HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW16-031 - Original - King County (Wastewater Treatment Division) WTD - Joint Geotechnical Work - 09/30/2015 ecords Man A` ge- MOA A- n . ) WASH IN.,.N �Sal�-M1`viX a ®®c`�ld Y ®�III� , CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. Ali portions are to be completed. Xff you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor �9ammae: it/1t1 f.Ui,nh4 (V\ifAsk'JJ)GJLr i�Cf y}/t� ! IU6 ttiY1 y'+D Vendor Number.- JD Edwards Number Contract Number. wu — C} This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name. kiat [`'1, otefJAnico I � lf)f"K Description- Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract Other: //////pppppp Contract Effective Date,�� �L�i�j Termination Date. 1 p-0 t � (Contract Renewal Notice (D:ays)� Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager. T• LfACot(1 Department,. PV\1 Contract Amount. Approval Aauthorltya g Department Director ❑Mayor ❑City COUncil Detail; (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etco)a adccW10877 8 14 '.. INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN KING COT JNTY(WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION ("WTD")) AND CITY OF KENT FOR JOINT GEOTECIINICAL WORK THIS AGREEMENT (the"Agreement")is made and entered into by and between King County, a political subdivision of the state of Washington through its Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Wastewater Treatment Division("King County" or the "County") and the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation(the "City"). The County and the City may be referred to herein individually as a"Parry" and collectively as the"Parties." RECITALS A. A portion of the City street located at the approximate intersection of 84th Avenue South (East Valley Highway) and South 222°`' Street, in the City of. Kent Washington has experienced unusual settlement (hereinafter the "Street Settlement"). B. A section of King County sewer pipeline crosses beneath the area of the Street Settlement. This sewer pipeline has also experienced unusual settlement and damage. C. Because the Street Settlement is directly over the location of the sewer pipeline settlement the City believes the street settlement is connected to the sewer pipe settlement. D. King County has observed settlement of both the street and the sewer pipe and believes that further investigation is needed to identify the cause of the settlement under that portion of 84t11 Avenue S. which was widened under a developer's extension agreement. E. The Parties have an interest in gaining a better understanding of the geological conditions in the area of the Street Settlement. F. The Parties agree to jointly retain the services of Shannon& Wilson, Inc. under a work order contract with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants to perform the geotechnical work described in the Scope of Work attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and to divide the cost of the work equally, with each Party paying one-half of the cost actually invoiced by Kennedy/Jenks Consultants for the work. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terns, conditions, covenants, and promises contained herein,the Parties agree as follows: Page 1 AGREEMENT 1. Purpose of Agreement and Scope of Work. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the mutual rights, responsibilities and obligations of the County and the City for the Scope of Work described in Exhibit 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (hereinafter referred to as the "Scope of Work or the "Work")- No separate legal entity is created by this Agreement. the County shall hire Kennedy/Jenks Consultants (the "Consultant") who will retain Shannon& Wilson as a subconsultant to perform the Scope of Work, summarized as follows and set forth in Exhibit 1. • Review existing documents provided by King County. • Coordinate with King County and the City of Kent in preparation for subsurface explorations. • Perform five borings each to 40 feet deep at locations shown. • Install piezometers with dataloggers in the wells. • Obtain groundwater data from the wells twice and remove dataloggers. e Decommission the piezometers (remove the surface monuments, cut the piezometer wires, and patch/restore the surface). • "test soil samples retrieved from the borings. • Prepare a geotechnical data report (GDR). The County shall invoice the City for the City's share of the actual costs related to the Scope of Work in accordance with the payment provisions of Section 3 of this Agreement. the County will authorize the Scope of Services, by issuing a Notice to Proceed to the Consultant to perform all tasks in the Scope of Work set forth iu Exhibit 1. 2. Duration of Agreement. This Agreement shall become effective immediately upon execution by the Parties and shall remain in effect until the Scope of Work is complete and the City has paid the County in fall for one-half of the actual cost of the Scope of Work, in accordance with the payment provisions of Section 3 herein unless terminated sooner, as provided herein. The Parties anticipate that the Scope of Work will be completed by Consultant on or before the end of October 2015. 3. Payment. 3.1. The City agrees to reimburse the County one-half of the actual cost invoiced by the Consultant to perform the Work as set forth herein. An estimate of the Consultant's costs to perform the Scope of Work is attached hereto as Exhibit 2, and incorporated herein by this reference. Page 2 3.2. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the hours and costs described in Exhibit 2 are an estimate based on the information provided to date. The County and the City agree to each pay one-half of the actual costs of the Scope of Work performed by the Consultant even if the actual costs exceed the estimated costs set forth in Exhibit 2. 3.3. The County will provide the City monthly with a copy of the Consultant's invoice upon receipt. The County will pay Consultant for the invoiced amount, less any required or appropriate adjustments(the "Proper Invoice Amount"). The City shall pay the County one-half of the Proper Invoice Amount within thirty (30) days from receipt of the invoice,without offset or deduction for any reason. If applicable,the Parties shall consult with one another and coordinate the sending of any notice of potential dispute regarding any invoice within the same 30 day time period. 4. Work to be Performed by the City. ® Issue Street Use Permit and Traffic Control Permit An observer during drilling ® Provide horizontal and vertical survey location of the five exploratory holes to be drilled by the consultant after the drilling work is completed. 5. Work to be Performed by the County. • Manage the Work Order Contract • Obtain the rights of entry for private property access 6. E'xchanpe of Documents. 6.1. The City agrees to provide the County with the following documents within 30 days of the date of this Agreement: Any and all documents pertaining to the design, construction, upgrading, maintenance and repair of the roadway, utilities and other facilities located at 84th Avenue South(East Valley Highway) and South 222nd Street, ill the City of Kent Washington. 'this includes any and all documents associated with work in the area such as,without limitation, construction, maintenance and repair documents for the following items and activities: a. All records associated with the roadway including any transfer documents from WSDOT; b. Survey results, recorded or otherwise; C. Utility franchise agreements, construction and inspection documents; d. Documents regarding any City utility facilities such as water, storm water, and sanitary sewer; C. Documents regarding any private developer frontage improvements and related work; and f. ULID 115 design, construction, and inspection documents. Page 3 6.2. The County agrees to provide the City with the following documents within 30 days of the date of this Agreement, except as noted below: a. All inspection records, TV reports, comprehensive plans, maintenance records, replacement plans and construction related to the subject trunk sewer; b. Copy of Geotechnical Data Report (GDR) as described in paragraph 1 above, (to be provided as soon as it is available). 7. No Admission of Liability. The Parties agree that this Agreement and the willingness of each Party to enter into this Agreement shall not be construed as an admission of fact or liability by either Party for any purpose. This Agreement is expressly made without prejudice to, and shall not be deemed a waiver of, any rights, privileges or defenses available to the Parties, all of which are expressly reserved. 8. Mutual Indemnification 8.1. "the City shall defend, indemnify and hold the County and its officers, officials, employees, and agents free and harmless from any and all demands,costs, claims, judgments, orders or decrees for personal injuries, death or damage to property arising out of or in any way resulting from any act or omission or willful misconduct of the City, or its officers, officials, employees or agents in the performance of this Agreement; provided however that if such claims are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence oPthe County, its otlicers, officials, employees or agents, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the City; and provided further that nothing herein shall require the City to hold harmless or defend the County from any claims arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the County, its officers, officials, employees and agents. No liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this Agreement except as expressly provided herein. 8.1 The County shall defend, indemnify and hold the City and its officers, offcials, employees and agents free and harmless from any and all demands, costs, claims, judgments, orders or decrees for personal.injuries, death or damage to property arising out of or in any way resulting from any act or omission or willful misconduct of the County, or its officers, officials, employees or agents in the performance of this Agreement;provided however that if such claims are caused by or result trom the concurrent negligence of the City, its officers, officials, employees or agents, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the County; and provided further that nothing herein shall require the County to hold harmless or defend the City from any claims arising frmn the sole negligence of the City, its officers, officials, employees and agents. No liability shall attach to the County by reason of entering into this Agreement except as expressly provided herein. 8.3 Solely for purposes of enforcing the indemnification obligations ofa Party under this Section 8, each Party expressly waives, by mutual negotiation, its irmmmity under Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington, the Industrial Insurance Act, and agrees that the obligation to indemnify, defend and hold harmless provided for in this Section 8 Page 4 i extends to any such claim brought against the indemnified Party by or on behalf of any employee of the indemnifying Party. The foregoing waiver shall not in any, way preclude the indemnifying Party from raising such immunity as a defense against any claim brought against the indemnifying Party by any of its employees. 9. County's Use of Consultant for Other Work in Anticipation of Litigation. 9.1. The Parties acknowledge and agree that in anticipation of litigation, the County and its attorneys may wish to retain the services of Shannon& Wilson, independently, to provide the County and its attorneys with consulting and/or expert witness services' regarding the sewer pipeline and Street Settlement, such work referred to herein as the "Independent Work in Anticipation of Litigation." With respect to such hndependent Work in Anticipation of Litigation, the City will not assert that Shannon & Wilson has a conflict of interest based upon its performance of the Scope of Work pursuant to this Agreement. 9.2. The Parties agree that in pursuing any claims that may exist between the Parties, they will not assert that this Agreement or the exchange or disclosure of any information under this Agreement waived or waives any applicable rights or privileges or protection from disclosure or the attorney work product and/or attorney-client privilege. Further, the Parties agree that this Agreement does not and shall- not give the City a right or entitlement to any information that may be developed by Shannon.& Wilson as part of the Independent Work in Anticipation of Litigation. The obligations under this Section 9 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 10. Termination. 10.1. Prior to the Parties issuing a Joint Notice to Proceed to the Consultant, either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other Party of its desire to terminate this Agreement. 10.2. After the Parties issue a Joint Notice to Proceed to the Consultant to commence the Scope of Work, either Party may terminate this Agreement only upon five calendar (5) days' prior written notice to the other Party. In that event, the terminating Party shall be responsible for its share of all costs authorized under section 3 and its share of all bona fide costs claimed by the Consultant in performing the Scope of Work up to and including the date of termination. 11. Documents Prepared by Consultant. The documents prepared by the Consultant as part of the Scope of Work shall be the property of each Party and each Party shall receive a copy thereof. Page 5 12. Dispute Resolution 12.1. If a dispute arises between the County and the City, under this Agreement the Parties agree that, the contract administrators for each Party shall meet and confer in an effort to resolve the dispute. If the contract administrators cannot resolve the dispute within fourteen (14) calendar days then either Party may request that the City Manager and the Director of Wastewater Treatment Division ("WTD") or their respective designees review the dispute and meet and confer in an effort to resolve the dispute. If the City Manager and the Director of WTD are unable to resolve the dispute, then each Party may take whatever steps it deems appropriate. 122. This Agreement has been made pursuant to, and shall be construed according to, the laws of the State of Washington. In the event the Parties find it necessary to institute legal proceedings to enforce any provision of this Agreement, such proceedings may only be brought in the Superior Court of King County, Washington. 13. Changes and Modifications. Either Party may request changes, amendments, or additions to any portion of this Agreement; however, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no such change, amendment, or addition to any portion of this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon any Party unless it is in writing and executed by the other Party. 14. Notices Any notice required to be given by any Party to the other pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement or any law, present or future, shall be in writing and shall be dccmed to, have been duly given or sent if either delivered personally or deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the following: TO KING COUNTY: Wastewater Treatment Division Attn: Kathy Loland 201 S. Jackson Street, Suite 0503 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 TO CITY OF KENT: Public Works Department Attn: Timothy J. LaPorte 220 4u' Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 All notices issued under this Agreement shall be deemed received on the second business day after being deposited in the United States mail, or if personally delivered, at the time they are actually hand delivered to the addressee or if sent by facsimile, upon automatic or telephone confirmation of receipt. Each Party may change its notice address Page 6 set forth in this section by giving notice of a new address to the other Party in accordance with this section. 15.. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind either of the Parties hereto. 16. Assignment. The Work to be performed under this Agreement is not assignable or delegable by any Party in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent of the other Party. 17. Waiver. A failure by either each Party to exercise its rights under this Agreement shall not preclude that Party from subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this Agreement unless stated to be such in a writing signed by an authorized representative of the Party and attached to the original Agreement. 18, Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held iiwalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. 19. Third Party Beneficiary Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any rights in or duties to any third party, nor any liability to or standard of care with reference to any third party. This Agreement shall not confer any right, or remedy upon any person other than the Parties hereto. This Agreement shall not release or discharge any obligation or liability of any third party to any Party herein. 20. Authority. Each individual signing this Agreement warrants that he or she has the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the Party for which that individual signs. Page 7 IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the dates shown below. AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED: King County DATED: ] - °-� Z�� , 2015 By �'t��� Title 1ss,s ,wj i7,v sr ii� G �r City of Kent DATED: I C 2015 BYE Title: V V Page 8 Exhibit 1 — Scope of Work Work Order Request Form Wastewater Treatment Division Multidisciplinary Design and Technical Review Services Work Order Contract for the Wastewater Treatment Division Work Order Basis Contract E00329E14 with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. Scope of Work Work Order Number#05 Project Title: Kent-ULID 1/5 Pipe Settlement Investigation Project Number: 1126603, Task 1 SectionlUnit Manager: Joe Barnett Facility Name: Kent ULID 1/5 Sewer Project Manager/Phone: Dave Stark (206) 477-5410 Additional Client Contact: Joel Paulson, Project Engineer (206) 263-1137 I Protect Background, Oblective and Constraint A section of 84th Avenue S in the City of Kent overlays a 24" King County sewer pipeline (ULID 1/5); both the roadway and th a sewer pipeline have experienced settlement between manholes 57G and 57H (Figure 1). The objective of this Work Order is to collect geotechnical and groundwater data from five boring locations near the settlement area (Figure 2) and document these findings in a geotechnical data report. This information will be evaluated under a separate analysis (not part of this Work Order) to identify the root cause of the settlement and make recommendations for additional investigations as deemed necessary. Safety Concerns The drilling locations are in and near a busy arterial. The driller will provide a traffic control plan for work within the 84th Avenue S right-of-way (ROW) to the City of Kent for review and approval. Work will occur after business hours and on the weekend. Environmental/Perm its NA Community Issues King County and the City of Kent will work with adjacent business owners to reduce impacts on operations during business hours. i Page 1 Consultant Scope/Required Discipline Task 1 — Project Management Consultant will provide a Project Manager to serve as a point of contact with the County on contractual, technical, and quality control issues with King County staff. The Project Manager will be readily available to meet with or conduct telephone conversations with King County staff at the County's discretion. Task 2 — Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Consultant will review existing documents provided by King County (Attachment 1); coordinate with King County and the City of Kent in preparatic-n for subsurface explorations; perform five borings each to 40 feet deep; install piezometers with data loggers in the wells; obtain groundwater data from the wells twice and remove hardware, decommission the piezometers (removing the surface monuments, cutting off the piezometer wires, and patching/restoring the surface); test soil samples retrieved from the borings; and prepare a geotechnical data report. The Consultant will take before and after photographs of each boring location to document that the property was restored to its condition immediately prior to the boring. Task 2 Assumptions 1. Street use permits and traffic control approval will be issued by the City of Kent at no cost to the Consultant. The Consultant will provide a description of the work and traffic control plans to the City. 2. Ground survey (X, Y, and Z) of the five boring locations will be provided by the City of Kent. 3. Coordination with private property owners, including rights of entry, will be performed by King County. 4. Two borings will be performed on private properties during non-business hours, and three borings in the 84th Avenue S ROW will be completed on the ensuing weekend. If a boring location on the 84th Avenue S ROW will obstruct access to a business during normal business hours then the boring shall occur during non-business hours. Tacoma Screw is closed on the weekend, but Les Schwab is open Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and closed Sunday. 5. No contaminated soil or groundwater will be encountered. Task 2 Deliverables 1. Geotechnical Data Report to include site description, exploration description, interpretive geologic profiles, boring logs, and groundwater data. Pane 2 King County Responsibilities 1 . Provide existing geotechnical and other historical documents. 2. Obtain right of entry and right of exploration from two private property owners. 3. Coordinate with City of Kent to gather survey information for the five boring locations. Preliminary Schedule Dates will be adjusted by mutual agreement between King County and the Consultant. Item Due Date NTP- September 21, 2015 Perform Subsurface Explorations October 1 to 5, 2015 Collect data October 18, 2015 Submit Draft Geotechnical Data Report October 23, 2015 _ Submit Final Geotechnical Data Report October 30, 2015 _ Decommissioning Complete October 31, 2015 Page 3 Attachment 1 — List of Existing Documents/Information to be provided digitally by King County • Photographs of Repair of 84th Avenue S. near Boring Location B-3. Page 4 t �q �✓tf a •� u' '3,ty n s A l MA ° ty f�yY ?, t kg r bd'§" � 1-t % i�g x Y f r x Al V.k t] 14 'arY i 'h,A a it p E Y r 9M, In fi. tt a Y a zj` -4 41.w z Sa Y rs}Y a ��44 2 Y M 91ZV1 I" 34d Y 1 t n x Yx -z [ rz An r x + �k"igE.'k�„i Figure 1 — Location of Manholes 57G and 57H i '{ South Interceptor II G� Parallel Phase,III 61 ULIDi81 ' Contract U2 RISA3 A10As6 nlagAt Kent 'MrNsr A2 sHdiH sr ' Mal I...IA ,�Kellh Cross Valley UuD,IN i 7 Interceptor "Contract US "� I Kent r RfORL3 1 i 53 RiBAb I `W AIIbNrn RIM2 4.a 1 R1a o5 Interceptor a ,� ¶*Ome R1e.orA p17 o3n salarHtr i b2allonll Rio 06 �°i 1119A1 ie"OB fi1eH-03 R1a"Ot t e - � fail!son Creek t 110FHST 1"� 55 R1 q'6TFA Interceptor ULlq fll s» ' i RteHA4 I ,ContractV5 A]H 't man us 1 ys s 50e 9]4 6rD p6y 13o Te o a 9]E sy) 5]F i51 I j, unuo sr L � m s]AH nR .s]D co $ 1 15 t11]]l tT } ti O6 � i RIRNAT I o � ..IW n]rH It n o 1 60 1 I RtOH.00 81 10"A " ' 16A ft10 t0 h 11 SutT115i "aO d0 R18F01 0.1BH 9 1 b SUEiH Si so 1]0 a maw ill Yt 6d W / 74AA J ]a IW Y 2na9 = gt8nA] A d ' I � uuD N1 Contract B5 (Kent ]4AA TA RtBN 13 66 YU"0, N vFk,N 1Ja]4 >sA i 1 1 1 ry �ah 72°�a aa. MIAF.6t. III Crflehl i �..]an intercepter ,NI ap 66 d. Al 4 AIR -la G •i 1qH�y 69 R14102 444 n t i[6 S]SJM Si RtBR-020 0] >6 60 0<0 14 tns yyy 5pib 230I NOH14 i < R18P.03 ,9y 14A RtOFo2C <OIEST t Kingcourrty 4-- ULID #1 - Contract #5 Kent Do,.ft.eAt or Natural Resoerms and Parks Eao Sea A saA W.etewater rreat.ent F111 RE*ULID 1/5 Divisioq 2A> I LQ King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks ,. Wastewater Treatment Division ',. King Street Center, KSC-NR-0507 201.S Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104-3855 206-477-5371 Fax 206-684-1959 M Relay: 71.1 _ September 29, 2015 Tim LaPorte Public Works Director City of Kent 400 West Gowe Street Kent, WA 98032 , Dear Mr, LaPorte; Enclosed are two copies of the Interagency Agreement Between King County (Wastewater Treatment Division ("WTD")) and City of Kent For Joint Geotechnical,Work. Each copy of the Agreement includes four attachments: Exhibit I —Scope of Work, Figure I —Location of Manholes 57G and 57H, Figure 2—Boring Locations, and Exhibit 2— Consultants Cost Estimates. Sandra Kilroy, Wastewater Treatment Division Assistant Director, has signed both copies of the Agreement on behalf of Pam Flardo, Director of the King County Wastewater Treatment Division, Please return one fully executed Interagency Agreement to my attention at the address above. Should you have questions or comments,please feel free to contact me at(206) 477-5410. Sine rely, J'��" David Stark, PMP Capital Project Manager Enclosures i CREATING RESOURCES FROM WASTEWATER