HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK15-406 - Original - King Conservation District - Contract - 04/01/16 µ `���` ,s y P • Records. l�Eto11 ot Document W AS HI I.T.N rc # :. CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: King Conservation District Vendor Number: 55217 7D Edwards Number Contract Number: L O (Q This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Green Kent Partnership 2016-17 (Year 7) Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment M Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 4/1/2016 Termination Date: 3/31/2017 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): 0 Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Victoria Andrews Department: Parks Planning & Dev. Contract Amount: $62 6O5 00 Approval Authority: ❑ Department Director MMayor ❑City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Year 7 of the Green Kent Partnership urban forestry management project; includes funding for Forterra. Division Contract #PPD15-16 adccW10877 8 14 AGREEMENT FOR AWARD OF IONG CONSERVATION DISTRICT MEMBER JURISDICTION GRANT City of Kent This Agreement is made between the King Conservation District Number 9, a municipal corporation in King County, Washington, located at 1107 SW Grady Way, Suite 130, Renton, WA 98057 (referred to herein as "District"), and the City of Kent,a municipal corporation in King County,Washington,located at 220 4a'Avenue South Kent,,WA 98032 (referred to herein as "Recipient"), for the purposes set forth herein. SECTION 1. RECITALS 1.1 Whereas,the District is a special purpose district organized and existing Linder authority of Chapter 89.08 RCW which engages in certain activities and programs to conserve natural resources, including soil and water, which activities are declared to protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the people of the state of Washington; and 1.2 Whereas, pursuant to RCW 89.08.400 and/or RCW 89.08.405, King County has authorized and imposed a system of assessments and/or a system of rates and charges to finance the activities and programs of the District; and 1.3 Whereas, pursuant to RCW 89.08.220, RCW 89.08.341 and/or Chapter 39.34 RCW, the District is authorized to enter into agreements with, or to furnish financial or other aid to, municipal entities and agencies (governmental or otherwise), or their designees, or any occupier of lands within the District, in order to carry out and facilitate the activities and programs of the District to conserve natural resources; and 1.4 Whereas, the District has reviewed the grant application submitted by Recipient and has detennined that the application meets the requirements of Chapter 89.08 RCW and the District's policies and procedures for awarding grants; and 1.5 Whereas, the District and Recipient desire to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of establishing the terns and conditions relating to the District's award of a grant to Recipient. SECTION 2. AGREEMENT 2.1 The District agrees to award Recipient a grant in the total amount of Sixty-Two Thousand Six Hundred Five and No/100 Dollars ($62,605.00)from KCD-Kent 2013-15 Collections. Grant funds shall be used by Recipient solely for the performance of the work described in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The District shall pay the grant funds to Recipient in accordance with the District's policies and procedures, or as otherwise provided herein, including but not limited to, the policies and procedures contained in the Member Jurisdiction & WRIA Forum Grant Application Instructions and Policies, provided that such funds have been collected and received by the District. 2.2 Recipient represents and warrants that it will only use the grant funds for the work described in Exhibit A, which may be amended by the parties pursuant to Paragraph 3.3 of the Agreement. Recipient shall he required to refund to the District that portion of any grant funds which are used for unauthorized work. Further, Recipient agrees to return to the District any grant funds that are not expended or remain after completion of the work covered by this Agreement. Page 1 of 4 2.3 Recipient acknowledges and agrees that the grant funds may only be expended on work which shall be entirely within the District's jurisdictional boundaries. The following municipal entities are not within the District's jurisdictional boundaries: Enumclaw, Federal Way, Milton, Pacific, and Skykomish. Recipient shall be required to refund to the District that portion of any grant funds which are used for work performed outside the District's jurisdictional boundaries. 2.4 In the event the scope of work authorized by this Agreement includes the use of grant funds to purchase houses located on real property within a flood hazard area,Recipient acknowledges and agrees that grant funds may only be used for such purposes if the houses to be purchased were constructed before floodplain mapping or sensitive areas regulations were in place for that area. Recipient shall be required to refund to the District that portion of any grant funds which are used for unauthorized purposes. 2.5 Recipient shall be required to provide the District with biannual financial and project progress reports, along with an annual summary report. Financial and project reports shall be due June 30 and November 30 each year. The Recipient shall also be required to submit to the District a final report which documents the Recipient's completion of the work in conformance with this Agreement within thirty (30) days after the completion of the work. The final report shall, among other things, summarize the project's successes and shall address the regional benefits accomplished by the work. The final report shall also identify any obstacles or challenges which were encountered during the work, along with general recommendations regarding ways to avoid such obstacles or challenges in the future. If requested, Recipient agrees to provide the District with additional financial or progress reports from time to time, at reasonable intervals. 2.6 Recipient's expenditures of grant funds shall be separately identified in the Recipient's accounting records. If requested, Recipient shall comply with other reasonable requests made by the District with respect to the manner in which project expenditures are tracked and accounted for in Recipient's accounting books and records. Recipient shall maintain such records of expenditures as may be necessary to conform to generally accepted accounting principals and to meet the requirements of all applicable state and federal laws. 2.7 If the Recipient is a Washington municipal agency, Recipient shall be required to track project expenses using the Budget Accounting and Reporting System for the State of Washington ("BARS"). 2.8 The District or its representative shall have the right from time to time, at reasonable intervals,to audit the Recipient's books and records in order to verify compliance with the terms of this Agreement. Recipient shall cooperate with the District in any such audit. 2.9 Recipient shall retain all accounting records and project files relating to this Agreement in accordance with criteria established in the Revised Code of Washington and the Washington State Archivist. 2.10 Recipient shall ensure that all work performed by Recipient or its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors is performed in a manner which protects and safeguards the environment and natural resources and which is in compliance with local, state and federal laws and regulations. Recipient shall implement an appropriate monitoring system or program to ensure compliance with this provision. 2.11 Recipient agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the District, its elected or appointed officials,employees and agents,from all claims, alleged liability,damages, losses to or death of person or damage to property allegedly resulting from the negligent or intentional acts of the Recipient or any of its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors in connection with this Agreement. 2.12 Recipient agrees to acknowledge the District as a source of funding for this project on all literature, signage or press releases related to said project. Page 2 of 4 SECTION 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.1 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. 3.2 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No prior or contemporaneous representation,inducement,promise or agreement between or among the parties which relate to the subject matter hereof which are not embodied in this Agreement shall be of any force or effect. 3.3 No amendment to this Agreement shall be binding on any of the parties to this Agreement unless such amendment is in writing and is executed by the parties. The parties contemplate that this Agreement may from time to time be mollified by written amendment which shall be executed by duly authorized representatives of the parties and attached to this Agreement. 3.4 Each party warrants and represents that such party has full and complete authority to enter into this Agreement and each person executing this Agreement on behalf of a party warrants and represents that he/she has been fully authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of such party and that such party is bound by the signature of such representative. DIST T: i RECIPIENT: _ By t 13y Nam4 Richard A. Rn Name � c�� Chair, Board of Supervisors Title_ Title 4s`l'�ii'" I<ing�Conservation District �� Date f Date F-j x r Approved as to Form: Approved as to'Form: DISTRICT LEGAL COUNSEL: RECIPJENT'S ATTORNEY: B r °r; y /�WvG+dk By t�a- Name C t' ('i Name �%. r�' Date O I 1 -5 Date 11 �' Page 3 of 4 Exhibit A Page 4 of 4 Member Jurisdiction Grant Program I Li&D Pilot Grant Application King Conservation District Promoting sustainable uses of natural resources through responsible stewardship Project Title: Green Kent Partnership,2016-17(Year 7) I Applicant: City of Kent Parks&Public Works Contact: Victoria L.Andrews Principal Partners(if any): Forterra, Kent Parks Title: Special Programs Coordinator Foundation, residents Amount of KCD Address: Funding Requested: $62,605 220 4th Ave.S. Total Match(optional): $382,838 Kent,WA 98032 Total Project Cost: $445,443 Project Start Date: April 1, 2016 Phone: 253-856.5113 Project End Date: March 31,2017 Fax: 253.856.6050 Project Location:(Address, Parcel#, L&L Points, E-mail: vandrews@kentwa.gov if site specific) King County Council District#:5,9 State Legislative District#11,33,47 Eligible projects: • Must be within the boundaries of the I(ing Conservatlon District or meet certain partnering requirements • Must be with,or through,a memberjurisdictlon of the District,or an assigned partner such as a nonprofit organization or business • Must be consistent with purposes and requirements of RCW Chapter 89,08,encouraging voluntary stewardship • Leveraging other funding opportunities is encouraged Ineligible projects include: • Maintenance of existing facilities • Improvements to non-natural areas of parks or existing recreational facilities Application must • Articulate specific goals and outcomes of the project Y Have an appropriate and reasonable budget meeting state auditor guidelines • Specify milestones and timelines f Identify the Project Lead and contact information • Present clear roles for project partners 1. Criteria checklist Member Jurisdiction Grant Program-Pilot Grant Application—vsn19decJ.3, Page 1 of 5 1 Please check all boxes next to criteria below that your project addresses Natural Resource Improvement Action: Education and Outreach—to raise awareness,deepen knowledge, and change behaviors(examples include fulfillment of municipal NPDES M54 permit requirements,,education about value of farmland,local farms and food systems,shorelines,salmon habitat,forests and other ecosystems) Natural Resource Improvement Action: Capacity Building—to enhance the ability of organizations,agencies, residential landowners and other land owners and managers to implement best management practices and deliver natural resource management actions on the ground (examples include urban agriculture development,assistance to private property owners to address challenging regulatory situations,preservation and/or expansion of urban and/or rural agricultural lands,rural and urban forest lands,riparian restoration and stewardship on private and public lands) Natural Resource Improvement Action: Pilot and Demonstration Projects—to test Eland/or improve concepts and/or approaches in natural resource management that can be replicated by others(examples include LID or green infrastructure demonstration projects, development of new best management practices, distribution of local farm products,urban agriculture e.g.farmers markets and backyard food production to promote or support social economic independence and healthy living) — Natural Resource Improvement Action: Direct Improvement of Natural Resource-- --- -- -- Conditions—to improve landscape and natural resource conditions as a result of direct action(examples include supporting private property owners with land stewardship,water quality and aquatic and wildlife habitat resources,removal of invasive weeds,stewardship on public land) 2. Project Description—provide a brief description of the projectthat summarizes what you will do, how you will do it, and why you will do it. Describe target audience, outcomes, objectives and timelines. WHAT: The City of Kent is requesting assistance from KCD to continue implementing the Green Kent Partnership. Utilizing the 20-year Management Plan as a general roadmap, KCD funds will help us: 1) enroll 5-10 new acres into restoration, 2) maintain all previously enrolled acres, 3) support 20 Stewards with a Green Kent temporary, 4) achieve a goal of 5,000 volunteer hours, 5) provide an internship to a capable college student or recent graduate with a natural resources or similar major, 6) augment staff/Steward restoration work with contracted crew support and 7) continue our regional partnership with Forterra. HOW/WHY: The Green Kent temporary plays a key role in coordinating the stewardship component of the Partnership and tracking overall restoration progress. The temporary 1) is the primary coach for Stewards, 2) serves as their liaison to Park Operations staff, 3) supports work parties, 4) enters work Member Jurisdiction Grant Program—Pilot Grant Application—vsni9dec3:3 Page 2 of 5 i � 5 into GISto9 s researches and drafts planting and conservation action plans, ) 6) monitors and maps plant survival, 7) contributes to the monthly e-newsletter, 8) organizes an outreach booth at Kent's three-day Cornucopia Days festival, 9) solicits local business support, 10) participates on the management team and 11) provides daily mentoring to interns. I A portion of the Parks Planning & Development special programs coordinator's time is funded by KCD to provide overall program administration, promote the partnership, manage the budget, recruit volunteers and Stewards, and conduct a wide range of community outreach. Strategies include the website (GreenKent.org), monthly e-newsletter, Facebook page, Park program guide, features in county, state and national publications, the city's public access TV station, Green Kent Day mayoral proclamation during a televised city council meeting, presentations to service clubs, neighborhood councils and other citizen groups, and a presence at community service fairs. The Green Kent intern position provides a variety of real-world urban forestry and leadership experiences to a college-affiliated young adult. For most of the summer, the intern_will.be.in the field serving as the crew lead. for five high school interns funded by a separate grant. In the fall, the focus shifts and the intern assists staff and Stewards by: 1) supporting community volunteer events and work parties, 2) compiling photo documentation of progress, 3) maintaining the tool inventory, 4) assisting with GIS mapping, 5) conducting outreach activities, 6) supporting special projects, e.g. research for conservation action plans, and 7) participating in planning and site meetings when appropriate. Contracted crews supplement staff efforts by conducting fieldwork in areas not suitable for volunteers or assisting with preparing sites for Green Kent Day and providing any necessary follow-up work. Founding partner Forterra provides regional support and heightens Kent's presence as a Green City. A Forterra liaison participates quarterly in management team meetings and at a Steward orientation, including allowable travel reimbursement. Forterra's Washington Conservation Corps will provide four days of crew time and Forterra staff will also lead one volunteer event to reduce the burden on Park staff. In addition, Forterra maintains and contributes to the resource-sharing site and calendar that all Green Cities access, informs city staff of upcoming trainings and potential new funding opportunities, and provides letters of support if appropriate. Forterra promotes the Green Kent Partnership regionally to the media, general public and during Green Cities Days, including a staffed booth with Green Kent materials at the WA State Fair. Forterra is also able to loan tools for larger events. Member Jurisdiction Grant Program—Pilot Grant Application—vsni9deci3 Page 3 of 5 3. Project Activities and Measurable Results—using the table below, list specific project activities to be completed,the timetable for the activities, and the deliverables associated with those activities. Consider the following in your answer to this question: What actions, interventions,programs, services will be deployed? NOTE: If you want to attach Item 3 as a separate page,feel free to do so. Activity Description Outcomes/Deliverables/Measurab Timeline le Results (tangible and intangible) 1. Fieldwork (Green Kent Site visits. Work plans, events 4/1/16 temp., other city staff and and logs. Debris removal. 3/30/17 interns, contracted crews, Delivery of tools, chips, Stewards, volunteers) cardboard and plants. GIS mapping. Photo- documentation. 2. Community outreach and Recruit viols. & promote 4/1/2016- volunteer management events via online vol. sites 3/31/17 (city staff, Forterra) and high school student challenge. Orientations and field trainings for new Stewards, bi-monthly informal gatherings (some w. _. -- _speakers)., .Website,_monthly e-newsletter and daily Facebook postings, articles in appropriate print/electronic media. Presentations to service clubs, neighborhood councils, schools, others. Mayoral proclamation for and participation in Green Kent Da . 3. Program administration Monthly mgmt. team 4/1/16- (city staff) meetings (Forterra liaison 3/31/17 attends 4/yr. to provide regional updates and receives monthly minutes). Monthly event coordination meetings with Park O erations leads. 4. Regional support Contract deliverables outlined 4/1/16- in separate SOW document 3/31/17 5. Contracted crews Under staff direction. See 4/1/16- item 1. 3/31/17 4. Project Budget& Expenses (Use attached worksheet) I Member Jurisdiction Grant Program—Pilot Grant Application—vsn2.gdea3 Page 4 of 5 I i 5, KCD Acknowledgement—By signing below,the applicant agrees to acknowledge King Conservation District funding by placing the KCD logo on signs, materials,and documents produced as part of the above proposal. In addition,the applicant will notify KCD of public events and activities funded by the KCD, Authorized Signature Date I i I i i Member Jurisdiction Grant Program—Pilot Grant Application—vsnagdecs3 Page 5 of 5 Green Kent Partnership,Year 6-2016-17 KCD Grant Expense Special Progs.Coord.:est.354 hrs. $4,125 GK lead:$15/hr.X 1,400 hrs.+.25 taxes $26,250 College intern: up to 462 hrs. @$10/hr.+taxes($11.84) $5,470 Subtotal,salaries: $35,845 Event support:tools, porta-potties, plants, water $1,500 Subtotal: $1,250 Mileage(2015 rate:57.5 cents/mi.) $400 Personal protection equipment $100 Subtotal: $500 Contracted crew support $4,000 Contracted support,Forterra: 1 Steward orientation-Forterra's participation (3 hrs., including travel @$100/hr.) $300 Attend management team mtgs.quarterly(4 x 3hrs., includes travel) $1,200 '.... Green Cities one-hub sharing site:3 hrs./wk.X 6 cities(pro- rated) $2,860 4 Green Cities focus groups(pro-rated) $1,000 Annual Green Cities Day series outreach support(pro- rated): 1 reg'I press release, coordinate booth at WA State Fair, 12 hrs.staff time at booth for GKP $2,350 WCC crew-jointly manage w. Parks staff,4 days @$900/day $3,600 Host 1 restoration event, including tools and any other resources needed $1,200 Restoration supplies $700 Allowable travel(currently @.575/mi.) $300 Subtotal Forterra: $13,510 Subtotal,contracted support: $17,510 Total,Green Kent grant: $55,105 Plus bareroot plants:per Matt $7,500 '.... TOTAL: $62,605 Projected amount available, per Jessica $62,722.88