HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW16-385 - Other - King County - Interlocal Agreement - 4/19/16 Records M , er KEhT Document sr ; CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: King County Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: Pw�Lc - z This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: King County Waterworks Grant Acceptance - Leber Homestead Arsenic Remediation Description: ® Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 4/19/16Termination Date: 10/31/2018 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): N/A Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Matt Knox Department: Engineering/Env. Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): The WaterWorks Grant agreement in the amount of $100,000 provides for final phase construction for the Mill Creek Side Channel - Leber Restoration project. Other grants include KC Cooperative Watershed Management Fund 2014 for $787,846.00, KC Cooperative Watershed Management Fund 2015 for $558,000.00, RCO Salmon Recovery Funding Board 2014 for $327,353.00, and RCO Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration 2014 for 478,885.53. These grants total $2,152,084.53 and with the additional WaterWorks grant $2,252,084.53. The city of Kent will provide an additional $76,440.06 in matching funds for $76,440.00 in plants and labor. This brings the total to $2,328,524.53. S:Publlc\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 ICETLT w o� Agenda Item: CONSENT - 7H TO: City Council DATE: October 4, 2016 SUBJECT: King County Waterworks Grant Acceptance - Leber Homestead Arsenic Remediation- Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the WaterWorks (WW) Grant in the amount of $100,000, direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for the funds to be spent within the Mill Creek Side Channel (Leber) Restoration project. SUMMARY: The Mill Creek Side Channel-Leber project was previously funded for clearing, grubbing and the first phase of planting, which was completed in March 2015. Grant funds in the amount of $100,000.00, will provide additional funding for final construction. Once completed, the restoration project will create off-channel habitat in the Green River near the confluence of Mill Creek, will increase floodplain refuge habitat for Chinook and other salmonids, enhance riparian habitat, and restore floodplain functions. The 8.6 acre site is owned by the City and is also known as Leber Homestead. EXHIBITS: Waterworks Program Grant Agreement RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee YEA: Fincher, Ralph NAY: BUDGET IMPACTS: The WaterWorks Grant agreement in the amount of $100,000 provides for final phase construction for the Mill Creek Side Channel - Leber Restoration project. Other grants include KC Cooperative Watershed Management Fund 2014 for $787,846.00, KC Cooperative Watershed Management Fund 2015 for $558,000.00, RCO Salmon Recovery Funding Board 2014 for $327,353.00, and RCO Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration 2014 for 478,885.53. These grants total $2,152,084.53 and with the additional WaterWorks grant $2,252,084.53. The city of Kent will provide an additional $76,440.00 in matching funds for $76,440.00 in plants and labor. This brings the total to $2,328,524.53. WaterWorks Grant Program Agreement Cover Page King County q­ �r% Year: 2015 Application Cycle: Round 1 q! P Project Name: Leber Homestead - Arsenic Remediation Recipient: City of Kent Funding Amount: $100,000 P�oject Summary This project will remove arsenic fl contaminated soil from the oodplain area on the Leber Homestead site IKent. These contaminants will be removed and buried in order to prepare the site for salmon habitat restoration work. The project will create a floodplain wetland tributary to the Green River and include restorative plantings as well as woody debris. Primary Contact: Matt Knox Phone: 253-856-5551 Email: mknoxgkentwa,gov Start Date: November 16, 2016 End Date: September 30, 2018 LIM Icing County Waterworks Grant Program Grant Agreement AGREEMENT between CITY OF KENT and KING COUNTY This is an Agreement between the City of Kent, hereinafter the "RECIPIENT" and King County, a political subdivision of the state of Washington, hereinafter the "COUNTY." This Agreement is effective as of the date of the COUNTY signatory. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms, conditions, and the legal and administrative relations that apply to the RECIPIEN in exchange for financial assistance in carrying out a proposed project entitled Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation, hereinafter the "PROJECT." Section 1. Background and Recitals: A. Proposed PROJECT benefit or improvement to water quality and/or the regional wastewater treatment system and its ratepayers: This project will remove arsenic contaminated soil from the floodplain area on the Leber Homestead site in Kent. These contaminants will be removed and buried in order to prepare the site for salmon habitat restoration work. The project will create a floodplain wetland tributary to the Green River and include restorative plantings as well as woody debris. B. The COUNTY plans and proposes to remunerate the RECIPIENT for the purpose described in Subsection A above in an amount up to, but not exceeding $100,000, hereinafter the"AWARD." C. This AWARD is made with the understanding that the RECIPIENT will complete the PROJECT as outlined in the Scope of Work(Exhibit A) and will fulfill reporting requirements as described under the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement. D. The RECIPIENT plans to contribute to this PROJECT a cash and/or in-kind match valued at $2,558,036, to be verified in submitted PROJECT reports. E. The RECIPIENT applied for a WaterWorks grant on September 16, 2015. F. The RECIPIENT was notified that its proposal for the PROJECT was recommended for funding on March 29, 2016. G. Beginning on April 19, 2016,the RECIPIENT commenced work on the PROJECT, according to the original timeline in its proposal. H. The King County Council approved the WaterWorks grants from this funding cycle (Round 1, deadline September 16, 2015) on July 25, 2016. 1. The COUNTY agrees to pay for eligible PROJECT expenses incurred on and after April 19, 2016, subject to the terms and conditions below. Section 2. Terms and Conditions: A. The PROJECT shall be in accordance with the tasks and activities specified in the Scope of Work (Exhibit A). Any modifications must be requested in an Agreement Amendment and be approved by the Director of the Wastewater Treatment Division(WTD) in the COUNfY's Department of Natural Resources and Parks. The COUNTY will,upon execution of this Agreement, establish procedures to allow payment to the RECIPIENT of all eligible expenses for approved activities up to the limit of the AWARD. Payments are on a reimbursement basis; except in special circumstances, at the discretion of the COUNTY, where advances of a portion of the AWARD may be made. Twenty percent(20%) of the AWARD amount will be withheld by the COUNTY until receipt of the final Quarterly Progress and Expense Reports and the Closeout Reports. C. The RECIPIENT's expenditures of AWARD funds shall be separately identified in the RECIPIENT's accounting records. If requested,the RECIPIENT shall comply with other reasonable requests made by the COUNTY with respect to the manner in which PROJECT expenditures are tracked and accounted for in the RECIPIENT's accounting books and records. The RECIPIENT shall maintain such records of expenditures as may be necessary to conform to generally accepted accounting principles, and to meet the requirements of all applicable state and federal laws. D. The COUNTY will reimburse RECIPIENT for expenses on a quarterly basis, following receipt and approval of Quarterly Progress Reports, Quarterly Expense Reports, and Closeout Reports. Twenty percent (20%) of the AWARD will be held back until a close- out verifies fiscal and programmatic compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. 1. The RECIPIENT shall be responsible for submitting the following PROJECT progress reports: Quarterly Progress Reports (Exhibit E), Quarterly Expense Reports (Exhibit F or G), Financial Closeout Report (Exhibit H), and Narrative Closeout Report(Exhibit 1); including backup documentation such as photos, copies of articles, and financial backup such as copies of receipts. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—ArsenicRemediation- Round 1,2015 Page 2 of 21 2. Quarterly Progress Report (Exhibit E) and Quarterly Expense Report (Exhibit F or G) shall be submitted together. a. Each Quarterly Progress Report shall be presented in the format shown in Exhibit E of this Agreement; each Quarterly Expense Report shall be presented in the format shown in Exhibit F of this agreement. b. The Quarterly Progress and Quarterly Expense reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter. c. If no expenses are made during a quarter, no Expense Report is needed. However, the Quarterly Progress Report should still be submitted and indicate that no expenses were made during that time period. d. The Quarterly Expense Report should detail expenses and include backup documentation of expenses. 3. Financial Closeout Report (Exhibit H) and Narrative Closeout Report (Exhibit I) shall be submitted together,which will include closeout documentation. a. The Final Closeout reports are due thirty (30) days after the end date of the PROJECT or not later than October 31, 2018. E. Failure to submit the aforementioned Quarterly Report on the PROJECT progress within ninety(90) days of the due date may be cause for the COUNTY to terminate this agreement for non-performance. Termination would require the return of any funds advanced but not already spent executing the PROJECT, as well as forfeiture of AWARD fiords for activities not completed by termination date. F. Failure to provide all of aforementioned documentation may result in the need to withhold part or all of the AWARD. G. Costs eligible for payment shall be limited to those costs identified in the Budget (Exhibit B) and incurred on and after April 19, 2016, through September 30, 2018. H. Any and all activities to be funded by this Agreement to the RECIPIENT shall be . completed by September 30, 2018. If needed, an Agreement Amendment may be granted to extend the terms of the contract beyond the end date, adjust the scope of work, or change the budget details (but not increase the total AWARD amount), conditioned upon approval by KING COUNTY. The extension must be requested and approved at least sixty (60) days in advance of the original end date. I Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 3 of 21 I. The RECIPIENT agrees to acknowledge the COUNTY in all media, publications, and signage that are produced as part of the PROJECT. This includes press releases, public service announcements, posters, flyers, signage, Web pages, blogs, and videos. The RECIPIENT will use the wording provided in Exhibit C of this Agreement (Credit and Disclaimers). Section 3. Legal and Administrative Relations: A. The RECIPIENT shall maintain such records of expenditures as may be necessary to conform to generally accepted accounting principles and to meet the requirements of all applicable state and federal laws. The RECIPIENT shall maintain and submit to the COUNTY any such records as the COUNTY may require to conduct any audit of the PROJECT it may elect to conduct or to substantiate expenditures paid for by this AWARD. The RECIPIENT shall maintain and retain books and records related to the Agreement for at least three (3)years after the termination of said Agreement. B. The COUNTY's financial assistance to the RECIPIENT shall be construed by the parties as a special disbursement to the RECIPIENT to fundl activities, as described herein that generally benefit the COUNTY's efforts to leverage or complement the water quality mission of the regional wastewater system. The COUNTY's sole obligation under this agreement shall be to provide funds to the RECIPIENT and this agreement shall not be construed as a contract for services between the RECIPIENT and She COUNTY, or as establishing a principal agent relationship between the COUNTY and the RECIPIENT. No joint venture or partnership is formed as a result of this Agreement. C. The RECIPIENT shall be solely responsible for the recruiting, training, and supervision of its employees and volunteers. Individuals hired and paid by the RECIPIENT shall not, in any event,be construed to be employees of, or contractors to, the COUNTY and the RECIPIENT shall indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY from any and all claims arising from any contention that said individuals are employees of, or contractors to, the COUNTY. This condition shall survive the termination of this Agreement. All actions undertaken under the funding provided by the terms of this agreement are, as between the COUNTY and the RECIPIENT, the sole responsibility of the RECIPIENT.No employees, agents, volunteers, or contractors of RECIPIENT shall be deemed, or represent themselves,to be employees of the COUNTY. D. RECIPIENT agrees for itself, its successors, assigns or by others including, without limitation, all persons directly or indirectly employed by RECIPIENT, or any agents, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants, volunteers, licensees or invitees of RECIPIENT, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the COUNTY, its appointed and elected officials, and employees from and against liability for all claims, demands, suits, and judgments, including costs of defense thereof for injury to persons, death, or property damage which is caused by, arises out of, or is incidental to RECIPIENT's exercise of rights,privileges, and obligations under this Agreement, except for the COUNTY's sole negligence. RECIPIENT's obligations under this section shall include, but not be limited to all of the following: (i) The duty to promptly accept tender of Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 4 of 21 defense and provide defense to the COUNTY with legal counsel acceptable to the COUNTY at RECIPIENT's own expense; (ii) Indemnification of claims made by RECIPIENT's own employees or agents; and (iii) Waiver of RECIPIENT's immunity under the industrial insurance provisions of Title 51 R.C.W. but only to the extent necessary to indemnify the COUNTY, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the Parties. In the event it is necessary for the COUNTY to incur attorney's fees, legal expenses, or other costs to enforce the provisions of this section, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from RECIPIENT. The provisions of this Section 3.1) shall survive the expiration, abandonment, or termination of this Agreement. E. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as prohibiting the RECIPIENT from undertaking or assisting projects developed outside the purview of this Agreement, or entering into agreements with other parties to undertake said projects in accordance with whatever terms and conditions may be agreed to between the RECIPIENT and other parties. F. The COUNTY shall be under no obligation to continue this agreement and may request partial or full reimbursement of payments it made to the RECIPIENT should the RECIPIENT fail to perform according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, whether or not failure to perform is within the RECIPIENT's control. G. This Agreement may be amended at any time by written concurrence of the parties through a formalized Amendment Agreement Form and will terminate upon fulfillment of all obligations contained herein. H. The COUNTY may terminate this Agreement immediately for cause. If this Agreement is terminated the RECIPIENT shall return any unused portion of the funds advanced up to the date of termination. I. Invalidity or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this Agreement shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement. J. In its performance under this Agreement the RECIPIENT shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex, race, color, marital status, national origin, religious affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age except by minimum age, and retirement provisions, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, and the RECIPIENT shall not violate any of the terms of chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or any other applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation regarding nondiscrimination in employment. K. Authority' Representations and Warranties. Each signatory to this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the entity for whom he or she is signing. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 5 of 21 L. CounteMarts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all counterparts together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. The exchange of copies of this Agreement and of signature pages by facsimile transmission,by electronic mail in "portable document format" (".pdf') form, or by any other electronic means intended to preserve the original graphic and pictorial appearance of a document, or by combination of such means, shall constitute effective execution and delivery of this Agreement as to the Parties and may be used in lieu of the original Agreement for all purposes. Signatures of the Parties transmitted by facsimile shall be deemed to be their original signatures for all purposes. M. The effective date of this agreement is the date of COUNTY signatory. i Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 6 of 21 AGREEMENT SIGNATURE PAGE CITY OF KENT by: Signature: SuzettecoW,Vayoy/ Date: KING COUNTY by, 4 4 Signature: Mark Isaacson, Division Director, Wastewater Treatment Division Date: III Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 7 of 21 EXHIBIT A: SCOPE OF WORK The task(s) set forth below summarize the RECIPIENT'S activities to be performed under this agreement to complete the PROJECT. All activities in the following tasks, including deliverables, must be completed by the expiration date of this agreement unless otherwise modified through an Agreement Amendment Form and approved by the COUNTY in writing. Any work performed or costs incurred prior to the effective date of this agreement will be at the sole expense of the RECIPIENT. Tasks and Activities Measurable Results/Deliverables Time-frame TASK 1: Spec finalizing, request Lowest responsive bidder will be February- for bid and project award awarded contract for construction April 2016 TASK 2: TESC, excavation, "Clean" site with all 8,000 Cy of May-June mixing and/or disposal of contaminated soil either removed from 2016 contaminated soil, verification the site (to approved facility) r mixed testing to enure clean soils down below arsenic action levls Permits/Permissions Construction Stormwater General Purpose: Ensure BMPs for sediment control are enacted Permit Coverage, Dept. of Ecology and effective. Issued July 3, 2014 (Eff. until terminated) Nationwide Permit#27, Section Purpose: Clean Water Act, Coastal Zone Management 404 Dredge & Fill Permit, Seattle Act, DOE Water Quality Certification,National Historic Dist. Corps of Eng. Preservation Act and Endangered Species Act compliance. Issued June 4, 2013; Expires Mar. 18, 2018 Hydraulic Project Approval, Purpose: Preservation of fish and other aquatic species Washington Dept. of Fish and and their habitat. Issued Nov. 29, 2012; Expires Wildlife Nov. 28, 2017. Revised Mitigated Determination Purpose: State Environmental Policy Act and Kent of Nonsignificance, City of Kent Critical Areas Ordinance compliance. Issued Aug. 27, 2012.No expiration date. Shoreline Exemption, City of Kent Purpose: Exempt project from Kent Shoreline Master Program (SMP). Letter issued Sept. 10, 2013. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Ilomestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 8 of21 EXHIBIT B: BUDGET Costs are limited to those approved by the COUNTY in the current Budget. Costs should be reasonable and necessary to carry out the task. All activities and PROJECT expenditures must be completed according to this agreement unless otherwise modified through an Agreement Amendment Form and approved by the COUNTY in writing. Any work performed or costs incurred prior to the effective date of this agreement will be at the sole expense of the RECIPIENT. An Agreement Amendment must be completed and approved to change a scope of work,request an extension, or if the budget might deviate more than ten percent (10%) (of Grand Total). For more information, contact your grant administrator. A B C D E F ITEMS: BUDGET Description GRANT CASH IN SOURCE OF CATEGORY (rate or unit x AWARD MATCH MATCH MATCH quantity) Staff salaries and benefits: $152,416(7.5%of $200,000 KCD grant: $200,000— Construction inspection, construction contract) Excess will be applied management, engineering to construction contract and remediation Salary and Benefits Subtotal $200,000 Commercial services: Excavation,mix, $100,000 • Construction stockpile,and/or contractor(removal dispose of and/or mixing of contaminated soil- contaminated soil) $908,640(Scarsella • Consultant(arsenic Bros.) level verification and Verification& remediation) Remediation services- $89,200(ANIEC) Commercial services: Construction Contract $2,152,085 $205,951 Cash: PSAR2013 & • Construction -$2,225,277 2014$478,886; SRFB contractor Remediation 2014 $327,353; CWM • Consultant(arsenic Consultant Contract- 2014$787,846;CWM level verification and $89,200 2015 $558,000; remediation services) Native plant planting to-Kind: City plants and labor-$205,951 and planting labor DirectCostsSubtotal $100,000 $2,152,085 $205,954 r <; Project Subtotal $100,000 $2,352,085 $205,951 (Salary and Benefits Subtotal+Direct Costs � . a Subtotal) Overhead(not more than 10%of Grand TOTAL) Grand TOTAL $100,0110 $2,352,085 $205,951 �" ' t '+ Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 9 of 21 EXHIBIT C: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND DISCLAIMERS L19 King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Wastewater Treatment Division Logo and logo standards: For electronic versions of the official logos and logo standards, contact your grant administrator. The above logo must be included on all printed documents and electronic media produced in carrying out the PROJECT. This includes signage, posters, documents, brochures, flyers,newsletters, newspaper advertising, Web pages, blogs, and videos. Credit for materials produced as part of the PROJECT: Acknowledge PROJECT funding by including the folloying sentence with the logo: This project is funded by the King County Wastewater Treatment Division If your PROJECT has multiple funders, it can say: This project is funded in part by the King County Wastewater Treatment Division Disclaimer language: For items where opinions or advice or a list of organizations or businesses are included in the copy(e.g., an interpretive panel, a guidebook, or a directory),please add the following disclaimer sentence: The content herein does not constitute an endorsement by King County government,its employees, or its elected and appointed officials. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation Round 1,2015 Page 10 of21 EXHIBIT D: AGREEMENT TERMS AND PROCEDURES ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Please acknowledge KING COUNTY in all written and electronic media(publications, signage,press releases, public service announcements, posters, flyers, Web pages, videos, PowerPoint presentations, etc.). Refer to Exhibit C for further information. ADVANCE: Advance payments are allowed in some cases at the discretion of the COUNTY; documentation of payments made from advances shall be submitted to the COUNTY prior to any further requests for AWARD funds. AGREEMENT AMENDMENT: This document must be completed and approved to change a scope of work,request an extension, or if the budget(Exhibit B)might deviate in any PROJECT cost categories by an amount equal to or greater than ten percent (10%) of the total AWARD amount. This form is available from your grant administrator. BALANCE OF AWARD: Any amount of your AWARD not spent on this PROJECT must be returned to KING CQUNTY, if an advance was issued. CLOSEOUT REPORTS,FINANCIAL AND NARRATIVE: These reports document the successful completion of the PROJECT according to the scope of work. The Financial and Narrative Closeout Reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of your agreement period. Refer to Exhibit H for more information. Include in the final report: I. Financial Closeout Report (Exhibit H) documenting the records of expenditures for the PROJECT (reconcile your project expenses, award, cash, and in-kind match). 2. Narrative Closeout Report(Exhibit I) documenting the successful completion of the PROJECT according to the scope of work. The final report will include a narrative, outreach materials, copies of communication materials, and tools created for and about the PROJECT. ELIGIBLE CHARGES: Only expenses in the categories listed in the budget page of this grant agreement can be covered by this AWARD and only up to the indicated amount without prior authorization. FINANCIAL RECORDS: Maintain a record of your expenditures to conform to generally accepted accounting principles. Retain records for at least three (3) years after the end date of your agreement. It is highly recommended that if you use a computer to track your project expenses you assign a code to this grant. If you keep track of your expenses manually, you will need to make copies of your receipts or other"manual' documents. This way, you will be able to document your expenses. MATCH: Keep track of cash and/or in-kind match amount as it is described in your budget (Exhibit B)because it must be documented in your Financial Closeout Report (Exhibit H). MILESTONE: Milestones are considered significant actions or events marking important progress or change in the stage of development of the PROJECT. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 11 of 21 QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORTS (Exhibit E): These reports include a task summary and provide a status report on the progress of tasks identified in the scope of work. It also quantifies the amount spent to date and percent of the PROJECT completed. The quarterly reports are due thirty(30) days after the end of each quarter. QUARTERLY EXPENSE REPORTS (Exhibit F or G): This form, submitted along with a Quarterly Progress Report, is for reimbursement of costs each quarter. SCOPE OF WORK(EXHIBIT A): Keep track of your activities as they relate to the scope of work you provided. You will have to document the progress when submitting your Quarterly Reports (Exhibit E) and Closeout Report(Exhibit 1). START DATE: The start date of this agreement is the date of the COUNTY signatory. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 12 of21 EXHIBIT E: QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT WaterWorks Grant Program ka Quarterly Progress Report King County Date Recipient (organization) Contact Name Phone Email Address City, State, Zip Code Dates Request No. (beginning&end date for this claim) Project Name Instructions: Complete trandsubmitther with Quarterly Expense Report to Grant Administrator Tasks/ActivitiesMeasurable Results/Deliverables (from Scope of Worss/status/percentage completed (note dates) (from Scope of Work) 1) �� 2) 3) Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 13 of 21 4) 5) Briefly describe for this time period, in five lines or less per topic: Project Successes Obstacles and Challenges Please email inquiries and all documents to: Elizabeth Loudon,WaterWorks Grant Administrator Wastewater'freatment Division Phone: 206-477-4297 Email: water.grants@kingcounty.gov Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 14 of21 EXHIBIT F: QUARTERLY EXPENSE REPORT WaterWorks Grant Program kaQuarterly Expense Report King County Date Recipient (organization) Contact Name _ Phone Email Address City, State, Zip Code Dates Request No. (beginning&end date for this claim) Project Name instructions: Complete this spreadsheet in Excel and attach your financial/accotnnting system reports to document all expenses. Budget Line Item Budgeted Current Request Amount of all Award Balance (From rixhibit B Budget, use (From Fxhibit B Prior Requests Remaining Budget, use latest (Do not include latest approved amendment approved amendment) advances as a line item TOTAL THIS REQUEST Please email inquiries and all documents to: Elizabeth Loudon, WaterWorks Grant Administrator Wastewater Treatment Division Phone: 206-477-4297 Email: water.grants@kingeounty.gov Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 15 of 21 EXHIBIT G: QUARTERLY EXPENSE REPORT—ADVANCE WaterWorks Grant Program LQ Quarterly Expense Report with Advance King County Date Recipient (organization) Contact Name Phone Email Address City, State, Zip Code Dates Request No. (beginning&end date for this claim) Project Name Instructions: Complete this spreadsheet in Excel and attach your financial/accounting system reports to document all expenses. Advances will only be given in specific circumstances and need prior approval from the grant administrator. Budget Line Item Budgeted Current Request Advance Amount of all Award Balance (From Exhibit B Budget, (Fmui Exhibit Reconciliation Prior Requests Remaining use latest approved Budget,use latest (Expenses covered (Do not include amendment) approved amendment) b v last advance) advances as line item) TOTAL ADVANCE ` S ii tt" REQUESTEDs� (Par next period " i GRAND TOTAL �l ADVANCE FROM q LAST INVOICE t r .l ADJUSTED FOR W A" ADVANCE ' FORFEITURE (Advance balances do not + 9 sty ,_ t F'� -i„i tt cart forward) w ;` THIS REQUEST ADVANCE EXPLANATION: Please email inquiries and all documents to: Elizabeth Loudon,WaterWorks Grant Administrator Wastewater Treatment Division Phone:206-477-4297 Email: water.grants@kingcounty.gov Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 16 of 21 EXHIBIT H: FINANCIAL CLOSEOUT REPORT WaterWorks Grant Program King County Financial Closeout Report Project Name Recipient Total Award Project Contact Address City/State Phone Email —� — Grant Agreement Dates Date Reporting i odoy's l'a+e Instructions: Complete the budget table below comparing your proposed budget to actual spending within the project and sign. Include receipts and/or auditable accounting details (that you haven't already provided)for all costs incurred for the project. This may include ledger-based copies, cancelled checks, and payroll records. You do not need to provide this documentation for any match dollars spent. B CASH CASH IN-KIND BUDGET GRANT GRANT IN-HIND ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL MATCH, MATCH MATCH MATCH PROPOSED ACTUAL PROPOSED PROPOSED Staff salaries& benefits ,Votaries& Benefits.Sub Total Freelance workers and consultants Project supplies, materials,and equipment Commercial services Transportation Other costs Direct Costs Sub Total Overhead (10%of Grand Total max Grand TOTAL Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead- Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 17 of 21 Provisions Please complete and sign below. By signing this financial closeout report, I an authorized representative of the above named RECIPIENT, confirm that I have examined the information contained herein and that, to the best of my knowledge, it is a true and accurate account of all the financial expenses and in-kind contributions incurred by the above named PROJECT in the course of fulfilling the conditions of the Agreement between Wrganizatiom> and KING COUNTY. This report contains financial documents from to (dates). I hereby acknowledge that there are no further expenses associated with this PROJECT, nor any pending or future claims to the COUNTY and that the COUNTY is not liable for any expenses not documented in the budget. I understand that aOrganizatiom> is fully bound by the provisions of the Agreement, including but not f mited to, the return of COUNTY funds that are unspent or whose spending is unsubstantiated according to the Terms of the Agreement, and the right to examine records. I further understand that the COUNTY,upon examining final budget and closeout reports, submitted by the RECIPIENT will determine the amount of the balance due to the RECIPIENT. Signature: RECIPIENT printed name and title: Date: Please email inquiries and all documents to: Elizabeth Loudon, WaterWorks Grant Administrator Wastewater Treatment Division Phone:206-477-4297 Email: water.grants@kingeounty.gov II Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead--Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 18 of 21 EXHIBIT 1: NARRATIVE CLOSEOUT REPORT LQWaterWorks Grant Program KingGounty Narrative Closeout Report Project Name Recipient Total Award Project Contact — Address City/State Phone Email Grant Agreement Dates stari -O�j.t. — Fvu Doie Date Reporting Todey's D, re Instructions:In narrative format, summarize the project accomplishments and successes, regional benefits,project performance, obstacles and challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations for fiture comparable projects. Attach copies of all project materials and publications as well as photos from your project. Project Performance Please quantify all fields below that are applicable to your project and for which you have data; add any other quantifiable data that is pertinent, including units (e.g. square feet, volunteer hours, gallons/year). Waster;atsr Capturcd and Trcated volunicer;;ours 5torrnwa'er &unoff'-aptuf."d events Organ ized/Tou[s Givt;n Stormvvaiee R.unoFf Diverlcd Fvarnt Attendance acst tmanagcment Practires ln9ialied Peonlc Engaged Hain Gardem histalled Presentations Given t;isl.erns Installed Ylaterials Created "Yatcr Saved AQateriaL; Distriuiaca Mites Resiored Languages Provided Site Defaved communities Served i`dat vc p1mas installed Proj'ct Parin.'rs Organizations Engaged Social Media Pollowors Ambassadors Rt,cruitcd Website Visits A'Live Vmul:leers Ca-:ned Media :;tones Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead-.Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 19 of 21 i Regional Water Quality Benefits What difference did this project make in supporting King County WTD's water quality mission, and create a benefit to or improvement of water quality within WTD's service area? Project Accomplishments and Successes Please describe the notable accomplishments and success of your project, both anticipated and unanticipated. Obstacles and Challenges Please describe any obstacles or challenges you,faced while carrying out this project. Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Future Projects Please describe any lessons learned from both successes and failures alike. What strategies worked well that might be replicated elsewhere and what approaches,fell short oj'expectations? Why? Project Materials and Photos (list here and attach) Please email inquiries and all documents to: Elizabeth Loudon,WaterWorks Grant Administrator Wastewater Treatment Division Phone: 206-477-4297 Email: water.grants@Dkingeounty.gov Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 20 of 21 EXHIBIT J: FUNDING AUTHORITY The funding authority for this AWARD comes from the COUNTY, through its Department of Natural Resources and Parks, which operates a regional system of sewage treatment and conveyance facilities for which it collects charges from local governments. Said charges constitute the source of revenue for operation of the COUNTY's sewage treatment system. By agreement with said local governments, this revenue can be used only to fund expenditures that are related to the development, operation,maintenance, and replacement and improvement of said system. By budget authority, the COUNTY funds activities related to the regional water quality objectives advanced by the development of the sewage treatment system. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Leber Homestead—Arsenic Remediation—Round 1,2015 Page 21 of 21 REQUEST F NATURE I T Print on Che i y-(rdored ="•'aoer w, a„ T— � ,v Routing Information: ., _ ... (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) APProvgd`� 'tor Originator: Cheryl Viseth for Matt Knox Phone (Originator): 55 4 J 5551 Date Sent: Dct?4 29-l-& li/ E Date Required: Nov 71 2016 Return Signed Document to: Cheryl Viseth Contract Termination Date: Oct 311 2018 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: KingCounty (Only required on contracts y 20 000 and over or on any Grant j DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: Date Risk Manager Notified:/ OCt 4� 20�.6 (Required on Non-City Standard Contracts A reements Has this Document been Specificall Account Number: ®2�®73r Authorized in the.Budget? ® YES8NO Brief Explanation of Document: The WaterWorks Grant agreement in the amount of $100,000;provides for final phase construction for the Mill Creek Side Channel — Leber Restoration project. All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department (This area to be completed by the Law Department) Received: ' I Approval of Law Dept.: Law Dept. Comments: Date Forwarded to mayor: Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: Recommendations and Comments: r.� f. DF � �� ` " :�✓�rv"�t�'C r��J�pit � f�i+[� e�s' 7 ' Date Returned: P:ILINI4�oim menlPmw smplReque I lopMayors slgnatureaou 0p9'�%�ip.{OF KEFryNT 0'1jrCV :'fIl," VI