HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW16-345 - Original - Pacific Ace LLC - Turnkey Park Tennis Court Resurfacing - 09/14/2016 I � I {x1 em KENT fir. Document WASHINGTON S )fE 6 rm�# �#: � I_`.: CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: PACIFIC ACE LLC. Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: LPN,", This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: TENNIS COURT RESURFACING - Turnkey Park Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: AUGUST 9T" 2016 Termination Date: OCTOBER 15TH Contract Renewal Notice (Days): 7 days Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: QUIENTIN FOIL Department: PARKS WEST OPERATION Contract Amount: $ 24,938 63 TAX INCLUDED Approval Authority: ❑ Department Director ❑Mayor [-]City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Turnkey Park: 23312 100th Ave SE KENT, WA Two tennis courts located at above address. adccW10877 814 ` PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT between City of Kent and PACIFIC ACF LL THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal rnrCoaaboe-t (hereinafter the "City"), and PACIFIC ACE LLC organized under the ➢aws of the: State of WASHINGY'ON, located and doing business at 3613 NE 36raa AVE VANCOUVER,WA El 661 (hereinafter the"Contractor"), 6t�EEENT The parties agree as follows; 1. DESCRIPTION Of WOE Contractor shall perform the rollowine se v cis for the City In accorda vice with the .follow erg_ described plans andjorspocepea?toru ; TURNKEY PARK : 23312 100 " AVE SE KENIT, WA Pressure wash and prep tennis court surface for repairs and resurfacing. Prep may inclode � any grinding, sanding or leveling to reduce standing water_Repair iaN bird baths cracks and area marked by white paint. Repair 355 linear ,feet the RITEWAY CRACK REPAIR 6 SYSTEM marked out in white paint during bidding process. Remove and replace center j anchorp:'Resurface entire tennis court area within fence litre with one acrylic filler coat, two coats of Fortfied ploxlpave and one coat of seal :coat, 2 coats of textured white standard tennis lines for double.5 and singles denix' Mein, COUrt color needs to match or dose to current court co]or(interior Florida Green/exterior California Rred). Remove current basketball post and replace with Olson U4tianete Basketball Sy,temTBA$71-6K1. pressure wash court seal coat entire basketball area and repaint lines with t�vo coats textured white and one seal coat. Basketball court lines painted standard high school dernentivns with 3 point €sne. All work Is to be performed to normal prance of the trades and manufacture speclflca"ions of all materinls used.Contractor shall cleanup, remove and properly dispose I any and a?l related rnaterjais and debris from,job site. City of Kent will take down and repla tennis nets before start date and replace apon completion. See attached F.xibit "A°. i tC A -- Contractor further represents that the services furnished under this Agreement Will be performed in accordance with generally accepted professional practices within the huge' Sound anion in effect at the time such services are performe`i, 11. TIME OF CtlMPLETZON, The partite; agree that work will begin on the lasts deschticdl in Scc ien I above immediately upon execution of this Agreement. Upon, the effective chile of this Agreement, tilt., Contractor shall complete the worts dosciibed In Section I WITHIN 45days, UX. COMPENSA"!I(yW The City shall pay the Contractor a total amount not to exceed TWENTY FOURTHCSUSAND NINE HUNDPED THIRTY EIGHT 001JAR5 AND SIXTY THREE CENTS TAX INCLUDED, see attached exhibit W, Including any applicable Washington State Sales Tax, for the work and services tonteMmplaLed in The City shall pay the Contractor fifty percent (Stl%) of ulit, Ccantrvct ,nnount upon completion avid acceptance of the work by the City, or at such earlier time as the City may PUBLIC WORKS AQ9ZEMEPBT - I PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT between City of Kent and PACIFIC ACE Li. THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Kent, a Washingtori municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and PACIFIC ACE LLC organized under :the laws of the State of WASHINGTON, located and doing business at 3613 NE 36'� AVE VANCOUVER,WA 98661 (hereinafter the "Contractor"), AA6REEMENT The parties agree as follows: 1. DESCPIPTION OF WORK. Contractor shall perform the following services for the City in accordance with the following described plans and/or specifications: TURNKEY PARK : 23312 IWI AVE SE KENT, WA Pressure wash and prep tennis court surface for repairs and resurfacing. Prep may include any;grinding, sanding or leveling to reduce standing water. Repair all bird bathsrcracks'and area marked by white paint- Repair '355 linear feet using the RITEWAY CRACK REPAIR SYSTEM marked out in white paint during bidding process. Remove and ,replace center anchors. Resurface entire tennis court area within fence line with one acrylic filler coat, coats of Fortified Plexipave and one coat of seal coat. 2 coats of textured white standard tennis lines for doubles and singles demenslon. Court colter needs to match or close to current court color(interior Florida Green/exterior California Rred), Remove current basketball post and 'replace with Bison Ultimate 'Basketball Systernf BA871-BK]. Pressure wash court seal coat entire basketball area and repaint lines with two coats textured white and one seal coat. Basketball court tines painted standard high school derrientions with 3 point line. All work is to be performed to normal practices of the trades and manufacture specifications of all materials used.Contractor shall cleanup, remove and properly dispose any and all related materials and debris from job site. City of Kent will take down and replace tennis nets before start date and replace apon Completion. _ Contractor further represents that the services furnished under this Agreement will be performed in accordance with generally accepted professional practices within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time such services are performed. It. TIME OF COMPLETION. The parties agree that work Will begin on the tasks described in Section I above immediately upon execution of this Agreement, upon the effective date of this Agreement, the Contractor shall complete the work described in Section I WITHIN 45days. III. COMPENSATION. The City shall pay the Contractor a total amount not to exceed TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT DOLLARS AND SIXTY THREE CENTS TAX INCLUDED, including' any applicable Washington State Sales Tax, for the work and services contemplated in this Agreement. The City shall pay the Contractor fifty percent (5G%) of the Contract amount upon completion and acceptance of the work by the City, or at such earlier time as the City may determine is PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT- 1 appropriate. The City will pay the remaining Contract, amount upon fulfiNnnent of the conditions listed bee€ow and throughout this Agreement, A. No Payment and Performance Bard_ Because this contract, including applicablesates tax, is less than $35,000,, and pursuant: to Chapter 39-08 RC , the Contractor, in lieu Of providing,the City a payment and performance bond, has elected to have the City retain the final fifty percent { ) of the Contract amount for a period of thirty (30) days after the date of final acceptance,or until receipt of all necessary releases. from the State Department of Revenue, the State Department of labor & Industries, aril the State ErMloymant Security Department, and until settlement of any liens filed under Chapter 450 28 RCW,whichever is later. B. Defective or WnaWtt2t d Work. The City reserves its right to withhold payment from Contractor for any defective or unauthorized work, Defective or unauthorized work includes, without fits itation: :work and materials that do not conform to the requirements of this Agreement, and extra wort:and materials furnished without:the Cily`s written. apiamval. If Contractor as unable, for any reason„ to satisfactorily complete any portion of the work, the City may complete the worts by contract or otl i ase, and Contractor shall be Liable to the City for any additional costs incurred by the City_ "Additional costs' shall mean allreasonable costs, mtcluding legal costs and attorney fees, inclined by the City beyond the maximum Contract price specified above.° The City further reserves its right to deduct the cost to complete the Contract worts, including any Additional Costs, from any and all amounts due or to become due the Contractor. C. Final Payment: Waiver of tams. THE C RACTOWS ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL. PAYMENT (EXCLt3CING WrTHHEM'--REI AINA F) SHALL CC?NSII UTE .A WAIVER Of C0 CT'ORt S CLAMS, ,EXCEPT' THOSE PREVIOUSLY AND PROPERLY MADE AND IDENTIFIED BY CONTRACTOR AS UNSETTLED AT THE TIME FINAL PAYMENT IS MADE AND ACCEPTED, W. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR.aiOR. The parties intend that an Independent Contractor- Employer Relationship will be created by this AgrOerherit, By their execution of this Agreement, and in accordance with Ch. SIX8 RCW, the parties make the followintq representations. A. The Contractor has the ability to control and direct the performance-arid details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreernent B. The Contractor 'maintains and pays for its own plaice of bursiness From which Contrattor`s services urkier this t will be performed. C. The Contractor has an established and independent business that is eligible for a business deduction for federal income tax purposes that existed before the City retained Contractor's services and is a service other than that furnished by the City, or the Contractor is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of, the saint nature as that involved under this Agreement. 0. The Contractor is responsible for filing as they become due all necessary tax documents with appropriate federal and state agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and the state Department of Revenue. E. The Contractor has registered its business and tabl an account with the state Department of Revenue and other state agencies as may be required by Contractor's business, and has obtained" a :miffed Business Identifier ( Si) number from the State of Washington, P'JELIC WOAXS AGREEMENT- 2 F. The Contractor has a valid contractor registration pursuant to Ch. 18.27 RCW or an electrical contractor license pursuant to Ch. 19.28 RCW. G. The Contractor maintains a set of books dedicated to the expenses and earnings of its business. V. TERMINATION. The City may terminate this Agreement for good cause. "Good cause" shall include, without limitation,any one or more of the following events: A. The Contractor's refusal or failure to supply a sufficient number of property skilled workers or proper materials for completion of the Contract work. B. The Contractor's failure to complete the work within the time specified in this Agreement. C. The Contractor's failure to make full and prompt payment to subcontractors or for material or labor. 0. The Contractors persistent disregard of federal, state or 'local laws, rules or regulations* E. The Contractor's filing 'or bankruptcy or becoming adjudged bankrupt- F. The Contractor's breach of any portion of this Agreement if the City terminates this Agreement for good cause, the Contractor shall not receive any further money due under this Agreement until the Contract work is completed. After termination, the City may take possession of all records and data within the Contractor's possession'pertaining to this project which may be used by the City without restriction, VI. PREVAILING WAGES. Contractor shall file a "Statement of Intent W Pay Prevailing Wage-:," with the State of Washington Department of Labor& Indwrtrieii prior to commencing the Contract work, Contractor shall pay prevailing wage-, in effect on the date the kid is accepted or executed by Contractor, and comply with Chapter 39.12 of the Revised Code of Washington, as well as any other applicable prevailing wage rate provisions. The latest prevailing wage rate revision issued by the Department of Labor and Industries is attached. VII. CHANGES. The City may issue a written change order for any change in the Contract work during the performance of this Agreement. If the Contractor determines, for any reason, that a change order is necessary, Contractor most submit a written Change order request to the person listed in the notice provision'section of this Agreement, section XV(D), within fourteen (I4) calendar days of the date Contractor knew or should have known of the facts and events giving ride to the requested change. If the City determines that the change increases or decreases the Contractor's'costs or time for performance, the City will make an equitable adjustment. The City will attempt, in good faith, to mach agreement with the Contractor on all equitable adjustments. However, if the parties are unable to agree, the City will determine the equitable adjustment as it deems appropriate. The Contractor shall proceed with the change:order work upon receiving either a written change order from the City or an oral order from the City before actually receiving the written change order. If the Contractor fails to require a:change order within the time specified in this paragraph, the Contractor waives its right to make any claim or submit subsequent change order requests for that portion of the contract work. If the Contractor disagrees with the equitable adjustment, the Contractor must complete the change order work,, however, the Contractor may elect to protest the adjustment as provided in subsections A through E of Section VIII, Claims, below- The Contractor accepts all requirements of a change order by: (1) endorsing it, (2) writing a separate acceptance, or (3) not protesting in the way this section provides. A change order that is accepted by Contractor as provided in this section shall constitute full payment and final settlement of all PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT- 3 claims for contract time and for direr indirect and consequential costs, including Costs of delays related I o any work, either covered or affected by the change, Vin. CLAIMS. ` If the Contractor disagrees with any+tbing required by a change order, another written carder, or on oral order from the City, including any direction; instruction. interpretation, or determination ion by the City,the Contractor may file a claims as provided in this section, The Contractor Shall give written notice to the City of all, clairris, within fourteen (14) Calendar days of the occurrence of the events giving rise to the claim, or within fourteen (I4) calendar days of the date the Contractor knew or should have known of the facts or events giving rise to the Claim whichever occurs first . Any claim for damages, additional payment for any reason, or extension of time, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, shalt be Conclusively deemed to have been waived by the Cont-actor unless a timely written Cleirn is evade in strict accordance with,the applicable provisions of this Agreement, At a minimum, a Contractor's written claim,shall include the information set forth in subsections A. iterns I through 5 below. FAILURE TO PROVIDE A COMPLEM WRrMN NOTIFICATION OF CLAIM WITHIN THE TIME ALLOWED SHALL BE AN ABSOLUTE WAIVER OF ANY CLAIMS ARISING IN ANY WAY FROM THE FACTS OR EVENTS SURROUNDING THAT CLAIM OR CAUSED BY THAT DELAY. A. Not of Claim. Provide a signed written notice of claim that provides the following information. 1. The date cif theCrantroctoeas claims. 2_ The nature and circumstances that caused fibre ciatm; 3. The provisions in this Agreement that support the claim; 4_ The estimated dollar east, if any, of the claimed work and how that w ' at? was determined; and 5. An analysis of Vie progress schedule showing the schedule change or disruption if the Contractor is asserting a schedule change or disruption. a. Rom. The Contractor shall keep Complete records of extra costs and time incurred as a result of the asserted events giving rise to the claim, The City shall have access to any of the tractor's records needed for evaluating the protest, The City will evaluate all claims, provided the procedures in this section are foUarwed. If the City determines th at a claim is valid, the City will adjust payment for work or time by an euvitaole adjustment. No adlvst nt will be made for an invalid protest, C. C"tractor's Duty to Complete £ t red Work. In spite of any claim, the Contractor shall proceed promptly to provide the goods, materials and services required- by the City under this Agreement. D3 Failure to Protest Cqn5vLuto waiver. By not, protesting as this Section provides, the Contractor also waives any additional entitlement and adepts from the City any written Of oral order{including da` or , nsLrvCtionS, interpretations, and determinations, E, Failure eo Fr ilo+v Pro ores C anStiiutes sYais er. By failing to follow the procedures of this section, the Contractor completely waives any claims for protested work and accepts from the City any written or oral order (including directions, instructions,`interpretations, and determination)_ IX. L1141TATION OF ACTIGNSa CONTRACTOR MUST, IN ANY EVENT, FIl F ANY LAWSUIT ARISING FROM OR CONNECTED H THIS AGREEMENT HIN 120 CALENDAR GAYS FROM THE DATE THE CONTRACT WORK IS COMPLETE OR CONTRACTORS ABILITY TO FAE THAT CLAIM OR SUIT SHALL BE FOREVER BARRED_ THIS SECTION FURTHER LIMITS ANY APPLICABLE SrATLITTORY LIMITATIONS PERIOD. PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT-4 i X. WARRANTY. Contractor warrants that it will faithfully and satisfactorily Worm all work provided under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, The Contractor shall promptly correct all defects in workmanship and materials. (1) when Contractor knows or should have known of the defect, or (2) upon Contractor's receipt of notification from the City of the existence or discovery of the defect. In the event any parts are repaired or replaced, only original replacement parts shall be used—rebuilt or used parts will not be acceptable. When defects are corrected, the warranty for that portion of the work shall extend for an additional year beyond the original warranty period applicable to the overall work. The Contractor shall begin to correct any defects within seven (7) calendar days of its receipt of notice from the City of the defect. If the Contractor does not accomplish the corrections within a reasonable time as determined by the City, the City may complete the corrections and the Contractor shall pay all costs incurred by the City in order,to accomplish the correction.' XI. DIS£RI tNATION. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this Agreement or any sub-contract, the Contractor, its sub-contractors, or any person acting on behalf of the Contractor or sub-contractor shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. Contractor shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Declaration, Comply with City Administrative Policy 1.2, and upon completion of the contract work, file the attachedCompliance Statement XII. INDEf4NIFICATION. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harntla,s from any and all Claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal carts and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Contractor's performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the injuries and damages caused by the Citys negligence. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court or Competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4_24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to � property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, ageriO and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. IT IS FUR`iHER SPECIFICALLY AND 'EXPRFSSI-Y UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONTRACTOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL_ INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER:ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATE? THIS WAIVER, In the event Contractor refuses tender of defense in any Suit or any claim, if that tender was made pursuant to this indemnification clause, and if that refusal is subsequently determined by a Court having jurisdiction (or other agree tribunal) to have been a wrongful refusal on the Contractor's part, then Contractor shall pay all the Citys costs for defense, including all reasonable expert witness fees and reasonable attorneys' fees,'plus the City`s legal costa and fees incurred because there was a wrongful, refusal on the Contractor's part The provisions of this section shall Survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. XIIt. INSURANCE. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement,insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit B attached and incorporated by this reference. PUELIC WORKS AGREEMENT - 5 XIV. WORK PERFORMED AT CONTRACTOWS RISC Contactor- shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of the contract work and shall utilize all protection rip ry for that purpose. All work shale be done at Contractor's own risk, and Contractor shall be responsible for any toss; of or damage to materials,tools, or ether articles used or held for use in,connection with the work. XV. MISCEUANFOUS PRDVISIONS. A. Recyclable Materials. pursuant to Chapter 3.80 of the Kent_City Code, the CltY reguir es it. contractors and Consultants to use recycle and recyclable products wheriever practicable. A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product. B, Non-Waiver-of 8reacti. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and ag -rents contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a warier or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain In full force and effect. C. Resolution of Disputes and rnrnti 6a v_ This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws caf the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, idifference or claim ansing from the parties' performance of this Agreement, the exclusive mans of resolving that dispute, difference or Bairn,shall only be by firing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King;County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. 3n any claim or.lawsuit lb,-damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, ,party shall pay all its l costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringiaug such claim or lawsuit,'i uding all appeals, in addition to .any other recovery Award provided bylaw, provided however, nothing in this paragraph ill be construed to limit In City's right to indemnification under Section:XII of this Agreement. D. Written NotrCE. All communications regarding this Agreement shalt be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the cccritrary. ,Any written notice hereunder shall became effective three (3) business days aver the date of rnailsr by registered or Certified mail, and shalt be mimed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated irk this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in wrong, E, Assignment, Arty assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void. If the non-assigning party gives its consent to,arty assignment, the terms of this-Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shalt;be made without add:'tMSraal written consent. F, NqJ1LiqAVori, No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shalt be binding:unless In writing and signed by a dirty authorized representative of the City and Co ractGsr. G_ Entire Agre nt. The written provisions and tarrns of this A e-nt, together with any Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part tf tar altering In any mariner thl;: Agreement-- All of tire above document-*are hereby made a part of this Agreement. However, should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. H. Compliance with Laws. The Contractor, agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Contractor's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations, I. Public Records Act The Conractor acknowledges that the City is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington and documents, PUBLIC WORKS A REFMENT. i notes, emails, and other records prepared or gathered by the Contractor in its performance of this Agreement may be subject to public review and disclosure, even if those records are not produced to or possessed by the City of ?Gent. AS such, the Contractor agr to cooperate fully with the City in satisfying the City's duties and obligations under the Public Records Act. J. City Business License Required.. Prior to commencing the tasks described in Section I, Contractor agrees to provide proof of a current city of Kent business license fiumuant to Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code, K. Counterparts and Sianaturps by Fix or Email, This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which Shall constitute an original, and all or which will together constitute this one Agreement. Further, upon executing this Aggreetent, either party may deliver the signature page to the other by fax or argil and that signature shall have the same force and effect as if the Agreement bearing the original signature was received in person. IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effectlive on the last date entered below. �CONTRACTOR- CITY OF KENT, By �+ -- (..ryvracrrr ' � (wxv»attreJ P rat Name to S Pry Na e: 1Sanette Cooke Its BQ�iRfd� 1 P1 ar ieltrea DATcc� SATE. .17Z -11 NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: I ALEX HAVENS QUIENTIN POIL PACIFIC ACE LLC City of Kent 3613 NE 3F' AVE 220 Fourth Avenue South VANCOUVER, WA 98661 Kent, WA 98032 i paciricace.11c�s9cnaii.com -503-320-8276 (telephone) (253) 253-856-5127 (telephone) a [Insert Fax (lumber) (facsimile) (253) 253-856-6021 (facsimile) A€i'RO EB AS TO FORM: y La UNI A - Kent w C4partmer t ^seek£4rM,N+S hV kPfFY:Ts ckW a,e 5Jny�Urxrmvllen aeavtin.Arre n.M! it PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT- 7 DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to fade at and Smote laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement shall comply with the regulations of the ty's equal employment opportunity policies. 'Ta following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on thrs specific Agreement to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on ali of the following questions for€his Agreement to be valid and Binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it wilt be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement; The questions are as follows, 11 t have read the attached City of rent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. inuring the time of this Agreement I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical i disability.. 3. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide. a'written statement to ' all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4, During the time of the Agreement i; the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities, 5. Before acceptance of this Agreement, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor-, that the Prince Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above- By signing below„ I agree* to fulfill the five requirements referenced rera above, r For: is fisl r A-u` a Title: ' i ✓ Late- resat �.w+a iw Ya i...nw^ nr"['t xka.fw.rW h C CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE GATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES, April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY .dim White, Mayor POLICY; Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the Following affirmative steps: 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the Gty's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments, 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subiect to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laves, policies and guidelines, CITY OF!CENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the Agreement. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime contractor for the Agreement known as that was entered into on the (crate), between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that i complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Item Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity policy that was part of the,befor -mention # Agreement. By* For. Title: Date: r I-- ''/ PACIFIC ACE LLC 3613 N Surfacing Solutions www.paclflcace.net Alex Havens PRESIDENT 503. DATE: 6/14/2016 CUSTOMER: City of Kent Attn: Quientin Poll 5821 S 240th Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5127 gpoil((Dkentwa.gov w UOT£.$Y., ,i '_' --. CtB L CATION .,�.,.%a ,.......,. PAYI?1£M1:T£RMS a' IN'$TJ1I L OAT£ Alex Havens TurnkeyPark 5%down, Full on ComoSummer 2016 T.£M:NO.- DESCRIP, -, N . .. ' '_ UNIT'r UNIT I?RIC£ =70lAL Turnkey Park-23312 100th Ave SE Kent, WA 2 Plexipave Surfacing System (Tennis Courts) 5105.00 10,210.00 Prep: Pressure wash, Fill cracks, fill depressions 1 Coat Acrylic Resurfacer 2 Coats Fortified Plexipave Standard tennis lines 1 seal coat, 2 coats textured white Colors: Interior Florida Green/exterior California Red 1 Riteway Crack Repair System 6390.00 6,390.00 355 Lineal Feet of cracking at$18.00 per foot 2 Remove and replace center anchors 195.00 390.00 1 Seal Coat of Basketball Court 3200.00 3,200.00 Prep: Pressure wash Seal coat entire basketball court area Standard High School Basketball lines 1 seal coat, 2 coats textured white 1 Bison Ultimate Basketball System 2585.00 2,585.00 Remove exi ting pole and install new system SUB TOTAL: 22,775.00 SALES TAX: 2,163.63 GRAND TOTAL: 24,938.63 BY: PACIFIC ACE LLC ACCEPTED DATE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION BA871-BK ULTIMATE'" PLAYGROUND BASKETBALL SYSTEM -1. 60" BA39U BA4 60.1 61,SQ Playing Surface Aq� 120 Pole shall be constructed of 6"square,3/16"wall structural steel tube suitable for a 39"in-ground installation.45'extension arm shall be 6"square, 3/16"wall structural tube with a 4"square, 1/8"wall steel tube horizontal support and 1/4"thick steel backboard support plate.Pole shall be designed so that rim mounts directly to pole to minimize stress on the backboard. Extension arm Shall be mounted by means of 6 each 5/8"grade 8 baits. Pole system shall provide a minimum setback from the front of pole to front of backboard of 60".Entire pole system shall have a textured black polyester powder coated finish and carry a lifetime functional warranty.Vertical pole shall be capped to keep out rain.Backboard shall be constructed of formed and welded steel with a 42"x 60"rectangular playing surface.Skin shall be 12 ga.mild steel and rear structure shall be 7 ga.and 10 ga.steel.All edges of the skin shall be formed in such a way that no shear edges are exposed.Boards with exposed shear edges shall not be considered equal.The backboard shall be coated with a white polyester powder coated finish and have an official size orange shooter's square. Backboards shall carry an unconditional lifetime functional warranty. Rim shall consist of two 5/8"diameter high strength steel rings welded together at a minimum of six places. Back and side plates shall be 3/16"thick and be continuously welded.The net attachment system shall be of a continuous type constructed of 3/16"x I"steel with punched net attachment slots suitable for nylon(included)or chain (optional)nets. Individual or continuous wire formed netlocks are not an acceptable equal. Rim shall have an unconditional lifetime warranty and orange powder coated finish. Installation to be completed In accordance to manufacturer's instructions.Do not scale drawings. Entire system weight shall be 500#. MANUFACTURED BY BISON, INC. • 603 L STREET, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, 68508 •WWW.BISONINC.COM •402-474-3353 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT•ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • REVISED 03/05/2015 RESURFACING TENNIS COURTS Request for Bids Bids Due: June 15'h 2016 City of Kent Parks Maintenance Building 5821 s 240" Kent,WA 98032 Or Email to gnoik iMentwa.eov • No bids acceoted after 12:00 noon June 15"'2016 Project Manager: Quientin Poil Ph—253-856-5127 Scope of Work: Two City of Kent Parks needing tennis court resurfacing 1 -Work to be performed at Turnkey Park. Address: 23312 100t" Ave SE Kent WA Tennis Court Pressure wash and prep surface for resurfacing. Repair all cracks and bird baths. Cracks will be marked out with white paint. Cracks to be replaced with Riteway Crack Repair System, or proof of equal or better product with the approval of City of Kent project manager. Resurface entire tennis area within fence line with Plexipave or Nova surfacing or other product with proof of equal or superior product approved by the City of Kent Project Manager. Remove and Replace all 4 anchors and post with Douglas - Edwards Classic Round Green Tennis Post. Use diagram accompanying this bid for install specification. Exhibit A Court color needs to match or close two current court color. Repaint standard regular tennis dimensions with single and doubles dimensions. All work is to be performed to normal practices of the trades and manufacture specifications of all materials used. Contractor shall cleanup, remove and properly dispose any and all related materials and debris from job site. Basketball Court - adjacent to Tennis court Pressure Wash and prep half-court basketball area for sealcoating. Remove existing basketball court pole and replace with Bison Ultimate basketball system, BA-871-BK from Bison products. Follow install specification in Exhibit B. Seal-coat entire asphalt basketball court area and repaint half court to High School dimensions include High School three point line with key. All work Is to be performed with normal practices of the trades and manufacture specifications of all materials used. Contractor shall cleanup, remove and properly dispose any and all related materials and debris from job site. 2 - Work to be done at Glenn Nelson Park. Address 3216 S. 2681h St Kent WA Tennis Court Pressure wash and prep surface for repairs and resurfacing. Repair all bird baths and area marked by white paint. Areas marked in white paint need to be brought back to level with existing surface. Resurface entire tennis court area within fence line with Plexipave or Nova surfacing or other product with proof of equal or superior product with approval from City of Kent Project Manager. Remove and Replace all 4 anchors and post with Douglas - Edwards Classic Round Green Tennis Post. Use diagram accompanying this bid for install specification. Exhibit A Court color needs to match or close to current court color. Repaint standard regular tennis dimensions with single and doubles dimensions. All work is to be performed to normal practices of the trades and manufacture specifications of all materials used. Contractor shall cleanup, remove and properly dispose any and all related materials and debris from job site. Ouestion contact Proiect Manaaer - Ouientin Poil 253-856-5127 Cost Estimate: Waiting on contractor bids. Prevailing wage required. References: Please list any references we may contact providing contact name and number. Contract/Time of Completion: All work must be completed within 30 days of letter to proceed. Insurance: • Certificate of insurance will be required, if awarded contract. EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liabilitv insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. Commercial General Liabilitv insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations,personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 1185. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. 2. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liabilitv insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liabilitv insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products- completed operations aggregate limit. EXHIBIT B (Continued) C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain,the following provisions for Automobile Liability, Commercial General Liability and Builders Risk insurance: 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. D. Contractor's Insurance For Other Losses The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protective fences. E. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than ANII. F. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall famish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work. Before any exposure to loss may occur,the Contractor shall file with the City a copy of the Builders Risk insurance policy that includes all applicable conditions, exclusions, definitions, terms and endorsements related to this project. G. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. �a ®g �+p�^C I� LIABILITY ® �^y �p g ��q A�qpo PACIF08 OP ID: LM CER 1 IPICA°91 G ®r LIABILI 1 A INSURANCE DATE/1612 IY6 o611s/zols THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ias) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER cONTACT Linda McCoy WSC Insurance PO Box 128" 2000 Pacific Ave. IAIC.No •603.367-3164 ac No): 503-716-1022 Forest Grove, OR 97116 E-MAIL lindam@wscinsurance.com David Harrison,CIC ADDRESS: INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAICN INSURERA:Ohio Security Insurance Cc '. INSURED Pacific Ace LLC INSURERB:Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. 24074 Pacific Ace INSURER C: 3613 NE 36th Avenue Vancouver,WA 98661 INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER P: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS j CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILTF TYPE OF INSURANCE AODL SUM POLICYNUMEER POLCYEFF POLICYEXP LIMITS A X COMMERCIALGENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,00 CLAIMS-MADE ❑X OCCUR X BKS53909112 _ 04/2312016 04/23/2017 PREMISE$ Ea occulmnce $ 100,00 MED EXP(Anyone Person) $ 15,00 PERSONAL R ADV INJURY $ 1,000,00 GENT AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,00 POLICY jECOT E LOG PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO $ 2,000,00 OTHER: $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE IT $ 1,000,00 Ea accitlenl A X ANY AUTO BAS53909112 12/01/2015 12/01/2016 BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALLOWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accitlenl) $ AUTOS AAUTUTOS NON-0WNED P P RTY DAMAGE $ HIRED AUTOS OS Peraccl0ent a X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE a 2,DOO,00 g EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE US065132656 17JO112015 12/01/2016 AGGREGATE $ 2,000,00 OEO X I RETENTION$ 10,000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH- ANDEMPLOYERTUABILITY YIN STATUTE I Eft ANY PROPRIETOWPARTNEWEXECUTIW E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? NIA (Mandatory In NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes,tlescnbe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ A Pollution BKS63909112 04/2312016 04/23/2017 Poll Llab 1,000,00 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101,AtlLlllonal Remarks Schedule,maybe attacheC if more space Is rAluiretl) III Re: Glen Nelson Park/Turnkey Park-Certificate Holder is Additional Insured per form CG8584 04-13, CG8810 04-13 attached as required by written contract subject to policy terms, conditions and exclusions-30 Day Cancellation per form CG8061. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Kent ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988.2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD fl t COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 88 10 04 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EKTENSION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART INDEX SUBJECT PAGE NON-OWNED AIRCRAFT 2 NON-OWNED WATERCRAFT 2 PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY'-ELEVATORS 2 EXTENDED DAMAGETO PROPERTY RENTED TO YOU(Tenant's Property Damage) 2 MEDICAL PAYMENTS EXTENSION 3 EXTENSION OF SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS-COVERAGES A AND B 3 ADDITIONAL INSUREDS-BY CONTRACT,AGREEMENT OR PERMIT 3 PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY-ADDITIONAL INSURED EXTENSION 5 ADDITIONAL INSUREDS-EXTENDED PROTECTION OF YOUR"LIMITS OF INSURANCE" 6 WHO IS AN INSURED-INCIDENTAL MEDICAL ERRORSIMALPRACTICE AND WHO IS AN INSURED-FELLOW EMPLOYEE EXTENSION-MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES 6 NEWLY FORMED OR ADDITIONALLY ACQUIRED ENTITIES 7 FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS AND PRIOR OCCURRENCES 7 KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE,OFFENSE,CLAIM OR SUIT 7 LIBERALIZATION CLAUSE 7 BODILY INJURY REDEFINED 7 EXTENDED PROPERTY DAMAGE 8 WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US- 8 WHEN REQUIRED IN A CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT WITH YOU O 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CG 88 10 04 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services office,Inc,with its permission. Page 1 of 8 With respect to coverage afforded by this endorsement, the provisions of the policy apply unless modified by the endorsement. A. NON-OWNEDAIRCRAFT Under Paragraph 2. Exclusions of Section I - Coverage A - Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability, exclusion g.Aircraft,Auto Or Watercraft does not apply to an aircraft provided. 1. It is not owned by any Insured; 2. It is hired,chartered or loaned with a trained paid crew; 3. The pilot in command holds a currently effective certificate,issued by the duly constituted authority of the United States of America or Canada,designating her or him a commercial or airline pilot;and 4. It Is not being used to carry persons or property for a charge. However,the insurance afforded by this provision does not apply if there is available to the insured other valid and collectible insurance,whether primary,excess (other than insurance written to apply specifically in excess of this policy), contingent or on any other basis,that would also apply to the loss covered under this provision. B. NON-OWNED WATERCRAFT Under Paragraph 2.Exclusions of Section I-Coverage A-Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability, Subparagraph (2)of exclusion g.Aircraft,Auto Or Watercraft is replaced by the following: This exclusion does not apply to: (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: (a) Less than 52 feet long; and (b) Not being used to carry persons or property for a charge. C. PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY-ELEVATORS 1. Under Paragraph 2 Exclusions of Section I - Coverage A- Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liabil- ity, Subparagraphs (3), (4) and (6) of exclusion j. Damage To Property do not apply if such "property damage" results from the use of elevators. For the purpose of this provision,elevators do not Include vehicle lifts.Vehicle lifts are lifts or hoists used in automobile service or repair operations. 2. The following is added to Section IV - Commercial General Liability Conditions, Condition 4. Other Insurance,Paragraph b.Excess Insurance: The insurance afforded by this provision of this endorsement is excess over any property Insurance, whether primary,excess,contingent or on any other basis. D. EXTENDED DAMAGE TO PROPERTY RENTED TO YOU (Tenant's Property Damage) If Damage To Premises Rented To You is not otherwise excluded from this Coverage Part: 1. Under Paragraph 2.Exclusions of Section I-Coverage A-Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability: a. The fourth from the last paragraph of exclusion j. Damage To Property is replaced by the follow- ing: Paragraphs(1),(3) and (4)of this exclusion do not apply to "property damage" (other than damage by fire,lightning,explosion,smoke,or leakage from an automatic fire protection system)to: (1) Premises rented to you for a period of 7 or fewer consecutive days; or (ii) Contents that you rent or lease as part of a premises rental or lease agreement for a period of more than 7 days. Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this exclusion do not apply to "property damage" to contents of premises rented to you for a period of 7 or fewer consecutive days. A separate limit of insurance applies to this coverage as described in Section III - Limits of Insurance. ® 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CG 88 10 04 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 2 of 8 i b. The last paragraph of subsection 2.Exclusions is replaced by the following: Exclusions c. through n. do not apply to damage by fire, lightning, explosion, smoke or leakage " from automatic fire protection systems to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner. A separate limit of insurance applies to Damage To Premises Rented To You as described in Section W-Limits Of Insurance. 2. Paragraph 6.under Section III-Limits Of insurance is replaced by the following: 6. Subject to Paragraph 5. above,the Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the most we will pay under Coverage Afar damages because of"property damage"to. a. Anyonepremise: (1) While rented to you; or (2) While rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner for damage by fire, lightning, explosion, smoke or leakage from automatic protection sys- tems;or b. Contents that you rent or lease as part of a premises rental or lease agreement. 3. As regards coverage provided by this provision D. EXTENDED DAMAGE TO PROPERTY RENTED TO YOU(Tenant's Property Damage)-Paragraph 9.a.of Definitions is replaced with the following: 9.a. A contract for a lease of premises. However, that portion of the contract for a lease of premises that indemnifies any person or organization for damage by fire, lightning, explosion, smoke, or leakage from automatic fire protection systems to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with the permission of the owner, or for damage to contents of such premises that are included in your premises rental or lease agreement,is not an "insured contract". E. MEDICAL PAYMENTS EXTENSION If Coverage C Medical Payments is not otherwise excluded;the Medical Payments provided by this policy are amended as follows: Under Paragraph 1. Insuring Agreement of Section i-Coverage C-Medical Payments, Subparagraph (b)of Paragraph a.Is replaced by the following: (b) The expenses are incurred and reported within three years of the date of the accident; and F. EXTENSION OF SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS-COVERAGES A AND B 1. Under Supplementary Payments-Coverages A and B,Paragraph 1.b. is replaced by the following: b. Up to $3,000 for cost of bail bonds required because of accidents or traffic law violations arising out of the use of any vehicle to which the Bodily Injury Liability Coverage applies. We do not have to furnish these bonds. 2. Paragraph 1.d.is replaced by the following: d. All reasonable expenses incurred by the Insured at our request to assist us in the investigation or defense of the claim or "suit", including actual loss of earnings up to $500 a day because of time off from work. G. ADDITIONAL INSUREDS-BY CONTRACT,AGREEMENT OR PERMIT 1. Paragraph 2, under Section 11 -Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an insured any person or organization whom you have agreed to add as an additional insured in a written contract, written V`` agreement or permit. Such person or organization is an additional insured but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused in whole or in part by: a. Your acts or omissions,or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf,in the performance of your on going operation's for the additional insured that are the subject of the written contract or written agreement provided that the "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs, or the "per- sonal and advertising Injury" is committed, subsequent to the signing of such written contract or written agreement; or ® 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CG 88 10 04 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 3 of 8 b. Premises or facilities rented by you or used by you; or c. The maintenance,operation or use by you of equipment rented or leased to you by such person or organization; or d. Operations performed by you or an your behalf for which the state or political subdivision has Issued a permit subjeetto the following additional provisions: (1) This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury", "property damage", or "personal and ad- vertising Injury"arising out of the operations performed for the state or political subdivision; (2) This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" Included within the "completed operations hazard". (3) Insurance applies to premises you own, rent,or control but only with respect to the following hazards: (a) The existence, maintenance, repair, construction, erection, or removal of advertising signs, awnings, canopies, cellar entrances, coal holes, driveways, manholes, marquees, hoist away openings, sidewalk vaults, street banners, or decorations and similar expo- sures; or (b) The construction,erection,or removal of elevators; or (c) The ownership,maintenance,or use of any elevators covered by this insurance. However: 1. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted bylaw; and 2. If coverage provided to the additional insured Is required by a contract or agreement, the insur- ance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. With respect to Paragraph La. above, a person's or organization's status as an additional insured underthis endorsementends when: (1) All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project(other than service, maintenance or repairs)to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s)at the location of the covered operations has been completed;or (2) That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. With respect to Paragraph 1.b, above, a person's or organization's status as an additional insured under this endorsement ends when their written contract or written agreement with you for such premises orfacilities ends. With respects to Paragraph 1.e. above,this insurance does not apply to any "occurrence" which takes place after the equipment rental or lease agreement has expired or you have returned such equipment to the lessor. The insurance provided by this endorsement applies only if the written contract or written agreement is signed prior to the"bodily injury" or"property damage". We have no duty to defend an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive written notice of a "suit" by the additional insured as required in Paragraph b. of Condition 2. Duties In the Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit under Section IV-Commercial General Liability Condi- tions. O 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CG 88 10 04 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 4 of 8 2. With respect to the insurance provided by this endorsement,the following ere added to Paragraph 2. Exclusions under Section I-Coverage A-Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability: This insurance does not apply to: a. "Bodily injury"or"property damage" arising from the sole negligence of the additional insured. b. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" that occurs prior to you commencing operations at the location where such"bodily injury" or"property damage" occurs. c. "Bodily injury", "property damage" or"personal avid advertising injury" arising out of the render- ing of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: (1) The preparing, approving, or falling to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports,surveys,field orders,change orders or drawings'and specifications; or (2) Supervisory,inspection,architectural or engineering activities. This exclusion applies even if the claims against any Insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing In the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that Insured, if the "occur- rence" which caused the "bodily injury" or "property damage", or the offense which caused the "personal and advertising Injury", involved the rendering of,orthe failure to render,any professional architectural,engineering or surveying services. d. "Bodily injury"or"property damage" occurring after: (1) All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project(other than service, maintenance or repairs)to be performed by or on behalf of the additional Insured(s)atthe location of the covered operations has been completed; or (2) That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations fora principal as a part of the same project., a. Any person or organization specifically designated as an additional insured for ongoing operations by a separate ADDITIONAL INSURED -OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS endorsement is- sued by us and made a part of this policy. 3. With respect to the Insurance afforded to these additional insureds,the following is added to Section III -Limits Of insurance: If coverage provided to the additional insured Is required by a contract or agreement,the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured Is the amount of insurance: a. Required by the contract or agreement; or b. Available under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shell not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. H. PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY ADDITIONAL INSURED EXTENSION This provision applies to any person or organization who qualifies as an additional insured under any form or endorsement under this policy. Condition 4.Other Insurance of SECTION IV-COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS is amend- ed as follows: a. The following is added to Paragraph a.Primary Insurance: If an additional insured's policy has an Other Insurance provision making its policy excess, and you have agreed in a written contract or written agreement to provide the additional Insured coverage on a primary and noncontributory basis,this policy shall be primary and we will not seek contribution from the additional insured's policy for damages we cover. ® 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CG 88 10 04 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Olfioe,Inc.,with Its permission. Page 5 of 8 b. The following is added to Paragraph b.Excess Insurance: When a written contract or written agreement, other than a premises lease,facilities rental contract or agreement, an equipment rental or lease contract or agreement,or permit issued by a state or political subdivision between you and an additional insured does not require this insurance to be primary or primary and non-contributory, this insurance is excess over any other insurance for which the addi- tional insured is designated as a Named Insured. Regardless of the written agreement between you and an additional insured, this insurance is excess over any other insurance whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis for which the additional Insured has been added as an additional Insured on other policies. I. ADDITIONAL INSUREDS-EXTENDED PROTECTION OF YOUR "LIMITS OF INSURANCE" This provision applies to any person or organization who qualifies as an additional insured under any form or endorsement under this policy. 1. The following is added to Condition 2.Duties In The Event Of Occurrence,Offense,Claim or Suit: An additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable: a. Give written notice of an "occurrence" or an offense that may result in a claim or "suit" under this insurance to us; b. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to all insurers whom also have Insurance available to the additional insured; and c. Agree to make available any other insurance which the additional insured has for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part. d. We have no duty to defend or indemnify an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive written notice of a "suit" by the additional insured. 2. The limits of insurance applicable to the additional Insured are those specified Ina written contract or written agreement or the limits of Insurance as stated in the Declarations of this policy and defined in Section Ill - Limits of Insurance of this policy, whichever are less. These limits are inclusive of and not in addition to the limits of insurance available under this policy. J. WHO IS AN INSURED-INCIDENTAL MEDICAL ERRORS/MALPRACTICE WHO IS AN INSURED-FELLOW EMPLOYEE EXTENSION-MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES Paragraph 2.a.(1)of Section 11-Who Is An Insured Is replaced with the following: (1) "Bodily Injury" or"personal and advertising injury": (a) To you,to your partners or members(if you area partnership or joint venture),to your members(if you are a limited liability company),to a co-"employee" while in the course of his or her employ- ment or performing duties related to the conduct of your business, or to your other "volunteer workers"while performing duties related to the conduct of your business; (h) To the spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of that co-"employee" or "volunteer worker" as a consequence of Paragraph (1) (a)above; (c) For which there is any obligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because of the Injury described in Paragraphs (1)(a)or(b)above; or (d) Arising out of his or her providing or failing to provide professional health care services.However, If you are not in the business of providing professional health care services or providing profes- sional health care personnel to others, or If coverage for providing professional health care ser- vices is not otherwise excluded by separate endorsement, this provision (Paragraph (d))does not apply. Paragraphs (a)and (b)above do not apply to "bodily injury"or"personal and advertising injury"caused by an "employee"who is acting in a supervisory capacity for you.Supervisory capacity as used herein means the "employee's" job responsibilities assigned by you, includes the direct supervision of other "employ- ees" of yours. However, none of these "employees" are insureds for "bodily injury" or "personal and ® 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CG 88 10 04 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page a of 8 advertising injury" arising out of their willful conduct, which is defined as the purposeful or willful intent to cause "bodily injury" or "personal and advertising injury", or caused in whole or in part by their Intoxica- tion by liquor or controlled substances. The coverage provided by provision J. is excess over any other valid and collectable insurance available to your"employee". K. NEWLY FORMED OR ADDITIONALLY ACQUIRED ENTITIES Paragraph 3.of Section Ii-Who Is An Insured is replaced by the following: 3. Any organization you newly acquire or form and over which you maintain ownership or majority Interest, will qualify as a Named Insured if there is no other similar insurance available to that organization. However: a. Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the expiration of the policy period in which the entity was acquired or formed by you; b. Coverage A does not apply to "bodily injury" or"property damage" that occurred before you acquired or formed the organization; and c. Coverage B does not apply to "personal and advertising injury" arising out of an offense committed before you acquired or formed the organization. d. Records and descriptions of operations must be maintained by the first Named Insured. No person or organization is an insured with respect to the conduct of any current or past partnership,joint venture or limited liability company that is not shown as a Named Insured in the Declarations or qualifies as an insured under this provision. L. FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS AND PRIOR OCCURRENCES Under Section IV-Commercial General Liability Conditions,the following is added to Condition 6.Repre- sentations: Your failure to disclose all hazards or prior"occurrences" existing as of the inception date of the policy shall not prejudice the coverage afforded by this policy provided such failure to disclose all hazards or prior"occurrences" is not Intentional. M. KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE,OFFENSE,CLAIM OR SUIT Under Section IV-Commercial General Liability Conditions,the following is added to Condition 2.Duties In The Event of Occurrence,Offense,Claim Or Suit: Knowledge of an "occurrence", offense, claim or "suit" by an agent, servant or "employee" of any insured shall not in itself constitute knowledge of the insured unless an insured listed under Paragraph 1.of Section 11 -Who is An Insured or a person who has been designated by them to receive reports of "occurrences", offenses, claims or"suits" shall have received such notice from the agent, servant or "employee". N. LIBERALIZATION CLAUSE If we revise this Commercial General Liability Extension Endorsement to provide more coverage without additional premium charge,your policy will automatically provide the coverage as of the day the revision is effective in your state. O. BODILY INJURY REDEFINED Under Section V-Definitions,Definition 3.is replaced by the following: 3. "Bodily Injury" means physical injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person. This includes mental anguish, mental injury, shock, fright or death that results from such physical injury, sick- ness or disease. m 2013 Liberty Mutual insurance CG 88 10 04 13 includes copyrighted material of Insurance Sery Ices Office,Inc.,with Its permission. Page 7 Of 8 P. EXTENDED PROPERTY DAMAGE Exclusion a, of COVERAGE A. BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY is replaced by the following: a. Expected Or Intended Injury "Bodily injury" or "property damage" expected or intended from the standpoint of the insured. This exclusion does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting from the use of reasonable force to protect persons or property. 0. WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US - WHEN REQUIRED IN A CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT WITH YOU Under Section IV- Commercial General Liability Conditions,the following is added to Condition 8.Trans- fer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us: We waive any right of recovery we may have against a person or organization because of payments we make for Injury,or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or "your work" done under a contract with that person or organization and included in the "products-completed operations hazard" provided: 1. You and that person or organization have agreed in writing In a contract or agreement that you waive such rights against that person or organization;and 2. The injury or damage occurs subsequent to the execution of the written contract or written agree- ment. 0 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CG 88 10 0413 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 8 of 8 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG85840413 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This Endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organizatlon(s): City of Kent 220 Fourth Ave S KENT, WA 98032 Location And Description Of Completed Operations: Tennis court resurfacing 08/08/2016 Glenn Nelson Park - Kent, WA Turnkey Park - Kent, WA (Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations.) A. Paragraph 2. under Section II -Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an insured any person or organization shown in the Schedule, whom you have agreed to add as an additional in a written z contract or written agreement. Such person or organization is an additional insured but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property damage": 1. Caused by "your work" performed for that additional insured that is the subject of the written contract or written agreement and at the location designated in and described in the Schedule of this endorsement; and 2. Included in the 'products-completed operations hazard". However: a) The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and b) If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. The insurance provided by this endorsement applies only if the written contract or written agreement Is signed prior to the "bodily injury" or "property damage". O 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CG 85 84 04 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 1 of 2 We have no duty to defend an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive written notice of a "suit" by the additional insured as required in Paragraph b. of Condition 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit under Section IV -Commercial General Liability Conditions. B. With respect to the insurance provided by this endorsement, the following are added to Paragraph 2. Exclusions under Section I -Coverage A-Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability: The insurance does not apply to: 1, "Bodily injury" or "property damage" that occurs prior to you commencing operations at the location where such "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs. 2. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services including: a. The preparing, approving or failure to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawing and specifications; and It. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. —_ C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section ll- Limits of Insurance: If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: "a 1. Required by contract or agreement; or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declaration, whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declaratio ns. D. With respect to the insurance afforded by this endorsement, Section IV -Commercial General Liability " Conditions is amended as follows: 1. The following is added to Paragraph 2. Duties in The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claims Or Suit: An additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable. a. Give written notice of an "occurrence" or an offense that may result in a claim or "suit" under this insurance to us; b. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to all insurers whom also have insurance available to the additional insured; and c. Agree to make available any other insurance which the additional insured has for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part. d. We have no duty to defend or indemnify an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive written notice of a"suit" by the additional insured. 2. Paragraph 4., of Section IV-Commercial General Liability Conditions is amended as follows: a. The following is added to Paragraph a. Primary Insurance: If an additional insured's policy has an Other Insurance provision making its policy excess, and you have agreed in a written contract or written agreement to provide the additional insured coverage on a primary and noncontributory basis, this policy shall be primary and we will not seek contribution from the additional insured's policy for damages we cover. b. The following is added to Paragraph b. Excess Insurance: When a written contract or written agreement, other than a premises lease, facilities rental contract or agreement, an equipment rental or lease contract or agreement, or permit issued by a state or political subdivision between you and an additional insured does not require this insurance to be primary or primary and non- contributory, this insurance is excess over any other insurance for which the additional insured is designated as a Named Insured. Regardless of the written agreement between you and an additional insured, this insurance is excess over any other insurance whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis for which the additional insured has been added as an additional insured on other policies. © 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CG 85 84 04 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 2 of 2 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 85 84 04 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organization(s): City of Kent 220 Fourth Ave S SCENT, WA 98032 Location And Description Of Completed Operations: Tennis court resurfacing 08/08/2016 Glenn Nelson Park - Kent, WA Turnkey Park - Kent, WA (Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations.) A. Paragraph 2. under Section 11 -Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an insured any person or organization shown in the Schedule, whom you have agreed to add as an additional in a written contract or written agreement. Such person or organization is an additional insured but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property damage": 1. Caused by "your work" performed for that additional insured that is the subject of the written contract or written agreement and at the location designated in and described in the Schedule of this endorsement; and 2. Included in the "products-completed operations hazard". However: a) The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and b) If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. The insurance provided by this endorsement applies only if the written contract or written agreement Is signed prior to the 'bodily injury" or "property damage". © 20131-iberly Mutual Insurance CG 85 84 04 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 1 of 2 We have no duty to defend an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive written notice of a "suit" by the additional insured as required in Paragraph b. of Condition 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit under Section IV -Commercial General Liability Conditions. B. With respect to the insurance provided by this endorsement, the following are added to Paragraph 2. Exclusions under Section I -Coverage A-Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability: The insurance does not apply to: 1. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" that occurs prior to you commencing operations at the location where such "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs. 2. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services including: a. The preparing, approving or failure to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawing and specifications; and b. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section II - Limits of Insurance: If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: a 1. Required by contract or agreement; or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declaration. whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declaratio ns. D. With respect to the insurance afforded by this endorsement, Section IV -Commercial General Liability " Conditions is amended as follows: 1. The following is added to Paragraph 2. Duties in The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claims Or Suit: An additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable. a. Give written notice of an "occurrence" or an offense that may result in a claim or "suit" under this insurance to us; b. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to all insurers whom also have insurance available to the additional insured; and c. Agree to make available any other insurance which the additional insured has for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part. d. We have no duty to defend or indemnify an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive written notice of a"suit" by the additional insured. 2. Paragraph 4., of Section IV -Commercial General Liability Conditions is amended as follows: a. The following is added to Paragraph a. Primary Insurance: If an additional insured's policy has an Other Insurance provision making its policy excess, and you have agreed in a written contract or written agreement to provide the additional insured coverage on a primary and noncontributory basis, this policy shall be primary and we will not seek contribution from the additional insured's policy for damages we cover. b. The following is added to Paragraph b. Excess Insurance: When a written contract or written agreement, other than a premises lease, facilities rental contract or agreement, an equipment rental or lease contract or agreement, or permit issued by a state or political subdivision between you and an additional insured does not require this insurance to be primary or primary and non- contributory, this insurance is excess over any other insurance for which the additional insured is designated as a Named Insured. Regardless of the written agreement between you and an additional insured, this insurance is excess over any other insurance whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis for which the additional insured has been added as an additional insured on other policies. © 2013 Liberty Mutual Insurance CG 85 84 04 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 2 of 2 Pay , 1 of I State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360.902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington Mate Prevailing Wage The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects, worker's wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements are provided on the Benefit Code Key. Journey Level Prevailing Wage Fates for the Effective Date: 09/12/2016 Trade Job CassificationWHoiday;Count l®vertimejNote' King Cement Masons Journey Level $55.56 7A 1M I https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/prvWagelookup.a.. . 9/12/2016 I Washington State Department of Labor & Industries Washington State Department of Labor & Industries Washington State Department of Labor & Industries Intent Details for Intent Id: 788729 Document Received Date 9/1 212 01 6 Intent Id 788729 Affidavit to Status:Submitted On oil 2/20IG Company Details PACIFIC ACE LLC UBW 602828086 3613 HE 3611­1 AVE Rey#:PACIFAL92I KB VANCOUVER,WA 98661 E-mail:alex.havens@gmaiLcom 501320-8276 Industrial Insurance Account Id: 19294600 Filed By I lovers,Alex Prime Contractor Company Name PACIFIC ACE LLC Contractor Registration No. PACIFAL921 KB WA DBI Number 602828086 Phone Number 503-320-8276 Project Information Awarding Agency KENT,CITY OF '.. '220-4TN AVE S KENT,WA-980325895 Awarding Agency Contact Duientin Poil Awarding Agency Contact Phone Number 253-856-5127 Contract Number Protect Name Turnkey Park Te0o15 Court Resurfacing Bid due date 6/16/2036 Award Date 7/17/2016 Project Site Address or Directions Intent Details Does your company Intend.to hoe subcontractors to perform.all work? No Does your company intend to hire any subcontractors? No Will your company have employees perform Work on this project? Yes Do you intend to use any appremices7(apprentices are considered No employees.) Will this project utilize American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(ARRA) No funds? Specifically,will this project utilize any weatherization or energy `No efficiency upgrade funds(ARRA or otherwise)? Haw many owner/operators performing work on the project own 30Y or 1 more ofthe company? What Is the estimated contract amount/Or is this a time and materials $24,938.63 estimate? Expected project start date;(MM-DD-YYYY) 9i13/2016 In what county(or counties)will the project be done? King In what city(or nearest city)will the project be done? Kent Journey Level Wages Coon[y Trade occupation Wage Fringe Workers King Cement Masons jjoumey Level _ 1$5395 2 �+Show(I lido Ex=h 13 Notes ' u"r A Access AAA Washington® ©Washiugwo,State Dept-ofLabor&Industries.Ilse ofthis siteis subject to the laws oftho state ofWashiugton.°"'°'a"'"^"" A Access AAA Washington' QQ Washinglcu State Dept.of Labor&Industries.Use of this site is subject to the laws of the state of Washington. A Access P—Tfngton O Washington State Dept of Labor&Industnos Use of this site is subject to the laws of the slate of Washington REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE ICE I T Print on Cherry-Colored Paper 1., n a Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Director__ _ 2 r Originator: - . -,, / ® , ILL�j Phone (Originator): Z63 S-' _S-1 ?— aY Date Sent: ;," x ',: Date Required: 4S rA Return Signed Document to: ', .eu o i of Contract Termination Date: VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: 71 (Only required on contracts 10 000 and over or on any Grant DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL; Date Risk Manager Notified: , _ (Required on Non-Citym Standard Contracts/Agf`eeents Has this Document been Specifically Account Number: Authorized in the Bud et? YES NO � `� Brief Explanation of Document: !4,,.v.1,/i S Coca 2 f— c,e S"r�f a-c r.�%C % '% I'v4" /6z A00a1e--55 zs312- /D©'`'" 4v)r_—_ /Cz��✓�; GcM C® M PPt&X%?- ALA . All Contract outed Through They ent �1�y 6 (This,area to' e€c` Ite 6 the a Depart ent) "`* '`�* -�° p ��f 5 ✓1 '" Received: �`j Approval of Law Dept.' g 4t'0, S6�4v` Law Dept. Comments: EN r � :t ' u �_ .�- - ,17A �,° " " Date Forwarded to Mayor: ` ' I 111c� 9' Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: f„ Recommendations and Comments: Disposition: 'i�;i' Date Returned: P for MaYr( 5lgnaWredo