HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW15-018 - Amendment - #1 - Natural Systems Design, Inc. - Clark Springs Habitat Conservation Measures - 08/10/2016 ® Records Mal e, T :ument WASHINOTON 110 z yr _ s CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Natural Systems Design Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: NU 73 This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Clark Springs Habitat Conservation Measures Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ® Amendment ❑ Contract ❑ Other: %J101tLP Contract Effective Date: Date of the Mayor's signature Termination Date: 12/31/17 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Richard Schleicher Department: Engineering Contract Amount: $49,434.00 Approval Authority: (CIRCLE ONE) Department Director Mayor City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Provide_additional permitting and construction support services for the Rock Creek Habitat Conservation Plan projects. As of: 08/27/14 ICETIT' ', AMENDMENT N . 1 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: Natural Systems Design CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Clark Springs Habitat Conservation Measures ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: January 26, 2015 This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: Provide additional permitting and construction support services for the Rock Creek Habitat Conservation Plan projects. For a description, see the Consultant's Scope of Work which is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $73,890.00 including applicable WSST Net Change by Previous Amendments $0 including applicable WSST Current Contract Amount $73,890.00 including all previous amendments Current Amendment Sum $49,434.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this $0 Amendment Revised Contract Sum i $123,324.00 AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 Original Time for Completion 11/15/16 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under n/a prior Amendments (insert date) Add'I Days Required (f) for this 411 calendar days Amendment Revised Time for Completion 12/31/17 (insert date) The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONSULTANT/VENDOR: CITY OF KENT: f . By: BY (signature) �'� / (signature) Print Name: A�-ttci rouf-e- Print N me: FSuzette Cooke Its �s we--^��` Its Mayor (title) �'; �; (title) DATE: '1125I(go DATE: �'fP� APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Department NzWr.l De:[,�-Cla*springs nine AMENDMENT - 2 OF 2 EXHIBIT A Natural Systems Design_ Stream&Riparian ® P.O.Box 15609 ',,.... Resource Management Seattle,WA 98115 AMFNDMENT#1 ADDITIONAL CONSULTING SFRVICFS Rock Creek 11CMs—May 20,2016 This amendment, is to provide additional consulting services for the Rock Creek HCMs project. Relevant scope, schedule, and budget for this amendment are contained below. This effort is intended to provide additional services for permitting and construction support. Consultant; Company: City of Dent—Public Works Department Natural Systerns Design, Inc, By:_ By: Name: - Name:_ Title:i__ -- Title, Date: Date: TASK 1 - PROJECT MANAGE MENT ConsLiltant will communicate with City staff on an as-needed basis via email and telephone. Consultant will prepare monthly invoices and process payments received by the City. Sumrnary of Consultant Sub-tasks; Communicate via telephone and email with.City staff. Prepare and process monthly invoices. Deliverables: Commiudeations including emails,phone calls UP to i),phone meetings with City staff Monthly invoices. Rssurnptions Lip to 14 monthly invoices anticipated. Meetings are expected to occur prior to construction Schedule:Project Management will be ongoing through permitting and construction, TASK 2 -- PERMITTING SERVICES Consultant will prepare and submit all permitting materials and provide the City with permits prior to construction. Initial work will be to lead onsite meeting with regulators to follow up on discussions at pre- application meeting, particularly around re Touting the stream unto the historic channel and through the dredge pit, use of rock at month of Rock Creek, and placement of wood in proximity to berme and monitoring walls on the Clark Springs site. Key outcome of the site visit will be regulatory endorsement of preliminary approach I and/01- adjustments to address regulator requests, Also, it will be determined whether a full wetland determination is required for HCM 3 site; a wetland delineation does not exist for the entire site. The current work may need to be updated to expand the project area and meet regulatory requests — such additional work will be scoped and budgeted separately if needed or accomplished through re-structuring of the referenced Scope, Budget, and Work Breakdown Structure. Summary of Consultant Sub-tasks: • Complete one each JARPA, SPIF and SEPA checklist for combined HCMs 2, 3, and 6 Complete one clear and grade permit application for King County Submit permit applications Lead one on-site meeting with regulators to review site and discuss content of application materials Deliverables: Draft permit applications for City review Final permit applications • Final permits Assumptions: City will reimburse NSD for permit application fees at actual cost with no markup - permit application Ices are estimated at a total cost of$1,02G j NSD will act as authorized agent to procure permits on City's behalf King County will approve city permits on a timely basis, including clear and grade SEPA determination City will act as lead agency for SEPA review and deternunation o£HCMs 2, 3, &6 Permit material for construction to proceed on all projects during the 2017 "fish window" (HCM 2, 3 & 6) City will be lead agency for SEPA and issue a Determination of Non Significance(DNS)for IICMs & 6 City will separately contract as needed to perform archaeological review if required by USACOE City will amend or modify this contract with additional scope and budget to increase the area of' coverage for wetland delineation if required by USACOE Schedule:Permits submitted by September 91, 2016 to receive permits by April 31, 2017 TASK 3 -FINAL BID PACKAGE The consultant will prepare a consolidated camera-ready bid package, including construction specifications and bid tah to accompany the t00% design drawings. A nominal planting plan using native plants will be developed suitable for stabilizing disturber) soils for access, staging and construction activities consisting of up to 3 planting zones: upland, riparian and wetland. Summary of Consultant Sub-tasks: Preparation and submittal of planting plans and plant schedule incorporated into the PS&E package at i 90% and t00% Preparation of special provisions and contract documents for City prior to advertising Preparation of final camera-ready plans and contract documents Deliverables: PS&E package at 90%, and 100% Final camera-ready bid package for City to advertise f i Assumptions: City will be primary point of contact for contractor during advertising • WSDO f'standard specifications shall be used A common act of planting palettes will be used for all three sites Schedule: 'Task complete by May 51, 9017 TASK 4 — SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES Consultant shall provide on-call supplemental services as needed and authorized in writing by the City project manager. Summary of Consultant Sub-tasks: As-needed on-call supplemental services Deliverables: To be determined on written authorization by City project manager Schedule:At any time between contract start and completion of contract PROJECT BUDGET AND SCHEDULE This project budget represents our knowledge of the work already completed, best understanding of the requested project elements, and accompanying assumptions. This budget estimate is based on a time-and- materials not to exceed basis and is broken out per task in the table below. It is our understanding that the necessary funds are available for this project and that these funds are committed to the project upon execution of this agreement. TOTAL AMENDMENT BUDGET- HCM 2, 3 & 6 ��SCRIPYIbN _ E fN11NG SAP ,E( [ G � 1 B (JTNj 4„ TASK 1 -Project Management June 2016 September 2017 $5,820 TASK 2-Permitting Services July 2016 May 2017 $20,323 TASK 3-Planting Plan& Final Bid Package June 2016 May 2017 $18,290 TAKS 4-Supplemental Services June 2018 September 2017 $5,000 - i PROJECT TOTAL $49,434 4: Scope,Budget and Work Breakdown Structure Job Numbor: UKENT-O02 Rock Cfeak HCNrs(Glark S'I"'! Owner. Cory of Kant Cllenh 0lMnI-PAW OaNey OOaley Cale: 512012010 Blllhg Relas (.$245 1 $135 ($140 $135 $1201 $IN 1 $80 $]5 sA la O p t Tow Task Task pescriptlon Hours tabor Cosl Expanses Tolal Cesl 1 1 t tomm w(Olty '5` � e' � 2 52,2e0 .' 50� S2,2e0 12 PPOP metln95 w/pily(8IA(f 4 4,_ 8 $t 520 $O 81520 13 IOVal lnB pr Ject 4askin0 tf(cemm 'r 0 3 4 2ll $7020 $c $2020 s le I In o u to o o B 4 0 Ap - s€"40 ; $ '+ @s9z9M 21 VF, INPBRM T[I(yG RFPUIRBM1I2NTS,I841 aRe f010' -:3 2` ,Q`. 13 $3,100 438 1�42In 2 2 DARPA ` ' r, .;,'4 12 12,r ,: 20 $C,040 $200 2 a U11F '14 `- 12 w 18 $2,420 Su 2 4 sLNqCHEpKMSU' 32 $4090 $0 2 G CO$"pspo gANGE$J/AOENOYSTAFF 2 '12 i - 14 $1,710 $0 $1,]10 2 ] @GAI PFRMITS(GLp IGRAPE,SHNS AREAS) '2 tp F, 18 S2d10 $1,025 $3,435 16 ^yIIpMITTAl,AN11TRACKINGQr PERMITS:: to$, to $1,200 $0 $1,200 9 0 $o $o $0 �Summae so 1 0 0 15 1 103 3 0 o a 1 1so 3 prnalRd PaF49A.z' 31 pieRWal'pp of PlAnling plans 4 ,16 T`4'L 55,620 50 $5,820 3 2 Prahaf l onofc00501dgled pholo�Mdy old sal '16 2 2. :W 60 512,510 50 812,8P0 3 3 _ 0 So 30 40 sublotaia 16 6 I0 e4 0 20 0 0 0 4 1 eUpFIe0lenlal seMas". � z20:41 20 q1 45 e0o $0 45000 Sublotalsl 20.41 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1''Sg`.41 4A 000 k sS.Y. Fy its ea` insa ;a -_n. Admin.Nlecallon(fi%cf leborf_ $ Labor c0n00goncy.i0%'.'1 4 " sub vaclor Fees +4%markup= 5 q ® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE D5/16/20 61 HIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS :ERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). '.. PRODUCER CONTACT NRG Insurance NAME: _ NRG Insurance aI0N o , (206)363-1110 AAIXC Nu o(206)363-2099 P.O. Box 34628 #15043 E-MAIL 91-0724829 ADDRESS: _ INSURERS)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC0 Seattle WA 98124-1628 INSURERA:Ohio Security Insurance Com an 24082 INSURED INSURERB:Ohio Casulaty Insurance Co. 24074 Natural Systems Design Inc INSURER C:Schinnerer & Compan 1900 N Northlake Way Ste 211 INSURER D: INSURER E: Seattle WA 98103 MSURERF: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:CL1651601902 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES,LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILTft TYPE OF INSURANCE s BR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP WO POLICYNUMBER MIDONYY)O MMiDDITYYY LIMITS TA MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000CLAIMS-MADE DAMAGE TO RENTED OCCUR PREMISES Ea OccUnrincei $ 2,000,000 X BZS55573742 5/17/2016 5/17/2017 MEDEXP(Anyoneper,.ru $ 15,000 PERSONALBADVINJURY $ 2,000,000 GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMITAPPLIES PER: GENERALAGGREGATE $ 4,000,000 Y' POLICYn PRO_ nLOC PRODUCTS-CCMP/OP AGO $ 4,000,000 OTHER: Additional Liability $ 2,000,000 {AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CEOMaBII INtlEED1 SINGLE LIMI $ 1,000,000 A x AUTOSAED SCHEDULED AUTX BZs555737421/ 5/17/2016 5/17/2D17 BODILY INJURY(Perewitlent) $ NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE x HIREDAUT03 AUTOS Per scc_Nen[)_.._....___ $ X UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 B EXCESS UAB _CI_A_IMS=MADE AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 DED I X I RETENTION$ 10,000 US055573742,/ 5/17/2016 5/17/2017 1 $ A WORKERS COMPENSATION BZS55573742 ;05/17//2016 05/17/2017 E - AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN STATUTE ER ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNEWIXECUTIVE ❑ NIA Stop Gap E.L.EACH ACCIDENT 5 21000,000 OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? 'IMendatory in NH) EL.DISEASE EA EMPLOYE $ 2,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DI E SEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 2 BUD,000 C EBH591575010 5/17/2016 5/17/2017 3,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) City of Kent is added as additional insured as respects to work preformed by or on behalf of the insured. Coverage is primary and non-contributory. Waiver of subrogation applies. II� CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE City of Kent THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 220 Fourth Avenue South ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Kent, WA 98032 I AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Trisha Mujadin/MUJAls�-- n - ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD INS026(201401) POLICY NUMBER: BZS55573742 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 10 10 01 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) A. Section II —Who Is An Insured is amended to (1) All work, including materials, parts or include as an insured the person or organization equipment furnished in connection with shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to I- such work, on the project (other than ability arising cut of your ongoing operations per- service, maintenance or repairs) to be formed for that insured. performed by or on behalf of the addi- B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these tional insured(s) at the site of the cov- additional insureds, the following exclusion is ered operations has been completed; or added: (2) That portion of"your work' out of which 2. Exclusions the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" organization other than another or"property damage"occurring after: contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. i CG 20 10 10 01 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2000 Page 1 of 1 ❑ POLICY NUMBER: BZS55573742 EusiINEE NER BP 04 20 01 10 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHARGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY, '4wl'ASHINGT N HIRED AUTO AND NON-OWNED AUTO LIABILITY This €anatxseanerit nxyJifies insurance fadWkled under the fu(taprvirrtg. BUSINESSOWNERS• GOVEF+AGE,FORM SCHEDULE Coverage Additional Premium EW Hired Auto Lia'bllity # Non-awned Aulo Liability _ $ Inlormatann required to complete this. Schedule, if not shovm above, a Ill he sWzrn in the Dec araborrs. '! X In.5uranre m provided aaniy Icar those cover, 0, Fair insurance pcovaded by this: endnrssment agas fix wNr-h a specific prerrium charge Is only, shotun in the Derfaratione or in the Schedule, 1. Par raph: SA, Exclusions Applicable To 1. Hired Auto Lialrliity Business Liability Coverage in. Section 11 Paeagmph A.I. 1Btrsinass Liability In vac- L'iabli ty, oMer than Exclusions a,, b,,, el,, tion It-Liability applies to "bn+dIN rrijury" L a" L and they Nuclear Energy Liability or "propeny damage' arising out of the Exclusl4n, are deleted and repAacei by main taniancEa cr rase of a 'hired auto" by the foilowing: yota or your "employees" in the rourse of a, The followitng eLxcdu"n applies only ybur business. with respect to "budity injury" tu: a'. Non fined Auto Liability (t1 "Ernplaye@e ai the Irasumd la nt is not wb- F�aragrairh A.1. l�uelraasa Liability in Sec• whose ern is t,'�-' ' Von, 11 -Liability' applies lea "bodlty injury" jort to lhu Industrial Irasuranoa or "properly damage' arising ow of the fact of Washingtrm 7,War�hfngton use of any "r rawnel auks"' In your Revised God& Title 511: business by any person, 'Bodily iniiury' to: (a3 An `employees" cl dw In- sured arlstN out of and tin the CY`1Jrsa of: (i) Employment by the in- si.ud.. of (Li} Portomiing adutles relat- ed Ica the Qf)ndtart ref the Irmired's business, 6T HP 04 20 01.1tt insuranaie St,rw urns Oftiee, Inc., 200q Page 11 of 3 (b) The spouse, child, parent, (ii) "Bodily injury" arising brother or sister of that "em- out of and in the course ployee" as a consequence of of domestic employ- (a) above. ment by the insured un- This exclusion applies: less benefits for such in- (1) Whether the insured may be jury are in whole or in liable as an employer or in part either payable or any other capacity; and required to be provided under any workers' (2) To any obligation to share compensation law. damages with or repay someone else who must pay b. "Property damage" to: damages because of the in- (1) Property owned or being trans- jury, ported by, or rented or loaned to, This exclusion does not apply to: the insured; or (1) Liability assumed by the in- (2) Property in the care, custody or sured under an "insured control of the insured. contract" or 2. Paragraph C. Who Is An Insured in Sec, (2) "Bodily injury" arising out tion II -Liability is replaced by the follow- of and in the course of do- ing: mestic employment by the 1. Each of the following is an insured insured unless benefits for under this endorsement to the extent such injury are in whole or set forth below: in part either payable or re- a. You; quired to be provided under b. Any other person using a "hired any workers' compensation auto" with your permission; law. c. Fora"non-owned auto": (2) "Employees" of the insured whose employment is subject to (1) A partner or "executive of- the Industrial Insurance Act of ficer" of yours; or Washington (Washington Re- (2) Any "employee" of yours; vised Code Title 51): but only while such "non-owned "Bodily injury" to an "employ- auto" is being used in your busi- ee" of the insured arising out of ness; and and in the course of: d. Any other person or organiza- (a) Employment by the insured; tion, but only for their liability or because of acts or omissions of (b) Performing duties related to an insured under a., b. or c. the conduct of the insured's above. business. 2. None of the following is an insured: This exclusion applies to any ob- a. Any person engaged in the busi- ligation to share damages with ness of his or her employer for or repay someone else who "bodily injury" to any co-"em- must pay damages because of ployee" of such person injured the injury. in the course of employment; This exclusion does not apply to: b. Any partner or "executive off- (i) Liability assumed by the cer" for any "auto" owned by insured under an "in- such partner or officer or a mem- sured contract"; or ber of his or her household; c. Any person while employed in or otherwise engaged in duties in connection with an "auto business", other than an "auto business" you operate; Page 2 of 3 Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2009 BP 04 20 01 10 t to, His o" not ae Mssce (of whorri D, Tho Toltow"rig atiditi+urrat tlathaitiuns apply: t avr a siiblessaetf of a "hirsd q "Aiim brrslneaa" means tf,e hoslrtess or d'tte of the owarer or a "rant oerupation of se ling, rapaMrag, servk-- rvwnerf augrz' or any sgent Of 6ig, sinning or parking "aift-0 ,orriployco" of any sure oe nes Z "Hired auto" means any 'auto" you lipase, tore, rend or horivaw. 'this rJot�.s not a. Arty person or Drganizatit h for rndude any "aul.6' yrru lease, hica, ran[ the conduct cf any curfem or or borrow from any of ymyr Aemployres" past partnership ar ,=arril venture your partners or your "exucu[ive [riai- that ig not -0own as a tl5m rl In- cers" cK members or their househoRls, awed ire [tie Dviaoatiorss. '. "Non-mvned aufa" means any "amW C. For Olke purposp!3 of this tiNorsemelet lanky, you du not uwa, tease, hho, rout or bur- Paragraph K Other Insurance In Sscticn lil - rra+s+ whw h is used in ccnnrpttrea vat Common Policy ConditfanR a replice€i by the year business Tfw% Ir�ludes "aottls" following: awned toy• your °emyslnyrsa", your pa* T ri.•s jnsurance rs rsxctss over arry prirrwry iri- mars tar your 'exec-Ave offioaW, or surance covening the `hired au(W or •"ri an- mernhers. of ihei haoseftolds, but only owned nutb', ahito u d In your busln& or your per- sonal affairs. I� i SIP 04 20 01 10 insurance Servio#s Office, Iare., `c'UM? Page 3 of 3 l�utrt�al� ,M§x,at ap itB Poheyhoider Information Named Instmed A MaIlMg Addeess Ageak1 Telling Addrem A Ptmne tin. I'J'AfURAL SYSILh1S I)1 SKIN l'qq 204) 3tr3-II10 S.all lc.. WA `J'1IiJS V 6 L3 3;'4' 3428 "''1{ti"uF_R I SFAULF, w''A A121-162 y Dear Polir.tllrralrlt r; M'O 'i w� +wait vi-ItL had m hillld urrrt Itgi>.ijGe. 1.9iF "o rzpk t.rl;uYIRL, rArlh k"a'rAlr rti,pE_ o help Ili l4x,1 drop l4inp. j-wj olf yilowi. Tla'Ivk yvgl fm %LIv. hq; Ux. 1 L rmlti,�bed na ±,�t�r iatx-uranc,: dsremnurr;,ece�.iFtfi� ,�1': [y.1n7meni.al L11nhTd1 Ta wid volu hroan ;md I'nKi l3u ii pI,;L4v aVIcr drn ;iwa Ik�.l2r;tii r; p. 1 ri_.'J. lalewc rci'c, to a�na1T pc-hLy Rif eptx ilr coy.r^raocy. It _,m havc any guzitlirns or chap grr i1u78 mity aATbcl y.hnr insurance ntc:dy, IIpLa%c n,unq,cl ymr '.pF]r a9 (NjhY 61d IIQ VQ1II+ drat yl2 mlarnull nr k 1toll"Cl GI YOLI hll 'e any chinge p'c isc conwcL your Ap2ol al {Pu6J Ifi3�I I1f, R mindefs hi caic ui in cluiml, catllll s,lelr A cnl c.T I-MA)-362-sAMU You Need To Know t-ONTENVED ()N NEXT PACE To r epDo a cJvfm, calf your Agent or Il--8'00-.82•000 Ds 170 20 (11 (IS You Need To Know - continued • NOTICE(S) TO POLICYHOLDER(S) The Important Notice(s) to Policyholder(s) provide a general explanation of changes in coverage to your policy. The Important Notice(s) to Policyholder(s) is not a part of your insurance policy and it does not alter policy provisions or conditions. Only the provisions of your policy determine the scope of your insurance protection. It is important that you read your policy carefully to determine your rights, duties and what is and is not covered. FORM NUMBER TITLE NP 73 12 01 15 Terrorism Insurance Premium Notice And Opportunity To Reject NP 75 65 05 09 Important Notice To Policyholder - Recording and Distribution Of Material Or Information In Violation Of Law Exclusion NP 89 71 09 10 Important Policyholder Information Concerning Billing Practices Liberty Northwest NP 93 58 07 14 Notice to Policyholders Commercial Umbrella Multistate Forms Revisions NP 99 99 02 16 Important Notice to Policyholders Amendment of Aircraft Exclusion • This policy will be direct billed. You may choose to combine any number of policies on one bill with your billing account. Please contact your agent for more information. T,Ni--"' DF -'N Kf" '.i! WA M 1 1.1 A �vrauusud I' 7 TERRORISM INSURANCE PREMIUM DISCLOSURE AND OPPORTUNITY TO REJECT 4WMW This notice contains Important Information about the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act and its affect on your w.— poficy. Please toad it carefully, The Ternorimn Risk Insurance Apd, inciuding all amandmentq ?,"TRIA' or the "Act`), establishes a pmqfafn to spread the ns* of cailaskcifihie losse from canals acts of leirorrzin bolvvvon Inswofs and the federal govwriment- If an indwiftal in.qLLFFr'9 losses from r-a&dWed ants of tarrm ism exceed a specified deductible aw-ount, Its guvefni-i'v2mil, will relrabome the inswor rcf a pomentage of losse-d f'the "Fed-otol Shuree'P paid qi xixcess of She dedoir4ible, but only if agg regate indijeti-y losses fzmrin ruct acts excFed 1hp. "Program m TTiq� gor". An Insufaf that his met Its Insufar deductible rs not liable fty airy podAc-'i of loi;so-s IrN excesis et sl(Ki Wlion Fmr year. Sm;arly, the Weral govPr-meni is riol HaW for any losses m7yared by the Ai,,t t121 exceed Ink arriount If aggr"atf,, Insured losses ox000dl $100 bill-or), losses tip to Mat arnoum may bo pro-qoled' OG determined by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Federal Shave arrd Program Trigger by ca-lanclar year are: -1-- - i Calendar Year Federal Share Program Tdgigier 2015 8 err $10o'coo,00,0 2016 84T5 2017 ------ 2018 2019 9 1% $100,N 0.0 CIO 2020 80% $1 2100,010 0,0 r*qj MP-PONANK—pi-MIL. MIUM TWA requifes- lrlsijrov' to make cov&tage avallab4p frit aivy kiss Ilhim occurs wrnn the UnItftj State,,, (or outside of the IJ,n'- in the case Df U.S. mission and certain air carriers and vessels), results fTum a 'carliffed r -A , r c r p V.act of erfcfisro' AND that is otherdwise- covcrru Unde V U oliq A 'cenillea act of tFTmnsm" means [Alriv acl that is carl,-Irad by the Sporetary [cf the Treasufy ], in con5ul'tation with the Secretary of Hor-ri,oland Sex.uvity, and the Attorne�j Go-noral of qfx� Willed Slates, yia to he an act of teryoti5m; NP 73 12 01 15 Litely k1oloal qrjtjmnur Page 1 of 2 (ii) to be a violent act or an act that is dangerous to (1) human life; (II) property; or (III) infrastructure; (iii) to have resulted in damage within the United States, or outside of the United States in the case of (1) an air carrier (as defined in section 40102 of title 49, United States Code) or United States flag vessel (or a vessel based principally in the United States, on which United States income tax is paid and whose insurance coverage is subject to regulation in the United States); or (II) the premises of a United States mission; and (iv) to have been committed by an individual or individuals as part of an effort to coerce the civilian population of the United States or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of the United States Government by coercion. REJECTING TERRORISM INSURANCE COVERAGE-WHAT YOU MUST DO We have included in your policy coverage for losses resulting from "certified acts of terrorism" as defined above. THE PREMIUM CHARGE FOR THIS COVERAGE APPEARS ON THE DECLARATIONS PAGE OF THE POLICY AND DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY CHARGES FOR THE PORTION OF LOSS COVERED BY THE FEDERAL GOV- ERNMENT UNDER THE ACT. If we are providing you with a quote, the premium charge will also appear on your quote as a separate line item charge. IF YOU CHOOSE TO REJECT THIS COVERAGE, PLEASE CHECK THE BOX BELOW, SIGN THE ACKNOWL- EDGEMENT, AND RETURN THIS FORM TO THE ADDRESS BELOW: Please ensure any resection is received within (30) days of the effective date of your Policy. Before making a decision to reject terrorism insurance, refer to the Underlying Coverage Requirement located at the end of this Notice. ❑ I hereby reject this offer of coverage. I understand that by rejecting this offer, I will have no coverage for losses arising from a"certified acts of terrorism" and my policy will be endorsed accordingly. Policyholder/Applicant's Signature Print Name Date Signed Named Insured Policy Number NATURAL SYSTEMS DESIGN INC USO (17) 55 57 37 42 Policy Effective/Expiration Date From 05/17/2016 To 05/17/2017 UNDERLYING COVERAGE REQUIREMENT This policy will apply to Terrorism Coverage only in excess of the total amounts stated as the applicable limits of the underlying policies listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance and the applicable limits of any other insurance providing coverage to you during the Policy Period. If you fail to comply with this Underlying Coverage Requirement and you do not maintain your underlying limits as scheduled, we will only be liable to the same extent that we would have been had you fully complied with this requirement. IF YOU REJECTED THIS COVERAGE, PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: Attn: Commercial Lines Division -Terrorism P.O. Box 66400 London, KY 40742-6400 The summary of the Act and the coverage under your policy contained in this notice is necessarily general in nature. Your policy contains specific terms, definitions, exclusions and conditions. In case of any conflict, your policy language will control the resolution of all coverages questions. Please read your policy carefully. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact your agent. NP 73 12 01 15 IL 2015 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 2 of 2 NP 75 05 05 09 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDER RECORDING AND DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL OR IN ORMATtON IN VIOLATION OF LAW EXCLUSION I This f'blo;H explains changes In your CtamMencial Umbrella or Excess UrJbiHy Coverage. it captains a Grier seyfhkm4'-ny +3E slqnlfrnt 7fti+t5it`9'1.5' and Rt.1JSt be Cr,.Yem"eCa �•Pl [:onatr7Gtlr'ial 5%1`fi �oIJK fti PVJC4'iJr# gIIIS k`^>:,'FiP'ati'i7d polio-is to vQfemriCe the undomernonbx casc`uibaci hrdrsm. M Ths I1,101ce, does rvol form a;)all,, of youf olsu anoos l;ontfact No coverage. Is ptihk�ajo d by this NiJ1i4',o ft{rr ran, it be construed to replace any pn7visions of ynur policy (inducing its endorsements). if there is any nnnflict bompon this Notice and tfrr paod"y tirrdudlroi hs arld>>rsera, itdal, I#ice PrraarWOMS Of this PONCV IMCluding lts endorsements) shalt prevail. Carefully read your poicy, including the onduiseroui is atlachend to yow pubty. — Y'au-1 policy as being =eatewad ^sa•ithi one ul ihE fullrrivimg: i w TfJe Exclusion - Recording And Distribution Of Material Or I'nfornialion In Virolntion Of Law endorae- munt CU 64 79 05 08 'whlc•h modillas the Cumrntan.-iai Uffrbrelfa Coverage Farm; or r The Alaska Exclusion , Rocording And Distribution Of Material Or Informalkrn to 'Violation Of Law eansfomement C'LI 88 08 05 09 xrhif h modilie=s shoe Commercial Urribiulla Coveragra (Form; or I as The Exclusion �Recording And DL%tributirnan Of Material Or Information In Vtolwti€an Of Lava nndorae.- n*-ront CE 66 54 05 09 which. modikes the Excess Liability Cu%,erap Fsrrnr; or • Alaska Exchasiori - rRpcoRlirtl :And DIslrilhuticn Of hilater01 Or Informalpon in Violation Of I..e•w 'endor - rr:ent CIE 88 08 05 03 which modif es tho Excess Liability Ccvoragu Farm. The rile aascf canr, repiact the current 'Exciuspon , Elouronlc Distribution Of 4lrsViclted tvlatevial" orrdoisea- ment with ,a re,,rrsasd a:cclrrsiDn, navvy litled "E:xcins,icn - Record nrg And Distribution Of hfatwiet Or Infafn"iation In 'Vlolahua'r Of Law" ewt dolsi alert, The rawlsed Oxclusiol contains laznguoge that elar .•falos on the mtent of the Disrnhuticn Of ttaterial rn Vinlatien 04 Statutes Exclusion to reflect that, in addition w tha TCPAa anti CAM-SPA,i Ac4 of 2CW, iris: rrxcais�uo ev+ll more explicitly exdudao liability covoraga for bodlly injury, properly darnage Or personal and advertising inaury arissnq out of any action or amission that -Acialas, or Is azllayg4id to, violator the. Fair Credit Ropof ing ALI (i-C RA). and any ameridnre;nf ct i r addition to such 9aN, including the Fair and &mura',e CrediS Trensactimis Act {FACTA) :anti -.nv rather similar federal, state rrr kical slalute, or>dln.ance or rcclulation; concerning dasposei and 1fi,serrinaCafa atf ptfri*real ^nfrolrrro^ ton. � 20ia�LiberCa t,A:,�rurs6 lnsfaanueCr�mpant+ '�l z;�tfes mss�:�o. NP 75 65 05 09 Includes_opyfi0hled nnak-iai r_A Insuranc+s 5sry yes Cifiic:,tic.,w=.th As pernisalon. Page 1 of 1 NP89710910 IMPORTANT POLICYHOLDER INFORMATION CONCERNING BILLING PRACTICES Dear Valued Policyholder: This insert provides you with important information about our policy billing practices that may affect you. Please review it carefully and contact your agent if you have any questions. Premium Notice: We will mail you a policy Premium Notice separately. The Premium Notice will provide you with specifics regarding your agent, the account and policy billed, the billing company, payment plan, policy number, transaction dates, description of transactions, charges/credits, policy amount balance, mini- mum amount, and payment due date. This insert explains fees that may apply to and be shown on your Premium Notice. Available Premium Payment Plans: e Annual Payment Plan: When this plan applies, you have elected to pay the entire premium amount balance shown on your Premium Notice in full. No installment billing fee applies when the Annual Payment Plan applies. Installment Payment Plan: When this plan applies, you have elected to pay your policy premium in installments (e.g.: quarterly or monthly installments - Installment Payment Plans vary by state). As noted below, an installment fee may apply when the Installment Payment Plan applies. The Premium Payment Plan that applies to your policy is shown on the top of your Premium Notice. Please contact your agent if you want to change your Payment Plan election. Installment Payment Plan Fee: If you elected to pay your premiums in installments using the Installment Premium Payment Plan, an installment billing fee applies to each installment bill. The installment billing charge will not apply, however, if you pay the entire balance due when you receive the bill for the first installment. Because the amount of the installment charge varies from state to state, please consult your Premium Notice for the actual fee that applies. Dishonored Payment Fee: Your financial institution may refuse to honor the premium payment withdrawal request you submit to us due to insufficient funds in your account or for some other reason. If that is the case, and your premium payment withdrawal request is returned to us dishonored, a payment return fee will apply. Because the amount of the return fee varies from state to state, please consult your Premium Notice for the actual fee that applies. Late Payment Fee: If we do not receive the minimum amount due on or before the date or time the payment is due, as indicated on your Premium Notice, you will receive a policy cancellation notice effective at a future date that will also reflect a late payment fee charge. Issuance of the cancellation notice due to non-payment of a scheduled installment(s) may result in the billing and collection of all or part of any outstanding premiums due for the policy period. Late Payment Fees vary from state to state and are not applicable in some states. Special Note: Please note that some states do not permit the charging of certain fees. Therefore, if your state does not allow the charging of an Installment Payment Plan, Dishonored Payment or Late Payment Fee,the disallowed fee will not be charged and will not be included on your Premium Notice. EFT-Automatic Withdrawals Payment Option: When you select this option, you will not be sent Premium Notices and, in most cases, will not be charged installment fees. For more information on our EFT-Auto- matic Withdrawals payment option, refer to the attached policyholder plan notice and enrollment sheet. Once again, please contact your agent if you have any questions about the above billing practice informa- tion. Thank you for selecting us to service your insurance needs. NP 89 71 09 10 'i 20101-iberty Mutual Insurance Company.All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 f' NP 93 ha 07 14 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDERS COMMERCIAL IAL UMBRELLA MULTISTATE FORMS REVISIONS @air Valued Poliryiartdet`. Thank you for eelest,nci us :as your r..arriar fee *goer r_.umm=Er:Jal umbrella ina ngon.,. This males cantnan a n brief summary ref Ite coverage changes made to ;your Fuaticv. These eiaanges primarily result from rravis�uns in underlyrnyg poliaay, forms. The changes outfined Weiner are crganizEd into three general categroies Professional Services Fxritasions; Autto, ,sr,rcrart and watererd,tt Exdu;ions and Othei Ularnvtos Ploa�o mate ,kaq nut all of the rrtl,ars�irl�ril : noted mat .apply to your specific policy. In addition this rinlica does not reference every editorial change made? to the ea1rkj� soinnent c,r cuvor3ge rofro, only ma,tor0 fear covf,raqo cnangcns. Ptia€ss3 roadl your policy ana rc tloiw ;yow Dedaraillorl pall for C.ai'I'Ip4G9e r.a,Vorago IrYf{1nual€wee. No t yV9rage is provided by this noirrce, nor ran it be construed to replace any provisions of yluar p0licF. If lhrre are div atan� s beltiffouri y ul ",alley- and th'€ notice, the provisions of they point ehati prrvall Sriuuld You Ilavu g4ic,sL:uls altar nyiWMoq thc� char es outlrod belcAv,, rpleaso ctxrtac.t your mdepcndwit .99pnt, Thank. you for your h,usiness, SUMMARY OF POLICY CHANGES PROFESSIONAL SSERVICES. EXCLUSIONS The frAmving ondorsomentw are revised to expressly address, it part, Lta.ms alhjgirg negligence or other waror,gdralr0 in the. hiring, emplo,/mem training, etapeNi.'al4 or nrorkoriing of others by any ums ured: s CU fill 2907 14 Professional Liability -Following Form • CU 60 60 07 14 Telecommunication Equipment Or Service Providers Errors And Omissions Exclu- Sion a CIA 60 66 07 14 Medical Professional Services Exclusion a CU fat? 69 07 14 Medical Profesxiortail Services -Following Form j • CU 60 77 07 14 Texas -Insurance Company As Named Insured • CU 6081 07 14 Specified Professional L'eabiltty Exclusion +io CU 60 83 07 14 Louisiana -Schools Or Colleges Limitation s CU 61 1507 14 Engineers, Architects Qr Surveyor* Professional Liability Ekeluslon r CU 61 1807 14 Exclusion Of Insurance Agents' And Brokers' Errors And Omissions a CU 61 1907 14 Ins urance Company As Named Insured LImilatiion • Ctl 61 35,07 14 Professional Liability Exclusion • CIA 61 3707 14 Rival Estate Agents And Brokers Errors And Omissions, Exclusion And Limitation N CU 61 39 07 14 Schools Or Colleges Limitation IAthtelics Exclusion) a CU 63 1507 14 Professional Liability -Lave Enfote-oment Exclusion i CU 63 16 07 14 Professional Liability ^ Emergency Medical Technicians, Ambulance Drivers And Altendants Exclusion CU 63 16 07 14 Schools Or Casllages Limitatlon IAthletics -Follow Perm) a CU 63 67 07 14 Illinois =Insurance Company As Named Insured • CU 64 67 07 14 Exclusion - Internet Service Providers And Internet Access Providers 'Errors And', Omissions w CU 64 70 07 14 Professional Liability Exclusion - Electronic Data Prooasslnq Services And Com- puter Consratting Or Programming Services • CU 64 71 07 14 Professional Liability Exclusion •Web-Site Designers 91 2014 Liberty k1jiwaa re e§^ ed. NP 93 Sa 07 14 rj ik•i 9l r_d II'1fJAr uur were @li mc: audit Iq pf-mli Alin, Page 1 of 11 a CU 88 04 07 14 Professional Services Exclusion ■ CU 88 05 07 14 Professional Services -Following Form • CU 89 13 07 14 Specified Health Or Cosmetic Services -Following Form a CU 89 17 07 14 Exclusion Diagnostic Testing Laboratories a CU 89 18 07 14 Exclusion -Testing Or Consulting Errors And Omissions Editorial changes are also made throughout to achieve consistency among forms and improve readability. AUTO, AIRCRAFT AND WATERCRAFT EXCLUSIONS The following endorsements are revised to expressly address, in part, claims alleging negligence or other wrongdoing in the hiring, employment, training, supervision or monitoring of others by any insured: a CU 60 45 01 13 Watercraft Liability -Following Form a CU 61 01 01 13 Aircraft Liability Exclusion • CU 61 05 07 14 Auto Dealers And Auto Services Limitation a CU 61 06 01 13 Auto Liability -Following Form a CU 61 07 01 13 Automobile Liability Exclusion a CU 6147 01 13 Watercraft Liability Exclusion a CU 63 91 01 13 Aircraft Liability -Following Form • CU 64 92 01 13 Mobile Equipment -Following Form Editorial changes are also made throughout to improve readability and achieve consistency among forms. OTHER CHANGES a If your renewal policy contains one of the following endorsements: a CU 60 45 01 13 Watercraft Liability -Following Form and your prior policy contained endorse- ment CU 60 45 06 97 Watercraft Liability -Following Form m CU 61 47 01 13 Watercraft Liability Exclusion and your prior policy contained endorsement CU 6147 06 97 Watercraft Liability Exclusion then the following change applies to your policy: CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES In addition to the change described in the Auto, Aircraft and Watercraft section of this notice, the endorsement is revised to expressly state that the exclusion applies to any liability arising out of the entrustment to others of any watercraft. a If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 60 54 07 98 Exclusion - All Hazards In Connection With Designated Premises and your prior policy contained endorsement CU 60 54 06 97 Exclusion Of Coverage For Specified Locations then the following changes apply to your policy: CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The endorsement is: • Newly titled, "Exclusion -All Hazards In Connection With Designated Premises"; and a Revised to reinforce that the exclusion applies to any liability arising out of: a The ownership, maintenance or use of the premises shown in the Schedule or any property located on these premises; a Operations on those premises or elsewhere which are necessary or incidental to the ownership, maintenance or use of those premises; or 0 2014 Liberty Mutual Insurance.All rights reserved. NP 93 58 07 14 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 2 of 11 0 GOOIJE of p112dLC.tS, M-W1UI@CtVUd at UA diStriblAed PrOr" those prarnAes. Eiuor,w criariges are also mado lhrougWLA lu, rinpiuvo rfW-AbIlity and ach4,,,ve m-n isIojnc�� among forms- • V q-.-Jur 'naekvaj rry.qtaos entlnfsempW CU 60 64 Ip17 14 Cgottractors Limitation Endorsement Wrap-Ups zwd yove p ir4 VD?wy orilwnod CU 60 64 06 97 ContTa-clors Limitation Endorsement Wral;-Llps 4,17an the foilkwi(,_9 changes a pp�y f, ) ir nfA r y: CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES is roei*20 as fjlWwq: a Kevv def oed term-,, 'explo lcxi hazard" , "Miapse hazafri and 'urKlerqrourro, prop- arty damage hazard", are addad! to acniew -:�ansisi!enqy with underlvin-ig exclusionary toot;aorta. • The pWesEiDnal sErvices exr.lusinn is rewised to: Exrluch,-i ke3lbihly ariqltN, out of the rencrunrig of profr sslonal servloc?G mVi rpsipect to providing engir,.Pernrg, archkeCtoral or s,.jr,,eying SE-�rVICEs to Ota!F, in yc�tjf uipaoly J.-q in WQ�rulef, arch too or surveyor: ix providing onglmer- mg, archiaer.+ijral or swivayinq sprvirp.s in ranreclion with consiniclion wnrk you pertrari'n. 0 —XprF,551y q,do n :jIlenre or other wrongckdog in 1h r- e h*e mg, Ernpicrymwit, LrHin'rig. superwhitun im monikwing of olhara by any ire- sured. • Add an exceplion for ciqnstwatitian means, methods, ts-hniqueR, RE(CILPRores and pme�00uraG eniplayod by lh& rantaid Inswed In wrinectlot) wilh your operations as a congtruntion o3ritraclor. Editorial changes are also made 1hroughout to imprLwa roadability and acluove ucosistericy among forms ff your rsnevn:V po4iby rQntains en(torsemsM CU 60 77 07 14 Texas Insurance Company As Named Inswed jad yew pooe pofty toort-friwid CU 60 77 06 97 Texas Insuraoce Company As Named Insured then chqrgie;apphy h-1 ynor poicy., CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES M jdtfiliwi to thu ulhjrye described in the Professional Serocas Exclusion sac for of MIS novijoe, Inf, Prdorsernenl is revised as follmis • The claims handfirq eyrAm5�on is amended to 9pecillraily reference treaties of insur- anco, and It !�,. allso revisod to apply to Ihb inwsdgaljor, & any 4,19 a M.9 • The profevs1cnal imirvlor-s axclusiiyi is rowlsod, Flo axpfossly addfe'ss: w lnsp rflon or moking rfm.,mrneodatio,,i5 as an jm�fran'ce or rk-insufance cram puny, cansultant, agent, intermediary oT broker, • Mdrrra: niog accuums qy rccofcls &I otriets, CnnductiN investmirmt, Poan, or real asl;ate depsrhrnaqts or operations. a Acting in any capacity as a fiduciary or trustee I'm annuities, endowniants or ero"Jloy" h Pnp'ffja rAons • Perfrurniog any claim,. irvesticlafue. adjLAImpw Frirgineerng, irspertion, tliwey, audit, appraisal, actuarial or du processiag sorvico rof a eft to Liberty filituall lnsLvaqirv.M r qlts ressr^Pd. NA 93, 58 07 14 iriolonNl tA offit. 'Ine.-WAH '1iy PLff!iho4hjnn Page 3 olf 11 a If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 61 05 07 14 Auto Dealers And Auto Services Limita- tion and your prior policy contained CU 61 05 05 09 Auto Dealers And Auto Services Limitation then the following change applies to your policy: CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES In addition to the change described in the Auto, Aircraft and Watercraft section of this notice, the endorsement is revised to expressly state that the exclusion applies to any liability arising out of the entrustment to others of any auto you lease or rent to others or an auto in any non-business activity. a if your renewal policy contains one of the following endorsements: a CU 61 06 01 13 Auto Liability -Following Form and your prior policy contained CU 61 06 06 97 Auto Liability -Following Form a CU 61 07 01 13 Auto Liability Exclusion and your prior policy contained CU 61 07 06 97 Auto Liability Exclusion then the following change applies to your policy., CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES In addition to the change described in the Auto, Aircraft and Watercraft section of this notice, the endorsement is revised to expressly state that the exclusion applies to any liability arising out of the entrustment to others of any auto. The defined term "auto" is revised to mean auto as it is defined in the scheduled underlying insurance. e If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 61 19 07 14 Insurance Company As Named Insured Limitation and your prior policy contained CU 61 19 06 97 Insurance Company As Named Insured then the following changes apply to your policy. CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES In addition to the change described in the Professional Services Exclusion section of this notice, the endorsement is revised as follows: a The claims handling exclusion is amended to specifically reference treaties of insur- ance and self- insurance. It is also revised to expressly apply to the investigation of any claims. a The professional services exclusion is revised to expressly address: a Inspection or making recommendations as an insurance or reinsurance com- pany, consultant, agent, intermediary or broker. a Maintaining accounts or records of others. a Conducting investment, loan, or real estate departments or operations. a Acting in any capacity as a fiduciary or trustee for annuities, endowments or employee benefits plans. a Performing any claim, investigative, adjustment, engineering, inspection, consulting, survey, audit, appraisal, actuarial or data processing service for a fee. a If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 61 25 07 14 Liquor Liability Exclusion and your prior policy contained CU 61 25 05 09 Liquor Liability Exclusion then the following changes apply to your policy: BROADENING OF COVERAGE The endorsement is revised to provide an exception to the exclusion with respect to allowing a person to bring alcoholic beverages onto the named insured's premises for consumption on the named insured's premises, but only to the extent there is scheduled underlying insurance for such liability and for no broader coverage than is provided by that policy. 0 2014 Liberty Mutual Insurance.All rights reserved. NP 93 58 07 14 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 4 of 11 CLARIFYING, ED4TORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES Thk, onxorsorriant n3vis&d 10 ruinkreer" that the oxcluslon apphos rilverl if dalAyls 'agah-ast Dr- inqumd allegp nepaiganze, or other wrongduing in he wjparvision, hiring, employment tTMninq of rr"[1fift4ing of affior" or im farflng W provIdL Iransportatium with reGia-ad to wig pprsnm lhai may be under the ifflUence, of nftnhr:,J. 0 ff your rsal'eWe?Pqd'jq cp'nfiwr�, Pn&)rsr-rPaN CU 61 26 07 14 Liquor Liability - Following For-in and your pnot poffGy CU 61 26 06 97 Liquor Liability - Following Form Mort Hro foffowmg cbvogos app"le to Amu prdfry. CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES the ondomernent F�,, fevised Iij reinfofeft that the oxcluslorr applies ov&n if dav)is wjairst ao insured al!ege neq9iqer.rP nr other wronc )doing in the supervision, Wring, empirymeni, training or rno-nitofing of eilhors-, or providmg a� foiling to provIce vansportat4cmi with resp'3ct to a?rW person that may he under the influpnr.e of akmhM. Editorial chonges are algo made lhFouqhout to in-iWrwe readability and achieve o7risislenny among forms.. 9 ff your ronNvai"pc*ry ronfokis endor&enriepf CU 61 46 07 14 Failure To Supply Exclusion oav yovr oor poky ccvafa;nsd' CU 61 46 06 97 Failure To Supply Exclusion therT Hie fd1mving changes-apply to your BROADENING OF COVERAGE An excep6qn is added to Imp exduston for failure to supply that resift trono the sudden and acdCantag Injury to langiblo propeAy owqod co usbd by any msumA to pdv-,uro, prodwya., pmresw or tranmil the gag, oil, water, electricity, steam o� KafueI, but only to the extent lh'ws Is sicheduled uridvlWirg firsuennuo for �3ij n faduia to supply and for no bxoaclor coveraga than is prQvl,ded by lhal FwAli. y. CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHARGES 1110 GOCINS&Marl ts rovsoO to oxprcssIv stave that the oxcluslort cft-o apples to Me fillur*,A of any insured to adpqunlely ajpply biofunL EdMorial rhanv�s we made throughout to improve resdaty.,firy, and actrieve, runsistenry among faffris. & Of your "ero--W9d yuatiacy MVOOs endwservierit CU 61 50 07 14 Contravoirs Llirmilaflon Endorsentent and yGDr prior pabry coxulaliied CU 61 SD 11 06 Contractors Limitation Endorsement Men rhe k0lowung chariqesaAaly to your Po CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The endorsement is revised as follow,,: • Now defood leftns., 'oxp4G*ri3+a1 fiazwd":. "ccllapGo hazard' and 'undorgrounrl prop- -arty d9magc hazard n, are added to achieve onnsivency with underlftq exclusionary • The wrospup eW;1t19-AoF1 Is fe-ViqC-A to; Cr Speafiraftp Fekrpnce nansolidarted insurance prowams; and 0 RfimfoscL that the oxclusluil apVkjs whother ae rol thf- coasokdatod (wrap- up) Insurance program provides dertk l onverage, has adeciume hmhs or ronv&iG 4n offeel. M' 2014 Liberty Muwal Iris�,qaqcq.AN. �hts reserred. NP 93 58 67 14 111111idom!:rjfj!piul kd Inal"n.it M Firrit:e,Ine". WWI Is lienrlimNion, Page 6 of I I w The professional services exclusion is revised to: f Exclude liability arising out of the rendering of professional services with respect to providing engineering, architectural or surveying services to others in your capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor; or providing engineer- ing, architectural or surveying services in connection with construction work you perform. • Expressly address claims alleging negligence or other wrongdoing in the hir- ing, employment, training, supervision or monitoring of others by any in- sured. s Add an exception for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures employed by the named insured in connection with your operations as a construction contractor. Editorial changes are also made throughout to improve readability and achieve consistency among forms. v If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 61 55 07 14 Municipalities Limitation Endorsement and your prior policy contained CU 61 55 04 99 Municipalities Endorsement or CU 6149 12 99 Virginia Municipalities Limitation Endorsement then the following changes apply to your policy., BROADENING OF COVERAGE An exception is added to the exclusion for failure to supply that results from the sudden and accidental injury to tangible property owned or used by any insured to procure, produce, process or transmit the gas, oil, water, electricity, steam or biofuel, but only to the extent there is scheduled underlying insurance for such failure to supply and for no broader coverage than is provided by that policy. CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The endorsement is revised as follows: • The professional services exclusion is revised to expressly address claims alleging negligence or other wrongdoing in the hiring, employment, training, supervision or monitoring of others by any insured. e The failure to supply exclusion is revised to expressly state that the exclusion also applies to the failure of any insured to adequately supply biofuel. [r New defined terms, "explosion hazard":, "collapse hazard": and "underground prop- erty damage hazard", are added to achieve consistency with underlying exclusionary language. The endorsement is re-titled to read: "Municipalities Limitation Endorsement'. Editorial changes are also made throughout to improve readability and achieve consistency among forms. e If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 63 97 07 14 Illinois - Insurance Company As Named Insured and your prior policy contained CU 63 97 11 97 Illinois - Insurance Company As Named Insured then the following changes apply to your policy. CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES In addition to the change described in the Professional Services Exclusion section of this notice, the endorsement is revised as follows: w The claims handling exclusion is amended to specifically reference treaties of insur- ance and self- insurance. It is also revised to expressly apply to the investigation of any claims. 2014Liberty Mutual Insurance.All rights reserved. NP 93 58 07 14 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 6 of 11 The pruFessioual SBRIce.4. eXCIUS1041 is rivised to uxpressly address: lrspor.21on or miAmig recomineridat'O.-Is as An mstjrartcu or roinsufoboo comr pany, consultant, agent, intemnediard cT broker. M&Maining of owners. o ConductIng inve-t4yient, oan, or rea eslatf,, depadments or operaticfls. • Acting in ary cap2,.rhj 99 a firki-iFID) or fruste-f? faT annuities., Pridc'.wimarts or offloloyeo berl0its pawns. • PerfrKming any claim, invesliqlative, adjw0meM. engne rn I a _q, ins. perrion, Coasurbing, suvuev, audit, appials@l, au.toarial or aala procosslrhq soiA,,ce Pof a 0 ff Y91dF FCPFWs1' Pc"XV 170"iqins endorse.mp.gr CU 64 82 07 14 Amendment - Electronic Data and poor gwit-, tiWicy cfwfaiouar CU 64 02 11 @4 Arrigindmunt =Efuclivorilt: Data Men Ou ruifowerrig tharigus j0ply fo yQ.,jr poky CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES An elealrontic data oxuluslon Is added to rufthel rolotofca Inal cbovela-cfe Is net intended for leis, -1ronic , �phcm of Flec, data. An exce to IH5 exclusion is inclodled for damaqFs berAuse of bodily Injury. but only to Ilhc extent lhal irsueance is pwwdod for such damages by scheduled underlying nisurance and for no broader coverage than is provideri by such policy Editorial changes are also made throughout lo improv- naidabilily and aphieve ransisiency If your renewailpo6cy criains endorFemen.t CU 64 92 01 13 Mobile Equipment - Following Form and yow paot pu-0ey corMamod CU 64 92 01 07 Mobile Equipment - Follhowing Form fhorLI thu ir)"kjwb)y change's apaly In your pfxlicy: CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES In oddiflun to the change described in Lho Auto, Aircraft and VVatercraQ section of IhJs notice, the eindofs&vnem r revised, Io: Expressly state that the exclusicin applies to any liability arising rut of the entrustment to othefs of any mobile oquiipntorrL, Amend the defaiiton of mobile eqwpment to me-an rnoniln eqijrprrvnt gs it defined ire the underlying insuianue. a ,'f you( forro4VO pWicy cunraios CLI H 23 OT 14 Amemdri Of Liquor Liability Exclusilon - Exception For Scheduled', Premises Or Activities and your prior unficy rcvWnEd CU ag 23 05 09 Amondmaril Of Liquor Llabitity ExeWsion Vme"' Mu Ibilriwoo r-'hariges apply ro Your Polivy. COVERAGE REDUCTION The endrifs>mam rs r-Aseo to iaitdicple 11h,91 the rqoor liability e)rcluwn MH apr4y if a narriell insuied perm-its any puson to bring any alcolhofic IuQwLrages on the named nsum4d'-A prandses, for cortsumplion on the namel in--11-tre-d's premisas. 1-kowe-wer, ap exception to the exrlusIori is. addRd ^udlh ruspeut to allovprig a peninn to tidmg alcoholic bevenages on the prurnisL-- do- Rcnbeil in flhe� 50�edul& of the andwse-meg-it, for consumption on the premises, bin only Ir.) the. extent there is. scheduled underlying irunuranuu !w such habifity and [or no broader cuveragE than is provided by that policy. CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The endorsement is revised 1c) minfrrme that the e.XdUsion applies even iF clahng against an liosufad alkqjr� negigonte or other wrungdokig in 11,w soparvislon, hPAng, or rnnnitrgiN of others, or pimdfriq or IsiliN to Provide Irar'sporlmrWrm with respect 10 :3r)y foig-&C'n 11°at may bo under the influonea of atoahc4. 20141-ibertj Muzu�l Instvanra.fi.i.]aqhts rass,-de . NP 93 50 07 14 1fifAL1dPMC;0ffyTi0hiA;d fflilk!7'loj Cj Irswranmt Sqi,,�np.q Office,lva-k0h ,k prnii�ljm, Page 7 of 11 The endorsement is also re-titled to read "Amendment Of Liquor Liability Exclusion -Exception For Scheduled Premises Or Activities". ■ If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 88 24 07 14 Amendment Of Liquor Liability Exclusion - Following Form and your prior policy contained CU 88 24 05 09 Amendment Of Liquor Liability - Following Form then the following changes apply to your policy., COVERAGE REDUCTION The endorsement is revised to indicate that the liquor liability exclusion will apply if a named insured permits any person to bring any alcoholic beverages on the named insured's premises, for consumption on the named insured's premises. CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The endorsement is revised to reinforce that the exclusion applies even if claims against an insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others, or providing or failing to provide transportation with respect to any person that may be under the influence of alcohol. w If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 88 30 07 14 General Amendatory Endorsement and your prior policy contained CU 88 30 05 09 Amendatory Endorsement then the following changes apply to your policy., CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES For consistency with the definition of personal and advertising injury, the personal and ad- vertising injury exclusions that apply to: e, Material published with knowledge of falsity; and r Material published prior to the policy period are revised to reference "in any manner", with respect to oral or written publication. The endorsement is also re-titled to read "General Amendatory Endorsement". • If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 88 39 07 14 Amendment Of Definition Of Insured and your prior policy contained CU 88 39 02 10 Amendment Of Definition Of Insured then the following changes apply to your policy. CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The endorsement is revised to: • Expressly state that coverage provided to the additional insured applies only to the extent permissible by law. 46 Reinforce that the applicable limits of insurance shown in the Declarations are not increased by this endorsement. Editorial changes are also made to improve readability and achieve consistency among forms. • If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 89 08 01 13 Assumed Products Liability Exclusion and your prior policy did not contain a similar exclusion then the following change applies to your policy: COVERAGE REDUCTION The definition of insured contract is amended to exclude that part of any contract or agreement that indemnifies any person or organization for bodily injury or property damage arising out of good or products sold, handled, distributed or disposed of by the insured. aR 2014Liberty Mutual Insurance.All rights reserved. NP 93 58 07 14 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 8 of 11 a The prulessiunal surviup�i exr6siun m revised to expressly address: a Insi>ectibn or ma�-,ng as an iiiswai or roinsuianco =,m- panV3 = n ot AnOtent, -.nt, irnemxartinry air tanker. 0 Ma�rralmrlg arcounts of fe-c-'Ordu of oulors, Cerducting invf.--,,hnFn( toan, or rerih estate departmants or operations, • Acting in iny r-gipmmty .9,9 a fidurinry or trustee fm- aiinuifies, eridcAvrnents or evlployeu Lurvirts plarls. • Performing any r1aim, invemligativE, adjustment, engirawirig, inspection, corrsuftng, svrvev, awrit, iepprall;04, afAuadal or data prok;OSGIN Gorocu Iff."T a fee. Of your reness,,W pnAcy rroWns v3dor,5prvent CU 64 82 07 14 Amendment - Electronic Data and your vrtbv pc4t;y caniaforiti CU 54 02 11 04 Amendment -Elvttronir Data 0110n the 16florviaQ 9FI&POS Aflply 10 CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL C RANGES An evearorde data am�luslc"i Is added to further roinfixte that covurage Is not inlorided for loss of eferlronic data. An exceplion to this exclusion is included for damages bcqaure at budily Injury, brit onIV to the extrint fl,s@l losuranre is lanyticloa for such daniago44 bV srhcddlekf, underlying inaur9nr.- and for no bmadar coweraqe Dian is prowkIsd by such policy WORN* EdHQnal c;,fiangp-s are also made lhrouqh,~)ut to innprove readalbiliiV and achieve rLrn9iMe-nCy among forms, 9 yonr reneuvaO porky ranta�g Pridarsernew CU 64 92 01 13 Mobile Equipment , Following Form :.tqd yuur p0ev pLfty coribJoed CU 64 92 911 07 Mobile, Equipment - Following Form rhurl rho hrNpim""y rhange5'apply to pour-poiry- CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES In addik�fl to [fie change described in the Auto, Airvraft and Watercraft mcliun of this ilobuu, the endarsement is reyised lo: • ExpreasKy state that the exclusion applies to any liability &rising cut of the ontnWment to altiefs of any inobdo &:ruipmert. • Amend Ine, definilinn of m4hile equipment to mean nicbile equipment as it &Aned in the undiarlying insurance. Of your airrowalpolicy, cewfaf9s oodoxsaimnl CLI U 23 07 14 Amendment Of Liquor Uability Exclusion - Exception II Scheduled Premises Or Ackivitles and your prkor pa(icy coniqipEd CU 88 23 05 09 Amandmem Of Liquor Liability Exclusion ftr? frW (000W* Q ChOngfJ,dr)ply to YbUr PG)Ilcy. COVERAGE REDUCTION The endorsement is re^riqod to indicate !hot the ricloor liablity PL)cluvvi mil apr.4y if a named insured permits any person Lu bring any alcoholm haverages un the named insured's promises, fef cormumplion on the named li-rurtd's premises, How-ever, art, exceRtion to ine. exclusion is added with respect to allowing a porsan k) Mug alcoholic beverages on [h. e prernisEs &B- srribed In the Schedule of the encor�eifnent, for crnsumptirro on Ina premipes, but only to the extent there is scheduled underlying ;tisurancE fur sucti hability and for ma broader cioverago th,an u% Provided by tat pah�. CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The endorgemient is revised to rainfhrre that the exclusion applies even if chtvnR aqairst an insured aWoga nogPigenc& or othor Arone I e a g i-)r rnnnitr qfting ,in Iho supervision, IMIng, flinplo(IJ111-11111, I' �1'1141 aring nf others, or psi or fnilinq to provide Iransptorlatian kvith respect to any par&an That may Do undaf the infILOnUe of ijkafid. NP 93 68 07 14 1111-Aldraracupyrlylik-d in"Atc6ol of Offire,In{-mill A..ppt]111w7�0"11, Page 7 of 11 The endorsement is also re-titled to read "Amendment Of Liquor Liability Exclusion -Exception For Scheduled Premises Or Activities". • If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 88 24 07 14 Amendment Of Liquor Liability Exclusion - Following Form and your prior policy contained CU 88 24 05 09 Amendment Of Liquor Liability - Following Form then the following changes apply to your policy.- COVERAGE REDUCTION The endorsement is revised to indicate that the liquor liability exclusion will apply if a named insured permits any person to bring any alcoholic beverages on the named insured's premises, for consumption on the named insured's premises. CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The endorsement is revised to reinforce that the exclusion applies even if claims against an insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others, or providing or failing to provide transportation with respect to any person that may be under the influence of alcohol. • If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 88 30 07 14 General Amendatory Endorsement and your prior policy contained CU 88 30 05 09 Amendatory Endorsement then the following changes apply to your policy., CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES For consistency with the definition of personal and advertising injury, the personal and ad- vertising injury exclusions that apply to: • Material published with knowledge of falsity; and ip Material published prior to the policy period are revised to reference "in any manner", with respect to oral or written publication. The endorsement is also re-titled to read "General Amendatory Endorsement". • If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 88 39 07 14 Amendment Of Definition Of Insured and your prior policy contained CU 88 39 02 10 Amendment Of Definition Of Insured then the following changes apply to your policy., CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The endorsement is revised to: • Expressly state that coverage provided to the additional insured applies only to the extent permissible by law. • Reinforce that the applicable limits of insurance shown in the Declarations are not increased by this endorsement. Editorial changes are also made to improve readability and achieve consistency among forms. • If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 89 08 01 13 Assumed Products Liability Exclusion and your prior policy did not contain a similar exclusion then the following change applies to your policy.- COVERAGE REDUCTION The definition of insured contract is amended to exclude that part of any contract or agreement that indemnifies any person or organization for bodily injury or property damage arising out of good or products sold, handled, distributed or disposed of by the insured. If' 2014 Liberty Mutual Insurance.All rights reserved. NP 93 58 07 14 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.,with its permission. Page 8 of 11 ff ?vvr renewal poficy contains andomenwrit CU 89 11 01 13 Produci:WCompleled Operations Hazard R"afined wid your pool af,,,Ac�y flid 11or cu-nvwo &-,Invar rhen flie (0.1ow,0%j ch,,wNge upohe- lo yc;-L.r P"ifiry: BROADENING OF COVERAGE Thia pruducLs-twnpMod crpuiaioonj hazard Ic amended to InckAgj bodly injuvj and ploperty, dmm,q_qe if the bMiPj injury or propeny damaqe wn-Ars .after yall h,,8Y)Fj raling aiahed FjL).,5F.fS of those products, to tho <,JxWit that this amo-nOad draflnilfon applies lrt 2 poky IIGWxJ In thu Sqhqaduk- of Onderiving %wAwice, it yvcT renewal paray ronwns enckmernem CU 0,13 12 01 13 Mexican Auto Coverage Exclusion and yow Prior Poky riV ow Acoarqio a simiYar axdp.50a Me a t11e fafrohviag choncm af)pllm" 63 you),pojicy' COVERAGE REDUCTION An excimion is added to your Fnfl,,cy k-T ally iiRhility a6V- ng OL]i of the rAvn,-.rship. , rnqMenance. opnrahonS, U:�, bading & unloading of any autt, In Nlexlurl. • 4 YOW renewal pfAicy contains, endor5en,,ent CU 89 13 07 14 Speclfiied Health Or Cowellc So"Ices - Foltowing Form and ymir priair poky did not confain a SfMiW OXG;O--S�LW thon the rcJfom"y aangre appbr-s W Yaw PAVV, COVERAGE REDUCTION An exclusion is added to your policy fQT the rendering of any spTvice, treatment, advice, or ki,tnjchon for Me purpose of appealunce 0i ..kin w6ancement, hair renw, al of repkawnwim (it perwnsrl groominr or therapy except io the eweni that in.gumnce is provided by a policy li-gled In [he Schedule fA UnderlyIng hi.suranre- ff YLwr mnew,30 polky Gimr,"JOs P-r-Ow-somfew, CU 69 15 06 12 Amendment of Cancella$on Prowsions - Scheduled Person or Organization and yojr pd.!jr pnik-jo &d nol cons a sirnifar endomewunf them Me WDYM19 G-htarges apoy ro yout poffc�,' BROADENING OF COVERAGE This CanreliRtion Conditions are amended it) prcvAe phrx written notmp of ,,gncellahcn to pur�aqls or orgaflizations that are, slwwn In tho Sch&dUIO of tars ortedorsonnont fGf faasons oltw than nonpayment of premium, Qur QhPigation to send notice terminates at the earlier of the cwro,M plicy purled or wh-an the naniied irmurea, no longe;r has a k2xjal of contractual obkgation to such person or aManizatim to maintain insurarTP Envp-r.9gP. render a pr,Jjcy which requires that surfi pwssw or o rgonlzah"l be, rlMilioa In the evont or etancadakon. 0 ff Plat 1-drifwo p6rky cwfalos CU 89 17 07 14 Exclusion Dg,9l;n*sflc Testing Labof atorles and yourpifor pc4cy d;d not' cog(Eitn Ei similar Psufas.ion then Me fojVowi,-4 changsa apply to yviur pdjq: COVERAGE REDUCTION An e,.Kdu=n is addod to Votir p-opcy fuT bo(AV injury, pioperV darmago, ptiorm injury, ad- venising injury, or personal and advertising injury .9nqinq aut of: lvledir-Ht or ihagnoErirL tesling, techniques or Wocaduees used for the: a Datoctlor, rlagveisis or Iroalm&W. of ally si Iras, disoaso oin-dilion u,, inpirly; fn • Evalualian of a patient's respunse lo IrEatmc ni m medication; or The repurting of or ruliancD upon the results ail such modical at diagnostic tusling, leulh- nklues or pfoceftfes as.described above. 2014 Liberty MuWal InstTan-aa.AA rgrtts rcser5ed. NP 93 56 07 14 hwJurJr.,%z:qjyrJg1*-,d fri.okwi 11 ,,i InRur n x ntu.ee arn4v,lw_wilh 51,% ponrihv;iull, Page 9 of 11 ip If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 89 18 07 14 Exclusion - Testing Or Consulting Errors And Omissions and your prior policy contained CU 89 18 01 13 Exclusion Diagnostic Testing Labora- tories then the following change applies to your policy: CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES In addition to the change described in the Professional Services Exclusion section of this notice, the endorsement is re-titled to read "Exclusion - Testing Or Consulting Errors And Omissions". e If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 89 18 07 14 Exclusion -Testing Or Consulting Errors And Omissions and your prior policy did not contain a similar endorsement then to following changes apply to your policy: COVERAGE REDUCTION An exclusion is added to your policy for bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, ad- vertising injury, or personal and advertising injury arising out of: rr An error, omission, defect or deficiency in any test performed or an evaluation, con- sultation or advice given, by or on behalf of any insured. w The reporting of or reliance upon any such test, evaluation, consultation, or advice; or s An error, omission, defect, or deficiency in experimental data or the insured's inter- pretation of that data. • If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 89 19 01 13 Amendment of Watercraft Exclusion and your prior policy did not contain a similar exclusion then the following changes apply to your policy: CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The watercraft exclusion in your Commercial Umbrella Coverage Form is revised to expressly state that it applies: • Even if the claims allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by any insured. • To bodily injury or property damage arising out of the entrustment to others of any watercraft if such watercraft is owned by, or chartered without a crew by or on behalf of, any insured. r If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 89 20 05 09 Waiver Of Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us - Designated Person or Organization and your prior policy did not contain a similar exclusion then the following changes apply to your policy: BROADENING OF COVERAGE The Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us condition in your Commercial Um- brella Coverage Form is revised so that we waive any right of recovery we may have against the entity shown in the Schedule of the endorsement because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or your work done under a contract with that person or organization and included in the products-completed operations hazard. f If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 89 21 01 13 Amendment of Aircraft Exclusion and your prior policy did not contain a similar exclusion then the following changes apply to your policy: CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES The aircraft exclusion in your Commercial Umbrella Coverage Form is revised to expressly state that it applies: w Even if the claims allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by any insured. • To bodily injury or property damage arising out of the entrustment to others of any aircraft if such aircraft is owned by, or hired without pilot or crew by or on behalf of, any insured. Q 2014 Liberty Mutual Insurance.All rights reserved. NP 93 58 07 14 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.,with its permission. Page 10 of 11 ak it ywi, ecin' "Of exfl4 y voofdlas, laf 6Srrr,.r':1?M3i 7 f- U 89 72 D1 13 Exclusion - Du:slIgn ted Pruidut;N .fined y u e I rrnar{.+,,).' y dO nw Cnr rsire 7;.,rdiar ex.,.k(r;on eh'?;n rhe, frjif}D5'ing f.'.rlr gsi.. appkes to "vir Po(iry '.. COVERAGE REDUCTION An exclu-gym is added to your fauAty pradurfing ravararga for bvJi1y imury or property rlarsacge incluried in Pie prfAunts, cwnkited nrerwion`,, 1-k-7aril and 36siFiig oul of omY of your proo,'ii 't sheen in the 3rJi8dUfH of Sh.e endbrSelner{i, r 'fyour 02(towaiprulrcy c rC'rraka €,-afro 3oomr?f CU 89 23 VGA 13 Ezclusio" -D,osiginalled 'W04,, Karr,+yinf u;k%c rocky did not rrnr.:Rin a simi,fara rlu,iG n then ahe ftliowng charges apply to ymm i afir.,,pe COVERAGE REDUCTION _ An exclusion is added to your policy that pracludes coverage for bodily knjury or p7wertyr damager ir^,,dw ed in P-i nr 1al{:e5-.nm:fd to 9 r{rre#rllorrw haTarr9 :nerd 3 ining Maui Of yrnir work, sharan in the sctredule r}f the and araamanl. • dt YOLU .rr:ttcro ZJ?PUfty crh"Mins oreo`orsowwf f CU 99 24 07 14 General Amendatory Endoeservivnt (Trades Gress Llmitaiiian( snit y`rarrr pima is+aky conhw9ed CU 89 24 01 13 Amendatory Endorsement (Trade Drays LimitatlunP th[ari itir hArwrWig c`I�-7 �(h.•oiryi?Ijr iV yC'o{'C?JtiC]±': CLARIFY114G, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGE For ioonsisterle'y with, thr definition of p@rac~fr°$l and aave:rtisirrg in urj, the persort9t and ;ad- 'aeeisiugg injury exclusions that apply to- Material pulAishod with wanuwl&dge of fakAy: and 9 klate6al puhfisl,ed prior io the policy period ' are re-i8ed to refererv:e "in any manner", wilh respect to oral a T 'written pulbllcahc45. The nn€of:3vamcnt firs ro-filt=ed to road "Gonerial Axneindator'y Endarsarnent ?,,Tfido Llmila- CI4rn�'- r`a 2014Liberty ffusvM ln,xar.anee.M nghta ra: ed. NP 93 &8 07 14 lin.11A0{<aip>;riolik-d ixr ka, ig l cA lmvj nito$inrtre i 4 4a@tir:.o,I ar, wilh ri ,pewfll un, Page 11 of 11 NP 99 99 02 16 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDERS AMENDMENT OF AIRCRAFT EXCLUSION Dear Valued Policyholder, Thank you for selecting us as your carrier for your excess liability insurance. This notice contains a brief summary of the coverage changes made to your policy. The changes outlined below are organized by individual endorsements. Please note that not all of the endorsements noted may apply to your specific policy. In addition, this notice does not reference every editorial change made to the endorsement or coverage form, only material (or significant) coverage changes. Please read your policy and review your Declarations page for complete coverage information. No coverage is provided by this notice, nor can it be construed to replace any provisions of your policy. If there are discrepancies between your policy and this notice, the provisions of the policy shall prevail. Should you have questions after reviewing the changes outlined below, please contact your independent agent. Thank you for your business. SUMMARY OF POLICY CHANGES If your renewal policy contains endorsement CU 89 21 07 15 AMENDMENT OF AIRCRAFT EXCLUSION and your prior policy contained endorsement CU 89 21 01 13 AMENDMENT OF AIRCRAFT EXCLUSION then the following changes apply to your policy: POTENTIAL RESTRICTION OF COVERAGE Coverage is potentially restricted in that the exclusionary wording is amended to exclude "bodily injury" and "property damage" arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use or entrustment to others of any aircraft, if such aircraft is owned or operated by or rented or loaned to any "insured". CLARIFYING, EDITORIAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES This endorsement has been revised to align more closely with the aircraft exclusionary language in your underlying liability insurance. Language was added for those aircraft operated by or rented or loaned to any "insured". Editorial changes are made throughout to achieve consistency among forms and improve readability . NP 99 99 02 16 0 2015 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 1 of 1 Cover. ym tz Pro�didad In: Pray.;k M,mber; Liberty tT: Th8'_Ito C aEvaAbp Insurance 1.Dfnpap4 USO (17) SS 573742 mutLt_a L Caarnmercial Umbrella Policy Declaot`borrs i IITEM T NAMED INSURED MAILING ABOMS AGENT MAILING ADDRESS S PANNE NO. N" FC R,'0 SYS-IT NAS l FS'JUN IN(:' l2HIi) 163-I.EIG 1 ibH1I N NorAI ikc Y°x ra Sic, 21 NKG INSLIP ^NC L' v_ciily, 't, A ' MRI PC) I`OX 1 Ir 2ti f I]dM3 SLAI-'Y'E.1 , NV A '7;14-1625 _ Named Insured Is, C ryRPORA LION Named Insured Imminess Is,, C0N SL't.T AN I'S {ITEM 2)POLICY PERIOO roan OE U,'21115 -10 0 1,7,211 ,2:01 :AM Standard i'Ir._w n Immru•rd Mulling Lrae¢rion OTEM 31 PREMIUM CHARGES I ENPlalaatierb of 11130IETIO _ _.--- - -- �__.. PREMIUM Charges p hytal Advance Charges $505.60 't,�C#fIr➢f'41 ►sCc rJT.7..t•rrixriram Sm16s'�fa;�"i.__�_._� � .Ilr'd f 1=•sy.nA eerlwi1 ,.. ... iveiff.: ThiN is arrr a W11 E1ASN4,-J= F"RLINElr.JXI, NION-AIII)1TARL.F:( 'x:J AIJ[51TABLE( I IN rHJ: ErWN1 Crl' C'.ANC'ELLA'TJON HY THE NA4x W INSURED. HL COMPANY WILL RE( L LA.EVE ND R I,AUN NO i T:Sw THAN (0%� I CIF THE PCYI ECY PREMIUMAS YHF 111 TAINT F.F`7 PRFMIUM PLUS i_'ERLIHEI] A( TS X, '181iRCg{1Bti E r,1kAl 1::..Alil; rANE3 ,AN) APPLIC DILL I.AXLS AND ;,URd'HAEGES4. [ITEM 41 LIMITS OF INSURANCE DESCRIPTION _ _ LIMIT r44_11, f1{0 Jz'E:Lhi'C.F: $.1..441rr.444 A66RF1GnxT@ (AVFIERF, 11.iaPLICARLH $1. 000,000 PI..ODLUI"S-CONIPUI'L^L) OPFR✓AC[ONS .9tibR.FGAIFr $1,0D0,440 S1,Lh-1Nti1JV0-1- Rf-1 N110N $10,400 j iaiGBy 1JMier3 tlsr lwtr 4A4v::.^isnylCxl and I Eue Crate ['oWW15 Aulhor¢ed RepreaerrraUve To art a 0,Tim, salt your Agenr or 1400462- W% lib 22. 01 E18 L`SLiki�I:H 5%T-;7#2 RMSOrss N-1 iAi^_upnn IN-WHErl URY @3'PWI ME K ❑F M Govemge Ys Provided JR- pm Numbpr: Liberty, The Ofto Ca�vealty Insurance Smpamv USO (17) 55 57 37 42 JITEM 5)SCHEDULE OF WMERLYNG MSURAKL' CARRMR, POLICY NIIMBFR ANI) PFRIM) TYPT". t)F MVERA(W HMMS of IWTAMT CM10 SNEC L.R97"Y INSURANCE Bl SINEFSOWINTRS 34 000,060 LIAP11.31Y AND tONIPANY IJABILIIN NfIDICAL iXlAC,%Sf-. LIN117 N4,1JW,0609 rMAA 714AN' N,r.)()AJS - C 'JNIJPLF [I.-M OK;kA I lf)\S AGkiRf-(-PA'ft. S000,0#0 PRIODUCT'S - ( 0MPLE-TED UPLRAIAOSS AOURNiAll MAIT OChL&- NCJA-Ch ned s.,ua&w J-hrvd Auw I-labdily II.V17,2017 0M0Sl,k'L'PV'V INSURANCE, S t 040 (7,.11 Z,o elo,0(me flofa muky ('0MPANY LIARII ITY A('('1DFN'T UMI-I 52,00,Mi RI)D1LY INJURY RY Bz�w'loql-'V�4 DISEMf; A(;C.V(-GA I F 0&1 1 IN[6 05�1 7.-2fl 17 LIN41T 52,000,008 RMALN' INJURY BY DISEASE EACH To raperf m tlaim, calf yowr Agthf er 1-900-2412-0 M DS 74) 2.4 01 08 PIKSIT's N9 MAW CU7Y WII?M ?A.a F M nF 6h I Gnroersga ,t.^, paax.ie�azd Vra: Pr�s.y .'•dtsmhr.r� � The Ghlo C&a u:ally InEurancs Crjtnown' Usti 11 P 55 57 37 42 r��Ld�LIx�� POLICY FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS This ,�0cti•a5 Itst� alt the Fawns mod i.njorsaweras Or yirtr ydky. @cky to lhv,sc documents n� nocd1,.L rot &Iadol infurnwvriara tonc !minr your cm-, iqp FORM Xtl.~IEitsR TITLE C U fill 02 06 9' � #rsn nwuLial I.JOWL•Il:a :eac_+rae L'+)lm d'I' fill lrl IIYi [l tam, f tl?;9aftil,y nr t.i,iStiUl f:4,d uNia,n [,c;d of Nwmson.91 Pripfla C t l h0 Y) Ul L5 Cap On Losses lfrun C'cradicd Acts UI' I'rrrunsm C li 60 40 01 L5 tin edyiny Covoragx Requanzment ray CorNfil d Azts 01"Feriorl+rn _ C'LI 67 nfi nl l.3 A9^ir I lakralGtl = I`ul8e;Ms hprnr d'll hl 15 no R Nigh ow Ardficas oT Swig. •er>rs I utilr'-,yiain;xl L i.lh,ilKl.p hxrhsiun .�...�: i_'u hl 40 us Ill Whinijan Elmgci -t lmccllals-on and f''onrencsM CU 63 44 ilrr 97 F Haan Lts7ih"r Following Faeril Cl; M 3U 12 Us Abwhin.gl na , Funpi jw Racui .r Fidniko i MEME cu INA 32 Us 419 l:.xs lU%ifF, C u W 74 ali U'J I:xclwsnon - Rcca rdt?la and t7is=.ribtiheni of NlatcTul ar Inhrmmiatrwn irh Vu,hrii(aix i W the Lw cu 6a Sd al" w t6.rtawOmwnt = I lmumnia hhtia cu hd Lt7 to 0 5 Fwnm"k or `Iran[ S;1a10MM C'neudilinxn F914dna'IM1knB C'LI ha a12 liiI I klubile I quipmimt - Follcsvvm Farm c-li f,4 95 12 157 Waiver Trunsl�r Ri-hls ol'Recatiaery AgahSst 011ic:ns d It h 51 08 fit I P:xUlu�.iain (f punitive Inarna.l;cry, W--l.tcd To A t e+ti6od ,A el Of Tomjritau.. cu 88 Lll 1202 Wr Li:alr•ila y ExOnsion C_'U XN (14 417 t4 Prsi.ssyaraai Scrvices L'+achision Cl 8X 27 t2 07 Washinenon Etoployrnont R 7:atrd PT7atays Faeiusiun C I I anti 33 UN IN P'dt, nal wul Ado rti,Q halw; = Fvlhaawing Farm c I I 8;'v ,4u no t4 ;Aniondr ioe of lh-lirvilion of InmrxiA C'LI R;d 43 U3 9U Amcndmem of locution Exclusion C'Ll 89 W 01 L'3 Amendment of Waleraral) Cxckt;4,nn cl i xt A I I U7 43 Ani ndrnum of tiuerair, E sa hkwuon� cb S'r) 4ti m 4-k PALvvss ur LJisdoa,urc W CainlVkattiut Or Perauiaaal irfunnatRun And Dio--t Ro n ed - Ln&Hky with 1 hriked 13&Hy Imjarry hxe p6ma Lvclusm-n Ln airiness w 1i r oll we move caused rhos Policy to he sipricd by ow nntkm zeal Moors, I7csaca Lagg Paul it rnd n Sec rc t;J,n Ptesidoo, A e+,vni a dzin tall your AgaAf or 1460-362•09M Ds 70 D III ON ia,'LllA,46 557sbt'G_"! f111I.-S'dG9 2A 140,E AH InsiniFn ct7�py 091ISM.fl PUE 4S OF 6F G11 60 Ill 06 97 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE FORM There are provisions In this poli-,yy atom rewrict Insrring Agreement, V. D FIINf3 ON , `7n vos and coverage- Read the entire policy cwrefuily ;c deter- phraascs that appear in g olatien rnarks have s,pj- mir e ;itg ts, ol d var m anrng ana caa7 CP found n the FII Ir . y crud. Section or the spec iv Fcbry provision where ;hey appear Thmuaghoul thas policy, the worels "yeu" and "you" refer to the Named In-�rreC a~s defined rn InsuringAgreement, Y. DEFINITIONS. fire "M6rc9s In cunsidwa9ion of Lhe payment ult the premium `wr— ' "''.us and %Pur refer to the f mipanyr pro- and ir, reli'arice vpor the slaternerit.p M :hie Dec, . --- urd$nrg Chas insurance. The word 'Insured' me"airs iladalions we agree tw+l,"; ycu io provido ciY,reragu a)ny per*rj or organi£.ation tqa, lr;riru as sa,H_h in as follrrwg INS4;I ING AGREEMENTS I. COVERAGE B. The ter*eral Aggregate Lami4 is ttae most �e Wit [ra'y on be hall [:if Inn„ "tnsrarn�'1]" these the '. N pay ifjr at oa+njegeF, cover-P4 �unrief mims. in excess of ±he ' €rained Umii" thsl Ch® Insuring Agreement in ors Wlnr I., ex- Wo `Insu edt" be?cornes legally obNa€wJ 1:�Li cepl pa`y by masaar of Irabilily irranra5,ed by tawi or 11, damages +ndkArJe;r in 11 P "vrndu,-M- assumed by Me "fnsumcn +Lndw an ',nsur -d cwiplete+d operations hazard" and contract" herauge of "buddy miur." "praperhe dannago." 'per&onal iayj+ary" or "adweitising... 2.. coverages irut:lud d In the.. a+dii;ws List. injury" that lakes ;Aare du0nq *he PrAcv Pe- eel in the Sel edule off Underling Insur- rind and Is eausa by an 'c-000rrunre` hap ante to irwinich no oryJertying aWjrP.Ww peninca an)wfhere. The amount we void pay for lirnit applies. darrrages Is Fifrkod as rdesenbed Wow in the: Insuring Agreement Seubrrn If. LIMITS OF FW ThEe amoreni sIatad or the Declarations as 4FRANCE tho GencrN 4ggribgare Limit as the most we will pay ='ter all damages ar,.5"ing ntd mi II. LIMITS OF INSURANCE any 'bodily injury," 'properly '.personal injury." r adverii:mg inyunr" A- The Lurith; rrf Msqurancrs shown lei Hem 4, su,btecl To an aggiegall Molt ,n Me "un- of the f3oolarations and the -ulas below &rlVing in urance." The. 29nerat Aggr,o.- stalel trio rYW «" wlk pay regardless of galr,, darit appkes se paialoly and in the the number of: some manrar as the ag-yregsia f5mills in the. "uu}r3€rlyHcrg irt3Pu+,7r .«: t. "Iraivaat9s"; C. TFiu F^odu::fs-Comaplelcu •Ua&faL*ns Ag- 2_ `ciauns" rriade or "suil,' trac:aghl; or gregate Limit is 3hre mnsr vA"? svid {,x,u fir 3. panioras or crrg.anLatam, ,-naakmg all Garnages included in the "pefiduels,- b�aerns" Gr bonging 'suits," complelp-0 operations haaRsd" L8_ Subject tc B. rf C. in 5eukri IL LIMITS OF INURANC , evhrh vrr apfkes trap Each Occurron= Limit is IhId rnbst ws aviH' paa Fm lbfwlitry injury," "rxnoerty damage:,' +Cli Fit) 02 t 6 97 (Page t.. of 1-5) "personal injury," or "advertising injury" Schedule of Underlying Insurance nor covered under the Insuring Agreement in by any other insurance providing cov- Section I. because of all "bodily injury," erage to the "Insured" during the Poli- "property damage," "personal injury," or cy Period; "advertising injury" arising out of any one "occurrence." and then up to an amount not exceeding the Each Occurrence Limit as stated in the E. If the applicable Limits of Insurance of the Declarations. policies listed in the Schedule of Under- lying Insurance or of other insurance pro- Once the Self-Insured Retention has been viding coverage to the "Insured" are re- exhausted by actual payment of "claims" duced or exhausted by actual payment of in full by the "Insured," the Self-Insured one or more "claims," subject to the terms Retention will not be reapplied or again and conditions of this policy, we will: payable by the "Insured" for said Policy Period. 1. in the event of reduction, pay in excess of the reduced underlying Limits of In- III. DEFENSE surance, or; A. We will have the right and duty to investi- 2. in the event of exhaustion, continue in gate any "claim" and defend any "suit" force as "underlying insurance," but seeking damages covered by the terms for no broader coverage than is avail- and conditions of this policy when: able under this policy. 1. the applicable Limits of Insurance of F. The Limits of Insurance of this policy ap- the underlying policies listed in the ply separately to each consecutive annual Schedule of Underlying Insurance and period and to any remaining period of less the Limits of Insurance of any other than 12 months, starting with the begin- insurance providing coverage to the ning of the policy period shown in the "Insured" have been exhausted by ac- Declarations, unless the policy period is tual payment of "claims" for any "oc- extended after issuance for an additional currence" to which this policy applies; period of less than 12 months. In that or case, the additional period will be deemed part of the last preceding period for pur- 2. damages are sought for any "occur- poses of determining the Limits of Insur- rence" which is covered by this policy ance. but not covered by any underlying policies listed in the Schedule of Un- G. Retained Limit derlying Insurance or any other insur- ance providing coverage to the "In- We will be liable only for that portion of sured." damages, subject to the Each Occurrence Limit stated in the Declarations, in excess B. When we assume the defense of any of the "retained limit," which is the great- "claim" or "suit": er of: 1. We will investigate any "claim" and 1. the total amounts stated as the ap- defend any "suit" against the "In- plicable limits of the underlying poli- sured" seeking damages on account of cies listed in the Schedule of Under- any "occurrence" covered by this poli- lying Insurance and the applicable lim- cy. We have the right to investigate, its of any other insurance providing defend and settle the "claim" or "suit" coverage to the "Insured" during the as we deem expedient. Policy Period; or 2. All expenses we incur in the investiga- 2. the amount stated in the Declarations tion of any "claim" or defense of any as Self-Insured Retention as a result of "suit" are in addition to our Limits of any one "occurrence" not covered by Insurance. the underlying policies listed in the CU 60 02 06 97 (Page 2 of 15) 3. ra'sre ieQI pay- the following as expenses. "claim" or "suit" against the "Insured." to this €:xtuno that they aria not $ndudod We will however, laa r kite right and will in the coverage in the uncloyirig poli- be given the pparfuuRity to parlicipate in ciris fisted ir, the &[iciourc of Undor- tho: setilorriert fense arid trial of arty lying InaUranQP, OF in any mhea insur- ". laim" n•.r 'suit` re4stue. to any "Wic:ur- ance prood,119 ccrvsragr to Me "Irl= rerm" wkch. In our c,piii,7rs, niay =:ream cured": liabilrty on =r pert under 9ha terms rif this poficy. If we ux+orume such right e w'id a. pre.a7iumra nn Gnr y- to r€ytsase al- din so at .Our nain expense, tachments, which bond at*nvrlw witt riot exceed our Limits of hi- IV. EXCLUSIONS surance, but we are ric, obliggated tc apply ru, or furnish any such Fnis insurance does not apFAy lo: borad'; k "Bodily lNuty" or 'proporbr damage" arx- b. fKe:f'iltrm:S on appaal bdnr=5, peeled of+ intenrleo from the `atandlpnint of which, bond arnbunha Will rtol By, eht� "Insured." THY, uxulusior dries not au- or ¢air,.y lim ts, ragt:,red by ply to '"nriMyt irlury' rasilting from the: law to appeal aily claim" or use of reasonable fu ce ?o prnracl. persons avail" 11Ae + efeil0 ol,rt We ore not ( r property, ub igateti In apply for or fu7msh an? 5?1Ch kwdn B. Any ibbl gvinn of the "Insure l` unopi, s WcrkQrs Ct npensafiori, Unemployment C. aria costs; taxed agars€ the "ln: Ccimrens,tir_;n or Di,3a it'd l lefts t..a,'w, suarad" in any "cla,im" or "3swv' or under any imifaa' laay. regulation or we c feriol ordinance, d. pre-judgment interest awarded C, Any €lbfigaltPin of the "1nr5�.Jt c'i�." under the against the "Ieisurm-t" of that part Employee Retuomant Income Security Act FvF the jude]mant we pay that is of ',974 ov any a:rrieromenfa In 'fatal ar:, of' wvitl:irr our auplicabie Lwnits of in` oridar any similar lave, raigulakun or ordi- susanc.c. If we make an offer tc notice. pay Me sappbcatde Litinds of lr-*u,-" ante, we zwitt not pau any pre- D. Any of lipalion a" the "Insured" undar a judgm m inforost based V°i the No Fault, Un,nasvr?orr Worist or lundenn- ppnnr of time after the ofer cured Motarist lass, or under any similar law , rogulwjort of or4aniraftce, e- aFl ;neerest that accrues after entry of r Nrnt-lt and befofe we rave. E. "Pf arty darnagpe'. to "irapa reft properly" paid, otrer.ed to pay or rdeaasited or pirope:rty that -gas rot been physically Incourt the dart. of the iurdgmcn:+. injured, arrs-ing out of: that is within arrur applicable Limit of IrUutar7cL:' I., a defeci deficiency, talweuuacy or dar=gerous eondiKori in "}�t'vtr produrr t the, "inurfrrd's" actual arrd reasejr� o `Vout week , or able expenses irr..u:mead at pur r,a- gvie—,L 2- a delay ry failure by, yocfi ar anynrre actrny or your behalf tc per ann a wr C. 'dire will not Rnve,;b9zWe any 50arm" or as tra t or agreement in ordanir,- mth rene any "suer' after our appflioable ,_irvrt_': its =.erms. of Insuransce, hta've beer a hausaeti by Pay- men[ of juklramentr nr sa tlomenfls_ This axclusiur, does not apply to the loss of use of cytver property arising out of D. in ag outer mslances exc8pi ;Subsection A_ sudden and accidelatal physical irajwy to in SeMon ItL DEFENSE, we will not lie "yr ,r prQrJui:-V or "your work` after it has obligated to afiaiumee -, iarge of the ir-ra - Leer pelt to ils ;mended use. titian, srthement or de ease of any C%r' Pt 02 L'fj 97 (page 3 of 15l F. "Property damage" to "your product" aris- damages that the "Insured" would ing out of it or any part of it. have in the absence of the contract or G. "Property damage" to "your work" arising agreement. out of it or any part of it and included in K. "Advertising injury" arising out of: the "products-completed operations haz- ard." 1, breach of contract, other than misap- propriation of advertising ideas under This exclusion does not apply if the an implied contract; damaged work or the work out of which the damage arises was performed on your 2. the failure of goods, products or ser- behalf by a subcontractor. vices to conform with advertised qual- ity or performance; H. Damages claimed for any loss, cost or ex- pense incurred by you or others for the 3. the wrong description of the price of loss of use, withdrawal, recall, inspection, goods, products or services; or repair, replacement, adjustment, removal or disposal of: 4. an offense committed by an "Insured" whose business is advertising, broad- 1. "your product"; casting, publishing or telecasting. 2. "your work", or L. Any liability, including but not limited to settlements, judgments, costs, charges, ex- 3. "impaired property" penses, costs of investigations, or the fees of attorneys, experts, or consultants, aris- if such product, work or property is with- ing out of or in any way related to: drawn or recalled from the market or from use by any person or organization because 1. The actual, alleged or threatened pres- of a known or suspected defect, deficiency, ence, discharge, dispersal, seepage, inadequacy or dangerous condition in it. migration, release, or escape of "pollu- I. "Property damage" to property owned by fonts," however caused. the "Insured." 2. Any request, demand or order that any "Insured" or others test for, monitor, J. "Personal injury" or "advertising injury": clean-up, remove, contain, treat, de- 1. arising out of oral, written, televised, toxify, neutralize or in any way re- videotaped, or electronic publication of spond to or assess the effects of "pol- material, if done by or at the direction lutants." This includes demands, direc- of the "Insured" with knowledge of its tives, complaints, "suits," orders or re- quests brought by any governmental falsity; entity or by any person or group of 2. arising out of oral, written, televised, persons. videotaped, or electronic publication of material whose first publication took 3. Steps taken or amounts incurred a place before the beginning of the poli- governmental unit or any other person cy period; or organization to test for, monitor, clean-up, remove, contain, treat, de- 3. arising out of the willful violation of a toxify or neutralize or assess the ef- penal statute or ordinance committed fects of "pollutants." by or with consent of the "Insured", or This exclusion will apply to any liability, 4. for which the "Insured" has assumed costs, charges, or expenses, or any judg- liability in a contract or agreement. ments or settlements, arising directly or This exclusion does not apply to liabil- indirectly out of pollution whether or not ity for the pollution was sudden, accidental, grad- ual, intended, expected, unexpected, pre- ventable or not preventable. CU 60 02 06 97 (Page 4 of 15) As used in this exclusion "pollutants" 3., crardan, raarntion, pl,afuation, reas- nuean=s any Solid, li.ouid. gaseous, ur trier- sigomant, diselpline, defamation. taa- met imitant or mritarninanl, including, but nsssmert, molewtarion, humifiatan,. not tirridoc to snlrlke vapor, gent, fumes, jscnrnir=agar" of ether employmerrrl rp- afiids, alkalis^ chessicah and waste ma- laid pzactt s, policies, arts or arnis- m4at Viiaste rnawflal wlduedov nimton@fs ision:s; or which .are irrte:nced to be fff have been recycled, recrrlyditlrned or roMimoiaj 4-. ctm4ertuPm!al "bodily irjurd ' `prriper= ty darriaye,' "personal an ury` or "a«d- M, Tidily injury" or "prbpeiy damage' dui �r[isirng injury,' aw a resittt of Oul.. to war. whether ear not 69clared, or any acl, through 03. or c4b.61fon inr'idafrt tr war ','war nc,�trdes 64 war, insurrecUoiri- febelfan cc re;rslu- This exclusion applies wlmll ar the "In- don. This excl%�gigp aprxlles only to fic"fbibry FLsrel` may t',xe held :.liab4n as aF empinyer Sam — a*:surmad undo, a contract or agxarnant. or in any 'other cap-arity and to wily abliga- ¢ion to .,€ale 4yomoge3 with rV to re wy N. Any €,ii lbifiby, indudfng, Gut not limited tat sorne tme else who amusl.. pray damagas Ga- setl'�entarst5�, t'ud 'lts rn5 s. rl7ar ls:a. px Gauss of "bod.l^a hnjU-ry*.•. "property dam- f;ar pus, casts of inv^eesLgations, or t're Seas cge p,araura injury- or "a21veriiang in- of atlarneys, experts or r>nras.0 nra aria- jury " ing oul of or related in arty way, either airerth{ of indirectly, tr) P, Tcordily injury" "p€"Xearf darrzrre," "per- sorrel injury" or 'advurlisjng anjury'" ex- 1 aibesto aslbeWcs Vodtsrt& asbestos- chanted by fh=e Nuclear Energy Liability E:tr- cantainrng rna€eTials or per cludts, as- clusion altadred it, this Policy. hewy3 fiber- or ashestiis dust, inrltd= ir4 but not limftred E-, manufacture, CL Thce ff5uluouvg llerrrs 1 through 4,, exca + marring:,, ,r3e, grle, iR'stalltwn0ion, rwrr oral to the extent that such insurartGa izi pro- ar d:stribuiaors a::lh ities; eld€J by a policy tasted in Rf`F ;;CMCule if Underlying Insurance, and for rya broader 2. ex;rpsurE: to teSTfnrg fcrr', r.*r ;s'Yi"t�tiny of., rov'amge than is providod by such pj!Fcy^ clenning ups. ramiuvmg, xertailring or tmadng of asbestt-,., asMstos pre,. 1,, Llauki of any emplbyoe vditri respect, ducts, ashestosrcontaimrig materials or to "bodily injury," 'property damage.' pfodu ts, asbestos fibbers or asboswxm 'Personal Injury" or 'adver?isvncg In- 'Just, or jury' to you or In another amnInyee of Me same crnlpfoyer i•njureC to the any ohl'igaticn to investigate, settle or crnursa of such employ."mmnt. deco rd, or iMernnify aaiy persor against any 'claim' or `suit, arising 2. 'Sodely injury` or "prnPL�ty damage' but of, or mintecr ,n aoy R�,@y, efrw-r ansing out of the owrle sbip, mainler� directly or indirecdy, to :asbestos,. as- ance, operation, use, 'lqading" or 'ur:- bo t ,s pfoducas, loading„ of uny 'w^e`mrcraft, if £+u ri materials cr pnoducis.., asbasins fibers waltaromft is owned, or chartered ^with- oi mo st,3 dust. cacti orovj, by of on twhalf of any `tar- suaed" This exciuw:ion vill not apply to Cy "€fi n.*aly rreeurv," °prropesty darna ," "jar. wateroralt wMe d�one, of any irem. -anal injury" or 'adwerlas,ir.q injury :iris- ices nymed by remed to, ar cQmrallad Ing out of any: by `p',ru 1 refusal to e.rrploy or promote: 3, TodAy irrjuy" fir "prrpeaty damaige' arising out of the owne^shfp^ rriairaten- 2, rern,ir=oa6on of employment; ance, operation, upe, '1oati q' or "gun" loading" rrf any aircraft, if =l asnrraft is owned or hired ^wilhcuyt ailok or crew, by or on r+a-half of any 7rrsuraad:" 'uU 'i1 2 Cf 97 (''age 5 C4 15) 4. "Bodily injury" to: B. "Auto" means a land motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer designed for travel on public a. an employee of any "Insured" roads, including any attached machinery or arising out of and in the course equipment. "Auto" does not include "mo- of: bile equipment" i. employment by any "In- C. "Bodily injury" means physical injury, sick- sured"; or ness, or disease, including death of a per- son. "Bodily injury" also means mental ii. performing duties related to injury, mental anguish, humiliation, or the conduct of any "In- shock if directly resulting from physical sured's" business; or injury, sickness, or disease to that person. b. the spouse, child, parent, brother D. "Claim" means any demand for monetary or sister of that employee as a damages upon an "Insured" resulting from consequence of Paragraph 4.a. a covered "occurrence." This exclusion applies: E. "Impaired property" means tangible prop- a. whether any "Insured" may be erty, other than "your product" or "your work," that cannot be used or is less use- ful because: other capacity; and b. to any obligation to share dam- 1. it incorporates "your product" or "your ages with or repay someone else work" that is known or thought to be who must pay damages because defective, deficient, inadequate or dan- of the injury. gerous; or V. DEFINITIONS 2. you have failed to fulfill the terms of a contract or agreement; A. "Advertising injury" means injury arising if such property can be restored to use by: solely out of advertising activities of any "Insured" as a result of one or more of the 1. the repair, replacement, adjustment or following offenses during the policy pe- removal of "your product" or "your riod: work" or 1. oral, written, televised, videotaped, or 2. your fulfilling the terms of the contract electronic publication of material that or agreement. slanders or libels a person or organiza- tion or disparages a person's or or- F. "Insured" means each of the following, to ganization's goods, products or ser- the extent set forth: vices; 1. The Named Insured meaning: 2. oral, written, televised, videotaped, or electronic publication of material that a. Any person or organization listed violates a person's right of privacy; in Item 1. of the Declarations, and any Company of which you own 3. misappropriation of advertising ideas more than 50%, as of the effective or style of doing business; date of this policy. 4. infringement of copyright, title or slo- b. Any organization you newly ac- gan; or quire or form, other than a part- nership, joint venture or limited 5. mental injury, mental anguish, humili- liability company, and over which ation, or shock, if directly resulting you maintain ownership or major- from Items A.I. through A.4. ity interest, will qualify to be a Named Insured. However: CU 60 02 06 97 (Page 6 of 15) 11 p =verage under t'nis prow, anlaading" of any "autos," aircxaft or slon is uftardeu only runtsi the watercraft untess such cvo rain is lrn Kith day after you acquire or 111LAPd undPY the policies listed in the farm trif *figa`'Irnzatton Cir the S rledule of undierlylr ?n dYdY'CE' aryl erect of the QQli(;y perirad, fair rm broadax raver-ace 'than, is prra- which,&jer is earlier, vide d ur5der 1u 1 urxrdc:rtyirtg Palfel . (21 cra+,eracgF does not apply to Eri)pirjyo res P.r clu6c "leasoird oorkers" 'tsrrARy iniuriy.' "Voperty^ that no, ^ternporary worker" "Leaser! dcamaypa" 'personal jntkiry" works rs" arc tea&ad to you by a fiits;x of ":advrartisirng rintu;7f' Iliart leasing Firm undw an agracmenF N- rxiirred Wore yca, ,arqured taaf"n ycu and the. labor tewsit'g firm or forrnQu the or-jatrvza6or; W perfhan related dutfne to the con- and duct Uf your ou:"sinr s8 'L't7o$.ed Vi'r, k- ens` are not °Iempuarj "Wrekers." (3) coverage atlpliea o0y if the `-Mrnporaty workers" are Gs°&iris tut- organization is Included ura- noshed to YOU tQ a'JC atjate fdlr perrr;a- +der the coYFLrage prnuidec by nont cmldoyoes Lhe pubdos listed in the s of, tr���wE 1i3 rri dii:'�asQnal run .short-t?rsri �rrrarklr;ad rrQn - �i 13rherle,le of UnCerlyirrtl In ktry h3. suraTice and then for nu I odor rr)verarra than is 7. Any rler:-,on, Miter than, one of yuw pvavAea under such under- asn pku•Nss. u, urga,hrraRiern bvhkie dc:4- lyinp PgIkCiF,'s, Ing as yCour rest F,_--�t3te manager, 2. If y l) are all irioiVidual, yoo and your �.. Any p#r3r'.1n ;other than your pailr:efs, spouse, but only with respect ka the executive ufPicers, direckurs, sti khol- ccmducl of a krusine?s of vvinclt you are ders or ,;rnpt va ws) or ong,nnizaadons the sole owner as vA the effective date with respect to any "auto' awned by of this F '•cy yrai loaner! no you or bred by you or an your behalf and used willh your par- 3. If you are a partneaship or inint van- nlrS�rT . tore $P3t: partners or niertntiers and their spouses trot only as respecds the HQwi,-v-.r, ahe goverag+" 1lranmd by This coliju l of your bu3sne.3s. Pr[xvisirn a- dates not apply fo any per- son using an "airto'' rmhile wirk.ing in a 41 11 yosd art a hrnitfd liability cornpany. business that selks, senncas, repairs or the marnbers or managers but only as paw ®options" unless VQU are in Lna1 respects The coat Duct ,a.f your kbusinefss, business. 5. Any p0mor, or cithor than 9, No person or organizAon is -art 'Iri- the Named Insured, included as an and- suYed" with respect to the conduct of aliknal Ins.rretV by vrrrtuo of an 'in, any culront or part partrwrshif, or Ism' sured Contract," and t4 wrtush ce+verage uenture that as not ninnuin as a Named'.. is provided by the 'underiynlrg t9lsur• lnscurcd in R n, Dadiaealicitrs, ante,' and 'or no broader rvwarsge than is grin-Aced Jy Me "undcrtylrg G, `'I:nisur&d contract" rears ally oral or wr* in urance" to such additional 'In- ten omnhact or agreement entered ;mo ,they sured" you @110 prartaan"Ting to your Dusir�oss: ilrnidGfi Any �7t which ywriu aaerrme the "trart Itabilily" at 6. S your ttartnerg,, axe sari:^a .;f?r- another Cars, directors, Crr employees bu! on.1y party a e" far "t)ftrdofhly person or while actin] ',vthin 11re =soope rrf Shwir tszp�t9' damate" to a thhe bodirr or r7tr�P5l2�klon L�IUVIf}F't1 that the 't➢C?CtIfV` In. duties. jury:. or "psa:yaert+y damage' occurs srata- Nerwever, she cuvorage granted try this rfueni to itip axe ulior, cf thn contract or P1chr1sinn 6. does not apply to tie srwn- ershsp, maintenance rasa, 'wading" or CU E�O 02 Q�15 97 Page 7 of 15) agreement. "Tort liability" means a civil a. air compressors, pumps and gen- liability that would be imposed by law in erators, including spraying, weld- the absence of any contract or agreement. ing, building cleaning, geophysi- cal exploration, lighting and well H. "Loading" or "unloading" means the han- servicing equipment or dling of property: b. cherry pickers and similar devices 1. after it is removed from the place used to raise or lower workers; where it is accepted for movement into or onto an aircraft, watercraft or 6. vehicles not described in 1., 2., 3., or 4. "auto"; above maintained primarily for pur- poses other than the transportation of 2. while it is in or on an aircraft, water- persons or cargo. craft or "auto"; However, self-propelled vehicles with 3. while it is being moved from an air- the following types of permanently at- craft, watercraft or "auto" to the place tached equipment are not "mobile where it is finally delivered. equipment' but will be considered "autos": However, 'loading" or "unloading" does not include the movement of property by a. equipment designed primarily for: means of a mechanical device, other than a hand truck, that is not attached to the (1) snow removal; aircraft, watercraft or "auto." (2) road maintenance, but not I. "Mobile equipment" means any of the fol- construction or resurfacing; lowing types of land vehicles, including or any attached machinery or equipment: (3) street cleaning; 1. bulldozers, farm machinery, forklifts and other vehicles designed for use b. cherry pickers and similar devices principally off public roads; mounted on auto or truck chassis and used to raise or lower work- 2. vehicles maintained for use solely on ers; and or next to premises you own or rent; c. air compressors, pumps and gen- 3. vehicles that travel on crawler treads; erators, including spraying, weld- ing, building cleaning, geophysi- 4. vehicles, whether self-propelled or not, cal exploration, lighting and well maintained primarily to provide mobil- servicing equipment. ity to permanently mounted: J. "Occurrence" means: a. power cranes, shovels, loaders, diggers or drills; or 1. as respects 'bodily injury" or "prop- erty damage," an accident, including b. road construction or resurfacing continuous or repeated exposure to equipment such as graders, scrap- substantially the same general harmful ers or rollers; conditions; 5. vehicles not described in 1., 2., 3, or 4. 2. as respects "personal injury," an of- above that are not self-propelled and fense arising out of the business of are maintained primarily to provide any 'Insured" that results in 'personal mobility to permanently attached injury." All damages that arise from equipment of the following types: the same or related injurious material or acts will be considered as arising out of one 'occurrence," regardless of the CU 60 02 06 97 (Page 8 of 15) frf-auency or repetition tharaat the h- work that has not yet been rom- nurnbGl r and 'tfi.,rlfJ of rnedsi used and Pireled GI abardoner". the reurc_her of dainnams; 2- 'YOW 'nnrk' will )F1 deemrRd r;rrrnOleh 3- as respects "adver*ising fnj,ury," an of- ad at the 49arbesf of the lollowing fens C6nlfoltted wl thu Course of ad, times, vedisiN rpaur goads, pmdurm and ser- vices Ltlat rQssalts in 'advurtEsirtg In- a, 'iften aft of the wort: called or n jury-' AU darragps that arise from the firm' UVIltr2lUt hHE, beers 0:11TE#J1e1- sarme or related arryuricks malcrial or erd,. acts will be zonsidered ac, arisi ,.aut a1 o `ouclurrertce," aE�a dial of the h. 'so me sln al Vie beeworn t� l d frequency Far repetition ltierecf the at 'the onl has 15 ar completed it nurfTbef and kind oI rrod�a used and 'rear rx�nlrari�l calf„ fsi"' work at the rurnber of rdwman s, more 11+a,s Coe site. K. 'Personal in'ur+,y" means injury other than c, Woe-ii tnal part of Inc- -wr;dk acne at a tob site has been put go its unify rnj arp" or "sdverltsxn Injr�r}=` srism inrd out of one or more of the lollo,m.`ry ganizabirtervje s& t�, 1ha px roth ar op- 4ffen9es during the p(Aicy �pQdort; tractzat�,fxo sub ,ham amot`ner working tractor � buf�e�l€lactrr nvr�rkie5g 1, ftalsa arrest, detention or Gmpr son- nothe same pr+nject. went; 'Afork that may, need se^aice, mairrfen- '- malUous prusec atiorr; at'uurr. cofrection. rffsalr or replacefinont,.. byjt which is othervise co p%te, witl 3, the wrongful e-eictidn from, trrcangfdl bo treated as rorrtpt kodl entry isnto or invasion of the r�ght i,:f polvale C*'upaocy of a room. rdcvolieng 3. Pais "pr ,Cfd cc*:lp&+:;rd oporadons premiaes that a paerstrn 0tCUr34es by hazard' does not irelude- "Dodily in- of On behalf of its CMIrror, tandt rd or jury" v "piop rty damage" ransmg out lesser; t 4- a*at, written ielc-vised, videckaped, or a, the transportalior of ptopuAy, un- t3lev,,r1r,ic pubiraaklor, of malt€riau that legs Che injury Or {tat'.niagF aan%e,5 slanders or Fbela a perscm or orrganiza- out of a o7nd4kon ira or on a ve- tian of disparages a pgeaso6s Or ear. haclp cry atz,�l hV the 1xi ading' or ganizatmn's goods, products or ser- `urduadin g" of it; vices; b. the eaisremos of loura, unhislolled 5 rear, vwr'Aten, tell visead, videotaped, or aquipmem cr ahanaQraed OF ura- e`acire,rnic publicagfon a.- mateviaf that utad materials. uiulat�s a ;aaas n's s hil 04 r`ni,acy; M. "F'mTrarty damage" means: 6, mental rnlslry, mental angui t` h rridi- ation, Far shock, if directly reaiulting 9x physical n uryre. to Larroesi;• Lr-,E rty,of unit chsdtng al; resuttng lrrs. rbf of that fr= ftems K-1. through 5, plcoerty. .All such visas <A uGe will be G, 1- Troductts• pi#ted Operations haz- deemed to acr_ur at the lime of the aard" rnearts a8 'bodily Injuty. and oyso[ I irrjvey that caused i6- or `properry damage° from an "ocxxir, 2.Fence" taksmg ptace cruay from prEm- not of use ly 1�iniuralr; pr:]px: ty that rF ices you own or rem aM anrasing rot .� not physically 'sn urad A51 such Ids "your prorduct' Lv -your avar'k" except., Witt fx dantrtc,d to @C_�l1r at tnrO irrnrs rrf the "accrurmnce' `hat rausert �t.. a- pvjdui;Ls that are ON in your ldsfl p ,�s:�icin; or N. "S=.n:'" means a c�+•il parsa?edrnc� which sawKs. mmte ietary damageq because of 'tort• it"g nj••u.y... ..p.rcperty dame,pa" "Fer- CU 6.1 9fi Q6 97 Page 9 of 15) sonal injury," or "advertising injury" to "Your product" does not include vending which this insurance applies. "Suit" in- machines or other property rented to or cludes: located for the use of others but not sold. 1. an arbitration proceeding in which Q. "Your work" means: such damages are claimed and to which you must submit or do submit 1. work or operations performed by you with our consent; or or on your behalf; and 2. any other alternative dispute resolution 2. materials, parts or equipment fur- proceeding in which such damages are nished in connection with such work or claimed and to which you submit with operations. our consent. "Your work" includes: O, "Underlying insurance" means the insur- 1. warranties or representations made at once coverage provided under policies any time with respect to the fitness, shown in the Schedule of Underlying In- surance, or any additional policies agreed quality, durability, performance or use to by us in writing. It includes any policies of "your work"; and issued to replace those policies during the 2. the providing of or failure to provide term of this insurance that provide: warnings or instructions. 1. at least the same policy limits; and VI. Conditions 2. insurance for the same hazards, except A. Appeals as to any modifications which are agreed to by us in writing. If the "Insured" or an "Insured's" under- P. "Your product" means: lying insurers do not appeal a judgment in excess of the "retained limit," we have the 1. Any goods or products, other than real right to make such an appeal. If we elect property, manufactured, sold, handled, to appeal, our liability on such an award or distributed or disposed of by: judgment will not exceed our Limits of Insurance as stated in Item 4. of the Dec- a. you; larations plus the cost and expense of such appeal. b. others trading under your name; or B. Audit c. a person or organization whose We may audit and examine your books business or assets you have ac- and records as they relate to this policy at quired; and any time during the period of this policy and for up to three years after the expira- 2. Containers (other than vehicles) materi- tion or termination of this policy. als, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such goods or pro- C. Bankruptcy or Insolvency ducts. The bankruptcy, insolvency or inability to "Your product" includes: pay of any "Insured" or the bankruptcy, insolvency or inability to pay of any of the 1. warranties or representations made at Underlying Insurers will not relieve us any time with respect to the fitness, from the payment of any "claim" or "suit" quality, durability, performance or use covered by this policy. Under no circum- of "your product"; and stances will such bankruptcy, insolvency or inability to pay require us to drop down 2. the providing of or failure to provide and replace the "retained limit" or assume warnings or instructions. any obligation with the "retained limit" CU 60 02 06 97 (Page 10 of 15) D. Cancelliatkan c0latian and the mceipt nf any rpinird 1. You may carical tiis palicy. You must that may baccH'ne Oayablo LiMer this mail mr deliver advance wrillen notiom to us slaLimj ether, Lhe c8ncellaburi iE 8, Any of these pro-Agionr that ,onflict to lake effect, with a law 1N31. corlyuls the cancolla- firm of the insurance in INN polipy if-.2, We may cancel Ms Policy, If Vie char'qjod by this slaterriont 10 cxxnply because of nicnpuy.-,,nenc of pturniurn- kvilh the taw. we rmisk mail rare deirver to you not tess than fen 1.10t days advar-Da wiRen no. E. iChanges lice, statmg when the G,qnceglikon IS.. to Lake effect. If wde can--W for anV vher Notice ID iny agun' ut knowledge reazA)n, up mast rnaik or fietwer if) voti sensed by ar-y ageni o, any n1hav flr5nn not tsus than 1-hirly (W) days u&anC8 w0l net. elfacy a waNer or a dfiange n any wntlen notice stalvcg ,ert the ca part of ;his hiq rAFcy. Thog otylicy can cmiy be caflatiln is !,:) lakE effc-,A. Mrarding L-itil changed by a writter; endorsemen't Via[ notirp In r')kJ at your mailing address becomes a part qf thip pnficy and that is she w,i in Ram 1, of Die Declarations sigrod by onu of mir auftrized rapre- will bF, suffi,6ew Or pt-j%-e not e -.iamatiyps- 3. Tht� poligy offiorl wAl Pno on #r e day F. Dufti" On The Event of An Otcvrvoiji;e, and houT stated m the cancellation jnc- Claim Gr Suit 1. You mua bee 10 1L Rhal we are oaliferl 4- If wE caps J FIPAI prprm= wrill be cal- as saran as lonwficable af an %xmur- cwoled prsa rasa bused rin, rIho time Itnis renco" whitp, may result i,i a "cla!OTV polity was in frxce. Final premium will MT "SlAir undw this policy. To the ex- not be tess Ifiagi the Pie- toni. possihle, notice will InCude! mium as shown in hem 3. of She DEc� larawns. a. how, Wher, .30d wirleTe We "b-odr- rence" 1poAk Place: 5. If yvju cancel, fnial prey turn MW be more than pTa Tafa- it smll tea based on b. the names and addresses of any the lifne INS pokcy ivau in fovcfu and Jn)Urb'd Pltar%8.-) ar7g] WJtneGSeS. increased by our 5hari rate. 7anaeOlatmn table ard proup-dure. I"Iral peamiuni c. the nawne and focaticin (if any in- will not be less than the %firsimum Pre- jury W darnaga arising tvit of the mkim as sthQxn in lb,-m 1 cf Via.. Dec laratunns, 2- If a %laim' cr "suT' aqainsl any 'in- 6. PrF.mium adjustment may be made at cured" is reaadpably likely to invubva [tie til)e of car:003tiois or as ��jor as this F-egicy -pi rii,ost notiN u-s in writ F,aclicable ffierpaller bul she cancel a_ irig as scar, as practicable, L1071 'will be W&CUIVe evf'n if we I'av" not made or offered any refund due 3. You and anyi other inwolved "Inaumd' you. Our check or our reprasiontaitvo's must: chprk, maned or delivered, MM he suf- a- IMMEdiateRy sand US COPiES Of ficient Lendoir of any refund due any dern.arlds, nodues. Gunlnywls� 7, Th-i,:, fir-,o Named Insured in hem I- �f as or 1p�'gal pApErs rarei-wed in can- [he DucLirations wilf act vl behalf uf nection wilh the "I'lairnq or A other "InFwreln'5" w',th W FA i 4."; the jkfiog wid rL-aaivirig of notiru af b. authnrizp us to obtain re Ards. and Can- &n&x 4ofmadon, CU FQ 32 06 97 (Page 11 15) I c. cooperate with us in the inves- 1. to keep the policies listed in the Sched- tigation, settlement or defense of ule of Underlying Insurance in full the "claim" or "suit"; and force and effect; d. assist us, upon our request, in the 2. that any renewals or replacements of enforcement of any right against the policies listed in the Schedule of any person or organization which Underlying Insurance will not be more may be liable to the "Insured" be- restrictive in coverage; cause of injury or damage to which this insurance may also ap- 3. that the Limits of Insurance of the poli- ply, cies listed in the Schedule of Under- lying Insurance will be maintained ex- 4. The "Insured's" will not, except at cept for any reduction or exhaustion of their own cost, voluntarily make a pay- aggregate limits by payment of ment, assume any obligation, or incur "claims" or "suits" for "occurrences" any expense, other than for first aid, covered by "underlying insurance", without our consent. and G. Inspection 4. that the terms, conditions and endorse- ments of the policies listed in the We have the right, but are not obligated, Schedule of Underlying Insurance will to inspect the premises and operations of not change during the period of this any "Insured" at any time. Our inspections policy such as to increase the coverage are not safety inspections. They relate only afforded under this policy. to the insurability of the premises and op- erations of any "Insured" and the premi- If you fail to comply with these require- ums to be charged. We may give you re- ments, we will only be liable to the same ports on the conditions we find. We may extent that we would have been had you also recommend changes. While they may fully complied with these requirements. help reduce losses, we do not undertake to perform the duty of any person or organi- J. Other Insurance zation to provide for the health or safety of any employees or the public. We do not If other insurance applies to a loss that is warrant that the premises or operations of also covered by this policy, this policy will any "Insured" are safe or healthful or that apply excess of the other insurance. Noth- they comply with laws, regulations, codes ing herein will be construed to make this or standards. policy subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of such other insurance. How- H. Legal Actions Against Us ever, this provision will not apply if the other insurance is specifically written to be There will be no right of action against us excess of this policy. under this insurance unless: K. Premium 1. you have complied with all the terms of this policy; and The first Named Insured designated in Item 1. of the Declarations will be respon- 2. the amount you owe has been deter- sible for payment of all premiums when mined by settlement with our consent due. or by actual trial and final judgment; The premium for this policy will be com- This insurance does not give anyone the puted on the basis set forth in Item 3. of right to add us as a party in an action the Declarations. At the beginning of the against you to determine your liability. policy period, you must pay us the Ad- vance Premium shown in Item 3. of the I. Maintenance of Underlying Insurance Declarations. During the period of this policy, you agree: When this policy expires or if it is can- celed, we will compute the earned pre- mium for the time this policy was in force. If this policy is subject to audit adjust- CU 60 02 06 97 (Page 12 of 15) Meru, the actual exposure basis WE! be Expenses incurred iln the exercise of dqh',s umd to Mmpute the fjair;cd iororniarn. ;f Uf V&DOVAry wiirl rAl apporliored beNvetn the earred premium is greater than the the ini-prest-;, jrcluding the "Insured," in A&aPG& Promwrn,, you will pfo&p%, py thYo rallo ij, thb�ir rfjs.11&cM, rvicoyu,�ies was us the difference. If the earned prarrEirlm, Is finaOy getitec. less MOT] Vie ACiaqler; Premlum we WIN return the difference to you. Sue in any N. Terms Conformed to Sta"e, eyerit wt will retain mo W rilrV,um Pre= riburn as shmvn, in Item. 3� of the Derjara- The terms or this Policy -whch are in oorl,- Mons, for aach twelve Inulift- of 00f rzjlqcy dice 'with She stoliJes of the slate wbeTe perind, this Policy is issued are amended 10 Cori- FC/rM 10 "unin 54"Votas L- Separation of Insureds if t4= are orev"- d by la N x sla[Wa from Exuupo, with respect to our LirrAls of lreuur- pityprig an bel-AH of an Insurud,' thjr, -we ancx-- and sn-y rlq)t5 or dl&e5 5peclfizaloy vid, kvher� oe-m-imed by law or swtutp, assigned to tie first Named Insured des- indermnify the "knsurotj" for those sums in qnated Ill hl(�,M 1� of the Deck e�,cps�, 1:vf the 'riataipeu linid I jLral�orls, thm n2uIrimcp applies: 0. Transfer of Yaur Rights And Duties 1. as J slairlb Named Insured were the iainly NarnpA lnsijrpoi and YDur rights and duties jrideir Ibis po;m-V rrioy not k.- tr@,)qfeq0a vyllh.out our wmlon Z swarately ;o eaf,,h Insured" con rat. Nlyhorn "claim, rs made or 's u;r tf you dip- w am legelty declared bankr,,LjF,4, 13 +.qw, Nioue rqhts anti (Mies WIN 1219 tfarlocvred M. Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against to youT legal represpnMtrve but ortEy while Others to Us acting withm Elie Scrape of dbt-98 as your legal rapres--irita"iye- FDwevar, ripfir,,e of Of ary 'lnsufed has right-, la rOco.ver @q of capoelfator, V-vt to the 1`tfst Narriec, tin- part of any paynnerit we have made under cured designated Ln Ilem I- rJ the Declare- th7s "Wiry- thoso ngMs are VanJvfr&d to lions anid inailed 0`1 the aildvess sho�,jn fll U-R. The 'Jr,,5uTLd' muss dr� nothing afier this pchey wilt be 5uffir�jerlt r4jjr_a to affect loss if,, impair rbose repts and roust oelp qNs Po". Lr, enforce thern- Fl- Whent Loss Is P4iyA610 Any racoverles WR be applied as Folio Ns: Coverage tinder 1his policy wiH rol appAy 1- any "41tiemsLs, inducing thti "Insured," untass and unIA Any 'Insured" or an -In- that fl&ve paia an amount p exces,5 of PurfA -,4 i4pyledying in5ure-, is onligated to cur Wayrnont under this polir.y will be pay the- 'Taiainacl orris." mlmbt=rsed fimi, ififfier. tho+ amount of loss has finally been 2, we rhen wall he reirnhur5eli up to the CWerrmrer , ifiAie will pirLrnpity pay on be.- EncurA we Ilave paid; and haif of the 'Irsured' the amg3unl of loss falling A-(thin the. Iennz of this policy, 3- lasEy. any ;ntemsis ir,,,-Judirig the In- curs d! over Whio C)Ijr in5uranr� -e is Ycu wiH pmmptly mirri.bume ur, for any arm ertitkid to clainn liho resi- amount With!-') Mc Se1F-4,iwftd R ailtloo due, adliarcad by as at QL.,r discretion an behaff of any 'hl-urr�i.® Gil &C, 02 06 97 dFae 3,9 in. f NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY EXCLUSION This policy does not apply to: Canada, this Exclusion 2.c. applies only to "nuclear property damage" to such "nu- 1. Any liability, injury or damage: clear facility" and any property therein. a. with respect to which any "Insured" under 3. As used in this exclusion: the policy is also an "Insured" under a nuclear energy liability policy issued by a. "Hazardous properties" includes radioac- Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Associ- tive, toxic or explosive properties. ation, Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Un- derwriters, Nuclear Insurance Association b. "Nuclear facility" means: of Canada or any of their successors, or would be an "Insured" under any such L any "nuclear reactor"; policy but for its termination upon exhaus- H. any equipment or device designed or tion of its Limits of Insurance; or used for b, resulting from the "hazardous properties" of "nuclear material" and with respect to (1) separating the isotopes of urani- which (a) a person or organization is re- quired to maintain financial protection pur- (2) processing or utilizing "spent suant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or fuel" or any law amendatory thereof, or (b) any "Insured" is, or had this policy not been (3) handling, processing or packaging issued would be, entitled to indemnity "nuclear waste"; from the United States of America, or any agency thereof, under any agreement en- ill. any equipment or device used for the tered into by the United States of America, processing, fabricating or alloying of or any agency thereof, with any person or "special nuclear material" if at any organization. time the total amount of such material in the custody of any "Insured" at the 2. Any injury or "nuclear property damage" re- premises where such equipment or de- sulting from the "hazardous properties" of vice is located consists of or contains "nuclear material," if: more than 25 grams of plutonium or uranium 233 or any combination there- a. the "nuclear material" (a) is at any "nu- of, or more than 250 grams of uranium clear facility" owned by, or operated by or 235; on behalf of, any "Insured" or (b) has been discharged or dispersed therefrom; iv. any structure, basin, excavation, prem- ises or place prepared or used for the b. the "nuclear material" is contained in storage or disposal of, "nuclear "spent fuel" or "nuclear waste" at any waste," and includes the site on which time possessed, handled, used, processed, any of the foregoing is located, all op- stored, transported or disposed of by or on erations considered on such site and behalf of any "Insured" or all premises used for such operations. c. the injury or "nuclear property damage" c. "Nuclear material" means "source mate- arises out of the furnishing by any "In- rial," "special nuclear material" or by- sured" of services, materials, parts or product material. equipment in connection with the plan- ning, construction, maintenance, operation d. "Nuclear property damage" includes all or use of any "nuclear facility," but if such forms of radioactive contamination of facility is located within the United States property. of America, its territories or possessions or CU 60 02 06 97 (Page 14 of 15) e. 'Nijelear reacw' MeEMS aT1V aplZWEnUS g- "Swrcc materiel,' "special nudear male- 608u,goed of -usM to susllaln nuclear fission and 'by-OrcCua rnaterM' have the in 8 sRif-supopninq rf:arn rpantbn ix to maantng5 9wen them in the Atom4' En- conWir, a ,:fidcal mass M rissionabje nl@,- ergy Act of 1954 & in any law wnwandatofy Mfial. thereof. f- "Nut3ear vdusle' means aziy rwcWar waste k "Sperr! Fuel" means any lu& element or material (0) TMMMOng "'by-PSM. Lka M91e- fuel component, sohcl or kquio, whia^b ha-5 ral" Orier MAn lbe tailings tit nuclear baen usud or exposed W iadwior in a waste rwr4wpol bV the. exifw 7)n or cor1 ":noclear rearlor." centration cl waniurn or thorwra from Carey ore prrycpsapd primadIV for its "sgur:p ma, Thts does not charge ane oth-er pro- terial' Cx)r48r-[, and (b) resuffing front thQ Vision of ffm Policy- : peratico by ariV pergon or rvg *MIA= pRizarKin rA any 'nuduar facility" mclu&d within the defiffidon or "nuclear tar ililY u-qdef Para- graph 3.b.i. or 3.b.4. In Atitnoss Whereof, we, ha'ie cau, a laic or,-flty to be execuled and attestc,4 L-it this pokuy WiM r'.Ql Do Valid unless o7juntersign-ed by [Vne Of OUT dUlY qLgthod-,ad repres-antalives, Aere Tefluireff nV Aw. QtJ 60 02 M 97 f P;3qe IS of 15) CU 60 30 06 97 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. CARE, CUSTODY OR CONTROL EXCLUSION o REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY The following exclusion is added to Section IV - EXCLUSIONS: Any "property damage" to real or personal property in the care, custody or control of any "Insured," or loaned to any 'Insured," or used, rented, or occupied by any "Insured," or as to which any "Insured" is for any purpose exercising physical control. This endorsement does not change any other provision of the policy. I I Cu 60 30 06 97 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA Cl! F>U 39 01 1 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, RLEASEREA0IT CAREFULLY, CAP ON LOSSES FROM CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRORISM TNs ert or3d:rroM rrmdifies insurance la�aavd4d under the toliorm gg, COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA GCVERAGE FORM If aggregafp rmsurred losst'3 aunbut ole to tr frorist acts c rtifi-i ur Jar the farlural Tefroowl R�sk Insurance Act exceed '$!GO b4ian in a calendar year and we have met our insurer deduclible under the Tewfou < fis=k Insurance act. +rxr snarl cart be kable For the oaymem of any pofrion of thou -e.mount of su&i losses that exceeds $100 bllFirwn., and in such case insured basses tip to that ammount are subjerA to p(o W@ allocation No zaG ordar`Sca with pr&-rledu;res by 9-'•c Secretary of ilea Tremmry'. 'Corlified um of terromsrn" metans an act that is ccrtitled ry tr* .`6cretary of rie Treasury, in as ordance WIEn =.he provisions caf the federal Terrorism, Risk tnsuram= Act to ae an ac± of terrorism pixrsuani to surxa Act 't?tc entona nta.ncd in tktu Toaceisrn ftk Insuransv. Act fiat a %ertiflrsrJ a_t of tr rronsne" indlude the frrllovuing: _ 1. The act resulted In muumd i s in exeess crf $ , snillmi n in the aggregate, attribuiatge tt, all types (if insurance smbjeccl r, the Teryorism R sk lnsursnee ,Art; .and 2. T-he act is a. violent azt or an act that is dangerous to human life, pr-Dpedy or infaastrur.lure- and is cLm"'J1ttoo uy an Vn6vIdual indwiCuals as purl. of 30 effort V., coorce the crviian pxloutaliort Cif the: United States rr M. inflauenca_ We policy ar affed the conduit ci the Un'lad .states Goxenmen b,? crjefclC ri. The teens and al rrWlons of ar5y zcfronsm axclusw.. or tree. inapoccayilityr Cie of a t&'wo n's axrffr, ion, dQ not serif 20 create coverage for injury or damage €ha is alfiermse excluded urrler this prallacy. This Pndorsemenl rkaei� not char-ge, any Other prosi5ir)n of the piolic-y, '�' '��'td Liur'�t+j��utual dnsuranas CU 60 30 01 15 Incdudes copyrighted maLm.al A Insurance jai estl 9 .1 r+ wih �s permission. Pie 1 of 1 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CU 60 40 01 15 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. UNDERLYING COVERAGE REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRORISM With respect to any one or more 'certified acts of terrorism," we will be liable only for that portion of damages, subject to the Each Occurrence Limit stated in the Declarations, in excess of the total amounts stated as the applicable limits of the underlying policies listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance and the applicable limits of any other insurance providing coverage to the 'Insured" during the Policy Period. If you fail to comply with this Underlying Coverage Requirement for "Certified Acts of Terrorism" and you do not maintain your underlying limits as scheduled, we will only be liable to the same extent that we would have been had you fully complied with this Requirement. "Certified act of terrorism" means an act that is certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in accordance with the provisions of the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, to be an act of terrorism pursuant to such Act. The criteria contained in the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act for a "certified act of terrorism" include the following: 1. The act resulted in insured losses in excess of $5 million in the aggregate, attributable to all types of insurance subject to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act; and 2. The act is a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human life, property or infrastructure and is committed by an individual or individuals as part of an effort to coerce the civilian population of the United States or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of the United States Government by coercion. This exclusion does not apply to the extent that insurance is provided by a policy listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance, and for no broader coverage than is provided by such policy. This endorsement does not change any other provision of the policy. 2015Liberty Mutual Insurance CU 60 40 01 15 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 1 of 1 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CU 61 06 01 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES T14E POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AUTO LIABILITY - FOLLOWING FORM Tims ovodllies ,rsurarcia and the folIawing COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA C(WERAGERAPT 1, Thelollowing exulusiun Es added to Sudim IV. -EXCLUSIONS. This iasurarlca ftes 11,W app/ to, Ar" fiWity ah5lrg) c�tjl of di-R cj�xne_vcA�p, rnajrtei�Arjce, Lis,- c,.r erqriAs� lit tcA Ptheis of any y Wr�e nAchjcta:g Operation and "IwIdog' vi 'unloading". ThIs exclusi�ln apprius vvsr, it the ctAvn against any lm)real alh�,kge r�egligencv or tjhw wrongCouiC in 1hq 51jnerviS,',on, horing, e.molo ment, reaminc nnunlklolirlg of Qffi'ars by Lhal "Insurcl'. Tails exclusluii doc-, riot appiy !o the &Ktont lr�@l jnGGW+ for SU-11 110blMy 1S V(A(Aed by a prfty 1173led in the Schedule of dridefiViog Insurance, and for no broader cxweraq., than 19 provided by qL.W-h policy mmi-m- 2. Paragraph B.under Section V. DEFINITIONS i�� rqAacad by tha rzdkmir�y: ®. "Aito' rn&ans an auto as i* is dOined In Lhe @fjplicaLfe "undody'iilg OSJr_.W'Ca"r liv, &rld&1s&mc-oq Ims ;Nv oarlAge my oplef provislon of the px3br4' "I 20121-i—tyMulualirwrance CU 61 06 01 13 includes copyrigrited mamnal of nEjjranc*,Servcr2E Offbe,log_with As permle8lorl. Page 1 Df I CU 61 15 07 14 I THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS OR SURVEYORS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY EXCLUSION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE PART The following exclusion is added to Section IV. -EXCLUSIONS: This insurance does not apply to: Any liability arising out of the rendering of or failure to render any professional services by you or any engineer, architect or surveyor who is either employed by you or performing work on your behalf in such capacity. Professional services include: 1. the preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; and 2. supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. This exclusion applies even if the "claims" against any 'Insured" allege negligence or other wrong- doing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that 'Insured", if the 'occurrence", 'offense" or other act, error or omission involved the rendering of or failure to render any professional services by you or any engineer, architect or surveyor who is either em- ployed by you or performing work on your behalf in such capacity. This endorsement does not change any other provision of the policy. 0 2014Liberty Mutual Insurance.All rights reserved. CU 61 15 07 14 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 1 of 1 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. W'ASHINGTON CHANGES - CANCELLATION AND NONRENEWAL.. Thys enflcK5efinen5 inodilies Anzurarice pfav^ded uncer the friltawaing. CGMft ERCh t. WAFRFLLA CO),ERA EPART EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART 1. Condition, 13_ Cancelletcn under Section Vl- Conditions is reWmred by the following- t9_ Cancellation _ 1. The first Nartmwd Ingirf&d stvyv n fit the may cannel ING policy by nohry1m.1 us drl than insurance Producer in one of t`re folluvrng t€ayy : a_ IjVFitLarr native by mail- fax or e-mail. la. '':uriffnic r of the iofh p ar urc3r. 'r; or c. Verbal notice, UpGn insce Pt of such "lice eve will cancel this policy or any binder issued as w4idence of effeobve on Me later of Ik following! a, Tho date or wh wh notice is rece=ved of the policy cr binder is starrendared; or b. The date a€ cancellation regueatetl by the first Named Insured. 2. We may !avails€ this panty by mailing or delivering tc the first Kat d mSured and ire first Nameo insfued`; argent or brraker wrat`er nonce of c;:rarw.etlgllon, ncludjnq the acttr:al rc amn fear the cancellation. to the last mailing address known to us, al least: a, 10 days before the effective date of caffA talior, 4 we carioet for nonioa)(mert of pfamium, 17 b, 45 days before ltje effective data or sancellabsin it we cancel ff r any other reason. Wo ,,`ill also ma.1l or :jelr r to any nlo0g ige noider, atfigoe fo other vemon -,howo ffn this Pn€iny to have an in.Iareat in any Irss which may cccar tender his policy al their 'last mei.lina Mdress kraomrl io Lis.. swrilYien notice of caroel?all€n, tirif To ltr effective dale of caN,*dlabon. This notice will be the same as 11ha1 mailed cr delivered to the first Named Insured- Q. Notice; of tartcellatrun wilt slate the effective hate of cancellation. The Poi-rcy peflud will end on that +del'on, I . of this. Polany =s cancelled, we will sand the tirsl Named insured any premium refund glue. If we cancel, tt=e rr furld a,ill be Pro raata, If the first Narned lrva:uaed cancels, the refund '41 be at feet 90% of the pro Tea refund". The cancellaan vrdl be ef€ectvL- even if we have nrd made or offered a rverurA, 6, if rx«„ice is F"a ded' Proof of raWadiN Witt bf, 5etiffivient proof of rrrrlt , 2. The following Condition is ad&d to Section V1. Conditions and supersedes any provi -a to lt-n cor,- lrary: Nonrermwtal `26111 erh+ rvtb,tual insurarre Ccirraany.All rights reserved, CU 61 90 013 10 IncludesLopyriyghted aratenal c�f Insuranc*Seri:res Office,Ins fv,.th Pis permission. Page 1 of 2 We may elect not to renew this policy by mailing or delivering written notice of nonrenewal, stating the reasons for nonrenewal, to the first Named Insured and the Named Insured's agent or broker, at their last mailing addresses known to us. We will also mail to any mortgage holder, pledge or other person shown in the policy to have an interest in any loss which may occur under this policy, at their last mailing address known to us, written notice of nonrenewal. We will mail or deliver these notices at least 45 days before the: 1. Expiration of the policy; or 2. Anniversary date of this policy if this policy has been written for a term of more than one year. Otherwise, we will renew this policy unless: 1. The first Named Insured fails to pay the renewal premium after we have expressed our willingness to renew, including a statement of the renewal premium, to the first Named Insured and the first Named Insured's insurance agent, at least 20 days before the expiration date; or 2. Other coverage acceptable to the "Insured" has been procured prior to the expiration date of the policy; or 3. The policy clearly states that it is not renewable, and is for a specific line, subclassification, or type of coverage that is not offered on a renewable basis. i ii t IL2010 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company.All rights reserved. CU 61 90 08 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 2 of 2 GU 63 44 06 97 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. FOREIGN LIABILITY - FOLLOWING FORM Rie following exc4u5ion ju added ku Sectiun IV - EXCLUSIONS- Any 'budiN, z ury," "prqjertv darnaga ' "parsmal JnFury.' or "advertising grifur-y' which occurs outsde 311d PN-SeSSOP& PUerlo Roam, ror Canada, except to the e0ent IhA�,& UnitpA staies of America- i�.s tdat such irxSuFance is provided by a ptdicy k ter in 'lire SchHdule ol UrAerfrog Insurame, and for no mehki�k brc)arrle( Ggvefage thart ii pro-Acied 5? such VjW.V, 71-ii& PnrjG,,,%"rev dries not Oange any other p4rivi5iorl of the prdipV, Cld 63 44 M V COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CU 64 30 12 04 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. WASHINGTON FUNGI OR BACTERIA EXCLUSION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE PART The following is added to Section IV-Exclusions: This insurance does not apply to: 1. 'Bodily injury", or "property damage", "personal injury" or "advertising injury" which would not have occurred, in whole or in part, but for the actual, alleged or threatened inhalation of, ingestion of, contact with, exposure to, existence of, or presence of, any "fungi" or bacteria on or within a building or structure, including its contents. 2. Any loss, cost or expenses arising out of the abating, testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, remov- ing, containing, treating, detoxifying, neutralizing, remediating or disposing of, or in any way responding to, or assessing the effects of, "fungi," or bacteria, by any "Insured" or by any other person or entity. This exclusion does not apply to any 'fungi" or bacteria that are, are on, or are contained in, a good or product intended for bodily consumption, but only to the extent that insurance is provided by a policy listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance, and for no broader coverage than is provided by such policy. For the purposes of this endorsement, 'fungi" means any type or form of fungus, including mold or mildew and any mycotoxins, spores, scents or by- products produced or released by fungi. This endorsement does not change any other provision of the policy. i CU 64 30 12 04 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,with its permission. Page 1 of 1 CU §a 32 (E& 03 99) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. P1 ASEPEAD IT CAREFULLY. WAS INGTON ASBESTOS EXCLUSION C c!us�ora N. is dw lutbd frorrr seocwii IM , EXCLUSIONS and is k€ I real by the followmg, kr1 tlafvilily Ircludg-1�, but not hmitod t ftfe v5e at€, ud r n4s, cats, t ar s sz, cns s costs ut n°:ti > fly jcns., or fnc. fees rf attorneys, experts., or conaAltama ,arising out of w related in any way, either directly or €vti reap [x5: 1, 1hp in"c amn ;,nge,ton or trclorbged pbywal exposure to, asbestos or goods or prod%icts cr_nta:nmg ' ashasnr�s: 2, It-* use of aGbeslos in c,.nstructir�g or rnalnufacIturing anp goody, prWurt or s€ructwe; 3, khe ov mvgal of asbestos fron, any ga>ad, p4nduct car V ckve: or 4. the mAruiacture sale: lramr.orlaahm, stDrage or dispcsek of asbestos or qpn s or pacducts contain€ng Thes o11d&sernar1t dees nc;l charxj0, o"qy 01,jer provis era of they pal cy; 4W 64 32 03 99 Page 3 of 1 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CU 64 79 05 09 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. RECORDING AND DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL OR INFORMATION IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW EXCLUSION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE PART The following exclusion is added to Section IV - Exclusions: This insurance does not apply to: Any liability arising directly or indirectly out of any action or omission that violates or is alleged to violate: 1. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), including any amendment of or addition to such law; 2. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, including any amendment of or addition to such law; 3. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and any amendment of or addition to such law, including the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA); or 4. Any federal, state or local statute, ordinance or regulation, other than TCPA, CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 or FCRA and their amendments and additions, that addresses, prohibits, or limits the printing, dissemination, disposal, collecting, recording, sending, transmitting, communicating or distribution of material or information. This endorsement does not change any other provision of the policy. CU 64 79 05 09 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,with its permission. Page 1 of 1 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY- AMENDMENT - ELECTRONIC DArTA. This, rail sir srrl MOc"ihrss n,suran prowdr%l umdor Lie fralko w'xiq: COA MERC IAL UNiSRELLA WIWERA,GE PAR f A_ The faftwing uxeusiw is added to Ssclion IV, EXCLUSIONS: Ths msuran} t1ee-3 not apply to Damage s adsi g o: jt of the loss a7: toss of Lfs,� of damage log con ipt4wi of, iriaat�jhly" ',o .?dfiF_sz., or tr,abilrty as manipulate "e;ectrnanirc da€a This exclusion does not apply Io liability for dansgos L�-csuse rf "Wudily miury", but only V.� "Pw extent that risuran+e- is prr„iderl for sw-A darnales iay a policy hsted in She Schedule of Uodarlyinj IsrQurence, and for inb bT adar co,refage than is pru- vided ny such policy. B- Set:Kan N. DEFINITIONS is amerded as lrailo-rwy.: 1. Gehrtibwi M- is replaced by the follak,nng: V. 'Prripwt} dam gti" mans,: , Phy,&c irtivy to tangrhi- property, indiAding and resultfrlg kyss of +rse of that rwc p rxl. All such loss Of use shad be deernod tv ccuer at 3�S Line Of the phv=x;ai miuury 1hal caused it; or 2. loss of use of tar;g>hfe prnpe=ty °ehal rs not ;physically injured, all such lots=; of rise shall tee de r ud to occur at Mo gtTie of the "otU4-,retuxt" Vint Gaudaor.I ig_ Fctr the. purposes of tN5 ;nswranze "el-cnnn=rj da16° A rvol targry btu properly. 2, For lf�p PUTpOees of shis andorsarnent., the #hiring deliDifion is added: `Efectrorim data. means rniorroalion, larLS -or programs stored as or on. treated or used on, or transrnMed to nr trcttm crwnr-Aer xntware, Irclud=ng systems amd eppli Wions srsfware, hard or frippy disks, CE-Fdr PAP, 01speS, drives, cells., data proves-sing c?sv co-s or any oilh+ar r"dia whirlh are usad vdAh efiemnironif,al1v ccsrtmlleer e uipmenl. I-his andorsar nt odes not change any other provision of the policy. ea 2014 L ibarty tvluC a6 Insvgsnce AL&r"jhte re;erwsrf. CI1 64 82 07 14 Inr_tudw anipyrighted rrtnk,; ml >l Iri;,trnYto�Serrc er,oPtice,Isar. w ih at Is6'trBli irlli. Page "I of I i I CU 64 87 10 05 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ECONOMIC OR TRADE SANCTIONS CONDITION ENDORSEMENT The following is added to Section VI -CONDITIONS: Economic or Trade Sanctions If coverage for a claim or suit under this policy is in violation of any United States of America economic or trade sanctions, including but not limited to, sanctions administered and enforced by the United States Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC"), then coverage for that claim or suit will be null and void. This endorsement does not change any other provision of the policy. CU 64 87 10 05 CU 64 92 01 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. MOBILE EQUIPMENT - FOLLOWING FORM Thas enduiSeenent caddies 3n8vuramLe pK"vAed und�jr the kAlu°n•insg: COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CO%rERAGEPART z 1. The dQlloiving exrlusian i5 added tri met or. IV -EXCLUSIONS: This inzurar:oe doses ranh appty tr: '. Any liability for of arlskng out �t IN2 Ggvixjn.hr}l,. ),at{Iraljanoe l-rm �5{ .trVuSL`?'rem to o[frors Y ,vij,. mobile equipmem". U" includes weratarrr and ,laadinq' or This E>.,risian ;K*Rs even 4 IN calm: a,gaiml any lmjrerr ally.+4u r pllgnn or other ww°rurgcr ping +rr the aupfrtlsltor"" rririncg, employment, `arairing air ,.�.mitcaring of nShers tfy the "insured'. This exclusion does not apply to the exlerl chat ivasurance for such IlatAity is Provided by a p>ol,r_.y listed ur thr• S[chertule of tfnrsedying Ir,5l xance, and for nn tiroma,er sovem;age n,,irl le prgwideA o7 such pollry 2. FarMbgmp+h... I. ur;ier Section V. DEFINITIONS m repla.;ed by the FaRIc irsg: L 'Mobile equiprnmT' means nloLde equipment as ! is defined rn the applicable 'urAerly;ng insur- Lnro", This, endwsement does not char-ge ear,, aVier pmviai€an a' the FaPmy. '�' T'.=5`�Litz�f 4+lub�al irsur:3n>:r� CU 64 92 01 13 Includes copyrighted mat_r:al al InsuranceSer,aes e1?H��•Idc .w lh �:R permission. Pafpe 1 of I CU 64 95 12 07 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against any person or organization for whom you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us to the extent that such insurance is provided by a policy listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance, and for no broader coverage than is provided by such policy. This endorsement does not change any other provisions of the policy. CU 64 95 12 07 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA DU 65 08 41 15 THIS ENDORSEMENT CH NUES. THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CARE FULLY, EXCLUSION OF PUNITIVE DAMAGES RELATED TO A CERTIFIED ACT OF TERRORISM Thy erdorsement nN3 ditee i insitrans,a lutvnded order the following: GfUi,MERCK 'UMBRELLA Gt irER,AGE 'ORM A, Ttie folio=a ng twwusior, I, atldad. Triii F irrsurarire irx k not appi In° TERRORISM PUNITIVE DAMAGES f au-ages add iny, dir t'dy jr sndirar Iy, out of a 'cvolif€d act of kerrarim' that .era av,,8rdEld as ounilive d+'.frna""3 B. Tne follnwmc def3mL n is added_ v "Ceraliec aft ut Lerrrorisrs' means an acI .haE is certified by the Secretary of 1ha Treasury. in accorrar+re vv0 the prnvisionF of the federal Ter€seism Fisk hisura nib Art, to k.e an art of tewron&m pursuarit to such Act. The criteria s unta€q&d rn the Terrorism Rime Insurance Ac4 fca e "certkbed ea t of terTonsrnt irxlude =,hae followrig: 1. The act resulted in insuied Iosse.s it, eseeca of $5 mill inn in Inc. aggreyafe, artntiutaLle to all ty"a of irisuraricc subject to the Terrorism Risk lnsi.rarirx: Act: and 2'., The act is a '.'iolF-n° act or an act that is (fa rf gerotis to Nt roan life, proper y or infrac.imi time ;and it, committed by an cndiwidual cx indiviftals yQ par. & are eflorl to courc.a the civilian Ix.;p+ulatiun of rmF tlnrrl!d S 3es ca to irft enoe }he policy or affect the canrurl of the Urriteo States C,u„nernrrant by manxen. C, ttio tc Ins aA lo-ntatyls of any terrorisrn om i;usloh, or lho Ir4app3icabfilty o< ofnlssioY of a Terrahsm exc;iva , do imt serve to create rcvw.age for injury or dar>eage 11hai. is c,tnemsa excluded under Ibis Jc:flcy' Thrs endlrrrsernent sloes rrnl ch+am ge. any ..,rth�,r prr,uision rf the pollrw. �' ��f.'s Lit�zltf'9rlutusl 3rrsurar�l:e CiJ 65 138 01 15 In.luur� s upprighio. l rwle ial wr Iri.v2nextyer,s:rs O fic ,Im anlh xIk nurrni Aun. Page 1 of 1 f COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CU88011202 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. WAR LIABILITY EXCLUSION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE PART Exclusion M. under Section IV - Exclusions is replaced by the following: This insurance does not apply to: M. "Bodily injury", "property damage", "personal injury' or "advertising injury", however caused, arising, directly or indirectly, out of: 1. War, including undeclared or civil war; or 2. Warlike action by a military force, including action in hindering or defending against an actual or expected attack, by any government, sovereign or other authority using military personnel or other agents; or 3. Insurrection, rebellion, revolution, usurped power, or action taken by governmental authority in hindering or defending against any of these. This endorsement does not change any other provision of the policy. CU 88 01 12 02 Includes co ri hted material of Insurance Services Office,with Its permission. Page 1 of 1 PY 9 9 CU 88 04 0714 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EXCLUSION Thrss ar dorsemant rrondlfies insurance pfuwblot: ourider the lolloiving: COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE FART The 6aKowinq exclu km ss added to aernion IV. , EDtCLUSIGNS_, This insurance does not app3y to: 't bdlly Kijury. pfupejilgy daamn jo", "aersorial aili N," , "admr Aisirg sntury'' tx "per aonal and adverlis:ng injure:' cam-ged by Ohre rendering of or failure to render any pfGiessio.nal seraire. This inuludss but ss llul trnatred lo: 1. Legw.. accounting or acl'.arrsand sr ry ce s; 2_ Rreparnq° appnovirg, or "ailing to prepare or apparrue maps, rxraw ngs opinions, reports. surveys, Charge or am, dra-sr[jnss or specrScaborts; Moog 1 Supervisory, ir5sVe-cSlrin or ervgmee-Its wPsvlces; & Medical surgit:.al, dental, x-my car nursinq nproicias tr?atrnem, advice or insfruction; 8. Any h-Mlh ur thierapeuli°c service treatstaant, advice or inhtnxtiurt; 6. Any s—onyieca, iro aLi"'arafel, ada ae rar ensVurAiao for lf%a tiro " of appearance or siren enhance- m2nt, hair removal of replacement or rynersonal gTQoming; T_ Liplometry cK optliaal or hearing aid services enssudir3g the prescribing, prepar�atiL Ching, C&8r, 3r'"e`..tf{'7tcl3n or r 15'triouriGin of 471i Balmer, lenses and Fmikar prodiucls or heannigi air{ 8. Sfscly° Kati= bn4j sfrriu-s; and 9, r n ice an Me pear-ton of pnarrnacy This exchmon applies even ci tree "claims' again ! any "Insured" agege neglagafr+ce or irthw kvrx)grJoirt rrt tt i =upefvislar, hiring. ", ip4tym&nr, tr°aarlrnrj or r-vDnitoting of others b llnal 'Insured", if the "ocrurrenca" `ref enise" ra other act, error or gmission involved the r..nderno of or Iailrir€ to rordor any proffissoinaa sor,v°icc. Th:ia endoFNemem We— rm chanUe: any other provision t)i :he polio �' zCitd i_rlaaeif rdlra5�9 In�u+z3s�r:�.r'atii fist!€5 rzvart. CU 98 04 07 14 lnr.,ljdo.s,�A)pyrightod reawral rf lrruranre3orrces Office.I .r Mih iir,,pprmirzion Pap 1 of 1 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CU 88 27 12 07 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. WASHINGTON EMPLOYMENT-RELATED PRACTICES EXCLUSION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE PART Exclusion O. under Section IV - Exclusions is replaced by the following: This insurance does not apply to: O. "Bodily injury", "personal injury" or "advertising injury" to: 1. A person arising out of any: a. Refusal to employ that person; b. Termination of that person's employment; or c. Employment-related practices, policies, acts or omissions, such as coercion, demotion, evaluation, reassignment, discipline, defamation, harassment, humiliation, discrimination or malicious prosecution directed at that person; or 2. The spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of that person as a consequence of "bodily injury" j to that person at whom any of the employment-related practices described in Paragraphs 1.a., 1.b., or 1.c. above is directed. This exclusion applies: 1. Whether the injury-causing event described in Paragraphs 1.a., 1.b. or 1.c. above occurs before employment, during employment or after employment of that person; 2. Whether the insured may be liable as an employer or in any other capacity; and 3. To any obligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because of the injury. However, Paragraphs 1.a, and 2, of this exclusion do not apply if such "bodily injury", "personal injury" or "advertising injury" is sustained by any employee of the insured whose employment is subject to the Industrial Insurance Act of Washington (Washington Revised Code Title 51). This endorsement does not change any other provision of the policy. i I� CU 88 27 12 07 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,with Its permission Page 1 of 1 COMMERCIAL MERCIAL UMBRELLA CU 88 31 05 Og THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY - FOLLOWING FORE Thep arrricKsemem rromi'le3 insurarrre jaruwderc undiier the following COMIAERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE PART 6—� A SECTION t. COVERAGE under the INSURING AGREEMENTS h replaced by the following: I. COVERAGE. A, Via wrll paay on t-�hatf of the "tnsrlred" those surnzi in excess >f the "Ratxinp,�l Limit` that the "Insured" Loecmoas legally obligated to pay Ly r€iison of iiauitiiy imposed by, law nt3 as8umed by the 'insured" under are "inauree roniract` N-c:au�p i i "bodily Injury'', "prcfararty, clarnage" or `personal And adviLwksirig +np y" to •, lvch 'his insurance applies The amount we acid Gay fc:v rt3rra wa is limited as :dp,scdbedf in the INSURING AGREEMENT, SECTPON II, LIMITS Of INSURANCE, No oL`rer otiligatron ur liability to ,say suo s or perform acts or services is covered snlaa5; ex:pticily, pruvidino fur under SECTION Ip, DEFENSE, Boom E1- This fnaurence applies tot 1. odify i,-ijury" ur 'property damago" one} it a, Tor.. "hrAi1 y injury" cf 'prope+ ,'y+ damage' ocrrirs during tine Polis..y Period: and b. The "bodily injwTy+ or 'properly d,arnegW is caused by an 'occurrence" nappening attywha=e, and C. Prir fca the Pn6cy Pan , not 'Irsuted' listed unner p,ragr,,-Pr5 1-a,, 2., 3, or 4. G-f dehnrt✓ufli F, under SECTION V. DEFINITIONS, and rrn empluyee authorized by you to give or receive r irre of in `ocr irrence' 4w "claW, knew that Iha? 'bodily uijtlr°y" or "propery damage" had occurred, in wehole €rr in part. It such a listed `Insured" or alatbo tied arnptoyee knew. prior ha lhN- Potticy Fe"A that than "bscdily injury" or "prupeoy damag€' occurred, theta any tonfinuaaior., change or resuntptun o` such "bodily injury" ix "prop i"y damage' dairurrg ty after the Policy Period wiN ba deemed to have been Ks:`wmn ;prints to the Party Period. 2, 'Personal and advertising injury' .:.au5ecol by an 'offac W wising Maui of your business but Grlly if the 'otlerl�a" 'was committed iurkig the Pcticy Peflod_ C, "E,adily irijury` or "propemy fJamaagie" which tx;curs Cuelnra the,! NRiic;< Pe lod and way not, prior zc the Policy Pernd, !"mvn to, have occurred by ary++ 'Insured" listed under paragraphs 1.a., 2., 3, pr 4, of doflirialon I . atn Eder EECTIi V. DEFINITIONS, or any ornployet authoroza{# try you to give or receive notice of an "pccurrence" or `claret", includes any continuation, change or ynrptr r of that 't udI n11 ry" o< '"pre perl d danrago' afVur II , enJ of the Puticy Patir7d, 0 't'iocrjly injury" or "ptaaperty damirga" vAl be de?mad In have been ~mown in have ocr-weed at the earliest time when any "Insured" listed under paragrapr,s 1.a., 2., 3. or d. ref delMnitian F. unclef SECTION V, CIEFINITIONS, or any e-nr .iyer auihc�rized by you to giye or receive notir_e of an "occaurrar e" o 'claim': 1, Reports all, or any part: of the "bodily nury .or 'properby damagW to tJ,s car ,any rain+ar insurer: 1 Redo s3. a w fitter, rt verbal dr rnand of `daam" for d:3rnuues ber-ause of 'tvdlly jntu ftr" ar property damage";, or 3. Bacornes aware by any other means that 'bodily injury" or 'propeer y darnage" has oc- rurred ar has begun to r. ar. E. Darna", s because of 'bodily injury' include damaiges eta me,d Ly any parlor; w organizani on foC care, loss's 170 1,arvrce,s or de-0 resulbrig at ;any lima from the "bodily injuiry'. '"=`JOI tl Liberty Mtaival Insura,ma Carxtany.All r gl"it€ra5erred. CU as 31 as 09 Indudes apyrighl*d matelal of InE.urancie Senmeaa O firms,lire..°wAh m peirgrletsiun. Page 1 of 4 B. SECTION II. LIMITS OF INSURANCE is amended as follows: 1. Paragraph B. is replaced by the following: . B. The General Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for all damages covered under SECTION 1. COVERAGE of the INSURING AGREEMENTS, except: 1. Damages included in the "products-complete operations hazard"; and 2. Coverages included in the policies listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance to which no underlying aggregate limit applies. The amount stated on the Declarations as the General Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for all damages arising out of any "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and ad- vertising injury" subject to an aggregate limit in the "underlying insurance". The General Aggregate applies separately and in the same manner as the aggregate limits in the "underlying insurance". 2. Paragraph D. is replaced by the following: D. Subject to B. or C. in SECTION II. LIMITS OF INSURANCE, whichever applies, the Each Occur- rence Limit is the most we will pay for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" covered under SECTION I. COVERAGE of the INSURING AGREEMENTS because of all: 1. 'Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of one 'occurrence"; and 2. 'Personal and advertising injury" arising out of one 'offense". 3. Provision 2, of paragraph G. is replaced by the following: 2. the amount stated in the Declarations as the Self- Insured Retention as a result of any one "occurrence" or one 'offense" not covered by the underlying policies listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance nor by any other insurance providing coverage to the 'Insured" during the Policy Period; C. SECTION III. DEFENSE is amended as follows: 1. Paragraph A. is replaced by the following: A. We will have the right and duty to investigate any 'claim" and defend any "suit' seeking damages covered by the terms and conditions of the policy when: 1. The applicable Limits of Insurance of the underlying policies listed in the Schedule Of Underlying Insurance and the Limits of Insurance of any other insurance providing cov- erage to the 'Insured" have been exhausted by actual payment of 'claims" for any 'occur- rence" or "offense" to which this policy applies; or 2. Damages are sought for any one 'occurrence" or "offense" which is covered by this policy but not covered by any underlying policies listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance or any other insurance providing coverage to the 'Insured". 2. Paragraph B.1. is replaced by the following: 1. We will investigate any 'claim" and defend any "suit' against the 'Insured" seeking damages on account of any 'occurrence" or 'offense" covered by this policy. We have the right to investigate, defend and settle the "claim" or "suit" as we deem expedient. 3. Paragraph D. is replaced by the following: D. In all other instances except paragraph A. in SECTION III. DEFENSE, we will not be obligated to assume charge of the investigation, settlement or defense of any 'claim" or "suit' against the "Insured." We will, however, have the right and will be given the opportunity to participate in the settlement, defense and trial of any 'claim" or "suit' relative to any 'occurrence" or "offense" which, in our opinion, may create liability on our part under the terms of this policy. If we exercise such right, we will do so at our own expense. P2010 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company.All rights reserved. CU 88 31 05 09 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 2 of 4 0. SECTION I'd. EXCLUSIONS is amended as fcllaws: 1. Exclusion J. is retraaced by the roRuwing. This insurami? Glows not alVl'+ to J. "Fersanaf and actarartisirsg fnrury' except to the extent 1t-,,9.I iaaauiranc-e is podwded fir :such per;orral and aalveilis!ngt inqurf' by a policy lislod hi :toe Stcrieduic of Underlying Insuralloo. and far nc broardew rmverage than -s provided tsp ;"uch pGaf cy. 2. Exrlwtitnn K. rs r alete*d. E. SECTION V, DEFINITIONS is amended as follrjw5- 1. Definition A m delete*) and, replaced by the fall€aw nq: A.. "Advertisement" Wrmargs a noLrse that is bmaartcast ar published to the ganaral public or specific ntariN-$ segrllents abow yotir VtorIw, PTDd4±VS or set.oas for tree p,,,reo&e of FattraTA nyd +twos- to'mers or supporters. For the purpr[tas of this definition: 1,. fametes, 1haal are (>.1hli,�,ha;d mnl.l!"r� Fna:e6al prl-a"4,0 on the drile -tat or rvi Sii—ndax glr� „fCinaf: means of Communication; aria 2. Regartalfy4�l kkr..'I sites, only that ,^r~!a:,'t of a woL7 Slie that '-u" @ooul your glands.. r4educts; of seruires frr thF purposes of attracting cislomers or :supporters is con-gdered. an R&vae- tise mefwf_ 2. Thn f1t14YMN,j is adder, to defimlion C,; "Efurlily ridury' dues not 3nclud8 'Saojhy mruW arislm oul or 'pw-Aorial and aduarf simg lnjury'- a, 001rWorl M is -,Pplarefl by f e drllovhng: "Claire' :means any 6et=a'ia4")t1 for m!]netATY +d;a:rria4ges up any "Insured' reshiltipg from q r Ai ere9d '6c,--uoancC or 'offAnsV'- 4, Defp lhwii J, is reptarcd by the followAng J. "0Crurrertc,&" means an accicfa"rit including cwtinuous ar rebraled exposure to sub,-:aarni.ally tho same {j r e=ll owniful conffti torr's.. S. Defintticaa K. is deletes ar'trl replaced key fl-fe follrrati n ; K. "Peirr_oral and, adverai5tng myury` means irr;wy Lithw 'swan `bodily irtlury", arising twit of ;arae or more- of lihe folloa{Ang "nffenses"; 1- Fa1se arrest, detention or imprisorimfmt; 2. dhalimus [xvssicuticm 3. The w -rcri gf!ul ee+ii tion fmrni, w orgftAl eotry into,. or invasion of IN,, rlrghl of {wale occ{i.< psar=>cy of a room, d•t�attirag or premises that a person occupies ctsmr-miK,9d by or are b2haaf Di the 4nvner. laaalira ca to `or, 4.- Dra;l or written publicaldnn, 'rn any mannar, of matsria that s4'andera or libels a persc4i or Igal"Iza1^on or dl`aparagf ��5r2f�l7rl`S a?'' ��rg anw:t.wjori s gcods, prMacts or 5 Oral or wrialen poblicviori, in any m.,grin2F, �)' rpOf$rirat that Vk1laie:F a peTwi'z .fighl of prl'1au f; 6, TIC use of another`s adverirsin?g Arles in your "adaertisernenl"; or 7. In dn+ging upon ansfhF,s ropy,arfht trade dres.5 u- FW an in yxat�r "advertisement". "Persurral and ardveAiisirq inju€y" kncLu s 'cofasepuanhaa nriday lmiury',. fi. The frAloming definitions an- added 'Ccrosegzaeniial t�ms dy in;ury` means "Mu lily mpry' arisirv� ou;, if "personal and aldtvert;sirwg in- Jury". "Q2fenae" me2n5 an rtffense 110i]tae' in the definition of 'perv)na" an!a aduertisrrag iniury, All danwages that arise frc;fr, exp5sure to the sarrre act, pulskatton or infringement ase ocimsidarad one "shsfenge', 9�21310lh„,Rmy Ma,Wal tnsuraar+r,.ea orrzany.All nghis reserved. Cu as 31 05 09 includes copyrighted mateval d, Invirance Service5 Chloe,Mc..w1h as pemisalun. Page 3 of 4 F. SECTION VI. CONDITIONS is amended as follows: 1. Condition F.is amended as follows: a. The title is replaced by the following: F. Duties In the Event Of An Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit b. Paragraph 1. is replaced by the following: 1. You must see to it that we are notified as soon as practicable of an "occurrence or "offense" which may result in a"claim" or "suit" under this policy. To the extent possible, notice will include: a. How, when and where the "occurrence" or "offense" took place; b. The names and addresses of any injured person and witnesses; c. The nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of the "occurrence" or "offense". 2. Paragraph 3, of Condition I. is replaced by the following: 3. that the Limits of Insurance of the policies listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance will be maintained except for any reduction or exhaustion of aggregate limits by payment of "claims" or "suits" for "occurrences" or "offenses" covered by "underlying insurance"; and G. Wherever the defined term, "personal injury" or "advertising injury", appears in the following, such terms are deleted and replaced by the combined defined term "personal and advertising injury": 1. Commercial Umbrella Coverage Form provisions: a. Exclusions O., P.and Q. under SECTION IV. EXCLUSIONS; or b. Definitions F.and N. under SECTION V. DEFINITIONS; or 2. Any endorsements that are made a part of this policy. This endorsement does not change any other provision of the policy. I i 2010 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company.All rights reserved. CU 88 31 05 09 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 4 of 4 Ctl 88 34 0' 14 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AMENDMENT OF DEFINITION OF INSURED Thr5 endffrerrre rm rs; 1i:=1es +n4wrance p goded under tare fail w nag C' lil@,SEr#.fwlRa. IWIRRIF,LLA COVERAGE FART P3m4,ra;ph F.5� urdel SECTION V. DEFINITIONS as replaced b'1 1ha following'. 5• Any ppmson or w9a••Il+s.ation "JMci ui as an Insuirr t in tare Ourulervynrq insi rhncen and not _ qualfl-V as an 'Insurrad" it,., paragraphas 1_, 2., 3_, 4-, B., 7_, tar 8 cl this, ,dehnibon F., bul not brayarid the f Rtent 4rf any lirn.7.aticn irs poised Lander any cortrar71 ,-a ai rr rrient• I a' uer; a. The r.4ovpTage prow ed do wch } .i nn or orgsnizaa irr�n ray th:s insurarre• 11� .Applies orrJy to 9Pae uAh4 it ,}united by lass, and WIW (2) Will nrrit tic: bfwdef Bnan fire r,:cwuayr, afforded by the appilluabbe '°u [:lying Insurance', spow and b, If sorapraga piovirla rnhun v in su&h Dwson or orgaza is r"uaired by a rorlliad or agi—se riunt, tho .s lr,mi s of insurance offr lied trj that pamxvi or L.�rgani7at&hq '.%,ill foe, (1) The 4yifererre between ?he applicable 'undertomj Irisu,ra+ice' Irmiws and trip' minirmur a limns of insurance which yoL, agreed io provide isi a+Janli. or a},rusin r'ft: or (2� Thies oeyi ant tit insurarice a;,ailaWe: l-'l doe thlr "r,policable tmllts & Insurance �nowr'+ In the Denlarsism„ns of this policy 'i rl&iever is lass. If fie mmi,qurrn tamifs of insurance you agreed to prcmde surht person or crrganizabiori in a conw.gcl or agreement are wholly uilhir; the 'sine r%firyj in,sutrinW, th F puliivy shall neat arrpty, This uridvrseitrant shall neat inurea o the app irable N_in,t5 of 113sunance r;,(mv,, in ihs De araiio ns- Th4 endixisaniFr dt)es not charvge any uiiier picraisl4r, of the p, boy- 'a 2014 Liberi MuwN In7 a ra Pip igmr„s rest¢ ,e,. CLI 88 39 07 14 o', Inkur:irii :ar�r, r��i7?fi..lz.. .velli ai?,perink;NiGn. Page 9 of I COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CU 88 41 02 10 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AMENDMENT OF POLLUTION EXCLUSION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE PART Exclusion L. under SECTION IV. EXCLUSIONS is replaced by the following: This insurance does not apply to: L. 1. "Bodily injury", "property damage", "personal injury", "advertising injury" or "personal and ad- vertising injury" which would not have occurred in whole or part but for the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release or escape of"pollutants" at any time. 2. Any loss, cost or expense arising out of any: a. Request, demand, order or statutory or regulatory requirement that any "Insured" or others test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, or in any way respond to, or assess the effects of "pollutants"; or b. Claim or suit by or on behalf of a governmental authority for damages because of testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, removing, containing, treating, detoxifying or neutralizing, or in any way responding to, or assessing the effects of, "pollutants". Paragraph 1. of this exclusion L.does not apply to the following: (1) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" included within the "products-completed operations haz- ard". (2) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the heat, smoke or fumes from a "hostile fire". (3) With respect to any premises, site or location which is or was at any time owned or occupied by or rented or loaned to any "Insured": (a) "Bodily injury" sustained within a building and caused by smoke, fumes, vapor or soot pro- duced by or originating from equipment used to heat, cool or dehumidify the building, or equipment that is used to heat water for personal use, by the building's occupants or their guests; or (b) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for which you may be held liable if you are a contractor and the owner or lessee of such premises, site or location has been added to your policy as an additional "Insured" with respect to your ongoing operations performed for that additional "Insured" at that premises, site or location and such premises, site or location is not and never was owned or occupied by, or rented or loaned to, any "Insured", other than that additional "Insured". (4) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release or escape of "pollutants" at or from any premises, site or location on which any "Insured" or any contractors or subcontractors working directly or indirectly on any "Insured's" behalf are performing operations if the "pollutants" are not brought on or to the premises, site of location in connection with such operations by such "Insured", contractor or subcontractor. (5) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the escape or fuels, lubricants or other operat- ing fluids which are needed to perform the normal electrical, hydraulic or mechanical functions necessary for the operation of "mobile equipment" or its parts, if such fuels, lubricants or other operating fluids escape from a vehicle part designed to hold, store or receive them. This exception to the exclusion does not apply if the "bodily injury" or "property damage" arises out of the intentional discharge, dispersal or release of the fuels, lubricants or other operating fluids, or if such fuels, lubricants or other operating fluids are brought on or to the premises, site or location with the intent that they be discharged, dispersed or released as part of the operations being performed by the "Insured" or any contractors or subcontractors working directly or indirectly on any "Insured's" behalf. T2010Liberty Mutual Insurance Company.All rights reserved. CU 88 41 02 10 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 1 of 2 (6) "Bodily infury' or 'broparty dam°ge" sustained 'within a building and caused by tie reuse ri gases, furs€s or vapor.; Crow matvizals brought into 1ho, Drcilydit%g in oonnectran tvitl"j operadorps being ng pErformEd by Vnu or on your hehratf try a r.m ntraontor or subcoinractor. (7) €uMs. lutricams, tiuids, exhaust gasas or other similar "paalhaaMs" that are needFed liar rr* result from the. rraarrnai ed riots, hydraulic ar mechrxanacal funr:tlonintg of ar, "asto" covered by "schedjled underlying insurance" or its parts, if: (a) The,, "pollratantu" w=,aapr , Seep, rnh�Taig +nr .are dircharged dispersed or rpieased directly from an "auare" pa-t design d by its r ,anufacture to hold, Oure, receive or dispose of such "paIdu- tarlts"; and (b) The "bodily rrlury" or "property damage" does not arise out of the nperabon of any ecfmip<men& ---.. Issleo rn prarngrapns 6.0. r`anC 4x. of triu definition of "nifi e �000wpr nta.. that tad,° pfar;e awgy from pmemise3 rxwned bp- .or recited to an .lr$suiad" uart*i respect tra 'poriulants" riot in ua upon an 'auto' covered by "underlying nisurance" ff. fsg The 'p fSulan rs°' o: any property in ',which the "polkoanls" are or+. tainer;' are tcpset, ryy, rn f or damaged as a result of the maintenance or use of an "auto" coveted by 'underlying iarsur- anr'e and (Er) The dischaFge, d"Spersal, seepage, migration, release rr ascap8 of the "polkncants" m caused directly by such ufpset, uveiturn aif A amaye +to,m-.,er, the exception— to dais exxlu5ion L in paarragraphs (1), 4,2), (3@, 94'. ($4, (6), (7) or (8( ab Vol apply --- urdy^ to the a-xtent th«al insurance is.. affordE�d for sLrch "dedily ffjidry' Of "f%TWert4 damag8" by 1.underlying irsuranno°', provided. Mve yer, that the cow"e 3ffor6ed by the . policy wit; be no broader Man Lie -euverargs atfordad by sut.h 'underlying insurance": d:a9ardi-5s, Of @hf� r;:Xtent of "clntoertylrg tnsurarc¢", none of the exoeptions to.. this exclusion L m paragraphs', (1). (2). (3), (4) (5) or (6) :ate uve apply with respect to "bodily myury' or 'property damage" arising Old Of the ioilal a`Ilet'aFd Or 1Yreatern,-O dli, harga, disp+nial, seepage, Prnijngfo,)n; re'ease or erscap+J & 'pt3tlutants,': (i) At or from any prern,ssus ve or location yahwt: is t.r was at arty tifflo used by of fro5 ary It°Sur�ur5` Or othpm for h i-dCing... slor_Ne, dr5PosaW, prvMe93sng or treatment Of Waste; cr (it) Which ari or were at any time transported, handled, stared, u-eatab, disposed of, or processed as waste by or for any 51n tazetd", of ary f;eraj°an or organization for 'whom "yow may be legahy ,esraon- sible; LN (tfl) At or from, ari,; prerar,5e5, .site or iodation on whiol any "lnstared" or any contractors or svhc,,ontcae tars w i;rrkinq directly or indimc�lly On any "I...nsured's" behoif ,are perdormmg aperaiioraa If ltxe taper- fvtoans aro tr,; test for, ni r l€—an tip, remove onn0m. treat, detoxify or .neutralize. or In any way respond to. car assess tie affbds at 'oollutants'. Paragraph Z o? this excluas,iori f". does not apply to liaollrty 9'or oarr�gen because of `properly damage, ahal the "Insmied`° wouid have in :he e'dsrnrrn of such request, demand, carder or Statutory or reoruta€rsrar roqu nrment, of sui 'I r�jryn or "`c'u(r by or of) rjehalf of F governmental 3ut` ority to the P3xtent that insurance is afforded for such damages by "underkrying insurance"_ Prr,videdr however, that the rxx- era," afforded 0; this P ficy, win be r3 broader 1haan Irie c,suerage affwdeo by suen 'underlying rosi n arl9�" As used in this exdursr,un: "Hostile fire" 77non:s ope which bacernes unrrintrrylabie or break.-, rxtt frrnm °where Ili was Intended tra be, "Pallutantp" mmeana ary solid, liquid*, gaseous or thermal iritant or contaminant, inrludtng, hue not hmled to, smoke. ,spoof, &scat, fames, 'rods, alPalrs ch*micals and waste material. Wasle rrr3tedal mcludes marterta6s seanirh are intended to be or kav),- been recycled, recondifloned or reclaimed. Thrs endvsenen& does ndl change any other provision at the laaltet. P2010 liberty IMuel l rsuramce Corr any.All r+y nis reserved. CtJ 80 4'1 02 10 ndudescopynghted rratenal c1 Insuran suer.caswtmr ,lnr, xrlh As perrxnlssian. Page 2 of 2 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CU 89 19 01 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AMENDMENT OF WATERCRAFT EXCLUSION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE PART Provision 2. of paragraph Q. under Section IV. EXCLUSIONS is replaced by the following: This insurance does not apply to: Q. The following items 1. through 4., except to the extent that such insurance is provided by a policy listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance, and for no broader coverage than is provided by such policy: 2. 'Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use or en- trustment to others of any watercraft if such watercraft is owned by, or chartered without a crew by or on behalf of, any 'Insured". Use includes operation and 'loading" or "unloading". This exclusion applies even if the claims against any 'Insured" allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by the "Insured". This exclusion does not apply to a watercraft while ashore on premises you own or rent. This endorsement does not change any other provision of the policy. 2012Liberty Mutual Insurance CU 89 19 01 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 1 of 1 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CU 89 21 47 15 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, P6 ASS READ,IT CAREFULLY, AMENDMENT OF AIRCRAFT EXCLUSION flifs oil0mf nien? ? udlli€s in.-iurart e p,--y^Jcd unmr Inc following, C{ py MERGIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE PART Pzpv skm 3. of paragniph 0. un6ar Section ISM. EXCLUSIONS as raprlacad by She lollu%ving: Q, T se fr AlowiN +terr-�s 1, th ryigrh 4, i-xoW to the ex"t that yfirh in raryw #s provided by a pahry Irsted ira the Schedule of Uriiiertyjdg Msuranue, and for rx} broader Coverage than Is prr.'idad by smh policy 3, "Bodily injury" or "prop", drama are" arising rul of rh;e ownership, maintenance, use or en- ME trustment tc others of airy aircneaf€, if saich aircraf= is owned or uperaled by ar rente.d or loaned, to any "In:,4 ef;' Ofe includes operawn and loadmW or "tunkaoid'=.ng". This eloiwwn ap,Iles ev,an if the lairna agasnst any "Insured" allege negligande rss ,AheT -mumigdoing in IFie su.rei vi- stop.; hinnig, employment, training or nwilloding of others by the "Inallrerf`, Thra rrnsrvrGeirnent orvas tact change any omer provision of the pd ya, '& AiDlm Libs;7y Mutual i+xeurance CU 89 21 07 15 Includes rDprynghLed malorral of InwranwSer�c-es Offir_*,Inc trilh dE permi&3lun. Page 1 of 1 COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA CU 89 45 10 14 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ACCESS OR DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL OR PERSONAL INFORMATION AND DATA-RELATED LIABILITY - WITH LIMITED BODILY INJURY EXCEPTION EXCLUSION I I A. The following exclusion is added to Section IV -EXCLUSIONS: This insurance does not apply to: Any liability, damages, lass, injury, demand, "claim" or "suit" arising out of: 1. Any access to or disclosure of any person's or organization's confidential or personal information, including but not limited to patents, trade secrets, processing methods, customer lists, financial information, credit card information, health information or any other type of nonpublic information; or 2. The loss of, loss of use of, damage to, corruption of, inability to access, or inability to manipulate "electronic data". This exclusion applies even if damages are claimed for notification costs, credit monitoring expenses, forensic expenses, public relations expenses, fines, penalties (including but not limited to, fees or surcharges from affected financial institutions) or any other loss, cost or expense incurred by you or others arising out of that which is described in Paragraph 1 or 2 above. However, unless Paragraph 1 above applies, this exclusion does not apply to damages because of "bodily injury". B. The following definition is added to Section V -DEFINITIONS: "Electronic data" means information, facts or programs stored as or on, created or used on, or transmit- ted to or from computer software, including but not limited to systems and applications software, hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMs, tapes, drives, cells, data processing devices or any other media which are used with electronically controlled equipment. This endorsement does not change any other provisions of the policy. I 2014 Liberty Mutual Insurance. CU 89 45 10 14 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 1 of 1 '', REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE Yb94 i Routing Information: (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Director i Originator: Phone (Originator):g Richard Schleicher 5�25 Date Sent: i Date Required: Return Signed Document to: Nancy Y9shitake Contract Termination Date: 12/31/,17 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: i �e 16 Natural Systems Design (Only required on contracts 1 y g 20 000 and over or on any Grant DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 8/2/16 Date Risk Manager Notified:N/A (Required on Non Ci[y Standard Contracts/Aq reemenLs Has this Document been Specificail Account Number: W 20005 Authorized in the Bud et? e YES NO Brief Explanation of Document: The attached Amendment No. 1 with Natural Systems Design is to provide additional permitting and construction support services for the Rock Creek Habitat Conservation Plan projects. All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department Af6'i 6e Law Departmiint1 `s Received: Ffr Approval of Law Dept.: Law Dept. Comments: ` Date Forwarded to'Mayor: " ' '' z L , / Shaded* ,�� yAdmieistrationStaff Received $S,t # § Recommendations and Comments: y `C��^G`u .✓ I �� t Disposition: ,';•z U d Date Returned: 4 " wT opn510ocm nl sn eyuesl( aY^ 68amFC DIX �E T Agenda Item: Consent Calendar - 7D TO: City Council DATE: August 2, 2016 SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 with Natural Systems Design for the Habitat Conservation Plan - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a contract amendment with Natural Systems Design in the amount of $49,434 for project design and management of Rock Creek Fish Passage Improvements as required by the City's Habitat Conservation Plan, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. SUMMARY: Upon execution of the City of Kent Clark Springs Water Supply System Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), the City obtained an Incidental Take Permit (ITP) which serves to protect the City should operation of the City's water supply system result in harm to endangered salmon species. As a condition of the HCP, the City is required to implement a number of Habitat Conservation Measures (HCM's) that will enhance the habitat conditions in the watershed. This contract with Natural Systems Design is needed to complete design, obtain permits, and provide project management as needed to oversee construction of several HCM's that need to be constructed in 2017. EXHIBITS: Amendment No. 1 Natural Systems Design RECOMMENDED BY: The Public Works Committee YEA: Fincher, Ralph, Higgins NAY: BUDGET IMPACTS: Funded through budgeted water utility funds.