HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW16-034 - Original - King County - Bus Stop Improvement Funding & Construction Agreement - 01/19/2016 4 ee r n3 e er , KENT Document Ws`SP 1 '• '' a 4 .. CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: King County Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: @�0 This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Bus Stop Improvements on Central Ave. S, Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ® Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 1/19/16 Termination Date: 12/31/16 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Mark Madfai Department: Engineering Contract Amount: $14,180.00 Approval Authority: (CIRCLE ONE) Department Director Mayor City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Construction of shelter footings and pedestrian landing pads to provide transit access and other transit amenities, and to meet the American with Disabilities Act guidelines. The County will reimburse the-City towards funding the improvements. _ As of: 08/27/14 ''. AGREEMENT BETWEEN KING COUNTY AND THE CITY OF KENT FOR FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS ON CENTRAL AVENUE SOUTH THIS BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT (the - "Agreement") is made and entered into this�day of �2016, by and between the City of Kent, a municipal corporation of the State of WaslrYngton(the"City"), and King County, a home rule charter county of the State of Washington, acting through its Department of Transportation,Metro Transit Division(the "County"), either of which entities may be referred to hereinafter individually as "Party" or collectively as the "Parties." WHEREAS,the City has undertaken a project to construct road improvements along a section of Central Ave. S (from Willis St. to the Green River Bridge) including sidewalk replacement and pavement overlay. WHEREAS,it is the Parties' desire that transit service continue-to be provided on Central Ave. S; and WHEREAS, the County has determined it would be in the public interest to enter into an agreement with the City to arrange for the construction of shelter footings and pedestrian landing pads by the City, as further specified herein, to provide transit access and other transit amenities, and to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act("ADA") guidelines; and WHEREAS,the County is willing to reimburse the City an amount not to exceed $14,190 towards funding the improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. City Responsibilities 1.1 The City will be responsible for the design, construction, and acceptance of all improvements, including those identified in Section 1.4 of this Agreement, as further detailed in Attachment A: Design Details of Bus Stop Improvements, which is incorporated herein by this reference (the "Bus Stop Improvements"). 1.2 The City will be responsible for the administration of any contracts it enters into for the performance of its responsibilities under this Agreement. The City will provide the County with a construction schedule and meet a Project completion date of September 1, 2016. Prior to issuance of acceptance of any contractor's work, the City will notify the County and provide the County with the opportunity to inspect and continent on the Bus Stop Improvements included in the Project. However,neither the County's comments BITS STOP IMPROVEMENTS FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Between King County and the City of Kent Page 1 of 6 nor the County's inspection of City-led improvements under this Agreement will relieve the City of its responsibility for said improvements. 1.3 The City will notify the County Construction Inspector, Paul Miller, at 206-263-1170, for framing inspection of each shelter footing two (2) working days prior to pouring concrete. At the time of inspection,the shelter footings should be framed, presented with supporting re-bar, conduit and electrical copper grounding. The conduit location should be located in the right-rear comer of each shelter footing. 1.4 The City will install six (6) new bus stop landing pad extensions and tllree (3) bus shelter footing; type B21 at the locations of the bus stops identified with particularity in this Subsection 1.4. All seven of these bus stops will provide curb and sidewalk for a minimum of 47' to accommodate all bus door openings on a 60' bus and will provide a minimum depth of 8' of concrete(wherever public ROW exists) at the location specified for a bus stop and where the front door of the bus opens. The City agrees to maintain the existing facilities at bus stops affected by this project but not planned for improvement. The seven(7)bus stop locations that are affected by this project and the planned improvements are as follows: Bus Stop Identification and Location: Stop ID _ St.# Dir On Street Cross St Improvement _ E Russel 58150 601160 SSB. Central Av S Farside St 8'X 10' Landing Pad 58170 913 SB Central Av S NearMiddle S 259 St 8'X 10 Landing pad 58180 1117 __SB_ Central Av S .Farside S 259 St 8'X 10 Landing pad 58190 1401 SB Central Av S Farside S 262 St 8'X 10 Landing pad 58210 1721 SB Central Av S Nearside S 266 St 8'X 10'Landing pad; New B21 Shelter Footing 57960 1404 NB Central Av S Farside S 266 St 8'X 10' Landing Pad & Replace shelter footing w/B21 _ 57962 1404 NB Central Av S Nearside S 262 St Replace Shelter Footing w/1321 1.5 The City authorizes the County to install transit amenities, at the County's discretion, including, but not limited to, shelters, seating, lighting, signage and trash receptacles when the City notifies the County of completion of the Project The City will provide the County with all necessary documentation and permits to install said transit amenities. Likewise,the City will provide the County with all necessary documentation and permits for proper traffic control to be administered by the County. BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS P1JNDING AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Between King County and the City of Kent Page 2 of 6 2. - County Responsibilities 2.1 Upon notification for inspection of each shelter footing, and subsequent inspection, the County will notify the City in writing of a positive inspection and approval of concrete pour. If at the time of inspection, the shelter footings are not prepared correctly, the County will instruct the City of the changes needed and will request an additional shelter footing inspection if needed. 2.2 Upon notification by the City of the completion of all four bus stop locations,the County will inspect the improvements. If the County finds that any work does not meet the terms of this Agreement, or any specifications or terms established hereunder, the County will prepare a punch list of such items and submit it to the City. Work that does not comply with the agreed upon specifications and terms will be corrected by the City at no cost to the County. Notice of acceptance will not constitute acceptance of any unauthorized or defective work or material. The County retains all rights hereunder and at law to require the City to remove, repair,replace, or dispose of any unauthorized or defective work or to recover dainages for any such work or material. 2.3 Upon notification by the City of completion of the Project, and notification by the City that the bus stop signs,paint, shelters and other amenities are ready for installation, the County will install said bus stop signs, paint and other amenities. The County may choose to install a shelter frame on the recently constructed shelter footing at the following three (3) bus stop locations: Stop ID Dir On Street Cross St 58210 SB Central Av5 Nearside S 266 St 57960 NB Central Av S Farside S 266 St 57962 NB Central Av S Nearside S 262 St 3. Payment 3.1 The County will reimburse the City an amount not to exceed$14,180 for completion of the Bus Stop Improvements as specified in this Agreement. 3.2 The City will invoice the County (in writing) upon completion of the tasks identified in Section 1.4, by sending the invoice to the County Project Contact at the address as shown in Section 8.2. The County will make payment to the City within thirty (30)working days of receipt of an invoice for work determined to be performed in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Between King County and the City of Kent Page 3 of 6 4. Ownership and Maintenance 4.1 Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, the City will own and maintain all Bus Stop Improvements constructed by the City as part of this Project. The County will own and maintain all of the transit amenities installed after the completion of this Project. 5. Legal Relations 5.1 It is understood that this Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parties hereto and gives no right to any other person or entity. No joint venture, agent-principal relationship or partnership is formed as a result of this Agreement. No employees or agents of one Party or anv of its contractors or subcontractors shall be deemed, or represent thernselves to be, employees or agents of the other Party. 5.2 Each Party shall defend, indemni fy, and hold harmless the other Party and all of its officials, employees,principals, and agents from all claims, demands, suits, actions and liability of any kind, including injuries to persons or damage to property, that arise out of, are connected with, or are due to any negligent acts or omissions of the indemnifying Party and/or its contractors;officials, employees,agents and representatives in performing work under this Agreement. Each Party specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by its own employees against the other Party and for that purpose only each Party specifically waives, as to the other Party ordy, any immunity under the Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW, and the Parties acknowledge that this waiver was the subject of mutual negotiation. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. 5.3 The City and the County-shall comply and shall ensure that their contractors, if any, comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations, and ordinances applicable to work and services to be performed under this Agreement. 5.4 In the event any Party incurs attorney's fees, costs or other legal expenses to enforce provisions of this Agreement against the other Party, each Party shall be responsible to pay all its own fees, costs and expenses. 5.5 This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington in effect on the date of execution of this Agreement. The Superior Court of King County, Washington, situated in Seattle, shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue over any legal action arising under this Agreement. 5.6 The provisions of this Section shall survive any expiration of termination of this Agreement. BUS STOP IMPROVEMEN l'S FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Between King County and the City of Kent Page 4 of 6 1. 6. Records and Audit During the progress of the design and construction oral] improvements covered by this Agreement and for a period no less than six (6) years from the date of completion of all improvements, records and accounts pertaining to the work of this Agreement and accounting therefore are to be kept available for inspection and audit by representatives of the Parties. Copies of the records slrall be furnished upon request. 7. Agreement Duration and Termination 7.1 This Agreement shall take effect upon execution by both Parties and shall expire December 31", 2016, unless extended by mutual agreement of the Parties or unless terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Section. 7.2 Either Party may terminate this Agreement in the event that other party materially breaches this Agreement. Written notice of such termination must be given via certified mail by the Party terminating this Agreement to the other Party not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the effective date of termination. 7.3 Either Party may terminate for its convenience and without cause by providing written notice to the other Party not less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of termination. I 7.4 Failure by either Party to require full and timely performance of any provision of the Agreement at any time shall not waive or reduce the right of either Party to insist upon complete and timely performance of such provisions or any other provision thereafter. 8. Identification of Party Contacts 8.1 The City and the County will both appoint a Project Manager to represent the interests of their respective agencies. The two Project Managers will work collaboratively to implement this Agreement. 8.2 All official communication concerning this Agreement should be directed to the following Project Contacts: Mark Madfai Daniel M. Wells Engineering Supervisor Senior Transit Plattner Design Engineering Transit Route Facilities, Service Development City of Kent,Public Work Department King County Department of Transportation 253-856-5529 206-477-5795 MMadfai@KentWA.gov daniel.wells@kingeounty.gov BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Between King County and the City of Kent Page 5 of 6 Any changes in agency contacts from those noted above must be confirmed in writing to the other Partv. 9. Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains all terms, conditions and provisions agreed upon by the Parties hereto, and shall not be modified except by written amendment. Such amendments may be made to this Agreement within the previously approved budget or other applicable authority for and on behalf of the City by its Public Works Director, and for and on behalf of the County by its Supervisor of the Transit Route Facilities group. 10. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to serve the purposes of the objectives originally contemplated by the Parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the last date written below. THE CITY OF KENT ByE 'Co*' Suzette Mayor Date r r KING COUNTY y '�.T Marty Minkoff, Acting Manag Date King County Department of ansportation Metro Transit Division Service Development Section BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Between King County and the City of Kent Page 6 of 6 \\ \\ \ \ \ } \ � m0 \ ) \