HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD16-218 - Original - Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) - MOU: Overtime for Certified Drug Recognition Experts (DRE) - 07/01/2015 -------m- e F*, Racords Mn- ti otr KENryIIAY�-4.�1Y.�'E} I1 .V ��p/ p� uet e� l� nin�v i�./,�„ �6..{/AM m.l4 e, :7mm G,e n.,�,r�r�m".� 1V' M1Lf/�' WA A SHIN O T a d .n �" ��._.. .._, (CONTRACT COYfL--R SHEET ..his is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office, A31 portions are to be completed. Xf you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office.. VendorName.- wmhM JAY c VH / 5i'0V1 C Vendor Humber.- JD Edwards Number Contract Humber, P DI U _ 1 This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: HOU _ PYWAVD W �D f - G 9-1 11 Description: D Interlocal Agreement 0 Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ether: _ C M0yCtV1d[1t i of Gll'1 U3faV IY? Contract Effective Date., I � w � � ,�,� Termination Date- 1,1011 Contract ReneiAyal Motic (Days).- Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager., 14- J'V)()VYJCAS Department,, Po 11,f_vP f)t Contract Amount. Approval Authority,. J0 Department director ❑Mayor ❑City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel numbertax id, ft.).. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 6218"Ave SE,Suite 409,PO Box 40944,Olynipja WA 98504-0944 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between: (Agency Name) Hereinafter referred to as"CONTRACTOR"and the WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION,hereinafter referred to as­WTSC. ITISTHE PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT to provide overtime funding to law enforcement agencies who have certified Drug Recognition Experts(DRE)to conduct the following activities: • Respond to radio calls when no other DRE is available on duty and requiring a response in 'overtime status' from list of registered DREs. • Cover shift extension 'overtime' when completing a drug evaluation or covering a request for a DRE • Testifying in court as a result of performing drug evaluations due to these call outs and shift extensions when overtime is required to testify.(Not responsible for overtime generated from cases/arrests during normal employment or assignment) • On an overtime basis, participate in DRE sponsored emphasis patrols and allied agency specific DRE-related requests pre-approved by the DRE Program Coordinator between July 1,2015 through June 30,2017. IT IS,THEREFORE,MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: I. All contractor DREs will be maintained and available for callout by Washington State Patrol communications in their individual regions, WSP Communications has assigned a special roster of DREs that assists in finding those that are available tinder these MOUs, 2. Contractor will provide a certified DRE on an "overtime"basis(not to exceed 1.5 times normal salary and benefits)to perform drug evaluation activities as specified. No other commissioned personnel will be funded. 3. The period of activity will begin on July 1,2015 and extend through June 30,2017. 4, Drug evaluation performance standards for certified and funded DREs must meet the standards of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. 5. DREs will maintain good standing with Drug Evaluation Classification Program; i.e. paperwork, rolling logs, and resumes, (Contractor and DRE will be notified if DRE is not eligible for availability and removed from WSP roster-30 day notice given.) 6. Contractor•must submit the billings and supporting documents to the Drug Evaluation Classification Program(DECP)at 811 E.Roanoke St., Seattle WA 98102-3915 for approval and reimbursement not more than 30 days after the last day of the month in which the overtime is worked. Contractor must ensure that reimbursement being requested is not for on-duty time, but for call out and shift extension overtime only. Billings will include: • Completed and signed invoice Voucher,A19-IA Form(attached). Please note that a fax or electronic copy cannot be accepted. Your agency must be identified as the MOU DRE Program 2015-2017 (R DRAFT) page 1 of 2 "Claimant"and Federal Tax ID#and an original signature of the agency head, command officer or contracting officer must be provided on the A19-1A form. • Payment documentation(overtime slips,payroll documents,etc.) • DRE Request Form showing all pertinent information.If for court case,evidence it came from a prior MOU overtime situation. 7. Disputes arising under this agreement shall be resolved by a panel consisting of one representative of the WTSC,one representative from your agency and one representative from the DECP. The dispute panel shall thereafter decide the dispute with the majority prevailing. 8. Either party may terminate this agreement upon(30 days)written notice to the other party. In the event of termination of this agreement,the terminating party shall be liable for the performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination. 9. WTSC Termination—This project agreement may be terminated or fund payments discontinued or reduced by WTSC at any time upon written notice to the Contractor due to non-availability of funds,failure of the Contractor to accomplish any of the terms herein,or from any change in the scope or timing of the project. 10. The Drug Evaluation Classification Program(DECP)will assist by monitoring and tracking the available funds to ensure the availability of funds and report to WTSC as funding begins to be depleted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,PARTIES HAVE EXECUTED THIS AGREEMENT. APPRO E /DISA.PPR V D (Agency) (Date) Washington Traffic Safety Commission (Date) Co t cting A e Title&NAME(print/type name) AI (Si na ure) Please return this signed form to: Attention:Drug Evaluation Classification Program Washington State Patrol 811 E Roanoke ST Seattle WA 98102-3915 MOU DRE Program 2015-2017 (R DRAFT) page 2 of 2