HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR16-072 - Original - Navia Benefit Solutions - Contract - 01/01/2016 x , x x1- + Records4 t Te e���`� 2 KENT .� Document W/�GHINGTON Z; CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Navia Benefit Solutions Vendor Number: 33981 JD Edwards Number Contract Number: H�QP- 07Z This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Administrative Services Agreement for 2016 Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment X Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 01/01/2016 Termination Date: 12/31/2016 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Becky Fowler Department: Human Resources Contract Amount: $8,500 Approval Authority: X Department Director❑ Mayor El City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): As of: 08/27/14 I* n1a`.iO�UlIa NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT(v.2015) CONTRACT INFORMATION PAGE This NAVIA ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement') is entered into as of the Effective Date by and between Navia Benefit Solutions, Inc. ("Navia"), a Washington Corporation, and the below-named Employer("Employer"). Name of Employer: City of Kent Effective Date: 1/1/2016 Notices Sent to Employer: Notices Sent to Navia Matt Aitken PO Box 53250 Bellevue,WA 98015-3250 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Employer and Navia have reviewed the forgoing Agreement in its entirety and have caused their undersigned Representative(s) to execute this Agreement, the same being duly authorized to do so. EMPLOYER � r f� NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS,INC. SIGNATURE- r i4 ' h..w,4 SIGNATURE: NAME / i ja. �e NAME: SAWS AITKEN TITLJ . �q,�( .B n iv ��d � p�l � 4t , TITLE: PRESIDENT r DATE: �v) � DATE:2/25/2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Articlel: Definitions....................................................................................................................................I 1.1 Affiliate.........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Agreement.....................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Benefit Plans.................................................................................................................................1 1.4 Business Day.................................................................................................................................1 1.5 Card Recipient..............................................................................................................................1 1.6 Card Services Provider.......................... ........................................... ...--...................................1 1.7 Carrier...........................................................................................................................................1 1.8 Claims Administrator....................................................................................................................1 1.9 COBRA Election Notice...............................................................................................................1 1.10 Code..............................................................................................................................................2 1.11 Covered Dependent.......................................................................................................................2 1.12 Covered Employee........................................................................................................................2 1.13 Covered Individual........................................................................................................................2 1.14 Disbursement Report ....................................................................................................................2 1.15 Eligibility and Payroll Deduction Report(...................................................................................2 1.16 Electronic Payment Card..............................................................................................................2 1.17 Eligible Employee.........................................................................................................................2 1.18 Exhibit...........................................................................................................................................2 1.19 Fees...............................................................................................................................................2 1.20 Grace Period..................................................................................................................................2 1.21 Intellectual Property Rights..........................................................................................................2 1.22 Party or Parties..............................................................................................................................2 1.23 Plan Administrator........................................................................................................................3 1.24 Plan Application............................................................................................................................3 1.25 Plan Year.......................................................................................................................................3 1.26 Representative...............................................................................................................................3 1.27 Run-Out-Period.............................................................................................................................3 1.28 Schedule........................................................................................................................................3 1.29 Services.........................................................................................................................................3 1.30 Specific Rights Notice.......................... .......................................................................................3 1.31 Subcontractor................................................................................................................................3 1.32 We or Us.......................................................................................................................................3 08152015 1.33 You or Your..................................................................................................................................3 1.34 Year-to-Date Report......................................................................................................................3 Article 11. Relationship and Tenn................................................................................................................4 2.1 Relationship of the Parties............................................................................................................4 2.2 Term of the Agreement.,...............................................................................................................4 2.3 Termination without Cause...........................................................................................................4 2.4 Termination for Cause..................................................................................................................4 2.5 Post Termination Obligations.......................................................................................................4 Article111. Fees............................................................................................................................................5 3.1 Fees for Services...........................................................................................................................5 3.2 Fees for Additional Services.........................................................................................................5 3.3 Fee Terms and Changes in Fees....................................................................................................5 Article IV Warranties and Representations .................................................................................................6 4.1 Mutual Warranties and Representations.......................................................................................6 4.2 Navia's Warranties and Representations ......................................................................................6 Article V. Information and Records.............................................................................................................6 5.1 Records Generally.........................................................................................................................6 5.2 Confidential and Proprietary information-Generally..................................................................6 5.3 Media.Releases and Public Announcements.................................................................................7 5.4 Protected Health Information........................................................................................................7 5.5 Intellectual Property Rights..........................................................................................................8 5.6 Online Services.............................................................................................................................8 Article VT. Liability and Indemnification....................................................................................................8 6.1 Limitation on Liability..................................................................................................................8 6.2 indemnity......................................................................................................................................9 6.3 Remedies.......................................................................................................................................9 6.4 Statute of Limitations....................................................................................................................9 ArticleVil Miscellaneous............................................................................................................................9 7.1 Audit.............................................................................................................................................9 7.2 Section IIeadings ........................................................................................................................10 7.3 Waiver of Rights.........................................................................................................................10 7.4 Invalid/Illegal/Unenforceable Provisions....................................................................................10 7.5 Amendment.................................................................................................................................10 7.6 Agreement...................................................................................................................................10 7.7 Notices........................................................................................................................................10 7.8 Consent .......................................................................................................................................11 7.9 Third Party Beneficiaries............................................................................................................11 7.10 Advertising..................................................................................................................................11 BENEFIT PLAN SERVICE SCHEDULE(S)AND FEES ........................................................................12 CAFETERIA PLAN SERVICE SCHEDULE............................................................................................16 HEALTH FLEXIBLE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT(..........................................................................17 FEDERAL COBRA ADMINISTRATION SCHEDULE..........................................................................20 EXHIBIT A BUSINESS ASSOCIATE AGREEMENT............................................................................24 EXHIBIT B EMPLOYER CERTIFICATION...........................................................................................29 i NAV1A ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE AGREEMENT Employer has asked Navia to provide administrative services for certain employee Benefit Plans maintained by Employer as described in this Agreement. in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Agreement,Employer and Navia agree as follows: GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Article I: Definitions All capitalized terms in this Agreement not defined in this Section shall have the meanings set forth in the Sections or Schedules of this Agreement in which they are defined. 1.1 AFFILIATE "Affiliate" means a business entity now or hereafter controlled by, controlling or under common control with a Party. Control exists when an entity owns or controls directly or indirectly 50% or more of the outstanding equity representing the right to vote for the election of directors or other managing authority of another entity. 1.2 AGREEMENT "Agreement"means the following: the Contract Information Page,the General Tenors and Conditions,the Schedules and the Exhibits that are specifically incorporated by the Parties into this Agreement by reference. 1.3 BENEFIT PLANS "Benefit Plan(s)"means one or more employee benefits plans, COBRA Administration, or Retiree Billing Administration established and maintained by Employer for the benefit of its employees and their eligible dependents for which Navia provides Services in accordance with this Agreement. 1.4 BUSINESS DAY "Business Day"means Monday through Friday,excluding days deemed to be federal holidays. 1.5 CARD RECIPIENT "Card Recipient" means the individual to whom Card Services Provider issues an Electronic Payment Card in accordance with this Agreement. 1.6 CARD SERVICES PROVIDER "Card Services Provider" means the third party chosen by Navia to issue Electronic Payment Cards in accordance with this Agreement and/or process electronic payment card transactions. 1.7 CARRIER "Carrier"means the insurance Carrier or other benefit provider designated by the Employer. 1.8 CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR "Claims Administrator" means Navia. 1.9 COBRA ELECTION NOTICE "COBRA Election Notice"means the election form included in the Specific Rights Notice. 1.10 CODE "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the regulations thereunder, as amended from time to time. 1.11 COVERED DEPENDENT "Covered Dependent" means any person other than the Covered Employee who is covered under a Benefit Plan by virtue of his relationship to the Covered Employee. 1.12 COVERED EMPLOYEE "Covered Employee" means any of Employer's employees or former employees who are enrolled in a Benefit Plan or who have established a lIealth Savings Account as defined in Code Section 223. 1.13 COVERED INDIVIDUAL "Covered Individual"means a Covered Employee or a Covered Dependent. 1.14 DISBURSEMENT REPORT "Disbursement Report" means a file or report created by Navia, posted to the Website that details the benefit disbursements. 1.15 ELIGIBILITY AND PAYROLL DEDUCTION REPORT ("EDR") "Eligibility and Payroll Deduction Report" means a file or report created by Navia,posted to the Website, and verified by the Employer against payroll deductions for each processing date. 1.16 ELECTRONIC PAYMENT CARD "Electronic Payment Card"means a debit card or store value card used to pay for eligible expenses under the Benefit Plants). 1.17 ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE "Eligible Employee" means an employee that is eligible for the Benefit Plan(s) as determined by the Employer. 1.18 EXHIBIT "Exhibit" means the document or documents specifically incorporated by the Parties into this Agreement by reference that describe the specific rights, duties, and obligations of the Parties. 1.19 FEES "Fees" means the amount that must be paid as indicated in each Schedule. 1.20 GRACE PERIOD "Grace Period" means the 2.5 month period after the end of the Plan Year during which eligible expenses incurred during that time may be applied toward the previous Plan Year. 1.21 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS "Intellectual Property Rights" means all intellectual property rights throughout the world, including copyrights, patents, mask works, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, inventions (whether or not patentable), know how, authors' rights, rights of attribution, and other proprietary rights and all applications and rights to apply for registration or protection of such rights. 1.22 PARTY OR PARTIES "Party" means Employer or Navia collectively, and Employer and Navia shall be referred to as "Parties". -2 - 1.23 PLAN ADMINISTRATOR "Plan Administrator"means Employer. 1.24 PLAN APPLICATION "Plan Application"means the online or form questionnaire provided by Navin to Employer used to gather Employer and Plan design information. 1.25 PLAN YEAR "Plan Year"means a period of time determined by the Employer no longer than 12 months. 1.26 REPRESENTATIVE "Representative"means an officer, director, or individual with authority to bind the Party. 1.27 RUN-OUT-PERIOD "Run-out Period"means the period of time after the end of the Plan Year during which Covered Individuals can submit claims. 1.28 SCHEDULE(S) "Schedule(s)" means the document or documents specifically incorporated by the Parties into this Agreement by reference that describe the specific Services and the specific rights and obligations of the Parties with respect to such Services. 1.29 SERVICES "Services" means Benefit Plan related administrative services as described specifically in the Schedules, together with any materials, supplies, tangible items or other goods Navia furnishes in connection with the Services. 1.30 SPECIFIC RIGHTS NOTICE "Specific Rights Notice" means the notice that must be provided to each qualified beneficiary in connection with a COBRA qualifying event. 1.31 SUBCONTRACTOR "Subcontractor" means a third-party to whom a Party has delegated or subcontracted any portion of its obligations set forth herein. 1.32 WE OR US "We"or"Us"means Navia. 1.33 YOU OR YOUR "You"or"your"means Employer. 1.34 YEAR-TO-DATE REPORT "Year-to-Date Report" means a file or report created by Navia, posted to the Website that details contributions, disbursements,and benefit election, if applicable. -3 Article H. Relationship and Term 2.1 RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES Navia is an independent contractor. Nothing in this Agreement or in the activities contemplated by the Parties hereunder shall be deemed to create an agency, partnership, employment, or joint venture relationship between the Parties, their Affiliates, or any of their Subcontractors or Representatives. There are no third party beneficiaries of this Agreement, and nothing expressed or implied in this Agreement is intended to confer, nor shall anything herein confer, any rights, remedies, obligations, or liabilities whatsoever upon any person, including but not limited to Eligible Employees and Covered Individuals, other than the Parties and their respective successors or assigns. Employer acknowledges that Navia is not an accounting or law firm. No Services, and no written or oral communications made by Navia during the course of providing Services, are or should be construed by Employer as tax or legal advice. 2.2 TERM OF THE AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be in effect from Effective Date set forth on the Contract Information Page and will continue until such time as the Agreement is terminated as set forth herein("Term"). Each Schedule may have a later effective date than this Agreement to the extent that Employer and Navin agree to the terms set forth in the Schedule after this Agreement has already become effective. 2.3 TERMINATION WITHOUT CAUSE Either Party may terminate this Agreement for convenience, without cause, at any time without father charge or expense with at least sixty(60)calendar days prior written notice to the other Party. 2.4 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE In addition to any other remedies available to a Party, a Party may immediately terminate this Agreement upon the occurrence of a Termination Event by the other Party by providing written notice of termination to the other Party. The following events constitute a Termination Event: (a) Employer fails to pay the applicable Fees or satisfy the applicable funding requirements as set forth herein; (b) Failure of a Party to cure a material breach(to the extent curable) within thirty(30)calendar days after written notice of the breach and intent to terminate is provided by the non-breaching Party; (c) Employer files for bankruptcy, becomes or is declared insolvent(generally unable to pay its debts as they become due), is the subject of any proceedings (not dismissed within 30 days) related to its liquidation, insolvency or the appointment of a receiver or similar officer, makes an assignment for the benefit of all or substantially all of its creditors,takes any corporate action for its winding-up, dissolution or administration, enters into an Agreement for the extension or readjustment of substantially all of its obligations, or recklessly or intentionally makes any material misstatement as to its financial condition. Navia reserves the right to retain as an additional administrative Fee any interest earned on amounts while held in a Navia maintained account. 2.5 POST TERMINATION OBLIGATIONS (a) If Employer terminates this Agreement, Navia shall reasonably cooperate with Employer to transition information to Employer or a new third party pursuant to the reasonable instructions of Employer,in accordance with the terns of this Agreement, as necessary to enable the new service provider to perform services without disruption to Covered Individuals. Employer is obligated to -4 - reimburse all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Navia in transitioning such information as set forth herein. Covered Individual claims submitted to Navia after the effective date of the termination will be redirected to Employer and Navia will have no further responsibility with respect to Covered Individual claims submitted after the effective date of termination. (b) The rights and obligations of the Parties that by their nature must survive termination or expiration of this Agreement in order to achieve its fundamental purposes include, without limitation, Section 5.1 through Section 5.5, Article Vl, Section 7.7, and the Business Associate Agreement Exhibit. (c) Termination of this Agreement shall not terminate the rights or obligations of either Party arising prior to the effective date of such termination. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein upon termination of this Agreement, all Fees, finding, and other amounts owed by you will become immediately due and payable. Article III. Fees 3.1 FEES FOR SERVICES The Fees that Employer roust pay Navia for Services are set forth in the Fee section of each Schedule. To the extent that Navia sends a monthly invoice, all Fees are due upon receipt of the monthly invoice; however, there is a thirty (30) day period after which 1.5% interest per month will accrue with respect to any unpaid Fees to the extent Navia does not terminate the Agreement in accordance with Article III herein. If the invoice is mailed by Navia, the recipient is deemed to have received the invoice within three (3) Business Days after Navia mails the invoice. Failure to timely and completely pay such Fees may also result in suspension of all or part of the Services provided or, in Navia's discretion, termination of the Agreement. 3.2 FEES FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES Additional Fees for additional Services not listed in the Schedules shall be as mutually agreed in writing between Employer and Navia prior to performance. Such Fees may result from Employer's specific requests for legal guidance provided by an outside firm,development time, or third-party audit Fees. 3.3 FEE TERMS AND CHANGES IN FEES (a) Fees are effective beginning with the Effective Date unless otherwise provided herein. (b) The Parties may agree to change the Fees with no less than sixty (60) days' notice prior to the start of the new agreed upon Fee structure. (c) In addition, Navia may change Fees to the extent that (i) changes are made in applicable law that materially affect the rights and obligations of Navia set forth herein or(ii) Employer amends the Benefit Plan in a manner that materially impacts the Services provided herein. In the event of such a change, Navia will provide written notice of the proposed Fee changes to Employer. if Employer does not affirmatively reject the proposed Fee changes in writing within thirty (30) days of receiving written notice of the proposed Fee changes from Navia, such proposed Fees will become effective the first day of the month following the end of the thirty day response period. If Employer does not agree with such proposed Fee changes, Employer may terminate the Agreement with no less than thirty(30)days prior written notice from the date that Navia notified Employer of the Fee changes. 5 Article IV. Warranties and Representations 4.1 MUTUAL WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS Each Party represents and warrants the following: (a) the Parry's execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement: (i)have been authorized by all necessary corporate action, (ii) do not violate the terms of any law, regulation, or court order to which such Party is subject or the terms of any material agreement to which the Party or any of its assets may be subject and(iii)are not subject to the consent or approval of any third party; (b) This Agreement is the valid and binding obligation of the representing Party, enforceable against such Party in accordance with its terms; (c) Such Party is not subject to any pending or threatened litigation or governmental action which could interfere with such Party's performance of its obligations hereunder;and (d) Both Parties will perform their respective obligations under this Agreement in compliance with all laws,rules,regulations,and other legal requirements applicable to the Party. 4.2 NAVJA'S WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS (a) Navia represents and warrants that the Services shall reasonably conform to the Schedules described herein. (b) Other than as specifically set forth herein, Navia makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, written or oral, and, to the full extent permitted by law, disclaims all other warranties including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Article V: Information and Records 5.1 RECORDS GENERALLY Employer and Navia shall retain records and supporting documentation sufficient to document its satisfaction of its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with laws and generally accepted accounting principles for at least seven(7)years from the date such record or documentation is created. 5.2 CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION- GENERALLY (a) The term "Confidential Information" shall mean this Agreement and all non-public data, trade secrets, business information and other information of any kind whatsoever that a Party ("Discloser") discloses, in writing, orally, visually or in any other medium, to the other Party ("Recipient') or to which Recipient obtains access and that relates to Discloser or, in the case of Navia, its customers. A "writing' shall include an electronic transfer of information by e-mail, over the Internet or otherwise. Confidential Information shall not include Benefit Plan data (claims, explanation of benefits, and other data subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA") and Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act(HITECH")). Such data will be protected under HIPAA, HITECH and other applicable privacy and security laws as indicated in the Business Associate Agreement. (b) Each of the Parties, as Recipient,hereby agrees that it will not, and will cause its Representatives, Affiliates, and Subcontractors not to disclose Confidential Information of the other Party, daring or after the Term of this Agreement, other than on a "need to know" basis and then only to: (a) Affiliates; (b) Representatives; and/or (c), Subcontractors provided that any third parties who receive Discloser's Confidential Information from Recipient or on behalf of Recipient are subject -6 - to a written confidentiality agreement that shall be no less restrictive than the provisions of this Section; (d)as required by law or as otherwise expressly permitted by this Agreement. (c) Recipient shall not use or disclose Confidential Information of the other Party for any purpose other than to carry out its obligations set forth herein. (d) Recipient shall treat Confidential Information of the other Party with no less care than it employs for its own Confidential Information of a similar nature that it does not wish to disclose,publish, or disseminate,but not less than a reasonable level of care. (e) Upon the Discloser's request following expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Recipient shall promptly return or destroy all Confidential Information in the possession of Recipient or Recipient's Affiliates, Representatives or Subcontractors. If it is determined that returning or destroying all Confidential Information of Employer is infeasible Navia shall extend the protections of this Agreement to such Confidential Information. (f) The obligations of confidentiality in this Section shall not apply to any information that (i) Recipient rightfully has in its possession when disclosed to it, free of obligation to Discloser to maintain its confidentiality; (ii) Recipient independently develops without access to Discloser's Confidential information; (iii) is or becomes known to the public other than by breach of this Section or (iv) is rightfully received by Recipient from a third party without the obligation of confidentiality. Any combination of Confidential Information disclosed with information not so classified shall not be deemed to be within one of the foregoing exclusions merely because individual portions of such combination are free of any confidentiality obligation or are separately known in the public domain. (g) A Party's Confidential Information and any results of processing Confidential Information or derived in any way therefrom shall at all times remain the property of that Party. 5.3 MEDIA RELEASES AND PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Employer may not issue any media releases, public announcements and public disclosures,relating to this Agreement or use the name or logo of Navin, including, without limitation, in promotional or marketing material or on a list of vendors, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall restrict any disclosure required by legal, accounting or regulatory requirements beyond the reasonable control of the releasing Party. 5.4 PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION Protected Health Information ("PHI"), as defined by 45 C.P.R. 160.103, if any, that is used or disclosed by the Parties in accordance with this Agreement, will be governed by the terms and conditions set forth in the Business Associate Agreement between the Parties. Employer agrees that Navia may communicate confidential, PIII or otherwise sensitive information to Employer and hold it harmless for any such communications in the event they are misrouted or intercepted from any claim for the improper use or disclosure by Navia where such information is used or disclosed for purposes of administration of the Benefit Plan(s) or used or disclosed for the purposes of carrying out Navia's duties and responsibilities under this Agreement. -7 - 5.5 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Each Party shall retain all rights in and/or title to its respective Intellectual Property Rights. Other than as expressly provided in this Agreement, (a)nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting a Party any license, right, title, or interest in or to any of other Party's Intellectual Property Rights and (b)neither Party is developing any work product for the other. 5.6 ONLINE SERVICES (a) Navia may provide access to a password-protected website maintained by Navia or Navia's Subcontractor(s) in coumection with the Services (the "Website"). Navia may unilaterally make reasonable adjustments and improvements to the Website at any time and without prior notice. Neither Navia nor NavWs Subcontractor is under any obligation to make any adjustments to the Website that are requested by Employer or any other third party. (b) The Website may include information related to Navia's other services and/or links to other websites to the extent permitted by law. Navia neither grants a license for nor is responsible for any external links to third party websites provided on the Website. (c) Employer acknowledges that Employer and the Covered Individuals are solely responsible for maintaining the hardware and/or software necessary to access the Website. Article VI: Liability and Indemnification 6.1 LIMITATION ON LIABILITY (a) NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA, OR COST OF SUBSTITUTE SERVICES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SERVICES PERFORMED HEREUNDER UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY EVEN IF SUCH PARTY ALLEGED TO BE LIABLE HAS KNOWLEDGE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT THE LIMITATIONS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION SHALL NOT APPLY TO OR IN ANY WAY LIMIT THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE SECTIONS ENTITLED "INDEMNITY," AND "CONFIDENTIALITY AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION". IF NAVTA IS FOUND LIABLE TO EMPLOYER FOR ANY DIRECT DAMAGES, SUCH DAMAGES SHALL NOT EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO ACTUAL DAMAGES OR THE FEES PAID FOR SERVICES GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM WITHIN THE TWELVE (12) MONTHS PRECEDING THE CLAIM, WHICHEVER IS LESS. (b) Navia is not liable for the acts or omissions of a prior administrator or the acts or omissions of Employer if prior administration was conducted by Employer. (c) Navia shall not be liable for any action, conduct, or activity taken by Navia, or any failure to act at the request of Employer. (d) Neither party will be liable for and will be excused from any failure or delay in satisfying its obligations set forth herein if such failure or delay is caused by circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to any natural disaster (such as earthquakes, hurricanes or floods), emergency conditions (such as war, riot, fire, theft or labor dispute), outages, legal constraint or governmental action or inaction, breakdown or failure of equipment not due directly to the negligence of the Party maintaining the equipment, or the act, omission, negligence or fault of the other party. This section does not excuse Employer from its obligations to pay any of the Fees or to fund the Benefit Plans as provided herein. - 8 - (e) Navia neither assumes nor underwrites any liability of Employer under the Benefit Plans, and acts only as provider of the services specifically described herein. The Services performed shall be ministerial in nature and shall be performed in accordance with the direction, guidance, framework, and interpretation of the Benefit Plan(s) established and communicated by Employer. Navia shall have no discretionary authority or control over the Benefit Plan(s),funds, and Covered Individuals. 6.2 INDEMNITY (a) Each Party ("Indemnitor") shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other Party, its Representatives, successors and permitted assigns (collectively, the "Indemnitee") from and against any and all claims made or threatened by any third party and all related losses, expenses, damages, costs and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys' Fees and expenses incurred in investigation or defense ("Damages"), to the extent such Damages arise out of or relate to the following: (b) Any negligent act or omission or willful misconduct by an hrdemnitor, its Representatives or its Subcontractor; or i. Any material breach in a representation, covenant, or obligation of the indemnitor contained in this Agreement. (c) Indemnitee shall give Indemnitor reasonably prompt notice of, and the Parties shall cooperate in, the defense of any such claim, suit or proceeding, including appeals, negotiations and any settlement or compromise thereof, provided that Indemnitee must approve the terms of any settlement or compromise that may impose any un-indemnified or nonmonetary liability on Indemnitee. (d) Navia shall not be liable to Employer for mistakes of judgment or other actions taken in good faith unless such error results directly from an intentionally wrongful or grossly negligent act of Navia. 6.3 REMEDIES The remedies under this Agreement shall be cumulative and are not exclusive. Election of one remedy shall not preclude pursuit of other remedies available under this Agreement or at law or in equity. i 6.4 STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS The Parties agree that no legal action may be brought by a Party("Plaintiff") against the other more than two (2) years after the date the claim giving rise to such action became known by the Plaintiff or, exercising reasonable diligence should have been known by the Plaintiff. Article VII: Miscellaneous 7.1 AUDIT During the term of this Agreement, Employer may, at its sole expense,perform a confidential audit of the Services in accordance with the Schedules. Such audits shall be conducted on a mutually agreed upon date during Navia's normal business hours. Only a third party mutually agreed to by the Parties and who has executed a separate confidentiality agreement with Navia may conduct or assist Employer with the Audit. Employer will provide Navia with a summary of the findings from each report prepared in connection with any such audit and discuss results, including any remediation plans. Except as specifically agreed to by the Parties, any audit of claims process by Navin in accordance with this Agreement shall be based on a random representative sampling methodology of Employer's Covered Individual's claims processed within the last 12 months. -9 - 7.2 SECTION HEADINGS Section headings are included for convenience or reference only and are not intended to define or limit the scope of any provision of this Agreement and should not be used to construe or interpret this Agreement. 7.3 WAIVER OF RIGHTS No delay, failure, or waiver of either Party's exercise or partial exercise of any right or remedy under this Agreement shall operate to limit, impair, preclude, cancel, waive, or otherwise affect such right or remedy. Any waiver by either Party of any provision of this Agreement shall not imply a subsequent waiver of that or any other provision of this Agreement. 7.4 INVALIDIILLEGAL/UNENFORCEABLE PROVISIONS If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, or enforceability of the remaining provisions shall in no way be affected or impaired thereby. 7.5 AMENDMENT Except as otherwise set forth herein, no amendments of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid unless made by an instrument in writing signed by both Parties specifically referencing this Agreement. 7.6 AGREEMENT (a) This Agreement, the Schedules, and any Exhibits reflect the final, full and exclusive expression of the agreement of the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, writings, proposals,representations and communications, oral or written, of either Party with respect to the subject matter hereof and the transactions contemplated hereby. (b) This Agreement may be executed by the Parties in one or more counterparts, and each of which when so executed shall be an original but all such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. The Parties agree to accept a digital image of this Agreement, as executed, as a true and correct original and admissible as best evidence to the extent permitted by a court with proper jurisdiction (c) Notwithstanding the general rules of constriction, both Employer and Navia acknowledge that both Parties were given an equal opportunity to negotiate the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, and agree that the identity of the drafter of this Agreement is not relevant to any interpretation of the terns and conditions of this Agreement. (d) This Agreement shall be governed by the applicable laws of Washington without regard to any of its conflict of law principles and any dispute arising out of this Agreement will be settled in any court of competent jurisdiction in King County,Washington. 7.7 NOTICES (a) All legal notices or other communications required to be sent by one Party to the other Party under this Agreement shall be given to the Parties in writing to the addresses identified on the Contract Information Page or to such other addresses as the Parties may substitute by written notice given in the manner prescribed in this Section as follows: i. By first class, registered or certified United States mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, ii. Over-night express courier, - 10 - iii. By hand delivery to such addresses,or iv. Electronic mail with return receipt. (b) Such notices shall be deemed to have been duly given(i) five (5) Business Days after the date of mailing as described above, (ii) one (1)Business Day after being received by an express courier during business hours,or(iii)the same day if by hand delivery or by email 7.8 CONSENT Wherever this Agreement requires either Party's approval or consent such approval or consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 7.9 THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement,the Parties do not intend the benefits of this Agreement to inure to any third party, including but not limited to Covered Individuals and Eligible Employees, and nothing contained herein shall be construed as creating any right, claim or cause of action in favor of any such other third party, against either of the Parties hereto. 7.10 ADVERTISING Navia may indicate in its marketing materials and proposals to other prospective customers that this Agreement has been awarded, and may describe the nature and objective(s) of this engagement. No such statements by, or materials of,Navia will disclose any Employer Confidential Information. - 11 - BENEFIT PLAN SERVICE SCHEDULE(S)AND FEES Employer has established one or more of the following Benefit Plans (the "Plan" or"Plans") for purposes of providing benefits administration and/or reimbursement of certain eligible expenses incurred by Covered Individuals: • Cafeteria Plan Document and Forms • Health Flexible Spending Arrangement and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Arrangement • Health Reimbursement Arrangements • Section 132 Transportation and Parking Plan • Code Section 223 Health Savings Account In addition Employer may offer one or more of the following other Plans for purposes of complying with applicable laws or providing additional benefits. • Wellness Plan • Federal COBRA Administration • Direct Billing or Retiree Billing Administration Employer has asked Navia to assist it with its administrative obligations under one or more of the Plans identified above. The specific Plan related Services are described in each Schedule. Only those Services chosen by Employer pursuant to an Application and for which the applicable Fee is paid as set forth in the Fee section of each Schedule (or, as set forth below with respect to additional requested Services),will be provided by Navia. Article I. Standard Benefit Plan Services 1.1. Employer is solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Plans. It is Employer's sole responsibility and duty to ensure that each Plan complies with the applicable laws and regulations, and Navia's provision of Services under this Agreement does not relieve Employer of this obligation. 1.2. if applicable to the particular Plan, Navia will provide Navia's standard plan document, summary plan description, and forms to be used by Employer as a template for creating the governing documents for the Plan(s). Such standard documents and forms have been prepared in accordance with the standard of care set forth in the Agreement but are general in nature and do not take into consideration facts and circumstances specific to Employer and Employer's Plans. Consequently, Navia makes no warranties and representations that such documents and forms will comply with applicable law as they relate to the Plan(s). Navia is not responsible for making any changes or amending the documents. It is Employer's responsibility to review the documents and ensure they conform to the facts and circumstances specific to Employer and the Plans, and ensure the documents comply with applicable laws. Employer shall also make such documents available to Covered Individuals as required by law. 1.3. Employer will provide to Navia timely, accurate and complete information relating to the Covered Individuals and the Plans as is necessary for Navia to satisfy its obligations hereunder. Employer will provide such information in a format identified by Navia. In the event that information is not timely reported or verified, and in the event that there are disbursements made by Navia that would not have been made if the occurrence had been reported on the same day of - 12 - Tdbrev07072015 i I each such occurrence, then Employer shall be responsible for such disbursements and shall reimburse Navin therefore upon request by Navia. Employer shall be responsible for accurate Participant payroll deductions,reporting of deductions, and W-2 reporting. Employer understands and agrees that Navia may rely on all information provided to it by Covered Individuals and/or Employer in accordance with this Agreement as true and accurate without further verification or investigation by Navia. Navia shall not be responsible and shall be held harmless for the receipt of inaccurate and/or incomplete information or data files. Navia shall not be responsible for any delays in providing services under this Agreement and any financial or adverse consequences due to the receipt of the inaccurate and/or incomplete information or data files or for Employer's failure to send data files. I A If applicable to the Plan(s), Navia will make enrollment kits (describing the benefit), enrollment forms, online enrollment specification files, and claim forms available on the Website and/or to Employer for distribution to Covered Individuals. Navia is only obligated to process claims submitted to Navia in accordance with the instructions set forth on Navia's claim forms. Navia will process claims in accordance with applicable law, its standard operating procedures, and the terms of the Plan to the extent that such terms are provided to Navia and are consistent with Navia's standard operating procedures. Navia may also provide claims submission capabilities via online and through a smart phone application for certain Plans. if Navin denies a request for reimbursement,Navia will review the 1st level appeal. if the Plan provides for 2 levels of appeal Employer will be responsible for the final determination. Employer shall be the fiduciary and Plan Administrator of the Benefits Plans and shall be responsible for interpreting the Plans, its provisions,terms and conditions and make any and all determinations as to eligibility, appeal, and change in status events,as applicable. 1.5 In the event that a Covered Employee is reimbursed less than is otherwise required by the Plans, Navia will promptly adjust the underpayment to the extent that Employer has satisfied its funding obligations as set forth herein. If it is discovered that a Covered Employee was overpaid, or the Covered Employee fails to substantiate an Electronic Payment Card Transaction as required by applicable rules and regulations, Navia will make reasonable attempts to request repayment of overpaid or unsubstantiated Electronic Payment Card claims or offset the ineligible payment against any claims for future eligible expenses in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. If the Covered Employee fails to repay or offset, Navia will notify Employer upon Employer's written request for such report or data. Employer is responsible for taking any additional action permitted or required by law (e.g., including such amounts in income or garnishing wages consistent with applicable laws). Navia shall have no obligation to request repayment or offset to the extent such overpayment is a result of Employer's acts or omissions, such payments were authorized by Employer or Employer has failed to satisfy its funding obligations. 1.6 The specific funding requirements are set forth in each Schedule. Generally, Employer shall make sufficient funds from its general assets available to pay benefits under the Plan(s). Employer shall grant Navia withdrawal authority over the account sufficient to enable it to pay benefits. If at any time the amount of benefits payable under the Plan exceeds the amount in the account Employer shall transfer an amount necessary to the account to fulfill its funding obligations under the applicable Plan(s). Navia may suspend processing all benefit payments, electronic payment cards, and any other reimbursements, and distributions in the event Employer fails make sufficient funds from its general assets available to pay benefits under the Plan(s) 13 Tdbrev_09082015 fnaldraft and/or fails to fund the Plan(s) according to the relevant Schedule. Navia shall not be responsible or liable for the funding of claims for benefits under any Plan. If at any time Navia has paid out more in benefits than received in funding (based upon either individual Covered Employee accounts or the Plants) aggregate balance) Employer shall deliver to Navia an amount equal to that deficit upon Navia's written request. If such funding is not received within two (2) days Navia may suspend all Services including but not limited to suspension of Electronic Payment Cards and benefit reimbursements. 1.7 If relevant to the Plan(s),Navia shall provide on-site enrollment meetings and attendance at benefits fairs, as reasonably requested by Employer,for the Fee and costs set forth in the Schedule. 1.8 Navia shall provide customer support weekdays, 5 a.m.to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, excluding holidays. 1.9 Navia will conduct Nondiscrimination Testing("NDT") required under the Code for the attached Schedules. Navia will provide Employer with a Request for Information("RFI") form requesting the data necessary to complete the NET. Within a reasonable amount of time after receipt of the requested information, Navia will provide test results, which will be based solely on the information provided by Employer and/or information maintained by Navia in accordance with the Schedule. Such test results are not intended as legal or tax advice and shall not be relied upon as legal or tax advice. Navia is under no obligation to advise Employer regarding specific corrective measures beyond providing the test results. 1.10 Employer may review reports summarizing the Plan via the Website. Employer is responsible for reviewing the reports submitted by Navia and notifying Navia of any errors of which it is aware within a reasonable period of time after reviewing them. Article 11. Electronic Payment Card Services 2.1. If applicable to the Plan(s) selected in the attached Schedule(s), at Employer's request and payment of all applicable Fees, the Card Services Provider may make an Electronic Payment Card available to Covered Individuals through which eligible expenses may be paid in accordance with the following terns: 2.2. Covered Employees or Employer shall provide to Navia a valid email address for each Covered Employee requesting an Electronic Payment Card. 2.2.1. The Card Services Provider will issue an Electronic Payment Card to each Card Recipient within thirty (30) days of Navia's receipt of the Covered Employee's enrollment data or the Covered Employee's online, electronic mail or form request. Employer understands and acknowledges that the Card Services Provider issues Electronic Payment Cards based solely on the information provided by Employer. Navia and the Card Services Provider have no obligation to verify or confirm that Card Recipients are Covered Individuals, 2.2.2. Card Recipients must agree to use the Electronic Payment Card in accordance with the terms of the Cardholder Agreement that accompanies the Electronic Payment Card. The Electronic Payment Card will be deactivated if the Covered individual fails to use the 14 Tdbrev_09082015 finaldraft Electronic Payment Card in accordance with the Cardholder Agreement or as otherwise required by applicable law. 2.2.3. The Electronic Payment Card may be used by Card Recipients to pay for eligible expenses (as defined by applicable law and the applicable Plan to the extent consistent with Navia's standard operating procedures) in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations. 2.2.4. Navia will require substantiation of expenses paid with the Electronic Payment Card in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Code and/or other applicable guidance. The Electronic Payment Card will be deactivated if the Card Recipient fails to provide the requested substantiation in a timely manner as determined by Navia in accordance with Federal guidelines. 2.2.5. All Cards will be deactivated on the date this Agreement is terminated, the date that Employer fails to satisfy its funding obligations as set forth herein, the date Employer files for bankruptcy and/or as necessary to prevent fraud or abuse (as determined by Navia). 15 Tdbrev_09082015 finaldraft CAFETERIA PLAN SERVICE SCHEDULE Employer has established a Code Section 125 Plan to allow eligible employees to pay for their share of certain Benefit Plan coverage with pre-tax salary reductions (including but not limited to Employer contributions). This Schedule is incorporated into and made a part of the Agreement. The responsibilities of the Parties set forth in this Schedule are in addition to any responsibilities set forth in the Agreement. If there is a conflict between this Schedule and any other part of the Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Schedule,the Schedule will control. In all other conflicts,the Agreement controls. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are defined as set forth in the Agreement. Article I. Standard Services 1. Navia will provide a sample Code Section 125 plan document, summary plan description, and forms for review by Employer and Employer's legal counsel. Such standard documents and forms have been prepared in accordance with the standard of care set forth in the Agreement but are general in nature and do not take into consideration facts and circumstances specific to Employer and the Benefit Plans. Consequently, Navia makes no warranties and representations that such documents and forms will comply with applicable law as they relate to the Benefit Plans. Navia is not responsible for making changes or amending the documents. 2. All Benefit Plan elections and changes to elections will be processed as instructed by Employer and in accordance with the terms of the sample plan document referenced in 1.1 above and applicable law. Employer will provide Eligible Employees with election and change of election forms provided by Navia. if necessary for Navia to administer the other Services provided under this Agreement, Employer will collect and submit the completed election forms and/or change of election forms to Navia as soon as possible after receipt of such forms but no later than the effective date of such elections or change of elections. Employer is responsible for determining who is eligible for the Benefit Plan and who has satisfied the requirements to become a Covered Individual in the Benefit Plan. In addition, Employer is ultimately responsible for determining whether a requested change in election is permitted. 18 Tdbrev_09082015 fnaldraft HEALTH FLEXIBLE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT("HEALTH FSA")AND DEPENDENT CARE FLEXIBLE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT("DAY CARE FSA") SCHEDULE BENEFIT PLAN SERVICE SCHEDULE(S)AND FEES This Schedule is incorporated into and made a part of the Agreement. The responsibilities of the Parties set forth in this Schedule are in addition to any responsibilities set forth in the Agreement. If there is a conflict between this Schedule and any other part of the Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Schedule,the Schedule will control. In all other conflicts,the Agreement controls. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are defined as set forth in the Agreement. As part of the Services,Employer has asked Navia to assist it with Flexible Spending Arrangement ("FSA")administration as more particularly described in this Schedule below. 1. RESPONSIBILITIES OF NAVIA 1.L IMPLEMENTATION I.I.I. Navin shall implement the Plan subject to the Plan Application and the direction and approval of Employer. 1.2. PLAN PROCESSING AND ADMINISTRATION Navin shall: 1.2 L Provide claim reimbursements by check or direct deposit. Such claim reimbursements will be issued within two (2) Business Days after the later of: (1)the scheduled processing date; (2)the date Employer reconciles the Eligibility and Payroll Deduction Report("EDR") or submits an approved payroll report; or (3)the receipt of funds as required in the funding section. 1.2.2. Provide notification of online availability of the EDR, Disbursement, and Year- to-Date report. 1.2.3. Provide annual year-end report within ninety (90) days after the Plan's claims Run-Out Period has expired. 1.2.4. Perform claims adjudication, including verification of date, service, and cost of service. 1.3. PLAN DESIGN OPTIONS 1.3.L If Employer provides for the Grace Period under IRS Notice 2005-42 (the"Grace Period") Navia shall process claims against the prior Plan Year for services incurred through the 15th day of the third month following the end of the Plan Year. If applicable, apply any residual balance of Grace Period claims against the current Plan Year benefit. 1.3.2. If Employer provides for Carryover Administration under IRS Notice 2013-71 (the "Carryover")Navia shall: Carry over the lesser of the balance in the Health FSA as of the Carryover Date or $500, from the previous year into the immediately 17 Tdbrev_09082015 fnaidraft '... following Health FSA Plan Year. The "Carryover Date" shall mean the date on or about the 15th day after the last day of the Run-Out Period. The `Balance" shall mean Health FSA Plan Year election less disbursements of the Health FSA. Reduce the prior year Health FSA election according to the amount of the Carryover. Establish a Health FSA election for Covered Employees with Carryover amounts that failed to enroll in the Health FSA in the immediately following Health FSA Plan Year. Monthly participant Fees shall apply as of the Carryover Date. Adjudicate and process claims against the carryover amount after the Carryover Date. Upon request, Navia shall apply claims incurred in the immediately following year against unused amounts in the prior year before the Carryover Date. Such adjustments shall be subject to a Fee of $65.00 per adjustment. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYER 2.1. IMPLEMENTATION 2.1.1. Employer shall timely provide the Plan Application and any other information reasonably necessary for Navia to satisfy its obligations hereunder. 2.2. REPORTING 2.2.1. Employer shall submit an approved payroll file or reconcile the EDR against payroll deductions for each processing date through the Website. If Employer cannot or does not perform this responsibility, Navia may charge $65.00 per reconciled report. if Employer fails to provide the approved payroll file or reconcile the EDR for more than forty-five (45) days from the pay date deduction Navia may suspend claim processing. 2.3. FUNDING 2.3.1. Employer dollars equal to the amount of Covered Employee deductions are due ten(10) Business Days after the pay date deduction. In the event funding is not received within ten (10) days of the scheduled reimbursement date Navia may suspend claim processing. 3. FEES 3.1. Plan Year Fees: 3.1.1. $600.00 for the Plan administration. 3.1.2. $6.00 enrollment Fee per Covered Employee. 3.2. Monthly Processing and Administration Fees($50/month minimum): 3.2.1. $5.00 per month per FSA Covered Employee(employees 1-100); $4.00 per month per FSA Covered Employee(employees 101-200); $3.00 per month per FSA Covered Employee (employees 201 and more) 18 Tdbrev_09082015 finaldraft 3.3. Mailing Fee: $1.10 per check mailed. 3.4. Summary Plan Description Fee: $3.50 per Summary Plan description printed and mailed to Employer or Covered Employees. Provided only upon Employer request. 3.5. Electronic Funds Transfer: $10.00 per returned item, from attempted deposit in Covered Employee account. 3.6. Enrollment Meetings and Benefit Fairs: For on-site enrollment meetings and attendance at benefit fairs by Navia: 3.6.1. Employer shall pay to Navia $75.00 per hour, or $300.00 per eight-hour day, whichever is less; 3.6.2. Air travel and lodging expenses shall be charged to Employer at Navia's cost; 3.6.3. Automobile mileage is charged at $ .36/mile, plus $37.50/hour driving travel time. 3.6.4. Air travel time is charged as a full day cost, of$300.00 per day. 3.7. Plan Termination Fees: In the event Employer terminates the Plan, Employer shall pay to Navin the following Pees: 3.7.1. $5.00 per check issued or direct deposit initiated. 3.8. Plan Document amendment Fee: $150 per mid Plan Year Plan Document amendment. 19 Tdbrev_09082015 fnaldraft OTHER BENEFIT PLAN ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL COBRA ADMINISTRATION SCHEDULE Employer has independently concluded that one or more of its plans that provide medical care ("Health Plans") are subject to the provisions of the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 ("COBRA"),as subsequently amended. Consequently,Employer is required to perform certain acts in order to comply with COBRA. This Schedule is incorporated into and made a part of the Agreement. The responsibilities of the Parties set forth in this Schedule are in addition to any responsibilities set forth in the Agreement. If there is a conflict between this Schedule and any other part of the Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Schedule,the Schedule will control. In all other conflicts,the Agreement controls. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are defined by COBRA or as set forth in the Agreement. As part of the Services, Navia will provide COBRA related administrative assistance (the "COBRA Administration")for designated Health Plans as more particularly described in this Schedule below. 1. Responsibilities of Navia 1.1. Navia shall implement the COBRA Administration subject to the Plan Application and the direction and approval of Employer 1.2. Navia will distribute its standard COBRA General Notice by first class mail or other permitted distribution method to the last known address of each Eligible Employee and, when required by applicable law, the spouse or dependent as soon as reasonably possible but no later than fourteen(14) days after receiving the information necessary to complete and send a COBRA General Notice from Employer. Navia will distribute its standard COBRA Specific Rights Notice and COBRA Election Form by first class mail or other permitted distribution method to the last known address of the Qualified Beneficiary as soon as reasonably possible but no later than fourteen (14) days after receiving the information necessary to complete the COBRA Election Form from Employer, or where applicable,from the Qualified Beneficiary 1.3. Navia has no obligation to record,track or resend any COBRA General Notices,COBRA Specific Rights Notice, COBRA Election Forms, late payment reminders, termination notifications, or any other form, document, or communication that is returned undeliverable. 1.4. If Navia receives notice from a Qualified Beneficiary that a qualifying event has occurred or a Qualified Beneficiary has been determined to be disabled by the Social Security Administration, and such Qualified Beneficiary is not eligible for COBRA for any reason, Navia will send a notice of ineligibility by first class mail as soon as reasonably possible but no later than fourteen (14) days after receiving notice from such Qualified Beneficiary. 1.5. Navia will process the COBRA Election Forms submitted by Qualified Beneficiaries in accordance with applicable law and Employer's instructions. Employer is responsible for providing all information not otherwise required to be provided by the Qualified Beneficiary that Navia reasonably believes is necessary to process COBRA Election Forms. 1.6. Upon Employer's written request,Navia will send an open enrollment materials and open enrollment election form to the last known address of the Qualified Beneficiary to the extent Employer has provided the information necessary to complete and distribute the open enrollment election form. Upon Employer's written request, Navia will also 20 Tdbrev_09082015 finaldraft I process any mid-year changes in elections in accordance with Employer's Health Plan Document and applicable law. 1.7. Navia will notify the Qualified Beneficiary of the COBRA premium and the applicable due dates, as determined by Employer and the applicable due dates. 1.8. Navia will collect premiums from Qualified Beneficiaries (or third parties on behalf of Qualified Beneficiaries where applicable). All premiums collected by Navia in accordance with this Schedule will be deposited into an account maintained by Navia. Navia will send to Employer all premiums collected in accordance with this Schedule, reduced by a 2% administration Fee, by the 20th day following the end of month in which the premiums were collected. Navia will submit premiums to appropriate third parties upon written instruction from Employer. 1.9. Navia will send a notice by first class mail to the last known address of the Qualified Beneficiary indicating that COBRA coverage is terminating or has terminated. The notice of termination will be sent as soon as reasonably possible but no later than a reasonable amount of time after COBRA coverage has ended. 1.10. Navia will provide responses to inquiries by providers and/or insurance Carriers regarding coverage status of Qualified Beneficiaries. All responses will be based solely on the information provided by Employer and maintained by Navia in accordance with this Schedule. 1.11. Navia will provide Employer with monthly remittance reports (an itemized status report of Qualified Beneficiaries). Employer is responsible for reviewing the report submitted by Navia and notifying Navia of any errors of which it is aware within a reasonable period of time after reviewing them. 2. Responsibilities of Employer 2.1. Employer shall timely provide the Plan Application and any other information necessary for Navia to satisfy its obligations hereunder. 2.2, Employer shall notify all relevant Carriers that Navia is the COBRA administrator before the effective date of the COBRA Administration. 2.3. It is Employer's sole responsibility to reconcile the Carrier invoice with the remittance report provided by Navia. Any errors resulting from the failure to do so will be the sole responsibility of Employer. 2.4. Employer will provide the required notice data to Navia within 30 days of the date of COBRA Qualifying Event that is due to: 2.4.1. Termination of an employee's employment. 2.4.2. Reduction in an employee's hours that results in a loss of coverage under the Health Plan. 2.4.3. Employee's death; or 2.4.4. Employee's entitlement to Medicare that results in a loss of coverage under the Health Plan for the employee's spouse or dependent child. 2.4.5. Knowledge of second qualifying event, notice of disability determination and 'notice of change in disability status. 2.4.6. If Employer does not provide Navia the complete required notice data until after the 30 - day period expires, Navia will provide the Qualified Beneficiaries their Specific Rights Notice within fourteen (14) days after receiving the data, but subject to the following condition: if a Qualified Beneficiary timely elects COBRA, Employer will have sole responsibility (a) for any adverse consequences (including, for example, a Carrier's refusal to provide coverage or a stop-loss insurer's refusal to reimburse claims because the Carrier or insurer deems Employer to have provided untimely notice under COBRA) and (b) for 21 Tdbrev 09082015 finaldraft ensuring the availability of continuation coverage to the Qualified Beneficiary for the maximum coverage period under COBRA. 2.5. Employer will notify Navia, in writing, of the premium rates and will do so at least thirty (30)days before their effective date. if Employer notifies Navia of new premium rates less than thirty(30)days before their effective date,Navia may defer implementing the new premium rates to the first day of the first month that occurs more than thirty(30) days after Employer's notification to Navia. 2.6. If the Carrier requires premium rate payment information within a specific timeframe, it is Employer's responsibility to independently obtain the information from the Website and to provide it to the Carrier. 2.T Employer will promptly notify Navia in writing when Employer becomes aware of address changes of its employees,their spouses, and/or dependent children who are receiving continuation coverage. 2.8. Employer will promptly notify Navia in writing if it becomes aware that a Qualified Beneficiary who is receiving continuation coverage: 2.8.1. has become entitled to Medicare; 2.8.2. has become covered by another Employer's group Health Plan; 2.8.3. has been determined to be disabled by the Social Security Administration; 2.8.4. has been determined to be no longer disabled by the Social Security Administration; 2.8.5. has become divorced or legally separated;or 2,8.6. no longer is a dependent child according to the terms of the Health Plan. 2.9. Employer will promptly notify Navia in writing when the Employer is no longer subject to COBRA. 3. FEES The COBRA Services are based on the number of Employer Health Plans, COBRA family units, and benefit eligible employees. The initial set up and annual renewal Fees are based on the number of Employer Health Plan and COBRA family units enrolled. The monthly administration Fee is based on a PEPM rate billed at the start of each Plan Year. Inrtral Set-Up Initial COBRA Administration/Rate Set Up Fee $50.001 Employer Health Plan Initial COBRA Participant Set-Up/Communication Fee $10.00/COBRA Family Minimum initial Set-Up Fees $200.00 -' A"UiidlUeueWaA Renewal Fee and Rate Changes $50.00/Employer Health Plan COBRA Enrollee Election/Rate Change Letter $10.00/COBRA Family Minimum Renewal Processing Fee $150.00 14lonthW(013 ,A Ai`MUUl tratiQn Base Monthly Administration Fee' $400.00 2%COBRA Administration Fee' Retained or Invoiced by Navia .Miscellaneouservraea Notifications Required by Legislative Changes $10.00 per letter or notification Manual Data Entry Fee $5.00 per"participant"entered Special Handling' $15.00 per occurrence plus postage 22 Tdbrev_09082015 fnaldraft Optionalervices Mass mailing of initial general notice to all active $50.00 Fee plus$5.00 per notice, employees and covered spouses. Open enrollment services for enrolled COBRA family $20 Fee per kit mailed plus postage units Carrier Direct Eligibility Included HIPAA Certificates of Credible Coverage $4.00 per notice 'This rate is used to calculate the monthly Fee that will be uniform during the guarantee period. 2If this Fee is not added to the COBRA rates and paid by participants, Navia will invoice Employer for the 2% allowable COBRA Fee. If Employer subsidizes the COBRA premium, Navia will deduct the 2%from the monthly remittance or invoice Employer for the additional amount. 'Includes rush notices,non-standard slipping,Employer invoicing of COBRA premiums,etc... 23 Tdbrev 09082015 tinaldraft EXHIBIT A BUSINESS ASSOCIATE AGREEMENT This Exhibit is incorporated into and made part of the Agreement. The responsibilities of the Parties set forth in this Exhibit are in addition to any responsibilities set forth in the Agreement. If there is a conflict between this Exhibit and any other part of the Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Exhibit,this Exhibit will control. In all other conflicts,the Agreement controls. This Exhibit is intended to comply with the Business Associate Agreement provisions set forth in 45 CFR§§ 164.314 and 164.504(e), and any other applicable provisions of 45 CFR parts 160 and 164, issued pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-191 as amended,including by the Health Information Technology for Economic&Clinical Health Act of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ('ARRA"), (collectively "HIPAA"). Navia recognizes that in the performance of Services under the Agreement it may have access to, create, and/or receive from the Benefit Plan(s)or on its behalf Protected Health Information("PHI'). For purposes herein,PHI shall have the meaning given to such term in 45 CFR§ 1640.103, limited to the information created or received from the Benefit Plants)or on its behalf by Navia. Whenever used in this Exhibit A other capitalized terms shall have the respective meaning set forth below or in the Agreement, unless a different meaning shall be clearly required by the context. In addition, other capitalized terns used in this Exhibit A but not defined herein or in the Agreement, shall have the same meaning as those terms are defined under HIPAA. This Exhibit shall be automatically amended to incorporate changes by Congressional act or by regulations of the Secretary that affect Business Associate or Covered Entity's obligations under this Exhibit. 1. Definitions. 1.1. Breach. `Breach" shall have the same meaning as the term"breach"in 45 CPR 164.402. 1.2. Business Associate. "Business Associate"shall mean Navia Services,Inc. ("Navia"). 1.3. Covered Entity. "Covered Entity"shall mean the Benefit Plan(s). 1.4. Electronic Protected Health Information. "Electronic Protected Health Information" ("&Hl") shall have the same meaning as the term"electronic Protected Health Information"in 45 CFR 160.103, limited to the information created,received, maintained, or transmitted by Business Associate on behalf of Covered Entity. I.S. IIFIS. "IIHS" shall mean the Department of Health and Human Services. 1.6. IIIPAA. "IIIPAA"shall mean the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. 1.7. HITECH. "HITECH" shall mean the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act. 1.8. Individual. "Individual" shall have the same meaning as the tern"individual" in 45 CFR 160.103 and shall include a person who qualifies as a personal representative in accordance with 45 CPR 164.502(g). 1.9. Privacy Rule. "Privacy Rule"shall mean the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information at 45 CFR part 160 and part 164,subparts A and E. 1.10. Protected Health Information. "Protected Health Information"C`PHI")shall have the same meaning as the term"protected health information"in 45 CPR 160.103, limited to the information created,received,maintained, or transmitted by Business Associate on behalf of Covered Entity. 1.11. Required by Law. "Required by Law" shall have the same meaning as the term "Required by Law" in 45 CFR 164,103. 1.12. Secretary. "Secretary" shall mean the U.S. Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services or his or her designee. 24 Tdbrev 09082015 finaldraft 1.13. Security Incident. "Security Incident"shall have the same meaning as the term"security incident"in 45 CFR 164.304. 1.14. Security Rule. "Security Rule"shall mean the Security Standards and Implementation Specifications at 45 CFR Part 160 and Part 164, subparts A and C. 1.15. Standards for Electronic Transactions Rule. "Standards for Electronic Transactions Rule"means the final regulations issued by HHS concerning standard transactions and code sets under the Administration Simplification provisions of HIPAA, 45 CFR Part 160 and Part 162. 1.16. Subcontractor. "Subcontractor"shall have the same meaning as the term"subcontractor" in 45 CFR 160.103. 1.17. Unsecured Protected Health Information. "Unsecured Protected Health Information" shall have the same meaning given the term"unsecured protected health information" in 45 CFR 164.402. 2. Obligations and Activities of Business Associate 2.1. Business Associate agrees to not use or disclose PHI other than as permitted or required by this Agreement or as Required by Law. 2.2. Business Associate agrees to take reasonable efforts to limit its use and disclosure of, and requests for,PHI to the minimum necessary to accomplish the intended purpose of the use, disclosure,or request. The foregoing minimum necessary standard does not apply to: 1) disclosures or requests by a health care provider for treatment purposes;(2) disclosures to the Individual who is the subject of the information;(3)uses or disclosures made pursuant to an Individual's authorization; (4)uses or disclosures required for compliance with HTPAA;(5) disclosures to FIRS when disclosure of information is required under the Privacy Rule for enforcement purposes; (6)uses or disclosures that are required by other law. 2.3. Business Associate agrees to develop, implement, maintain, and use appropriate administrative,technical, and physical safeguards to protect the privacy of PHI and comply with applicable requirements under the Security Rule. 2.4. Business Associate shall notify Covered Entity of any Breach of Unsecured PHI of which it becomes aware. Such notice shall include,to the extent possible,the information listed in Section 2.6. A Breach shall be treated as discovered as of the first day on which such Breach is known,or by exercising reasonable diligence would have been known,to any person, other than the individual committing the Breach,who is an employee,officer, or other agent of Business Associate. 2.5. Notice shall be made without unreasonable delay and in no case later than sixty(60) calendar days after the discovery of a Breach by Business Associate. 2.6. Notice of a Breach shall include,to the extent possible the following: 2.6.1. Identification of each individual whose Unsecured PHI has been or is reasonably believed to have been accessed, acquired,used, or disclosed as a result of the breach. 2.6.2. A brief description of what happened, including the date of the Breach and the date of the discovery of the Breach, if known. 2.6.3. A description of the types of Unsecured PHI that were involved in the Breach (such as full name, Social Security number, date of birth,home address,or account number). 2.6.4. The steps Individuals should take to protect themselves from potential harm resulting from the Breach. 2.6.5. A brief description of any action taken to investigate the Breach,mitigate losses, and to protect against any further Breaches. 25 Tdbrev_09082015 finaldraR 2.6.6. Contact procedures for Individuals to ask questions or learn additional information,which shall include a toll-free telephone number, an e-mail address, web site, or postal address. 2.7. If a law enforcement official determines that a notification or notice would impede a criminal investigation or cause damage to national security, such notification,notice or posting shall be delayed in accordance with 45 CFR 164.412. 2.8. Upon Covered Entity's request,Business Associate will provide notice of Breach to the Individual(s)affected and such notice shall include,to the extent possible,the information listed in 2.4.2,unless,upon occurrence of a Breach, Covered Entity requests to disseminate or Navia and Covered Entity agree that Covered Entity will disseminate the notice(s). Any notice provided by Covered Entity to the Individual(s) shall comply with the content requirements listed in section 2.4.2., as well as any requirements provided under HIPAA,HITECH, and other applicable government guidance. Any notice required to be provided to HHS will be provided by Covered Entity. 2.9. Business Associate agrees to report to Covered Entity any use or disclosure of the PHI not provided for by this Agreement and/or any Security Incident of which it becomes aware. 2.10. Business Associate shall require each of its subcontractors, agents, or brokers,that creates,receives,maintains,or transmits PHI on behalf of Covered Entity to enter into a written agreement with Business Associate that provides satisfactory assurances that the subcontractor will appropriately safeguard that information, including without limitation the subcontractor's agreement to be bound by the same restrictions and conditions that apply to Business Associate with respect to such information. 2.11. Business Associate agrees to make internal practices,books, and records,including policies and procedures and PHI relating to the use and disclosure of PHI available to the Secretary,within ten(10)Business Days after receipt of written request or otherwise as designated by the Secretary for purposes of the Secretary determining Covered Entity's compliance with the Privacy Rule 2.12. Business Associate agrees to document disclosures of PHI and information related to such disclosures as required for Covered Entity to respond to a written request by an Individual for an accounting of disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 CFR 164.528. Business Associate will not be obligated to record disclosures of PHI or otherwise account for disclosures of PHI if neither Covered Entity not Business Associate is required to account for such disclosures pursuant to the Privacy Rule. 2.13. Business Associate agrees to provide to Covered Entity or,upon Covered Entity's request,to an Individual,within ten(10)Business Days after receipt of written request, information collected in accordance with Section 2.8 of this Agreement,in order to permit Covered Entity to respond to a written request by an Individual for an accounting of disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 CFR 164.528. 2.14. Business Associate agrees to provide access, at the request of Covered Entity and within ten(10)Business Days after receipt of written request,to PHI in the custody and control of Business Associate in a Designated Record Set,to Covered Entity or,as directed by Covered Entity,to an Individual in order to meet the requirements under 45 CFR 164.524. If PHI is maintained in a Designated Record Set electronically, and an electronic copy of such PHI is requested,Business Associate will provide an electronic copy in the form and format requested if it is readily producible in such form and format. If it is not readily producible in such format,Business Associate will work with the Covered Entity or,at the Covered Entity's request,the individual to determine an alternative form and format that enable Covered Entity to meet its electronic access obligations under 45 CFR 164.524. 26 Tdbrev_09082015 fnaldraft 2.15. Business Associate agrees to make any amendment(s)to PHI in a Designated Record Set in the custody or control of Business Associate within ten(10)Business Days after receiving written request from the Covered Entity or,upon Covered Entity's request, as requested in writing by an Individual pursuant to 45 CFR 164.526. 2.16. in the event that Business Associate transmits or receives any Covered Electronic Transaction on behalf of the Covered Entity,it shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Standards for Electronic Transactions Rule to the extent Required by Law,and shall ensure that any subcontractors or agents that assist Business Associate in conducting Covered Electronic Transactions on behalf of the Covered Entity agree in writing to comply with the Standards for Electronic Transactions Rule to the extent Required by Law. 2.17. Business Associate shall not directly or indirectly receive payment in exchange for any PHI of an Individual unless Covered Entity or Business Associate received a valid authorization from the Individual, in accordance with 45 CFR 164.508, unless permitted tinder the HIPAA rules. 2.18. Business Associate shall not use PHI for marketing purposes without a valid authorization from the affected Individuals,unless such communication is permitted under the HIPAA rules 2.19. Business Associate shall not use or disclose genetic information for underwriting purposes in violation of the HIPAA rules. 3. Permitted Uses and Disclosures by Business Associate 3.1. Except as otherwise limited in this Agreement,Business Associate may use or disclose PHI to perform functions, activities, or services for,or on behalf of, Covered Entity related to the Administrative Services Agreement between Business Associate and Covered Entity. 3.2. Except as otherwise limited in this Agreement,Business Associate may disclose PHI for the proper management and administration of Business Associate,provided that such disclosures are Required by Law, or Business Associate obtains reasonable assurances from the person to whom the information is disclosed that it will remain confidential and be used or further disclosed only as Required by Law or for the purpose for which it was disclosed to the person,and the person notifies Business Associate of any instance of which it is aware in which the confidentially of the information has been Breached. 3.3. Except as otherwise limited in this Agreement,Business Associate may use PHI to provide Data Aggregation services to Covered Entity as permitted by 45 CFR 164.5 04(e)(2)(i)(B). 3.4. Except as otherwise limited in this Agreement, Business Associate may use PHI for the proper management and administration of Business Associate or to carry out the legal responsibilities of Business Associate. 3.5. Business Associate may use PHI to report violations of law to appropriate Federal and State authorities, consistent with 164.5020)(1). 3.6. Except as expressly permitted by this Agreement, Business Associate shall not use or disclose PHI in any manner that would violate the requirements of the Privacy Rule if done by Covered Entity. 4. Obligations of Covered Entity and Employer 4.1. Covered Entity shall notify Business Associate of any limitation(s)in its notice of privacy practices of Covered Entity in accordance with 45 CFR 164.520,to the extent that such limitation may affect Business Associate's use or disclosure of PHI. 27 Tdbrev 09082015 finaldraft 4.2. Covered Entity shall notify Business Associate of any changes in,or revocation of, permission by Individual to use or disclose PHI,to the extent that such changes may affect Business Associate's use or disclosure of PHI. 4.3. Covered Entity shall notify Business Associate of any restriction to the use or disclosure of PHI that Covered Entity has agreed to in accordance with 45 CFR 164.522,to the extent that such restriction may affect Business Associate's use or disclosure of PHI. 4.4. Employer acknowledges and agrees that Business Associate may disclose PHI in its possession to Employer's workforce as necessary to administer the Plan(s). Employer shall timely notify Business Associate in writing of any terminations or changes of such employees. Employer shall indemnify and hold harmless Business Associate and its employees for any and liability Business Associate may incur as a result of any improper use or disclosure of PHI by or caused the Plan,Employer, or Employer's Workforce. 5. Permissible Requests by Covered Entity 5.1. Covered Entity shall not request Business Associate to use or disclose PHI in any manner that would not be permissible under the Privacy Rule if done by Covered Entity,except for uses or disclosures for the purposes of data aggregation,management, and administrative activities of Business Associate. 28 Tdbrev_09082015 fnaldraft EXHIBIT B EMPLOYER CERTIFICATION This Exhibit is incorporated into and made part of the Agreement. The responsibilities of the Parties set forth in this Exhibit are in addition to any responsibilities set forth in the Agreement. If there is a conflict between this Exhibit and any other part of the Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Exhibit,this Exhibit will control. In all other conflicts,the Agreement controls. Employer sponsors a Benefit Plan or Benefit Plans where certain members of Employer's workforce perform services in connection with administration of the Benefit Plan(s). Employer acknowledges and agrees that the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identified Health Information(45 CFR Part 164,the "Privacy Standards"), prohibit the Benefit Plan(s) or its Business Associates from disclosing Protected Health Information (as defined in Section 164,501 of the Privacy Standards) to members of Employer's workforce unless Employer agrees to the conditions and restrictions set out below. To induce the Benefit Plan(s) to disclose Protected Health Information to members of Employer's workforce as necessary for them to perform administrative functions for the Benefit Plan(s), Employer hereby accepts these conditions and restrictions and certifies that the Benefit Plan(s) documents have been amended to reflect these conditions and restrictions. Employer agrees to: 1. Not use or further disclose the information other than as permitted or required by the Plan Document or as required by law; 2. Ensure that any agent or subcontractor, to whom it provides Protected Health Information received from the Benefit Plan(s), agrees to the same restrictions and conditions that apply to Employer with respect to such information; 3. Not use or disclose Protected Health Information for employment-related actions and decisions or in connection with any other benefit or employee Benefit Plan of Employer; 4. Report to the Benefit Plan(s) any use or disclosure of the Protected Health Information of which it becomes aware that is inconsistent with the uses or disclosures permitted by the Benefit Plan(s)or required by law; 5. Make available Protected Health Information to individuals in accordance with Section 164.524 of the Privacy Standards; 6. Make available Protected Health Information for amendment by Covered Individuals and incorporate any amendments to Protected Health Information in accordance with Section 164.526 of the Privacy Standards; 7. Make available the Protected Health Information required to provide an accounting of disclosures 4o Covered Individuals in accordance with Section 164.528 of the Privacy Standards; 8. Make its internal practices, books, and records relating to the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information received from the Benefit Plan(s) available to the Department of Health and Human Services for purposes of determining compliance by the Benefit Plan(s) with the Privacy Standards; 9. If feasible, return or destroy all Protected Health Information received from the Benefit Plan(s) that Employer still maintains in any form, and retain no copies of such Information when no zs Tdbrev 09082015 flnaldraft longer needed for the purpose for which disclosure was made, except that, if such return or destruction is not feasible, limit further uses and disclosures to those purposes that make the return or destruction of the information infeasible; and 10. Ensure the adequate separation between the Benefit Plan(s) and members of Employer's workforce, as required by law. 30 Tdbrev_09032015 finaldraft