HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD16-155 - Original - DEA - State and Local HIDTA Task Force Agreement - 10/01/2015 y � P � ���.^ � / Manageme - � rds T tvnsirrraa°r©ta ocument.. CONTRACT COVER SHIEET This is t be completed by the ran ra t Manager prior to submission to City ClerksOffice. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact R.'y Clerk's Office. Vendor Name.* RFA H I KYTA Vendor r° Number.- ID Edwards Number This is assigned by City Clerl<`s Office l roje a em �d + Loco) HIDTA Tory- Forte Horn`_ Description. Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment El Contract El Other: FQ Contract Effective Date. 1011 I' � � Termination eats. Contract Reneuval No`i:ice (Days): : Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager." K . TVj vV) 1N Department., bII. s ontr~act Arriounit. Approval Authority. Department Director ❑Mayer ElCity Council Detail- (i.e. a di,, ss, location, parcel number, tax irr..l, etc.) adccWrt10877 t3 14 Appendix F STATE AND LOCAL HIDTA TASK FORCE AGREEMENT This agreement is made this first(I")day of October 2015, between the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration(hereinafter"DEA"),and the Kent Police Department(hereinafter"KPD"). The DEA is authorized to enter into this cooperative agreement concerning the use and abuse of controlled substances under the provisions of 21 U.S.C. § 873. i Whereas there is evidence that trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs exists in the Greater King County area and that such illegal activity has a substantial and detrimental effect on the health and general welfare of the people of Washington,the parties hereto agree to the following: 1.The DEA SeaTac HIDTA Task Force(Group D-22)will perform the activities and duties described below: a.disrupt the illicit drug traffic in the Greater King County area by immobilizing targeted violators and trafficking organizations; b. gather and report intelligence data relating to trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs;and 4 c.conduct undercover operations where appropriate and engage in other traditional methods of investigation in order that the task force's activities will result in effective prosecution before the courts of the United States and the State of Washington. 2.To accomplish the objectives of the SeaTac HIDTA Task Force(Group D-22),the KPD agrees to detail one(1)experienced officer(s)to the SeaTac HIDTA Task Force(Group D-22) for a period of not less than two years. During this period of assignment,the KPD officer(s)will be under the direct supervision and control of DEA supervisory personnel assigned to the task force. 3.The KPD officer(s)assigned to the task force shall adhere to all DEA policies and procedures. Failure to adhere to DEA policies and procedures shall be grounds for dismissal from the task force. 4.The KPD officer(s)assigned to the task force shall be deputized as task force officer(s)of DEA pursuant to 21 USC 878. ��J 5. To accomplish the objectives of the SeaTac HIDTA Task Force(Group D-22), DEA will assign three(3)Special Agents to the task force. HIDTA will also,subject to the availability of annually appropriated funds or any continuing resolution thereof,provide necessary funds and equipment to support the activities of the DEA Special Agents and seven(7)officer(s)assigned to the task force. This support will include:office space,office supplies travel funds,funds for the purchase of evidence and information,investigative equipment,training and other support items. 6.During the period of assignment to the SeaTac HIDTA Task Force(Group D-22),the KPD will remain responsible for establishing the salaries and benefits,including overtime,of the KPD officer(s)assigned to the task force and for making all payments due them. HIDTA will,subject to availability of funds, reimburse the Kent Police Department for overtime payments made by it to the KPD officer(s)assigned to the SeaTac HIDTA Task Force(Group D-22)for overtime,up to a sum equivalent to 25 percent of the salary of a GS-12,Step 1 (RUS)federal employee, currently$17,548.00,per officer. Note: Task Force Officer's overtime "Shall not include any `,� costs far benefits,such as retirement,FICA,and other expenses." 7.In no event will the KPD charge any indirect cost rate to DEA for the administration or implementation of this agreement. 8.The KPD shall maintain on a current basis complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions provided by DEA to facilitate on-site inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. 9.The Kent Police Department shall permit and have readily available for examination and auditing by DEA,the United States Department of Justice,the Comptroller General of the United States,and any of their duly authorized agents and representatives,any and all records, documents,accounts,invoices,receipts or expenditures relating to this agreement.The Kent 3 Police Department shall maintain all such reports and records until all litigation,claim,audits and examinations are completed and resolved,or for a period of three(3)years after termination of this agreement,whichever is later. 10.The Kent Police Department shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,the Age Discrimination Act of 1975,as amended, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the United States Department of Justice implementing those laws,28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C,F,G, H and I. 11.The KPD agrees that an authorized officer or employee will execute and return to DEA the z attached OJP Form 4061/6,Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarment,suspension and Other Responsibility Matters;and drug-Free Workplace Requirements. The KPD acknowledges that this agreement will not take effect and no federal funds will be awarded until the completed certification is received. 12.When issuing statements,press releases requests for proposals,bid solicitations and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or part with federal money,the KPD "f r shall clearly state: (1)percentage of the total cost of the program or project which will be financed with federal money and(2)the dollar amount of federal funds for the program or project. 13. The KPD understands and agrees that HIDTA will provide the SeaTac HIDTA Task Force (Group D-22)officers with vehicles suitable for surveillance. HIDTA through DEA will furnish mobile radios for installation in the HIDTA Task Force vehicles and HIDTA will assume the cost of installation and removal. HIDTA will be financially responsible for the purchase of fuel for the leased vehicles and for providing routine maintenance, i.e.,oil changes, tubes and minor tune-ups via the HIDTA lease contractor. DEA and HIDTA procedures for reporting and investigating automobile accidents involving Official Government Vehicles (OGV'S)-HIDTA lease vehicles shall apply to accidents involving the leased vehicles furnished to the KPD personnel,in addition to whatever accident reporting requirements the KPD may have. 14.White on duty and acting on task force business,the KPD officer(s)assigned to the HIDTA task force shall be subject to all DEA and federal government rules,regulations and procedures governing the use of OGV's for home to work transportation and for personal business. The HIDTA Executive Committee acknowledges that the United States is liable for the actions of task force officer,while on duty and acting within the scope of their federal employment,to the extent permitted by the Federal Torts Claim Act. 15.The term of this agreement shall be effective from the date in paragraph number one until September 30,2016. This agreement maybe terminated by either party on 30 days advance written notice. Billing for all outstanding obligations must be received by DEA within 90 days of the date of termination of this agreement. HIDTA will be responsible only for obligations incurred by Kent Police Department during the term of this agreement. 1 For the Dru nforcement Administration: _ 11 -zdlS Date: N :Keith R. Weis Title: SAC For ent P e Department Date: Nan&J ken Thomas r Title:Chief of Police '31310S80 3HY HOIW 4/190b ONN£/Z90t+'Z/W(W SWH0zJ dP0 S30V1d3H(16-0 9/190b WHO:]drO 1gwpaij blapuju�wewlej�du04a ou!lus�a olPwa �yl"' 1+�1QouNwiP1 'tt u1a� ■w uo 1 D uaw s aq� o�Sd uanIB a ueJ6 �d aoue a� u�oaneo}jdde� Iup�ao�aid poiJf �ea�cy4eu°yi�OSS uua0nleH 9 1 e '� ed J(q � bal �!paetua ag101 aal�wa yoea 1e4i luaw'd+� �s i�ju eW��} o jRcqr Buw o o a n :Aoua6e Jo luouruedep lelapa Aus Aq suo loesu l alanoo Brup Jol saa�toldwa ubd�i� $ 1 �ISssw l s�i�l� l���ay��� w papnIOxa Ajueiunlon Jo oa era a o ayes a�[ au eiaot) o elu e o ua u i au u :sweJ�pJdSpup�siSgp Ijeq p Jl p ad 'paPuadsns;'Pa�s�a l�pMlN o�i!ov(e eeAoldwe pue 'umemmeuaJ 'Bwlasunmi%rap allellene MU I lF1 ;sledpuud Sll pue 3!leyl SayllJaO lueogdde ayl .V :aoeldilioM ea4-Brup a Bumelulew to Abllod s,aalumB e41(Z) !aoeld)poM e4l ul asnge sBrup to sJaBuep a41(1) L�u �e e ' " � Ila , ue!I, � of weJBold ssaucup-me sew-Bnlp BwoB-lug a�iu�iu°�,4s1 °�Q� p auauLeq p a�iiln a 3 q pa,ln F 11 L �1B p uoglgal old ns to al elnOlnp��o saatdwa S�l�1 y� 58$UBJtlaa UYu eyI OUS�I 96� lpae OJ U0�0 B p'aSf�l ?INN I A(1NV NAfi`Ai C�Y!C � � aJ Ul 1°ell�Ao;ima 0U117UA0U ll 1�e1U83e1S B ISUBUSUQJ1�e�e) 's1I 1 I C1C'>(Bul 9003 eonJOeaasD��'JsID geuu�e lai pac800 a s��uolli arillp*`U e apInoJd of anuguoo ItuH Jo BIM A ley3 saii4Ya0 lie iiTla av 6�V �e Spl'ee�na�BntfaB'awLa eU°�lpalleg pdps8pailSilwlapun oil CJ} 99 ge�'�ggp g t� gz jw s se 's��l paj 1A nsuoi�as 'IM- g� gFa�l- pus 8 61 to A alaW�M �a7�d-D1"a a4i p�ln suo nJl�w ylua aouewo�a w�r'sa� Bue gg°L%go aa s los lsilleus', e ° ke 8>ule���00�odBe 1 "a °� e o a a ease"7lue ato �o j o us eou%qj blul�w�,a� u uoslrue va e71 rde styl of u eue dxa utaq�ney'�pun)paleua�J PIeJapa�ue4l JSVO splll�l�ue ue a pegs a s Jo a uoi eo1gi Jl��o gyla� s'I lels a4i l� us of �l!3J�o of aj�leun i 8 'luawaal6e ue:1 n a Jo neo Jo p�lswuu an1leJadoao Jo lusJB�leJaga��tue to uogj;%po o'luaw%re �eo• JO 'a el 'el a su eLB%_ 1q n alow�0 8uo' l�hnauaJ 'uoger�ugu o1 alxa �ue 'luawawaJ a anll o00 o)SAl de l4?Bblp you Jea - �4l a ulyllM lou anellP�p� ue o o dl Uua ua du] lueJ eJapa ue �u w>few Vpia pue:uo�eo aost oydEJBeled ll� e�awnua s�su o a o e 1S p(IJa lsulw�ilo�a�yj�)Jo J�plT1U1ul T ua°s�d � y } eq nw+Jo pled uaaq aney spdn}aleu dice+eJapa�oN e� le sa eo u d'a a e�{ :ilyadoJd ua o s BulniaoaJ Jo'slug a s Z e u a se' �anoylI GLUDGUN en JD a pitl��lo' ea s�pJueu a o uogo��Sia Jo uogea is a Rai o}uluugal�ia su� � lled �Z�e ua a dwI p h l eJap� uoINA NWOo�' JoBllsa�� Ue 'aP°o s n aw l0 1E alll�iSEt 3 aS g P�,lnloial sy i l7un loll Jo t�ol#o ao(I�ole6o'�alglSlelaPad)oll�n JNIA8801 3 '11.18waa16e angeJad000 Jo'11.1eJ8'uolpesueJ)paJanoo ayl pJeMe of seuluuelep eoll rjo luawuedea ay)U04M paoeld eq pw►souellai uodn psi jo uolle)uesaldeJ leue)ew a se pe)ee.4 eq ileys suogeaMao 841,;(siueJO)noel ftoM aaJd-Brea Joj sluawaJlnbaa apjm juawwano0 PUB 6uawamooJduON)uolsuadmS pue lueul)Jedea ep1nll+)u8wwan00„'L9 3JBd ado BZ pue„6u!Aggol uo suogou)saa MON„'69 3JOd N:13 9Z Jepun sluewennbeJ uolleoUgJao 411M aouelldwoo Joj sepinoJd wJo)s14110 e04eu61S 'wolf sly)Bugaldwoo eJo)eq suogelnBei ay)ul papnpul uolleo}l Mol a esle pinoyS s)uE011ddy Isalle o)paJlnbaJ ale J(ay)yolyM of uogeoglllao ayl auluwa)ap o)Molaq pa)lo suogelnBaJ ayl of J8JOJ pinoys slueoliddy S1Nawam nom 3Ob►igmoM 33m:i-anma aNV !SH311VM1 All-1181SNOdS9M H3H10 aNd NOISN3dSnS 1N3wmve3a '-JNIA8801 ONIabd m SNOUV31:111213a H 110HIM03 3H1 j0 331dd0 ' SWVHDOUd 3clusnP d0 33Idd0 ' 3311Sf1r d01N3W1aVd30's'n ` (1)Abide by the terms of the statement;and SeaTac HIDTA Task Force (Group D-22) n2[anyoaecnri°��dr��sµ{ u ooirsrlon� iheworlcp°ace no 300 5th Ave Suite 1300 aer an Ivecaen ar se ersu con Ion; Seattle, WA 98104 e jNati n re att�c�r,irbwritin vp�Eth'a) cj endar da s after q�r�rs I eloe a gSu ra l 1 cn an err o ee Check I- there are workplace on file that an: not Identified is rece vl a ua nob uc conv I n. ere. myptoerd nvl o e(es�ny!�st�?rovl �oticebin u to ro omfa1: ra ro�Sko3sTnr°�,iaaary�r�ui I Stun 67 60 f theulalions�f[ov4 es that aanee t r g nuarrltie^r�s�oFeach a aid graori s a I in u e the en ficatloiio a�eAma, et�ee -+.'r'�s� o �R��e In ce(a�ide� e pigfr�Ct may eies � to-useUJP Form�06{t�. l tJg sa f^�e nri of r�soti toll Oil as 0i a 9raP� 3(d?( lend r resypea to any em`�loyee w�o IS so Convl�e� Check r 40fi1lT State has elected to complete OJP Form 1 TTaking ap ro n to a�lso net a Ion a ria t s,,u,, n �req�i`I°rmen' o WeRa�litanec ii o M�l'3as amentde'd;o��e Pq1 ORPjIVIDUALS) Re%�uork us sria a et ch°errma 'Sia� ao°r��o�,a��ea ha �w en�ofcor u Te ne a�� CFt�Var ecUiodss%" and 9f 8zM e'saas or other appropriate ag6ncy; � 8 9 �� l� a ugnsa, menu f reieg I t ibuf p , fset I s II no t en a o in weorkplaln through fmpleme^tall o of paragraptist a),(b),(�),(d), use l c f a�ntro s�lb�s(a�nce in con�g nagii�a Ivl�r wl�h O rtd{ a gran;an The ranle me insert m the ace. rovided��low the Mile B. If convincgd of a cr! inal drug offense resulting,from a s)Go�ctl er�orm ace of work �pOne IR connectio^ vnth tl�ie vlolatlon oxuml<�t curing Re conduct off n rant a Ivlty, will pe g repolt the n I an m twr �a, Wlthl 115 Capndgr o the N oG�ontrol��e i BL61 4"W u18fftce 0venue,NJus nm9trp Place of Performance (Street address, city, country, state, zip D 20531. As the duly authorized representative of the applicant,I hereby certify that the applicant will comply with the above certifications. 1. Grantee Name and Address: Kent Police Department { 220 4th Ave South Kent, WA 98032 2. Application Number and/or Project Name 3. Grantee IRS/Vendor Number DEA SeaTac HIDTA Task Force (Group D-22) 4. Typed Name and Title of Authorized Representative Ken Tomas, CAief of Police - Kent Police Department 5. SI ature 6. Date S f I {