HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD16-258 - Original - City of Seattle - 2016 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - 06/30/2016 KEN ° Re (Z 0-- r d s M ,i,,, WAS Hrw Grt?n Document r // CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prier to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: City of Seattle Vendor Number: 252472 JD Edwards Number Contract Number: 221,11 q I This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: 20161 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Description: x Interlocal Agreement [1 Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract Other: Contract Effective Date: Termination Date: N/A Contract Renewal Notice (lays): N/A Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Sara Wood Department: Police Contract Amount: 42,062 Approval Authority: [] Department Director ® Mayor ❑ City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): 2616 JAG funding for various police department projects. As of. 08/27/14 Interagency Agreement Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(]AG) Program FY 2016 Local Solicitation Executed by City of Seattle Department Authorized Representative: Diane Pilon 610 5th Avenue PO Box 34986 Seattle,WA 98124-4986 and City of Kent, hereinafter referred to as "Recipient" JAG Grant Manager: Sara Wood 220 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by having their representatives affix their signatures below. City of Kent Seattle Police Department Suzet le, Mayor Brian G. Maxey, Chief Operating Officer Date: �� U� J r Authorized by: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program WHEREAS, the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the JAG Program supports all components of the criminal justice system, from multi- jurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domestic violence programs, courts, corrections, treatment,and justice information sharing initiatives; and WHEREAS, the United States Congress authorized $673,166 in the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program for jurisdictions in King County; and WHEREAS, 11 jurisdictions in King County were required to apply for a JAG Program award with a single, joint application; and WHEREAS, the City, as the identified Fiscal Agent, submitted the joint application to the Bureau of justice Assistance on June 30, 2016 to request JAG Program funds; and WHEREAS, based on the City's successful application, the Bureau of Justice Assistance has awarded $673,166 to the City from these JAG Program funds; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the grant whereby the City, as the identified Fiscal Agent for this award, is to distribute grant funds to co-applicants, the City intends to transfer some of the JAG funds it receives to those co-applicants; and WHEREAS, the City is not obligated to continue or maintain grant funding levels for the JAG Program once grant funds have lapsed; and WHEREAS, recipients of JAG funds from the City should not anticipate the City will assume responsibility for any program costs funded by JAG once JAG funds are spent; NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: This Interagency Agreement contains six Articles: ARTICLE 1: TERM OF AGREEMENT: The term of this Interagency Agreement shall be in effect from the date it is executed, until September 30, 2019 unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions hereof. ARTICLE 1I: DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The services to be performed under this Agreement shall be conducted for the stated purposes of the Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program (42 U.S.C. 3751(a.) The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. The JAG Program provides states and units of local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement; prosecution and court programs; prevention and education programs; corrections and community corrections; drug treatment and enforcement; crime victim and witness initiatives; and planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs. ARTICLE III: SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Funds are provided by the U.S. Department of justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of justice Assistance solely for the purpose of furthering the stated objectives of the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program.The Recipient shall use the funds to perform tasks as described in the Scope of Work portion of this Agreement. 2. The Recipient acknowledges that because this Agreement involves federal funding, the period of performance described herein will likely begin prior to the availability of appropriated federal funds. The Recipient agrees that it will not hold the Seattle Police Department, the City of Seattle, or the Department of Justice liable for any damages, claim for reimbursement, or any type of payment whatsoever for services performed under this Agreement prior to the distribution and availability of federal funds. 3. The Recipient shall comply with all conditions and limitations set forth in the FY 2016 Justice Assistance Grant Program Award # 2016-DJ-BX-0138.The FY 2016 Justice Assistance Grant Program Award Report # 2016-DJ-BX-0138 is attached to and made part of this agreement,as Attachment A. Allocation and use of grant funding must be in accordance with all special conditions included in the Award Report. All Recipients are assumed to have read, understood, and accepted the Award Report as binding. 4. The Recipient acknowledges that all allocations and use of funds under this agreement will be in accordance with the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program: FY 2016 Local Solicitation. Allocation and use of grant funding must be coordinated with the goals and objectives included in the Local Solicitation. All Recipients are assumed to have read, understood, and accepted the Local Solicitation as binding. S. Recipient agrees to obtain a valid DUNS profile and create an active registration with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database no later than the due date of the Recipient's first quarterly report after a subaward is made. 6. The Recipient shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and program guidance. The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, as adopted and supplemented by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2 C.F.R Part 2800 (together, the"Part 200 Uniform Requirements") apply to this 2016 award from the Office of Justice Programs (OJP). 7. The Recipient must comply with the most recent version of the Administrative Requirements, Cost Principals, and Audit Requirements. a. Non-Federal entities that expend $500,000 or more in one fiscal year in Federal awards shall have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget(OMB) Circular A-133-Audits of States, Local Governments,and non- Profit Organizations. Non-federal entities that spend less than $500,000 a year in federal awards are exempt from federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No.A-133, but records must be available for review or audit by appropriate officials of the Federal agency, pass-through entity, and General Accounting Office (GAO). b. Recipients required to have an audit must ensure the audit is performed in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS), as found in the Government Auditing Standards (the Revised Yellow Book) developed by the Comptroller General and the OMB Compliance Supplement. The Recipient has the responsibility of notifying the Washington State Auditor's Office and requesting an audit. c. The Recipient shall maintain auditable records and accounts so as to facilitate the audit requirement and shall ensure that any sub-recipients also maintain auditable records. d. The Recipient is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred by its own organization or that of its subcontractors. Responses to any unresolved management findings and disallowed or questioned costs shall be included with the audit report submitted to the Seattle Police Department. The Recipient must respond to requests for information or corrective action concerning audit issues or findings within 30 days of the date of request. The City reserves the right to recover from the Recipient all disallowed costs resulting from the audit. e. if applicable, once any single audit has been completed, the Recipient must send a full copy of the audit to the City and a letter stating there were no findings, or if there were findings, the letter should provide a list of the findings. The Recipient must send the audit and the letter no later than nine months after the end of the Recipient's fiscal year(s) to: Diane Pilon,JAG Program Manager Seattle Police Department 610 SL" Avenue PO Box 34986 Seattle, WA 98124-4986 206-386-1996 f. In addition to sending a copy of the audit, the Recipient must include a corrective action plan for any audit findings and a copy of the management letter if one was received. The Recipient shall include the above audit requirements in any subcontracts. g. The Recipient agrees to cooperate with any assessments, national evaluation efforts, or information or data collection requirements, including, but not limited to, the provision of any information required for assessment or evaluation of activities within this agreement, and for compliance BJA reporting requirements. h. Suspension and Debarment: The Recipient certifies that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in transactions by any Federal department or agency. By signing and submitting this Agreement, the Recipient is providing the signed certification set out below. The certification this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the Recipient rendered an erroneous certification, the Federal Government and City may pursue available remedies, including termination and/or debarment. The Recipient shall provide immediate written notice to the City if at any time the Recipient learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. The Recipient agrees by signing this Agreement that it shall not enter into any covered transaction with a person or subcontractor who is debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized in writing by the City. The Recipient shall include the requirement in this section in any subcontracts. ARTICLE IV: SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work of this Agreement and the time schedule for completion of such work is as described in Attachment B: JAG Budget Worksheet, as approved by BJA.Attachment B is attached to and made part of this agreement. The work shall, at all times, be subject to the City's general review and approval. The Recipient shall confer with the City periodically during the progress of the Work, and shall prepare and present such information and materials (e.g. a detailed outline of completed work) as may be pertinent, necessary, or requested by the City or BJA to determine the adequacy of the Work or Recipient's progress. ARTICLE V: PAYMENT 1. Compensation The Recipient shall be reimbursed on an actual cost basis. Compensation under this Agreement cannot exceed $42,062. The Recipient shall incur authorized allowable expenses in accordance with the Project Budget, as detailed in Attachment B. The Recipient may request additional reimbursement up to the amount of interest accrued on their portion of the grant award. The City will provide quarterly statements to the Recipient,once the interest balance accrued equals at least$1,000. Reimbursements will not be made for interest accrued that is less than $1,000. Reimbursements can be requested, up to the total amount of interest accrued, after the initial quarterly statement has been sent, to perform tasks in accordance with the Project Budget, as detailed in Attachment B. The Recipient shall submit invoices not more than monthly, and at least quarterly.After the first quarter, monthly submission is preferred. Invoices are due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which the work was performed. No travel or subsistence costs, including lodging and meals, reimbursed with federal funds may exceed federal maximum rates,which can be found at: http://www.gsa.gov. 2. Manner of Payment The Recipient shall submit reimbursement requests not more than monthly, and at least quarterly. After the first quarter, monthly submission is preferred. Requests are due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which the work was performed. Reimbursement request forms are provided. Substitute forms are acceptable. With each reimbursement request, the Recipient shall submit: ■ Detailed spreadsheet of expenditures by task and related financial documents (timesheets, invoices) ■ These documents and invoices must be kept on file by the Recipient and be made available upon request by the City or to state or federal auditors Reimbursement will not be processed without accompanying documentation For the corresponding time period. Once the above conditions are met, payment shall be made by the City to the Recipient. Submit invoicing and documentation to: Diane Pilon, JAG Program Manager Seattle Police Department 610 Sth Avenue PO Box 34986 Seattle, WA 98124-4986 206-386-1996 ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS No modification or amendment of the provisions hereof shall be effective unless in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties hereto. The parties hereto expressly reserve the right to modify this Agreement, by mutual agreement. tacflrnent A, Page 1 of 1 U.S.Dopa'rtment of Juall= ofl'tae orlusuca Pregrmma Bureau dJulitice A ss(stanee Grant PAGE I Of 13 1.RE4014'OENT NAME AND AODRUS Imveu..�aln 2f Codw)_..,�,.......m.,...» � A.WAR N1014_,�. _..�._.,..,..r.....�,........�....,..........., .. � i� F ARA NEJMBER. ]EYI C Dl*B X.0150 City a8'Saaupa 100 Fillh Awonw,Sedla 1900 S,PRCOJWr PERIOD:FROM 10A0112013 TO 09110A2019 SWdo,WA 9EI2"706 BUN ETPERJODaPROM I"In0IJ TO 0911LV2019 6 AWARD DATE O%A07tJ'01d 7.ACTTON ]a ORANTBB IRSIVENDOR NO, 8.SUVPPLPPL._. EMENT T NUM&SBR inlllal 9 Eb1k1110d 00 2h,ORANTES DUNS NO. _. w ... .� ._. ... w ..._. _. w IV03074I4 9,PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT so 10„AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD S 67J,[b6 PY2016 Joint Kimit Coonty and OIIy a1"Scaltlo 201 d JACf M._. 11.TOTAL A WA RD S 673,166 TIIE1-ABOVB ORA Wr,PROJECT I'S APPROV ED SUBJBU"T TOa SUCJC COND1T1ONS OR L:IMITA7T.ONS AS AR,S SET FORM ON THU ATTACHED PAOE(S). 11 STATUTORY AUTIJORITY FOR GRANT Tkla pNed isrupr4md unrlar PY16(EJA•JAG)42 USC 1750,ad"« _v 14,CAT ALOG M OP DOESTIC PEDPRAL A931STANCB(CPDA N+�iF,er) 16,72E1•Ed Hard Oyme MommW Jur1&ua AuJmwa Owt PivSwn 11.ME'rFiUDOFPAYJd'IINP_._.M____.._...,..___....._w.......,.......__ ,........w,�,........,,......._._.._._._._..._..__ ._.________.�._, OPRS �.. �„ .a0C3NCY�PPaG�AL mm rw .�w., --- Ou1n.!. CCA�..,��,. ..�.,.....W._.ro, n ___ ITBEAFTANCE 16.TYPED'NAMEAND'TITLEOPAPPROVINGOFFICIAL 18,TYPED NAM EANDTITLEOFAUTHORIZEDORANTBEOFFICIAL Dontm O+Donned4 Lww"Mlunay DIro" Mayor 17 L .�. 10,9JONATI,YR _,�...� ,���.�. .....,..._..�. ._.._ ,SIGNATURE OA APPROVINO OFPILJA' O OF AUTHOJJ1MW ROCtP 0PPJCIAL 19A.DATE A0E7NCY USB DNJ.Y 20,ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES 21. RDPJGT1I40 FISCAL FUND BUD, DWI YEAR CODE ACr. cm (EEO. SUB POMS AJAG"T x B DJ S0 00 00 677'164 OJP FORM 460012(HIJV,S47')PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. DIP FORM4000t2(REV,4.08) Attachment A, Page 2 of 16 U.S.Department oflustica Office of"Jusucc Prograrru AWARD CONTI NUATICJI Bureau of.luetice Assistance SHEET PAU 1 OF ra Grant PRSJECt3`hn]MBER 20]ar"taVOX-0138 AWARD DATE 6417t7r]016 SPECIAL CONDITIONS I, A,pplicabiilty of Peet 203 Uri forin RequIrorrents The Uniform Admloussradvre Rokluircnicntt,C°prat Prijk0plcs,awut Audit Itoquiremania in 2 CTA.Part 200,as adognTaul and iigplamented by tho,Daparuncid of J dca(OOI)In 2 CCFA.Part 2804(togethar,the"Part 200 Uniform Raguircmcnta')apply to thfa 2016 award from the Ofdioo of Justtcc Pnagmtna(011`), The Part 200 UAI form Regairamonts were nrut adopted by DOJ on Docemher 26,2014. It"this 2016 award aupp'lerrsonts foods pmvioruly awardad by OJT'winder the sonic award minabor(o,g.,Rmda awarded in 2014 or earlier yaasni�die Part 200 Unlrbrm Roqu torrents apply with respw to all lkinalr under that award number fro erdkana.oPaha Award date,and m-pordloss ofwhoshor daily t fro tit the Initisl award at a suppienrmttal sward)that am oblige on or after the accoptance dstc of this 2016 award. For more Inrurmation and towwcas on the Part 200 Uniform Raquireitimu as shcy relate to OJP awards and subawar ('subgrants"),sea the Office of Justice Programs(OM nvcbs4e at hitpi/ojp.gov/rundingm,araoouniromRequ¢rrmcvLg,htra. In the event that an award-rclatcd question arises frorn docuinenis or other nratarials prepared or distributed by OJP thin naay appear to conflict Min,or differ In some Way from the liruvasiona oftha Parr 200 Uniform Requirements,the mcipiant is to contact 011)promptly for otarif canon. 2. Compliance with D01 Grants Financial Outdo Via rociplent agrees to comp y with the Depoatrom oritiaticc Grants Financial Guide sa pasted on una OJP wabsito (currently,the'2015 120J or-ante Financial Guido"),including stay updated version titat may ba posted during the Mind'of performance, 3, Required urtining.for Pohil of Contact and all!Financial Po;lnts ofC'ontsct Bolin tho Polot of Comsat(POC)and All Financial Points of Contsal(FPOCs)far this Award roust have successfully eampisted can"9113 flasnolal in anagamartt and grant adminisiratiocen training"by 120 days after ihe,date of the r^eciplout'o socaptanca of the Award, SuccasaAii carnplcilon of such a training on or after Jartum 1,2015,will aotiafy this condition. In the avant that either the FOC or an FPOC for this award changes during the period orperfornnance,dra now POC or FPOC must have successfully completed an"OR hnansclal managemant and grant administradon training'by 120 oafandar days after—(1)t14 date of GJP"s approval of the"Change Orardec Contact"GAN(in are case of a now POC),or(2)the data the FpC enters Information on the new FPOC In GMS(in the case of s new FPOC). Succestiful uorriplation of such a training on or after lanrrury 1,2015,will satlat"yr this condition. A hat of OJP traiaings that OJP will canalder"OdP financial rnanagament and Grant cdmmis(tation teaming'°fur putpo ]a arthis condition Is ova ilableat httpJlwwnw.ojp,govAraitiing/fk s.htm, Ail tmirfliigs that satis?'y this vandlOon include a sasalon on grant fraud prevention and chiseller The recipient should anticipate trial OR will immediately withhold("dkeszo")award fund&if tha reolplent falls to comply with this condition. Ila rco#piant"a fallitre to comply also may lead OJ'P to Impose additional appropriate conditions an this award, I ! OJP FOM 401M(REV.4-U) Attachment A, Page 3 of 16 U.S'.Department ofluatice Orrice of Justice Programs AWARD CONTINUATION Bureau oIf.Iustice ANON lance ST-TrMT PAGE s OF it Grant PtttttaCrNUMOUR "16-rA1-BX•a1?t AWARDDATR 000/1016 SPECIAL CONDITIONS a. Requirements related to"do minima"Indtrecl oost rate A recipient.that Is eligible under.the Part 2DO Uniform Requirements and other applicable law to udo the"de mlaimis" Indirect cost rats described In 2 CYX 20OA 14(f1,and that cleats to use the'do minimis"fndfrect cost rate,must advise O1P in writing of both Its eligibility and Its eloetloo,and most comply with all associated requirements in the Part 200 Uniform Requ(rotnents. The"d a ininimis"rota may be spplled only to modified total direct coats(MiTDC)as defined by the Part 200 Uniform Requirements, 5. Requirement to report potentially duplicative funding if the recipient,currently has other active awards of federal funds„or If the reciplem receives any anther award of federal funds during the period of performance ror this award,the rocipfcni promptly must delcmdne whether funds ttom any of those other federal awards have been,are being,or are to be toted(in whale or In part)for one or more of the identical coat items for which fonds are provided under this sword, If to,the recipient meat promptly notlf)t tha DOJ awarding agency(01P or CtV,,'d,as appropriate)In writing of tho potential duplication,and,lroo regosvled by U01 awarding,agency,most acoh a budget-modification or change-of project-scope grant adjustment notice(f1J'N)to eliminate any inappropriate duplication of funding, b. Requirements related to System for Award Management and Unique Entity Identifiers 'Tho:toolptcnt mast comply with applicable requlraments tcgan log the Systoatt for-Award Management(SAKI), currently acoesslblo at hltp.11www.aattn,gov. T'hIs ioci'ttdos applicable requircmonts regarding registration with SAM,as well as mafavaintng tlto cur"ncy or Infornmslfon in SAM. The recipient also ruustcomply with appilcoblo resuiclions on subowanis("oubgranta")to first-tior subreclp,fents (first-([or"sublira stems"),including restrictions on eubowards to entities that do not acquire and provide(to the recipient)the unlgae entity Idendfier required for SAM registration, T1w details of tho recipient's obligations related to SAM and to unique ontity Identifiers are posted on the 011?web alto at http://ojp„gov/Nnding/Explore/SAM,htm(Award condition: System for Award Management(SAM)and Univoitaof Identiflor Requirements),and art Incorporated by reference hare, This special conditon does not apply to an award to an individual who racolved the award as a natural person(i.c,, unrelated to any business or non-profit organization that he or she may own or operate in his or her name). ?. Ali subawards("subgrants")must have specific federal authari2ation The rocip lent,and any subrocipfont("subgrameo")at any tier,most comply with all applicable requirements for authorization of any subaward. This condition applies 10 agreements that--for purposes of federal grants administrative reeluirementa r31P considers a"subaward"(and therefore does not consider a procurement "contract"� The details of tho req,ulrornent for outhortzation of any subaward are posted an the O)P web site at hitpzt/ojp.gov/fundirWExplorr)SubawardAothodadon;htm(Award condition. award Condition, All subawards ("oubgranto°)must have specific federal authorization),and are incorporated by reference hore. 01t'FORM 400an(P'8V, .IN) :achrtlent A, Page 4 of 16 U'S.Dapartnvant of Justice gfTloe orJu0000 Programs AWARD Cd]lg' INUA'If'g0N r` Bureau ofdusflce Assistance SHEET PACK 4 OF rr 'rant FROrr,CTNU}«f ER 2016,DI.BX-0111 A"+WAROVATO OWOTF201a SF°A'CML COdw"DfT ON$ S, Spaol(lc past.award approval required to Poe a noncompatitivc approach in any proouramomi coniruot that would exceed 5l50,O00 The rocipicni,and any subrasiplanl(usubgrameal)at any tier,must comply with all applicable requitamanta to obtain tip f flc advance approval to uses noncornlxihtvo approach in my procurement contrott that would exceed the Sitaplined Acquisition 7hi hold(curremly,M0,00)."T"ftla condition applics to agreements that-for purlm=j or Waist grants adroh'ilsoadve requhtrmcnis-OJP oolishlom m procu onsronl `contacl,(arid tltaroforo rlo not consider a subawaed), na details of the requircmant for advance approval!to use a noncompetitive approach in a procuremenr contract under an OJP award are posted on the OJP web site arhttp:/Jojp,gov'tundInVLxplort oncom titivaPmcurcTnent.htrn(Award condition: Specific post-award approval required to ume a noncompetitive approach fat a procm"remenl contrmet(if oontract would exceed$150,000)),and arc incorporutcd by reference hare, 9. Requlromcmts pertaining to prohibilied conduct rcluted to trafficking to persona(including reporting requirements and OR authority to tomtinate award) The recipient,and any iubrccipicnt("'subgranice")at any tier,must comply with all applicable requiromants(including requirements to report mtlap ilons)portsunlog to pwhihiled conduct related to the tramoung or persons,whether on the past of rrsolpiente,oubt°ae piant a("stbgranloaa),or lnilividuals defined(for pw posam ortbis condition)as"amployaos' orthe n'colplaw or of any subr x 1picrsl, The details of the rauclpieni"s ob igatfons relatm*xl io prohibited oanduct related to trafficking lit pers«ana arc primed on the (riNpmrraballomihGtpltofp, vFlV tdEngtllx'pour 'f*rohlbltcad ontluct�'p°tw lching.Rrtnt( wardcalyditlaa: Nhiblicd condrttt by recipients end subrocipio it is relay to(to MAing in parsons(I tic luding rspoiaing requivemanuaand OIP authority to terminate award)�and arc tncnq rated by rercocucc I'scna, 10, Complianntr with appffcablc rules regarding approval,planning,sort raporling of oonfaronoas,meetings,troiningo,and other evcnis no recipient,sand arty mubaccipieat("subgt ite)at any dary must comply with all applicable laws,regulations, policies,and oM6'L+l'DCJ guidance(including speolEla cost linihs,prior approval sod reporting roquirameou,where applicable.)governing the we of fedirral funds for expenses related to coarcrencoS(an ihat term la,Mood by DDJ), including tha provision of food anchor btr€eragos al such confcrcncc4,and coats of attendance at Such crntrcranoos, Inrorraarlon on the portinent DOJ definition ofconferencea and the rule&applicable to this award appears in the DOI Grants lcinastcial Ouldo(currently„as Section],10 of°Postuward Raquir®monts"in the"2015 DOI Grants Pinanctal Guide"). IL Poquiroment for data an perforrnanca and affcotivonoms under the award, The recipient must collect and maintain data that measure the parfortnanco and effectiveness of activities under this award. The dons roust be!provided to OR In the ma mar(including within the tlntaframes)agrccified'by OJP in the program solloltatlon or other applicable written guldance, Data col l%lion aupports comps iomcc whit the Government Parrorrnancc and Rcsults Act(UPRA)and the QPRA,Mitild niration Act,and other applicable Iowa. 12, OJP Training Guiding l'rinciplea Any ttaluing or training mounials that the recipient-or any subreclpient(,"Subgrantoo")st,any tier-develops or delivers with OJP award funds trust adharo to the OJP'fraining Ouiding Principles for OrantecS and Subgrantees, available at hilpJ)ojp,govlrartdittglojpiralnin'gguldingpdnciplos,htm. ptP FORM a WW2(Rtty.a-ts) ,tt chment A, Page 5 of 15 U.3,Department of Justice omcooflueticaPrograme AWARD CON11NUATION Bureau mrJustice Assistance SHEET rasa t ra? 19 Gran( „ PROW-NUMBER AWARD D�. .........�, ._�__....... ,..�._�_.__�_.. ....�� __._..._�.____..........._.. ATE 0910712016 11 Effect of fallure to address audit issues The recipient undcnstanda and agm=that tyre 001 awarding agency(OJP or OVW,as appropriate)may whhhald sward fiends,or may impose other related r qulrarnonta,if�as determined by the DOJ awarding agency)the roolplent does nat satisfactorily and promptly address outstaruling issues from audits required by the part 2001lni(hrrn Reyullmmonts(or by tiro tarsus of this award),or othar outstanding Issues drat srlaa in connection with audits, inveadgationa,or reviews of DOJ awards. W, Tlio rccIpJcqt agreas to comply,with any addltfunul requirements that may be imposed by the DOI awarding agency (OJP or O W,off appropriate)during the period of performance far this award,if the recipient Is designated as"„high• risk"for purposaa of the DO)higl-risk gruntac Ilan. 15. Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nandisorinaination-28 C.p.R_Part 42 The recipient,and any subreclpicnt('subgrantea")at any tier„must conrpty with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R.Pan 42,spooliically including any applicable requirements In Subpart F,of 28 C.F,R,Part 42 that relate to all Nun]employment opportunity-ptagram. 16, Compliance with DQJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondisorlmination-28 C.F.R.Part 38 The recipient,and any aubreciplerd("subgraniee"„)at any tier,mnstcomply with all applicable requiremanta of 28 CPA.Part 30„speolifiacally including any applicable refit lremenis regarding written notice to pro,gr awl beneflciaties and pros pactiva pragrum beneficiaries. Part 38 of 28 UX,o DOJ regulation,was amendedeffect'ivo May 4,2016. Among othor flitrigs,23 CF,R,Para 38 includes rut drat prohibit ap of to bra ordlsorimhoatiom on the basis of raallglotr,a tollglaus belief,a rellwa'i to hold a roibgious belief„or m(Usl to aund or patilctpato In a rellgiow practice, Part 38 o400claout rules aced roquircrrtcmts the pertain to recipient and subreciplant("subgranrac")organizations that eatgago in or conduct explicitly religious aetivitlea,as wall as rules and requirements that pcMin to mcipienta and subrecipicntar dint arc Wh•bssed or mligiuua organizations, The text of the regulation„now entitled'Partnerships whit Faith-Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations,"is available via the 0ectrcnicCo4e of Federal Regulations(currentlyooceaslbla at hit p,,/twww.aof.11tov/cgi- bitvBCPR?pagc-bro sa)„by browsing to Tldc 28-Judiolal Administretion,Chapter 1,Part 38,under a•CFR"current" date.. 17, Restrictions on"lobbying" Foalcrul funds may not be used by the recipient,or any subrecipient("sub,grsntcc")at any tier,eltherdirectly or indirectly„to support or oppose the enactment,repeal,mudiPcation or adoption of any law„regulation,or policy,et any i'evc,l of goventniant, Should any quaatlon seise as to whether a particular use of Federal Trends by a recipient(or subrecipienl)would or might fall widain the scope of this prohibition,the recipient is to contact OR for guidance,and may not proceed wilhouatho exprom prior written approval of03P. 01?FORM 40otv2(Ruv�4-0a) .tachmerft A, Page 6 of 16 U.S.DeparlmentorJustico (3f7doc of Juadca Programs AWARD CONTINUATION Bureau of Justice Assistance SHEET eacra a oN is Grant rttttML"7 UMW Zara. r:w-ax�olse �w,�naorkxlt �ro�rsorc SP,ECUL CONDITIONS I g. Compliance with,general appamr6ationa•law resuictionz on dig use or federal funds(FY 2016) 1110 rcerlpow,arsd orsy eubrwaiplerit(wrbgrantao"*)at any(lot,raarwt comply with all applleablo restriction;oft the use of redoral panda sat out in fed1cial apti oprtatlons t�laluto's. Partluurrt rustrdctiurts,including ftofn vardusra"Ounclat paostialww"in llao Consolidated Approprdallons Acl 2016,arc gal out at trttpWojp SowgGlrnddn ENpWtoil"Y21Etd. AppropritrtionsLawReatrlatlorts.htrn,and art Incorponucd by ret"aronco hem. Should a riutwtlon arlso as to whether a partloulrar use oP fixturnl fundsby a tocdplani(or It a ubrcolpilont)Would or might Pull within tho$cope ofort propriatl'ons•taww restrIollon.Ott rodMuta Is to oontw OTIA(br guldmnce,and may not proaooa6 without the OxIiMss prior wrxilton approval of t7Ji', 19. Reporting Patential Fraud,Waste,and Abuse,and.Similar hhaoonduct 'Me reoipicrtl said any sulrrceit)icrrts("'aubpiruntcce')must pruunittly refer to site DO)UCPice of dw Inspector(lanoral (C(C)any orodiblc ovltdunu;that a principal,amployeo,agent,subox1plcnr,eannnator,au'boantra ctor,or other Nraon liar's„its cautrcallotr with ruods and or this award_.(1)subrnillod a olahn 6 al violates the Palm Clsiriw Aol,or(2) colun ltwd a orirninal or civil violation urlawa trcrlalndng to fraud,conflict oNntorc;l,bribery,gratuity,or similar nslaronduct. laatcltllal rraud,wasto„Ogre,or ralsoonduct Involving;or ral;ting to fhn(15 under this awval'd shouhl tio,,rmimicd to the 010 by—(1)null dlru d to.OM4o orgio inspcoor Oencrol,U.S,DopaAmont or` w0:o,Bnvcstiptions Divialoo, 950I"consylvanto Malmo,NX]loots 4700,Washingtoat,VC 20530;(2)c-atoll to.olg.Irotpina�rt)usdu).gow,audlor(3) the DO)010 hotllno;(contact Information In English rand Spanish)at(800)$62..atd99(phono)or(202)61 Swpgg1 (fax), Additional Information Is avallrable Ovom that DOJ 010 wobadto At hupJfwww,usdoj.gov/olg, 01?FORM ADM QI V.4491 Attachment A, Page 7 of 16 --7— US,Department of Justice Oflteaof Janke programs AWARD CONTINUATION I, Bureau of Justice A591stance SHEET PACE 7 OV 11 Grant [OtE CT'hfWki;liBR saiu al itx _..,.._,_.- �� _ �. ._._ ...._.. _.._... ... •4tJa AWARD DATU e9007nolo SPECIAL CO UMONS 20, ltostrloilona and certifications regarding non-disolosum agreements and related maltlers No recipient or subrocipiont("subgrs tee")under th!la award,or entity that rooaivae a,procurement contractor subcontract with any fartds under thiai award,may require any employee or contractor to signs an internal conpdendality manq of sislemenfthat prahlblts or othorwisa resildols,or purports to prohibit or rastr ct,.tho reporting(In accordance wM low)of watts,llraud,or abuse to an Invaailgalive or law onforcoment ropresontative ora federal dopsatrnamt or agency tutheriaed to r000lvo such Informellon. The funsgoing,is not intended,and shell notba,undonatoi by the agency making,this award,to comtravamc roquiromoms allplicii to Standard Form 212('which relates to olassifled htrunnot$on),form 4414(which related to sonsitivc cornlra,r°unarrtod information),or any othor form Issued by ra fraicntl depadmont or agency governing rite m indisclosuro orclasoirfad$nrortnarlon.. I, In accepting this award the reoiplent-- m mpresents that a r olther requIto$not has required Intamal con$demtial,ity agreamerits or statements from 4mploycee or contractors that currently prohibit or olhorwise currently restrict(or purport,to prohibit or restrict)employee®or contractora f1ram reporting waste,fraud.or abuse as doscribed!above;and b, coclil4ri Ir It$cams or is notif"lod that it is or bus been requiring,Ira employees or contractors to executo agreeeanonis or statarnents that prohibit or otherwise restrict(or purport to prohibit or restrict),reporting or wa®la,fraud, or abuse as desetiber.I above,it will Inimodlatoly stop any rquthcr obligations ofaward lands,will provide prompt wrttlen notification to the federal agency making this award,and will resume(or permit resumption of)such obligations only If expressly authorized to do so by that agency, 2. If tha rociplant does or is autborised under ibis award to make saubawards("sublimts"),procurement contracts,or both— a. 11 ropmuenta that— (1) It has deterrmined.that no other entity that the reolpiont„e application propoaaa may or wl11 moo Iva award Rends (whaohor through a smbaward("aubgtaru"i procureamril con trio,or subc4mtrttci unda�t a procurement contract)el the ro quiros or hm rcilrthed intcmal confldamtlolity a,greormnts or atstamonus from employces or conarmctors that currently prohibh or oiherwhwo currently r isdot(or purport to prohibit or restrict)cmployocs or c arnmctors from reporting waste, fraud,or abuse as described 6invo;and (2) it has made appropristo Inquiry,or otherwise has an adequate faciral basis,to support thrs representation;and b, it ceiilfipa that,If It Items or Is needled that any sabtaalpient nontasctor,or suboocataaetar entity that rocelves,foods under thilr award Is'or has been mqulrina its employees or contractors to execulo almaments or a tale mesi that prohibit or 4lltorwlso t�trt'ct(or p port top ltltrit or resstrloq),topoa ing orwasgo„fraud„tar abuse es describ¢d oibsovic it wilt immediately atop any further^ubligutions oroward funds to or by that amity,will pmwido prompt written nctidcailort to the Fad,cral ugcnoy malting title,award,and will,acournc(or permit resumYpdon or)i such obligations only if expressly authorized to do to by that agency. 01P PORM 40con(RBV.4.ss) +,tt7Ghlnent A, PaVEu 3 of 16 U.S.Dcpanrnent of Justice tyfticcGfjuatico Prourunis AWARD CONTINUATION r% Bureau of Justice Assistance SHEET PArka s OF Ix Grant PROJECTNIX'tr D11a, 2016-DI.OX4139 AWARD DATA "1071201 a, SPECIAL CONDITIONS 9, 21, Compliance with 41,V.S.a4712(Including prohibitions on reprdaai;notice(a amptayo0s) The realplent n1u l comply witl'e and us 44jo:i to,sh applicilato provlacurui of 41 U.S.G.4712,including all applicable ptoa'lslwn that larohihil,under spcoilled cl nanalana ,diacrlmirts Lion against an emptoyoo as reirrhial for the eanployoo'3 cibrol'asura ofiofannatton MIMOd to ilroll nttsrnArvagcmcot of*ledcrat grunt„a gross waste of roderrd Hands, an ki u c of authority ralnting to a fadoral Snni,a subotantlal and specific danger to public health or safety,or a. violation oflaw,title,or regulation related to,a fa Sertl grant Ilia recipient also trust I'nfomi Its employees,In writing,(and in the predominant nodva language ortic workforcc),or employee rights and remedies under 41 U.S,C,4712. Should A question&rile as to the applicability of the provialons of 41 U.S.C.4712 to itch sward,the recipient is to contact tho DOJ awarding agency(Chip or OVW1 as appropriate)nor guidance, 22. ncouragcrncnt orpolickes to ban text meaaaging wwhilo driving want to Executive Onicr 1351,3,"Foderal L,eadurahip ore RcxiuciogTcal Mvmrighi,g'Whilc IJrivin,i;,"74 Fcd.Rog. 51225(October t,2009),DOJ encourages caclithe 0 and subreciplo w(°"iulip'Milicca")to adopt and col"aara c poilcics banning mriployces foam text rrtessnginlp while driving,any vehicle donna;tho course of prrrorionil;work tinule,1 by[his award,and to=Ablisb workplace safety policies and conduct c,duoatimi,awatcnm4,and other outreach to docrcaou crass'm caused by distracied drivers. 21 rho re:Iplcni ag,rccr to cuiriplyr with OJp'grant nionitortn,g guidelines,pror nla,And pro durca,mod to c,rc,pnrato avwln BJ'AandO"CF' 1 grain r Cl on Al ar t nir nfrorirr rct uusta Irrult dt u n r g� 1 t ng r a to rawldlcd ra daaSr reviews,cltlrsneerl prograoreonwalte deck rvowiews,r"Wor alto vislui. Ths recipient agrees to provide to f3JAw And 00-D all docunitntAtion nccrusaryr ro ccinpioo monitoring risks,including related to any aubswsrda made undlc Ihts Aw^'arcL, Fuithar,the reelpient ogre to abido by tonj nabio doadfloos set by SJA aund GCFO for providing the requcaLod documonts. 6''ailura 10 CoOpOruie with S'JA'r 0CliO"a grans rricoitoting activities saay reanll In strinctions Affecting the rechilont'i D0J awards,including,but not Rhein sd lot withholdings arwU'or other rcAniclimis on this r' Jpiean's access to grant funds;rarerr'al to the office of the hNopcotor Ocrlerat nor oud'dt rcvtcwr„d4signation of the recipient so a DOJ high Sisk gruntaa;or termination of an awrard(a). 24. The recipient a r'ees'to comply with Appllcabio requirrmcnas to rcpoat Nltsl-tier aubawartle orS25,000,or anor'o and,In Certain to report Ono MOM And total colilpemration of die rsvo most highly wioponvawtad executives of the,roolpicol'slid Arst-itor tubreciplerna oraovard rfiao& Such ditto wilt be submitted to the FF'A T`A Subaward Repo�rtingSy'atern(FSRS). 'rho doudle orrecipient obligations,which drnvo hum the federal Funding Atvrohoability and Trsnrparonoy Act oft 6(FFAaTA),are posted art tl'wr Office orflustic4 Prograou web Alto at lattp'dlojpr.gotl urdPn �L xpiurcPlrf 7 .Natal(AwardowidNow RoponIng SubawiNnis and Execotlwc C;omrxr iinn),Anof we incogleraaed by reforerwo bma Thia condkinn,anal its reNnirtil tequirumant,Aura not ripply to grant awdols nlnde to on individual who n oelve'd tic sm aid as a natural pcnion(Le.,unrelated to any business or non-prorit nrgrtniaarlon than he or she may own oropowe In his or tier ear t rarna). 25, Program income(a.a defined In the Fart 200 Uniform Requirements)trust be used In accordance with tlno provisions of ilia Part 200 Uniform Requirements, Program Income earnings and oApondilutes both must ba retsalrtod on the quarterly Fcdar51 Financial Report,SF 4M 0Jp FORM 490M(REV.4.19) :tachment A, Page 9 of 16 US,Deportment orJustice Clrnecof Justice Programs AWARD CONTINUATION Bureau of Justice Assistance SHEET FAGS s OF 11 Grath PROJECT RR 20160r-aX-0t.i4 AWARD DATE 091012e16 SPECML CONDIT70NS 26. In order to promote Information sharing and unable lntaroparability among disparate systarns across the justice and public safety community,01P racluires the grantee to comply with DOJ's Orobal Juatice Information Sharing initiative (D0,1`6 Cllabel)guidelines and roconunendattons for this particular grant Clrenteo shall conrorm to the Global standards Package(CJSP)and all constitut elements,where applicable,as dcacrilncd ate hitpt//www.It.ujp.govJgsp tantcondltlon.Citanteo aihalP,document planned approaches to information®haring and daxdba compliance to the GSP and appropriate privacy policy dust proiceta shared Inrormation,or provide detailed Juadfktallon for why an alternative,approach Is racommcndad. 27, To avoid duplicating existing networks or IT systems In any Initiatives funded by BJA for law enforcement information shartn3 systems which involve interstmto connectivity between,yu,riadictions,such syalams shall employ,to the extent passible,existing notworka as tho communicaliotn backbone to achieve inierstaus connectivity,unless itho grantee can demonstrate to the sallersctlon of BJA that this requirement would not be coal'affective or would Impair the functionality ofan existing or proposed i"f sy®lam. 28.. The recipient agrees that any inrortneflon technology system funded or supported by OJP hands will comply with 28 tCZ11.Pan 23,Criminal Intelligence Systems Oporating Policies,If 0JP determines this regulation to be applicable, Sliculd OR determine 2g C.F.R.Para 23 to be applicable,CIJP May,at Its discretion,perform audits orthc system„as per the regulation. Should any violatitan of28 C.F.R.Pate 23 occur„the aecipicni may be fined as par 42 U.S.C. 3784g(o)4d). Recipient may not satiafy Ouch a dine with federal funds. 2A. Granted agrees to comply with the requirements 01`23 C.F.R.Part 46 and all CtfAce orJustica,Programs policies and procedures regarding the pretecdon of human research iubjapu,Including obtainment ofinslitutional Review Board approval,![appropriate,and subject Informed content. 3q. Clrantce agrees to comply with ati confiidoodality requfrentcnts of 42 U.S.C.,section 3789S and 28 C.F.R.Part 22 that are applicable to collection,use,and revelation ordata or Information.Grunted further agrees,as a condition of grant approval,to submit a Privacy Corrlficala that is in accord with raquiremcnro of 28 C.P.R.'Part 22 and,in particular, section 22.23. 31, ,Award recipients must verily Point of Cootact(POC,),Fimant:W Point ofContact(FPOC:),and Aulhoriaed Rapresentadve,contact iriformnetion In G MS,including telephone nurnbor and a-mail address. if any infomtation la Incorrect or has changed,a Chant Adjustment Notice(GAN)meat be submitted via the Chants Manugemont;System (CJMS)to d=unont chaniaa. 32. The grantea agrees that within 120 days of award a000ptanco„each current member of s low enforcemem task force funded with those iirnds who is kwk force commander,agency asecuiive„task force offioor,or other task force memberorequivalant rank,will complete required online(intemot-baaod)task forco training,Additionally,all future task farce members are required to complete this training once during the life of this award,or once ovary,tour years if oiuldple awards Include Wo,requirement.Tlaa training is provided free of charga online through BJA's Ccntcr for Task Farce integrity and Leadership(www.otflhorg).This training addresses task force affoctiveness is well as other key issues including privacy and civil tibortl ,"rights,task force perrormnance measorement,personnel salectkn,and:task Woo ovortaghl'and accountability,Mien"BJA.funding supports a task force,a task force personnel roatcr should be compiled and maintained,along with courao completion carliffoatas,by rho grant rccipient,Additional information is available regarding thin,required training and access methods via BJA"s web site and the Center for Tank Force integrity and Leadership(Www.ctfnl.org). 33. Tho rociplovnt ogreca to pwiio(patc in BJ,A-opeasomd uaaining evoruo,technical asaistanoe events„or confortmora held by BJA or its deafgnees,upon WAS rerqueet, trip FORM ia(bar'C utsv.4-44) ttachment A,, Page 10 of 16 US,Npararmem or']ustfco orftce of JtrsttcePrograms, AWARD CONT'INUAT'fON fitlrcau of Justice Assistance SHEET area td OF 11 Grant t'ttoxtNul sal 20t6.01-txxMN AWARat>ATtt csaoarzora SPECIAL C0NDI J'Jf)a'3 34. Approval.oribis award does not indicate approval orany consultant nar in tUD09 or$650 per day.A detailed ruatifiestlon must be submitted to and appmvrved by the office ofJusticd Programs(t3JP)program office prior mo obligation or expenditure,of such funds,. I 35. The grantee agrees to assist BJA In complying with the Nadonai&.tr tvinrnmtental Policy Act( EPA),the National if Historic Preservation Act,said other ralotod federal envircmmentnll impact analyses requirements in the time of theso grant funds„either directly by the grantee or by a subgraotea. Acirardimgty,die granted agrees to first datestrtlma if any of die following octividea will be funded by the graarol,prior to obllgaling funds for any or these.purposes. i f ire is dwermtnwJ that any arthe following activities will be funded by the grant,the gratnlou agrees to contact 8JA. The gnimec umdosslands thal this spoolot condlsion,applies to M following new activities whether or not they are being specifioa,lly funded with three grant fonds, 'flint to,as long as the activity is being conducted by the grantee„a. subgrantac„or any third party and the activity nceda to Ica undortakcm in order to use arose grant funds,Ibis special condition nrud Oral be met. The activities covered by Utis special mralition arat a, Now construction- b, Minor removal ion or rensrsdciin&of a property located in an environmentally or historically sensitive area,lmcludin,g propetiles located within a tot?-year flood,plain,s wolland,orhnbiiat foremdangercd species,Ira property listed on or eligible for tlsl'ting on the National Register of historic Places; o. A renovation,lease,or any proposed use of a building or fl+cihty that will either(a)result in a change in its brssic prior use or(b)significantly change Its a[=; d. Implementation of`anew progrei rt Involving the use of c1nimicals other than chomicals that arc(a)ponuhasacd as an incidental component ofa funded activity and(b)traditionally used,for example,in office,household,recreational,or education onvitonments;said e. implementation of a program relating to clandestine methamtphatuinlne laboratory operations,including the idcolineallon,seizure,or ctasure ofclaodesGttd rnelhampttdtutmimd laboratories. The grantee understands and agrees that complying with NEPA trtay require the prwpasrutiurt ofao EnOronrnemtai', Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statormeni,as ditected by BIA, The grumaa flurthor understunds and agrees to the rcquirrizemts for irmplemrresitatfoo of Mitigation Plan,as detailed at http*www.ojp,uo4oj.gov/BJAJreoo=4/rwpaJiwl,for programs relating to tmathtzniphdutstrine laboratory operations, Alpilicalldn of Thin Special Condition to Qras lea's Existing Programs or Activities:For any of the grantuo's or iu subgrautaea'exts6rig programs or activities that will be funded by those,grant funds,the granter,upon npeci fie request from BJA,agleas to cooperate with BJA In any preparation by l3J'A of a national or program anvironmcnmi assessment of that Paraded program or activity.. 36, T"hc recipient is required to establish a trust lumi sccount,Cl7hc trust fund may or may not be an Interest-bearing account.)The fund,including any imtarest,rmay not be used to pay debts or ci)ipensoj Incurmd by other activities beyond the„rope or the Edward Byrttd Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program(JAG).no recipient also agrees to obligate the grant funds In the trust band(Fncltudinill any Intereal,earned)during the period or the grant and expend within pti days thereafter.My unnbligatc:4 or unoxporalod runda,including Interest camed,must be netu med to the Officc of JusUra Pncgrama at the tima of clooccut, 37, JAQ!lands Dray be used to purcluisd vests for an,agency,but they may not be witid as the 50''4 motota for po,rposes of the Butlatproo(Veat Partnership(BVP)program, tblp FORM 4iiO2(ARV'.4.0R) �ttacflment A., Page 11 of 16 us,'Department or lusdca West of1ua11ea1 Programs AWARD CONTINUATION Bureau of Justice Assistance SHEET PAN /1 Of 17 Grunt( .. .� ._.... . _ _ µ ._..w.� . _.,._.._.._ . .._. .._ .......,_. t"RQJBaNUM13CR 201e.Df.tt$.0136 AWARD OAte 09107r2016 SF C'ML CONDITIONS 38, Oaliisdie rralatttnt and otab-rcalsnant beady arnmorr purchu set with JAG Minds may bbo porchatul st any threat level,make or model,from any disuibuier or as long as Ilia vest$have boo tested and round so cemirly with applIcAblo National trud(ulaorluslicc bolUlo or stab slandattds and am listed on theNIJ Cetnpliant 1Jrac1y Armor modal List(ltttda,/Jrllj,gtav),Is)addition,ballisalrumnistasat and ssab-restsunt body armor putchoscd must be American. made,The lalost Ail!standard Inrormalion can be found'here:IhttpaAwww,nl),goarltopim Ieelrnolm,gybcwdy.annmTdiafcty- inlpiativc,lom, 3% The mciplent agrees to submit a signed certification that all law enforcement agcncioa receiving vests purchased slut JAG fonds have a written"mandatory wear"policy In affect.Fiscal agents and state agencies must keep signed cortifIcations on file for any subrecipients planning to utilize JAG Ibnds for ballistic-resistant and sts;b.resietant body armor purchasca,This policy rust,be In place for at least all unlrormod offtcon before any JAG funding can be used by the agency(or body armor,Thcre arm no rcqutromcnta regarding the nature of the policy other than it be a mandntory wear policy for all uniformed officers while on duty, 40. no recipient agrees to monitor subawards under this JAG award In accordance with all applicable statutes,regulations, 0M8 circulaa$,and'guldallnra,Including die DOJ Financial Guide,and to Include the applicable wridkicns orthis sward in any suboward,Tho recipient Is maponalble for oversight ofstibrool,pient spending and monitoring ofspeolflo ouicamos and bandits attributab,la to use of J'ACJ funds by subrecipients,no recipient agrees to submit,.upon request, documentation of lus policies and procedums'fbr monitoring of tubawarda under this award, 41, The recipient agrees that funds received under this award will not be used to supplant State or local funds,but will be used to increase the amounts crisuch funds that would,in the absenoa of Federal funds"be marls available for law enforcement sedvirias. 42, .Award recipients must submit quarterly Fzdeml Financial Reports(SF-425)artd sehtml-annual performance reports through UMS(hitps//Smnu,ojp,usdoj.gov). Cons latenrwiiIt the Dopertmont's rasponuibililies under the Covommena Performance and Results Act(OPRA),P.L. 10342,appiloants who receive funding under this solicitation must provide data that measure the results of their work. Therefore,quarterly perforrmancm monies reports must be submitted through l3JA's P'arfrrn oanco'Mossuroment Tool(PMT)webalto(ww+w,bjaperdoartmaneaurmle.org}. For mere detailed inforrnatlon on reporting and othot JAC)requlrements,refer to the JAC1 reporting requirements wolspage, Failure to submit required JAG reports by established deadlines may result in the freezing orgrant funds and future High hick dcaignatioa, 43, Any law enroreamont agency mviving,direct or sub awarded JACJ funding must submit quarterly accountability metrics data related to training that offictra have recciverd on the use of force,racial and ethnic bias,do-escalation of confllot,and constructive engagement witch the public. 44, UJA strongly encourages the amciplont to submit annual(or norm frequent)JAG success storica,To submit a nucoem story,sign In to your My$JA account at httpo://www,bj'a.goV/Logln,aspx'to accoas the Success Story Submission forma. Ifyou du not yc0avc a My BJA account,please regisler at helps.-/Iwww.bja,govAprofilo.3apx,On=you mglater,one of tine available caeca on your My WA,page will be"My Sucrou Stories",Within this box,you will see an option to add a Success Story,Once reviewed and approved by i3JA,all success itorios will appear on tho new U:JA Success Story wcb p"ago at bitps�f/www,bje;govdSuccosaStMLiscospx. 45, Re6plonl undatstands and ago ass that award funds may not bo used for items tint use listed on the Controlled Rxpondituro list at the time of puroihaso or soqulsihion,Including as tire list may tto antonrlcd from time to thnc,without. cxpliell wrivan prior approval rnasn D'dA,Tho Controlled Fxpenditum List,and Instructions on how to rcqucsi approval for purchase or acquisitions may be aceeawaad bore:hupa:!/www.bja,goy/furidinga7AC3ControlltdP'urvhamsel.iat.par OlP FORM 40OW2IR V.4.sat ttachment A, Page 12 of 16 US.Dopartrnant ol'Justdce CJlllorsoflustcoPrograms AWARD CONTINUATION lourvauof Justice Assistance SHEET PACC ra OF U Grunt. f'ROIECTNUMBER 2014-0)•BX-0138 AWARDDATT! Wtolnnt5 SPEC14L C0ND1271ON5 46, 11c recipient undaratsrada'that,puharaatrt 10 !',1 o Il,eccuFivc 00tr M38,imv onforcuumit ay,e acivs that htqunn contrultcd cquitantcni Ihruugh Fadand prograiaw mtua adopt robust andspeclflc wfluery Policies and protocoh govcnming Cleraoxat Policing StaardaardsAnd SlicclOc Controlled Cdrluignnanmt hgurnadarda Oci=4 l'okcing, Standards lncludrn poticlea on(it) trratnrunity daollrlog„(b)Consutudonal Policing and(C)Community lnPnu aantl linpoct Considtirmlons. spociflo Controlled Hqulprnont Stmadar 4xIu lea pollutes spectnivaity rclat d to(a) A mtuprhmta Wo ofConRolled ldqulpmrttti(b),Sml n+islon of Uso,(o)lltl`cutdvettcas Evaluation;(d)Auditing and Aucutiurbi@lty,And(o)Trans runcy arrd Mot o ConalderaOar Ufum 0Jp's request,the nrcipiv of agreca to proOdc a copy ortlmc acotral Pali ng,SlandaAlu And.1iKeiric C ontra,llaal L'qulprnant Standards,and any related pWflc t AW prutoLvIs. 47. Reoloicnt unilcilitlindm and agtovs,that thus puschinoo or acquisition crony Item on fiver CamtrolO l taxpendhurc l.,tst at Olt: Onto of pemchaw or uaqulaltluri,Including na Ohn list naay be amond'orl ftonr dine to drive,with award funds flay an agency will tri goer a rquillarniont thnt tiro agorswy collaot and roletn(far at Cast 3 years)certain iarummntdon about flit,use of I) any(kderallyacqudrnd Combrolicd F,qulprntnt in tht a&envy°s invontory,and 2)Any other ntrolt�d rx�lulprnent to Haar sametatcgwyr sit the rode Ially-a ryuir oonlrolled oquipincnr hn the agency's invtntnry,tcgardlusa ofsoufc,%and make that Infa ntatlon svaddoblo to EPA upon rquesc Oeradd,o about what laromtnalion mum be collected end rcraiited may be accessed bese:huparfiRvvv»ay.a hatehuurc Sovdsitr„awlafauttstitasJdfrrmde._r luVpnurxvt, a"q lTnal r parr 4rlint.pdf 48, Recipient undoi'Mtsda and agrags,lltat tallwro to comply with condlOons related to Prohibited or Controlled Expandiauresr may rswault ira.a prohibition frown°further Controlled Expendituro approval older this or other-fledcral awards. 44. Rccip'icen uadcrstanih and agrees that award Ibnda may out au;aosd ror Items that are Hosed,on the prohibimd li'Apulijilure List at tho dtnaorpurchmso or acgulshion,Including as the Ilse may be amended from time to Lima.The Psuhibited rupoo dimrto hat may lee acoeseed hc(o:hrtps�iikvww,lijalovlfundi'mg/$AGControlledPurchascl.isl,pdf. 50. Recipient undorstaoda and a that,notwithstanding 2 CVR$200313,no equipment listed on the Controlled E p4ttd'Itu[u L)sl Ihat is puroilased under this award may bit tranarenved or scald to a third party,except as dascribad balow? a„Aganoles may uransilice or wall any controlled oquipmottat excopt td'ot hulntmta atfd[dot 1111616,to a Mawr Ilstforcernont Agency(dXA)arler oblalming prior written approval float BIA.As a condition orthat approval,Own atxguihing,LFA will be required to submit dn(onrnllon and ocrUiloatione to BJA au if it waa r lucating approval to use award rund far the Ndlial Purchase othonhs on the Con"fled 13"ndihuro Lill, d[,Agencies may ttot transfer or soil may[lot helmets or riot shiands pumbared ursder this award. C.Ag,onalos may,not tranarer or sell any Crrntialled Squilunant rninchrised uri dor this award to non•LEems,with the oxcaptutr of f1'xcd Wing airwnaO,rotary vain&Aircraft,and command and comiol vehldes,notom any ouoh immiforor "Is Is finalixcd,the agency must+loWn prior wurlt4n Appnaval from WA„All lase anforctrncnf•retateed oast othor sensitive or Potentially dongoren[a components,and all low enforcement @naignalaaa and ldcntlry ing nuarlcdngs rnuat be removed prior to tram lbr or aa'lm Reaiplcnt furthcr undentando and agrees w nullt'y 1#JA pdar to the dfapossf of any kama on Oat C:onuvilcd Expenditure List porchastd under this award,and to abide by any applicable laws and rcguNtlono In such disposal, St. Roolpient may not expand or drawdown Lands will the Bureau orJusticc Aaalawnca(hJA)lies raCodvod ducurnonlation dermonstrating that the recdplont jurisdiction's public Comment requirements have been meet and a Grant Adjustment Notice(CIAN)has been approved releasing this special candid", 01P FORM aaoara CRBV„4.88d s« a ,ttachrTtertt A, Page 13 of 16 U.S,Dqui,rtmonu oflustice Officc of Justice Programs AWARD CONTINUATION Bureau of Justice Assistance SHII~;IN'f i ADV sa OF' is ti`rrant RROJEG"T�tr'�dktnFA 2t51d•tb1.9 74 Ot9CS ,,. ..,......a,.,,.........�,,..- ,.AWARD t7ATO 0;/0712016 .�.M.__,...._.,.._...�.,,,_._, ._,......._,.._,_...�,m,,.,,....�,.A,... SPECIAL CONDITIONS $2, Recipient integrity and performance matters: Rcqulremont to report inforrmratlon on certain civil,criminal,and administrative pro ecdings to S,AM and PAPAS T'ho raclpicAt must comply with any and all applicable rmctuimmonis regarding reporting of information on civil, criminal,said administrative proceedings connected with(or connected to the performance of)either this O)P award or any other grant,rooperativo agreement,or proct mmonl contract f ern tho federal govamman¢ tinder oartain ctrcutatttanem,maloloais of OJP awards era required to report loronnation about such procaedinga,through the federal System for Award fvfanagement(ltnawn as'SAM"),to the dcsignaled federal integrity and performance system (currently,°p PlIS-). no dcusils cf recipicrit obtlastlons roj uding the r'cqufred reporting(and updating;)of infbrmatlon on certain 604, criminal,and adminlalrativa pracaadings to the radaral designated Integrity and performance system(uurrontly, "FAMIS"),within'SAM arc posted on the O7JP web site athttpWcjp,gov/ftmdingfPAPHS.him(Award condition; Recipient Integrity and Performanoo h onora,Including Reclplem Reporting to PAPAS)„and are Incorporated by mforance,hero, 33, With nmpect to this award,federal funds may not brc weed to pay caag campansation(salary pltus bonusoe)to any employee of the award recipient at a rate that exceeds I I OV;or the maximum annual salary payable to a member of the redtral governrmant'a 9onlor Exesutivo Swvicc(SI,rS)at an agency witit a Certified 9g3'Por(brmanca Apprslsd System for that year, (Art award molpleni truly compcnsmo on cnnployea at a higher rate,provided the amount In oxcws ordtis mpamitanr linthation Is paid with non4oderol(unds) Thia limitation on compensation rates allowable under this award may be waived an an Individual basis at the discretion oftha OJP official Indicated in the program announcement under which this award is made, euP etyma (sine,A-ss) Atachment A, Page 14 of �16 U.S.Department of Justice f Offlce of Justice Progruns Bureau aafJuVice Assistance I emorandurn"Cu: t ffucial Grain File From, Orbin Ferry,FIBP'A Coordinator Subject: Incorporates l~ EPA Compliance in Further Developmental Stages for City of Seattle Ire Edward Symo Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program(JAG)allows states and local governments to supisort a broad range of activities to provant and control crime and to improve the criminal justice system,some of which could have omvironnaontal impacts, All recipients of JAG funding must assist 5JA,in complying with NSPA and other related federal environmental impact analyses requirermeuts in the use or grant funds,whether the fonds am used directly by the grantee or by a Sub too or tfaird party, Accordingly,prior to obligating funds for any of the speclftcd activities,the grmntoo must first datermine ifany of the specified activities will be funded by the grant. 110 specified activities mquiring environmental analysis are: a.Now construction; b.Any renovation or remodeling of a property located in an environmentally or historically sensitive area, Including,properties located within a l DO-year flood plain,a wetland,or habitat for endangered species„or a property listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of historic Places; c, A renovation,lease,or any proposad use of a building or facility that will either(a)result in a change in its basic prior use or("b)significantly change its size; d. Implementation of a new pro involving the use of chemicals other than chemicals that are(ri)purchased as an incidental componomt of a funded activity and(b)traditionally,used,for example,in office,household, recreational,or education environments„and e,implementation of program relating to clandestine ntathanaphetamine laboratory operations,including the idouttfication,Write,or closure of clandestine mctharnphetamino laboratories. Complying with NEPA may rewire the preparation of an.Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement,as directed by-BJA. Further,for programs relating to nmothampheaamine laborat>cay operations, the preparation of a detailed Mitigation Plan will be required. For more Information about Mitigation Plan. requirements,please see https:/P vw,bja,gcv/Funding/nepa,htini. Please be sure to carefully review the.grant conditions on your award document,as it may contain more specific information about environmental compliance, ,ttachrrlent A, Page 15 of 16 US,Department of,jusilcc GRANT MB.�1"��gar^a���,C.��,&g"R' MEMORANDUM,PT, t: OJTioaarfuetic®Finamna q'ewJJECTSUM V Bureau o6;usticc Assistance Grant pRaiSCTr+U MBUR .. 201rs tYf•EJX CI138 PACE i OF I 7nia *ol is su rta3 unAor FY16(BJA.JAOM 42 USC�3750,at s.._.. p�J pit q, .... ......,.._. . 1.STAFF CONTACT(Nrtr o A to lspyhona n harp 2 PROJ!LLT OIRFC TUR(Mama iddr+maa 6 (ciopluxv number) lofffoy S,Pollan-Orton Dlwa p4on (202)M4.3874 S ojr o AiJvIwr P.O.Bons)4916 S"Iklo,WA 98124 4936 U.TITLE Of nilli PROGRAM 3b,FOMS CODE,(SEE INSTRUCTIONS 2016 Edward aprno Mlosnorlal Justico Aaslusnuo Oranf Program ON 912VUR.SM 4,TITI.E OF PROJECT FY2016Jolnl Kips Oosutty and City of Scoot;2016 JAO 1,NAME&ADDRESS OFGRANTaa 6 NAME A ADRESSOFSUBORANTER Cipy or Sauk 100 Ptah Avonuo,Sullo 580 Scaftia,WA 98 124-4700 7,FRO�attAMFERIO. __�.._._..__._..,.._a..,._.,...,.....,_._...._,.,.w__._... ...,.__..,.m,.,...m. _,,,_. ..., .�..... ............. . ._.. . D 0 BUDOETPSMOD _..........I FROM. 10f0112015 7'0: VW012019 FROM 10101/3015 70; 09/1012019 4.AhAC11.NAd"a`GF AWARD .m_..._._._�.m.._...m._....�m _.....,..,.....__._._.....,.� pO.DATE OF AWARD $673,166 09d1712016 I I�SECOND S BUDGET U.SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AM.tOVNT I4, A THIRD YL"AR"S'.BUDGET AMOUNT 11,SUMMARY DBSCRIFTION OF PROACr'(Soo lniuvcllon oG rovaasa) T1w Edward ono MornosiaJ Jusllta AsilrUmv Grant Prupgrraan(JAO)sllow"stapes and unlw of local Sovommorn,lncl"q viboo,to sup "a brand rqGac or solJv4los w prv=l and oonlrol ui no boos d on vioir own two aswl Local Goods snot a4M4 lohl.Omni runda can bra usod ro,r ssaaa and to cal l Initlailvos aaakiical wUutaft,irah+ln&0amr aot,oqulpvnc~nr,suPPIlu ctmit uml support,and Infurmallon syeams Pot ainitnaI Jurtics,hoc oiling for any ono or nwro ortm (bilowlnS program swars 1)law onrncaarwGt prograrna;2)pmmac iin and Daum p virtu;3)pmvvntpun and Dducatlon pamgaams;4)corrwIons and camrnw by cwrrootlona progsarnal'5)drug trmtrwaI er,41 onromoomant programs;6)planning,oval'uarlom and tcohrolo!0y impravcnw ri programs;and 7)crho vicdrn and wianraa p mgmms(other than ccmporuwtlon). 7Q)F PGRJvl4{J04/2'(REV.4:gg) _... ..,. ..... _.. _. _. Attachment A, Page 16 of 16 TM dtspwuo)wiadkIWu will uw tlnding to support aw foilowing pilarwou pvins and ruppwtlas a wrlwly of tow aatbiownau pragrarna slmad tI ppvauLZV end eudvala�#g uhm;pmvW%=mkos tevk*tw puftbutns taw an'ecamMmarnom and lavcatlsativo oyuipmwnl;<alundna law edl6mcaum tnlning; Inuatiq aommaeTty buod pmyrau;pmvidlns law oalbedanwo avarttaa;and for IW uraurlinios and aysroanllns of Ieatmelogy&runes. YCh?i� t J Attachment B FV 2016 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application — Budget Workshect & Narrativc A. Personnel CITY OF SEATTLE Name/Position Computation Cost Crime Prevention Coordinator Salary monthly salary a of months #of positions (3 positions) $6,648 10 3 $199,440 TOTAL: $199,440 B. Fringe Benefits CITY OF SEATTLE Name/Position Computation Cost Crime Prevention Coordinator Salary monthly benefits #of months 4 of positions (3 positions) S1,847 10 3 $55,408 TOTAL: $55,408 Seattle SubTotal: $254,848 G. Consultants/Contracts CITY OF AUBURN: OT Rate #of Hours Teen Late Night Program Officer OT $86.18 40 $3,447 Citizen's Police Academy Program Officer OT $86.18 35 $3,016 Fireworks Emphasis Program Officer OT $86.18 256 $22,062 Fireworks Emphasis Rental Trailer for Storage One month rental with deliver $488 Auburn SubTotal: $29,014 CITY OF BELLEVUE: Item Computation Cost Bicycle Trailer I x$4,397.99, including sales tax $4,398 Front Work Bench(for inside trailer) I x$4,746.83, including sales tax $4,747 Side Shelves(for inside trailer) I x$2,463.75, including sales tax S2,464 Dividers for Side Shelves (inside trailer) 1 x$1,040.25, including sales tax $1,040 Miscellaneous bicycle supplies to stock the trailer $2,1 15 Bellevue SubTotal: $14,764 CITY OF BURIEN: Purpose location Computation Cost Overtime for Downtown Foot'Bike Patrol 90 hours x$75/hr $6,750 IACP Conference Registration TBD I Chief x$370 $370 IACP Conference Travel TBD I Roundtrip Airfare $600 IACP Conf Hotel/Per Diem TBD 5 days x$250/day $1,250 Defense Tactical Training Reg Seattle area 3 officers x$350/cach $1,050 WA Homicide Investigators Training Seattle area 2 officers x$350/each $700 REED Interview Training TBD 4 officers x$550/each $2,200 Attachment B FY 2016 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application — Budget Workshect& Narrative I SRO x WSSO SRO Conf Registration Kennewick, WA $350 $350 WSSO Conf Travel Kennewick, WA 500 miles x .56/mite S280 WSSO Conf Hotel/Per Diem Kennewick, WA 4 days x S175/day $700 Overtime for Training 20 hours x $75/hr $1,500 Police Bicycle and related equipment I x $2,640 $2,640 Automated Defibrillator(AED) for Police Car I x$1,000 $1,000 Accurint Investigative Software 2 licenses@$72/month X 20 months $2,880 Verizon Monthly I-Pad service 2 @S45/mo X 20 months $1,800 Burien SubTotal: $24,070 CITY OF DES MOINES: Item Computation Cost IA Pro Professional Standards Software vendor estimate $6,000 BlueTeam Field Support Services Software vendor estimate $4,500 Computer Printer $179 Des Moines SubTotal: $10,679 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: Item Computation Cost Teen Police Academy Supplies $2,619 SECTOR Equipment- Printers/Scanners $3,000 Desktop Personal Computers 10 computers x$1,800 each $l 8,000 Surfact Pro 4 Tablet 6 tablets x$1,500 each $9,000 Federal Way SubTotal: $32,619 CITY OF KENT: Item Computation Cost Forensic Technology Equipment vendor estimate $18,699 FATS use of force training enhancement vendor estimate $13,363 Mental Health/Drug Treatment Agency -TB D $10,000 x 1 year $10,000 Kent SubTotal: $42,062 KING COUNTY: Item Computation Cost Patty Noble-Desy- Salary 75%of grant $152,298 Recidivism Reduction/Reentry Coordinator (Senior Project Manager) Patty Noble-Desy-Benefits 25%of grant $50,767 Recidivism Reduction/Reentry Coordinator (Senior Project Manager) King County SubTotal: $203,065 CITY OF RENTON: Purpose Computation Cost Attachment B Fir" 2016 JAG City of SeattleSoint Application -- Budget Worksheet & Narrative DV Victim Advocate Ovel S49,91 x I 4 2 hours S5,i9l Direct Services for DV Victims S9,409 Direct Services for ilurrall Trafficking Victims $3,542 Domestic Violence I'minill Conference Location anti ,t oremployees TBD $3,000 DV, Violence Against Women Tnfliltilint(; Location and 0 of employeQs fBD $3,000 DV Prevention Program Office Supplies S2,000 S2,000 enton SubTotal- S26,542 CITY OF SEATAC- Iterri CoMpIl Cost ............ Police Officer Ovenime $100 per hol x 150 hours S15,000 Toumiclucts 40 tourniquets x $30 each S1,200, Training Developtiierit,,'[iTipleil�ictitiitii)ii SLl $9TS3 per month x 12 months S 1,i 74 --- seaTac SubTotal- S17,3�74 -----­- -------- - ...... CITY OF TUKWI LA: Items COITIPl Cost ....................... ................................. CPT bikes and bike eqUiprTICilt 5 S l,764,20 each $8,821 Handheld FLIR device I S9308.00 each ..... $9,308. Tukwila SubTotal: S18,129 .................... .. ill A I willipligill 1! milgi lig, ON! 111A i I!Emm BUDGETS UM MARY Budget Category. Total Budget A. Personnel $199,440 B. Fringe Benefits $55,408 C. Travel D. Equipment F. Supplies $0 F. Construction $() G. Contractual S418,318 II....--Other SIC) Total Direct Costs: $673,166 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS: S6 7=3,l 6 6 TOTAL JOINT ALLOCATION: Sl Attachment B FY 20t6 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application — Budget Worksheet& Narrative Budget Narrative A. Personnel ($199,440) A request of$199,440 is included for City of Seattle for salary costs associated with preservation of 3 Crime Prevention Coordinator Positions in the Seattle Police Department. This amount will pay for 10 months in 2017. B. Fringe Benefits ($55.408) A request of$55,408 is included for City of Seattle for fringe benefit costs associated with preservation of 3 Crime Prevention Coordinator Positions in the Seattle Police Department. Fringe benefits are City of Seattle standard fringe benefits for civilian personnel, and include FICA, Flealth Care Medicare, Life Insurance, Retirement, Workers Comp, EAP, Disability Insurance, and Death Benefits, and are calculated at a rate of approximately 28% of base salary. G. Consultants/Contracts ($418,318) As the fiscal agent, City of Seattle will enter into Interagency Agreements with all of the sub-agencies listed below. Sub-Agencies will be required to spend their funds, and then request reimbursement from City of Seattle. Therefore, we are listing all of the costs associated with their programs under Consultants/Contracts: City of Auburn ($29,014) A request of$49,014 will cover Auburn Police Officer overtime costs associated with three programs requested by City of Auburn: Teen Late Night, Citizen's Police Academy, and Fireworks Emphasis Patrols. At an average overtime rate of$86.18 per hour, approximately 331 hours of overtime will be worked. Additionally, $488 is requested for one month rental fees and delivery charges to rent a Trailer for storage of fireworks confiscated during Fireworks Emphasis Patrols. Attachment B FY 2016 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application— Budget Worksheet & Narrative City of Bellevue ($14,764) The requested bicycle trailer for the Bellevue Crowd Control Team consists of the trailer itself, followed by the purchase and installation of an accompanying work bench, shelves, and dividers, to be installed after purchase of the trailer. We have already lined up the trailer manufacturer and the company that will install the work bench and shelving. Total cost of both is $12,648.82. The Bellevue bike unit of the Crowd Control Team will purchase an unknown at this time assortment of consumable supplies to be placed inside the trailer (spare bicycle parts, tools, clothing, etc.) Total cost of these items will not exceed $2,1 15.18. City of Burien ($24,070) The FY2016 JAG funds are proposed to be used for Travel/Training ($9,000) and Equipment ($8,320) for a total of$24,070. Des Moines ($10,679) Funds from the JAG Grant will allow the Des Moines Police Department to purchase IA Pro Professional Standards and BlucTeam software technology as well as a new off network computer printer for the professional standards sergeant. This technology improvement project will support our front-line uniformed officers, supervisory, professional standards and command personnel by using data to increase transparency, lessening risk, upholding integrity and support professionalism. This IA Pro police integrity software will also increase our efficiencies. Currently our officers have to hand write their use of force reports and submit them to their supervisors for review. Once signed off by the supervisors, the handwritten use of force report is then sent to command where it is again reviewed to ensure the amount of force used was within department policy. Once signed off by command personnel, the use of force report is then forwarded to the professional standards sergeant who manually enters the data within a separate database and files the report. The use of this B1ueTeam software will allow the officers complete the use of force report within the program and submit it to their supervisor electronically. Once approved by the supervisor the use of force report is then electronically forwarded to a command officer for final approval and then uploaded within the IA Pro Professional Standards Software. In addition, this new technology will allow the department to capture additional data which can provide supervisory and command staff personnel an early warning system to identify potential officer issues as well as the ability to conduct an annual bias-based policing analysis. The new off network computer printer will allow the Professional Standards Sergeant print information and reports contained within the IA Pro Software. Attachment B FY 2016 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application — Budget Worksheet & Narrative CI Technologies is the sole source provider of the IA Pro and B1ueTeam Software. In order for the department to succeed in the implementation of our Efficiency & Internal Accountability Project, Cl Technologies has agreed to provide the proper training in the use of the software at no additional cost to the department. "The department will ensure all supervisory, professional standards and command staff receive training in the IA Pro Professional Standards Software. In addition, all commissioned staff of the department will receive training in the BlueTeam Field Support Services Software. IA Pro Professional Standards Software (vendor estimate): $6,000 Blue Team Field Support Services Software (vendor estimate): $4,500 Computer Printer for Professional Standards (vendor estimate): $179 City of Federal Way ($32,619) A request of$32,619 is included to support 4 projects: • Supplies for SECTOR— (Printers, wands, paper): $3,000 • Desktop Computers—Patrol/CIS/Evidence not funded 1 Ox: $18,000 • Surface Pro 4 - Command Staff 6 each: $ 9,000 • Teen Police Academy: Shirts for participants who attend the entire week ($20 per shirt), water bottles, printed materials and supplies. Supplies related to the curriculum to be taught, such as simunitions, taser training cartridges, crime scene processing kits. Estimate for refreshments for participants over the week long class: $2,619 City of Kent ($42,062) A request of$20,000 is included for the purchase of Forensic Technology. The Forensic Detective will identify the most needed technology to enhance current capabilities and research to find the most cost efficient vendor to purchase the equipment. A request of$13,363 is included to purchase enhancement components Kent Police Department's Fire Arms Training Simulator(FATS). This simulator offers hands on use of force training incorporating a variety of scenarios. There are many components of the FATS that Kent Police did not purchase with the original equipment. The components that will be purchased will enhance the overall simulation training experience. A request of$10,000 is included for the development of an opiate addiction/intervention program. From now and until receipt of 2016 JAG funding, the Commander of the Kent Corrections Facility will have meetings with treatment facilities and medical staff to develop the opiate addiction/intervention program so that when funding becomes available the program can be implemented. Once funding becomes available and the Attachment B FY 2016 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application — Budget Worksheet & Narrative program is developed, the City of Kent will follow current City procurement policies to identify the best fit/contract to provide the medication and treatment for inmates experiencing opiate withdrawals within the corrections facility. King County ($203,065) Patty Noble-Desy: Recidivism Reduction/Reentry Coordinator(Senior Project Manager) 75% of grant: $152,298.00 (Salary Costs) Patty Noble-Deny: Recidivism Reduction/Reentry Coordinator(Senior Project Manager) 25% of grant: $50,766.00 (Benefit Costs) City of Renton ($26,542) The City of Renton is requesting $26,542 to support the following domestic violence programming in the Renton Police Department: • Domestic Violence Victim Advocate Overtime: $5,591 • Direct Victim Service: $9,409 • Human/Sex Trafficking: $3,542 • Domestic Violence Training Conference: $3,000 • Domestic Violence, Violence Against Women Training: $3,000 • Office Supplies/Materials: $2,000 Domestic Violence Victim Advocate Overtime: "this grant will assist paying for overtime when the Domestic Violence Victim Advocate is called after hours to assist victims or the victim's family members on significant calls for service such as domestic violence homicides. At an average rate of$49.91, 112 hours of overtime will be worked. Direct Victim Services:"These services are vitally important for the victim(s)and children when they are leaving an abusive situation. Many of these services are necessary until temporary or long tern shelter is found. We provide emergency shelter(up to 7 days),gift cards for the purchase of food,clothing,gas,travel expenses(plane,bus,taxi,& train),moving truck rental and we purchase cell phones with additional minutes for victims.The gift cards are in the form of VISA,Safeway,Wal-Mart,McDonalds and/or airline gift cards for victims who need to travel longer distances to get away from an abusive situation or return to King County for court proceedings.The grant will assist with the purchase of items or costs associated with,identifying, locating, interviewing,processing evidence%rime scenes,arresting and the prosecution of defendants to help ensure the safety of the victims. During 2017 to 2019,the $9,409 will be expended on an as needed basis.We budget over the remaining time of the grant and purchase items for victims as needed. Attachment B FY 2016 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application — Budget Worksheet & Narrative Human/Sex Trafficking:The Renton Police Department has made a commitment to assist victims and prevent sex trafficking. Recently a program was starting involving the team approach, which consists of members of our special operations unit, Domestic Violence Victim Advocate and local prosecutors. Our goal is to reach out and help runaway girls before they can be victimized and to assist current victims by getting them away from the abuser and away from the life style.Our hope is to provide services as necessary in the form of, gift cards for the purchase of food,clothing, gas,travel expenses and cell phones with additional minutes for victims. The gift cards are in the form of VISA, Safeway, Wal-Mart, McDonalds and/or airline gift cards for victims who need to travel longer distances to get away from this environment. Additionally we will provide educational material and referrals to other forms of assistance such as community based programs, counseling and shelters etc. During 2017 to 2019,the$3,542 will be expended on an as needed basis. We budget over the remaining time of the grant and purchase items 11or victims as needed. Training Training is required for the continued knowledge and education on the topic of domestic violence. Laws and court rulings change regularly and training is very important.The training budget is to be used by the domestic violence victim advocate, detective(s),patrol ofticer(s),probation statT, prosecutor both local Renton Prosecutors and our DV Prosecutor from the King County Prosecutors Office and command staff. Yearly we send two to three people to the National Domestic Violence Conference. We use a team approach to strengthen the program and build on ideas from other agencies programs. We also co-sponsor training with our local VAWA(Violence Against Woman's Act)for law enforcement officers,prosecutors, and advocates. • 2017 DV/Human Trafficking Training: Costs yet to be determined, depending on location and number of employees attending. 2019 DV/Human"Trafficking Training:Costs yet to be determined, depending on location and number of employees attending. • 2019 DV/I luman Trafficking Training:Costs yet to be determined, depending on location and number of employees attending. Supplies:Supplies are used constantly to maintain the needs of the Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Program, including the victim advocate, detective,evidence technicians, and sergeant. Supplies include the purchase of educational material for the victims and their family,such as brochures,videos,books,promotional items,handouts, and other items identified by the domestic violence victim advocate for the prevention and education of this topic. They also include necessary equipment for the DV advocate and detective(s)such as laptops,computers,scanners, cameras or any other item(s)needed to investigate a domestic violence related offense. During 2017 to 2019,the $2,000 will be expended on supply items as needed. Brochures and educational material is purchased at the time needed for victims,training or as new information becomes available. City of SeaTac ($17,374) A request of$15,000 is included for officer overtime. At an average overtime rate of approximately $100 per hour, 150 hours of overtime will be worked. SeaTac Police will use the $I 5,000 for 150 hours of overtime to develop /implement training and education programs related to In-Progress Violence, to include Multiple- Assault Counter Terrorism Action Capability (MACTAC), Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Attachment B FY 2016 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application — Budget Worksheet & Narrative (CRASE), School response planning and Care Under Fire (self-wound care). This will include overtime for course/program development and implementation and backfill overtime while officers are in training. A request of$1,200 is included for the purchase of tourniquets. At $30 each,40 tourniquets will be purchased. A newly purchased tourniquet will be issued to each field-response member of the SeaTac Police Department, for use in dressing critical injuries received or encountered when responding to acts of violence. This equipment purchase and issue will increase the number of tourniquets issued to SeaTac Police emergency responders to (2)each, the current industry standard. A request of$1,174 is included for training development and implementation supplies ($98.83 x 12 months). Supplies will be purchased to assist with development, implementation and maintenance of the training/education efforts. City of Tukwila ($18,129) FLIR: The Tukwila Police Department will use these funds to purchase one Handheld FLIR for patrol use. This has been a long standing need of the Patrol Division, and will greatly enhance the man detection and evidence recovery capabilities our officers have. I FLIR will be purchased at a cost of$9,308. Community Policing Bikes/Equipment: The "Tukwila Police Department will use these funds to purchase Bikes/Equipment for the community policing team. These bikes will allow us to better address issues like violent crime reduction, gang outreach, youth outreach which all play a pivotal role in reducing gun violence. S bikes will be purchased at $1,764.20 each. Seattle Police Department Routing Slip ru `ride: 1�'Y"01. JAG (rrant 1.`� Number 17-016 6 ; SPD l OC Diane Pilon - .._._......._ _..w-...... . .Y.............__.____-.---- ,--- .......--....r -_. . ,.......,..,.,.,...,....w,_. Tern: 9/30/21)l9 'hone ; 06) --386- l l�96 Unit Ord ....-__e-. P55�.l4................. Pro'eµct I'l947 ------ .... ...................... .............. m_-_--... ........... Funding Atnount $42,062 .,............................. Consultant genc:y/Vendor• INar te: Type l\/Nl(-)LJ City of Kent Rccci\rable C.irartt C ontnact Surnnnary: C:it)r of Seattle: is the Identified fiscal agent. for annua] JAG funds, `t'hc City rcceives the (;-rant funds, and disperses therm to 10 jurisdictions in King County, on a reirnbury anent basis. l"ac h 1),artiCipiltilIg jurisdictions tnr.rst sign an Interagency g reen-lent that: outlines thcIr: ,rant responsibilities and procedures for receiving rein-burse.rnent:. Since 2009, City of Seattle.)AG funds ]-rage been used to support 3 C;ri.tne Prevention positions Within the. Seattle Police. 1 c:partnient, Attached please Find arl Interagency A reenients for the City Of AUI)urn. A sunlrna17 of the f'unding breakdown for all.,par tic ipation lurisdict:icans is below: FY16 JAG Agency Project Name Funding City of Seattle Crime Prevention Coordinator Positions $254,848.00 Teen Late Night, Citizen's Police Academy, and Fireworks City of Auburn Emphasis $29,014.00 City of Bellevue Police Equipment $14,764.00 Police Emphasis Overtime, Police Equipment, Conferencem __...__ City of Rurien Attendance $24,070,00 City of ties Moines Investigative Software and Hardware $10,679.00 City of Federal Way Teen Police Academy Supplies and Police Equipment $32,619,00 Forensic Technology Equipment, Training Equipment, and City of Kent Mental Health Services $42,062.00 Recidivism Reduction/Reentry Coordinator Salary and King County Benefits $203,065.00 City of Renton Domestic Violence Services $26,542,00 City of SeaTac Police Officer Overtime and Pol en Safety/Training Equipment $17,374,00 City of Tukwila ice Equipment ......_____._w..w._ .._...w__... ....._._. ._-.. ��. 18,129,00..... _.. ___...._._ .....__.__ _._ .. .... _ TOTAL 2016 JAG Funding $673,166.00 Seattle Police Department d� (�111c:isc r,utc M vdcr ,is lkrs�d.) ._.. She .j,,,rdiMn .................................. , lxxx ix1. . ...... Date .`� .. . RebeccaDate oatri ht._.._d_.__._.._ Ix��Rttl� fop........:......... . Brian Maxey...., ....... l.tIiti ill.s".�.�� .. Ccamxmxc°x-it; rrint vrcer rorm rage i of SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Is PURCHASE & SUPPLY REQUEST DATE:22-JUN-17 ORDER ID: 17-01626 k_-QUSS"rI'D BY SERIAL r 111011E JORG M ORC NAME PILON, DIANE L 6996 386-1996 P5504 Research and Grants DEt.TVF:RY LOCATION DELIVERY DATE REOVIRED OKO.TO DE CHARGED P1947 irlRocFn�v .:r ; 1noNr n�„ rORM MUST[IF CO>IPLETEU N'IIES VI'R('IV%SI](;%I L(MODS AND SEItV ICE5 AND MUST UF:APPROVED AS k1•.QUIRF.D UY I)I',k I•I.DIILHyd 1.RUORL CORDS OR SL10I1CI:S ARE OROEXED. D-CON(RACr Nu MDFR DEI RTMFNT CO`FRAC'I'NUMHE OTIIER # QUANTITY DESCRIPTION Give a detailed description including catalog used,item#,size,color. UNIT PRICE TOTAL etc. 1 t Interagency Agreement is routing for signature.. VENDOR: City of Kent 42.062.00 42,062.00 2 000 S 0.00 4 0.00 5 0.00 6 0.00 7 0.00 SHIPPING.00 TAX 00 Note:To calculate the sub-totals and the final total,riohl click the cursor over the total shaded box. TOTAL $42,062.1 Left click on'Update Field'and the amount should be calculated Imo an :Grant expenditures must be approved by the grant manager and computer purchases must be approved by ITS http://srvmultidbO l.police.seattic:7877/apex/f?p=256:42:12013122439520::NO::P42_ORD... 6/22/2017 Print urger corm rage of FOR FISCAL USE ONLY 91 ACCT FUND ORG PRO) APPROVAL A'P 750100 PF1724 AC('T FUND ORG PRO) APPROVAL NIGR PF1729 43 ACCT FUND ORG PRO) APPROVAL 14GR a.l 'W(I FUND ORG PROI APPROVAL WiR TO BF.ORDERED BY FISCAL[ IQM[ ] UNIT[ 1 PO k Order Description interagency Agreement between City of Kent and City of Seattle- Edward Byrne Memorial(JAG)Prog FY2016 Local Soiicltatioin I I I Order Instructions VENDOR.City of Kent V Order Comments Order Justification Approve UC Approve UC 2: i I Approve A/C I --- ---! '- -- - -- -- Approve ITS r I Approve ITS 2. 1 Approve Grants --- --- _T----- Approve Fisca i http://srvmultidbOI.police.seattle:7877/apex/f?p=256:42:12013122439520::NO::P42 ORD... 6/22/2017 ' mint urger r orm rages or s Approve CFO Approve Cao Approve A/C ITS Approve DIC There are 0 attachment(s)to this order http://srvmultidbOl.police.seattle:7877/apex/f?p=256:42:12013122439520::NO::P42 ORD... 6/22/2017