HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK12-229 - Extension - King County - Animal Services Licensing Support - 12/16/2016 AiL s `r. KE * 1" h,R, ecor e rl� w ro„ Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: King County Animal Services Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: PK12-229 - 003 This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Animal Services Agreement - ILA Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ® Other: Exhibit F Contract Effective Date: 12/16/2016 Termination Date: 12/31/2017 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): j Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: A. Belviller Department: Finance (Previously Parks) Contract Amount: Approval Authority: ❑ Department Director E Mayor ❑ City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): King County Animal Services Licensing Support Contract As of: 08/27/14 Exhibit F Licensing Support Contract (Optional) Between City of KC-.NT ("City") and King County ("County") a The County is prepared to offer licensing revenue support to the City subject to the terms and conditions described in this Licensing Support Contract("Contract"), The provisions of this Exhibit are optional and shall not be effective unless this Exhibit is executed by both the City and the County and both parties have entered into the underlying Animal Services Interlocal Agreement for 2013 Through 2015 (the "Agreement"). A, Service Requests,Submittal: Requests to enter into a licensing support contract should be made by submitting the Licensing Revenue Support Services Request (Attachment A to this Exhibit F)to the County between June 30 and October 31 of the calendar year prior to year in which such services are requested ("Service Year"). A separate Request shall be submitted for eadl Service Year, excepting that a Licensing a Support City with a revenue target in excess of$20,000/year may submit a request by September 1, 2012 in order to receive service in all three Service Years (2013,2011 and 2015). B. County to Determine Service tivahlabiliit: The County will determine whether it has capacity to provide the requested service based on whether it has staff available, and consistent with the priorities stated h'L Section 7,c and Exhibit C-5 of the Agreement, C. Services Provided by County Cost, The County will determine the licensing revenue support activities it will undertake to achieve the Licensing Revenue Target. Activities may include,but are not limited to canvassing,mailings, calls to non-renewals, In completing Attachment A to confirm its ability to provide licensing support services to the City, the County shall identify the cost for such service for each applicable Service Year.. If the City accepts the County's proposed costs, it shall so signify,by countersigning Attachment A, i D. Services Provided by City: In exchange for receiving licensing revenue support from the County, the City will,provide the following services: 1, Include inserts regarding animal licensing m bills or other mailings as maybe allowed by law, at the City's cost, The County will provide the design for the insert and coordinate with the City to deliver the design on an agreed upon schedule, 2. Dedicate a minimum level of volunteer/staff hours per month(averaged over the year),based on the City's Licensing Revenue Target for the Year(as Dcewnen!DatC3 5-29-1?. 67 specified/selected in Attachment A) to canvassing and/or mailings and outbound calls to non-renewals, City volunteer/staff hour requirements are scaled based on tlie size of the Licensing Revenue Target per Table A below: Table A.Volunteer/Staff Hours to be Provided by City If.the Licensing Revenue Target The City shall pro-,dde vounteer/staff hours for the Service Year is between: support(averaged over the}year) $0 and$5,000 9 hours per month $5,001-$10,000 18 hours per month $10,000-$20,000 27 hours per month $20,001 and $40,000 36 hours per month >$40,000 45 hours per month 3. Provide representation at a mir-timuni of two public events annually to inform City residents about the Animal Services Program and promote pet licensing. 4, htform City residents about the Animal Services Program and promote pet licensing utilizing print and electronic media including the city's website, social media, community brochures and newsletter ads/articles, signnage/posters and pet licensing applications in public areas of city buildings and parks, 5. Appoint a representative to serve on the joint City-County marketing subcommittee;this representative shall attend the quarterly meetings of the subcommittee and help shape and apply within the City the joint advertising strategies developed by consensus of the subcommittee. E. Selection of Licensing Revenue Target and Payment for Licensing Revenue Suppoxfi 1. For Licensing Revenue Support Cities (those identified in Exhibit C-5 of the Agreement): In 2014 and 2015,Licensing Revenue Support Cities may receive licensing revenue support intended to generate total annual Licensing Revenue at or above the Revenue Goal in Table 1 of Exhibit C-5. The City will receive a Licensing Revenue Credit or Charge at Reconciliation in.accordance with the calculations i1 Table 2 of Exhibit C-5. A Licensing Revenue Support City may request service under subparagraph 2 below, 2. For all other Contacting Cities: The City will identify a proposed l:.lcensing Revenue Target ul Attachment A. The County may propose an alternate Revenue Target. If the Parties agree upon a Licensing Revenue Target, the County shall indentify its annual cost to provide service designed to achieve the target. At Reconciliation,the City shall be charged for licensing support service at the cost specified and agreed in Attachment A (the "Licensing Revenue Charge"), Duomncnt Dated 5-29-12 68 regaMl ess'af the anowit of Licensing Revaime received by the Cihj dttrivg Me Scivice Year (see Exhibit D of the Agreement for additional detail), F. Other Terms and Conditions; A, Before January 31 of the Service Year, each Party will provide the other with a general calendar of it kind servicca to be provided over the course of the Service Year, 2. Each Pai Ey will provide the other with a monthly written report of The services performed during the Service Year, 3, Either Party may terminate this Contract with or without cattse by proviclulgnot less than 2 months' advance written notice to the other Party;provided that all County costs incurred to the point of termination remain chargeable to the City as otherwise provided, 4. All terms of the Agreement,except as expressly stated otherwise he7ein,shall apply to fl-As Contract, and Capitalized Terms not definedhereh-L have the meanings as set forth intlie Agreement, hN WTINESSS W118REOP,the Parties hereto have caused this Contract for Licensing Stu or Services to be executed effective as of this? r 'Stipp Ky of t 201�7 I{ing Cotinly City of K E N-r Dour Constantine - KIng County Executive &yo /City Manager ! 1 S 1 /� 4 Date Date Approved as to Doran; 4Aped as to P'omzDeptrty)?wsecutingAttorney orney lnlbi�a2, Aooanloi}l Dated 5,29-12 69 REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE T (''ri7i �r i` tv{i,:'?-';;`-COOiG:i PoiJ'-^." w. nio.o. Routing Information: (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Director_ Originator: Aaron BeMiller Phone (Originator): X5260 Date Sent: 12/20/16 Date Required: 12/22/16 Return Signed Document to:Aaron BeMiller Contract Termination Date: 12/31/17 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: Kin Count Animal Services (Only required on contracts / 9 y 20 000 and over or on an Grant a DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: n/a Date Risk Manager Notified:n/a (Required on Non-City Standard Contracts/Agreements) Has this Document been Specifically Account Number: Authorized in the Budget? YES NO Brief Explanation of Document: King County Animal Services Licensing Support Contract (Exhibit F to Animal Services Interlocal) ' 'r ontracts�Must Be Routed Through The Law Department -�' (This area to be completed by the La W Aepartment) Received: Approv _Qf Lai D„ept , j Law Dt $ _43",�' " ( °.a,- � -,I', k 1.:t"'` �IJ `..fly Date Forwarded to Mayor: t i Shaded Areas To Be Completed By,4d� istration Staff Received: L- Recommendations and Comments: Disposition: Date Returned: Y:C'rvi;F Dowmenl Process g9lReq esl brtAaywafi9nalre ticp i