HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW15-240 - Change Order - #4 - Marshbank Construction, Inc.- Central Ave S Pavement Preservation and Utility Improvements - 03/10/2016 y d,r .40 S M,,,qn4gern Record KENT Document x CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks office. All portions are to be completed. if you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor tame: Marshbank Comstruction, Inc. Vendor Number: JD Edwards Cumber Contract Number: PW 15-240- 006 This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Central Ave 5 Pavement Preservation and Utility Improvements Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement E Change Order ❑ Am,endment ❑ Contract Other: Contract Effective Nate: 7/612015 Termination Date: Contract Renewal Notice (Nays): Cumber of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract tanager: Bark. Madfai Department: PW Engineering Contract Amount: $5 819,69 74 Approval Authority: (CIRCLE, ONE) [department director Mayor City Council Detail: (Le. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Change Order4 As 4F. 08/27/14 • KENT W A 9 N I N O T O N CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Marshbank Construction, Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Central Avenue S Pavement Preservation and Utility Imp. ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: July 6, 2015 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Turn, chip, or remove the top blocks of the existing rock wall between STA 67+41 and 73+36 RCL to allow for the installation of the thickened edge sidewalk. Revise the depth of the thickened edge sidewalk to 9.25 inches. Narrow the sidewalk width between STA 67+41 and 69+59 RCL by 6 inches. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $5,819,698.74 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $20,487.16 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $5,840,185.90 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $5,084.36 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $0.00 Order Revised Contract Sum $5,845,270.26 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 180 working days, (insert date) Revised Time for Completion und—er —o -- Prior Change Orders (insert date) Change 0 calendar days Days Required (±) for this Order Revised Time for Completion 180 working days (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change! Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above, IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CI-TY"'OF KENT: By: ByM (signatu (signature) I ) — (signature) N-1 Print N��e� Pr' Narne.,-T� oR Its title) (t DATE: itle) DATE: c CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Department [In this field,you may enter the electronic Olepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 KENT FILE NO: 200.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 4 Construction Management Division — Public Works Project: Central Ave. S. Pavement Project No.: 13-3004 Preservation and Utility Improvements Project Engineer: Cameron Bloomer Fed-Aid No.: STPUL-1071 (600) Owners Rep: KBA, Contractor: Marshbank Construction Inc Date: 2/11/2016 I. PROPOSED CHANGE Turn, chip, or remove the top blocks of the existing rock wall between STA 67+41 and 73+36 RCL to allow for the installation of the thickened edge sidewalk. Revise the depth of the thickened edge sidewalk to 9.25 inches. Narrow the sidewalk width between STA 67+41 and 69+59 RCL by 6 inches. II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE When the contractor began working to install the thickened edge sidewalk between STA 70+53 and 73+36 RCL, they noted the plan sidewalk width and elevation placed the thickened edge sidewalk just inside of the majority of the rock wall, not on top of it as shown on the Existing Rock Wall and New Sidewalk Typical Section, Plan Sheet 30 of 37. As the contractor began excavating, they noted multiple rocks which protruded into the limits of the new sidewalk. The City reviewed the conflict, and directed the contractor to shallow the thickened edge to a depth two inches below the anchor bolt embedment shown on Kent Standard Plan 6-41M, from 18 inches to 9.25 inches. If conflicts remained, the contractor was to turn, chip or remove the conflicting rocks as needed. The rock wall section between STA 67+41 to 69+59 RCL is 1 rock high in some sections. To avoid removing the only rock and building a new wall type, the city directed the contractor to narrow the thickened edge sidewalk by 6 inches. The narrower sidewalk limited conflicts with the rock wall, allowing the thickened edge sidewalk to be installed with only minor chipping to the existing wall. The contractor's efforts were tracked on a Time and Materials basis, in accordance with 1-09.6 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Hours, labor, materials, and equipment were agreed to daily by the field inspector and contractor foreman. III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY ITEM(S) [] Not Applicable Change Order No. - FOR ACCOUNTING USE ONLY 1 REV. DATE: 4/01/10 KENT FILE NO: 200.2 Sch. Item Description Total Est j Qty this ' Unit i Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Qty I PE r I Item E CO 004 - Rock Wall Revisions 1 1 LS ;_ $5,084.36 !_ $5 084.35 Independent Estimate Attached Lj 1 CREATE PAY ITEM ONLY— Payment to be made ! PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATE � at a later date upon completion of work ❑ ; Material Submittals Required —CC Construction Coordinator — E New Sub Regrd? No DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 ❑ Not Applicable Change Order No. - FOR ACCOUNTING USE ONLY Sch.No. i B.I.No. _ Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price i Cost of Item - i- Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) ❑ Not Applicable Change Order No. FOR ACCOUNTING USE ONLY Sch. No. B_L No. ! Item Description Glty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item -- ---- —_ Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED ILJ TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * 5 084.36 *Total of the Cost of Item Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract 180 Due This Change Order* 0 1 Previous Total DA 180 TE: - - -- - ------.. ; DATE: _ * ; Explanation/justification Required• "" --- ----""' -` - ----•--- ---•---- --__.___.. _ TOTAL WORKING DAYS* 180 *This Change Order + Previous Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Prepared By: Date: 7•1171Zo/ib 4/01/10 2 REV. DATE: ll� KE I T FILE No: 200.2 WAG 11111 OTC Construction Supervisor: Date• Construction Manager: ✓F`-���� _ Date• 3 REV. DATE: 4/01/10 Chapter 52 Local Administered Projects Appendix 52.106 Change Order Checklist Change Order Question Yes No NIA 1. Does the change order alter the termini,character,or scope of the work? ❑ ❑ If yes,you must have H&LP approval to be eligible for federal finds. ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes,1'ou must submit a revised Page 1 of the prospectus. ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Is the Change Order over$7,500.00 and outside the scope of work? ❑ 1 1, ❑ II'yes,the change camiot be a change order and must be an independent work. ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Does the Change Order detail all items involved with the change? Lf1 Cl ❑ 4. Does the Change Order include an adjustment in working days''? ❑ ❑ If yes,the time extension must be stated in the Change Order. ❑ ❑ ❑ If yes,an independent engineer's estimate of time must be included to document the ❑ ❑ ❑ extension. If no,that must be stated in the Change Order. ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Does the Change Order alter the DBE Condition of Award? ff ❑ ❑ [f yes,you must obtain concurrence tb?m Local Programs. ❑ El Lf yes,you must obtaui the DBE's signature on the Change Order. ❑ j ❑ ❑ 6. Does the Change Order involve a material substitution'? ❑ Z ❑ If Ves,)IOU must determine if a material credit is appropriate. ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. If Change Order work started prior to it's execution,prior verbal approval by the Ff ❑ ❑ Approving Authority must be granted and documented. 8. Has the Change Order been signed by the contractor? ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. Has the Change Order been executed by the Approving Authority? ❑ ❑ ❑ If you are a"non CA Agency",you must have the acting CA Authority's approval. ❑ ❑ ❑ 10.Has an independent engineer's estimate justifynig the costs and tune extensions been E, ❑ ❑ completed and documented? 11.Has a detailed memo outlining the chronology of events,basis of need,costs and 5� ❑ ❑ vvorkuug days been prepared and placed in the file accompanying the Change Order? Appendix 52.106 Change Order RevisedVM2014 Page?of i WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines M 36-63.29 Page 52-19 October 2015 "^00" CCUNSTRUCT I ON KENTMANAGEMENT W ASH IN 0 TO N Emo T4 FILE Project Name: Central Ave. S. Pavement Preservation and Utility t Date: 2/11/2016 Improvements Contractor: Marshbank Construction, Inc, Contract No�: 13-3004 Owner: Sit of Kent y _ Federal Aid No: STP L-1071 t006) Subject: Change Order 004 Chronology of Events Message Sept 16,2015—Marshbank issued RFI 013 Thickened Edge Concrete Elevations, requesting to deviate from the minimum thickness of the thickened edge sidewalk, due to conflicts with the top of the existing rock wall. September 21,2015. —the City responded to the RFI, allowing the minimum thickness to be reduced to 9-1/4", and that the top rocks could be adjusted as needed to install the wall, Sept 22—24, 2015—MCI began work on the rock wall, Oct 2, 2015—The CM team compiled an ICE,totaling$2,459.60 Oct 6-7, 2015—MCI completed work on rock wall. Oct 12,2015—the City issued FWD 11, providing official direction to adjust the rock wall, including the depth and width of the thickened edge sidewalk, Jan 19,2016. —the CM team compiled the FA sheets and sent the MCI for review. Feb 3, 2015—MCI reviewed and agreed to the totals on the FA sheets. Cameron Bloomer, PE Resident Engineer _--__w___ 2/11/2016 -----____-.._.._..._____. Date 1 of 1 P-11 (Rev. 8/11) MARSHBANK CCD S37 U CT'I O ICI REQUEST FOR INFORMATIO #018 TO: CITY OF KENT DATE: SEPT 16, 2015 REFERENCE: Thickened Edge Concrete Elevations PROJECT: Central Ave REQL'ESTED BY: Jason I-Icidc QL.'ESTION: COIF Standard Plan for thickened edge sidewalk (6-40M) calls fora VC inininnum for the thickened edge portion of the walk. We have laid our the top back of walk that runs over the top of the rockcn,on tl)e west side bct rccn STr1 G£+S()to 73135. T'hcre are sevcral points along the top of the emsdng rockery, that do not allow for the PC'minimum edge detail. To install per the cletail, must of the roclkcry in this area wrnilcl need to he remised and or rebuilt. '1"o illustrate, the following STA show cut/fill from top of rockcry to top of sidewalk. 69+00 F-0.25 70+58 I-0.21 72+50 F-037 Is it acceptable to dc-viate from the inininnum thickness in the standard plan' If so, what is the required minimum thickness of the edgO If not,how is the rockery to be reconstructed to acc(.)tntncxlare the cche detaip RISPOVSI : The engineered handrail drawings require 7-1/4" embedment for the handrail anchor bolts. Provide a minimum 2" of cover for the anchor bolts. The depth of the thickened edge portion of the sidewalk shall be 9-1/4" minimum. It is acceptable to adjust rocks in the retaining wall to allow for the install of the thickened edge sidewalk to the new minimum depth. Notify the Engineer's field representative prior to beginning any adjustments, and track all time and materials spent adjusting the rock wall. A minor change will be issued for the additional work. RF:SPONDf"D BY: ( 2 L _ �?�� DATE: vs KENT WASH"NOTON Field Work Directive FWD 011 Project Name: Central rive S. Pavement Preservotion PW Project Number: 13-3004 card Utility Improvements Contractor: Marshbank Construction Federal Aid Number: STPUar-1071 (006) Subject: Thickened Edge Sidewalk at Rock Wall Date: Oct. 1Z, 2015 Scope: Make the following changes to the Contract Documents: 0 Kent Standard Plan 6-40M: Sidewalk with Thickened Edge Detail calls for 1'-6" minimum depth for handrail installation. The minimum depth is revised to 9.25". ® Contract Drawing; 30 of 37 The Existing Rockery and New Sidewalk Typical Section Detail shows the thickened edge sidewalk sitting can tap of the rock wall. On the west side, from STA 70+53 to 73+36, the majority of the rock wall sits west of the limits of the thickened edge sidewalk. For those rocks that are within the limits, remove, chip, or turn the racks as needed to install the thickened edge sidewalk. Reset or remove disturbed rocks to the satisfaction of the Engineer.. • Contract Drawing 30 of 37: Extend the northern limit on the west side's Thickened Edge Sidewalk from STA 70+53 to STA 70+35. • Contract Drawing 29 of 37: The thickened edge sidewalk sh2H be narrowed to .5.5' wide to avoid conflict with the rock wall. Measurement and Payment: The following work will be measured and paid for in accordance with the Contract Documents for the rioted existing bid items: • Bid Item 1149 — Cement Concrete Sidewalk with Thickened Edge • Track all time and materials to revise the rock wall in accordance with Section 1-09.6 of the 1,n,,"SDOT Standard Specification. Notify the Engineer's Field Representative prior to beginning the work. Provide completed time and material' sheets to the Engineer. Attachment(s): a None CONSTAUCTIO MANAGEMENT Independent Cost Estimate MAHACCMCMT Project Name: Central Ave S. Pavement Preservation Project No: 13-3004 Potential Issue No.: Date: 10/2/2014 Description of Work: Adjust top of rock on the West rock wall for the installation of the thickened edge sidewalk as noted in the response to RFI 018 Assumptions: Desctiption Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Laborer 16 Hrs 44.01 $ 70416 Foreman 8 Hrs 59.44 $ 475.52 Crew Truck Operator 8 Hrs 56.44 $ 451.52 C 8 Hrs 17.04 $ 136,32 Mini Excavator 8 Hrs 19.67 $ 157.36 $ - $ - Subtotal $ 1,924.88 Labor Markup(29%) $ 473.05 Equipment Markup(21%) $ 61.67 Materials Markup(21%) $ - Markup Total $ 534.72 Subcontractor Markup (12% if below$25,000) Estimate Total,-$ 2,459.60 Estimate By: Cameron Bloomer Signature: e�-I?- rpt 1 of 1 P-13 (Rev. 7/12) FA Sheet No.: A DAILY REPORT OF 4M CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Project Name: central Ave S. Pavement Preservation and Utility Imps Project No: 13-3004 Item No.: Date: 9/22/2015 Description of Work: Jack hammer top of rock wall to make thicken edge s/w fit-STA 71+00 to 72+35 R Work by Subcontractor?: (mark "x"if yes) Prime Contractor: Marshbank Sub-Contractor: ME= STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR FIRST NAME OCCUPATION HOURS WWR HOURS VVWR AMOUNT Arthur L Pipe Layer&Caulker 4,5 $ 51-82 $ 71.33 $ 233.19 Eric c Apprentice Laborer 4.5 $ 40.351— $ 53.68 $ 181.58 $ SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 414.77 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 29% 120.28 LABOR TOTAL 535.05 HOURS HOURS ADJUSTED STANDBY DOLLAR EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS WORKING STANDBY RATE RATE AMOUNT MCI -0009 F-250 4.5 $ 16.91 76,11 MCI -6020 185CFM 4.5 $ 18.62 $ 83.78 SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ 159.89 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT@ 21% $ 33.58 EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ 193.47 MON MATERIALS SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL-MATERIALS $ MATERIALS OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ MATERIALS TOTAL $ - Verification of Hours Worked: 90115 TOTAL: $ 728.52 12%MARKUP(for prime when subcontract work) $ - (printed_-name. SHEET TOTAL: $ 728.52 )----------------- e_rt_a,ti,v_&_S,i_g_n,a_u t_r_e----------Date-------- owners Wep;rese;t;ti7v'e(printed-_name) -----------------,- Prime Markup on Subcontractor: ................... -------------­- ........ 12%: <$25,000 Owner's Representative L12nature Date 10%: $25,00:0 to$100,000 Pay Estimate Entered: 7%: >$100,000 Date: [Ell lfchecked,this work is in dispute, By signing this form, parties By: are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task. 1 of 1 Marshbank Construction Inc. 0354 Foreman's Report of Force Account Worked Date Job# TT'- Weather Weather lAuth. By Describe Work Performed (Attach Additional Sheets if Necessary): Labor Equipment Hours Name Hours Machine/Machine Number Below This Line Attach Invoices or Truck Slips/Tickets If Available Materials (Includes Dump Fees) Subcontractors(Includes Rental Trucks) Quantity Description Invoice No. Subcontractor r Signature: Date Completed: FA Sheet No.: 4 A m DAILY REPORT' OF ;row CONSTRUCTION MANACEMENT FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Project Name: central Ave S. Pavement Preservation and Utility Imp Project No: 13-3004 Item No,: Date: 9/24/2015 Description of Work: Rebuild top of rock wall from STA 71+95 to 72+50 for thickened edge SW Rl Work by Subcontractor?: (mark"x"if yes) Prime Contractor: Marshbank Sub-Contractor: ENEEMEM MEN= STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR FIRST NAME OCCUPATION HOURS WWR HOURS WWR AMOUNT David P Operator/Foreman 2 $ 65.92 $ 131.84 Doug D Operator Eng Grp2 2 $ 63.07 $ 126.14 $ SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 257.98 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 29% $ 74.81 LABOR TOTAL $ 3321.79 3 INNER! 1 Bill i1i 1;11:1:1;1;; Wal l 1 i MEE HOURS HOURS ADJUSTED STANDBY DOLLAR EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS WORKING STANDBY RATE RATE AMOUNT Takeuchi Mini Ex Rental 2 $ 22.48 $ 44.96 $ $ SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ 44.96 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ 9,44 EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ 54.40 I EM MATERIALS I SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL-MATERIALS $ MATERIALS OVERHEAD& PROFIT@ 21% $ MATERIALS TOTAL $ - Verification of Hours Worked: 90115 TOTAL: $ 387.20 -;;.................................. 12%MARKUP(for prime when subcontract work) $ - Representative(printed name) SHEET TOTAL. $ 387.20 Gnntracta�'s Representative Signature Date -------------- -------------------------------- Owner's Representative(printed name) Prime Markup on Subcontractor ....................... 12%� <$25,000 10%: $25,000 to$100,00,0 Pay Estimate Entered: 7%: >$100,000 Date: If checked,this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties By: are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task. 1 of 1 Remit To: _ STAR RENTALS INC PO BOX 3875 l �7 Invoice SEATTLE WA 98124-3875 fl,.l�:.�. Closed Invoice# www.starrentals.com � .,,.� ,,� ,,;�1�t; _ Thu 10/15/2015 60381-33 T Bill to: Customer#:140217 Job Descr: DAVE 425-508-3476 MARSHBANK CONSTRUCTION INC PO#: dave PO BOX 97 Job No: X LAKE STEVENS WA 98258 Date Out Wed 9/16/2015 T Terms - Aging Date ~—Net 10th Thu 10/15/2015 .Fold l::ro t-olr11Icre Ordered By: RAVE Y Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Disc% Returned Date Pr 1 230-0210#G6262 EXCAVATOR,MINI 7500#TAKEUCI 124000340 Tue 10/1312015' 7:03AM Meter Out: 126.0 Meter In:126.0 Total hours on meter:0.0 lday$235.00 lweek$905.00 4weeks$2,000.00 Equipment exchanged on 1011312015 for 230-0220#G6178 w112" and extrA CLEAN OUT 24" 1 230-0220#G6178 EXCAVATOR, 12000#TAKEUCHI T 126100483 Wed 10/14/2015 2:20PM $2,709 Meter Out: 164.0 Meter In: 164.0 Total hours on meter:0.0 - lday$235.00 lweek$905.00 4weeks$2,580.00 . Qty f-Key Items __..-----------Each `� _—_Pr 1 IMISC-33 DELIVERY CHARGE $50.00 V -$50 3 OZ I 10 I iYL1C I UOSYCODE U - t HovR 3,oD Q� e L1Ar_ :COT CLASc � qt 3. cab = ZZ'Lie Delivery: Wed 9/16/2015 9:30AM Contact: DAVE Phone: 425-508-3476 Location: CENTRAL SIDEWALKS Used at Address: 262ND AND CENTRAL AVE ; KENT Delivery Notes: WORKING ON CORNER OF CENTRAL&_262ND �- Please pay from this invoice. Rental and Sales: Misc Charges: Damage Waiver KENT RTA $2,759.00 �- _ $0.00 $0.00 $262.10 Current Net 10th Total Amount: $3,021.10 Total Paid $0.00 Total Due �$3 021.10 253-854-3922 Open Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 PM,Closed Saturday+Sunday - Modification#- Printed On Fri 10/16/2015 3:18:25PM Modification by Point-of•Rental Software wvnvpomt-of-rental com Contract-Params.SOL.rpt Marshbank Construction Inc. 0357 Foreman's Report of Force Account Worked Date JJob# Weather Auth. By _ Describe Work Performed (Attach Additional Sheets if Necessary): Labor Equipment Hours Name Hours Machine/Machine Number Below This Line Attach Invoices or Truck Slips/Tickets If Available Materials (Includes Dump Fees) Subcontractors (includes Rental Trucks) Quantity Description Invoice No. Subcontractor F rJ/lf Signature: Date Completed: rt FA Sheet No.: 4MA DAILY REPORT OF 20,11W CONSTRUMON MANACCMENT FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ICI Project Name: central Ave S. Pavement Preservation and utility Impi Project No: 13-3004 Item No.: Date: 10/6/2015 Description of Work: Rebuild rock wall for thickened edge S/W to fit 10"thickened edge Work by Subcontractor?: (mark"x"if yes) Prime Contractor: Marshbank Sub-Contractor: EMENEFEM STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR FIRST NAME OCCUPATION HOURS WWR HOURS WWR AMOUNT Doug D Operator Eng Grp2 4 $ 6107 252.28 Randy P Backhoe Loader 4 $ 63.07 $ 252.28 Trevor R Pipe Layer&Caulker 4 $ 51,82 $ 207.28 Ben J Operator Eng Grp2 4 $ 63.07 $ 252.28 SUBTOTAL-LABOR: 964.12 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 29% 279.59 Imp '; LABOR TOTAL $ 1,243.71 HOURS HOURS ADJUSTED STANDBY DOLLAR EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS WORKING STANDBY RATE RATE AMOUNT MCI-1021 308ECR 4 $ 50.92 $ 20169 MCI -0008 F-250 4 $ 17.04 $ 68.17 MCI-3012 930G 4 $ 50.41 201.62 SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ 473.48 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ 99,43 EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ 572.91 Ell= 11IRMEW MATERIALS I SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Used Surplus Rock from East Side Rock Wall SUBTOTAL-MATERIALS $ MATERIALS OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ MATERIALS TOTAL $ - Verification of Hours Worked: 90115 TOTAL: $ 1,816.63 Cantractor's Repaesentative(printed name}­------­----- 12%MARKUP(for prime when subcontract work) $ - - ---------6;t"e-------- SHEET TOTAL: $ 1,816.63 -------------------- Owner's Representative(printed name) Prime Markup on Subcontractor """ ,-------------a-,--------- 12%: <$25,000 natureL?wner"s Representative Sr Cate 10%®: $25,000 to$100,000 Pay Estimate Entered: 7%: >$100,000 Date: El If checked,this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties Y'. are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task, 1 of 1 i Marshbank Construction Inc. 0366 Foreman's Report of Force Account Worked DateU. Job# !� Weather t (� Auth. By Describe Work Performed (Attach Additional Sheets if Necessary): Labor Equipment Hours Name Hours Machine/Machine Number f. L✓ } ! �--I-` y F1 , Below This Line Attach Invoices or Truck Slips/Tickets if Available Materials(Includes Dump Fees) Subcontractors (Includes Rental Trucks) Quantity Description Invoice No. Subcontractor Signature: �! Date Completed: tl FA Sheet No. DAILY REPORT OF 04NS7NUCT10N FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED. MANAGEMCNT - 13-3004 Project Flame: Central Ave 5. Pavement Preservation and Utliit lip r Project Ito:Date: 10/7/2015 Item No.: Description of Work: Finish rebuilding rock wall for thicken edge STA 6 +00 to 70+00 mark°°x""it yes) Work by Subcontractor?: Prime Contractor: Ivtarshbank Sub-Contractor: OVERTIME DOLLAR STRAIGHT TIME 1lJWilR AMOUNT FIRST NAME OCCUPATION HOURS WWWR HOURS 283.82 Randy P Backhoe Loader 4.5 $ 63.07 233.19 Trevor R Pipe Layer&Caulker 4.5 $ 51.82 283.82 Ben J Operator Eng Grp2 4.5 $ 63.07 $ 154.98 Caswell M General Laborer 3 $ 51.66 154.98 Heather O General Laborer 3 $ 51.66 65.92 David P Operator/Foreman 1 $ 65.92 7 SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ y176,71 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 29% $ 3 41,25 LAE30R TOTAL 1,517.96 HOURS HOURS ADJUSTED S'rk 4� �y DOLLAR EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS WORKING STANDBY RATE 'RATE WOUNT MCI-1021 308ECR 4.5 $ 50.92 MCI-3012 330E 4,5 $ 50.41 ?6.82 MCI-0008 F-;250 3 $ 17,04 $ 51.13 MCI-0009 F-250 1 $ 16.91 $ 16.91 SUBTOTAL.-EQUIPMENT 524.01 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ 210.04 EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ 634.05 MATERIALS/SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT P1 7 =ME RICE AMOUNT $ SUBTOTAL-MATERIALS $ MATERIALS OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ _ MATERIALS TOTAL. $ Verification of Flours Worked: TOTAL: $ 2,152.01 ......................... 12%MARKUP(for prime when subcontract work) $ - Cr bract©r's Representative(printed name) -------R-ep esen - -- - --S�graeture--- -----------©ate-------- SHEET TOTAL: $ 2,152.01 Cnrrtractar's rtetrve _...._ ©�arrerSRepresentative fprrnte�tnameJ __._....__.,.... Prime Markup on Subcontractor.- Re ---• - -- Clxamer"snresenfatrre- ------ ----5iq,naturiy -___.__L?ate .-- 12%" <$25,000 10 $25,000 to$f00,000 ay Estimate Entered: 7%: >$100,000 Cate:. It checked,this work is in dispute. By signing this fora, P31lieS By: are agreeing ec the time and effort needed to accorrpPish the task. 1 Of 1 Construction Inc. 0368 '�larshbank C VVar Report at Farce Account ticed Farern�tn's Rep au Jab# Date Auth. By DescrWeatibe Work performed(Attach Additional Sheets it Necessary): Equipment Labor Number 'Hours Name Hours Machine/Machine Numt� x Below This Line Attwh fnvafce (Includes D F �a Dump Truojr Sli Materials A Ps/7`ickefs tf �� Quantity Description _ Subcon Availabde .._,._ invoicetractors(Include,�•�."",."^.,—„� No. Subccnfractor Rental?ruck Date Complete,,. Cameron Bloomer From: gammell@marshbankconst.com Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 9:10 AM To: Cameron Bloomer;jason@marshbankconst.com Subject: RE: FA Sheets for Rock Wall Change Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged MCI has reviewed and agrees to the compensation for the rock wall change. Thanks Rob Gammell Project Engineer Marshbank Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 97 3304 Old Hartford Road Lake Stevens,WA 98258-0097 (425) 209-8225 Cell (425) 377-9708 Office (425) 377-0709 Fax From:Cameron Bloomer [mailto:cbloomer@kbacm.coml Sent:Tuesday,January 19, 2016 9:17 AM To:jason@marshbankconst.com;gammell@marshbankconst.com Subject: FA Sheets for Rock Wall Change Hi Jason/Rob, Attached are the costed FA sheets for the rock wall change,which total to $5,084.36.These include the correct labor rates. Please review. Thank you, Cameron Bloomer, PE T 425.990.2949 1 C 206.819.7148 1 E cbloomer(@kbacm.com KHr;, Inc. I Construction Mon agementSpecialists 1