HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW15-240 - Change Order - #9 - Marshbank Construction, Inc.- Central Ave S Pavement Preservation and Utility Improvements - 06/27/2016 .40 ltz� I I I C rd s N/1 a gKENT . WA9 W I M GTOM. CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Marshbank Construction, Inc. Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: PIN 15-240 D 1 ' This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Central Ave S Pavement Preservation and Utility Improvements Description: ® Interlocal Agreement ® Change Order ❑ amendment ❑ Contract Other: Contract Effective Date: 7/6/2015 Termination Date: Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Mark Madfai Department: PW Engineering Contract amount: 5,819,698.74 Approval Authority: (CIRCLE CONE) Department Director Mayor City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Change Order #9 As of: 08/27/14 5 • KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Marshbank Construction, Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Central Avenue S Pavement Preservation and Utility Imp. ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: July 6, 2015 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Furnish and install approximately 74 LF of 8 inch SDR35 sanitary sewer pipe and a new 48 inch manhole as shown on the proposed new contract drawing SS1 and new Kent Standard Plan 4-1. Connect the new sanitary sewer pipe to an existing manhole in the intersection of Central Ave S and S 259th Street in preparation for future development on S 259t" Street and to prevent damage to the new roadway improvements being installed under this contract. The work shall be performed, measured, and paid for in accordance with the contract documents and as described in request for proposal 011 and Serial Letter 022. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $5,819,698.74 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $31,554.71 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $5,851,253.45 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $44,090.40 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $4,188.59 Order Revised Contract Sum $5,899,532.44 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 1,80 working days (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 0 prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (±) for this Change 5 calendar days Order Revised Time for Completion .185 working days (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDO'T Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed' this, Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CiTy,OF KENT: By: By: (signat r gna ture) . Lk print Print Name: --s p P,C-. Its itsPLA hL V)06 s (fitle) (titl DATE: 1 DATE: CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM; (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Department ffsfsf[In this field,you may enter the electronic filepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 • FILE NO: 200.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 9 Construction Management Division — Public Works Project: Central Ave. S. Pavement Project No.: 13-3004 Preservation and Utility Improvement Project Project Engineer: Cameron Bloomer, PE Fed-Aid No.: STPUL-1071(006) Owners Rep: KBA, Contractor: Marshbank Construction, Inc Inc Date: 5/12/2016 I. PROPOSED CHANGE Furnish and Install approximately 74 LF of 8 inch SDR35 sanitary sewer pipe and a new 48 inch manhole as shown on the proposed new Contract Drawing SS1 and new Kent Standard Plan 4-1. Connect the new sanitary sewer pipe to an existing manhole in the intersection of Central Ave S and S 25911 St as shown. The work shall be performed, measured, and paid for in accordance with the Contract Documents and as described in Request for Proposal 011 and Serial Letter 022. II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE In preparation for future development on S 259th St, and to prevent damage to the new roadway improvements being installed under this Contract, the City elected to extend the sanitary sewer system approximately 74 LF west on S 259th St. III.. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY ITEM(S) ❑ Not Applicable Change Order No. - j FOR ACCOUNTING USE ONLY sch.No. Item Description Total Est. oty this i Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of oty PE Item _ _ ._._.. .... ......._.._.__ _........_.. .._...__-_.... 63 CO 009-01 8 Inch PVC SDR35 ! ..._.74. _.__.0. -LLLF - $85.00 $6,290.00 63_...._. Sanitary Sewer Pipe _ . ............ ._ CO 009-02 48 Inch Sewer 1 0 EA $5,775.00 $5,775.00 I Manhole B3 CO 009-03 Locking MH Frame 1 0 EA $910.00 $910.00 and Cover B3 CO 009-04 Traffic Control 80 0 Hr $57.00 $4,560.00 Labor _ 63 CO 009-05 Traffic Control 40 0 Hr $70.00 $2,800.00 Supervisor B3 CO 009-006 Sequential Arrow 10 0 Day $160.00 $1,600.00 Sign 1 REV. DATE: 4/01/10 • FILE NO: 200.2 KENT $4.00 B3 CO 009-07 Saw Cut Existing 424 0 LF $1 680.00 I Asphalt Concrete Pavement B3 CO 009-08 Remove Existing 76 0 Sy $13.00 $988.00 Asphalt Concrete Pavement B3 CO 009-09 Shoring or Extra 936 0 SF $0.15 $140.40 Excavation Class B f B3 CO-009-10 Pipe Zone 25 0 i Tn $27.00 $675.00 Bedding for Sanitary Sewer B3 ! CO 009-11 Bank Run Gravel 274 0 Tn I $27.00 $7,398.00 for Trench Backfill for Sanitary Sewer B3 CO 009-12 Crushed Surfacin 9 18 0 Tn $35.00 $630.00 Base Course, 1-1/4 Inch I i Minus B3 CO 009-13 HMA for Pavement 22 0 Tn $110.00 $2,420.00 Repair Cl. 1/2 Inch PG 64-22 B3 CO 049-14 Pothole Utilities 6 i 0 F EA i $500.00 $3,000.00 B3 CO 009-15 Off-Duty 30 0 Hr $60.00 $1,800.00 Uniformed Police Officer B3 CO 009-16 Unsuitable 7 0 Cy $35.00 i $245.00 Foundation Excavation, Incl Haul B3 CO 009-017 Foundation 17 0 Tn $27.00 $459.00 t Material CL I and II for Sanitary Sewer B3 CO 009-018 Cold Plant Mix 17 0 Tn $160.00 $2,720 for Temporary Pavement Patch Independent Estimate Attached CREATE PAY ITEM ONLY— Payment to be made I PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATE -REQUIRED at a later date upon completion of work - . _.___._........-_---_.__. ..___.._-......__ __. ._-._......... ._ Material Submlfifials Required — CC: Construction Coordinator New Sub Req rd? No DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 ® Not Applicable Change Order No. - FOR ACCOUNTING USE ONLY Sch. No. B.I.No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item _..___.._. ._ ...-_ ___._.._- ._ . ..._._....... ......_.._..... ...._.__. ..._.. _ _ .. ... .. _ .. .. , Independent Estimate Attached -REQUIRED INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEMS) ® Not Applicable Change Order No. - FOR ACCOUNTING USE ONLY Sch. No. B.I.No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item Independent Estimate Attached-REQUIRED 2 REV. DATE: 4/01/10 FILE NO: 200.2 KENT TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER $44 O90.44d *Total of the Cost of Item Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE $0.00 IV. WORKING MAYS Original Contract 80 Due This Change Order* Previous Total 180 _.. _.._. ___.._.. ._._.. ............. [)ATE i __,. € t3 l , * 1 9x0anation/justification Required:The work being added by this change order is estimated to take 5 working days to i complete, which includes time for testing and pavement patching. This work is being added to the Contract at a time when pavement planing is the next scheduled critical path activity. The work added by this change order must be completed prior to the start of pavement planing. As such, this work delays the start of a critical path item by 5 working days, and extends the total workin2 days of the Contract by the same amount, TOTAL WORKING DAYS* _ 1$5 *This Change order + Previous Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard Specifications and' Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Prepared y: JWVA 7e- ` &()VW a4 Date: p1Z/-40ILP Construction Supervisor: Date: ConstructionManager: r bate: 3 REV. DATE: 4/01/10 Chapter 52 Local Administered Projects Appendix 52.106 Change Order Checklist t. Change Order Question Yes No NIA 1. Does the change order alter the termini,character,or scope of the work? ❑ ❑ If yes, you must have H &LP approval to be eligible for federal funds. ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes,you must sub►nit a revised Page I of the prospectus. ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Is the Change Order over$7,500.00 and outside the scope of work'? ❑ it ❑ If yes,the change cannot be a change order and must be an independent work. ❑ ❑ ❑ f. 3. Does the Change Order detail all items involved with the change? ❑ ❑ 4. Does the Change Order include an adjustment in working days? ®' ❑ ❑ If yes,the time extension must be stated in the Change Order. ❑ ❑ If yes,an independent engineer's estimate of time must be included to document the ❑ ❑ extension. If no,that must be stated in the Change Order. ❑ ❑ 5. Does the Change Order alter the DBE Condition of Award? ❑ ❑ If yes,you must obtain concurrence form Local Programs. ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes,you Must obtain the DBE's signature on the Change Order. ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Does the Change Order involve a material substitution? ❑ ❑ If yes,you must determine if a material credit is appropriate. ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. 1rChange Order work started prior to it's execution,prior verbal approval by the Ule ❑ ❑ Approving Authority must be grranted and documented. S. Has the Change Order been signed by the contractor? ❑ ❑ 11 9. Has the Change Order been executed by the Approving Authority'? ❑ ❑ ❑ If you are a"non CA Agency", you must have the acting CA Authority's approval. C1 ❑ ❑ 10. Has an independent engineer's estimate justifying the costs and time extensions been ❑ ❑ completed and documented? 11. Has a detailed memo outlining the chronology of events,basis of need,costs and ❑ ❑ working days been prepared and placed in the file accompanying the Change Order? Appendix 52.106 Change Order Page i of 1 Revised 413012014 «�,r " '.-,'�h'x IN—M1''-`', WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines M 36-63.27 Page 52-19 April 2015 0 CD C7 0 C] C� C� C7l 114: C� C R C7 C 1 6 U') C) 0 CD 0 O� ci Ln 00 a c CD C) tD 0) r- -1 to 0 W 00 *;1* rti 0) rn r,a c) CD to ry r- 0) V) as w a) r-i �D rn CID *t Q 00 rrii Mtn tr3 tran ✓, C) `*- Ln Lr) CD r, 0 SD rn to h r• Ln 0 0 0 co r-- +-I Ln r- �r r-i ry rN m rH CD eta rw tra V-4 Lr) W c o wJ »� trr. r» 00 cr ry r" rn N r� r-I r a rn (0) m ' c7 r- C) C CC) o o lrY 00 ko 00 � 00It N as Lr t" N r-A � -� �- r, �"+ rya ry) r 00 4j)- jjr AA AA _b r -tag- 4ft AA- m CD n o CD `a try r` U) p r-, r� Ln 0 00 r ' 0) r- N N m tip Ln c Pui 1W r`m m W M Ln C�7t � a tc) d � ll CD Cl m � rev Ln rn Ln _ ce u _ I0 u spa a U 4z " u 0 C N (1) Cq CX7 co h + tT 0 w C:) rL3 C) C) 0 C1 rC7 C N ; +y U m u a u U U 1 ) U) < Ln ca U rr.. � 1— WK rxMrrr«KMEr»�,�rrT a" IndependentCost Estimate Project Name: Central Ave S. Pavement Preservation Project NoC 13-3004 Potential Issue No.: Crete: 2/11/2016 Description of Work: Install 64 LF of 8"SDR35 Sewer pipe and a new manhole West onto 259th. Assumptions: Air test is required Desctiption Quantity Unit Unit Price Total 48" T pe 2 MFl 'WSDOT Unit Bid.Analysis) 1 ES 3500 $ 3,500.00 8"° SDR35 Pie Includes Excavation, installation, testing) 64 LF 60 $ 3,840.00 Shoring (same unit price as bid for water main) 770 SF 6.15 $ 115.56 Backfill material 152 Tn 30 $ 4,, 66.®a CSBC for patch 12.5 Tn 30 $1 375.00 Pavement Removal 48 SY 13 $ 624.00 Sawcut 292 LF 4 $ 1,168M Connect to existing MH 1 EA 250 $ 250.00 HMA Cl 1/2 inch 16.25 Tn 116 $ 1,787.50 $ $ $ subtotal $ 16,220.00 Labor Markup (29%) Equipment Markup (21%) Materials Markup 21%) $ - Markup Total Subcontractor Markup 12% if below $25,000 Estimate Total $ 16,220.00 Estimate By: a,ne-o11 Bkome_r Signature: 1 of 1 P-13 (Rev. 7/12) CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Independent Cost Estimate Project Name: Central Ave S. Pavement Preservation Project No: 13-3004 Potential Issue No.: Date; 2/24/2016 Description of Work: Install 78 LF of 8"SDR35 Sewer pipe and a new manhole West onto 259th. Assumptions: Air test is required Desctiption Quantity Unit Unit Price Total 48"Type 2 MH (WSDQT Unit Bid Analysis) 1 ES 3500 $ 3,500.00 3r" SDR35 Pie includes Excavation, installation, testing 78 LF 60 $ 4,680,00 ,Shoring (same unit price as laid for water main) 770 SF 0.15 $ 115,50 Backfill material 152 Tn 30 $ 4,560.00 CSBC for patch 12.5 Tn 30 $ 375.00 Pavement (Removal 48 SY 13 $ 624.00 Sawcut 292 LF 4 $ 1,168.00 Connect to existing MH 1 EA 250 $ 25,0.00 HMA Cl 1/2 Inch 16,25 Tn 110 $ 1,787.50 $ $ - Contract Days: 3 day to install (Including new manhole and $ - connection to the existing, and any re-channeling needed), 1 $ - day to test, 1 day to pave if paving cannot be done in conjunction with other contract trench patching, Total 5 working days $ - $ Y $ $ $ - $ - Subtotal $ 17,060.00 Labor Markup 29%) Equipment Markup (21%) Materials Markup 21%'©) $ - Markup Total Subcontractor Markup (12% if below $25,000 Estimate To,, 17,06Q.00 Estimate By: "e rag 61bo -,*- Signature; 1t . �• x -aC ` J' f 1 of 1 P-13 (Rev. 7/12) d, e 00010 0 CONSTRUCTION . m MANAGEMEN1 WASH NOTON MEmo To FILE Central Ave.S. Pavement Preservation and Utility Project Name: Gate: 5/12/20�16 Improvements Contractor: Marshbank Construction, Inc. Contract NO: 13-3004 owner: City of Kent Federal Aid No: STPUL-1071(006) Subject:. Change Order 009 Chronology of Events Message February 17,2016—Tile City issued Request for Proposal 011--Sanitary Sewer Addition at 25911 to the Contractor, requesting pricing to install sanitary sewer pipe and a new manhole an S 2591"St. February 24,2016—The City revised Request for Proposal 011, providing an updated standard plan and adding a 10 LF stub west of the new manhole. March 17, 2016—The Contractor responded to the proposal with Serial Letter No.22, April 12,2016—The City completed their review of the cost proposal provided by the Contractor, and found their pricing to be fair and reasonable.The City directed the Contractor to perform the work as described in the proposal and Serial Letter, noting a Change Order would be processed to provide compensation for their efforts. Cameron Bloomer, PE Resident Engineer 5/12/2016 -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------._-..M...........- Date 1 of 1 P-11 (Rev. 8/11) SharePoint News'leed OneDrive Sites Cameron Bloomer- Request -for Proposal (RFP) A 4m Project Number Project Federal Aid No. Date RFP No. Oil Subject Sanitary Sewer Addition at 259th Specification(s) 7-17 Plan Reference Proposed Drawing SS1 To: Provide proposal within fifteen(15)clays or as stated above for the scope of work described: NOTE:This is NOT a change order and does NOT constitute approval or notice to proceed on the issue. SCOPE Provide a cost proposal to furnish and install approximately 64 LF of 8 Inch sanitary sewer and a 48 Inch Manhole as shown on proposed new Contract Drawing SS].. Connect the new sanitary sewer to an existing manhole in the intersection of 259th and Central Ave S as shown. MATERIAL Pipe material shall be PVC SDR35, and shill be installed in accordance with WSDOT Specification Section 7-17, including testing.Infiltration tests are not required. The Manhole shall conform Kent Stinclard Plan 4-1, and 4-5, and the lid shall be per WSDOT Standard plan 1330,70-02 Type 2.All materials shall conform to Buy America requirements. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement for the new PVC Sanitary Sewer pipe shall be per Linear Foot. Estimated quantity is 64 LF.Cost for this item shall include excavation,pipe testing, and connection to the existing manhole. Payment will be made via a new bid item. Measurement for the new 48 Inch Manhole shall be per each, and cost for this item shall include the connection of the new pipe to the new manhole. Payment will be made via a new bid item. Measurement for the Locking Manhole Frame and Cover shall be per each. Payment will be made via a new bid item. Measurement and Payment for all Sawcutting, Pavement Removal, Shoring or Extra Excavation, Pipe Zone Bedding, Gravel Borrow Backfill, Crushed Surfacing Base Course, and HMA for Pavement Repair Cl. 1/2", PG 64-22 necessary for the complete installation of the proposed work will be paid for under new bid items at the unit prices bid under other schedules of the Contract. Contractor Review Related GC Documents Close Verson:2.0 Content Type:Item Created at 2/8/2016 4:2C:14 PM by Cameron Bloomer Last modified at 2/17/2016 6:43.38 PNI by Carrieron Bloomer Q '� - �' N..:. GAD.- � � � ,N •� � �. # J � N�� 41 I 14 �.: rn oil I V � �� 10'; nII I� j ��• �• �� . N _ p i+�Y A I 4 8 CHAJN LINK FENCE ��n fs7 j � �IG�� �T ..{ � � I I� i��• R>2� 01 R% :. »� -~ 06 -cic As.Jnc � —� - � - -... -:.. �.:. - - o - - ---- n�:-- N3�d 7d ��a^A q—'f---- Sin s o n $L' g E 9a., z r m Q ��m s z $cD z r Q 8 m'<sT �z Y r 0 w r E y3 'NN Q� Z N;o n 6�n is2l� 1 N A A 2 F SANITARY SEWER PLAN e FF G urc Rnwn. sr BL KWOENGINEERIN T TRANSPORT, LLC CIVIL DESIGN+CONSULTING 1100 S 259th STnic-,' ny-e nf, ►906.765.3961 Z KENT, RA tApNqu3 03A0lIddV —� 31V0 03N93HD /1l NVId 08VONVIS 3NJ6N 31405 es UMVNU Aria""03N91S30 V J9 cgt' I 30)d hoa ow,NcvM -� £s'b�7i 31OHNdY4 l i f—i 1N3MIlUYd30 ON1a33NION3 �{ Z C" } suffix 30 AS.Io 0� � ti O NOIIISOd 213A00 ANV HIM III MIA3021-NON 321f1SSV Ol 'IS3flb32f a�? y�HSbM �� 03HSINIJ 39 11VHS 533Vd2dns 9NI1VW NOdn 03NIV190 39 AVW Ad03 V '1N3X 30 A110 3HI1V 91I9 j�d ��S 'OIZ9-3-da NOJIV313I33dS 1"3033 NO 1d3A SI NOIlV31l9f1d 2i0d 03A071ddV 0NV b33NI9N3 3H1 30 SIN3W321U1b3b H19N9dIS 9H1 A9 03N91S'lVNI9IIJO 3H1 '31V3IIdf10 3INOii10319 NV 1F19 199W I8 SNOl1V31dI33dS(3bV0MV1S 1N3Wf100o 9NI2133NION3 1V931 V ION SI NVId SIHI :31ON 100SM HIM 30NV0a033V NI 39 IIVHS Sa3AO318 S9NN 31OHNVW 'b 'HSINI3 HIOQ14S V 01301SNI ONV 30IS1f10 S3lOHH01d ONV SINIOI NOI103S 31OHNVW llV inodo '8 '„8 SI S310H N33MI39 30NVISIO 'NIW '310HNVW„bS W:1„Zb'91OHNVW ,.8b 210d „9£SI 3ZIS 3lOH 'XVW 'SS3N)IJIH1llVM 31OHNVW Sold 'HSINI31H911a31VM HIOOWS V W'dO3 01 NOI133S 1N3W1Sf1COV d313WVIG'd31f10 3dId Ol IVflb3 SI 3ZIS 310H 1f101f13 w 1f10)100N)I 'E 3H1 N33M139 NI 0NV'3(IISNI'3(lIS1(10 9NINll „8/E'dV1210W 'I 'Wf1WINIW„Z d0 SS3NH0IHi 1-IVM V 3AVH 11VHS sinO)100N)1 031531 wnn:)VA 39 INNS S31OHNVW'd]M3S AdV1INVS 11V '9 'S1f10){3ON)I do sinoin:)HIM 03HSIwnJ 39 IIVHS S3SV91SV33dd 'Z '30NV'dV313'NIW„I 'S03dS '01S 100SM 1Ih13SV9 3HI 30 3lVH'd3ddn 3H1 NI 033VId 3918 ISd 000'09 30 3H1 NJ(1310N 210 SNVld NO NMOHS 3SIfAd3H10 SS3INn Wit 0 WISV) EMUS 013IA'NIW V 3AVH IIVHS 1331S 9NI02iO3NI b 3SV91IV 'S '8 66T-W OIHSVV/M 33NV02i030V NI(131DndISNO3 39 01 S31OHNVW 'I :S31ON INIOC3SV9 1SV03dd (-NIW) -iI/#008E SIVhb3 3nivA 9NR1V39 IIOS ',SZ OI,ZT 213AO :1H913H('NIW) '13/# OOEE SlVflb3 3nlVA 9NIdV39 IIOS '.ZI 01,8 :IH9I3H SNOIldwnSSV N9IS30 9NI*d 'VI0„PS WI N01133i110 H3V3 NI'13/'NI 'bS 6T'0 3SV91SV3321d 31VdVd3S VIO„8b 2J03 N0I133?lI0 H3V3 NI-13/'NI 'b5 En(A1NO 9SV9 31VWd3S 1103)1331S 9NI32103NI32J iO 30V1d NI 1SV3 31VNVd3S h f .I AINO S3SV9 iSV33Vd WI 'Hld3(l 17 ° 0313VdW03'NIW,,9'9N10039 3dld b03 1113)10V9 13AVdE) 'd3SI'd lV'd931NI/M 9SV9 1SV39'dd J >- ° 9-&9V v 'VIO„bS 2103 NOI133dI0 I 131113 H3V3 NI '.La/'NI'bS 6T'0 V10 a8b d03 NOI133bI0 H3V3 NI'ld/'NI iIVildOW )S ST'0('d]SIIl IV21931NI HIM 3SV9 ISV33dd 210d)1331S 9NI3NO3NA'd 3dld 3H1 71 30 NMO2 0 314101 313HS'8 13NNVH0 013Ij NI 1DniSN00 - Z^„ - _ ('dAl)%Z=3dOlS (S-b NVId 0MINVIS 33S)2 300VI „7S b0„8b JAl)S310HYDId ONV SINIOI NOI133S InO'd9'SNOII33S d3M ISV:)nd (S-t,NVId UVONVIS 33S)Sd31S A13IVS 9Nn d02J0 A1N0 s 33V1d NI 1SV0 (0313133dS 3SIM83H10 SS3lNn 3Ia1N3333)3N00 iSV:Md -- '° 31V'dVd3S'dOd (S-t,NVld 02JV0NVIS 33S)-NAD OIOHONVH "bZ rn .A rn S9NRJ 30Vd9 N33M139 NI(INV 301S1f10'30ISNI'inodE).,8/E 3 3 ? (9NRi d01 NO o35f1 39 AVW S)13R19 X X 9N113A31)(S-b NVId G'dV(1NViS 33S)59NRI 3MIE)IN3WISf1C0V ti-b a0 E-t?NVId OaV(1NV1S 33S) d3A03 9NIX30I ONV 9WV'dA 31OHNVW 1" RADIUS 3" I-- 12" MIN. -—I -� 12" MIN. 3 1/2" 3" 6 1/2" MIN. _F 12_ O f DROP RUNG HANDHOLD MANHOLE STEP x a --- 12"MIN, —�I 11 3/4" MIN, — CENTER TO CENTER 6., 9 1/2" I_,_ 6„ MIN. O�r MANHOLE STEP S GALVANIZED DROP RUNG MANHOLE STEP AND PREFABRICATED LADDER 6 12" 111/2" 12° PFCENTERTO 6"FOR STEP � 4" MIN. 3"FOR HANDHOLD TER 9 1/8" FOR STEP 6 1/8" FOR HANDHOLD 6 POLYPROPYLENE DROP RUNG MANHOLE STEP AND PREFABRICATED LADDER NOTES: 1, MANHOLE STEPS CONFORMING TO SECTION R,ASTM C-47B.AASHTO M-199 REQUIREMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM D-4101 FOR POLYPROPYLENE AND S)) 24" 5" ASTM A-615 FOR 1/2"GRADE 60 DEFORMED REINFORCING BAR FOR POLYPROPYLENE STEPS,AND ALL WISHA AND OSHA SPECIFICATIONS,ARE ACCEPTABLE PROVIDED THEY ARE PRE-APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. 'v 2. DROP RUNG STEPS ARE TO BE #8 GALVANIZED DEFORMED REBAR. --� � 1" CLEARANCE #4 BAR 3. PREFABRICATED LADDERS ARE TO BE #7 GALVANIZED SMOOTH STEEL. 4. MANHOLE PREFABRICATED LADDER STEPS SHALL BE PARALLEL OR APPROXIMATELY GRADE RING RADIAL AT THE OPTION OF THE MANUFACTURER, EXCEPT THAT ALL STEPS IN ANY MANHOLE SHALL BE THE SAME. OS PENETRATION OF OUTER WALL BY A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMEW STEP LADDER OR LADDER LEG IS BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED B` 7� THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT 0 PROHIBITED. USE FLANGED END FOR Q�j�a1 I BOLTING TO WALL IN STORM DRAINAGE FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON APPLICATIONS. ����oE WAS"�c� REQUEST. 10 EMBED FOOT OF LADDER IN CONCRETE ; ,t� � CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IN POURED AND/OR CHANNELED FLOOR. E' KENT MANHOLE GRADE RING, -o P 21493 T a 7 WAON)NOTON SAFETY STEPS & LADDER 7. MANHOLE STEPS OR LADDERS ARE NOT Fc R� !,� �F f$REQUIRED WHEN THE COVER TO FS C;� DESIGNED DMWSCALE NONE SiAN0ut0 PLAN DRawN ea BOTTOM OF MANHOLE IS LESS THAN 4'. Q`vA . �� CHECKED onrE 4-5[ncwcm ,waRovEo Cameron Bloomer From: jason@marshbankconst.com Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 2:04 PM To: Cameron Bloomer Cc: gammell@marshbankconst.com Subject: RE: RFP 011 Updated Thanks From: Cameron Bloomer [mailto:cbloomer@kbacm.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 12:57 PM To: jason@marshbankconst.com Cc: gammell@marshbankconst.com Subject: RFP 011 Updated Jason, RFP 011 has been updated with the following new drawing and updated standard plan. I have increased the linear footage of the pipe accordingly. Thank you, Cameron Bloomer, PE T 425.990.2949 1 C 206.819.7148 1 E cbloomer@ kbacm.com I BA, Inc. I Construction Management Specialists I sv1,t1jyrAhacrn.corn i UP - Sanitat-y Se%ver- Addition at 2 9th Page 1 of 3 Share point 1\1(•wsf(!cd (:rtreD vc_, Sites camlenc:n BloGll`er, ? �,, 1� (t r Request fir Pro ,osaa RFP) � Pra ecl Karla bei pro. Federal Aid No. Date 2/23/2016 hFP No. Oil Subject Sanitary Sewer Ac:ldntion at 259th Sp ec:ifiu; tir:,n(s) 7-17 Nan Reference Propaosed Drawiracl SS To: Provide proposal within hfween (15) cilays or pis stated above for the s c,pe cif vvc.Srk c:lesc:ribect NOTE: This is NOT ra c;hrwgca carder'anti does NOT c.caaastihjtc� approval or r otc ce to proceed on i:hc� issa.ae. SCOPE Provides to e cast proposal to furnish and ill-J all approximrate iy M LF c:af 8 inch sanitary slmer pipe and <� /18 Ilnch Manhole as artarawn on faroposcad new C onfrad Drawing SS1 Connect the new sanitary sewer to an existing marahualc_^,. ill the init¢ rs,,.C Lion of),°)9th waiid C c!illral Aver S as sIiow li, Provide an 8 Inch di aaaaeter stub 1.0 feed ICvlcf carat Of ITIEa racrww rl mil icile. in the west dire Jorr. F j Fropc,sed Contract Drcaviirag SS;1 NEW.p:acif I;tf# KSP 4 "f Nk;W.p dI MATERIAL littp://ivNvw.kbapoi-t,l.coiii/pj-diced/Cetiti-al veSotilii/l.istsl' Il:,' /Disl)Tot-tii.asl)x`ID=l3&So... 4/21/2016 -RFP - Sanitary Sewer Addition at 259th Page 2 of 3 Pipe material shall be PVC SDR35, and shall be installed in accordance with WSDOT Specification Section 7-17, including testing. The Manhole shall conform Kent Standard Plan 4-1, and 4-5, and the lid shall be per WSDOT Standard plan B30.70-02 Type 2.All materials shall conform to Buy America requirements. A vacuum test of the manhole will be performed by the City.Any retesting due to a failed test will be at the cost of the Contractor. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT All na\nr material-not nrpvin+.t-1v annrnk/pri for r.iSP nn the nrniprt -half ha sr_rbmittNri to the FnninpPr for approval Measurement for the new PVC Sanitary Sewer pipe shall be per Linear Foot. Estimated quantity is 78 LF.Cost for this item shall include all materials, excavation, pipe testing, and connection to the existing manhole.The length of the stub shall also be measured under this item. Payment will be made via a new bid item. Measurement for the new 48 Inch Manhole shall be per each, and cost for this item shall include both connections of the new pipe and stub to the new manhole. Payment will be made via a new bid item. Measurement for the Locking Manhole: Frame and Cover shall be per each. Payment will be made via a new bid item. Measurement and Payment for all Sawartting, Pavement Removal, Shoring or Extra Excavation, Pipe Zone Bedding, Gravel Borrow Backfill, Crushed Surfacing Base Course, and HMA for Pavement Repair Cl. 1/2", PG 64-22 necessary for the complete installation of the proposed work will be paid for under new bid items at the unit prices bid under other schedules of the Contract. Contractor Review Related GC Documents Close Version:80 C.,onlent lylur:Irei�i O-e,:ited at 2/8/2U16 1U0:14 PM by Cameron Bloomer Last modified at 2/24/2016 12152:11 PM by Cameron Bloomer http://www.kbapo►-tal.com/project/CentralAveSouth/Lists/RFP/DispFoi-in.aspx?ID=13&So... 4/21/2016 ..................................................................................... t c I CD ............ .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '0 . . . . . . . . . . . ........_......I 1+ C�. . . . . . . . . . 0 > -0 > cn tzi............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . 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V 0913VdWO3'NIW,,9 r00I 3038 3d1d d13J IIIJII3V913a1V�I °° 8 1„b5 ,AH 113SPI1V11931NI/M 3SV91SVO3�d � • 131"iIJ 'VI0„P5,8OJ NO11 RWO `, MOW HOV3 NI'IJ/'NI'bS 61'0 Vl0,. dOJ NOII33'dIH H3V3 NI 'IA/'NI 'bS ST'0 N3SI'd InS31.141 HIM 3SV9 1SVA'dd WA)1931S 9NI3110JNRIJ ' AO NPAM 3H101 A13HS 1319NNVH3 013IJ NI IDUISNO3 m n ('dAl)0/oZ--3dO15 , d �v _ rs r✓nA sr,..., a m "?Y aI"'s U (S-P NVld 0dV(INVIS 33S)d300V1 C ,AIDS d0 1.90 (dkL)S3101IA31d(INV SINI01 NO1133S 11I0d9'SNOIl0JS�33SW ISV;39>Id (S-6 NVld MCINVIS 39S)Sd31S A13JVS 911m dOdO AlNO " 33V1d NI ISVJ (03IJI03dS 9SIM89HIO 5S31Nn 31211N9)33)3NO31SVO3dd —°— "'° 31dtiVd3S'dOJ ' (S-1 NVId MONVIS 93S)-NA1)010HONVIJ .T. ran .Vyq-,S4'W?j-1r'$P "�,ar u;p 1� Via'"'�Y 9k�t� ,..,'N S9NI'd 30VJ9 N33MI39 NI 0NV30IS'M'301SNI'I(IO2i9 (9NI'd d01 NO(i3SI139 AVW'SMDld9 9N113A.31)(S-�NVId MONVIS 93S)59NId 30WE)IN3wISP1CCIV 1 (4r-tx 210 E-b NVId GIMINViS 33S)T 3AO3'9NMOOl ONV 9WnJ 31OHNVW A, A MARSHBANK CONSTRUCTION Cont.Lic.AIARS//C/V.:lilri No.91 t1n011:+07 March 17, 2015 Cameron Bloomer, PE KBA for: City of Kent 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 RE: Central Ave S Pavement Preservation & Utility Improvements Project No. 13-3004 Federal Aid Number: STPUL-1071(006) RFP 011—Addition of Sewer Main on 259th Serial Letter No. 22 Cameron, Below is out proposed pricing for the addition of the sewer main per RFP 11. Item Description Units Qty Unit Price Total Price 1 8" PVC SDR35 Sanitary Sewer LF 74 $ 85.00 $ 6,290.00 2 48"Sewer Manhole EA 1 $ 5,775.00 $ 5,775.00 3 Locking MH Frame and Cover EA 1 $ 910.00 $ 910.00 Assumptions and Notes — Sewer main work includes trenching, off haul, pipe install, pressure testing, TV of new line and connection to the existing structure in Central Ave — Manhole installation include excavation, structure install and channeling — Other contract items such as traffic control, sawcutting, pavement removals, shoring, bedding, trench backfill, CSBC and HMA to be paid at existing unit prices with new bid items Please review and let us know what questions you have. Sincerely, Jason Heide Marshbank Construction Inc. Cameron Bloomer To: Connor, Eric Subject: RE: BLT Transport Civil Permit (RECC 2152719) - remaining items From: Connor, Eric [mailto:EConnor@kentwa.gov] Sent:Tuesday,April 12, 2016 1:04 PM To:Cameron Bloomer<cbloomer@kbacm.com> Cc: Bieren, Chad <CBieren@kentwa.gov>; McConnell, Phillip <PMcConnell@kentwa.gov>; Smith, Eric <ESmith@kentwa.gov>; Madfai, Mark<MMadfai@kentwa.gov>; Smith,Susanne Provencio<SPSmith@kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: BLT Transport Civil Permit(RECC 2152719)-remaining items Hello Cameron, Please provide direction to Marshbank to proceed with the sewer work on 259`"as proposed in the attached Serial Letter No. 22. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information at this time. Thank you, Eric Connor Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department Phone 253-856-5533 1 Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON }H17 rNVfR0N1A.'-AF"Vi :ORP PRivi fNC; i'fi[S f Parl I. 1 Cameron Bloomer From: Cameron Bloomer Sent: Tuesday,April 12, 20161:19 PM To: Jason Heide Cc: 'JC Brown'; Eric Arntson; Steve Cox Subject: RFP 011 - Sanitary Sewer Addition at 259th Attachments: MB SL 22 - RFP 011 Sewer Main at 259th.pdf Jason, The City has reviewed MCI Serial Letter 22 (attached), regarding RFP 011 Sanitary Sewer Addition at 259`h,and has agreed to the pricing proposed. Please proceed with this work. A change order will be issued to provide compensation. Thank you, Cameron Bloomer, PE T 425.990.2949 1 C 206.819.7148 1 E cbloomer@kbacm.com KBA, Inc. 1 Construction Management Specialists 1 w—.Ww.kb,crn.corn 1