HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT16-277 - Original - Cleveridge AG - Lansweeper Premium Subscription - 06/20/2016 i I e c Mania e e r��t, W P9NING fON KEN Document I CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is, to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Lansweeper c/o Cleveridge Vendor Number: P-Card ]D Edwards Number Contract Number: I`T-U- This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Lansweeper Premium subscription Description: . ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ® Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 06/20/16 Termination Date: 06/20/17 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: James Endicott Department: Information Technology Contract Amount: $995.00 Approval Authority: (CIRCLE ONE Department Director r' Mayor City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): As of: 08/27/14 General Terms and Conditions of Business of cleverbridge AG cleverbridge AG, Gereonstr.;43-65, 50670 Cologne (Germany), further referred to in brief as "cleverbridge" is an ecommerce business that trades internationally. 1. Definitions The following terms shall have the following meanings in the context of these General Terms and Conditions of Business ("Ts&Cs"): 1.1 "Supplier"means any natural person or legal entity that provides, generates, manufactures or delivers Products and Services within the meaning of Clause 1.2 to cleverbridge for the purpose of resale to a Customer. 1.2 "cleverbridge Website" means any web page operated by cleverbridge for the sale of the Products and Services that is identifiable from the Ts&Cs as well as cleverbridge's legal information posted on it. Web pages operated by Suppliers are expressly not covered by this definition. 1.3 "Products and Services" means(a) Software, (b) a decryption or authorization code, a series or authorization number, a download link or similar code or mechanism, that gives the Customer (as defined in Clause 2) access, first-time use or continued use of the Software or a Service, (c) other(also physical) Products, or(d)Services sold by cleverbridge to the Customer. 1.4 "Security Code"means a numerical security feature embossed or printed on the front or back of most Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and other credit cards. 1.5 "Software"means all the Supplier's computer programs marketed in any form and through any medium via cleverbridge's ecommerce site. 2. Subject Matter These Ts&Cs regulate the legal relationship between cleverbridge and the Customer for the sale of Products and Services via cleverbridge's retail channels. The following provisions are addressed both to consumers and to businesses. Where reference is made to"Customers"this shall unless otherwise specified mean both consumers and also businesses.A consumer is a natural person who enters into a legal transaction for a purpose that cannot be attributed to that person's trade, business or profession (Section 13 of the Federal Civil Code).A business is a natural person or legal entity or partnership with legal capacity that enters into a legal transaction in the course of his/her/its trade, business or profession (Section 14 of the Federal Civil Code). 3. Scope 3.1 These Ts&Cs apply to all offers, acceptances, deployments, deliveries of services and supplies by cleverbridge or to the Customer in connection with the sale of Products and Services via a cleverbridge Website and exclude the conditions of the Customer or third parties that depart from the same; departing conditions shall require written acceptance by cleverbridge. These Ts&Cs shall apply even where cleverbridge performs its contractual obligations without reservation despite being aware that the Customer's conditions are inconsistent with the Ts&Cs. Where the sale of Products and Services includes the delivery of Software or the provision of Services or other performance by third parties, the particular licence and other conditions of the third party shall apply above and beyond these Ts&Cs. 3.2 For Customers placing their order from the USA, the provisions of Clause 16 and Clause 18.1 of these Ts&Cs shall not apply. For Customers placing their order from a country other than the USA which is not a member of the:European Union, the provisions of Clause 16 and Clause 18.2 of these Ts&Cs shall not apply. For Customers placing their order from a member state of the European Union, the provisions of Clause 18.2 of these Ts&Cs shall not apply. 4. Entry into a Contract(Offer, Confirmation and Acceptance) 4.1 An order placed by the Customer represents an offer addressed to cleverbridge for the purchase of Products and Services under these Ts&Cs.All orders placed by Customers require subsequent acceptance by cleverbridge. The customer order is accepted through the download authorization, the sending of the ordered goods or the provision of a Service. In principle this only happens, and the Contract only comes into existence, when the payment by the Customer for the Products and Services at the price applicable upon purchase has been credited to a cleverbridge account or there has been successful authorization of the credit card or other form of payment by the Customer accepted by cleverbridge. In the case of purchase on account or purchase with grant of a direct debit authorization (where offered)the download authorization, the provision of the Service or the sending of the ordered goods occurs without receipt of payment in advance. 4.2 cleverbridge may, at its own discretion, use third parties to carry out its services. 5. Customer Warranties 5.1 The Customer warrants that all the information he/she/it provided when placing his/her/its order was up-to-date and accurate in all material respects and that it is adequate for cleverbridge to carry out the order. Additional costs, incurred by cleverbridge as a result of false or incomplete information shall be for the account of the Customer. 5.2 To the extent that the Customer has access to a customer account with cleverbridge he/she/it is him/her/itself responsible for looking after and immediately updating his/herlits account details in terms of its accuracy and completeness; the Customer shall not on any account disclose the password used to access the customer account. 5.3 The Customer shall be obliged to pay for all orders activated using his/her/its user name and password. This payment obligation only lapses if the Customer is able to prove that he/she/it did not negligently or deliberately facilitate an order using his/herlits user name and password. The Customer shall otherwise be obliged to pay for an order made using his/herlits user name and password unless the Customer has, prior to the relevant order, requested that cleverbridge block his/her/its user access and password and between the arrival of the Customer's blocking request and the arrival of the order cleverbridge has failed to block the user access and/or password despite the lapse of a reasonable length of time. 6. Approvals, Exports, Customs Duties 6.1 To the extent that an approval or licence from the government or other authority is required for the acquisition, transportation or use of Products and Services, the Customer shall be obliged to obtain such approval or licence at his/her/its own cost and provide cleverbridge with evidence of the same upon request. The fact that the Customer has yet to obtain an approval or licence shall not entitle the Customer to withhold or delay payment.All costs and expenses incurred to cleverbridge on the basis of such a failure to obtain an approval or licence or its being obtained erroneously shall be for the account of the Customer. For consumers this shall not apply in relation to an approval or other permit for transportation. 6.2 The Products and Services sold by cleverbridge and made available to the Customer electronically or physically may give the Customer access to technologies and Software which are subject to the export controls of the Federal Republic of Germany, the export controls of the United States of America or those of the countries in which the Products and Services are being marketed or in which they are being used. The Customer undertakes to observe these export controls. cleverbridge shall be entitled to withdraw from the Contract where the Customer breaches export controls. 6.3 Importing goods into the European Economic Area may, where specific goods values are exceeded, lead to customs duties (e.g. where the value of the goods exceeds the Customer's personal allowance). Upon the arrival of the goods at the place designated by the Customer the latter may incur customs duties, import duties or taxes imposed by the relevant authorities. All such additional costs shall be borne by the Customer as they are beyond cleverbridge's control and the latter has no knowledge of them. More detailed information on customs regulations or duties can be obtained by the Customer from the customs office responsible for his/her/its jurisdiction. 7. Prices, Payment Conditions and Delay 7. Unless otherwise indicated, all prices specified by cleverbridge on the cleverbridge Website are 1 deemed to be in the currency quoted there.With respect to delivery and supply the prices indicated at the time of the order shall apply. Unless otherwise indicated, the prices indicated are understood as inclusive of VAT but do not include the costs of delivery or transportation to the designated delivery point (delivery charges are listed separately on the cleverbridge Website and on cleverbridge's invoices) or any(sur-)charges, fees or commissions charged by Customer's bank, financial institution or credit card organization. The Customer states his/her/its agreement to the order of the delivery or transportation costs for the Products and Services listed by cleverbridge at the time of purchase. 7. The,payment of the purchase price falls due immediately upon entry into the contract and shall 2 take place in the manner specified on the cleverbridge Website. With the exception of purchases on account payments shall take place prior to delivery. Where the Customer has purchased Products or Services with recurring payment obligations (subscriptions)the prices are due at the agreed interval(s) and the Customer shall pay these or make the corresponding purchase price available using the payment option he/she/it has selected for debiting by cleverbridge. The payr.nent obligation for such products or services will not recur if the customer makes a clear declaration informing cleverbridge of his decision to terminate the contract. This will only be effective if it is done prior to the end of the subscription period for the product or service and within the announced termination notice period. In this case, any recurring opportunity or license to use the products and services and/or other opportunity or license to use the products and services mentioned in these Standard Terms of Business shall lapse. 7. If the Customer is not a consumer, the following provisions shall apply: 3 The Customer shall identify himself as a business when the order is placed, cleverbridge may consider the address provided as Customer's place of business, unless indicated otherwise. If Customer's VAT ID is registered to another place, cleverbridge may also employ that information for tax purposes. If the Customer is required to pay or withhold any tax for payments made to cleverbridge, cleverbridge remains entitled to the amount due under Clause 7.2 in full and free of any deductions. The purchase price shall be increased by the amount of taxes paid or withheld by the Customer(gross-up). The Customer will provide documentation to cleverbridge, which certifies that all applicable taxes have been paid to the relevant tax authority within 30 days after the date of payment of the purchase price. For purposes of this clause, taxes means any sales, use, gross receipts, business, occupation, and other taxes (other than taxes on the income of cleverbridge) and similar charges imposed by any government or other authority, with the exception of VAT levied by a member of the European Union. 7. In case of any advance deliveries (purchase on account or purchase with grant of a direct debit 4 authorization) payments shall be made in full irrespective of any claims for short deliveries or product defects. If payment is made with any one of the following payment methods, Customer will have 35 days to complete the order by providing funds for the order: direct debit, wire transfer, Boleto Bancario, Konbini, PayNearMe, PayPal. cleverbridge reserves the right to cancel anyorder if payment has not been completed within 35 days. 7. Bills of exchange and cheques are only accepted as payment by cleverbridge to the extent these 5 are expressly offered by cleverbridge on the cleverbridge Website and are accepted for processing;they shall count as payment only once they have been redeemed. Discount and collection charges shall be for the Customer's account. cleverbridge shall not be liable for their prompt submission. 7. To the extent that in case of purchase on account the invoice includes a payment deadline the 6 Customer shall be in arrears if the full purchase price payment is not credited to a cleverbridge account or received by cleverbridge within such deadline. In the case of payment obligations on the part of the Customer that the latter has to comply with in respect of cleverbridge by granting a debit authorization or direct debit authorization (in particular also in cases of recurring payment obligations) the Customer shall be in default if the payment method selected by him/her/it is, at the time debited by cleverbridge, insufficient to cover the full amount, 7. Where the Customer defaults he/she/it shall pay cleverbridge late payment interest of five 7 percentage points (5%) over the base rate applicable at the time of the default. Where the Customer is not a consumer the interest rate shall be nine percentage points (9%) over the base rate. 'Base rate" means a variable interest rate set at half-yearly intervals by the German Central Bank ('Bundesbank")which, increased by a fixed margin, gives the late-payment interest rate �Yrnr . • ). The base rate is adjusted on 1 January and 1 July every year by the percentage points by which the interest rate for the most recent main refinancing operations of the European Central Bank has risen or fallen prior to the first calendar day of the relevant half- year. 7. In case of default cleverbridge reserves the right to cancel the order and/or claim damages. 8 8. Payment by direct debit 8.1 cleverbridge offers the payment method of direct debit (grant of a direct debit authorization) only for orders from Germany. As from 1 February 2014, payments shall be carried out by direct debit method exclusively within the framework of the SEPA Core Direct Debit Scheme of the Single Euro Payments Area("SEPA"). 8.2 By sending his/her/its order, the Customer declares his/her/its agreement that the amount which is debited from his/her/its bank account within the framework of the SEPA Core Direct Debit Scheme (total order amount) is notified with a pre-notification ('Pre-Notification") already directly after sending his/her/its order. 9. Payment by Credit Card 9.1 Where payment is made by credit card the Customer shall provide full credit card data (cardholder name, card number, expiry date, security code) when placing the order and thereby declares his/her/its agreement to cleverbridge's taking payment for the order via the relevant credit card company, in particular in case of internet orders. 9.2 cleverbridge shall take all reasonable steps to protect the credit card data against unauthorized access by third parties. The Customer is aware that in particular where such data is transferred electronically the possibility of such data becoming known to unauthorized third parties cannot be excluded. 10. Delivery, Delivery Period 10.1 The delivery of the ordered goods shall be carried out according to the delivery information on the relevant cleverbridge Website, as amended from time to time. 10.2 The agreed delivery period shall begin upon receipt of payment in full by cleverbridge or following express written acceptance of the order by cleverbridge. Where relevant it is extended by such time as the Customer requires in order to supply the data necessary for the processing of the order to cleverbridge or the cleverbridge payment services provider selected by the Customer. 10.3 Delivery delays caused by statutory or official arrangements (e.g. import and export restrictions) and that are not the fault of cleverbridge shall extend the delivery period for a time equivalent to the duration of such obstacles. In important cases cleverbridge shall immediately notify the Customer of their commencement and termination, to the extent cleverbridge is aware of the same. 10.4 Digital Products and Services 10.4.1 Upon purchase of digital Products and Services the Customer receives, following the order, access to a code for the activation of the Software, access to a Webpage with a download link for the downloading of the Software, or the use of the digital Product or Service is facilitated or provided in some other way. Upon purchase of digital Products and Services with recurring payment obligations (subscriptions) the download shall only be authorized, the Service supplied or the ordered goods dispatched in each case after full receipt of payment for the period for which the recurring payment obligation exists. 10.4.2 To the extent the Customer is offered digital Products and Services or parts thereof by cleverbridge or third-party servers via the electronic transfer of a code, access to a Website with a download link, or similar manner, an obligation is only to be performed at the debtor's (cleverbridge's) place of business ("Holschuld"). Following access to the required data the Customer alone shall decide if and when he/she/it will download or activate the digital Products and Services from the servers of cleverbridge or a third party, or when he/she/it will make use of the digital Products and Services. 10.5 Physical Products and Services 10.5.1 To the extent that the purchase of Products and Services includes the delivery of physical Products, delivery shall be made to a valid address specified by the Customer. The Customer shall be obliged to check the delivery address on all the confirmations and acceptances issued by cleverbridge and immediately to notify cleverbridge of any errors or omissions. The costs arising as a result of an amendment to the delivery address undertaken by the Customer following the submission of his/her/its order shall be borne by the Customer. 10.5.2 To the extent the Customer fails to accept the delivered Products, or to the extent he/she/it rejects them, risk of damage or loss of the Product shall pass to the Customer without prejudice to all other rights to which cleverbridge is entitled: cleverbridge shall be entitled, at the Customer's risk and cost,to endeavour to have the Product delivered by such means it deems suitable and reasonable and to put the Product into storage at the Customer's risk and cost. The Customer shall be obliged upon request to settle all reasonable storage costs as well as all other reasonable costs in respect of the unsuccessful offer and retention of the goods owed such as arise from the omission to accept or the rejection of the goods. 10.5.3 cleverbridge shall be entitled to make part deliveries insofar as this is reasonable. To the extent cleverbridge makes part deliveries each part delivery shall represent a separate contract; this shall not apply to consumers. Customers that are businesses shall, in case of defects in one or more part deliveries, not be entitled to cancel subsequent part deliveries. 10.5.4 Where the Customer is a consumer the risk of accidental destruction and accidental deterioration of the ordered Product shall pass to the Customer upon delivery of the same. Where the Customer is a Business, the risk of accidental destruction and accidental deterioration passes to the former as soon as the Product passes to the person carrying out transportation but no later than upon entering the Customer's possession. 71. Duty of Inspection and Notification Where the Customer is a Business he/she/it shall be obliged to test the Products in normal operating conditions immediately after delivery and to make sure that they are in perfect condition, match the product:description and are complete. Claims may only be made in respect of rights based on Product defects or a short delivery if the Customer notifies cleverbridge in writing or by email of the Product defects or short delivery immediately and in any case no later than five days after receipt of the Products or in the case of a hidden defect immediately after becoming aware of the same. Section 377 of the German Commercial Code shall also apply. 12. Retention of Title cleverbridge retains title to the Product until payment in full of all claims under the sales agreement including secondary claims (e.g. costs of exchange, financing costs, interest etc.). Where the Customer acts in breach of contract cleverbridge shall be entitled to demand the return of the Product. Neither the retraction nor any seizure of the item to which title is retained shall amount to rescission of the Contract. 13. Usage Rights, Licence 13.1 To the extent that the Products and Services delivered by cleverbridge consist of or include Software or a Service, the Customer accepts that cleverbridge sells the Software or the Service for the Suppliers of the same and that cleverbridge therefore grants the Customer no rights to use the Software or the Service; any usage rights over the Software or the Service (including any conditions or restrictions on such usage rights) shall be granted to the Customer exclusively by the Supplier and not by cleverbridge. 13.2 The content and scope of any such usage rights are, to the extent granted by the Supplier, described in the Supplier's licensing conditions and terms of use ("EULA") which the Customer receives upon purchasing the Software or the Service, or which are enclosed with the Software, or which are notified to the Customer before or during use of a Service. The Customer acknowledges that the Software or Service may only be reproduced, adapted, transmitted, made available, marketed, altered, disassembled, decompiled, re-transmitted or combined with other Software or another Service as expressly permitted under the EULA or the relevant statutes. 13.3 Where the Customer(a) does not receive the EULA prior to purchase of the relevant Software or the relevant Service or the EULA are not enclosed with the Software and (b) does not use or has not used the Software or the Service or(c) does not agree to the licensing conditions and terms of use and does not wish to use the Software or the Service on the basis of these licensing conditions and terms of use, the Customer may contact cleverbridge and request the repayment of the amounts paid for the Software or the Service—where cleverbridge requests in exchange for the return of the Software or Service to cleverbridge (where possible); in such a case, however, the Customer shall have no rights whatsoever to use such Software or such Service. 14. Data Protection Customer data is subject to electronic data processing.Where necessary cleverbridge forwards personal data to the Supplier of the Products and Services purchased by the Customer, service partners or affiliated companies, some of which may be located outside the European Economic Area, including the USA, subject to compliance with the appropriate security measures and observance of the statutory provisions. cleverbridge's full data protection regulations can be viewed under rCS. .r- v-r''. 15. Defects, Claims in respect of Defects and Exclusion of Liability 15.1 All information on cleverbridge's Products and Services is merely by way of description and does not represent a guarantee. 15.2 Defective Products and Services A Product is defective where it lacks the agreed quality, is not suitable for the agreed use or appropriate for the customary use and does not demonstrate the quality usual for Products of the same type and which the purchaser can expect of this type of Product. A Product is also defective where it infringes industrial property rights, copyright or other third-party rights. The technical and legal regulations applicable in Germany shall apply unless specifically agreed otherwise. Services or the provision of services are defective to the extent they do not comply with the contractual agreements. 15.3 Period for Supplementary Performance Where a defective Product has been delivered the Customer shall impose a reasonable deadline on cleverbridge for supplementary performance. There is no need to set such a deadline where this is unnecessary under Section 323 Subsection 2 of the Federal Civil Code, in;particular to the extent cleverbridge seriously refuses supplementary performance once and for all where, with regard to performance, time is of the essence or other circumstances exist which, given the interests of both sides,justify an immediate rescission or immediate claim for damages. Where Services have not been performed in accordance with the contract the Customer shall set a reasonable deadline for cleverbridge to perform the Service anew unless this is unnecessary under Section 323 Subsection 2 of the Federal Civil Code. 15.4 Claims for Defects 15.4.1 Claims for Defects by Businesses Where it has carried out or delivered defective Products and Services to a business cleverbridge may choose whether to make good the defects by way of supplementary performance or whether it will replace the defective Products and Services with a new Product or Service free of defects. Where the supplementary performance fails the business shall be entitled to bring a claim in respect of its statutory warranty rights as follows: The right to lower the relevant purchase price(price reduction) is excluded. The right of cancellation shall be limited to the relevant order. Where the business is entitled to claim damages instead of performance or to rescind the contract or still to claim supplementary performance cleverbridge may require him/her/it to exercise his/her/its rights within a reasonable period. The business shall notify cleverbridge of his/her/its decision in this regard. Where the business fails to exercise his/her/its rights within the deadline a claim may only be brought for damages in lieu of performance or notice given of rescission where a new, reasonable deadline for supplementary performance, to be specified by the business, has expired unsuccessfully. The limitation period for defects claims by businesses shall be twelve (12) months from delivery of the Product. 15.4.2 Claims for Defects by Consumers Where it has carried out or delivered defective Products and Services to a consumer the latter shall be entitled without restriction to statutory warranty rights with the exception of the damages limitation in Clause 15.6 of these Ts&Cs. In particular, the consumer may choose whether cleverbridge should make good the defects by way of supplementary performance or replace the defective Products and Services with a new Product or Service free of defects. cleverbridge is, however, entitled to refuse the selected form of supplementary performance where this is possible only at excessive cost and the other form of supplementary performance is available without material disadvantage to the consumer. Where the supplementary performance fails it shall generally be at the Customer's discretion to opt for a lowering of the purchase price (reduction)or to rescind the contract. The limitation period for defects claims by consumers shall be twenty-four(24) months from delivery of the Product. 15.5 Legal Consequences of Rescission Where the Customer exercises an existing right of rescission, the contractual parties shall return the services received and surrender any use or enjoyment derived.At the same time, the Customer's right to use the Products or Services shall cease. In the case of Software previously purchased the Customer shall immediately remove this from all installations, storage media and other files and shall destroy the physical components of the Products and Services as well as any copies made of the Software. In addition, the Customer shall make a separate written statement that it will undertake the actions set out above. 15.6 Disclaimer 15.6.1 ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF CLEVERBRIDGE FOR CONSEQUENCES THAT HAVE ARISEN FROM ALTERATIONS MADE TO THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES BY THE CUSTOMER OR BY A THIRD PARTY OR THAT HAVE ARISEN THROUGH THE MISHANDLING OR INCORRECT OPERATION OF THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES SHALL BE EXCLUDED. 15.6.2 ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF CLEVERBRIDGE FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THE OPERATION OF THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FOR THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THE CUSTOMER OR FOR THE COMPATIBILITY OF THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES WITH COMPONENTS WITHIN THE SPECIFIC HARDWARE CONFIGURATION AT THE CUSTOMER'S PREMISES SHALL BE EXCLUDED. 15.6.3 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS CLAUSE 15.6, LIABILITY ON THE PART OF CLEVERBRIDGE FOR ACTS OR OMISSIONS ATTRIBUTABLE TO SIMPLE NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF CLEVERBRIDGE SHALL BE STRICTLY EXCLUDED. 15.6.4 WHERE CLEVERBRIDGE NEGLIGENTLY BREACHES A MAIN OBLIGATION THAT IS MATERIAL TO THE CONTRACT(MATERIAL CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION), CLEVERBRIDGE'S LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES SHALL BE LIMITED TO FORESEEABLE DAMAGE TYPICALLY ARISING IN SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES. MATERIAL CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS ARE THOSE THAT NEED TO BE COMPLIED WITH IF THE PURPOSE OF THE CONTRACT IS TO BE ACHIEVED. 15.6.5 WHERE THE CUSTOMER BRINGS DAMAGES CLAIMS BASED ON CLEVERBRIDGE'S DELIBERATE OR RECKLESS BREACH OR ON THE ABSENCE OF A FEATURE GUARANTEED BY CLEVERBRIDGE, CLEVERBRIDGE SHALL BEAR LIABILITY WITHIN THE STATUTORY LIMITS. 15.6.6 THIS SHALL BE WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO CLEVERBRIDGE'S LIABILITY FOR CULPABLE LOSS OF LIFE, PERSONAL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO HEALTH. THE SAME SHALL APPLY TO LIABILITY UNDER THE GERMAN PRODUCT LIABILITY ACT. 15.6.7 WHERE CLEVERBRIDGE'S LIABILITY IS EXCLUDED OR LIMITED, THIS SHALL ALSO APPLY TO THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF CLEVERBRIDGE'S WORKERS, EMPLOYEES, CO-WORKERS, LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES AND VICARIOUS AGENTS. 16. Revocation Right for Consumers The provisions of this section 16 shall only apply to customers who place an order from a member state of the European Union: 16.1 Revocation Customers who are consumers shall have the right to revoke this contract within fourteen (14) days without stating a reason. In the case of a contract for services or a contract for the delivery of individually acquired or recurring digital content not installed on a physical data carrier, the revocation period shall be fourteen days from the date the contract was concluded. In the case of a purchase agreement for the delivery of goods (e.g. back-up CDs), the revocation period shall be fourteen days from the date on which the consumer—or a third party designated by the consumer who is not a freight carrier—takes possession of the goods. To exercise the right of revocation, the consumer must inform cleverbridge (cleverbridge AG, Gereonstr. 43-65, 50670 Cologne, Germany, tel: +49 221 -222 45—0, fax: +49 221 -222 45— 19 email: r,7) by making a clear declaration of his decision to revoke the contract(e.g. by letter sent by regular mail, fax, or email.) The consumer can use the model revocation form following these revocation instructions for this purpose, but it is not a requirement. To meet the revocation deadline, it is sufficient for the consumer to send notice that he is exercising his right of revocation prior to the expiration of the revocation period. 16.2 Legal Consequences of Revocation 16.2.1 If the consumer revokes this contract, cleverbridge must promptly refund all of the payments cleverbridge received from the consumer, including delivery costs, no later than fourteen days from the date on which the notice of revocation of the contract was received by cleverbridge (with the exception of additional costs incurred because the consumer has chosen a different mode of delivery than the most cost-effective one, i.e. the standard mode of delivery offered by cleverbridge). For this refund, cleverbridge shall use the same means of payment that was used by the consumer in the original transaction, unless otherwise expressly agreed with the consumer. In no case shall the consumer be charged a fee for the refund. 16.2.2 In the case of a contract for services, the following shall apply: If the consumer requested that the services commence during the revocation period, the consumer shall pay cleverbridge a reasonable amount, which corresponds to the percentage of services provided by the time the consumer informs cleverbridge of the exercise of his right to revoke the contract, as compared to the total scope of the services contemplated by the contract. 16.2.3 If there is a purchase agreement for the delivery of goods, the following shall apply: cleverbridge can refuse to make a refund until it has received the goods back or until the consumer proves that he has sent the goods back,whichever is earlier. The consumer shall promptly return or send the goods to cleverbridge no later than fourteen days from the date on which the consumer informed cleverbridge of the revocation of the contract. The deadline is met if the consumer sends the goods before the expiration of the fourteen-day period. The consumer shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods. The consumer must only pay for the diminished value of the goods if the diminished value is attributable to his treating the goods in an unnecessary manner to examine their quality, characteristics, and functionality. To "examine their quality, characteristics, and functionality"means to test and try out the goods, as is possible and usual in a shop. In other respects, the consumer can avoid the duty to pay compensation for value lost through his use of the item for its intended purpose by not treating the item as his own property, but avoiding anything that could impair its value. 16.2.4 Under Section 356 (5) of the German Civil Code[BGB], the right to revoke a contract for the delivery of digital content not installed on a physical data carrier is extinguished if the consumer expressly agrees that cleverbridge shall begin to execute the contract before the expiration of the revocation period and confirms that he knows that he will lose his right of revocation by consenting to commencement of the execution of the contract before the expiration of the revocation period, and cleverbridge begins to execute the contract. 16.2.5 The consumer expressly agrees that cleverbridge shall commence the execution of this contract before the expiration of the revocation period, and he is aware that he will lose his right of revocation when the execution of this contract commences. 16.2.6 Under Section 312g (2) BGB, the right of revocation does not arise or exist o with respect to contracts for the delivery of goods if they are not ready-made but were manufactured in accordance with an individual choice or determination of the consumer or are clearly tailored to the personal needs of the consumer (Section 312g (2) No. 1 BGB), and c with respect to contracts for the delivery of audio and video recordings or computer software in a sealed package if the seal was broken after delivery (Section 312g (2) No. 6 BGB). End of the revocation instructions Model revocation form (If you wish to revoke the contract, please fill out this form and send it back.) To cleverbridge AG, Gereonstr. 43-65, 50670 Cologne, Germany, Fax +49 221 -222 45— 19, email m ,e h! I/we hereby revoke(*) the contract for the purchase of the following goods (*)/the provision of the following services (*) concluded by me/us Ordered on (*)/received on ( ) Name of the consumer(s) Address of the consumer(s) Signature of the consumer(s) (only for notices in paper form) Date (*) Please delete what does not apply. 17. Place of Performance In the case of contracts with traders, legal entities or public-law special funds the place of delivery and payment shall be agreed as the place where cleverbridge has its offices i.e. Cologne. 18. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law 18.1 Jurisdiction and applicable law for Customers placing their order outside the USA To initiate any dispute resolution, Customers placing their order from a member state of the European Union may contact cleverbridge via email at s. General information about online dispute resolution obligations and mechanisms is to be provided nc,,c. In the case of contracts with consumers the general jurisdiction shall be determined on the basis of the statutory regulations. According to the latter the courts of the place where the Defendant has his/her offices or residence shall have jurisdiction. However, where the consumer has no general legal domicile in the Federal Republic of Germany or should he/she lose his/her domicile or habitual residence within the jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Germany after the contract has been entered into then the place of jurisdiction shall be the registered offices of cleverbridge i.e. Cologne, Germany. This shall also apply where the consumer's domicile or habitual residence are not known at the time the claim is initiated. In the case of contracts with traders, legal entities or public-law special funds it is agreed that the courts of the place where cleverbridge has its offices shall have jurisdiction i.e. those of Cologne, Germany. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. With orders placed by consumers who have their habitual residence outside the Federal Republic of Germany; mandatory regulations and mandatory protections granted by judicial decision of the respective country of residence shall remain in effect and shall apply accordingly. The provisions of the UN Convention of 11 April 1980 on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (the Vienna Convention) shall not apply. 18.2 Jurisdiction and applicable law for Customers placing their order from within the USA (Dispute Resolution by Binding Arbitration) 18.2.1 cleverbridge and the Customer agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims between the two parties (the"Parties"), This agreement to arbitrate is intended to be broadly interpreted. It includes, but is not limited to: o Claims arising out of or relating to any aspect of the relationship between the Parties, whether based in contract, tort, statute, fraud, misrepresentation or any other legal theory; o Claims that arose before this or any prior agreement between the Parties (including, but not limited to, claims relating to advertising); o Claims that are currently the subject of purported class action litigation in which Customer is not a member of a certified class; and o Claims that may arise after the termination of any agreement between the Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may bring an individual action in small claims court. Customer agrees that, by accepting these terms and conditions, Customer and cleverbridge are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action. The transaction between the Parties evidences a transaction in interstate commerce, and thus the Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this provision. This arbitration provision shall survive termination of the agreement entered into by the Parties. 18.2.2 A party who intends to seek arbitration must first send to the other, by certified mail, a written Notice of Dispute ("Notice"). The Notice to cleverbridge should be addressed to: cleverbridge AG, Gereonstr. 43-65, 50670 Cologne, Germany, ("Notice Address"). The Notice must (a) describe the nature and basis of the claim or dispute; and (b) set forth the specific relief sought ("Demand"), If cleverbridge and Customer do not reach an agreement to resolve the claim within thirty(30) days after the Notice is received, Customer or cleverbridge may commence an arbitration proceeding. During the arbitration, the amount of any settlement offer made by cleverbridge or Customer shall not be disclosed to the arbitrator until after the arbitrator determines the amount, if any, to which Customer or cleverbridge is entitled. Customer may download or copy a kl-n P 4-e. 18.2.3 After cleverbridge receives notice at the Notice Address that Customer has commenced arbitration, it will promptly reimburse Customer for Customer's payment of the filing fee. If Customer is unable to pay this fee, cleverbridge will pay it directly upon receiving a written request at the Notice Address. The arbitration will be governed by the Commercial Dispute Resolution Procedures and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (collectively, "AAA Rules") of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"), as modified by these terms and conditions, and will be administered by the AAA. The AAA Rules are available online at www.adr.org, by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879, or by writing to the Notice Address.All issues are for the arbitrator to decide, including the scope of this arbitration provision, but the arbitrator is bound by the terms of these terms and conditions. Unless cleverbridge and Customer agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will take place in the county(or parish) of Customer's billing address. If Customer's claim is for Ten Thousand U.S Dollars (US$10,000) or less, cleverbridge agrees that Customer may choose whether the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents submitted to the arbitrator through a telephonic hearing, or by an in-person hearing as established by the AAA Rules. If Customer's claim exceeds Ten Thousand U.S Dollars (US$10,000), the right to a hearing will be determined by the AAA Rules. Except as otherwise provided for herein, cleverbridge will,pay all AAA filing, administration, and arbitrator fees for any arbitration initiated in accordance with the notice requirements above. If, however, the arbitrator finds that the substance of Customer's claim or the relief sought in the Demand is frivolous or brought for an improper purpose(as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)), then the payment of all such fees will be governed by the AAA Rules. In such case, Customer agrees to reimburse cleverbridge for all monies previously disbursed by it that are otherwise Customer's obligation to pay under the AAA Rules. 18.2.4 If, after finding in Customer's favor in any respect on the merits of Customer's claim, the arbitrator issues Customer an award that is: o Equal to or less than the greater of(a)Two Thousand U.S. Dollars (US$2,000) or(b)the maximum claim that may be brought in small claims court in the county of your billing address, and o Greater than the value of cleverbridge's last written settlement offer made before an arbitrator was selected, then cleverbridge will: o Pay Customer the greater of(a) Two Thousand U.S. Dollars (US$2,000) or(b) the maximum claim that may be brought in small claims court in the county of Customer's billing address ('the premium") instead of the arbitrator's award; and o Pay Customer's attorney, if any, twice the amount of attorneys'fees, and reimburse any expenses that Customer's attorney reasonably accrues for investigating, preparing, and pursuing your claim in arbitration ("the attorney premium"). If cleverbridge did not make a written offer to settle the dispute before an arbitrator was selected, Customer and Customers attorney will be entitled to receive the premium and the attorney premium, respectively, if the arbitrator awards Customer any relief on the merits. The arbitrator may make rulings and resolve disputes as to the payment and reimbursement of fees, expenses, and the premium and,the attorney premium at any time during the proceedings and upon request form either party made within fourteen (14) days of the arbitrator's ruling on the merits. 18.2.5 The right to attorneys' fees and expenses set forth in clause 18.2.4 supplements any right to attorneys' fees and expenses Customer may have under applicable law. Thus, if Customer would be entitled to a larger amount under the applicable law';this provision does not preclude the arbitrator from awarding Customer that amount. However, Customer may not recover duplicative awards of attorneys'fees or costs. Although under some laws cleverbridge may have a right to an award of attorneys' fees and expenses if it prevails in arbitration, cleverbridge agrees that it will not seek such an award. 18.2.6 The arbitrator may award injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's individual claim. CUSTOMER AND CLEVERBRIDGE AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN CUSTOMER'S OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. Further, unless both Customer and cleverbridge agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person's claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. If this specific provision is found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this arbitration provision shall be null and void. 18.23 This Agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Illinois, USA, without regard to any conflicts of law principles that would result in application of laws of any other jurisdiction. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply to this Agreement. 19. Entire Agreement These Ts&Cs cover the entire agreement between the Parties in relation to the stated dealings and replace any previous or simultaneous agreements, communications and arrangements between the Parties (whether oral or in writing) in relation to the present subject matter. Amendments and additions to these Ts&Cs shall be in writing. The written-form requirement may only be waived in writing. 20. Validity Should a provision of these terms and conditions of business or a provision within the context of any other agreements be or become invalid then this shall not affect the validity of the other agreements or provisions. The statutory regulation shall apply in place of the invalid provisions. cleverbridge AG Version: January 2016 Download this document by clicking the button: advlancml� camiur+rer� cleverbrldge AG-arabaoter Sir.2-4-50674 Cologne-Germany City of Kent James Endicott 220 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98391 United States RECEIPT Reference number: 46083526 Invoice date: 6/7/ 070( (p _(required fur ail inquiries) Invoice number: AKD-73626288267 INVOICE INFORMATION # Product name Delivery Unit price qty. Price 1 Lansweeper Premium Download $995,00 1 $995.00 Preml4m Subscription Total: $995.00 Unless stated otherwise, the delivery date is Identical to the billing date. PAYMENT DETAILS Your credit card (xxxxxxxxxxxxx8501) has been successfully authorized. Please note that the charge on your credit card will appear as Www.cleverbridge.net." Chairman of Supervisory Board: Registry court: Local Court of Bank information: Dr. Michael Inhester Cologne/ HRB 58900 Account holder: cieverbridge AG Management: VAT ID: DE244822460 Account number: 2071645 Christian slu ne,Peter Blunck, Dr. Tax ID: 223/5803/3663 Bank identifier code: 3707QO60 '.. Oliver Breme, Martin Trzaskalik, Bank name: Deutsche Bank Craig Vodnik IBAN: DE83370700600207164500 BIC (SWIFr): DEUTDEDKXXX - 1 -