HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR17-190 - Original - Linkedin - eLearning Course Subscription - 04/20/2017 Records M EH 11T y Dacum�ent wAS„�wo7aw idi � CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the. City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-556-5725. Vendor Name: Linkedin Vendor Number: V#1497512 JD Edwards Number Contract Number: This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Linkedin eLearning Course Subscriptions Description: [:J Interlocal ,Agreement El Change Order ❑ Amendment El Contract x Other: Subscription - 1 year Contract Effective Date.: 5/01/17 Termination Date: 4/30/18 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): 60 Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Marty Fisher Department: Human Resources Contract Amount: $24 750.00 Approval Authority: E] Director E] Mayor F-1 City Council Meeting Date Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Linkedin (Lynda Enterprise Academic & Government) subscription for 1 year access for 70�0 City of Kent employees to eLearning courses Linked [M,,, mNKEQ[N SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT This Linked|n Subscription Agreement, including its exhibits (~L54^)' governs any ordering document executed by the customer identified in that ordering document ("Customer") and the Linked|n company identified in that ordering document (~Linked|n"). This LSA, the applicable ordering document, and any other incorporated terms' comprise the complete understanding between the parties on the subject matter("Agreement"). This LSA is designed to address the unique concerns of a Pubfic Sector Entity and is not applicable to private entities."Public Sector Entity" means any federal, sta,e, or local government unit, agency, political subdivision or instrumentality. If Customer is not a Public Sector Entity, then LimkedVm's standard terms and conditions located at� wUisupemedethis |SA and govern aUordering documentu between the pa�ies. 1. ORDERING 1.1 Ordering Services. Customer mmy access and use the subscription services offered via Liwkedin's websi'es to the extent and for the term stated in the ordering document ("Services"). Customer may allow its Affiliate to order Services under the terms of this LSA only if Customer informs Unkedln in writing of the specific Affiliateaurhudz*Vto do so,That authorized Affiliate wiH be(a) deemed a "Customer"for that order only; and (b)jointly and severally liab:le with Customer for its use of the Services and compliance with the Agreement. "Affiliate" means an entity that cnntrmks,|s controlled by,oris under common control with,aparty. 1.2 Payment and Taxes. Customer will pay the fees for the Services in accordance with the payment terms stated in the ordering document. For Services that require payment by credit card, Linked|n will charge Customer's credit card upon receipt of the credit card information and upon renewals. Customer's purchases are non-cancelable and payment for Services is non-refundable, except as otherwise stated in this LSA. Customer will pay or reimburse Linked|n for all federal, state, and local taxes, including sales, use,gross receipts, VAT, levy,GST,mr similar transaction taxes imposed on Customer's purchase of Services, unless Customer provides Linked|n with o vaHd tax exemption certificate. All taxes payable by Customer will be separately stated and exclusive of the fees. Customer will have no liability for taxes that are statutorily imposed on Linkmd|n, including taxes or fees measured by Linked|n's net orgross income. %. RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Use of Services, Customer will use the Services oo|ety for its intended purpose, and as outlined in Exhibit A. Only customer-designated employees and contractors are authorized to use the Services ("Customer Use,~). A customne, User must also be a Member when accessing Services through Unked|n.cum. A "Member" is on individual who signs- up to use Linked|n's services under Unk+d|n's user agreement' currently available at aa amended by Umked|n �om �me to time (~UserAgreememt~). The termsofthe0serAQeementareimcm/poratedintuth|sL\A.[ustomervviUensurethat[vstomerUsersconnp|Vwiththe User Agreement when using the Service in the capacity as an employee or contractor of Customer, and not when Customer User is using the Service in a personal capacity,Custorner may only use the Services for Customer's internal use. Customerxvi[| not provide access ta the Services to any third party, except that Customer may allow its Affiliates to access and use the Services if Customer is fully liable for its Affiliates' use of the Services and compliance with the Agreement. Customer will notify L|nked|n immediately upon learning of any unauthorized use of the Services or any other breach of security related to the Semices. Customer may use information about Members that it collects in connection with its use of the Services only as needed for use ofthe Services and as expressly permitted in this LSA. LinkedIn may communicate to Customer Users about the Services, including how to use the Services. 2.2 Provision of Services. Customer |s responsible for providing Linke6|n with the information necessary for Limked|oto provide the Services. Customer is solely responsible for the accuracy, quality and legality ofsuch information. If Service must integrate with third-party systems or applications used by Customer (e.g. an applicant tracking system, u"*eu/"cvondenma/and Proprietary z Last updated:October,zms Aptuowm. "ATS"or a customer relationship rnanagernent system, "CIRM"), Customer is solely responsible for the integration and reiate6 activities. LinkedUm disclaims any and all liability for the use of third-party systems or appNcaboou residing outside LinkedUm^ssystems. 2.3 Handling of Personal Data. If Customer uploads or otherwise provides UnkedIn with Personal Data (defined below) in connection with its use of the Services (~Customer Personal Data"), then Unked|n, in providing the Services, processes Customer Personal Data on behalf ofCustomer. Customer is,he controller ofCumtomer Personal Data and Unkod|n will process Customer Personal Data (i) in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws (defined in section 2.4)/ (ii) in compliance with the written instructions received from Customer including, as applicable, Sub- processing as necessary; and (iii) only for the purpose of providing, Supporting and improving the Services (including to provide insights and other reporting)' using appropriate technical and organizational security measures. "Personal Data" means information about an individual that (a) can be used to identify, contact or locate specific individual, inc8uding data that Customer chooses to provide to LinkedIn from services such as ATSs or CRIVIs; (b)can be combined with other information that is linked to a specific individual to identify, contact or locate a specific individual; or(c) is defined as "personal data" or "personal information" bV applicable laws or regulations relating tmthe collection, use, storage ar disclosure ufinformation about en identifiable individual. 2.4 Compliance with Laws. The parties will comply with all applicable international, federal, state, provincial and local laws relating to (a) corruption practice, bribery, and acts contrary to the, public administration including the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977' 15 U.S.[. § 78dd1, ag seq./ (b)discrimination against employees or job applicants based on race. color, religion, sex, national origin' veteran mamy or disability; and (c),the privacy' confidentiality, security and protection of Personal Data including the 2U Data Protection Directive 9S/46/EC as amended and as implemented in the various European Economic Area countries or any similar and applicable |egWatiow enacted outside of the European Economic Area and security breach notification |evvs ("Data Protection Laws"}. Linked|n complies with the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the coUection, use, and retention of Personal Data from Switzerland. With respect to any Customer Personal Data of European Union residents, Linkmd|n Corporation (as data importer) and Customer(as data exporter) will comply with the applicable standard contractual clauses located at: . Unked|n is enrolled in the U.S. Department ofHomeland Security's E- Verify program regarding the immigration and employment eligibility of newly hired employees. 3. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 3.1 DeMm|t|en. "Confidential information" means any information disclosed under the Agreement that (a) if tangible, is clearly marked as "Confidential" or with a similar designation; (b) if intangible, is identified as "Confidential" by discloser atthe time ofdisciuyureand confirmed in writing to recipient as being Confidential Information; or(c)from the relevant circumstances should reasonably be known by recipient to be confidential (e.g. pricing' non-public Personal Data,etc.).Confidential Information does not include any portion of the information that recipient can prove (a) was r/ghthuNyknum/n to recipient before receipt from discloser; (b) was generally known tothe public on the Effective Date; (c) becomes generally known to the public after the Effective Date, through no fault of recipient; (d) was received by recipient from a third party without any confidentiality obligation; or (e) was independently developed by recipient without breach of this section 3, For Customers located in the United States, Livked]m acknowledges that Customer is Subject tm certain mandatory disclosure requirements under applicable federal and state freedom of information laws, including the Freedom of Information Act,5 U.S.C.§552,et seq.,as amended. For ali other Customers, 8nked|n acknowledges that Customer is subject to certain mandatory disclosure requirements under applicab;e freedom of information laws in Customer's home jurisdiction,Customer acknowWges that certain information provided by Linkedin during the performance of this Agreement may contain trade secrets and confidential commerciai or financial information exempt frorn the mandatory disclosure requirements under applicable freedom of information laws. 3.2 Limited Use and Non-Disclosure. Recipient will (o) use Confidential information only for the purposes of furthering the business relationship between the parties; (b) protect Confidential Information using the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential information of a like nature, but in no event less than a reasonable degree,of care; (d not disclose Confidential Information to any third party except (1) to Affiliates or employees, consultants, and agents who (i) have a need to know it in, order to carry out their obligations under the Agreement, and (ii) are under written confidentiality and non-use obligations at |*ag as restrictive as those stated in this LSAor (2) as required by u^xem^Confidential and Proprietary z Last Updated:October,oma Apttus No, law; and (d) not modify, reverse engineer, decompile, create other works from, or disassemble any Confidential Information,to the extent applicable,unless authorized in writing by discloser. 4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND OWNERSHIP. No right, title or interest in any intellectual property right transfers to the other party, except for the limited rights stated in the Agreement. Customer is not obligated to provide Linkedln or its Affiliates with any suggestions,enhancement requests,or other feedback about the Services or related technology. However, if Customer does provide any feedback to Linkedln, Linkedln may use and modify it without any restriction or payment. S. TERM AND TERMINATION 5.1 Term.This LSA is effective on the date the first ordering document is executed by Customer and Linkedln ("Effective Date")and remains in effect until terminated. 5.2 Termination and Suspension. Either party may terminate this LSA or an ordering document if the other party materially breaches the Agreement and fails to cure the breach within 30 days after receiving notice of the breach. Linkedln may suspend Customer's access to the Services if Customer is in breach of the Agreement and the suspension will continue for as long as reasonably necessary for Customer to remedy the breach. If all ordering documents under this LSA have expired or been terminated,then either party may terminate this LSA for convenience by providing written notice to the other party. 5.3 Effect of Termination.Termination of this LSA or an ordering document will not relieve Customer from its obligation to pay Linkedln any fees stated in an ordering document, excluding termination by Customer for Linkedln's uncured material breach of this LSA. If Customer terminates this LSA or an ordering document because of Linkedln's uncured material breach, Linkedln will refund a pro-rata share of any pre-paid fees under the applicable ordering document. Customer will notify Customer Users that their access to the applicable Services has terminated and Linkedln may remove or discard all content that Customer uploaded or otherwise made available to Linkedln in accordance with Linkedln's policies. Termination of an ordering document does not terminate this LSA; however,termination of this LSA will result in the immediate termination of all ordering documents.The provisions of this LSA that by their nature extend beyond the termination of this LSA will survive termination of this LSA. 6. LIMITED WARRANTY;DISCLAIMER. Linkedln warrants that the Services will substantially conform to the specifications in the ordering document. Linkedln makes no other representation or warranty about the Services, including any representation that the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free.To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, Linkedln disclaims any implied or statutory warranty, including any implied warranty of title, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 7. LIABILITY 7.1 Linkedln Liability. Linkedln will be responsible for any damages resulting from (a) the negligent acts or omissions of Linkedln,its employees,or agents;and(b)the Services'infringement of a third party's intellectual property right. 7.2 Customer Liability. To the extent legally liable and permitted by law, Customer will be responsible for any damages resulting from (a) the negligent acts or omissions of Customer, its employees, or agents; (b) claims made or brought against Linkedln by a third party alleging that(1)the Customer Personal Data or Linkedln's transmission or hosting of the Customer Personal Data infringes or violates the rights of the third parry;or(ii)Customer's use of the Services in violation of the Agreement infringes or violates the rights of the third party;or(c)Customer's failure to comply with applicable laws, rules or regulations in its performance under the Agreement. 8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 8.1 Damages Waiver. Neither party, including its respective Affiliates, will be liable to the other in connection with the Agreement for lost profits or lost business opportunities, loss of data, or any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages. Linkedln Confidential and Proprietary 3 Last Updated:October,2016 Apttus No. •d and to the extent Customer provides to Linkedln any personal data of European Union residents in connection with its use of the Services(not including data provided by members to Linkedln),Unkedln and Customer will comply with the applicable Standard Contractual Clauses available at https://business.linkedin.c=/c/15/10%u-sec,the terms of which arc Incorporated by reference into this Order Form. •Add-on orders must co-term with the originating order. CUSTOMER Signature: I#.,k,.&�.e&j_ Signature: Name: Name: Marshia Escobar Title: Title: Senior Manager,Revenue Recognition Date: , Date: April 14,2017 Except as otherwise provided in the LSA,this is a non-cancelable and non-refundable purchase.I hereby represent that I am an authorized signatory and have read and agreed to the terms of this Order Form. Unkedln Confidential and Proprietary 2 Rev.September 2016 8.2 Liability Cap. Neither party, including its respective Affiliates, xviH be liable to the other in connection with the Agreement for an amount that exceeds the total fees paid or payabIeto Unked|o during the 12-month period before the event giving rise uothe liability. Subject to section Q.3 (b). Unked|nviU not be liable for any unauthorized third party access$o Customer's content, data programs, information, network, or systems (excluding unauthorized third party access directly resulting from the negligent acts or ornisslons of Linkedln). 83 Exclusions. The limitations of liability stated in sections 8.1 and 82, do not apply to a party's (a) confidentiality obligations; (b) liability for fraud,gross negligence or intentional misconduct; (d liability for death or personal injury/ or(d)violation of the other party's intellectual property rights. 8.4 Sovereign Immunity.The parties recognize that Customer is a Public Sector Entity, and nothing in this LSA is intended to waive or diminish Customer's rights under principles of Sovereign Immunity,as estabUshed by law. g. DISPUTE RESOLUTION.The Agreement is governed by the laws of Customer's home jurisdiction.The prevailing party may seek to recover its legal fees and costs, If the Customer is a United Nations program,fund,or specialized agency,then any dispute or claim related to the Agreement,including a claim of breach(unless settled by direct negotiation),will be settled in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules,Any resulting arbitration award will be binding on the parties and final. If during,a direct negotiation the parties,wish to seek an amicable settlement of the dispute or clailm by conciliation, the concillation will take place in accordance with the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules, 10. MISCELLANEOUS.If a conffict exists between any of the terms in the Agreement,then this LSA will govern,followed by the ordering docurnent, and then the User Agreement. if a conflict exists between any of the general terms in this LSA and the relevant exhibits,then the exhibits wlH prevail to the extent of that inconsistency. Neither party relies on any undertaking, prumise, assurance, statement, representation, warranty ur understanding ufany person relating to the subject matter of the Agreement, other than as stated in the Agreement. Notices will be provided in writing and delivered by commercial overnight courier to the address of the other party stated on the ordering document, unless otherwise stated in the Agreement. Notices are effective on the date of delivery as indicated in the records of the courier. The Agreement does not create a partnership, agency re|ationship, or joint venture between the parties. Neither party has the power or authority to bind the other or to create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of the other. Under no circumstances miU any employee of one party be deemed to be the empIoyee of the other, Unked|n may name Custumeras a customeruf Unked|n's in its marketing and promotional materials. Neither party will assign the Agreement in whole or in part without the other pam/s prior written consent, Any attempted assignment in violation of this restriction is void. The Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors and permitted assigns. Customer will provide Unked|n written notification ifCuutumer is purchasing Services through a Linked|n approved agency. If Customer is an agency binding a client under this LSA Customer(a)represents and warrants that it has the authority to bind the client under this LSA;(b)MI notify Linkedin in writing uf the npmeand address of its client that will access and use the Services, and (c) remains jointly and severally liable,for MI of Customer's obligations under the Agreement. If the Agreement is translated into a language other than English, the translation is for convenience only, and the English language version will gnvern. Linked|n may remotely monitor Custorner's use of the Services to ensure compliance with the Agreement. If any provision of the Agreement |s unenforceable, that provision will be modified tu render iz enforceable to the extent possible to give effect tothe parties' intentions and the remaining provisions will not be affected,The parties may amend the Agreement only in a written amendment signed by both parties' except for the User Agreement which may be modified in accordance with its terms. If this LSA will be executed then it can be executed electronically and in counterparts, each of which is deemed to be an original and together comprise a single document. Each party represents and warrants that the individual binding a party under this LSA[s authorized codoso. Signature: Signature: Title: Title: Date Signed: Date Signed: Last Updated:October,zuz6 ^pmuswo. EKHIBITA SERVICE-SPECIFIC TERMS The following Service-specific terms are in addition tmthose above and apply to Customer tothe extent the specific Service is included in the applicable ordering document, Unked|v may, in its sole discretion' change, modify, upgrade o, discontinue any aspect nr feature ofa Service in whole orinpart. 1. TALENT SERVICES 1.1 Recruiter Service. Customer will use the Recruiter Service(and re�atecl services)and information about Members only to recruit individuals to become employees and consultants of Customer or its Affiliates, or, if Customer is an approved agency,only to recruit individuals to become ernployees and consultants of its clients, An agency is classified as a recruitment process ovtsnuoe,for a client ofagency, if agency's Customer User Uses that client's name, brand, or logo on Customer User's Member profile, profile summary, current employer description, or in messaging in the Unked|n environment ("RP0^). Agency will inform Unked|n of its RP0 classification with a client and the name of that client (a) before purchasing any Recruiter Service, and (b) upon a change in classification. RPOs must use Recruiter Corporate seats to support a client. RPOs must not use Recruiter Professional or Recruiter Lite seats to support a client. if Customer User is using its client's name, brand,or logo as described above,in conjunction with the RPO's name, brand or logo, then its purchase of Recruiter Corporate is governed by the master subscription agreement between Unked|o and the RPO.|f Customer User isusing its client's name,brand,or logo as described above,in place of the RPO's brand or logo, then its purchase of Recruiter Corporate seats is governed by the master subscription agreement between Unked|n and that client, If Customer Stops using the Service, Customer is responsible for downloading any content data or other information Customer Users uploaded to Linked|m'o4stem or otherwise provided to Unked|n. Customer's breach of this section will be deemed a material breach of the Agreement. 1.2 Certification Exam Vouchers. Recruiter Professional Certification Exam Vouchers will be distributed to Customer's designated point of contact stated in the ordering document. Exam Vouchers expire 12 months from the Start Date stated in the ordering document("Expiration Date"). Exams must be taken on or before the Expiration Dote. Customer will not receive any refunds or credits lf Customer fails to use Exam Vouchers prior to the Expiration Date. Only Customer's employees or consultants may use Exam Vouchers. Customer is prohibited from eeeWing Exam Vouchers to any third party.Ali Exam Vouchers must he redeemed through Wd��e���.may only be redeemed once, and may not beapplied to exam retakes. Once an exam is scheduled, it can only be rescheduled with at least 72 hours' advance notice v�a yebassessor_and additional fees may apply, To reochedWm or cancel scheduled exams outside the 72-hnorm/lmdmm, Customer must contact the UvkedLn Help[enter. Linkedin does not guarantee that candidates will pass their exams. If candidate does not pass their exam and wishes tw retake it. Customer must pay additional fees.Government employees (including military employees of public education institutions)are not eligible to purchase Exam Vouchers per government gift and ethics laws. 1.3 Career Pages,All Career page"traffic driver"ad impressions will launch within 90 days from the Start Date in the ordering document,using social ad units and targeting generated bVUnked|n. 1.4 Elevate. Customer will maintain a social media mw8uy and ensure that its personnel comply with the policy. Only Customer's designated curator(s) is/are authorized to post content tothe Elevate Service. Customer Voem who are not curators may only read and forward content. Customer will ensure that it owns or has the necessary licenses, rights,and consents to the content irposts tm the Elevate Service. 1.5 Job Slots.Jobs posted under available Job Slots will expire upon the expiration/termination of the ordering document, 1.6 Referrals. Customer will use the Referrals Service and information about Members only to recruit individuals to becomeemp|oyees and consultants of Customer ur its Af0Netes.The Referral Service must integrate with Customer's ATS.The Referrais Service will only operate with certain third party ATSs,as specified in the ordering document. 1.7 Talent Ana|\¢|cs and Talent Pools. Linked|n will provide Custom ana|yticu reports derived from aggregating applicable K8ember's public pmMhc information (~Reports"). Linked|n, in its sole discretion, may adjust mrdecline to include certain profile data in the Reports if it deems exposure of the data may compromise the privacy of Members mrother Linked|m unksuxn Confidential and Proprietary s Last Updated:October,auzs Am,00w". customers. Reports are considered delivered on the date the Reports are sent ou Customer, even if Linked|n provides additional analysis of the Reports at a later date (e.g. responses to foilow-up questions, modifications, etz.). Unkedmwill not release any underlying Uokedm data or third party data used to generate Remomo. Unked|n retains ownership of all right, title, and interest toall content included in the Reports (�uc|eding any associated intellectual property rights). LinkedYmherebygrantsCost*meranom'mxdusivm'perpetoaLruya|tyfee,wur[dm/ide'non-tranderrab|e,non-sob|icensah|e license to use,distribute,and display the Reports for Customer's internaY,non-commercial activity. 1.8 Talent Direct. Each message delivery for |nK4ai|s requires s minimum of$15,800 (or equivalent in local currency if your order isin that local currency)for delivery toa maximum of2SU0 Members for a single target audience;for clarity,delivery to fewer than 2500 Members, will cost at least $15,000 and delivery to more than 258V Members will cost more than $15,U8O. |f Customer has not chosen a target audience prior to signing the ordering document,then Linkedin will suggest two audiences from which Customer may choose. 1.9 Work with Us Ads. Work With Us ads will launch within 3 days from the Start Date in the ordering document using a default ad unit configured by Linked|n^ unless otherwise agreed in writing by Unkedio. Unked|n cannot identify oN Members at specific company because of company name inconsistencies. Inconsistencies arise beroouo a Member can fiU*uttheir^CompanyName"fie|dby*ithors*�eotingacompamynarnehnmapre-existing|ist generated by the Linkedlu system or typing in their own custom company name, LinkedIn can only identify Members who have selected a company name from the pre-existing list. 2. SALES SERVICES.Customer may use the Sales Navigator Service only to generate sales leads.Customer will have access to Sales Navigator value-add services for the Term of the ordering dncument No refund or credit will be provided if the value-add services are not used during the Term af the ordering document. 3. LEARNING SERVICES 3.1 Lynda.com.Customer will have access to the content on the lyncla.com platform only.Customer willclesignate a single administrator and that administrator will have access to the reporting and management tools. Displaying or performing the content in a public setting,including a conference room or classroom,without Linkedln's prior written consent,constitutes an unauthorized use of the content and an infringement of LinkedIn's intellectual property rights, Users of the content are subject to the . Updates to the Lyndazom Privacy Policy are effective immediately upon posting to the we&sitm. if Customer is p school with children in any grade between k�nde/garten and twelfth grade, or a school district, Customer represents and warrants that it will not a|kovv a child under the age of 13 to access the content unless Customer has obtained written permission from the child's parent or |eCe| guardian. Customer will promptly provide documentation of the permission upon Unked|n'o request. These additional Lynda.com Usage Term apply to Customer's use of the content. 3.2 Unkod|o Learning. Customer will have access to the content on the |inkediu.com platform only. Customer will designate a sin& administrator and that administrator will have access to the reporting and management tools. Displaying or performing the content in a public setting,inducling a conference room or classroom,without LinkedIn's prior written consent' constitutes an unauthorized use of the content and an infringement of Unkedio^s intellectual property rights.These additional Linkedin.Learnin Usage Terms apply zu Customer's use of the content. 4. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. For Recruiter, Referrals, and Sales Navigator Services, Customer (o) will designate in vvr|c|mg one Customer User for each seat it purchases; (b) w0| promptly provide to and maintain with Linked|n accurate contact information for each Customer User-,and (c)will not,and wRl not permit a Customer User to,share a Customer User's access tothe Services with any other individual. In the event a Customer User ceases employment, takes any type of leave or vacation, ur transfers work function, Customer may transfer the Customer User's seat toa different Customer User. LinkedIn reserves the right to limit the number of transfers of each seat. Customer's breach of this section will 6e deemed a material breach mf this L54. u^ked/n Confidential and Proprietary 6 8 8 o a 6 m ] a C%l e � � \ q ° o � § \ x ( cm ) v a. CL 0 \ j j § k ] v v < � X C � cli Q § 8 § tv b ¥ E 2 # 2 $ § § 2 0 0 0 � 0 D » J � 0 } u § £ Cl) k § U ® o IL § k � § § C o OL W k � A k § 3 # § a E k _j i k 2 ? 2 J 2 # 0 \ ~ k 'o \ } 0) k to ¢ ) M a § LL 0 § ' _ Cl)e K � I @ k A = w < Linke lln Pricing Valid Through.April 213,2017 1000 West Maude Avenue Sunnyvale,CA 94085 Proposed by Linkedlfn panne:50. 29.2122 Steven Sienk Fax,:1.650.42l.2122 xslend;�Ronkedin.eom www.ltnkedin.com CONTRACT CONTACT: Marty Fisher Sold to Customer City of Kent BILL TO: Please review the below Billing details and edit if necessary. CORDER INFORMATION SILK To Doing Business As: Contact: Marty Fisher City of Kent Contract.fli. CS3257932-17 2204th Ave 5 Billing Period:. Annually Upfront. Address: Billing Method: invoice Billing Instructions: City/State/Zip: Kent WA 98032.5895 Country; United states For Internal Only: Email: mfi!aher@kentwa.gov Master Agreement it SAB: Phhone� Type: New Business By initialing.here.I agree that the Billing details are current and accurate. """ � Rep Region: LDC:-NA-US•xXXS-GVED-SNL-HY Agency Name: SHIP T'Q;City of Kent Currency: uSD Ship To Doing Business As: 220 4th Ave S Customer Requested)Start Date':May 1,2017 Contract Start Date:May 1,2017 Contract End Date::April 30,2018 Krmt,WA 98032.5895 "'The start date of sir services on this order Form writhe fhelatee ofthe Customer United States Requested Start flare ar the data that the Order Formi f0yexecuted. Renewals Ont y:Customer may select a lattr Stott(Date.,however,this wild rouse a gap in servlee' Product Name:IyndaEnterpnse Academic&Gov't 700 12 $20,000.00 $22.,500.00 $22,500.00 Product SKU: LENAGOS:^1605.. Product Description:Lynda Enterprise with English content for academic&government customers buying for their entire organization.Includes one master admin complimentary user. SUB TOTAL $22,500.00 ESTIMATED $2,2.50,00 TAX* ESTIMATED $24,750.00 ORDER TOTAL Is a purchase Order required for The purchasw or plymoW of file products n this order tans? Pleas"Fnter{lei or Nol: Check her,of your company Is tax exempt Pt—oNachanyr"aM rxernprtorr ar email docermenupon m fro nquiry4'finkedia.cam. If yes,please enter PO Nu be, Your­dy,w ql be to d slog the f p Ilrabiae lace rare far your shtp Pro g address the t I listed on your older please.attach PO form is only nn estimate and is caic.,latest ens the net pour, yu will oeffl t thv final total moors in effect,at the ume of nuornng and mar suffer from the a.......t M,,,don this adder frinn r Customer Payment Terms:30 pays For customers located in AP,CT,FL,HI,IL,iN,MA,MN,NE,NIT,Mil,NC,OH,PA,TN,Tx,UT,vr,^WA and WIC USA Customers:Cheek,Credit Card,or Bank Wire Transfer Unkedin may be regn red to chaig ila.s tat on your order pursuant to certain tate and local seder tax Non US C:ustori Credit Card or Band:Wow Tromfer only Taws-Any applicable sales taw charge-,,will appear separately an your final invoice For customers located in other states yrror state and/or local gova ember may rectuire you to report y r pursasase and pay appropriate;;.role:and/'or use tax anhoants to them diroxtly. •Services provided under this Order Form are governed by the Unkedm subscription Agaeammnt between the parlors("15A")and the Linkedm Sorvvice-Spa*cifin Terms available at hops://legal,linkedin.com/service. specific-firms I"Service Terms"),the terms of which are incorporated into this Order Form.In the event of a conflict,the Service Terms shall g-em,followed by the LSA,and finally this Order Fenn., •Escept as provided in the LSA,Services purchased under this Order Form are non-cancelable and non eefuridalad. 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