HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW15-364 - Amendment - #1 - State of WA Recreation & Conservation Office - Mill Creek Side Channel - 06/29/2017 l R e o r d s gem 0' YJa� +i «r m f1ry CONTRACTCOVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission. to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-556-5725. Vendor Name: State of Washington R.CO t a FF7' Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: " This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Mill Creek Side Channel Leber 2014 Amendment #1 Description: ❑ rnterlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order F2 Amendment ❑ Contract 2 Other: Grant Contract Effective Date: 6/29/17 Termination Date: 3/30/18 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Matt Knox Department: PW - Engineering Contract Amount: 806 238.53 (Grant.) Approval Authority:. ❑ Director [:] Mayor Z', City Council 10 21 15 —Meeting Date Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Amendment will reduce required wmatch to 5% to allow City to recoup full grant allocation for project costs. OT KENT Agenda Item: Consent Calendar - 7 « TO: City Council DATE: October 21, 2015 SUBJECT: 'Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office Salmon Recovery Funding Board Project Funding Agreement for Mill Creek Side Channel - Leber Restoration Project - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the 'Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office Salmon Recovery Funding Beard (SRFB) agreement for Mill Creek Side Channel - Leber project, and direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for the project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. SUMMARY: The City of Kent proposes to construct a floodplain wetland off of Mill Creek providing 1.8 acres of floodplain habitat along the water"s edge and 5.4 acres along the banks near the confluence with the Green River. The design was funded by SRFB grants #05-1519 and #10-1125 clearing, grubbing and planting of understory were funded by #13- 1008. This last increment of funding will be used to complete the remaining phase of construction and will include: 1000 LF of new off-channel habitat; 43 log structures designed to maximize salmon habitat, removal of invasive vegetation; improvement of more than five acres of riparian and two acres of upland plantings to increase diversity, density and shading with a focus on increasing conifer density. This grant in the amount of $806,238.53 will provide additional funding for final construction to begin in 2016. Once completed, the restoration project will create off-channel habitat in the Green River near the confluence of Mill Creek, will increase floodplain refuge habitat for Chinook and other salmonids, enhance riparian habitat, and restore floodplain functions, The 8.6 acre site is owned by the City and is also known as Leber Homestead. EXHIBITS: Salmon Recovery Funding Board Project Agreement RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee YEA: Fincher, Higgins NAY: BUDGET IMPACTS: The Salmon Recovery Funding Board Grant agreement in the amount of $806,238.53 provides funding for construction for the Mill Creek Side Channel - Leber Restoration project. The match consists of previous grant funding from King County Cooperative Management Grant, Salmon Recovery Funding Board, Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration Funds and City matching fund for the value of planting materials provided, totaling $2.4 million. Natr.rrM DRoscurraes Builclin : . ( 'S5) 90 0t:)C: '1111 WssNngton & SE ETA' (t 60) 902-1996 Olyrnp a" A�tFt501 � al,w &rax.(.360) '�GJa?-5o� �1 i r : PO Box 40917 ' E-mail: info@r,r:.,o.wa.gov Olynrtalra WA`8504-091 Web site:www.i,(,,o.wa.gov ; Td�`r o w!'a stM498�C.�T'CJ�d RECREATION AND CONSERVATON OFFICE June 29, 2017 Michael Mactutis City of Kent 20 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 RE: Mill Creek Side Channel (Leber 2014), RCO #14-1001 R Amendment # 1 Dear Mr. Mactutis: In response to your request to amend the above-referenced Project Agreement, we have reviewed the circumstances and pertinent RCWs, WACs, and program policies relating to your request. As a result, I am approving an amendment to the Mill Creek Side Channel (Leber 2014) project, Enclosed are two original amendments to the Project Agreement. Please sign both amendments, retain one for your records, and return one original. If you have any questions, please call Amee Bahr at (360) 725-3943, or send an e-mail to Amee.Bahrrco.wa.gov. Sincerely, Kaleen Cottingham Director Enclosures R c,,cu(.zafiior7 marl Conservation Funding Fowr.1-,SaVrnon t=t000very FUnding Board Washinglc)n Invasive, Specics wwaorind an M Sahara Governors Sara l:toa.:ovr ry 01fice AMENDCvR,RPT t-ahilaat and 11sasre a61on V...orads Coorrdirmtinq "`-troaala iio� WASHINGTON STATE Recreation and Conservation Office Amendment to Project Agreement Project Sponsor: City of Kent Project Number: 14-10�01R Project Title: Mill Creek Side Channel (Leber 2014) Amendment Number: 1 Amendment Type: Cost Change Amendment Description: Reduce match to 35.455% to allow reimbursement of construction costs incurred by the city during completion of the project. These costs are NOT associated with the contaminated soil cleanup. Project Funding: The total cost of the project for the purpose of this Agreement changes as follows: Old Amount New Amount Amount % Amount % RCO- PSAR $478,885,53 26.51% $478,885.53 3&34% RCO- SALMON FED PROD $327,353.00 18A2% $327,353.00 26,21% Project Sponsor $1,000,000.00 55.36% $442,881.84 35A6% Total Project Cost $1,806,238.53 100% $1,249,120.37 100% Admin Limit $0�00 5,00% $0.00 5,00% A&E Limit $400,570.36 28.50% $277,018.01 28.50% Agreement Terms In all other respects the Agreement, to which this is an Amendment, and attachments thereto, shall remain in full force and effect. In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this Amendment. State Of Washington City of Kent Recreation and Conservation Office AGENCY: BY; BY: Kaleen Cottinqham TITLE: Director TITLE: DATE: 7 I le DATE: Pre-approved as to form: BY: /S/ Assistant Attorney General PSAR Project Cost Change Amendment General Fund- Federal RCW 77.85,WAC 420 AMENAGR1 rRPT Amendment Agreement Description Project Sponsor: City of Kent Project Number: 14-1001 R Project Title: Mill Creek Side Channel (Leber 2014) Amendment Number: 1 Agreement Description City of Kent proposes to construct a floodplain wetland off of Mill Creek providing 1.8 acres of floodplain habitat below the OHWM and 5.4 acres below the 100-year flood height near the confluence of the Green River at RM 23.7. The design was funded by SRFB#05-1519, #10-1125 and the clearing &grubbing, planting of understory phase of construction funded by#13-1098. This last increment of funding will be used to complete the remaining phase of construction and will include: 1000 LF of new off-channel habitat; 43 log structures designed to maximize salmon habitat; removal of invasive vegetation; improve more than five acres of riparian and two acres of upland plantings to increase diversity, density and shading with a focus on increasing conifer density in particular. Once complete, the overall restoration project will increase floodplain refuge habitat for Chinook and other salmonids, enhance riparian habitat, and increase floodplain storage. The side channel will be subject to backwater approximately 125 days per year when outmigrating salmon numbers are greatest. When water flows into the off-channel area, juvenile salmonids will find cover, food and protection from floor!flows. Coho, Chinook, chum and pink salmon, cutthroat and steelhead trout populations make extensive use of Mill Creek. AAGREEDSC.RPT June 29,2017 Page 1 Amendment Special Conditions Project Sponsor: City of Kent Project Number: 14-1001 R Project Title: Mill Creek Side Channel (Leber 2014) Amendment Number: 1 Special Conditions ASPECCONDAPT June 29, 2017 Page 1 Amendment Special Conditions a. Disclosure notice: Projects funded with state Salmon Recovery Funding Board and Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration money may be used by RCO, the Puget Sound Partnership or Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission as match to one of the following federal assistance agreements: 1) United States Department of Commerce Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 11.438, or 2) United State Environmental Protection Agency Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers 66.123 and 66.456. b. PSAR funded projects: Any signage or press materials must acknowledge the Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration Fund as well as RCO as a fund source. c. PSAR Funding Expiration Date: The$186,885.53 in 2013-15 PSAR funding must be expended by June 30, 2017 and expenses invoiced to RCO by July 31, 2017. Unexpended 2013-15 PSAR funds remaining in the project agreement after August 31, 2017 will be amended out of this project agreement and returned to the Puget Sound Partnership. d. Cultural Resources Consultation: This project is subject to Governor's Executive Order 05-05 Archaeological and Cultural Resources (EO 05-05) as described in Section 9 of this project agreement. RCO completed cultural resources consultation following EO 05-05 for all ground disturbing activities under the Design grant in February, 2012 (Attachment Nos. 192128, 174273, 174259, 192130). In the event that archaeological or historic materials are discovered during project activities, work in the location of discovery and immediate vicinity must stop instantly; the area must be secured, and notification must be provided to concerned Tribe's cultural staff and cultural committees, the Recreation and Conservation Office, and the State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. If human remains are discovered during project activity, work in the immediate vicinity must stop, the area must be secured, and notification must be provided to concerned Tribe's cultural staff and cultural committees, the Recreation and Conservation Office, the State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, the coroner and local law enforcement in the most expeditious manner possible according to RCW 68.50. e. Construction Design Deliverables:The project will meet the standards for Design and Restoration Project Deliverables described in Manual 18 Appendix D"Construction and "Design Build" Deliverables."The final designs (Attachment No. 174270)completed with funding from Project Agreement 10-1125 will be updated to address the following review panel comments: "As the project design is finalized, the Review Panel would encourage providing as much curvilinear shoreline habitat as possible given the site constraints. Juver.i!e salmon benefit most from "ed2. e" habitat and the accompanying diversity and complexity of cover, water depths, detritus inputs from vegetation, and primary and secondary productivity. The project would benefit from more channel-like features rather than pond features because a reduction of open water shallow habitats helps to reduce avian predation and thermal gain. While large wood provides good cover it's also expensive, and the project is producing so much excavated material that it would be good to know if vegetated islands were explored, as an alternative during design... consider cost savings with materials already on hand." For this project agreement, the sponsor will 1) update the final designs in response to the SRFB Technical Review Panel comments(See response to Review Panel Comments in Attachment No. 193553) including a Final Design memo to be submitted before construction begins; 2) Complete the construction phase deliverables (including As-built design documents) and 3) prepare a stewardship plan in accordance with the SRFB Manual 18. f. Contaminated Soils Remediation Ineligible: In 2014 City of Kent hired AMEC to conduct soils testing which determined arsenic concentrations in some areas of the site above 20 ppm requiring remediation. Before putting this project out to bid, the sponsor will secure approval from RCO on a plan to 1) manage the contaminated soil clean-up and remediation in compliance with applicable state and federal laws and 2) segregate associated clean-up costs from the restoration project excavation costs. The costs of the contaminated soil clean-up including soil removal, transportation, and disposal are ineligible for reimbursement or match under this project agreement. ASPECCONDAPT June 29, 2017 Page 2 Amendment Eligible Scope Activities Project Sponsor: City of Kent Project Number:14-1001 Project Title: Mill Creek Side Channel (Leber 2014) Project Type:Restoration Program: Puget Sound Acq. & Restoration Amendment#: 1 Restoration Metrics Worksite #1, Mill Creek - Green River Confluence Targeted salmonid ESU/DPS (A.23): Chinook Salmon-Puget Sound ESU, Chum Salmon-Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia ESU, Coho Salmon-Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia ESU, Pink Salmon-Odd year ESU, Steelhead-Puget Sound DPS Targeted species (non-ESU species): Bull Trout, Cutthroat Miles Of Stream Treated/Protected (C.O.b): 0.30 Project Identified In a Plan or Watershed Assessment(C.O.c): WRIA 9 Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed Salmon Habitat Plan-August 2005, priority project LG-7 Lower Mill Creek Floodplain Wetland and Habitat Restoration Type Of Monitoring (C.O.d.1): None Instream Habitat Project Total Miles Of Instream Habitat Treated (C.4.b): 0.30 Mouth of the new channel, plus 2,000 Ift of edge habitat. Channel reconfiguration and connectivity (C.4.c.1) Type of change to channel configuration and connectivity (CA.c.2): Creation/Connection to Off-Channel Habitat Miles of Stream Treated for channel reconfiguration and connectivity 0.03 (CA.c.3): Mill Creek at new side channel connection. Miles of Off-Channel Stream Created (C.4.c.4): 0.30 Mill Creek connection and new side channel. Acres Of Channel/Off-Channel Connected Or Added (C.4.c.5): 2.0 1.8 acres of off-channel acres. Instream Pools Created/Added (C.4.c.6): 0 Channel structure placement(C.4.d.1) Material Used For Channel Structure (C.4.d.2): Logs Fastened Together(Logjam), Other Engineered Structures, Rocks/Boulders(Unanchored) Miles of Stream Treated for channel structure placement(C.4.d.3): 0.30 Acres Of Streambed Treated for channel structure placement 1.8 (CAAA): in new aquatic habitat area below OHW Pools Created through channel structure placement(C.4.d.5): 0 Yards Of Average Stream-Width At Mid-Point Of Worksite (C.4.d.6): 15 New Channel width Number of structures placed in channel (C.4.d.7): 43 Riparian Habitat Project Total Riparian Miles Streambank Treated (C.5.b.1): 0.30 Creek mouth and both sides of new channel AELIGREIM.RPT June 29,2017 Page: 1 Amendment Eligible Scope Activities Total Riparian Acres Treated (C.5.b.2): 7.0 Excavted areas adjacent to the new channel Planting (C.5.c.1) Acres Planted in riparian (C.5.c.3): 7.0 8.6 total acres-(2 acres planted understory in 13-1098) -(1.8 acres aquatic habitat) Miles of streambank planted (C.5.c.4): 0.30 Riparian Plant removal I control (C.5.h.1) Acres of riparian treated for plant removal/control (C.5.h.3): 4.0 Miles of streambank treated for plant removal/control (C.5.h.4): 0.03 Architectural & Engineering Architectural & Engineering (A&E) AELIGREIM.RPT June 29,2017 Page: 2 SOON .............. 4101, I mr,