HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Original - Marquee on Meeker - Phase I - Real Estate Purchase & Sale Agreement with Lease Option to Purchase - 05/05/2017 400 Kecords Ma,,all, 'ement, WAS H INGTO N Document C . ent CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Marquee on Meeker LLC Vendor Number: ID Edwards Number Contract Number: r This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Riverbend Par 3 PSA Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ® Other: Real Estate Purchase & Sale Agmt w/Lease/Option to Purchase Contract Effective Date: .5/5/17 Termination Date: n/a Contract Renewal Notice (Days): n a Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Kurt Hanson Department: ECD Contract Amount: 5 250 000 subject to adjustments Approval Authority: ❑ Department Director ® Mayor ® City Council Detail: (i.e., address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Riverbend Par 3 - See Exhibit A As of: 08/27/14 REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH LEASE/OPTION TO PURCHASE This REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH LEASE/OPTION TO PURCHASE ("Agreement") is made as of this 5th day of May, 2017, by and between THE CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("Seller"), and MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Buyer"). Buyer and Seller are from time to time collectively referred to herein as the "Parties." RECITALS A. Seller is the owner of real property located in Kent, Washington, which is legally described on attached Exhibit A (the "Land"). The Land is approximately 24 acres in size and presently consists of one (1) legal lot. Currently,the Seller uses the Land for a golf driving range approximately 4 acres in size ("Driving Range") and for a Par 3 golf course approximately 20 acres in size (the "Golf Course"). Seller intends to retain the Driving Range portion of the Land and to sell and convey the Golf Course portion of the Land to Buyer pursuant to this Agreement. The('golf Course portion of the Land is referred to herein as the"Property." B. The Parties intend that Buyer shall, as a condition to Closing (as defined herein) complete a short plat ("Short Plat") of the Land as follows: (i) the Golf Course (or Property herein) shall be divided into five (5) or more parcels; and (ii)the Driving Range shall be divided into three (3) parcels, all as generally shown in the site plan attached hereto as Exhibit B (the "Site Plan"). Buyer presently intends to acquire and develop the Property in two phases (a "Phase" or collectively the "Phases"), with each phase consisting of approximately one-half of the land area or square footage of the Property as further described in Section 2 below. Accordingly, subject to completion and recording of the Short Plat of the Land, Buyer agrees to purchase, and Seller agrees to sell, approximately one-half of the Property (referred to herein as the "Phase I Property" and further described below) at the first closing hereunder, and at such first closing the Parties shall enter into a separate lease with option to purchase (the "Lease/Option Agreement") for the remainder of the Property (referred to herein as the "Phase II Property" and further described below) on the terms, conditions and contingencies set forth and in the Lease/Option Agreement. C. Concurrent with the mutual execution and delivery of this Agreement, Buyer and Seller are negotiating the terms of a development agreement for Buyer's contemplated development of the Property, including both of the Phase I Property, the Phase II Property and all necessary improvements and infrastructure ("Development Agreement"), including any and all on-site and off-site infrastructure associated with the Project that is dedicated or to be dedicated to the City of Kent or other governmental or quasi-governmental entity (herein "Public Infrastructure") (collectively, the "Project"). The approval by the Kent City Council (and expiration of all applicable appeal periods) of the Development Agreement in a form acceptable to Buyer is a condition to the Parties' respective obligations as described in Section 6 below. The Parties agree as follows: 2841/86 05/05/17 1 - pse v19 tread111A1.1Riverbend Joint Venture 1. Property Description. The "Phase I Property" is generally depicted in the Site Plan. Pursuant to the Buyer's application for the Short Plat of the Land as further described in Section 6.5.1 below, the Parties shall agree on the final boundaries of the Phase I Property and the Phase II Property and the legal descriptions therefor and shall execute an amendment to this Agreement setting forth the agreed-upon final boundaries and legal descriptions. The Phase I Property shall include all right, title and interest of Seller in the following, as they relate to the Phase I Property: buildings, easements, appurtenances, rights, privileges and improvements; water rights; mineral rights; utility rights; rights-of-way, rights of ingress or egress or other interests in, on, or to, any land abutting or adjoining the Phase 1 Property; governmental licenses, permits and approvals; development rights; plans, specifications and drawings; soils and engineering studies; surveys; and inspection reports and other reports and studies in the possession of Seller, if any. 2. Purchase Price; Adjustment to Purchase Price. Subject to adjustments and prorations provided for herein, the purchase price (the "Purchase Price") for the Phase I Property is Five Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($5,250,000). Closing of the Phase I Property, referred to in this Agreement as the "Closing," is subject to the contingencies and conditions to Closing set forth in Section 6 below. Buyer's acquisition of the Phase II Property shall be on the terms and conditions set forth in the Lease/Option Agreement, including the option purchase price of Five Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($5,250,000), subject to adjustments and prorations as set forth herein and in the Lease/Option Agreement ("Option Purchase Price"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if following the Short Plat recording and approval of the Development Agreement either: (i) the square footage of the Phase I Property exceeds 51% of the total area of the Property, or (ii) the number of residential units approved for the Phase I Property exceeds 51% of the total residential unit count for the Property, then the Purchase Price for the Phase I Property shall be increased such that the percentage of the total purchase price of the Property (i.e., $10,500,000) allocated to the Phase I Property at Closing shall equal the rg_eater of(i) the percentage of the total Land area for the Phase I Property, or (ii) the percentage of the total residential unit count that is located on the Phase I Property, with a corresponding reduction in the Option Purchase Price for the Phase 11 Property. By way of example only, if sixty percent (60%) of the total residential unit count approved in the Development Agreement is allocated to the Phase I Property, then the Purchase Price for the Phase I Property shall be $6,300,000 and the Option Purchase Price shall be $4,200,000, subject to further adjustments and pro-rations provided for herein and in the Lease/Option Agreement. 3. Payment of Purchase Price. The Purchase Price shall be payable to Seller as follows: 3.1 Earnest Money Deposit. Within three (3) business days following the full execution and delivery of this Agreement, Buyer shall deposit with Escrow Agent (as defined in Section 3.3) Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) (the "Earnest Money Deposit"). The Earnest Money Deposit shall be held and disbursed as provided in this Agreement. No portion of the Earnest Money Deposit shall be applicable to the Purchase Price payable at the Closing and instead, concurrent with the Closing, the Earnest Money Deposit shall 2841/86 05/05/17 -2- psa v19 treadll IAL\Riverbend Joint Venture be converted to the Option Payment due under the Lease/Option Agreement pursuant to the terms of the Lease/Option Agreement. 3.2 Cash to Close. On or before the Closing Date (as defined in Section 12.1 below), Buyer shall deposit cash or immediately available funds with Escrow Agent in the amount of the Purchase Price due and payable at Closing, less any adjustments and prorations provided for herein. 3.3 Escrow Aptent. The Escrow Agent shall be First American Title Insurance Company/Laura Lau, located at 818 Stewart Street, Suite 800, Seattle, Washington 98101. 4. Title and Survey Matters. 4.1 Title Commitment. Seller has provided Buyer with a commitment for an owner's title insurance policy issued by First American Title Insurance Company (the "Title Company") (order no. 839539-WA1, second report, dated March 7, 2017) describing the Land, showing all matters pertaining to the Land and listing Buyer as the prospective named insured, together with copies of all documents (the "Title Documents") referred to in such title commitment as conditions or exceptions to title to the Land (such title insurance policy commitment and the Title Documents are collectively referred to herein as the "Title Commitment"). 4.2 Title Review. Buyer has approved the title exceptions listed on attached Exhibit D ("Approved Exceptions"). Only the Approved Exceptions, together with the Development Agreement, taxes to be prorated at Closing, the Short Plat, and any easements, encumbrances or other obligations imposed upon the Phase I Property in connection with the Short Plat, the Development Agreement, the Project Agreements (as defined in Section 6.3 below) and other exceptions approved by Buyer pursuant to the terms of this Section 4, shall constitute Permitted Exceptions, as that term is defined below. After the mutual execution and delivery of this Agreement, if any new title exceptions are identified in updated Title Documents that are not Approved Exceptions, then Buyer within ten (10) business days after receipt of the updated Title Documents shall notify Seller if Buyer objects to any new title exceptions that are not Approved Exceptions. if Buyer timely notifies Seller of any such objection, then Seller shall notify Buyer within ten (10) business days after receipt of Buyer's objection notice if Seller is not able or willing to clear all such objectionable exceptions from title (or cause Title Company to insure over) at or prior to Closing; Seller's failure to reply to Buyer within this ten (10) business day period shall be deemed to be Seller's refusal to clear all such exceptions at or prior to Closing. If Seller notifies Buyer that Seller is not able or willing to clear such title exceptions at or prior to Closing, such notification shall be deemed a failure of a condition precedent to Closing, and shall entitle Buyer to either (i) terminate this Agreement (including but not limited to any rights or obligations of the Parties set forth herein with respect to the Lease/Option Agreement or Phase 11 Property) by written notice to Seller, and receive a return of the Earnest Money Deposit, which Escrow Agent shall return without further confirmation or action by Seller immediately upon Buyer's demand; or (ii) waive its objection to such exception and close. The Approved Exceptions and any other exceptions that Buyer approves in writing shall be referred to hereinafter as the "Permitted Exceptions." 2841/86 05/05/17 -3- psa v 19 tread\HA1ARiverhend Joint Venture 4.3 Title Policy. As a condition to Buyer's obligation to close this transaction, the Title Company shall irrevocably commit to issue to Buyer at Closing an Owner's Standard Coverage Title Insurance Policy (ALTA Form 2006) ("Title Policy"). The Title Policy shall be issued in the amount of the Purchase Price paid at Closing for the Phase I Property and shall insure fee simple, indefeasible title to the Phase I Property in Buyer, subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. At Buyer's request and expense, the Title Policy shall be issued in the form of extended coverage and shall contain such other endorsements as Buyer may request and Title Company is willing to issue, but issuance of such coverage and/or endorsements shall not be a condition to Closing. Buyer's obligation to close this transaction shall be contingent on Buyer's receipt of such Title Policy. 4.4 Survey. Buyer may, at its expense, obtain a current ALTA/ASCM survey (the "Survey") of the Property prepared by a licensed or registered surveyor. 5. Property Information. Seller has delivered or otherwise made available to Buyer full and complete copies of all of the following documents in the possession of Seller as they relate to the Property: (i) existing surveys and topographical maps of the Property; (ii) government permits, licenses, approvals, development applications and submittals, development approvals and related significant correspondence; (iii) easements, leases, licenses, covenants, conditions, restrictions, concomitant agreements, utility agreements, or other agreements, regardless of purpose or use, associated with the Property and not contained in the Commitment; and (iv) studies or other reports and information in the possession of Seller which pertain in any way whatsoever to the Property, including without limitation, the condition thereof and/or any present or potential development and/or use of the Property, all material documents, contracts, plans, specifications and drawings related to the construction and development of the Property, geotechnical reports, environmental studies, appraisals, traffic studies, and market research and specifically including the draft "Meeker Street Corridor Plan" previously supplied to Buyer. In addition, Seller has advised Buyer of a source for information relating to the condition of the Green River levee systems in place adjacent to the Property. During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall provide to Buyer within three (3) business days of Seller's receipt such additional materials described above (or supplements thereto) as come into Seller's possession during the term of this Agreement. All items and information described in this Section 5, together with subsequent additions to or revisions of such documents(collectively,the"Property Information") are being supplied to Buyer without representation or warranty of any kind whatsoever as to accuracy or completeness and solely for informational purposes and are not intended for reliance by Buyer. 6. Contingency Period; Closing Conditions. 6.1 Contingency Period. The "Contingency Period" shall begin with mutual execution of this Agreement, and end at 5 p.m. local Pacific time on September 1, 2017, provided that if on such date any project approval described in Section 6.2 below remains subject to an appeal period, or if any such project approval is then subject to a pending appeal, then the Contingency Period shall be extended until the first business day following the date on which all appeal periods have expired without an appeal being taken, or if any appeal was taken within an applicable appeal period, then until all such appeals have been resolved on terms satisfactory to Buyer. 2841/86 05/05/17 -4- psa v19 treadMAIARiverbend Joint Venture Buyer and its employees and agents shall have the right and permission from the date of this Agreement through the Closing Date (or earlier termination of this Agreement) and upon 48 hours prior notice to Seller to enter upon the Property or any part thereof at all reasonable times and from time to time for the purpose of making all soil and other tests, studies or investigations under the provisions of this Agreement, all at Buyer's sole cost and expense and in Buyer's sole discretion. In the event Buyer fails to close this transaction, Buyer shall restore the Property to its previous condition existing prior to the commencement of such testing or studies. If Buyer elects not to proceed with this transaction, before or after the Contingency Period, Buyer shall provide to Seller all test results, surveys, drafts, preliminary plat drawings, and all other documents or information pertaining to the condition or development of the Property. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 6.1, no invasive drilling, investigations, testing, or sampling shall be conducted without Seller's prior written and specific approval, which approval shall not unreasonably be withheld, but may be reasonably conditioned so as to protect the Property. Any environmental assessments of the Property shall be subject to obtaining Seller's prior approval of the plan for performing the environmental assessments, which approval Seller shall not unreasonably withhold or delay. If any environmental assessments are performed, upon the written request of Seller, Buyer shall cause to be prepared at no cost to Seller,a written report of the results thereof certified to Seller. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that (i) whether the Property will be satisfactory to Buyer is unknown, (ii) Buyer's efforts to inspect and investigate the Property shall be at its sole risk, cost and expense and (iii) if this Agreement is terminated for any reason other than Seller's default, Buyer will not be reimbursed by Seller for any costs and expenses incurred in evaluating and investigating the Property or otherwise in preparing to purchase or finance the Property. Buyer shall indemnify, defend, and hold Seller harmless from any lien, liability, claim, demand, injury, loss, expense or damage arising out of Buyer's inspections and/or Buyer's agent's, consultant's or other representative's entry onto the Property, provided that Buyer shall not be responsible to Seller for the consequences of Buyer's mere discovery of a latent defect or pre-existing condition (such as the presence of contaminated soils or groundwater) at the Property. 6.2 Buyer's Contingencies. Buyer has inspected and approved of the physical condition and development potential of the Property, including, without limitation, conducting of soil tests (including borings), toxic and hazardous waste studies, surveys, engineering, historical use, traffic and access studies, and review of zoning, fire, safety and other compliance matters, as Buyer desires. Buyer has also reviewed and approved the Property Information. However, Buyer's obligation to purchase the Property remains subject to and contingent upon Buyer's satisfaction with, or waiver of, the following matters prior to Closing, all at Buyer's expense and in Buyer's sole discretion: the Kent City Council shall have approved the Development Agreement, the mitigated determination of non-significance, and the shoreline substantial development permit for the Project, all on terms satisfactory to Buyer, all appeal periods with respect to all such approvals shall have expired without an appeal, or if any appeal is so taken, any and all such appeals so taken shall have been resolved on terms satisfactory to Buyer, and the Parties shall have executed and recorded the Development Agreement. 6.3 Mutual Contingency. In addition to the other conditions set forth herein, the obligations of Seller, on the one hand, and Buyer, on the other hand, to consummate the 2841/86 05/05/17 -5- psa V19 treadWAIARiverhend Joint Venture transactions contemplated hereunder shall be subject to their agreement, prior to the end of the Contingency Period, on the form and contents of(a) an option to repurchase agreement between Buyer and Seller ("Option to Repurchase Agreement") and a recordable memorandum thereof ("Memorandum of Option to Repurchase Agreement"); (b) a guaranty of completion and performance from FNW, Inc. in favor of Seller ("Completion Guaranty"); (c) the Lease/Option Agreement and a recordable memorandum thereof(the "Memorandum of Lease/Option"); (d) an agreement concerning transfer and encumbrance restrictions on the Phase I Property (the "Negative Pledge") and a recordable memorandum thereof (the "Memorandum of Negative Pledge"); and (e) a development schedule satisfactory to Buyer and Seller for Buyer's submittal of applications for, and for Seller's processing and approval of, entitlements and permits required for Buyer's development of the Property. The documents described in clauses (a) through (e) above are collectively referred to herein as the "Project Agreements." The Project Agreements, in each case, must contain the fundamental business terms set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and such additional terms, conditions, representations and warranties as any of the parties thereto may reasonably require. 6.4 Failure of Continaeney Period Condition. If each party does not provide written notice to the other party of satisfaction or waiver of the conditions applicable to such party set forth in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 above prior to the end of the Contingency Period, the Escrow Agent shall return the Earnest Money Deposit to Buyer, and this Agreement shall terminate and neither party shall have any further obligations hereunder except as specifically set forth herein. If the Parties provide such written notice prior to the end of the Contingency Period, then this Agreement shall continue in effect and Escrow Agent shall release the Earnest Money Deposit to Seller. Notwithstanding Buyer's written satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set forth in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 above, Buyer reserves the right at any time during the term of this Agreement to terminate the Agreement by written notice to Seller. In such instance, all Buyer's obligations hereunder under this Agreement shall terminate (except for those that expressly survive Closing), and if the termination is made after the satisfaction or waiver of the contingencies in Section 6.2, then the Earnest Money Deposit shall be retained by Seller, except in case of termination due to Seller's default, and except as otherwise expressly provided herein. 6.5 Additional Closing Conditions. In addition to the conditions stated in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 above, the following conditions that must be satisfied as of Closing (unless some other date is specified below), unless waived in writing by the applicable party at or prior to Closing: 6.5.1 Buyer's Conditions. (a) All representations and warranties of Seller contained herein shall be true, accurate and complete in all material respects at the time of the Closing as if made again at such time; (b) Seller shall have performed all obligations to be performed by it hereunder on or before Closing (or, if earlier, on or before the date set forth in this Agreement for such performance); 2841/86 O905/17 -6- psa v19 treadUWARivabend Joint Venture (c) At Closing, Title Company shall deliver title to the Phase I Property in the condition required by Section 4 of this Agreement; (d) Buyer's application for the Short Plat shall have been approved for recording in a final form acceptable to the Parties and shall have been recorded at or before Closing; (e) Buyer's application for a multifamily tax exemption for the Phase I Property pursuant to RCW Chapter 84.14, which shall be submitted by Buyer to Seller not fewer than ninety (90) days prior to Closing, shall have been approved by Seller in a form acceptable to the Parties (Seller agrees not to unreasonably withhold its approval of Buyer's multifamily tax exemption application for the Phase 11 Property when that application is submitted); (f) At Closing, the physical condition of the Property shall be the same as on the date hereof, excluding only ordinary wear and tear and changes caused by Buyer or its agents or contractors and subject to the provisions of Section 11 below; and (g) All of the parties to the various Project Agreements have approved the final forms of the Project Agreements for execution and, where applicable, recording at Closing. 6.5.2 Seller's Conditions. (a) All representations and warranties of Buyer contained herein shall be true, accurate and complete in all material respects at the time of Closing as if made again at such time; (b) Buyer shall have performed all obligations to be performed by it hereunder on or before Closing, including, without limitation, Buyer's obligation to pick up and pay for permits under Section 11 below(unless some other date is specified herein); (c) The Kent City Council shall have approved the Development Agreement, any appeal period with respect to such approval shall have expired without an appeal, or if any appeal is so taken, any and all such appeals so taken shall have been resolved on terms satisfactory to Buyer, and the Parties shall have executed and recorded the Development Agreement; (d) All of the parties to the various Project Agreements have approved the final forms of the Project Agreements for execution, and, where applicable, recording at Closing; and (e) Buyer's application for the Short Plat shall have been approved for recording in a final form acceptable to the Parties and shall have been recorded at or before Closing. 6.6 Failure of Additional Closing Conditions. So long as a party is not in default hereunder, if any condition to such party's obligation to proceed with Closing has not 2841/86 05/05/17 -7. psa v 19 treadMAIARiverkrid Joint Venture been satisfied as set forth in Section 6.5, then such party may elect to terminate this Agreement, in which event the Earnest Money Deposit shall be returned to Buyer in all cases save for termination due to Buyer's default. 7. Lease/Option Agreement. At Closing Seller and Buyer shall execute the Lease/Option Agreement, and the Earnest Money Deposit shall be converted to be the Option Payment described in the Lease/Option Agreement pursuant to the terms of the Lease/Option Agreement. 8. Representations and Warranties. In order to induce each other to enter into this Agreement, the Parties hereby make the following representations and warranties as of the "Closing Date." 8.1 Seller's Representations and Warranties. 8.1.1 Authorization. Seller has or will have, subject to Kent City Council approval, full power and authority to enter into, execute, deliver and perform this Agreement and all agreements and documents contemplated hereby. All documents to be delivered by Seller at Closing will be, authorized and properly executed and constitutes, or will constitute, as appropriate, the valid and binding obligation of Seller enforceable in accordance with their terms. Neither the execution of this Agreement nor its performance by Seller will conflict with or result in the breach of any statute, regulation, ordinance, covenant, agreement, or other undertaking to which Seller is a party or by which Seller is bound. 8.1.2 Litigation. Seller has received no notice of, there is no pending, or, to Seller's knowledge, threatened, litigation, condemnation, investigation or other legal proceeding affecting the Property or any portion thereof, and there are no actions, suits, proceedings, orders, administrative proceedings or investigations pending or threatened against or affecting the Property, which might adversely affect (a) Seller's performance under this Agreement; or (b) the current zoning status of the Property; and there are no pending or threatened public improvements in, about, or outside the Property which have resulted in or might result in the imposition of any assessment, lien, or charge against the Property. 8.1.3 Compliance with Law. Except as delivered to Buyer as part of the Property Information, Seller has not received any notification from any governmental authority requiring any work to be done on the Property or advising of any condition (including, without limitation, hazardous substances or wastes) that would adversely affect the use or development of the Property. To Seller's knowledge, there are no hazardous substances or waste present in, on or under the Property in any manner or quantity that would violate any applicable law or regulation. 8.1.4 Service Contracts. There are no service or maintenance contracts or any other contracts, licenses or permits affecting the Property (the "Service Contracts") not provided to Buyer as part of the Property Information. 8.1.5 Defaults. Seller is not in default and there has occurred no uncured event that, with notice, the passage of time or both would be a default, under any 2841186 05/05/17 -8- psa v19 1read\HA1.\Riverbend Joint Venture material contract, agreement, lease, encumbrance, or instrument pertaining to the Property which will be binding on Buyer or the Property after Closing. 8.1.6 Non-Foreign Person. Seller is not a "foreign person" as defined in Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,as amended, and any related regulations. 8.1.7 Assumption of Liabilities. Except for those obligations expressly assumed by Buyer under the terms of this Agreement or any other agreement executed by Buyer and delivered at Closing, Buyer, by virtue of the purchase of the Phase 1 Property, will not be required to satisfy any obligation of Seller with respect to the Phase 1 Property arising prior to the Closing Date. Other than such obligations so expressly assumed by Buyer or any liens or other obligations with respect to the Property that result from any action or activities by or on behalf of Buyer, Seller will pay and discharge any and all liabilities of each and every kind arising out of or by virtue of the possession, ownership or use of the Property prior to the Closing Date,and shall indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless therefrom. 8.1.8 Multifamily Tax Exemption. Seller has caused the Property to be designated as a residential targeted area pursuant to RCW 84.14.040. As used herein, the term "Seller's knowledge" shall mean the current actual knowledge, without any duty of investigation or inquiry, of Kurt Hanson, Ben Wolters, and Tom Brubaker, all of whom are employees of Seller, and shall not be construed to refer to any other employee or agent of Seller. 8.2 Buyer's Representations and Warranties. As a material inducement to Seller to execute this Agreement and consummate this transaction, Buyer represents and warrants to Seller that: 8.2.1 Power and Authority. Buyer has been duly organized and validly existing. Buyer has the full right and authority and has obtained any and all consents required to enter into this Agreement and to consummate or cause to be consummated the transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been, and all of the documents to be delivered by Buyer at the Closing will be, authorized and properly executed and constitutes, or will constitute, as appropriate, the valid and binding obligation of Buyer, enforceable in accordance with their terms. 8.2.2 Conflicts and Pending Action. There is no agreement to which Buyer is a party or to Buyer's knowledge binding on Buyer which is in conflict with this Agreement. There is no action or proceeding pending or, to Buyer's knowledge, threatened against Buyer which challenges or impairs Buyer's ability to execute or perform its obligations under this Agreement. 8.2.3 Compliance with Anti-Terrorism, Embargo and Anti-Money Laundering. (i) None of Buyer or any Person who owns any direct equity interest in or controls Buyer currently is identified on the OFAC List or otherwise qualifies as a Prohibited Person and (ii) none of Buyer or any Person who owns any direct equity interest in or controls Buyer is in violation of any applicable laws relating to anti-money laundering or anti-terrorism, including, without limitation, any applicable laws related to transacting business with Prohibited 2841/86 05/05/17 -9- psa v19 treadkIIALARiverhend Joint Vcnturc Persons or the requirements of the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001, U.S. Public Law 107-56, and the related regulations issued thereunder, including temporary regulations, all as amended from time to time. For purposes hereof. (1) the term "Person" shall mean any individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership,joint venture, estate, trust, unincorporated association, any federal, state, county or municipal government or any bureau, department or agency thereof and any fiduciary acting in such capacity on behalf of Buyer; (2) the term "Prohibited Person" shall mean any Person identified on the OFAC List or any other Person with whom a U.S. Person may not conduct business or transactions by prohibition of Federal law or Executive Order of the President of the United States of America; (3) the term "OFAC List" shall mean the list of specially designated nationals and blocked persons subject to financial sanctions that is maintained by the U.S. Treasury Department, Office of Foreign Assets Control and accessible through the internet website www.treas.gov/ofac/t11 sdn.pdf. 8.3 General Provisions Regarding Representations and Warranties. 8.3.1 Survival. The representations and warranties set forth in this Section 8 are made as of the Date of this Agreement. Such representations and warranties shall not be deemed to be merged into or waived by the Deed, but shall survive the delivery of the Deed and the Closing. 8.3.2 Update of Representations and Warranties Prior to Closing. From time to time after the Date of this Agreement through the Closing, a party may deliver written notice to the other party that updates or otherwise modifies the representations and warranties in this Agreement. If any such update or modification causes a representation or warranty of a party to be materially inaccurate and the party has not elected to cure such inaccuracy within ten (10) business days of delivery of such written notice (the Closing Date shall be extended accordingly if the party elects to cure), then the other party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party, in which event the Earnest Money Deposit shall be immediately returned to Buyer and neither party shall have further obligations hereunder; provided, however, that in the event of an update or modification that causes a representation or warranty of Buyer to be materially inaccurate following Buyer's satisfaction with or waiver of the Contingency Period conditions was caused by an act or omission of Buyer, then Seller shall be entitled to retain the Earnest Money Deposit and neither party shall have further obligations hereunder save for those obligations that survive termination; and provided further, however, that in the event of an update or modification that causes a representation or warranty of Seller to be materially inaccurate that was caused by an act or omission of Seller, then Buyer shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement and exercise its remedies under Section 19.2 below. If the Electing Party does not elect to terminate this Agreement, then the Electing Party shall be deemed to have waived its right to terminate this Agreement on account of such inaccuracies and the other party's representations and warranties shall be deemed to have been remade with the changes set forth in such written notice. 8.3.3 Certificate at Closing. At Closing each party shall execute and deliver a certificate stating that the representations and warranties made by such party herein are true and correct in all material respects as of the Closing Date, except as to facts, if any, which were previously disclosed in writing to the other party as described herein. 2841/86 05/05/17 - 10- psa v19 tread\HAL\Riverbend Joint Venture 9. Disclaimer and Waiver of Claims. BUYER IS PURCHASING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ']'HE PERSONAL PROPERTY AND ALI, BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND' IMPROVEMENTS, "AS IS", "WHERE IS", "WITH, ALL FAULTS", IN ITS PRESENT CONDITION. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, SELLER MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ORAL OR WRITTEN, WITH RESPECT" TO, AND SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR: (A) THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY,INCLUDING THE PERSONAL PROPERTY AND ALL BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IMPROVImENTS, OR '['HE SUITABILITY, SALEABILITY, HABITABILITY, MERCHANTABILFrY, OR FITNESS THEREOF FOR BUYER'S, INTENDED USE; (B) ANY APPLICABLE BUILDING, ZONING OR OTHER LAWS, ORDINANCES OR REGULATIONS OR WITH RESPECT 'To COMPLIANCE THEREWITH OR WITH RESPECT TO THE, EXISTENCE, AVAILABILITY OR ADEQUACY OF, OR COMPLIANCE WITH, ANY ENTITLEMENTS, PERMITS, LICENSES, Oil APPROVALS; (C) THE AVAILABILITY, ADEQUACY OR EXISTENCE OF ANY WATER, SEWER OR ANY OTHER UTILITIES OR ANY RIGI-l"I'STHERE'ro; (D) ,fIIE PRESENCE OF ANY THREATENED OR ENDANGERED SPECIES OR CRITICAL AREAS OR ANY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES ON, AT OR UNDER THE PROI-,FR-rY, INcl,UDING THE PERSONAU PROPERTY AND ALI, BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS,, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ASBESTOS OR UREA-FORMALDEHYDE, OR THE PRESENCE OF ANY ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS WASTES OR MATERIALS THEREON OR THEREUNDER; OR (E) ANY OTHER MATTER OR CONDITION RELATING TO THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING THE PERSONAL PROPERTY AND ALL BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS, WITIlour LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AND EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, SELLER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING THE PERSONAL PROPERTY AND ALI., BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS, UNDER COMMON LAW, OR ANY FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL LAW OR REGULATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED 'TO 'I'HE HE COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RESIlONSE, COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY ACT OF 1980 AS AMENDED, 42 U.S.C.A. SECTIONS 9601 ET SEQ. ORTHE MODEL TOXICS CONTROL ACT, AS CODIFIED IN RCW 70.105D. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT BUYER WILL HAVE FULLY INSPECTED THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING I I HE PERSONAL 1-111OPERTY AND ALL BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS,THE PROPERTY INFORMATION AND ALL OTHER ASPECT'S OF PROPERTY, INCLUDING 'THE PERSONAL PROPERTY AND ALL BUILDINGS, STRUCTL)T RES AND IMPROVEMENTS, AND IS NOT RELYING ON ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES EXCEPT" FOR AS SET FORT11 IN SECTION 8 ABOVE. BUYER ASSUMES THE RESPONSIBILITY AND RISKS OF ALL DEFECTS AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION, SUCH DEFECTS AND CONDITIONS, IF ANY, THAT CANNOT BE OBSERVED BY CASUAL INSPECTION. BUYER HEREBY SPECIFICALLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT BUYER HAS CAREFULLY REVIEWED THIS SECTION, AND DISCUSSED ITS MEANING WITH LEGAL COUNSEL OF ITS CHOICE, IS FULLY AWARE OF 11 1 S CONSEQUENCES, AND THAT TRE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION ARE A MATFRIAL PART OF THIS AGREEMENT AND ARE INTENDED TO BE BINDING ION Bt EIZ AND rrs SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. THIS SECTION SHALL SURVIVE N Buyer's Initials: 10. Se er Disclosure Statement. Waiver of Right to Receive Seller DiSCIOSUre Statement and Waiver of Right to Rescind. PLTSUANTTO RCW Cll. 64.06 AS AMENDED 294118605/05/17 psa V19 Vcnturc BY CHAPTER 64, LAWS OF 2010, BUYER HEREBY WAIVES ITS RIGHT TO RECEIVE THE SELLER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT REFERRED TO THEREIN WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPERTY. THIS WAIVER DOES NOT EXTEND 'rO THE SECTION OF THE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ENTITLED "ENVIRONMENTAL". 10.1 Environmental Section Only. Seller shall provide to Buyer with the "Environmental" section of the Seller Disclosure Statement during the Contingency Period, and by executing this Agreement, Buyer waives its right to receive the balance of the completed Seller Disclosure Statement with respect to the Property. 10.2 No Reliance. Buyer further agrees that any information discovered by Buyer concerning the Property shall not obligate Seller to prepare and deliver to Buyer a revised or updated Seller Disclosure Statement. Buyer hereby waives any right to receive an updated or revised Seller Disclosure Statement, regardless of the source of any new information. Buyer further warrants that it is a sophisticated buyer who is familiar with the ownership and development of real estate projects similar to the Property and Buyer has or will have adequate opportunity to complete such independent inspections of the Property it deems necessary, and will acquire the Property solely on the basis of and in reliance upon such examinations and not on any information provided in any Seller Disclosure Statement or otherwise provided or to be provided by Seller or by anyone acting or claiming to act by, through or under or on Seller's behalf. 10.3 Waiver of Right to Rescind. BUYER HEREBY WAIVES, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW, THE RIGHT TO RESCIND THIS AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO ANY PROVISION OF RCW 64.06, AS IT MAY BE AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME. IT IS THE INTENT OF BUYER THAT ANY SELLER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT PROVIDED BY SELLER WILL NOT BE RELIED UPON BY BUYER, AND SHALL GIVE BUYER NO RIGHTS WITH RESPECT TO SELLER OR UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THIS WAIVER OF THE RIGHT TO RESCIND APPLIES TO THE SELLER DISCLOSURE. STATEMENT PROVIDED TO BUYER DURING THE INSPECTION PERIOD AND APPLIES PROSPECTIVELY TO ANY UPDATED OR REVISED SELLER DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS THAT MAY BE PROVIDED BY SELLER TO BUYER, THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION 10.3 SHALL SURVIVE THE CLOSING. 11. Operations Pending Closing. Seller shall maintain the Property in substantially the condition existing as of the mutual execution date of this Agreement, and Seller shall make no material alterations to the Property or any portion thereof nor record any encumbrance binding on the Property prior to Closing without Buyer's consent except as contemplated herein; provided, however, that Seller, in Seller's sole discretion, may elect to remove, relocate or demolish prior to Closing the existing Par 3 modular building now in place on the Property. Seller shall terminate all existing leases and licenses regarding the Property at or prior to the Closing Date, and shall cause all tenants and other occupants to have vacated the Property as of the Closing Date. 2841/86 05/05/17 -12- psa 09 treadlHAIARiverbend Joint Venture Seller will provide to Buyer complete copies of all service contracts currently affecting the Property as part of the Development Documents. Seller will terminate as of Closing any service contracts affecting the Property. Following mutual execution of this Agreement, Buyer shall use good faith, diligent efforts to apply for, process and complete all grade, fill and mainline civil construction permits for the Phase I Property and the Phase II Property, i.e., all on-site and off-site public and private mainline infrastructure, including water, storm water, sanitary sewer utilities, traffic/pedestrian improvements, and including all "Meet Me on Meeker" improvements, and including permits for Phase I Property geo-piers and the Phase I podium building foundation permit. Seller shall cooperate with Buyer's efforts to apply for, process and obtain these permits. Buyer shall be required to pick up and pay for the permits described in this paragraph by March 15, 2018. 12. Closing and Escrow. 12.1 Closing Date. "Closing" shall occur when the deed to Buyer is recorded for the Phase I Property and the Purchase Price payable at the Closing is delivered to the Escrow Agent for delivery to Seller. The date on which Closing occurs is referred to herein as the "Closing Date." The Closing shall be held at the offices of the Escrow Agent, and will occur on or before April 2, 2018. 12.2 Documents to be Delivered by Seller. For and in consideration of, and as a condition precedent to, the payment to Seller of the Purchase Price payable at Closing, Seller shall execute and deliver to Escrow Agent for Closing the following documents (all of which shall be duly executed and acknowledged where required): 12.2.1 Deed. A bargain and sale deed ("Deed") for the Phase I Property in the form of attached Exhibit E and subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. 12.2.2 Title Documents. All required excise and transfer affidavit(s) required by applicable state and local law to be filed by Seller in connection with conveyance of the Phase I Property. 12.2.3 General Assignment. Seller shall provide Buyer with a general assignment in the form of attached Exhibit F (the "Assignment"). 12.2.4 Nonforeign Affidavit. An affidavit by Seller confirming that Seller is not a foreign person within the meaning of 26 U.S.C. § 1445 and the regulations issued thereunder. 12.2.5 Proieet Agreements. The final forms of the Project Agreements. 12.2.6 Closing Certificate. The closing certificate required by Seller pursuant to Section 8.3.3. 12.2.7 Development Agreement. The final form of the Development Agreement. 2841/86 05/05/17 -13- psa v19 tread\ JAI ARiverbend Joint Venture 12.2.8 Additional Documents. Such additional documents as might reasonably be required by Title Company for Closing. 12.3 Deliveries by Buyer. Buyer shall deliver to Seller at Closing the Purchase Price payable for the Closing, together with an executed real estate excise tax affidavit, Assignment, the Development Agreement, the Project Agreements, the closing certificate required by Buyer pursuant to Section 8.3.3 and any other documents reasonably required by Title Company for Closing. 12.4 Payment of Costs. At Closing, Seller and Buyer shall pay their own respective costs incurred with respect to the consummation of the purchase and sale of the Property including, without limitation, attorneys' fees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall pay the standard coverage portion of the premium for the owner's Title Policy to be issued by Title Company to Buyer and the fee to record the Deed. Buyer shall pay the extended coverage portion of the premium for the owner's Title Policy, the costs of the Survey and any endorsements requested by Buyer. Seller and Buyer shall each pay one-half(%2) of the escrow fee. Seller agrees to pay the real estate excise tax, if any. 12.5 Prorations. The real property taxes and assessments shall be prorated using the most recent tax information available. In the event that the Property has been placed in a forestry, agricultural or open space tax classification, Seller agrees to remove the Property from said classification and Escrow Agent shall pay any previously unpaid back taxes due from the Seller's proceeds at Closing. Escrow Agent shall be responsible for reporting the Closing to the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to Section 6045 of the Internal Revenue Code. 12.6 Monetary Liens. Seller shall pay or cause to be satisfied at or prior to Closing all monetary liens on or with respect to all or any portion of the Property, including, but not limited to, mortgages, deeds of trust, security agreements, assignments of leases, rents and/or easements, judgment liens, tax liens (other than those for taxes not yet due and payable) and financing statements. 12.7 Deposit with Escrow Agent and Escrow Instructions. This Agreement shall serve as the instructions to Escrow Agent for consummation of the purchase and sale contemplated hereby. Seller and Buyer agree to execute such additional and supplementary escrow instructions as may be appropriate to enable the Escrow Agent to comply with the terms of this Agreement; provided, however, that in the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any supplementary escrow instruction, the terms of this Agreement shall control. At Closing, Escrow Agent shall record the Deed, the Development Agreement, the Memorandum of Option to Repurchase Agreement, the Memorandum of Lease/Option, and the Memorandum of Negative Pledge. 12.8 Right to Waive. Buyer reserves the right, in its exclusive discretion, to waive all contingencies and any Buyer conditions to Closing. 13. Possession. Seller shall deliver possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. 2841/86 05/05/17 - 14- psa v14 tread\HAURlverbend Joint Venture 14. Condemnation. In the event of the commencement of any proceedings in eminent domain or condemnation (collectively, "Condemnation") respecting the Property or any portion thereof, Buyer may elect, by written notice to Seller, to terminate this Agreement and the escrow created pursuant hereto and be relieved of its obligation to purchase the Property. If Buyer makes such election, the Earnest Money Deposit and other sums delivered to Escrow Agent or Seller by Buyer promptly shall be returned to Buyer and neither Buyer nor Seller shall have any further liability to the other and shall be relieved of all obligations hereunder. If Buyer fails to make such election prior to the Closing Date, this Agreement shall continue in effect, there shall be no reduction in the Purchase Price, and Seller shall, prior to the Closing Date, assign to Buyer, by an assignment agreement in form and substance satisfactory to Buyer, its entire right, title and interest in and to any condemnation award or settlement made or to be made in connection with such Condemnation proceeding. Buyer shall have the right at all times to participate in all negotiations and dealings with the condemning authority and approve or disapprove any proposed settlement in respect to such matter. Seller shall forthwith notify Buyer in writing of any such Condemnation respecting the Property. 15. Casualty. If any earthquake, windstorm or other casualty occurs and materially affects all or any portion of the Property on or after the date of this Agreement and prior to the Closing, Seller shall promptly give Buyer written notice of any damage to the Property and Buyer may elect, within ten (10) days of receipt of Seller's notice, to terminate this Agreement by written notice to Seller and be relieved of its obligation to purchase the Property. If Buyer makes such election, the Earnest Money Deposit and other sums delivered to Escrow Agent or Seller by Buyer promptly shall be returned to Buyer and neither Buyer nor Seller shall have any further liability to the other and shall be relieved of all obligations hereunder. if Buyer fails to timely make such election, this Agreement shall continue in effect, the Purchase Price shall be reduced by the amount of loss or damage occasioned by such casualty not covered by insurance, and Seller shall, prior to the Closing Date, assign to Buyer, by an assignment agreement in form and substance satisfactory to Buyer, its entire right, title and interest in and to all insurance claims and proceeds to which Seller may be entitled in connection with such casualty. 16. Notices. Unless applicable law requires a different method of giving notice, any and all notices, demands or other communications required or desired to be given hereunder by any party (collectively, "notices") shall be in writing and shall be validly given or made to another party if delivered either personally or by Federal Express or other overnight delivery service of recognized standing, or if deposited in the United States Mail, certified, registered, or express mail with postage prepaid, or if sent by electronic mail. If such notice is personally delivered, it shall be conclusively deemed given at the time of such delivery. If such notice is delivered by Federal Express or other overnight delivery service of recognized standing, it shall be deemed given the next business day after the deposit thereof with such delivery service. If such notice is mailed as provided herein, such shall be deemed given two (2) business days after the deposit thereof in the United States Mail. If such notice is given by electronic mail, it shall be deemed given on the date shown on the electronic confirmation of transmission. Each such notice shall be deemed given only if properly addressed to the party to whom such notice is to be given as follows: 2841/86 05/05/17 - 15- psa 09 tread\]ALlRiverbend Joint Venture To Seller: City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Attn: Tom Brubaker and Kurt Hanson Email: trubaker@kentwa.gov and khanson@kentwa.gov With a copy to: Foster Pepper PLLC 1 I I 1 Third Avenue, Suite 3000 Seattle, WA 98101-3299 Attn: Beth Clark Email: beth.clark@foster.com To Buyer: Marquee on Meeker LLC c/o Landmark Development Group 2711 West Valley Highway North Suite 200 Auburn, WA 98001 Attn: Brett Jacobsen Email: bjacobsen@fnw-inc.com With a copy to: Marquee on Meeker LLC Attn: Jonathan Manheim HAL Real Estate Inc. 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98121 Email: jmanheim@halrealestate.com and: Alston, Courtnage & Bassetti LLP Attn: Tom Read 1420 5t"Avenue, Suite 3650 Seattle, WA 98101-4011 Email: tread@alcourt.com Any party hereto may change its address for the purpose of receiving notices as herein provided by a written notice given in the manner aforesaid to the other party hereto. 17. Survival of Representations and Warranties. All representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of the Parties contained in this Agreement, or in any instrument or other writing provided for herein, shall survive the Closing. 18. Finders' or Brokers' Fees. Each of the Parties represents and warrants that it has not dealt with any broker, finder or consultant other than Matt Kemper of Jones Lang LaSalle to which a commission, consultant fee or other fee is due in connection with any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and insofar as it knows, no other broker, consultant or other person is entitled to any commission, charge or finder's fee in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Seller shall be responsible for any fee due to Matt Kemper of 2841/86 05/05/17 -16- psa 09 tread\HAL\Riverbend Joint Venture Jones Lang LaSalle. The Parties each agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other party against any loss, liability, damage, cost, claim or expense, including interest, penalties and reasonable attorneys' fees, that the other party shall incur or suffer by reason of a breach by the first party of the representation and warranty set forth above. 19. Event of Default. 19.1 Seller's Remedies. In the event of a failure by Buyer to complete Closing without legal excuse, Seller shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement and retain the Earnest Money Deposit as liquidated damage as Seller's sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Buyer to close; provided, however, that the foregoing shall be in addition to, and not limit Buyer's indemnification obligations herein. For any other breach or default by Buyer under this Agreement, Seller's remedy shall be limited to bringing an action for actual damages, provided that Seller shall not be able to recover consequential damages or lost profits. 19.2 Buyer's Remedies. In the event of any default by Seller without legal excuse, Buyer shall be entitled, at Buyer's option and as Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy, either to: (a) terminate this Agreement, in which event the Earnest Money Deposit shall be returned to Buyer (at which time this Agreement shall be null and void and neither party shall have any rights or obligations under this Agreement except for those rights and obligations which by their terms survive any such termination), and Seller shall reimburse Buyer for Buyer's actual out-of-pocket third party costs incurred in connection with Buyer's prospective purchase and development of the Property and substantiated in backup documentation reasonably acceptable to Seller; provided that in no event shall the reimbursement for Buyer's out-of-pocket third party costs exceed $1,500,000; or (b) maintain an action for specific performance of Seller's obligations to execute and deliver the documents required to transfer and convey the Property to Buyer, provided that any action for specific performance must be brought within thirty (30) business days of the scheduled Closing Date. 19.3 Opportunity to Cure. Except for the failure to close without legal excuse, which shall constitute an immediate default under this Agreement, with respect to the breach of any other covenant, representation or warranty under this Agreement, a party shall not be entitled to declare a default and pursue its rights and remedies for breach and default under this Agreement until and unless notice of the breach has been given to the breaching party and the breaching party fails to cure such breach within ten(10)days after receiving such notice. 20. Miscellaneous. 20.1 Applicable Law. This Agreement shall in all respects be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. 20.2 Further Assurances. Each of the Parties shall execute and deliver any and all additional papers, documents and other assurances, and shall do any and all acts and things reasonably necessary in connection with the performance of its obligations hereunder, to carry out the intent of the Parties. 20.3 Modification or Amendment. No amendment, change or modification of this Agreement shall be valid, unless in writing and signed by all of the Parties. 2841/86 05/05/17 -17- psa v 19 tread\HAURiverbend Joint Venture 20.4 Assignment. Neither party may assigns its rights under this Agreement to a third party without first obtaining the prior written approval of the other party, provided, that no such approved assignment shall operate to release the assigning party from its obligations hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, following notice to Seller, Buyer may assign its rights under this Agreement to an entity that is controlled, or under common control with, Buyer or its principles. 20.5 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties with respect to its subject matter and any and all prior agreements, understandings or representations with respect to its subject matter are hereby canceled in their entirety and are of no further force or effect. 20.6 Attorneys' Fees. Should either party bring suit to enforce this Agreement, each party shall be responsible for its own attorneys' fees and costs and expert witness fees, if any, incurred in connection with such lawsuit. 20.7 Headings. The captions and paragraph headings used in this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to define, limit or affect the interpretation or construction of any term or provision hereof. 20.8 Section 1031 Exchange. Seller and/or Buyer may wish to effect an IRC Section 1031 tax-deferred exchange, and each party agrees to cooperate with the other to facilitate such an exchange; provided, however, neither party shall be required to incur additional cost or expense on the other party's behalf, nor shall either party be required to advance or deposit monies in excess of amounts required by this Agreement for purchase of the subject Property, and such exchange shall not cause any delays in the time periods or Closing Date specified in this Agreement. The exchange must occur at such time and place as will conform to IRC Section 1031, as may be amended from time to time. 20.9 Time. If any time period under this Agreement expires on a Saturday, Sunday, or day when the recording office in the county where the Property is located is closed, then the time period shall automatically be extended to the next weekday when such office is open for business. 20.10 Counterparts; Email Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts. If so executed, each such counterpart shall be deemed an original for all purposes, and all such counterparts shall collectively constitute one agreement, but in making proof of this Agreement it shall not be necessary to produce or account for more than one such counterpart. Signed copies of this Agreement may be transmitted by electronic mail, and each copy so signed and transmitted shall be deemed an original hereof. [signatures appear on following page] 2841/86 05/05/17 IS- psav19 tread\HAL\Riverbend Joint Venture SELLER: BUYER: CITY OF I EN'T MARQUEE TEEKE X By: The Mis 'n Iri1 LLC, is manager By: By: Its: LIL Date: May 5, 2017 Date: May 5, 2017 Exhibits Exhibit A Legal Description of the Land Exhibit B - Site flan Depicting Approximate Boundaries Of Phase I Property and Please It Property and Approximate Boundaries of Short flat Exhibit C; - Fundamental Business Terms—Project Agreements Exhibit D - Approved Exceptions Exhibit E - Form of Deed Exhibit I~ - Form of Assignment 2841186 05/05117 -19- psa V 19 treat\l IAL.R iverhenrl Joint ve114rlrc EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Land LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A: THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 4 AND 5 IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 23,TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH,RANGE 4 EAST,W.M., IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON,AND THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 23,ALL LYING SOUTHERLY OF SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 5-A AND WESTERLY OF JOHN DOWNEY ROAD NUMBER 722 (54TH PLACE SOUTH). EXCEPT PORTION THEREOF PLATTED AS COLONY PARK CONDOMINIUMS AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 31 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 55 THROUGH_57, INCLUSIVE, IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 IN SECTION 23,TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M.,IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ON THE CENTERLINE OF SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 5-A AT HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 163+00.00 BACK, 163+48.2 AHEAD AS SHOWN ON THE STATE HIGHWAY MAP BEARING DATE OF APPROVAL OF JANUARY 29, 1957, REVISED MARCH 19, 1957,THE CENTERLINE OF WHICH IS ALSO SHOWN OF RECORD IN VOLUME 1, PAGE 32 OF HIGHWAY PLATS,IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 630 53'30" EAST,ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID HIGHWAY 549.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 140 51' 10" EAST, 301.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 750 08' 50"WEST,60.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 140 51' 10" EAST, 119.73 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 140 51' 10" EAST, 166.14 FEET; THENCE NORTH 060 23' 25" EAST,55.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 140 51' 10"WEST, 76.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 420 18' 10"WEST, 43.69 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL B: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES AS DESCRIBED BY RECORDING NO. 9502040945. 2841/8605/05/17 • I - p5a V19 tread\HALlRiverbend Joint Venturc EXHIBIT Site Plan Depicting Approximate Boundaries Of Phase I Property and Phasell Property Cf Z 2841/86 05/05/17 Ina v 19 tread\l WARiverbend Joint Venture , 1 L i n u ✓ r _ ui LL HIM _ (D Lu xo , �... 4n go uj Y F Q w LU FO- UJas � t F -20 ° Q ( tv L y/ a ... LL k .::. n HIM Lu ,._a.. cn 0 a tn � Ni - CV lun)' L A 1 M �y �✓ n EXHIBIT C Fundamental Business Terms—Project Agreements CITY OF KENT/RIVERBEND PSA EXHIBIT C - FUNDAMENTAL BUSINESS TERMS 1. Repurchase Agreement: A. Repurchase Agreement granting City rights to repurchase Phase 1 Property (together with an assignment of all of Buyer's right,title and interest in and to all designs,drawings, engineering work, surveys, professional reports, permits, entitlements and other approvals relating to Buyer's planned project on the Phase l and Phase 2 Property (the "Project")to be executed at closing of Phase 1 Property sale to Buyer,and a memorandum of the Repurchase Agreement will be recorded at such closing. Repurchase Agreement terminates as provided in Section B(iii) below. B. City shall have right to repurchase the Phase 1 Property if- (i) Infrastructure Permits not picked up/paid for by Buyer within 15 calendar days of the later of: City notice that they are ready for issuance or closing of the Phase 1 Property (ii) Buyer fails to "commence construction" within 30 calendar days of the later of: the date Buyer picks up/pays for Infrastructure Permits or closing of the Phase 1 Property; (iii) For the period following Buyer's commencement of construction pursuant to Infrastructure Permits and extending until date on which Buyer provides reasonable evidence to the City that Buyer has paid at least$15,000,000 in connection with Buyer's purchase, financing, design,engineering, entitlement, permitting and construction of the development on Phase 1 and Phase 2 Property, if construction of Project is stopped for in excess of 90 consecutive days, subject to Force Majeure. "Infrastructure Permits" as used herein means all grade, fill and mainline civil construction permits for Phase l Property and Phase 2 Property on-site and off-site public and private mainline infrastructure, including water, storm water,sanitary sewer utilities and traffic/pedestrian improvements, and including all Phase 1 and Phase 2 Property "Meet Me on Meeker" improvements,and including permits for Phase I Property geo-piers and Phase I podium building foundation permit. "Commencement of Construction" as used herein means at minimum commencement of substantial work on Phase 1 Property and Phase 2 Property pursuant to Infrastructure Permits with notice to Buyer's general contractor to proceed and commencement of actual on-site construction activities on a continuous basis as permitted under the Infrastructure Permits; provided,however,that the foregoing work with respect to Phase 2 Property may commence, in Buyer's discretion, not later than 12 months after the Phase l closing. 2841/86 05/05/17 1 - psa v19 treadlHALlRiverbend Joint Venture C. Repurchase Price: (i) Under B(i) and (ii) above, the Repurchase Price to be paid by City shall equal the purchase price paid by Buyer to City (i.e., presently $5,250,000 for Phase 1),minus City's cost to cure or remove any liens,encumbrances or other matters that exist on title to the Phase 1 or Phase 2 Property that did not exist when title to the Phase 1 Property originally transferred to Buyer; (ii) Under B(iii) above, the Repurchase Price to be paid by City shall equal the greate of (X) the appraised fair market value of the Phase 1 Property, in its "as is"condition as of the date of repurchase, including the value of all permits, entitlements,agreements (including the Development Agreement), plus the value, if any, of installed infrastructure and improvements constructed on the Phase 1 Property as of the repurchase date as certified by an agreed MAI appraiser, and(Y) the appraised fair market value of the Phase 1 Property in a vacant, "raw" and unimproved condition as of the date of repurchase, including the value of all permits, entitlements, agreements (including the Development Agreement). In the case of either X or Y, the repurchase price shall be minus City's cost to cure or remove any liens,encumbrances or other matters that exist on title to the Phase 1 or Phase 2 Property that did not exist when title to the Phase 1 Property originally transferred to Buyer. (iii) On the closing date of City's repurchase, City shall pay the Repurchase Price, as adjusted above, and Buyer shall (i) convey title to the Phase 1 Property and the Project to City; (ii) assign to City without additional compensation (to the extent assignable and without representation or warranty), all of Buyer's right, title and interest in and to all development approvals (including the Development Agreement)and all other permits, entitlements, licenses, approvals,plans, specifications, studies, condominium documents, and similar documents and materials associated with the Project; (iii)at Buyer's sole cost, remove all liens, encumbrances and other matters that exist on title to the Property (or applicable phase) and the Project that did not exist when title thereto was originally conveyed by City to Buyer(including,without limitation,any liens in favor of any construction lender) except those encumbrances,easements, covenants and other matters that are required under the short plat,the Development Agreement or other approvals related to Buyer's development of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Property in accordance with City requirements; and(iv)execute and deliver such other documents, certificates and instruments reasonably necessary in order to effectuate the repurchase described herein or otherwise customarily delivered in connection with the conveyance of property and improvements in King County, Washington(including a closing statement, excise tax affidavits, escrow instructions, and affidavits and documents required by any title or escrow company). Buyer shall pay all closing costs incurred in connection with City's repurchase of the Property. 2. Buyer Negative Pledge: A. Buyer Negative Pledge. Until expiration or termination of the Repurchase Agreement, Buyer shall not create, incur, allow, permit, assume,or suffer to exist any Lien(as defined below),of any kind or nature, on all or any portion of the Property. For this purpose, "Lien" means any residential lease, or any sublease, mortgage, deed of trust,security interest, 2841/86 05/05/17 -2- psa 09 treadlHAURiverbend Joint Venture pledge, assessment, charge, assignment, hypothecation, encumbrance, attachment, garnishment, execution, mechanics', or other voluntary or involuntary lien upon or affecting all or any portion of the Property, except (a) liens for taxes which are not delinquent or which remain payable without penalty and (b)dedications, easements, rights-of-way, and other similar Project-related encumbrances and agreements contemplated by the Development Agreement. B. Limited Sale/Transfer Restriction. Until later of(i) substantial completion of the podium structure on the Phase 1 Property,or(ii) 24 months after the Phase 1 Property closing, Buyer shall not, directly or indirectly, sell,transfer or convey all or any portion of the Property or any ownership interest in the Property(including, directly or indirectly, selling, transferring or conveying, in one or more transactions, 50% or more of the membership interests in Buyer), except (a) leases of individual residential units; (b) leases of individual retail and commercials spaces; and (c) dedications,easements, rights-of-way, and other similar Project-related encumbrances and agreements contemplated by the Development Agreement; provided, however, that this Limited Sale/Transfer Restriction shall be deemed expired in any event upon the tenth (10"') anniversary of the closing of the Phase 1 Property regardless of whether the events in(i) or(ii)above have occurred. This Limited Sale/Transfer Restriction shall be expressly subordinate to a first-priority security interest in the Property or Project granted by Buyer to any institutional bank or lender(which is not affiliated with or related to Buyer or its principals or any affiliates or subsidiaries of the Buyer, its principals or their family members) that has provided financing to Buyer for the construction of the Project which bank or lender is actively involved in commercial real estate construction financing(a"Permitted Construction Lien"). This Limited Sale/Transfer Restriction shall be terminated in the event of a foreclosure of a Permitted Construction Lien. 3. Completion Guaranty: • Needs to apply to lien-free completion of Phase 1 Project plus all work under Infrastructure Permits on both phases consistent with all permits and Development Agreement • To be executed by FN W, Inc. • Consistent with terms and conditions of completion and payment guaranty to be given to construction lender; outside date of completion consistent with completion guaranty given to construction lender • Guarantor financial covenants—minimum net worth/amount of liquidity MISCELLANEOUS AGREEMENTS/ASSUMPTIONS INTEGRAL TO ABOVE AND TO BE INCLUDED IN OTHER PROJECT AGREEMENTS AS APPLICABLE: 4. Development Agreement: • Shall be recorded as a covenant running with the land with a 10-year term expiring as of expiration date of Development Agreement binding on Buyer and City and their respective successors, heirs, legatees, representatives, receivers, trustees, successors, transferees and assigns, including but not limited to any construction lender 2841/86 05/05/17 -3- psa v19 tread\HAIARiverbend Joint Venture • Project construction lender to execute acknowledgment of priority of Development Agreement over lien of construction loan 5. Lease/Option Agreement for Phase 2 Property: Lease/Option Agreement to be executed at Phase 1 Closing shall include following terms: A. Lease/Option automatically terminates if: (i) Any of events outlined in Section I.B. (i) or(ii) above occurs (ii) Buyer closes a sale of Phase I Property prior to Buyer's substantial completion of Phase 1 podium or otherwise violates Buyer's negative pledge or Buyer's limited sale/transfer restriction (iii) Buyer fails to commence construction of Phase 2 infrastructure by no later than 12 months after the Phase 1 closing (iv) Construction on Phase 1 Property is stopped for in excess of 180 consecutive days, subject to Force Majeure. B. Conditions to City's obligation to convey Phase 2 Property to Buyer(any of which is waivable in City's sole discretion): (i) Phase I podium building is fully framed (ii) All mainline infrastructure for Phase 1 Property and Phase 2 Property pursuant to Infrastructure Permits complete and ready for acceptance by/dedication to City as applicable (iii) No outstanding defaults by Buyer under any Project permits (iv) No outstanding defaults by Buyer under Development Agreement (v) Completion Guaranty for Phase 2 Property construction in favor of City executed and delivered by Buyer 6. Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 Property Podium: City will not issue Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 podium until all mainline infrastructure for Phase 1 Property and Phase 2 Property pursuant to Infrastructure Permits complete and ready for acceptance by/dedication to City as applicable. 2841/86 0.5/05/17 -4- psa v19 treaMAURiverbend Joint Venture EXHIBIT D Approved Exceptions 1. Real estate taxes levied but not yet due and payable. 2. Facility Charges, if any, including but not limited to hook-up, or connection charges and latecomer charges for water or sewer facilities of City of Kent as disclosed by instruments recorded as recording nos. 8005160282 and 8108050318. None due or owing at Date of Policy. 3. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: November 8, 1961, Recording No. 5350942 In Favor of: County of King, a municipal corporation For: River protection 4. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: April 25, 1962, Recording No. 5417461 In Favor of: County of King, a municipal corporation For: River protection 5. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: January 22, 1964, Recording No. 5690275 In Favor of: Puget Sound Power&Light Company For: Maintain, replace, remove and use an electric line, including all necessary poles, anchor, wires and fixtures 6. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 7904240940 For: Ingress, egress and utilities Affects: as described therein 7. Terms, covenants, conditions and restrictions as contained in recorded Lot Line Adjustment(Boundary Line Revision): Recorded: February 16, 1995 Recording Information: 9502160277 8. A document entitled "Amended and Restated Grant of Easements and Levee Easement Agreement", executed by and between City of Kent and King County Flood Control Zone District recorded August 22, 2008, as Instrument No. 20080822000569 of Official Records. Said instrument amends and restates that agreement recorded under Recording No. 20050813001810. 9. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 8411160550 In Favor of: Puget Sound Power& Light Company For: Underground electric system 2841/86 05/05/17 1 - psa v l 9 trcadMAL\Riverbend Joint Venture 10. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 9502020945 For: Ingress, egress, vehicle and equipment parking and utilities Affects: As described therein Please note a Release of First Right of Refusal was recorded under Recording No. 20110523000167. 11. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 9502020946 For: Building setback, parking and turnaround for construction, operation and maintenance of carport structures Affects: as described therein 12. Any question that may arise due to the shifting and/or changing in the course of Green River. 13. Any prohibition or limitation on the use, occupancy or improvements of the land resulting from the right of the public or riparian owners to use any waters which may cover the land or to use any portion of the land which is now or may formerly have been covered by water. 14. Paramount rights and easements in favor of the United States for commerce, navigation, fisheries and the production of power. 15. Rights of the general public to the unrestricted use of all the waters of a navigable body of water not only for the primary purpose of navigation, but also for corollary purposes; including (but not limited to) fishing, boating, bathing, swimming, water skiing and other related recreational purposes, as those waters may affect the tidelands, shorelands or adjoining uplands and whether the level of the water has been raised naturally or artificially to a maintained or fluctuating level,all as further defined by the decisional law of this state. (Affects all of the premises subject to such submergence) 16. Regulatory Control by the State Supervisor of Flood Control through the establishment of a Flood Control Zone No. 2 inclusive within the boundaries thereof these premises and other property as lying within a flood basin. Control being exercised by issuance of regulatory orders and permits affecting the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of any structure of any structure of improvement, public or private, to be erected or built, or to be reconstructed or modified. (RCW 86.16.010 et seq.) 17. Relinquishment of all existing and future rights to light, view and air, together with the rights of access to and from the State Highway constructed on lands conveyed by document in favor of the State of Washington: Recorded: April 12, 1985 Recording No.: 8504120861 18. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Ordinance No. 3294" recorded August 8, 1996 as Recording No. 9608080144 of Official Records. 2841/86 05/05/17 -2. psa v19 treadM WARiverbend Joint Venture 19. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Ordinance No. 33354" recorded November 6, 1997 as Recording No. 9711061187 of Official Records. 2841/86 05/05/17 -3- psa v19 treadMIARimbend Joint Venture EXHIBIT E Form of Deed WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Thomas W.Read Alston,Courtnage& Bassetti LLP 1420 Fifth Avenue,Suite 3650 Seattle,Washington 98101-4011 Document Title: BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Grantor: Grantee: Legal Description: Abbreviated Legal Description: Full Legal Description: See Exhibit A attached. Assessor's Tax Parcel Nos.: Reference Nos. of Documents Released or Assigned: BARGAIN AND SALE DEED THE GRANTOR, , for and in consideration of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, bargains, sells and conveys to , the real estate, situated in King County, Washington, and legally described on attached Exhibit A, subject to the matters described on attached Exhibit B. 2841/86 05/05117 - I - psa v19 treadlHALlRiverbend Joint Venture The Grantor, for itself and its successors in interest, does by these presents expressly limit the covenants of the deed to those herein expressed, and excludes all covenants arising or to arise by statutory or other implication, and does hereby covenant that against all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by, through or under said Grantor and not otherwise, Grantor will forever warrant and defend the said described real estate. DATED: , 201 GRANTOR: 2841/86 05/05/17 -2- psa v19 treadMAURiverbend Joint Venture STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF KING } On this day of , 201 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared , known to me to be the of the that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company, for the purposes therein mentioned,and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above written. Signature Print Name NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington,residing at My commission expires 2841/86 05/05/17 •3 psa 09 9 tread\HAL\Riverbend Joint Venture Exhibit A to Bargain and Sale Warranty Wgganty Deed Legal Description 2841/86 05/05/17 -4- psa v19 treadWAURiverhend Joint Venture Exhibit B to Bargain and Sale Deed Permitted Exceptions 2841186 05/05/17 -5- psa v19 treadWAL\Riverbend Joint Venture EXHIBIT F Form of Assignment THIS GENERAL ASSIGNMENT (this "Assignment") is entered into as of the _ day of 201_, by and between The City of Kent ("Assignor"), and ("Assignee"),who agree as follows: 1. Pro e . The "Property" means the real property located in the City of Kent, and legally described in Exhibit A attached to this Assignment, which Property is the subject of that certain Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement with Lease/Option to Purchase between Assignor and Assignee. 2. Assignment. For good and valuable consideration received by Assignor, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Assignor hereby grants, transfers and assigns to Assignee the entire right, title and interest (to the extent transferrable) of Assignor in and to the following, as they relate to the Property: water rights; mineral rights; utility rights; rights-of-way, rights of ingress or egress or other interests in, on, or to, any land abutting or adjoining the Property; governmental licenses, permits and approvals; development rights; plans, specifications and drawings; soils and engineering studies; surveys; and inspection reports and other reports and studies in the possession of Assignor or its agents (the "Assigned Property"). 3. Assumption. Assignee hereby assumes the covenants, agreements and obligations of Assignor under the Assigned Property which are applicable to the period and required to be performed from and after the date of this Assignment. No person or entity other than Assignor shall be deemed a beneficiary of the provisions of this Section 3. 4. Legal Expenses. If either party to this Assignment brings suit or otherwise becomes involved in any legal proceedings seeking to enforce the terms of this Assignment, or to recover damages for their breach, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses (including fees of attorneys, expert witnesses, accountants, court reporters and others) incurred in connection therewith including all such costs and expenses incurred: (a) in trial and appellate court proceedings, (b) in connection with any and all counterclaims asserted by one party to this Assignment against another whether or not such counterclaims arise out of or are otherwise related to this Assignment, (c) in bankruptcy or other insolvency proceedings, and (d) in post judgment collection proceedings. S. Successors and Assigns. This Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Assignor and Assignee and their respective successors and assigns. 6. Governing. This Assignment and the rights of the parties hereto shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Washington without regard to any choice of law principles. 7. Power and Authority. Each party represents and warrants to the other that it is fully empowered and authorized to execute and deliver this Assignment, and the individual 2841/86 05/05/17 -I - psa v19 tread\1.1AL\Riverbend Joint Venture signing this Assignment on behalf of such party represents and warrants to the other party that he or she is fully empowered and authorized to do so. 8. Counterparts. This Assignment may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, and all of such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. [Signatures appear on following page.] 2841/86 05/05/17 -2- psa v19 treadWAURiverbend Joint Venture IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor and Assignee have executed and delivered this Assignment as of the day and year first above written. ASSIGNOR: , a By: Name: Its: ASSIGNEE: , a By: Name: Its: 2841/86 05/05/17 -3- psa v19 treadlHALlRiverbend Joint Venture r EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2841186 05/05/17 -4- psa vi9 tread\HAL\Riverbend Joint Venture