HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR17-021 - Original - Employee Engagement Services - Contract - 12/16/2016 I Recordse KENT ._ .3 Document WASH INGT . "'� CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Talent Map Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: H P 1 0D This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Employee Engagement Services Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 12/16/2016 Termination Date: 12/31/2017 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: M Fisher Department: Human Resources Contract Amount: $17,448.78 Approval Authority: ® Department Director ❑ Mayor ❑ City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): As of: 08/27/14 DocuSiyn Envelope ID:83C8344B-60B5-4392-8797-2AB6DF6DAA36 s- _ } „ a EMPLOYEE IN510 H75 AT WORK TALENTMAP AGREEMENT _ - - Agreement Date:December 28,2016, City of Kent Marty Fisher "Organization -- - -- - PrimaryCOntatt -- - _-_- j 400 West Gowe Street, Kent - WA 98032 Address city -Prov./State Postal/Zip. -_(253)856-52.76 rnfsher a.kentsva eov Telephone Email i TalentMap,your Employee Engagement Partner,is pleased to supply City of Kent(Client)with the following employee engagement services: Period Survey Start Date(Estimate) Survey End Datr(Estimate) Product Employees 1_ 7feb17 11am EST 20feb17 8 PM EST TGC 700 Client Fees Period 1 Client Fees US Dollars Period 1 Exchange Rate: Program Components CDN Dollar{.- 0.7425 '.. (Detailed breakdown provided In following section) A, Program License Fee ............................................ $8,500 $6,111.26.. B. Survey Deployment(Minimum deployment fee is$1,000) .. $7,000 $5,197.51 ReportingC. Adaitional D. Additional Communication $8,000 $5,940.01 n&Action Planning Options ..... - ,... .. Total(excluding GST/HST)...... ........................:.:................................................... $23,SOD.UD $17,448.78_ ® Our invoices will include out-of-pocket expenses(travel,meals,hotel)+ CDN USD_ 4%for administrative charges as outlined in theterms and conditions.All travel costs and related out of pocket expenses will be billed in US dollars, By the signature of this authorized representative,the Client contracts with and agrees to receive and pay for the services indicated in the ogra Components section,according to the terms and conditions of this agreem ent 'gnatuto Name&Title QT Date fff - - (Effectiv Date) Kindly return this signed Agreement to TalentMap by Docusign, C�Al by TalentMap: Monica HelgothAm _ I, I Business Development - West 1/3/2017 i -- Talent Map RePresentatIve Name&Title Da as Client No. 10638 Protect No 0D _ PM: i Suite 301-245 Marten Place, Ottawa,Ontario K21H 9E8 S 1-888-641-1113 I info@falentmap.iom i DOCUSign Envelope ID:83C8344B-6065A392-8797-2AB6DF6DAA36 M j EMPLOYEE INSIGHTS AT WORK i [An andard Program,Components Cost; USD . Program Liceri Fee -_ $6,911.26. oject-Management dedicated TalentMap Project Manager to facilitate your project assigned TalentMap Engagement Manager to provide service,advice and subject matter expertise. _ Questionnaire Available in English and French. ®Fngleah i Dimension description may be added and the following word modifications may be made to the questionnaire"My organization","Customer","Manager","Supervisor`,"Competitors",and"Senior Leadership". -Pre-Survey Communication - TalentMap shall make accessibjp to the Client all digital communications material Including but not limited to email templates,checklists,videos.Specifically including survey awareness email templates,survey invites,survey reminders and thank you email templates,as well as posters promoting the survey, FAQ document and response rate strategy documents Deployment Method—Online - Your survey will be deployed either by TalentMap or your organization depending on deployment method. TalentMap recommends an HRIS deployment where each respondent gets a unique link.We build In 4 hours per 1,000 emails for email management. See Terms&Conditions for more details on deployment methods. Online Reporting Your organization will receive one license to access TalentMap's Online Reporting Tool for a period of 12 months which Includes a 30 minute training session.Your organization may view response rates,by one demographic data cut,at any time while the survey is live.You may also monitor the survey response rates and view survey results in real-time providing each demographic grouping has minimum of five(5)respondents. Executive Report Your organization will receive an Executive Report(.PPT)in English which Includes your overall key drivers of engagement analysis,top box graphical depiction by each survey item,1 heat map,comment theme analysis, - benchmark comparisons and data cuts for up to 8 groups from one demographic group on the"Engagement"Items , and "Are you looking"item. Heat Map A color coded one page summary of Y.favourable comparisons of each survey item between overall organization and one demographic question with up to 8 filters. Verbatim Comment Report _ Your organization will also receive a Verbatim Comments(as is)report in a .DOC Benchmark Your organization will receive benchmark comparison data that best compares to your organization. Post Survey Results Communication - Your organization will receive a: ® 60 minute online preview of the Executive Report to the Survey Champion.approximately 15 business days. after the survey close to review the organization-level results. 90 minute onsite 6ronline presentation to the Executive Team which highlights the key findings and recommendations.Travel costs will be billed directly back to Client. - - I t Suite 202--245 Stafford Roatf W. Ottawa, Ontario K2H 9E8 1-888-641-1113 info@talentmep.corn DocuSign Envelope ID:83C8344B-60B5-4392-8797-2ABBDF6DAA36 EMPLOYEE INSIGHTSAT WORK i I B. Survey Deployment Inclusions&Options opt In Units Unit Cost Cost U5D Per Employee=Fee TalentMap will provide Client with access to a branded,secure Web- based survey questionnaire for 10-15 business.days,Unit cost is based - on target number of employees not per completed sprvey. Minimum employee license fee is$1,000...............................................:.. ® 700 $10 per $5,197.51 l Additional Language Questlonnaire:deployment of online survey in an additional language... ❑ <#> $1,500 Additional Survey Questions $500 for V Customize survey instrument with up to 5 additional dimensions. question;$250 perMdl, to (departmental leadership) ........................................................................ <#> max.of SubTotal $5,197,51 C. Report Options Opt In Units Unit Cost Cost _ USD Snapshot Reports(SSR) Stand-alone 4-7 page report in English by data cuts such as functional group or region. - Use self- Price depends on quantity per batch order run at one time as follows: _ serve <20 ssr=$250 each,20-49 ssr=$200 each,50-99=$150 each,100-199 <$enter cost reporting _$100 each,200+=$75 each...__............................................................ ❑ <#> based on qty> tool l Business Unit Report(BU) A replica of the Executive Report In English but the data Is drawn for a $1,000 per BU specific business unit and compared to the overall organization.............. 8 report $5,940,01 One-Page Dashboard Report with Driver Analysis Key Driver Analysis for departments/business units....................I............ ❑ <#> $500 per Norm Data Providing norm data such as previous period or benchmark norms. ® Norm Data on the Executive Report................_........................... ❑ <#> $1,750 per ' a Norm Data on Snapshot Report ... ........................................ ❑ <#> $61)per a Norm Data on Business Unit Report.............................................. ❑ <#> I $1,000 per SubTotal - $5,940.01 D. Communication&Action Planning Options Opt In Units Unit Cost Cost Pre-Survey Management Information Session TalentMap Consultant will conduct 90-minute,on-site information session that prepares middle managers for the upcoming survey. Will discuss survey purpose,logistics,communication,involvement,action planning and - managers'role.*Travel costs of up to 2 consultants(if required)billed back $2,000 onsite to client................................................................................ ❑ <#> $1,000 online ' I I I Suite 202---246 Stafford Road W. Ottawa,, Ontario k2H 9E8 1-888-641=1113 1 info@talentmap.com I j DocuSign Envelope ID:83C83448-60B5-4392-8797-2AB6DF6DAA36 t t 1 EMPLOYEE INSIGHTS AT WORK r mmunication&Action Planning Options Opt In Units UnitCost Cost al Presentation l presentation of the Executive Report or Focus Group report to,staff and/or board of directors,etc.This is for a presentationrepared and presented once before and thus only minor editing and required.A maximum of 3 how s in total for preparation andion.*Travel costs of up to 2 consultants(if required)billed back to $2,000 onsite client ❑ <#> $1,000 online - Focus Groups and Recommendations Report TalentMap will recommend focus group composition and questions based on survey results,and conduct three on-site employee focus groups on the sameday. Following the focus groups,TalentMap will write one report ! (Word document)summarizing focus group discussion,specific Issues that - $9,950 onsite - should be addressed in the action planning phase,and best-practice presentation recommendations for consideration by the Client. OR *If focus groups are held on a different day,then additional$1,250 applies. $5,500 online "Travel costs of up to 2 consultants(if required)billed back to client ❑ <#> report review ' '.. Additional Focus Groups Additional 2 hour focus groups with up to 12 participants,same areas of $2,000 ea. Inquiry,scheduled on the day after three"core'focus groups, 3 for$5,000 *Travel costs of up to 2 consultants(if required)billed back to client............... ❑ <#> (on same day) - I DIY-Survey Action Planning Training for HR and Managers - AY day on-site training for Human Resourcesand Line Managers designodto '.. empower divisional/departmental survey analysis,prioritization,action planning and change leadership. Travel costs for up to two consultants,if required,will be billed back to Client ❑ <#> $7,500 _ f� Jumpstart Workshop I A 1 day custom-designed client workshop which Involves roughly 25-40 participants.During this highly interactive,professlonally facilitated(by us) workshop,we use creative ideation techniques to develop roughly 50-75 - action ideas to Improve employee engagement,usually based on the results of a client's engagement survey..Of these,we prioritize and build upon the top 12-15,leaving behind a concrete action plan to improve engagement which includes accountabilities and timelines. - *Travel costs of up to 2 consultants(If required)billed back to client............... ❑ <it> $9,95o Visioning and Business Planning Workshop A 1 day workshop designed to align executive teams and/or employees(up to 25 participants)around a common vision for the following 3-5 years, organizational goals,objectives and targets,as well as to define priorities and determine concrete"Monday morning"strategies and action plans. - 'Travel costs of up to 2 consultants(if required)billed backto client............... ❑ <#> -$9,950 Webcast of Survey Results TalentMap will develop a custom script for a PowerPoint voice-over presentation(post survey),then produce a @ 15 minute screen-cast in a format suitable to be hosted on the Client's intranet site,or to be sent to ! employees via email link.Up to three Iterations................................................ ❑ <#> $5,000 '.. - Final Communication to Board/Hey Stakeholders TalentMap will write a 2-3 page document suitable for distribution to employees containing a summary of survey findings,priority Issues and action planning commitments.... ..... ... ..................... ...... ...... ❑ <#> $2,500 SubTotal <S total options> - ! Suite 202-245 Stafford Road W, Ottawa, Ontario K2H 9E8 1 1-888-641-11'13 intoptalentmap.com DoInSign Envelope ID:83C8344B-6OB5-4392-8797-2AB6DF6DAA36 F aEF p F EMPLOYEE INSIGHTS AT WORK TERPAS&CONDITIONS 1; Privacy&Security:The TalentMap standard"Privacy&Security"statement is freatedat tvww Talentslapubm/privacy, Any modifications to the TalentMap Privacy&Security � statement follmving the Effective Date of this Agreement shall not apply to this Agreement unless by an amendment to this Agreement. Should there be a conflict hetween the Terms and Conditions of Service and the TalentMap Privacy and Security Statement,the Terms and Conditions of Service shall prevail.Talen Uilap is a member of the Council of American Survey Research Organlzatlons(CASROb and the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association(.NIRIA(.'fatentMao subscribes to CASRO's Code of Standards and MRIA's Good Practice. As an active member of CASRO and MMA,TalentMap agrees to be bound by their code of ethics in all Ins survey and research work.TalentMap also represents and warrants first it is ame,rimet with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents ACt(PIPEDA). '- 2. Confidentiality of Individual TalentMap Survey Responses:Each'I'allutMem survey response collected from any one respondent shall be kept strictly mindentlat andshail not be ''.. divulged by TalentMap to the filmier to any third party. '.. 3. Confidentiality of Aggregated Client Survey Data:Ths,Ciientsurvey data core prising all TalerAM ap s covey res ponset recelvedfmmCllentrespeedents,and anytabulatioryreportiug or analysis thereof,is the property of the Client,shall be kept strictly mnfldential and shall not be divulged by TalenlMap to any third party for any purpose whatsoever except '.. with the written consent of the.Client notwithstanding paragraph 9. '.. 4. Approval of Final questionnaire:TalentMap requires five(5) Fall business days upon final approval of the questionnaire to program,quality check and laurch the online questionnaire.Contracted sbrveystan daces will be extended In circumstances where final approval IS not obtalued five(5)days m advance and an additional two days(2)for each additional survey language,'Tamlatinn is responsibility of thecllent. 5, Email/HRIS USE Management(if appreabie):'fslmnthlap shall adminkter the survey by sending unique links for each questionnaire to the target respondents.Tire Change shall provide TalentMap with a clean and complete list of valid .all addresses In text format provided as an x's;.csv ontsv format and limited to up to 15 columns of data TalenlMap shall provide up to four(4)bowel 1,000 emats to dean and manage the cmeilb,t provided by lire Client. Email list management includes,but is not limited to retracting bouru.e backs,typos,etc. If additional time Is required tin manage the email list,the time will be billed back to the Client at our standard billing rate Data cuts for reporting such as functional group,department and/or region will he taken from data associated with each employee's email address provided by the Client.The following demographics are reported In the following groups:Age:under 25 years,25-34 years,35-44.ears,45 54 years and over 55 years.Length of Service:Less than 1 year,1-3 years,3-5 years,5-10 years, More than 15 years.Level of responsibility:Individual Contribution,Manager,Senior Executive, G. Open Participation(If applicable):The age,length lu service and level of responsibility questleas are not customizable.Functional groups and Regions are customizable and other demographic questions may be added.TalentMap is not responsible for respondents misidentifying themselves.This masidentl(Ication may lead to inaccurate counts in the self- reporting demographic section.TalentMap will categorize ail self-report data as provided by the respondent.TalentMap vdll accept mopeds)by the Client tie make manual dale base adjustmentis)to the self-reported data for an additional cast. 7. StandardTaIamMapCommunication Package:Tale ntM a p shall provide(in English or French,as required)Its standard pre-survey communication package to Client,whichincludes: email templates(CEO to staff,CEO to management,launch and reminder notices)and tact sheets(posters,FAgs,privacy&security). 8. TalentMap Benchmark:flolwdthstanding paragraph 3,the Cllentearveydata maybe aggregated andavemged with survey data collected from other TalentMap Clients to create a TalentMap benchmark.TalentMap hereby-warrants that any TalentMap benchmark shall include the survey data of at less flair five different Clients to protect the corindentlalky of the survey data of any one Client.The TalentMap benchmark maybe divulged to third parties and/or used for promotional purposes. 9.. Reportal License:The Client may designate In writing to TalentMap two(2l authorised representatives wloshall receive password-restricted accessoverthe loomenothe Client's survey response data after the survey close.Tne Reportal license'1,a¢essibla fora"nod er twelve(12)months. 10, Reportal Usage;The Client shall use the TalentMap Reportal solely and exclusively far re,earah Purposes to improve employee engagement.The client shall at use ordIsd.,g the Respondent identiftable Information for any purposes,including,without limitation,marketing,selling or influencing the opinions of any respondent or employee afthe client orgznhspoe.The client will not dadose the Respondent identifiable Information to any third party.The client will use reasonable efforts to keep the Respondent identifiable Information as securest Its other fonfldential and/or protected employee Information.The clent shall indemnify and hold ralenlMap harmless from and againstany and all loss, claim or liability arising or related to Client's breach or violation of this condition.Client may oelyview Ibe survey responses lea(his tool once each demagraphic grouping has more than five IS)respondents. - - - 11. Technical Support:TelentMapshall provide the Cllentwfth a tolhfree oumherfartechnical support which will be.provided throughout liresurvey period from Monday to Friday Jam to 5pm(EST.Maximum response time is one(1)Business Day. 12, Survey Period;The survey perlo If must run vdth In Uk(6)months a f the contract date For the a have stated can tract prices an d terms to apply. 19. Promotion:The Client agrees that It name may be used by TalentMap In the promotion of the to leatMap service. 14. Cost of Service and Faor an t:TatentM ap services provided hereon der shall be due and plural a by Client as follows: to Progre an license Fee will be invoiced upon execution a ad delivery by Ellen t of theproesnt Agreement is se Effective Date o n Fin ge legal;and b. Deployment&Communication Fees will be Invoiced at the Start Da to of said Survey Period. C. Report Option Fees will he invoiced upon delivery of services. -' d. Presentation and Action Planning Fees will be Invoiced 50%upon signing of the contract,50%moon completion of the work. e, out of Packet Costs due a a d pays ble upon remittance of the receipts. - - 15. .Out-of-?ocketExpensas;Talent Map l ovidess wit l Include actual travel rxp_enses(e.g..travel,tool)and a per diem rate for rnea is a nd incidentals accordingto the current published' government rates.In addition,a 4%charge will apply for montilstretive expenses(exdusive of any paper survey related costs)In lieu of specific charges for printing.crude more calls,central,telephone,faxes,Fite tompying.Client must notify TalentMap of any travel policies and restrictions that must be abided by prior to the Survey start date.Paper survey deployment costs and poster courier costs to more than are.We too will be billed directly back to the]feet 16 Product Updates:Stu nda rd reporting and survey questions may she age from tam a to for e a is it without notice. 17. Standard Filling Rate&Change Orders:Standard billing rate for most work is$ID0/hour,with the exception of survey design/consulting services,which are$300/horn. Am/ changes to the contracted services Outlined above will be documented in a change tideland signed by the Client Minimum change under value is$200. 18. Currency:Ali rnu¢etary amounts specified in this Agreement are in the local currency of the Client's contract address set in page l of this agreement 19. Rescheduling:The Client agrees to provide a minimum of five,(S)days'notice should they n wed to reach cable awe etinglp resentation,Rescheduli ng of services trust be made In writing to Client's assigned Tale defep Project Manager,TalentMap reserves the right to charge the Client 50%of the services plus travel to reallatlon fees. 20, Extending Contract T anellnes:TalentMan,reserves the right to apply a project management fee for timelines extended 30 days b even d lire original contracted schinulin 21, Correct quota[Ion:Unless otherwise stated in writing or withdrawn,a quotation is as lid for a period of trusty(90)days from the date ofthe agreement date. 22, Periled 2:if applicable,the 2"a period of a two period contract most be depleyedwrtgue 24 months of th a first patio d survey start date.Otherwise,this contract asnulland void. - 23• Termination: Cllentmayterminatethisagreenientatanytimeuponpmvldingtweweek,written notice to Talen641ap.Client shall be res feasible for payment of the license fees, any work In progress plus associated out of pocket costs up to the date of termination.if Period?is not displayed within 24 months,the waived norm data dues not apply thus TalentMap will invoice the waived norm data fee at the end of the 24 month period. 24. Assignment:This agreement and the rights granted herein may not be assigned by either party,whether directly or Indirectly and whether by operation of low or othe"Ese, without the express written consent of the other. 25, Entire Agreement:The present Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the partieswlth respect to subject matter herele.There are no representations, warranties,covenant,terms,conditions,undertakings or collateral agreements,express,Implied restatutory,between the parties other than asset forth in the present Agreement. Li -L a1`'a-r.t.>-as, V O, Suite 202—245 Stafford Road W. Ottawa, Ontario K21 I 9E8 1-888-641-1113 1_infoccidtalentri-af.corn f i