \\ y r r o c a z z z wLu J a� C: LL z r d� W K m \ Ix 00 u 2 OaO=tAo vsil.,AB Nmvua n.ermm•uwn�..w..w.ua (7 N a.w.ewwuwra� o.e.+w..m m m � m � q bC'Ou.?'+il1I�W61.g1NtwM+Y.alJ4 � O �`+ W �[��� wa.om OwIJYOYi MsI N`YOY YO. � o �a g E n n L LM i° •_ m m mmm�� =c'm COD ��gll bdgY' g cm E ra m o'a mp n Z, QO Ned yd �> Z H UO 69 W U. o F a c -0 E 0 o Y�''n��yr ��UyS 190 G LL k y� r W Can. - m mr° � �N 311E- 1 PJ 4�0�� �Q Q H $ me �E�a}� t o z w!a- �E 0 €8LO 0 61 c � a t� m E oam=A V_a nD E u_ z o /aA U Z �y N � r g w z i ; z z x ; � a V — c z a. 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C �m rygi -n 8- x »01 Cn .. m ' T d n O52 CJ-�-- nt C.r Sod�CD a N O� O� m< C m Q m e Z m o Nm Q C, cm CL a CD a m m nd��m mn v m 3 + i mmm 'v � « m m m{'>> yxa ro a Z Z m x f1 � d(D y 8 00 �m SoDirs�9 <om 3 m v CO)a `,'L ST47RSC = mm 33 =7 m C R° wmm °i�i v e R p 'AW c ym o,0} w� 0 mo g ^oof� v O r r 3_i9 Nm mj m N�.TR-m 8 v �m Y a0 �v _c m n 0 ASS o z° m = Z Er d OmN0 mO z 3 m h 0 ,p1` n m o m c m m 'ttl 111a c� o +� �� `� 0 D m�', a a z �A71 Z �`rFR 80 m 4F �y m o, m �p/3c3 • E6 O 5m 0 vm�cCL wop m O � Ni !�WdtCHr�W NAp1.Wl.M44KV r w�pevnou sxuasw aunna Z N IMpJpiIYdYN�Q1�4.NI pHM1Li0•U Mt mR9'P TM°eC 9UOrY'l}IMIM � � \a pun:HonronriornMvsw t�pr �m N � unoa�oa Y O O e��LE by �O�V. Cho �°my° W=J Z LU IL mm C CI x camIX y a {y{17 a� Z `° s a 0. 1� a� rr o�a z a o zyN��+ ppQ7m S N (45 aN s U ay ato0 H Ci zo P m O EOa. 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Q- r� bu �z a 0V mma ¢z_^a °IliwZY gl°3 N ,3 F � Ix O o 0 xZocol x� x¢ £ tbWu b m rOl - �'i W W Q¢ 0 K x U ?° K K W E 15 r W o o LL oWIIZ IL _ WN h A•,> o F� m . Q o € + m wvlo «v .9.3 C. .s � A z p cdAu caw Eui �� w' a A,: al�.zr�z o z1 z Z r�rz� I J z F V W z m w K W I J 0 3z 1 JF 2LL W ?ilm p2mWf2� K z FO ° �HF � z G xcc m o � m LL A z ouW¢ o � W'yrSxcZ=Zi 3cz=i 2 d a w UN OIX z w UU ��a OuD.a >a 4a CL Z <0 UIZ �Qo °=a o WW a p ccW_� tr z w w '� , U p p E Sve rc a R'Ica 0 Wm W vF O 7 m3aan NH3d 'AO NMVHO `a LL LL T T DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELL _m s O7D P >y wmrI1 w NI �3 3 37me. O S mpm Z film z T� r „9„F Os (TYP.) in� d c Oj1G 0� G �m O y x0 y D O m i �' � mT mx3 d5D a^ ^5 8a m wc1 = �t'� — — zs nnab �° 9�3 v3 G a w v gmZZy D m ..p_. om A r m m � r yyWm(l 0ttO 't GpT mMIN.0Q tl2p2 oiy n Mog wo sm pc r, DMn -i ;a �t�i mZozp mm.__._ mOm- .-T mtl� O OO •O OpC -- i C D A $ 5 0-•1 CZ'1r H �p w �T w nt C mt u _ a CAK p X z O g 4 rA --•-- a-:•e Z :,�•i• ;•.,•,'.;�• Qs = m z Me P.) R. 1217•�1_� ��, ; ems `1•~Y y� $ C IxC - a zA vp Cgg m wsm C 2urCLR. ;1D' TO im '--"" 4� d momm _ . s �•) �-) 0h�9i 2'-D• m s= Q �, �. DIM MOZM ---� 5 Cggg1 �-Y•� r Ts - A e � rn T s m r 3 m t o=p > C, r s N C C t=TI ; Z �v 4- cj O A p S m O 03 w�. I p M p (TYP.) m m m m p q L �i=A m �G m Tm m -o D a m mm R v xOn Z Om v VS3 00 AK g> r� N M s O i�v r ;mAU � z TmCm O m � ~ i v c2-V m mfoi MIN. ag $_ pp m 0 On w Ili y 1rAr' rl m e F <:' mr � x m ?Op= O =0 O 'm^ I 120'(�YP•) 3.n A ` ' " ioc a 9 gA roo -- rtf $ 3 0 am �. 4i OR co to ZR .: '-- ---- - z I•e, 'o•�--•,4 gal I R S wx . .' 1t, r. F. O :._---_: ._: . . O i 2V2'CLR. 1'-312" �O �0 a mQ D (TYP.) (7YP.) OZ p A� v� w i g 1 1)41)4- P 1'-8• 4• TC R a 2'-D• •� �I 3.•p. o m m0 Ilt lxn� M -- ---- Oy�S T•"" we O �X 1 Cz 2;: O nmOA=v my om Z5i mom.. Z o cAzz O Z,.2 cn DO mo'' z mvgv C1c zm G7 Ul 9 Obnoa mx a v13 ov 2m0 w 3 (/c�0y$'p Ox C 3718' 2 �? n m0' C3 �y0 2 V mow -1 MAX. p- S PZv Clm .ZC O �a v .^A Cln m-rl frlr-- C6 p OOm -Oly QOa of o3 s 3 $33 OmS O� rO 3 D 5 ODm NO zO0 m bbb �- OZ ,Um m ,2 mm y0 ai v3� z r�l py� Oz �zv I�i m �m aTf I �t�2 �o zf y --- ------- m- w y T7 w r>-' �� 314' ' VO ��= i n 1 0� SF� Z' o M Pl rczi� ��s�s V3 I-------- -'_ , inM 1 O t wb Z m � O m m v 'z� L m c o yO r m :—:—:—:--r' — ———— _ — M J D z 2.MAX. F m A $ y �m f �i �� 5 0 mtm' cfp D 0 C ny m=z A x nm o m M a— ���yd TF1�00� on roc os. I Oxp ov Tr O z- �"c • I Ci o —jZfA �S�a s��� �' 1� M H. mao v v03 0?w oz vy �S°_ czz m��� z o p�tZ3 m '' m av �zo bA m = Z Zfp� s h o I+ >� � ��$ sa, ` m 3 OMM mp c m �� e+ �y(z/� nay pcg= v zmm m �n -ri e m wz p s mam yC�Q Zy mC 1 m i 3 �"'O m m my �m O O m j aCj N��R d81��� 8 z� 0i v w O8Oc m s P mm a s Oc v C5o A 0= um G m m x� A z �SYIa,IFOYI�fiYOA��Il�10it�41gY01 ! -$ c`o u»ununu,wvurr+aasnxw�.,,, M y a m t o-p m n Q m U t ummsTwo�ow vrn.naeua,a..m. {O 3 y of � a 7 v�~ N b �w»wamn.cn wonv,aa�rwaa va. Z ! �'iEY bevy �Ja N F d a a g¢ c g r y� �� o y W = 'v a mace E c ' in hix v o Z 0, °LL d`Oa yy 2 w W$ �o qs�y EBB d° r ao & ° cUL N� ar. N m'2 w c m2fq �Oa RAF Z Q, �m 0) g' V1m m00'o cam FIyQ v W dd �f m 0 Im �Qq�� A`` O �� QQ $mOcE >�'Nc v7v -pi nQ � 41. Z fV M R ui tD LL OW O �S .o-d. spz a [ LLa ptF c� o= Fy 00 a mp hLL tZA � a- w _! z W my ~ -- ------ ----- ,. ---- ---- ----- ----------------------------- ---------------------- ` U _____ ____ _ ________ ________ LL m (�a N gyp, 4 g d tu 12 z 'S g �� z� LL ZWp g oa tp!t F� z 1�J* O jZZ � X,q VFW 'r g2 W� a ON 5m z = W� 2 , (7cc 'Amx'LL = y LL6 LL = o � o N w�6 LL jLL O Oa l = O v]� co W U 1aU- z O i m fu z -'-'-'-'-'- --- ......- - -'-'-'- Q Z p po V LL m� LU �ZNy el/ F, g w a x �N 2 O� W^ u co p a N�poy 5xa_ � 7 .LF QN w z a = Z y5 W ° and ' =o Cox y a H d aLLr a a. 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Ogg- L] is 4iQIC�IZ Z ao n d � o n N NI (11 & ■ ■ 2 § _ to _� IL§ p e k ` 2 0 U ® ° \ > / \ & a e ° LLI \ 0 \ \ o « §: § \ ui - - —. - - k § % } G ir k ( k k ' ( _ ! / k ) � � ® o !E \� CL k , y ! W ~' cc a.ZCO z QMrA-O � 13 E 11 -1 \ § § [ | —— § IL § � 2 • . , 0 § U) . CL ;! � , ■ a ( 1 , | 2, m � ■ k � is , / | ; _ _ | . ■ § M. _ | § § ■ _ | xa . . 2 ! | k - � 2� W-§ 9 §U, § § ® §t� . 2kk §§ � § § �k ! ■ ! ! 32.0 0 2 13 !!�| -®-2 U � 2�■ ■2,§ ��® ���; SPEC I F I CAT I ONS FOR PERV I OUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 1 . 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' r / r ✓I j� b f i r � r � // /lf�,... /f c r r rf r f i rr r ,��%%/%r�iJ¢. r r 1 f r�K,, %%�/////r � / If/�%s!i /�'.r//,r r r rr�r�// �/� �/f✓ /iili%ri dr/ f rri/ r//j�,///r r i /�i rri i///%////i�� i'' ri!� / //r � e rr f, , � r'� r ��rr, r r �' �i/f� r r��r � rr, ,.."" ANf4. f� f / 9 �Ylh ' ?I�, � r 1 r � i r / `� o ///U, r � I � i l �/�� J ,� �. ) 'r, , r, a',� � � 7 � 3 � � � � , �� r ar,Mi rr// � /i r U� / // ,, ._ f �/ r/ n '✓� %ri %�� i r // / i r '�f�r4�/� /%% /i% r r /�%l��:'% / � r iii, i / /r i/'/ i '��/yi�//i i/y (%f�i� / �r /r. i j fr�i ri / r r/// �/% r r ;, f�/rif i�c,,,,,f �' jf /i/�� � r %� / r � "ji j� r l /✓�i% 522.1-2 ACI STANDARD CONTENTS early-entry dry-cut saw—a tool designed to produce Preface,p.522.1-1 joints in concrete commencing 1 to 4 hours after finishing and without raveling the cut edges. Section 1—General,p.522.1.2 exposure condition, moderate—an environment, 1.1—Scope normally in temperate climate regions, in which concrete 1.2—Definitions will only occasionally be exposed to moisture and will not be 1.3—Referenced standards 1.4—Standards-producing organizations saturated before freezing and where no deicing agents or 1,5--Submittals other aggressive chemicals are used. 1.6—Quality control exposure condition,severe—an environment, normally in cold climate regions,in which concrete may be saturated Section 2—Products,p.522.1-4 or in almost continuous contact with moisture before 2.1—Subbase freezing,and where deicing agents are used. 2.2--Pervious concrete joint, construction—the surface where two successive 2.3—Isolation joint material placements of concrete meet,across which it may be desirable 2.4—Forms to achieve bond,and where the first has undergone final set before the next placement. Section 3—Execution,p. 522.1-4 joint,contraction—formed,sawed,or tooled groove in a 3.1—Subgrade preparation concrete structure to create a weakened plane to regulate the 3.2—Subbase location of cracking resulting from the dimensional change 3.3—Setting formwork of different parts of the structure. 3.4—Batching,mixing,and delivery joint, isolation—a normally vertical interface allowing 3.5—Placing and finishing fixed-form pavement relative movement without transferring sufficient tension, 3.6—Placing and finishing slipform pavement compression, or traction forces to negatively affect the 3.7—Final surface texture performance of a structure or pavement. 3.8—Edging Owner—the corporation, association, partnership, 3.9—Tolerances individual,public body,or authority for whom the Work is 3.10•--Curing constructed. 3.11--Hot-and cold-weather construction panel—a concrete element that is relatively thin with 3.12—Jointing respect to other dimensions and is bordered by joints or 3,13—Opening to traffic edges, pavement, pervious—a pavement comprising material Foreword to checklists, p.522.1-6 with sufficient continuous voids to allow water to pass from the surface to the underlying layers. Mandatory requirements checklist,p.$22.1.6 permitted—accepted or acceptable to the Architect/ Engineer, usually pertaining to a request by Contractor, or optional requirements checklist, p.522.i-7 when specified in Contract Documents. Submittals checklist,p. 522,1-7 Project Drawings—grapbic presentation of project requirements. SECTION 1—GENERAL Project Specification—the written document that details 1.1--Scope requirements for the Work in accordance with service 1.1.1 This Specification provides requirements for the parameters and other specific criteria, construction of pervious concrete pavement. reference standards—standardized mandatory language In case the requirements of this Specification conflict with documents of a technical society,organization,or association, the Contract Documents, the Contract Documents Shall including the building codes of local or state authorities, govern, which are referenced in the Contract Documents. 1.2---Definitions subbase—a layer in a pavement system between the Architect/Engineer- the architect, engineer, architectural subgrade and the base course,or between the subgrade and a firm, or engineering firm issuing Contract Documents or portland-cement concrete pavement. administering the Work under Contract Documents,or both. subgrade—the soil prepared and compacted to support a Contract Documents--a set of documents supplied by structure or a pavement system. the Owner to the Contractor as the basis for construction; submittal---document or material provided to the Architect/ these documents contain contract forms,contract conditions, Engineer for review or acceptance. specifications,drawings,addenda,and contract changes. Work—the entire construction or separately identifiable Contractor---the person,firm,or entity under contract for parts thereof required to be furnished under Contact construction of the Work. Documents. SPECIFICATION FOR PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 522.1-3 1.3--Referenced standards American Concrete Institute(ACT) 1.3.1 Standards of ACT and ASTM referred to in this specifi- P.O.Box 9094 cation are listed with serial designation including year of Farmington Tills,MI 48333-9094 adoption or revision,and are part of this specification. www.conerete.org ACI standards ASTM International(ASTM) 306.1-90 Standard Specification for Cold Weather 100 Barr Harbor Drive Concreting West Conshohocken,PA 19428 ASTM standards www.astm.org C29/C29M-97(2003)Standard Test Method for Bulk Density National Ready Mixed Concrete Association(NRMCA) (Unit Weight)and Voids in Aggregate 900 Spring Street C42/C42M-04 Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Silver Spring,MD 20910 Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams www.nrmca.orcy of Concrete C94/C94M-07 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed 1.5—Submittals' Concrete 1.5.1 Contractor shall submit drawings and documentation C138/CI38M-Ola Standard Test Method for Density(Unit as required in this specification for acceptance by the Archi- Weight),Yield,and Air Content(Gravi- tect/Engineer. metric)of Concrete 1.5.2 Obtain written acceptance of submittals before using C 140-06 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and the materials or methods requiring acceptance. Testing Concrete Masonry Units and 15.3 Responsibility of Contractor—Before construction, Related Units submit to Architect/Engineer: C172-04 Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly 15.3.1 Qualifications of Contractor related to construction Mixed Concrete of pervious concrete pavements, C I 74/C I 74M-06 Standard Test Method for Measuring Proposed concrete mixture proportions and Thickness of Concrete Elements Using density. Drilled Concrete Cores When required by the Architect/Engineer, in- C979-05 Standard Specification for Pigments for place pavement test results from previous Work,completed Integrally Colored Concrete in the last 12 months,including design void content,density, C1077-06 Standard Practice for Laboratories and concrete mixture proportions. Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggre- 1.5.3A Two test panels, as described in 1.6.2, placed, gates for Use in Construction and Criteria jointed,and cured;each a minimum of 225 ft2(20.9 m2)and for Laboratory Evaluation having the required thickness defined by Contract Documents, D994-98(2003) Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete 1.6--Quality control (Bituminous Type) 1.6.1 General—Test and inspect concrete materials and D1751-04 Standard Specification for Preformed operations as Work progresses as described in 1.6.5.Failure FATiansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving to detect defective Work or material early will not prevent and Structural Construction (Nonex- rejection if a defect is discovered later, nor shall it constitute trading and Resilient Bituminous Types) final acceptance. D1752-04a Standard Specification for Preformed Contractor gualifcadon—The Contractor shall Sponge Rubber Cork and Recycled PVC employ no less than one National Ready Mixed Concrete Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Association (NRMCA) certified pervious concrete Paving and Structural Construction craftsman who must be on site, overseeing each placement D3385-03 Standard Test Method for Infiltration crew during all concrete placement or the Gentmejej,9;1011 Rate of Soils in Field Using Double- Ring Infiltrometer D3665-06 Standard Practice for Random Sampling of Construction Materials E329-06a Standard Specification for Agencies .,who shail be an site wevkint Engaged in Construction Inspection and/ or Testing tat"on of qualifleations shall be permitted wheit approved by 1.4—Standards-producing organizations the Arellik ebEag peen Abbreviations for and complete names and addresses of 1.6.2 Test panels—Test panels shall be placed using the organizations issuing documents referred to in this specifica- mixture proportions, materials,and equipment as proposed tion are listed: for the project.Test panels,if acceptable,may be incorporated 522.1-4 ACI STANDARD into the project. Test density of fresh concrete for the test Immerse the trimmed cores in water for 24 hours,drain for panels in accordance with ASTM C138/C138M following I minute, remove surface water with a damp cloth, then the consolidation procedures described in ASTM C29t weigh immediately. C29M, Jigging Procedure. Core hardened concrete for the 1.6S.2.1 Tolerance for thickness and density reported test panels in accordance with ASTM C42/C42M,test thick- as the average of three cores of each lot shall be as follows: ness in accordance with ASTM C174/C 174M, and test 1.6,5.2.1.a The compacted thickness shall not be density in accordance with ASTM C140,Paragraph 9.3. more than 1/4 in. (6 mm)less than the specified thickness, Fresh density shall be within±5 lb/ft3(80 kg/m3) with no single core exceeding 1/2 in.(13 mm)less than the of the specified fresh density. specified thickness;nor shall the average compacted thickness Tolerance for thickness and density reported as be more than 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) more than the specified the average of three cores of each test panel shall be as thickness, follows: Hardened density shall be within±5%of The average compacted thickness shall not be the approved hardened density from the test panels. more than 114 in. (6 mm) less than the specified thickness, When a lot is outside one or more of the with no single core exceeding 112 in. (13 mm)less than the limits of, the lot shall be subject to rejection, specified thickness;nor shall the average compacted thickness removed, and replaced at the Contractor's expense unless be more than 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) more than the specified accepted by the Owner. thickness. Core holes shall be filled with concrete or When a test panel is outside one or more of the preblended grout. limits of 1.6.2,1 and,the test panel shall be rejected, removed,and replaced at the Contractor's expense. SECTION 2—PRODUCTS When the test panel complies with 1.6.2.I and 2.1--Subbase, the panel may be left in place and included in the Coarse aggregates shall meet the size and grading require- completed Work, ments of Contract Documents. 1.6.3 Testing agencies—Agencies that perform to services on concrete materials shall meet the requirements of 2.2—Pervious concrete ASTM C1077.Agencies inspecting the Work shall meet the Comply with ASTM C94/C94M and the following requirements of ASTM E329. Testing agencies performing requirements: the testing shall be accepted by Architect/Engineer before 2.2.1 Aggregates—Nominal maximum aggregate size performing any Work, shall not exceed 1/3 of the specified pavement thickness. Field tests of concrete required in 1.6.4 shall be 2.2.2Admixtures Chemical admixtures that facilitate the performed by an individual certified as both an NRMCA production and placement of pervious concrete shall be Certified Pervious Concrete Technician or equivalent and permitted.The use of such admixtures shall be notified to the an ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade 1 or Architect/Engineer. equivalent, 2.2.3 Fibers—The use of fibers in pervious concrete mixtures 1.6.4 Testing responsibilities of Contractor is permitted when approved by the Architect/Engineer. Advise the Architect/Engineer at least 48 hours 2.2.4 Pigments—Use pigments complying with ASTM before concrete placement. C979 if specified in Contract Documents. 1.6.5 Testing Obtain a minimum 1 ft3 (28 L) sample for 2,3.-...Isolation joint material acceptance tests in accordance with ASTM C172.Measure a 2.3.1 For isolation joint materials, comply with ASTM minimum of one density test during each day's placement in D994,D1751,orD1752, accordance with C138IC138M following the consolidation procedures described in ASTM C29/C29M,Jigging Procedure. 2,4—Forms Determine density using a minimum 0.25 ft3 (0.007 m3) 2.4.1 Make forms with steel,wood,or other material that cylindrical metal measure. Fill and compact the measure in is sufficiently rigid to maintain specified tolerances, and accordance with ASTM C29/C29M,Jigging Procedure. capable of supporting concrete and mechanical concrete density shall be within tS IWO(80 kg(m3) placing equipment. of the specified fresh density. 2A.2 Forms shall be clean and free of debris of any kind, Remove three cores from each lot of 5000 ft2 rust,and hardened concrete. (450 m2), in accordance with ASTM C42/C42M,not less than 7 days after placement of the pervious concrete.Cores SECTION 3—EXECUTION shall be a minimum nominal 4 in,(100 mm)diameter.Select 3.1--Subgrade preparation three locations in accordance with ASTM D3665, Measure 3.1.1 Prepare subgrade as specified in Contract Documents. the cores for thickness (ASTM C42/C42M) and density 3.1.2 Construct subgradc to ensure that the required (ASTM C140). After thickness determination, trim and pavement thickness is obtained in all locations. measure the cores for density in the saturated condition as 3.1.3 Keep all traffic off of the subgrade during construction described in Paragraph 9.3, Saturation, of ASTM C140. to the maximum extent practical. Regrade and recompact SPECIFICATION FOR PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 522.1-5 subgrade disturbed by concrete delivery vehicles or other 3.7—Final surface texture construction traffic,as needed. 3.7.1 Compact fresh concrete to stay within the requirements 3.1.4 Compact the material added to obtain final subgrade of 3.9. elevation. 3.7.2 Compact the concrete-along the slab edges with hand 3.1.5 Determine subgrade permeability in accordance tools. with ASTM D3385 before concrete placement. Confirm 3.7.3 Compact concrete to a dense,pervious surface. that subgrade permeability meets requirements of Contract Documents. 3.8—Edging 3.8.1 Edge top surface to a radius of not less than I/4 in. 3.2—Subbase (6 mm). 3.2.1 Use only when specified in Contract Documents. Where used, prepare subbase in accordance with Contract 3.9—Tolerances Documents. 3.9.1 Construct pavement to comply with the following tolerances: 3.3—Setting formwork Elevation:+3/4 in.(+19 inni),-0 in.(-0 mni) 3.3.1 Set, align,and brace forms so that the hardened Thickness:+1-I/2 in.,-1/4 in.(+38 mm,-6 stun) pavement meets the tolerances specified in 3.9. Contraction joint depth:+1/4 in.(6 mm),-0 in.(-0 mm) 3.3.2 Apply form release agent to the form face, which 3.9.11 Mechanically sweep pavement before testing for will be in contact with concrete,immediately before placing compliance with tolerances. concrete. 3.3.3 The vertical face of previously placed concrete may 3.10—Curing be used as a farm. 3.10.1 Begin curing within 20 minutes of concrete discharge unless longer working time is accepted by the Protect previously placed pavement from damage, Arehiteet/L�ngineer. placedd concrete. 3 Da not apply form release agent to previously 3.10.2 Completely cover the pavement surface with a con minimum 6 mil (0.15 mm) thick polyethylene sheet. Cut 3.3.4 Placement width shall be as specified in Contract sheeting to a minimum of a full placement width, Documents.Concrete placement width shall not exceed 20 ft 3.10.3 Cover all exposed edges of pavement with polyeth- ylene sheet. 3.10.4 Secure curing cover material without using dirt. 3.4—Batching, mixing,and delivery 3.10.5 Cure pavement for a minimum of 7 uninterrupted 3.4.1 Batch and mix in compliance with ASTM C94/C94M days,unless otherwise specified. except that discharge shall be completed within 60 minutes of the introduction of mixture water to the cement. Increase 3.11—Hot-and cold-weather construction time to 90 minutes when using an extended set control 3.11.1 When hot weather is anticipated, submit detailed admixture.Water addition is permitted at the point of discharge, procedures for the production, transportation, placement, protection,curing, and temperature monitoring of concrete 3.5--Placing and finishing fixed-form pavement during hot weather. 3.5.1 Deposit concrete either directly from die trans- 3.11.2 In cold weather,comply with ACI 306.1.recording porting equipment or by conveyor onto the prewetted concrete temperature no less than twice per 24-hour period. subgrade or subbase,unless otherwise specified. 3.5.2 Do not place concrete on frozen subgrade or subbase. 3.12—Jointing 3.5.3 Deposit concrete between the forms to an approxi- 3.12.1 Unless otherwise specified,construct joints at the mately uniform height, locations,depths, and with horizontal dimensions indicated 3.5.4 Spread the concrete using a come-along, short- in Contract Documents. handle,square-ended shovel,or rake. 3.12.2 When jointing requirements are not indicated on the 3.5.5 Do not allow foot traffic on the fresh concrete. Project Drawings, submit drawings describing proposed 3.5.6 Strike off concrete between forms using a form- jointing in accordance with 1.4 and the requirements of riding paving machine or vibrating screed. other strike-off through Do not proceed with Work until devices may be used when accepted. the jointing requirements are accepted by the Architect/ 3.5.7 Do not use steel trowels or power finishing equipment. Engineer. 3.5.8 Finish the pavement to the elevations and thickness Indicate locations of contraction joints, specified in Contract Documents and meet the requirements construction joints, and isolation joints. Spacing between of 3.9, contraction joints shall not exceed 20 ft(6 m). 3.12.2,2 The larger horizontal dimension of a slab panel 3.6—Placing and finishing slipform pavement shall not exceed 125%of the smaller dimension. 3.6.1 Slipform equipment is permitted. 3,12.2.3 The angle between two intersecting joints shall 3.6.2 Deposit and finish concrete in accordance with 3.5, be between 80 and 100 degrees, as specified in Contract except 3.5.4 and 3.5.6. Documents. 522.1r6 ACI STANDARD Joints shall intersect pavement free edges at 90-degree angles and shall extend straight for a minimum of 1-1/2 ft(0.5 m)from the pavement edge where possible. Align joints of adjacent pavement panels. Align joints in attached or adjacent curbs within 1/4 in.(6 mm)of joints in pavement. Contraction joint depth shall be 114 to 1/3 of the pavement thickness.Minimum joint width for saw-cutting is 1/8 in.(3 mm).When using an early-entry dry-cut saw,the depth of the cut shall be at least 1 in.(25 mm). Use isolation joints only where pavement abuts fixed objects,such as buildings,foundations,and manholes. Extend isolation joints through the full depth of the pavement. Fill the entire isolation joint with isolation joint material. 3.12.3 Create contraction joints by one of the following methods: Tool contraction joints to the specified depth and width in fresh concrete immediately after the concrete is compacted. Sawcut concrete after concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent aggregate from being dislodged and soon enough to control pavement cracking. To minimize drying, ensure that curing materials are removed only as needed to make cuts. 3.13—Opening to traffic 3.13.1 Do not open the pavement to vehicular traffic until the concrete has cured for at Ieast 7 uninterrupted days and until the pavement is accepted by the Architect/Engineer for opening to traffic. PREVA I L I NG WAGE RATES 132"d Pedestrian Improvements/Holcomb A - 5 June 8, 2017 Project Number: 16-3008 Page 1 of 17 State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects, worker's wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements are provided on the Benefit Code Key. Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 06/27/2017 Count Trade Job Classification Wage HolidayjOvertime Note King Asbestos Abatement Workers Journey Level $45.25 5D 1H King Boilermakers Journey Level $64.54 5N 1C King Brick Mason Journey Level $54.32 5A 1M King Brick Mason Pointer-Caulker-Cleaner $54.32 5A 1M King Building Service Employees Janitor $22.84 5S 2F King Building Service Employees Traveling Waxer/Shampooer $23.29 5S 2F King Building Service Employees Window Cleaner (Non- $24.54 5S 2F Scaffold) King Building Service Employees Window Cleaner (Scaffold) $27.33 5S 2F King Cabinet Makers (In Shop} Journey Level $22.74 1 King Carpenters Acoustical Worker $55.51 5D 4C King Carpenters Bridge, Dock And Wharf $55.51 5D 4C Carpenters King Carpenters Carpenter $55.51 5D 4C King Carpenters Carpenters on Stationary Tools $55.64 5D 4C King Carpenters Creosoted Material $55.61 5D 4C King Carpenters Floor Finisher $55.51 5D 4C King Carpenters Floor Layer $55.511 5D 4C King Carpenters Scaffold Erector $55.51 5D 4C King Cement Masons Journey Level $55.56 7A 1M King Divers Et Tenders Diver $108.77 5D 4C 8A King Divers Et Tenders Diver On Standby $66.05 5D 4C King Divers Et Tenders Diver Tender $59.88 5D 4C King Divers It Tenders Surface Rcv Et Rov Operator $59.88 5D 4C King Divers Et Tenders Surface Rcv Et Rov Operator $55.76 5A 4C Tender King Dredge Workers Assistant Engineer $56.44 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Assistant Mate (Deckhand) $56.00 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Boatmen $56.44 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Engineer Welder $57.51 5D 3F L.L}...... //C.. .1 hl---t--1-.. 1'71^f A4 "7 Page 2 of 17 King Dredge Workers Leverman, Hydraulic $58.671 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Mates $56.44 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Oiler $56.00 5D 3F King Drywall Applicator Journey Level $55.51 5D 1 H King Drywall Tapers Journey Level $55.66 5P 1 E King Electrical Fixture Maintenance Journey Level $27.99 5L 1 E Workers King Electricians - Inside Cable Splicer $73.20 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Cable Splicer (tunnel) $78.59 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Certified Welder $70.75 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Certified Welder (tunnel) $75.89 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Construction Stock Person $38.69 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Journey Level $68.30 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Journey Level (tunnel) $73.20 7C 4E King Electricians - Motor Shop Craftsman $15.37 1 King Electricians - Motor Shop Journey Level $14.69 1 King Electricians - Powerline Cable Splicer $73.93 5A 4D Construction King Electricians - Powerline Certified Line Welder $67.60 5A 4D Construction King Electricians - Powerline Groundperson $45.49 5A 4D Construction King Electricians - Powerline Heavy Line Equipment $67.60 5A 4D Construction Operator King Electricians - Powerline Journey Level Lineperson $67.60 5A 4D Construction King Electricians - Powerline Line Equipment Operator $57.02 5A 4D Construction King Electricians - Powerline Pole Sprayer $67.60 5A 4D Construction King Electricians - Powerline Powderperson $50.76 5A 4D Construction King Electronic Technicians Journey Level $31.00 1 King Elevator Constructors Mechanic $85.45 7D 4A King Elevator Constructors Mechanic In Charge $92.35 7D 4A King Fabricated Precast Concrete All Classifications - In-Factory $17.20 5B 111 Products Work Only King Fence Erectors Fence Erector $15.18 1 King Flaggers Journey Level $38.36 7A 31 King Glaziers Journey Level $59.31 7L 1Y King Heat 8t Frost Insulators And Journeyman $65.68 5.1 4H Asbestos Workers King Heating Equipment Mechanics Journey Level $75.46 7F 1E King Hod Carriers Et Mason Tenders Journey Level $46.66 7A 31 King Industrial Power Vacuum Journey Level $11.00 1 Cleaner King Inland Boatmen Boat Operator $59.86 5B 1 K King Inland Boatmen Cook $56.18 5B 1 K hf+nc• //fnrf-rocc %erm nnv/InihArmnclnnLiin/nmi%A/=nolrl^Liim mr- w ti/7/7r) 17 Page 3ot17 King Inland Boatmen Deckhand $56.181 5B 1 K King Inland Boatmen Deckhand Engineer $57.26 5B 1 K King Inland Boatmen Launch Operator $58.59 5B 1 K King Inland Boatmen Mate $58.59 5B 1 K King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Cleaner Operator, Foamer $31.49 1 Of Sewer Et Water Systems By Operator Remote Control King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Grout Truck Operator $11.48 1 Of Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Head Operator $24.91 1 Of Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Technician $19.33 1 Of Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Tv Truck Operator $20.45 1 Of Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control King Insulation Applicators Journey Level $55.51 5D 4C King Ironworkers Journeyman $65.48 7N 10 King Laborers Air, Gas Or Electric Vibrating $45.25 7A 31 Screed King Laborers Airtrac Drill Operator $46.66 7A 31 King Laborers Ballast Regular Machine $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Batch Weighman $38.36 7A 31 King Laborers Brick Pavers $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Brush Cutter $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Brush Hog Feeder $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Burner $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Caisson Worker $46.66 7A 31 King Laborers Carpenter Tender $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Caulker $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Cement Dumper-paving $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Cement Finisher Tender $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Change House Or Dry Shack $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Chipping Gun (under 30 Lbs.) $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Chipping Gun(30 Lbs. And $46.09 7A 31 Over) King Laborers Choker Setter $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Chuck Tender $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Clary Power Spreader $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Clean-up Laborer $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Concrete Dumper/chute $46.09 7A 31 Operator King Laborers Concrete Form Stripper $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Concrete Placement Crew $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers $46.09 7A 31 kf+r%c•//fnra-rocc IAIM nn\I/IrNiAAt Met olnntriir%Im vlhlnnolr%nlLiir% mcrw r/7P)n1'7 Page 4of17 Concrete Saw Operator/core Driller King Laborers Crusher Feeder $38.36 7A 31 King Laborers Curing Laborer $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Demolition: Wrecking Et $45.25 7A 31 Moving (incl. Charred Material) King Laborers Ditch Digger $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Diver $46.66 7A 31 King Laborers Drill Operator $46.09 7A 31 (hydraulic,diamond) King Laborers Dry Stack Walls $45.251 7A 31 King Laborers Dump Person $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Epoxy Technician $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Erosion Control Worker $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Faller Et Bucker Chain Saw $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Fine Graders $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Firewatch $38.36 7A 31 King Laborers Form Setter $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Gabian Basket Builders $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers General Laborer $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Grade Checker Et Transit $46.66 7A 31 Person King Laborers Grinders $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Grout Machine Tender $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Groutmen (pressure)including $46.09 7A 31 Post Tension Beams King Laborers Guardrail Erector $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker $46.66 7A 31 (level A) King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker $46.09 7A 31 (level B) King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker $45.25 7A 31 (level C) King Laborers High Scaler $46.66 7A 31 King Laborers Jackhammer $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Laserbeam Operator $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Maintenance Person $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Manhole Builder-mudman $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Material Yard Person $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Motorman-dinky Locomotive $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Nozzleman (concrete Pump, $46.09 7A 31 Green Cutter When Using Combination Of High Pressure Air Et Water On Concrete Et Rock, Sandblast, Gunite, Shotcrete, Water Bla King Laborers Pavement Breaker $46.09 7A 31 hf+nc• //fnrf-rccc tn» nnv/Ini/te»nolnnLiin/nrtilA/mnolnnLiin ncnv r-/-7 n17 Page 5of17 King Laborers Pilot Car $38.361 7A 31 King Laborers Pipe Layer Lead $46.66 7A 31 King Laborers Pipe Layer/tailor $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Pipe Pot Tender $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Pipe Reliner $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Pipe Wrapper $46.091 7A 31 King Laborers Pot Tender $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Powderman $46.66 7A 31 King Laborers Powderman's Helper $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Power Jacks $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Railroad Spike Puller - Power $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Raker - Asphalt $46.66 7A 31 King Laborers Re-timberman $46.66 7A 31 King Laborers Remote Equipment Operator $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Rigger/signal Person $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Rip Rap Person $45.251 7A 31 King Laborers Rivet Buster $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Rodder $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Scaffold Erector $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Scale Person $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Sloper (over 20") $46.091 7A 31 King Laborers Sloper Sprayer $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Spreader (concrete) $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Stake Hopper $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Stock Piler $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Tamper Ft Similar Electric, Air $46.09 7A 31 Ft Gas Operated Tools King Laborers Tamper (multiple Ft Self- $46.09 7A 31 propelled) King Laborers Timber Person - Sewer $46.09 7A 31 (lagger, Shorer Et Cribber) King Laborers Toolroom Person (at Jobsite) $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Topper $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Track Laborer $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Track Liner (power) $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Traffic Control Laborer $41.02 7A 31 8R King Laborers Traffic Control Supervisor $41.02 7A 31 8R King Laborers Truck Spotter $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Tugger Operator $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $83.12 7A 31 88Q Worker 0-30 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $88.15 7A 31 8� Worker 30.01-44.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $91.83 7A Worker 44.01-54.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $97.53 7A 31 8�C Worker 54.01-60.00 psi L1L__. I IC_.-L_.-.-.- 11_:1...__-I__1. .-/._"_ AA I___I__I-. a 1-7I^71%� -7 Page 6ot17 King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $99.65 7A 31 8S Worker 60.01-64.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $104.75 7A 31 Worker 64.01-68.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $106.65 7A 31 Worker 68.01-70.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $108.65 7A 31 8� Worker 70.01-72.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air $110.65 7A 31 Worker 72.01-74.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Guage and Lock $46.76 7A 31 88 Tender King Laborers Tunnel Work-Miner $46.76 7A 31 8� King Laborers Vibrator $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Vinyl Seamer $45.25 7A 31 King Laborers Watchman $34.86 7A 31 King Laborers Welder $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Well Point Laborer $46.09 7A 31 King Laborers Window Washer/cleaner $34.86 7A 31 King Laborers - Underground Sewer General Laborer >:t Topman $45.25 7A 31 Ft Water King Laborers - Underground Sewer Pipe Layer $46.09 7A 31 & Water King Landscape Construction Irrigation Or Lawn Sprinkler $13.56 1 Installers King Landscape Construction Landscape Equipment $28.17 1 Operators Or Truck Drivers King Landscape Construction Landscaping or Planting $17.87 1 Laborers King Lathers Journey Level $55.51 5D 1 H King Marble Setters Journey Level $54.32 5A 1M King Metal Fabrication (In Shop) Fitter $15.86 1 King Metal Fabrication (In Shop) Laborer $11.00 1 King Metal Fabrication (in Shop) Machine Operator $13.04 1 King Metal Fabrication fin Shop) Painter $11.10 1 King Metal Fabrication fln Shop) Welder $15.48 1 King Millwright Journey Level $57.01 5D 4C King Modular Buildings Cabinet Assembly $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Electrician $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Equipment Maintenance $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Plumber $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Production Worker $11.00 1 King Modular Buildings Tool Maintenance $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Utility Person $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Welder $11.56 1 King Painters Journey Level $40.60 6Z 2B King Pile Driver Journey Level $55.76 5D 4C King IPlasterers Journey Level $53.20 7M 1 R k4-4-. //F.-.+.-.... ...- ....../I-'.I...-....,1....t...../......%AI-.--1-11... a /-7/^fn-1 -7 Page 7of17 King PlayQround it Park Equipment Journey Level $11.00 1 Installers King Plumbers it Pipefitters Journey Level $76.69 6Z 1G King Power Equipment Operators Asphalt Plant Operators $58.69 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Assistant Engineer $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Barrier Machine (zipper) $58.17 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Batch Plant Operator, $58.17 7A 3C 8P Concrete King Power Equipment Operators Bobcat $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Brokk - Remote Demolition $55.21 7A 3C 8P Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Brooms $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Bump Cutter $58.17 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cableways $58.69 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Chipper $58.17 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Compressor $55.211 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $58.69 7A 3C 8P With Boom Attachment Over 42 M King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Finish Machine -laser $55.21 7A 3C 8P Screed King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump - Mounted Or $57.72 7A 3C 8P Trailer High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure. King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $58.17 7A 3C 8P With Boom Attachment Up To 42m King Power Equipment Operators Conveyors $57.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes Friction: 200 tons and $60.47 7A 3C 8P over King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 20 Tons Through 44 $58.17 7A 3C 8P Tons With Attachments King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 100 Tons Through 199 $59.28 7A 3C 8P Tons, Or 150' Of Boom (Including Jib With Attachments) King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or $59.88 7A 3C 8P 250' of boom including jib with attachments King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 300 tons and over or $60.47 7A 3C 8P 300' of boom including jib with attachments King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 45 Tons Through 99 $58.69 7A 3C 8P Tons, Under 150' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: A-frame - 10 Tons And $55.21 7A 3C 8P Under King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: Friction cranes $59.88 7A 3C 8P through 199 tons King Power Equipment Operators 1 $57.72 7A 3C 8P 4,4-+-- -. /14:--4-.--- .., .,.,../I...;/.., ...I--1 ....1--.AAI-- I....1...., c /-7 InA-1-7 Page 8of17 Cranes: Through 19 Tons With Attachments A-frame Over 10 Tons King Power Equipment Operators Crusher $58.17 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Deck Engineer/deck Winches $58.17 7A 3C 8P (power) King Power Equipment Operators Derricks, On Building Work $58.69 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Dozers D-9 Et Under $57.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck $57.72 7A 3C 8P Or Crane Mount King Power Equipment Operators Drilling Machine $59.28 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Elevator And Man-lift: $55.21 7A 3C 8P Permanent And Shaft Type King Power Equipment Operators Finishing Machine, Bidwell $58.17 7A 3C 8P And Gamaco Et Similar Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Forklift: 3000 Lbs And Over $57.72 7A 3C 8P With Attachments King Power Equipment Operators Forklifts: Under 3000 Lbs. $55.21 7A 3C 8P With Attachments King Power Equipment Operators Grade Engineer: Using Blue $58.17 7A 3C 8P Prints, Cut Sheets, Etc King Power Equipment Operators Gradechecker/stakeman $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Guardrail Punch $58.17 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Hard Tail End Dump $58.69 7A 3C 8P Articulating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. Et Over King Power Equipment Operators Hard Tail End Dump $58.17 7A 3C 8P Articulating Off-road Equipment Under 45 Yards King Power Equipment Operators Horizontal/directional Drill $57.72 7A 3C 8P Locator King Power Equipment Operators Horizontal/directional Drill $58.17 7A 3C 8P Operator King Power Equipment Operators Hydralifts/boom Trucks Over $57.72 7A 3C 8P 10 Tons King Power Equipment Operators Hydralifts/boom Trucks, 10 $55.21 7A 3C 8P Tons And Under King Power Equipment Operators Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. Et $59.28 7A 3C 8P Over King Power Equipment Operators Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. $58.69 7A 3C 8P But Not Including 8 Yards King Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Overhead Under 6 $58.17 7A 3C 8P Yards King Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Plant Feed $58.17 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $57.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Locomotives, All $58.17 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Material Transfer Device $58.17 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators $59.28 7A 3C 8P kf+r-.c• %Ain nnv/Irvih—nn ^1nn1— — ---- G /-/^f111 -7 Page 9 of 17 Mechanics, All (leadmen - $0.50 Per Hour Over Mechanic) King Power Equipment Operators Motor Patrol Graders $58.69 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Mucking Machine, Mole, $58.69 7A 3C 8P Tunnel Drill, Boring, Road Header And/or Shield King Power Equipment Operators Oil Distributors, Blower $55.21 7A 3C 8P Distribution 8: Mulch Seeding Operator King Power Equipment Operators Outside Hoists (elevators And $57.72 7A 3C 8P Manlifts), Air Tuggers,strato King Power Equipment Operators Overhead, Bridge Type Crane: $58.17 7A 3C 8P 20 Tons Through 44 Tons King Power Equipment Operators Overhead, Bridge Type: 100 $59.28 7A 3C 8P Tons And Over King Power Equipment Operators Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 $58.69 7A 3C 8P Tons Through 99 Tons King Power Equipment Operators Pavement Breaker $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Pile Driver (other Than Crane $58.17 7A 3C 8P Mount) King Power Equipment Operators Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $57.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Posthole Digger, Mechanical $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Power Plant $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Pumps - Water $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Quad 9, Hd 41, D10 And Over $58.69 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Quick Tower - No Cab, Under $55.21 7A 3C 8P 100 Feet In Height Based To Boom King Power Equipment Operators Remote Control Operator On $58.69 7A 3C 8P Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Rigger And Bellman $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Rigger/Signal Person, Bellman $57.72 7A 3C 8P (Certified) King Power Equipment Operators Rollagon $58.69 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi-lift $57.72 ;7A 3C 8P Materials King Power Equipment Operators Roto-mill, Roto-grinder $58.17 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Saws - Concrete $57.72 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Scraper, Self Propelled Under $58.17 7A 3C 8P 45 Yards King Power Equipment Operators Scrapers - Concrete Et Carry $57.72 7A 3C 8P All King Power Equipment Operators Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 $58.69 7A 3C 8P Yards And Over King Power Equipment Operators Service Engineers - Equipment $57.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Shotcrete/gunite Equipment $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators $57.72 7A 3C 8P k++e%,-- ..,- —,/[—i —/r-.rnAAI-- . L /71'111i -7 Page 10 of 17 Shovel , Excavator, Backhoe, Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons. King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: $58.69 7A 3C 8P Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, $58.17 7A 3C 8P Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $59.28 7A 3C 8P Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $59.88 7A 3C 8P Over 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Slipform Pavers $58.69 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Spreader, Topsider Et $58.69 7A 3C 8P Screedman King Power Equipment Operators Subgrader Trimmer $58.17 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Tower Bucket Elevators $57.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Tower Crane Up To 175' in $59.28 7A 3C 8P Height Base To Boom King Power Equipment Operators Tower Crane: over 175' $59.88 7A 3C 8P through 250' in height, base to boom King Power Equipment Operators Tower Cranes: over 250' in $60.47 7A 3C 8P height from base to boom King Power Equipment Operators Transporters, All Track Or $58.69 7A 3C 8P Truck Type King Power Equipment Operators Trenching Machines $57.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/driver - 100 $58.17 7A 3C 8P Tons And Over King Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/driver $57.72 7A 3C 8P Under 100 Tons King Power Equipment Operators Truck Mount Portable $58.17 7A 3C 8P Conveyor King Power Equipment Operators Welder $58.69 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type $55.21 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Yo Yo Pay Dozer $58.17 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Asphalt Plant Operators $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Assistant Engineer $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Barrier Machine (zipper) $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Batch Plant Operator, $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Concrete King Power Equipment Operators- Bobcat $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Brokk - Remote Demolition $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Equipment King Power Equipment Operators- Brooms $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer a Water Page 11ot17 King Power Equipment Operators- Bump Cutter $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Cableways $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Chipper $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Compressor $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water With Boom Attachment Over 42 M King Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Finish Machine -laser $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Screed King Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Pump - Mounted Or $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Trailer High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure. King Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water With Boom Attachment Up To 42m King Power Equipment Operators- Conveyors $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes Friction: 200 tons and $60.47 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water over King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 20 Tons Through 44 $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tons With Attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 100 Tons Through 199 $59.28 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tons, Or 150' Of Boom (Including Jib With Attachments) King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or $59.88 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water 250' of boom including jib with attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 300 tons and over or $60.47 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water 300' of boom including jib with attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 45 Tons Through 99 $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tons, Under 159 Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: A-frame - 10 Tons And $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Under King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: Friction cranes $59.88 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water through 199 tons King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: Through 19 Tons With $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Attachments A-frame Over 10 Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Crusher $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Deck Engineer/deck Winches $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water (power) King Power Equipment Operators- Derricks, On Building Work $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water /1r7 /r. AAJ........1 -..L.... -...... G 1-71-In-1 -7 Page 1L or 1 i King Power Equipment Operators- Dozers D-9 Et Under $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Ft Water King Power Equipment Operators- Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Or Crane Mount King Power Equipment Operators- Drilling Machine $59.28 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Ft Water King Power Equipment Operators- Elevator And Man-lift: $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Permanent And Shaft Type King Power Equipment Operators- Finishing Machine, Bidwell $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water And Gamaco Et Similar Equipment King Power Equipment Operators- Forklift: 3000 Lbs And Over $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water With Attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Forklifts: Under 3000 Lbs. $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water With Attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Grade Engineer: Using Blue $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Prints, Cut Sheets, Etc King Power Equipment Operators- Gradechecker/stakeman $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Guardrail Punch $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Hard Tail End Dump $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Articulating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. Et Over King Power Equipment Operators- Hard Tail End Dump $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Articulating Off-road Equipment Under 45 Yards King Power Equipment Operators- Horizontal/directional Drill $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Locator King Power Equipment Operators- Horizontal/directional Drill $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Operator King Power Equipment Operators- Hydralifts/boom Trucks Over, $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water 10 Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Hydralifts/boom Trucks, 10 $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tons And Under King Power Equipment Operators- Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. Et $59.28 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Over King Power Equipment Operators- Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water But Not Including 8 Yards King Power Equipment Operators- Loaders, Overhead Under 6 $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Yards King Power Equipment Operators- Loaders, Plant Feed $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer>:t Water King Power Equipment Operators- Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Locomotives, All $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Material Transfer Device $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Ft Water King Power Equipment Operators- Mechanics, All (leadmen - $59.28 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water $0.50 Per Hour Over Mechanic) hf+nc•//fnrFrccc IAIM nnv/Ini/teinnolnnlii %A/me-in Ie%^Uiin ncnv r-/7/ )r11-7 Page 13ot17 King Power Equipment Operators- Motor Patrol Graders $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Mucking Machine, Mole, $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tunnel Drill, Boring, Road Header And/or Shield King Power Equipment Operators- Oil Distributors, Blower $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Distribution Et Mulch Seeding Operator King Power Equipment Operators- Outside Hoists (elevators And $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Manlifts), Air Tuggers,strato King Power Equipment Operators- Overhead, Bridge Type Crane: $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water 20 Tons Through 44 Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Overhead, Bridge Type: 100 $59.28 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tons And Over King Power Equipment Operators- Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tons Through 99 Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Pavement Breaker $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Pile Driver (other Than Crane $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Mount) King Power Equipment Operators- Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Posthole Digger, Mechanical $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Power Plant $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Pumps - Water $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Quad 9, Hd 41, D10 And Over $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Quick Tower - No Cab, Under $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water 100 Feet In Height Based To Boom King Power Equipment Operators- Remote Control Operator On $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment King Power Equipment Operators- Rigger And Bellman $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Rigger/Signal Person, Bellman $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water (Certified) King Power Equipment Operators- Rollagon $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi-lift $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Materials King Power Equipment Operators- Roto-mill, Roto-grinder $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Saws - Concrete $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King $58.17 7A 3C 8P a 1-7 In P1i '7 Page 14 of 1/ Power Equipment Operators- Scraper, Self Propelled Under Underground Sewer Et Water 45 Yards King Power Equipment Operators- Scrapers - Concrete It Carry $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water All King Power Equipment Operators- Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Yards And Over King Power Equipment Operators- Service Engineers - Equipment $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Shotcrete/gunite Equipment $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel , Excavator, Backhoe, $57.72 7A 3C 813 Underground Sewer Et Water Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons. King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $59.28 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $59.88 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Over 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Slipform Pavers $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Spreader, Topsider Et $58.69 7A 3C 813 Underground Sewer Et Water Screedman King Power Equipment Operators- Subgrader Trimmer $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Bucket Elevators $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Crane Up To 175' In $59.28 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Height Base To Boom King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Crane: over 175' $59.88 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water through 250' in height, base to boom King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Cranes: over 250' in $60.47 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water height from base to boom King Power Equipment Operators- Transporters, All Track Or $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Truck Type King Power Equipment Operators- Trenching Machines $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Truck Crane Oiler/driver - 100 $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tons And Over King Power Equipment Operators- Truck Crane Oiler/driver $57.72 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer &Water Under 100 Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Truck Mount Portable $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Conveyor King Power Equipment Operators- Welder $58.69 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type $55.21 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer Et Water h��rc• //f^v+ece-c iAtn ne.v/IniItAin /—AA/—l-1—.., n— G/7/ )n17 Page 15 of 17 King Power Equipment Operators- Yo Yo Pay Dozer $58.17 7A 3C 8P Underground Sewer & Water King Power Line Clearance Tree Journey Level In Charge $48.54 5A 4A Trimmers King Power Line Clearance Tree Spray Person $46.03 5A 4A Trimmers King Power Line Clearance Tree Tree Equipment Operator $48.54 5A 4A Trimmers King Power Line Clearance Tree Tree Trimmer $43.32 5A 4A Trimmers King Power Line Clearance Tree Tree Trimmer Groundperson $32.68 5A 4A Trimmers King Refrigeration Et Air Journey Level $75.36 6Z 1 G Conditioning Mechanics King Residential Brick Mason Journey Level $54.32 5A 1M King Residential Carpenters Journey Level $28.20 1 King Residential Cement Masons Journey Level $22.64 1 King Residential Drywall Journey Level $41.69 5D 4C Applicators King Residential Drywall Tapers Journey Level $55.66 5P 1 E King Residential Electricians Journey Level $30.44 1 King Residential Glaziers Journey Level $39.40 7L 1 H King Residential Insulation Journey Level $26.28 1 Applicators King Residential Laborers Journey Level $23.03 1 King Residential Marble Setters Journey Level $24.09 1 King Residential Painters Journey Level $24.46 1 King Residential Plumbers Et Journey Level $34.69 1 Pipefitters King Residential Refrigeration Et Air Journey Level $75.36 6Z 1G Conditioning Mechanics King Residential Sheet Metal Journey Level (Field or Shop) $45.99 7F 1 R Workers King Residential Soft Floor Lavers Journey Level $45.86 5A 3D King Residential Sprinkler Fitters Journey Level $44.98 5C 211 (Fire Protection) King Residential Stone Masons Journey Level $54.32 5A 1M King Residential Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $50.26 5A 1M King Residential Terrazzo/Tile Journey Level $21.46 1 Finishers King Residential Tile Setters Journey Level $25.17 1 King Roofers Journey Level $47.51 5A 3H King Roofers Using Irritable Bituminous $50.51 5A 3H Materials King Sheet Metal Workers Journey Level (Field or Shop) $75.46 7F 1E King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Boilermaker $41.72 7M 1 H King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Carpenter $41.06 7T 2B King Shipbuilding >t Ship Repair Electrician $41.09 7T 4B httnc•//fnrtrrocc uia A/7/7n17 Page 16 of 17 King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Heat Et Frost Insulator $65.681 5J 4H King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Laborer $41.08 7T 4B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Machinist $41.32 7T 4B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Operator $41.03 7T 4B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Painter $41.05 7T 4B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Pipefitter $41.05 7T 4B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Rigger $41.12 7T 4B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Sheet Metal $41.04 7T 4B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Shipfitter $41.12 7T 4B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Trucker $41.26 7T 4B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Warehouse $41.02 7T 4B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Welder/Burner $41.12 7T 46 King Sign Makers Et Installers Sign Installer $22.92 1 (Electrical) King Sin Makers Et Installers Sign Maker $21.36 1 (Electrical) King Sign Makers Et Installers (Non- Sign Installer $27.28 1 Electrical King Sign Makers Et Installers (Non- Sign Maker $33.25 1 Electrical) King Soft Floor Lavers Journey Level $45.86 5A 3D King Solar Controls For Windows Journey Level $12.44 1 King Sprinkler Fitters (Fire Journey Level $72.89 5C 1X Protection) King Stage Rigging Mechanics (Non Journey Level $13.23 1 Structural) King Stone Masons Journey Level $54.32 5A 1M King Street And Parking Lot Journey Level $19.09 1 Sweeper Workers King Surveyors Assistant Construction Site $57.72 7A 3C 8P Surveyor King Surveyors Chainman $57.17 7A 3C 8P King Surveyors Construction Site Surveyor $58.69 7A 3C 8P King Telecommunication Journey Level $22.76 1 Technicians King Telephone Line Construction - Cable Splicer $38.84 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Hole Digger/Ground Person $21.45 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Installer (Repairer) $37.21 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Special Aparatus Installer 1 $38.84 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Special Apparatus Installer II $38.03 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Telephone Equipment $38.84 5A 2B Outside Operator (Heavy) King Telephone Line Construction - Telephone Equipment $36.09 5A 2B Outside 10perator (Light) 1-7 nf1i 7 Page 17 of 17 King Telephone Line Construction - Telephone Lineperson $36.09 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Television Groundperson $20.33 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Television $27.21 5A 2B Outside Lineperson/Installer King Telephone Line Construction - Television System Technician $32.55 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Television Technician $29.18 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Tree Trimmer $36.09 5A 2B Outside King Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $50.26 5A 1M King Tile Setters Journey Level $21.65 1 King Tile, Marble Et Terrazzo Finisher $41.09 5A 1 B Finishers King Traffic Control Stripers Journey Level $44.85 7A 1 K King Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix Over 16 Yards (W. $52.70 5D 3A 8L WA-Joint Council 28) King Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix To 16 Yards (W. $51.86 5D 3A 8L WA-Joint Council 28) King Truck Drivers Dump Truck Et Trailer $52.70 5D 3A 8L King Truck Drivers Dump Truck (W. WA-Joint $51.86 5D 3A 8L Council 28) King Truck Drivers Other Trucks (W. WA-Joint $52.70 5D 3A 8L Council 28) King Truck Drivers Transit Mixer $43.23 1 King Well Drillers Et Irrigation Pump Irrigation Pump Installer $17.71 1 Installers King Well Drillers Et Irrigation Pump Oiler $12.97 1 Installers King Well Drillers & Irrigation Pump Well Driller $18.00 1 Installers Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2017 thru 8/30/2017 Overtime Codes Overtime calculations are based on the hourly rate actually paid to the worker.On public works projects,the hourly rate must be not less than the prevailing rate of wage minus the hourly rate of the cost of fringe benefits actually provided for the worker. 1. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. C. The first two (2)hours after eight(8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. D. The first two(2)hours before or after a five-eight(8)hour workweek day or a four-ten(10)hour workweek day and the first eight(8)hours worked the next day after either workweek shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All additional hours worked and all worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. E. The first two(2)hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight(8)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. F. The first two(2)hours after eight(8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten(10)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours worked,except Labor Day, shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. G. The first ten (10) hours worked on Saturdays and the first ten (10) hours worked on a fifth calendar weekday in a four-ten hour schedule, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours per day Monday through Saturday and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. H. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions or equipment breakdown) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. I. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall also be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. J. The first two(2)hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten(10)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over ten (10) hours Monday through Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. K. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. M. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. N. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 1 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2017 thru 8/30/2017 Overtime Codes Continued 1. O. The first ten (10) hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays, holidays and after twelve (12) hours, Monday through Friday and after ten (10)hours on Saturday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. P. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if circumstances warrant)and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Q. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and up to ten (10) hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours per day Monday through Saturday and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays(except Christmas day) shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Christmas day shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. R. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. S. The first two(2)hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight(8)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays and all other overtime hours worked, except Labor Day, shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. U. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Labor Day) shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. V. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. W. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays (except make-up days due to conditions beyond the control of the employer)) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. X. The first four (4) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first twelve (12) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over twelve (12) hours Monday through Saturday,Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. When holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday,the day before Saturday,Friday, and the day after Sunday, Monday,shall be considered the holiday and all work performed shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Y. All hours worked outside the hours of 5:00 am and 5:00 pm (or such other hours as may be agreed upon by any employer and the employee)and all hours worked in excess of eight(8)hours per day(10 hours per day for a 4 x 10 workweek)and on Saturdays and holidays(except labor day) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. (except for employees who are absent from work without prior approval on a scheduled workday during the workweek shall be paid at the straight-time rate until they have worked 8 hours in a day (10 in a 4 x 10 workweek) or 40 hours during that workweek.) All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve(12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and Labor Day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Z. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid the straight time rate of pay in addition to holiday pay. 2 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2017 thru 8/30/2017 Overtime Codes Continued 2. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. C. All hours worked on Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. F. The first eight (8) hours worked on holidays shall be paid at the straight hourly rate of wage in addition to the holiday pay. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. G. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked on paid holidays shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage including holiday pay. H. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. O. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. R. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays and all hours worked over sixty(60)in one week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. U. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked over 12 hours in a day or on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. W. The first two(2)hours after eight(8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight(8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. On a four-day, ten-hour weekly schedule,either Monday thru Thursday or Tuesday thru Friday schedule, all hours worked after ten shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. The first eight (8) hours worked on the fifth day shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked on the fifth, sixth, and seventh days and on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 3. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. Work performed in excess of eight(8)hours of straight time per day,or ten(10)hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at time and one-half the straight time rate. Hours worked over twelve hours (12) in a single shift and all work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 6:00 am Monday and holidays shall be paid at double the straight time rate of pay. Any shift starting between the hours of 6:00 pm and midnight shall receive an additional one dollar($1.00) per hour for all hours worked that shift. The employer shall have the sole discretion to assign overtime work to employees. Primary consideration for overtime work shall be given to employees regularly assigned to the work to be performed on overtime situations.After an employee has worked eight (8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight(8)hours or more. C. Work performed in excess of eight(8)hours of straight time per day,or ten(10)hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 5:00 am Monday and Holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. After an employee has worked eight(8)hours at an applicable overtime rate,all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight(8)hours or more. 3 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2017 thru 8/30/2017 Overtime Codes Continued 3. D. All hours worked between the hours of 6:00 pm and 6:00 am, Monday through Saturday, shall be paid at a premium rate of 15% over the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked after 6:00 am on Saturdays, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. E. All hours worked Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Each week,once 40 hours of straight time work is achieved,then any hours worked over 10 hours per day Monday through Saturday shall be paid at double the hourly wage rate. F. All hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on paid holidays shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage including holiday pay. H. All work performed on Sundays between March 16th and October 14th and all Holidays shall be compensated for at two (2) times the regular rate of pay. Work performed on Sundays between October 15th and March 15th shall be compensated at one and one half(1-1/2)times the regular rate of pay. I. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage.In the event the job is down due to weather conditions during a five day work week(Monday through Friday,)or a four day-ten hour work week(Tuesday through Friday,)then Saturday may be worked as a voluntary make-up day at the straight time rate. However, Saturday shall not be utilized as a make-up day when a holiday falls on Friday. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 4. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. All hours worked in excess of eight(8)hours per day or forty(40)hours per week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage.All hours worked on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. B. All hours worked over twelve (12)hours per day and all hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. C. On Monday through Friday, the first four (4) hours of overtime after eight (8) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half(1-1/2)times the straight time rate of pay,unless a four(4)day ten(10)hour workweek has been established. On a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek scheduled Monday through Thursday, or Tuesday through Friday,the first two(2)hours of overtime after ten (10)hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half(1-1/2)times the straight time rate of pay. On Saturday,the first twelve(12)hours of work shall be paid at one and one half(1-1/2)times the straight time rate of pay,except that if the job is down on Monday through Friday due to weather conditions or other conditions outside the control of the employer, the first ten (10) hours on Saturday may be worked at the straight time rate of pay. All hours worked over twelve (12) hours in a day and all hours worked on Sunday and Holidays shall be paid at two(2)times the straight time rate of pay. 4 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2017 thru 8/30/2017 Overtime Codes Continued 4. D. All hours worked in excess of eight(8)hours per day or forty(40)hours per week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of pay. Rates include all members of the assigned crew. EXCEPTION: On all multipole structures and steel transmission lines, switching stations, regulating,capacitor stations, generating plants, industrial plants, associated installations and substations, except those substations whose primary function is to feed a distribution system,will be paid overtime under the following rates: The first two(2) hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday of overtime on a regular workday, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours in excess of ten (10) hours will be at two (2) times the hourly rate of wage. The first eight(8) hours worked on Saturday will be paid at one and one-half(1-1/2) times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of eight(8) hours on Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays will be at the double the hourly rate of wage. All overtime eligible hours performed on the above described work that is energized, shall be paid at the double the hourly rate of wage. E. The first two (2) hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight(8)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. On a four-day, ten-hour weekly schedule, either Monday thru Thursday or Tuesday thru Friday schedule, all hours worked after ten shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. The Monday or Friday not utilized in the normal four-day,ten hour work week,and Saturday shall be paid at one and one half(1%)times the regular shift rate for the first eight (8) hours. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. F. All hours worked between the hours of 6:00 pm and 6:00 am, Monday through Saturday, shall be paid at a premium rate of 20% over the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. G. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. H. The first two (2)hours after eight(8)regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight(8)hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours worked,except Labor Day, and all hours on Sunday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. Holiday Codes 5. A. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day,and Christmas Day(7). B. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day,the day before Christmas,and Christmas Day(8). C. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8). D. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and 5 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2017 thru 8/30/2017 Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day(8). H. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day,Independence Day,Thanksgiving Day,the Day after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas(6). Holiday Codes Continued 5. I. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). J. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day,And Christmas Day(7). K. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day,The Day Before Christmas,And Christmas Day(9). L. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,Friday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8). N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day,The Friday After Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(9). P. Holidays:New Year's Day,Memorial Day,Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day,Friday And Saturday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas, And Christmas Day (9). If A Holiday Falls On Sunday, The Following Monday Shall Be Considered As A Holiday. Q. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day(6). R. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving Day,One-Half Day Before Christmas Day,And Christmas Day.(7 1/2). S. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(7). T. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, And The Day Before Or After Christmas (9). Z. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8). 6. A. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8). E. Paid Holidays: New Years Day, Day Before Or After New Year's Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and a Half-Day On Christmas Eve Day.(9 1/2). G. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Christmas Eve Day(11). H. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, New Year's Eve Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, The Day After Christmas, And A Floating 6 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2017 thru 8/30/2017 Holiday(10). I. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(7). Holidav Codes Continued 6. T. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Last Working Day Before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day(9). Z. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). If a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be considered as the holiday. If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be considered as the holiday. 7. A. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any Holiday Which Falls On A Sunday Shall Be Observed As A Holiday On The Following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday,the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. B. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8).Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. C. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. D. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Unpaid Holidays: President's Day. Any paid holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any paid holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. E. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day(7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. F. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the last working day before Christmas day and Christmas day(8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. G. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6).Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. H. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day(9).Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. I. Holidays:New Year's Day,President's Day,Independence Day,Memorial Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day,The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas Day And Christmas Day(9). Any holiday which falls 7 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2017 thru 8/30/2017 on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. J. Holidays: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day (6). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. Holiday Codes Continued 7. K. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day,And Christmas Day(8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. L. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Last Work Day before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day(7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. M. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, The Day after or before New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day,the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day,And the Day after or before Christmas Day (10). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day(7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. When Christmas falls on a Saturday,the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday. P. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day(7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Q. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day(8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. R. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, the day after or before New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day, and the day after or before Christmas Day (10). If any of the listed holidays fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. S. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day,the Day after Christmas,and A Floating Holiday(9). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday,the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. T. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, the Day after or before New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day,the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day,and The Day after or before Christmas Day. (10). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. 8 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2017 thru 8/30/2017 Note Codes 8. A. In addition to the hourly wage and fringe benefits, the following depth premiums apply to depths of fifty feet or more: Over 50'To 100'-52.00 per Foot for Each Foot Over 50 Feet Over 100'To 150'-$3.00 per Foot for Each Foot Over 100 Feet Over 150'To 220'-$4.00 per Foot for Each Foot Over 150 Feet Over 220'-$5.00 per Foot for Each Foot Over 220 Feet Note Codes Continued 8. C. In addition to the hourly wage and fringe benefits, the following depth premiums apply to depths of fifty feet or more: Over 50'To 100'-$1.00 per Foot for Each Foot Over 50 Feet Over 100'To 150'-$1.50 per Foot for Each Foot Over 100 Feet Over 150'To 200'-$2.00 per Foot for Each Foot Over 150 Feet Over 200'-Divers May Name Their Own Price D. Workers working with supplied air on hazmat projects receive an additional $1.00 per hour. L. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $0.75, Level B: $0.50, And Level C:$0.25. M. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows: Levels A & B: $1.00, Levels C & D: $0.50. N. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $1.00, Level B: $0.75,Level C: $0.50,And Level D: $0.25. P. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Class A Suit: $2.00, Class B Suit: 51.50,Class C Suit: $1.00,And Class D Suit$0.50. Q. The highest pressure registered on the gauge for an accumulated time of more than fifteen (15) minutes during the shift shall be used in determining the scale paid. R. Effective August 31, 2012 — A Traffic Control Supervisor shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized. A Traffic Control Laborer performs the setup, maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular,bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington,Oregon,Montana,or Idaho.These classifications are only effective on or after August 31,2012. S. Effective August 31, 2012 — A Traffic Control Supervisor shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington,Oregon,Montana,or Idaho. This classification is only effective on or after August 31,2012. 9 Benefit Code Key—Effective 3/3/2017 thru 8/30/2017 T. Effective August 31, 2012 — A Traffic Control Laborer performs the setup, maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. This classification is only effective on or after August 31,2012. U. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows — Class A Suit: $2.00, Class B Suit: $1.50, And Class C Suit: $1.00. Workers performing underground work receive an additional $0.40 per hour for any and all work performed underground, including operating, servicing and repairing of equipment. The premium for underground work shall be paid for the entire shift worked. Workers who work suspended by a rope or cable receive an additional $0.50 per hour. The premium for work suspended shall be paid for the entire shift worked. Workers who do "pioneer" work (break open a cut, build road, etc.) more than one hundred fifty (150) feet above grade elevation receive an additional $0.50 per hour. 10 REQUEST KKR MAVOR S SIGNRTURE::: rd�l're �.u� uu w+urs �wrt6xx uW 6erad�. T orun ea s r�o0a rya nan �r, I111,81,111),cbu rvnova. ' D////r" ahl wsk. oorM x:, nuNo�ruee n��ne evE erv • ves rvo aeeo�nery axoon BnA Ercp na[ oo�ument d deewai �nm�P^A ��oE�w� '��ainnb=. � � Y � I�I�� uuuuuu �'F KENT• Agenda Item: Bids - 9B WASHINGTDN TO: City Council DATE: July 5, 2017 SUBJECT: 132nd Avenue SE Pedestrian Improvement Project (SE 251st Street - SE 268th Street) - Award MOTION: Award the 132nd Avenue SE Pedestrian Improvements SE 251st Street to SE 268th Street Project to R.W. Scott Construction Co., in the amount of $933,662.50 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. SUMMARY: This project consists of construction of approximately 3,800 lineal feet of 5 foot wide concrete and asphalt sidewalk along the west side of 132"d Avenue South. Also, included is the installation of various sizes of 8" storm drain pipe, 650 square foot wall, four concrete sidewalk ramps a Rapid Flashing Beacon pedestrian signal system and other work in accordance with the contract plans. The Engineers estimate for this project was $948,625.00. EXHIBITS: Memo dated June 27, 2017 RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Director YEA: N/A NAY: N/A BUDGET IMPACTS: None, this project is funded from approved capital and a grant from the Transportation Improvement Board.